3. 11 i 1 FARM IB HOUSEHOLD. BREAKING BOSSES. .There ia nothing moic aureafonble or lawiK we are almost tempted to My luhnman, than tLe oid method of treat ing kcr namely, of allowing tbem to ran wild until a certain age, and then having a violent conflict with tbrm for the mastery. Ou this subject a well known tioieeiaua offers the following sensible remarks : "I am glad to sec that the practice of biCtkiiig hoiv.es is growing into disuse Gentle yonrborS'3 and acquaint iLr-m witu lie duties which they will have to jifrforin, but iv-ver Lrruk tbrra At custom them, from their e.it!itt colt-bood, to be ban lied ; pet tlxjm until they er-joy yonr society ; in fc;t, win their Kn-e by kiml lieis. Let them b arn what baiter is ia a manner which will uot shock or, frighten them. Tench them to put tip ! with straps and l.ucklef., and, when M j uotigh, have them daily bear or drag j some lpht load ; but do it all kindly, ! and gradually lead tlietn ou hi their edu cation, to that wi.en the proper timt- conies, they can be s nidled or haiiiPMed j with neither rick nor trouble, liut to ! throw the whole burden of a three years' j education upon them in Jibout the same number of days, ami to conquer the poor, tn-nihli.ig, frightened auiinals by ; brute force, is itilmtiK.il ami tinre;iotib!e. , mI u Icam and te.'.ch oar chihlien to treat tlie aitirnals, :iven us for our ser-1 vice by our Master, ia a manner worthy : of human le ms." NEW WAY TO STVAIIM BEL'S. A correspnndeiit of the Die Jox na' w: ! bad three decamping swarms that li ft, r.ty apiary. I had Lived the firi-t in the foreuonn, oa the day it swurm-' til j but. at about four o'clock in the af ; Wuoo; h dt-canijjed for parts unkuowii ' It pot off ;o!i:e disiance before I got the looking gbtss, bur, to my surprise, the i third ILth of the sun's rays with the lookiitg-laFH made the bees fly round and round, ii'sttad of going t-traight for- j ward as before, tnd they immediately j settled upon the tr-e. The fecund swarm i ratne off in the :if'((ruonn. It made no; liait tosetde, but rtarted direct for the limber. I followed it, and brought it; luw:i ia the eatne way. Tii third one j got nearly a halt miie away, Cyingon the ; east side i f the i. inner, i he sun brii, ij the wot we could not nee the gL.'a ; ! but as Foon as got the tun, thn-e or four flashes setth-d it also. I have fwarm tlms aricrti'd, sr.d they hav done well." FILL 101 K LA MI'S IS THE .M0iMNJ. ScarefJy a mv k ia(" Imt we r' i account of fi:-.-litfiI acci-jentu from ki r- offiie hn:,fi f ipliidiiisr i.nd killing or fcariiup: fur YA: rr..-u, w.mii'ii nud -!ii!-' dreD. A simple k'lonloilf nf tin; in ! f!:irr.m;ib!t.' luiiure of t!:t; liquid will pro'tia ' Lly pat a stop tn i.c ;.!y all tli" acci icnts. ' - tlie oil bm lie down in tlm lamp, high ly Ujflairimalile gii puthi io over its tnr- lace, ami at thu oil deereHse the gas iu- j ereJit-.a. V.'iicu the oil ncarlv con- ; eiimtd, a tiigh. j ir will inflirae the pap id an -splcaiun is sure t follow ' death nr.- di:trui-'i'n. A ronihsheil is no more to be dreaded. .ow, if th Idtnp is not allowed tn bum more than half way down, such accidents are al most impossible. Always fill your lamp very trnruii:p, aud then you need never fear an explosion dicks i on i otato bi gs. The usefulness of ducks in destroying inrf cte and vermin on plant ie known by all who have kept them. It is now eng. J jreMed that they are a good antidote for : the potato hng, but the trouble is that j th. capacity of a duck is limited, and the I bugs cannot be persuaded to di-sist from their ravage until the (lucks are ready to devour them. Iu a small wy, however, tlie ducks are doubtless valuable. A "en tknian of Fiijua, hio, re orts that he ut a pair of Mucnvys into his pot ito pat. h, which was literally swaiming with the bugB. The dueks went at lliem with n:ch uvidity that, the latter were toon exterminated, and the patch hag not since been treuhhd with them. The ducks did not appear to suffer any ill efft-cts from the bugs and were uot very slow iu ' taking in' all they could discover. ClBE FOB IW'U I'llOl.KRA Mr A. G EalkrJ. of Sturgeon, Mo., informs the Columbus Herald that he has lost a I.tre number of begs from hog cholera and ! " '""! n'd " L'",ry ,0,ln9lliP . iu"'era "nlieta Agents, on very liberal terras. S after ail tlllsucees.