Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, June 28, 1871, Image 2

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    Imuata; Sentinel.
TTedneaay Xoralar, June 28, 1871.
lorrr. a r'iTti:r(it.
rVT.R r.IAFKAt. :
or tTt ro..rv.
rvi vi-n lii'KCAL
rr r cUIU mini.
CEO P. POWELL i CO. 40 Pa-kFaw, fie Yo7k ot ,be credit-bnt which -voa Wfn
Avr. nt entitled ? Is it the man who penned
S.M. PETTCNGILL 4 CO.. 37 Pa Row, N. Y, ; your editori.il ship through the troubles
Arc eur t-iLe igen'i ia that city, and at e an- i of the times of Breckinridge and Dou
tboiued M extract for advertising at our I aM , Do remenlber how he was
Iiwit rs'es. A Jvern ,er in t.iat c;tv are le-, J
aaotH t) imtc iter fTtr with either of, the brains of your paper! Is be the
I;. tKore timi-n. j Ban jf ,e how graterul y0 are.
We, for the prcseut. drop the would-be
of an admission of its txlstnce than a
Deuial. It HlniHler in ritiug of He-
publican Nomination.
It id no n-wS to tell the reader that peri-
,,ea ,yf ,.r years, certain i. emocr-.w
. j l"'r.c"
we wp.in.iMn party w,m neing under
th c.ntn.1 of ring. 1 hta has been a
tivoritu cliaige with certain parties with
in tliu ranks. f tlie l'emociary. Some-
timn ao we fiok occasion to refer to these
cbar-e. and -aid that they were prinei- and the ruIefl that ilave been adopteQ for
pally mad by Democrat, who are un-cm-1 iu g0vernment. so clearly disprove. The
pulous ring men tLemselve. within their j Republican party does not make iw nomi
own party, and that they more frequently j nationg tbrou;.u a convention composed
ry "The rin-.-,' Therirg."f..rthepUr-joftwod(.,r).atesfroI11 each ehatioa dia.
pose of turning public attention from ; trict as the lleraocra,ic party does", bnt
their .wn ring work, than for any other j it nominates , candidates through what
purpo.se ; ami wt further said that a ring; ia commonly called the Crawford Ccuuty
i.ow rules the Deliiociatic party in this Uystera. This system places those who
county, and tbt this ring coutroU the aepilfi t0 par,T n()n!:nations directly be
noioiualiuui1, lh.it it teta up, and that it
pulLi down. Lait week the Iigitter
took txc'jitioii to what e taid.
Hid de-
.(r. u :t.-i.; ... ii tn.-iuHi article of
urenty-e-gl.t lines. As we do not ree d -
lect .f . w having seen iu that paper an
oitgiliil aitide -if l' a length that did not
forn.li or oi,.-r cw.tuse, deny, or mix
b..ire it eini, j. .t coun-c m tins
cf t we;i- ii.it ti:rpr:ed to hii.l the
1 itest hi ii.
i.e.-.nn!: the charac-1.!!,!
teri-'i' . i.f f.Tiin-r ''lie.
Niielv there
luu-t i.e , .i11.-:i in- with the hea-lsj
.f t1.r .-.!i-..r .f that paper, that tli y !
rami..: pi... I. ic an article of any lonpth
wi'.l out pTodncing a muddle. We have
a !.elir.g ..f s-.Iicitiido for tf,rm. c are j bono fr tkem. and will please them
no dnrtor. however, and dare not venture I The profrramme, thus blocked out, is for
a piecr;.;ini. but we dare say that srirn- j warded to the members of the l ing in each
tide men a.-rt that the kind of food that township, who are to see that delegates
a dku live, on something to do with
the rinllne.-s or l.nghtness r.f his head,
and they particulnrly recommend a diet
of fresh tii-h for dull heads ; but as the
season for fresh b'.-h is about, closing, of
ronrse we shall not suggest that kind of
diet, tut we politely hand them over to
their master, who is skilled in dietetics,
and earnestly entreat him to see to their
intellectual condition, for certainly it is a
matter of importance that his editorial
lackeys be clear-headed.
The article ia question, if intellicible.
is intended as a disclaimer or denial of ,
w hat we said of the democratic ring in
this county. An a disclaimer or denial
- - c :i i. -i- , .
u is a iauure it is an niuireci ana un-: tor him. he u the nominee of the party,
intentional admission of our charge of j If the Democratic party iu this couuty
the existence within the ranks of the would adopt it, the prescriptive and un
Democratic party in this county of an J scrupulous ring that roles it would o.l
unscrnpulou.1 and prescriptive ring. Look j lapse a completely as a bureted air-ball.
at it. In the third liue a thrust, as vio-
lent as the writer knew how to word it ! 0v t,le 20lh of ,aH JuI7 lne following
to coutiue it to the limits of decent lan
guage, is made at a member of the Dem
ocratic party, whom the ring is eecietly
trying to proscribe and hound doan.
