rU-tfr;iiiiSlJMI tjitimitl i!:i...v'.;Li..-,iTO'i.-.;m.iniAT.Mi.i.u..fnm-.iwuuui FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. WHAT A HEAVI SOD WILL DO. The od makes the corn. This may be taken flu an axiom, as undoubted as that a straight line it the shorest distance be tween two point. If the eod i right the corn cau take care of itself. What iii wanted is a mass of roots, filling the soil to the d-jili of three, four, or five inches or oior?, and such a mat of vege tation on the surface as will inevitably belong t'i such a macs of roots. Now, wliai ruth nu amnunt of vc. table mat tei. i.:iljr decomjio.-'fd, and nUL-h as coru l- vi-" to feed upon, would measure, can very'y be estimated. It would cer tainly be wiiliiu bounds to fay that there wculd be on every sijuaro rod of ground 90 cubic feet of matter equal ia f rtiliz iug power to average barn yard manure. This is orvr tim e -quarters of a cord per square rod ; and 1G0 rods going to m:ke up nu acre, there would be over 120 ords of manure t i the acre. This amiuut of barn j a rd manure would seem jeifcctly bcwil.lerirg to a faiinT, and would be i ey ord l lie power of ninny tc Laid out and fj-rcd. And l.ert it U, cn the fpot, iu the tuo.-t fili-ct hhape poetibie to le utilized. Dries it then need any fur ther argument to show clearly that a Leavy sod i the be.-t, cheapest, and most easily haudled raanure a f;;naer cau pro cure or invent? The vexed question of ulie.her cue should plow deep or shallow for com, here gets a satisfactory and sim- j ly With such a so.i or any sod. ' ' ' J ' enmysay.on mu,tpSw su!nciently iiirp to g.t en..n. h eojl on the t-.p te allow the harrow to woik and make a t-eed bt 1. No ii. ore, no lei's. If our oil i Midi a one as wc lately saw cut j fiom a pa-lure on a farm iu Eastern j l'eiiiisjlvaiiia, the plow must necessarily i go seven or eight inches beneath the sur face befuie enough soil can be obtained win rcwi;h to mnko a seed bed. The nven-ge crop on this farm ii over 100 bushels of shelled corn per acre And the secret, if there is any, is in this sod. Vli v should it be doubted ? It is a siai ) le example in proportion ; as sod is to Fod, so is corn 1 1 corn. And by this we may learu what a heavy sod will do. jigricn'tmi t. J'LAMIXU POTATOES. Dr. Ilexamer, of N. 1'., gives a result if au z eriuicnt of planting potatoes in seventeen dilTereut ways, and found the best reriilts were given from one large potato, whole, iu each hill ; the next best ti-om two large half potatoes, cut length wise ; next from medium sized potatoe planted whole ; the i-malhst from small balf pituoes. A medium potatoe he plants whole ; huge ones cut in half and the largest i:i four pieces, each length wise, always taking care to select Irs best and soundest potatoes for Beed. J. T. Warder, of Ohio, in an experi ment with Harrisons, found that large seed cut in halves give the most saleable potatoes. lie says : ' This experiment, in connection with one made last year, induce me to cut good sized potatoes for seed iu preference to planting them whole ; and in years of scarcity to use email potatoes with care not to plant them too closely together.'' I'sc of Sulphur Iu Nests The powdered sulphur sold by drug gists is a cheap preventive of parasites upon young chickens. After a hen Las been setting till well established, spriii kle'a small handful upon her eggs when i-he is off, and upon every part of the iio.-t and for a little distance all around it. Then when she goes on disturb her just eiiTij'i t ) rai!t3 her bristle h?r fjatlur.?, and then dust another "handful down to the skin npou her bead, neck and every part'of the body not in contact with the nest, and do not omit to put a pinch un dersell wing. Tbfu when the chick ens are hatched there will be no ver miu whatever to leave the hen and gather upon the young, as is frequent 1 ly the case when no precautions are token One thorough application such as we have described will suffice Ai Hume. rcl News for Sitoi-tsineu. An exchange says : If the New York correspondent of tha Boston