lARM AND HOUSEHOLD. METHOD OF ASCERTAINING THE MtjGIiTOF CATTLE WHILE LIVING. This is of the utmwt utility for all those who are not experienced jihlea by the eye ; mid, by the following di r tiotis, the wviglit can be ascertained within a mere trifle; Take a string-, ;tit it around the beast, standing miiiuiv, just behind the shoulder blalj; ineiuure on a foot-rule the fett and in ihes the animal is in circumference this i called the jErirth ; then, with th? str'ng, mca.-ure from the bone of the tail which plumb. the line with the hirtler parts of the buttock, direct the lii e along the back to the fore part ' th s'.i'j'.il-Jer blade ; take the dim ci sions on the foot-rule as before wh'th is the length, and work the fig ures in the following- manner: Girth the Id'llock, fiet 4 inches ; length, 5 i-t-t 3 inches; which multiplied t-. itlier, makes Gl square superficial J x-t ; that again multiplied by 23 (the of pounds allowed to each su perficial foot of cattle measuring less than 7, and more than 5 in girth,) makes 713 pounds; and allowing 14 jioui;ds to the stone, is 50 stones 13 Dour.ds, When the nut ma i measures less than 0, a:id more than 7 feet in pirtli, 31 is the number of pounds to each superficial foot. Again, suppose a pig or any small beast should meas ure 2 feet in girth, and 2 feet along the back, which, multiplied together, make 4 square feet; that multiplied by 11, the nu;nb!r of pounds allowed lor each sqnare foot of cattle measur ing less than 3 fw-t in girth, makes 44 pounds, which, divided by 14 to bring it to stones, is 3 stone 2 pounds. Again, suppose a calf, a sheep, etc., should measure 4 feet 6 inches in prth ; and 3 feet 9 inches in length, which, multiplied together, make 16 s ptnrc fivt ; that multiplied by 16, the i -ltnlc r of pi iu nds allowed to all cat tie ineniiring ". than 5 feet and i iore than 3 inches in girth, makes Lii-t pounds; which divided by 14 to moiics, is lSjtone 12fts. The dimen hiuiis of the gir:h and length of back f cattle, sheep, calves or hogs, may 1h a exactly lakrn this way as is at all necessary for any computation or aliiRtion of stock, and will answer sactly to the four quarters, sinking'' i'ie oflal, an. I wliii h every man, who an gi-t even a bit of chalk, can easi ly p'-rfurm. A diiluction must be luad j fir a half fated beast, of 1 Mimic in 21), fro:n that of a fat one; :i:td for a row that has had a calf, 1 Sinn;- must l. allowed, and another lor not bring properly fat. Ex. SaV'Vi; ('AIIItACi: TIM. Sl'KI-VtJ. AVe know of no better way to preserve cabbages through the winter than that which we have recommended for a number of years. It is to plant or set them up in ro'vs as they grow that is with the loots dowj fiil in with soil pretty freelev, th"ti make a cover ing by plaining to ports where there is a fence to rest on, or four where there is not allowing for a pitch to carry oil' (he water; lay beau-poles opposite the way of the pitch and cov er with corn fodder or straw or boards. In using through the winter avoid as much as possible the suiuiv side and close up again. We have" kept our cabbages lor more than a dozen years this way in a perfect state through the winter and into the spring and could even up to the first of May if desira ble. f i'crr.i vihien Turgmph. s m Watlk-I'iiook Hoot (tolls-. If hot tar is applied to boot Soles it will make them wattr-pcof. Ix-t it be ns lu t .as the leather will bear without iajury, applied with a swab, and dry ing it by the fire. The operation may be repeated two or three times during the winter, if necessary. It makes the surface of the leather quite hard so that it wears longer, as well as keeps the water out. It is a good plan to provide boots for the winter during fii turner, and prepare the soles by tar ing as they will then become, before they are wanted to war, almost as firm as born, and will wear twice as long as those unprepared. Preserve Jars. IYeserve Jars arc hermetically sealed to avoid mould or iu other words to keep out invisible germs, which come in with the air and produce mischief. It has long since been found that a plug of cot ten makes an effectual closure for a bot tle or jar, serving all the purposes of sealing. This agrees with the theory of Tyndall, who has discovered that cotton shifts the air of germs in a pe culiar manner of its own. A Heavy Fall of Snow. Den ver, Col., Nov. '20. A severe wind and snow storm occurred here hist Thursday, and continued the grea ter part of 1- riday. The snow fell to the depth of eight inches, and at Cen tral City ten inches. The storm ex tended a great distancccast and south, and the railroads were all badly block ed up by snow drifts. The telegraph v ires on the Kansas Pacific railroud were prostrated. The railroads are now clear, and