RATES 0? ADVERTISING All adte'riisiog for less than three taenia for oae- square ef nine liaea er less, will be charged one inaertion, 75 cents, three $2.00, and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion." Administrator's. Ex-sealer's and Awdiier's Notices, $2,00. Professional and Business Cards, aot exceeding ana square, aad inclu ding copy of paper, $8,00 peryear. Kotiete in reading eoloaana, tea cents per Hat. Her chants advertiauff by they ear at special rates . 3onikf 6 month. " ye: On square $ 8,60 - $ 6.00 $ 8.C0 Two squares 6,00 8, CO 1 l.OO Three squares COO 10.00 15,00 One-fourth eol'a. 10,00 17,00 ' 25.00 Half colum 18.09 25.10 46,00 One column 30.00 45.80 80.00 estauushed rt tns. ToBLiaHCD Et.mt Winassoaf MoMtso, Bridge Street, opposite the Odd Fel!6Wt' Hall, MIFFLISTOWN. PA. 'Tut Josiat EiiTiNCL ia published every Wednesday aaorainf at $1,60 a year, ia ad vance ; or $2,00 In all eaaea if not paid promptly ia adraaee. Ko aabicriptiona dis continued until all arrearage are paid, nnltss at tbe option of the pabUsber. B. F. SCHWEIEK, TBB OOBBTITDTIOB TBS DBIOB ABB TBB BXrOSCSHSST Of TBS UWI. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VOLUME 11 NO. 8 MlFFLUiTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTT. PENH' A., FEBRUARY 21, l?7i: WHOLE NUMBER 130i. (Touaty tatratnt. -RECEIPTS AND EXPENDI AYk TCKE3 of the eounty of Juniata, from tbe 2nd day of January. 1871, op lo the 4th day of January, 1872, iacliisiT;. 1872. DAVID. WATTS, Trtunrer.' (Dr. To balance due county on last settlement...: . $ 82 19 Amount of Stale Bad County Us outstanding January 2d, 1671 13,881 37 Amount of Militia tax outstand ing January 2d, 1871 543 SO Amount of County tax levied for 1871 21,0!8 88 Ami. of State tax levied for 1871 1,082 75 Ami. Militia tax lev ird for 1871 493 DO Amount ree'd Court Hons lent 10 00 Amount reo'd far verdict fees . 41 00 Total.. ..$37,236 13 1872.1 COSTIIA. Cr. lly emU of Coamisstoarrs and other orders lifted $l6,979 02 rotate aflesiunt paid fur tbe ' years 18ti9. 1870 and 1871..., 0,471 67 Treasurer one per cent, on State assenwent. ..... ; 171 Ten per cent allowed tax payers for 1X71 l.S'18 42 Five cent, allowed collectors 884 17 Exonerations allowed collectors on Slate and County 748 09 Exonerations allowed collectors on Militia lax.... .110 50 Outstanding Mate and County tax on January 4ih 1872 9,215 74 Outstanding Militia tax on Jan uary 4th, 1872 655 13 Treasurer's percentage as per Commissioners' order .. ... C 0 00 t)alauce in Treasurer's hands. . . 1.H43 84 Total .... ...$37.23U 19 to balance brought down $1.913 84 JOSEPH AK1, Sherif, Dr. To amount of verdict fees! $44 IK CONTKA. fr. Hy cash ree'd from K. E. McMeen$14 UU STATESEXT OF OCTSTAXPrXG Taxet in the hamh of the ttreral Cultee tort, J'tnnnrii 4h, 1K72 : 1 .We Jr Ca. Tax Collector. Yi Ttittrictt. Bain'1 O'.Veal.. William Cox. . James Howell Wm A Wright G-o. Shivery. . jl8fi: 18 18f.!' llRfi! !1W Fayette.. .... Greenwood. .. Spruce Hill.. IVrrysville . . Vayeite $ 18U0 84 15 12ti 21) 81 88 87 80 173 73 n7 14 4ti7 45 11 V t l4 37 58 158 81 10 77 28 0 750 21 Ifil 78 Vim Kenawell. Va Fitzgerald J C Beale Henry Harsh. Jesse Reed . . . John Kenawell Vim Walls Deary Willi .. J McWilliamx. Lewis Cargill. John Copelin.. Jno M Cihren M. Dougherty Wm F Tliomn" R McM.en.. John Kirk. . . , Will iHm Israel Weixlrr Thus ".... Jarih Eiebmau 1'. lenlerg.. . F. Milliken .. Mark J Mapaw 1'an'l Knnu.ie.. I'eter H el rick. ltd Ittalker WnjSpruce Hill.. lf70 Iieale 187'Uilford 1870 Green wood .. 17' ; Fayette 1870:Uck 87i-:l'erryille .. 1871 Reale l87lGreenwood,.. 1871 1 farfer-on . . . . W.j Mil ford f7ll,ark lx;iSprue Hill.. 1871 Tiirlwil I87T Mifflintt.wn .. 1871 ! f erman-fh . . lH7lThonip"'iown. l871;Monroe 187 1! Fayette 1871 Terry sville... 1871 'Tu-eaior ... I "71 Delaware 1871 Suquehahna. 1871 i Walker ! 202 21 i frin 82 ;;:( 4 1 : 21! 03 I 2:51 :tu I I'Sl 99 655 64 1-2 31 228 78 752 05 174 fi2 ,; C2 31 52 1115 43 W9 72 Total . STATEVEXT OF OVTHTAXPIXG VA litia Tax in the hnnth o f the nrveral Collec tor, January Ith, 1872 . Collrrtort. Tr. Diitriet. Tax. $ 3 00 37 00 4 00 13 95 15 50 24 00 8 50 15 U) 14 50 14 45 18 23 7 IW 20 mi 19 M 18 00 33 60 39 50 14 50 24 50 44 (Ml 7 OO 19 50 83 (X 7 5 M 511 31 50 25 00 37 50 "William Cox...'18i;R James Howell .1809 Greenwood. . j Spruce Hill..: Wm A Wright ileo. Shivery . Perryaville... rayciie Walker ! Wm Kenawell .1870 Wm Fitigerald J C Beale Henry liars!:.. Jesse ReeJ Spruce Hiil.l iDeale iMilford j GrecnwooJ..., Fayette ' M.ack j I'errjsvilie...' Beale : Grcetiwood... i.Milfoid I j Lack ' Spruce Hill. iTiirbett j IMifflintown.., J Fermanagh... I iTbompsont'nl j Monroe Fayette I 'Perrysville .. jTucarora , . ! ; Delaware . . .. iStisqnebann.