FARM AXD HOUSEHOLD. To Eenew Old Grape Tines. The editor of tie Praettcol Farmer says : Havinon oar premises, planted by former owert probably twenty yean, half a dozen ol J grape vines whh large weather-beaten trunks of stems, wbicb made annu illy but little new wood and yielded but very few poor grape, two seasons ago we cut off the bawdies, and laid tlie main etem down in trenches, covering with abont a foot of earth. L Vigorom and healthy shoots sprang up in grea: ubnndance, tlie weak ones uf which wrrc broken sAT, and h ading ones at proper litat'c trained to the arbor. The new growths are clean, healthy and strong, and we look for bushels uf fruit from the new bearing wood. .We have seen many old vines that would be improved by such treatment. JnFOHIATJ;K TO Uuli8E Ow.LK. Keep the h gs of your horses clean, as dirt is productive of Scr tches and heel cracks are cure' by the lollowing raeil.i d : Wash the feet clean, t!ien dry thoroughly, and apply carbolic salve at least l ice a day. I'ur - sue the same course for collar and saddle galls. The following is said Ui be sure tent n f m knrfla'a . . n . A f t , - f 1,a 1: - . 1 . nino , , - , , ... ; ears o,u, a whiikic comes on tuc eye., . at I lie upper comer .r llie lower Ilrt, anl very year theieaftrr, "he has one well nefind wriiiLle for each year of his age j over nine. If. for instancit, a borsc It. -is j three wrinkles, he U twelve. Add t'ir J tiiiuil c-r of wrinkle, to nine you will al I ways get at his age. To gel hurtea out of a burning building j harness ihem a if for their usnnl work. i .i - :it f ti . . . . :f . ' I hiii iiiey mu loituw juu uui as u muu ing was the matter. To cure a halky horse, t'e his tail to :i vihifietree, just fo that when his male ji'i'U u Utile, a eirain will cotno on his t-il L.pie.ol of ht ating and whipping a I I .i":y horse, try this simple remedy. J To make a good harness blacking, take j three on-net f beeswax, four ounces i-fj ivrry Hack . one pint nealdloot oil, tvroj ounces cnetile so.ip, two ounces lard, one j ounce aloes to he Loiled together, and poured in a lia-in to cool. Planting I'oTatdks. Ir. Ilciatncr, of X. Y , gives a result of an experiment f planting potatoes in seventeen different i ways, and the best retulls were given j from one laige potato, whole, in each hill ; j the next best fioiu two large half potatoes j cut length ie ; t ext from medium rized ' potatoes planted whole ; the smallest ! from small half potatoes. A medium po. ! tato he plants w hole ; large ones cat iu half aud the largest in four pieces each lengthwise, always taking cere to select J his best and soundest potatoes for seed. J. T. Warden, of Ohio, in an experi ment mith Harrisons, found that large seed cut in halves give the most saleable potatoes, lie says : "This experiment, in connection with one made last year, induced me to cut good sired potatoes for seed in preference to planting them whole ; aud years of scarcity to use small potatoes with care not to plant thini too closely together." Tim Tomato. Dr. Bcnuett, a pro feesor T some celebrity, considers the tomato an invaluable article of diet, and ascribes to it very important medical properties : 1 That the tomato is one ot the most powerful aperients of materia mcdiia, and that in all those affections of the liver and organs where calomel is indispensa ble, it is probably the most effective and least harmful remedial agent known to the profession. 2 That a chemical extract pill can be obtained from it which will altogether supersede the Use of calomel in the cure j of disease. 3. That he has succssfully treated diarrhoea with this article alone. 4. That when used as an article of diet, it is almost a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion. 5. That the citizens in ordioary health fhould make use of it either raw, cooked or in the form of a catsup, with their daily food, as it is a most healthy article. Toxics fob 1'oiltky. Mr. Mills, a French apothecary, recomende, from per soual experience, the following as an un failing tonic or stimulant for debilitated fowls, and especially for young turkeys during the critical stage, when he says its effects are most marked aud salutary Take cassia bark, in fine powder, three parts ; ginger, ten parts ; gentian, one part; ainse seed, one part; carbonate of iron, five parts ; mix thoroughly by sifting. A teaspoonfnl of powder should be mingled with dough for twenty tur keys, each morning and evening. It is .f the greatest importance to begiu the treatment of a fortnight before the ap pearance of the red, aud to continue it two or three weeks after. If this pie caution be taken in time, there is no need of losing a single turkey in a brood. Treatment of Soft Corns. A small piece of sal-ammoniac dissolved in two Ublespoonfuls spirits of wine, and the same quantity of water. Saturate a tmall piece of sponge or linen rag, and place it between the toes, changing it twice a day. This will cause the skin, to harden, and the corn may be easily extracted. A good remedy for soft corns is common chalk rubbed on the corn every day, and a piece of cotton wool worn between the toes affected, to pre vent pressure ; the chalk appears to dry tip the corn. The locomotives in this country burn up jiearly aixty million dollars' worth of wood annually. TIIEKEYSTIHE! THE KEYSTONE! THEKEYSTOUE! Bridge Street, Mifllizitown. "ITTE, THE