unless we have a heavy wind will be kept open. Another snow storm last night added about six inch es to that already on the ground. On Friday morning a fire broke out in the barber shop adjoining the Perry House at Kit ('arson, and the entire block, including the Perry House, seveial dry goods and grocery stores, the post-offiec,tvo billiard halls, and a number of saloons and dwell ings, were destroyed. The loss is es timated at $100,000, with no insurance The railroad depot and warehouses, containing a large amount of mer chandise en route to New Mexico and Arizona, were saved. There is not so agonizing a feeling in the whole catalogue of human suffering as the first conviction that the heart of the being whom we most tenderly love is estranged from us. Of all passions, jealona is that which exac's the hardest service, and pays the biltoreet wa ges. Its service to watch the success of our enemy; its wages to be sure of it. Grief knits two hearts in closer bosus than happiness ever can; and tc mon Buffering is a far stronger link jki't common joy.' rastwakkWsmswxamTmmmmssnsmmmMmwimumammtmmMmmmmiimmiskwmkmmm The Great Medical Discovery ! Or. WALKES'S Ci LXFOBBTIA VINEGAR BITTERS, si "Hundreds of Thousands ef t Bear testimony to th:-lr Woiuler- s IS - fulUuraliri; KlitH. gf lis WHAT ARE THEY?s ft TTTET Attl? NOT A VILE ii FANCY DRINK.f Made of Pnr Rnm, WbUker. Prf Spirit ! ItcfHiM IJiiaor doctored. tplced nrt woetcned to fleas-; tlie tatte, callrd Ton ic," " Appetizer," Restorer," that e4 t'.o tippler to dranfcenneas and rata, bat are a true Uttrd'etne, made from the Xatrre Root and Herb of California, free IVm nil Alcoholic M .mutants. They are thct.ltKAT BLOOD rntlFIER and LIFE .IVIN, l'RI 'III.E a perfect lirnorrtor and larlifuratorof the System, carrying off nil polapnoua matter and mtorlDK the blood to a healthy condition. So 'penon can UHe these r.lttcre according to direc tion and remain Iob? anwcil. Vnr In!liiiTtii.uf orjr nnd Chronic Khc:i mniiam Mild Clour. Ir4t r lad! Ctinu, Itillacrt, Ketutitent anrf lutrr mlttcut Fi'vpdi, IHseiweti or the Blood, I.lvrr, KMury. nnJ fllnd.ler, there llli trro have been most sacccttftit. nrh IM eaitea are caused by VI tin ted ISIood, wWca l irenerally prodnccd by derangement of the lliseMtlve Ora-nna. lYSrKPIA OR INDIGESTION. Headache, Pain In the Rhonldera, Coaifh, Ttpl.t neM of the Cheat, Dlszlness, Sour Eructation of lhe Stomach, Kad taste la the Month, Billoa At tacks. Palpitation of the Heart, Iuilammailn of the Lung, Pain In thcretfona of the Kllneyi,and a hundred cthor painfttl symptoms, are the off springs of Dj-eepsisu Thy lnT"sorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of no ei called efficacy In cleansing the Mood of all Imparities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SHIN DISEASES, F-mptlonvTctter, Salt Khetim, DloLchca, Spots, inmplcs. Postules, Ho lift, C arcane lea, Riag- Worms, Seal d-n cod, Foro Fy.'s, lryspdas, Itdi, cirfi, Diacolorationt of ths tfkin, Buiiiors and Diseases of the tskin, of vhstever uams ornatnre, are literally duo; Bp and catxlrd oat of the system In a short time by ti use of Hies" Litters. One bottle In such catk-s will convince the most lncredalont of their curative oflcctn. Clt anse the Vitiated Blooi irheneTer yon find lt Imparities bnrtt'njr through the skin in Plm- (iles, Eroptlons or Sores; cleanse It when you fnd It obftracted and 6lu?frith In the reins; cleai!" It when it Is fonl, and yonr feeling will t.-.l you wiica. Kc?p the blood paro aad the h ft'IU o r the system will follow. TIN, TA I'E and other WORMS, lnrkiaj: In t're iyr: :n of so many tltousands, are effectnally destroyed and removal. For full directions, read carefully the clrcnlar around each bottle. J.WALKHn, Proprietor. H. H. Mc DONALD & CO., Drattrit.t3 and Cca. Ajrents. Ban Francisco, Caland S3 and 31 Commerce Street, New Vork. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DE ALE Its. FOUTZ'S CELEBBATED This preparation, long and farorftWr known, will thoroiurtilv rp-inviponite broken d"wa aud low -spirited liorst-s, by strenrthtrninir and clea?ing tlie etmxiHcli mid iiittfstirwa. Ii in a sure prvt-ntire of all di?1 incident to thi animal, fucb as LI NG FEVER. .I-AMKKS. YKM.'W WATKR. 1IKAVKS. COL'.'IIS. HIS. TKMCKK, KKVERS, KuUX HER, LOSS of APFETITE AND VITAL ENKRUV.- tie. It" use improves the mind, increoes the appetite Itires a smooth and ploHT skin and transftrnn the tni.-rahlr rkfleton into a fine-lkinR and piritei horse. 