Juniata nimd. MJFFLIPTOWN Wednesday ruing, January 17, 1872. B. F. SCHWEIER, EDITOR k PROPRIETOR. G EO. P. ROWELL 4 CO, 40 Park Row, New York S. M. PETTENGILL L CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y, Are our agents in I bal city, and are au thorized to contract for advertising at our lowest raies. Advertiser in that eity are le quested to leave tbeir favors with either of ih above houses. READING- MATTES ON E7ERT PAGE. Metting of the State Central Cetniuittee. The members of trie Republican Sute Central Committee will meet in the citj f Harrisburg, .Jlmrarlay afternoon, at four o'clock, Jauuary 25, 1S72. Kl'S.iH.L Errktt, Cbairmaa. The insurrection' in Mexico is still ri"grens. Six Japanese joiths arc to be admitted to ibe Military Academy at West Poiut. Major. Gb.veual ii W. IIallei k died at bis Lome in Louieviile, KyM on the 9th inst , aged 56 years Hon R. M. Mack is y was re-elected f-'Ute Treasurer on the 10th inst , this being Lis third term. Tilt Franklin Ktpository aud Belle foute Republican are out iu favor of Gen eral liartranft for Governor. It is said that George 11. 1'enilleton is in favor of the "advanced policy of com promise with dissatisfied Republicans." Thousands of cattle perished recently in a great flood in Sacramento Valley, California. The Prince of Wales is getting over his big drunk, and despatches say that be Las vowed that be will drink no more. Two Lnndred and seventy acres ol land, donated by the United States to.tbe State of Georgia, has been sold to G. F. Lewis, of Cleveland, Ohio, for 8243,000. The National Republican Executive Committee have selected Philadelphia as the place to bold the Republican Na tional Couvention, which will be held in June. Tub report is being circulated that BiMnarck bas demanded an apology of our Government, for tho arm ami am munition that the French received from this country during the German & Freuch war. The Governor of Michigan bas issued a proclamation to the people of the Uni ted States, announcing that contributions of money for the relief of the sufferers by the late fires in that State are unne cessary. The Liquor Ptohibition party . will hold a National Convention at Columbus, Ohio, on the 22nd of February, to put in nomination candidates for the office of President and Vice President of the United States. It is rumored that one of the post masters of St. Joseph county, Michigan, bas got Limself into difficulty, by at tempting to suppress the circulation of a newspaper. The United States grand jury didn't see the thing aa the post master did. The Buffalo, (N. Y.) diamond seekers Lave returned home from South Africa, bringing, besides considerable "loose change." one hundred and seventy dia monds, many of them of fine water and large size. The Governor of Kansas, in Lie mes sage to the Legislature, favors enact ments that have for their object the sup pression of bribery at elections. In such cases be recommends the exempting of one of the parties from prosecutiou if be should appear as a witness and give tes timony against the others. - . . We have received a copy of the Na tional Sunday School Teacher, a pamph let containing 40 pages, published by the Adams, Blackmer. & Lyon Publish ing Company, Chicago, III. This is a monthly periodical, and is a valuable help to Sunday School teachers. Price, $1 50 per year. It is well known that our Government demanded the withdrawal of M. Catacazy from the position of Minister from Rus sia, at Washington, for attempting to prevent the conclusion of the "Treaty cf Washington." The country generally be lieved that the Minister acted npon his own responsibility, but recejjt despatches from Russia state that Catacazy acted under instructions from the Czar's Chief of Cabinet. The course of oHr Govern ment in the matter is not looked upon as courteous by the Russians. - - - - Hon. Andrew Stewart, of Fayette county, a venerable ex Member of Con gress, and widely known aa "Tariff Andy," proposes to give ten or fifteen thousand dollars as the basis of a fund, the interest of which is to go to deserv ing children of the Soldiers' Orphans' Homes when they leave the institutions ; and when these children are all provided or, the income to go to their children. The proposition is a very meritorious one. Social (lathering eriea of Different Pc UticaJ Tlew. la Philadelphia. On the 10th inst. a number ol citiaens of Philadtipbia, regardless of the various phases of politics, joined in aa honorary banquet to the retiring Democratic Mayor Daniel M. Fox. .The entertaintneut came off at the Academy of Music. Po litical differences of opinion were entirely iguored in this most agreeable social gaih eiing. In cities, towns, and rural dis tricts, it too frequently happens that the