MLSCELLAXEOU& TVO WOMEN COMMIT SUICIDE BT JTMI'!A I5T0 A r ATA H ACT. '1 jmrticnlars of Mm suicide of two yomiy girl at Ij wii-ton. Me., on F'i lv. the 3rd iust., it thus narrated lj t' Journal of that ciiy : A Soul 1 1:30 o'clock A. M , Friday, Mr Cyrue Colb, wlio lives on Court etrwt. jart at, th.! Aiilnirn end of tlie bridge, looking imrn the rear windows of Lie tore xnd Lou.-e, Paw two females, appa rently jou'tg ladies, sitting on the An bora ahore of the river, on the very vergf of VVt Tilcb. Mr. Cobb's daugh ter also nuiiow) tl,e gill, and tliought it very that tliey should be sitting so near a very daugerons place. The more noticea-lile became tl.e fact, when the caw ibem jump up at:d trip lightly and can let-rly down the precipitous, rocky and slippery biink, where tbey re moved tlieir outer garm -nts SI is Cbb tben sni'l to ber fathiT that the believed they meilitated drowning themselves, and h possessed wiili this idea was she tbat she resoled to si ll watch them and see what tiiey w-rc proposing to d. After removing iheir outer garments, including their liais, ehe saw the frirle return to the spot where they bad been sitting and re-nine, iheir seats. In a few momenta, not far from one o'clock, thr train from LS.mgor came lliuu dering by, th truck being but two or fhree bundled fe-t from where tbey sit. Mi.-. (' rays that while the train was paring point the f the gills rise, p.vh tin our her arms arou. d the other's wa'et, and n this embrace tbey, appa rently with one consent, leaped from the i-liie int'i tbe falls. T'k- f.ict Kpiec'ily became known, and i ,-r.v.ds gat In red in the vicinity of the tenibli! tragedy; but nothing could be diffoi i" d but the garments, bearing hil- it aioi at the t-ame time sad wituecs ot th" tiag'-i'y The clothing was d;s t nr ly risible to crowds who g.itliereJ i d he ;,ew Lriclge. I'olicemau Wash L .rue. nf Aulxirn. was the first to reacb the sc. tie of the melancholy event. i't l'ouii:' the clothing on a epnrof the lei! , about oppo.-ite the main plunge of V,.-i Tilth. It was tint roiled up care f.illy, 1m:. seemed to have been laid dow n, rai-li ariicle as it bud been removed from the pt-rtmn. The clotbing. wbicli con e is tetl of tlieir bats, a water-proof cl ak, a tlia! and a thick overrkiit, with a nia.-s nt l'alse hair, was of rather indiffer ent qual ty, yet aparciiily tidy, rin n.ri into the water proof cloak was a brooch of some black stone, with a me dallion fice in while in the centre of li e : tone the whole set in gold. Tinned in the r.hbon of tie hat were two ten cent li'.ls An examination of the premises by Mr t'olib who saw the movements ol tlie girls, and by oi e or two gentlemen wiion -it iced when- tln-y sat. bill did not happen to ipf them when they took tin-i'at.-il le.ip. est.illidlied that the two sni cid"s as they seemed to have leaped tin hi the point wl.eie tliey first sat down threw themselves from the flat rock which f iruis a plr.if.irm clse to the wa ter"? eiige, ne r the foot of the firr-t de scent of West 1'iteli, wbicli cotisirts ol I wo tails. The first is a slight plunge ii pot a table rock ; then a light fall for a bundled feet, more or less ; then a great cataract, with, at present, a fearful fall ot water, rolling down into a t h ism many feet fiorn the base of the first l.tll. Here, jurt beyond the base of the first fall they seem d to have thrown themselves iuto the river. It must have been a headlong leap with tiie current. They fell and were plunged into tbe torrent and out of the world in a moment Miss Starbird of Auburn, and others, identify the clothing as belonging to Ada Drown, of lWkfield, and Anna Wood, of Hartford, young girls sixteen ind fourteen years of age. Miss Star bird says that both girls were at her home on Hampshire street. Auburn Thursday evening, and appeared in ex ctih nt spirits. Anua Wood left No. 4 I! ites' block, on Thursday, where she bad been since Tu sday. When she left she sad she was going to wo;k in a gr nib-man's family in this city. The landlady paid ber S3 cents, her due. w hen i-he h ft, Ada Krown has worked in Andioscoggin Mill and has been ot lat st No. 2 Bate Corporation. While MifS V ood was at No 4. Ada Brown called frequently, and Miss Brown and herself went ont together several even ings. Mirs Brown came here three weeks since. Her father, John Brown, is a far mer, residing in L'uckfi 11 Her landlady sirs that Miss Wood ap pearcd chceiful when she left the house, tbongh she bad coin nl lined of sickness caused by eating lobster. It is not cer tain where tbe girl spent the night. A man recognized the pin as the one he pave to one of the girls. Ira Foster says be saw both on tbe street at9 o'clock this rooming. Miss Brawn's oldest sif ter has been at work in the city, nd Is frantic with grief at tbe sad tragedy. 