iIIuiJUIrififii?f Juniata Sentinel. 7--j"" MIFFLII'TOWN Wednesday Morning, Kay 15, 1872. B. F. SCII WEIER, EDITOR PROPRIETOR. BEPUBLICAff 503IIIIATI0JS. Fon president. GENERAL U. S. GRANT. FOR GOVERNOR. GEN. JOHN F.HARTRANFT OF MOXTGOMXKT CUCXTT. FOR SUPREME JUDGE, HON. ULYSSES MERCUR, OF BlAiRl cointt. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, GEN. HARRISON ALLEN, Or WAKRKX COCXTT. FOR COXGRLSSMEJi AT LARGE, GFK. HARRY WHITE, of Indian. GEN. LEMl EL TODD, of Cumberland. Hf I F.GATES AT LARGE TO THE CONS'. I TL'TIOXAL CONVtXTION. WM. M. MEREDITH. Philadelphia. J. 01 I.I.I N(t II AM I ELL, Philadelphia Gen. HAKKY WHITE. Indiana. Gen. WILLIAM LILLY. Curbon- I. INX HAKTHOIIMEW, Schuylkill. II. X. M'ALISTEK, Oulre. WILLIAM DAVIS. Monroe. JAXIErf L. KEYXOLDS. Lancaster. SAiiLEL E. DIM MICK. Wayne. GKoUGt: V. LAWRENCE. Washington. DAVID N. WHITE, Allebheny. W. II. AlLY, Lehigh. JOHN" If. WALKER. Erie. GEO. P. ROWEL L 4 CO, 40 Park Row, New York AND r. .. nrrmiii I -i r, n 1 1 w i. hi. rtl l livjill ox v.u,, u rarx now, n. i, i Are our sole agents io that city, and re au thorized to contract for advertising at our lowest r:iTes. Advertiser? in that city are le- quested to leave their furors with either of fhe almve houses, REAMS MATTER ON EYERY PAGE. The pipws report Wendell Phillips as ngiinst Greeley. Last Friday the people of the South decorated the graves of their rebel dead. The papers say that one Boston phy sician has been re-vaccinated fifty times. A disastrous ll'Md swept over a por tion of Iudia some days ago. One thou sand lives were lost. Late despatches from Europe say that Minister Curtiii has no sympathy what ever with the Cincinnati movement Twenty men were instantly killed, and a number fatally wounded by an explosion of gunpowder anJ coal oil at a town in Greece. A New Yorker was arrested last Wed nesd.iy, charged with having forged fif-! teen thousand dollars worth of Allen town Fetm. School bonds. The National Democratic executive Committee hive determined that the Ietnocratic National Convention shall be held at lialtimore, on the 9ih of July next. . . Three wealthy New York ladies are about to build and make complete in all its apartments an institution fur the med ical education of females. Is this ne cessary 1 On the 17th inst., the Pennsylvania Iabnr Reformers met in State Conven tion at Willis raspoit, and nominated Wm. P. Shell, of Bedford county, for overnor. Chief Justice Thompson for Supreme Court, and Senator Billingfelt for Auditor General. despatches report that Colonel W. E. Cameron, editor of the 1'etersbug Pro gress and a member of the Conservative Executive Committee, has resigned the editorship in consequence of a- disagree ment with the proprietors of the Prog rss, who disapproved of bis advocacy of Greeley. A special despatch last Wednesday from London says : A majority of Erie Railroad shareholders here have com bined for making Col. Thomas A. Scott president. The A merican board and Mr. Scott have telegraphed sufficient as surances, and the combination is consid ered successful. 1 ! Tub Democratic State Convention of Tennessee met at Nashville on last Thurs day, and among other resolutions re solved that, considering the condition of national politics, it were better for the Democratic party not to nominate can didates for President and Vice President, bnt center their strength on Greely. Certain parties have been trying to couple Senator Morton's namq with the Cincinnati movement. In a despatch dated at Washington on the 10th inst , he tells Richard Smith, of the Cincinnati Colette, his position, as follows : I shall not be a candidate for Presi- dent under any circumstances. I am not for changing front. I am for General Grant first and last, and believe he will te nomiuatea in i liiladelphia and re elected iu November, and that no combi nation can be made by which he will be defeated. Any attempt by anybody to use my name in a scheme for his defeat I utterly condemn and repudiate. I have been for bis te election ever since bis ad ministration bad a fair trial, and my faith in his success cannot be shaken by any arrangement that can be made be tween the members of the Cincinnati Convention and the Democratic party. O. P. Morton. Labor This Country it Home -The Fe pnbliean Parly it Best Friend. The Chinese or Cooly Question. On Thursday and Friday evenings of last week, a