Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, March 15, 1871, Image 3

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    tyt Janiafe SentM
WKDNESDAl M0R5IN0, MAR. 16. 1871,
after Sunday, Dee. 4, 1870, Passenger
.' miuid otatioa as follows:
Philadelphia Express.. 12,50 A. M
Fast Line 3.34 A. M.
Harrisb'g Accomnioda'n 10,45 A. M.
Mail Train 6,46 P. L
Cincinnati Express 8,45 P. M.
Cincinnati Express. 1,57, A. M.
Pacific Express 3,46 A. M.
Mail Train 3,27, P. M
Wajr Passenger 10,25 A. M.
Pittebnnr Express 6,20 A. M.
Adam' Express 3,20 A. M.
JCXUT1 EmiriEST," I. , I. o
O F. meets uu the first and third Tuesday
ef each month, in tbe Odd Fellow' Hall,
Ibompsoutown, Juniata Co.. Pa.
WM. J. LEX X IS, C. P.
W. C. Loots. Scribe
See notice of bridge tK-ction in an
other column.
Fur Sale. A good four-horse wagon.
Inquire at this office.
Pi.tti.n Up. Contractor Gantt is
rapidJy putting up a large building on
die Parker Cot.
The McCahan Brothers are putting np
a snbetanti J fiaasc building for Mr. John
Dtv Out. J. Ljona has had the
foundation for an &sf. dug out on his
nee, I v nequhed tetrdory, on Bridge street
Tir-ritne (or receiving proposals for
re bnikliig the Odd Frllow' Hall has
:iiti bfeu extended tfciie ttsaetotLe 1st
if April.
ExCavatimj. Samuel Slimeling is
t xcHvatit a jilaee in a lot on Water
xtrrtrt for a waU on which to pnt a
dwelling Lou.-o.
Commimi x Fkkvices will be held in
ll.e Lulling Ciet-k Lulherau chatvh on
next Sabbath a week, the 26th insL,
commencing at 13 J o'clock A. M.
jGojM.tp SraKAii. Fish are going
Rkmembsr. Those of our readers
who have property insured in the Leba
non Mutual Fire Insurance Company
will bear in mind that John Swan, the
authorized agent, will beat the following
named places on tbe days specified, to
collect an assessment of Four Dollars on
tbe Thousand : ' :
Mifflintown, at tbe house of John Etka,
March 21st
Patterson, at the Patterson House,
March 22nd.
I'errysTille, at the House of John Mc
Manigal, March 23rd.
A Winter Grasshopper Mr.
John Heard. retidin near Wakefield,
seut to our office, ou Tuesday last, a live
Grasshopper. The insect was caught by
Mr B., on that day, on the ground near
his wagon shed. As Tuesday morning
was quite cold, and the ground frozen
hard, while we have had much very se
vere weather during tbe winter, the ques
tion as to how the insect, which has usu
ally bnt an ephemeral aud summer exis
tence, came to be alive on a cold day in
winter is a curious one. MUldhburg
(.Aid) Democrat.
Horsb Radisu for Ani.m ls. Horse
radish is an excellent condiment to mix
with the food of cow to give them an
appetite, and make them look sleek and
thrifty. It should be fed freely to all ani
mals that arc not well aud it will he of
great servive to the working oxen tion
bled with hat. If gireu to cows in doses
of a piut mixed with potatoes or bran,
it will prevent or relieve cows of the dis
ease called cake in the bug. Few ani
mals will refuse to eat it, and some will
eat of it greedily as much as a half peck
at a time.
Ki.o Willi an. An exchange says
Of all the jokes and sneers cast by dis
tant newspapers upon the Emperor of
Germany the follow seems to be the most
amusing :
By will divine, my dear Augusta,
Tbe troop have bad another buster :
Ten thousand Frenchmen sent below,
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
ali.i'it litre, are at the sluice below town,
Ami at t';e mouth of Lodt Creek above
Answer To the questi nt asked us i
Corses Loapimu. The following
supplement to an act introduced into the
New Jersey Assembly would be an ex
cellent law to have in force in this State
It provides that if any person or persons
shall loiter or assemble on the streets, at
the corner of any street, or in the pub
lic place of any village or township of
the State, being under the influence of
intoxicating liquors, or who not being
under such influence shall indulge in and
utter bad and offensive or indecent lan
guage, or shall address or make audible
and offensive remarks or comments upon
ladies passing along such streets or pub
lic places, or shall obstruct or interfere
with any person or persons lawfully be
ing in aud upon such street or public
places, shall be deemed and adjudged to
be disorderly, and may be committed for
any term not exceeding thirty days. Ex
Suicide of A You.xa Lady. The
Perry AJcocale find Press gives the fol
lowing account of the suici ie of Miss Fa
gely, which we referred to last week :
Ou Fiiday morning of last week our
citizens were startled by the announce
ment that a young lady by the name of
L. F. Fagely, a resident of tr'uubury,
Northumberland couuty, Pa., hut who
had been attending school at the Bloom
field Academy for nearly two months,
had committed suicide by drowuing.