-i! IWn'.ker ..... John Krniwell.' " William Walls.! " Henrv Willi.... " J M' Williaras . 1871 J,ewisCargill..! " John M 'Cnhrrn, " M. Dougherty. Wm F Thomas ' 8 R McMeen ... " John Kirk I " William (lies.. . Israel Wetiler Tboa Watts Jacab F.icliman 1'hilip Isenberg F. Milliken Mark J. Magaw ' llaniel Kur.ue Teter Hetrick. Total f'5 1" AU of which is respectfully submitted. 8. S. PAXXEBAKER, BAKER, ) IUVER, E. ) ETHRA1M I.AL1 Auditors. E. J. X.VXGLE, riwiis.tHisiBs' Office, MirrtiNTOwx, January 4, 18 JSTA TEMEXT OF TUF. VISBVllSR mentt of the County Treaturtr to January 4th, 1872, r fAe yir187l : Mttccilaneout. Doly Parker & Co. protest on orJer So. 12, :n favor Home Insur'ce Co$ 8 25 Samuel Bridge cleaning privy. .. ... 2 25 J. Middagh coppying enumerations and forwarding same -to llarrisb'g 25 00 B. J. Crawfordanl O Alliwn clean ing pavements and gutters in Court House yard C00 Famuel Bridge, cleaning privy 1 00 George King, collector Delaware township, taxes overpaid 2 00 Thomas Vanhorn. taxes overpaid to ' collector and refunded 6 80 J. Middagh, copying report of school property to Superintendant Wickersham 5 00 Total. ,:. $57 30 ' Conttahla' Juitictt feet in Common- wealth Catet. J. C. Moser, constables fees... $28 IC . 1 80 . 1 05 .. 3 60 .. 3 92 .. S93 . 30 81 .. 17 19 J. Welsler, constable fees F. Milliken, constable fees O. P. Robinson, constable fees Jacob Cupp, constable fees 8. B. Caveny, constable fees. " J. 8. Lukine, t si, justices fees J. P. Wharton, et al. justices fees... J. Middagh, swearing Assessors. Co . Anditnr .SUIT bill filed..., 11 25 E. W. H. Kreider. et aU justices fees 14 42 John Huiiard. justices fees H 0 Jesse Reed, justices fees 8 88 8 E Ard. Dep 8hrs fees. Common wealth vs. Mvers 00 O P Robinson, Constable's fees for same ... - 1019 Rob't M'Meen, Dist, Alt y in Com monwealth caaea 61 00 Total J $275 75 Jury ComauMt'oarr't a'i CUrk't Ft. R R f.;....l t n : : . tn nft Joseph Rothroek Jnrv Commissiner 10 00 8 It Loudon, Jurv Comm'ssioner. . . 2 50 Joseph Rothroek, Jury Commissioner 7 50 S B London, Jury Commissioner.... 7 CO J Middsgh, Clerk le Jury Com.. - missioner 1870 9 00 J Middagh, Clerk to Jury Com missioner...... ..... 1000 i Total. ..-....,.. ....!..... r - Commonwealth Vitntttit. P L Greenlerf et al...... Samuel Yocura et al William Land is et al, Samuel Reed et aU , John Dunbar et al...... J J Riddle et al Philip M. Kepneretal .S4C&0 .910 16 . 20 44 . 11 88 . 13 78 . 42 68 . 14 80 . 4 65 E M Thompson and wife. v. . 1280 17 27 400 23 06 3 81 II 28 13 80 7 97 4 66 422 11 33 8 98 9 05 A w tl.Uwin et aL... J J Maiks ; John Louder it al.... B Z eiders John W Glace Jacob Zeigler et al . J B Yeager et al X grubb et al Thjmas Cox e al.... John Cnx et al Philip Kilmer et al... Nancy Monohaa et al. Total ............$218 40 Cbronert'ono' Juntit't Inguett. Dr P L Greenleaf, post mortem case or Webster $10 00 O W Jacobs inquisition on dead body 11 35 N Vandyke et al jurors en inquisition-. ..... ,1 17 63 Total ...............$38 98 Cunrtt' mi Jurort fay. Hiram Ard et al. grand jurors Feb r lUTf too. &A Wm itell et al petil" jurors," Feb t '71, 861 22 J W Sieveson. grand joror 8 8T ....... --v J " - Joseph Ard, summoning jurors Feb ruary lerm, 1011 .1 w Daniel Winey et al, petit jurors to - v J ' ............. w- J S Moore, grand juror, Feb T, '71. 3 75 timet Auxer ei at grand juror, Jnril T.riu 1871 81 ()4 Jacob Auzhey et al, petit juror. April lerm, icn il. r P U.il i,ir..r Anril Term. 1871 6 50 J R AnHi-fson et al. grand jurors. September term, ion ioi o Abruhnoi lirubaker, petit juror, Sep- J W Martin et al, jurors. Sept.T. '71, 9 24 u 11 uanon et ai, grana jurors, De cember Term, 1871 107 19 Wilson Allen et al. petit jurors, De- cember Term. 1871 451 10 Peter Bcsuoar et al 21 87 Total $2083 61 Roailt aud Tlridgrt. Julin ricech, road ilnmagL-s, Di-Uwarc township 95 00 R. C. Graham, mad damages, Spracc Hill township 50 00 Daniel Smith, road damages, Dela ware townoliip 90 00 Thomas Stewart, road damages, Tur- liett tiiwnsliij' 25 00 T. W. Kppner, load damages, Tur- lictt .7. 50 CO G. L. Weiuier, road dauiajres, Turin-It 15 CO W. S. Weiiuer, road damages, Tur- bett 10 00 L. L. Koons, road dam;igcs, Turbeit. It UU S. R. Me.Mecn, road damages, Tur- bett 4 66 John Burns, road damages, l uibett. 10 00 ToUl $355 dntttur Fett. D. P. Miuilien. ct al. asst. assessors fees 15 Johu Watts, et al. amt. assessors' lees ? 13 Henry Harsh, assessing Nillord. 18;t 28 Henry Harsh, assessing Millbrd, 1870 25 Jonathan Weiser, et al 12 John Heckman - '7 G. W. Jacobs 5 John D. Milliketi, Spruce Mill 31 William Dougherty, Tuscarora 80 R. E. Ncelv, et al asst. assessor.... 