FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. OBSTWATE HOUSES. A lion e "balks'" far or'tenerfrnin Mime, j to bitn, pnnd and ' mfficii-nt reason, tlmn , because he if obstinat, but occasionally bnr will make up hi mind not to go j ... part a c rtain place, and it is very likely that no amonut of whipping will foicel ' him to go. The first tiling which e!iouId, be don ) to asoeruiu if the load is too 1 - Leavy, if tb harness, is easy, if there j. are stones in tbe hoof or'aimliiiip;!. frightened the animal ; sometimes a liitk , YiatinrA and tuiltiutr u.tll ha 1. r -"yfc """" I and at anv rate will i far better lhani any amount of flagellation. ' There ' are' alo come simple d:vicet which are annie-n timea effective. The writer b'o 1msj1 teen a bone induced to move on, and that too, after he had been severely i beaten, by covering his eyes and breath-' inginto bin nostrils. In this instance the , operator simple place I his hands as close- j ly as pose ihle over the animal's eye, and i lireaihed two or three times iuto ouo of. Lis Dnttiile. Auotber method, which we ; rnnnot vouch for personally, in told in a narrative form, concerning a hone, i id- ' 2ea by a gioom, which refused to pass a ' certain place, rearing' and plunging in j euch away as to endai.per the liven nfi both bxrse and rider, Presently a epee-' t.tnr of the scene walked rip to the! f'oni and faid, "I thiuk my man, you are not taking the proper method S make the hoi.e go ; allow me, if you please-, i toehowyoiia trick worth knowing." ' V ell, ' ah the groom, if you can make j him go. it n:ore than I can do." Thei firrt speaker then took a piece of whip- J rcrd, and ti-d it with a firm knot to thej ld of the aiiimal a e.-r, which he bent gently down, f-isteniug the end of tin) Htrn g to the cb.-ck hnckle of the bridle ; I thi done, he parted the horse's neck oute or ire, nn, 6A,lf "Xow ,.t me see i yon go fjnlelly home like a gt.o.l uorse , The boi moved off as gently as if nolhiiig had happened Probably neither j of inert- device haa any special virtue j ia itself, bnt each of them involve? a cer-' fain amount of gentle treatment, certain , luanipnLitioi.g to which the horse is ac- : ruxtomed. If either plan should he re-: sorted lu in a violent inanuer, as if the; covering of the eyes, or lying ' of tLe . cord were int nded ns a coercive measure, very likely the h rse would renuiiu oh-1 ftimit and savage. ' If propeily and: kindly executed tome fuch plans as ; l.hoe. we have mentioned will divert the Imr-e's atttutinu. arouse his curiositv. ! ami it is Itk'-lv that lie will , , move on as I if llOllilllg bad happened. Chriftia i L iti on. fl imkijim; calves. ' I coinroeiicftl last fall a new extrava pitice," s;ty tltc wriur of tltu Opteti Farm Tupcr?, in ilit AjiinJturist, and i Lad! I am Eatii-fied that it j.ajs well. I hiimrto wiutjrt'd my youn calves on the same f'ol with the yearlings, and al ways Micceedcd in bringing them through the winter in tulcraldo condition quite as good as the average. Lust winter 1 pave to from half a pint to a pint a day of hole o.its, and I am saticfied that they have grown as fast as they would have done on summer jjastnre. The growth too, is of the iii;htcharactt r' in the honee; they are thrilty and j lusty, aithont being at all fat, and Ij think have a bi tter chance of becoming I copious, bony em's aud good milkera,! tlmu if they received only the usual ra- tieiis. Some of my neighbors feed corn ! ni'-al to tht ir calves, aud I observe the ! I fTfl't. Id VPVr ?'T..r.ll! frrtm t., . - ' . ... . ''J ii-u, liuui biiai .11 uifie producing less development of bone and more of fat the opposite of what we want iti inilkiug stock." KLtP A BOOK. Carry it always with you, and immedi ately any idea croiisc your mind which you wirh to retain, enter it. Enter little jobs tltit liave to be doni, a piece of lV'iiee to be put up, au implement re quired, when borse ft cd will be finished, wbn liat certain et-d that you are want ivg in a week or two, and all those iti-immral-lrt little thoughts of something I'm' mutt Je d ne, which cross tbe brain at odd timi-?, and which, when a slack dy or hour arrive, C4tinot be thoucht : of The intelligent store keeper never j trusts his nieuidy fur the remembrance of what stock he must renew when be goes to the wholesale houses, and the intt lligetit farmer would do well iu this matter if ho committed to paper these limithss little requirements which it is impossible to keep floating on the surface of the memory. Intra II mrs'fud. A low farmer states lhat row of Early Rose potatoes. certain among which ouious were growinir, were entire ly free from the Colorado potato beetle. Hut others of the i"ame variety, at a lit tl." diftatic, were greatly damaged by th-jir attark. Put. this fact by, in your agricultural fcrapbook or in your mem ory, for next year. Ouious are a useful thing to raie, anyhow. One tepoon of pulverised cubebs ,-iud two tablespoonfuls of white sugar. rubbed tnsretuer, and a half teaFpoonful of the mixture taken three or four times a day, will cure colda and relieve a cough 0c te&rpponful of 5Iolases and a toaepoorful of Goose Oil given to a child inclined to croup, will relieve it at once. . When you find the larks-pur in the country it may be safe to judge the cat tle go to the fields. I , , , '".''