Journal can be ielied upon there will be fast time made at Long Ilrancb this season. The correspondent writes : The fastest horse in the world, so it is f iii'l, is the English horse Sterliug. Pri vate letters have been received here an nouncing that the famous horse will be shipped for America, and be entered for the Monmouth Cup at Long Branch this season. His competitor will bo Mr Harper's Longfellow. Mr. Harper re solved that bis fatuous horse should never again run for niouey ; but be has con seuted to have him entered for the cup The heat, two miles and and a half, is regarded as especialily favorable to Long ftllow. Horsemen believe that with dis tance he can beat the world Colonel Tom Scott has agreed to run an express train from Mr. Harper's stables in Kentucky to Long Branch without change of cars. An decant box stall is to be fitted tiul w ; ill all the modern improvements, aud the famous horse will be attended by his old master, who hopes for better luck than when last Longfellow was North. Hou-iiaik is recommended by one of our contemporaries for hens' nesU. Nest made of hog hair are never infest ed with lice. Hen-lice in hog's-hair won't stay. These nesta we etlect for batching our chickens. We have bad other neeta so infested with lice that tbe LMis abundoticd them. E.r. ocal burrUsimtnts. New Store and New Goods. GROCERIES, PBOVISIONS, &C. llain Street, lEiBintown. HAVING opened out a GROCERY AND PROVISION STOKE in the old stand on Main Street, Mifiliutown, I would respect fully auk the attention of Ibe public to the following articles, which I will keep on hand at all tihies : SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES, RICE, PISH, SALT, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, Sec, Tolmceo, Cifja l-s-i, GLASSWARE, lloui-, Feed, Acc. All of which will be sold cheap for Cai-h or Country Produce. Give me a call and hear iny prices. J. IV. KIRK. Mifflintown, Afay 2, 1871. The Place for Good (Jfape-vines IS AT III Juniata ihllq Diiuprh, AXO GnirE-VlXE MRSEKT. 'TIIE undersigned would respectfully in i. form tho public thai he has started a Grape-vine Nursery about one mile northeast of Millliutown, where he has been testing a j larje number of the different varieties of ! ur:jes - ." j "cvtn years, he in now prepared to furnish :vlNES T,JK U3AI)TXG , VARIETIES, AXD Of THE MOST PROMISING j KIXDS, AT q J 'J J Jtj , hy tbo sin?,e Tin(,, dIcni hunJrci or thou- sand. A 11 persons wishing good and thrifty Tines will uo wen id can &nu see lur meui selvef. Ji-Good and responsible Agents wanted. Address, JOSAS OBERIIOLTZER. Millliutown, J lunula Co., ('a. S. B. LOUDON, 3IKHCIIA3VT TAIIOK, WOULD respectfully inform i lie public that be has removed his Tailoring Es tablishment to a room in Major Kevin's new building, on the Parker lot, on Bridge street, .Miilliutown, aul has opened out a LARGER AND FINER ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS, CASSIMhRES, Thnn ever was before bought to this town which he is prepared to make to order in the LATES1 AXU HOST IMPROVED STYLE, And in a manner that wi'l defy all competi tion. He also manufactures to order, all sorts of CUSTOM WORK On reasonable By strict attention to business. lie hopes to receive a liberal share of public patron age Give hiin a call and inspect his styles of cutting aud workmanship before going elsewhere. NEW DRUG STORE. BANKS & HAMLIN, Main Street, MijjltntoKi, lt. DEALERS IN Milts 1X0 .HEDitlXES, Chemicals, Dye Stuff, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Coal Oil, Lamps, Burners, Chimneys. Brushes, Infants Itrut-hcs, roapr., H iir Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Perfumery, Combs, Hair Oil, " Tobacco, Cigars, Notions, and Stationary. LARGE VARIETY OF PATENT MEDICINES, selected with great care, and warranted from high authorilv. Purest of WINES AND LIQUORS forMedi cal Purposes. tiff- PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with great care. malG'70- ly Flour! Flour! THE undersigned bogs leave to inform .the public thai he has purchased the GKLST MILL, in .Milford township, recently owned Ay Jacob Lemon, ahd, having remodeled and otherwise improved the same, is now pre pared to accommodate all who may favor him wiih their patronage. Vhrnt Tlowr and Sided Corn Meal al- sale aud Retail. Also, Shorts, Vtenv, Sh'p-stvjf "nil Clcji For Sate. Flour and Feed will be delivered to fami lies if desired. His wgon will visit Mitllin, Patterson and Perrysvilie three times a week. )rdcrs lefi at the Store of John Etka in Mifflin, or at Pennc'lHi Store in Patterson, will be promptly attended to. GRMX OF ALL KISm HO I GUT AT .V A UK El' PRICES. P. II. HAWN. Jan. l$72-3i Boot aud Shoe Shop. rpHE undersigned, fashionable Boot H -I and Shoemaker, hereby respectful- P ly informs the public thai he has locatedl in the borough of Patterson, where he is pre pared to accommodate the most fastidious in LADIKS' AV13A.I, Gents' Fine and Coarse Boots, CHILDREN'S WEAR, u C.,.fC Also, mending done in the neatest manner and upon Ibe shortest notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. tTf Shop located on the east side of Tus carora street, one door south of Maiu street, nearly opposite Laird & Bell's store. J. W. DEAN. March 8, lS71-ly - ' REEDSVILLE MIFFLIN CO., PA. DAVID I. ItIC i:. Proprietor- The undersigned respectfully calls the at tention of the public to the fact that he has leased the hotel property i- Reedsville, for merly occupied by Aaron Shoop. and is pre pared to accommodate strangers and travel. He will spare uo means to make the Hotel unexceptionable in every particular. He will exercise a personal supervision over his Ear, Table and Stable. He respectfully solicits a share of the patronage of tbe public DAVID I. RICE. Rcedsv-llc, April 10, 1871. "SPECIE PRICES! EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN THE PR1CEE OF GOUDS. AT LAIIil) k BELL'S NEW 8TOUE, Patterson, Juniata Co.. Pa. The undersigned beg leave to tate, that they have purchased from J. B. M. Todd, his entire stock of goods, and will in ibe future conduct the mercbantile business at the Old Stand, in the borough of Patter on, Juuiata county, la. where they snail endeavor to keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of LADIKS' dress goods, consist. IN'G OF ALPACAS, POPLINS, PLAIDS, LUSTKUS. lc LAINS. JJKKIXOS, MO II A I US. UIXGHAMS. CAMBRICS, LAWNS, &C. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. JEWELRY, HATS AND CAPS. LOOTS AND SHOES, yUEKXS WARE, CEDARWARE, G LASS W A RE, C ROCKER Y, FISH. SALT, COFFEE, TEAS, SIRUPS. SUGAR. Having just returned from tire city wiili the above enumerated stock of goods, all of which bare been purchased since the great decline in Gold, we feel warranted in saying that we can offer Goods at greatly reduced fig ures for CASU OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. mar23-tf LAIRD & BELL. THE PLACE FOR UAUGAINS 18 AT PEmN ELL'S CHEAP STORE IN PATTERSON, PA. rpilE largest and best assortment to be -L found in Patterson. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received from the public, I would respectfully announce that I have just opened a very large stock of Goods well suitid to the trade. My .stock consists of a full assortment of fine andstaple DRY GOODS, Embracing all the materials for men, women and children's waie, including Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, together wiih a large stock of Muslins, Sheoting0 Llrillinga, Titfkingn, Oil Cloths, Mattings, xc. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as French and English Mcrinoes, Pop lins, Alpacas, lie Laines, plain and figured Shawls, &c. and alsoalnrgstock of Notions, siiih m tlovps. Mills. Ilii4iprv. Kinbrniilprd ColIars an,i CufTs, and a general assortment of Dress Trimnnugs. GROCERIES, Such as Snenrs. Syrups. Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also, a large lot of QucensYtare, j Hardware, Wocd and Willow Ware. Fish l Salt and Naih. Together with a full assort ment of Goo. is usually kept in a country store BV3UHighe3t price paid for country pro dace in exchange for goods. Prices to suit the times Mny 1, 1871. FOUTZ'S CELtUltATKU Bra iii Callls Fowflers. This preparation, lonir Mid favorably known, will thoroughly rc-invigorate 1t itn-ngthcninx and rimming ibe j nrtifccrj down anil Inw-Jinntcd i.urw?. sbumacn aim iuieuncs. Jt is a sure preTentiTe of sll niense incifJ'Tit to this such u Ll'N4i WATER, HEAVES, COWIIS, PH T EM PER, FKVtfCKS, FOU.V If E K , LOSS OK APPETITE AND VITAL EN'KRGY, kc. Iu use improves the wind, increases the appetite frires a smooth and ?Io.v akin and i an morals me mierao.e eiteiww jW. -Jy z Intoanne-lookinRandsptj-itei horse, f V 'j.tiO'wr To k.rjjers of Cows this prepara tion iii invHluxMe. It a tare pre- Iventiveapain.n IiindeqH'ft. Hollow Horn. etc. It has l)een prortn by actual experiint-nt to iiicreaxe the quantity of milk and cream twenty Ir cent, and make the butler firm and street. In fattrninir rattle, it Kives them an apjetiteT loosens thtir hide, and makei them thrive mncb faster. Tn all diasea of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers n ne L.unp, iiver. c.,tnis article acts as a specinc. liy nuttinir from one- will theatnTediitea.4ei( wilt beeradi iSSi cati-d or entirely prevented. If eiven in time, a certain preventive and cure for Uie Hog Cholera. DHID E. FOITZ, Propriftor, BALTIMORE, M d . For sale by tlrufrirlsts ana Storekwnera throughout th L'aiwd Staten, Canadaii and Sot'Ui America, ' B. F. KETNER & SON. Agents. Mifflin town, Pa. aug23-ly Patented Dscekrek 7T:t( i36o. OUR CKLEPK ATKD GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. KefmUt'ffi!d. Ar'-nmofWAtrJ Iy all w! hnri C -li h IVoMfliiL: Will uiFir n lajt,?n Lt t-l P..l B..t i.- m'. I.. SOLD .LV B ' AJKTK. IW tti( t ttimriavnld. 1'raii. t er fc: ier iir.t.l J2 1 X0 Ma! I'tMMt, 1W -t::Ul tu ox?s u O. eent; 11 fc?s l Vtt tne.Te bvz..1. Western Tvhiashisg Co. Manufacturers Ants, FUtsh-.irjh, Pa. 1 !''',?'1t,v:i I:,u ttecti:c ', - - ' T A I I'KVSmiiU hy i iii"o1nrin,.. In wrl- 1 Inir for ltM gvr ywftr Nam. Town. County, nad Mits p'sfniy wnuca, ul ttnicra Ui lutvl wlUl 9fatupi altrnrtitt. :..i(M.;nh .r n inf.,- , : J THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, . . RICHARDSON & CO. ' 126 Mabeit Stbict, Feuad'i , is the largest Manufacturing I'onfecti: lers , ani "iioiesale Dealers i Fru;f, Ma',, So., at i Csiiei ? trw IOR SALE Three set of Cook Stove Pat terns, No. 7, 8, and 9, Flasks and Follow uoaras, all complete, by SILAS S II AMP, Oct 5-lm Idiffliufown. JcrJinuTA SujiTisti $1,50 cer year. 'J fa) . c' w X OF THE ? AGE! 1 gnstntss jOUIS B. ATKINSON, Attorney at Law, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. -Collecting and Conveyancing promptly attended to. Office, second story of Court House, above Prothonotary'a office. JOBERT McMEEN, ATTORNEY AT LA JV, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Office on Bridge street, io the room .'orinerl y occupied by Era D. Parrer. Esq. g B. LOUDEN, MIFFLINTOWN, PA., Offers his services to the citiiens of Juni ata county as Auctioneer and Vendue Crier. Charges, from two to ten dollars. Satisfac tion warranted. nov3-6m. dr. r C. RUXDIO, 1 T7 m I PATTERSON, PENN'A. August 18, 1809-tf. THOMAS A. ELDER, M. I)., MIFFLINTOWN, T. OfSce hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. CUice in Bclford'a buildiug, two doors above iLeSn- tind office. Bridge street. "S lb-t. id. mnMt sa. id., HOiLEOPUATIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Having permanently located in the bcrough of Miiliittown, offers his professional services to ibe citizens of this place and lurrouuuing country. Office on Main street, over BcUler's Drug Store. "? 