15 J. E. Graybill, Fayette township.... 30 J. J. Ca-ties, Greenwood township.. 15 Caleb Parker, Patterson borough. . . 10 John Balentiue, Fermanagh ton- ship - John Motier, et al. asst. assessors'.. 7 H. F Crozier. Iieale township, 1870. 20 32 50 50 00 00 25 75 00 00 00 50 00 O'l 00 00 50 (HI 00 00 75 00 00 00 90 00 00 75 00 J. C. Beale, Beale township, 181.. 2) lavid Sluunan, Thonipsoutoan bor. 12 Euoeli Horniug, et al. asst. assessors 25 J. B. Smith Delaware t .wnship 25 William Adams Walker township.. 25 A. II. Martin, Mitllintown 20 John Venkly, etal.asst. assesors'.. 22 George Saruer, Sustniehanna town ship ,c A. A. Crosier,, Perrysville borongh. 17 Abialimn Whitmer, ct al. asst. asses, aors'. .......................... 6 Daniel MeConnell, Turbett town ship.. 25 William MeConnell, Monroe town ship 25 William D. Walls, Lack township.. 43 Dauiel MeConnell, Turbett township 30 00 00 00 Total .$795 1G Ex pence t under the Reentry Lave, C. A Lauvcr, Monroe township- $ 14 00 J seph Thatchet, Lack township.... 30 00 Win. MeConnell, enumeration of Monroe..... H 50 Ilenrv Harsh, Millord township 1869 2o 00 Henrv Harsh, enumeration of Mil- tord 8 33 W.Daughertt, enumeration Xuscaro-- ra '. 19 25 J. K. Gravbill, eunuieration or Fay ette.... 20 00 J. J.( astlea enumeration of Greca- Wood 8 00 Caleb Parker, enumeration Patter son 11 00 John Baleutine, enum. Fermanagh.. 14 00 B" F. Croiier, enumeration Beale. . . 16 00 John C. Beale, enumeration of Beale 17 00 David Shtiman enmn. Thompsontown 8 00 J. B. Smith, enumeration of Dele ware 14 00 Win. Adams, enumeration of Walk er.; 14 00 A. II. Martin enumeration of Mifliin- town 7 00 Geo. Barticr, enum. of Susquehanna 10 00 A. A. Crozier, enumeration Pcrrys- . TjHc , 10 00 John D. Milliken, Spruce Hill 17 00 J. B. Smith, Delaware townsBia. . . . 16 00 D. MeConnell, enumeration of Tur- b.tt 15 00 D. MeConnell, registry Tnrbett 5 84 A. U. Martin, rqjistry HilHintown... 12 IK) A. II. Martin, enum. of Mifllintown.. 8 00 b! F. Crozier,, Beale township 15 00 William Dougherty, Lack township. . 20 00 ' J. E. Graybill, Fayette township.... 21 00 Caleb Parker, Patterson borongh 11 0U William MeConnell, Monroe town- ship : W. D. Walls, Lack township 21 00 John Balentinc, Fermanagh town- hip 6 j A. A. Crozier, Perrysville borough.. 11 w J. J. Castles, Greenwood township. . 9 00 Daniel MeConnell, Tnrbett town ship ..1584 Total... .......$300 00 . Co Ml ' Jkanu ana Tiptlattt. "f J t Vanghn ct al," constable rctnrnii" February Tisrm, 1871......:....$ 33 71 F MillikeactaU, ti atavoa Feb T, ,- 1871 -v? 30 z- J H Patterson et a!, sonstaote re turns April Term, 1871 38 62 3 H Campbell et al, tip staves Apr Term 1871. 19 56 Tobias Beaaom et al,- eon stable re- turns September Term, B71 33 31 , J E Humphrey et al, tip staves Sep tember Ttrm, 1871......... 25 03 A P McDonald et al, constable re turns December Term, 1871 45 94 O W Hamlin et al, tip stares De cember Term, 1871 34 11 XOt&l, (4 H iW Cat, Mink and G W Smith etol James Fortney et al Harrison Varner et al.... Daniel Amey et al. ...... Mahlon Ilower et al Robert Kerlinct a) Williar i Kenawell et al. . . G W Liter et al.... Solomon Bcahoar et al . . S R Warner et al James Gronigcr ctal.... Levi Reihl et al., J R Yorum et al.... John Yobn et al F Milliken et al i S Lukens et al John Yeater et al , John Keller et al ...$264 60 Fox Scalp t. $ 11 75 6 45 31 65 6 45 10 75 25 45 8 60 21 15 25 35 22 50 18 35 11 55 21 85 8 65 8 70 6 45 7 75 6 80 Total $257 00 Eastern Penitentiary. Bal of bill for maintaining convicts? 23 35 County Prison. . B Witincr, bedstead for jail $ 2 00 Catharine Warner, bedding for jail.. 2 00 C Bartley, repair lor jail doors...... 5 00 Martin & Wallers, merchandise 15 65 John Deitrick,' sheriff, as per bill.... 37 69 Joseph Ard, aheritf feesor keeping vagrants 61 00 D P Sutoiifl", It Co, coal for jail 7 45 Joseph Ard, Sheriff tecs, as per bill. 138 60 W H Noble, pump in jail cistern ... . 11 00 K K Parker, clothing for prisoners. . 2 50 Etka it Landis, plastering, white washing and repairing j.iil 20 00 Goshen and B.isom, papering jail., , 31 00 A Pierce, wood for court house and jil 6 00 Joseph Ard, jail fees.; 68 10 Joseph Ard, Commonwealth vs My ers 35 50 Oeorgo Goshen, coal for jail.. 7 65 Joseph Ard, fees lor keeping va grants., n ,.183 CO Total $624 74 County Debt. S S Pannebnkcr, connty auditor. .$ 12 00 Gideon Lauvcr, county auditor..... 