Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, November 08, 1871, Image 2

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    Juniata Jtntinel.
Wednetdajr Xsrelnfr, Ksvesaber 8, 1871.
GEO. P. ROWELL 4 CO, 40 Park Row, New York
S. M. PETTENGILL & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y,
At, our oU agent. ,o .hat city, ana are an-
lowest rates. Advertisers in that city are ie- the eounties had been driven off and
aueted to leave their favors with"either of , JAreft not retUrn, and anarchy and social
fh aitore houses. , , .,
1 disorder reigned supreme. J heee are
fiEADINII MATTER ON EVERT PAGE, i cU: llh"ab BOltB!!,J in,he
: dent a proclamation. 1 bey are estab
Amai i:o, the ucw Spanish Kmg, is i lisbed as well bv personal investigation
m; popular in Spain
Intrigue agaiiut the government of
S tain are reported by telegraph.
Brazil applies to tbe Uuited States
fin inhumation relative to the organisa
tion of free schools. ,.
A Poriion of ieiid is again in open
rebellion against tbe government of that
uri'iappy country
Two hundred colored people of Vir
ginia tailed last Saturday from Fortress
Mure for Litwiia
Ihk Dutch Idl iud of Sumatra, on tbe
coast f Guinea, has been purchased by
Great Britain.
Thr New York World pronounces
Tweed district, in New York, "the
most loathsome scab in the United
Kitri pkan politics indicate another
war, with itu-rsia, France and England
on one i-iil. , aud Geimany and Austria
on the oilier.
Os the l-'iii of AJeceinber there will
Lb a tol'il eclipse of tbe sun, visible from
.'av.i, tbe r i.-i.-t of Arabia, in the Nor'b
eruMit of Sumatra and Australia.
Tub Governor of New York has
changed the. Thanksgiving Day for that
State lo November 30th, to conform to
that !einated bv President Graut.
(. Tiieinj.iy iiijrht a week agn the iron
anl p-iMern limine of the Iron Works, at
I)iincH!!iov, was dectroyed by fire. Loss
SiOOOU : insurance SS.000.
Fio kick Doiv.las is a candidate
for Legi-laiive honors for the Second
Koclieter District of Mouroe county.
New York.
Til IV l.aJ a seventy-five thousand
dollar fire in Newark. New Jersey, on
the evening of the 3d inst , in a tannery.
Insurance S'Jj.OL'O.
On th.1 31 iust.. President Grant Ward
a proclamation ordering a dispersal with
in five rlnys of Kuklux Klan combina
tions, in Union cmoty South Caroliua.".
Tiik boiler of a sugar refinery at 13al.
timoro. exploded about ten o'clock on the
morning of the lt inst., killing one man
and badly scalding a number of others
It is said that Senator Carl Schnrz
once taught school at Reading, this
State, aud Mr. Bayard Taylor, was once
clink in a grocery store in the same placs.
A difficulty has sprung up between
Gov. Calmer, of Illinois, and Gen. Sher
idan, ia regard to the employment of the
military during the great fire in Chicago.
GeoRGB II. BoKKK, Esq . of Philadel
phia, was appointed Minister to Turkey,
on Saturday, by President Grant. It is
not known whether Mr. Boker will ac
cept. GovrRMoa Bullock, of Georgia, re
signed the Governorship of that State.
l'.eijiirin Conley, President of tbe
Sun-tie now occupies his place, by virtue
of his office.
Hon. Gko. S. Boutwell. Secretary
of the United States, estimates the ag
gregate national debts of Europe aud
the United States and twenty-three
thousand millions of dollars.
An alderman attached to tbe Board of
tbe Chicago Relief Fund has appropria
ted $10 000 of the raouey cent to that
city for the sufferers, to secure bis elec
tion as Mayor.
We rep ret to announce tbe death of
Colonel I avid Stanton, the newly elected i
An-litor General of thii Slate. He died
at 1 o'clock on Sunday morning, at bis
home at New Brighton, Beaver comity.
The Chinese companies have made
arrangement for commencing suits for
dara-.es against the city of Los Angeles,
for the murder of their countymcu and
the robbery of their families by tho
Tub engine boiler of a mail train ex
plod, 'd ou Saturday morning, at a depot
in Cinciuuali. Two men were killed
and two severely injured. The boiler
bad j:ist been patched, aud was twenty
years old Tbe depot was badly wrecked.