. 3 Toi R field may be ' furrowed witfi ctr, bnt it cannot ce uarrowea Dy too KnlWtinn." Tli,- Great .Mimical UlscoTery! Dr. WA.LKER'3 C LIFOHNIA VINEGAR' BITTERS, s? Emircdi of Thousands . Il:-r t--r!l -r-r fl-tr VTomlcr- H: f.:l C s WHAT "vr yy'i h . -a I . 3 l--Fr? I J V10 'Zt'-t JU .j! ; j ' ' .'THEr AltE SOT A VTLE "58 "IJFANCY OR INK, Pi? :.U:lr uf lcrr ttnri, WhihrT, Proof 'rirlllil llffuir Uonor rtoruiirrt.trioed :'! w-.-etrneJ i j pleit.- t.ic last, callcl M Toiv - . Irv"" Aint:i " IMrcr," c that lc1 ' . i I pplcr oa to dmakciinow and ruin. M:t are tra MwlwMM'.Mima from Hie Xu Koouui4 llorti nf California, Tree train tlAlrhnMo -iniiiilnul. Tb0TreHeEAT III.OOI) ri'RiriEMnnd LIKE ;IVIXJ 1-Klfi-i 1 1' I.K prfce.t :rnovat"r''f t;ic iy-tcm. c--.rr.vlny ofl aM poisoiion ni.ilter and rrtorln(r ti bi ol to a hait'ty coiditon. So !HH caa'talie fawe Islttrra acCuri!l-g fiinc tln aad remain !im u:nrolI. Far Inflammi. lory aiol rhronle Rhtn"; mntUm II nd (Joul. I;niM-pita ar linli (Otlaii. ItillnC". Iteitrlneiit nni ln?r tnltlent Krv:T, llirnir ol" lite iiiood, l.iver. Klitiirj , nnil Hlaadrr. iiiec ltit trra liava buea most acocrmu). Karta JMs ri.ri are caiutt : y ViliBted II I nod. irhlch to Kecerally prud'ierd by doranifi-ment uf taa lli(ifiivp trraai ItYSt'EfMA lt 1NIE!TIN. Hradactic, I'aln l i tiu: blioaIcrs, Coiutha. ( mi of tlie Chet. DiJJinesvtu'ir tractt!on of M t.mi:h, liad ta"t- In the llnath. C lious At tacl;, fatut'.on of thc'IIart. Imlaraicatliin of the La"C.?na la rherrniona of t'lf KtdnsrB.ard attnnlfjd otlerr pafnfal pymptoms, ar the prints of Dynrptla. . . T!t'T Invigorate the Stomach ad atlmulate tlia . torpidhvarand bWL-il, w!iicli rc ttdcr taoni of o eiaalicd cacary U cieaiut tae tilood of all . unrwltia, ajd iiuoantus ocw Ufa and vigor to liio wli'e vt(Mu. ' rrTt Sli'lX ItSE;ES. rrnptlon.TrttiT. !'.ir"!i. Fiotcirvs, f p-t?, H'nj'lr. Purtalea, ; !. CCfanetea, King-Worm, caH-nea1. (torn flTa.Erytp laa, tte!i, Scarfs Discoloration! of the &un. Humors and ilia aso of the Skin, of vhirrvrr naaic or nature, aro literally das up aad etrrled out of lh j tystcra lu a ahori timo Vy Hit 'jso or lh-so Cit:c. Odc bottle in eawwlll convinci- lUuraort lr.srcdiiloaa of fliclr r !':ra!!vier:5. Cl'-a,ii tli" 1f:atpi Wood whnerer yon flril hiip".rniTjritir thrwach thktn tliPlni pl?. Kriititlons cr Sorea; Irrinalt iihen yon find It oh tm-'rd and (IngcMi la the Teinai , rleitmo UvUeaUbfoul, tad your f"Jina will t-:i yj'i w:iri. Rcop tiie blood pure asd tlie. h of fie -i-tc-n w'!l fotl . I'! V. TA IT an t r.ri-cr VK1l!, tirimc In t ;rt.n rf ao nany firtteaiiioi, are effrraallr diroyrri and rmivnil. K'rfnl'. diremwia( read rarful?7tlijclrcnlar uronnd ra-h bottle. j.WAj.snn. rro-n-tor. n. n. m-tot t t) ft CO., remrenjt aid Cn-n. Airents. San Eraneteeo, Cat..a:id S. and 31 1'omine-ci trcrt, Nrw Voric. 80I.D BY AIX ri'!i:.G!FT3 AND DKAI.KHS. FOUTZ'S. i CELKBIiATLH I Eorse ni Gittli Powflers. i I Thw iirejarHtidii, 1onj nod fToniW.y knsu, Kill thoroughly rvmvipomw broken d-. n fttid lnw-piritnl liorw. hy ftrfngtWnintr and cleansing the tutntarh mix) intfrtint'S. It is n sun' pr v ntiv-rif all dirfi5c incid'Dt to ttii- ao'Dial. such as LI NG FEVER. II.A; OfcRS. YtLLOW WATER. HKAVK-i. CHiH. MS TiiMHfcH. KM tli-S. KOU.N" I)KK, I,o(k AfrrrriTK A.vp vita.. EN'KR'vY. kc Its iik iinpmv.. the wiii'l. iiicrea.- the uptftit rives sDio jth and l-Ihsv kui ;uid transform! tl: s miseniJ'e frk JtLon lutoa tiu;-lokiii)4tnd -vtriu- i urtu , To k7ien of Cows tin's pmara- tion i ala;tMf. It is a snre pre- entire againt Riu.lrjM'rt, Hollnw Horn, ttc It Las bevn nioven by actual ixjrcritnt nt to increase the tjnantity ttf milk ami ttrenty fci'-rrrrii. and muke th? Ituttfrftim aii'i f--'t. In tVitti ninp cattle, it iriven tTipm in apptitet looscm Uiuir lade. uU mke bem thrive much faster. Io all disJtses of Swin-i, etirh s Coughs. Ulcers in ttie itiiriKS. Liver, ate ime arttciciiru a iccnic. itr putting from one- half x 'wiper to a paper in n barrel of ' l will Uie &rxrniit will brrdi cateil or entire! v prevented. Ifgien in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hon Cholera. DAVID Ei FOFTZ, PropnVlor, BALT1MOHE. ,Hd, For fral hr Pniiririt nnd 3oreTe-pers throughout Ibe Coiled State. Caoadaa and Sot'tb America. B. F. KEPNLK & SuN. own. 1'a. Agents, Mifflin-a..F2-ly New Store and New Goods. GEOCEKIES, PROVISIONS, &C. Street, JCfflintown. ! OR0CERV AND KOV'llON STultU. iu the old stand ; on Main .Street, Mitflintnwn, I would re.pcct- fully ask the atteution of the public lu tbe ; following articles, which I will keep oo hand j at nil time : ; (.tt, . -p """XT."