12 00 J Vanornicr, clerk to county audit ors 12 00 S S Pauucbaker, balance ol auditor's fees in full 6 00 J Yatormer,baldueas clerk to ami's 8 00 G Lauvcr, bal ol auditor's fees in full 4 00 K Lauvcr, county auditor in full.... 12 00 Dotv, Parker C, aaoney borroweu400 00 J A Christy, att'y fees and cost county vs iliiam Cox 21 08 E K Giliiford. Fire Insurance Co.... 14 70 F L Hutter, blanks under Keg Law.. 30 00 Dotv, Parker &.Co monevborrowed 2000 03 Grahanj & Christy, att'y fees Speildy vs Juniata coutitv 35 00 ( W Jacobs, Agricultural Society. . 100 00 (i W Lloyd, expense Teacher's Instl21 00 David. Vt atts, salary for county Treas urer '. 600 00 ! Total.... $33 4901 Stall TM-ltitt .Inylmm. Keeping Margaret Brackbill per bills 212 18 Public Printing Bonsatl &. Jackman, balance for 1870 40 00 W V Davis 448 25 B F Schweir 389 25 Bousall Jackman 470 7.5 Total $1351 25 Stationery, tfc. T L nutter, transcripts and dupli cates fl2 00 S Books, stationary, postage, &c.... 15 47 David atts, stationary i. blank book for Prothonotarv's ollice 11 04 S Books, sundries 6 89 Total $153 40 Bridget. G W Smith, repairs Delaware bridge 130 00 Wm lienor., Fort Royal 12 W Do " Grouinger's 3 OO Wm MeComiick, repairs to bridge at Wilson's mill. 9 60 ThiM Iieale, repairs Lemon's bridge 6 00 J tiilliford, plank Pomerov's 53 60 S T. Teller, plank Bryner's ; 7 00 W P & K T Gruvcr, repairs to Mc- ooytowu bridge 23 50 J S Kennedy, rep'rs WaterPd bridgo 9 60 L Burchfleld, repairs Licking C'rceC Iridge 5 20 J t Kennedy, repairs. 4tc., bridges. 39 51 J Vrolcsbaugb. piank Droltsbatigh's ridgc 36 87 W Neely, plank for bridges 22 11 - EBergey, repairs Jcrico bridge 12 00 J McCoy, plan & specification bridge 7 00 DS Whitmer, repairs to bridges.... 14 CO T P Diiiim, et al, plank and repairs to !imm's bridge 52 33 G VV Burchfleld, repairs to Licking Creek bridge 2 90 S imey, mason work new iron bridge 250 00 G King &Co iron structure for bridge ver Cocolamus Creek 1200 00 WHcnch, plan k specilicat'n bridge 10 00 Total $1861 78 Commttsionert' Office and Court House. A Speddy, conrt eryer Dec. T. 1870. 18 50 D ttHckler, ins on jail a court bouse 120 00 Ilrtnc lus. Co. insurance do dn 120 00 E IVciscr, cleaning court house 7 00 ; D Watts, stationery , 10 70 ER Giliiford, Commissioner's fees in full for 1870 ... 49 00 J Kobison ct al repairing court bouse 6 75 W I'lsh, Coinmiasionr's fees, mileage 164 98 EK GHIilont do do 193 25 V App do do 70 00 DP StilonfT &. Co coal court boase. . 10 00 Ckrk fc. Frank, hardware 9 1)1 A Spicily, cr) ing court.. 46 (JO BF Burchfleld, cxt.a writing 16 00 S Books, stationery an 3 postage. ... 8 00 J liddagh, clerk's fees .500 00 J f cakly k Son, merchandise 9 26 D Watts, stationery, blank books Ilc. 25 00 -RStutzman, cleaning court house.. 7 00 Khrtin (b Martin, merchandise. .... 8 00 AWbitmer.Commissioner'a fees aud mileage ....... 40 96 IA Doughman, ice for court house and jail............'........;.... 3 90 . MeCop, repair to court house 9 15 i Ulsh, wood a plank for conrt house 6 00 , Middagh, clerk under Registry Law 50 00 .'A Christy, Attorney for Comniis- siontrs 50 00 (S toner, repairs to court house.... 10 80 v Goshen, coal for conrt house 10 00 ) PSnlonfT, coal and Inniberforeourt house lor 1870 8 40 ) Whitmer, attending public grounds 15 95 Total ...$1046 60 . . Public Officet. H E McMccti, Prothonotarj-'r and clerk's fees 255 50 J A Christy, auditing public offices. . 16 00 I N VanTmer, duplicates, kc 11 00 I McCoy, book case tor Register's i " 7 00 G W Sh'tffer, two copies Purden'sDi- gest. u w R E Mceen, stove for Prothonotary Ottic 22 00 J R Dunbar, stove and pipe for Reg- iater'sOmce 22 00 D Watts, blanks and dockets 15 69 W Mant, two dockets, Prothonota ry's (roce. 27 00 'TcW... ..'.'.. ;..$39S 1 General and Spring Fleeihnt. 3 Dysinger, et at, judges, &e .....$54 25 J Waldsmilh, et aL judges, Ae 13 25 O P Katberman, at al, judges. &c. . 37 68 E L Jamison, et al, judges, Ac... 69 89 J Oifford, et aL judges, te 49 03 J M Breae, et al, judges, Ac 14 05 Total .$227 64 Recapitulation. '' M iscallaneous Constables and Justices Fees in Commonwealth cases Jury Commissioners and Clerks $ 57 40 275 75 46 50 248 46 88 97 2083 61 235 00 795 16 800 0' , 26164 257 00 23 35 624 74 3349 01 21218 13&4 28 153 40 1861 78 1047 60 398 19 227 64 Commonwealth Witnesses, Coroner's and Justice's Inquest... Courts and Jurors Pay Road and Bridge Damages Assessors Fees Eepenaes under the Registry Law Constable Returns and Tipstaves. Wild Cat, Mink, Fox Scalps Eastern Penitentiary.. .......... County Prison ... County Debt State Lnnatie Asylum Public Printing... Stationary Ac Bridges . Commis. Office and Court House.. Public Officers General and Spring Elections.. . . . Total.... $14705 83 We, the Commissioners of Juniata eoun. ty, in compliance with the law, do publish the foregaing, as a full statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of