jjjje Jatiiala Sentinel. lSVAX MORNING, MAR. 13. 1872. MVLVASIA RAILROAD. ON AND ift Sunday, .'.. ... . -- - C will Mifflin Station at follow : !e Kxp. (don't stop) 10.05 A. M. rrib'ir Aeciinitnoda'n 11.23 A. 31. iuCionatl express WESTWARD. ...then. Kiprpf. 2.34 A. M. bron-h 1'assenger 4.5.1 A. 31. icifie' Express 5.5G A. M. l"r IVfenser "J.4 a. m. cinuati rxpros Jail Train ,: t . .u ..tLine C.2G 1 . 31. lixed Train S.15 1'. M JAMES SOUTH. Ag'l TO' AM COIMIiY. ... I "..l....fur The co;mnuuic:uiLii num '"'" A, KUN. of t!i-i rat and Rrj- ,T ,, rlicnmatm in the right knee . e I),in .kr.-.ii.-I:.'i puty vase nit vos ,lu; fc i cl!'J:i flli0o'eJ Di-mo-a J i: S'r: JfRKMi.xn Lvu.vs, I-.sq., lias been nl y ' i kited to practice lw ' several ttrtsot Di'ijiliiii flinty. their places of rtsi feicerati Hive pit i lic-r s.'ii. to in. ir fan ' iiiioriuiog ui ol me laci. r .... r .1 e . As txcliange is.iv that a FiOiii liin iii fcUfctU'. pr.-t.-ra sl-ai iiu.-a jj he c-u g' t nearer lli ir Iieait. vVANTK:.-iie i!:-.mi...1 l-l-graph 4 . ' T . . Sirs. r "r ii.lonn.ili-iii c-1,1 al J a mi's jrtli'i ofiii'e :' r.itvrf hi Kimki haifnk'.:, -f J I irri.-l-.:rg. Lo whs charged ui.li llie uiuruer ol h; Life, Niiiiy Miiiil'm-r. has le.-ii found iltv pf mm. lor in llo' tirst d.-gree. .Iami.s .Vi'K'in p uc'i i-i il a corner '.it Main sfiei-t in the borough of i'atter .; :ii J. Ii. M. T...1-!, !a-t Satuiday, for ?u:n of one tleni-a:i l dnllars. os Kkm A S:nre Uoutu ou M-nket .1 t I I L" 1 . M f-eT, in ttitf n ii'iii'-n i.i leii vsvuie In-ssor call on II. I.atiiin r Wilson, 3; Smi. link ii. m ti lliief ciiteied tin; isoii ll'ii;" on M ni iay i vi niiig. 1'ut and lr wi-aiii'ff a;)i.irel fimn the maids of ic house to lie a!,i: -if fi'-M. W.iVtHi Wanted by a eil'zi'a of 1 1 b"piu!i. live i 1 1! ii 1 1 1 dollar, willing f ivc S p.-r reiitum per aimnin. For m '. !! ea.J on or a.;.li--SS tills vlil.te t',,n i i . ti, iircr r'liiit.iiiei i . Nine iunli:l.s p .tile.. Ku-k Ml Se creiiit i li iko alt.ich :i't'ii. CjII at The St.i e Setii-'i- pis-i-d .-.ii aft mi the "li nlt.'.'i r-ijuiie the courts of thi-" puii'v t.i a;:;i.ii:it a'Ulitors to re-audit. d set:!.- ll.c sav tints of the t'.wn-hiji i-.-is of IMiw.ue town-liip, - - lou ."Ml.: A giMul ut'iv four horse inner lliiiij Vir.g.in, and two New 'r,,'g Magnus also some second hand "gms- NoAll HhR-IZLER, tHii'j-2-.v- Port Roval. Pa 1 1I. K w irhirig to ri'.'anv in a profit- I' '"'-iii'-s read kiU ei: isement of M I y.,tt. 114 South Secnd St. I'hila ljiLia. in this issue. I.iht jual to gas t one eighth t!;e cost, kc &c I! W Cwinties .-;.-id Slat, s lor sal.. I'EATII spread its ilark wing over the ii,.,,., , ... , .u..ifr.in congregation o! this place last ik, and tw.k tlierefiom two members I ne one, .Vr. faVer. w:is rnllpd will. arcf-lv a moment' notice, tho ..th.-r !" Cli.-imherlain. if.er a lingering ill 's of 13 w-, ls. - - - - - . - I'cksons requiring tiurgative? or jii!!.-" iouU be careful what they buy. Some - i -snot only cause grip:::- pains, but . ,i , , . .. . : e .lie bowels in a torpid, costive state. 1 'amoKi' PnnjalU-e I'ilh will relieve the w.-ls and i-h-.nir-e the blood without in- rv to the system. I The com ciib of Mr Michael B.ishor, Iwun.iii.-igli timnship, was visited stv- i Id i mlits agt, and a qumtily of corn hn tleretmni. '!,,. tliieves had a ' FSon and Mr Haslior heard them leav- J the Cllh, aild drivf totv.-lr.l Inwn lif ' , , .... Jii.it know, however, lint coru had n etoleu till the next nioniing. VfMERi.AV monnK a deer a buck ra-leitSanm.ara..eBab..t a ,iU .,.l lrt-rlel.,w town. It l,..i m wifbi,. ; m? w thirty yards of a wagon on to j Mi-h 1 eter Hdih finger and AYilson "Wus.m were load ng saw logs and ''' down through what is known in j 'aIk. r towntbip as ,1,P "Swamj,." 1 The M- rcer Dpa'ch says : Wc hear 1 . '"jm thit a man borrowed hi neigh- j ' Pper. and i.i so doing brought the I ' -IW.X illtfl llta t .r.,tt V.,t..y nnt I ' , x '"" tKK-'- y that means, lost all his interest, j uniily, consisting of two lovely the Mr H,v hastily picked it up, put it ? 