8 be left this afternoon to cany the- sad news to her parents. Miss Wood's father is dead. Her toother i now in Massachnetu. Both girls bid an appointment to meet the older Mis Brown this morning but their failure to meet it caused her to go ont to ok alW them A paity ef lumbermen have been ont in a boat this afternoon, dragging th liver for the bodies at the falls but at 5 p h . Utey Lad discovered no trace of tbem. j m j It u said tbat 42.500 bah of cotton ; . , , , .. at uJ every year by the lad tea to add o thi-tr ftttrt'f tiv aprrmnc : Th j Great Medical Discmry ! Sr. WALKEIt'3 O LIFCTRNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, si Hindredi cf Thousandx fj '- lirar u-itlmtnv to th-'ir lVoter- r c 3 rnl Carr.tive Kff.-:t. if ili WHAT Pn1 THEY?!?; TnrT A TIE NOT A V1XK IIFAPJCY D R I N Kf?5 Ma9 of rfr Itnn, Wfclky, Prtf ?iriiaa4RHHr I.t jMuisidoctortd.Bp.cei a-i1rjerrnr4 t- plcse i'1" tart, called " Ton r,WMArPvtIs in,w nt:orcr, ac that lc4 t-ie t p:;)cr oa to drnokenncm and ruin, bat are a trie M'd'cmr.inaie from the Native Koots and Merhtof Calirornta, free frmm nil Alrhlle Snianlauia. The are thef.U EAT H I.OOI ITItiriKK find MFKiilVINU I' It IN. :iri.Eptrfuct innovator ar.d invlgumlt.r of t!ie System, ckirylng off all oionoo matter and rrstcio? tlie tiood to a hc<liy comlltion. No i.ifonaiukc thee Bl'tcr accortllriK tortlre tl n and rsmaia loa? nnwt.l. Fr InSmtM.-ilorr nit. I Ctimnle ICIien mntUati nnA tioat Drnprpwia mr ludi areMioa, nili::nt Itciulttcnt nnd Inter auitlrni Frvrns Il--cnn mf I ha Itlool, l,?vrr, Kldiiry. niJ Kladrirr. thene Kit tcv9 !aT; be l tn-M-t Hucc fsfn. m b IIn rani are caused byVillatril 11 ao4, wh eh Is generally produced by dcra-itfemeut of Uiq liEtHtivk OraranN DYrtPKPSlA OK 1XDUSESTION. HcadKChf, Fain l;i Hi; Shoaldcra, Coiuhs, TiK'-t-nes of the Chest, Uizatiiess, Soar Kractat.ont of e StomaHi, I'ad tart? la the Month, Bilious At tack), Palpitation of tlie Heart, Inflammation of tlie Langrn.Pi'ii In the rcif tuna of the Kldacyt,and hnndrrd otuer painful symptoma, aro tlie off aprinpsof Dyncpla. Th- y lnvtgorats the Stmmcli and stimulate the torpid liver and boirt-ls, which rendTthem of no e-inallrd rffl-awy In clrtatilnt the Md of all ImpMr.ti-a. aid Impartlas new life and vigor to the whole it y - tern. FIR SU I DISEASED Eraptloo-.Tettcr, Salt lihcom, ftiotches, Spots, Pimples. Pnntules, BjIIs. rarbanrlcs, Uliis-TVorms, Pcnld-rieai, Sow Kyw.Eryii li. Itcii, Scarfs Discoloration of the 'ki;i, II 1'iiors an J I)isacs of the Skta, t-f w hatever na'ne or aetnr. are literally Unf up an. 1 carried oat of the system In a alion time by tli of thes Ditwrs. One bottle In such cases wl'.l conviucc the most Incredulous of their nrat!ve cP;cT. Cleanse ths V't!at?4 Blood irheneer yoo And Its ImparKies bursting through tlieskln InPlm pln. Krnptiona or Sores ; cleanse It when yoo had It obstructed and finish In the veins t cleans : It wliea it Is foul, and your feeltnica will C !l yoi when. Keep the blood pure and the h i ft :e srste:n will follow. PIN. T V PK and other WO lurfcin In i.t svtttemof so many thownds. are effectually i! :r ye 1 and r -moved. Kor full dtrertions, na4 Cirefuily the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER, Proprietor. K. H. McDON'ALD ft CO.t DrukTdsta aid Gen. Atrents. San Franclcov Cat .and S2an13l Corarae c? Street, New Vork. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. FOUTZ'S CELKBHATtU Horse ail Cattle Powders. tfQBP' This preuaratio giL known, m ill th t wwf X bruken duwn and rM "l by BiR-nttthtrninj . 1,11 sumach aud inte: JaJkajJ ft is a sure pr Tliis preparation. Kns; and favorably UtoroUKniy re-inviKorwie i and low riiriud horses. (trninjc and ckwasmg tlie I intestines. -ventive of all di-asee incid-nt to thi? anisial.soch as LI NG FKVER. LANIEKS. YELLOW WATKR. HEAVES. COUGHS, 1'IS TEMt'ER, FEVERS. FoVS 1 KR, LOS?F APPETITE AVD VITAL EVERt;Y, e. Its use Improves the wiud. increases tiie apititt- Hives amoth and tty skin nnfl tnuiM trms the mienihlr skIetun , In to a one Liokin? and -jMrite 1 horse. To kiwm of Cows this prepara tion is invalnaMf. It is a sure pre- t ventive anainft Rinlerpest, Hollow Him.ttc. It las been proven by actual exprim-nt to increase the uiiantitv of milk and cream twentv rrr ott. and make the butter fltm and swwt. In fattenlntt cattle, it teives them an appetite, loosens their bide, and niriket ucm thrive much faster. In all di4ae 4 Swin. such as Coughs. Ulcers n the Lun. Liver, ste .this article acta as a peciflc. By putting