34. tion is invaluaMe. It is a sure pre-JT-2JVJ1 rentire aKainst Kinden-t. Hollow actual experiment to increase the fpinntit y of milk and cream twenty ''percent, aud make the butter firm and sweet. In fattenins cattle, it irirefl them an appetite, loosens their bide, and makes bem thrive much faster. Tn all diseases of Swine, snch Cougliv, ricers n tlie i,un(r. Liver, sc., th is article acts as a specific. By putting from one half a paper to a paper in a barrel of 1 swill the aboTeduieajtes will be eradi cated or entirelr prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for tlie Hog Cholera. DAVID E. F0PTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE. M d . For wile I'V Prnpirint and Storekeeper! throughout lh United State. Canada and Sorth America B. F. KEIWER & SOX. town, Pa. Agents, Mifllin-aug23-ly NEW BOOT ifc SHOE SHOP In Neviu's New Building on BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLTXTOWN. rr ME undersigned, late of the firm of Fa I sick & North, would respectfully an nounce to the public that he has opened a Boot and Shoe Shop in Major Nevin's New Building, on Bridge street, Mifflititown, and is prepared to manufacture, of the best ma terial, all kinds of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, FOR GKXTS7 LADIES AND CHILDREN. He al'o keeps on hand a large and well stlected stock of lioMl3--niale Work, of all kinds, for men, women and children. ' ALL WORK WARS ANTED. Give me a call, for I feel confident that I can furnish you with any kind of work you may desire. fct? Repairing done neatly and at reason able rates. J. L. NORTH. May 81, 1871. Boot and Shoe Shop. THE undersigned, fashionable Boot H and Shoemaker, hereby respectful- II y informs the public that he has located aW in the borough of Patterson, where he is pre pared to accommodate the most fastidious in 1L.A.1IES' WEAK, Gents1 Fine and Coarse Boots, If rogans, ClllL DRAWS HEAR, d C.A C. Also, mending done in the neatest manner and upon the shortest notice. A liberal share of public patronsge is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jtg" Shop located on the east side of Tug carora street, one door south of Main street, nearly opposite Laird & Bell's store. J. W. DEAX. March 8, 1871-ly M'ALISTERSVILLE TIN SHOP. The un dersigned has established himself in McAliEtersville in the Tinning' business. Persons wanting anything in his line should call before purchasing elsewhere as he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, and to sell as low as they can be purchased elsewhere. His old cus tomers and the public generally are respect fully invited to call, as he hopes by strict at. tention to business to deserve a share of pat ronage. aug 18 '69tfl JACOB O. WINET GO to the Juniata Scxtixel Job Printing Office for all kinds of Plain and fancy Printing. Horse Ml' l0thutg. LARGE STOCK OF Fall and Winter Clothing AT Strayer's Clothing Store, IX PATTERSOX! Now is tie Time to Secure Bargains! QAMUEL STRAVER, bing purchased ,f kj Levi llecht, keeps in the new Urick UuilU ing. Main Street, TikileranD, large and ele gant assortment of ' Ready-Made Clothing, consisting in part of Overcoats, Frork CotiU, ' Drtst Coats, 1'antaluuut, Vent, Drawer, Coflart, Unt'crshirts, UanJkerchiefi, Boots & Shoe And everything usuilly found in a first class Cieatleuitto s rtirnisning store. FAX Or GOODS Also a lnrge and carefully selected assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and qualities, all of which will be sold at the low eat ppsible living prices. Laaits' Oailert and Shoes. Tfe also invites the attention of the ladies to his fine stock of GAITERS AND SHOES, which he will sell at prices defying competi tion. CAR PATS, OIL CLOTHS. He hasnn hand a beautiful assortment o Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c , which are of a good quality, and well worth the inspection of the bujer. HATCHES A. JEWELRY. Gold and Silver Watches, Ear rings, 1'lain and Fancy rings, H'alcli Keys, Ladies' and Gents' Breast Pins, Gold Pens an J Pencils, &c, which at this tiiae form the largest and best assortment iu the county. l3iAll the abote goods will be sold cheap er than any other store in the United States. If you don t believe it, just give Dim a calJ and be convinced or the trutn 01 toe assertion FUUNITUKE. lie has also a large Room just opposite his Store where he offers for sale at low prices a general assortment of 'fables. Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, liedsleads. Mattresses, Truuks, Carpets, flanks. Racks, aud many other articles for house furnishing . SAMUEL STRAYER. Tatterson, May 1, 1871. D. W. II A RLE Y & CO'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. i iXevin's Xcw Building, Bridge i Street, Mifllintown. iTIiis way for Bar ! gains!! HAVING removed otir GOODS to a Toora ( in Xevin'a new building, on Bridge street, we are prepared to do t large buKiuesa, and 1 have just received a 1 .; NEW ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, I consistiso ,or ' Over Coats llress Coats, Business Coals. Common Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Hats, ISaots and Shoes of evsrjr description, style and quality, for male or female. I5UYS' READY MADE CLOTIILVO Also, Carpets White Shirts, Fancy Over Shirts, Cndcr Shirts. Drawers, Hosiery. Gloves, Linen and Paper Colars. Cravnts and Ties, Trunks, Um brellas, Travelling Dags kc. Also, the latest styles of Ladies' Cloaks, Cir culars and Purs. Persons in want of anything in our line wil". save money by giving us a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell cheap for cash. B Don't forget the corner, Bridge and Water streets. D. W. HARLEV & CO. May 1. 