'ter? three promising sons, and four iinLi8 pockct fiuJ brf)ke for fcig j10ttl s-m.law. ! This should be a warn-1 . a . i,:, ,m ,. -,.l,l S to all persona to subscribe for all pa- ;e(1 t0 pt the mQney ia a BafL.r placc lut whtch they ,vi,l, t0 .i. 1 , whpn he oponcJ tbe I. a .t wok Ilrv II C !' rl fTlT i "ok " dollar was there lie took f ethodist church of this place, solicited j BU' l-ntrihiit-,..,. r o ti . m , 'all j ' 'or M.T. natllel I roup. WHO i T a suffi-rfr .1 c r i -i. fi witwly the fire of the night of i ' mst., and received forty some j home, ' aud forthwith proceeded to carry ' ara in money. Mr. John Ilollobangh out his resolution, aud successfully too, a" alfo engaged in the Fame worthy f"r ue arrived in Bedford on the third ntk. and irceiverl f,.rt ,i..n 'day, having earned his passage partly ' -this fund nf ;i., i n '1 by 'una ot eighty nomc dollars, tin i.f "'liars wu " r 11 illiese pariicuiar irora iir. .1 , uuiireu. - pnen to Mrs. lle.k, who also I ve hertily sympathize with him is his 1 Rum's Doings. Ieaac Long, of Brat ton township, Las for some time had in his employ a man calling himself Wil liard Cook. - Last week Long sent liim with a team of two horses to Maple ton to engage in hauling telegraph poles. The man got drunk and at Mt. Union swopped horses with a man named Shaf fer, giving a young, good horse for a black "old rip." He then proceeded to ward his destination, but somehow lost the Hack horse, and reached Mapleton with one horse only not liaviug even a collar or bridle along, lie then wrote tho facts to Long, and atked hiui to come up. Long went immediately, and succeeded in fiuding the gears of one horse, but the man was not to be found. Cook is a man about 30 years of age. 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, with dark com- j pltfxion, dark hair and eyes, and black moustache and goatee L tc 's'oirn Dem ocrat. A Boy Falls Bexhatii a Loaued Wacox -4"i L'g Crude J. A s-iu of VYiU.im Uichncr, of West lluut tinjrdon, nerd fifteen or sixteen Years, was hauling tics, near Mill Creek, on Friday la.-t, and on reaching a hill he en deavored to draw the rubbers, aud was preeipated "beneath the wagon, and it, with its ponderous load, passed over his left thigh and arm crushing the bones as" if they had been ! many reeds. lie was biouglit up to this place, on the way paswiigiT, the same dav, and on his way up he won the admiration of nil the passengers hy his coolness aii.l c:.lm de meanor. The passengers presented him with a sinai! su n of money as a token of their appn-ciati m i.f hU manliness, lie was taken to the n ridence of his father where his wounds were dressed and the broken and crushed horns set, as best they ciulJ lie. by Dis. Brumbaugh and M'Cariiiy. We have not heard from li iiu since. Hti 't'iigd at Jom n il K.lill.VU MKKllY'i OK THE Jt.MATA ?c'i'i! Tuo.Mrsii.vrowv.Mar.'J, 1S72 Although the day was rather unfavor able, yet nearly all the members were present, ai d s veral new names wire a.lded to the roll. A short time before il'iniier was spent mi loot, in a sabre ex-eiti.-e. In the afternoon the Company niou-.it.-i! n:u spent some time in regular drill It w;-s ilieii unanimously agreed n ui l.i extend nn invitation to all the mil" "-'" c'linnanies of the county to meet i:h u-. at iVrivsville, on tl... last Sa il:. lay in .May. A vote of thanks was given to Mr. Theodore Thompson lor ti e u-e ol Ins held. Jaiie a r.i'm'ier of spectators were p-en-ii'. The Seoul generally appeared pleased ni.h their visit, and before ad jouii.itij. thrie cheers were- g'ven f r Thotnpsoiito n. T!ie next, meeting w ill he at IVny.-vil!e. SattuJay, May 25lU, .1 K 11 -bins iv, Capiain JlAi'i;ii' Iiiiit'.iKs. (). S. Si ihikn 1). atii. l'liilip Weaver, Watt iioih'1 of the enssiug of the renn- i syhani.i ITailroad nt I'atterson Staliou, was fonp.l !iog dead ou the floor in his house, o:i Saturday morning, ihe !);h lost. lis wii j being absent on a visit !. IJ-tiri.i o..r 1,m -,s ii.ir tl.. o- " i j e i house -il'i 111 the eveuii.g he le'urned ; from his wink as v.-ell as ll.-U.il, but not being pent ou duty in the morning, a mail was sent lo bis house to in juiie the cause of his absence. lie found Mr Weaver lying on his left si.le, his right hand grasping a rung ;f the rocking rhiiir on which he evidently had been cit lii.ir lie whs cold and stiff, and seem" ' to have di.-il early the previous evening A coronei's imjuest was held ou the body I l.y the following persons : Caleb Parker, ; . . , i. i ,,1 - - m i, r i i .len - iniih Unghry. Christian Miller, John ; II ii-kenheiger, Z Grissinger, aud J. U Mai ley. A cai ful elimination was made l.y Dr. Ranks. No external in j'iri"S w.-ie found. About a pint of fluid , Htia l.lo. id Iim.1 i-x.i.lfl from tliu moutli The probable cause of death was apo plexy. He bail previously beeu.para- 1 i it . . z'u ""l years ot aie, ami was an nouesi, inuus- - . ... , 111. .lid flf.fl I I.- Iif.ff:l l.l. flll-ri'll 1.1 rf. ...L,.,, . ITai il.ni ,r f,.r int.