Hii4-4,Ni"' '-VT-ltl ilj'i - itjiihiiMaasa ilillUKUMMia.l hm 1 '" ,LI , j.-'Hwu.Mrewfrh Juniata Sentinel. MIFFLINTOWN Wednesday Morning, Kay 1, 1872. B. F. SCHWEIER, EDIT PROPRIETOR. HEPUBLICAH NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT. GENERAL U. S. GRANT. FOR GOVERNOR. GEN. JOHN F.HARTRANFT or noiTuoMERr coiktt. FOR SUPREME JUDGE. HON. ULYSSES MERCUR, OF BKAUFOVn COISTT. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL. GEN. HARRISON ALLEN, OF WASHES COUXTT. FOR CONGRESSMEN AT I. A FOB, GFX. HARRT WHITE, of Indiana. ,ES. LEMUEL TODD, of Cumberland. IlII ECATKS AT I.ARUB TO THE COXSTI- TtTIOlfAL CONVENTION. WM. M. MEREDITH. Philadelphia. J. G1LLINCHAM I-ELL. Philadelphia r,ia. HARRY WHITE, Indiana. On. WILLIAM LILLY. Carbon. I. INS BAKTKOLOMKW, Schuylkill. II. Jf. Jl ALIiSTKR, (Ventre. WILLIAM DAVIS. Munrne. JAM Kit L. REYNOLDS. Lancaster. SAliUEL E. DIMM1CK. Wayne. GEOKOr: V. LAWRENCE, Wahingtou. DAVID N. WHITE, Allegheny. W. II. AlvEV, l.Miigh. JOHN II. WALKER. Erie. GEO. P. ROWELL 4 CO, 40 Park Raw, New York axd S. M. PETTENGILL & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y, Are our tole agents in Ihatity. and are au thorised lo contract for advertising at our lowest rates. Advertisers in that city are re quested to leave their favors with either of be above houses. BEADING- MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. Colonel Forney and the (jorernorsklp. A Kepublican Reform Meeting was held in Concert Hall, Philadelphia, on Tues day evening of Inst week. -.A letter from Col. Forney was read at that meeting, advocating reform within the lines of the Republican party. Such declarations find a loud echo in the heart of the Re publican t arty. The principles of the parly, if correctly applied, can remedy every abuse, wrong or fraud. It is the right of Col. Forney and every other man in the cause to oppose false men engaged in unfair work. It ib more than their right ; it is their- duty to ex pose and hold up to view the doings of men in public life, if they are engaged in work that will result in injury to the in tereets of the people. But this must be done within the lines of the Republican varty, for the social and financial inter ests of the people couM not be farthered liy the Democratic party, which, nritil quite recently, has been opposed to such advancement, through their advocacy of slavery and free trade. These questions, if the Democratic party gets iuto power, may be revived. They are ami social and financial reform questions, and men who act in such a way that the represen tatives of these questions get into power are not earnest and honest workers of reform within the Republican party, no matter what their pretentions may be. Is Col. Forney misunderstood or mis represented. Is he properly placed be fore the people when it is said that he desires the defeat of General Hartranft for Governor ? If he desires the tlec tion of a Democrat for Governor instead of General Hartranft, then are his pro fessions in favor of the success of the Republican party for which he has done so much and reform within its lines, open to the suspicion that lie is secretly desiring and working for the overthrow of the organization of that party. He has said that General Hartranft is an auie man, an nonesi man, and was a gallant and brave soldier, and by impli cation said that be possesses not the gifts of fine sprecb and elegant manners, and that he has the support of men who are not the right kind of men. Do not men who are gifted with fine speech and elegant manners have the support oftentimes of men who are not the right kind of men 1 The answer to that may be found in the observation of every discriminating mind But tbere is a strong under current in all of Col Forney's writings on the Gu bernatorial question that leads the an guarded to believe that Gen. Hartranft's nomination was p roc wed by some under handed arrangement, with which only a few were acquainted, and that there was so chance to make any opposition The very opposite is the truth of the case, for General Hartranft's name was among the fit st that were named for the Governor ship of Pennsylvania. It is passing strange that Mr. Forney should not, dur ing all the time that Hartranft was before the people of the State for nomination, know that be should not hare the place until just a day or two before the meet ing of the nominating convention, and then declare that he ought not to be nom inated. Why did he not, as