'I his Democrat is placed at one side of
the editor of this p:iper, aud he it is. says
the Reiister, who breathes iuto the S n.
ttnil what has appeared in its columns in
regard to the "ring." There is perhaps
as much truth iu that assertion as could
be crowded iuto the assertion, if made,
that the senior editor of the Rcgufcr is a
faithful, a wortbv. a devout m. mlier nf
the church to liich he professes to bo -
long. Lut comparisons to gentlemen
of such tender sensibilities are said to be
odious, and we promise that we shall be
sparing of them iu this article. .
Who the Democrat is that the Reg.
... . .
crnhiratAwfld. not know, bnt we
Kiiow a nuiuoer against, wnom the pup-
Lets .if the rinr- serrptlv Ijilif- nnd nnpn. !
Iv insinuate as in the article ,, whirl, I
wc write, whenever the interest of their
mister demands it of them to do so. We
s.ty that we could point out this or that
man, that the ring is opposed to, or point
out a number, but we can only guess for
whom this individual thrust is meant.
Wc uo not here guess, but we say that
ibis as:iu!t upon a prominent member of
its own party is an indirect admission of
our charge of the existence of a ring
such as we described. It is an indirect,
5f hot clearly a direct admission of what
l.o atili g.l tliu ,-lnrv
when it declares that
a Dcmoc.at informed us of what we
wrote. It does not eay that he told us
what was not true. It does not even in
timate that what it declares . that he
brcaihed into our ears is a falseliood.
The fact that it does not deny the charge
is an admission of the truth of what we
aid Poor, misrabl defence ! It should
have added at this point to ita readers
something like the following : To the
readers of the Jtcyistir: We eay that
what yon have just read is what oar op
ponents will ofkr as indirect or circum
stantial evidence that an unscrupulous I
and prescriptive ring exists iu the Deni
ocratic party m tins county. Ibe arti-
! 1-10 v a int.nrl.d f.ir didf'tutm.- nr f?Atiil
jof our charge f Hie exiateuce of the
ring, but the editor got h so mixed that it
is more of an admission than a denial.
' It in not becoming fur the RegUter to in
. dnlj jn long orijinn! articles. It inra
' riably e-nfuses itself, aud loses WIi bead
'arid tail of t'le subject. Its fort lie in
. one two, three, lour and live line para
graphs, and the words fool, craiy, in
ane, liar, etc., are the only words in
them that attract attention. ' Bot we
I would be glad if the Register would tell
i us and the pnblie who is the Democrat
that it bis used unintentionally aa evi
I deuce against itrtlf. Is it the roan who.
' titne and again, contributed to your eol
I nmns editorially, for the writing of which
I denial of the master's organ, and take a
j ta6tT look at what h MJ of the RPb-
' lican party nominations in tins couuty.
i ti . .i j .i . i c
: It says that they are under the control of
j a r, and bave a,rrad miia Jf
, ki Mam tLe rfng wa.
I blunder. Una latter assertion is a greater
;onc The facU in the case disprove it
j aL The editor when he wrote tfae ,rtj.
tie, must hare been in a fearful muddle,
or how else could he have produced a
cbargo that the situation of the party
fore the people for their votes, instead of
inihiniiliiig I heir claims to a convention of
delegates. And just here ii where the
! ,m.,r, A,nr f T?. :.,r f.iA r.
' note lbe difference. Ue doubtless was
jinking, as he wrote, of how the master
d a few other ring men in town seat
t thenuelvt s in a store-room, or a trea-
j urer (( ro0m, or a doctor's office, or print-
ing office, or some other room or office.
timt T..m sKall ho Judo-.. iW
j ij-t ,.Uall be treaaurer, and that Harry
be commissioner, and that John
..Iiall b I. pislat-.r. and that the balance
: 0f jj,e ticket the fellows that don't
j ,eI0ng to the ling may have ; it will be a
jn tLe interest of Tom. Dick, Harry and
Johu are elected to the county nomioa
ting convention. The Register has made
the bluuder of charging that same kind
of ring work upon the Republican party,
when it is apparent to the dullest intel
lect that such work cannot ba success
fully conducted under the Crawford
County System. Under this system no
ring can be formed that can nominate
men against the wish of the party. Every
member ha a vote in the selection of
candidates, and any man can be a caudi-
date for oiSoe, regardless of all riii-a and
other opposition that may be made against
him, aud if a majority of the party vote
article appeared in the Register. Com
ment i unnecessary :
Close reading of our exchanges fails
to show us any locality where the Dem
ocracy are not united iu opposition to
Negro Suffrage, and in the determination
to tight the future political battles of the
country under the banner of the WlllTB
Man s Pakty. Radicalism has gone the
length of its string, aud when it resolved
to make the nero the social and political
equal of the White Man it spoke the
sentence of ita own dissolution, From
every quarter we have the cheering iu-
telrgeuce that bosts of Republicans are
lfr W lue, 1'em0('- '? '
jthem in croshiug the enemies of the
country, and iu sustaining the doctrine
that, this is a White Man's Government,
: made for white men, and to be ruled by
wlli, mfn '
A At'tIthe awn is breaking and the
rty of deliverance is about to anwar.