political and religious belief is looked at in the make up of such entertainment. . Toleration where it is; not used to the defamation of individuals and the injury of society generally is the vital spirit of our institutions. In this case both the outgoing Mayor, Mr! Fox,r and tLe in coming Mayor, Mr. Stoke!?, were pres ent, as well as many prominent members of both parties, Col. McClure, well known to the citizens of Juniata. Morton Mc Michael, Geueral Meade, aud John W. Forney were present. Col. Forney sounded the key-note in the following speech : I do not know, Mr. President, any more delightful or more useful custom than social intercourse between men of different opinions. It is the very best preparation for a wise and profitable tol eration. I have always believed that if my editorial associates of all sides could more frequently meet aud mingle it would not only be better for themselves but better fur tLe community. They might differ never so idtly or so warmly, yet they would rarely trauscend the boun daries of propriety. One is always re strained from epenLitig bitterly of those who have been kind to us, whose house we vicit, and whose hospitality we sb ire. We meet to night not to do honor to the late Democratic Mayor of Philadelphia, uot to applaud His particular adminis tration or its measures, but to express our sense of the personal qualities of Daniel M. Fox of bis kiud heart, his genial nature, Lis courtesy, aud his integrity ; and iu applauding these qualities, as I most cheerful do, with sincere emphasis, I am uot the less free to express my dis sent from bis political opinions. When we cease to recognize such attributes as those wbich make him welcome iu all cir cles, our relations, one to the other, must be harsh indeed. May that hour be tar off when the standard by which we are to judge our fellow creatures is the stand ards ol party, and may we never loose sight of wbat ought to be an ever pres ent and primary duty the duty of soft ening the asperities of politics, of discus sing great questions with candor and for bearance, and of unity npon the catholic platform of an universal humauity. I voted against Mr. Fox more than once, aud probably should vote against him if he were a cau.iiiUte for any office to mor row, as doubtless he would vote against me if ever I were placed in any such po sition ; but I should be ashamed of my self if I were not free to give him my hand iu every good work. We meet to-nlylit not as Democrats, not as Republicans, but as Philadclphians as Penusylvanians, as Americans, warm and sincere iu ihe com pi i snout we pay a man wilb wbuui iiiiny of ue re t ieau on the mere passing politics of the hour, but with whom we all agree upon the more enduring considerations of friendships, love of country, and pride of city and of State. Sport for Alexis. It is well kuown that for some time preparations have been making for a grand buffalo hunt, for the' pleasure of I'rince Alexis The preparations were all perfected last week, and the Ducal paity bad arrived in the vicinity of the hunting ground. The Prince, by this time, bas doubtless eaten of the choicest pieces of the buffalo killed by Lis own hands. A despatch from the North Platte, dated Jan. 13th, speaks of the arrival of the party there, aud describes the hunting camp as follows : Alexis and party arrived here at 7 A. M to day. They breakfasted on the cars at 5 a. M. The ambulances aud light wagons f r the bsggtge and a car riage for the Grand Duke met the party, and they started immediately for the camp. The permanent camp for the bnffalo hunt is on the Red Willow Creek, about fifty miles southwest of this point. The camp ceusists of two hospital tents, ten wall tents, and a tent for servants aud soldiers. Three of thu wall tents are floored, aud that of the Grand Duke is carpeted Bix and sibley stoves are provided for thu hospital and wall tents, and the hospital tents will be used for dining in. An extensive culinary outfit is also taken along, aud also t-ti thou sand rations each of flout, sugar aud cof fee, and one thousand pounds of tobacco for the ludians. Company C, of the 21 Cavalry, under con.mand of Captain Egan, is at the camp. They went nut several days ago, and have everything in the best possible shape Company E 2d Cavalry, under Lieutenant Hover, acts as the escorts for the party to the camp, and the whole is under the command of General Pal mer, of Omaha barracks. Lieutenant Hays is quartermaster of the expedition Mr. Cody, alias "Bouffalo Bill," met the Duke and party here A relay of horses is at Mediciue Cieek, about half way to the camp, and the party expect to make the trip in eight hours. Bnffalo are plen tiful within ten miles of the camp. A few hours ago four hundred