-ful tnal of a rrnl . ! nnuy remtuies, has fouod tiine tar to' .... .. . , never JhiJ ot cure, lie gives the tar in loii, about a tablespoonful to each bar I IU tnre is rapid and complete and loaves no injmi.'us f ft -ets behind. A Vau afle Rfcc-ii'r. -The Journal de St. Quitttin publishes a iccipe for coring cattle of the forinentatiou pro duced ia their stomachs from eatine irreeu clover and o-',Pr f.. Tl,. i ii a epoouful of ammonia, dissolved j ia a glass of water and administered to j t&e animal, lite cure.it states, takes! place within an hour. To Remove iT.Us. To take the!Co"k 'T' W.U.'ch " ,he, be" baker, most stains nf any fruit from auy fabric, put1 the garment in a vessel, pour Iniliw wa-! . ... , . . . ter over it, and let it eUnd till cool, then wash it and the uin Is gone. I'BOPAGATIO.V Cuttiu of plants r . wanttd for winter blooming ought to be , started in time to get well eetabliebed ! , r f Oelore tail. , The farmers in the vicinity of Indian apolis commenced the delivery, of new wbttt ra th J?:h n!t. " -, 4 1 mmmoammamam0mnmins9Li-' iLwrnarnKwammrnmmmmmmmmnmrmm mi i iiaaswaw iwwwiwgspw 11 t t. r JR. Ti r I .- i. i ..... 1,-1 - n. i. I, ...... .. .... . Ths Great Medical DiKoviry! , Dr. WALKER'3 C - VINEGAR "BITTERS ' B at Kim-mr tn Zhv'-t bonder- , is c"5 l- . K H il Cuiaiive lit c(. -. g?s"WHAT A- TKEY?i?2 V--.-;. T-ST Hp" , $'1 SE? THTT ABE SOT A VIIF. "II FANCY DRINKS- MaJc of I'nitr Kam Whiskey Priff , ?;iritnanl Refnur I.i jUurloctrrl,ppfccd c ii xwecitoec; t p!cii tUe tante, cmlled Ton rt,"Appl!tat, Restorers, tluU lesd :Utt t.puinr cn to dronkcaocbH aad ruin, but are a true 34cilir:ac,made from the Native Kootsitnd I!;r!-, of Callfornta, free frirni nil AIt o!Mlic Mlmnlnnm. Tberare t'lMiltl'AT BI.OOU ITUIFIZ1I and LIFE i'UIN- 1 11. E perfect Renovator andlnvljroraioror me systtia, carryins off all po5onoui matter and rvFtorini? tiie bUd to a hcaiiliy cor.dit:ou. 2'o pjrfon ran like thee Hitlers according to direc tion and niriiain Ioe; unu'iil. Far Inflummnlnry nud rhmcic K'jch mniiftin nnri (-enn I)T!:ni r ludi irratioo Bilinuw, iCcmittrui nud Iutrr iK!ttrut Krvrr, Il!rnrn oftbn i!tot l.ivrr, Ki(liiP, and ISlnilttrr, thew Hit ler havtt beca mont :-'.:ce t:'ul. Su h ranca are can?cd by Vflinted !tlntid, vriica is ireacraP.y prodnccd by derangement of Uia ItiircKtivr 4Iriraii. DVSFtPMA OU 1NDIrSTfO. Il'ja'iac'j, Fain in tha Saonh'ers, roiicl--. Tic!;t ne of tUe C!:e?t, Dizziness, Sour Kructitions of llie SUtir.acU, Bad tattu ia the Mnth. Uiliou At tickn, I'ali-iUit'.on of theHrart, Inflammailon of the Lcacs.Psin In tlie regions of t!ic Kidneys, and a 'unudn d other painful syinprtoms, are the cfT fpriogscf Pyspcpfla. ThT invigorate the Stonsacli an. ptimclate tht t irpltj liver and bowels, wlilrh render tacin of nn rt;'ia!:'d cJicary la cleansing the lilood of all rxp:nt:m, and tinparUn new life and Tip jr to ; .! wa-le system. FOtt SKIN IISEASES,i:n:rtioas,Tctter, :-a:i iiiirum, r.IWhcs, Spots, Pimples, PnstultP, Iio.'s, C iir'iiriC-U', liing-Woruis, Fcald-riea'l.S'ro :y,E'-yin--la, Itsh, fenrfu, Piscoioratior.s of the SSin, Ilir.iora ar.d Disease ofth tikn, of whatever na;s2 or nature, are literally dag up andc&rrlcl ont of the system in a ahor time by tue ntc of there Bitters. One battle In bucIj c.w will convince Uie raott Incredulous of their :arat:ve cfTc'.H. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon And Ha ia:piritien burMin throng b tba ski!i in Pim ples, Eruption or Bores; clean. it vhm you find it obstrnrted end flacrijlPb fa the veins; 4-irans; it when it is foal, anJ yonr ftelinirt wl!I t. ll yon wheu. Uccp the blood pure end the d aVii of fie sTtm will follow. VI , TA PK and other WORMS, 7rkms in t.i(Viti:aiuf tociany thound. areeScctnaiiy destroyed anl rf nuvcd. For full directions, road carefully th!i'irenl&r aroand t-acb bottle. J. T7ALTCFT!, rrrtr. R. n. M- naVAII) i C?)., Dmlvts a-id O-n. Aaent. Pan rraari?ro, Cai., s:i i ::.l Zi rommc-rf Str-t, New Vor". fcOLD BT ALL D.'X'GMSTS AN'O PKAT.EK. URE'S ,c il,o'H' T? 1 I.1 C T A i I TTVF i ; ll A 1 h h t b 1U il A 1 1 L ' a Contains no LAC fULrilfR No SU OARor I.KAD No LITIIARGK ! No xitkati; or silver, and is j rmir-ly free from the Poisonous and ! Iliahh-destroyi.ig Drugs used ia other j 1 latr 1 renarMtions. Transparent i,-A r'wir as eryslal, it. will : not soil tlie fin.l fabris Mlfutiy SAFE. e j CLTAN find 1: KKICIEST lesiilvraiums long j SOUlilll' Full AM) FOL'MJ A t LAST 1 It restores and j.tvvenis the (lair from be coming dray, ln-parts a soft, plotsy appe:ir. j ancc, removes li.ttelrutT, is cool and refiesh- i iiig to the head, checks the Hair frcra falling ! otf, and restiircs it to a great extent when ! prentutiirc ly lust, f rt-venis Headaches, cures ! all Humors, cuianeoiieriiptiins, and unnai- I t - ,V , TarHrl??. T'"-! MAKKKT. -. j .