UNDERSIGNED. WOCLD ' most respectfully call the attention of our friends, customers, and the public gen erally, to the fact iliat w hare secured and fined np ene of tb finest rooms in the coun ty, directly opposite our old stand previous to tbe terrible fire of Dee. 81, 1870, on Bridge street, Mifflintown, where we purpose to con rinue the bucinest of GE1TEBAL 1IEECHA2TIJISI2T... W have opened one of tbe finest, beat. and cheapest stock of Goods every offered to tbe public, embracing in fact almost everything that the public can wish. We would espe- cially invite lbs attention of alTto our fine assortment of , DRESS GOODS. This department we flutter ourselves to be the offereJ ,Q ,he pubUo of junj,u for quality and cheapness, of the most I approved patterns, ie co.NMsTisa or T Black Bombazine, Black Aastralian Grape, Black l'oplin, Black Velveteen, II Ilack aud Fancy Silks, Black and Fancy Silk Poplins, Black and Fancy Mohair, Black aud Fancy Alpaccas, Black and Colored Striped Suitings, JB Satin Striped Versailles Cloth, Sotiu Striped Loriio Robes, J"ilk Striped Mohair, . Silk Figured Snluua, . v 1 Brocade Japanecs Silks, Brocade I'opiius, French Sergo Wool I'laid, Scotch do. do. do. E' ('ord atid Colored Velvetecua, IZnglish aud French Chintzes, I'laid Xainsooks, l'lail IndLi Twills. I'laid Swiss, Y Broclia, Thibet. Helena, Saratoga, Vigilia, Weft Branch, Xiagara, and Watei vliet Long and Square Sliawli, in Great Variety. Black and Fancy Cloths, Wack and Fancy Cassimeres, Black and Fancy Ermines, Black aud Fancy Tweeds, Black and Fancy Jeans, T Striped and Plain Linen, Striped and Plain Cottonade, Striped aud Plain Suitings, Striped and Plain Marsailles. Striped aud Plain Flanuels, o Prints, Muslins, Sheeting, Pillow Casings, Checks, Uickory, Denims, Drills, Diapers, Linen, Cotton & Damask Table Linens, N Cambric and'Swis Embroidery, Piqua and Crochet Edgings, .. . Silk and White Cotton Fringes, Kibbonp, Velvet and Gimps, Laces and Braids, E Ladies' Listing Button and Lace Gaiters, Ladies' Morocc) Button and Lace do. Ladies' Kid Lace Bals Ladies' Kid Lace do. Ladie' Lasting and Kid Croquet Slippers, T Misses' and Child's Lasting Gaiters, Misses' and Child's Kid Bals, Misses' and Child's Morocco Button, Misses' and Child's Goat and Pebble, Misses' aud Child's Croquet Slippers. II Men and Boys' Calf Boots, Men and Boys' Gaiters, E Glassware and Qucensware, Fruit Jars and Stoneware. P Wool Figured, Venitian, Listing and Wool Butch Carpets. Li Floor and Stair Oil Cloth, Oil Shades aud Fixtures. A Berlin,. Zephyr and Excelsior Foreign and Domestic Yarns. nd E mestit c Table and Pocket Cutlery, Mirrors, Stationery, Albums, ke , E In fact everything necessary to make op a compete stock of Choice and Desirable Goods. As we are boyini strictly for cash, we Batter ourselves that we can offer treat in ducements to parties who wish to buy good Uooda at reasonable prices. Our terms are cash or country produce taken in exchange for goods. Vit only ask the fublic to give us a eall and examine cur stock, and compare prices and quality. We defy competition. TILTEN & ESPENSCHADE, Bridge Street, Mifflintown. Sew- !, 1871. (Clothing. fiLOTffiLTO! Choicest Styles of the Season. SAJUEL STRAYER, . Patterson, Juniata to., Pa. CLOTHING of all kinds rill sell mv entire stock at Greatly Reduced Prices, FOR MEN AND until atril, 18T2. UVCUXUATS, HUtkS, HEAVr BOOTS, CAEPETS, Stair and Floor OilCloth, F0BI1TDBE, WATCHES -AXD- Ladies' Shoes & Gaiters, Under-Clothing, Sec, AT COST. ; Suite ant Parte of Suits, II ATS AXD CATS, t And Furnishing Goods JEWELRY, Hate aoff 'te, FURS BOOTS I SHOES. 20 or 25 per cent, cheaper than ran be purchased else where. MEN'S Ifavinz ewd stock, wall JRNISHING selected, I hope to please all. GOODS, Call and see to be con S0T10MS, C. vinced. i Measures taken and Suits and parts of uits made to order, reasonable. - SAMUEL STRAYER, Jan. 24, 1S72 Tatterson, Pa. P. W. II A R LEY & C O'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Xcvin's Xcw Building, Bridgel Street, Mifflintown. This way for Bar- mm gains!! HAV1XG removed our GOODS to a room in Kevin's uew building, oa Uridge street, we are prepared to do a large business, and hare juat received a NEW ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, or Over Coats Dress Coats, Ruainess Coals, Common Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, llata, Voota and Shoes of erery description, sty le and quality, for male or female. HOYS' READY MADE CLOT II INC Also, Carpets White Shirts, Fancy Over Shirts, Under Shirts. Drawers, Hosiery, Gloves, Linen and Paper Cnlars. Cravats and Tics, Trunks, Um brellas, Travelling Bags &c. Also, the latest aty lea of Ladies' Cloaks. Cir culars and Furs. Persons in want of anything in ourlino wiK save money by g'mng ua a call before pur chasing elsewhere, aa ws are determined to sell cheap for cash. rsi. Don't forget the corner, Bridge and Water streets. D. W. IIARLET CO. May 1, 1871. NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP In Kevin's New Building on BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWN. rV II K undersigned, late of the firm of Fa-i- stcU & iorth. would respectfully an nounce to the public that be has opened a Bot and Shoe Shop in Major Nevin's New Building, on Bridge street, Mitllii town, and is prepared to manufacture, of the best ma terial, all kinds