Indians were reported at the camp with their fam ilies, and others were coining in rapidlv. It is expected that war parties of Spotted Tail, Whistler, War Bonnet, and Black Hat will be there with their respective chiefs and bauds. Locomotive Explosion Engineer Killed. Habrisuubg, Jan. 14. This morning about four o'clock, engine No. 30 1 at tached to a freight train coming est ex ploded the boiler at Middletown branch, killing engineer Dowdall, and danger ously injuring Joseph Lewis, conductor, and James Williams, fireman. Iu Ba'iraore on the 12.h inst., Lizzie 'affairs with you to continue, I contracted Anderson, colored, aged 20, was bnrned j bills that I would not otherwise Lave to death by the explosion of a can of done. I do not ask for anything I have coal oil, while attempting to kindle a fire not been led to suppose was mine, and with it. She was burned to a crisp in a do not ask yon to settle what is not en few minutes. ' tinly convenient for yon. After a time J. Flak's and Mist Mansfield's Letters. At one time Fitk occupied a high place in the affections of Miss Mansfield. During this romantic and lovely period of hi existence, he wrote to his love nu merous letters that had better never been written. For some reason be fell from that estate of love, leaving many eviden ces of his folly in the form of letters, iu the hands of Miss Mansfield. Stokes, being iu high favor with the woman, was informed of the existence of the letters, and, ( as the story runs, he urged the woman' to give them to the public, if Fisk did not comply with cer tain financial demands that she made of bim. Fisk was also sued for slander by Miss Mansfield. The case ended in his favor, to the great discomfeiture of Stokes and the woman. It is said that the fol lowing letters are some of the letters that passed between Fisk and Misa Mans, field : . . ' ' "DEAR DOLLY." 5th AvB. it. Uvlty: Juclosed find money. Bully niuruiug for a fuueral. J Fjr. Dear Dolly : Get right up now and I will be down to take breakfast with you in about 30 minutes We will take breakfast in the main dining room down stairs. Yours, truly. J. FlSK, jr. PoLLY : Inclosed find $50 Sleep, Dolly, all the sleep you cau to-day ev ery little bit ! Sleep, Dolly ! I feel as if three cents worth of clams would help me some. Your, truly. J. F.. jt. Dollv : Inclosed find . I am wrong, b-t I am bothered. ' It will come right. M beu I dou't come, don't wait. You shall not be placed as you was to night again, Yours, truly. J AS. FlSK, jr. Wed Evening. Have the kindness to acknowledge. Yours, truly. J. F,'jr. Feb. 22 1S68. A STATE DINNKR. No. 187 Wbst St, Tuesday, Oct 13, 1868 My Dear Jotie : James M'Henry. the partner of Sir Morton Peto, the largest railway builder in the world, Mr Tweed aud Mr. Lane will dine with us at 6 o'clock. I want you to provide as nice a dinner as possible. Everything went off elegantly. We are all safe. Will see you at 6 o'clock. James Fisk, jr. FISK GROWS SENTIMENTAL. Sunday Evenixu. Feb. 1, 1870 My D. ar Josie : I received your letter. The tenor does not surprise me much. You alone sought the issue, and tLe reward will belong to you. I crnnot allow you to depart believing yourself what you write, and must say to yon, which you know full well, that all the differences conld have been settled by a kiss in the right spirits. A longer letter from me might be much of an advertise ment of my weakness, and the ouly great idea. I would impress on yonr mind is how wrong you are when you say that 1 have grown tired of you " Wrong,' wrong ! Never excuse yourself on that iu after years. Don't try to teach j-onr heart that, for it is a lie, and yon are falsifying yourself to your own soul No more. Like the Aral s, we will fold our tents and quietly steal away, and when we spread them next we hope it will be where the "woodbine twinetb," over the river Jordan, on the bright and beautiful banks of heaven. From yours, ever, James. " what a fool !" AlG. 1, 1S70 My Dear Jotie: I seud you letter I found to my care on my desk. I cannot come to you to-night. I shall stay in town to-night and prob ably to morrow night, and after that I must go east On my return I shall come to see yon. I am sure you will say, " What a fool !'' but you must rert and so must I. The thread is so elende; I dare uot strain it more. Loving yon, and none but yon, I am, yours ever, James. miss mansfield reproaciies'james. Septk.mbkr, 1S70. James Fisk, jr.: That your letter had the desired effect you can well imagine. I am honest enough to admit that it cut me to the quick. In all the annals of letter writ ing I may say it eclipses them all Your secretary made a slight error, however, in supposing tliat-M'll Montaland was mentioned. The only prima donna I had referred to