B(; Ernl , jiPm(lcr;lts , bP firra White Men.
and all may yet he well
- m
TaE'1em"tic P"y did not endorse
j the soldier. , It called him. a "Bine
bellied Yankee," "Lincoln hireling," etc..
and voted against allowing him a vote in
the army Now it asks its. members to
vote for Gen. McCandless ou au anti-
white man's party platform., Policy is
the word that governs iu Now it wants
to vote for a soldier aud the negro plat
form, so that it may win:
Mas. Yalammghah was eo affected
by her husband's sudden drnth that her
health is much impaired. ' Many of her
friends think she will become insane,
aud that she cannot live long. ' .
lio.. C. C Cabpe.nter has been nom
mated by the Republicans of Iowa for
Governor. The nomination was made by
acclamation.-' - - i ' ' r
LA6T WednesdayJ the Republican
State Convention of Ohio nominated Gen
E. F. Noyes for Governor! "
liar en Base BmQ Qabs.
Tie Chicago Tmuf'hM' base ball
ctubt a tap, wliicL, In certain ernes, is
not out of pi act. . After atating that
theare general! ."young men from no
where in particular," with '"no" moral
- 1 character that anybody knows of," it
says "go into a game witu another club,
'on whirh fAfTlf therf. Jim staked linmene
sums of money, suppose, it is Mid to
one of them. -lrop the ball at a critical
part of the game and you shall have
8500 for it, hj should he not do it t It'
is a. aimnle error, whkh uolodr . c,,, I
prove to be intentional. He can earn V00
jual a well as not, aud nobody can ac
cuse him of it. In truth, there is no
game in exifU-uce which can be sold with
fewer chances for detection, or in which
a player can enrich himself faster by a
siugle act of treachery.
Why should not the catcher, or short
stop, or third base drop or overthrow a
ball, when a heavy sura of money can
be made, and yet the act be charged to
accident or ill luck ? ' To suppose that
I ar
niue of the kind who play base ball can
be gotten together who are every one of
them, absolute proof against selling out,
ia to entertain a pure absurdity. It has
often been asserted by men who onght to
have to known better, that base ball was
one of the most harmless games that cad
be gotteu up. But when any game ar
rives at that point where betting is in
dulged in, its members immediately be-
come corrupt. This base ball matter, a
school boy's play at best, is well enough
for a paytime for young men, but when
they make a business of it, and go bura-
mingtroH11a the eoanfry m many of then
do the moral effect is disastrous"
Meek of the Bellefonte Watchman,
is one of the impracticables. He won't
swallow the ninth resolution of the Dem
ociatic platform. He is a fierce, fiery
and able writer, and on all subjects and
occasions speaks right to the point. Hear
this Democrat game cock on the ninth
resolution. He says : 4 Radical political
cowards, silly demagogues and men who
have scarcely enough blood in them to
distinguish them from the mongrel ras
cals who are now curbing the conutry,
may 'deprecate the agitation' of the ne
gro suffrage question, but that will not
stop it- It it a question. It will be
agitated, and the Democratic maw;, re
gard lew of would-be leaderB and igno
rant teachers, will agitate! ajitate !
AGITATE ! 1 ! until the unconstitutional
ilirtif and debauching dvgvia of nejro
' fuf'cge it blasted out, aud the govern-
ment of our couutry placed under the
exclusive coutrol and guidance of the
white race.4' There's Democratic than
der for you. Aud -Meek means what he
says, and at least half the Democrats in
the State respond Amen ! There's hon
esty in it. and truth in if. It is the
genuine Democratic sentiment. Ilirris
burg T'hgraph.
Frank P. Blair baa been entirely
forgotten, in the last thirty days. He
left the Repuhlicau party because that
organization did the very thitigs which
his new made friends now endorse. Not
eveu Jefferson Davis or Vallandingham,
clad in his cerements, are as dead as this
victim of his own overreaching ambition.
The Democratic party has rejected! him
and his teachings ; the Republicans will
have nothing to do with him, and his fu
ture lot, like that of Andrew Johnson,
will be to hide himself from public no
tice and contempt in the shades of some
suburban retreat Ex.
