T i -A Farm, Garden and HoMoli T Clw Busty Plow. Take a quart of water and pour slowly into it a balf a pint of sulphuric acid (The mixture will become quite warm from chemical action, and this is the rea- 8'u why the acid should be poured slowly into tlie water rather than the water into the acid.) Wash the mould-board (or any oilier iron that is rusty) with this weak arid, mid let it remain on the iron until it evaporates. Then wash it aeiin. The 1 ji ct is to give time for the acid tu dis- F(.lve the rust. Then wash with the waier and you will see where the worst rusty spots are. Apply some more acid end rub these spots with a brick. The acid Mid tiie scouring will remove all the ruf t, theu rub it dry. Brush it over with petroleum or other oil, and let it be until fpritig. When you go to plowing take a Lottie of acid-water to the field and ap ply it every hour to any spot of rust that may remain. The acid and the scouring of tie earth will soon make it perfectly bright smooth. If all iron work be wash ed over with peirolei.m as soon as we put ur tools, implements and muchiues aside lor the winter, it will keep them from niftiii, and save a great deal of trouble and annoyance, to say nothing of depreciation aud lota. American Ag tirultuiist. Cronn ISrrad. We are indebted to the Country Gen tleman for the following: Fur a good siz ed loaf take three quarts of Indian meal, three quarts of rye meal, one half pint of yea t, one teacup of molasses ; mix well together with warm water; put it ii.to the pan in which it is to be baked aud let it mud in a warm place two hours, or until it cracks open at the top; theu bake slowly four hours. If a brick oven is used, all the better in. which case it should remain in the oven over uight. Once get to making bread in this way an J you will give "corn-cakes" and ''corn dodgers" to the pigs. Another rfr,'pe. Two quarts corn meal with as little boiling water as will wi t it through ; a id one quart unboiled wheat or rye n cal, small teacup molaseas. table spoonful Fait ; mix thoroughly with a spoon, thinning down the milk to the enn sistancy of a thin pudding; bake slowly several hours in a covered irou basin ?Iany persons snppoee it is necessary to have rve meal fr this bread, which is ! u liuTiciih to obtain, the wheat Gra ham is fortunately kept in most of the stores and is, I think, preferable. Ai; oF SlltfP The age of sheep j may be known by exaniiuing their front I teeth. They are eight in number aud; Persons in want of anything in ourline wil'. appear, duri. g the first year, of small j 6"e "'"'. n.r giving us a call before pur T . , ., I clusing elsewuere, as we are determined to in me secoun year me two mm-! die ones f;ill out and their place is sup plied by two new teeth, which are easily d'Btinguisiied, being of larger size. In the third year, two other small teeth, one from each side, drop out, and are replac ed by two large ones. In the fourth year, the la: go teeth are six in number, aud only two small oni-s remain, one at each end of the range. In the fifth year, the remaining small teeth are large. In the sixth year, the whole begin to be worn, and in the seventh, sometimes sooner, fall out and are broken. The following is said to be au nal remedy for chicken mites : tffect- Take j common leaf tobacco, as much as the user mav think cccessarv. aud make a strong tea, letting it boil some time, so as to get all the strength from the tobacco ; then sprinkle the tea all over aud about the place where the mites are, and if the first application is not sufficient, use in the same maimer a secoud time ; but the first time is almost alwavs effec'ual 13LITERMILK 1'ersous who have not been in the habit of driuking buttermilk consider it disagreeable, because it is slightly acid, in consequence of lactic acid. There is not much nourishment in buttermilk, but the lactic acid assists the digestion of any food taken with it. The Welsh peasants almost live upon oat-cake and buttermilk. Invalids suffer ing from indigestion will do well to drink buttermilk at meal times Clbe foii Huts. Take a ripe gourd, cut it open aud take out the pulp and seeds together. To one pint of this pulp add three pints of water, and boil till the water is reduced to about a half pint ; strain and add a pint of molasses. When cool administer one-half of this mixture as a drench, repeating the dose, if nec essary, after a few hours ; but one dote will generally cur. Hex jMAM'RK. Save every ounce ; jou can gatlier. Put into barrels or I boxes and cover wifli earth, and in j March next, make a compost, mixing about three parta of good soil to one part of hen manure, and leave it where tire raiu will keep it moist, till wauted for Be A gill of this compost in a hill of corn, will act as a powerful fertilizer. 