stranger, an orator, nude bis appearance in Mfflin, and after dark delivered a speech from a store box placed on the street at Belford'e corner, on the suliject of labor and tlio cooly traffic. Whence he came and whither he went report does not say. His language was well coined and pleasantly and forcibly delivered. He would not have it said tL-t he is working for pay in the interest ' of till Labor Reform movement, and to j appear consistent, he lifted a collection j to pay. he said, Lis cuircnt expenses. A i fiiend passed the hat around. Occasion- I ally he would make a thiust at ncn peo Die and cnoiulists. as if to incite tae I prejudice of bis bearers against them. I The question of labor and the preser- ! vation of its rights is a great question, It should not be approached lightly, flip nanllv and without concern. It h God's 1 1 j law that man should labor, and no schemes that man can devise cau frustrate the ful fillment of that law. But men some times so adjust human laws that the heavy burdens must be borne continually by certain classes, while others are ex empt frani them. For example, the South imposed all of her physical labor on the colored people, while Russia imposed it on a class of white people called serfs. j In other European countries laws have beeu so adjusted that thoe who are rich cau remain rich by the entailment of prop erty owned by their families from gener ation to generation, regardless of debts that may Lave been contracted. The result is tlie rich rcmaiu rich, and the poor remain poor, no matter how much or how little merit there is among the respective parties ; and this is the system that fosters the aristocracy of Europe. This country is the laboring man's country. This government is his gov- eminent, aud whatever changes are re quired to secure a better state of society for all, the rights to produce them exists ; the fundamental law of the country With a free religion, free schools, free press, speech, aud free ballot, every evil in society can be corrected. Ail that is needed is the tempering process of a thor ough discussion and honest consideration. This country is the laboring man's borne. Here all the avenues are open to him ; the highest prizes of citizenship are not beyond his reach. Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, and every posi tion le the country, whether of State or Church, are filled from the Tanks of labor. The road to distinction and wealth need only the qualities of good health, labor, perseverance and economy. The road from wealth and dii-tiuctiou to poverty need only the qualities of idleness and extravagance. The strongest and best governmental fiieud that labor ever had, has beeu the Republican party. It crushed the efforts j of the slaveholder to degrade and bu initiate labor. It placed labor in the highest position it ever occupied. It is a tried and true friend. It is a substauce aud not a shadow. On the Chinese or Cooly question, some months ago we wrote as follows : John Chinaman has been introduced into the workshops of Massachusetts ; he has been put into the fields of the South ; and has rendered, as far as the work is coucerned, complete satisfaction ; and the news now is that contracts for large numbers have been made for New York city and other places throughout the country, heuco the interest in tbe question. This contract system savors too strongly of slavery to allow the American people, who have just passed through an ocean of human blood, to rid themselves of the system of slavery, which was eating the vitals of the Re public. We are yet mourning for our friends and kindred lost in "the dreadful struggle against it, and are still deep in the slough of a debt of billions, created to rid ourselves of one of the last "relics of bar barism." Tbe country is in no mood to foster slavery, even iu its mildest form. If the Cbinaman comes to our land, he must not come through the agency of middle-men, who traffic in bim as do " horse and - cattle dealers' traffic in horses and cattle. He mnst not, through their agencies, be bought np in China at $2.00 per head, per month, and bound out to citizens of the Uuited States at $10 to S20 and S23 per month for a series of years. This is slavery modi fied Instead of being for life, it is for a series of years, generally five. This is the Cooly trade as now practiced, and a most infamous trade it