Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, August 09, 1871, Image 3

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Wednesday morslvo, atjg. isti.
t after Sunday, Kay 14, J671, Pawengtr
Trains will leave Mifflin Station a follows:
Philadelphia Express.. - 1,50 A. M
Harnsb'ir Acconi!iioia'n 11,00 A. M.
Mtil Train 6,50 V.Jl.
Cincinnati Express 8,50 P. M.
. westward. - -
Cincinnati Express....... 1,20. A. M.
First PaciSc Express... 3,12 A. M.
Mail Train ,. .27. P. M
Way Passenger.. ......... 9,15 A. M.
JCTUTi EXCiUPBEJT," !t. 19, I. (.
O f. aiecis n (iia Iiri. auiil luiru Tuesdays
of each month, in the Odd Fellows' Hell,
Thompfioutown, Juiiiata Co., Pa.
- ' WM. J. DENNIS, C. P.
W. C. I,ooa. Scribe
It is now lawful to shoot squirrels,
snip and woodcock.
lLoovi.mo up handsomely the new
Hall and GraybiU'e buiUiiigJJ,
WruxiMEii by evrry person the raiu
of Monday uight and Tuesday.
.Noticb. Bloomabori?, State Normal
School will open August 21st, 1S71.
July 2tt-lw
A LETTFR, received on Monday last,
from Mr. Espenacbade, of our town, who
is now in Germany, states that be is well
and expx:U to start for homo next week"
Tfll Northwestern Mutual Life Insur
ance Company advertise in this issue for
Amenta. This is a rare chance, seldom
offered to Aleuts to represent a Com
pany of the standing of the IS'. V. M
L. Ins. Co.
Camp Mektixo. The members of the
United Brethren Church will hold a
camp meeting in a grove Delongtttg to js, a gaug of meQ were nlUTuing from
Solom-m 5?ot.beck, two miles west of j Wirk jn jha Narrows on a hand car, the
Thfiupw-utowu. comuieucingon the 19ih Lrahk of tlie r C3Ught in tbe cltiii.g
inst. U. ardi.,- and horse feed can be;of V. -Crawford and threw him forward
bad iu the vicinity of the camp. j gaiu9t Aliam t;rneet jr. jjoth men fell
Now fou Bakgains in I'errvsvili.e. i tiie ,rack in fro,,t of l,,e car acu 011
The undersigned has just returned j Td tnft respective sides. The car
from Philadelphia with a lot of Groceries I PsseJ 0Vfcr tuem JIr- Crawford had
and Queensware. Queensware will be j his jaw broken, ecveral cuts about his
sold by Pets chep. Ury G'.oih cm ilIho I hJ. and his left fhoulder and arm bad
Lj b.iu'sht cheap f cali. Give me a b' bruised. Mr. Ernest also had several
call: by Fo doing you will save money . cuts about the bend and bruised about
H. Willi, i
Kev. 1)avil 1). .Sa.mkiiiv, of En-j
faw7 Greene county, Alabaui, within the ,
past week, pai.l Mifdiii. IVrrrville, and
iWarora and Lost Creek Valley. a"t!y -
i..g visit." His old f.i.r.d.'. and .,ld and
new .cqu usances Fav him a heart v
wJcoia.-, ai.d regretted that his May in
their midst was , short." -
... "a.. '
Tub R -gUt.r this werk publishes sev-
eral ariicKs, tiikett i'lom other papers, on
liugs. It has l.ng been iu order for the
RejitUr to tell eomethiug of the ring in :
this county, of whic'i it is a satelile. It
would be as c.iiiPist"'iit for Satan to preach j
Christianity as it is for the R 'gut r to
deuouncu ri-iijs. I
i , . , 7 j r ,i j
i Accidknt. A d'or niaae of tbree
boTS sixteen feet l ing, looseued from J
its hinges at the wet end f a lumber j
j i,.,... .... ,1,. CI,..,,,., a- f?..li.,ll Lit i
.u.j . ' ,
last Ivuaay tvetiltig, aua ui lua.ug over;
Hi-tick Isaac E;ka who was assisting to ; ability of its inhabitants. In the Con
remove boards fiom the b'use on the ; cert Hall of this institution six hundred
right temple, felling him to the ground I persons can be seated. The large Btage
and rendtriug him uucon-cious fur some ; is furnished with an excellent l'iano, a
tim2 ' ' ! large National Organ and one smaller
f Ban K OFnTKKS At a meeting of the ! orS. beMa a complete variety of other
stockl olders of the Juniata Valley Bank, musical instruments, blackboards music
on Moudav lut, the foll.iwi.g n.iined j ""' lnac books. Send your children to
gentlemen "were elected of5cers for the j t,ie Freeburg Musical tt.Il.ge. Nr.
1 Mover is an old Professor, and his insti-
ensutng vear : J
I'resirientIoseph l'omeroy. j ,utiou " c'jmI'Iete in evy department to
Cashier T. V. Irwin. . impart a uiu.-icil education.
Directors Joseph Tomeroy, John J. Wanted A male Music Teacher, sin-
I'atterson, George .Jacobs, Jtroine N. ie Address F. C. .MoVEB, Director,
mt T . n 1 I 1. 1
inompson. .jouu usuacu.