1871. JttlFf LINT0WN FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP! rilHE undersigned would respectfully an X nounce to the citizens of Juniata and adjoining counties, that he has purchased the Mitnmtown Foundry and Machine Shop. and is prepared to manufacture articles of various descriptions, such a four and Six Horse-power Threshing Machines, also, Eisht and Ten Horse Power Machines, being the most celebrated, and best adapted lo the wants of the farmer now extant, and which I will warrant to perform all they are recommended to do Plows of the latest and most improved patterns, considered by all who have used them to be superior to any now in use in this part of the country. I would espeeially call the attention of farmers to the IRON KING PLOW, which I am man ufacturing, with the latest improvements for 1870. I am also prepared to manufacture all kind of Mill Gearings, such as Cog Gearing. Gudgeons, Saw Mill Cranks, and Turning and fitting up the same. I also manufacture all kinds of Coal, Wood, Parlor ami Cooking Stoves. I also manufacture Hollow Ware, Waffle Rollers for tanners, c. Old Metal and country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for work; Femember I sell ten per cent, cheaper than any other establishment in the country. J. A. CRISWELL. Feb 16, 1871)-tf. AGENTS WANTED FOR &3LID&$3 SSHtMS FROM the FIELDS or LITERATURE. Con taining selection from oss hundbrd of the most popu ar Amkbicax and foreign authors, including Adams, Bancroft, Bacon. Ueecher, Bulwer, Chapin (E. U.), Carlyle, Cooper, De Quincy, Everett. Emerson, Newman, Hall, J. G. Holland, Irving, Longfellow, Parker, Phil lips, Punshon, Robertson, Ruskin, Whately. Webster, and others equally celebrated for their skill in the use of beautiful lauguage and for their strong enforcement of noble ideas. Six hundred pages, elegant cbromo frontpiece in ten colors, and many choice en gravings, at one half the price charged for any other book of its quality. Agents can sell twice as many of this book as of any other in the market. Ladies meet with the best of snccess. Clergymen, Teachers, and energetic young men and ladies wantod in every township to act as Agents, on very liberal terms. Se-d name and address for Circular to ZIEGLER 4 McCCRDV, Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati, Ohio ; Chicago, 111.; St. Louis, Mo. ; or Springfield, Mass. nov9 JOHffSTOWff FOUNDRY. TnE undersigned, manufacturer of Jami son's Improved Plow, calculated for all kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of ground, sold cheaper than any other Plow in the County. He manufactures all kinds of Cast ings, Bells, Stoves. &c. He will also repair reapers and threshing machines. Give me a call, or address. J. H. ROGERS. Walnut P. O. aug 18 189-tf Juniata Co. Pa. SPECIE PRICES! EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN THE TR1CEE OF GOODS. LMItlli BELL'S NtiW STORE, Patterson, Juniata Co.. Pa. . the undersigned bee leave to state, that they have purchased from J. B. M. Todd, his entire stock of goods, and will in the future conduct the merchantile business at the Old Stand, in the borough of Patterson, Juniaia county, Pa., where they shalT endeavor to keep constantly on hand full and complete assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CONSIST INttOP ALPACAS, POl'LINS. PLAIDS, . LUSTERS. Ie LAINS. ' MERINOS. MOHAIRS, . GINGHAMS. CAMBRICS. LAWNS, &C. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, - JEWELRY, HATS AND CArS, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, CEDARWARE. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY. FISH, SALT, COFFEE, TEAS, SIRUPS, SUGAR. Having just returned from the city with the above enumerated stock of goods, all 1 which have been purchased since the great decline in Gold, we feel warranted in saying that we ean offer Goods at greatlv reduced fig ures for CASU Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. mar23-tfj LAIRD & BELL. iW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! Martin & Walters' Bazaar! GREAT CRASH IX PRICES ! HAVING purchased the Store of X. Frank & Co., on Main street, in J. M. Belforu's store room, we would respectfully inform the public that we have just returned from the hast with a new and carefully selected stock of GOOLS of the very best quality, compris ing in part, of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS. HOSIERIES, FANCY GOODS, QUEENSWARE, LOOTS & SHOES, II ATS AND CATS, CARPET BAGS, OIL CLOTHS, C A R P E T S, BLANKETS, FURS, WOOD AND WILLOW -WARE, and in short every article usually kept in a well selected store. We intend selling exclusively for CASH, or in exchange for CuL'NTRV PRODUCE. By so doing we will be able to sell goods as cheap as the cheapest. Call and examine our stock J-HIGHEST PRICES PAID IN TRADE FOR ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. MARTIN & WALTERS, (Bt'lford's Store.Koom,) Main St., Mifflintown, Pa. Mny 1, 1871. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS I IS AT PEMELL'S CHEAP STOKE IN PATTERSON, PA. rpiIE lirgest and best assortment to be -L found in. Patterson. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received from the public, I would respectfully announce that I have just opened a very large stock of Goods well suited to the trade. My stock consists of a full assortment of fine and staple DRY GOODS, Embracing all the materials for men, women and children's wate, including Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, together with a large slock of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Tickings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, ic. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as French and English Merinocs, Pop. lins, Alpacas, De Laines, plain and figured Shawls, ic, and also a large stock of Notions, such b Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. G ROCERIES, Such as Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also, a large lot of Queensware. Hardware, Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Salt and Nails. Together with a full assort ment of Goods usually kept in a country store- HRHighest price said for country pro duce in exchange for gocds. Prices to suit the times fMay 1, 1871. WANTED BY THE NORTH ' WESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY organized in 1858 with assetts of over Ten Millions ($10,000,000), District Agents for the following counties : Bucks, Montgomery, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Schuylkill, Berks, Lehigh. North-' ainpton, Columbia, Montour, Northumber land. Monroe, Adams, Juniata, Bradford, and any other unoccupied territory that wc hold. This is a rare ebanee for some first class iren. Call on or address PERCIVAL 4 STOW, State Agents Bast Penn'a., 430 Walnut St., Philada. BSUCall in person if possible. Aug 9, 1871-4w CJyVTTTIOIN. ALL persons arc hereby cautioned against Hunting, Fishing or in any way tres passing on the lands of the undersigned, in Black Log township. Tersons ao offending will be dealt with to the full exent of the law. Robert Mclntire. J. E. Mclntire. Samuel Lauver, Villiam Lanver, David Lanver, Charles Glok, Michael Hommon, William Bilger, Adam Smith, Samuel Hoffman, George Smith, ' Sebastian Rapman, Sarah E. Cornelius, George Smith, Jr., Thomas Ramler, laaac Baughmaa, Thomas J. Darling, George W. Gorton. June 21, 1371. Pills, the purpose or LaxatiTw Perhaps no one medi cine is so universally rrAnLwvel any before so universal ly SAlOpUM 1UW me, u. every country and among all classes, as this mild but efficient purgative Yill. The obvious rea son is, that it is a more re liable and far more effec tual remedy than any mhr- Those who have tried it, know that It cured them: those who have notknow that it cures tlieir neighbors and Diemls, "ul? .. h, itinea nnn! it does always -ttia it nevSils through any tault or neglectof its rompoMtion. We have thousand upon 1 Jou .atwIs ofeertiflcates of then-remarkable cures ofi uw Swing complaints, but enchcures hJ every neighborhood, and we need not P"bUm: Adahtcd to all ages and conditions in all climates , neither calomel or any deleterious drug, h7y mav lie taken with safety by anybody. Tte sir'ar coating preserves them ever fresh and make them pleasant to take, while being purely Tegftabl ao harm can arise from their use in nvJ"t5ri, Thev oneralc 'iy their powerful hiBuence on HM iK vfseeri Kpuriiy blood aetimoloU into healthy action-remove the obsions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs or toe body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the firt origin of disease. Minute directions are given to the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these i'illjraiMdlycuro: - , For nyaiM-paia or Idilo, .lalw arw. liVr and Lm t Appetite, cy should lie taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach and restore its healthy tone and action. For E,tvrr Complaint and its various symp