fyt I Junta &tnthr.l. WGDffBST'At : MORKISO, JAN. 5,' 1H72. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. OS AND after Sunday, Not. 12, 1871, Passenger Trains will leave Mifflin Station as follows: EASTWARD. Philadelphia Express..", 12,50 A. M.. Fast Line 2,22 A. M. Pac. Exp. (don't stop) 10,05 A. M. Harrisb'g Accoinmoda'n 11,23 A. M. Mail Train 1.. 5,23 P.M. '. Ciaoiooati Express 8,50 P. M. . WESTWARD. Sotttbern Express. 2,34 A. M. Throngb Passenger.!. ... 4, 53 A. M. i Pacific Express 5,56 A. M. Way Passenger 9,44 A. M. Cincinnati Express 12,2G P. M. Mail Train. - 3,27 P. M Ft Line... '6.2G P. M. Mixed Train ........ 8,15 P. M . JAMES NORTH, Ag't SUNBl'RV & LEWISTOWN RAILROAD. On cat after Friday, Dec. 1. 1871, train trill run on the Sucbury and Lewistown Rail road as follows : MATS WESTWARD. IIAVI EASTWARD. STATIONS. Mixed. Mail. Mail. Mixed. A. M. A. M. P. X. A. M 11.40 6.80 Sunbury 3.35 10.80 12.06 6 60 Selinsgrove 3.1$ 99 12 21 C.Oi Pawling - 8 00 9.40 12 32 7.1l Kreamer 2.49 9.29 12.38 7.22 Meiser'i 2.43 9.23 12.53 7.37 Middleburg 2.28 9 08 1.08 7.62 Benfer 2.13 8.68 1.31 8.10 Beavertown 1.52 8.30 1 42 8.20 Adamsburg 1.42 8.20 2 13 8.45 McClure 1.17 7 64 2.35 9X3 Wagner 1.00 7.30 2.42 909 Sbindle 12 55 7.30 2.67 9.21 Painter 12 45 7.18 8.10 9.31 Maitland 12.36 7.08 3.32 9.49 Lewistown 11.20 6.50 1.42m. 9.58 Lewistown Jn 11.10 6.25 Trains connect with Way Passenger and Msil trains west, and Harrisburg Accommo dation and Mail trains east at Lewistown, and north and south at Sunbnry. WM. H. BROWN, Supt. TOWN AND COUNTRY. The stoall-pox baa almust entirely left Altoona. Peurysvillk Las organized a Saving and Loan Aseoeiatiou. . B.VRNt.M is in search of a man who is willing to admit that his wife knows as roach as he the husband dues. Thk Ladies of the Methodist Church luld a Festival of tlirtp evenings, dnring the week between Christmas and New Years. Attfntion is asked to the advertise ment of P. H. Hawn, who has recently purchased the Lemon mill property, in Milford towuship. " REV. P. J Hkai.k, of St. George's,! Delaware, lias received and accepted a prcst-ing abd unanimous call from one of the first Presbyterian churches in the city cf I3n!titnnr A LFTTf K from Ki.-v. W. A. Patton, from CLaileston. S. C , and a letter from Dr. Elder firm New Yoik, will apjiear in our next. Wiite as often as you can. genii" men. Two tracts of land iu Tuscarora twp , wilb improvements thereon, are adver tised in to-day's paper by J. C Pobbs Executor of John Dobbs, dee'd. Read advertisement in another column. Mb. Liovd, County Supeiintendent of Common Schools of this county, was the recipient of a valuable silver watch from the teachers of the county, at the close of the late Institute Watery Potatoes. An exchange, says if your potatoes are watery, put a piece of lime about tbe size of a lien's egg in the pot and boil with them, a- d they wi'I come out as mealy as you desire. Try it. rE. S. PaRKKR. cashier of the banking house of Doty, Parker Sc Co.. has moved , into bis new house The Hank has also been moved into tbe room in Mr Parker's house prepared for it. It is a handsome room, has a commodious vaultand a strong safe, against which it would be useless for the bank robber to direct his attentionvj Bonsai.L, of the Democrat and Higg ler talks of raising turkeys to the weight of forty pounds He thinks he can do it by feeding them ebot. If our editorial friend succeeds in bis talked-of enterprise, we promise that if we live next summer, we will teach, him gratuitously how to raise eweet potatoes on poles. Choisk and Barn Bcrned. Last Wednesday. December 27th, the house of William Reader, a resident of Lack twp , this county, took fire from a burning chimney. From tbe bouse sparks were carried by the wiud to a straw stack in front of the barn, and a fire there kindled, all of which resulted iu the total destruc tion of both honse and barnT A PETITION is now circulating through out the State, asking Congress to give those soldiers who never received any bounty from the'government, the sum of eight dollars per month for the time served, and also