From all sources, we glean the follow
ing facts in this sad case After snpper
at the Academy, and about 5 o'clock,
several of the young ladies prepared to
take a walk ; some of them came down
to towu, while Miss Fagely started out
on the road leading across the ridge.
Later in the eveuiug. Miss Fagely not
retiirniug or making her appearance at
the Ac t'leiny. a number of the young
ladies walkrd nut the road with the in
tention of meeting her and accompany
ing her back to the Academy. They re
turned soon afier wi;hout having seen
aica. ornameuts of personal adorn- j ller gome of the V0UI1- e.utlen,en
mentic. The lecturer has recently re- tujenU at ,)le Academy then started
j turned from a visit to Pompeii and will 1 0!lt and msetmg a young Mr. Cl.uk he
jgive a graphic description of all that i ! informed them tl.at he had seen a young
A LkctI'rk will be delivered in the
Court House in MifHut on next Monday
eveuing. the 20th inst., by Pro. J. A
McGiuIey, on the sulject of 4 '? ,
Post and Prcfnl. " 1'ompei!, it will be
remembered, was buried up by an erup
tion of Mt. Vesuvius about 1S00 years
ago, and for a long time was forgotten
Tbe excavations which have been made
from time to time, have resulted in discov
eries of surpassing interest. Many hu
man ekcletouA have been found in vari
ous postures of pain and terror, also licit
p stream. The best fishing places treasures of Art, embracing Frescoes and
G)R.vs How they sling, throb, ache,
smart nd burn, upon our feet. In vain
we beg, and threaten, we curse, we flourish
tbe sharpest knives above their heads, we
burn, we cut, back, hew and fell, and still
the pesky corns remain a thing of misery.
Useless are entreaties, tears, eurses, groans ;
nothing can remove our corns but Brigg's
Alleviator and Curative, a sure cure lor
Corns, Bunions. Ingrowing Nails, and all ail
ments of the feet.
Pius ! Internal, External, Bleeding or
Itching. Tbi- distressing and harrowing
disease is alarming on tbe increase. More
so. perhaps, from the fact that those who are
afflicted wiib it are, from a false notion of
delicacy, afraid to ask for a remedy, thereby
making their condition known. How wrong
and fatal is this neglect. At the first intima
tion of the appearance of this complaint
I bey should procure Briggj' Unrivaled Pile
Remedy, and. using it according to directions,
immedUtely check it and permanently cure
it. It is easy of application, aud thorough
in its effects.-
Headache, Neuralgia and Nervous Di
eases. Tbe wonderful effects of Dr. Briggs'
Allevantor, for the speedy cure of the shore
very prevalent and painful afflictions, is known
to many thousands who have used it with the
nios. unqualified success.- In every case of
i he compUint above enumerated it has never
failed to give immediate reliefs Its effect is
magical beyond Atecedent. One trial will
convince the' most skeptical. Each bottle
making two quarts when diluted for use.
Consumption. This fatal and dreaded dis
ease can, and has been cured. Dr. J. Briggs'
Throat and Lnng Healer is a pleasent, agree
able and sure remedy for Coughs. Whooping
Cough, Croup. Hoarseness, bronchitis. Lar
yngitis. Sore Throat, Asthma, Cornfttrmption.
and all diseases of the Throat, Lungs and
The above medicines are sold by BANKS &
HAMLIN, Mifflintown, and by druggists gen
eral 1 v.
i interesting in this old Roman city.
lady passing along the road. They cou
tinui'd their search for sonic time, but
hundred lim -s, "why is it that the money
appropriated by the SL-tte for the Mifflin I VA Child Poisoned. Samuel Mesh-
utF-rers hat. not been disbursed I ' wc man livet west of Miffliu three miles. ,,ot baamB uer- returned to tlie Academy.
answer, we don't know. ! Last Wednesday a child of his, a boy ! ,I"r prol-J'igfd absence, a-i-i the futile
.,. n"""TV,T i. , , p Uix years old, chanced to get a niece ot ; "card, of the other parties aUimed Pro
l)i(!Ch il.u sK. O. alglier, hsn , J 6 1 'r n-n j w v
, ... . ,,' I a root of an herb or weed from the br.uk fu!,ior d W m. (ricr. Esq.. pro-
t'xp'xte to tmt up a brick house on the . r .i i i , , in
r .. . j . . of a small stream of water tl.at tuns by l"le"jr of AwaVmy, when about 10
J .t i , . i , it i ! m i-liirlf tnpv Ainn rlnwii fo town fltul tiro.
iine tionse, ana cuewea ana swauowea u ; j r--
!.. - : J I 1 . :.i :
The root was poisonous, ihe child had l-u,TO u'"" ...c. . ...
acarc Iv eaten it when it commenced vom their for t!ie m'"S J'uunS Iad)r-
iliug violently, aud was thrown into con-1 rtiiigout on the road over therid?e,
vulsion. Dr. Banks was summoned aud j Lack of tue Academy, they searched the
promptly attended. He found tLe child j aI"nS tbe r0!J ,,"til -'"'J "cbed
in a fearful condition. Bloody froth was J d Clouser's about 1J miles
exuding from its mouth, and the pupild j -rrom BloonifielJ. A daughter of the late
of its eyes were singularly enlarged. The Sim"n Cl.iuser s-iid lhat she hid noticed a
medicine given was effective. In fourjoung Wyoming down the road, but
1 ou lookm" again she bad turned and was
wald before the fire. Messrs Stouer
r.rincl'e will do the carpenter work.