5IiLKixn i.n Silence. At a Farmer's (.Iub in West Cornwall, Conn., a farmer observed that no talking should be allow ed while milking ia going on. lie iaid that he had discharged a man becau-e he would interrupt the milking by talk ing, and iu three days the increase of milk was equal to the man s weekly wages. Daniel II. Partlett, of East Windsor Ct, has succeeded in proving to his neighbors that it pays to raise good stock. In 1S.09 he purchased a thorough bred short-horned two-year old heifer for $200. he has since had ten calves, from the sales of which he has realized a net profit of $ 1.16a. A bushel of plaster per acre sown broadcast over clover, will add one hun dred per cent to its prorlnction. tflc thing. My Store ia Pailersoa SAMUEL. STKATEE, having purchaed f Levi Hecht, keeps in the new Brick fluild ing, Main Street, Patterson, a large and ele gant assortment of Ready-Made Clothing, consisting in part of Overcoats, Fro'-k Contt, Dress Coats, Pantaltiohs, Vents, Draicert, Collars, Underskirts, Handkerchiefs, , Boots A Shoe And everything usu tlly found in a first class . Gentleman's Furuisuing Store. -' FAXCY GOODS Also a large and carefully selected assort ment of Fancv Goods, of all classes, kinds and 1"""' est poible living prices, Ladies 'Jaiters and Shoes. lie also invites the attention of the ladies to his fiue stock of GAITERS AND SHOES, which he will sell at prices defying competi tion. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. lie hason hand a beautiful assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, ic , which are of a good quality, and well worth the inspection of the buyer. Gold and Silver Watches, Ear rings. Plain and Fancy rings. Watch Keys, Ladies' and Gents' Breast Pins, Gold Pensand Pencils, &c, which at this time form the largest and best assortment iu the countv. 9&.A11 the above goods will be sold cheap er than any other store in the United States. If you don t believe it, just give mm a call and bo convinced of the truth f the assertion FURNITURE. He has also a large Room just opposite his Store where he offers for sale at low prices a general assortment of Tab'es, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Bedsteads. Mwttresses. Trunks. Carpets, blanks, lUcks. and n.anv other articles for house furnishing SAMUEL STRAYER. Patterson, aug If, '07. I7w. MAULEY & CO'S CHEAP CLOTlilXG STORE. This way for Bar gains HAVING removed our GOODS to Wilson's Store l'.ooui. ItriJe street, we are again prepared to do business, and have just re ceived a SEW ASS02T2IEUT OF GOODS, CONSISTING OF Ovor Coats I'ress Coats, Business Coalf Common Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Hats, l!oots and Shoes of ev;ry description, style and quality, for male or female. BOYS' READr .MADE CLOTHING Also, Carpets White Shirts. Fancv Over Shirts, Under Shirts. Orawers, Hosiery, Gloves. Linen and Papor Colars. Cravats and Ties. Trunks. IJm- brellas. Travelling Hags &c. A,"0' '" "ylesof Ladies Cloaks, Cir iejj cheao for e'. BSU I n't forget the corner, Bridge and Wucr streets. 1). W. UAKLEY 4 Co. Aug. 13, X9 S. B. LOUDON, MERCHWT TAILult ! Belford's Build ing. Uridtfe Street, MiiHiiilown. Pa, would re'pectfu'.ly inform the public that he has puicliased the Tailoring Establishment of D. W. A. Belford, unl bts opened out a LARGER AND FINER ASSOIIIMENT OF CL O 77.N'. CASSIMf.RES, VEST1XGS, AC. Than ever was before brought lo this town, which lie is prepared to make lo order ia the LATES1 AXD MOST IMPROVED STYLE. InJ i n (nann.-, (1U, will .l..f.. -It .: tion. 1Ie i,,, manufactures to order, all sorts of CUSTOM WORK On reasonable terms. By strict attention to business, he hopes to receive a lioeril share of public patron age Give hi in a call and inspect his styles of rutting and workmanship before going elsewhere. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray Jiair is soon restored to its original color vith the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this Application, Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi j merit, it will kerp it clean and vigorous. Its m-r-avinnnl nu will nnront tlm l.fili- from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, aud yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analvtical Chemists, .LOWELL, MASS. PBICB UX. SOU Sold by Druggists generally. ftlLROY HOTEL, MILROY, MIFFLIN CO., PA. DAVID I. RICE. Proprietor "PERSONS who may have occasion to stop X ia Milroy, will find this a pleasant aad quiet House. Table well supplied stabling large and excellent. All passengers and bae eaee convey ed, free of charge, from and t ' in railroad. Charges moderate. maSMf IMS. GROVER Sc. BAKER'S SEWING MACHINE. The following are selected from thou sands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the prefer ence for the Grover &. Baekk Machines over all others. "I like the Grover Baker Machine, the first place, because, if 1 had auy oilier, 1 should si ill want a Grover linker, and, nav ing a Grover ft linker, it answers ihe purpose of all the rest. It does a greater variety of work and it is easier lo lear.u thau any other. Mrs. J. C Croly (Jenny Junc "1 have had sevciul years' experience with i - r if- i ,i i . . k . .. . 1 : .. . me satisfaction. 1 think Ihe Grover & Baker Machine is more eai.'y managed, and less liable to get out of order. 1 prefer the Grover & Baker, decidedly. -Mrs. Dr. Watts, Aew 1 ork. . " I have had one in my family for some two years, and from what 1 know of its workings, ana Irom tlie teetimeny ol many ol my friends who use the same, I can hsrdly see bow anything could be more complete or give better satisfaction. Mrs Oetieral I, rant. " I believe it to be the best, ail thing con sidered, of any tiiat 1 liave known. It very simple and easily learned; the sewing from the ordinarv spools is a great advan tage ; the stitch is entirely reliable ; it does ornameuial work beautifully ; it is not liable lo get out of order." Mrs. A. M. Spwner, 3ti Bond Street, Brooklyn. " I am acquainted with the work of the principal machines ; and I prefer the Grove & Baker lo them all, because I consider the si itch more elastic. I have work now in Ihe house which was done n,ne years ago. which is still good." Mrs. Dr. McCready, So. 41! East Twenty third Sirtet, Arie York. " More t ban two-tbirds of all the sewing done in my fairily fjr the last two years has Keen done by Orover & Maker s Machine, and I never bad it garment rip or need memiing except those rents which frolicsome hoys will make in whole cloth. It is in my opinion by far the mist valuable of any I have tried." Mrs. Henry Ward Veecher. The Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company manufacture both the Elastic Stitch aud Lock Stitch Machines, ami offer the public a choice of the best ma chines ot both kinds, at their establish ments in all the large cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout the country. I'rice Lists and samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on ap plication to Grover & Baker S. M. Co.', 115 Market street, Harrisburg. April 27. 1F70. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. WINTER TIME TABLE!. Through and Direct Route to Washing ton, Baltimore, l.lniirii, laie, Buffalo, Korhesler and Niagara Fulls. FOUR TRAIN'S DAILY from and five to Washington and Baltimore, aud FOUIi TRAINS IAILY to and Five from the North and West Hranch Sus quehanna, and Northern and Western Pennsylvania and New York. ON AND AFTER MONDAY. JANUARY 2. 1571. the trains on the Northern Central Railway will run as follow : NORTH WARD. Mail Tuaix leaves Riltimore P:31 a m leaves liarrisburg 1 :"." p m leaves U'illiamsport... 6r'2 p m arrives at Klmira Mi-.W p m Buffalo Ex leaves Italtimorc 10:-'O p ni leaves Harrisburg ":'' a ni leaves Wiillamspoit.... 8:30 a m leaves Klmira ll:Vja m arrives at Canamlagiia. H:li p in Fast Line leaves I'-aliimore 12: to p m leaves Harrishurg 4:'tS p m arrives at WiUiatnsporl :'0 p m Cixctx'l Ex leaves Baltimore 7:41) p m arrives at Harrisburg. 12;il a m Vohk a TIar- leaves York fi:ll)a m risb'o Ac. arr. at liarrisburg- 7:4 ) a in Sisiii'ET Ac. north leaves Harrisb'g t:'o a in arr. at Sunburv- lOioll a m SOUTHWARD. Mail Thais leaves Klmira 5:."0 a m leaves IVilliamsport il:2 a ill leaves iiiirrisburg J:2 p m arrives at Itnliimnre fi:l r) p m Bcffalo Ex leaves I'anandaigua 4:4") p m leaves Klmira V-.ZD p m leaves H'illinmsporr....12:3'l a ro leaves Ilarrisln-rg 5:3" a m arrives nt Caltimore 9:1!) a m Cixctx'l Ex. leaves Harrishiirn 1i':4p in arrives at lialtimore 2:S!I a in Ebie Exra's leaves U illiamsport 8:2" a m leaves Snni ury l();2n a m arriees nt llarrishurg... 