-.mi i ii. i ,-npnice. roton .ninciion. Ma-f. l'r.'paifd only by PROCTOlt l!ll() TllliUS, Gloucester, Mass. The Genuine is pat up in a panel hot le. aiade expresslv for j it. with the name of the article blown in the glass. As!t your Urucgist for Nature's Hair I kleu!'h- k " o'lier. ! MitHintown. r. j AGENTS WANTED FOR FROM th nt:LLSor LITERATURE. Con iuio:re Silcciioii from one nr.vnRr.Dof the must p"pu ar Ankxican and foueiux nuihors-, incl.iJinj: Adams, lianorof't. liacon. Beecher. liulwer. I'hnpiti (E. II.), Cailyle. Cooper, lie 'Jiunny. tveretf.. tDierson. Newman. Hall. J. G. Holland. Irvinp. Lnngftllow, Parker, Phil- j lips. Puuslioti, Kobertsou. Hu.-kin, Whate'.y. i Webster, and others equally ce!ebntci for their ekill in the use of beautiful language and for their etron enorcement of noble I ideas, bix hundred pages, clejrunt chromo fiompiece iu leu colors, and many choice en gravings, at ono half tlie price cbarg-d for any other hook of its quality. Agents can sf 11 twice as many of this book as of any other in the market. Ladies meet with the best of snccess. Clergymen, Teachers, and energetic young 10 very liberal terras. Serd nam.' mi l address f .r Circular ta VAF.m.V.K McCll.Iil, 1 hiladelphta. Pa., Cincinnati. (h" - - Chirngo. 111.; St. Louis. Mo.; or ."rringSeld, Mass. Bov9 . - it0e JliMH lHSil Hie III. ; Irrytii!le, Juniata Count, pa. . rl'M!i: un !"rsine.l ba opened out a new ' X Tin and love Establirhment in he room on 1.. inroad Mreet, next door. to tiie Tusca rora Hotel, where he would he pleased to see all wlio are in want of Tinware. Stoves, in. Ho iil,8 ProP attention to all or- fur itnnhfuT. Knnnrinir an.1 ..i.:. f which he guarantees to put up with the Wt p;,u"l"-r'-'1 " workman-like man- in the business he flatters himself that he can give entire sntitaction to the public. lie Keeps on Haul tDe celebrated Mmrod use. He will keep on hand the Oriental 'a,M- na'' (t"eral aissortment ot the best Stoves manufactured. JOHN DUMJAR. T'ALISTERSVILLE TIN SHOP.-Thenn- A dersigned has established himself in M3AUlt""lle i0 the Tinning bu-iness.- fersjns wanting anything in bis line ehojld call before purchasing elsewhere a he ia PreP,"!d o tnaaufaotnre all kinds of Tin and boect Iron Hare, and to sell as low as they can be Durohased rlanhtni . Hi. ,M . toment and the public generally are respeci fully invited to call, as be hopes by strict at. tectionto business to deserve a share of pat ronage. , . t vt 1 1 'W-.f JACOB S. WIKET. - . ... J : , J. : :- USE THE BEST. REKEWER Nine years before, the public, and no preparation for tLe hair has ever been produced equal to llalFs "Vegetable Sicilian Hair Jienewer," and every honest dealer -will say it gives the be.it sat'sfaction. It re stores GRAY HAIR to its. original color, eradicating and preventing dandrua; enrifig B.XDNESS and promoting the growth of the hair. " The gray and brashy Lair by a few applications id changed to black and silky locks, and wayward hair will assume any shape the wearer desires. It is the cheapest HAIR DRESS ING in the worlds and its effects last longer, as it excites the glands to furnish the nutritive principle so necessary to the life of the hair. It gives the hair that splendid appear ance so much admired by alL By its tonic and stimulating properties it prevents the hair from falling out, and non8 need be without Nature's ornament, a good head of hair. It is th first real perfected remedy ever discovered for curing diseases of the hair, and it has never been equalled, and we assure the thousands who have used it, it is kept up to its original high standard. Our Treatise on the Hair mailed free; send for it. SoU&y aS Dmngisls and Dealers in JUedicints. Price One Dollar Per Bottle. R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors. LASOfcATOET, HASHUA, H. H. Sold hy Druggista generally. yer's Hair v. igor, For restoring Gray Hair to lis natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which ii at once aqrccnlile, healthy, mid filVytual for prtsorviug the li.iir. Faded or gray h.lir is son)! rrstoml to i!s onrjtiud color villi (lie gloss and iwinea of yoiil'i. Tliiu hair is iliick- 2 1 1 mm pro1' falhng Lair checked, n:il i.i'.'