18 W.Mf LEX. K. McCLUUE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hi SOUTII SIXTH STREET, P1IILA Dt'LPKIA. oct27 If G. W. HcPilERRAN, pontes at Jmf 601 SANSO.M STREET, PHILADELPHIA. aug 18 1803-17 QENTRAL CLAIM AGENCY, JAMES SI. SELLERS, 'l41 SOUTII SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. tffjt, Bounties, Pensions, Back fay, Horse j Claims, State Claims, he., promi.iij" uiiecico. No charge for information, nor when money is not collected. oct-7-tf Dr. S. A. Simpson Treats all forms of disease, and may be con sulted as follows: At bis office in Liverpool Pa., every SATURDAY and MONDAY ap pointments can be made for other days. JfcgyCall on or address DR. R. A. SIMPSON, dec 7 Liverpool, Perry Co., Pa. ATTENTION! ! DAVID WATTS most respectfully announ-! ces to the public that he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS AID STATIONERY j at reduced prices. Hereafter give him a c il! ; at his OLD STAND, MAIN St., MIFFLIN, j Oct 25-1 f Mew JSmg Eiogc IX PERRYSVILLE. TAR. J. J. has established U aDruttand Prescription Store in the! above - named place, and keeps a geueril as isuriuicni Ol VRUGS AXD 3IEDICIXES, Also all other articles usually kept in estab lishments of this kind. Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal pur poses. Cigars, Tobacoo, Stationery, Confec tions (first-class). Notions, etc., eic. JijyThe Doctor gives advice free IS71. rillLADKLPUIA. 1S71. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & DOUHKE, JIASUFACTUBKKS OF Paper Hangings & "Window Shades, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL SALESROOMS, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, ! PHILADELPHIA. j Factory Cor. Twenty-third ana Sansora Sts. Oct. 4-3m ! . G. POSTLHTHWAITI. J. C. M'S AtmitTON j ; " : A. G. POSTLETIIWAITE & CO , I ! General Commission Merchants, j i FOR i i THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY ! PRODUCE. No. IU l South Front Street, narll-tf PHILADELPHIA. J. M. KEPTlEilT BARNES BROTHER&HEREOaN WnOLKSALE DEALEES IS HATS AND CAPS. 503 Market Street, Philadelphia, aug 18. 18fi9-ly. BEST CIGARS IN TOWN AT noltobaugh's Saloon. Two for 5 cents. Also, the Freshest Lager, the Largest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, the Finest Domestic Wines, and, in short, any thing you may wish in the EATING OR DRINKING LINE, at the most reasonable prices. lie has also refitted his BILLIARD HALL, 80 that it will now compare favorably with any Hall in the interior of the State. June 1, 1870-ly IF YOU WANT. NEAT SALEBILLS, POSTERS & BLANKS, CALL AT TTIE SENTINEL OFFICE A FINK assortment of Clotha, Cassimeres Veetincs. &c..i ust reeriil .-a r ' V S. II. LOUDON, ' , i. n imjTTjmT I 1 I I II IH II M I H I i i M 'irr TiuahA l " (Siotaiog. ! pisrrtUsu'cu;. I -irBf . ' Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, nud vfiuctuul for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored io its original co'or with the ghss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its nsc. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Iastcnd of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, aud consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances w hich make some preparations dangerous and iuiurious to the hair, the Vigor can only beiiefo but not harm it. If wauted nwrJly for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can he found so desirable. C'outainiug neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts h i-g ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lu.-.tre aud a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C.Ayer & Co,, PRACTICAL AND ASALITICAL ClIEjUSTS, Lowell,, mass. rsics $i.oo- USE THE BEST. 'A1 Nine jrear3 before the rnWic, and no preparation for the hair lias ever been produced equal to Hall's a Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ilenewcr," anl every honest dealer will say it gives the best satisfaction. It re stores GRAY TTAIH to its original color, eradicating and preventing dandruff, curing BALDNESS and promoting the gro-. th cf the hair. The gray and brashy hair by a few spplie.-itions is changed to black anil si!'