1:00 pm Erie Mail south leaves Williumsp't 1ii:00p m leaves Sunhury 12:5 a m arrives at Harrisburg... .'::!( a m TACinc Ex. couth leaves Jlarrisb'g 11:85 a m arrivta a: Baltimore-... t:0 p m YoJtK a II Alt- leaves Harrisburg... .ri:2.'5 p m Klsu'u Act: arrives ai York 7:10 p in Balt. Are. south le'lve Su::bary... rr'K a m leaves Ilarrisbuag S:'iO a m arrives at Baltimore. ..12::10 p m Mail Train north and south. Kat Line north, Pacific Express so'ith Cincinnati Ex press noriu, lork nn.l llarri hiirg Accommo dutiun norih nnd south, Erie Express south, Erie Mail and riunhury Accommodation north and Baltimore Acciumodaiion south duilv except Sunday. Buffalo Express norfh nnd south daily. Ciucinati Express north daily except. Sat urday. For 'urther information apply nt the Ticket Ollicc in the Pennsylvania Railroad I'epot. ALKHED R. F1SKE. General Siiperintendect. Harrisburg, January 2, 1871. 1IIFFLI5T0WJI FOUNDRY EYsACmEJE SHOP ! r'MIE undersigned would respectfully an JL nounce to the citizens of Juniata and adjoining counties, that lie has purchased the Milflinlown Foundry end Mashine Shop, and is prepared to manufacture articles of various descriptions, such as Four and Six llorse-poicrr Threshing Machines, also, Eisht aud Ten Horse Power Machines, being the most celebrated, and best adapted to the wants of the farmer now extant, and which I will warrant to perform all they are recommenUeu lo do 1'lows of the latest and most improved patterns, considered by all who have used them lobe superior lo any now in use in tliiB pari of the country. 1 would especially call l be attention of farmers te the lltON Kl'.W, PLOW, which I am man ufacturing with the latest improvements for 1K70. I am also prepared to manufacture all kind of Mill Gearings, such as Cog Gearing, Gudgoons, Saw Mill Cranks, and Turning and fitting up the same. I also manufacture all kinds of Coal, Wood, Parlor and Cooking Stoves I also manufacture Ilollow Ware, Waffle Rollers for tanners, c. Old Metal and country Droduce of all kinds taken in exchange for work. remember l sell ten per cent, cheaper than any other establishment in the country. J. A. CEISWELL. Feb 16, 1870-tf. IOR SALE Three set of Cook Stove Pat terns. No. 7. 8, and 9. Flasks and Follow Boards, all complete, by SILAS on AMP, ftliffiintown. Oet 5-8tn ; Sttoing ,:E W:, A D V li E T I S E M E N T S . - - WHJEEllER & WILSON'S;-;";- LOCK-STITCH : ; FAMILY SEWIIti MlCnilE S1 o o c3 cz '3' CO HIGHEST AWARD AT PARIS EXPOSITION, 18G7. Over 4SO?OOQ Of These Wcrid JKcuowucd Machines have hecu Made and Sold ! Over 100,000 Machjnes more than has been manufactured by any other Company. Every Machine is warranted three years. Instructions are given to all, whether pnrchasers or not, freo of charge. Iu order to jil.ice the celebrated Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine within the reach of every one, we sell them at the rate of T2TJ DOLLARS PER MONTH. :o: THE WHEELER & WILSON SEWIXO .MACHINE Will Hem. Fell, Seam, Gather and Sew on without chance. Also Cord, Tuck, Unfile. Quilt,' See., and Sew from ;ss. c Jo LaxIi-us lo liuy.-M PETERSON & CAEPEXTEK, General Agents, IIAIUUSIJURO DISTRICT, Office 407 .Market St 914 Chestnut Street D. C. SMITH, local Agent, Jlifflintawn. UmunutHsf, &t. XtT GOODS! NEW GOODS! Martin & Walters' Bazaar ! GREAT CRASH IX FRICES ! HATIXG purchased the Store of X. Frank I lbe undersigned beg leave to rtate. that I niwer, loss of meuiury. u.ihculty of bre.nli & Co., on Main street, in J. M. Uelfora's ,'ler u-lvc '""- huse l lrom J. IS. M. Todd, his j in-r. weak m rves, ireinbliug. horror of liis- storc room, we Would re.ecltu,iy inform the public Ibat we have just returned from the Last with a new and carefullv selected stock of GOODS of the very best quality, couipris ing in part, of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, HOSIERIES, FANCY GOODS, iUEENSWARE, ROOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET BAGS, OIL CLOTHS, C A R P E T S, ISLAM KE IS, KL US. WOOD AND WILT.OW.WAKE, and in short every article usually kept in a well selected store. He inteml selling exclusively for CASH, or in exchange for COl'NTKY l'UOUl'CE. 15y so doiiii; we will bo able to Fell good as cheap as the cheapest. Cull and examine our stock B. HIGHEST PRICKS I' A 1 1) IX TR AUE FOU ALL KIN US OF COUNTRY PUObUCE. M AH TIN k WALTERS, (BclforU-s Store. Iiootn,) Main St., Mifaintowu, Pa. March 0. 