a fearless Republican journalist, say so months be fore t Who can explain I The people are scrutinizing Col. Forney's course j closely, and the words that are heard oftenest are. Halt ! Halt ! Andrew Q Curtain, Minister to Rus ssia, expects to leave for home about the 15th of May. A So-Called English Kobleaan in Trooble. A man named GoruV n. now in New York, i( the subjects of a great deal of attention in financial and railroad circles. By some means m other he succeeded in creating the impression that be stands at the head of an aristocratic family named Gordon. He became known to Horace Greely, Col. Thomas Scott, Col. A. K. McClure, Jay Gonld and others as Lord Gorden, and professed to represent the English Shareholders of the Krie rail way, and succeeded in negotiating with 1 Jay Gould for an exchange of half a million of dollars of that stock, lhe matter is in the New York Courts, where the true characters of Gorden will doubt less be made manifest. "On to Rich mono" was at one time a famous war cry of the sage and philoso pher who presides over the New York Tribune. The travel stained and weather beaten veterans heard it and laughed, for there were serious impediments in the way on which the word "halt" was plainly inscribed. When the opportune time came Grant called out "On to Rich mond,' and that city was invaded, a:id laid at the mercy of a triumphant army. And now history, in a political way, re peats its war traditions. 1 he old, worn out philosopher cries out to the Repub iican party of the nation, On to Cincin nati." But the army of the people are slow to catch the watchword, and in the signs of the times descry the ominous word "halt,'' which holds them to their places. It will be only when Grant says move on to Cincinnati, that millions of voters will obey the command, and the nest of conspirators will fall just as Hichmoud did under our victorious ban ners. PitUhurg Gizitle. A Deserved Tribute. The New York IlrulJ pays the following just tribute to Geu. Graut ! The effect of his administration has been to rehabilitate the Republican party and to give it a stronger hold npon the country than it had at any time since the election of Lincoln. For he has paid the debt ; he has kept the peace ; has shown mercy and justice to the south ; he has behaved with signal en ergy and frankness in all foreign rela tions : he has dealt with the Indian like a Christian and not like a robber ; has striven to reform the civil service : he has guided the country in paths of pros penty ; be has avoided every adventure that would embarrass the return of the nation to peace and stability, and he has borne himself in his hieh office with a dignity, patience and moderation equalled by no President since Washington, aud by Washington alone The Philadelphia Batten says : Those gossips who are pretending that Andrew G Curtia is coming home from Russia to take part in the opposition to Pres ideut Graut, are much mistaken. He knows to well the feelings of the people of Pennsylvania, who still love and honor hia, to think of abandoning Graut. Their personal and official rela tions are of the most friendly character, and if Governor Curtin comes home in time for the campaign, it will be to ad vocate, not to oppose, the re election of our worty President The rich Japanese Paimio who has arrived with his wife at San Francisco will reside in Washington, and it is said a number of married ladies from Japan will arrive by the next steamer The second son of Iwakura has returned to Japan for the restoration of his health, which has been impaired by hard study in this country. There will be published in New York this week a volume con taining a dinner speech by the Kmperor of Japan, an account of the Japanese embassy, and a collection of Japanese essays about America. Colonel D. D. Morrison, of Illinois, has forwarded to Jefferson Davis the original commission of - the latter as colonel in the United States army signed by Andrew Jackson, President, aud Lewis Cass, Secretary ot State. The document came into the possession of the Illinois troops after the capture of Jack son, Mississippi, and was returned to Davis, accompanied by a friendly letter from Colonel Morrison, his old compan ion in the Mexican war. Visit to General Cameron. After the dismissal of the grand jury by the court this morning the members, in a body and by unatiimou Tote, proceeded to the residence of General Cameron to pay their respects to him, as a citizen