!? TV oLu.lll, 1 I'jLj, I 1'j.V, AKH AFX 1? JCV I " ' ' I nr.-.-. iZ THEY?s'ss 4 . . 2 r ill ':; 32v::.. iih- ci-m VIfII. SALT, ! I , , , lvlliru in, tltivn. rirTIT I 1 nra '80 PrParJ ia nufaclure all Dill EI) AS V ( ANi LV , Jt rILll. i kiDd of HiU Gearings, such as Cog Gearing : Oudgoons, aw Mill Cranks, and Turning and HAM, SHOULDER, DRIED BEEF,, , ' fitting up the same. I also manufacture Confectioneries; Nuts&c.,rUk,ud80f : Tobttcoo, Oiarai, (3 L A S 8 W A K E , ! i ', I loiti, ITowmI, Arc. I All of which will be sold cheap for Cai-h or Country Produce. Give me a call and hear my prices. J. V. KIRK. Mifflintown, 'May 2. 1871. -t Boot and Shoe Shop. - A THE undcrsineJ, fanhionable Boot J A anJ Rhoemuker, hereby respectful ly informs the public that he has located in the borough of Patterson, where he is pre pared la accummo'late tbe most fastidious in lr, I " Gents1 Fine ami Coarse Boots CMLDREX'S wear, a-c&c. Also, mendinc done in the neatest manner land upon the shortest notice. A liberal share of public' patronage is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed T5T Shop looted on the east side of Tns earoru street, one door couth of Main street, nearly opposite Laird & Bell's store. J. W. DEAX. March 8, 1871-1 J . . .' ! - ' AUSTERSVILLE TIN SHOP. The un dersigned has established himself in McAlittersville in the Tiuning business. Persons wanting anything in his line shojld call before mrehasing elsewhere a? be -is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron nare, and to sell as low as tbey can be purchased elsewhere. , His old cus- . i .i. . miners anu mc puuwv pcucmujr are rvppcvi- fully invited to call, as he hopes by strict t. umiont() business todeserve a ibare of pat- ronage. aur 1 aug If 6!tf J.C03 0. WISET. Clothing. f ( LARGE STOCK OF. I f) nil anu wmier tiu , i'l'- S! ..'At "'' -i Strayer's Clothing Store, ! ! IX PATTERSON ! 1 ' 1 , Now4is'ieTiQB to SecnrB BariaiBs'l' SAMUEL STBiYEIl. buTing purchaaea .'of Levi ilechu keeps in tbe new lirick UuilJ ing. Main tiireet, I'm terson, a large and ele (tant. as"rtiueat jot , I lead;--Made Clothing consisting in part of .-'j Overcoat, Fro-k Corttx, ' Wwi Drr Uiiati I'aiitalmiti, ' i . JV,' Dm torn, V'tUnr. . , , . , V ' .' Lnt'ersJii'rtt, Ilandkenhlert, i i.r. ju ' :. ' Jinots tr iS'Aoea Aud evcrythiug uau tlly found in a first class (ieutleuiHu's t'ttruinuing Store. ., , ; , V FAXCY COvDS ..'l 'I ,n. '' . ; : f W I Also a lr and oarefitlly selected assort ment of Fancy Goods, of nil c'.aaneB, kinds and qualities, all of which will be sold at the low est foibl living prices. ; t- ; LuM t Gaiieri and Shoe.. A lie also invites the attention of the ladie to Sis fine stock of GAITEKS A"N'1 SIIOKS, which he will sell at prices defying competi tion. -, . CA IU'L rS, OIL CL 0 TH$. ' r I He basnn hand a beautiful asortment. o( ; Carpets, Oil Cloths, ko ', which are of a food quality, and well worth the inspection of tbe . btij er. . ATCIIKS S. JEiVI.LRY.. I . . Gold and Silver It atehrr, v Eur rinftJ'Jam end Fanctf.rwg, Watch Keys. Ladies' and Gent' Breast Pins, Gold Pens and Pencils, &e., which at this time form the largest aud best assortment in the county. tflAll the above goods will be sold cheap er than any other store in the United States. If you don't believe it, just give him a ca'.'. and be convinced of the truth of the assertion ' ? ' " " F U UN I T U K K. 'r : .-' ' ' ' He has also a large Room jnst opposite his Store where be offers for sale at low prices a apneral assortment o' ' Tab!es, Chairs, Sofas, Lounpcs. I'.edsteads. Mattresses. Trunks. Carpets. Slnnks, Hacks, and many otherarticles fur house furnishing SAMUEL STHAYEU. Patterson, May 1, lt"V ' , ' i 1. tV. IliKI.CY A. t O'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Xevin's Xew EuilJiii?, Uridgo Street, Mirllintown. This way for Bar- gaii.s!! it AVIXG re.uov. our OdODS to a room i in Nt'vin's new tiuiilinr. nn nridjre prrcRl, I we are prcpiired tfi do & lare busiutv aud! bav jut receive'! a . i . , , ' ; NEW ASSORTMEST OF GOODS, i I'ONstsrisn or Over Coats Iress Coals, Husincss Coals, ! Conimou Co.ite, r.iuiak aus, Vesta,, j lJoots and Shoes ' of er.'ry dcaeription, biyle and ijuality, for male or female. ! V.OYS' IlKADV MADK CLOTIIINf.j Also, Carpets White t dirts. Fancy ()ei Shirts, Cutler Shirts. Drawers, Hosiery. j Glove-t, Linen and I'uper t'olara. I Cravats and Ties, Trunks. Um brella, Travelling Jisgs Kc. Also, the latest styles ot Ladies' Cloaks. Cir cu'ars and Furs. Fercons in want of anything in our line wil save money ly giving us a call before pur ehtning elsewhere, as we are determined tr sell chein for easlt. ' B. Don'l forget the corner, l!ridge nnrf Water streets. ' . l. W. IIAULEV . CO. Mar t. 1H7i. MIFFLINTOWXi FOUNDRY ' MACHINE SHOP ! ri'MIE nntlersigned would respectfully an J. nonnce to the citizens of Juniata