tbe county aforesaid, for the year 1871. l s. Given nnder our heads at the Commissioners' Office, in Mifllintown, this 4ih day of Jannaiy, 182. E. R. GILLIFORD, IRD, SH. I Comm'r IXGEX, j . WILLIAM LL.SH. V Comm n. W. VAX 8WERLSGEX, Attest : J. Mioiiacii, Clerk. feb7-4w oct's Corntr. A homely expression, and old as the hills, Is this very ent term, "I can't !" Bnt if you'd surmount life's troublesome ills. Leave this phrase to the poor mendicant ; For, to him it belongs, as of right it should, From bis youth he h is nursed it with rare; Never saying "I will," or "I can," as be could. Never having the spirit to dare ! With Truth in your heart a will of your own. Making Sure that you're right in yonr aim, There is lit lie on earth that yon Can't over come. Even reaching the summit of fime. Apart frop.i such hope, what bliss in the thought That you've tried fo be true to yourself ; And the 'essons learned, though dearly bought, Are too good to be pureha'ed with pelf! DESTRUCTION OF AN INDIAN TILLAGE. A correspondent of Forney's Pre, under date of tbe 12ih inst., writes as follows of the destruction of an Indian village, in the western country : ' About four o'clock iu the afternoon Lieut. Hamilton, who had been sent out with an advanced guard to scout the country, discovered a small herd of buffalo bulls, and, to his surprise, saw some men buqting them. As it was snowing at the time, he was able to approach quite close unobserved, and seeing tbe huntefs were Indians, charged them. They ran di rectly north, and Lieut. Hamilton seat a courier back to inform Straddle, who, as soon as he heard what was upi despatch ed Captain Ball with a company to tbe support of Hamilton. It was a lively race, the advance guard pressing the In dians closely for four miles, when Lieut Hamilton saw the village, aud at once charged it with five men. He dashed among the ledges, the women and chil dren having barely time to leave them and runt into the hills. The Indians halted on the bluffs above the village and showed fight, but before they could drive the Lieutenant aud his men from their town t-'apt. Ball came thundering up, and the savages once more sought safety in .flight. , The surprise was complete, and so hasty had been the departure of the Indians that not a blanket or mouth ful of food could be taken from the lodges. The camp fires were burning brightly, and large quantities of buffalo meat cook ing over them in camp kettles, which tbe soldiers finished boiling, and eat heartily for their supper. Old Straddle declares these were the most accommodating In dians that he had ever met on tbe plains, and it was seldom they had the politeness to prepare supper for his troops after a hard day's inarch. The camp was full of articles, and I noticed piles of arti chokes and jerked buffalo, which the In dians had gathered for their winter's sup ply. In one lodge was a looking glass, combs and brushes, and on a stool lay a superb dress of antelope skin, nearly finished. The waist was beautifully small, and a dainty capa of mink fur, and two little slippers, highly ornament ed, lay beside it. There was an air of neatness about the lodge and all tbe ap pointments indicated that it was the house of some Indian girl. Poor crea ture, how rudely she had been thrust forth on tbe bleak prairie that cold De cember night, and eveu old Straddle, as he looked at the gew gsws, said, with a sigh, "I wish Miss Lo bad stopped long enough to get her fixena and take some , bedding with her." : ' ,- " : ' f i ; Lies tenant Hamilton said as he dashed into the village several little children ran "I CANT." out almost under his horse's feet, and he could have captured one woman but he gave her time to get her child on a pony and make off. . One little girl as she ran crying np the hill was picked up by a war ror, who flung her to a woman on a pony and the woman rode off on a gallop hold ing 4he little creature by the leg, her head almost dragging on the prairie. There were many buffalo robes in the camp, tin pans, buckets, bottles, and buckwheat flour and baking powders. Beads, bells, red doth, fine leather, and colored feathers, were also abundant, and in one lodge we found a keg of powder and forty pounds of lead. . After loading a six mulei wagon with tbe most useful articles Straddle ordered the camp to be burned. By its light we encamped on the banks of the Whiteman, for it was now long after dark, and the night bitter cold. The soldiers kindled huge log fires on the prairie, and details kept the Sibley stores in the officers' tents red hot all night. ' As the wind whistled and roared without I could not help thinking of the poor Indians wandering homeless and shelterless on tbe prairie, and some how the Indian girl was always upper most in my mind. The Devil on the Pennsylvania Railroad He Run Philadelphia Expre-t A Phantom Train, Ac The r i i t -l j ... , lie is seen at various places aiunjr iue, ., , , , , . ,. , - i with a long bandied double-bitted axe road, aud in different shapes One nieut ., , , , , , , , , , , ,. II hns armed they advauced to tbe aUrvsk last week, after the Philadelphia 1jX-i, , . , , . ... . 