-:y locks, nn-.l w.iy ward hair will assume anv shav.s the wearer desires. It it the cheapest HAIR DRESS ING in the world, find its i-ai-ctslast longer, a.i it excites the glands to furnish the nutritive principle fo necessary to the lif3 of the hair. It gives the hair that pplendid rppcar ance so much admired by all. By its touie and stimulating: properties it prevents the hair from falling out, and none need be without Nature's ornament, a good head cf hair. It is the first real perfected remedy ever discovered for curing diseases of the hair, and it has never been equalled, and wc" assure the thousands who have used it, it "is kept tip ta its original high standard. Our Treatise on the Hair mailed free; send lor it. Eij'.tllij aU Di-usj'.sis an-l Dtnlcrs in 'ccines. rrica Cne Dollar Fer Eott'e. R. P. HALL &. CO., Proprietors. LAB0EAT0KT, HA3EUA, V. H. SADAL1S i- i Tus INGRLD1ENT3 THAT ;co.:posr: kosaoau. rm put.llMH.d on every p-n !;n:. I'.r c ;;bre it i pot a sctrtrf p L'p..ri"iiia, cirsivj:;e::t ly i iiin t ..V) i i.L .i i.ui, i; ft is a c'fiaTn cure for Srr-i.filn, :'yihiliiTi r.i its f m-.., K!ir?'.iin.i-ti.-in, Skin l.isr-ases, 1 ixvr diiri Ui::t and all d.caL3 of t!.o u tuod. w. ,.:i.i L. .a. -...-I will do irro 3jr'il t!ia:i ten hollies tit tiij- Svriiiu cf SaranirilKv THZ UNOZnSIGN-0 PHVSiCIANS have mod ul.ilis in theirpractice tbr .lre p'rst llirec years and freely endorse it as a reliable Allcrati'o and Lluod Purihi.-r. DP.. T. C. TUG n. of Baltimore. O't. T. J. BOY K IX. . i it. ;.. w.cahr; " I) It. F. O. PN Kf.LY, U.l. J. S. SPAHK..S, ot Xichehuville, Kv. Dtt. J. L. HcCAHTIIA, Co'.umLU, S. C. DIl. A. B. XOELES, Kilgccomb, N. C. TJ3ED AT.D ESD02SED EI J. B. FRLNCH & O.NS, Fall River, F. V. SMITH, Jn-kson, Slirh. A. F. WHKHkll. Lima, Ohio. D. IfAI.I., I.imi. Oiiio. CRAVtN & CO., t;-nonsvi!le, Va. SA.M-I.. G. IcFADD., Aiurfrecs boro, Tcun. Our rniro will not allnw of any ex tended rcpiaiks in relation to t!;e virtnesot' Ko ;(!a!ii. Toihe Uoiiinl Prolcsion wo fruamnTe a Kluiu Kx trartsnjierirr tn any they have aver ued ia the trra-n'cnt tt' diseased ttlooI; and to ttieaithrted we say try Rosaila! i. and vou wiil he reir l to health. Bosa.ialis is sold hv all Dnii-risr. price 9 per bane. Address ua. cisssra & ca. Jtlanufacturirg Clumutt, CALTiMoas, Sin. New Tin and Stove Establishment, rerrystill,; Juniata County, Pa rpiIF. undersigned has opened out a new -L Tin and Stove Establishment in the room on Railroad Street, next door to the Tusca rora Hotel, where he would be pleased to see all who are in want of Tinware. Stoves. &e. He will also give prompt attention to all os- ders for Kooting. bpouting and Jobbing, all of whioh he guarantees to put up with the best of material and in a workman-like man ner. Having had over ten years experience ia the business he flatters himself that he can give entire satisfaction to tbe public. He keeps on hand tbe celebrated Nitnrod Cook Stove, which is the best baker, most economical and heaviest plated stove now in use. He will keep on hand the Oriental Heateis, and a general assortment of the best Stoves manufactnred. JOHN DUNBAR. R ILL TJLA1N and Fancy Job Printing neatly exe ' I X ented at this 0ffie. IARGEST STOCK of Dress Goods in the J ceuKty atTijlen & "Espenschaile's. V. W. IIARLCY &. CO'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Ncvin's Xew Building, Bridge Street, Mifilintown. This way for Bar- M m. M U WW in Nevin's new building, on bridge street. we are prepared to do a large business, and have jur,t received a HEW ASSOFvTlIEST C? GOODS, consitino or Over Coats Press Coats, Business Coats, Common Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Hats, Boots and Shoes of evsrj description, style and quality, for male or female. BOYS' READF .MADE CLOTKING Also, Carpet White Shirts, Fancy Over Shirts, UnderShirts. Drawers, Hosiery. Gloves, Linen and Paper Colars. Cravats and Ties, Trunks, Um brellas, Travelling Dags &c. Also, the latest styles of Ladies' Cloaks, Cir culars and Furs. Persons in want of anything in onrlincwiV. save money by civinpj us a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell cheap for casa. BQ. Don't forget the corner, P-ridge and Water streets. D. '.v. HAHLEV & CO. May 1. 187:. NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP!: la Kevin's Ezvr SuilJing ca IilllDGE 3TUEET, .MIFI- U.NTO'.V.V ' ? H V. nu lersigncd, late of the firm of Fa. 1. sick & North, wonll rc'pcctfnry an nouncctotho public that he has opened af Doi't end Shoe Shop in Muj:r Nevin's New ! liiiilding. oa liridi;e s'reet, .MliHii town, and , is prepared to manufacture, of the win ina- ; terial, all kinds of ! COOTS, SHOES AND GAITEIIS. POT, j ;kxts', ladies axd childijex j !!c al o liecps ca hand a lare aud wtlt I selecred stock of- lSossl.v-iiuilf Work, ! cf all kinds, lor men. women and children I ALL WORK trim AN Tim. tirve me a call, for I feel cwnMcnt llmt U.IM III I ,',U . u nil v . nu (.1 Will K IIIU . . " - . . ' " ..... v. , nmv ilesire f ji" liepriiiing done neatlv and at reason able ratrs. , j". L. NOKTH. Mn-V"'- 1871- LADIES' FANCY FURS! J O II X F A H E I II A . 718 AllCH Street, Middle ..f il faUoW. be- Iwe.-n n I fill. Sis . S.iuth Side, PHiLADELi iiiA. Importer, Munufactnrer and D.T.Ier in al! kiudj and quality of JaTiey lirS, roi: ladies' a;-i chii.diu-;- WEAlt. Hairing iiJ'pored a very large and spiendid ns-oi lini-iii irf r.t! tlie 1 : fl'e n i kinds of Fur; tiom tirst hands- in Kur.ip and have h.-ui lir-in up by the mom skillful w-rknirn. tv ;ti!d respeei fully mviie tlie readers of tliis piper to call ii n I cxamim- his fprv 1-irge ami I benuiil'ii! :tssiirtiiif.nt.,if Fancv ,.. jr ' u'te and CluUIren. 1 inn determined if sill al . as ; t pnrc-i w.t tiny oilier respccintiie Itnus, ( iu this ci:y. II Fur w.rrant'il. Xu im'-rcj't-csfutjriuu to rjTret atles. JOHN FA nr. IP. A, TIS Arch Street, Piiiin-leiphia. Oct. IS. 1ST!-:; nii. I WALL PAPER Rally to the Place where yen can bay j inrr tl't-11 Pan.- r"..,. I 'THE iindersignrd t-.Ue ihis nieihol of in A forming the public that lie line just re ceived at his residence on Tnird Street, M;l Hiiilown, a lire n-si.rtmeiit of V.VX.T. rAl'KIJ, of various styles, ahich h.- utters fur s.ile : CIIKAPKK than can t,e p-.iicliuscl elsewhere ' in.the eminty. All per.-nns in need ofihej above article, and wishing .o save iimnev. are : invited to cull an I examine his stuck and hrnr his prices belnre K'sintr eNewhere. CrtS-I-arge supply conrlatil ly on hau l. ; MMDS UVSOM. ' Mifflintown. April.',. 1871-if WAGON MXUFACTOKYI IX PATTERSON. ' O AMc-EL II. UOLLMAN r-'sri cifu'lv an I -"ucf s i" iuh purine in ii ue U is reecut- . L 1 . i : . . .'. y uptne.l aidu-in-iker a ftlioj, iu ihe bur. ounh of Piiterson. and is prepare. 1 to in- utacture, in a neat and durable maimer. WAGONS OF ALL HINDS, From a Four-horse Farm ingon to a One - horse Spring-wagon. AH Kinds of Itepairin: wilt Kpccive Str-ct Attcntivn. (iruin ami j.mnlicr T.-ikru in j J-... i e ,i. , I CUaiip,0 IOP Wt l K. i tOz. By careful attention to busines, and; eoperior work, he hopes to j merit ami receive a large share of rublic patronage. I . ,, , , , j feiT CrOOtt Oak Plank Wanted. fXfcV 1, 1871-1 i JUNIATA VALLEY BANK OF M I FFLIXTO WX, TEXX 'A . JOSEPH POMEROV, President. T. VAX IRVIX, Cashioi. litBECTOES. Joseph Pomeroy, ,John J. Patterson, Jerome N. Thompson, Oeorpe Jacobs, John Bnlsbacli. Loan money, receive deposits, pay interest on lime deposits, buy and sell coin and Uni ted States Bonds, cash, coupons and checks. Remit money to any part of the United States and also to England, Scotland, Ireland and Germany. Sell Revenue Stamps. In sums of $200 at 2 per eeut. discount. In sums of $500 at 2 per sent, discount. In suibs of S1000 at 3 per cent, discount. JUmATAdTElT- MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. SIMOX B. ALBIUGIIT, Proprietor. Rooms large and comfortable the Table supplied with the best tbe market affords Stabling large and excellent Bar constantly supplied with the choicest wines and liquors no pains will be spared to please guests. Charges moderate. A liberal share of public patrorage is solicited. mavl7, 71 The "Guyper" Market THE undersigned, having pni(.v S. H. Browa the renowned Market Car, desires to inform his Mitllin, Patterson and vicinity, an,) . lie generally, that he will run ihe larly, leaving MitBrn Station every i. noon mr ma x..3ti;ru mnrKeis aarl i on WEDNESDAY, loaded with FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, APPll 7E&ETAELES OF AIL EDi D3 H y And Everytbine I'sualtv farri., Market Car. j Also, FreLrlit Carriei, at S:; Ei.9s, Ether Waj. Orders from merchants and others EC" Fiompt attention to bujinn, given and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders left at Joseph rennr( Ki Patterson, will receive attention. I O. W. Kir. April 28, 1S71. 