who has the interests of the county at heart and as an -able representative of the State iu the United States Senate. Harritburj Telegraph, April 26. Jeff. Davis and John H. Surratt are in favor of the Cincinnati Convention. So is Andy Johnson; So is every Rebel in the South. Why ? Because - they hope, through it, to se the Democratic party reinstated in power. And yet Oreely and his fellowers professed Re- 1.1; , . ... . . puoiicans are aoiug all in their power to give the old enemy "aid and comfort ' Eruption of Vesuvius. Mount Vesuvius, in Italy, during this week baa been in a dreadful state of erup tion. Hundreds of people lost their lives in the burning lava. The streets of Naples have been covered with ashes to the depth of three inches. The Pennsylvania State Teachers As sociation will hold its session for the year 182, in Philadelphia, on the 20tb 21st and 22nd, of August next. Gold and silver baa been Alaska, not far from Sitka. found in FIKE AT HARRlSBURti. Tie Harri soars; Car Werka ia Ashes. Lohm About 8SOO.OOO. About one o'clock on the 26 nit , it was discovered that the extensive works of the Uarrisbnrg car manufacturing company, situated ou the Pennsylvania railroad, between Herr and Broad streets, bad taken fire immediately under the dormer window in the paint shop, and before water could be put on, spread with great rapidity aud tl: flames en veloped the whole of that building. It was not raauy minutes after that it fell with a crash. The flames were soon communicated to the main building, fouu- irv. nattern shoD aud stable, which fol-J j i lowed oue by one, and were soon burned to the ground. While the paint shop was horning it was discovered that the Pennsylvauia Railroad Uouse on Pennsylvania avenue had taken fire in the npper part from an engine, and the firemen directed their efforts to save it. It burned rapidly and in a short time the entire roof was en veloped in flames. The fire is supposed to have hcen the work of an incendiary, from the circum stance of its having started in the local ity mentioned in another part of this article. The loss of the car company is esti mated at S200.000. Total insurance $129,371,96 HarrUburg Telegraph The W ork of Viragoes. THRV TAR AND FEATHER ONE OF THEIR OWN SEX. Tbe Kanens City Newt of Sunday week, savs : The neighboring beautiful city of Topeka is now agitated over i sensation of some magnitude, the par tieulars of which reached this city last evening. A woman named Mrs. Neis wender, the wife of a farmer residing about one mile north of iopeka, was, upon the evidence and accusation of a girl working at the house, charged with leading from the path of virtue a milk vendor named Jacob Large, and several other married men residiug in the imme diate neighborhood. The wives of four of these husbands met together on last Thursday morning, and, after providing themselves with tar, turpentine," feathers, ropes, and cayenne pepper, started fur the residence of the seductive Mrs. Neis wender. Arriving at the farm-house, and finding the woman alone, her husband and the rest of the family being absent on business, the four viragoes, led on by Mrs. Large and Mrs Deno, seized upon the helpless woman, tied her baud and foot, stripped off her clothing, and then tarred her ears, eyes, mouth, and nose. After which her body, from top to toe was plasteied over with tbe horrid tar. Not satisfied, the hends rubbed rea pep per into her eyes and nose, and left the suffering woman to her fate.' The poor woman was afterwards released from her bonds by her little four-year-old son. It is some satisfaction to record the fact that Mrs. Large and Mrs. Deno have been arrested and put iuto limbo to await trial The preliminary examination took place yesterday. Proof Positive of the outrage perpetrated has been brought against each of the females, who have deservedly earned a most unenviable notoriety, bucIi as few respectable Kan sas ladies would care to acquire. Railway Train Stopped -mitted. Murder Com Holdon, April 24 A mob stopped the eastern bound train on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad at Farm City, in Cass county. Mo., this afternoon, and murdeted J. R. C'line, J. C. Stevenson and a. r,. moron, otevenson was a member of the county court and presid ing judge, when the recent conrt excite ment was raised, while Cline was the at torney who was amplicated. Pupron was killed simply because he was in company of the others. The mob threatened to kill