is. Out on it. It id a species of slavery, and has a ten dency to detract from the worth and dig nity of labor almost as much as slavery io the South detracted from the worth and dignity of labor there. It is the boast of the Northern States that labor with ns is honorable. This is the senti ment of the Northern people, and no system that will ally in any way with a system of slavery will be borne by the country. The verdict of the country on that question has been given unmista kably. If the Chinaman desires to come to our land untrammeled by contract, as a free man, of Lis own free will, just as tbe Irishman and the German, and as all the other people of Europe come, then t- ,i, j.,. u o. : -,, - let the door be open. Strip the Chinese question of the Cooly phrase, in which it is now involved, and it becomes aim ply a question of emigration, to be treat ed like the emigrant question between our government and Europe. During the month of April the Sol dier's Orphan's Department issued 52 orders of admission, discharged -on age 41, and on order 17. Mrs. Woodhnll and Fred Donplass Nomi nated for ."resident and Tie President. The American Press Association, un der date of New York, May 13th, des patches the following in regard to the Radical Reformers who met in New York on last Friday :; The Radical Reformers on Friday adopted a platform which provides for a new Constitution of the United States, a national code of civil and commercial law, the abolition of monopolies, one sys tem of money and currency on the basis of the public credit, tne employment of the unemployed persons by the govern ment, a uuiversal government for the whole globe, minority representation, and that this party shall be known as the Eoual Rights party. At the evening session Mrs Woodhnll delivered an address prophesying that from this convention would go forth a power to shape the worlil. Mrs. Woodbull and Frederick Doug lass ' were then nominated, amid the greatest confusion, as candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the Uuited States. An angry delegate, dissatisfied with tbe candidates, moved the nomination of "Spotted Tail," saying that the Indians ought to be represented here before nig gers. Another delegate suggested that if Frederick Douglass declined to accept, that a Heathen Chinee be nominated in his place. Tbe convention broke np in an uproar. Is It 111 Forgotten. To the Editor of ike Keu Yo !c Times : The survivors of the prison pens at Andersonville, Florence, Salisbury and Belle Isle, will hardly vote for tbe man who made a journey to Richmond to bail Jefferson Davis. The prisoners of war who suffered tbe nntold cruelties perpe trated upon such of our soldiers as fell into the bauds of the rebels, understand perfectly well that theii inhuman treat ment was part of a deliberately contrived plan on the part of the Confederate gov ernment, and tbat such poor wretches as Wirz were but the tools in the hands of Davis aud his Cabinet. Horace Greeley could easily have satisfied himself on this point had he thought it worth his while. He evidently cousidered more deeply tbe inconvenience of confinement to one leading rebel than the nuheard-of misery of the thousands who yielded op their lives that ho might bid for the votes of their persecutors in a united country. Verily be shall have his re ward. O.NE OF THE St'FFEREnS. Important to Soldiers The following bill relating to bounties Las just become a law, viz : An Act in relation to Bounties Be it en ictel lit) (lie S'nate and Home of Rfprrnrn'aticei of the' United States of America, in Cngrss assembled. That every volunteer, non comrasisioned officer, private, musician and artificer who enlisted into the military service of the United States prior to July twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty one, under the proclamation of the President of tbe United States of May third, eigh teen hundred and sixty one, and the orders of the War Department in pursu ance thereof, and was actually mustered before August sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, into any regiment, com pany or battery, which was accepted by the War Du-partaient under such procla mation and orders, shall be paid the full bounty of one hundred dollars, under and by virtue of the said proclamation and orders of the War Department, in force at the time of such enlistment and prior