1 1 be bears, made bold and ferocious by press left Tyrone station, bis satamc , ,. , . ,. , r. ' , . hunger, did not seem inclined to give np majesty got on the engine with nol. Hot ! , . . . , , . J ,,',- . , their prey. Rising upon her hannenes master. lie looked around for a moment, . . . , , , . , . , , i the old bear showed fight, and tbe cubs then taking the poker from the fireman, ,. . , , , , , . , , - , crouched behind hpr snarling fiercely. opened the fire door and stirred the nre, !,,,, , . . , . , . ,. ... Mr. hlmaker raised his rifle and fired at at the same time sticking bis feet in. lie , , , , , . , . , ... , , . . tbe Mack monster, thinking that if she then sat down, stretching out his lm- j , . , , , , , , . . , . . ., . i were killed the cubs could easily be de mense legs and bringing his tail around j , , . . , , . , . , e, ' snatched or driven off, but, owmg to the laid it between his cloven hoofs. Some-1 . . .... , . . , . , . i excitement under which he was laboring, times wings could be seen about his ' , .... , ... . ., ... he missed his aim. and only broke tbe h.inlH... 11a . . waaV nilmAl,lttW ... about tne nre : sometimes tie would put i.:. .u k. i.w his head in the fire-box and look around, : then throw in his tail, stirring tbe fire at a rapid rate. By this time he had go ..a1 i n mnA a r Vi i fl t It a annlnnor a 11 rl ', f ' , , , , hreman wno were nearly scarea to aeain. i , , , , , . . . . I whilst his wife cut one of the cubs se Tbe engine was making about thirty five ... ,, . , ! verely in the shoulder with the axe. The miles an hour when the devil picked up; ... ... , ! rirm nr In Atiimld hoMtna toaptnl and the oil can, went out and oiled the loco - . r, , , motive in all its parts. He then returned ,i and requested Mr. llofmaster to slack np 1 , , , . , . , . and let him off at bridge, No. 5; but; ,, ,. - , Mr. 11 , told him to get off the same way he got on. Tbe engine was then running at a fearful rata of speed, and Mr. Devil stepped to one side and disappeared. We learn since that a phantom train was seen in the vicinity of the Gap. Some nigbu ago, David Wayne, en gineer of 477, bad stopped for some pur pose when a train was heard approach ing at a rapid rate. Knowing there was no train due at that hour, schedules were examined carefully ; but tbe stranger could not be made out. At length it came thundering around the curve with an immense head-light and other equip ments. The conductor, H. Bell, engineer fireman and brakeman all saw and heard the train coming The flagman, John K. Newell, immediately went back with s light and placed signal caps upon the rails. The phanton train came, making the usual noise, and lighting up the whole track with its huge lurid glare, when iu a twinkling tbe whole thing dis appeared. Some say that it was Old Amos Cleinson's train, the notorious leader of the Gap gang, who died sever al years ago and that he was aboard swinging a red light furiously. John Filbert, engineer of tbe Lancas ter train, informs ns that when approach ing Pequa bridge, some nights ago, be saw the devil on the cow-catcher of his engine. He was running at tbe rate of thirty miles an hour. He quickly shut off the steam and slackened op, bat could not see anything more of the strange object. These stories are cre ating a groat deal of comment among rail road men We give them as told to us, and leave the reader to draw their own conclusions. Columbia Vourunt. Ir there is a defect more strikiug thin another in American character, it is bash fulness. Young America in particular, is painfully affected by it An incident is mentioned by a correspondent who was desired by his aunt to go over to neighbor Shaw's and see if he had any straw for sale for filling beds. "Mr. Shaw." said our informant, "was blessed with a goodly number of Mieses Shaw, and I therefore felt a little timid at encountering them. To make th matter worse, I arrived just as tbe family were seated at dinner. Stopping at the doorway, hat in hand, I stammered out : "Mr. Straw can you spare me enough of shaw to fill a couple of beds ?" Well," replied tbe old gentleman looking around- at his large family, and enjoying