toms, Ililioau Mmsdiache, Hick HeiateclM), jMudire or tlrwa NicbaM. "' Colic and Oillona S'ereiw, twey should i be ju diciously taken for each case, to correct tlie diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For lyrnrrr or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For lsaromatlma, Uoat, Gravel, Palpi tatioa of tao Hoart, Paia la the M, Hack aud JjOiaa, they should be continuously taken, as required, to change tlie diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical swolllaira they should be taken in large and frequent doses to pro duce the effect of a drastic purge. For ftappmoioa a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pill to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often Units that a dose of these fills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect en the diges tive apparatus. DR. J.C. AYE It CO., Practical ChesssUf ZOWXLZ. MASS., V. 8. A. USE THE BEST. Kmo years before the pnltlic, and no preparation for the hair has ever been produced equal to Hall's u Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer," and every honest dealer will say it gives the best satisfaction. It re stores GRAY HAIitt to its original color, eradicating and preventing dandruff, curing BALDNESS end promoting the groivth of the hair. The gray and braahy hair by a few applications is changed to black and silky locks, and wayward hair will assume auv shane the wearer desires. It is the cheapest HAIIi DRESS ING in tho world, and its effects last longer, as it excites the glands to furnish the nutritive principle fo necessary to the life of tlie hair. It gives the hair that splendid appear ance so much admired by all. By its tonic and stimulating properties it prevents the hair from falling out, and none need be without Nature's ornament, a good head of hair. It is the first real perfected remedy ever discovered for curing diseases of the bair, and it has never been equalled, and we assure the thousands who Lave used it, it is kept up to its original high st andard. Our Treatise on the Hair mailed free; send for it. Sold by all DrurUts r.iul Dealers in Medicines. Price Ono Dollar Per Bottle. . R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors. UB0BATOR7, BASHUA, V. H. 9SADALIS ITlIE igredie:;ts that COMPOSE KOSADAMS nre p'lliliflit-d on every p:u kiff, tlicre fircitiawa secret p Lp.;ratiuii. frorisrqiicutly rnTsiriAxs tkesckibe it It is a certain cure for Scrofula, -Syphilis in all its forms. Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Livor Com uluint end all diseases of the Blood. CX3 I0TTL3 C7 will ilo more pnod than ten bottles oi 1I10 fcyrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have need Rosadalis in their practice lor Iio oast three vearsand freelv endorse it as a reliable Alterative and blood Purifier. DR. T. C. FUGII, of Baltimore. DR.T. J. BOVKI.V, " DR. K.W.CARR. ' Dlt. F. O. DANNF.LLT, DR. 1. S. SFAJtKS, of NichoUsville, K v. DR. i. L. McCARTHA, Columbia. S. C. DR. A. B. N03LF.S, F..lgrcomb, N. C. USED A3TD FiI'DOESED EI J. B. FRENCH fc CONS, Fall River. Mass. ' F. XV. SWTTT, Jack son, Mich. A. F. WHKK.LER, Lima, Ohio. D. HAI L. Lima. Ohio. CRAVEN & I (., OorriVnsvUlc, Va. SA.M'U V. K..FADDE.N ilurfrecs- toro,Tcnn. Our STiacc will not allow of nv -r- tended rc:nr.iks ia rclaticn to tho virtiiesof Kosaiialis. Tothe VeJiral Frotession B e cuararce a Khtitl Ex- tractsuperinrto any they have ever used iu the trca'mcnt cF diseased blood : and to the alH ictetl we aav trv Rasadalis. and vou will be resture-1 to health. Rosailalis is sold bv all Drnriala price S 1 .50 per buttle. Address DB. CLEiEOT3 It CO. Manufacturing Ckemutt, Baltimose, ilaj New Tin aad Stave Establishment, PerryviUt Juniata County, Pa THE undersigned has opened out a sew Tin and Stove Establirhmentin the room on Railroad Street, next doer to the Tusca- rora Hotel, where he would be pleased to see all who are in want of Tinware, Stoves, &c. He will also give prompt attention to all or ders for Roofing. Spouting and Jobbing, ali of which he guarantees to put up with the best of material and in a workman-like man ner. Having bad over ten years experience in the business he flatters himself that he ean give entire satisfaction to the public. He keeps on hand the celebrated Kiinrod Cook Stove, which is the best baker, most economical and heaviest plated stove now in nse. He will keep on hand the Oriental I II.. I.. .! . ......1 ...AV,mAnt 4 .1. I : w..d, ' - .....