1870. THE PLACE FOII BARGAINS IS AT PEXXELL'S CHEAP STOKE IN PATTEHSON, PA. pilE largest and best assortment to be X found in I'atterson. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received from the public, I would respectfully announce that I have just opeued a ery large stock of Goods well suilid to the trade. .My stock consists of a full assortment of fine and staple DRY GOODS, Embracing all the materials for men, women and children s ware, including Hatsand Caps. Uools and Shoes, together with a large stock of Muslins, Sheetings Drillings, Tickings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, ic. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as French and English Merinoes Pop. lins. Alpacas, De iAines, plain anil fignred Shawls, ke. and alsoa large stock of Notions, such as Gloves. Mitts, Hosiery, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, and a general assortment of liress Trimmings. GROCERIES, Such as Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also, a large lot of Queensware, Hardware. Wood and Willow Ware. Fish Salt and Nails. Together with a full assort, mem of Goods usually kept in a country store 3e3&,IIighest price paid for country pro duce in exchange for goods. Prices to suit the times aug 18, 1807-tf A. G. Postlktuwaitk. J. C. M'Naiguton A. G. POSTLETHWAITE & CO , General Commission Merchants FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. - " - So. 264 South Front Street, marll-tf PHILADELPHIA, fl. Handbills for public sales printed en short notica at the 8utu Orrics. o o O as O Braid, thick- swiss muslin to heavy cloth of any I'hiladelpliia. iJiar''3-1y trrrha:uUsc. SPECIE PRICES! EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN TIIE I'RlCEE DF GOODS. AT El 1 NEV STORE, ratlcrson, Juniata Co.. Ta. !r,,l"e aie oi puouj, au.i win m iDe luiure j conduct the nierchaiitiie business at the Old norougu oi raitersmi, Juniata i uuiiij, la .wuere iiieyenaii enueavor to I keen eiinsliknlle r.n ti.in.i n r.,11 nl a. ,,.1.i. assortment ot LADIES' PRESS GOODS, CONSIST ING OP ALPACAS. POPLINS. PLAIDS. LISTERS. Pe LM.Vf. .MERINOS. MOHAIR", GINGHAMS. CA M RRICS. LAWNS, &C. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, JEWELRY. HATS AND CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES, OCEENSWARE, CEDAR WARE. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, ! PISH, SALT, I COFFEE, TEAS, I SIRUI'S. SUGAR. j Having just returned from the city with the nlin.. -.....! ......i- r 1- ..II fl aliovo enumerated stock of goods, all uf which have been purchased since the great decline in Gold, we feel warranted in saying that we can offer Goods at greatlv reduced fig. ures for CASH Oil CUUN I II V PRODUCE. mar23-lf LAIRD & HELL. A. B. FAS1CK JOHN NORTH aSTgw Fi:r:ro.. FASICK & NORTH, SOOT & SHOE MAKERS, THIRD STREET, MIFFLIN, Two Doors Xorth of Lutheran CJiurch. Having entered into partnership, we are now prepared to niauuf.-icture and have for sale all kinds of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, FOR GENTS', LADIES AND CHILDREN. Our work is all manufactured by ourselves, and we warrant it to be made of ihe best ma terial. Oil work sold at our counter will be repaired free of charge, should the seaming give way. Give us a call, for we feel confident that we can furnish you with any kind of work you may uesire. ffafKepairing done neatlv aad at reasona ble rales. FASICK & NORTH. aug IS, lSUO-tf. JOHNSTOWN F0UNTJEY. TIIE undersigned, manufacturer of Jami son's Improved Plow, calculated for all kinds of plowing, and in all kinds of eround. sold cheaper than any other Plow in the County. He manufactures all kinds of Cast ings, Bells, Stoves. &r. He will also repair readers and threshing machines. Give me a call, or address. J. H. ROGERS. Walnut P. O. aug 18 18Mtf Juniata Co. Pa. J. M. KEPUEART BARNES BROTHER &HERR0X WHOLESALE DEALERS IU HATS AND CAPS, 5ns Market Street, Philadelphia, ane 18. 1P!