You may damn the Yaukee as much
as you please, but it has been that Cal
vanistically bred Yankee brain that made
the foundations of this Government firm
aud secure. It was the Yankee con
science that emote the devil of slavery
and destroyed it, and it is the Yaukee
heart that will build school houses all
over the land, and defend the poor aud
weak, and make justice the stability of
of our times. And righteousness will
rain down on future generations iu this
laud, not because these men were Yan
kees, but simply because they obeyed the
divine irjuuetion to " seek first the king
dom of God." Bitcher.
Waltham, Massachuetts, has its mys
tery Early on Thursday evening last,
a volume of smoke was seen apparently
issuing from the tower of the Orthodox
Church, and the fire engines were called
out to extinguish the flames, which were
supposed to be just ready to burst forth.
But quickly the people were astounded
to see the same appearance about the
tower of the Methodist Church, then of
the Baptist, and finally of the Catholic
Church. . Yet it was all smoke and no
fire, continuing for three-quartera of an
hour, wheu just before dark it ceased
as mysteriously as it began.
After another hard fight with the New
York and New Haven Railroad, Mr.
Coleman, who was ejected from the cars
of this road by the conductor on account
of au irregularity in his ticket, ha; again
gained a substantial victory, . and an
award of. damages U the amount of
S3500. The case has now been pending icle, another large and disgusting Iook
for nearly, three years, and the recent j ing worm with four feet came forth.
trial is the fourth brought against the
company . If .railway corporations will
employ brutal conductors they mnst ex
pect to pay occasionally for their little
variations .'.,r j,. i t-; i. ..;- k
Br a law passed at the last session of
the Legislature, township clerks aria re
quired within sixty days after the annual
election to make out and publish a" full
and complete statement' of the financial
condition of such township, under a pen
alty of $50.' v " "
Farm BaileUejf Iemlihe4 Wraew
lous fcslape r csiue Ben-iee? Be
neath the W reck aiagalar Freak ef
the Wiael. .-.'-j
Between S and 9 o'clock, yesterday,
morning, some men on the track farm
on the South side of the Christiana,
near the month of that river, beard a
J jnSn,,,r 'oaring and nrshing noise, ar
j 4"t"i"u "w
w-pusiagswuiKirpwu. ciwsa-
ed a ,omato Patch- M"S kt'
'"g vines, passed thenee into Henry
L. Towasend's wheat fields,' and appeared
to gather strength at it - went, for as ft
parsed the wheat field, it snapped off
three pannels of fence and then struck a
large ' brirk barn, and pasod around it
to a large' hay barn, a building 104 feet
long. Here it commenced the work of
destruction in earnest. It tore the build
ing to pieces, and leveled the 'Vefy' foun
dation walla on which it was built. -It
next ' struck a wheat barn about
sixty feet long by twenty wide, and
completely " demolished it. - Thence it
passed to a wheat barrack, no portion of
which,' except the uprooted posts, has
since been seen. ; f" J
It next struck a granary solidly bnilt
of heavr white oak. The buildinsr was
too stonf to be torn to pieces , but it lift
ed it off its foundations, moving it several
feet, and then npset a corn crib adjoining
it, smasing beneath it a grain drill and a
- It also destroyed one or two other
small buildings, aud tore up several
large trees by the roots, and split in two
a large locust tree standing near the
house. ; ' '' '
One of the most singular and fortunate
things about the whole affair is that it
passed completely around the house,
without doing it the slightest damsge, or
injuring anything within the home ' en
closure except the locust tree just men
tioned, r .. - '
Some of the performances seem almost
like the fantastic freaks of a sportive
genii. The back barn, first struck, was
not injured otherwise than by tearing off
all of its doors, but one of these doors, a
large one, which it would require four
men to carry, was carried up iuto the air,
whirled about like a sheet of paper.
One of the grain fans standing in the
granary moved by the wind, was upset
and its hopper was taken off and carried
quite a distance and dropped in front of
the house.
A sixteen foot board was deposited in
the top of a cherry tree. The rake of a
revolving horse rake was picked up, car
ried some distance, broken in two in the
middle, and the two halves hung on two
pins on the granary.
It snapped the iron axle f a new
style horse rake off at the hub.
But the most remakable feature of the
whole affair was that, .though twenty cat
tie were buried beneath the ruins of the
large hay bam first demolished, they all
escaped without any serious injury. In
many cases they were pinned closely to
the ground by the debris, but as fast as
the wreck was lifted from them they got
out of the wilderness of confusion around
them with whole skins and sound limbs.
The property was owned by Zadoe
Towneeud and ocenpied by bis eon, H.
L. Towntend. The latter with remar
kable good fortune, escapes all loss but
but that of the sleigh. Had the cattle
uot escaped his loss would have been
very heavy. His father is the principal
loser, but says that as most of the build
ings were quite old, and all would have
had to be moved before long to make
way for the extension of city improve
ments in that direction, he only estimates
his loss at 81,000.