. Castier of Perrysville Branch .J.
Irwin j.
' Thb Ploomsburg Republican, of July
2S, publishes the following obituary :
1'ied at the refidence of Mrs. Shipman,
iti this place, ou Sunday last, an old hen
that was captured by a soldier of the
1324 lVnu?ylvauia voluuterrs, in the
charge on Fredrieksburg, December,
13G2. She wa? carried through the fight
on a soldier's knapsack, and served with
the regiment nntil iw discharge from the
eervice, in May lSo"3.
Tub city dog-cntchers used to kill the
dogs they caught that m ere not reclaimed,
by striking them ou the head with a club
or hatchet, bhooting, &c This method
was blow and tedious, oa!y one animal at
a time beiug kilied. Now they pnt- all
the dogs they have in their possession at
stated time into a close 100m, at.d pour
talphnne acid npon a mass of whiting ;
the compound generates a deadly poison
that Lills in less than a minute.
The Meteor Base Ball Club of this
place, is thi week making a tour of
a number of towns along the Juniata
above Mifflin. The decline iu bae ball
interest is very marked. Through cor
rection of players the gnme now seems
wore a means of individual aggrandize
ment than a healthy aud pleasant sport
The " Meteors V of our place, however,
died with the original and trne impulse
of tbe game, iave determined upon a
short cxeureioa. 1 1 is their iuteution to
compete for the wreath of Jionett victory
with the Hollidaysburg, Altoona. Hunt
ir-gdon and Lewietown clubs respectively.
They take with tLem our best wishes. In
event of defeat I hey have our deepest
ejmpathies Should success crown their
eiforts, bur heartiest congratulations are
3 ute core freely given.
Nbveb wear may tbiof tight aroaod the
waist, limb, or neckj as it impairs cir
culation,1 a6d indices frequent attacks of
acute dysprpnia. jyjYu Independent.
' i i aw -if i '
Ox Tuesday morning. J. Cbyd Krei
der, employed on the Rudcal,'. while
wot king press, was seriously injured ' by
being struck la the stomach by the
ronnce of the press, a screw connecting
the belt with the rounce pully. having
broken. . Upon being restored to "con
scionsnrss, he was conveyed to bis ho
tel and from there to the residence of his
brother, Tobias Kreider. in the Firtl
Ward where Le uow lies It is injuries
are quite serious Blair County Radical.
African Wixrs. It is not generally
known that Cape Colony produces the
most delicious wines grown on the face of
rbe earth. A cargo received as a remit
tance by our neighbors Dr. J. C. Ayer
& Co. eoutains several varieties raided
there, among wbicb the Constancia corn
minds the highest price of any wine in
the world. Aliuoct the entire crop is con
xumed in the palaces of Europe, this rare
exception being sent to them in exchange
for their medicines, which have long been
the staple remedies of South Africa.
Boston Jvurnnl. .
Hall's Vkoetable Sicilian Hair
RkMlYVKk now stands among the first,
and at the head of all articles for a siin
ilar purpose. The testimony of our phy
sicians is conclusive as to its value ; and
were are personally acquainted with
scores of cases where it has been used
with the best of results. It will restore
gray hair to its original color, and leaves
it glossy, and ' in a healthy condition;
while, for heads troubled with dandruff.
or any disease of the scalp, it acts like a
charm iu cleansing them. Try it, and
you will not be disappointed. Lotcell
Courier, May 2, 1SG3.
f' Accidknt. Last Saturday evening.
l',e u'u e a'e to resume work I
in a sunrt titrj".
Fatal Accidknt On Thursdav,
wr so" " H0U "Ki'
! 015vcr towu'til- """ 16 J'
, !,:ul an a !ve""'ro wtlic1' retnhed in h.s
I A,th- U" liad ,,0t,ce'1 tl,at a S1uiirel
' l",d a nen in ,,,c trunk ot tree nMr
a'hr'6 Lf,USP' n,ade 1,i4 wa ' aml
: when at the height of twenty feet, he
;rl;rrej jut0 a i,;e wj,h a 8,;,., when a
. blck.-nake strurk its head towards his
; f,,ce. 'fhe bov it seems either attempted
t0 jIUj, tl the ground, or lost his lmld
aj f,.l fe PI1t to the house, and did
not at first seem much hurt ; but sub
equently it was found that he had sus-
tained iutertial injuries, frim which he
died on the 27lh. Lnc stown Gazelle.
F. C. MuVt.it, of Freeburg, Snyder
county, has opened a Musical College in
.i... . i' i i
"1Hl ",WM- x S " r J"s oeeu
noted lor the uiusicai inclination and j
Freebur?. Snvder Co . Fa.
Fatal Railroad Accident. Anac
cideut occurred at I'uucannon on Satur
day morning, resulting fatally a few hours
after . A niau whose name we could not
ascertain, iu attempting to jump on a
moving freight train, fell, aud both of his
feet were run over. The right leg, from
the knee down, was horribly mangled
and crushed. The left foot was also bad
ly lacerated. Dr. Rutherford promptly
went to the relief of the injured man. and
from the first pronounced his condition
hopeless, and beyond the reach of sur
gical skill. The man, however, persist
ed iu having his leg amputated, which
was performed. He lived bnt a short
time after the operation;. lie is said to
have a mother residing in this city, named
Mrs. John Monroe. Harrinbuig Stale
J -vrnal.