asking Congress to amend tbe bounty land act, as to enable ex soldiers to own the 1G0 acres without settling upon it. Soldiers, as a general thing, sign this petition without asking many questions Ex. TllE cry of fire, raised some eveningB ago by the burning of a chimney in the vicinity of East Point, turned nearly the whole population into the streets to look np ihe fire. Mifflin is sensitive on that question. A little noise of that kind stirs her. Tbe Teachers Institute was in session at tbe time. The cry broke it np in a pell-mell manner. Some went out at the windows instead of at tbe doors all went out in a hurry. After the excitement abated which it soon did, when the character of the fire was learned tbe Institute was again called and completed the business of the evening, A Parting- Glance at the Old Tear, and a UraeUng for the Sew Tear. We bear a noise like the report of a gun in the distance. We rise "from our bed and walk rw VSwndow and look out, and as we etarejuto the thick fog that covers the town and valley, we hear other re port. We look at the' clock ; its bandti indicate the hour of 1,'A. M, January 1st. 1S72. The sound of fi re arms that we beard was made' by man rejoicing over the advent of the New Year, and in our heart we say to tbe' rejoicing party, rejoice, for good cheer and peace reigns here. Wbat-a contrast ! One year ago, at the. very hour of ibU writing at 1 o'clock on the morning of January 1st, 187 the fire fiend was pouring out bis fiery wrath upon our town. Peace and quiet had fled from it, and' hundreds of people frem the country for miles around, with saddened-faces, looked on and saw onr substance licked up by flames of fire. The year 1S71 was a year full of calam ity. From eur wayside town it took up its dreadful march,' and scarce a time since has it abated its fury. It com passed the whole earth. Chicago, the towns, prairies and forests of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa, aud hun dreds of districts in other States, bear evidence to the fury of the calamities by fire. Tbe earth contributed her share of calamities. - Earthquakes in South America swallowed up whole towns and their unsuspecting inhabitants, and vol canos poured forth their molten lava. The winds and the waves were not idle to the mandates of calamity, but lent their fury, and shipwrecks in large num bers upon every sea appear, and at one grand sweep almost our entire whale fish ing ships, cruising north of Hearing's Staits, are gathered np and destroyed. The rains and the floods, too, contrib uted to the grand round that calamity made, and iu the land of the ''Heathen Chinee,' flooded vast districts, and drowned thousands of people. Famine, in her guant and ghostly form, bowed approvingly to calamity, and Persia is in the throes of hunger, aud thousands npon thousands die there for want of food. Violence and fraud, too, did homage to calamity, and at the centre of European civilization Paris held high carnival for a time, and destroyed the finest pieces of art aud labor, aud hastened thousands in untimely graves. " midst these ajip iliug scenes we have much to thank Heaven for, and we should ask God to give us the understanding : near! to teel mat such calamities are al ways lor man's good. To our readtrs we extend greeting, aud our best wishes fur their happiness and the earnest hope that they may be exempt from one and all of the calamities that, during the old year 1S71, visited so many of our brethren. There is a case of varioloid a mild type of small pox iu the vicinity of the borough school house. The Town Coun -t .