O.x tbe 3d inst, at Newark, New'
Jer.ey, a youug man named Shaffer met
a frightful death in a factory, corner of
East Nicholson aud Breen streets. lie I
was caught in tbe belling and bis arm
anu an Me loi n iroin weir aocaeis, auu
htj ribs broken,
He lived about twenty
Th Sapprrarlaa el ta Writ af Hahttt
Carpsa ia Sewta CarwUaa.
Tbe suppression of the writ of ttabeas
corpna in tbe conntiea of Union, York
and Spartaabnrg, awl otbera ta Soatu
Carolina, ft the aappreacioa) of , the
; dreadful carnival of violence, Intimida
. . . . I
tion and murder, that has been carried on
within tbeir borders. In the above named
three conntiea, tbe Pre eays, in tbe
nine mouths proceeding last Jul there
had been fifty murder committed by the
Klan, fully a hundred maimingi, and a
tliousaud sconrgings. Such was tbe ter
ror that bad existed during that period
that out one negro in ten alept under hia
own roof ; aged white men of respectable
family, and whore crime was tbeir sup
port of the Republican party, were vis
ited and threatened ; ibe Represent
live in Congress of the district dared not
j hu hnM, . the officiaU 0f two 0f
: as by that of tbe authorities And yet
thia was civil iibertv. Tbe whole u liner
j , - . Car((IillJ. u nA with inno.
cent negro blood, and every county has
tbe blackened rnina of a freedmen's
church or school We, surrounded on
every hand by tbe growth and labors of
highly intelligent, humane, and Christian
communities, have no conception of mor
al and social degradation of a portion of
tbe Southern people Civil liberty with
them means license to murder negroes
and tbe right to keep them in perpetual
political if not physical servitude. What
ever we have of patriotism, of religion
of any sort, is opposed to this conspiracy
against free government and the citizens,
and it must be put down
Dr. Karl Stantsr.
This gentleman, who was recently
elected Auditor General of Pennsylvania,
died suddeuly at his residence, New
Biighton, early yesterday morting lie
had been suffering with a neuralgic com
plaint for several days. Being a phyni
cian by education, and not regarding his
ailment anything serious, though it was
quite painful, be injected a small quantity
of tbe solution of sulphate of morphia
into one of bis arms for the purpose of
allaying the pain. He soon sank into a
trai.qml sleep but be never awoke It
was bis long, last sleep. Several of bis
medical brethren were called to bis bed
side. They sought to cause a reaction,
but tbeir labors were in v iin. It is their
opiiiiou that the deceased punctured a
blood vessel while introducing the nar
cotic, and which, caused death to ensue
The deceased was a son of the late
Dr. Berjamin Stanton, of Ohio, and a
iirphew of (be late Secretary Stanton, to
w born he bore a striking reemblanco.
He was born in 18-9. and after studying
medicine, and graduating at the Cleve
land Medical College and the University
of Pennsylvania, removed at the age of
21 to New Brighton, Beaver county,
where be commenced the practice of
medicine aud has contiuued to reside.
In August, 1861, he entered tbe army
as stuguon of tbe First Pennsylvania
Cavalry, and was connected with the
Army of the Potomac until promoted to
the post of snrgeon of United States
Volunteers, in November. 1862 from
which date he resigned. In December
186.5, he acted as superintendent of hos
pitals, and as assistant and acting medi
cal director of the Northern Department,
on the staffs of General Heintzelman
and Hooker. In 1861 he was breveted
lieutenant colonel, and 1865 was made
brevet colonel. He came of a Quaker
family, and was always an Abolitionist,
advocating tbe cause of the slave, wheu
to do so was to brave general opinion
Prior to bis election in October he never
held any public office At that time he
was chairman of the Beaver County
Republican Committee. Phdadeljihia
Those who wish to take a religious pa
per, sound in its principles and fearless
in tbe advocacy of tbe truth which at
the same time has a Department of Secu
lar News, and expresses freely its views
on public affairs, maintaining the right
and denouncing corruption wherever it
is found will find it in tbe New York
The Publishers announce that it will
enter upon its Jubilee Year in 1872, and
that tbe event will be signalized by the
issue of a New Ye ar Book, an encyclo
pedia of information and statistics in re
gard to tbe Church, and civil business
affairs, such s can be gatbered"only from
an exteusive Library. This will be sent
fiee to every subscriber to the paper
Copies of tbe Obskrvkr and a prospec
tus of the Ykar-Book. sent free to every
one who will apply. New subscriber
will receive tbe paper free until January
Thk Olubst Papki. The Philadel
phia North American and United States
Gazette closed its hundred year ou Sat
urday lasL It is now the oldect daily
newspaper in tbe United States, and is
as vigorous and wide awake as if it was
born but yesterday. Alwaya truthful in
its statements, bold in the aunuociation
of its opinions, aud reliable in all thing.
it occupies an enviable position in tbe
, newspaper world- Its devotion to tbe
commercial and manufacturing interests.