anyone who hereafter indentified any of them in court or else where, and said they had jnst com menced their work of murder. Some of the mob were masked. All had revol vers or shot-guns. They numbered about 75 or 100. Fatal Accident Three Men Carried Over Aiagara Falls. Niagara Falls, N Y., April 25 Yesterday afternoon about one o'clock three men, whose names are unknown, were seen struggling in the rapids be tween tbe American shore and Goat Island. No help could be given them. and all went over tbe falls. It ia sun posed they were from Chippewa, Onta r rio, and were on a fishing excursion, and oemg carried down Dy tbe currant, at tempted to land at the head of Goat Island, but tbe boat striking a rock, was dashed to pieces. Nothing definite re garding their indentity is known at pres eut. Ka Klax In Illiaels-Aa Old Man Kidnap. pcu auu nuug. Cairo, April 25. On Mouday night a party ol disguised men went into a house of Isaac Vancel. near Herrou's prairie, in Williamson county, 111 , seized Vancel, took him to the woods aud hanged him. The same party, a few weeks ago. served upon Vancel a written order threatening him with tbe fate above accorded in case of his failure to obey them. Vancel was 75 years old and quite wealthy, and the outrage creates great excitement in the county. A railroad roat is being sarreyed from Nacosy's station Mifflin C,a tn Roll afnnia r,'r LenterCo- Jast as We Fwuc The, Dr. -Livingstone haa been gone six yean. . Col. Robert Breckinridge i a candi date for Congress in Kentucky. A pine tree out in Cambria county made six thousand feet of lumber. The Johnstown Presbyterian church have adopted the free pew system. Sportsmen are no longer paid for shooting wild caU in Union county. Silver coin to tbe extent of $500,000, 000 is believed to be buried in India It is proposed to admit lady members to some of the clubs in New York City The richest man in the Shenango Val ley startebVhousekeeping one five dollars. The father of Ex Governor Johnson is still living, and will be one hundred years old in May. A company of Costa Ricans have bought 2600 acres iu California, and will raise sugar cane. A carriage, ouce the property of Dan iel Webster, is now used as a public con veyance at Newmarket, N. II- A young child of Mr. Milton Nichols, of Lawrence township, died from an overdose of laudanum. The Bible is not to be read in the Phaenixville public schools hereafter The Directors have issued that order. The population of the little State of Delaware is less than one hundred and thirty thousand souls, black and white. J. II. Stroub has received 81200 from the Third avenue horse railroad, New York, for being kicked off a car by a con ductor. Tbe army worm has made its appear ance in Ten-:ssee in immense numbers and is doing great damage to the fruit trees. A. M. Stauffer, Esq., of North Coven try, Chester county, while asleep a few nights since in a fit of coughing swal lowed an artificial tooth. Katie Naxon, of Meadrille, while going to Sunday school, stopped a mo ment on the railroad track and was killed by a passing locomotive. The late earthquake iu California is now known to have affected an area of about seven hundred and fifty miles long by nearly five hundred miles broad. Six thousand men and boys and two thousand women and girls are employed in Birmingham, England, in the brass founding trade Six thousand hands are engaged iu the button trade. A young Meadville somnambulist walked out of a third story window the other night, taking sash, glass and all with him Strange to say, be was not seriously injured The lumber fields of Peensylvania are annually growing less productive. In a few years we will be compelled to depend on the West and Pacific railrsad for a supply of boards. The hair on a camel weighs about ten pounds, and sells for more than $100, which shows that it was not only in the days of Mohammed that the animal bore a great prophet. The Louisville Journal says : 'It is a base calumny to say that we in Ken tucky carry on capital punishment by tbe wholesale. We hang only impecn nions persons who have been convicted of murder. Col. Rush Hawkins, who recently re signed from the New York Assembly, is reported to have said that a vote in that body was as much an article of merchan dise as a barrel of flour. We cannot doubt it. A lady of Boston, seeing among the religious notices that a certain clergyman would preach 'D V.," said at once that she would go and hear, presuming, as she