from one- balf a nawr to a paper in a barrel of swill .lieahfvediafases will heeradl cattnl or entirrlv prevented. If pi veil In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hoy Cholera. DtVID E. FOCTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE. H. For atr hr ThungifU and Ptorekwpen throurbottt th Uniurd Sulci. Csnadu and Soi'Ui America B. F. KEl'NEtt A SU.V. Agems. Mifflin own. r. aug23-ly New Store and New Goods GROCERIES, PKOVISIONS, &C. Main Street, Hiffliatcwn. H AVISO opened out a GROCERY ASU I'tlOVISIOS Tl)HE in the old stand nn Main Street, Mitfliutnwa. I would respect fully ask the attention or the publio to tbe follow i o)r articles, which I will keep on hand at all titoes : sugar; coffee, tea, molasses, rice, FIHII, SALT, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT. HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF, Confectioneries, Nuts, &c., Tol mi , C'iifiirss, 0 1, A88WAUE, Flour, Feed, Sec All of whidh will be sold cbesp fur Cah or Country Trodnce Oire me a esll and hear my prices. Miffliotown, May 2. 18T1. J. W. KIRK Boot and Shoe Shop. TIIE undersigned, fashionable Boot ffl and Bboemsker, hereby ropeettul- II Iv Inform, the tinhlic that be bs loeaiedSw in tbe borough of rttersoo. wbsrs hs is pre p.rrJ is eeumffloUi tlie most fastidious in LAUIKM' M ICAIt. Gents Fine and Coarse Boots, Urog-fiiiH, CU!LDREX8 WE All, AC, dC. Also, menjinc dnne In ths ncataat msnnsr and upon lbs sbortsst Duties. A liberal sbare of public pstronsfe is renpeetfull iolioiisd. tfatistnoiion fiirniJ. (rtf- liip loctted on ths ssst sids of Tut esrora sirsrt, one dnnr south of Main streot, nesrlr opposits Lsird & Usll's stort. J. IV. DEAN'. March 8, 1871-ly I'AUSTEBSVILLE TIN 8II0P Ths on iVi dcrsigntd has sstshlisbed himself ia Mo.UUtersTills in ths Tinning bu'iness. rruDi wantine snylliinc in bis lino should call before uurobasinc elsewhere as be is I . . i ; j ..J EJV ."S uT can be purchased elsewhere. His old eus- tomert and the public generally are respecu fully ini" w hP" V tent ion to busiceil to oeserre a share of pat- rcnAf9. aujt 18'Wir, JACOC 0. WIJfEV ;5 i t LARGE STOCK OF Fall ' and -Whiter Clothing AT Strayer's Clothing Store, a ' IN TATTER30X! u Kow is ths Tuiie to Secure Bargains ! OAMUEL STRAYER, baring nurcbateO ef J Leri llecht. keeps in the new Brick Build ing, Main Street, Patterson, a large and ele gant asforiraent of lleady-Made Cleibing consisting in part of Oocrr.oatt, Frolic Coats, Drett Coats, I'antuhiunt, VeMtt, Drawer, Collars. Vtu'ershirts, llandkenhirjs, Boots A Shots And everything usu illy found in a first class Gentleman's r urnisuing Store. FAXCV GOODS Also a lsrgs nd carefully selected assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and qualities, all of which will he sold at tbe low est possible liring prices. Laities' Gaiters and Shoes. He also inrites tbe attention of the Indie to his tine stock of GAlTtKS AXU SHOES, which be will sell at prices defying competi tion. CAR PATS, OIL CLOTHS. He hssnn hand a beautiful assortment ol n.rniii. nit IMtha Ac . which are of a eood quality, and well worth the inspection of the buyer. W ITCHES &. JEWELRY. llohl and Silver M'atchfs, Ear rin-jt, I'lam and Fancy rings. Watch Keys, Indies' and Gents' Breast Pin.-, C.l.f IVnxand l'encils. 4c. which at '.Uih liin form tbe largest and besi saortuieiii in the eounty. CC,AU the sbore goods will be sold cheap er than any other more in the United States. If you don't believe it, just give him a call and be convinced of the truth of the assertion FURNITURE. ne has also a large Room just opposite bis Store where he offers for sale at low prices a general assortment or Tables. Chairs, Sofas. Lounges. Bed9tea - n . . i - i ids. Mattresses. Trunks. Carpets, blanks. Racks, and many otherarticles for bouse furnishing SAMUEL STRAYER. Patterson, May 1, 1871. D- H- 11 4 H LEY & tO'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Xcvin's New RuiKling, Bridge Street, Mifflintown. This way for Bar gains!! HAVING removed our GOODS to a room in Nevin's new building, on Bridge street, we are prepared to do a large business, and have jut received a HEW ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, COSSISTtNO OF Over Coats Dress Coats, Business Coals. Common Coais, Pantaloons, Vests, Hats toots and Shoes of evary description, style and quality, for male or female. BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING Also, Carpets White Shirts, Fancy Ove Shins, Under Shirts. Drawers, Hosiery. Gloves, Linen and Paper Colars. Cravats and Ties, Trunks, Um brella?, Travelling Bags kc. Also, the latest styles of Ladies' Cloaks, Cir culars and Furs. Persons in want of anything in our line wil save money by giving us a eall before pur fhesing elsewhere, as we are determined t sell che ip for cash. fc. Don't forget the corner. Bridge an Water streets. D. W. IIARLET CO. May 1. 