In compauy with Mr. Townsend, sr.,
we rode over the track of the tempest
this morning. We never taw a more com
plete or thorongh wreck. The buildings
were so completely torn up that it seem
ed that there was scarcely one piece of
timber left fastened to another. ' The
hurricane spent its fury there, and seems
to have divided up into several smaller
ones, which damaged a tree here and
there, and then subsided.
another hcrricaue.
On the north side of the Christiana,
shortly after the ravages of. the hurricane
on the south side, a whirlwind suddenly
seized two large willows trees near the
light-bouse, tore them up by the roots,
and hurled them against the light-house,
completely demolishing its porch. We
believe it did no further damage WiU
mington C'immrrcial, June 19.
A Herribie Case.
From tb Hardford Times, 2nd inst
Dr. Bunco, of Glastonbury, bas in
charge a case, in the person of woman
who seems destined, if not soon curod, to
illustrate in her owu person the shock
. r 1 IT m
ing me ot King ueroa. the woman
who ia of a scrofulous habit and const!
tution, has been under treatment, for one
ailment or another, for a period of twelve
or fourteen years. Recently an absess
appeared on the side of one leg, below
oue knee, aud from it issued a large live
worm i Yesterday, from another painful
absess on her neck, just above the clav-
There is much pain . and some ' swelling
in tbe patient's right side. The ' doctor
is of the opinion . that' what has already
been developed of these living inhab
Hants of a living body ia but the begin
ning of what is to follow.-1 He brought
tbi exhibition of the ease to this city. . :t
. . ' : : -!8
" The National camp meeting of Metho
dists, at Round Laks, N. Y. will com
mence July 4th and. continue ten. Jays
It promises to be the largest crsp nett
ing ever held in this country.
Jast a Xft Frakd Tkea.
- : i
Mantles and mantlets aire again eiming
into favor in London. ,
The potato but;, on its aarek cast
ward from Colorado, has already reached
the'viciuity of Wheeling. V." '
Thr first record of paper money ia
found in the scriptural account , of the
dve's bringing the green back to Noah
in the ark. .: -- :z- ..."
V.Whal'a the difference between a honey
comb aud a honey moou I . Oua consists
of a' number of small cella j the other
of one great sell.
Chignons are quite given up in Parts.
Dresses are cut round and with single
skirts ; and shawls, so long discarded,
are coming into fashion once more. ;
During a tornado ia Scranton Iowa,
Sunday the ISih inst., the residence of
Samuel Huntingdon was blown ten rods
and demolished.' Huntingdon was in
stantly killed and' his son and daughter
severely injured, live others iu the house
were sligtly injured, , .... ;-- 1?
Among the Mahommedans no lengthy
legal process is necessary to divorce a
wife from her husband. The liege ' lord
simply 'says to his wife three times,
"Yon are divorced !'' and the tbiug is
done. - The wife, however, has no each
power over, her husband.
The peach was originally a poisoned
almond. Its fleshy parts were used to
poison arrows, and the fruit was for this
purpose introduced into Persia. The
transplantation and cultivation, however,
not only removed its poisonous qualities,
bnt produced the delicious fruit we . now
enjoy. -
Another method has been found to
kill the potato bogs now doing so much
injury in the west. It is very simple,
being merely soapsuds and soda, in the
proportion of three pounds of the latter
to a barrel of the former. The liquid is
sprinkled ou the viues from a watering
pot, aud ia said to be instant death to the
the troublesome insects. .
The English sparrows are a very par
ticular bird about matters couuected
with their domestic arrangements. It
has been published that they will not
live in double houses, and it is stated
that they will not nest in houses painted
white, neither will they live in iron
houses. Wooden houses of a , "neutral
tint'' teems to suit their tastes. They
must be just a little jealous, for it is also
said they do not fancy houses arranged
in clusters.
A despatch from Troy under date of
June 23rd inst. says Isaac Lansing, a
farmer, liviug near Waterford, Saratoga
county, was arrested yesterday, charged
with plotting to destroy his wife's life.
A Oram jsevoes swears that he was
paid SI 05 to kill her, Lansing going
away from home, while the deed was to
be done at night. Justice Cramer, of
Waterford, is examiniug the case, which
produces great excitement iu the lower
part of Saratoga county.
A farmer cut down a tree which stood
so near the boundary liue of his farm
that it was doubted whether it belonged
to him or his neighbor. The neighbor,
however, claimed the tree, and prosecuted
for damages the man who cut it. The
case was seut from caurt to court. Time
was wasted, temper soured, aud friend
ship lost ; but the case was finally gained
by the prosecution. The last heard of
the transaction was that the man who
gained the cause went to the lawyer's
office t( execute a deed of his whole
farm, which he had been compelled to
sell to pay his costs. Then, houseless
and homeless, he thrust his hands into
bis pockets and triumphantly exclaimed,
"I've beat him !"