my mistake, "I don't know but I can ; how many will yon need T" -Before I could recover, those hateful giria Durst into a enorus ot iangnier, ana I broke tor homo in a cold sweat. . j quell these uniawiui moos: ir now. . i ' 1 nm .. ... I then the people ehoold apply to tbe Gov- A colored juror has been drawn for j ernmeiit for protection PiUtburg Dii April court in Berks county. -v.) ,. , yat'k. - .. LITELT BEAR FWHTs Three Bears Attack a Farmer's Cattle Vara ia Potter County. Tbe WUIiamsport Gazette says : A gentleman reached W illiams port on Fri day eveuing last, front a ' logging camp" in Potter county, where he has been for fire weeks past, who relates the particu lars of an exciting eucouuter with an old bear and two cubs. It appears that a man named Jonas FJ maker and his w ife, had made a small clearing in Jackson townthip. Tbey have a comfortable log cabin, a small barn, several head of rat tle and a few pigs. Abont nine o'clock oqjhe evening of January 31st, Mr. EI maker heard a great commotion among his cattle and pigs at the barn. On rush ing out to ascertain the cause of the alarm, imagine Lis surprise on finding that an old bear and two cubs had at tacked a carting calf. The cattle were snorting and bellowing at 4 fearful rate, whilst the pigs were squealing as lustily as if they expected to be despatched ev minule. The bear had thrown the calf down and was preparing to drag it out of the yard. The cubs were run ning around snapping their teeth and uttering Lalf-euppresaed growls of de light at the prospect of a " good square meal." ' 1 Mr Elmaker returned to the house at once, informed bis wife, and made prc- I Pralinr to attack tbe bears. lie seized j his rifle, whilst his wife armed herself : left fore paw of the animal. With a . . . . . . i fierce &rowl of rage, caused by the p; sin ful wound, the old bear rushed at her assailants, followed by the cubs. They stood their ground for a few minutes, Mr. Elmaker clubbing the bear with his rifle. 1 , ... , mo great aanger or iacmg inem , . i became apparent. Ketreating r. at once g rapidly to , , ' , , , , , , the house, they barred the door and pre , , , , , , , , pared to defend themselves. Mr. Klma- pared ker succeeded in reloading his rifle, and, firing through the window, killed a cub. The old bear now attempted to climb the log house, but, owing to her broken paw, was unable to do so. Another shot from tbe rifle wounded her severely in the head, when she set up the most hideous bowls of rage. Failing to get another shot at them, the parties inside remained in a state of siege, prepared to resist any further attack. Tbe animals loitered around until midnight, when they retired and all became still. On making search in the morning the oil bear was found dead about six buudred yards from tbe house, and the cub laid where it fell iu the early part of the engagement. The other had disappeared in the forest. The two dead bears were secured and dressed. The old one weighed 330 lbs., and the cub 193. The Elmakers have a sufficiency of bear meat to list them for tbe balance of the season. Tbe skins will be brought to Williamsport soon and offered for sale. Tbe affair caused much talk in tbe neighborhood for several days. It is seldom that bears are so bold, but their bravery on this occasion was eaueed, no doubt, by hunger.' Tbe ealf was badly lacerated by the teeth and claws of the animal, bnt will recover. Mrs. Klmaker says she is ready fur the next raid. TERRIBLE 8TATE OF AFFAIRS. A Town an the Pennsylvania Railroad Infested with Lawless Ruffians Houses Burned Down Men Knot an4 Other Depredations Committed. The town vf Gallitzcn, on the Penn sylvania railroad, appears-to be enjoying a slate of things just now, somewhat similar iu a miniature sense to that of Paris during the reign of the Interna tionals. Tbe workiogmen of the vicini ty are associated into opposite and con tending factions. These factions are designated by names indicating their character. For example there are tbe Mollie Maguire men and Paddy Blalone boys, and other names equally eupbon ioue aud expressive. Fights have been for tbe last week or so, matters of com mon occurrence. At such times tbey make the very air ring with their shouts of defiance, burled at each other stones, and clubs are freely used, and many a man has to be carried home with a broken head or limb. A night or two since one of these desp-rate fights occurred, and the drunken mob shot a tnan, wounding him so badly that be is not expected to live. Another man was so badly beaten i ' 1 clubs that he lies now in a critical condition. 