I'vii Sale A House and Lot ou
Maiu Street, in the borough of Patter
:w. Good House, out buildings, &c
Will he cedd low and on easy terms.
Ini:ire of U. 11. Wilson
Feb. 22-4t. Ag nt
Tus ?20 000 lisTRiRcnoN.Remem
ber. the Lest place to buy your Cane
Seat aud Windsor Chair of all kinds, is
at Wm. F. Snyder's Chair Works, Mif
fliniowii, both Wholesale and Retail
All work warranted. Remember the sign
of ti.e Big Red Chair on the pole
Somk Ladies snffer dreadfully with
the headache and this causes their hair
t fade. 'aturb's Hair Rkstorativb
is a sur remedy for the ache and will
restore the color of blanched, gray or
faded hair. For Sale by B. F. Kepner.
MifSiutowu. See Advertisement.
A I.I. those in need of Boots, Shoes,
Ladies' aud Children's Wear, will please
read the advertisement of J. W. Dean &:
1'ro., in another column. Messrs. Dean
-V Bio have located iu Patterson. They
are highly i-pken of as first class work
men, by the people cf Perrys ville, whence
they came.
Pt'BMC Sale 1. D. Wallis, Adminis
trator of the estate of Joseph Tyson,
dee'd will sell at public sale, at the late
residence of said decedent, iu Walker
towuship, on Monday, March 20tk, one
horse, oue cow, grain in the ground,
farming utensils, household and kitchen
furniture. &c.
o'clock A M.
Saij to commence at 10
"Aso Yet Anothbr" Ilocse. Cor
nelius McCiellaa Las contracted with
Joseph Brin.ile for the erection of a
larger frame house than was burned for
lm oa the last n?!it of the year 1870.
Houses being scarce, Capt. McClellan is
putting up a temporary residence on his
lot where be expects to reside until the
housejust contracted for ie fiuished.
For a complete assortment of Crackers
aud Cakes of all kin-Is go to John Etka.
He has Fruit of ail kinds, dried and
canned. Spices. Soaps, of all kinds, best
brands of Chewing and Smoking Tobac
co, aud a good assortment of Confection
eries. Also. Uarrisburg Lime for white
washing for sale. He solicits the patron
geof the public. Drop in and see John
He will treat you kindly.
House anp Lot for Salk Mrs. Sarah
J. Lusk offers to sell her House and Lot.
situate in Perrsville, this county, on
very reasonable terms. The bous is
h eated on the corner of Market and
Third streets, nearly opposite J. R- Oke
sou's etore, and is in good repair. There
is also a shop connected with the house,
fronting on Ma; ket street, suitable for any
busiueM not requiting too much room.
Any one desiring a pleasant dwelling,
would do well to call and examine it aud
see for themselves, and learn terms,
On the loth 'At., in Bethel township. Pul
ton county. r.. MARGARET B. KIRK,
wife of William W. Kirk, formerly of this
place, aged 73 years, 8 months and 1 day.
On tbe 7th ult., in Owego. Levingston Co..
IU., after a lingering illness, THOMAS M.
W AGENStLLER, formerly of this county,
aged 37 yars, 5 months and 23 days.
On the 8ih inst.. in Beale township, Mr.
SAMUEL B. OKESO.V. aged 30 years.
40 So. Zd St. Phila.
3 o'eJork, p. m.
V. S. 6 s of '81 -
4 ........
" '65
' 5, new,
" " '!", new, -
'68 ,
" 6's. 10-40's -
V. 8. 80 Year 6 per cent. Cy
I'nion Pscifio R. K. 1st M. Bonds.
Central Pacific" It. K
Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds.
Mar. 14. 1871.
linSfS liej
. iinrtiuii!
llOJfa 111
9--.0 CaSm
$w awtiSrmfntjS.
hours the convulsions abated. Af:er the ;
convulsions, the chiid had paroxysms of . Goi,,S Lack on tI,e road toward town
mental derangement for three or f.ur TLree "f tlie Clouser boys came out aud
trices 6f board of commerce
Reported weekly for tbeJesiAT Skxvikkl
by tbe Board of Lonimerca of Mitnin and fat
Extra Family Flour. i bbl...