In 1SG6 a New York merchant received
a letter in a disguised hand informing him
that a person formerly iu his employ had
robbed him during that period of a sum
amounting iu principal and interest to
S2000. The writer stated tbat he de
tired to repay the money in weely instal
ments of S10, and meanwhile to remaiu
unknown. He begged .to be notified
through the New Yosk Herald Person
als" should hU proposition be accepted
Such notification was given, and the
money' was regularly paid, till the whole
amount had been restored. The mer
chant then informed his mysterious cor
respondent that such was the case, in
vited him to call aud was surprised on
meeting him to find that he was one al
ways regarded as being above suspicion.
A TtttRlBLK accident occurred Thurs
day afteruoon at the Cincinnati saw
mills, which resulted in the almost in
stant' death of one of tbe members of
the firm. Mr. A. H Bridgman, the vic
tim, was standing sear the carriage upon
which the log was placed when it wa
rtiuning back for a fresh start. " The
hinge of one of the iron dogs used to
hold the log in its place had become'
loosened, and by tsnme means the dog
was pushed out of place so tbat it was
caught by the circular saw, which was
revolving at the rate of six or seven hun
dred revolutions per minute, struck the
dog with such force as to break i t in two and
sending the larger fragment, weighing
some eighteen or twenty pounds, whiz-
sing through the air as if fired from can
non.. This terrible missile caught Mr.
Diidham in the left side with its iron
hook, and literally . tore away bis whole
aide, so that his bowels protruded and his
liver fell out. , ..'',
AfJGUtiTUS W.' Dawsosi, of Phillips-
burg.' was drowned at Boston, Mass., last
Wednesday . ' v ; c s tv: I
oJ HotRiBtB. -A boy aged 12 years had
both his feet cat off by a mower, fn
Franklin county, on the 9th inst.
a Pnr foal Oil kw Clothes
as4 Sets Fir to Tkea.
! CIOOKITX. join 31. Aimianigui ou
Monday , a most korrible suicide
' perpetrated by a woman named Elizabeth
("Jamr-fln who resided on the comer ol
West avenue
and Third ffreet Lon
ana inira Pirerv,
island city.
It seeau that during thej
fwi, she bad some difficulty wk! her
l.naK.nt M - COUOt of italoUSV. '- Tk
- o -
neighbors beard hard words, but tkougbt
nothing of it. The husband states tint a
little' before midnight she arose from the
bed where she" had been lyingwiili her
clothea on, aud lefre he comprehended
what she was about she poured the con
tenUof a kerosea can ever herself, com-
nletplv aatnratin? her clothes with thej
r.-.v a .
liquid. !,She then deliberate' set fire to
her clothes. ' Before doing so. however,
she took her baby, child, seven months
old, which laitfon the bed, in her arms
The husband instantly grasped the child
and wrapped it in the bedclothes. He
then threw a blanket over his wife,
smothering the flames. On the . arrival
of the physician, the wonan was . found
standing in the middle of the room en
tirely denuded of ber clothing and binn
ed in a moat shocking tnanner.- Not
withstanding the best medical treatment,
the natures of her injuries were such
that Mrs. Garagan died yesterday noon
after great suffering. '. T
The effice of Associate Ju.tge, though not
lucrative, is one of the most important in tbe
county. We taTe frequently heard tbe name
of Dr. J. W. BeaIE, of the borough of Per
rysville, mentioned, as a suitable, candidate
for this position. - He is popular, Me and of
uuimpeachnble integrity ; a man of modera
tion in his political views, and favorably
known to the whole community. ' He is 'here
fore offered to the Republicans of the eoiuity
as their candidate for Associate Judge ; and
for thin purpoie will be supported by
3Uur Stdvrrtisrmrnts.
OoToraori, Boiler and Mud Boiler, all
complete, ror full particulars a.l'iren
1 Peru Milla, Juniata Co., Pa.
June 28, 1871..
I!f pursuance of an order of the Orphans"
Court of Juniata County, the subscriber
will sell at public sale, on the premises, at 2
o clock, r. . , on
SATUEDAY, JULY 22, 1871.
The followiug described ral estate, situated
in the tillage of Mexico, Juniata county, to
on Main street, ia said Tillage, bounded by
lot of Mrs. Mary Wilson on Ike south, by lot
of Samuel Hawk on I lie north, and extending
west to an alley, being lot No. & in the plau
of eaid town.
TERMS. Oue.third of tbe purchase money
to be paid when the sale is confirmed bv the
r . .1 . .... . J
' n,itriininj rwo-inir.13 on tne Erst
Hay ot April, 187J.
Administrator of Ieaao Eiaerick, dee'd.
June 21. lS71-ts
Eeal Estate for Sale.