.il- neSS ,ften, tl.ongl, not nUv,ys. cured iiv its use. 1 hair where the follicles me destroyed. j or t'.ie rl;i'.i;is atrophied ii'nl decayed, lint siii-!i as remain cnu he saved tor ue!'i:ii:ess by this upplieation. Instead of Toulin the hair with a pasty tedi ! irteiit, it will keep it clean aad vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair j I'roin turniti pay or falling oil', and I i-rtii'eq'ien'.ly prevent hiildness. Free li'ii l these deleterious suusiances which I mahe some preparations cliinerons and iiij'irions to tiie liair, the Vi-jor can I nilv ! :n-ti t but not harm it. It' wauled l"ra HAIR DRESSING, ,;,; c!sc rall ,,e fpund m desiral,K C'oin.-.ioiii :z neither oil uor dye, it does pot f :l wiiite -u inline, and yet lasts !. on tiie hair, giving it a rich glossy .;i. i:e and a :;'atet:d perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., I'ltUTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CltEMISTS, JLOYN'KLU 9IASS. PHICH $1.00- fPnM by Iruists penera ly. First Prize Medals Ivardcd. THE UK BAT Baltimore Piano MANUFACTORY. WIM.S73 IiVAI?i; & CO. M-muf'iK Inrers of (.'rand Square and I prisht PIAPO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments have been before the public for nearly Thtr'y years, and upon their excellence ahne attained an vnpurchited pre minriicc. which pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE combines ereat tiower. sweetness and fine singing quality, as well as great purity of Intonation, and sweetness through the entire scale. Their TOl'CH i, pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stiffness found in so many Pianos. In nOKK.I.MUIl they arc unequalled, using none but the very brsl stawntd maicM. the large capilal em ployed in our business enabling us to keep continually an immense slock of lumber, &o., on hand. BF4i.AH our Square Pianos Lave our Ilew Improved Ovxkstkumi Scalk and the Agraffe 7 rrhle. fray" We would call special attention to our late improvements in GRAND 1'IAS'OS and SQUARE GRASUS, Patened August, 14, ifni, which bring the Piano nearer perfec tion than has yet heen attained. Every riano fully Warranted for $ Tears. We have made arrangements tor the Sole Y'i'jnh Aytncy for the most Celebrated PAhLOR VUGAA'S and UELODEOXS, which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at Low est Factory Trices. VILLIAM KNABE & CO. JAMES BELLA K. Wholesale Depot, 279 281 South nth St. eep 14 Philadelphia. A. G. Postlethwaitk. J. C. M'Nacohtos A. G. P05TLETHWAITE & CO., General Commission Merchants FOR' THE SALE OP ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY ' . produce. ' r No. 261 Soatb Front Street,' ' ' . msrll-tf PHILADELPHIA.' 10R 8 ALE Three sot of Cook Stovo Pst- terns. Ko. 7, 8, and 9, Flasks and Follow Boards, all complete, b - V, ; J SILAS 8HAMP. ,". Oct 5-Sm Jiiffllntown. I SPECIE. PRICES!, EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN THE PElCEE OP GOODS. 1 ' AT LAII1D1 BELL'S "NEW STORE, Patterson. Juniata Co.. Fa. - Thf undersigneJ beg leave to state, that they Lave purchased from J. 15. M. Todd. hi entire stock of goods, and will in (be future conduct the merchantile business at the Old Stand, in the borough or Patterson, Juniaia county. Pa . where tbey shall endeavor to keep constantly on Land a full and complete asuortruent of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CONSIST LNGOF -'-.. ! -ALl'ACAS. ,i f OI'LINS. . PLAIDS, LCSTERS. De LA INS. WKKINOS, MOHAIRS, GINGHAMS. . CAMBRICS, LAWNS, &C. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. JEWELRY,' HATS AND CATS. BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, CBDAHWARB. GLASSWARE, . CROCKER Y, FISH, SALT, COFFEE, TEAS, SIRUPS. SUGAR. - Having just returned from the city wi'h the ahnve enumerated stock of goods, 'all ol which have been purchased since the great decdne in Gold, we feel warranted iu saying that we can otter Goods at greatlv reduced fig ures for CASH OR COUM'UY PRODUCE, mar2.1-tf LAIRD & BELT.. KEWUOODS! iW GOODS! Martin & Walters' Bazaar! GREA T CRA MI IX PRICES I HAVING purchased the Store of N. Frank & Co., on Main street, inJ. M. Belforu's store room, we would respectfully inform the public that we have just returned from the East with a new and carefully selected stock of GOOD? of the very best quality, compris ing iu part, of DRY GOODS, UKOCKRIE.S, NOTION?, HOSIERIES, FANCY GOODS, QUEENSWARE, LOOTS & SHOES, II ATS AND CAP'S, CARPET RAGS, OIL CLOTHS, C A R 1'ET S, BLANKETS, FURS, WOOD AND V. ILLOW-W A UE, and in short every article usually kept in a well selected store. We intend selling exclusively for CASH, or in exchange for CUL'NTKV PKOUl'CE. lly so doing we will be able lo sell goods as cheap as the cheapest. Call and examiue our slock titQ. HIGHEST PRICES PAID IN TRADE FOK ALL KINDS 01' COUNTRY PRODUCE. J! A I.TIN & WALTERS, (Ilelfnrd's