of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS. FOR GENTS', LADIES AND CHILDREN. He alo keeps on hand a large and well selected stock of Itcnd'-rande Worlt, of all kinds, for men, women and children. ALL WORE WAlItASTktt. Give me a call, for I feel confident that can furnish yuu with any kind of work you mav desire. tzT Repairing done neatly and at reason able rales. J. L. KOKTH May 31, 1871. NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY IN PATTERSON. SAMUEL II. RQLLMAN respectfully an nounces to the public that he baa recent- ly opened a Wagon-maker's,Sbop in the bor ough of Patterson, and is prepared to man ufacture, in a neat and durable manner, WAGONS OF hll KINDS, From a Fouf-Lorse Farm Wagon to a One- corsa bpring -wagon. All Kinds of Repairing trill Receive - Strict Attention. Grain and Lumber Taken in Exchange for "Work. tfbm By careful attention to bunlnei, and by turning ont superior work, be hopes to merit and receive a large share of public patronage. - Goad Oak Plank Wanted. Not 1, 1871-ly 3Ieat ! 3Ieat ! rpHE undersigned hereby respoetfully in- -S- terms the citizens of Mifflintown and Patterson that his wagon will visit each of tfcese towns on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY mornings of each week, when they can be supplied with Choice Beef; , Veal, Mutton, Lard, Ve., during the summer season, 'and also PORK and SAU8AGE in season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Veal and Mutton every Thurs day morning. Give me your patronage, and will guarantee to sell as good meat as the country can produce, and as cheap as any other butcher in the county. SOLOMON SIEBER. June 14, 1871. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, BELLEFONTE. PENN'A. S. J0H5STOH & BOSS, Proprietors. The "Brookerhoff House" has recently been refitted and otherwise greatly improved, and is now under the proprietorship of I). John ston & Sons, formerly of the "Leonard House" in Clearfield Persons visiting Bellefonte on business or pleasure will find this a conve nient and pleasant plaee to stop. Free Bute to mnd from the Depot. Not I, 1871. A LL kinds of Canned and Dried Fruit for il salebv C. BABTLV. fKmtaUttsf. r . SPECIE PRICES! EXTRA0EDINARY?EDUCTION IN" THE PRICES OF GOODS'." AT " L1IHD1 BELL'S NEW KTOUE, - Patterson, Jnniata Co.. Pa. The undersigned beg leave to date, thai they have purchased from J. B. M. !'odi. hi entire stock of goods, and will lha fuiure eouductthe merchant ile business at the Old Staad, in lh-borough of Patterton, Juniata county. Pa., where they shall endeavor to keep constantly on hand a full and oomplotr aaaorlment of . LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CONSIST ING OF ALPACAS, . POPLINS. PLAIDS, ' - LUSTERS. . , Be LAINS. , - MERINOS. MOHAIR. GINGHAMS. , CAMBRICS.-:. LAWNS, icO. ' FANCY GOODS, : ... NOTIONS. , . ' , JEWELRY, HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, . QUEENS WARE, CEDAR WARE. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY. FISH, SALT, , COFFEE, TEAS, SIRUPS. SUGAR. Having just returned from the city with the abovn enumerated stock of goods, all ! which have been purchased since the great decline in Gold, we feel warranted in saying: thai we can offer boods at great Iv reduced fig. ures for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. rar23-tf LAIRD A; BELL. Niiw firsi i .DOYLE & MARLEY, PATTEItSOX, rj.. At the Room Recently Occupitd by George lioaliea. Corner ot Tuscarora aud J u . itiala S recta. Wish to inform tbe citixens of Mifflin, Pat terson and surrnuuding country that they have opened a full line of 2T0TI027S AITS PA1TCY GOODS, Sugars, oyrnps. Teas, Coffees, t,A Spices, lish, , Salt, Soaps. Tobaccos, &c. Flcur and Feed Always on Hand. ALSO, COAL OF ALL KINDS, Stove Coal, Lime burners' Coal, and Black . smiths' Coal always on hand at the lowest prices. RAILROAD TIES, LOCUST POSTS, and all kinds of Country Produce taken in ex change for Goods and Coal, for which the highest market prices will be paid. Bf.Pvrsons wishing anything in our line will fiud it to their advantage to give us a call, as we feel assured that ws cun accom modate one and all. George Goshen ia our authorized Agent. All biibiuess transacted by him will be ac knowledged by us. DOYLE 4 MARLEY. Patterson, Jan. 23, 187:. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS 18 AT PENNELL'S CHEAP STOBE IN PATTERSON, PA. rpilK largest and best assortment to be JL fouud in Patterson. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received from the public, I would respectfully announce tnat I have just opened a very large stock ot Goods wall snittd to the trade. My stock eonaista of a full assortment of fine and staple DRY GOODS, Embracing all the materials for men, women and children's waie, including Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, together with a large stock of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Tickings, Oi! Cloths, Mattings, ic. LADIES DRESS GOODS, Such as French and English Merinoea, Pop lins, Alpacas, De Laines, plain and figured shawls. Sc., and also a large stock of Aotions. such as Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. G BOCEBIES, Such as Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also, a large lot of Queensware, Hardware, Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Salt and Nails. Together with afull assortment-of