V bbl
Wheat (prime) V bus
Rye " "
j Corn " " ,
I Oats " '
.$6 50
,. 1 80
.. 1 20
.. 6'J
.. fit)
.. 70
. 6 25
. fi 00
,. 1 PO
.. 1 60
Rullor 13 fh 55
hours.' Tbe boy has recovered and the ' listed in the search wi b a lantern, and j E(tg!l. v do. 15
I t.aru, p iu ....................................... i -
1 Country Soap 8
case has been dismissed. The spot from
whence the child got the root b.is been
marked, and when the sunshine and rain
shall have given it a top, perhaps we
may know what :t is.
one of them walking: around a small
pond, near an old coal hearth, discovered
a handkerchief hanging on a twig. In
examini g the handkerchief, he fouud the
name of Miss Fagely on it. He called
tlif iifliprfl. and tlipv romintr h.irlf nojii-rli
M. K. ' Conference. The Central , , , c , . ,, , . .
ledaroun i, and tin illy, about 2 o clock
Pennsylvania Conference of the Metho-1 ,. , . , ,
J , ou r nday m iming, discovered the body
dist Episcopal church held its annual .. ... . . , . . . .
v 1 0j jjhs j. agCjj ln the poud, lying with
meeting at Carlisle last week. 1 he con- J f ice updead. Tbe d wa3 uard.
ference opened on Wednesday the 8th J jr mon ,5 de(.p alld ia dry
inst . and adjourned on Monday, the 13th J fje fnow hu djgapl.ared Uer
inst. The following are the appoint-1 Lody WM akM out At
mentsfor the Juniata District, for the j Academy aud on Friday afternoon
ensuing year: i ,()liu u Suuicr Eq , empaiineled F B
B. B. HAM LIS. Presiding Elder. , CIlUser Vm i lis, C Roth, i Sparh
P il llifiinnir.i.in I' ! ' 1
6 - 1 , i l r i
.M. K. roster ; aiieney auu in uurns as a Jurj
who held an inquest and rendered a ver
dict that Miss Fagely came to her death
J. P. Moore , l,v di'owniiiir. aud was the result of her
C. V. Wilson i "
W. J. Ovens " Ct.
Miss fagely was about 23 years of
age, of a qniet and amiable disposition
and had been attending school at this
place since the 1 lth of Jannary last.
She left no note or reason for commit
ting the rash act, and it is supposed that
it was done during a temporary altera
tion of the mind. She had no parents
living, and her friends at Sunbnry were
telegraphed to, and came on, on Satur
day morning and took her remains back
to her old home for interment.
Manor 11:11.
Mount Union.
Newton Him ikon,
New BloomSeld,
M. L. Smith
W. Gwynn. W. Shnber
J. Moorcbead
Beeswax .
Rags, while
" mixed
Wool, washed
Poultry, live
Dried Apples
" Peaches, pared
' Peaches, unpared
" Cherries
Cherries, pitted
" Blackberries
" Raspberries
Country Hams
Sides and Shoulders
Potatoes, "y bus
Onions "
Railroad Ties
Locust Posts, mortising
" " for board fn'e..
... 8
... 6
... 3
... 40
... 8
... 6
... 20
... 15
." 15
.. 4
... or,
... II
1 00
l on
Shade Gap,
Hioodv Rua,
Rays Hill,
J. Thrush
G. W. Dunlap
W. Ely
II. C Pardoe
1. R. Akers
J. A. Rose. J. Horning
. Shoemaker
W. Dunmire, S. A. Creveling
W. H. Stevens
W. R. Whitney
O. W. Bouse
A W. Decker
J. P. Long
W. A McKee, Isaac Heck man
A. M. Barnitz
J. 5ray
A. W. Gibsou
J. A. McKindless
O. S. Sykes
R. H. Wharton
Advice to Soluub ')ne word of
advice to soldiers dou't sell your dis
charge papers The new law of Con
gress modifies the requirements of the
homestead act that a soldier or sailor
who served ninety days or more during
the rebellion, may dedict his term of en
listment from the five years' settlement
hitherto required to perfect a title For
instance, if he served three years in the
army or navy, be may acquire a full
title to a quarter section of public land
by a residence of two years. There is
evidence that the sharks are preparing to
wring dishonest fortunes out of the law
Soldiers' discharge papers are in active
demand at the west Either by falsely
personating tbe rightful owner, or by sell
ing back tbe patters at an advanced
price, tbe brokers hope to perpetrate a
fraud on tbe government or the soldier,
or both. The warning to all soldiers,
sailors, or their widows and orphans,
having possession of such papers, is to
hold to them trmj.lUrihr; Trie-graph.
PuiLAPiLrhiA. Mar. 14, 1871
SicEis There is no falling off in the d
mand for oloverseed, and further sales of
') bushels were made at lljl2e. Small
sales ol timotby at Zto't ot per snsn.
Flocr. There is less doing in flour, the
inquiry being limited 600 barrels changed
hands, including
Superfine ....... $5 2"(t 62
Extras $5 75(S, L'5
N. W. Extra Family 75(a:.7 50
Penna. do. do. .. ..... $6 75fa,7 00
Ohio & Ind. do. do $7 )0(a,7 75
Fancy Brands $8 0i9 00
Gbaix. The offerings of wheat are light
but the demand has fallen off. sals of 2511
bush of Ohio and Ind. red at$l C3al 65, and
amber at $1 70. Rye is steady at $1 05
Chora is dnll, and prices are barely sustain
ed ; sales 1,000 bush yellow, part at 80 cents
and part on secret terms. Oats are dull ;
sales of 1.400 bush Penna. at 62a65 cents.
rrMIE undersigned offers at private esle a
JL valuable fnim of
154 ACRES,
ilnatf in Greenwood township, Juniata Co ,
adjoining lands of Paul and James Cox, a
pxrt being well limbered, and the remainder
in a good state of cultivation, having thereon
erected a
Log Dwelling House,
and BARN, and other improvements There
is aiso a fine collection of FRUIT TREES,
and an abundant supply of good water.