to July twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty one : Proiiled, That the same has not already been paid. Approved April 22, 1S72 a. Battle iu Indian Territory. Leavenworth, May 0.A gentle man juBt arrived from the- Indian Terri tory repoits that last Saturday deputy United States Marshal, Joe. Pervy, of the Western district of Arkansas, with bis poose, came upon the outlaw Zeek Proctor on the head of Bird Creek, ' Croweaschodwee" district, Cherokee nation, when auolher fight ensued, re sulting in five of the Marshall's party being killed and eight wounded. Six of the outlaws were left dead on the ground and several are suppo: cd to be wounded. Marshal Pervy was wounded slightly in two places and bad a horse killed under him. Zeek Proctor, with his usual good luck, escaped. Tbe wildest excitement prevails throughout the country. A Desperate Character. Dktroit, May 9 Against Wm Smith, who has been lying in jail here, charged with burning a barn at Ecoiz, 9 miles from this city, evidence has just been found that he is the man who mur dered Dennison Miller, a farmer of Green field, seven miles from Detroit, on the night of November 17th last, in Miller's house, after demanding his money. Smith was arraigned yesterday and plead guilty, ne is also charged with at tempting to throw off the track one of the Michigan Central trains. He is con sidered a lunatic by tbe officres. Odd Fellowship started in Baltimore fifty three years ago j in Pennsylvania alone it now numbers ninety thousand members ; its benefits during the last year amounted to three hundred thou sand dollars ; it has crossed the sea and extended its influence to the uttermost parts of the earth. The almost universal opinion of the ' press throughout the country is one of disappointment on the nomination of Horace Greeley. A few of ihe southern papers express satisfaction at tbe result. SHORT ITEMSs Huntingdon is to have a steam fixe engine. - In Preseott, Arizona, eggs are down to SI 25jer dozen. Forty thousand Bibles were' destroyed by the Chicago fire. " . West Goshen, Chester county, has a calf without eyes or tail. It is said that Erie can't raise the money to secure the State F air. The debts of Prince Napoleon in Paris are said to amount to nearly 4.000,000 francs. Eight thousand pounds of wool from a single flock were 'sold at Chico a few days ago. Hollidaysburg claims to have more beautiful girls than any other town of its size in the State. Helmbold's large drng store in New New was destroyed by fire on the morn ing cf tbe 6th inst. . There i a girl in Fayette City, Fay ette county, wbose age is twelve years, aud weight 185J pounds Tbe most powerful supporter of King Amadeus, of Spain, is stid to be his wife, a strong minded woman. Mr. Elias Hamilton, of Lancaster, had his neck broken by being thrown from a cart last Saturday a week. A man in Warsaw, Ind., has a jail of bis own. He bought it very cheap of the county, paying $210 for the old in stitution. Four thousand dollars in gold and greenbacks were found under the bed of and old Albany rag-picker, who died sud denly the .other day. Don't speak all at once. There lives a blooming lass at Zanesville, O., who will give S3S.000 to any man who will marry her. Lynn, Massachusetts, is the greatest shoe manufacturing town in the world. Last year the manufacturers turned out over ten million pairs. The coal oil refinery of Newbold Sc. Son, Baltimore, with several hundred barrels of oil and the machinery was burned on Friday last. Loss 55000. Louis Napoleon's son, tbe youth of the 'holy baptism," notwithstanding the pains tbat have been taken with his edu cation, is still said to be a very ignorant boy. Miss Addie Howe, of Philadelphia, was robbed in a Broadway (New York) car Wednesday last, of her pocket-book, containing $30, a diamond ring valued at $350, and a gold ring. A man in Georgia recently received a letter inclosing thirty cents in fractional currency, accompanied with the follow ing words : "I stole a feed of corn from you during the war." There has been lately introduced into the street lamps of London strips of looking-glass in the roof. The reflection is said to throw three times as much light as the ordinary lamp. A landlady in Milwaukee recently locked a non paying tenant in his room, and refused to let him out nntil his bill was paid, lie was obliged to escape out of the