Goods usual 1 kept in a country store SgiwHighestfrice paid for country pro duce in exchange for goods. Prices to suit the times XUy 1, 1871. Boot and Shoe Shop. rPIIE undersigned, fashionnble Boot n A. and Shoemaker, hereby respectful- If ly informs tbe public that be bas located in tbe borough of Patterson, where he is pre pared so aecoramoaaie tns most fastidious in LADIES' WEAR, Gents1 Fine and Coarse Boots, IJrogaiiH, CHILDREN'S WEAR, Also, mendins done in the Deafest manner and npon tbe shortest notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction cuaranteed. Kg- Shop located on lh east side of Tus carora street, on door south of Main street, nearly opposite Laird & Bell's store. J. W. DEAN. March 8, 1871-ly JOHHSTOWIT FOTJKDEY. TIIE undersigned, manufacturer of Jami son's Improved Plow, calculated for all kinds of plowine, and in all kinds of eround. sold cheaper than any other Plow in tbe County. He mannfactures all kinds of Cast ings, Bells, Stoves. Ac. lie will also reoair reapers and threshing machinea. Grve ma a call, or address. J. H. ROGERS. Walnut P. 0. ang 18 1869- Juniata Co. Pa. STATE CAPITOL HOTEL, near the Cap tol Buildings, HARISBURO,PA. a&.Terms as moderate as any Hotel in ths City. - WM. O.THOMPSON. Proprietor LARGE stock or Rcady-mada Clothing for sale by . BARLEY ft CO: ST filial ' Vtergar I Utter ara not a vi!e Fancy Drink, nude ulfoor Rum, U'hinkey, Proof Spirits and Kefuc Liquors d:treJ, spiced, and sweetened to ple.lK4Jie UHC, fcilCU I nn-ti, .-alipciKCia, ivcaiiwsia, - Ac, that lead lti tippler ou to drunkenness and ruin, but are true iseaic;ne, maae iron tue nauve toon and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. - Tliey are lite Great &ood Purifier and a Life-pving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Iitviguratur of tke System, carrying fJ all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condUion, enriching it, refreskinf and invigorating both mind ami body. They are easy of adiniuKtrati'm, prini!t in their action, certain ia ibeir result, fife and reihb'e in ail farm ot disease. 3fo Pmoa can tke Ihrsc Bltterr rcord ing to direc;ion, and remain long unwell.fOirided their bone are net destroyed br mineral poion or Oliver meaas ait'1 tK .,ul vrau waned beyond the point of repair. llyatpepla tr ImHsr-fitlaM. Headache, Pain in the SliouiJer-, Con-In, Tightness uf llie Chest, Di zinc, S'wr Eimt.i:itaiA ot the Sfmach, Uad Taste in (he Month. Uiuu Ait.ic Palpitation of the Heart, Inibmniatienof tir-3 I .Tim, Pjinin the regions of the Kidney, and a humlteJ tiUicr patntii! sviuptoma, are the, oilsprin-s of Dvtpepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prwve a better guar antee of its merits than a ienthv advertisement. For FVttirtle Coiuptaluts in young or old, Barrier! or single, at the d.iwtt of womanhood, or the turn of lite, these Tonic It. iters display so decided an influence that marked innvuf enrent is soou percep tible. For inst.-immaf ory ami i'lironlo lthrti ntatlsf;! and (I tut. Dy;n?n;.ir Indigestion, liinoui, Remitfcnt anil Ititerniltlcnt Feven, Liseattes of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and I.laddt-r, these HutOT have been airxt siia-'sf.:!- S"h Disease are earned by Vitiated CUwvi, wh ch t )eiierjlly produced by derange ment of lu Digestive Organs. Thr aa-e aCicsklle Pwrsjatlre a well as Tonic possessing ao the pecniiir merit of acttug as a powerful acent in re'ieviii Cstnestion r Inttam matton of the Liver and Visceral Orpins, and in Dllious Diseases. For Skin Disease, Fmptions, Tetter, Sdt Rheum, Blotclies, Spoi Pimples Pustules, Boi is. Car buncles, UiiiR-worms, Staid Head, Sore Kye. Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurf Disculorstmns of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of ever name or nature, are literally dn? up and carried ntit of the system in a short time by the ue of these Hitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the must incredulous of their curat ire effects. Cleanse ttie Vitiated Itloml whenever yon find its nn purities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or S.rts ; cleanse it when yon find it ob structed and stticisli in the reins ; cleanse it wtten it is foul ; your feelings will teil you wlicu. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Orate ful tlaonaaml proclaim VtNirOAit IltT TS the most wonderful lnvij;(jraut that ever sustained the sinking system. Pin Tape, and other Worm, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed. Savs a distinguished physiol ogist: There is scarcely an individual iion the fare of the earth whose Unly is exempt from the presence of wonns. It is not upon, the healthy elements ot the body that worms exit, hut ukjii the dtseased humors and slimy deiMMtts tliat breed these living monsters uf disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthermin itics, will free the srstera from worms like these' Bit ters. .MecKanleal Dlsensee. Prrssms enned in Paints and Mineral, such as Plumbers Tvie-elters. Gold-beaters, and Miners, as thev advince in life, will be subject to paralysis of the UowcTs To cuaid against this uke a dose of VALKfttrs Vinegar Uittuks once or twice a week, as a Preventive. Billons. Itemltteut, ntttl Tittertti It tent Fevers, which are so prer.ileut in the vaiievs of our great rivers throughout the United States, esjtecialiy those of the Mississippi, Owi' Misstmri, Illinois Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas. Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, reari, Alabama, Mobile, Savannali, Roan oke, James, and many others wiih their vast tributa ries, throuiliout our entire cotiutry during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness are invsrub'y accompanied by extensive derangements ( iUc stom ich and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are alwavs mure or less cbstruciiors nf the Iircr, a weakness :ind irritable state of tbe etoni-ich, and geat tonr of the bowels being clogged up wilh vitiated accumulations In their treat ment, a purgatire, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs i essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose ipnl to Dr. ). Wai.ksic's Vinsgar Iittrrs a 'hey wd speedily rewrove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generilty restoring the healthy functions OI the digestive organs. Scrofula, or Klair'n TCvlI, White Swel'iugs Ulcens Erysijielas, SweltCvl Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Iurlamirations Aiercunal Af fections Old Sores Eruptions of the .Skin, Sore Eves, etc., etc. in these, as in all other const itutiunal Dis eases, Wai.kkVs V!Ng. I.ittibs Jiave shown their gTeat curative KivVw'rs in ths most oLjs;Uiaie aud intract able cases. Dr. Walker California Vinegar nil tern act on all these cases in a similar manner. ly purifying the Ulood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the ejects of the in Ham in at ton (the tubercular deposits) the affected paits receive health, and a permanent cure it effected. Tuo properties of Da. Wai kfr's PtTTHRS are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious Laxative, Diuretic. Sedative, Counter-irritant. Sudorific, Aileralive, and Anti-ltilious The Aperient and in Id Laxative properties of Dr. Walker's Vinkcar 1ittpr-v are tlie best safe guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic heat in-, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces- '1 heir Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels either from inn animation, wind, co'ic, cramps etc Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout tlie system. Their D.ureuc properties act on tlte Kid neys correcting and rezulatin; the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through lite biliary ducts and are superior to all remedial agents for tlie cure uf Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc Fortify the body against illaeane hr pnri fytng all its fluids with Vinegar 1 Sitters No epi demic can take hold of a system thus fiirearmcd. The liver, tlie stomach, the bowels the kdneys and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invig orant. Directions. Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wme-glasfulL Eat good nourishing food, such as beefsteak, mutton chop, venison, roast beet, and vegetables and take out-door exrrcise. They are composed oi purely veget able ingredients and contain no spirit. J WALKER, Prop'r. R.1L MclX)! AI.DA.Ct., Druggists and Gen. Agts San rranciaco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. FOUTZ'S CELEI1KATED Horse anil Callle Paste. I This preparation, long and favorably known, will thoroutrhlv re-invieorate broken down and loar-spiiited horses, by strength ming and cleansing the stomach and intestines. It is a sure preventive of all diense incident to this animal, sueh as LI'G WATER, HKAVES, COUGHS, MS TEMPER, FEVERS, FOUSDKR, LOSS OF APPETITR AND VITAL EN'ERGY, tec. Its use improves the wind, irjcreaies the ajipetite gives s smooth and glossy skin and transftjrnu the miserable skeleton IntoafiM-looking and spirited horse. To i-.epers of Cow? this prepara tion is invaluable. It is a sure pre- venuve agatnsr. Kinuercst. tlollow Horn, etc. It has been proven by i actual experiment to increase tli 'quantity of milk and cream ttfeftty I'ct itiiv. siiiu uuiavc in; nuiirr Tim and sweet. In fatten in cattle, it give them an appetite, loosens their bide, and makes them thrive much luster. la atl diseases of Swine, snch as Coughs, fleers a mne j.udk;s, i.irer, sc.iins article acts as a specific. By putting from one- lialf a paper to a paper tn a barrel of 1 awiii uieaDoveatseases will he eradi cated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. DAFID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE, Mcl. For sate by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout Us United States. Canada and Sorth America B. F. KEPXEIt ft SON. Agents, Mifflin town, Pa. aug23-ly New Tin and Store Establishment, Ptrrysvillf, Juniata County, Pa THE undersigned has opened out a new Tin and Stove Establishment in the room on Railroad Street, next door to the Tusca rora Hotel, where he would be pleased to see all who are in want of Tinware, Stoves, Ac. He will also give prompt attention to all or ders for Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing, all of which he guarantees to put up with the best of material and in a workman-like man. ner. Having had over ten years experience in the business he flatters himself that he can give enure satisfaction to tbe public. He keeps oa hand tbe celebrated Nimrod Cook Stove, which is the best baker, most econcmical and heaviest plated stove now in use. He will keep on hand the Oriental Heateis. and a general assortment f ih ht Stoves manufactured. . JOHN DUNBAR. . IF YOU WANT NEAT SALEBIIsLS, POSTERS & BLANKS, CALL AT TUE SENTINEL OFFICE sum RADVAY'S BEADY RELIEF CCRES THS WORST PAISS- In from On to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR aflat II iidmrtntn advert istfnent need sjry on KADWAT8 READY BELIEF 13 A CCItE FOB V EVERY I'AIJC. 1 ItwastheSrstsndts - Tlie Only in Hemedy that usually stops UM most acmclaUDg psias. allsvs lnSunmstions. and cures Congestkiiut, whether of the - LuutB, Stomach, Ucwela," Urtr glands or organs, by : ""iSP?5Sji OX TO TWEJTTT uixma. ' no matter bow Ttdent or xenietatloir tbe pain Die ' KHKL'MATIO, Betl-iidlen. Inllnn, Crippfed, Atrrwu, Xieuralxic, w pruetrated Uh disease tnay miffet. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF ' WILL AFFORD INSTANT HsaVE. ntFUtllJIATtON OF THE KIDNEYS. IKKLASIMATION OF TRK BLADDER. IXFLAJIilATlOS OF THK llOWELK. CroNOESTlOIC OF THK LCXCS. cobs TnitOAT,Ai.m,rLT bkeath.n hysterics, GRour. iSSfiancazA. HEADACHE, TOO ACH TtnEUMATISSf. COLT CHILLS, AOUK OH1U-. The anplicxtlon of the Beady Belief tothe lrt or parts where Uis sola or UUBcuHy exlsU wUl aOunl easo and er.tufort. . . . . , , Twentv drops In half a tumbler of wMrt will In a few nomt.'cSre'cRASlPS, l-PAS MS. g 'Vlt STO JI Aril. HEARTBURN. SICK HEAI'ACHE, DIARRHEA, ysntei;t. colic, wind is f he bowels. and all INTERNAL PAINS. Trarelers should alwars carrv a bottle of B4wayfc Keady Rrtlrf with them. A fvw dn In water w LI prvTeal iutna or pains from change uf watrr. It is better than French Brandy or ltittcra as a stimulant. FETTER A AGUE. FEVCK AND AGUE cured for D It y cents. There H not a renieilnil agent la this world Umt will cure Fever aid Ague, and all other slalarums. Hit ions. Scarlet, Ty t hoid. Yellow, and other Fevers (aided bvRAKWAYS PILLS) o quick as RADWAY'S HEADY KELLU'. i'injr ccnU per botilo. tiulu kr Druabta. HEALTH llEWTY I! STRONO AND rfRR RICH HLOoD IXCBE.'.SB OK FLESH AND WEl'illT-rl EAR SKIN AND HEAL Ilfl'L COill'LEX lO' SEC lJ:LL TO ALL. rH DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADR TUB MOST ASTOXISIIIXQ crRF : 8 QriflC, SO liAl'in ARK TIIK !! ANGK.i THE rlV i Xl'Kl.iioKS I'M'Ki: THK 1 Vl i;EN K tiK TU1S 'iULXV V.U.NLUbi'LL Mirbn nun rAn. MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Incronsa in Flesh and Weight -3 Seun &nd Felr. THE GREAT BLOOD PUR.FIER. Every drop of tbe fcAI.SAt'AlILLlAN RESiLV TST cemnmnlealv tlir..u;ti the IH-hkI. bwtriX, I'riif, and other fluitia and uf tlie avatvin tlie ijeir cf l.f. for It repairs tlie watt-9f llie bottr with m- sint .iu J material. Scrofula, ivi.liili. ronnuii'ptiuii. dUeaM, tHcersin the Thirrar, Mi'UtJi. luri.wr. Nt ilt i: t -e (iLAiitls ftr.d otiier ;ns ( tin- V!rtfni, sVru Eyes. 6truniou Iischar-e -fim Die, fcj.d tike w.rt forms nf t?klii d!!tan;., Ktuptions. Kt-wr IS-'iM, S-.aiJ I lead, Kir-jE Wunii, bitJt Iftieum, Erjipi. Aerie, BUtlc FtMia, Worms in the Kesb, Tumors, Ct eers In :lr9 Votrib, and all weaker. In aul i:tiiul disxjliiarict'!, Nijfiit Sfreata, Loss of S)Krrni. and .ill waMcs if the life princr ple, kre witlitn tlie enrative ranjfti of tl.i. womU-r cT ern C'ltemiitn-, ami a few ilais' uye viil prove to anr pernon u.-ti 'it for either tf Uicse furntS if liteiraji its Miont po.Wr to cure them. If the patient, jr be-nmlnz rcTncetl hr tlie wnstfs . d tU'cmiK!itioii h eoiitinuaily I nirrc-isinr, liic cwlslti arrtine: thece wati, unii rvjtrrtie mtitt? llh fiARSAPAI.IIsLI AN will and d.-es an tire. Xnt only does the SAte.ArAaii.MAM F pmi.te!st eT-l all known rented L afiits It Hm; cuic cf t.'lirttnie, ftcn.fu-" Itnn, ;onr.itT!toil, oiidkiu CLsces; butUU tUe positive cure fur T'rinarf, and Womb dl-eaf-., firart-l. Iilnrlts, Drorny, Stopiuufe "f V"uU-r, Inciiti.'eitts; of lirltit'a) iJi-- c-ie, Albuminurta, tutil in 'l wbrre t litre rr hrielr dtist depfslt, or the water i thick, ch-'niv. n irnl Buttawce Ukc tlie whin' uf an irv, .r t .maris hmt white win. or there inn tmtrl'vl, drk. t.t!i'it z earaiiee, and while bu:ie-dut dt,'iH:s and whtn U.-vre n a prWhiZo hum in sensation vie i parstit w.-vfar. nd iin lu ti. Ijmail of t tie B:t andiJu taw Lu:u-. I'iicv, Ci-oo. WORMS. T or.lf kaa-a sni mirz Kcmcdr for hortnsJ'ui 2upt, t.c. Tnmop cf 12 'Year Grorl!i Cured by ISadivti) ReoI enu T). RatvwaT : T fcavt h& naruo Tuntor la thsv-ris mi-4 lV.vS.Ia. Ail lb a Ifr-dors :4 there m :m h.!p I. r it." 1 bk4 wrj thlntc tht was r finuintt.-J ; tut b. tbitijf lkrtiMl dm. I auw yjor KsM.tvnt. Mid rlhxiirh. I wful try itVA lata haI ma tail a in it, b-K-ui I had !Tr-J l r twvrt vrari. 1 tw-k aii fcuUU. cflhe Htmlvmnt. nJ rs S-xcf KaJ-'i) 'i two Ut. lira of R-.1 7 K-lipf ; mnl lli-r iintitiptl lutni-r tn t Mam or frit, mn.l I f- tetter, -.rtcr, t J tup irr 1 1, ma I karaj fartwr-lr ynn. Tti ft tartut 1 in lh.- Irt iif tim isuwajla, nvsjT iU I -riu thi ! ja Ut Uta LmXt l ciiMn. on caa r jtlLth ii . tu vLfw. HANNAH T. K.HATP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT rOHSATuS FILLS, peTTTeirr d-teiei", cc::t!T cor.tea f:tti eireet pn pur. 1.. cunt. aw ftrcusithrn. Jin Wav e Pill, for the iii.-u f a! iie tii.Uif a!! Jtr,.f r (. ti.e t..nlafl. Kidneys, !i y. rr, Cerrtu DiaettM-ii, Liver. Buwcta. Hmilaclie. .int:a.iluii. t 'i.. -u rinlintii.ii lH-aipe tii, B lioti T'.TIotn IVti!, Inftminkin tlie Dow. -U, ri'.cso-J II Vm-gr v.etffrli" frterr Tla e'ra. Wamihtid to ftTi-i-t a .iit e t-rr. i:-mv llf, rftitninl .g no tin n-nrv. In it r .;, r'MdiTiii'if'rarj. Ot-trrrf 11. f'.i.ow'i t 11 j-U'Oia rtsu:t:;. frual DiAurdent of the Li'.tive tj.iu: r5ntt:.:in, TnwaH F:ir.e- , f t!. T' A m ;! FTfd, Acidity of this ?bmib, Ntiuta, Hett. ;m. riaruat of tu4 I ullnou or Wwtht iu ti.e S(-,,... h. Ut.