This properly is in close proximity to
schools, cbuiehes. and stores, and is a taost
desirable location for a farmer. It will be
sold at a very low price if immediate appli
cation is made to
Juniata Valley Bank, Mifflintown, Pa
Mifflintown, Pa.
For Sale or Rent,
TAGE and outbuildings, at Aeademia,
. To a person desiring to educate bis
ehildren, this is a rare opportunity, being
aitnated to near Ihe Academy and Seminary
at that place. Terms easy.
For terms, Ac, address
Feb 15, 1871-St Acidemia, Pa.
j?prrial Jloticrs.
TARRH treated with tbe utmost success by
J. Isaacs. M. D., and Professor of Divam of
the Eyi usi for, A if tpecialty ia tk Medical
College of PrnwyltaKia. 13 peart' experience,
(formerly of Leyden. Holland.) No. bo5 Arch
Street. Phila. Testimonials can be seen at
his offieo. Tbe medical faculty are invited to
accompany tbeir patients, as he has no secrets
in his praitioe. Artiteial eyes inserted with
out pain. No charge for examination.
The extensive use of these watches for the
last fifteen years by Railway Conductors,
Engineers and Expressman, the most exact
ing of w14lwearrs, bas thoroughly de
monostraled Ibe strength, steadiness, dura
bility and accuracy of the Waifham Watch.
Tj satisfy thai class in all these' respects, is to
decide the question as Id the real value of
these time-keepers.
More than wwOjOOO of thefle watcbes are
now speaking for themselves ia the' pockets
of the people a proof and a guarantee of
tbeir superiority over all ethers.'
The superior organisation and great extent
of the Company's Works at Waltham, enables
them to produce watches at price which
rentiers competition futile and those who
buy any other watch merely pay from So to
50 per cent, more for their watches than is
These time-pieces combine every improve
ment that a long experience has proved of
real practical use. Having had tbe refusal
of nearly every invention in watch making
originating in this country or in Europe,
only those were finally adopted which severe
testing by the most skilful artisans in our
works, and long use on the part of the public,
demonstrated to be essential to correct and
enduring time keeping.
Among tbe many improvements we would
particularize :
The invention and use of a centre pinion
of peculiar cotif miction, to prevent damsg
to tbe train by tbe breakage of main-springs,
is original with the American Watch Com
pauy, who. having had ihe refusal of all oth
er contrivances, adepted Fogic'a pa'ent pin
ion as beiug Ibe best and faultless.
Hardened and tempered hair-springs, now
rnier-ally admitted by Watchmakers to be
the best, are used in all grades of Waltham
All Walthnm Watches have dust proof
cap, protecting tbe movement from dust,
and lessening tbe necessity of the frequent
cleaning nece-sary in other watches.
Our new patent stem-winder, or keyless
watch is already a decided success, and a
great iuiprnvemeDt on any stem-winding
watrh in the American market, and by far
the cheapest watcb of its ipi'ility now ntferei
to the public. To those living in portions of
the United States where watchmakers do
not aboumi, walcbe with the above mention
ed improvements which tend to ensure ac
curacy, cleanliness, durability and conveni
ence, must prove iuvalunb'.e'.
The trademarks of the various styles made
by the Cumpjny are as follows :
Amkricax Watch !'., Wall ham, Mass.
Amx. iVati'U Cj , Waltham, Mass.
Amkeican Watcu Co., C'escent St., Wal
tham. Mat-s.
Ai'PLavrox. Tbacv k Co.. Waltham. Mass.
America Watch Co , Adams - t , Waltham,
Waltham Watch Co.. Waltlinru, Mass.
P. S. Uartlhtt. Waltham, Mass.
Wm. Ellery, Waliliam. Mas.
Home Watch Co , Boston. Muss.
Examine the spelling of these names care
fully before buying. Anyvairatioi even of
a single letter, indicates a counterfeit.
For sa'e by all 1 ailing jewelers. No
watches retailed by the Company.
An illustrated history of watch-making,
containing much useful information to
watch-wearers seut to any address on appli
C'cfcral Agents far America Watch Co.,
182 Broadway, Sew lerk.
prepared to furnish all classes with constant
employment at home, tbe Whole of the time
or for the spare moments. Business new,
light and profitable. Persons of eitlef Sex
easily earn from 5' e. to $5 per evening, and
a ptoponioaal sum by devoting their whole
lime to the busiuess. Boys and girls Sam
nearly as much as men. That all who See
this notice may Jen l ih jir address, and t,-st
Ibe business, we maketbe unparalleled offer:
To such as are not wed satisfied, we will
send $1 to pay fur the trouble of writing
Full particulars, a valuable sample which
will do to commence work o, and a copy of
The 1'eople's Literary Companion one of the
largest and best family newspapers :er pub
lished -alV sent free by mail. Reader, if
you want permanent, profitable work, address
E. C. AL1.F.S &CO..
Augusta. Main.
Employment for AIL
QOr S.U.VKV PER WEEK, and expenses
t?Ovy paid A-e'Ws. to sell our new and
useful discoveries. Addle? 15
CO., Marshall. Mich.
AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early in
discretion, causing nervous debility,
premature decay, ttc , having tried in vain
every advertised remedy, has a simple means
of self-cure, which he will send free to his
fellow-sufferers. Address J.- H. TCTTLE.
78 Nassau St.. New York.
EtTtETS fo Ladies and Cents. Sent
Dr. Bonaparte A Co ,
("ineinnatia. tthio.
free for 2 stamps.
mftxy Cooke Co.
Offer roR Sale at Pas and Aicuikd Inter
est the
First Mortiass Land Grant Gold Mt
or the
Northern Pacific Railroad Co.
The oldest and best conducted Mercantile
College in the ''ountry. For circulars, write
to P. DUFF 4 SONS, Piitsburg. Pa.
6-rr Harpers' Ed It lea ef Dl FrS BOOK. I
KELPI10. 4't' pp. lue moat comprehen
sive woik published. Ccntains National
Bank, Railroad liookkeeping 4c.
A Portfalia of first clas Wit and Humor,
containing the Richest Comical Stories.
Cruel Sells. Side-Splitting Jokes, Humorous
Poetry, Quaint Parodies, llurlesque Sermons,
New Conundrums and Mirth-Provoking
Speeches ever published. Interspersed with
Curious Pimles, Amusing Card Tricks, Feats
of Parlor Magio, and nearly 2' 0 Funny En
gravings. Illustrated Cover. Price 15 cts.
bent by m.tii, postage paid, to any part of
the United States, on receipt of price.
DICK 4 F1TZ3ERALI). Publishers.
18 Ann s'.. New York.
DR. 8. S. FITCH'S Family Physician ;
9) pages; sent by mail free. Teaches
haw to cure all diseases of the person ; skin.
hair, eyes, complexion. Write 10 Til Broad
way, New lork.
These bonds are secured, first, by a First
Mortgage no the R lilroad itself, its rolling
stock, and a'.l eqn.pmenis; second, by a Frst
Mortgage on its entire Land Grant, being
more than Twenty-two Thousand Acres ol
Laud to each mile of Road.
The Bonds are free from United States Tax ;
the Principal and Interest are payable in goli
the Principal at the end of Thirty years, and
the Interest Sim:-annuallv, at the rate of
Seven axo Three-Tenths Per Cent, per an
num. They are issnei! in denominations of $100,
S-VJO, $1,0110, $-V, and $10.fK).
Tbe Trustees underlie Morgage are Mesrs
I Jay I note, or Philadelphia, and J. r.Jj;ar
( Thompson, President of the Pennsylvania
I Central Railroad Company.
These Northern Pacific i-O Bonds will at
all times before maturity, be receivable at
Ten Per Cent. Premium (or 1.10) in ex
change for the Company's ljn'.j at their lnr
esi cash price
In addition to their absolute safiy. these
Bonds yield an income larger, we believe,
than nuy other first-class security. Persons
holding United States 5.'JU's can, by convert
ing them into Northern Pacifies, incre
their yearly incline one th-'rJ, and still bare
a perfectly reliable investment.
HOW TO GET THEM . Your nearest Bank
or Banker will supply these Bonds in any desir
ed amount, and of any needed denomination.
Persons wishing to exchange storks or bonds
for these, can do so wit h any of our Apnis.
who will nl'cow the highott current price for
Those living in localities, remote from
Rank', may s ud monev, or other bonds, di
rectly to us by express, and we will send
back Northern Pacific Bonds ot onr own rik,
and without cot to tbe invetnr. Fof firr ti er
information, pamphlet's maps etc., call
on or address the undersigned,- or aay of the
Banlis or Bankera employed to sell this Lon.
for sale bt
WE PAINTER & CO., Bankers,
Ajen's for Eastern Pennsy'eania,
Foreign Domestie Merchandise ia
tbe county of Juniata for the year H7l. as
approved and classified by the Mercantile
M areata 4 Co., &arJware........l2
Tartin 4 Walters, merchants.. ..I-
Wilten 4 Cor.,- merchants ....... .-.,13
S. B London, merchant tailor. .4
Wm Rnllman. jewelry ....'I
Noah Littlefield. stove dealer ... 1 1
D. W. Harley 4 Co , clothinj; U
John Yaakley. merchant. ....... M
J. II. Simons, saddler ....It
P. P. Sulonff, grain ana tanbei.' t
H. D. w-elitr, slio-; st..re U
Par id Watts, book store 14
John Kit a, store It
J. G Lipp. st.re... 1 1
Snl-imon B-jok. confectioners . . . T 4
Cornelius Bartley, merchau. .-.. 1 1
B. F. Kepner. druegUt .-.14
Ranks 4 Hamlin, druggists.. ...14
S. B. Albright, hotel -
Jacob Will, ho-el 9
Samuel Murphy, hotel 9
John Hollohaugo. restaurant.. .. S
George Frysinger II
Bealor 4 McKeehuirmerobant.-4
J. f. Stavenson, meobant ...... 14
Okeson 4 Co.. merchants 12
Cyns M Funk, confectionary.. M
Smith 4 Woods, hardware . . ..13
J. A'ter, confectionery ...... ...14
J S. 5L OiVscn, merchant 1-1
John Duirtnr, Store de- ler 14
Robert Logan, confectionery.... 14
anmel Hue, merchan.. ........ 11
Fr.n Rouse, farcy s'ore. .. .. u 4
John B.tUb-tch. grain dealer
Jacob Iteidlrr, druggist.