-. o cu promptly acteu in tne matter on fun- j uay morning, t-mintiYeu a ciuzeu huu once had small pox, to see to it that the needs of the family are supplied, while the family has been ordered to remain in doors and not to appear on the streets The family consists of a husband, wife and one child. It is the wife who has the varioloid. It is believed that the disease was contracted while she was on a visit to Altoona recently. Some days ago David Dunn, a young man 17 or 18 years of age, a resident of Fayette township, was out setting snares for rabbits. Howard Patton at tbe same time was bunting wild turkeys, aud espied Dunn in the bushes, mistook bim for a tnikev. and rliprharr'ed his trim at him u wag a wdWtlivered cliar;e for,yix , . . , . . . Dunn's hip, shoulder and neck. Fortu nately they scarcely more than penetra ted the skin, and the injury sustained was not of a serious nature Ccre for Croup. This is a cronp season, and as croup in a disease that re quires more prompt relief than can be afforded by the physician, who has to be sent for, it will be well to bear tbe follow ing simple remedy in mind : Take the white of an egg. stir it thoroughly into a quantity of well sweetened water, and give it in repeated doses nntil a cure is effected. If one egg is not sufficient, a second, or even a third one, should be used. Ex. , A citizen of McAlbterville writes us the following : As N B. Alexander was coming to town on last Saturday he saw a deer cross the road. He went to G. Shevery's, r;ot a shot gnn, and fired at the deer. The animal ran to Reuben Reynolds barn, and there tried to jump the fence, but failed and fell back. John Strayer, who was passing along the road near by, ran and seized it and cut its throat. Thehk is probably no way in which we can benelit our readers more than by recommending to them for general use Johnton't Anodyne Liniment. It is adapted to almost all thn purposes of a Family Medicine ; and as a specific for coughs, colds, whooping cugh soreness of the chest, lame stomach, rheumatism, spitting of blood, and all lung difficulties, it has no eqnal that ever we saw or beard of. Cornelius McClellan having re cently resumed the Saddle and Harness making business, solicits a liberal share of patronage. Saddles, Harness and Col lars made of the best material. . The only place in tbe county where you can bny home-made collars. Shop on Bridge St , Mifflin, in the room with Heck ic Fasick, Boot and Shoemakers. ; The Fourth Quarterly Meeting of the M. E. Church of this place will com ments next "Satm-day evening. - RB Hamlin, Presiding Elder, will be present. The propriety of giving condition medicine to bones, cattle and sheep, was discussed and admitted "by many ot tbe Agrietiltnral Societies throughout, the State last Fall, and we believe that ju every ease but one they decided in favor of Sheruiaa't Cavalry CimdittonPowdert. Good judgement. " ' ' Area's American Alrrianac, for the new year, has arrived for delivery gratis by Banks ii Hamlin, ; druggists, to all who call for it. This little manual has the largest circulation of any book in the world, made by the fact that it furnishes the best medical advice which is avail able to the people enables them to- de termine what their complaints are and how to cure them. It contains tbe start ling announcement of the conflagration of a world, or the combustion of one of the stars in the firmament with all its attend ant planats.- A preparation bo widely and favor able known as Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, needs few words of praise from os. This compound Las won its way to the highest favor in the public mind ; and multitudes, who have vainly used other remedies for the restoration of their hair, have, on trying the, Sicilian Renewer, been made glad by tbe speedy restoration of their gray hair to its nat ural color, and the thin locks thickened up, as in tbe days of early youth, It al so prevents " the hair from falling out, makes it soft and glossy, and is altogether the best preparation for its intended pur poses before the public. Pitlslurj Chonile ---- . A PLAIN farmer writes : "It is now heard that over-twenty years since I sweet oil would cure the bite of a rattle snake, not knowing that it Would cure other kinds of poison! Practice, obser vation and experience have taught me that it will cure poison of any kiud, both on man and beast. The patient mnst take a spoonful of it internally and bathe the wound for a cure. To cure a horse it requires eight times as much as for a man. One of the extreme cases of snake bites occurred eleven years