To all Men Whom it may Concern.
If you Lave anything to sell,
If you liave lost anything,
If you have found anything,
If you have a house to rent,
If vou want to rent a house,
If 3"ou want boarding,
If you want employment,
If you want hired help, .
If you want anything,
A Lame assortment of Queensware, China
war,. GUssw.ro. Croekeryware, Cedar-
war, Tft WAlTSM.-
MaEtrrroat Thelime'ia nrr at' hand
when the people of taU Bounty will bare to
select candidates for the varioue offices to be
filled at the October election ; and while it is
highly Important that good Ben should be
chosen for every position,- wa, in common
with tbe votar of Cumbclaad and 'Perry
dountiea, hate one office to fill of mora than
ordinary importance I mean that of Presi
dent Judge, ah office we are called upon to
fill only onoe in ten years, and which, from
its very nature, requires that no one- woo
does not jiossias tbe necessary qnaliiearions
soould he seleoted to fill. The oaodidate
should be a man of sound legl learning,
strong -mind, good judgment, unbending in
tegrity, industrious habits, and one who can
control his temper, be firm and ent'.rely free
from all political bias, and who would i eal
ously guard the interests of the people in the
administration of justice. I know of no one
in the District who po9ie8es these qualities
in a more eminent degree than the Hon. B.
F. Juskin, of Bloomfield, Perry county.
VIb. Jcsiia is well and favorably known in
this county, and, could he be prevailed upon
to permit hie name to be med as a candidate,
bis nomination would be gratifying to almost
every Republican in this county. Cumber
land county hss had the candidate ever since
the formation of the District, and it would
hardly be just or fair for them to claim it
again at this time. POPCLUS.
The office of Associate Juge, though not
lucrative, is one of the most important in the
county. We Lave frequently heard the name
of Dr. J. W. Reals, of tbe borough of Per
rysville, mentioned as a suitable candidate
for (his position. He is popular, able and of
animpeachblo integrity ; a man of modera
tion in bis political views, and favorably
known to tbe whole community. He is there-
fore offered to the Republicans of tbe county
as their candidate for Associate Judge ; and
for this purpose will be supported by
D. M. Jamison, of Fayette township, is one
of tbe deservedly popular Republicans of Ju
niata county.9 Ills manliness and integrity
is recognized wherever he is known. Such
qualities fit a man for tae position of Judge ;
therefore, at tbe earnest solicitations of man)
of his frieuds, we ask that be be presented
to the penile of Juniata county as a candi
date for Associate Judge.
Citizens or Fayitts asd Mirm.
Mr Suitor: Please announce that old
Whig and Republican war-horse, Michael
HorFHAX, of Fayette lownsl'ip. as a caudi
date for Associate Judge, subject to Republi
can usages. DELAWARE.
Mb. Editor : Please announce Noam
ItEim.Lti: as a candidate for tbe Legislature
Anything more than the announcement of
Mr Hcrtzler's name would he superfluous.
lie is well an favorably known throughout
the entire county.
Ma. EiiT0B : Please announce Hon. Jos.
M. Pomeroy, of Beale township, as a candi
date for the Legislature for this district, sub
ject to the Republican nomination.
Mn. ErtiTOR: Please announce W. C.
Laird, Esq., of Patterson, as a caudidie for
County Treasurer, subject to the usages of
the Republican Primary Election. Ma. Laisu
is well aud faTorably known throughout the
county as an excellent buKiness man. He
wou'd make a strong candidate, and, if elec
ted, would be a popular Tre-isurer.
Editor : 1 would recommend to the
;f,eilors of jul,ia coun,y, Caleb .Iosk, of
ivrrvsville as a eniuble man forthe ofliceo
C'ounly Commissioner. He is well qualified
for tbe position, being a good accSuntant, a
sound Republican, and, if elected, would give
general satisfaction.
If we desire to make a vigorous campaign
this Fall, it is necessary that we have staunch
men in the tore front of the battle from one
end of the line to the other. William 1uns,
ot Fayette?is a suitable men to fill one of tbe
trying places. Please announce him as a
candidate for County Surveyor.
Administrator's Notice.
Etlalr. of Anna R. MeAlater, decease J.
JM1E undersigned, to whom Letters of Ad
1 ministratiou on the estate of Anna R.
McAlister, late of Fajeite twp, deo'd., have
beca duly granted according 10 law, hereby
gives notice to all persons indebted to said
estate to come forward and make payment,
and those having claims against it. to pre
sent them properly authenticated for settle
ment. U. F. JlcALlSTER, Adm'r.
July 22, l71-4w
Oil, Paint & Varnish,
frrrnnwrj ROTmr pimg CTJTJTJW
Prussian Blue, Lamp Black,
Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes,
Whiting aud Rosin by the Barrel,
Soaps, Japan Dryer, White Varnish
Concentrated Lye, Babbitt's Potash,
Putty II ltd filusiM.