' not ouly in Philadelphia, bat of the
! Slate at lare-e. has riven it a refutation
ind ,Unding among bu,ineM , ewy.
where. Delaware County Republican.
. ,
Theaters are again open in Chicago.
A Ti kaiinf; freer, umt
Tbe antral at San Frauciaeo, on tbe
5th inat., a ship from Honolulu and Ana
j j,, brought tbe eaptain of a water
brig he being the mily sarviv
gber of tbe crew. Be also re-
porta a temble disaster to tbe Arctic
whaling fleet in the ice. Thirty-three
vessels were crashed or abandoned
From the captains of a number of the
lost whalers he learned and furnished the
following :
"The vessels commenced arriving,
says Captain Thaddeus. of Cape St
Than dr us on the 1st of June the ice
opened and let tbe fleet up within sight
of Cape Navarino; the fleet woraing
northward fonnd some whales crossing
the Sea of Anadvr. and in the Sea of
Anadyr and Bering's Sea more and
plenty, but experienced much trouble
from ice, and when tbe fl-et arrived at
Cape Behring tbe whales had passed
through into the Arctic Ocean, whither
tbe fleet followed tbem, meeting with fair
snccess until September 1, when tbe ice
floes and bergs, to a great extent, com
menced drifting down, aud by tbe lOtb
a number of vessels had been sunk, and
the bulk of the remainder hemmed in by
drifting ice or driven ashore.
On September 2. the brig "Comet
sunk, on the 9. the "Roman" was drifted
bodily out to sea by two floes and erusb
ed like an egg shell, tbe crew narrowly
escaping The "Florida" and "Victoria,
of San Francisco, were also crushed
On September 13 tbe captains of tbe
fleet hemmed in between Point Belcher
and Wainwrigbt Inlet held a meeting and
resolved to abaudou tbe vessels in order
to save the lives of the crews, which
was done, and tarelve hundred sailors
took refuse on board tbe remainder of
the fleet which bad been fortunate enough
to escape outside before the ice closed lu.
Nearly 600 of the wreeked sailors
were Kanakas, and will remain at Hon
olulu. The San Francisco officers think
a vessel should be sent to bring tbe re
mainder home. 1300 men were brought
from tbe Arctic seal on six whalers
Tbe loss by the destruction of the fleet
is about CI 00.000. Tbe catch destroy
ed foots up CI 3065 barrels of whale oil.
965 of sperm oil. aud 100,000 pouuds of
It is supposed that the whole number
lost will reach thirty three. All the
abandoned ships it is believed will be a
a total loss, there being little chance of
recovering even the cargoes in the spring
The news has created the greatest ex
citement in Honolulu and here.
So.MB carping iudividual has defined
woman as a uecessary evil. If we are to
believe accounts received from Greece
the adjective contained iu this definition
must now be removed, since there exists,,
and has existed, a place for centuries iu
that country where woman is not neces
sary. This wonderful locality is a bold
plateau between the old pcuiusula of Acic,
iu tbe Gecian Archipelago, and mainland
Here dwelles, in the midst of fine culti
vated fields, a monkish confederation of
the Gxetk Church, wjih twenty three con
vents, containing more than seven thou
sand souls. Not one of the monasteries
has been established since the twelfth cen
tury. Not ouly arc wonieu forbidden in
this territory but every female creature
is tabooed The inquiry might arise.
How do these benighted biethien get
along without milk and eggs I these be
ing obtained from tbe female part of tbe
auiinal kingdom. Probably they import
them, or perhaps, being absorbed in spir
itual meditation, they do not miss such
mere bodily comforts. This is certaiuly
a curious community, and well worth a
visit from masculine tourists. Pre.
An exechange says au old lady ; Mary
Jackson, died recently at Bayton, Ohio,
who, it is rtatrd on reliable authority,
bas attained tbe remarkable age of one
huudied aud nineteen years She was
admitted to the county infirmary Oct ,
23, 1837, and her age at that time was
registered at eighty-five years. Uutil
within tbe last three weeks she was. able
to walk abont the place, and was remark
ably active for so aged a person She
had attained ber "second sight," and was
able to see ber last days without glasses
tier health had been remarkably good,
and there was no indication of disease to
the last, her life going out like a candle
burned to the socket. be had been
beard to say ibat her maiden name was
Polly Mount, and that she was born in
New York, but no information could be
obtaiued from ber as to whether she had
any friends or relations liv.ng.