ago. It had been thirty days standing, and the pa tient had been given np by his physician. I gave him a spoouful of the oil, which effected a cure. It will cure bloat in cattle) caused by fresh clover. It will cure the stings of bees, spiders or other insects, and persons who have been poi soued by a low rnuuing vhio called ivy,' A lady who lived down in White Marsh, ever since the small pox has been the topic of talk iu that neighborhood, has been in the most deadly fear of in fection ; her terror was so great as to cause her to keep all the windows of the house closed tightly on the side toward a Dehors who had the plague, al though the distance of a mile intervened between the two houses. 'Some two weeks siuce, such was her nervous ex citement that she was taken ill, and her physician discovered mild sy interns of the varioloid. This becoming known to hur, she immediately gave berseif np for lost, and in a few days actually died, from sheer fright, as the physician says there was no reason why she should not have thrown oil the disease aud recover ed. This is only another instance of the necessity of a cool head and quiet nerves in the time of the prevalence of au epi dtmic. fi'iyfet'own Dtm'icrat. GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Something new and novcL Be sure and read the advertisement in our paper, headed "Greatest Invention of the Age." We believe tbe Golden Fountain Pen is unsurpassed. A good pen is a necessity to every man, woman and child. Agents, here is a chance to make money in introducing a good and saleable article. Piles instantly relieved and soon cured by using Dr. Brigg's Pile Remedies. They re duce inflamafion, soothe the irritated parts, and have proven a blessing to the afflicted, whether internal, external, bleeding or itch ing piles. All kinds in all stages mnst yield to the wonderful influence of these never failing remeaies. Sold by Druggists. Thk Onward Procress or Scikhck. It is an iudisputed fact that the skill of man is daily developing improvements in various de partments of industry. Each and all have an aim for our general welfare. One of the rnoit desirable and long wished for results has been accomplished in the discovery, by Dr. J. Briggs. of his Corn and Bunion Rem edies, his Alleviator for the cure and preven tion of common Corns, and his Curative for the absolute cure of Festered Corns, Inflamed Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, Sore Inslep, Blis tered Heels. Tender Feet, ic, &c. Sold by Druggist. Coughs, Colds, asd Throat ArrECTios-.-As all seasons of the year, many people seem to be suffering with Throat Diseases, manifest ing themselves in various forms such as Coughs, .Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Asthma, Pihisic, and other highways to that prince of terrors Consumption. Hundreds are neg lectful when they are slowly tut surely drift ing onwnrd to certain destruction, who might With a little care, and by the use of proper remedies, check their downward tendency. Dr. J. Briggs' Throat and Lung Healer ii the acme of perfection tor the speedy cureW all diseases ol the Throat, Lungs, and Chest Can be given to the infant and aged with per fect safety, as it contains no injurious drugs of any description. , As a general household medicine, it ia rapidly beooming indispensa ble. Bold by Druggists. Dr. Bbiogs' Allevanter cures neadaohe, Neuralgia and nervous diseases. Try it. Sold by BANKS & AAMLIN, and druggists generally. ATTENTION ! D AVID WATTS most respectfully announ ces to the public that he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY at reduced prices. Hereafter give him a call at his OLD STAND, MAIN St., MIFFLIN. Oct 25-tf MART1H & WALTERS always keep up their stock of GROCERIES and will not be excelled either in the quality or prica of their goods in this line, hefore going elsewhere. Give them a call MABRIEJ). BARTON McCLCRE Near East Water ford, Deot 14, 1871, J Rey- S- A; Cresreling, Mr. D. W. Barton and Miss Mary S. McClure both of Tusearora Valley, t r; : !.' RICKENBACH THOMPSON On the 21st ulL. in the U PCburoh