-iu. 5 in knit or " HntlmnS tin Vli -t tl S:.n. rS. Rt liMtiirnsf ot tit H-vl, liurri.i a4 I:r!I-.tIt 3rra:hiri, t Ibtievinfk; tn llawrt. Chi.kma: er SiiffjC'.;oj Tivsiti'i, wtier. in 9 tvint Hiirv. IHriiifi VttUn. Vof .r WeU Wftx the tvir'n. Kfp mix! DnJl Pmrt ta tS Il-tut. Irk-iTir'r of reTM irli.-:i, Yt :!-wt:-js H tl.s Jlia ml Em, pAin !n I'i 'id-, Cteal, LiaiU, aoI kuIUlS FNi.tisa ut Jl-at. Rarniu" b tb F A frw a ..f KAfWATS TTT T.S w!f r t!ie t Utii fit.aa!l ll.e ti'Ai-i'arr-r.l tii-f.r.lrw. Iru;i'. cunts .err.ox. ,S."!.1 r.Y TR( ;l I . RFAD "V I.ME A.I TKCt." ind on 1fT Iftinp 10 R A !V," A Y A CO.. No. K; Mi'u',. -i Ij-ie. Xe iort. li.fon:ili"n wurth IhoiiavUiJs w4.l U; j;;C ywu. illIE ISGRELM.CXT3 THAT COMPOSS KOSAPVIIS r i p iMiI pii rn evpr- pit t' T-r-! Hire it is ft' a scicl i t ti u wn, couscqtiei.tlj P2TSK i .is i rr.n czwz it ! t is a c-rtain c:ire for Scmfiila, rphili.. in ail lis t'rtus. RhcMnia- tism, Skin I.isi-aje, Livrr Com- lUh t and all !.seiscs of I e L'lood. a ill do mo.erooJ f an ten bottles ul t-rujs f r-irs:pnlix th; UNDi.istc.NiiJ rrfvs:c:Ar.s liave ne(f r.usnckt.s in t!ieir practice for tlie fist t!ine vrarssnd'.y etic'oisa it t.i reliable Alterllvo a:td Llooi i'urifier. DR. T. C. PIT, n, of Paltinirra. T)a.T. J. r.tjVKix. !lil. It. V.'.CAKH. " ;rt.K.O.PASKI.I.V, . Dlt. 1. S. Si'ARKU, cf KichiiiTrffle, Da. Z'l. stcC.vr.T::A,, s. c-. DR. A. B. XOrLr.P, E.lsecoaib, N. C. USED AI:DLT.Z0L2Z3 EI J. B. ritCVCH 0NSj Fall P.iv.r, T. W. SMlTir,Ji.-kn, Mirh. A. F. WMKKLr.H.I.iBa, Ohio. B. IIAI.I., I.inis th:o. CBAVHN & I 0..l...nlAnsvr.le, Va. SA.M'L. ;. Kcl .VLLI-:;, Xoi'.ko Loro, Tci.a. Our spire iri'.l rt al'.nir r f anr ex . tenile.1 re::i.-.iks in rr'allm to tli virtueaof KrHL.laua- T;.tl;c M. iical Profess. on e i. r.'rc a Fluid tx- trartsijeriirto a:.y t.'itv cvtr used in t:.e trr.-mr:;t tf .-c..-;ed niooil : arid to tt.e alS rie.1 a. .v t: v ItosaUali., and you will I rejtjrei to bealtiu Rosadalis is sr.1.1 tir all Dror-i uts price 81 -SO per butlle. Address Xanvfccturing Chcmuti, BALTiHoaz, iln. Terror! Murder!! Death!!! RATS -wei,'J3Ki-"i.u' RATS RATS FaTmcrsZurV2r Grai:u RATS DATC! . ... y' ' main lium A Kemarkble Preparation, fiAiO which draw Rats, (as by magic) Irom iheir bo'.es ami biding places. They eat ravenously and all die to a dcarf certainty in tbe open air. Safe to use. Called HUltT'S New Improved Vermin Exterminator. Vtti witb Woiuleiful success at the Ciistijistal and other large Hotels and Public Institu tions in Philadelphia and New York city ; Bolton House, Hirrishurg; Union Depot Hotel, Pittsburg; Herdict House, Wil liamsport. Pa ; is, iu lact, tbe only aitiele that will rid you of these peals. Cut this advertisement out and take 10 jour llrog gist or Merchant. If he is Lot supplied, be can get it for you -of any wholesale Druggist. Be Bure an.d get only that sign ed E. BL'RT, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa , on each jar. Take no other. 1'5 ceuis a jar : five jars for $1. f 1 wort a-iJ usually Jo a thorough teork. Ts Serchanti. Burl's New Improved will never harden or change by age. Al ways in nice condition. Lots on hand o. former make will be exchanged, if desired. Principal Depots. C02 Arch St., N E. cor ner Tenth and Chestnut si . and S. W. cor. Eight and Race sis.. Philadelaohia. Sold by all Wholesale Druggists. Direct all letters to E. BURT, Manufacturer of Rat fcxterminator. West Philadeldhia, Pa. Jan 10-Om PLAIN and Fancy Job Printing neatly exe cuted at this Office. RflSADALIS o A Ayefs Cherry Pectoral, tor Diaeaan of tho Throat and Imim anch aa Oouajha, Colda, Whoopiug Cough. Urooclutia, Ahm and Camsumptioiu 1 Probabir never snore u ine waoia nistorv 01 medicine, has anything won so widely and so deep), upon tbe eonridenee of mankind, as this excellent '"remedy tor pulmonary complaints. Tbrougn a lone series of years, aal anion inoet of the races o? mea it baa risen higher ami higher in their eatima bon, aa it haa become better kuuwi. lu nniiorm : character and power to en re the various affecuoaa ' of the lungs and throat, have made it known aa a . ' liable protector against them. W'htia adapted to milder forms of disease and to yoaas; children, it i at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for incipient consumption, and the dan! gerous affections of the throat and In iijrs. As a pro vision against sudilen attar ka of C'rotip, it shuld be kept ou band in every faniilr. and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and cough all Should be provided tvtlh this antklotc for tltcm. Although settled Cmartui la tnoai't to. curable, still great numbers or caes where the dis ease seemed settletl, have been eompletelv enred. and the patient restored to sonad health by tha Cherry 'ertral. So complete is its mastcrr ever the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, tliat the most obstinate of them yield to it. When noth ing else could reach tliem, under the Cherrn Ps. Ions! they subside and disappear. Singm and fubiic Speaker find great nro. teetioo rrom it. r AMthwm la always relieved and often wboDr t cured by it. ' BnmtHWtm m generally eurea ny taking tha Cherry feetorat iu small snd frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certiueates of them here, or do mora than assure tbe public that Us qualities are fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Perer and Agne. Intermittent Fever Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Ac., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or imaamatia poisons. As Its name implies, h does Cure, and does not fid. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous stibstanrsr whatever, it in nowise injures any patient. The number and importance of its cur?s iu the ngnedls trlets, are litcrallv beyond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Agne medicine. Our pride is gratifled by the arkno rleilirnients we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had whollr faileiL Unacclimated persons, either reilent' m, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be pro- v& leu T tiu.111 UMJ '1 t J- w, , n r, .uilir For IAeer Cmmviaintm. arising from torrtiditv of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver healthv activirv. For Bilious Disorders anil Livec Complaints, jj is an excellent remedv, proilueing manv tnilv re markable cures, where other mcdicuv had foiled. I"reparel bv IK. J. C. Avkr A Co., Prarticsl and Analytical Itiemists, Lowell, Mass and sold all round tbe woiiL PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE. USE THE BEST. HALL'S ' .-OT.V. JJT V A -i a. Nino ycara before the public,, anil no preparation for the liair hag . ever been produced eqanl to Hair 44 Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rencwer,'' ami every honest dealer will say it gives t!ie b-'st satisfaction. It re stores G liAY II Alii to its original color, eralicatintr atitl preventing dandruff, firing Q ALDNE.SS ami promotir'j th" rronth of tho hair. The gray a; 1 br.tshy hair by a few r.pplieatio'u ii change-l to black anl ellky locks an l waywanl hair will a-ii'. ne aiiy shjm th? "arearcr desires. Is the eh?:-.j.?st IIAIli DKESS INj int;i.M-o:-I.l,nn-lit effects last longer, a it excites the glands to fun;i.sli the n'.itntive principle fo necessary to tho lifj of the hair. It give. the t': it splendid nppear ance so m-oh r.i'i.iireil by aU. By its tonio an I sliniul.iting properties it ''prevents tho hair from fulling out, and nons need be without Nature's ornaineat, a goo 1 hesd of hair. It ia the first rp'd perfected remedy ever discovered for curing diseases of the hair, and it has never been equalled, and we assure the thousands who have used it, it is kept up to its original high standard. Our Trenthvs ca tho Hair lu-ii'ed free; send for it. SJtl tj al Di urrs ctzl Dcallrt us i!i cmsa frlca Oa.3 Dollar Ter Uotila. R. P. HALL L CO., Proprietors. 1A20AT0ET, S. S. NORTHERN GBNTHAL RAILWAY. WINTER TIME TABLE. I lironch nn.t llirret K-.ute to Washing ton, llnttiniurr, Mlmira, Kiir, llull'iilo, Ki. chiller and -Nlnjari Falls. ON AND AFTKR MONDAV. NOV. SCth. I T-7 1 . the tmitiv i n tlie Xorlheru l Ltral t.a hvnv will run as follow : N0!MIIVAK1. M.iil Tkaix kaves r.aliiioore le-ireA liiirrishurj.,.., leaves Vi'illiam.jiort.. arrives al I'.tmirit HrriAt.o T. I!-, V' . leaves !!arrii-t.iirg... leaves Wi liim-foil . .. a tn .- 1: I'i p ro . :") p m 1 ' : 4 - p m .. 7:o5 nt ..10; 10 p m .- 2:!.'t a m lerves Mniira .. t:lh a ni f:l" a m nrrivta al I'.r.siul ichs r .tsT Live Ieve. Iml.inmre 12:1') p m lenv?s HarrisSurg 4:1 I p ni arrive, nt WiHiamsport P:I5 p m WasT'aa Ex leaves Halih.iure 10:00 p m arrives at liarrif bnrg...rJ:-"0 a m Emr. Mail north leaves Il.irrUb'g 10: i'i p m arr. al Sunbury- 12:50 a m S0LT1IWAKD. Mail Tttiis leaves K'mira 5:50 am Iri-ves Willinmspnrt 0:liaui leaves Harrishtirg 2:'oprn arrives al Unit i more 6:-r0 p in l!t tfalo Ex leaves Cannndnigua 6:55 p m leaves Elinira 9:40 p m lesivcs Vl iliiamsport. 12:15 a m leaves llnrrisburg 4:l'5 a n arrives at Uattimore 7:20 a ni Cixctx i Ex. leaves llarrisburg 10: V)p m arrive, at Rultiniore 2:20 a ni Fan Exra s leaves Willinmsport...- 9:25 a m leaves Sun! ury 10:21 a m arrives at II:irri.shurg...ll:20 a m arrives at Baltimore 3:00 p m Ebii MAiLeoulb leaves Williamsp't 10:00pm leaves Sunhury 12:30 a m arrives at llarrisburg... 2:30 a m Pacific Ex. south leaves Hnrrisb'g 11:45 a m arriviss a: Baltimore 3:00 p m Balt. Acc. south leaves llarrisburg 8:'0 a m arrives at Baltimore. 12:00 m Mail Train north and south. Fast Line north, Pacific Express south, Erie Express south, and Baltimore Accommodation south daily except Sunday. Buffalo Express north and south daily. Western Express north dairy. ' For further information apply at the Ticket Office in the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. - " ALFRED K. FISKE. General Superintended. piOAL, Lumber, Fish, Salt, and all kinda v of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oax j Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds of Grain and I Seeds bought at the highest market prices in ! cash or exchanged for merchandise, coal, j lumber, &c, to suit customers. 1 am pre i pared to furnish to builders bills of lumbar just as wanted and on short notice, of ei'her : oak or yellow pine lumber, j NOAH HERTZLER. Jan I Port Royal. Juniata Co., Fa- 1 .n j A Large assortment of Queensware, China ware. Glassware, Crockery wait. Cedar ware, &C, for sale cheap by TILTEN 4 ESPENSCHADE'S.