A dispatch dated at Louisville, Ind.,
Nov. 3d says ; Last night a mob collected
abont the jail in Jeffersonville, Indiana,
with tbe intention ef lyuching a negro,
na'ned John Warhington, who attempted
gnss violence ou a little white girl, and
whose father died from excitemeut pro
duced by the outrage. The prisoner
was slipped out by the back way and
couveyed to tbe State prison, learning
which tbe mob dispersed. This moruing
the prisoner was taken to tbe jail iu
Charleston, Indiana
The Prsclaaulioa.
Tbe President has revoked the suspen
sion of the writ of habeas corpus in
Marion county, S. C, made in his proc
lamation ot the 17th alt , and suspended
tbe writ in Union conuty. Marion is in
the extreme northeast, adjoining North
Carolina; Union in the western part,
and separated from North Carolina by
Spartaiisburg and York counties. AW' A
At Watcrtowu, Coun., a button fac
tory was burned on the morning of the
4th inst. Loss $51,000.
Letter tnm mm CM Jaekaawiaa Mtoent
T Urswwae Taw alp.
--v-v . . .
HBB8Bwa8TTAvms, a
- ' . . Koveabar 4, IKK f '
Mg Drat Mr Editor : My favorite
night baa again come around. It's not
as bright as h generally is te aw. I'm m
liltl nawett. May be it a tbe stall cloady
rain-feeling weather that We have that
makes me feel so in a great meraure. You
know I m getting a little old. and on us
old fellows the change of weather sets
hard. I don t rramble thoueb. -1 never
grumble at what nature does - She al
ways does thtugs right, you know, and
if things are wrong, we have only to
take a goo 1 look at ourselves to see the
cause ; aud if tbe big bogs of the Demo
cratic party would just only take one
long good peep at themselves, they'd
see that tbe cause of tbe mighty big
lickings that yon fellows have been giv
ing them in tbe past ten years, "is be
cause they got away froa tbe land
marks" set by Andy Jackson, and get
lost. Why I lell you they're as much
mixed up now as a flock of squawking
wild geese iu a fog. One squawks this
and tbe other that, and it's a general
squawking all around the ring. It s a
confouuded noioe that tbey keep op, like
that boy that whis'led iu the dark to
keep from gettiag scared. Tbe Hrtj!U'r
sometimes get out of tnne aud gets iuto
what o.r old singing master used to tell
us was auother key, and thea it sings
curiosity and cabbage. I don t know,
but you printer that read all the papera
ought to know if the R-jiter lives on
cabbage. Some fellow last fall told me
tbat it gets a heap of cabbage out of the
New York World, and don't pay for it
neither, and dou't even say "thank you,''
or tell us Democrats where it gets it's
best beads. Yon printers ought to
know, and when 1 go up to Mifflin I'll
stop and see yon, and you must tell me if
it steals it's cabbage. If it does, I'll tell
it all around.
. Besides the weather that makes things
seem a little out of place on this Saturday
night, is the humor that I'm in about
yon. It s not tbe good nnmor mat I
was in last Saturday night. I'm a good
deal mad at you for sticking the name of
Andy Johnson just where you ought to
put tbe name of Andy Jacksou in last
week's Srnti'n-l. I was furious when I
roitil iW I helinve I waa as mad aa
J I-.u .L .... ..ij:!,,;,,,,,. f nr..vi-m.i. eb.tl.inir J
anujr vwtwu .ururuureunc ooiu
something not very nice about one of his ,
lady friends, lie swore and he cursed
and got his pistols that he had when he
licked the British, and said that he'd
shoot tbe man that said the bad things,
and started lo leave the house to shoot
tbe fellow. His wife saw the trouble,
stepped in front of him and put her arms
around his neck and looking into his
brave face and said, "Andy, dear, for
my sake, don't go ; don't tboot the man.''
Andy was fond of the ladies and honor
ed his wife, and cooled down and didn't
go and shoot the fellow ; bnl he swore
that if he'd cheep another word that he
wmiMn't be liinrfered from nhnotinir him
, .i i j r n i.
by man or woman, or tbe old fellow who
. ' ... , t .
keeps the brimstone furnace. Just to
find Andy Johnson's n -me
IK tllM
name of tbe great Jackson (that man
who is the idol of the dreams of good
Democrats and the model of the wakeful
hours of all the faithful Democrats) was
such a blow on me that I got all-fired
mad. I said a heap of strong words, and
I believe I wouldn't a' wrote another line
if Mis Speak hadn't done just like Mrs.