Store. Room,) 3Iaiu St., Itttfilintown, Pa. JNIuy 1, 1871. TIIE PLACE FOR BARGAINS IS AT - FLNXELL'S CHEAP STORE IN PATTERSON, PA. rr,HE largest and best assortment to be -L foi.nd in Patterson. Thankful for the libera! patronage heretofore received from the public, I would respectfully announce that I have just opened a very large stock ot Goods well suitt d to the trade. My stock consists of a full assortment of fine aud staple I) 11 Y GOODS, Embracing all the materials for men, women and children's wale, including Hatsand Caps. Boots and Shoes, together with a large stock of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Tickings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, io. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as French and English Merinoes. Pop. lins. Alpacas, De Laines, plain and figured Shawls, kc. and also a large stock of Notions, such as Gloves. Milts. Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. G ROCERIES, Such as Sugars, Syrups, Coffees. Teas and Spices. Also, a large lot of Queensware, Hardware, Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Salt and Nails. Together with a full assort ment of Goods usually kept in a country atore BfaIIighe3t price paid for country pro dnce in exchange for goods. Prices to suit the times May 1, 1871. " FEATHERS, " ALL GltADKS IN . QUANTITIES TO SUIT EM .TI 1 LIES A !) ICA LLKS QUAL1TV WARRANTED. F. C. CRAICHEAO, Jp.11 2 5 PjTTfBURG, PA' J, M. KEFHEARI BARNES BROTflER&HERRON . WHOLESiLE DEALERS IS HATS AND CAPS, . 503 Market Street, Philadelphia. uj 18, 1869-ly.J - ; MARTIN A WALTEKS lwys keep up their stock of GROCERIES nnd will not he excelled either in the quality or pri of their gnoda in this line. Give them a call before going elsewhere. , , , . . - ; B3 ttaadbUt for puMie ealei printed on 8irt notice atthe SEXiittxt Onwt.- t LARGE STOCK OF ' drills; and Summer 'Clothing . : ,;at : Strayefs Clothing Store, :i .' IN -PATTERSON L . . Now is tUe Time to Secure Bargains ! : i 1 . CANCEL STRAYEB, having purcbajed f O Levi Hacht, keeps in the new tsries euuu ing, Main Street, Patterson, a large and ele gant assortment of Ready-Made Clothing consisting in part of OvTcoatt, Fro-k Coat, . Lrtt Coats, pantaloon, Vests, Druicers, Collars, Undershirts, Handkerchiefs, Boots & SJtoe And everything usu illy found in a first class Gentleman 8 r urnisning oiors. ;, . FAX CY GOODS Also a lars-e and carefully selected assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and qualities, all of which will be sold at the low est poble living prices. Laaitt Gaitert and Shoes. He also invites the attention of the ladies lo lis fine stock of GAITER3 AND SHOES, which he will sell at prices defying eompeti tion. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. lie hasnn hand a beautiful assortment ot Carpets, Oil Cloths, ic , which are of a good quality, and well worth the inspection of the buyer. WATCHES Si. JEWELRY. Gold and Si!rer Watches, ar tings, Plain and Fancy rings. Watch Keys. Ladies' and Gents' Breast Pins, 'Sold I'eusanJ Pencils, &c, which at this time ;orm the largest and besi assortment, in the county. tkAU the above goods will be sold cheap er than any olher store in the United States. If you don't believe it, just give him a cali and be convinced of the truth of the assertion F U R N I T U R Et He has also a large Room just opposite bis Store where be offers for sale at low prices a general assortment of Tables. Chairs. Sofas, Lounges, Bedsteads. Mattresses, Trunks, Carpets, Stanks, Hacks, and many other articles for house furnishing SAMUEL STRAYER. Patterson, May 1, 1S71. I. Vf. HAIII.CY &. CO'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Xcvin's Xcw jjiiililing, Bridge Street, MililintoVn. This way for Bar- A VINO removed our GOODS tn a room in NVvin'e new huiidinir. on Uridre sireot. we are prepared to do a lare tusinem, and have jut received a KEW AS30HT3IENT OF GOODS, co:.MriNu or Over Colts Dress Coats, Kustncss Co .v. ('omnion CoaiH, Pautaloons, Ve-os, Hats, liootis and Shoes of evry description, btyle and quality, for male or female. COYS' HEADY MADE CLOTHING Also. Carpets White Sliirla, Fancy Ovei Shirts, I" iider Shirts, tirawers. Hosiery. Gloves, Linen and Paper Colars. Cravats and Ties, Trunks, l"iu hrclias. Travelling lnjrs ,vc. Also, the latest styles of Ladius' Cloaks, Cir eulars and Furs. Persons in want of anything in ourline wit. save money by giving us a cull hetvire pur-1 e dctermiQeli to ' etit sinjr eisewnure, as we are sell cheip for cash. fta. Don't forget the