-.. .i t ii k nt-si I Stoves manufactnred. JOHN DUNBAR. ! T)LAIN and Fancy Job Trial ing neatly txe- X cuted at this Office. AVer's Cathartic For all IlediciQO. lCJl if a I I o A D Beef! Veal! Mutton! THE undersigned hereby informs the pub lic that he still continues to carry on the ini.Kn.iii f Ktieinesj in Mifllintown. and will : hereafter ePrly the citizen, of MiiBin aud Patterson with CHOICK UKKF every TUESDAV and SATURDAY mornings. and with Voal iil 31 u ton every THURSDAY morning. His wagon will go the rounds of both towns on the mornings mentioned. As he is the only butcher in this vicinity who continued in business durinp the mist winter, for the accommodation of Ihi nnlilii- he feels that he is entitled to more than an ordinary share of patronage through out the summer season. FRANK MAXWELL. April 12, nn. 3Xcsit! 3Iosit ! mnE undersicned hereby respect fully in J. forms the citizens of Mifllintown and Patterson that his wagon will visit each o these towns on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY mornings of each week, when they can be supplied with Clioioo Hool', Vosil, 3fut.oit, T..:ii-1, Jfc during the summer season, and also PORK and SAUSAliE in season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Veal and Mutton every Thurs day morning. Give ni? your patronage, anil will euaraiitee to sell as good meat as tlir country can produce, aul as cheap as any other butcher in the county. SOLOMON SIEDER. June 14. 18T1. FfifiSH BEEF, VEAL, V HE undersigned would respectfully an nnnnce lo the public that he has com menced the Butchering Business, and that h wagon will visit Mifflintown an l Mexico on TUESDAY and SATURDAY mornings ol each week when they can Lave an opporin nity of piircbaiii EXTR A KEEP. VEAL MUTTON'. LARD, if., cheaper tlinn from any other wagon. II. mily nsks the cilizetis to give hini a trial tc satisfy them that he sells cheaper and belle meat than any other burcher in the ennnry. CYRUS SIKBEIi. April H, I.HTl-tf Notice to Trespassers. 'rMIE undersigned, residents of I'el.iwan X and Greenwood townships, hereby cau tion all persons ng:iinst ireiuss.iu!; on tlieir respective pmperiies lor the purpose of gun ninjr. fishing, ir cutriug limbi-r. All persons violating this notice will be dealt wilb tc cording to 1 it. Iese Speakuiuu, William Keccli, M. O. Farra, Is.tae Ferguson, Mark J. McGaw. Joseph Nipple. Humphrey & Mc'juiitr, Dnvid I'argilJ, Jesse Fry. Julin M . l.iMuiis, Jacob Y eager. Nelson Knight, losi-pli Curved, Jacobs lloupes. .lonntlian Clouser, Joseph Siuuninn, Thomis 1 Dinim, John 8. Cargill. Jeremiah limner, John M. Ilibbs, Isaac Crosson, .lull u Yarner. 1'avid Shurts, Joseph Ferguson. JnSn ii. Fergus. ii, John T. Li-nim, Lewis Cargill. Joseph J. t'nsiles, Henry 1'nniiiis. f.enrge T. Fr-y, Rufus M. Ford augil-oi OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. a4-i It lv t hv ! 1'rw Ms Mai v ur mtUl in : lib (" rr! Will not . -rrs4. Kt; :- rlttrn wit H one IVMiifiitkl Vl!l oiilrnrMilMn N H!.l M,V BV I wnd rr ihle N fnoit auv rifrftM' t-ria turn rr-stllje 2tlt prfsconth. J'rAt o rrZrfrtiit.! ''roiUiiie tVn. Irnlil tvtNtrm, iH . ;: ft- Mics cvltc Wsea, SO I Western Ma irjfa cturtnT." PL'SLiSHING CO. Aseats. Pitts'.iii. Pa. si ' r.rTION.-TWrrrHtn..rIrl.hi. O IVn hnp minv litillnti-Mr tn lnC-. r rlr n nilif r. Kitv nni. the vrmn.nv HH'- ' - TV l'K-sMr'vtKf iitl 4.miM.Nv. InscrH tinj for civ year hm. Tovrti. i'mmnty, u Ml ult, plulnl rrli,n, rtWr will Mraet prtioipt attentloja. Manhood: How Lost, Urn Restored Just published, a new edition ol for. CaiisrrwaW Celrl.rnted A'wiy on the radical cure without medi- citie) of 'rF.RMATDRRiiiKA. or .Soni'nal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotkx cy. Mentai and I'hysical Incapacity. Impe li meuts to Marriage, etc, also. CtCistrn prion. Epilkpst, and Fits, induced by stir-indulgence or sexual extravagance 8i.Price, in sealed envelope, only 0 els. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse m ay be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife- pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter wh"t his cuudition may be, may cure himself cheaply, psvately, and radically. BSs-This Lecture should be 'tk the hands of every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, te any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Curverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 25 cenls. Address the publishers, Cms. J. C. KM & Co.. 127 Bowery, New York, Fast-Office Box 4,586. AugSl. '70-ly EMPLOYMENT HI KKAU or THE Young lien's Christian Association, Office. 123 South 7th St.. Philadelphia, Between Chestnut t Walnut. If you wish to hire labor of any kind, write and tell us just the help yon want. The wages you will pay. The best, and cheapest way to reaeh your place, and if far fron. Philadelphia, you had better c!ose Railroad fare. We will do our best t serve you and give you all the information we can about the person we send. Our desire is c assist the worthy, and no charges to either parly. Address ALEX. SLOAN. Sup't Employment Bureau, 12S South 7th Street, Philada. "FEATHEES," ALL OIiYIK!S IX QUAXTITIES TO SUIT families a.d i)i;u,i:its, QUALITY WARRANTED. F. C. CRAIGHEAD. ! Jan25 p 1F VOL' WANT XEAT SALE HILLS POSTERS & KLAXKS. v fri v HP 'q! OF THE M AGE! f Pa temteo December 7T:i, 1S69. i CALL AT THE SLXTIXEL OFFICE N A T 1 0 X A L H 6 t K lEWISTOWN, PENN'A. IIKAR A ll.VMAKEK, Pro,irt0r, STATE CAPITOL HOTEL, near th.T" tol Buildings. ! 