-r. mut - I A UKIiKOKU Jl.WKLKB OOKS TO .NEW YoRK To Bl V CJnot'S and Losks Twex- v-fiil'tl IltrxiilttD Dol-LARs. Our friend, across the war, A. W. Anderson, Esq . watchmaker and j-iweler, etarted for New York, we k before last for the nurnnun .if la illfr ill n RtOf'lr Cif i.n-olrr. . .x. w--- o J J- , He arrived in the city, engaged a room at the St Charles House and then pro- !crcded to ba,'k to ?ftt a tw0 """'a"1 ,.d"ar rah ca.-hed prepantory to pur- c"'g SA- MtCT Pting the money carefully in his pocket book he got aboard a street car to go back to his hotel. The car was crowded, aud he along with a number of others was com pelled to stand. They had not proceed ed far until two horses and a wairon. on ,. ff. rn ;.. ,,, ,iip ..,: llll0vving tIie aandiug passengers dowu, ,v, M A., fell his pocket book flew ... . ... out ot Iiis pocket, Out in the course ot a moment or two he-found it on tho floor of at "Ce tU recover tl,e raonp.1t' blU to no avail. Alone in a rrreat citv . , . . , , " , with no money and board three and a . ,1P -,.iVPfi , ..j:- fnr the sweat of his brow. We learn . .i.. -v 4 1: e misfortune. Kedjwl lnqutnr. It is a rare thing that physicians give any countenance to a medicine, the man ufacture of which is a secret. An ex change says, the only exception we know of is Johnson' Anodyne Liniment. This, we believe, all endorse, and many of them use it in their practice with great success. Juniata Conference. The Juniata Conference of the Synod of Central Pennsylvania will meet on Tuesday even ing, 19th inst., at 7 o'clock, in the Luth eran Church of this place, and will con tinue two days. Oa Tuesday evening a sermon will be preached, on Wednesday evening Sabbath School exercises will be held, and the rest of the time will be taken up with discussions of questions, business, kc , &c. 1 be public are cor dially invited to attend. i. M. Blackwelder. Notice. The regular monthly meet ing of the Mifflin town and Patterson Loan and Saving Fund Association will be held at the Court House, in Mifllintown, on Tuesday evening, 5Iarch 19, iS72, at 7 o'clock r. m. Two dollars and twenty live cents must be paid on each share of stock subscribed in said Association be fore 7 o'clock p. M. of said evening. Stock bocks arc now open at the Ju niata Valley Bank, iu Mifllintown, where subscriptions will be received by T. Van Irwin, Tiensurer of said Association. The Directors, on the above named evening, will sell what money they may have received from the stockholders. W. Ca.mrkon Laikd Pra't. E. J. N ANGLE, Secy. An Act to incorporate the Tuscarora Valley Ilailroad Company has passed the Legislature, and been signed by the Gov ernor. Joseph I'omeroy, S. T. McCul loch, David Wilson, John Kepner, Noah Hei tzler, John Gilliford, Col. J. K. Rob inson. James North, Caleb Parker, James Kelley, Samuel Wharton, Daniel Conn, E Oles, J. P Sterrett, Samm-I B Craw ford, Thomas Arbnckle, George McCul- loch, John I'atterson (Peru), William I N'eely, A. J. Ferguson, Robert Robison Wilson I. Ciamer, James McKuight. Joseph Penuell, William Bell, W. C. Lird, William W. Wilson, Noah A. Elder, Robert C. Gallaher. John Wright, John Gray bill, John J. Patterson, Geo. .Jacobs and It E. Parker, or any five of (hem, have been appointed commissioners to open books aud receive subscriptions and organize a company Ly tae name, style and title of the Tuscarora, Valley railroad company, with power to con struct a raiiioad from any point on the I'enusylvaiiia railroad iu the county of Juniata, and thence by any other the board of directors may adopt through I'lii-carora Valley to the line of either Huntingdon or Franklin county, with power to connect with an other railroad j w ithin said counties which is now or ni.-iv ' hereafter be bull', and the said railroad company shall be entitled to all the priv ileges i nd be subject to a 1 the provisions and restrictions prescribed by the act l -1 1 repuiaung rauroau companies, approved I'. loioirr 1!). 1S41 nnd flip further nun. I " . I plenu ms memo. i ne enpuai eiucn. ui said company shall consist four thousand " ... . eliares ot litty Hon irs ean. Vp exrect to tmhlish the Act nest ! , i ween. A Sad Cask of IIvdrcphubia About eleven weeks ago, a 3'oung lady named Cox, a daughter of Miles Cox, of Stoddartsville, went out into the yard to kill tome chickens. The dog followed ! her and picking up one of the chickens t ran off with it."