-lv. A LL, KINDS OF BLNK WtJKK. Sic .doue XX "at this Office in the neatest minn, at low prices. I . n a it ea , HEM T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID Extract Catawba GRAPE FILLS. Component FarU Fluid Ex'rart Rfiu- barb and Fluid Extract Calauba .. Grape Juic. FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, BILIOUS AFFECTIONS, flCK OK SEK - VOCS HEADACHE. COSTI VEXESS. 1rc. PURELY VEGETABLE. CONTAINING no MERCURY. MINERALS OR DELETERI OUS DRUGS. If These rills are tbe most delightfully pleas ant purgative superseding cattor oil. salts, magnesia, etc The is nothing more accept able to the eloraacli.. They gire tone, and cause neither nuusa norgriidng pains. They are composed of ihefinritt inyredients. Afrer a few days' U9e of them, such iinrigoratinn of the entira system take place as to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, wheth er rising from improdenca or disease. H. T Helmbold's Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not sugar coiled, from lbe fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, tut pas through tlie stomach wi.hout dieolv ing, coneiuenliy do not produee the desired eitect. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. I elng pleasant in taste and order, do not nee. essit ne their being sugar coated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS l'Eli BOX. E IIEXRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGIILT CONXKSTRATfcnrOMPOtND Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Will radically exierminate from the system Scrofi.li, Syphilis. Fiver Sores, Ulcers, Sort Eyes, Soro Legs, !?ore Mouth. Sore Head, Rronchitiu. Skin Diseases, Sail Kiieiiin, Can- j kers. Kuiiuings fn,m the Ear. While .Swell- in"'?, Tuui'irs, Cancerous Anecri,n:s. .to'les. Rickets GlanduUrSwliiiigs. -Vsrht .Sweats, Rash, Tetmr, Humors of a.l Kin Is. Chronic Ubeumai.sm. Dyapepsia. and all diseases tb.it have been estWisbcU in the system lor years. LJ jLJ BoinirprerarcdexpreoslTfor the r.bovc cm- plaints, its' blood-purifying properties an- prematurely ! -t, prefmis i!eadn:li s. eurea greater than ny other p'eparalion of Sarsa- l! Humors, cuinnei.nsernpri-ii. an I iinr. ii parilla. it gives the - omplexion a clea.- nud , oral heat. AS A I'll ESMN, KOI. T i I K healthy color and restores it- patient to u HAIR IT la'TtiE BEST ARTICLE IN Tlij: state ol health and purity. For purifying ! MARKET. the blood, rentovingsll chronic constilutiunal DR. G SMITH. Patentee. Grot o .lunri ion, . diseacss arising from an impure state of the j Ma-s. Prepared only by I'KO;.' I .K JiUO blood ml the only reliable ani effectual ' TH EKS. Gloucester. Ma. The Orn-ii.e i known retnedy for the cure of pains an 1 j put up in pine', hot le. uade express! v for swelling of the hones, Ulcention-- of ht it. with the name of the article Mown in iin i'hruHt aivl Ifgs, Ulotohe?-. Timples oti tbe f tee, EryjiijieLife anil h!1 &crkly ujtioHS of the fkin. beatitifjing (he coL.ileii'JU. Price $1 50 per bottle. iiexry t. i;f:r.:n:oLDs iirr. rnATi:i FLUID EXTRACT BIW, THE (j HEAT LlL'iim'Iir. Ila- cured eveiy ctc i,f lii:i'-f in which it haa been given. Irrit iiion ol' the neck of the 1 bi.-i'ldiT. aud it:tl tin. (turn nt thu kidneys, ui- ce.ralioti nf the kMneys and lfia-1'ler, reteti j t on of urine, dii- ne of the Ji jirute pi itid. ; "turn- in the bladder. cal;ulus. r iv-1, brik ! iiiirl depo-it. aii'i mneous or millcy die;l:lrpe. : uud itir nt'ei-bled an I tlericaie c;i:iiruiioii I of both Hexes', attended wiib the fiowinc ( synipf inns : l!idisiio?itioii M exertion, lo-:; t ea?e, w iK-tuiue-B. li-.niiu.-s .,1 vision, pun in j the back, hot bunds. Hushing of the b.lv. ' aryne s ot the j.:;iu, erui n .n on toe t-v.e. palid cnutiteii;nce. universal lassitude ot the ! nui"culi.r svdteni. etc. ; Used by perso-js trorn tiie ages of eighteen '. to twenty-five, and fnvn tliirty-fiv- in fifty- ; five or in Ihe decline ci cSi-mge of i:: afier ' coiifiiii-meiit or 1-ibor pains; Led-wcitiu-- in , , , r - r cuilJreu. prr Lii) IIELMBOLI-'S EXTRACT P.UCHU is diu- , i i i i . . i ii i Bl t- ail'l I(Inii'!-?nrilvilitr ,tii,I eores u 1 il.