was "Miss Peiris." As you say, M'll has nothing whatever to do wiih ray affairs. I have always re spected her, and ouly thought of her as one of the noblest works of God beau- tit ul and talented and your choice never referring to her in my letter in thought or word. I freely admit I never expected so severe a letter from yon I, of course, feel that it was unmerited, but. as it is your opinion of me, I accept it with all the sting. You have struck home, and I may say, turned the knife around. I will send you the picture yon speak of at once The one in the parlor I will al so dispose of. I know of nothing else here that you would wish. I am anxious to adjust our affairs. I certainly do not wish to annoy you, and that I may be able to do bo I write yon this last letter. You have told me very often that you held some $20,000 or $25,000 of mine iu your keeping. I do not know if it is so, but that I may be able to shape my af fairs permanently for the future that a part of the amount would place me in a position where I never would have to ap peal to you for aught. I have never had oue dollar from any one else, and arriv- i ing here from the Branch, expecting my I shall sell mj hoaset bat for the pres ent thiuk H best to remain ia h. . The money I apeak of would place me where I should need the assistance of no one. The ring I -take back- as freely . aa I gave to yon ; the mate to it I shall keep for company". ' Why foa should eayl obtained this house by robbery I cannot imagine; however, yon know best. I am sorry that your associations with me was detrimental to yon, and I would gladly, with yon (were it possible), ob literate the last three years of my life's history ; but h ia not possible, and we must struggle to - ontli vo our past. I trust you will take the sense of this let ter as it is meant, and that there can be no mistake I send this by Ella, and wbat you do not understand. she will explain. FISK's CONFESSION-"YO0 ACTED BIGHT." Department of Finance, New York, October 20, 1870 Madam: You know I would not wrone von, and I would take back all my acts when there could be a shadow or doubt that you were right aud I was wrong ; and let me ask of the other harsh letters I have written. I wrote them because yon Lad wronged me positively, because you had placed be tween me and my lift?,- my hope and my happiness, an eternal gtlf, and I felt sore and revengeful, and on those letters I am now the same. It vould be idle for me to write aught about them or about us, when I could talk to you there. The entire connection is lite a dream to me, a fearful dream, from vhich I have awoke, and, whilo dreaming, supposed my soul had gone out ; anj tLe awaken ing tells me I am saved, and, from the embers of the late fire, there smoulders no spirit of revenge toward you, for yon acted right, and the wrong ouly came to mc from you because you did not act sooner This letter should rcmaiu and be read ouly by you. Should you see fit to an swer it, the answer will be the same way kept by me. There ha been a storm. The shin, a noble steamer, 'has cone down. The storm is over and the sea is smooth again. . Little ships should keep near shore; Greater ships eaa venture more. "My ship is small and poorly offered.'' I am yours ever, etc , etc., J F.. jr, P S. I would have liked to have an swered your letter in full, but, as you say I have not a well balanced brain, and I know I could not do justice to a letter of that kind, so refrain and content to let the sentiment of it "know and fret me." THE CORN DOCTRESS. November 1, 1S71. Mis MantfirlJ ; I have taken the steps for the corn doc tress removal to a southreu clime, w here her business should be better, as vegeta bles of that class thrive more rapidly there than our bleak shores. I presume it will take from two, or say four days, before I get the passes,, when they will be sent to yon. Should she eomo you, say to her come back iu four days and you will have them for her. I sent you a package by Maggie for what you da sircd on Saturday evening, with a little surplus over for trimmings, which I hope you received. I am cf your opiuion regarding not ouly Dr. Pape, but all of j the doctors. You are well, let nature i take its course. You are in too good health to tamper with a constitution as good as yours. This is important for your consideration. Yours truly, James, "dear dollv" aga1.. November 14, 1870 Dear Dol'y : Do you really wish to see a "brigand' at your house to night ? If so, what hour, or from wlmt hour, aud how late should I call t for I might not be able to come at 8 or perhaps not till 10. Say what hour, and how late is your limit after the time you first say. November 15, 1870. Inclosed find a box for to-night. Should you find you cannot use it