The above goods, with a large variety of
en band at t he
Glass cut to any rizt desired.
July 12, 1871-tf .
Cuf Iftituir. J.'.i Ar h Sc.; Pruf. Dftltoo, i W.
th M.. CiBciaoMt, A, wd lr- Cum, si Chariot
ftl.C-JaM Mfcfc- . IU MtMlfhlB
e 0 r t f an ft 14 rt -y.
knife r aiuu1
d with but littl
rrn aod 6hr to '
Bond, if takoa ia 1
D-n run. Beara 1
(aaam. wita thair
CMtiU. ateaiiajr oar
Mo Miwr '
Naa aaaar ataaM i
PLAIN and Fancy Job Printing ataUy axt
euted alibis Ofiaa.: -s -
iR a .t -7,'.i..:
1 1 1 A ri- Err
I al I I F 1 umtmietmr
i 9i I f tan n
is I a i i riwim-
, ... OF. r
3 o'clock, p.m ' ' '-Aug. 8, 1871.
New TJ. 8. 5's of 1881...V. 11110112
U. S. 6'a of '81. .......t.. llSjiSmj
' 'B2,... ' lurni5
" '64 1133(,114
- '65 IMjfolUj
" '05, new 11251lL'
. -67. new, 113(SU3
5 '68 113(S113
5.io-4(j's ..... mitSmj
P. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy ...... 114(alI4j
Gold,'- 112J6"2
Silver 107109
Union Pacific R. R. 1st M. Bonds- 871ft) 88
Central Pacifio R. K 98(5) 98
Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds- 83J 84 J
Reported weekly for the Joniata Skstinel
by the Board of Commerce of Mifflin and Pat
Butter lb 16
Eggs. It) doz : 16
Lard, lb 12
Country Soap 8
Beeswax 25
Tallow 8
Rags : 3
Wool, washed CO
Poultry, live : 8
Dried Apples S
Peaches, pared 20
Peaches, unpared..
" Cherries
' Cherries, pitted -
" Blackberries
" Raspberries ....
Country Mams -
Sides and Shoulders...-
Potatoes, $) bus ,
Onions "
Ground Alma Salt, "ft sack...
Railroad Ties
Locnst Posts, mortising
" " fov board fence.
... 4
... jo
. 17
1 00
1 Of.
2 25
" 60
Reported Weekly.
White Wheat, 1 bus - $1 20
Red Wheat, . " 1 10
Corn 02
Oats 65
Prepared Cfal, ton $5 75
Nut " - 4 75
Pea " " - 3 25
Bituminous" - S 35
Run of Log, 4 4, t 1000 ft ...$24 00
5-8. " 16 00
- 8 4, " 25 00
" 6-4, " 28 0Otn4000
Hemlock Frame, " 17 0nto20O0
Boards. " 1800to20 00
Whitepine worked Flooring...- 28 00
Germab Siding 28 01
Panel Doors : 1 75 to 3 00
Window Snsh, 8x10, window (
" 9x12, ' 75
. 10x12, " 80
luill, " UO
1'lllLAI'KI.PhlA, Aug 8, 1871.
Fu'R The wheat is quiet, tbe demand
being exe'usively confined to the immediate
wants of ihe Louie consumer, wiiose pur
chases foot up 1200 barrels including
Superfine ?4 75f5 00
Extras $5 00f;5 37
N. W. Extra Family S"i 50foj7 12
Ohio St lnd. do. do $H 75fitj7 12
Penna. do. do $6 62(ii,6 25
Fancy Brand? $7 0lfci8 60
Grain There is a fair demand for Wheat
for shipment, but the local trade buy spar-
intrlv : sales of 10,000 bus. new western red
at SI 31al 33; 16' 0 busj do at $13."., and
! 800 bus. Delaware do at $1 10. Rye is un-
ohxnged ; bin. new sold at. 63c. Corn is
less active ; sales of yellow at C8c ; 2MI
hu. of western mixed at fifJo Oats are very
dull; OtXJ bn. sold at 45i48r.
Monday, Auir. 7 P. M.
The market for Beef Cattle was excessive
ly dull, and prices favored buyers. The re
c.'Uts though less liberal than last week,
were in exess of Ihe w.tnis of the tr.irte, and
many remsined : the pens unsold. We
quote choice at 7a"l fair to good at 61itllc.
nrf common at 4ac p ID gross, l.cceipts.
2800 head.
Cows and Calves did not attrict much at
tention and prices suffered a decline- Sales
of springers at S3-a40. and fresh cows at
S40ti0. Receipts. 2o0 bead
Sheep The offerines of pood Sheep were
moderate, and met a lively inquiry at 55fe.
bnt common were in abundant supply and
dull at 2 5Ua3 25 3 head. Receipts, 19,00.)
Hog The receipts have fallen off. but
there was little or no interest manifested in
the trade, and prices tended in fivor of buy
ers. Sales of slop at Cjc. a tad corn-fed at
77 e "H lb. Receipts at the Union Yard.
2624 head
STONE R On tbe 61 h inst., at tbe resi
dence of her brother. Abraham Stoner, Sr..
in Fermanagh township. Miss Mary Stoner.
aged 73 years. 3 months and 8 dys.