corner. Bridge and Water streets. D. W. UARLET i CO. ' May 1, 1S71. OF THE V AGE! PATHVTCD DctTBMBKR 7TI?, 1869. OUR CELKERATT.D GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Ufr.hyxoUi. ArktinJ.rtttrA fcy nil wt hare 4etl it ; r fo hrt mniic r ol! in ll. it rutin -si t with ov-r (' of ti'k: nsi ouiwr n r ' !K"- tifyi fVn. Iut u; !h r.cn! .ii!ehiwf. . rJ MI.O M.Y )i A'uKM'S ttnd for iUl tN I rvAon anr vnerctic "rMW uh wull . Sti; riMOTiiti. V-ntft .nrr ?r r-nt.! Tvitiumple t'om, 1 -cJi iwo i : frnn; fivi bite, (li.wOt t..cle b.a.c, V?,"TERN PU2LISHIXG Co. j M::cl'.ircr5 Agsnts, Pittiburh. Pa. , : J ! r.rrrrf" -TWrr rrtitr--'fihpw ) ; I'i r. e4 Ic nuiT hu'thilon r in '. "I' . ' 1 r 1 rinr rnulltT. Ht cnlv riir e"l lJ ? ' O TS ri-.SHjl by t'rl-Von.pHJf. In wrf. 1 1. tin"; Cur iQt ulv5ur ac Twtrn. t '. J MtUi, plutt.iy wrlUen, and artier will iitceL oitli ru:nrv aiCutl on. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored fl i"Jfl3 Dr. CtdntTicalis CcMirated Essiy Am&mJt on the radical cure (without medi cine) of rEBMATi)RRH(F.A, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoten ce, Mentai and 1'hysical Incapacity, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc , also, Cossosiptios, Epilepst, and Fits, induced by self-icdul gence or sexual extravagance Bl'rice, in Realed envelope, only 6 cts. The celebrated author, in this admimb'e essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarmini consequences of eelf abuse m ay be radically cured without the dingerous ne of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every gutferur. no matter wbt his condition may be, nriy jure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. 8)3-This Lecture should be in the hands of every man in the land. ent. under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr Culverwell's "Marriajre Guide," price, 2j cents. Address tLe publishers, Cn as. J. C. Kline k Co.. 127 Bowery. New York, Post-Oihce Box 4.5S6. Aug 31. 70-ly JOHNSTOWJf FOUNDRY, TIIE undersigned, manufacturer of Jami son's Improved Plow, calculated for all kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of ground, sold cheaper than any other Plow in the County. He manufactures ail kinds of Cast ings, Dells, Stoves. &e. He will also repair reaper and threshing machines. Give me a call, or address. J. H. ROGERS. 1 ' ' Walnut P. 0. aug 18 1869tf . Juniata C. Ps. P.,T " " TTZ,:-'. - ILAI5 aad Taney JooTnciing neatly exe- eat! at (kis Offiee. - 1 NATIONAL HOTEL, ' '. 1EWI3T0WH, PEKST'A BEAR 0A9AXER, Proprietors- iTATE CAPITOL HOTEL, near the Cap Lai Build in rs, 1 i i HAR1SM tXkO, IJL. Tenns as moderats as any Hotelin the City. , , " WM. S.THOWSOS. Pronietor. WHITE HORSE HOTEL, i 315 k S18 NORTH THIRD STREET, -PHILADELPHIA.' 1 ' GEO. ZEILLEY, Proprietor. Good accommodations for all who may favor hint with a call. First-Class Livery and Sale Stable, , B0LD1110 60 BOBSES, ATTACHED TO HOTEL' JUNIATA HOTEL. MIFFLISTOWX, JUNIATA CO., ' PA. SIJIOX B. ALBRIGHT, Proprietor. Booms largo and comfot table the Table supplied with the best the market affords Stabling large and exoellent Bar constantly supplied with the choicest wines and liquors no pains will be spared to please guests. Charges moderate A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. mayJT, '71 LEONARD HOUSE. OrroslTB THE IFPOT, CLEARFIELD. T.V. The " Leonard Ilonse" has recently been refitted and otberwie greatly improved, and is now under the proprietorship of D. John ston & Son. formerly of the "Merchant's Ho tel" in Pitifb-irg. Persons visaing Cle.ir field on business or pleasure will find this a convenient and pleasant place to stop may 11, '70 ly UNITED ST AT E SI OTEL, OPPOSITE TA. R. R. DEPOT, t hariusbuhg, pa. EM3IIXGi:R& CO., PnorRiiTORS. Te'opraph OiEce in Hotel, an 1". IHCSt-y. XIili JLXOU13. KEEDSYItLE, MIFFLIN CO., PA. DAVID I. JtKJK, I'lOj.rifJor. Tho nnJeiirnetl respectftilly call (he at tention of the public to the fact that he has leaded the hotel property in Reedsvilie, for merly occupied by Aaron HLoop, and is pre pared to accoaimodate strangers and traret- ?rs. He will spare no nean to JTiake the Hotel nnexorpiiomible in every particular. lie will exercise a personal eurervisit.n over his Rnr, Table nnd tftnble. lie respectfully solicits a share of thepa'r'iri?ice f the public. DAVID I. KICi:. TteedKvill?. April 10, lbTl BECK'S "iToTEL", I'IIILAD:t.FUA. ritIS liOTEI, IS l'LEASA.NTlY ON THE SOl'TK MTE RACE S T II K SITUATED ! OF : t . A FEW DOORS ABOVE T11IKU. ITS CENTRAL LOCALITY Makes it parlieulfirly desirable to persons visaing llie City ou fausiue.9 or pleasure A. UKCJC, riliil'KIEToll, runnn-ly of the 5i'ii'e. Unitn Il'd np. 18, isr.fl-ly. NnT?'p177RW' f.PWTP h I R 4 IT W47 i1"" I twill RJLih fl A I WINTER TIME TABLE. Through and Direct onto tt Wn!iin; ton. Ualtimure, Klniiru, l.iic, llutialo. Hochcstfr anil msara l'ulN. FOU II TRAINS "DAILY from and five to W;i.liingtoii and Baltimore, and FOUR TRAIN'S DAILY to and Five from tbe North aud VYt-st Branch Sus quehanna, and Northern and Western Pennsylvania and New York. OX AND AFTER MONDAY. JANUARY 2. 