send it back to me later. Do you feel as I said -you would this morning? The box, of course, is for whoever you may invite.' Yours ever, Jambs. November 16, 18 Dear Dolfy: Don't feel that way. Go riding, and to night, darling, I will take you to rest. I shall go out at half past three, and yon can safely look ahead, darling, for rest. I will come, and we shall be happy again. Yours truly, James. THE STOKES CASK. The grand jury in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, New York, found a bill of indictment against Stokes for the murder of Fisk. The trial has not yet com menced. Stokes' cell at the tombs has been luxuriously furnished and he lives as comfortably as at a first-class hotel An exchange says a philosophic genius in Chicago bas petitioned Congress to aid him in experimenting to produce rain artificially. ' The frequency with wbicb rain storms followed battles dur ing the late rebellion leads him to con clude that the explosion of large quanti ties of gunpowder tends to produce such storms. He asks for the use of three hundred cannons, whe'se calibre shall not be less than that of a twelve-pounder, and twenty thousand blank cartridges. This artillery is to be exploded simulta neously, by means of electricity, in hope that such an explosion will cause a fall of rain. Should this experiment prove successful, the West need no longer be troubled with such severe droughts as afflicted it last summer and autumn. The Pennsylvania Agricultural Socie ty has 7S5 life members, who have paid the fee of $30 each. Tbe bay crop of Maine has heretofore averaged 1,000,000 tons This year the supply is only 487,000 tons. For the Sentinel. Te Inew not What le WaraW.' This saying to the Jews u applicable to many of the present day.- Ia some form idolatry wins its way. into every heart, and the unknown goda are wor shipped as in the time of Panl. Fame, money, fashion, and beauty are the prin cipal agencies in the work. Admiration generally covers the sins they accumu late. Mental aud physical is the labor to live in others' eyes., and only when earthly pleasures cease to charm, do mor tals realize that mammon is not all of life. In the twinkling of an eye the objects idolized may be removed ; then will come, through a broken spirit, the knowledge of unknown worship. - When money is the aim, everything else is trodden uader foot in order to reach that goal. So with all purposes when they become the predominant de sires of the heart ' There are many minor and delusive points on this subject, of which we sel dom take note, on account of their bitter uess, but time reveals their growth, fre quently, to our great disappointment. . Some men admire the very nothing ness of woman's character, which some day brings them to grief. A companion must possess more than a pretty face and winsome manners, but the attractive out side was all that was searched for. The uuhappiness comes when the gilt is worn off from the image. J We know all men admire good women. But why iu the world do they not give them more encouragement in that way. If men would cease admiring the furbe lows with which women adoru their per sons, engaging iu trivial conversations, coquetry aud flirtatious, then there would be a different standard of "elegant young ladies." Girls lower themselves to men's ideal, and blight that which, by education, would work out a more ex ceeding weight of nobleness. ' It is not always for want of capacity that girl are such insipid mortals we innst admit to our sorrow there arc too many of this sort. We have known them to leave school with honors, but keep the benefit therefrom carefully, as it were, laid up in a napkin, and join the butterflies that flit around the throne of fashion, and become slaves thereto. If society would favor intellectual pnr- suite nvre, there would he a truer, nobler basis Men and women would regard life beyond the vanities which are as chaff which the wind driveth away. EUUEKA. Just as We Found Them. Iowa is out of debt, and bas $9j,000 in tbe treasury. A ciil in Utah recentlr f.