and t adjoining eountiep, that he has purchased j the Miffltntown Foundry and Midline 'hop. ! and is prepared to manufacture articles of ' various descriptions, such as four and Siz Uorst-jKtwcr Threshing Machines, al.sft 1 Eisht and Ten IIore Power Machines, being themost celebrated, and best adapted t,i tbe want of the fanner now extant, and which I will warrant to perforin all tbey nre recommended to do Plows of the latet-t and mogt improved patterns, considered by al! who have ured then: lobe superior to any now in use in this part of the country. I would espeeially call the atleniion of farmers to the IRON KING FLOW, wbicb I am man- ttfnnt uritirr with tliA ltifPBL i ni nrnfp me n I fur Coal, ivod, I arlor and Cooktmj &tovr. I also manufacture Hollow Ware, Waffle ! Roller for lanuers, c. ' (lid Metal and country produce or all kinds taken in exchange for work Pemeniber I sell ten per cent, cheaper than any other establishment in the country. -- - J. A. CRISWELL. Feb lfi, 1870-tf. AGENTS WANTED FOR QDa.ss53'Ssa3Ayss53; riiMVI FILM HO .. I ITCU lTITPP r"- FHOMlug FIKLDS or LITERATURE. Con- I taining selection from onic HCNnnF.n of tbe ! most popu ar American ami roBBttiS auihor.s, !i(ialndiof Adams, llaneroft, Hacon. Beecher. i Bnlwer, V'b'apin (E. II.), Cailyle, Cooper. De I Quincv, Everett. Emenon, Newman.- Hall, J. ,. , , T r , i. Tl I TIL - - IH'Iianu. Irving. i.ongieiiow, nriirr, i uu- Iipsi l unsson, Kobertsun, KUHEin, nhately, Webster, and others equally eelebrateJ' fori J their skill in the use of beautiful lauguafre and for their strong enforcement ot notile i.leas. Six hundred pages, elegant cliromo front piece in ten colors, and many choice en graving, at one half the price charged for any other, book of its quality. Agents can 8ll twice as manyofihi hook as of any other in the market. Ladies meet with the bf fnoceta.i' ' ' ' ' Clerf;yuien. Teachers, and energetic young men and Indies wantad in every township to act as Agent, on very liberal terms. Serd nam? and ddre for Cinalar' loZfEGLER ft. MeCURDV," Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati. Obitf: Chicago, 111. ', St.-' Louis.' Mo.: or Springfield, Mass. ! ' ' i nov9 . JOHNSTOWN FOTJNDEY, r ' THE undersigned.1 manuficturer of Jami son's Improved Plow, calculated for all kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of ground, sold cheaper than any other Plow in tbe County. He manufactures all kinds of Cast ings, Bella, Stoves. &c. lie will also repair reapers and threshing machines. , Give me a call, or address. r ,t y. J.H.ROGERS.'" - ' WaTnut. P. O. , aug 18 186 -tf Juniata Co. Pa. lUrrfliandisf, ic. SPECIEJRICES! EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIOS fIN THE .VJ HPRlCEB .01 G00J)3V-- J( AW u .1?.. aP i I nun .i : ' Patterson, Juniata Co.. Pa. ;vl '- T-" ,,. a.w-'i ..v - " ' The undersipned beg leave to atate. that they have purchased from J. D. Todd, his entire slock of poods, and will in ibe future' condnct the merchantile business at the Old Stand, in the borough of Patterson, Juniaia county,1 Pa . where they shntl' endeaTor to keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of ' '' " ' ' '' ' " "' ' ladiks' diiess Goods, consist ing of ' " ALPACAS, ... H . ' i u, I'OPLINS. j , I ! , PLAIDS. ... . !.. . ...i . r,- LCSTEUS. De LAIXS. , . WKR1XOS. ... . i -MOHAllts. ' ' ' GINGHAMS. '.' CAMIUUCf.' LAWNS, &C...: FANCY GOODS, i - .' ' NOTIONS. , JEWELRY, ' '",.,tl - HATS AND CAPS. ' ..' BOOTS AND SHOES, , gLEENSWAKE. CEDAK WAKE. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY. FISH, SALT, . . . . COFFEE, TEAS, SIRUI'S. SUGAR. ITavinff just returned from the eity wi'b the ; ahovn enumerated stock of poods, all j which have been purchased since the great t decline in Gold, we feel warranted in sxytnp! j lhat we can otter Goods at preallv reduced fig-1 ures for CASH OR CUUNTRV PRODLTE. marin-tf LAIRD & BELL. XEW fJOODS! NEW GOODS ! Martin & Walters' Bazaar! gri:a t cra mi ix prices .' AVING purchased the Store of N. FrnnL c Co., on Mam street, in J. M. llelforu . .store rootn. we wotilil repecttiilly inform lh. public thai we have just returned from tht hast with a new and carefully selected stock nf GOODS ot he very best ijuality, cotnpris ing in p'irl, of dry noons. Gnor-EiiiivV ' ' ' .NOTIONS. UOSIKRIKS, FANCY t;O0!S'. (jrEKNSU'AUi:, KOOTS SHOlvS, HATS ANI) CATS;, CAKPKT HAGS, OIL ( LOTUS, C A li I K T S, BLANKETS, Fl llS, WOOD AM' WILLOW-WAKE, aud in short every article usually kept in a well leleeied sture. ' We intend selling exclusively for CASH, or in eachmge for COUNTUY I'llOOlJCE. lty so doing we will be ahle to sell goods as cheap aa the clienpesi. Call and examine our stock Bra. HIGHEST PRICES I'AID IS TRADE KOf. ALL KINDS OF COL'NTKY I'KODUCE. M ATI & WALTERS. (Ik'irord'sSlt-re.Ruom,! Main St., JUiftLiutown, fa. May lt 1S71. v, THE PLACE FOtt. IS AT I5AUGAINS IS TATTERSOX, TA. v 'THE lirgest and best assortment to be X fm.ud in Patterson. Thankful for tbe liberal patronage heretofore received from tbe public, I wouid respectfully announce thai I have juBt opeued a very large slock ot i Goods well suttiil to the trade. My stock consists of a full assortment of tine and staple DRY G VOLS, Embracing all the materials for men. women and children's waie. including Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, together with a large stock ! of Muslins. Sheetings Drillings, Tickings. Oil j Cloths, Mattings, &c. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Snch as French and English Merinoes Pop lins, Alpacas, De Lames, plain and figured Shawls, vc. ami alsoa large slock of Notions, sneh as Gloves. Mitts. Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, and a genera) assortment of Dress Trimmings. : groceries,:,; Such as Sugars, Syrups. Coffees, Teaa nnd Spices. Also, a large lot of Queenaware, Hardware. Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Salt and Nails. Together with a full assort, meni of Goods usually kepi in a country store gct)t.Highe3t price paid for country pro duce in exchange for goods. Prices in suit the times May 1, 1871 WTA TI'I-BY THE NORTH- ' WETKUS MUTUAL LIFK IXSCR ANCE C')MPNY nrcanixed in I9S8 with j asserts of over Ten Millions i$l't,Ooo,HOO), Disirict Agents for the following ounfies: Bucks. Montgomery. Chester. Delaware, J Lancaster. Schuylkill. B-srks. Lehigh. North- j ampton. Columbia, Montour, Norihumber-J bin-i. Monroe, Adams. Jnniafn, Bradford. and any other unoccupied territory that we hold. This is a rare chance for some classrren. Call on or add -pss PERC1VAL Jt STOW. State Aqimti Font Penn'n.,' 4S() Walnut St., Philada. K.Call in person if possible. ' Aug 9, 1871-4w CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against Hunting, Fishing or in- any -: way tres passing on the lands of the undersiened, in Black Log township. Persons so offending will be dealt with to tbe full ex'ent of the law. '. i t. .. '! -. i Robert MeTntire. Samuel Lanver, David Lanver, -Aficbael Hommon, Adam Smith,1 ' George Smith, ' ' " Sarah E. Cornelius, J. E. Mclniire. William Lauver, ' ChaHes Olok, William Bilger. ' Pamuel Hoffman, ' ' Sebastian Rapnran, ' George Smith, Jr., ' " Thomas Ramler ' Isaac Baugbman, Thomas J. Darling;, George W. Gorton. LAIR )i BELLS June CI, 1871. USE THE 'BEST. tm RENEIWER ' IVine years before trie finblic, J and no preparation tor tue nair nas ever been produced eqnal to Hall's - "Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer " ani every- honest dealer will say it gives the best satisfaction. It re stores GRAY HAIR to its original color, : eradienthis' and preventing dandruff, enring BALDNESS and promoting the s1"0111 ot llie 'a'r ' The gray ami brahy liair by a few api)!ii.;ations is eiianged to black and silky locks, and wayward hair will assuma any shape the wearer desires. It is the cheapest HAIR DKESS- . ING in thj world, and its effects last : longer, as it excites the glands to furpi?!i the nutritive principle so necessary to the life of the hair. It , gives the Lair that splendid appear ance so much ad ruired by all. By its tonic an 1 stimulating properties it prevents the liair from falling out, and none need be withont Nature's : ornament, a good head of hair. It is . the first reaTperi'ected remedy ever discovered for curing diseases of the hair, and it has never been equalled, and we assnrc the thousands who have used it, it is kept un to its t original high standard. Our Treatise on the Hair mailed free; ssnd for it. Sold b'j aU Dnujjisti and Dealers in Mt&aues. , Price One Dollar Per Bottle. R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors.' . LABOSATQUT, SASEDA, H. H. JkaiTSoiiJ by Druggists gtucni ly. , lAyer's Cherry Pectoral,' For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, uch as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Antnma, and Consumption. Probably nprer before in the whole hitnrr At metiiciue, anyUmip: wuu so widely ami MUi-i-ly upon Uie coniiiltfix e uf muHkiutl, a- Tlii - evrllrnt retnefly lor puliuuoary cotuplaiutb. '1 iimuu u Itmjr eenes "of years, and amou nwi of the rare?-of men it has rieti higher and hieher in iheireMnua tion. as it ha become better kuouii. U uuitunu character and power to cure the vai ion atlcrtioiw of thelunffsawd throat, haveuuidu it kimn u a a re liable protector aaiut them. WhiJe ailaplctl vt milder form of disease and to voting Huldit-n, tt i at the same time the most caVctual remtMl that can be fttveu for in.ripiLMit couunption, and Hit d.m geious afftftions of the tlirout and lun-.rn. Aa nv Ttfion afraint tnddeo attack of l t-nj, it hoMti h .n.l in avfv I'.ixtiltr nu.l m.Lwl i.b ,tl are sometimes iihjeit to cold" and coiuJis j ahould be provided with fiii antidote for thfin. Aitnouarn seitieit voM9titnnnoH is inoiiLni in- : . ease seemed settled, have been wmiplett'ly 'tnvd 1 and the patient restored to sound he.dlh by the Clhrrru Pectoral. So conn-lete if it maVtiTT over Uie rii:torderei of the Luni;- and Throat, that ' the most obstinate of them yU')d to tt. When nlh ( his else could rearh them, umier the I'kcrri fcr ; toral thev sub -it If and diaimear. Singers and 1'ulUic Speakers find greet pro I ' tetion from it. Asthma u always relieved and often uholij i cured by it. BronchitiM is penerallv rnrcd by tnfcinjr the , Cherry Mertorat in small and frequent doM.