1S71, the trains on the Northern Central Railway will run as follows : NORTHWARD. Mail Trais leaves Baltimore 8:3 a tn leaves Karrisburg 1:05 p ui leaves W'illiamsport fi:25 p m arrives at Elmira K:3if p m Buffalo Ex leaves Italtimnre li):"J0 p m leaves Harrisburg 2:25 a m leaves Willlamspoit H:",ii a m leaves Elniira 11:50 a m arrives at Canandagua- S:!0 p m Fast Line leaves Baltimore 12:40 p m leaves Harrislturg 4:"0 p in arrives at Williauispnrt C:10 p m Cl!5CI'l Ex leaves Baltimore... ... 7:40 p m arrives at llarrisburg... 12:01 am York a TIar- leaves York f.10a m bisb'oAc. arr. at Harrlshurg.. 7:45 a m RtxBtiit Ac. north leaves Uarriab'g S:00 a m arr. at Sunburv- I(J:00 a m SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Elmira 5:.y m leaves W'illiamsport .i:20 a m leaves Harrishurg J:2i p m arrives tit lialtimire... (i:15 p m Buffalo Ex leaves Canandaigua 4:45 p m leaves Elmira fi:Z0 p m leaves ViHiamsport 12:31 a m leaves Harrisbprg ;):30 a m arrives at Baltimore 9:15 a m Cincix'i Ex. leaves Harrishurg 10:45 p it, arrive at Baltimore. 2::!l a m Eaix E.prs leaves Williamsport.... 8:20 a m leaves Sun'r ury 10:20 a m arriees at Harrishurg... 1:11) p m CuiK Mail south leaves Wi!!i:im$p-t lu:fio n m leaver unnury I2:'I0 a m arrive? at Harrlsburg... .'::?0 a m Pacific Ex. south leaves llarrish'g 11:35 a m arrivts at Baltimore ti:f5 p m Yoek TTar-1 leaves llarrisburg... 0:25.p m RIsb'o Acc. arrives at York 7:10 p ni Balt. Acc. south ledves Punbuvy... 5:00 a m leaves liarrisbuag b:'iO a m arrives at Baltimore...12:C0 p m Mail Train north and south. Fast Line north, Pacific Express south Cincinnati Ex press north, York and llarri-burg Accommo dation north and south, Erie Express south, Erie Mail and Sunbury Accommodation north and Baltimore Accommodation south dailv except Sunday. ' Buffalo Express norfh and south daily. Cineinati Express north daily except Sat urday. r For further information apply at tbe Ticket Office m tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Oeoot. ; v ALFHED R. F13KE. . . . General Superintendent. Harrishnrg, January 2, 1871. A LT& assortment of Queensware, China--tA. ware. Glassware, Crockery ware. Cedar, ware, o., for sale ebtap by MARTIN 4 WALTERS. ( taJcATA Sirnsxi Job Printing Office for all kinds of Plain and Fancv Printisg.v - ? - - - 9 7 At tUe AVORLD'S TAIir .... ...,? 'Constituted by the homes of the people Receive the Gbeat Award of thk I .HIGHEST SALES! . AnJ hio left all rivals far behind 'them for they " . One Hundred and Twenty-seven Thousand,' tight Hundred and Thirty-three Machines I being more t han er.'j thousand in auvaaee of theisaJea of the previous Jeatv aad . over fortv-four thousand mnrs then the sab of xy tkr'Cmt lor b7u, as shown by tb foU lowing fi)fiP3 froa .swoek rurns of tuo sales of Licensees. Tlie Singer iHanufactuntr Cotnpany aoid-over ih - -i'lortnoe Sewing Ma chine Co ..-.110,173 Haubmes. Sold over the Wilcox 4 i Gibbs Sewing .Ma. Co... ?3,94S do. Sold over the Weed Kew- ' ' ing Machine Co 92,8SI do. Sold over the Grover & lin ker Sewing Machine Co. 70,4r.I lo-,j Sold over the Howe Sew ing Machine Co 52.G77 de..' Sold over the Wheeler & Wilaon Maiiiif g Co 44,025 I -- all of which 13 mainly owing to ths ropnUrf ty of what is known as the "New Family Sewin Machine," hien ' now J'Mt fiodm its way into every well regulate'! heuichold- For Circulars giving lull particulars" of !acl(ines, their Folding Cases of many va rieties of wood and finish, their Attachments for numerou kinds of woik, which, till ri cenily, it was tho-jght that delicate ngiM alone could perform, as well as particular about all articles used by their Maciuea, such as Twist, Lincu Thread. Spool Coilon' Oil. tc. Sc., apply to any of their Author ized :gents, or to The Singer Manufacturing Company, 4.iS BroaJictig, Aeic 1 orkm Phil.idelphi.i Otiice HOG Chestnut S:reet. ' P. V,. II A P. LEY & CO.. Agents ia Mirtiin towu, who kefp uirhineri constantly on hand in iheir Clotlnne Siore on Uriilgc street, lor