-!l dead from i lacing too tightly Tbe dead letters returned to Washing ton last year contained S3.000.0C0 Vice President Colfax says be will not decline a rcuomiuatiou. Florida has produced fiuer oranges this season than any during the past ten years. Ladies have taken to wearing thn k boots with broad square heels, says this is not sensible ? Who says The number of lives lost by the Wis consin fires is estimated at eigtttren hun dred. Tt is said that the father of Jurors Fisk. recently assassinated, has gone crazy over the fate of his son. Two hundred persons were arrested at a chicken fight in lloboken, i n the 2nd but were subsequently discharged. Russia has only 10,000 doctors, which is oue to 71S2 people. Iu some districts there is no physician within less tbau a day's jouruey. The Uarrisburg steel works are to he supplied in the spring witli a hammer weighing eighteen tons. The one now in use does not weigh half a much. A snake having two natural heads and two natural eyes in each head, was killed and brought into Bowdeu, Ga., by a planter of the neighborhood, a few days ago. A Kansas youth, during a political dis cussion, knocked the butt of his gun on the floor to emphasize an argument. His fellow debaters attended his funeral in a body. Changes and lemons are a good deal cheaper than apples in all the earteru markets. In Boston there is a great glut, in consequence of hevy imports both from the Western and the Sicily islands The Emperor of China is to be mar ried soon, and baa imported a pair of ele phants to draw his nuptial car His bride is to be carried in a palanqnin made of strings of pearls. Her dresses cost $1,000,000. A Chicago suicide loaded a pistol with powder and wad, and filled the chamber with water. He then placed the muzzle in his mouth and fired. The effect was terrible tbe whole top of bis head being blown off. A Chicago minister profoundly main tains that, "the Christian religion is a humane and adequate institution, because all infants aud idots are saved, and as more than one-half of the human race die in infancy, it follows that more than one-half of the race are saved, in any event," The negro Howard, who commited an outrage on a white girl in Rochester, ar rived in Auburn, N. Y and took his place in the State prison under a sen tence of ten years. He was very happy to get safely within the walls, putting his thumb to his nose and making a fan of bis fingers to the crowd outside aa he went up the steps to the main hall. In Danville, Illinois, live a man and wife named Davidson, who are the pa rent of a child, now oyer five weeks old, which weighs . but two pounds. Its ; length ia seven inches, and its face about ! the site af a ' watch erysul. -Its tiny j arms are ro slender that a small finger j ring can be slipped on either of them to the shoulder. This little creature is al-j ready making quite a noise iu this part j of the world, and hundreds have called : to see it. The parents are of standard ! size. - - - ; ! -- j ' A startled fawn fled for protection from the hounds into the door-yard of a ; Virginia mansion, where a beautiful girl of sixteen summers was sitting. The deer approached htr with intuitive . trust, and looked piteously into her mild blue eyes. The maiden, however, contrary : to all traditions, s'anghtered the animal i with a carving knife. The Chicago express driver of the period now declines to convey mysteri ous boxes to the railroad depots until as sured, on affidavit, that they do not con tain the cold corpses of doubled-up fe males. gear drrrtisrmruts. Assig-nee'i Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that George Ooaben, of the boron ?!i of Patleraon, Juniata Co., Pa., and Anna I)., his wife, by deed of voluntary assignment, have assigned all the estate, real and personal, of the said fleorge Goshen, to Henry M. Groningpr, of Milford township, and C. B. Homing, of Ihe borough of Mifflintown, in said county, in trust fur the benefit ot the creditors of the snid George Goshen. All persons, therefore, indebted lo the said George Goshe will make payment to Ibe said assignees, anil those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. HKNRV M. GKONIXGER, A"ee!TGeor?; Goshen, Jan. 8, 18o. - ' " ' ' PRO lis KOCLA.MATJON Whikah tii Hon. Ihe Court of Common Pleas of Ibe 9th Judi . ..- . . . , . .. . . L.lJAni.l T. tll.-i-al.l, I fCPHIVni tMts"j Ul ciai uisir-ci, conipose'i or iue counurs ui j -Juniata. Perry and Cumberland, and Ibe linn. Jab. rit.i WkIktb tii! JnlfV Koox-4. Judges of Ih4 Court or C.m.mon Pleas of Juniata county, have, issued tbeir precept lo Die directed, bearing date lhe9th d.iy of December. 1871. for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gener.il Jail Delirery. and General Quarter Sessions of ihe Peaee, ai Mifflintown. on Ihe first Mnsnit of Febru- ary, 1872. being the nth day of the month : NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVES lo the Coro ner. Justices of Ihe Pence and Con-tables of Ihs county of Juniata, that they he then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the furenaon et said day, with records, in quisitiuns, examinations and o'her remem brances, to do those tbinzs thnt to their offi ces respectively appertain, and those ihnt are bound by recognizance lo prosecute against the prisoners that are or iheu msy be in the Jail of said coutly of Juniata, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be lU, Bv an Ait of AsiemTily, passed