window by meaus of a sheet. Jennie June tells of a lady whose home went under the auctioneer's hammer re cently who a few weeks before was un able to find anything fit to wear at Stew art's, and ordered a wardrobe from Paris. A fire caused by a child playing with matches, in the absence of his pareuts, destroyed a barn and burned to death seventeen head of cattle and horses for Daniel Asper, in York county, a few Sab baths ago. A Detroiter has invented a machine which trims wall paper, holds it up against the wall, puts on the paste and cuts off and smooths down' the stripes, and does the work nicer and faster than three men. N.F.English, of Hartland, Vt., has patented a wax-wire thread, having, as its name indicates, a delicate wire in its centre, to be used in sewing boots and shoes and other manufactures of leather, canvas, ic. At Nassau, N. P., the fish are sold in the market while still alive, being kept in tubs of water. A single blow upon the head of the fish closes tbe bar gain, and the purchaser is sure of the freshness of the article. Protestantism has gained a foothold at last even in Spain. . It seems almost in credible, yet it must be accredited as a fact, that iu ; Madrid there are eleven chapels regularly opened for worship, witb an aggregate of four thousand at tendants. Donn Piatt says : "A distinguished diplomat, who bad served some time in Washington, died tbe other day in En rope, and among his effects they found forty-two ultimatums . and ' six hundred love letters from beautiful girls in Wash ington.".: : Mrs. Lydia Sherman, the Connecti cut Borgia, who has been on trial for murder upon a charge of poisoning some half dozen members of her own house hold, has been judged guilty of the crime in tbe second degree, and her pun ishment is fixed at imprisonment for the rest of her natural life. Dr. Leidy would allow flies under no circumstances to have access to - patients suffering from contagions diseases, as he believes they are sometimes agents in spreading infection. . He has found gan grene spores germinating from the excre ments of a fly that had fed on a gangrene spot, and be has no doubt tbat .if such a fly were to alight on a healthy . wound it might communicate gangrene to it.. FIRES. MICUItiAX. -t Grand Rapids, May 8. Squire's opera bouse building and Squire's stone flooring mill were burued this morning. The oDera house building was 'occupied by Marshall's European hotel, the opera house, Redel's paint shop, Vt oodrun s drug store, Eaton & Christianson's bakery, Cord's grocery store and saloon. The loss is estimated at over 575,000. NEW JERSEY. Tkentos, May 8. A paper mill, rnn by E. B. Bingham, of Newark, and own ed by Harry McCall.'was partially des troyed by fire to-day. Loss on stock and machinery, $4000, and on the build ing, 52000. Insured in the Franklin, of Philadelphia, $7000 on tbe building ; in the reliauce, of Philadelphia, $5000 on the machinery ; and iu tbe North British Company $5000 on the machinery and S2000 on the stock. CANADA. Ixgf.rsoll, May 8. A fire last night destroyed nearly the entire business part of this town. Two men were burned to d-ath The sufferers include the Niagara District Bank, Chronicle office, exchange Hotel and a!I the principle dry goods and grocery stores. The loss is estima ted at $500,000 ALABAMA. Selma, May 8. Four stores were destroyed by a fire at two o'clock this morning. Loss $75,000 : partially in sured. NEW YORK. Port Jervis, May 8. Wheeler's tan nery, at Oakland, Sullivan county, was destroyed by fire List night. Loss, $20, 000. Burning of a Sugar Refinery. Wallace & Shoemaker's large sugar refinery, on Gold street. Brooklyn, was burned last Friday. Tbe beat was so great that the firemen could not approach the building, which, with the contents, was totally destroyed. Loss on stock, $225,000; on machinery, 8150,000. The stock is fully insured in the Star Com pany. The loss on the building, owned by Charles W. Coe. is 550 000, and is insured. A Fire in Tarry town, Wcatchestcr county, N. Y., on the 10th inst, destroyed thirteen buildings, including the freighting estab lishment of A. Staats, tbe hotel of George Shoemaker, tbe lumber yard of Guntz & Neer, and the store of Walter E. Martin. The loss will reach seventy-five thou sand dollars partially insured. PENNSYLVANIA. riTTSBURO, May 10. A special de spatch says a fire broke out in Somerset, Pa , yesterday afternoon, and destroyed six squraes in the heart of the town, era bracing two-thirds of its entire vtlue. The buildings destroyed included three hotels, every business house, store and shop but one, both banking bouses, both printing offices, lawyer's offices, post office. United States assessor's office, two churches, the Masonic and Odd Fellows' halls, telegraph and express offices, and over' thirty private dwellings. Fifty families are rendered homeless. The total of losses is estimated at $1,000,000 ; insurance, $75,000. Any adwt.Sfraft.t0. Assignee's Notice. "VfOTICE is hereby given that Joseph S. J. 1 Sartain, of Walker township1, Juniata county, Pa., and Catharine A., his wife, by deed of voluntary assignment, have assigned all the estate, real and personal, of the said Joseph S. Sartiin, to John 11. M. Todd, of the borough of Tattersnn, in said county, in trust for the benefit of tbe creditors of said Joseph S. Sartain. 1 All persons, therefore, indebted to the said Joseph 8. Sartain will make payment to the said Assignee, and those having claims er demands will make known tbe same without delay. JOHN B M. TODD, Assignee of Joseph 8. Sartain. May 15, 1872-bt New Lumber Yard. Patterson, Pa. BEYER, GUYER & CO. Have opened a Lumber Tard in the bor ough of Patterson, and are prepared to fur nish all kinds of Lumber, such as Siding, Flooring, Studding, Paling, Shingles, Lath, Sash, &&, in large or small quantities, to suit cus tomers. 3Qb- Persons wanting Lumber hy the car load can be supplied at reduced rates. BETER, GUYER & GO. George Goshen, Agent. Pattarson, May 15, '72-tf LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS ! THE undersigned offers great inducements the coming season, in the Wool Trade, as he is prepared to furnish home-made goods of all kinds to persons who have wool to exchange, or will pay full cash prices to those who are desirous of selling. He intends to travel through Juniata and adjoining counties, with bis Goods Wagon, and will earry tho following assortment of Goods: All Styles of Doe-Skin Cassim9res, Also Summer, Fall, and Winter Cassi meres, Tweeds, Jeans, FlanBele, Cassinct, Blankets, Shawls, Carriage Rohe; Water-Proof Clothf, Coverleli, Counterpane. Yarn; J-e. CSufersons who bare wool to dispose of, will do well to wait till 1 call on them, as I intend to make a (Borough canvass. May 6, 1872-4t . A. J. HERTZLER. ' Administrator's Notice. Estate of Mathioi Jame, deceased. ' 'j LETTERS OP ADMINISTRATION on the . estate of. Math i as James, late of Dela ware township, Juniata county, deceased, having been granted to Ihe undei signed, ali persons having claims or demands against said estate are requested to present them, and those iudebted to make pavment. - 1 JEREMIAH LYONS. ' May 1, 1872-f,t Administrator. af adwrtisimrats. size -r. Of . FEILETS. QQ O Or Suaar-Comted, Coueeniratc, ttost d Herbal Jalee, Antl-KIHoM Cr.n.lca. THE "LITTLE GJAST" CATHARTIC, or nullum In Farva Physic. Thff novelty ormodc-raMctliral. Chemical and Phar maceutical Science. No use of n?. '"'KJS 'i larue. repulsive and nauseous puis, enmpooed of cheap, crude, and bulky iuamlieni u licn we cau by a careful application of chemical n-ienee, eitrsrt all the cathart ic and otliernicdicx.il pnirues In.m the most valual.le roots and hcrhs. at concentrate them intoa minute Granule, senrrely "'cr,,"f,K? milliard ced, that can horeiwlily swallowed hy those of the most setisitivo stomachs and Bsti!ion tastes Ew-lilittlc Vurcative Fclleenptvscnts, in a mot coueentnited form. as much eathamc power a is embodied in any of the large pills find liw enlo in the dnn f lions. From their wonderful ca:hartic power, in proportion to their f people who have Lot tried them are apt to fnppoM- that they are nrh or drastic in effect, hut such i not at all the case, the different active medicinal principles of which they are composed heir" so harmonized and moolu.