- She chased him with a stick, to recover it, and corning up with bun he tinned upon her and bit her in , , '. . , , , the aim, lacerating it fearfully, her mother and brother coming to tho rescue were also badly bitten by the infmiated beast. The wounds healed however, aud nothing more was thought of the matter. The young lady was engaged to be mar ried to a young man living at Gouldsboro named Alfred Kcrrick, and the weddiug was appointed to come off at that place about two weeks ago. On the wedding morning as she was. about to perform her ablutions, the sight of water sent a shiv er through her whole system and fright ened her, and at the breakfast table the coffee had such an effect on her that she spilled it over the table. She then com plained of feeling unwell, and her friends advised her to remain at home, but she said she d!d not want to disappoint Al , and accompanied by a sister proceeded to Gouldsboro, where the wedding cere money was performed, Immediately af ter this she was seized with spasms, bearing all the indications of hydropho bia. In one of her lucid intervals she w arm d the company that she would bite them if they did not keep away from her ; "But" said she to her husband, 'A1., you need not be afraid, I won't bite you.'' In one of her paroxysms she bit a lady who was endeavoring to soothe her. It was the wife of Doc. Hoffman, who drives the stage from Gouldsboro to the Sand cut, on the D L. k W. Iiailroad. Soon after assuring her husband that she would not bite him, she was seized with convulsions, and lying back in hi arms, died. We have seldem been called upon to recqrd so sad a case as this. Kor one moment a happy bride, and then a victim of a horrid death. The other members of the family who were bitten by the dog have not as yet displayed any symptoms of the disease, but they live in hourly dread. Pitslon Gazette of last tvcelc. . Queen Victoria has presested John Brown, who protected her from the as saults of O'Conner, with a gold medal, and granted him a yearly income of one hundred dollars. MIFFLINTOWN & PATTERSON MARKETS PRICES OF BOARD OF COMMERCE. Reported weekly for the Juniata Sertikil by the Board of Commerce of Mifflin and Patterson. Batter y lt: Epg'. V lz Lnrd, tb Countrj Soap Bi-eiirax Tallow Rags Wool, washed Poultry, live Dried Apples Peaches, pared " Peaches, unpared " Cherries " Cherries, pitted - . " Blackberries " Raspberries Country Hams Sides and Shoulders Potatoes, i bus Onions " Ground Alum Salt, f) sack Railroad Ties Locust Posts, mortising " " for board fence.. , ... 22 ,.. 20 ... 8 ... 8 ... 25 ... 8 ... 3 ... 50 ... 8 ... 8 ... 20 ... 15 ". 20 ... 4 - 13 . 12 ... 8 40 75 2 25 " 60 32 15 -SHELLEY A STAMBAUGII'S PRICES CUR REST. Corrected Weekly. Crtstai, Palace. Mifflinlown, 1 March 13, 1872. f Prime Roll Butter, per Ih 25 Eggs, per dozen 25 Lard, per tb 09 Tallow, per lb 08 Dried Apple?, per lb 09 Bacon, Sides smoked, per lb 07 Shoulder, enioked, ' - 06 Hams, " " - 17 D. K. SCI.OUFF S PRICES CURREST. P.cported Weekly. Gbais. White Wheat, bus $1 45 Red Wheat, " 1 40 Corn 50 Oats 42 Cloverseel -. 5 00 Timothy seed 3 50 Coal. Prepared Ccal, "j ton $5 75 Xut " " 4 75 Tea " " 3 25 Bituminous" " 5 00 I.CMBER. Run of Letr, 4 4, 1000 ft $24 00 5-8. " 10 00 8-4, " 25 00 ' 6-4, " 2O!tto4000 Hemlock Frame, " 17 IMItoJOfiO " Boards. ' 18 00to2O0f Whilcpinc worked Flooring. 28 00 German Siding 28 01 Panel Poors 1 75 to 3 00 Window Sash, 8x10, V window 05 " ' 9x12. ' " 10x12, " 80 " 10x1 , " J0 rilll.AUELl'HIA MARKETS, Philadelphia, March. 12, 1872. Flour There is more doing, but prices are unchanged, pales of 1000 barrets, inclu ding Superfine $5 25(25 75 Extras S'i 0o()6 50 N. W. Extra Family $7 S1(a," 75 Ohio A. Ind. do. do S7 50(3,8 00 Penna. do. do ?7 2-"eij 7 75 Fancy Brands $8 adfeO 00 Ooii The tone of the wheat mirkct is fii Di, ami fair demand prevails rrom Die local millers for prime lots Sales of 2i00 bush Penn red at $1 t;:?al 65. and 1800 bush West ern ninber t SI 71. Bye may be quo'ed at SSutK'c for Western and Penn. Corn is quiet but steady. Sales of oitOO bush yellow at )Ul'.4e, and SUUO bush Western mixed at '4.1H5c. Oats are unchanged. Sales of ISoC bush at 55c for white, and 62a53o for mixed. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. Mosdat, Mar. 114 P. M. The catile market was moderately active this week, and prices were firmer. About K.eO head arrived and sold at the Avenue Drove-vanl, at VlaSc for extra Teim and wes tern sieers : a7c for fair to good do. and common at 4 io.ic gt lb gross, as to quality. Cows ond Calves were dull and the tend ( nv nf n..rti Trove in lh !lnvr4 favar t : Sales of springers at Sloaof., and fresh cows $4a5't. Receipts. 