the in-pi:ctiou of the public, and for iale at the most reaj'onube prices. Machine Cotton. Needles. Tbrel, Oil, e.J und everything pertaining to this Machine constantly kept oa hand fur eale. (Mirl. . GROVE R & B A K E R 'S " SEWING MACHINE. - The following1 are selected from tliou sanJii of teelitnonials of similar cliarttcter. as eipresf ing the reasons for the prefer ence for the 0 rover & Baker Machine over all nthurn. I like rhe (.rover .t Baker Machine1, In the first I'lucf. becfiii-r, if I baJ nj her, I iio;il wnni n (trover di linker. ntvL bav- i ing G rover iM Kaktr, il ;i ?r3 ihc puri ose I uf' aU the rot. It docs ;i greater VMnety of f rork unlit is easier ! l'irii ihau licjr otiier." ! .W.t. .. (. truly iJruufi Junt 1 bive hnu p'.'vti i.l years CAp-rienc wiiU ! rt Grover IJ iiit-r Machine, waicn has giveii ! me prent sutii'ti'tion. 1 think the G rover A. j Umt M;tchiue is more eai nuinueil, anl ! Icsa lialtle lo t vul of orler. 1 prefer the? (irovr: U:tkt.T, aeei'ledly'-.Vr. Dr. Uf. A t r Yvrk. I have hfi'I one in wv family for 5 mc tw i ye.'trs. ft:ii Irum what I i;u;)W ol Us iryrkinj;.-. Tfi from i i trM tiMony of ninny of my tritiiils vriii) ur" the -;imr, I ran her'JTy Kt ; Ud;y anytfiini cu;-l be ii.-ire couipluie or give better sailtactlun. ttnrrai ffrtn:, I believe it to be the best, all thin1- t)!j-iJer-d, of any t!:nt I bnve known. It is vnrv tiiuT'ic anil eailv learned; the eewinz ) from tlie gitim -vy vt is a reit alvjin- i tii2 : tlie stiloh ! enure! y renaIe . it uuci oruatneii'al work beautifully, it not liabtt lo ot onl ol or-l'T "Mrs. A.M. Spov tiflfl Ilrm.h-tin. I am acq tit i:i 1 nirh the work of 111 prinfinl luncninei : ar.J I prefer the Grov-rr x hrX" t,"'m 1" 'ee:l"-,e 1 "'" ..titcli r.mre rUstiir. I have work now in ih.. hoii1! w utch wr.s 'lone ii.n.? ard njro. vuicli is still r.vi.''Vr. llr. McCrr ii'.u, Sn. 4-i Eutt Tirrntt,' thfd S'rul, .Wit York. " More liian two-thirds of all the jewing" dune in my fairily fjr the last two years lu-t heen done hy drover .t Itaker's Machine, and I never lr.nl a garment rip or need nienoing. except those rents which frolicsome boysniil make in whole cloth. Ii is in my opinion br fur the mist valuable of any 1 bave tried.' Mrs. Henry Ward Jrecher. The Grover & Baker Sewing Machines Company inaniifaetnre Loth the Elastic Stiti-h and Lock Stitch Machine, aud offer tht pnhlic'a choice of the best ina cliinesi of both kinds, at their eBtalilinh ments in all tlii larsjo cities, and through r.prencies in nearly all towns tlir. uliont the country. I'rice Lists and samples ot sewing in bot!i stitches furnished on ap plication to Grover Sc Baker S. M. Co.. 115 Market street, Ilarrisluirg. April 27. 1S70. MlfFLINTOWLM FOUHDSY LMACHlflE SHOP! r1HF. undersigned would respectfully an X nnunee to the citizens of Juniata and adjoining counties, that he has purchased! the Milliintown Foumiry and Machine Shop, and is prepared to manufacture articles of various descriptions, ouch as four and Six Unrse-poicer Threshing Machines, also, Eiiiht and Ten Horse Power Machine, being the most celebrated, and best adapted to the wantsof the farmer now extant, and which I will warrant to perform all they ari recommended to do Plows of the latest and most improved patterns, considered by all who have used them lo be superior to any now in use in this part of the country. I would especially call the attention of farmers to the IRON KINO PLOW, which I am man ufacturing, with the latest improvements for 1S70. I am also prepared to manufacture all kind of Mill Clearings, such as Cog Gearinjr, Guuirions, Saw Mill i'ranks, aud Turning and fitting up the tame. I fthj manufacture! all kiuds of Coal, Mood, rtrlur and Cooldnj Stoves. I also manufacture Hollow Ware, TCa!3o Rollers for tanners, e. Old Metal and country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for work. Pemember I sell fen per cent, cheaper than any other establishment in the country. J. A. CMS WELL. Feb 1R, 1870- tf. EnPLOYJIEST BUREAU or THE Office. 123 South 7th St., PhiUdclphia, Between Chestnut i TA'alnnt. If yon wish to hire labor of any kind.' write and tell us just the he'p yon want. -The wages you will pay. The best, and eeeapesc way to reach your place, and if far from Philadelphia, you had better enclose Railroad fare. We will do our bet to serve yon and give you all the information we can abut tbe person we send. Our desire is to assist the worthy, and no oharges lo either party.' Address , : ALEX. SLOAN. Sup't Employmeyl Bureau, !23. South 7th Street, l'hilarta.