(Successors to D. P. Sulouff,)
Grain, Lumkr,Coal,
Salt, Plaster,
The Highest Cash Prices Paid
for all kinds of Grain.
Lumber. Coal, &c. Sold at (he
Lowest Prices.
Uaving boats of our own we can freight
Grain. Lumber, float, &c. cheaper than any
other parties. We therefore defy competi
tion. JejYoo can make monev by calling on us
before selling or buying elsewhere.
sold ut the 1st or JO.NE, 1871. .
P. S. Our grain is not elevated on men's
Mifflintown, April 20. 1871.
MARTIN & WALTEKS always keep up
their Mock of GROCERIES and will not
be excelled either in the quality or price of
their goods in this line. Give them a cal
before going ebicwhere-
Sprihl JJoticrs.
TARRH treated with the utmost success by
J. Isaacs, M. D., and Professor of Disease of
the Eye and Ear, kit specialty in the Medical
College of Pennsylvania. 13 fears' experience,
(formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. tt"5 Arch
Street, Phila. Testimonials can be seen at
his office. Tbe medical facii'ty are invited to
accompany their patients, as he haa do secrets
in his praitice.- Artificial eyes inserted with
out pais. . Jtaabarga for examination.
. eotl-ly-, fifir- r "';; .
ppl 3kflirrtisrmfnt5.
Trial Listjfor September TermvlSTl-
William Dunn and Epbxaim T)unn, Admin
istrators of James- Dunn, deo'd , vs. Marga:
ret Charters. -N"oia9 Sept. T ,1869.
S. H. Adams vs. Jacob Ilower. No 119
Sep. Term, 1870.
' Jacob Zeieler vs. I'a. Caaal Co. Nd. Hi
Sep. Term, 1S61. g jj ?
' J. M. Bartlcr vs. Daniel Trout. Ho. 5t
Feb. Term, 1871. -
Thomas Cox and Francis Fianna Cox, for
nse, &o., vs. James McConnel, et al, No. G8
Feb Term, 1871
Commonwealth of Pa., at the suggestion
of Sarah Stroup. Administratrix, Ac, vs Wil
liam Adams. No. 81 February Term. 1871.
Robert Hurt-ell vs. Oveiseers of Poor of
Lack twp. No. 91 February Term, 1871.
Wm. G Thompson vs. Pa. R. R. Co. No.
65 April Term, 1871.
John Bare vs. David B. Spanogle. No. 81
April Term, 1871.
Wm. Cox for use vs. John Sellers. No. 81
April Term, 1871.
Sulouff k Stambangh vs. Thnngas M. Van
horn. No. 114 April Term, 1871.
George Searer, Adm'r of Jacob Scarer. de
ceased, v. Abraham Shelly. No. 164 April
Term, 1871.
David Crea vs. Noah Hertzlcr. No. 176
April Term, 1871.
T. J. Middagh vs J. B. M.Toddetal. No.
199 April Term, 1871.
R. E. M'MEEN, Pnthmmtary.
Prothosotabt's Orricr )
Mifflintown. July 22. 1871.
List of Jurors, September Term, 187L
Gsand Jceors.
Walker Wm. Kenawell, I. D. Wallis, Jas
MifllinlowB John Dietrick, Jas. H. Simons
Fayette Wra. Cavenv, Abraham Siebcr,
G. P. Trego. Jacob Rhine.
Milford Alex 'MeCahan, Henrv Hersh.
Tnrbett John Koons, S. R. McMeen, Geo.
Slonroe George flockenbraught, George
Fraley, Thomas Watts.
Spruce HiL B. A. Yoder. Wm. Fitzgerald,
Perrjsville A. T Bildwin.
Delaware S. .M Kurtz.
UMjuelianna Jacob Wiser.
Tuscarora Jolm R. Anderson.
Greenwood Wm. D. Cox.
Petit Jurors.
Susquehanna Geo. K. Leiter, John Light.
Perrysville I. P. W barton, James Login,
G. w-Jacobs. Citlhr Wrx.
Fcrnianr.gh X. Zimmermaw, John Tvson,
A. li Christy, ItenevPIe U alter, J. 1!. Meloy.
Milfiird John TTaltlsiaith, H. B. Robison,
Alex. Meloy.
Patterson John Thompson, Clojd Tarkcr.
Walker J.ihn Adatns, l'.euber, Deihl, Ei.
Davis, E D. Haugbawunt.
Behle IS. F. Crozier, Samuel Pannebaker,
J. P. Kelly, Ab. I'.ruhaker. G. H-ildeman.
Mifllintowr. J. M. Wimer.
Tliotupsoutown D. Shuman, Israel Tennis
Tuscamra John Rodgers. Jos Thatcher,
John Henry. James Kidd, J. C. Dobbs,
Monroe S. U. Shellenberger. P. S. Gray
bill. Spruca Hill Geo. Meminger, J. M. ArJ,
T. L Patton.
Lack George H off nan. William Morrow.