Jackson, and came and looked up into
my mad face and said "Barton, there's a
mistake somewhere. D nt get so exci
ted in your old days. Wait till yon
know something more about this matter.
I said " I'll wait till T know something
more about the matter.'. I expect you
to write me a letter next week and ex
plaiu the whole matter But if it ever
happens again, I won't stand it ; I won't
write another line for your paper I
can't help but wonder how yon got the
men mixed. They ain't more alike than
the moon is like green cheese, and I knt w
that yon know that too. Yon know that
what And Jackson did and said he
meant and did He'd rather lost his
right eye than to have gone back of bis
word or done what wasn't right. He
wasn't a traitor to any one, and Johnson
was a traitor to every one, and he came
mighty near upsetting the government
while he was playing what he called the
tribune That was only a false lace, that
he put on to fool yon fellows. We
knowed him ; he didn't come it over as.
He said he was a Moses ; and in the next
breath, like the R'gi-ter. be said that he
was down on the Freed man's Bureau
that it was giving the President tootnnch
power ; and all the time, wasn't he.
wherever he could, patting oat of office
men of yonr party who wouldn't dance
when he fiddled, and patting in each fel
lows as would. It didn't make any dif
ference if they werv Democrats ; for
didn't he put onr little chairman into the
Post Office in Mifflin May be that was
a partnership arrangement with a John
sonite.' I heard such a whisper ; I don't
say that it is true. - But when he went
around tbe circle yon fellows fetched
him. and it was high time. I mind very
well bow high he got when he was on
that tramp. He thought that he was
just on the track that suited him, and he
thought that he'd pnt out a feeler, to see
how the people would feel if he'd upset
things and make himself master. He
got one of i hem fellows that every Pres
ident baa abont him to help him to do
the work about the government one of
the cabinet to ask the people if they
wanted a dictator that meant a' king. .
That was an old dodge, and didn't take.
I read in a newspaper of just such a
game that two fellows played on the
Romans long sgo. I tftmk that I cast
was the name of one and Anthony was
tbe name of the other. Anthony always
stock to Ccsar like a kitten to a hot
brick, and at a mighty bis; dinner after
Vmtmr has kicked the government into
splinters, he wanted his master to take a
geiden crown. Cesar put ont his bsnd
and shoved it aside, and let on that he
didn't want it. The people looked on
like a flock of tame sheep. Tbe R.man
ring knowed that tbe people would stand
it That crown play was a feeler, like
Andy Johnson's man asking if tbe Yan
kee boys wanted a Dictator or King.
They said "No." That was Andy's
cloven foot Yon fellows did settle him
after that right smart, and everywhere
the people settle the ring-leaders of the
Johnsouites whenever they get a smack
at them. Doolittle will get a sockdolo-
ger in Wisconsin sore. Andy Jackson
never wanted to be a King. He was too
good a man to think of rnnning tbe
country into the ground that way.
If you badu't mixed the two Andys,
I guess I would have got to the Fair
as it is. if something in politics don't
turc up, I'll get at it next week. Be
patient like Job.
Yours, truly.
Just as We Fonnd Thea
This is tbe State fair week iu Ohm.
Milwaukee has one saloon to every
120 inhabitants.
A dry goods store at Mineral Ridge,
j Ohio, was destroyed by fire last Tburs-
day. Loss $20,000
As late as 1790, girls were not per
mitted to attend public schools iu Bos
The foot and mouth disease is attack
ing children as well as cattle in some
parts of England.
: Tbe amount of tbe subscription obtain
ed at Havana aud forwarded for the Chi
cago relief funds is $10,115.
The greater part of the Russian press
are said to disfavor the visit of tbe Grand
Duke Alexis to tbe United Statea. .
A Minnesota widow, who has harvest
ed one hundred tons of hay with her
own hands, lost sixty by the great fire.
Montreal has sent over SI 02,000 in
old for the relief of Chicisro. Iesides
-t - i . e.
Cardoza, the colored Secretary of ,
It... i i i . i . i
State of South Carolina, has resigned to
accept a professorship in the lloward
Uuiversity at Washington.
A New Yorker who went down to
Sandy Hook on a steamer, to bid some
friends good by, was forgotten by tbe
pilot boat, and bad to go to Europe.
'Tho Sheriff of Lancaster county has
issued bis proclamation, requiring; par
ties to remove all permanently set means,
used iu trappii.g fisb in the Susquehanna
i and its tributaries withiu bis county.
William Skeleton, of Cambridge,
Crawford county, was shot and killed at
Kelly s Mnls, a few days ago, by a
. . .