1 uls, however, is not all. Tbe infuriated and irrespon -sible mob set fire to the house of a Mrs. Scales, and burned it to the ground The state of fear and excitement in tbe vicinity is said to be very great. The people fear to go ont at night, either for pleasure or the transaction of business. i II uci D aio u uwa vwwwavs "" v 1 i Where are tbe local authorities ot that j Are thero none sufficient to . SHOW? fttMS. Easter Sunday falls this year c the 31st of March. ' Gentlemen are using the oId'-faeliine! colored s?l handterclJef mstcai of white. An old Russian saying is, "that one womau's sense is better than the counsel of a thowsmd -eeir." The Rev. Setfman, of Washington-, gets two dollars a minute for praying in the Seuate. In Allen comity Indiana, forty-one couples w) neatly and expeditiously divorced Jn ewe dsy recently .- Mink- nix rabbit slras make up a i . r . , i. e r I large parr ox istj rrmio nr vretatioriu Norm- CaroHnsrt- T wo' ladies' were knocked down and in BrooHy. Two ruffians were arrested for the actf. . A Leavcnwoitu divorce casCB sfjled "Jelly vs. Jelly," and the local paper say "that family jars did it A Scotch paper says, ' We regret to find1 that th-! announcement of the death of Mr. 'is malicious fabrication..'r A man was fined fifty JofL-rj m Boston, recently, fo. not hating notified the pro per authorities of a case of small poi. BtiRijLAR-rRooFpockct-books-, attach ed to the Sjger by a chain and ring, are out. H ish some c-se would invent self-EIling pocket-hook. Punch's mental philosophy What is mind ? No- rmfter. What is matter I Never :ml.- WbS is the nature of the soul? It is immaterial. .. . Mrs. John Sims, of Big Tree, Green county, added two boys aud a girl to the population the other day, and they wm all flourishing. Logansport, Indiana, has a new style? of gas metre, which registers the amount of the bill iu dollars and eenfee, instead of the number of feet consumed. If Yankee ineaw'ty earmot find some perfectly safe way to shackle railroad cars,- then Yankee ingenuity is not what it is cractted up to he. Deaths by crush ing are becoming too numerous. A telegram from Fore Madison, Iowa, to the Marshal of Keokuk, to arre.it the girl with the green dress on, caused tb arrest of "Iweuty two yoring ladies, not including the right One. A prominent member of the bar of Franklin, Teen., and leading officer of one of the churclirsv has no faaiTy Bill?, arid keeps his family lecord on the fly leaf of a handsome copy of Shakespear. The other cay a Montreal tailor sent his bill to a magnaine editor. He waa startled a few hours afterward by its be ing returned with tbe following note ap pended ; "Your mancscrfpt is re.-pcctful-ly declined." An Ohio man has been married seventy-five years, and he has had his mother-in-law as a boarder during the whole time. Although she is now 10 years old, there seems to be no propeet of his immeJistc relief. A Sew York paper says: An officer saw two thieves carrying a trunk in Ca nal street, near Baxter, last night. Find ing they were watched, they dropped the trunk and ran. The trunk was opened and found to contain tracts. A New Jersey paper, noticing a state ment that 'hat State is virtually owned by tbe Pennsylvania Central Railroad, remarks i "If we are owned by that corporation we have the prond satisfac tion, at least, of being owned by the big gest monopoly iu the country! That is a grain of comfort.' They tad coni'ideiaMe difficulty iu se eming a jury ignorant etlongh to try Hugh Megt-e for a murder ommittcJ at Utica. They found them, however, aftr-r awhile. One of them, who is a speci men of the rest, swore he never read, heard, talked or thought of the case, thought the cilinP was committed withia a few miles of his residence Mr John Charles, a soldier of 1S12, aged 9 1, went to Wilkenbarre, recently. to draw his pension, and that night, while at the hotel, some villain entered his room and stole bis money, leaving tbe veteran without the means to return home. Boston has hwt Its oldest mm, Mr. James Rodger, who died on the ilth inst , at the age of 102 years and nearly six months. Ua was a Virginian by birth, for 80 years a butcher, for 4i a member of the Presbyterian clinrch, voted at every Presidential election from Washington to Grant, and used neither -liquor nor tobacco. II. Morgan, a young Baptist mininter, who has been for about five months preaching to a congregation in Cheviot, Ohio, near Cincinnati, was arrested by detectives for stealing books from tie theological and religious department of the public, library. Morgan confessed his crime, saying that he needed the books aud bad not the means to buy them. He is now in the station house. He was ordained and came from Wales two years ago. ,''