Fayette C. D. She'ilenbergf r, Samuel
Watts, jr., W. V. Sharon, Peter lirown, J. B
Turhei: S. L. Koons, II. L. McMeen, Ja
cob Groninger, jr. j
PROCLAMATION Whereas tii Hok. j
James 11. Gkauam, President Judge of
tbe Court of Common Pleas of tbe 9th ludi
cial Distr'i't, compored of the counties of
Juniata. Perry and Cumberland, and the
Hons. Thpmas 1. Milliken and Sami-el
Watts. Judges of th" Court of Cotamou Pleas
of Juniata ouniy. bare issued their precept
. 10 me directed, bearing date the 27th day off
April, a. ii. 1871. fur iiohling a Court of Oyer
aud Terminer aud lienerdl Jail Delivery, and
tiencral y.inrler Sessions of the Trace, al
Mifflintown, on the first Mosdat of Septem
ber, 1H71. being the 4th dar of the month :
ner. Justices of the Peace and Constables ot
I ha county of Juniata, that they be tben and
there in lueir proper persons, at 1 o'clock in
the afiernwvn ot said day, with records, in
quisitions, examinations and other remem
brances, lo do those things tbnt to their offi
ces respectively appertain, and those that are
bound ty recognizance to prosecute against
the prisoners that are or then my be in the
Jail vf said coucty of Juniata, be then and
ibere to prosecute against them as shall be
By an Act of Assembly, passed the 8th day
of May, A. D. 1854. it is made the duty ot
tbe Justices of the I'eace rf ihe several coun
ties of this Coruiuonwealtu to return to the
Clerk of the Ccurt of Qusrter Sessions of tbe
Peace, of tbe resperive counties, ail the re
coguizances entered into before tbom by any
person or persons charged with the cstninis
eion ot any crime, except sucn cases as may
be ended before n Justice of the Peace, under
the existing laws, at least ten days before tbe
commencement of the session of the Court to
which they are made n 'urnable respectively,
ard in all cases where any reouguiaances are
entered into .ess than ten dava before Ihe
commencement of tho session to wbicb ibey
are made returnable, the wit ' Justices ire re
quired lo return the same in thesaroe manner
as if said act had not been pastted.
Dated at MitHintown, ike 1st day of Aug..
in the year of our Lord one thoasand eigut
hundred and seventy-one.
Sheriff's Office. Mifflintown,
August 1, 1871. '
TIIE undersigned offers at private sale a
valuable firm, situated iu Fermanagh
township, Juniata county, about 3 miles
northeast of Mifflin, (hy the road), adjoining
lands of C B Horning, Jacob Thomas, Sr.,
and William Allison containing
130 ACRES,
About Thirty Acres of which is good Timber
land a portion of tbe timber on it being fine
straight oak, suitable for heavy fraue work
Tbe reniaiuing oue hundred acres are olear,
' nd in a good state of cultivation, and well
fenced, having thereon erected a new
thirty feet square, with fountain pump at the
door, a , , .
Good Frume Dank ISuin,
40 by 72 feet. Trough with fountain pump
for watering stock near the barn. Two Corn
Cribs, Stone Spring and Wsh House, and all
other outbuildings nsnally found on a well
improred farm There are two Springs of
excellent water near the bouse There is
also or the premises an Orchard with a
This property is in close proximity to
schools nd mills, and is a desirable place for
Particulars, as to price and terms, can be
learned by calling on or addressing the un
dersigned, residing in Mifflintown, or Philo
Shivelv, on the farm.
June 14. 1871.
Something new and novel." Be' sur and
read tbe advertisement in our paper, headed
"Greatest Invention of tbe Age." We believe
the Golden Fonntain Pen is unsurpassed. A
good pen is a necessity to every man, woman
and child. Agents, her is a chance to make
money in introducing a good and saleable
LARtiEsT STOCK f Dress Goods ia tat
eouaty at Tilt en ft Sspsasahada's;
Bridge Street, MiOlintonu
most respeotfully call the attention of
our friends, customers, and the public gen
erally, to the fact that we have secured and
fitted up one of the finest rooms in the coun
ty, directly opposite our old stand previons
to the terrible fire of Dec 31, 1870, on Bridge
Street, Mifflintown, where we purpose to con
tinue the business of
We have opened one of the finest, best and
cheapest stock of Goods every offered to tbe
pubho, embracing in fact almost everything
that the public can wish. We would espe
cially invite the attention of all to our tine
assortment of
This department we flatter ourselves to be
the best ever offered to the public of Juniata
for styles, quality and eheapnesa, of (he most
approved patterns, &c
coxsistixo of
Black Hernanaa,
Black Genapin,
Black (rrenadiens,
Blacii Bombazine,
Black Australian Crape,
l.laek and Fancy Silks,
I!!;ick and Fancy Silk l'oplins.
Black and Fancy Mohair,
Black and Fancy Alpaccas,
Black and Fancy Grenadiens,
Striped and Fignred Percals,
Striped and Figured Chintz
Striped and Figured Lawns,
Striped and Figured I'iqua,
Striped and Figured Grenadiens
ilurl Chene,
Murl 1'oplin,
rurl Lawns,
Murl Mohair,
.Murl Schambra.
I'laid l'oplins,
I'laitl Chintze.
Pla'd Nainsooks.