Tiil? nedereicned will fell at public ale, in
ren-jrvnie. Jiininia eonn'y. Pa., on
The following real estate, i wit:
No. 1. A Lot in the borough of Terrys
ille, bounded by Market street, the Penn
sylvania Railroad, Second Sireet. and Xnrth
alley. This is one of the best locations for
business in the town. There is ou it a large
and conrenieut ST0UE-U0lM, a Two-story
Dwelting, with seven rooms and a basemnt
The lot i well set wilh choice fruit,' and on
it is an admirable site for a warehouse. .
No. 2. One and a half acres iu Turbelt
township, adjoining James P. JoBnston, with
a Frame House, rough cast, and Stable. TU.
on it Apples, Cherries and other fruit in abun
dance. No. 3. A vacant Lot in Perrvsrillo.
Tusearora and Third 8ts . numbered 49.
No. 4. The unditided half of Una Hun
dred ani Eifhty-aTa Acres, in gprnee Hill
township, adjoining William and Samuel
barton. Michael Umholu and Michael Man
ger. Good timber tract.
Those who want any of this trim.rli ;!!
find it to their interest to prepare to buy. It
murtt be sold.
TERMS. Ten per cent, on sale : one-third
of the whole, on the first of October. 1S71 ;
and the balance' on the first of April 1S7'
Purchasers can have immediate Dossesaien m
payment of or securing the purchase money.
iuaiuju n. do Ti .
Anignee tf J. W. Stevenson.
June 23, 1871-ts
STRAYED AWAY from tbe premises or the
subscriber, in Milford township. hn,.i
three weeks ago, a light red Bull, about three
years old. with short straight boras, whrfe-lin-d
belly, and some white on hie flank, lean
iu flesh, and weigba about 1,0 o lbs. A writ
able reward will he iven to the person who
informs the owner of his- whereabonm. Ad
dress M. H. VARNKS
Patterson P. O., Juniata Co.. Pa.
June 13, 1871.
ALL perrons are hereby cautioned against
HuntiDg, Fishing or in anv wav tr.
pasinr on the lands of the undersigned, hi
m uij iiiHsmp. rereoaa e oQenduic
will be dealt
ith to the full ex'cal of the
Robert Molntire.
Samuel Lanver,
liavid Laover,
Michael Hommon, ;
Adam Smith, ,
George 8mit,
.arh E. Cornelius,
Thomas Ramler, :
Thomas J. Darling,
June 21, 1871.
J. E. Mel nt ire.
William Lauver,
Charles Gink,
William Bilger,
Samuel Iloffmaji.
Sebastian Kvpman, '
George Smith, Jr.,
lsuao Baughman,
George W. Gorton.
Walkr Tow ash Kcbool District fur the
school year ending June 1, 1871 :
Balance on hands from last year 321 53
Gross amount of Duplicate 2103 r.
State appropriation....".;.... . "jvt
- ' " -'
Am, of Orders naid ont...t!iT to
Collectors' fees....'. 137 1 7
Exonerations "VT; 60 84
:045 79
Balance in hands of collectors-.....! $1060 11
Sahck McMiis, See'v.
JUdPEBMASaOtt TOW.snrw -
' pillVATTE MALE f 1
,5.1 , :: . ', 1 ;4
M ! rP HE un1erinNiilUas at private sal; a
-- valuahla f-ru. uute4 in ermnaKtt
i ,n.i,,(,.miit. itiiwt H .
M.fiiia. y UrodV. adjininf
! M C it-x. J.m Jaanaa, Sr..
ul WitUau eoulaiai
130 ACUES,;
Atwut Thirty Atm f kich it food Tinhtr-
104 portUa the UmW on ItbeiMg fine
:r;bt . u u'i for Iwitj Irane work.
Tbe rm.in b.iotfrfJ acres are clear,
i-ai in a ! 'i vf co!tiation, uil well
fenced. ki:', letrwij. MrCted a new. ... - .
thirtv fee ir -witli fooatain pump t the
j door, a . r '.
Ouo.l I'Viii'ie JJniili Bam,
40 by 75 feet. Trough with fountain pump
for watering stock near the barn.. Two Cora
Crifti, Stone Spring; and Wksh llouie, and all
other outbuildings usually fuund oa a vell
iniproTeJ farm There are two Springs ef
excellent water nar "the house. ' There 1
also oa the premises an Orchard with a
This property is in close proximity to
schools end mills, and is a desirable place f.r
a farmer.- ' T -
Particular, as I priee and term, ean be
learned by calling on or addressing th aa
dersigned, residing iu Miffiintown, or Philo
Shively, ou the farm.
June 24, 2871. : , - f '
Beef! Veal! Mutton!