John .Mnnijral. hotel.... ...
Coyle 4 Willi, store........
Dr. J. J. Applebaugh, druggist
and variety store ..14
G. R. Klopp, saddler .....14
fl. S. Mills & Co , merchants... 12
Wiii'uier 4 Bro.. merchants
Kiihu I'.enr.er, coal dealer,...
Ir., E James, confectionery .. .
Amo Snyder, hold ...... . ..
Nathan KeeTy, merchant.......
Jacob Frank, merchan'........
George Goshen, merchant .....
Samuel Siraver, clothing store .
Hell 4 Laird, merchants
William Wright, mrrehaui, .....
Joseph IVnnelt, merchant.. '2
Mrs. F. Ilaum tuan, fancy store. 14
John Lipp, stove dealer.. .......14
P. C. Kunili.i, drufgis 11
J. North 4 Son. grain V lumber 1 X
.. !
. .
19ih Year. 6 0 Acres 13 Greenhouses
Largest Assortment all sizes. Best Stock !
Low Prices : Would you Know niial.
When, How to Plant! Fruit Shade, Ever
green Trees, Root Grafts, Sedlings, Oiage
'iants. Apple Seed. Early Rose Potatoes,
Shrubs, Roses, Greenhoase and Garden
Pi-nts. Ao., 4e. Fie we r and Vegetable
Seeds ! Finest. B?l Collection ona and
quality. Send 10 centa for New Illustrated.
Descriptive Catalogue !K) page". Send
stamp, each, for Catalogues of Seeds, with
plain directions til pages; Bedding ami
Garden Plants 32 page, and Wholesale
Price List 24 pages. Address
F. K- PHtENIX, Bloomington, Illinois.
Kone Genaine unless signed L Brrrs.
John Hanneittin, r?stauraut ... 14
Wm. Coleman,-restauran'
Caleb Parker, hotel..... 0
D. A. Dough man. II
Noah IlerliTer, merchant.-. 11
J. A. Rice, confectionery.- 14
Jaco'o Lemon, flour deale. 14
Enos BcrgJ, ffour dealer 14
N. P. Vandyke, merchan 14
Jerome Ileitick, tr.ercLaul 11
F Hack, merchant y.- 13
S. L. Ilerr, eonimissios merchant 1 1
J. Ilickahaugh. merchant 13
Kurtz 4 Heruler. merchants.... 13
Francis Hyde, hotel 8
P. 4 J. Brcwtr. merchants 13
W. II. Mealier, merchant 14
J. T. McAlister. merchant 14
John Mutersbaiigh. merchant ...13
Wilson 4 Bro.. merchant 4 grain 1 1
R. Caveny 4 Sun, clothing etore 14
C. S. Winey 4 Co., merchants. .. 1
Jacob Winey. stove dealer ......14
Jitcnb Sim-fa, boarding
' grain and flour.
.John North. hote'..,
Sarah Shield, kctel
Inane Halieman, merchant ...
E. Sliellenherirer, merchant..
Rhine 4 Graybill. merchant..
Jon;Y Gar-map, Sold
n. C. Landis, hotel
Amos Miller, merchant
Jonathan Weise-, merchant..
Jacob Weiser. tnerchaut
J. L. Barner, hotel.-
U. P. Weiser bote'
J. J. Pimm & Bro . merchants
Thomas Cox, hotel
srntxx it ill.
Daniel Conn, merchan.
J. L. Barton, merchant
Ewing 4 Woodward, merchant?
Joseph Pomeroy. merchant ' 4
John P. Kelly, meridian 1 4
ttiiieon Halieman, hite1 H
Dr. J. P. Strre t. merchiiiii ....14
Peter Evans II
... 8
... 8
... 8
... S
. 8
A Great Offer..
Horace Waters,
181 Broadway, N. Y.,
will dispose of One Hundred Pianos, Mklo
deons. and Orqaxs of six first-nlass makers,
including Waters', at extremllt low prices.
roR cash, nrRtso this month, or will lake a
part cash and tbe balance in monthly or quar
terly installments.
vi will insert an advertisement
o:vis 3lO.TlI
In line Hundred and Fifty-fire First-class
Including Eleven Dailies.
We refer to Ibe publisher of this piper, to
vhom our responsibility is well known.
Address CE0ECE F. EOWELL & CO.,
lavrrtislag igeats,
Iws. 40 4 41 fark Rw, lew lark.
who en-a-Te in our new business make from
I flO per day in their own localities.
rull particulars and instiuc'ions sent oy
mail. Those in need of permanent, profit
able work, should address at once, GEORGE
8TINSON 4 CO., Portland, Maine.
Can be made in a quiet way by men that are
capable of keeping the secret. Address
G7 Exchange Place, New York.