did, that the subject of his discourse was "Dolly Vardens." The disappearance of the ice and snow in the neighborhood of the Wisconsin fires has exposed the bodies of many of the unfortuuate victims of the calamity. Almost daily fresh bodies are discovered, and an active search is now going on. In a leading bank in Stockholm all the clerkships have for some years past been satisfactorily filled by females. This is what might have been expected. Every one who has ever entrusted a secret to women knows that they make first-rate tellers. The discovery is announced in Hun gary of an almost entire human skeleton, together with a stone hammer, at a depth which, according to the theories of mod-1 ern geologists, would prove that man must have existed long before the ' mam moth age." Emporium, Cameron county, is bound to keep shady. Some of the citizens of that place have been engaged with six and eight horse teams, drawing and set ting out large elm and maple -trees, 3ome of them forty feet in height, and twelve and fourteen inches in diameter. A man named James Hitcof Wilmore was killed near Greensburg on Tuesday of last week. He was sitting on the cowcatcher of an engine, and just as it entered the tunnel, tbe tank truck of a locomotive proceeding it broke. A col lision ensued, and young Hite was in stantly killed. In the year 1671, there were 8913 persons summarily convicted in England and Wales of offenses against the Game laws, and 68 persons on indictment for being out armed, taking out game, and assaulting gamekeepers. The summary convictions comprised 7725 for trespass ing in the daytime in pursuit of game, OO ;11 It 11; a "1C6"J "u,b onjiog game. d731undwthePoMhingctofZ86. A Ystlng Apparatus for Legtolative Bodies. Mr Editor : By the special request of a friend I send yon a statement of what I would call the practical workings of my Patent Right for Voting Appara tus, dated April 2, 1872. It is composed of scales, tubes and balls. Thus we sup pose 100 members in a legislative body, all can vote at once. First affix a bal anee beam or scale 10 or 12 ft,t long immediately over and above the speak er's chair fastened to the wall. At each eud of said beam have a coil of spring steel wire attached about 20 or 2.5 inches in length, to which there must be a long stri'ght stiff wire attached, hanging down through tbe floor, being in a case or spout at the lower end of said wire, which being some 2 or three feet above the base ment floor, a little box 'fitting inside of the case "to catch the balls or ballots. Secoudly Two or three members gen erally sit at one desk. Each member's seat mnst be numbered, and each member must have his balls numbered, and each member must vote his own number bal lot or ball. Thirdly Two tubes must be attached to each desk, one marked "Aye," the other marked "Nay." These tubes pass down through the floor, and immediately diverge in different directions and inter sect with other tubes of larger size, and continue descending end running iuto others, like small streams of water coming together and making larger streams, and eventually all the ayes come together and empty themselves into this spout having tbe wire attached to the end of the scale beam and also the nays in like manner, where they are weighed. Fourthly There must be a plate fixed permanently against the wall, one at each side of the speaker, say abcut five feet above the floor. This plate should be like the carpenter's rule, or like a ther mometer, showing the degrees, and on the stiff wire a finger affixed termed an indicator. As tbe balls roll into tbe spout and lodge in its closely-fitting box each ball having equal weight they will draw one nick at the rule, as shown by tbe finger pointing to it. The beam ray vibrate up and down three or four inches at each end Say four inches down at one end would be four inches up at the other end. All eyes could instant ly behold the heavy end, and without a word being spoken all would know in about one minute after the vote was taken, whether the ayes or nays carried. The next minute the two clerks would look at the finger and see to what figOre it pointed, pencil it on paper, and each baud to the speaker, who could and would announce the exact number of ayes and nays, after which the house could pro eeed to business, and not lose 30 or 40 minutes in voting, as is often the case by the living voice Again, this being done, one of the clerks can signal ze the tws clerks, A and B, in