200 head. Sheet met a lively inquiry, and full figures were realized. Sales of choice were etlec'ed at a!Uc ; iair to good at 7JaRc 'rUb, and common at One 111. Kecemts. lil'DU neai Hons were in demand at an a.lvance Sales of corn-fed at S7 50a8 gt 100 lbs net Re- ceii ts, 32 13 he-id. CARRIE. LITTLE FIELD BURNT KA6EU On the 5lh inst., at the residence of the bride's pa rents, by the Rot. John L. Guard, Lutheran minister, Mr. M. L. Liltlefield, of MjJSmi- town. Pa., and Miss Mellie E. Cumtrager, of Delphi, In-liana. We beg to add our hope that Mr. Little- neld and his bnde may joyfully lire to cele brate their gulden wedding. DIED. CHAMBERLAIN On the 9th inst., in this borough, Mrs. Sarah A., wife of C. Cham berlain, aged 28 years, 6 mos. and 13 days. GROCERY, PROVISION, AND ' T 1ST OF LEADING ARTICLES & PRICES -a- reported weekly by V. ISA Kl LEY, op posite the Post Office, MirSintown, Pa : Wholesale. Retail. Butter - 22 Egg Lard Cheese, Ohio ' New York Molisses, Porto Kico, "ji gal " New Orleans Sjrup, Honey Bee " Amber " Melted Sugar Sugtr, Granulated A B ' Extra (' Yellow C " Brown Coffee, Rio, Choice " " Fair " " Roasted (Arbuckles) Tea, Imperial, Finest " Oolong. " Ruiaius, Valentia.- " Layers Currants Pruens, French Rice Soap, Rosin " Olive Babbit Salt, Ground Alum " Dairy ... Mackernl, No. 2 (new) bbl Brooms, No. I " No. 2 " No. 3 Tubs, Cedar Ituckcls, Painted, 2 hoops..... .. Slaw Cutters Tin Cups Tin Dish Pans Tin Cullendeis Tin Wash Pans 25 12 10 1C 20 60 1 00 65 80 1 00 17 15 14 13 121 11 30 25 32 1 GO 1 00 20 25 20 20 12 6 i 10 J 15 2 00 lOald 3 50 40 35 30 1 501 75 - 25 50 8 r.o 40 30 60 5 25 4 50 2 00 60 40 40 Tin Buckets Boots, Men's Calf " ' Kip Gaiters, Ladies' Lasting Potatoes, Irish " Sweet, "fcl peck Coal Oil, fll gallon Cash paid for eggs. A Large assortment of Queensware, China ware, Glassware, Crockerywarc, Cedar ware, &C, for sale cheap hy TILTEN fi ESFEN'SCBAPI'S. LIST OF DEALERS AN D VEN DEltSof Foreign and Domestic Merch andise in the county of Juniata, for the year 1X72, as approved nud classified by the Mer cantile Appraiser: SAXES. CLASS. LICENSE. S VT Kirk, grocery It 7 00 II D Weller, Khoe more 1 ( 7 00 John l-:tki,eonfeetionery........H 7 UI It V Kepner & Son, drui;ists II ' 09 Wareaiii A Co., hardware .J2 12 50 tieorne Wine, confectionery ...14 7 00 J Yraikly fe Son. niere4iants....n 7 00 Hanks & Hamliii.druxKists 11 7 00 Thou U Parker, mercliuut.....li 12 oil J H Simons, saddler 14 7 00 W H HolliMiui. j.-w.-li-r 14 7 00 Kmillsliott.s,notins .. 14 7 00 N K Littlettclil, stoves 14 7 00 Tiltcn & Kspensthade, nii're't...lS 10 00 l W Hurley Jt Co., clothing it 7 00 H 11 Loudon, merchant tuilor 14 7 00 John North, shoe store 14 7 00 Slu-llry A stamlmugh. lnereh'ts.ll 1A (10 li looop i A Ucil.li-.-k. cloiliing.tl 7 C) II K Siil. .11 IT Co., trrain, etc 14 7 00 J K HolloliHiiKli. rcMuuriuit..... S 20 W) J Hartley, aruverv 14 7 00 1) Watts, book store 14 7 on Sol Kookn, confectionery 14 7 00 S H Allirlclit, hotel 9 25 00 Jacob Wills, hotel 9 -Ja 00 Walker Tomuhip. Ji D VanPyk, merchant 14 " 7 00 Jerome il.-lii.-k, ni.-r.-liunt 14 7 00 Samuel Hcrr, grain, etc. 14 7 00 Jacob Kickenliuuuh, merchanL14 7 no I P Kurtz & Co., merchants 14 7 00 Kurtz A Hertzler, merchants 14 7 OH Francis Hied, hotel 8 li 00 Fayette Township. W II McAIister. merchant. ..l 7 t Hrown A ltro., merchants It 7 00 J V .Mutlicntbiiugli, merchant 1:1 JO 00 J T McAIister, merchant. 14 7 00 KCHVeny & Son, clothing 14 7 00 Jaeoli Smith, boarding house.. 3 75 Oil Jacob Smith, grain meinour It 7 00 I. & J Wilson, merchants II 15 0.1 Jacob 14 Wlney, stove dealer 14 7 00 Frank Shields, hotel 15 Oil John North, hotel .. 8 15 00 TAoUMOHI'oirn. G S Mills A Co., merchants 12 12 50 J O lliildcman. merchant 12 12 50 Mrs. K James, confectionery 11 7 00 Israel Tennis, merchant tailor... 14 7 00 Klihu H. nii.-r, grain dealer 14 7 00 Amos Snyder, hotel 8 25 00 Delaware Townthip Nathan Kecly, grain and CO.-.1 14 7 00 Winey A Custer, merchant J3 10 00 Greenwood Township. J T Pimm, merchant H 7 00 Thomas Cox, hotel 15 00 Susquehanna Township. Jacob Welser, merchant 14 7 00 Jonathan Weiser. merchant .11 7 00 Willhilll Alliert, hotel H 15 ll Amos .Miller, nierchiuit 14 7 00 II. -iii-y Fryinoyer, hotel 8 15 00 Monroe Township. Khine A firavMIl, merchants 12 12 V K Shi'llentierger, merchant II 7 l Iskiic Hul.l.'iimn, merchant :l 10 00 Lauver A llro., merchants ....1-i 7 UI S 11 l'ellinan, hotel. - 8 13 00 Patterson. I.niril A P..-I1, merchants IS 10 00 PC Kiindio, druggist it 7 (rfl S St ruyer, clot h i ng II 7 00 Charles Ke.inerjeweler 14 7 00 Ja.-oli 1- rank, merchant .14 7 00 J A Havs, hotel 8 20 On S It Notestine, hotel 9 25 00 S It Notesiiue restaurant 7 10 00 Joseph l'cnn.;l, ni. 