-rt. one ny the others, as to produce a ui Hvarrblna aud tfaoronali, yt geutly aud kindly opera Hug cathartic $SOO lie ward is hereby offered by the proprie tor of these Pellets, to any chemht who. upon an alysis, will And in Ihem any Calomel or other fornjs of mercury or any other mineral poiaun. - (. Reins entirely -rctrelablr, no parti.anl.r care is required while nsiiii- them. They o;ierate withont disturbance to the consiimtion. diet, or oc cupation. For Jauiidiee, Headache. Con Htiputiou, impure BKod, Pain iu t!0 Sliuldersi,TlelilieMO)l tliol'heal, DiZ zliieumKour Kruciationsol (lie Mon: ach. Bad taMo iu ifiontii, Itiiiou attack. Pain In region of Kidneys, internal Fcvrr, Klotlrd leellna ahont Ntu.naeh, Knmli oi Wood o Head, II ici Colored trliio, I imoeiabiiity and bloomy Foreboding", take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Piira-ativo Pellet-. In eiplana--.ion of this remedial p.wcr of my I'unrative 1 clli-s over 3 crL-it a variety of dise ases, I w ih to my that their action linon tlio animal crouo mi Is nnlversil, nut n rl"d or tinc eeaiIn; Ihrlr CTnalive imprefcs. A-e does not impiir them: their snir-cfaitinir ai.d heiiji enclosed in cla brittle preserve their virtues unim paired for any lenrth of time, in any climate. io tbat they are always fresh and reliable, which in not the case with the pills found in Ilic drng stores, put up in cheap wood or paste-h'iar l b"xrs. Id-collect that fur nil diseases where a l,nxatvr, Alterative or Purcative is Indicated, these little Pellet will "ive the most perfect satisfaction to all who use them. Thejr are) sold by all enterprising Druggists at Ui cents a bottle. Do not allow any drnsrsist to indnee yon to take anvthin" elc thiit he may sey is just as ?ood as my Pellets becanse he makes a laryr pnnit on that whi .1 he recommends. If your dmnrist cannot sm-ply them, enclose 25 cent aud receive them by return mail from Jt. r. fierce, sr. n., rp'r, BUFFALO, JJ. Y Orphans1 Court Sale ! BY virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of Juniata county, the undersign ed. Administrator of the estate of Metbias James, late of lielaware township, deceased, will expose to sale by public outcry, on the premises, at 2 o'clock, i . M., on SATURDAY, JUNE. 1, 1872, A Lot of Ground, situated in township and county aforesaid, with IOO HOUSE thereon erected, bounded by lands of William Sieber, John Shelley, Barbara Kautfman and others, containing THREE ACRES, more or less. TERMS OF SALE. One-third of the purchase nvmey to be paid on confirmation of sale by the Court, when deed will be made and p-jsession given : the remainder Io be paid Aprit 1, 187o, and to be secured by Judgment i ind. JEREMIAH LYON'S, May 1, 1372. Administrator. GREAT REDUCTION in jar. of ti:i "ri i 1'ItICKf Full Upper or Lower Sets as Low as $5.00. No teeth allowed to leave the office unless the patient is satisfied. Teeth temodeled and repaired. Teeth filled to last for life. Toothache slopped iu five aiinu'ts without extracting the tooth. Dental work dune for persons without them leaving their homes, if desired. Electricity used in the extraction of teeth, rendeting it almost a painless operation, (no extra charge) at the Dental Office of G. L. Derr, established in Mifllintown in 180. . I.. DEKU, Jan 24, 1872-ly Practical Dentist. C. 1JOTIIKOCK, DEXTIST, 3IA.Ii4t.ivilIe, OFFERS hi professsonnl services to the j public in general, in both branches of j his profession operative and mechanical. First week i f every month at Richfield, Fre mont and Turkey Valley. Second week Liverpool and Wild Cat Val ley. Third week Millerstown and Raccoon Valley. Fourth week at his office in M'AIisterville. Will visit Mifflin when called on. Teeth put up on any of the buses, and as liberal as anywhere else. Address bv letter or otherwise. May 1, lri'72-ly Executor's Notice. Ertatt of Maria P I.ichlenlhaler, drcasrtt. AJOTICE is hereby given that Letters Tes i tamentary en the estate of Maria P. Lichtenthaler, lale of the boroutrb of Thomp- aotitown, deceased, have been granted Io the undersigned. All petsons indebted io said i .Qlnla ..nil.ll.rl I. m .1 1' a i ......... I i .. r ...... t ment, and those having claims will pleas present them properly authenticated for set tlement. P. L. GREEN LEAF, May 8, 1872-U Executor. Executor's Notice. Estate of Janus 31. Sharon, deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of James M. Sharon, late of Fayette township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, ail persons indebted to said decedent are requested to make payment, and those having claims lo present them without delay to JEREMIAH LYON?, May. 1, 1872-6t Executor. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Solomon Slough, deeeaned. V;HEREAS Letters of Administration on VV the estate of Solomon Slough, late of Delaware township, dee'd, have been grant ed lo the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested lo make immediate payment, and those having claims against the estate will present the same properly authenticated for settlement. G W. SMITH, AJmr. May I, 1872-Gt Executor's Uotica. Estate of Catharine Cunningham, decease!. "jV"OTICE is hereby given that Letters Te 11 mentary on the estate of Catharine Cun ningham, late of Milford township. Juniata county, deceased, hae been granted to the undersigned, residing in same town ihip. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will please present them properly authenticated for settlement. J. 8. UOBISOS, Executor. April 17, 1872 6w. Executor's Hotice. Estate of Robert C. Gallaher, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Robert C. Gal laher, late of Fermanagh township, Juniata county, deceased, have been granted to the underi igned. residing in same township. All persons indebted to said estate are reques ted to make immediate" payment, and those having claims will please present them prop erly authenticated for settlement . ., JOSErilTvOTnKOCK, Freiutor. April 1", 1 872-6 w 1 tgltttlanSftst, &t. NEW PKlCEj, IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, boots & shoes;, HATS AND CAPS; WOOD A WILLOW WARE- FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TABLE OH. CLOTHS, &C, 4C. SQu If you want to see an entire new stock cf Goods at Low Prices, call at the NE CRYSTAL PALACE BUILDfflS, MIFFLINTOWJr, PA. SHELLEY &STAMBAU6H. 'Sot. 2!), 1871. GROCERY, PROVISION, AND " o LIST OF LEADING ARTICLES PRICES reported weekly by C. HARTLEY, eu. posite the Poet Office, Mifllintown, Ia : Wholesale. Rtttii. Butter - 25 Eggs - l-'i Lard 10 12 Cheese, Ohio " New York 2i Molasses, Porto Rico, "ft gal 80 " New Orleans ' 1 00 Srup, Honey Bee-.... 65 Amber SO " Melted Sugar 1 00 Sugar, Granulated 17 A U ii H " Extra C II " Yellow 0 1 " Brown '.. ... li Coffee, Kio, Choice " Fair 5 " " Roasted (Aruuckles) tl Tea, Imperial, Finest 1 60 ' Oolong. " 1 flo Raisii.9, Valentia - ! " Layers Currants W Pruens, French V Rice li Soap, Rosin. fi Olive 8 V " Babbit 12 i Salt, Ground Alum 2 00 Uiiry Mackerel. No. 2 (new) bbl 8 W Brooms. No. I No. - Zh " No. 3 Tubs, Ceilnr I 50a'. "' Buckets, Painted, - hoops .. law Cutters 51 Tin Cups - Tin Dish Pans &l Tin CuIIendets 4n Tin Wash Pans 3 Tin Buckets 8" Boots, Men's Calf 5 2i Kip 4S'l Gaiters, Ladies' Lasting. 1 u" Potatoes, Irish 50 Sweet, peck Coal Oil, 1 gallon 40 BkSr Cash paid for eggs. Dissolution Notice. VJ0T1CE is hereby given lhat the coparf i nership between Doyle A Marley, of Patterson, Pa., in the Coal and MercnatiU trade, was dissolved by mutual oonsent. on the l'Jtb of April, 187:!. The business here after will be carried on by J. C. Boyle, at the old stand, recently occupied by Georgs Goshen. J. C. DOYLE. Mny 1, 1872-31 J. B. MAULEY. Dissolution of Partnership. 'IIl E partnership heretofore existing be X tween the undersigned, trading urrr Ihe firm of D. W. llarley Co.. was 4 solved by mutual consent on the 4lh day ( April, 1872. All persons knowing them selves indebted lo said firm, can settle br calling on either of the undersigned at the old stand. D. W. II AKT.EY. JOHN HUFFMAN April 10, 1872-Ct CATJTION. ALL persobs are hereby cau'ioned again' removing or in any way interfering vitk the following property, tbe same bavinfc bees purchased by us and left in tbe care of Nich olas Sheriff, of Spruce Hill township, until such time as we may see proper to remove it. v'u : 1 bay mare, 1 black ma-e. 2 cows, 1 red bull 2 two-year old heifers, 7 heal of sheep. 1 two-horse wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 ! 1 plow, 1 harrow. JAMES BE ALE. April 24-6t W. P. GUCVER. "DJKTsuLonFF icaT (Successors to D. P. Sulouff,) E2ALSES I2T Ch,ain,L"omter,Coal,t Salt, Plaster, CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, &C The Highest Cash Prices raid for all kinds of Grain. Lumber, Coal, &c, Sold at tbe . Lowest Prices. Having boats of our own we can frt:' Grain, Lumber, Coal, 4c. cheaper than so? other parties. . We therefore defy comp"' tion. Wis? Yon can make monev by calling os" before selling or baying elsewhere. GSAIS wilt Bl BECEIVED IM STOXS I" " SOLD BY TH K 1ST Of Jest, 1871. P. S Our grain is not elevated on ' backs. J, ' Mifflintown, April 20, 1871. PLAIN and FancvJob Print ing att1,ir ctrted at this Office.