the basement, who will proceed and draw a slide and let all the ballots rnn out into a vessel prepared for the purpose, and then shot the slide, and do likewise with the nay box. Then clerk B, having his printed list of all the members as they and their seats are numbered, being seated at his table ready for action, when clerk A takes np a billot and calls out 61, and while clerk B is hunting and raaiking that number, clerk A is distributing sii l 64 into its proper case, like the printer distributing types, and thus in from one to two hours each and every member can see his vote reported. There can be no fraud practiced without detection, nor error but can be corrected. I would have two colors of balls, one color always meaning aye, and the other nay If a member by being careless should drop his ballot into aye while he meant nay, the clerks in the basement would readily notice it. On tbe top of the tubes at the desk have a pretty little cup with spring slide always shut, only when used to vote, then shove the slide aside, drop in your ball, and it will close itself and prevent any dirt getting into the tube, The tubes may be lead pipes, gutta percha, vulcanized rubber, or any other material. W beu the house adjourns, those two clerks, A and B. in the base ment will carry up and distribute to each member his ballot, so that when tbe House assembles next day, they are sup plied with balloU. This system would save four fifths or more of time in Legis lative bodies, and is equal to a large amount of money. H. T. McALISTER KaKlnx Outrages la Kentucky. Covin-jto.v, April 25. A special from Louisville says on Saturday night a party of twelve or fifteen disguiseil men went to the house occupied by colored people who are employed on the farm of James Church, a few miles from Frank fort, and demanded admittance, which was refused, whereupon they began beating in the door. One of the inmates fired a pistol through a window, and ran out through a back door, but was shot in the right arm and severely wounded. Tbe other inmates seeing that resistance' would be useless, opened the door, when the mob rushed in, dragged him out, beat him in a brutal manner, and ordered him to leave the county under -pain of death. The next day the colored men packed up their things and went to Frankfort for safety. Decidedly the best remdy that has ever been discovered for rheumatism, s woolen or stiff joints, flesh wounds. sprains, bruises, cuts, and burns, ia John ton i Anodyne Liniment. Panont' Purgative PUU are hereby recommended ; they are scientifically pre pared, and are adapted to all the pur poses of a good purgative medicine. Executor's Notice. Ettate of Janet SI. Sharon, deceated. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on lhe estate of James M. Sharon. lae of Fayette township, deceased, having been granted lo th anderii;aed, all persons indebted to said decedent are requested to mate payment, and those baviot claims lo present them without delay to JEREMIAH LVON:?, May. 1. 1872-6t Executor. Administrator's Notice. Ettate of Mathiat Jamtt, d:eeastd. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the estate of Mathias James. late of Dels war township, Juniata county, deceased, having been granted to lhe unde signed, all persons having olaims or demands against said estate are requested to present Ibem, and those indebted to make payment. JfREMIAH LYOXS, May 1, 1S72-U Administrator. Administrator's Notice. Ettate of Solomon Slough, dictated. , IIEREA3 Letters of Administration on W the estate of Solouon Slough, late of Delaware township, dee'd, hare been grant ed lo the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate ai requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tbe estate will present the same properly authenticated for settlement. O W. SMITH, Admr. May 1, 1872-Ct Dissolution Notice. VTOTICE is hereby given that lhe eopart. iv nerabip between Doyle A Marley, of Patterson, Fa., in the Coal and Mercantile trade, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the ltltb of April. 1872. Tha business here after will be carried on by J. C. Doyle, at the old stand, recently occupied by George Goshen. J. C. DOYLE. May 1, 1872-3t J. B. MAKLEY. O. lSOTIIltOCIC, DENTIST, XcA.listerville, Pcnna OFFERS hit professsonal services to tha public in general, in both branches of his profession operative and mechanical. First week nf every month at Kiciifield, Fre mont and Turkey Valley. Second week Lirerpuol and Wild Cat Val ley. Third week Millerstown and Raccoon Valley. Fourth week at his office in M'Alisttrville. Will visit Mifflin when cillcd on. Teeth put op on any of the bases, and aa liberal as anywhera else. Address by letter or otherwise. May 1. 