1871. MIFFLINTOWN FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP! 1'IIE undersigned would respectfully an . Bounce to tbe eitisens of Juniata and adjoining counties, that be has purchased the Miillinlown Foundry and Mi:bine Shop, and is prepared to manufacture articles ot various descriptions, such as four and Sn Horse-power Thrtthing Machines, also, Eiht nnd Ten Horse Power .Hachiaes, being the most celebrated, and best adapted to the wants of the farmer now eitant, and which I will warrant to perform all they ui' recommended to do Plows of the latent and most improved patterns, considered by all who have used tbem to be superior to any now in use in this part of the oountry. I would especially call the attention of farmer? to the IKON KING PLOW, which I am man ufacturing, wiib tbe latest improvements foi 1870. I am also prepared to manufacture all kind of Mill Gearings, such as Cog Gearing. Oudgooos, Saw Mill Cranks, and Turning and Biting up the same. I also manufneturr all kinds of Coal, Wood, Parlor aud Cooking Stove: I also manufacture Hollow Ware, Waffle Roller for tanners, Kb. Old Metal and oountry produce of all kinds taken In exchange for work. Pemember I sell ten per cent, cheaper tban any other establishment In the country. J. A. CRI8WELL. Feb 1C, 1870. if. AGENTS WANTED FOR FROM tub FIELDS or LITERATURE. Con taining selection from vsi "Muauaiu of the most popu ar Amkhicas and roatius auibors, including Adams. Bancroft, Bacon. Beeoher. Bulwsr, t'hapiu (. H.), Cailyle, Cooper, Ds Quincv. Everett. Emerson, Newman. Hall, J. 0. Holland. Irving. Longfellow, Parker, Phil lips. Punshon. Robertson. Bukln, Wbately Webster snd others equally eelehratea for tlieir skill in the use of beautiful language and for their strong enforcement of noble ideas. Six hundred pages, elegant ehromo frontpleoe la ten eolors. and many choice en grsvings, at one balf the priee chargd fur any other book of it quality. Agents oan sell twiee as many of Ibis book as of any other In tbe market. Ladles meet with tbe best of success. Clergymen. Teachers, and energetic yonna men snd ladles wanted in every township to aet as Agents, on very liberal terms. 8sd nam? and address for Circular to ZIEGLKR McCU-RDY, Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati. Ohio; Chicago, III. j St. Louis. Mo.; or Springfield. Mass, PQP JOHST(WirFbuii)RY. . THE undersigned, maau-fsei urer of Jaoit son's Improved Plow, oaloulated for all kinds of plowing, and In all kinds of ground, sold cheaper than any other Plow. in tbe County. He manufactures ail kinds of Cast' Inge. Bells, Steves, to. He will also repair rearers and tbreshiac machine. Give ma a call, or address. J, U, RMOBRH. Walnut P- O, m IS I860 -If Juniata Co. Pa- SPECIE PRICES! EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN THE i i PRICES OF. GOODS. LAIRD I BELL'S JNilVV STORE, Talterson, Juniata Co.. Pa. . The undersigned beg leave to vtate, Iba they have purchased from J. B. M. Todd, hi entire stock of goods, sad will in ibe fuiur conduct lue mercbantile business st the (Mi' Stand, in tbe borough of Patterson. Junia's eounty. Pa., where ihey shall endeavor to keep constantly on band a full and complete assortment of LaMKS' drkss goods, consist ISC, OF - ALPACAS, l'OI'LINS, 1'LAIDS, LUSTERS. De LAIN3. MKUINOS. MOHAIRS. GINGHAMS. CAMBRICS. - LAWNS, &C. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. JEWELRY, HATS AND CAPS. ROOTS AND SHOES, QUKENSWARE, CEDAR WARE. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY. FISH, SALT, COFFEE, TEAS, SIRUPS. SUGAR. Having just returned from the city wiili thr above enumerated stock of goods, all ! which have been purchased siuce the great decline in Gold, we feel warranted in sxyine that we can oflVr Goods ai greatlv reduced fig ures for CASH OK COUNTRY PRODUt'E. mar23-tf LAIRD & BELL. MW GOODS ! MW GOODS ! Martin & Walters' Bazaar! GREAT CRASH IN PRICES! HAVING purchased tbe tftore of N. Frank & Co., on Main street, in J. M. Brlforu's store room, we would respectfully inform thr public that we have just returned from the East with a new and carefully selected stork of GOODS of tbe very best quality, eompris ing in part, of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS. HOSIERIES, FANCY GOODS. QL'EENSWARE. EOOTS & SHOES, n.vrs AND CAPS, CARPET BAGS, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, BLANKETS, FURS, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKE, and iu short every article usually kept in a well -elected store. We intend selling exclusively for CASH, or in exchange for COUNTRY I'UODUCE. By no doing we will be able to sell goods as aheap as the cheapest. Call and examiue our slock Ba. HIGHEST PRICES PAID IN TRADE FOh ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. MAkTlNfc WALTERS, (Belfonl'iSUre.Rooaa, Mala!