J 0
Tbe sad occurrence- was entirely acciden
A ten yrar-bld daughter of Adam
Struber, of Lower Nazan-th township,
Northumberland county, was burned to
death ou the 23d tilt She was frying
potatoes, when ber dress caught fire, and
before assistance arrived the waa fatally
When the Rev. Dr. Upbam. of Fall
River, Mass., started ou his first circuit
at that place, fifty years ago, he was ab
solutely penniless, and a toll keeper look
his watch-seal as security for the one
cent demanded for passing over a bridge.
At the present time there are seven ex
peditiuns eugag.-d in Artie researches
two Irom Germany, one from Sweden,
oue from Scotland, one from England, one
from Fance, and one from the United
States, under Captain Hall.
There are four families, father and
three sous, residing in Polk township.
Monroe county, by the uame'of Serfass,
who have between tbem seven-two chil
d reu. Tbe father has twenty -one, and
the sons seventeen children apiece.
Scranton can boast of tbe champion
bamau brute. On rnday a monster
named Pat Moran became enraged at I be
horse he waa driving, and tying ia rope
around the poor animal's tongue, actual
ly tore the organ ont by its roots. He
then picked np tbe bleeding tongue,
threw it into hia wagon, and drove off.
The nnmber of destitute victims of
the late fire now receiving aid in Chicago
from tbe Relief Society has considerably
decreased, many securing employment at
good wages. The number of families
now receiving aid from the society is
abont 14,000. or 63,00-J persona includ
ing men, women, aud children
Chicago is very sorry, the P"t says,
that that tbey could not keep tbeir fire
until the arrival of tbe Russian Grand
Duke. They would take pride, however,
in showing him Mrs. Leary's cow and
tbe post office cat. The same paper ob
serves that bearafter no museum wiill be
complete without one of this cow and an
equal numb r of this eat Appropos,
the Gand Duke has not yet arived.
A young man named Henry Filler
met hia death in a very singular manner
at Bay s U ill. Bedford, eonuty. recently.
He was endeavoring to separate two
flocks of sheep, which were in a pen,
when one of the usually timid animals
became infuriated and batted Filler in
the stomach with such force as to knock
him down. He was taken home, iufla
matiou set in, and he died within s) few
days after the occurrence.
As illustrating the .fierceness of the
flames in the recent burning ofPeehtigo,
Wisconsin, and the terror into which the
people were thrown by their. approach,
one or two facta are given. , It only took
about fifteen minutes' time to envelop in
flames the three hundred houses in the
place As the torrent of fire approached
there seemed to be no escape from it ex
cept by some speedier death, and many
shot themselves to avoid perishing in tbe
flames. One case is recorded in which a
German cnt the throats of bis wife aud
three children, as well as his own, pre
ferring this death for himself and them
to the lingering toiture of fire. is
Larr Duel is this Statk. One of
onr exchanges says tbe last dnel fongbt
on the soil of l'ennylvania, occurred
opposite Lewisburg, on Saturday. Dec.
14, 1805, between John Binns, of Nor
thumberland, and Sumnel Stewart, of
Lycoming couuty. It grew ont of ar
tides of a personal nature published by
Binns in his paper, the Republican Ar
gut, reflecting on tbe character of Stewart
The affair resulted in no injury to either
party. One shot was exchanged, when
tbe affair was amicably arranged, each
principal explaining aud apologizing
They then shook, hands, aud were fast
friends up to the time of their death.
A 1BSP.4TCII dated Louisville, Ken
tucky, November 6th, says, a column of
the African Baptist Church, at the cor
ner of Fifth and York streets, gave way
last night during service. A panic ensu
ed, and tbe congregation rushed pell mell
over each other, dowu a narrow stair
way, trampling eacliother in their flight.
Eleven persons were killed, nine women
and two children. A nnmber were also
wounded Au inquest is being held to
day. It seems tbe pillar which gave
way had been set on fire on the lower
floor, between the joists, with nulhing
under it but an inch flooring
The West Chester Record says : A
correspondent writing from East White
land says : A singular occntrence took
place at tbe residence of I'avid Lapp, of
East Wbiteland township, on Thursday,
October 5th, abont 10 o'clock A. M It
rained winged ants until the gronnd was
covered with them. The noise they
made in alighting resemhb-d the so:ind of
drops of raiu. They fell from a cloud
f 1. ,.. r
w ...... .i ... ... ..... ...j, ...
cbesnut tree close by the above named
gentleman's residence.
O.N Sunday morning, the 5:h inst .