-. j bo generally are its virtues kno;u tlut we need not publish lhecertiilratesoftlHMr here, or do nunc j than assure the public that its qualities are fully , I maintained. I ,Ayer's Ague Cure, I For 'Fever nnd A'nifl. TntiHi'ttsnt Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fevsr, Dumb J Affue, Periodical or B'lious Fever, Ac, I and indeed all the affections which arise ! from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic ; ! poisons. I As its name implins, it dms Cirrr. ami (tns not fill. Containing neither Arni".?tlininr. riiHtiitith, Zinr, nor any other mineral ornoionou uitfiP',e f Whatever, it in nowise iniures anr ptttteiiU 'I'he number ati't imnorfuire ofit-i -urjs in the tiLnte li rrWs, are literallr beyond nerounl, ntnl n e Itelieve ' wilhotit a parallel in the hwton-or Airtte in'ti'me. , Our pride is irratitlefl by the a'-knr. vtolirtttenti. we receive of the ratlKal nines effected in fb-tiit.-'te, anil where other reinel;es hntl wIimIIv f:iiJ.-.l. i llnni-elimate'l peraon, either re'nlenl: in. r ; t trarellinjr thrmtih miamnli loeMitte, will be irt tested hy tikini the AOVF. CtRF. il.iilv. For J.lrrr Cnmnlalnt, arhinff Tfom l(inil!tr ; of The I.i-er, it is nn exeellent renieily, stitnulatiaK 1 the Liver healthy activity. For Rihotie; Disonlers antl Liver Comnl.itnf. it i ' an excellent remedy, prorturin? many trtilv re- 1 niarkable enren where other medi.m." had faileft. Prepareii hy R. J. C. Aykk A Co., rraitwtd and An ih tiral i henuts, Lowell, Mast, aud biild ! all round the woril. PRICE, fl.OO JPEB JiOTTLE. ttSV. Sold by Druggists generally. OSADALIS (Tni3 i.vaaEDiEVTs that jPOMPORE ROSADAMS aro Ip'ittliied on evorvprtrknjjp.tliCiT f. .re it is nta. SLcrct tLLi..niliua, ooiiseq'iuiitiy . , rmsif iiss n;E5CRiBE it tie a certain care for Scrofula, Syphilis in all itsfnnn, Kheuma tim, fc'kin iJisrase, Liver Com plaint acd all duscascs of the CS3 IZ7TJZ C? SSA3AIa3 - will lo more pnod tlian ten bottles ot l ha frups of Sarsapanlla. THI UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS havensed Rosadalisintheirpractira lor tlie p ist three years and t eely u dorse it as a reliable Alterative and Llood Purifier. DR. T. 0. rrrtn.of Baltimcre. .? UR.T. J. EOYKI.V, ? i DR. R. W.CAKR. ' ' M. F. O. DAWKLLY, DJL. 1. 8. SPABkS, ot JSicholasville, Ky. D. J. L. McCAKTHA, Columbia, S. C. DH. A. B. NOBLr?. Kdgecomb, N. C. zzz3 a::d iseoesed bi J. B. FKENCH fc 30.N S, Fall River, ' Mais. - . F. VI. SMITH, J.irksm, Mich. A. V. WHK.fc.LkR. Lima, Ohio. B. HAIL, Lim. Oh.o.. pTRAVLN & l-t.,C'T len8vi1le, Va. SAM L. JtcFADDtN, .Murtree. boru, Tc:iu. Cur Fj've vrt!l :iot allow of arryer tenUeJ remcrLs in relAlraii to the irtiirsot K'.-aila;:. Tothe Me.!iral Proties.ra e eua:-nre a i'ltud K jtn t6i:jrMirlo any thry fcaw ever 'used in li.e trra mrr? ot' diseased b:uol ; AH', to theBii'.i-teit we sav try Itusa...iiis. and jou ill be restored to hciha. ' HtfRa-lalis is Sf-tl bv aU Druggists ; prieff 4i St per rmttt'e. Address ,, 23. CLZ'JZ"J?Z & CO. Xcnulacturing Chtmit$f GALTUlOatS, "H. New Tin and Stove Eahlishraeut, : - r f ' ". Pcrrytville, Junuita County, Pa. THE undersigned has opened on! a new Tin and Stove Establishment in 'be room on Railroad Street, next door to the Tusca rora Hotel, where he would be pleased to see all who are in want of Tinware, Stoves, Le. tie will also give pro:iipt attention to all or ders for Hoofing. Spouting and Jobbing, ali of which he guarantees 10 put up witb the best of material and in a workman-like man ner. Having had over ten years experience in the business he flatters himself that he can give entire satisfaction to the public. ? Ha keeps on hand tbe celebrated Nimrod Cook Stove, which is the best baker, tnojt ecoa mieal and heaviest plated stove now in osei Ha will keep on baud the Oriental Heateisi and a general assortment ot the beat 8tova wannfaotnred. .JOHN DCRBAR.J? , tyroa T3 JL Beef ! Veal ! Mutton! fTHt imdersignsJ'bereVr informs ibe pnb- m. tie tut ne situ eoetiuuea to oarry en m Butcherine Business in Mifflintowri. and will hereafteagnptily' thecitixrtis of MiKin acd I Fautmn wufi vfc Ji J wrvri jt A ; CHOICE? BEEF.; I i ever Tfc'ESDAl' and S.U UKJMV aiornicg?. and witlv , , . , ., veal nutl f utton crerj' THURSDAY morning.' His wagon will go lb rounds of bath , towns b lip mornings mentioned. .As he isiliennlj- butcher in ibis vfefnity fcho contfnnJ tnl btisities during the past wiater. for ths aceeiumada'toit of the public, he feeis.ibat, he is entitled to more than an ordinary share of patronage through ont tb summer ss.0n. '"'' 1 . .. . .. . r. FKANK IIAXWELL.; . April 13,"jg7I. '' 3Ieat ! 