&, Mifflintown, Pa. May 1, 1B7I. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS is AT PENNELL'S CHEAP STORE IN PATTERSON, PA. 'P1IE Urgest and best assortment to b -L found in Patterson. Thankful for tbe liberal patronage heretofore reoeived froii the public, I would respect fully aunounoe tuat I have just opoueu a very large stoca ot Goods well euitidlo tbe trade. My stock aonaisls of a full assortment of fine and staplr DRY GOODS, Embracing all the materials for men, woniru and children s wate. Including llatsanu ( aps. Boots and Shoes, logeiuer with a large stock of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Tiekings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Ao. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as Frenoh and English Mcrinoes Pop lins, Alpaoas, De Lames, plain and figured Shawls, Ao. and also a large stock of Notions, suoh as Gloves. Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. GROCERIES, Such at Sugars, Syrnps, Coffees. Teas and Spices. Also, a large lot of Queeneware, Hardware. Wood ana willow ware, neb Salt and Nails. Together with a full aseort mem of Goods usually kept in a oountry store- ML-Hfgbet price paid for oountry pro duce in exchange for goods. Prices lo suit the times May I, ism WAITED-BY THE NORTH WESTERN MUTUAL LIFE IN8UII ANCE COMPANY organised In I808 with assetis of ovsr Tsn Millions (l'I.O!l.l'0O), District Agents for tbe following ounlles t Buoks. Montgomery. Cbevter. Delaware. Lanoaater. Hohuylkill, Berks, Lehigh, North' mptoa, Columbia, Montonr, Sorihumber Ian". Monroe, Adams, Juniata, Bradford, and any other unououplod territory tbat wo hold. This Is a rare ebanee for some first class ran. Call on or add -ess PERCIVAL STOW, Slats Agtnts ',, 430 Walnut nt., rhilada. ifVCatl In person if passible, Aug 0, 1871-4 CAUTION. ALL persons are hrby eautlened against ll.itln frUhia or in ane was Iras pissing on the lands of tbe iindsnif ned, in lilaoii Log townsntp, reraons so onioning will be dealt with to (be full f I'mt of lbs Robsrt Molnllre. i, K. Msfntirt- liamual Lauver. William Lsuver, David Lauver, f barlee 0 tk, Michael Hommga, William Bilger. Adam Smith. funnel Hoffman, George Smith, aheel4sn AapR, Sarah E. Cornelius, G0fgs Smith, if,. Thomas flamler, ! Beugbmea, Thomas 1, Darling, Oeorgo ft-, uertei, Juno 31, 18T1. " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Tor DHoas of tae foots aa cwtie'". tnuii v flonghr Broaohitia, A stiima, and CVminmptsnn. vninablT never before ia tbe whole history et auon ine coonue w. - - - -----limSdv for ualmooary complain u. Through a lone l eOearVand amona ntot or the race, o? Sentt SaS risen higher and higher in their etima. Sua. as kt has become better known, lu uuUuna Snaracter and power to cure the venous affectioos of tbe lungs and throat, have made it known as a re. uLble protector against them. W bile adapted to ikler forms of disease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be aiven for incipient consumption, and tlie oao rerout affections of Ine throat and lung. As a pro eteion against sudden attacks of Cron,. it sho-ild be kepton hand in every family, and indeed as a are loineuioe aulet-t to eolds and coughs, alt abouhl be provided with this antidote tor tliero. i AlliMMUftl sealed VmsmmptuM is thought m cnrable, still great numbers of cases where the dis ease seemed settled, have been completely rami, ST plueit restored lo sound health by the Caerry eesml. So complete U its niastery overtne .iiaorders of the Urngs and Throat, that the most ebsuaate of them yield to It. When noth- mgeisecouia rvm-a - 9 Serwl they subside and disappear. Biogrri fuMe Speaker Ind great pro teetien from it. ... Asihmes is always relieved and often wholly BmZhitie is generally cored by taking tbe Cherrw JVrtorwI in small awl frequent doses. 