Genera) 11. Knt died at his home in
Bloomsburg, Columbia conuty, Pa. Gen.
Knt was ibe Democratic candidate for!
Surveyor General in 1SCS.
He entered
the military service against tbe rebellion '
as Captain, aui rose to the rank of ISrig
ad er General. '
A nsspATCil, dated at San Francisco,
Nov. 5th, says the bnsiuess portion of
Cocbeviile. Yobo county, Cal., bas been
j destroyed by fire, o: initiating fiom the
explosion of a coal oil lamp.
A woman's vote was counted at an I
election in Taylor county, Iowa. j
itrtr difvttscmtnts.
Assignee's Hotice.
OTlf'K is lurch? eiven that Cheney J.
i ' Cliambrrlin, of Mifllintown. Juniata Co.,
Pa , anj S-rali. hi wife, by deed of volun
tary assignment. hae assigned all the estate,
real and persontl. of the said Cheney J.
Cbamhcrlin, to William Givn. of Fermanagh
township, in said county, in trust for Ibe
benefit of the creditors of the said CLanev J.
! Chamberlin. All persons, therefore, indebted
lo the said Cheney J. Chamberlin will make
payment to the said asaignee, and ibrne hav
ing elaima or demands will known the same
without delay.
Asifne of Cheney J. Cliamblrlin.
Nov 6.-1X71.
Executor's Notice.
Ettott of Chr tlian Se tgeitt, (treeateif.
"JV'OTICE in hereby given thai Letters Testa.
lv meotary on ibe estate of Christian Sea
grisl, bite of Susquehanna township, Juni
ata county, deceased, haea been granted lo
Ibe underiigned. All persona indebtod to
said estate ar requested lo make intiaedia'e
payment, and those having claims will please
present them properly authenticated for set
tlement. PETER SEAGRI3T, 1
B M. BUBB. Executor.
Nor. 8 '71 6w
Dissolution of Partnership.
NOTICE is hereby given that the parner
ship between Lucian. J. Banks, and II.
Latimer Wilson, under the firm name of L.
wilaon & Co., at Oakland Mills, Pa., was dis
solved by mutual consent on the Iweniy
fourtb day of October, 1871. The business
will be continued by Lucian and 1. Bunks
Wilaon, under the firm of L. k 1. B Wilaon.
Nov. 1, 1 871 -St
S AMUEL H. ROLLM AN respectfully an
nonnees to lb publlo that he bas recent
ly opned a Wagon-maker's 3hop in ihe bor
ough of Patte.ton, and is prepared lo man
nfactnre, in a neat and durable manner,
from a Four-horse Farm W.igon to a One
horse Spring-wagon.
All Kiaws r Repairing will Receive
Strict Attention.
Grain and Lumber Taken in
Exchange for Work.
By eareful attention to baaines, and
by turning oat superior work, he hopes to
merit and receive a large share of publie
Good Oak Flank Wanted, -fc
Nv 1, 1871-1
Offers his services to tha eitiiens or Juni
ata county as Auctioneer and Vendue Crier.
Charges, from two to ten dollars. Satisfao-
tioa warranted. fnovS-Cui.
gfur Qtotxtlumnts.-
tar Circulars of the Ire Citj f allege,
the most popular and successful in.-uhutioa
in tbtCniteJ Stales, for the thorough prac
tical eJueat'wa of Ju-g an4 miJ.lle ag-J
mta, address
J. C. Smith, A. M., Principal,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Aug 1, lP7l-3m
pair of suitero French Oil Cbroaoa huis
LIFE SIZE, ejqiiisile far trmilef of O'igir.nr
Oil Paintings, il I'EY A WA F to eTcrjr sub
scriber to
LY NEWSPAPER Agents hting groat
success ! One took l.Ooo names in 3 months:
another C72 in 3-3 dajrs .- another 11 in odd
week : one 47 in one ly. and many others
equal I J well, making from $5 and $1 ) to$l
per day. Takes cn sight ! An old gnt
who knair gars: 1 think it Ibe f"t Intir.ttt
for eantmstrs t"er ojfertd. Sorry I did nut
engage jooncr. rays me Deiter man any
book agency. A rare chajice to make monry.
Intelligent men and women wanted every
where U yon wish pood territory, send
tariff for circular an i terms ! J. B. FOR.il
Sl L'il., 27 Park Place, N. Y. ; U PromP-ld
Si., Bosun ; 285 West Madison St., l'bicjr
T lie History of the War between ranc
and Germany, embracing also PutU uadrr
ibe Comnt'ine. 150 illustrations ; C42
price, $Z 60 ; 50,Jt:0 copies already fold.