the 8th day of Slnv. K. D. 185t. it is made the duty of' ihe Justices of the Peace tf the ser-jral conn liea of Ibis Comniou wealth lo return lo the Cleik of f lie Ccurt of Quarter Sessions of tbe ! Peace, of the rcapes-ive counties, all the re- i cetdzances entered into before them hy any person or persons chnr-.J uh the tin . " . sion of any crime, exeert siich cases as may be ended before a Justice of the Peace, under ibe existing laws at least ten days before ihe eon.meneen.eai of Ihe se-sion of ike Court to which they are made rtlnrnablc respectif elr, .n.l in all case where any recognizees are entered into le-s Iban leu ilavs before the commencement of the session to which they are made returnable, the Kail Justices ire re rzi;;:z;r m iuaeT Dated at M.ffl.niown. ihe 31 day ef Janu - ary in toe yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seTen y-i wo .51 fT nt v t C ' "' Sheriffs Office. U.ifl.ntown, January o, 1872. ( Trial List, February Term, 1372. I. Lewis rinrehneld. t. No. Zi. Sept, Term 1S71. Milford township. ! t 2. James P. Kirk. Adrn'r ic , ts Isaac Kirk, owner, .tc. No. l.". April Term, 1S71. 3. Simon lnnia. ts. Ired Shrador,. No. 7fi. Sept. Term. 1.S7!. 4. .tames P. Smith, ti. S. T. M'Cullounh. ! No. 77. Sept. Term, 1871. 6. John tiufhu-.d, ts T. B. Coder. No. ! 84, Sept. Term. 1871. I 6. Aula & WooJburn, vs. "erj. Ilulder, et al. No. 123. Sept Term, 1S71 j 7. tVm. 1!. Young, for uso ts. William Pear j ing, ct aL No. J.1I, Sept. Term, 1871. P. K. Mi MKKN, 1'rotKy Prothonotary's Office, Mifiiia- town. l3cc. 23, 1871. List of Jurors for February Term, 1872. ! GRAND Jl'KllRS. ' Fermanagh Wm. Bergey, Joseph. Oher hollier, Isaac Puffenherzer. Fayette J. M. Ray. Peter Brown, Michael Eicbman, S. M. Shelley, Daid Straycr. Spruce Hill Jacob Bryner. Walker KJeorge Cook, Cyrus Sieber. Milford Benj. Gronigner, Km. M. Sierrel. PerrysTille O W. Hamlin. Patterson John Kerlin. j QAM IT. I. If. ROLLMAX respeelfully an. Lack Mathew Kirk. J. If. Wallace. O nounces to the pubiie that he has reeent- Mifflin Cornelius McClellan. Joseph C. ; ly opened a Wagon-maker s Shop in ihe bor- W"S'i a ' cf '''"ei'son, and is prepared to man Beale Stewart Cseson, Alexander Wood- nfaclure, in a neat and durable manner, ward. Monree Baltzer Lnuver. Turbett Wm. Robison. Greenwood 11. F. Zeii'ers. TETIT JURORS, Walker Alton Adams. Joseph Dysinger, Henry Hartman, Samuel Martz. i Fermanagh J. B. Alexander, Ueorge Dumm. Mifflintown Wm. Bell, Samuel Bergey, Alexander Ellis, J. W. Hamilton. Lack James Bachman, Irwin Clark, D. B. Spnnogle. Robert Wilson. Hugh L. McMeen. Ceaie Christian Brandt, Wm. Laird, Je rome Stewart. Milford O. W. Burehfield, Wm. Kauffman, L L. Guss. George Heikes. Patterson John Cnplin. D. A Doughman, John Fasic, George Goshen. Fayette laid Charters, Aaron Leidy. John Robison, Wm. II Reynolds, Lucian Wil son. Susquehanna Vfm. Goodman, John Hertz ler, Peter Kilmer, Jacob Rot brock. " Greenwood Jonas Long,. Simon Shelllen berger, Millard Woodward. Thompsontown W. C. Tyson. Spruce Hill Samuel Melov. Delaware Isaac Pile, Andrew Smith, C. O. Shelley. Monroe D. W S warts. CAUTION. A LL persons are hereby cautioned against a interfering in any way with the follow ing property: Four mules and 1 four-horse wagon now ia my possesion ; Ihey hare simply been loaned to John Hosteller, Jr., of Johnstown Juniata county. Pa. JOHN COFFMAS. Johnstown, Dec. 19, 1871-lt BLOOMSBUKO STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AND Literary and Commercial Institute. Ibe faculty of ibis Iustituti:n aim to be I very thorough in their instruction, and ta ' look carefully after tbe manners, health aad morals of tbe students. 09 App'jT tor catalogues to HENRY CARVER, A. M., Sept 59, 1870 -tits Principal. Terror ! If order ! f Death 1 ! .nice, Heraettes. Ann, Til mo EATS farmer1' '-RATS RATS A Remarkble Preparation, RATS which draws Rata, (aa by magic) from tbeir holes and biding places. They eat ravenously and all die to a dtad certainty in the open air. Safe to' use. 1 Called BUHT'S New Improved Vermin Exterminator, fted wiih H'enoVrtri .access at the CoanaaxTat nd othi-r large Hotels an t Public lnsti'n lioua in lUiUJe!(-hia and New Turk ciij ; lSo!toa Una". 11 irrutmrg ; Latoa lppot Hotel, P'ttsbur; Hrrdici liause, Tl'il- liamrort. Pa : is. in tact, the only article that will riil yon of lhee pe.- Cut this adYertisciueni ont and take to yonf lrnjr- gist or .Merchant. t he is not supplied, he can get it fcr you of any wholesiU Druczisr. l!enre and gpf" on ly"rn at sign ed K." BIT.T, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa, on eacbjur. Tiike no other. 