8o generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public tbat its qualities are fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, Tot rarer and Ane. InteTrnittont rower. Chill Fever. Bemittent Fever, Dumb Aftae. Periodical or BOiovia Fever, Ac, and indeed all tbe affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatio poisons. As Ks name Implies, it does Ctsrr. and rlnes not Ail. Containine neither Areotr,Qouiiiie, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonons snljstan'e whatever, it in nowise injures any patient. The nnmber and iroportawe or its rnras in the agne dis trirts, are literallv bevond acronnt, end we I km lore without a parallel In the history of Aene medicine. Our pride is gratified bv the aekno vledgmenls we receive of the radi-aj r'ores effected in obsiinate cases, and where other remedies had whotlr faded. Unacclimated persons, either resident in, or travelling throngti mrasmstn- localities, will be pro tected hv taking the Affl'E CVKK daily. Kor l'Axrr Caa(arl. arising from tnndily of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver h to healliiv activity. For Bilions Disorrlers and Liver Crmnlainrs, it is an excellent remedv, producing many truly re markable cures where other inedicmes bad failed. Prenared by Or. 4. C. AVT.n Co., PrarticilJ snd Analytical t 'demists, Lowell, Mass, and sold all round the weeiL PRICE, 01AM MB JtOTTLK. USE THE BEST. HALL'S RENEiWER Nine years before the public, and no preparation for the hair has ever been produced equal to Ilall's Vegetable Sicilian llair Renewer" an 1 every honest dealer will say it gives the best satisfaction. It re stores GRAY HAIR to its original color, eradicatinsr and preventinz dandruff curing BALDNESS and promoting the growth of the hair. The gray an J brashy hair by a few applications is changed to black and silky locks, and wayward hair will assume any shape the wearer desires. It is tie cheapest HAIR DRESS ING in th j world, and its effects last longer, as it excites the glands to furnish the nutritive principle so necessary to the life of the hair. It gives the hair that splendid appear ance so much admired by all. By its touio and stimulating properties it prevents the hair from falling out, and none need be without Nature's ornament, a good head of hair. It is the first real perfected remedy ever discovered for curing diseases of the hair, and it has never been eqnalled, and we assure the thousands who have used it, it is kept up to its original high standard. Our Treatise on the Hair mailed free; send for it. SoUtyaU Druggists tad Denim sa JnSemts. Prion One Dollar Par Bottle. R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors. LiBOaiTOST, IA3HDA, V. K. ROSADALSS TllE INGREDIENTS THAT COM FOSE ROSADAIIS are ' ip'il.i-!ied on ere-y pact" atr". Ibe ;freii isa.'fa avcret u cii. mum, cii!sriiuul!y rmsiri m rr.E-rniBK n It is a certain enro for Scrofula, Svpliilisin all Its f .rms, Rlieunu- lism, fckin liisxasiw, Liver "oin- plaint and all diseases ot tho iiluod. will i'o nio-s (rood than ten bottloa ot ilio birups of baraaparilla. HS UNDCRSIGNE0 PHYSICIAN liavnnsrd HosaiUlis in their praetica for '.lie p i5t tiirve years and l rely ci ii as a reliable AlteraUvo iiud LluoJ l'uriior. On. T. C. run n. or Baltimore, UB. T. J. UOVKIM, " DR. R. U'.CAUK. ' I)lt. F. O. PANNKI4.T, " Dil. J. S. SPARKS, of fclchelasville, DA. 'l. MeCASTHA, Columbia, S C DO. A. B. NOr.LEK, F-tlgwomh, N. C. USID .ITD ESD02SED BY J. B.1HENCH EONS, Tall River, F. W. SVIITTT, Jsrwn, Mich. A. V. W HKV.LKH, Lima, Ohio, B. HAI L, l ima. Onla. f II AVtN t O .OeMlwisvlHe, Vs. SAVI.. t:. Mi APCli-N, Murtreee. lor.1, Tci.B, Our spnft wi 11 ;iot !W ef any ev. triitlrl ruatat i.a in ratirn to the virt'K-aoi tt"-.'Ui. Tut he Medical I'rc'i .imi e(,w-n'4 Huid I. x tr.'tuerii'r to i.y ll.ry have ever use4 iu li e trea nint tf diieated u.uflf 4tutlo thentH-rtetl we tay try Hipw,.4tA. mid vou will La reblored to bi4it4. rjoimtilif is el,J ,f alirrufgiata uriee 4 t.St .er buttle, Addrus Daiviksbs, Is New Tin aud Stove EablUbmeul, Perrytville, Junuita County, Jt milR undersigned has opened out new X Tit and 8to Establishment in the raen en Railroad Mtreet, nest doer to tbe Tqace rera lleis), wburs be would be pleased, to see all who are in want nf Tinware, Biases, As, He willalsq give prompt attention tn all or dsrs for Roofing. Spouting and Jobbing, ali nf wfa'leb be guarantees to put up wild the best ot material and in a workmanlike man ner, Having had over ten years experience in (hs business be flatters himself that he Sn gif e entire satufaotion to tbe publio, He keeps on band tbe eelehrated Mimrod Conk Rtove, whleh Is tbe best haker, rnasl eeos tnloal and heaviest plated stove now iB Hfg. Ho will keep aa hand the OrieBlsl llnalai e. and a gsnaral sitortment nt lbs best Utofes taanufaetared.. JUlf ptJSBAR. FdAIM M4-FBv4ob Prinlipg aeatly e.s at this Uffioe. f . it I H J J Beef! Veal! Hutton! THE undersigned hereby informs the pub lie that he still continues to carry on the Butchering Business in Mifllintovrn. and will hereafter supply the citiiens of Mifflin ftsd Patterson with CHOICE BEEF every TUESDAY and 8ATCRPAT mornings, and with Veal And 3Xwtton every THURSDAY morning. Hiewagoawill go the rounds of both towns on the mornings mentioned. As he is the only bnteber In ibis vicinity who eontinned i bnsinese deneg the past winter, for the accommodation of the public, he feele that he is entitled to more than an ordinary sbare of pal ronage through out the summer season. . . r FRANK MAXWELL. April 12. 