1IARISBURG, PA. t.Terms as moderate as any Hotel ia th, "7" w;j. 6.TH0MPS0.N, Proprietor WHITE IIOKSiThotk 31 3i8 NORTH THIRD STREET PHILADELPHIA. VHO. ZF.ILI.EV, Proprietor. 'loo J accommodations for all wLo him with a call. "J favor First -Class l.ivrry and Sale slnhie HOLIHMI OH UCRSKS, ATTACHED To HOTll ' "JUNIATA HOTEL. MIFFLIXTOTTX, JUNIATA CO., pA SIMUS II. ALBKICilT, Proprietor. Rooms large and comfoitaMc the XiM wir plied wiih the best the market aj.,ri3? Stabling large and excellent Rar c.inst-.MI'y supplied wiih the eh..i.trst win..., and li,,0,L no pains will be spared to please pu.-s's Charges mo-Jurate. A liberal share of pnVi-patrora-e is solicited. ' ji7, 71 imOCKEIillOFFIlniiSEl bellp:foxtk. i exxv. D. J0HNST0U & SOUS, Proprietors. The Broekerhoff House" has recentlvheen refitted and otherwise greatly iniLiove'l. and is tfnw under the proprietorship f ((. Jl,n slon Sons, formerly of the Leonard llo-;se"' in Oarfield I'ersons visions Hrllefonte on business or pleasure will find this a conve nient and pleasant place to stop fit, ;,, lo ui)'l from the lejol. Nov I, 1HT1. UNIT E I) STATES HOT K L, OPI OSITK PA R. R. DEP11T, IlAKRISHUru;, IM. KM.M1XCKK Jfc CO., riir.iTtiET.iRs. Trle;raj!i ()flic hi Ilnt.-l. ang 1. !Hr.'.i-y. I AI t Iv 1 1 I7S1 RKEISVIl.LF., MIFFLIN i n , I'. JIAVIEI I. RH K. .ro:rir.or. The undersigned respectfully calls the ai- renliim of the public to the fact that lie 1ms least J lhe hotel properly in Kerdsville. nerly occupied by .Aaron Shoop. and is pre pared lo acciiiiiiiiid.-ie .strangers and frael. rs. He will spare no means to anke ilie ilotel unexceptionable in every panicular. tie will exercise a pi rsonal supervisiitn over his l'.ar. Table and Stable. He rpectfnlly solicits a share of the patronage of i he public. V III 1 RICK. Reedsville. April 10, BECK'S HOTEL, 'IIII.AIiEUM'A rills IKiTKI. IS Pl.KAti tXTI.Y SITIMTED O.H Til K SOI.TI! SlllE iF li A C E S T It E E T, A FEW DoortM AMOVE TllliSH. I T S (" fc X T i: A L I. ) C A 1. 1 T Y Wak's il particularly desirable fo per.ins filling the t'ily on hnsinessur pleasnre A. I5KCK, I'ltorR FETOR. Formerly nf the Stales L'uiifit Ilittl. ang IS, COAL AND LUMBER YARD. j ""pilR undersigned begs leave to inform the--L politic that he keeps eonsMallv nu hanl a lsi ge stork of C l!ll Slllil TiiiiiIxm-. His stock embraces in part, STOVE COAL. SMITH COAL. AVD LIMK Rl'RNEIW CO A L, At the Lore! C'anh Hate. Lumber of all kinds and quality, such as Wh te Tine Dank. 2 inches llik-fc, White Vine Hoards. U inches thick. White Tine lurds. 1 im li thick. While I'ine KurJs .1 inch thick. White 1'ii'e Worked Flnorini;. lIemlo"k lizards. Scaniling. Joist", Rnofrng Lath. I'laMeriug Lath. Shingles, Strippiii;;, Sash and Doors. Coal aad Lumber Deliveirtf nt Short Notice'. Persons on the east side of the river can be furnished wiih Limhiirncr's Coal, c. frum lhe Coal-yard at the Lock above MilHin FORGE GOSHEN. Tattersnn, June 1 1, '71. liinfsell Combined Clover Thresher aud Separator. q-'niS MACHINE THRESHES, SEPA J. ratks. Hulls and Cleans Clover See l at one operation; capacity rnnging from 20 to oil bust els per day, according to yield of seed. After the Clover is fed into the Thresh ing Cylinder, ike seed coutained therein is deposited into a bag or measure at the side of the Machine. ITo Eehandling of Chaff or Tailings. An elevator conveys the unhulicd chafT hack to the 11CLLER HOl'PER, and an ex tra Elevator conveys the light seed, 4c, back to the Fanning Mill. 2000 mow tn k throughout the UVited Slates and Canad is. Awarded first Prealam at 75 State Fairs since l(-jii. Send for"CLfvr.R Lr r" and Colore ! En graving, which give complete description. lSltb-KLL M l.M MTt SINC , Maufacturers, llarrisburg, Ta. Home Factory, South Demi. In I. An Agent wanted in Juaiata coun'r. Ang. ln-Soi 10AL. Lumber, Fish, Salt, an l all kind V- of Merthundise for sa!. Cbrsinut Oait Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds of Grain and Seeds bought at the highest market prices in cash or exchanged for lurrchandise, en!, lumber. It st., to suit customers. 1 am pre pared lo furnish to builders tills of lumbr just as wanted and on short nut ice. of ei'her ; oak or yellow pine lumber. NOAH 11F.R.TZLLR. Jan I Tort Royal, Juniata Co., P- Large assortment of Queea are. Cliina- ware. jlaswi4re. Croekrrvwaie. Cedar- ware, ic , for sale rhiap by MARTIN 4. WALTERS-