3Io!it! 3fvit: rjHE undersigned hereby re.pcct'r--i- forms ihe cit.'zecs of Mifflin; Patterson that his wajon will ripji .' these towns on Tl'ESDA V, THl'R'j,' S ATl'R DA V tnorr.injs of each wj' ' they cm be supplied with !C!ioito IJeof, Veal, Mil ton. curing i he srunmer season, and ak, . :iim SAl'SAtiE in seaon. I rur-, .' nishint; Beef everv Tn'esdav an,! j rooming, aird Veil and Muitfin evrr.-' j day nu.rniii;;. (live m-; your pntivi,,',.' ; wiil gu iniurse to s.-Jl n, ,10, ru..; ' country can produce, an I ns c!i.-,., i j other butcher in tat eminty. ' June 1 1, I ; , t FK ESIi BEEF, VEAL i 1 HE mi dcrstprncd wrnld rcj.fif.,r nilimrp Tn ,IA ntilttn tl.... 1.- i taca-ed the i;,.,rl,.iie Business, a,"" ' W:':'"" will timI Miffinitown :in l : rri'sniv i ti-i....i . :eh w;ien ,;r ejt:;. i of purc!iain? , LXTUV IIKKK. VEAL. MUTTON". ' I..M:;, ..l .t r.. t '"'i' Hiin innri any citier "i-r.j niy asks the i-itiz.-m 10 srive him 1 i 1 iiirin iriHi uc sil?t clienp,. w.. , niff I 1111 U 1 . .' ..,l,..u K. . mi. 1'ii.n niiy oiucr nutc ht in r , . .1. ... .i . - 1 A.pril IS"! if ' ' j -- - ' '-- 7. ! J o i; WORK. run itEAHtns or this pai lu ji: MiTFAII. TO CALL AT Til E SEXTI.NEL Wr ' ' WHEN . they have jo mokkto:;; j U.K AKE T0 ; i k -v 'J I" A L L O 11 1 K ? f Foit SALE KILLS. L'LAXKS, i,-. . AT SttllttT XOTICK, AXD AT .MI CH LOVEU Tl'.K T.'IAX KVEl ii e r. eto fori: offee: TO THE CI I IZK.VS (if J V S I A T A C O 1" S TI i NORTHERN CENTRAL RAfi.Fi' i WINTER TIME TABLE I lirrush am! Direct It out e to VY.i'lui tun. linttiiuore, Klaura, Cur. liuHalo, Kuc hrslf r unit Nuiiarn ri.ll-. F'U! It TKAINS DAILY fnm five to W.-i.liiiijrtou ami Raltiramr ami FOUR TKAINS DAIIA to aud Five from t V- Xnrtli and Vt t Branch Sus Uf hiiniia, aad Xiuth.-rti atid UVstern Pcntisjlva!;:;--Xi iv Voik. IS AND AFTi.rt Mtl.ND.4V. N"V 171. the trains on the N.itl.fm1 T , Railway wiil run as follow Mf'TIItriPn I i J ! ! l"- 1 B lts 'eaves r.allunore t:.' I leaves liiirrisburg lrl leaves Wiliinmsporf Tr " : " I n. rr.,,. zZZJz I leaves Harristuir? W:P '' i Iraves WillUms...Tit ie.lTt;s Ku,:r, ::. a arrives at Canand ignn.. K'- ' Fast Line leaves Rnliiniore lit l-'nves Ilairiribiirrr t l unites at Wi!l;am.prl "''kx -'x leaves Rabimore w- arrives at Harrisbtirp... I'- ' : Krik Mail ninth leaves llan isb , I" '' arr. at Sunbury Iii - SOUTHWARD Mail Tkain leaves Klniira 5.'" leaves Wiiliamsport !:!' leaves llarrisbiirg arrives at Baltimore...- '' nrrr.tL Ex leaves Canandaigna-... 1-aves Elmira - in iiii ,ori . ...- leaves Harrisbcrg - j arrives at Baltimore .... 7-"' Cim-is'i Ex. leaves Harrisburg 1" V: j arrives at Ballimure...- i-' ! EittE E.xrre's leaves Wiiliamsport...- ft-'., j leaves Sunbnry 1,' ; arrives at Harrisbiirg...!! "; j arrives at Bnltimo.-e . " Eei M viL -oaih leaves Williamsp"tll:' A I leaves Sunhury Ji' arrives at Harrisburg... ; ,T I Pac trie Ex. south leaves Harrisb g I-1 arrives at Baltimore-... Balt. Arc. south leaves Harrishur; ' arrives at Baltimore... Mail Train north and south. Tast north. Pacific Express south, Erie south, and Baltimore Accommodation daily except Sunday. Buffalo Express north and south dairj Vtestern Express north daily. For further information apply attli' Office in the I'ennsvlvania Bailrnad D "ALFRED R. lift1 General Superintend JOHNSTOWN FOUNDRY- TnE undersigned, manufacturer of '' son's Improved Plow, calculate1! kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of f'" sold cheaper than any other Plo ... County. He manufactures all kinds ings. Bells, Stoves. &c. He will al? 1 reapers and threshing machines. G'"' cal), or address. J. H. ROGER Walnut r l ang 18 18)0 -tf Juniata O GO to the Jcmata SESTisri. Job Office for all kinds of Plain ami '' Printing. T w VB pro eon at I r.' u1.'