1872-ly Orphans1 Court Sale T)Y virtue of an order of tbe Orphans' Xj Court of Juniata county. tbe undersign ed. Administrator of the estate of Mathias James, la's of Delaware towmhip, decease i. will expose lo sale by public outcry, on the premises, at 2 o'clock, P. M., on SATURDAY. JUNE 1, 1872, A Lot of Ground with a IOO HOUSE thereon erected, bounded by landtnf William Siebrr, John Shelley. Barbara Kauffinaa an 1 others, containing THREE ACRES, more or less. TERMS OF SALE. One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale by the Court, when deed will be made and pos9sion eivan : the remainder to be paid April I, 1873, anl to be secured by Judgment B-md. JEREMIAH LYONS. ' May 1, 1872. Administrator. AGENTS FirVI Literature, Art and Song Is the beit telling book ever offered. It combines the humor of anecdote, the wis-lom of essay, the information of history and biog raphy, the sweetness and grandeur of poetry, the exquisite charm of music, and 4'JU beau tiful illustrations. "Solid reading for graver moments ; plea sant pictures to illumine quiet hours; and gems ot song for the social circle." An Aftent writes, '-Soil 127 copies this week. Will aell 6lK) this month easily." Our new tytttm of eanratting does away with objections to the business. I'articulars free. A valuable present to every new agent. INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO . 93 and 95 Lisfstt Strset, New York. May I. 1872-lOw CAUTION. ALL persohs are hereby cau'ioned against removing or in any way interfering wilt, the following property, the same having been purchased by ns and left in the care of Nich olas Sheriff, of Spruce Mill town .hi p. until such time as we may sea proper to remove it. vn : I bay mare, 1 black mvt, 2 cows, 1 red bull 2 two-year old heifers, 7 bead of sheep. 1 two-horse wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 sled, I plow, ! harrow. JAMES BE ALE. April 21-Ct W. P. GRCVER. Executor's Notice. Ettate of Robert C. Callaher, dreeatrd. "VfOTICE is hereby given that Letters Te-da-1 a mentary on the estate of Robert C. Oal laher, late of Fermanagh township, Juniata county, deceased, have been granted to the undertigned, residing in same township. All persons indebted to said estate are reques ted to make immedia'e payment, and those having claims will please present them prop erly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH ROTUROCK, Executor. April 17, 1 872-6 w Executor's Notice. Ettate of Catharine Cunnmgham, deerateJ. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Tea mentary on the estate of Catharine Cun ningham, late of Milfnrd township. Juniata county, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, residing in same township. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will please present them properly authenticated for settlement. J. f. K0CIS05, Eierutor. April 17. 1872 6w. Dissolution of Partnership. 'PI1E partnership heretofore eiisting be X tween tbe undersigned, trading under the firm of D. W. Harley A Cor, was dis solved by mutual consent on the 4th day of April, 1872. All persons knowing them selves indebted to said firm, can settle by calling on either of the undersigned at the old stand. D. W. HARLET. JOHN HOFFMAN. April 10, 1872-6t Health! Strength!! Vigor!! FOR Costivenrss, BiLLioisNRsa and Liter CoarLaiKT us Da. HERRICK'8 . Suoaa CoATED Vsgstabls Pills, tkt bett in use. f UK Fain in thb Back or Side, or RntDMATisK, use DR. HERRICKS Kid Stbesotuesiso Plasties. FOR Catarrh, or Coto i thb Head, use DR. PERRIN'S Fcmioatoe. FOR all Livb Stock, use Harvell's Cqsditiobt Powders. The above articles are amanr tha the market. Satisfaction guaranteed o tk mnn.. funded. ' Sold by BANES k HAMLIV .ml rrvvrs & SON, Agents. Mifflintown P n. r C. RONDIO, Patterson, P , ,Blt th. trade generally. t. W. WARNER A CO r v 1 1 -n CJ MurrJ' S. New Tork. Feb 14 2-3m A LL kinds of Canad and Dried Fruit for 4. sal st BAHTLT. gntr mdrrrtisfnifnts. ojkS DO EASES LV Tax THR11ALUJNG5.1IVER 2t BIOQE i. ,h wnnflritil medtniw to which the afjirw are aiiove pnintel ftr fliet " lif-ocrer h, Itffvcj be b w eorabiucd i harmony mi-e of Xi. tur-"a ra--t sovereign carat ire pncrtip. b-a G.l luw iatilll into tbe vc?rtoi)l kinjd-.m b-Mlin" the ick, thsn were ever before citnNin in oil mulieiiM. T!h evidence of thi bet f wnj in the great variety of mort ob-tiuate J nwi which it Nil been f .on'ln conqner. Ititj, tare of Brouchltl, Severe S'wnaks an l the early ta ;c of ton -u riptlou, U rj, a-amiUbcd the nn-Jicsl Ciralty, and rmtneutpb. eician- pronounce it tho created medical di.ctTi ry 0r the a u. Wliilo It cure th" wverot t oa;y it trcn-nheii the sTstein ad pnrlfiratfc fclood. By it great and th'roii-'li bld pen, n ' properti". it care all Humor's from tilt wntt Scro'nlit toa common Blotch, Pin. plr, or Ed caption. Mecnnal diea.