o( Mexico, by the Rev. F: McBatney, Mr. V Krckenbaeh and Miss Acme 1. Thompson, all of Juniata Co. MESSERMAN HARDf On the 25th ulL by E W. IK Kreidery Esq., Leonard Meseer man, of Decatur township, Mifflin county, and Miss Mary Hardy,, of Shirleysbarg. Huntingdon county. j . . SAR TER HOFEMAN At the M. . Par ronage, Thompsontown, on tbe 2lst., by Rev. J. R. Akera, Mr. Isaac Sarrerand Miss Msry Hofeman. both of Perry county, Pa. NIPPLE McCDE On Dee. 19, 1871, by Rev. D. M. Blackwelder, Mr. Howard A. Nip pie and Miss R. A. McCue, both of Patterson. CLECK SIEBER On the 26th alt., at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. M. CoDeabaver, Mr. Samuel Cleck and Miss Eliza J. Sieber, both of Walker township. JIED. BRANT On the 19th alt., in the borough of Thompsontown, Laura J., only daughter of Jonas and Elizabeth J. Brant, aged 6 yrs.. I month and 12 days. RUMBATJGU On the 23id ulL, in Green wojd township, Perry county Pa., Ulrica Rnmbaugh, aged 84 years and 10 days. The deceased was one of the oldest and most respected oitizens of this commnity. He was the father of 14 children. He had 68 grand children, and 64 great grand ehil dren. In 1839 Mr. Rumbaugh connected himself with the Lutheran Church at Thomp sontown, when there were but few members and do place of worship but a common school house. Inrougn ins spirit of enterprise and liberality a commodious brick church has since been erected, in which his pew haa seldom been vacant until within a few years, and then only an account of age and infirmi ty. He served the church as elder for many rears, was an exemplary christian, and died in the full triumph s or taitn. Uis funeral was attended by a large concourse of people, who were addressed by your humble servant, from these beautiful words : "Let me die tbe death of the righteous, and let my last end be like hit. Numbers ii: 10. J. R. A FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. CLOSINO PRICES OF - 40 So. 3d St. rkila. 3 o'clock,' p.m.' Jan. 2, 1872. New U. 8. 5's of 1881 119 (3,U0J U. S. 6'sof '81 - 1175U7j '62, .u.. 119g(a)110j " '64, i...... 119j '65 110J110J " '05, new 111 1111 " " - '67, new 1133(m4 '68 ll;")Jfo115 " 5's. 10-4U-S, - 109 119J U. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy m3113 Gold : 10!) ()1H1 Silver 107 10? Union Pacific R. R. 1st M.Bonds. 901W 91 Central Pacific R. R- 10ii'fel03 Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds.. 78; UIFFLlNTOWiN & PATTERSON MARKETS PRICES OF BOARD OF COMMERCE. Reported weekly for the Juniata Skstiskl by the Board of Commerce of Hilmn and I at terson. Butter "fl ft 25 Eggs, $1 doz 3') Lard, "jt lb 8 Country Soap 8 Beeswax - Tallow 8 Rags 3 Wool, washed ". 50 Poultry, live 8 Dried Apples 8 ' Peaches, pared 20 " Peaches, unpared .- 15 " Cherries " Cherries, pitted . 20 " Blackberries 8 " Raspberries 20 Country Hams i 17 Sides and Shoulders 10 Potatoes, bus 40 Onions " 75 Ground Alum Salt, sack 2 25 Railroad Ties - 50 Locust Posts, mortising 33 " " .-for board fence.. - 15 D. K. SULOUFF'S PRICES CURRENT. Reported tfeekly. Grain. White Wheat, abus- $1 38 Red Wheat, 1 30 Corn .-. 50 Oats 42 Clover9eed 1 5 Timothy seed - 3 50 Coal. ' Prepared Coal, V ton . ..$5 75 Nut " ' 4 75 Pea " 3 25 Bituminous" " - 5 00 LcjiBsn. Run of Log, 4 4, 1000 ft $24 00 5-8, 16 00 8-4, " 25 00 " " 6-4, " 2800tol000 Hemlock Frame, ' 17 0nto2000 " Boards. 18 00to20 00 Whitepine worked Flooring 28 00 German Siding 28 00 Panel Doors 1 75 to 3 00 Window Sash, 8x10, y window- 65 " ." 9x12, "5 ' 10x12, " 80 " " 10x14, " ...... 90 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Philadelphia, Jan. 2, 1872. Flock The market was very quiet to-day but prices are quotahly the ssme. The de mand is mostly to supply the wants of the home esnsumers, whose purchases foot up 1000 barrels including- - Superfine ... ....... $5 25(o,5 75 Extras $S 00(i,6 50 N. W. Extra Family $7 25(5.8 59 Ohio & Ind. do. do. . $7 00(7 50 Penna. do. do $7 007 50 Fancy Brands $8 00(S8 75 Grain The wheat market is Brm. Sales of Penn red at $1 54al 57 ; amber at $1 58a 160; and white at $ 69. A lot of fancy sold at $1 33. Rye ranges from 8Sa90c for western and Penn. Corn is steady, but there is not much doing. Sales of 6000 bus yel low at 68a70c, and western high mixed at 70 a91c.'s'Oats are without essential change. 