THE undersigned hereby inforaia tbe pub
lic tbat he still continues to carry on the
Butchering Business in Miffl'ntown; and will
hereafter supply the citizens of Mifiliu aad
Patterson; with
; CHOICE BEEF, ' . !
every TttSDAT and SATURDAY joorniojs,
and wilh t - - -
Veal and Mutton
every THURSDAY morning. His wagon will
go the roands of both towns on the moruiage
mentioned. As be ia the only bntcher in lliU
vicinity who eontianed in businem during
tbe past winter, for the accoinm.ida'ioa of the
public, he feels that he ia autitlad to more
than an ordinary share of patronage through
out the summer season.
April 12, 1871. - - - - - - -
"Tkesh beef; vbal, &c.
THE undersigned would respectfully an
nounce to rhe public that he has com
menced the Butchering Business, and that his
Kairou will visit MiCliutown and Mexico on
TUESDAY and SATURDAY mornings of
each week, when they can have aa -opporm-nity
of purchasing
cheaper thaa from any other wagon. If
only auks the ri.izens to yive- him a trial to
satisfy them that he fells cheaper and better
meat than aoy other buteber in tue county.
April 5, 1871-tf ,
3Xoit ! 3 1 out I
fp'rcB undersigned hereby respectfully in
-L forms the ertiiens of Mifilintown and"
Patterson that his wagon will visit each
tre-e town on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and
S VTUUD.VY mornings of each week when
they can be snpplied with
Clioico Itecf; . .
"VVnl, 31 nt ton.
duririf the summer srason, and also PORK
and SAl'.SAGE in season. 1 purpose fur
nishing Hecf erery Tuesday aud Saturday
mornuuf. and t and Mutton every Thurs
day morning, tiive ni-5 your patronage, and
will j;urantee lo sell as good meal aa the
country can produoo. and a cheap ma any
other butcher in to count?.
.Tuna 14, 1S71.
THE andersigned hegs leae to inform the
public tbat he keeps constantly en hand
a large stock of
Coal amU I-.uiiilcr. .
ilia stock embraces in part.
At the Laval Cask RattiS
Lumber of all kinds and quality, such as
Wh te Pin Plnnk, 2 inches thick.
White Pine Boards, 1 inches thick, ' '
White Pine Bonrds.'l inch thick.
White Pine K.mr.is ioch thicV,
White Pire Worked Flooring.
Hetnlo-lc Hoards. Scantling-, ': '
Joist, Roofing Laih, Plastering
? ' I-aih, Shiugles, Stripping,
Sash and Doors.
- . .
Coal and Lumber Delivered at Short
holier. -
45?- Persons on the east side of the river
ean be furnished with Limburnvr's Coal, 4e.,
frem the Coal-yard at the Lock above Miftiia.
Patterson, June 14, '71. i, ;
Literary and Commercial Institute
The Faculty of !his Iustitu'irn aiot to bar
ry thorough in their instruction ...1
look carefully after the manners, health. aa4
morals of the students. - : ,
Winter term commences January 9, 1871.'
JteJr Apply for catalogues
Sept 28, 1870-Sm Principal.
Dissolution of Partnershin.
THE partnership heretofore existing be
the undersigned in the shoemakinv tmi
ness, in the borough of Miitiiniown. has been
dissolved by mutual consent. The books aat
accounts will be left at J. L. Knrth'a si...
bop. in Maior Nevin'a new kiM;n.
Bridge street, where accoams ean be settled
up. It is desirable that the partnership ac
counts be settled up as soon as possible.
-May 81, 1871-61 s .. .
Uotice to Tax Pavers.
A LL P"sous paying to Collectors tbe State.
I - Coanty, and Militia Tax in full for 1871
on or before the 2Uth of July, 1871, will be
allowed an abatement of 10 psr cent all de-'
lin-juents will be required to pay tbe fair
amount of their tales.
Collectors will be required to settle their
respective Duplicates by the April tern of
C-.'urt. 1?2. i
By order of the Board of Commissioners.
May 10, 1871-tf
For JSale, .
NEAR M1LLER8TOWN. a fine Farm of "3 ;
!-, on the Ponna. Central Railroad.
All the BKees-ary ut buildings, tools, Ac J
Good water ani fruit. Annlv to 1 ' .
.-. : r . - HERBKK.T"j. LLOYD. .a
112 Sooth 4th Street. Philada., Pa.
June 7, 1971-lt . . , ..-..
' Italian Bees are the Best. '
- . . .
THOSE wishing to recur Queen Beet the
eomiag seasva, caa be aeeommadated em .
reasonable terms ; also. L.' L. Laagstrotk'eT'
Movable Oemb Patent Beo Hive. . Iodividnal '
aad Township Rigbisfor sal. Send (or tir-r
cular- Addresa 4 , . . . .
Fob C2, '71-310 Est 123, Lewistaww., Pa.