3Ieat ! 'rTlE undorsignsd hereby respectfully in L forms the citizens of MitOiutown and I'atterson that bis wajon will riail ench o ttese towns on TCESUAV. THURSDAY. and S ATt'KDAT momings nf each week, when they can be supplied with ... Cfioiet- Boer, : i ', I "Veal, 31 ut ton.' ,s , . X.ail, c., during the summer season, and also TORK ind SAUSAGE in season. I I'ttrtos- fur nishing Beef erery Tnedny nnd Satnrdsy morning, and veal and .Mutton every Tour?, j day morning. Give m" jnur patronage, and j will guarantee to fell as good meat as the country can produce, and n cheap ns any I other butcher in the county. ; SOLOMON SIEEER. j June 14. 1871. . "i ! FKESII BEEF, YEAW&C.' . I ston t Si. formerly of the ".Merchant's Hi- TI1E ondersigned would repcclful!y nn- J tel" in ratfb-irg. Persons tiki. ing C!ear , nounce lo the public that be has com- : field on business or pleasure will find this a inenced the Bulchei in Knoiness. nnd that his conrenient and Dleasaut place to slop warnn wth tisii timinrown anu .lextco on i 1UES0AV and: SATURDAY morniiir of! each weei when they can Lave nn opportu nity of piirchaiin' EXTRA BEEF. VEAL, MUTTON. LABI!, if . cheaper than from any other wagon. He only ak the citizens lo jive him trial to "uiUfy then that he sells cheaper and better meat tlisn any other hulclier in the county. 3 CTUl'S SIEBER. April 5, ISTl-tf Notice to Trespassers. Tl! E tiiulerrigneil. reii'ients of I'elaware and Orevnwood tonnsliijs, lirrehy cau tion al! persons a$raint irestuisini5 on llieir j repeciiye properties for the purpose nf pun j ninjr. lisliih.-, or citttjn limber. Ali prisons vi I-ititig this notice will be dealt with ac i coriling to low. ; leaie .vpeakman, AVillinni Keeeh, l. Karra. Isaac Feigion, Wark J. JlcOaw.- J jsepb Nipple. Humphrey k Mctjuiru, bavid (.'argill. John M . l.:-iHtif, . .tMcoh i fjttr. John Vmmiit. hnrid Shtirf, Jo J :ph Frtl )IIT1. J(pin H. Fe-piis.n, Jbn T. l'Miin, JiiHeph J. 1 ':Sff, Henry Vfvnliiis. iir'ree T. Frry, ''OT Knisral. .lufi yi I'arveLI, u,,,.,,. ii.,.,,,,,. Tho.'IirtM I I'lUUI. j Inbn rarptU. Jerfini.-.b Urtiner, j fohn M. Hi M.a, Kui'us M. Ford :tug21-ul OUR CEi.!;RAT GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Ktvrwi hi Id. At-kiMieir by n So Ivart. ti.rl l, t tti- bet I'tn iiin 'i- or -ui.l In lhU-otl ..Irrl lit not fr.i. t'. t( . btt trvl fa-titu Put tp in iit. .Ii! .- ! J r!.l t.M.V B. .:k.'.'I., J liH-thto t rvivn j-it vttirJf 'ii' prr-oti tut r4! " I t MOiile l'ai, itli-eii.t: iN'iimii'a &r T.uitw ti.Ovi 1m;1VC .mtt, . 2. i.iitK Aldrx.s j J VvESTfeKM FuiiLISHINti Co. S O Ifn kaa r ,.! v mt tut Um ol nn t. , . T.l l'K Al..lft!ila, rn-Mih., Inwri. r n -iti t"C f"r IVnt gv? ur :!-. I it'.n Cwtniti, n:ttt Htutv. plultwlv wrtlM, atti 1 erUcr will m.1 wlLh prumpt Mttrtirljn- I - ' t Manhood: How Lost, How Restored . . v,. , , . . FWfli rnn"stieu, a neweriuion ot ; 'r r. . f : i , .... Oil the rtltlirul run tvilhiml mi.-.I. I I Ciliel Ot SPKKVll ilHHHIti .tr S., n..l WbaL. ... ... ...vt.l- ! uess. Involuntary Seminal Losses. Isihutkx : cv. .Meiila. and Physical Incapacity. Impeii ! litems to Marriage, etc , also, ('0.1-rMPTios. briLKi'KY. and Kits, induced by self-indul gence or sexual extravagance Br5U Price, in sealed envelope, only 0 ct. Tbe celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming conseuuences of self abuse m if he r:.iiieillv I cured without the dangerous u-e of inieroal . c ,FP..caiion 01 me untie ; ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple. , certain and effectual, by means of which; every aullerer. no matter wh-t his condition may be, may cure htmself cheaply, privately, 1 and radically ! km.lhis Lecture should be ;n the hands t ofevery man in the land. 1 urtib. uunci oru, iu m (,.j,in envelope, in h any address, postpaid, on receipt of six tenia, j or two nost slanios. Also. l)r ' "Marriage Guide, price li- cents. Address tue publishers, ClMS. J. C. Kl.INE .t Co.. 127 Bowery. New Vork, Post-Olliue Box 4,5?f.. Aug SI. '70-ly .; EMPLOVMKNT BlItCAl or THE 7cimg Men's Chrirtian As:xiation, Office. 123 South 7th St.. I'bilaoelpbia, Between Chestnut 6 M'alnnt. If yna wish to hire labor of any kind, write and tell us jnst the help yon want. The wage you will pay. Tbe bet, and ctienpesi way to reach your place, and if far from Philadelphia, yon had hotter enclose Railroad fare. We will do our best to serve you and give you all ibe information we esn about the person we send. Our desire i9 It assist the worthy, and no charges 10 either party. Addresa ALEX. SLOAN. V Sup't Employment Bureau, 123 South 7th Street, Thilada. 