5500 bns western white sold at 64a55c for wqite, vnd 50a-2e for mixed. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. Mondat, Jan. 1 P. M. There was more demand for Beef Cattlo this week, and priees genreally were firmer, The offerings of show cattle were lees liberal and sales were made at 89Jo. Wequote ex traat7a"a; fair to good at 6iJo, and common at 4a5je tt gross. Receipts, 1550 head. Cows and Cslves were excoedingly dull and priees for tbe most part nominal. Sales os springers at $10a55 and fresh cows at $45a60. Receips. 160 head. . Sheif were in small supply and held firm ly. 8alea of fair to choice at 6a7e, and common at 8a4e. Lambs ranged from 67to. Receipts. 2000 bead at the Avenue and 10000 head at the Park Drove Tark. - Hoos were in light supply, but there was net ranch demand. Sales of corn-fed at 61a j 6Jo, the latter for extra quality. Receipts, '2472 bead- , . . . . THE KEYSTONE! THE KEYSTONE ! . . . ' :- - THE KEYSTONE! v ' - - , Bridge Street, Mifflmtown. TT7E, THE UNDERSIGNED, WOULD v nrnH rMnjtAtfnllv e.m thn aLtntian of r j our friends, customers, and the publie gen erally, to the fact that we have secured and fitted np one of the finest rooms in the coun ty, directly opposite our old stand previous to the terrible fire of Dec. 31, 1870, on Bridge Street, Mifnintown, where we purpose to con tinue the business of GENERAL LECHAIHISIITG. We have opened one of the finest, best and cheapest stock of Goods every offered to tbe public, embracing in fact almost everything that the public can wish. We would espe cially invite the attention of all to onr fine assortment of DRESS GOODS. This department we flatter ourselves to be the best ever offered to the putlie of Juniata for styles, quality and cheapness, of the most approved patterns, 4c., consistino or Black Bombazine, Black Australian Crape, Black Poplin, Black Velveteen, H Black and Fancy Silks, ' Black and Fancy Silk Poplius, Black aud Fancy Mohair, Black and Fancy Alpaccas, Black and Colored Striped Suitings Satin Striped Versailles Cloth, Sotin Striped Lome Robes, Silk Striped Mohair, Silk Figured Sultana, K Brocade Japanees Silks, Brocade I'oplius, French Serge Wool l'laid, Scotch do. do. do. E Cord and Colored Velveteens, English and French Chintzes, l'laid Nainsooks, Plaid India Twills, Plaid Swiss, Y Brocha, Thibet, Helena, Saratoga, Vigilia, West Branch, Niagara, and Watervliet Long and Square Shawls, in Great Variety. s Black and Fancy Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Black and Fancy Ermines, Black and Fancy Tweeds, Black and Fancy Jeans, T Striped and Plain Linen, Striped and Plain Cottonade, Striped and Plain Suitings, Striped and Plain Marseilles, Striped aud Plain Flannels, o Prints, Muslins, Sheeting, Pillow Casings, Checks, Hickory, Deuims, Drills, Diapers, Linen, Cotton Damask Table Linens, Cambric and Swiss Embroidery, Piqua and Crochet Edjrings, Silk and White Cotton Fringes, Ribbons, Velvet and Gimps, Laces and Braids, E Ladies' Lasting Button and Lace Ga'iters, Ladies' Moroco Button and Lace do. Ladies' Kid Lace lUls Ladies' Kid Lace do. Ladies' Lasting and Kid Croquet Slippers, T Misses' and Child's Lasting Gaiters, Misses' and Child's Kid Bals, Misses' and Child's Morocco Button, Misses' and Child's Goat and Pebble, Misses' and Child's Croqnet Slippers. II Men and Boys' Calf Boots, Men and Boys' Gaiter's, Calf Gaite E Glassware and Queensware, Fruit Jars and Stoneware. Queen Stone P Wool- Figured, Venitian, Listing and Wool Dutch Carpets. . Li Floor and Stair Oil Cloth, Oil Shades and Fixtures. A Berlin, Zephyr and Excelsior Foreign and Domestic Yarns. ind mestii c Table and Pocket Cutlery, Mirrors, Stationery, Albums, &c E ' . In fact everything necessary to make np a complete stock of Choice and Desirable Goods. As we are buying strintly for cash, we flatter ourselves that we can effer great in ducements to rarties who