Tue only complete work. Nothing equals it
o sell. Making lo.ot O copies per mouth
now In English and Uerman. Terms ua
eqnaled. Outfit f 1 '-:'. Address
87 Psrk Row, New Vnrk.
nVJvU 0 ,a offered free during the crniing
year lo eery subscriber of Menj'i. Muteuri.
the To'edo Blod'. Pnmeroy's lemoer-t. tic.
wbicU is u eviaeucw ui u woiiu au-i prr.n
lariiy. Horace (Jreetev. Jam Pnrr.,,. Tb.
odore Tilion. iin'l H-moIi,ii. etc., wrwe lor
TiToTb0iiK. it uUtirs lurve nrst-class period
icals lor Hie price of one of titem. A t irieiy
of preniiu-ns on equa ly liberally term. Ii
is an original, firn cl.a nnnrfn'iiie. Vo!uiu
i X begin with Jn
j copies free. Address S. fTjTnJSeT
buigt. N- V.
Is invited to nd hi address and recti?
I F" I'o' P eopy of ih.
! America Farm Journal,
! Tl' m"" Practical, the Best and Cinp
H'"sirate.i Agricultural piper in Ibe l .ue,!
StaleJ Onlv So cents per year. Send for
specimen co.y. AUoiess
Solicited by Hr.VI It CO.,
Publisher r tir Am-,,
an. 17 riRK HW. I. I..
Twenty-fire years' experience.
I'.nml.lal, .finlfl i n i ft f Pi,t,.fit LiVi w i r ll
i 'u1, directions how lo obtain I'aten-s free.
A H.iind v!ume of 113 pages. cntaininr
the Sew Census by counties and all lro
ciliri. 140 tiijrrning or M-chanirl Move
ments. Patent Laws ami rules tor obtaining
Patents, mailed on receipt of -. ciuls
The oMest and mol reliable Institution for
obtaining a Mercantile Education.
tt?" Practical hnsiieits mep as Tirtrnctori.
tor inforuHiioa writ for a circuUr to
P. UUFF & SONS, Piitabarg. Pa..
f-aV The BEST winter OVERSHOE t
So Hi ( KM:s to break t
WtPaaa HO TKCIBLE to pul on!
feaa-" genteel. Stylish t
AC ESTS W NTED. Aents make mora
nmmy at w rk for us iban at anylning
el-e. Business light and permanent, par
ticulars tree. G. Ftissos & Co , f 'mt Art
Publuhtrt, Portland. Maine. .
A MONTH! Horsa loraUhid.
Expenses paid. U. B. SHAW,
Alfred. Me.
AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early in
discretion, causing nervous debility,
premature decay, Sc.. having tried in vain
every advertised remedy, bns discovered a
simple nn.aj of self-cure, which In wU! sen-k
10 hia fellow-sufferers. Address ' i .-.
J. II. REEVES, 78 Nassau s.. N V.
A Clergyman, while residing in foulb
America as a Missionary, discovered a safe
and simple remedy for Ibe Cure of Nervoua
Weakness. Early Decay. Diseases of the Uri
nary and Seminal Organs, and tha whole
train of disorders brought on by bsneiul and
vicious habits. Great numbers tavo been
cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a
desire lo benefit the afflioied and unfurl auate.
I will end Ibe recipe for preparing and
using this medicine, in a sealed, envelope, to
any one who needs it, fret of ehary. Ad
dress Jos. T. lf.X4.-i, Siat:on 1), Bible House,
N. Y. City.
718 ARCH Street. Middle of the Clock, be
tween 7th and 8ih, Hia.. South Side,
Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer
kinds and quality of
Ilaving imported a very large and splendid
assortment of all ibe different kinds ot t'ursi
from first bands in Europe, and haer had,
Ibein m ide up by ibe most skitlful workmen,
would respectfully invite the readers of thia
paper to call and examine his very large and
beautiful assortment of Fancy Fan. jvr La
Jim and CHldre. I am determined to art! at
aa gi pritt a any other respectable ?!,us
in this city. All Fur uftrranted. A'a nit
rrpraentatiOH to tWect tale.
718 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Oot. 18, 1871-3 mos.
DAVID WATTS most respectfully announ
ces to the public that he is prepared ta
at reduced prices. Hereafter give bint a call
at his OLb STAND, MAIN St., MlfFLlN.
Oct 2-tf
Governors, Boiler and Mud Boiler, all
complete. For full particulars aiMresa
Mills, Juniata Co., Fa.
June 2. 1871.