'reliant 12 12 50 Caleb l'nrkcr, hotel 9 25 Ot James North A Son, grain ileul..,14 7 00 W II Kgoli, confectionery ..H 7 no Doyle A Marley, merchants 14 7 no K IX.iiiuamau, merchant JI 7 00 yvrrriffe. Samuel Duck, merchant ..13 10 00 J H ikeson, merchant 12 12 50 J S M (iibson, merchant l:t 10 00 Knnny ltous, fancy store .I4 7 00 Henry Willi, merchant 14 7 00 John Imnhur, stove dealer .ll 7 00 Jacob Iteidler.druggist ..I4 7 no J J Appllchailgll, druggist 14 7 00 Kolicrt l,oga!i, conieeiioiiery 14 7 IK) John Halsbaiigh, grain dealer 11 7 00 Jas W Wharton, confectionery ...14 7 00 Cyrus Funk, confectionery It 7 00 Itailor A liilson, grot-'ry. .14 7ll John .Mc.Monigal, hotel 25 00 Willioiu Jniv..y, hoUl 8 I.i 0i Turbett Township. Noah Hertzler. merchant 11 15 (w J A ltiee, grocery .14 7 W Spruce I fill Totrnship. Conn A Meminger, merchants.... 14 7 00 J I. llarton, merchant 14 7 00 Hugh Hughes, grocery J I 7 00 lieate Township. Joseph romer.iv, merchant. II 7 oo J I sterrett. merchant ..14 7 00 J V Keliy. merchant 14 7 oo Kwillg A Woodward, mcrchullts.14 7 Oil Peter Kvens, grocery 11 7 on Ublcun HuKleman. hotel 8 15 00 Tuscarora Township. Kr.mcis Snyder, meretiant 1 1 7 'VI W Von.Sjverlngeii r.-haut 1 1 7 00 .r.! Ferguson, in. 'reliant ..14 7 on .Matthew Clark, m.-rehiint 14 7 00 It A Jacobs, .-till feet ionerv .I4 7 Dobbs, Hro. A Co., merchants 14 7 00 N K Kirk, hotel 8 15 (10 J S Laird, merchant 14 7 00 J C Crawford, m.-i-.-tiant 4 7 in Joseph I. .Mills, saddler 14 7 00 F. It Allen, eating house 8 5 o) Win Hackctt, eating house 8 5 Oil jAiek Township. It II Patterson, merchaut 11 7 Oil It Itobison, merchant 14 7 00 A Moiiigoincry, wiud-miils 14 7 00 I will hold nn appeal at the Commissioners' Oillce, in MiftlintowD, on TIH'ItsliA Y, the 14th tlay of MAKCH, 172, Iwtwecn the hours of 9 A. M. mid H o'clock P. M., when alt per sons may attend who led themselves ag grieved by the alxive nppraiseinent and cIhs sitlcation. as there will tie no appeal sfter that time. N. D. VANDYK. fcb2--t.l Mercantile Appraiser. o YES! OYES! H. H. SNYDER, Perrysville, Pa., Tenders his services to the citizens of Juni ata and adjoining counties, as Auctioneer. Charges molerate. For satisfaction give the JJutehman a chance. P. O. address, Port Roval, Juniata Co., Pa. Feb 7, '72-1 y BLOOMS BURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AN'II Literary and Commercial Institute. The Faculty of this Iutituli:n aim to be very thorough in their instruction, and to look carefully after the manners, health and morals of tbe students. it Apply for catalogues to HENRY CARVER. A. M., Sept 28, -I87I-6ro Principal. Special Xtoticcs. THE GREAT DISCOVERY. KuukcFs Bitter. Wine of Iron. For the cure of weak stomach, general de bility, indigestion, disease of tne nervous system, constipation, acidiiy of the stomach, and all cases requiring a tonic. Tbe wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess ; Citrate of Magnetic Oxrae, combined with the most en ergetic of vegetable tonict Yellow Peruvian Bark The effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and general prosiration, of an efficient salt of Iron, combined with our val uable Nerve, is most happy. It augments tbe appetite, raises the pu.se, takes off mus cular Habbineas, removes the pallor of de bility, ind gives a florid vigor to the counte nance. Do you want something to strengthen you? Do you want a good appetite? Do you want to build up your constitution ? Do you want to feel well ? Do you want to get rid of nervousness ? Do you want energy ? Do you want to sleep well? Oo you wont brisk and vigerous feelings ? If you do, try Kunkel's Wine of Iron. This truly valuable Tonio has been so thor oughly tested by all classes of the community that it is now deemed indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costs but little, purify the blood and giev tone to the stomach, reno vates the system and prolongs life. I now on y ask a trial of this Tamable Tonio Price $1 per bottle. E. F. Kunkel, Sole proprietor, N. E. corner ef Tenth and Chest nut streets, Philadelphia. Ask for Kunkel s Bitter Wine of Iron and take no other, If your Druggist has it not, send $1 to my address, and the medicine, with idvioe free, will come by nest express train. Feb28, '72-Cm A HANDSOME MOUSTACHE ! MOCSTACHE.i Prof. ST. CROIX'S Ferscu WHISKERS. Compound. The Great HAIR MOUSTACHE. GROWER, will produce a WHISKERS, luxurient MOUSTACHE or WHISKERS on the smoothest face. Pleasant to use. Sent to any address on receipt of Fifty Cents. H. T. BOND, CHEMIST. N. .- Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Sts., Feb 1-1, '72-ly ... Philadelphia TIIE KETS.T01B! THE KEYSTONE ! THE KEYSTONE! Bridge Street, Mifllintown. YTrE THE UNDERSIGNED, WOULD ' most respectfully call the attend n of our friends, customers, and the publio gen erally, to the fact that we have secured and fitted up one of the finest rooms in the coun ty, directly opposite our old stand previous to the terrible fire of Dee. 31, 1870, on Bridge Street, MifSintown, where we purpose to con tinue the business of GSNEIiL lEECHAlTHISI2Ta. We hare opened one of the finest, best and cheapest stock of Goods every offered lo the public, embracing in fact almost everything that the public can wish. Wo would espe cially invite the attention of all to our fine assortment of DRESS GOODS. This department we flatter ourselves lo be the best ever offered to the public of Juniata for stvle?. nualitv and che.innc.ss. nf tbe most 1 . - 1 . approved patterns, 4c, coxsisti.no or T Black Bombazine. Black Au.-tralian. Crape, Black Poplin, Black Vi'lvctecn, II Black and Fancy Silks. Black and Fancy Silk Topliue, Black and Fancy Mohair, Black and Fancy Alpaccas, Black aud Colored Striped Suitings, E Satin Striped Versailles Cloth, Sotin Striped Lome Robes, Silk Striped Moliair, Silk Figured Sultana, K Brocade Japaurcs Silks', Brocade Foplius, French Serge Wool I 'laid , Scotch do. do. do. E Cord and Colored Vt-Ivoteein, Knglish and French Chintze?, I'laid Nainsooks, Tlaid India Twills, Plaid Swiss, , Brocha, Thibet. Helena, Saratov, Vigilia, West Branch, Niagara, and Vatervliet Long and Square Sbawldi in Great Variety. 8 Black and Fancy Cloth?, Black and Fancy Casgimeres, Black and Fancy Ermines, Black and Fancy Tweed?, Ulack and Jt aucy Jeans, Striped and Plain Liiieti Striped and Plain Cottonade, Striped and Main Suitings, Striped and Plain Marsaillee, Striped aud Plain Flannels, o Piints, Muslin?, Sheeting, Pillow Casings, Checks, Uickory. Denims, Drills, Diapers, Linen, Cotton & Damask Table Linens, N Cambric and Swiss Embroidery, J'iqua and Crochet Edgings, Silk and White Cotton Fringes, Ribbon?. Velvet and Gimps, Laces and Braids, E Ladies' Lasting Dulton and Lace Gaiters, Ladies' Morocc. Button and Lace do. Ladies' Kid Lace IHls Ladies' Kid Lace do. Ladies' Lasting and Kid Croiiuet Slippers, T Misses' and Child's Lasting Gaiters, Jlisses' and Child's Kid Bals, Misses' and Child's Slorocco Button, Misses and Child's Goat andl'ebble. Misses' and Child's Croquet Slippers. Men and Boys' Calf Boots, Men and Boys' Gaiters, E Glassware and Queensware, Fruit Jars and Stoneware. Wool Figured, Venitian, Listing and Wool Dutch Carpets. Floor and Stair Oil Cloth, Oil Shades aud Fixtures. Berlin, Zephyr and Excelsior Foreign and Domestic Yarns. c Table and Pocket Cutlery, Mirrors, Stationery, Albums, Jcc , E In fact everything necessfl complete stock of Choice to make up a and Desirable Goods. As we are buying strictly for cash, we flatter ourselves that we can effcr great in ducements to parties who wish to buy good Goods at reasonable prices. Our terms are cash or country produce taken iu exchange for goods. We onlask the public to giTC us a cill and examine our stock, and compare prices and quality. We defy competition. TILTEN & ESPENSCHADE, Bridge Street, Miffliotown. Eesi. 21, 1871. fUn? Ilfrfrtisrarnt. ICHT ENSATIORT OF NEW YORK. A WORK DESCRIPTIVE of the CITY OF NEW YORK in all its VARIOUS PHASES. lis splendors and wretchedness ; its high an-1 low life ; its marble palaces ai.d dark dens : iis attractions and dangers; its Rings and Frauds t its leading men and politicians ; im aJventurers; its charities; its mysteries and crimes. . Illustrated with n:ar!f J50 Fine -Sngrav-ings. AGENTS WANTED.- Send for circulars and see our terms i.nl a full deription of lie work. Address Salional rMishinj Co., Phil-ids.. Ta. '' HISTORY Of The Great Fires In CHICAGO and the WEST by Rev. E. J. Goodspeed, D. V., of Chicago Only eom plct history. "o0 fvo. piges ; 00 engrav ings. 70.0CO already sold. Trice $2.50. 20. 