1871. 31!ot! 3Ieat! rpiIB undersigned hereby respectfully in X forms the eitisens of Mifflintown and Patterson that bis wagon will visit each o these towns oa TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY mornings of each week, when they ean be supplied with Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton, Ijii-sI, Ace-, during tbe summer season, and also FORK and SAl'SAGK in season. I purpose fur nishing Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and Veal and Motion every Thurs day morning. Give mi your patronage, and will guarantee to sell as good meat as tbe country ean produce, and as ebeap as aay other butcher in the enunty. SOLOMON SIEBER. June 1J, 1871. "mesh beef, yeau 'pilE undersigned would respectfully an 1 nnunce to ibe public lhai he has com menced the Butchering Business, and that his waron will visit Mifiiinlown and Mexico on TUESDAY and SATURDAY mornings of each week when tbey can have an opportu nity of purchasing EXTRA REEK. TEAL, MUTTON. LARD. AC. cheaper than from any other wagon. He only asks the eitisens lo give him a trial to satisfy them that he sells cheaper and better meat than any other butcher in the county. CYRUS SIEBER. April 5, 1871-tf Hotice to Trespassers. 'THE undersigned, residents of Ptbvuv a. and Greenwood lowasbipa. hereby ean tioa all persons again?! irrs(asing on their respective properties for tbe purpose of gun ning, fishing, or cutting timber. All persons violating this notice will be dealt with ac cording 'O lw. Iese Speaknrtn, tfilliam Keeeb, M. C. Farra. Isaae Ferguon. Mark J. MeGaw. Joseph Nippl& Humphrey A McQuiiB', lavid Cargill, Jesse Frey. John M. Laaois. Jacob Yeager. John Varner. ieUon Knight. I'avi.l Sburts Jnsvph Carvell, Joseph Fergunon. Jacobs llaopes. Jobn R. Fe-gusvn, Jonathan Cl-iuser, Jobn T trtun, Joseph Suan, lwis Cargill. Thomas P Dima, Joseph J. t'esiles, John S. Cirgill. Henry t'ontiua. Jeremiah Kroner, George T. Frry. John M. Ilibbs, Rufus M. Ford Isaae Crosson, aug31-Sm P.tTaxTsn DcBMs :f? OVR CELEERATE3 GOLDEN FOUNTAIN FEN. Krv-Jtlw fftsl.1. AeiMrtUc THiirVivfl iKf4ll ( W ittSeWMt tV MK-.t-oar wasi-l m I HUasAaMb- ai-i- : M 111 asaaa. mi s Hi;awrRU Wll b IVta ml sat k ! VL : k aul swe-f ft i brwat arc-! P..- ru wr to btstat -i-V Ikttvtrm. (SLDVMV ftV i . tb- Hhm JJB-aBM0l. frail e e sssrf --rr.; ,3 na V M(o fl,wfl Wester PvistibH!;G Co. ! r MTtON.-Tkrr..lT-ti-tT:V-- O rVa. ta. UA t. ut. lMitli.hW. ul ,.lt- L X i rlM i.UIrv'. M,ti lfc arii.liv X- , TIS ri:ll4ylk!.l....r. ' tlaai for ta. alv tn,r t'.wt), mJ Sta ir. v. rl(la, km wrUvn mill CMrcl . UJ. Manhood: How Lost, How Rrslortd JhjI r ulilil,., new edition ot ''". VlwtrH a Crttlr-tttJ S.Ws on l he raj-fi cere iviihoHl rucdi- eili)ni SrSSNATl.KKIItCX.OT ,cim uxl Wtk neais. lnvolnntary Seminal Lose. laisyrKM CV, .Vrntu. aud Physical tneapaeiiv. Iiupeai uients to Marriige, ele . also, Coscarrioa. El'ltsraT. and Fits, induced by svlf tuilul gsnee or sexual extravaganee .1'riee, in sealed euvolope, only 4 eta. The eelrbraied author. In this admirable essay, olearly demonsiirales friu a tinny years' successful practice, that the alarm oonaerUences of lf abuMe m be radienlly cored without the dangerous use of Interna) medicine or the application of tbe knit's; pointing out a mode of cure at ones siiule, oertain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mailer wht his condition msy be, may jure bituaelf cheaply, privately, and roe'irai'f. af.Tbis l ecture should be ,'n. the hands of every man In the land. Sent, under eeal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of sis cents, or two post stamps. Also, Ur CulverwelPa "Marriage Guide," price 2-3 eent. Address ti.0 publishers, Cius, J, C, Ki.iss & Ca., 127 Dowery, New York, Posi-Otfice Hot s.SSfl, Aug 81. '70-1 y EMPLOYHKNT Bl MKAU or TH M 7ouig Usu'! Chriaxha JLssodatlca, Ultice, I I'd South Tit, Hi., Pbilaoelpbia, iletween Chestnut Walnut, If yon wish, to Mrs labor of any kind., write and. tell us just the help you wam,. The wages you will pay. The hel, and cheapest way to reach your place, and. if far fruii) Kbiladeliikia, you had better eneluae Keilread fare We will da our best to serve yeq and give you all the information we en about the person we