25 cents ajar ; five jars for $1. $1 vorlh trill KtuiUt Jo a thnreuoh wnrk. - ' - - Te ilerehaats. Burt's Sew Improved will nerer harden or change by age. Al ways in nice condition. Lota on hand o.r former make will be exchanged, if desired. Prineipul Depots. t02 Arch St., N E. cor. ner Teath and CbeMnut . and S. TV. cor Eight and Rice s's.. Philadelphia. Sold by all Wholesale Druggists. Direct all letters to E. El'HT, Manufacturer of Rat Exterminator, Went Philadeldhia, Pa. Jan KXECUTOU'S SALK OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! BY virtue of an Order i Orphans' Court of Jtinia ned ont of the at eonnty, the undersigned. Executor of in last Will and Testament of John Duljhs, lit of Tusciror township. Juniata county. Ta., dee d, will be expoed to sn by piiu'ic outcry, oa Ike premises at ! o'cl-jek 1. M.. oa . .- . THURSDAY. JANUARY 18.Y72.. The following real estate, lo wit : No. 1. . V Tract of Lnntl aitmt in Tutack. : ror lonhip. Juniata county, bounded r . IaI1,ls of j.irti, H alters, James Riser, Daniil ! KnepP. and otacrs. com lining j TIIHEE IH WDSEI) ACRES, I moreor Uift Bhou( fo-thir'is of ihe lao-l hv I : I .1. k.-.-.-.--. ..II I ;"." , . . v, ',.11 v.u r.7' . , , i. iiriTiuiik . -f . i v inn .'ran, t iuc, RUi i If. , . . ! "') good TUe improvements are a Two Story Log House j an'1 Kitchen, with a never-tailing Spring of w"r ,n lb k: ken : a Good Fraire B.V.NK : B VKN " K "31n SbeJ- "R House, an I 11 cesary onibuiM.ngs : also a Tenant ! House. Theie is on th- premises an Orcharl j of K"" -'m'- ""''.racing apples, peaches. ! PearB- cherries gaapes, 4c. No. 2. Tract of Land situate in Tnsca- rnra township. Juniata county, bounded on the south hr tract No. I, and on the east aad west by lands of Thomas Dobbs, containing EIGHTY FIVE ACRES, mostlr cleared. hari!s thereon erected a HOLE ard ST.P.Li. There is a good Or chard on this traet. TERMS OF SALE: One-fourth of the piirchnne money to be paid on the eontirnation ! of ,he hT th C ort Hn!i ,oe l" on ! th' fir,t J 'J- ' AJ"- l!V J- w,rh i l IV uc refill vi Jf wmw RUU mwri J. C. DOBB.1, ttrtutor. Jm 3, l72-ts I Orphans' Court Sale. j -q L KSl:ANT , nn ,,; or,,cr issaed out of if ... ... J- incurpnatis loiirf ot jnniata eonnty, th j un.,,ri j ;,,, Tru of ! tRe of j Ule , Lllck lw : d,C (, wjn , e b M ? ' ,e rremis,, M , 0-cloc I j . . j THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1872, The following real esta'e, to wil : A tract of j land sitnale in Lack township, Juniata eoun- ! containing three hundred and m i cees. ' mor(. ,e hnnn,M hr Und ef 6. W. s,;. , ar, ,eirs of KIi1(eth CoIa j h Rob. j inSon. John H . Gray, Henry Long, and others. ! Ab0'" " I"1"! -'.eared and . , el,,.:,:on .,, ,h. v.. : ance hearily t with choice white oik and ; chestnut oak timb'-r. Tbe improvements are a TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, BANK BARS. Wagn Shed and Corn Cr.h, I wood House, Carriage House, Well of water. ! with pump, at ihe door, also a large Orchard j of choice grafted apples, 4c. TERMS. So much of the purchase money i as will be neeeaary to pay the expenses of these proceedings to be paid on confirmation ; of sale by the Conrl ; one-ibird of the re 1 mainder on the first day of April, 172, oe- tbird on the first day of April. 1873, and ihe , remaining one third on Ibe first day of April, j '874. with interest from date of confirmation i of sale on Ihe who'e tbj purchaser to enter I into recognizance with security for the pay. j men! of the purchase money. The Deed In be delivered ant possession given Acril 1. f'08r' 7hc ml the purchaser lo par the I ax el ear 1972 I J. M. MORRISON. Trustee f George McConnell, dee'd. ' Pec. Jjt. 1871-ts ivirvr WAGON MANUFACTORY IX PATTERSON. WAGONS OF ALL HINDS, From a Four-hcrse Farm Wagon to a One horse Spring-wagon. All Kiads of Repairing will Receive Strict Attcation. Grain ami Lumber Taken in Exchange for Work. a5u By careful attention to busines, and by turning out superior work, be hopes tn merit and receiro a large share of pubiie patronage. teg- Good Oak Flank Wanted, -fes Not 1, 1871-1y Hour ! Flour ! rpiIS undersigned begs leave to inform the JL public that he has purchased tbe GRIST MILL, in Milford township, recently owned by Jacob Lemon, and, having remodeled and otherwise improved Ihe same, is now pre pared to accommodate all who mfy favor him with their patronage. Wheat Floor and Sifted Cora Meal aU ways on hand and lor sle whole, sale and Retail. Also, Shorts, Bmu, Ship-sluff and Ct-.p Fur Sale. Flour and Feed will be delivered lo fami lies if desired. His wagon will visit Mifflin, Patterson and Perrysville three times a week. Orders left at tbe Store of Joba Elks in Mifflin, or at Pennell's Store in Patterson, will be promptly attended to. GRAIX OF ALL KIXDS BOUGHT AT MARKET TRICES. P. II. HAWN. Jan. 3, 1872-3m LARGE stock of Readv made Clothing for sale by HARLEY & CO.