IftOfi Use the Vegetablo 1C7n
Tbe ol 1 standard remedy for Coughs, Cold,
Consumption. 'A'otMmj tetter." Ci'TLsa
Bros. & C., BoMon.
J)-fi9. 81 3u
Bearing 7 310 Interest,
Redeemable after five (5) and within twentj
one (21) years.
Interest Payable March and September
The Bonds are registered, and will be is
sued in sums to suit.
Jlo. 40 S. Third Street, Philadelphia.
Stocks bought and sold on eammiicn.
Gold and Governments bought and sold. Ac
counts received and interest allowed, subject
to Sight Drafts.
J. S. Laird, nicrclian .- II
I. C. Crawford, mi-rchaol 14
Dohhs Bros. 4 t'o , merchant... .1 4
Win Van Swer:.ng"u, merchant. . 1 4
Robison 4 Clnrfc. invrc'innt...
A. J. Ferguson, merchant....
N. E. Kirk, bote'
Wm. llacket. eating houte
E. R. Allen, citing housr... .
James Jacobs, conu'C'iuaerj .
. H
$12 50
12 Ml
10 00
7 00
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7 10
7 Oil
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7 On
R. II. Patterson, mercliaii ,14 7 OO
R. Rohisun. mert liaut II 7 00
E. Montgomery, fanning null-... 1 4 7 0)
I will hold an appeal at the Commissioner;'
Office, in Mifflintown. on TUESDAY, MA IV.' II
21. 1871, between ihe h.iurs of 'J o'cl.H-k A. M.
and 3 o'clock p. ef said day, when all per.
sons may attend who fee! themsidves aggi 'ev
el by Ihe above aiiraiement and closeifict
tion, as there wi'l he no appeal after tbat time
Feb. 22. "I. Mef.iuli't .ptr-u.r
Cnrm in,fiti: All Altf) IH : Pfnf. iMla, JSB TV.
4ih m., CiBcinnii. O., u4 Ur. (. M Charloua,
K. Car mak- , tag aMsMiBBhiaf
c-rtt f H O 4 Cl W "ir (nwt
C'aneer.lalidote m k T witM tti
feaifo or ranrtt. t ".
ntl with bat lUt X I A Mim. Ewr
mi mm Ai.r io Ci VU4 ud r
bowmI. if ukwB ra H0t4 -ira-aa4
mr rytani Itcwar v I I . Watmprw.
fraw-.r. vilh their ? 7 CrvaiV
MMta, Mmliac tf tfl tfl t tfl dvvrtif
DirnU. Xa mrrgrt ' ' mw area
irv(aDTiu. N'H trtkwr ohnaM mr b mA. ior
part:-i!ar in' T"T rtrt-nNr. rtt. ir ) -. Vit
' MitUiatowa, Pa.,
ORGANS for Juniata county. These are
ihe best ORGANS now made. Suited lo all
cireumsiaoces. Trices ranging from $X
All instruments sold warranted for five year,
aujr 2 l70-tf.
rOKL. Lumber, Fish. Salt, and alt kinds
v of Merchandise for sale. Chestnut Oak
Bark, Railroad Ties, all kinds ef Grain and l
Seeds bought at Ihe highest market pried for
cash or exchanged for merchandise, e.al.
lumber. Jte, ie suit customers. I am pre
pared Ie furnish lo builders bills ef lumber
just as wanted and en short notice, of cither
oak or yellow pins lumber.
Jaat Part R"al. Jaaiata Ce Pa.
TI!K uki;.t t At si:
Jwtt Published, in a Sealed En -rlnpe. Pries
six cents.
A Lecture oa tbe Nature, Treatment sail
Radical Cure of peniionh'e i. or Seminal
Weakness Involuntary K.missiijti", P'l'ia!
Debility, and Impediment, to Marriape gen
erally : Nervousneis Consiimplion. Ipily
and Fits; Mentr.l and Physical Inenp-ieity.
resuliiiig from Sidf Ahnr. Ac Py Iln: :kT
J. rnvrRwrtt, M. D, Author of Ihe -Green
Bock." Sc.
The world rrnowrif I author, in this ad
mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own
experience that tbe awful eonseiuenies of
Self Abuse maj be edrctually removed wiih
out medicine, and without danzerous surgi
cal operations, bougie, instrument, rin;.
or cordial, pointing out a mode of cure e r
lain and effeetiial by which every sulToier.
no mailer what hi eonlitinn maybe, iy
cure himself cheat ly privately, and radical
ly. This Lirrraa will pcuvi a . to
TU(irM-s aan TiiorstxiM.
Sent under seal, to any adre, in a plain
sealed envelope, on the receipt of six rents.
or two postage stamp, by addressing the
Also. I'R CfLVERWELL S - Marrlaja
aide." price 25 cent.
Address the Puhlisher,
127 Bowery. New York. P. O. B-x 4..W.
Literary and Comaereial Institute.
The Faculty of '.his Institution aim to be
very thoroiirh ia (heir iwstrnelir.a, and t
look carefully after tbe BMcaers, hc.lt'a and
morala of Ibe Mw4ent.
Winter term eontmeacea January 9, 1971.
aW Apply far catalogues Ie
Sept 1 l;o-timJ rrreeifiU