I'laiil liiflin Twills,
Plaid iiwiss,
White French Organdies,
White Mohair,
White Cashmere,
White llisliop Lawns,
White Victoria Lawns.
Llacfc and Fancy Cloths,
M tek and Fancy Cassiinere,
!l.ick and Fancy Ermines.
Hl-ick and Fancy Tweeds,
Ulack aud Fancv Jeans,
Striped and Plain Linen,
Striped and Fn.in Ooitonade,
Striped and Y'Wn Suitings,
Striped and I'lain Marsaillcs,
Strioed and Plain Flanuels,
O !
Prints, Muslins, Sheeting,
Pillow Casings Cheeks,
TTickory Deuitas,
Drills, Diapers,
Lioeo, Cotton &c Damask Table Linens,
Cambric and Swiss Embroidery,
Piqna and Crochpt l'dgitij;,
Silk and White Co'trnt Fringes, j
Ribbons Velvet and Gimps,
""Laces" and Braids, j
Ladies Lasting Ftrfton and Lace Gutters,
Ladies' Moroce Puttoxt and Lace do.
Ladies' Kid L-tceBils
Ladies' Kid Lare do.
Ladies' Lasting aod Kid Croquet Slippers,
Missea' and Child's Lastirrjr Gaiters,
Mioses' and Child's Kid Baits,
Misses and Child's Morocco Button,
Misses' and Child 8 Goat and Pebble,
Misses' and Child's Croquet Slippers.
Men and Boys' Calf Boots,
Men and Boys' tJaiters,
Glassware and Queensware,
Fruit Jars aud Stoneware.
Wool Fijjnred, Venitian, Listing
aud Wool Dutch Carpets.
Floor and Stair Oil Cloth,
Oil Shades aud Fixtures.
Berlin. Zephyr and Eieelsior
Foreign and Dot&estic Yarns.
Table and Pocket Cutlery,
Mirrors, Stationery, Albums, Sec ,
In fact everything necessary to make up a
complete stock of Choice and Desirable
As we are buying strirtly for cash, we
flatter ourselv .s that we can offer great in
ducements lo parties who wish to buy good
Goods at reasonable prices. Our terms are
cash or country produce taken in exchange
for goods.
We or,ly ask tbe pub'io .to give ns a ctH
and examine eur stack, sod compare prices
sod quality. ' We defy competition. .
. JnasSl, H71. ' : J.' - ' .'
Ir? gdfrrflsimniijr.
' The StltbeebwKyear begins September.
Loeaiion bealihful, attractive and well adap.
ted to physical development Fre from loaf
ing p luces and coloons. the infiueTJom ara
mural More than 3.00i young; uiott bava
here been prepared for College or basinets.
Terms moderate. Applv for circular1 to"
D. D. s'rpNE A.M. , .,
Mutual Fire Jirsnraice Compaiiy
At Woodstock, has been doing business thirty
one years. Six year it has lsid ao aascae-.
ments, and the average rate of assessment
during tho thirty-one years has been 2 t-4
rEB cent, a ye ik. The assessment for tbe
year just ended is 2 1-4 na cest.. and
Campirmj hit a cltar ivrplut or.-r alt io.7ifi.
IOtt Silt. 200 acres snperio
Oak Tixrkr land, near" Lofck Hi
or T'iittb
avea. Pa.
5,000 acre Hemlock Timbkb land. Potted Co.,
r. P. W. Sue ifek. Geologist & Engineer,
I'oitsville. Pa.
V ll YVV V V l Thia wholesome. agree
UUUl DL1. able, sd refreshing
summer beeraze ran be easiry made at about
S cents per gallea, with A.-thoiuch 4
Uii.lkr s Genuine Knot Beer Extract. Ask
fur it at your store, or send "75. cents for a.
vial and directions to 4C0 North Third Street,
Cocnskls of the Nature axo H to tins ov
th k Masciliti FrNCTntv. By P. Sahkt
author of "7".4r J'hyue'il Life of H'o-aon." It
rel.ues to the male ttx: is full of 4ew facts;
delicate but outspoken ; practical and pop-
ular: highly endorsed; sells rpid?y. Sold
by giiliseripiion only. Exclusive territory.
Terms liberal. Pie? $2. Aififress" for eon'-'
tents, ate, J. G. FEl'.G US Ai CO., Publishers,'
Philadelphia, Pa.
Agents! Bead This! .
$30 PER WKKK and Expensoa. or at-.
low a lare oomtriission to sell our new and
wonderfiii invention . Address M. WAGXEff
& CO . Marshall. Mich.
Shrewd but quWt men can make a fortune
! br revealing the secret of tbe business to 89
lone. Address EbG.VK S(M$. .
j - t-S Froadway, New York.
! l.oort ;ii'rs.
! f KlD IFT COlf ERT and Distributfas
V" lor the lieiietat of tiie
FfiEnfiliEi Asylum of tbe Sisters of (My
in the City of -New York, and SOLDIERS
and SAILOR' lUrilA.S' HOME, Washing
ton. 1). C. lo be IieM in Washington, D. C,
under and by virtue of a permit frini Hon.'
Commissioner of Internal Ueveuue, on TnuRJ
dav. J r ly 2"rt. positi -'ely.