- eases arising e , . - i fi -oiii hahiis of uiosipation, an 1 excesses and iiat.ruiienees in life, ininui itics of Ihe blood, nc, sui-erseding Copaiba atfeciions fur wl.ieli ii is ifcd. antl i-li:iii ic aiieclioiis for whicti it i used, and syphilitic kfi'ections in ti.ee ii-,eaes n-ed in connec tion with HELM HOLD'S ROSS WASH. JA DIES. In minv afleciions peculi ir lo l-idies. ihe Extract Iiucliu is inecioalel by any other "M-. u":u ur,n '"e nano nearer perfec 1.1 .. ! Hon than l.as vet been attaint- !. rente. ly us in chlorosis or retention, iregu larity. painfulness or suppression of custom ary evacatiotis, ulceiated or sehinii.s state ol the menu, leucorrim-a or whites, -sterility, and for all complaiuts incident lo the sex whether arising form indiscre ion or bahin of il'SHipalion. It is prescribed extensively by ihe most eminent physieians and n'.idwive? for enfeebled ami uelieatc co.istitiitions. ot both sexes and all aes (attended with any of! .L-..t I ihe above diseases or symptoms) o II. T. HELMP.OLD'S EXTRACT IH'CHC CUKES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCES, H ADITS OF DISSIPATION, etc.. in all thtir stn;es, at little expense, little or no ciiango or diet, no inconvenience, aud no exposeure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength lo Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and eurinir Stric tures of the L'ictha, sllaying Pain Bud In. flaiuniatinn, so frequent in liiis class of dis eases, and expelling nil Poisonous matter. Thousands who have been victims of in competent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short lime, have found they have been deceived, ami that the "poi son" has, by the use of "powerful astring ents," been ilried up in the system, to break out in a more aggravated from, aud perhaps afier marriage. Cse llelmbold'9 Extract r.ucliu for all af fections and disea-es of ihe Urinary Organs, whelli-r existing in male or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how loos standing PKIt E. ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DOTTLE. HENRY T. HELM HOLD'S IMPROV ED ROSE-W ASH. Cannot be surpassed as a face wash, and will be found the only specific rejicdy in tv. ery species of cutaneous affection. I t speed ily eradicates pimples, spots, scorbutic dry ness. Indurations of Ihe cutaneous memvrane, e.c.di' pels redness an t incipient intlamation,' hives, rash, moth patches, dryness of scalp or skin, frost bites, and all nnrnoses for whiel, salves and ointments are used ; restores the sain 10 a stale or purity and softness, and insures continued healthy action to the ti." sue of its vessels, on which depends the agreeable clearness and vivacity of complex ion so mnch sought and admired But how ever valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin, II T. Helmbold's Rose Wh h long sustained its ci nmed lo unbound patron age, possesing qualities which render it a toilet appendage of the most suuerative an. I congenial character, combining in m formula those promineni renuisilea S.u. Efficacy the invariable acevmpaniments of his use is a perservative and refresher of the complexion. It is an excellent lotion for diseases of the urinary organs, arising from habits of disipatinn used in connection with the Extracts Puchu, Sara-aparilla, and Cata- K, n . Dili. : 1 .1 ,.r, . ,ii ouca uioeases as recom mended, cannot be surpassed. Price One iuuar per Dome. D Full and explicit directions accompany the medicines. Evidences of the most nnnn.;tii, ..! . liable character furnished on applications, nesses. and nnwarrla nt an nn i ;.... . j ' ""'eucer- tlOCatel and reeamandntnr lo-.. . r jrtlffliral. which are from the highest sources, inrlud r eminent Pnysiciana Clergymen, i'e, etc., The propritor Las neTer resortea t their publication in" the newspaprg. does not do this from the fact that hi cles rank as Standard" rreparations, and J not need to be proped up by certificates. '. Henry T. Helmbold's GenoTca Pren . aratiens, delivered to any address. Seetrrr .'roo oV serration. ,i , i ' Established upwards of twenty yews Sold by Druggists erery where. AldresslVt. ters for informal ion, in confidence, to Hgv RVT. HEL.MCOLD. D:-nKeit and f '.e,:,iw" Only Depots: II. T. HELMTlOf.D'S Drn and Chemical Warehouse, No a'Ji hmiymj New York, or to II. T. HKLlBi.ul)'S Mt ii' cal Depot, 101 South Tenth s:reei, Philadel phia. fn. ' BEWARE OF fnUXTERFEITS f( II. T. IIELMUOLU'S. TAKE :,0 OTIiEa. jutic 1-ly . WATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Contains no LAC ifULPUUR No SU UAU OF LEAL) No LITHARGE No MTR.'