-e. Mm. rl Poio:!-". a-id their eff.-ct.-, arc cnulirated. acl vi-.or.Hi health and a sound conMiturion otik. li-Thel EryalpelSM Salt Khewan, Fever More. S -aly or (touch Skin, in r.,n all the na noma dUea-ies eaucd by had bkmi are conqaerd by tbU powerful pnrifjfiiig aiid viTwatin-; nvdielne. If yon faJi dull, drowr. debilitated. hrt sallow color of ftin. or yellowfeh brown spot on IXr-u, b-lv freqne-it h--aiaho or dizzincsa. bail t.te it mouth, internal heat or ehill alternated withhu Sa-he. lo-r i;irifc, and irloomy rbrehodini rc nilar app-'tite. and ton-.nie coated, you an- "i-lk:. frona Torwld Liver or "Billow n99v. In nunr es--e- of "Liver lo plaint " only part of these symptoms are rien-ei. A- a reme lv f r all nch ca- bt. Pierce" Golden Medical Discovery has no eoial, a) it effect pern-it core, leaving Uie livertrcTro. ened and healthy. Foe tlie euro of Habitnal Const! nation of the bowels it is a never au to rcmedv, and tboe who have used it for tha purpose are load in its pmi?. The proprietor offers f 1.000 reward tnt a mufr cine that will equal it (or the euro of all the in eae for which ll is recommended. !d by druzwts at per bottle. Prepared H V. Pierce. M. D . Sole Proprietor, at hie 'hem. f, cal Laboratory. 133 Seneca tref. Bnfaio, 3. Y. t Bend your address tot a pamphlet. 1 & stas. IX DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Gil OCEIMHS, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, 1 1 ATS AND CAPS, WOOD it WILLOW WAKE FLOOR OIL CLOTHS; TABLE OIL CLOTHS; &C, G, Sffi- If you want,ttee&a entire cew stock of Goods it-Uvw Prices, call at the NEW CRYSTAL PAULCE BUMS, MIFFLIN HTWN, PA. SHELLEY & STAMBAL'GiL Nov. 2!), 1871. S. B. LOUDON, MKItCIIAINT TAILOIt,. SEVyS BCILDISO OX Bridge 8 tree t, Mifflintown. Pa,, Desires lo inform his friends and tbe pijbYie tbat he has just received a fine and f uhim able stock of SPRINO GOODS, consisting of CLOTHS Plain Blaek. Blue and Briwtu CREI' Dahlia, Brown and Blue. TRICOT B.aek, Blue and Brnwn. IHAHOSAI.S Blue and Blaek. CHEVIOTS AH Shades. SCOTCH tOOHS- All Sttles. Br.ArCIOEStTiySSunmrTVixlitj PA STS A.Yl VKST PA TTERS Fine. SUMMER GOOimGtntnl Assortment. I will sell any of tha above goods b; the yard or pattern. I also keep on hand a full line of BCT TERICKS PATTERSS. consisting of Men. Bojs. and Children's Shirts. Coats, I'aats and Vests. will manufacture to order all kiaJs of ci'sto won. PRICES Reasonable, to suit th time. Mifflintown, April 10, 1872. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored 'Jjff published, a new ed'linn of r iwiverwcu ceicsrairw Essay on the rad.enl are iwiib- out medioine) ol SPKKStAToaautEA, or ."srai nal Weakness, involuntary Seminal lo-n, Isipotexct. MetlUI and Pnyaioal Incapei'J. Impediments lo Ma-riag. etc. ; f osrjr tios EriLBFST, an l Fivs, induced by salf indulgence or sexual extravagance fAir Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6cti. Tbe celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, frona a thirty years' uocessril praotioe, tbst th alarming consequences of self-abuse ma be radical v cured without the dangerous use of tha knife : pointing out a mod of cur at once simple, certain, and effectual, by mean of which every sufferer, ao matter what his condition may be. may euro himself cheaply, privately aad rad.rll. r ' r This Lecture should be ia th bands af Tery youth and every nan :n tha land. 8eut, un l.-r seaL in plain envelope, to ay address, potlptud, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr Culverwell s Marriage GuiJ," price 25 cents. Adores the publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE V CO., Post Office Box 4,586. 127 Bowery, V. T- aprl7-ly SHELLY A STAMBAUQH always keep up their stock of GROCERIES and will not be excelled either in the quality or pries of their goods in this line. Give them a call before going eisewher. r