0 agents made in 20 dav. Profits go to sufferers. ACEJTS WAITED. II. S GOODSPEED & CO., 87 Park Yow, New York. CELTIC WEEKLY. The greatest il ustrnled Original Story Paper in America. Eight KtY Original Stories in fir-t number. No literary treat equal to it. A;ents and Canvassers wanted iu every town aad city of the 1'ninn. $19 week easily realize I by the sale of this ex traordinary Irish and American Journal. Specimen copies free. For 8:ile by all news dealers Trice. Gc. ; $2 ol) per year. Ad dress M. J. i' Leaky & Co.. P. O. Box 6,071, New York. WHAT TO READ AND HOW TO READ, Beir.g c assified Lists of Choice P.eidiug, with appropriate Hints and Remarks, adap ted to Ihe General Reader, to Subscriber, nud lo persons intending to firm collections of Boot s. 1 vl. 12uio. 152 pages. Pricr, oO cents. Sent free bv mail on receipt of the price. I. 1PPLET0I & CO., Publishers, Sw Tork- EXTRAORDINARY IMPROVEMENTS CABINET ORGANS. The Mason & Hajii.im CrcasCo. respect fully announce tbe introduction of improve ments of much incro iLnn ordinary intere-I. These are HEED AND PIPE CABINET OIJUANS bein the only successful combination of REAL PIPES with reeds ever iu ide ; DAY'S TRANSPOSING KEY-UOAKD, which can be instantly moved to the right or left, chanpinir tbe pilch or transposing the key. For aVutroiyi and descriptions, set Cir cular. NEW AN'I F.EEt.AN T STYLES OF DOI HLE REED I AHINKT OKGANS, at $110, $IM2 and $12."i each. Considering Capacity, Kleganee, and Thorough Excellence of Workmanship, these are cheaper than any before offf.red. The Mason & Hamlin Organs are acknowl edged BEST, and from extraordinary facili ties for manufacture this Company can afford, and nnw undertake to tell at prices which render them VNQIES TIONAIJLY CHEAPEST. Foca oct vie omnxs $ 0 each ; rivs on.Y oitUANs $ W'U. 312i and upwards. With three. . .' of reeds $1V) and upwat.N. Forty styles, up to $1-31X1 r.7rA. New J i.i.t strati: i Cat a lain re an-1 Testi monial Cir.i t I. ab. with opinions of MOKE THAN ONE THOUSAND MUSICIANS, sent fre .HASON & HAMLIN O It ( A X CO., 154 Tremont St., ISoston. i'.Hi liruudway, N.Y. Incorporated 180.) Columbia Fire Insurance Company OFFICERS AND DIKUCTORS S. S. Deiv.ilkr. Pres't. I lloitT. ( rink H. Wilson, Yice-Pres't Wm. Patton. Hekb't Thomas, Trcas. I Jas SriisoKiiKa. J. F. FrrK.irrr, Sec'y. J. S. Stbixe. J. B. R.M'HNAN. j M. M. Steicklkb. Ceo. Doi;ls R. T. Ryon. For Insurance or Agencies, address J. F. FRIF.U FF, Sec'y, Columbia, Pa. WANTED, THIS SPK1NU, " 10,000 FARMERS, To improve 1,700.00;) acres nf the best Farm ing Lands iu Iowa, free from mortgage or other incumbrance. These lands comprise the Government railroad grants adjacent to tbe great I borough fares between Chicago. Omaha and Sioux City, and lie chiefly in ihe Middle Region of Western Iowa, its most fertile and healthful portion (Lrver and ague being unknown), aud traversed by railroads in every dir. e'.ion. Now is Ihe lime to SECI KE A HOME AT l AND 93 per acre, upon long time, with six percent, interest, iu the 'luxuriant valley of either the Boycr, the Mnfle, the Soldier or tne Little Sioux. Agents ai the stations are provided wilh teams to show lands free lo purehascrs Send fur a Guide. It gives prices, terms inscrip tions, where exploring tickets are sold, and how to reach the land-i p County mips al sent free. Address JDHt B. ClLHOl J, Lanl Commissioner Iowa It. K. Land Co., Cedar ltapi ls, Iowa. SECURE THc ACEHCY AT ONCE FOR THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE VICTOR. J. L. FKRCI'SOV, t hrt nut Strert, Philadelphia. Pw. Profitable Employment For one or two persons of either sex, in every town in the Urt ted States, by which they may realir.e from i ".0 to $1.0 M) per year, with but litt'e interference with ordinary occupation. If the whole time is dvoted a much larger sum will be resided. I'.iys and girls can nrtke nearly as much as grown peo ple. Some miking from $7 to Ski 5 per week. For particiiUrs. addres .1. J. FAKDELL it CO.. 7G7 Broadway. N. Y. AGENTS WANTED. Agents make more money at work for us than at anything ele. Business light and permanent. Par ticulars free fl. Stixsox & Co , 7;i Art Publishers, Portland. Maine. UO Plana fo , N Y. 'm clas- Sjoo. No Agents. Names of patrons in 40 Slates in Circular. OPIUM EATEES ! sr,no Re"1 tnr r I. in 1711uiKii.70.1uur Animoie win not cure. No pain or inconvenience. Sent en receipt of S3.00. S. . ARMSTRONG. M. L., Healing Institnte, Itrrrien Spring?, Mich. I To Advertisers. All persons who ev ! template making enntrac's with newspaper ! for the insertion of Advertisements should j send to Geo.P.Rowell&Co. for a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for ibeit One uondrrd rage ramphlet, containing Lists of 3,tio0 Newspapers and estimates, showing the co?t of Advertising, also many useful bints to advertisers, and some account of thexpcriences of the experiences of men who are known as Successful Advertisers. This firm arc proprietors of the American Newspaper Advertising Agency, 41 Park Row, IT. Y. and are pogseised of uneiualed facilities for securing tbe insertion of advertisements ia all Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest rates. 5r I ti k i 'V, r t ids k 1. K 1 ' f