7 "FEATHERS," ALL GKADUS IN QUANTITIES TO SLIT i FA Til UK AD DEALERS. ' QUALITY 'WARRANTED. , " r. c. CRAICHEAO. Jan25 PlTTSBlItO, Pa- ..4ir. YOL . WAST SEAT . SALE KILLS, POSTERS & BLANKS. CALL AT TITE SENTISEL OFFICE (Li, Of THE V; ACE! FtllNTED Direvtrj 7T;:, I'.f j. T.l N A TIQNA L HOTEL, 1EWIST0W1T, PEUN'A BEAR A UAJIAKEO, rreprirtaro. , QTATB CAPITOL HOTEL, near tfce Cij O tot DutWinfrs." : HARISBURG.PA. KsVTertu s mpdorsteai any Hoty?ia tla Cltj' V O.THOMPSOX. Proprietor. WHITE HORSE HOTElT Hd k 318 50RTH THIKD STREET, PHtLAbELPHIA. A . GEO. ZE1XLEY, Proprit-sor. Good aeoommodations for all who. may faror ; him with a t. First Cl" lier Sale Stable, H.,LI'lMO l0 BliaSSS, ATTACH ED TO IIOTLL.' JUNIATA HOTEL MIFFLIN'TOWX, JUXUTA, CJ., PA. SI.IION It. ALBRIGHT, Proprietor. Rooms lnrge and comfoitable the T:;bte' ssff'.ied witli the best tbe mar'tet atfrd Stabling large and excellent Bur cnnM.mtly supplied with the choicest wines and lienors no pains will be spared toplense pne-ita. Charges modern'e A liberal shnre of pr.hlic patronage i solicited may it. LEONARD HOUSE. OrrostTr. the DtroT, CLEAKFIELD, The " Leonard House" has recently l.ten refitted and otherwise greatly improved, and is now under the pfoprietorsLiu of 1). John- may 11. T0 It i: X I T E 1 8 1 A T K S II O i K L , orrosiTE pa n. r. DF.r-vr, 1IAKRISHURG, JM. EMMIXGER & CO., ruontiETop.s. ' Telefrrttph 0?lice in Hotel, aue H. !Kd-T. i1v itiv iiousk REEDSVILI.E, MIFt'LIX CO.. PA. IAV!I I. It H l. Troprirtor. The unde.-ineJ respectfully eU the nl ' tetiiii n of i lie public to the fart th it he ha ieard the hotel properly i Iteedsvillf. for merly oecnpied by Aaron Shoop. and is pre pared lo acc-Hiin'id .ie itraitgcrd an-i travel ers. He will spare no means to make il : Hotel unexceptionable in every particular. j He will exnrcise a personal supervision over ! bis r-;r. TriKle anil Sr:;!le. lie re-ptctfi:'1;. I solicits a share of the patronsee of lb.- puHic. t'WII) I. it ICE. ReedsTille. April 10. ISTi BECK'S MOTEL rnii.Ai'Eu-niA. 1 nits IIOTH. IS I'.'.EASANTI.Y SITlMTtll OS TUB SOUTH S1IK OF R A C E S T R E E T , A FEW rnrRS AT.OVF THIRIl. ITS C h N !' K A I. I. O C A L I T V VI ike it T-nrti.M.1 nly tl. s:ruMt lo pir-on ' viitinp the CitT ori I'UHine or pifra.itre. I A. 1E''K, F'HOpIUEToR. Formerly of f? Sftitf I'm on JnfeK i NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILV7AY. . j SUMMER TIME TABLE. Through mid llirrrt Itoute to W ihin ton, Itnlliniore. K.lniira, Kne, llullolu, Kuchester and .Niauiiru Fall. rOUR TRAINS lt.MI.V fr.m nnrl liva to Washington ami Jiultiutore, au.l FOUR TRAINS OAII.V to and Five ftotn the Nurtli and Wi-ol IStanrh Sus- ijiii-Iianna. and Xoitl"r a"d "-" ivnu.-jiva.iu and .N 1 oik. AX1 A FT Kit MON'DAV. MAY 20fh.. B , V lil the trains on the Northern Central Ra'lway will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. M lit. Tn 1 1 x lor.reii TUltimore :" a n leave Harrist.urg l:-"!.'! p rM leave Willi.-tuispuri..... tir'J p nt arrives at Klmira 1ti:.-;i( p m Ci:i r .11.0 El leaves Baltimoie Iifc-Jlt p m leaves Harrishurr...... L:.j a m leaves WilllamHpoii.... 8:;tn a m leaves Elipira ll:.'5ani arrives al C-inar.di"ua. ":10 n n Fast Llslt i,.e, K!ii,DOre I'-10 p m leilv Harrishurz 4-'tf, p m arrives at WiiKamspuri y-.Uii. m Cixeix'i Ex leaves Baltimore 7:40 p m arrives at Harri.sburz... li' Dl m Vokk Ha It- I leaves Vork ....: If. a m ,. A nrr Harrinur. 7:-4- a n. Scsll.ttl. A,.. ,Hvl. Urri,b.r P:trf a m arr- al SunbtirT . cnT'Tfl'V A P ri Xilvl II Ahl) :(:oO a m 1 Mail TmtxTeaves Elmira i leaves Willinmsport.... ! leaves Harrishur? ( arrives at Baltimore... 1 BurriLO Ex leaves t'ananduigiia-.. ":-71 a m !':-'" a m p m fi:l " p m 4: !" p m leaves Elinir:i Sio p ni ; leaves Wjlli.norT 1'J;;!0 a m leaves II.lrribtrg a m arrives at Baliimure !l:15 a ni j Cinin'i Ex. le-ives llarrisbure lli:4"ip ir. I arrive- at B-iltimiire.. 2:-"0 a m j El'.iK Expu's leave.-i U'i!liainsport... b:2- a ni j le ivei Sun urv !i!:0 a m I arriee at l!-!TrihnrA-... p m 1 Erik Mail souih leaves Wtllianiijj'i li':Oft p m 1 leaves t'ui. bury 12:f -5 a ru arrives at Flarrlsbti'g... " "(1 a m ' I'ACiru Ex. south leaves Harrisb'g 11; Mo a m j arrives nl loiitinjore..... tii'l'i p pi York Hir-1 leaves Ilartisbcry... :2 p m nsn'o Ai;. ( arrives at Vork 7:l'pm 1 Balt. An', south ietlves Stinbury... :' a m leaves IlarrisMinjr f:''0 a m arrives at Balttci'ore 12:".ll p m JIail Train north and sooth. Fa"t line north, Pacific Express souih Cincintinti Ex press north, York and Harri tnrr; Accommo dation north and south, Erie Express son'.h, Erie Mail and Jiunbury Accommodation north and Baltimore Acc?iuuiadution south daily except Sunday. Buti'alo Express north aaJ south d.iily. Cincinati t.tpress north d-iily except Sat urday. For further information apply at the Ticket Office in the l'ennsvlvania ft lilioad Pepot. 'ALFRED R- F1SKK. General SttperintendecU Ilarrisburg, January 2, 1371. A Large assortment of Qucensware, China ware. Glassware. Crockery ware. Cedar ware, 4c, for sale cheap hy MARTIN & WALTER3. PLAIN and FancvJob Printing nea.lj- eii cuted at this OSce.