wish to bny good Goods at Reasonable prices: Our terms are eash or country produce taken in exchange for goods. We only ask the public to give us a call and examine cur steak, and compare priees and quality. We defy competition. TILTEN & ESPEN3CHADE, Bridge Street, Mifflintown. Sew. 21, 1871. DR. P. C. RUNlNO. ' PATTERSOIV, TV., DEALER IN ETERTTHINS THAT CONSTITUTES A FIRST-CLASS OTOE ST0LRSE- The public attention is also invited to his large assortment of All persons who are in need of Spectacles will find it to their advantage t : call, as they will find the largest stock iu the connty to select from. COMK AND HAVE YOUR EYE-SIGHT RESTORED. NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED OT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEON3 AND'lIAKMONICONS; ALSO A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF TOILET ARTICLES FOR THE LADIES, With an'mmense stock of NOTIONS. bF Something for everybody, young and old. at the PATTERSOX DRUG STOrtE. NEW PRICES IX DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, WOOD & WILLOW WARE FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TABLE OILCLOTHS, &C.,&C. B-If you want to see an entire new . , stock of Goods at Low Prices, call at the NEW CRYSTAL PALACE BUILDING, MIFFLTNTOWH, PA. SHELLEY &STAMBAUGII. Nov. 20, 1P71. Orphans1 Court Sale. TIUUSUAST ,0 n ''9 order Issued out of J7 the Orphans' Court cf Juniata county, the umlersigned, appointed Trustee of tbe es tate of tieorge McConnell, late ot Lack twp., d-;o'd, will expose to sale by publie outcry, on the premises, at I o'clock r. X., on THURSDAY, JAOTTARY 18, 1872, The following real esia'e, to wit : A tract of land situate in Lack township,-Juniata coun ty, containing THREE HUNDRED AND TEN 1CRES, more or less, bounded by lands cf G. W. Steu art. Heirs of Elizabeth Collins, Joseph Rob inson, John H. Gray, Henry Long, and others. About two thirds of the land is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the bal ance heavily set with choice white oak and chestnut oak timber. The improvements are a TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE. BANK BARN, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, Wood Home, Carriage House, Well of water, with pump, at the door, also a large Orchard of choice grafted apples, &o. TERMS. So much of the purchase money as will be necessary to pay . the expenses of these proceedings to be paid on confirmation of sale by the Court ; ono-ihird of the re mainder on the first day of April. 1872, one third on the first day of April. 1873, and the remaining one-third on the first day of April, 1874, with interest from date of confirmation of sale on the whole tbo purchaser to enter into recognisance with security for the pay ment of the purchase money. The Dee-1 to be delivered an t possession given April 1, 1872, and the purchaser to pay the tnxes for the year 187 J. M. MORRISON. Trustee of George McConnell, dee'd. Dec. 13. 1871-ts Valuable Krai Eslale AT PRIVATE SALE. Store-Room and Dwelling Combined. TH undersigned offers at private sale, her valuable Siore-Koom and Dwelling, sit uate on Bridge street, in the borongh of Pat terson, Juniata county, Pa. Tbe Lot is 50 feet front and extends back loO feet, and has thereon erected a Store-Room anil Dwelling Honse, wilh six rooms, a separate building suitable for a Store, alse an ICE-flOU.i"K and GOOD STABLE. I The property is located irrthe best busi ness portion of the town, and is a very desi rable stand for a store. The bouse and lot will be sold separately, or the stock on hand sold with it, to suit the purchaser. Terms reasonable. Possession given on the first of April, 1872. For particulars inquire of tbe undersigned or of Jeremiah Lyons, Mifnintown Juniata county, Pa. JHK3. r. HASSfcMA.N, Dec. 6, 1671-2m Patterson, Pa. JUiNIATA VALLEY DANK , or MIFFLINTOWN, PENN'A. JOSEPH POM EKOY, President. T. VAN IUVIN, Cashier. IHIECTOKS. Joseph Pomeroy, John J. Patterson, Jerome S. Thompson, I George Jacobs, John Balsbach. Loan money, receive deposits, pay interest on time deposits, bny and sell coin and Uni ted States Bonds, cash, eonpons and checks. Remit money to any part of the United States and also to England, Scotland, Ireland and Germany. Sell Revenue Stamps. In sums of $200 at 2 per cent, discount. In same of $500 at 2 per cent, discount. In sums of $1000 at 3 per cent, discount. faug 18 1863 GROCERY", PROVISION, AND" SHOE SXOEEf LIST OF LEADISO ARTICLES PRICES reported weekly by C. BA RILEY, op posite the Post Office, Mifflintown, Fa : WholaaU. Retail, Batter ....'