send, Our desire is Iv assist the worthy, r,J no charges to either party, Address ALEX- SLOAS, Hup't Kmploymeni (luresn, Vin South Ttb Slireet, Pb.lada. "FEATHERS' AIL (slIAlstX IN QUANTITIKH TO SUIT FAtHIMKtl All l)K.llsKll, r, 0, CKAI6HIAB. s PlTTSBIJBfJ, U' Jsn2o IF YOU WANT NKAT ?ALB BlMVf, I'0STER3 4 BLANK3, CALL AT THK SENTINEL OFFICE W 1 OF THE y ACE! NATIONAL HOT K X, LEWIilOWV, P2SBX BEAR HA.HAKFR, Proprietor,. STATE CAPITOL HOTEL, hear tU fVa tol Buildings, p MAR18BURQ. PA. tJ. Terms as moderate as any Ho( el !a A, City. WJf. fl. THOMPSON, Prr-irHefer WHITE HORSE HOTEL, 813 A :8 KORTI1 TIIID STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GEO. ZEII.LCT. Proprietor. Good accommodations for all who may fitir him witn a eall. First Class Livery aad Sale Stable, vLDisu 6U Bcasea, arraCBSD to both. JTUNIATA HOTEL. MIFPLISTOWw, JCXUTA CO., Pa. 8IMO B. ALDRICIIT, Proprirle,. Rooms large and comfii table the Tahle supplied with ibe nesi ibe market affords Siabling large and excellent Bar constantly supplied with tbe choicest wines and li'iri no pains will be spared to p!ea.t gorv, Charges molcrate A liberal share of f ub'.i patronage is solicited maTl7. '7t BROCKEIIIKCT HOUSE; BELLEFOXTE. PEXX'A. D. J0H5ST01T 4 S0ITS, Proprietor. 1 he "Brockerheff Hou-e" havreeeutlj hrr refilled and otherwise greatly imprarei. s is bow under Ibe proprietorship of l. .InLa stoa Sons, formerly of the Leonard ilo-jse" in C.e-jrfiell Persons vii,r.(r lirllefuBtr en busiaeas or pleasure will find Ihie a Mn nient an-l pleaant place to stop f--, '.w to W fn the frfot. Xov 1, 1S71. L" X I T E iTs T A T K S HO T K I. , orpOSITK P. fa- 5. DKPfT, HARniBUKC, KMMIXOKR A CO., l'nor Tereprapli Officr- ia IJot. I. auz I1. !itt-T. REE9.STILLE, MIFFLIX CIS., PA. DAVID I. Kil l:. IVeprit.or. Tae nle,-igeied respertfuriy eall the at tention of the puhlie ! the fact that be ka leased Ibe hotel property i- Ke.d?x:'!. f..r aerly occupied by Aum kon aad an--pared to arc tBtnl tie irBger i i ! ra.-'. rs. lie will spare no mean ta mike it Hotel ureicptiornbte in every p-xrtieu'ar. He will exereijie a personal suH-rn :i.. ...r bis Bar. Table aad Stable. I! !" iMr solicits a shareef lheair-ie of ti -i-aWie. I'AVIl' I. KICK. Reedsville. April 10. l?7i. BECK'S HOTEL, riiii..r:LrHi.v. THIS HOTVl. IS Pl.r.tSA.Tl.r SITl tirt OS THtt Sot TR sunt nr RACK ST R K K T , A ihT DOORS AWVS TIIIHt'. ITS CENTRAL LOCALITY" VI tkes it partirultrly desirt'.le to frisa tisiiiu the City e. bwn,- ur r.- A. liKCK, rrti';isr k. Vnarrfe f ia Status It"':' auc IS, la.t. CDil AND UmZ?. YARD. 'lHS tnderaigad to leave 10 lronn l i public I hat he krvps eoudaM'.y n hat a large iek ot" C'uhI T.iiMilsi'r. Hi woe rnthnee in r't. STOVE COAL. SMTHCtv., AvlHM UPMNEKS CtAl. Lumber of all kiuda and timlnr. siteb i IV h te l'inv Plk. 2 inrhea iKiek. White Pine pim. I iner.e ihir. While Pine IWrd. 1 i h ihiek. Vhite fine Ibmvl.. me', hU-k, White Pie Workei 't.wiBs, llrwlu. k U-wrds, ,ea , Jjii, K Sn l.aiu. PUiriig l aih. 8'iiil, Slrippiii;, Sash u4 IWr. Coal an Lumber Urtivorrel Ml Shut If Peraone . the east aide of the rixe" can be fui uiithird with LHibuiet 'e ,t;e rrsm the to-l-yara at the ..k We M:niu. Patterson, June H, Binkll rom!inl Clorrr Thither nHW MACIUNK THHKjtUiSjt, t.f X Sra, Hull and Uiemia t lover f'el at one operation i eapieiiy rH(ia,g hoi.; Jil t,. au bust ela pes day, ta j'wld ef seed. After tbe Closer is re.) iu0 Ibe TkmK ing Cylinder, tbe setxl e .owiuvd hcrv;, i deposited Into bag or uieasuse at the side uf the Matshtne. An elrvaiiur ennveya the unUi.llct raii' ka.k . .. k 1.111 I b k, L, u k tra hllevnnir eonve)' ih.e liht keed, So , bwk to the FanninB Mill 8000 MW IN thiuughent the I u'ued. tiie-. Hint b d"- Avardoa flrsl hSBlaa i ai.iu fails since I Hon, Uend fur Ci-ovsa L ,r" and Oolered Eu gMviug, wliicU give eou.plete d scripliuH, HiHtoisi.1, MiJivs vinvat.Mi C , Maufatttirers. HarrUhurg, ! Heine Faeli.ry, H0th peod, tad. An Agetit wMted in Junii eaunty- Aug 8ti, l(iu, CUAL, Lumber, li.h, aalt, nnd all kimls ul Nurui,nn.ijbe fur tale, t'ticfcipi,! Rtrk,, IUtlru4 Ties, all kjiu'U ! tiraiu ami Maa.i. v. ...... i. . . . i v. . . . l . . :,. wv... .fungal. i. inf. i,r. uaFaft " easb, or eiebapged lor innreliaailth.1, suM, I v. a. - . . .Hinori, , u ami Buai.itiitsr.1. ai"i . parei to tiTuih tu bniUer.- fcilh of VjiEb-r an wanted n. an ali-. p miiiue, of either ask or vellosj pine Imnber. NUAII MPRTSSLSP, JM porl Ryl, Jie"ft C. V A Large smorlmeni ef Queeu5amre, flii ware, fllaaswuiB, t'ror.kfrj fis, tisdar Wftre. eje-, ftF sale ehap by, MA HI s ?ALTEKfl. All, HIMJS (H KI ANH "lUBK, ta.dnno A this Uffice fa the s!ea mau-er b at luw priccb.