After the Concert, the Crnimi."ioners wilf
award to the successful ticket holders,
1.003 GIFTS, amounting to $2Q0.00J?V
j 51.000 Tt'-Kr.TK en'y will be sold at Si each.
I tl..n. II. M.-Cntoi-oii. of F.lkfon, Md..
i Mnjor Gko. T. CisTit. Baltimore, .Ml., Cora
ntisioners. i lion Jas. S. Nkoi.ey. M. C, TitUburgbV
i Pa.. Tnitree.
Reference : Mijor-OVn 1. Ili'nt'er. lr. 8. A.,'
Washington, D. Hon. Ja. s. Neg'ey,
j Pittsburgh. Pa. ; Kirt National ltan'i. Ha
I gerstown. Md. : AppMon A C.I.. B inkers,
j lUgerstowu; Cpdegraff.t Sons. H igerstown;
Hon. K. J. Hreiit. lute Attorn, v General,
Baltimore : C. V. AMc't, Ki , -JO P. O. Ave ;
KViiiiunre ; John H. Fowler. Ehj. ; VV.
Myers & Iiro., El. h:ime Place, li aitiutore.
Deeds of the Rent tfsta'e. cer:;te.I to bv
j counsel, iu hand r the Trustee.
Ti'-k'M ttnd eireul:;rs c-in be had of P. C.
PriXIT, Oen l Ajent, Stationer an.f Printer,
No. 31 Nass:iu Street. New York. Ticketa
sent C. t. I)., if ue-irel. Seal to" Circulars
containing descriprion of prizes. Tickets for
sale also hy Kitrr k .tBi;rT. at thir New
Sltnds. Philadelphia, Harvitburg. Pitsbu,rg.
' J. , ..,: :T.. 1-. - i .
c. arm on inc iiue oi l etiu. L.ll.roaa RQ'i
' p'tbl ished on every patka!e, tlierc
;f.rc it is nna secret ptepration
rnrsiciA.s prescribe it
It is a certain cure for Serofulsi,'
Sypiulis in all its forms, Rhuamtf
tt.Jin, fckin Diseases, Liver Com
niaint and all diseases of th
C--. mi.i i -. pt m
. - - J t ' n !
will do more good titan ten bottles
of ihe Syrups of Sarwpanlla.
ihavoused Rosad.tlis in their practice)
tor Jio p.it three years and treely
curl. irs-;- it ,-isa reliiilfc Altorativs
Land Blood Punier.
Dt. T. C. HfC n. of Baltimore.
UK. R. W.CAUR. '
Hit. F. O. rNNKLLY, .
bit. J. S. SPAJtRS, of NicholasrUla,
DR. J. L. McCASTHA, Columbia,
s. r.
DR. A. B. N02LI1S, Edgecomfc, Jf . C.
J. B. FRENCH fc SONS, Fill Hivor,
F. tv. t.MITn. Jrtn, Mith.
A. r. W"HKt.LER,Luaa, Ohio.
B H At t., t.inin.tlhio.
( RAVIN A 10 ,tnrdnnvt!le, Va.
SA.M'L. V. M.:yAUHE., Jlurfxces.
bon, Teno.
dur "rc irill -j.-t allow ef anT eT
ten.letl remarks in teUlic to thtf
virtuefot ii..sUAliA. rottin Me.ticml
Profession we enaran'ee a Fluid F.-
tru tsuperi.tr to any they have ever
ti'it in tlie tna-mft.t rf diseased
LiooU; ami lo theattlited aay try
K.sa!ii.$. an.1 vou. will ha restored
to ieaith.
Itonarlali i3 sold bv all D-n?7ita
price SlO pr but-.lc. Address
12. CLiZTS & ZO;
XantifMtiiring LAcmittr,
A Valuable Farm
THE unctersitrne I ctf.-rs at pnvuts sale.
valuable f:irm, sitn.it.d in Walter town
ship, abcut f.ne fo-.trfh mile northen:'r of Per-ry.-ville,
on theet si.ie nf 'he Junritu river,
a.ijoining l:in !s of 'iVil'.Uia Hetricli and Mrs.
5hum:tn, containing
Nine Acres of which are well set witbyoun;
timber. Tbe remainder is cleared an 1 ia
jf'.o.l state of cultivation every sere being
tillable ; having theTeon erected a lafe new
Brick Dwelling House,
lso a good STOSE HuCrtE, suitable for
renting or can he used as a suRia.tr louse,
good Spring House neir fo the Dwallinj
II ", Hake-ovn and good We.'l of never
failing water all under one roof.
Good jLaxi-fe UnJ J3ain,
Wagon Shed. Wood House, and all other ce
cessary outbuildings. There is good Coal
Wharf on the premise, which is valuable.
Also a good Young Orchard, jnsi beginning
to hear plentifully.
This farm was formerly dwifi by Sami"!
Baahrre, deo'd., and can be bought from bis
widow, Mrs. Anna Myers, residing in Ma
Yeyrown. MirEin Co.. Pa. Full parfiotilars
will be given and terms made known by tbe
undersigned, residing on the prc-ni-es.
July 12, 1871-2ai '
! 1