...i,.- Egg Lard 19 Cheese, Ohio U ' New York : 13 Malises, l'urio Kico, g) gal-... New Orleans Sfrup, Honey Bee " Amber " Melted Sugar Sugar, Granulated - A - ... " B " Eitra C Yellow C. " Brown Cotfee, R'0' Choice. ' Fair .v.-.. " " Boasted (Arbuckles) Tea, Imperial, Finest " Oolong. RaisiLS, Vslentia " Layers . -.. Currants - Prucns, French - Rice - 4.4.... Sony, Ro?in .- 5 " OH re 8 Babbit.- 13 Salt, Uround Alum v.. " Dairy... Maekeral. Xci. 2 (new) bbl ; Brooms, No. I " No. 2 23 ii 18 20 60 1 00 1 00 17 16 15 14 13 lll2i Si 22 28 1 60. 1 00 13 25 20 20 12 r 10 15 2 00 10al5 3 60 40 35 30 1 50a 1 75 25 60 8 00 40 30 60 6 25 4 50 2 00 60 40 40 " No. 3., Tubs, Ce'lar ., I Buckets, feinted, 2 hoops.... siw Cotters... i Tin Cups. Xin rjish pans j Tin Cullenders i Tin Wash Pans Tin Buckets ....... Boots, Men's Calf.... ......... " . Kin. Gaiters, Ladies' Lasting... Potatoes, Irish " Sweet, peck., Coal Oil, j? gallon ay Cash paid for eggs. I). K, SULOUFF it CO., . (Successors to D. P. Sulouff,) DEALE2S IN Grain, Lumler.Coal, CALCINED PLASTER, CEmEKT, &C The Highest Cash Prices Paid for all kimls of Grain. Lnmbcr, Coal, See, Sold al I he Lowest Prices. Hating hoafs' of our Own we can freight Grain, Lumber, Coal, Ac. cheaper than any other parties. We therefore defy competi tion. tfcYou can make money by calling on us before selling or buying elsewhere. Geais wilt, kk EKCEtvrn is stobe to de soio Br tiiii 1st or Jc.nb 1S71. P. P. Our grain is not elevated on men's backs. Mifflintown, April 2.), 1S7"1. FOUTZ'S CEI.KRKATED n it. Thin prviNuatioii. Inn r and favoraMr known, will thomutrtilv ninvijrorat ' brukt-n 1owb m;d lw -Sinll lurr, by rttrt-ntix-mnic and cleaning th sU'm:w.'h and in test inf. It is a sinv r:viitlveof all dtJ tnci'l.nt to Xhif animal, such M LI N'-i r r.f r. n. ti, ir.K, if.l.Li'W water. H:;ArKt. -nh.xhs. ih- TKMPKK, r'i-VKW, KO I' X l E R, LOSHOK Al'PKTlTR AVI VITAL ENER V, kc. IU uiw iniproffts ,f jLr- the wind, wcreav th; atfeiit girm asmtK'tlr mr V'fWT kin and transforms tin- uii.rHtrlff skeleton 7 lntosnre loAlnand pirlte;l horse, j To ??;! of Cows this tui-fiara-Uon i i nva.ua hi.'. It i m sure nre-T-Dt.T a-jin-t !Mrvtprpe4. HuUw Horn, ttc. It ha bcrn rwe ny lP!tl.tl experlm ut to inrrt:ir tti liiaotitj of wjilli and errant twvoty iwrwit. and miifcr tit- tititfr firm and wwt. In f-ittftiin rattle, it IfiTes th:m an rititp, loa-ni their hul, and uuLcii !bem thrive urueh faster In all dl- of gwin furli m CoOffhs, rierg 'n the Lanp. l.ivrr. Jccthis amrrra.-u as a fpertfle. By naltin trnm An- l.-ir . . i k 1 ... tf - - J j , will th.hnv.fti.. wilt hM.II. Ml M 1 eatl rr entirely preTntel. if given in time, a rrtaio preventive a.id cute for the lio. thoiera. DAVID C. FOFTZ, Proprietor, BtlTDlOHK, HI, For bv ririB-lt anil Ptnr-.pm thn,1ioul Dm L'nitot State. taoaiLu rul Sootb Aonrfe B. F. KKIWER 4 SOS. town. Pa. Agenis, Mifflin augLM-ly &3- DEAF:, ESS. BLI.SUNE.S3, and C.V TAKIUI treated with tbe utmost suiccis ty J- Isaa.-ji, M. D., and Professor or ihfasrs of the r.'ye ani Fir, hie njiteialii in the MtJ,cal College rtf Prnnnjlvanta, 13 p'tm' ripertrnc, (formerly of Lcyden, Holland.) No. two Arch Street, l'Lil i. Testimonials ean be seen at his offico. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as be bas no secrets in his praitice. Artificial eyes inserted with out pain. No charge for examination. octl2-ly IJMJR SALE Three set of Cook Stove Pat terns. 5o. 7, 8, and 9, Flasks and Follow Boards, all complete, by SILAS SHAMP, UiiSiniown. Oct 5-3m IF YOU WANT NEAT SALE BILLS, POSTERS & BLANKS, CALL AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE HOTSB ; fi 1