.TE OF SILVER, and i entirely free from the PoLv ni.ns t.id Health-destroying Drugs ustu hioiher j II air I repartitions. Tnnapnrent ami clear aj cryal. it ;n i not soil lite finel. fabric r.eii'e'lv SAFE , ',r..N" and f FFICIENT desideraiu:,,. lonr j SOUGHT i'oR AND fOUNt AT LAST ! u reslor nn,j f,r(.Tent9 Ilie 1;l;r iVom b eomi,s Gray ilrpiiMS gofl (u,r,e;ir, ! niice, removes Dandruff, is eooi ai. 1 refie.ih- i icg lo th head, checks t lie Hair from fallin; ! oif. and rent. .res it to a great extent wLen glaks. A.k your Druggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and lake no oilier. Ifoy-For SJile at B. F. Ktpuer's Drug Store, I Miniintown. I a. I " SI!j-2ie Firt Prize ncdals iuarded. KSi TIIS GaEAT H&hrh Baltimore Pbno j if " MAXUFACTOP.Y. W T3 KAftK A; Cli. j 2Linu''i turers uf ;rand Square anil Iprizlit I PIAPJO FORTES, i BALTIMORE, MD. ' These Irs'riinietifs have b-et, I'ef-jro he j public for ue irly Tnir'y yenrs, and upon lhe:r i excellence al-me ii::iiiin:U an vucurci-..-:'.'! ; nrtinrnct. wliich prohoaaov-s tueia unequalled, i Their i TONE combines gre?tt power, sweetne1 r.nd fine singing qual.ty. a? well as gtea- purity i f iTit-'iiatu.ii, and sweetness tiiituc-h ihe efiire S'.'aie. TUeir rftrrti I . . , , . .. , , , ;, pminl ar I elastic, mi "-ntrre'r five from .. ' .. . . . . - ' -nesucueb tounu iu s- tnae 1 ,4ri-.i. j In Oltiv.MANslf 1 1 : l'1 ar "f'""1-. '"g n'ue 1,ul the very 'i'f.'rj m'i crim. in. i'ir; es.inia cai . ' bel ie trtrtrd m'ltcritil. t!i l lo.iyea in our oiimess enat-tia-T im to Keep I ' ,. . , ,7 . K on hand. j SfAll our Si inre Pw.i have ottr TTew j Improved OvuasTat'NO Set Lit and the A'ir"tt I Zx3 "e would call special attention in i,t ! 1-ite improvements io tillASD i lASOS un l i SQL'. I RE 'i'lAXl'S, l'atetitd Aueust, 14. Ewery Piiao fully Warrant! J far i Tears. Weliavu made arrangements for the Sole H'WmjV A'Kry fir th most. elebrate-1 paui.o:: ih';axs w HEi.oohoxs. wbi-.-h wt- ulier Wholesale aud Retail, at Low est Fucitry i'rii-s. WILLIAM KJIABZ ii CO. JAMES DEL LA K. Wholesale I-pol, 270 .j- 1 Sen-.h hth at. sp'4-r.m l,hi!.l-.le','hia. AGENTS WANTED FOR FROM tiik FIELDS or LITER A 1 l.'RE. Con taining selection from o.s ursi;s:! of lie I most, popu ar AnEKirts ami rnsxuix auih rs. incluuing Aiatiis, ilancrort, ili.con. beeea-r, I'.iilwer. ( hapiii (E. ii.). Lailyle, Cooper. De 'Juiney. Evereii. Emerson. Newman. Hall. J. G. Holland. Irving. Lone-fellow. Parker, Phil lips. Puns'.ion, Robert.-on. Ruskin. YVb.vely. Webster, and others e'U-.'.!r ce'ebratea lor their skill iu ilie iw nf t-vn u it"il 1. uguae and fur their strong enfurtmiei t of m tie ideas. Six hundred pairoa. elear.t chromo liontpieee in ten colors, unu niuiiv choici en gravings, at one hair ihe piic? "i-;:arg"d for any other book of its quality. Avrr.ts can srll twice as many of ibis book as of any other in the market. Ladies meet with th best fcf snecess. Clergyman, Teachers, and ecergetic young men and ladies wanted in every township t act as. Agents, on very liberal terms. Sen! name ami addre for Ciriulr'r to Z'EGLER & McCURDV Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati. Ohio; Chicneo, 111.; Si. Louis. Mo.: or Springfield. Mass. niv9 Kin lNewTin and Stove EitahlisLraeRt, Perrysviilc, Juniata County, Pa TU'EW undersigned has opened ont a'ntw i Tin and Stove Establishment in he room on Railroad Street, next door to the Tusca rora Hotel, where be would be pleased to sea all who are in want of Tinware. Moves. 4c. He will also give prompt attention to ail or ders for Rooting. Spoul ing and Jobbing, all of which he guarantees to pnt up wilb the best of material and ia a workman-like man ner. Having had over ten year experiei.ee in ihe business he flatters "himself thiit he ' can give entire satisfaction lo the public. He keeps on hand lbe celebrated N'ioirod l-ooK Stove, which is the bet baker, most econ-.mieal and heaviest plated stove new in "e. He will keep on e-nd ihe Oriental Heateis. and a general assortment of the best Stoves manufactured. JOHN DUNBAR. 1 T'ALISTERSVILLE TIN Si!OP. Th.nn i'l dersigned has established liiaself in McAli.-tersviile in the Tinning bainebs. Persons wanting anything :n his line shajM call before purchasing; elstwhrre as i.e is prepared to manufaciure all kinds of Tin and Shett Iron Ware, and to sell as low aa they can be purchased elsewhere. lii.i old cus tomers and the pn'olis generally are respect fully invited 16 call, as he hopes by strict at. tentionto business te deserve a share of pat ronage. aug 18 '691(1 JACOB G. 'WISEY. ' 1 . ... . . ' vuice jor au fciaas ot rum and i aacy t:.: ""v' J a, muuj u i , iimiiug.