Cjje Jn&iatx Srnlrael WEDNESDAY MORNING, DC 1870. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ON AlfD after 8unday, Dec. 4, 1870, Ptwtnm jraius win leave Miuia oiauon, asiouows: KASTWARD. Philadelphia Express.. 12,50 A. M Fast Line 3.34 A. M. Harrisb'g Acconimoda'a 10,4.' A. M. Mail Train 6,46 P. M. Cincinnati Express 8,45 P. M. WESTWARD. Cincinnati Express 1,5", A. M. Pacific Express 3.4G A. M Mail Train 3,27, P. M Way Passenger 10,25 A. M. Pittsbure Express G 20 A. M. Adams' Esprees 3,26 A. M. JAMES NORTH, Ag't jcsim ExcixriEXT," s. 19, 1. o. 0 F. nieeis on the h.st aud third Tuesdays of each month, in the Odd Fellows' Hall Thonipaoutown, Juniata Co.. Pa, ' WM. J. DENNIS, C. P. W. C. Looas, Acrtoe. TOWN AND COl'JiTRV. Read Our space is to limited to make any extended remarks on tie "New York Observer Year Book." See ad vertisement in another column. Almanac. We are in receipt of a copy of the "Old F.-anklin Almanac." Mail 20 cents to A. Winch, 505 Chest nut St., Pliilada., aud get one. Finger Broken. A son of John Keiser, while at play with other boys at a stone pile, the other day, bad a finder broken. Enlakurd. The Echo, will be en larged and otherwise improved in Jan uary. Goon. Tyrone is organizing a Young Men's I'hristiaii Association. The young men of Mifflin and Patterson ought to do tire fame thing. ;e Spring Wagon, made af ter the latent style, for sale by N. E. Liulefit-ld, Jiitflintown. Auy person calling soon may secure a bargain. " ,., A Dzar Pair of Gl.jvks. Iwocit ... ize 11s of Suhbiiry quarreled about a pair f gloves, went to law to set'Ie the matter, and got it settled for one hundred and twenty dollars. Ove day last week several "tramps'' turned a tame bull belonging to J. Sim- ituker, near Mauheim, into a wood and curiosity in the world- Injudicious ad killed it Th.-y took off the hide aud vertising is like fishing where there is no sold it to a turner f..r S2 7 trrlthurg You need to let your litw fall in T.!c?rapit. ! the ''g'1 fl-icc Ex. Ukal Jviatk. lVisous tslii m to 1 itivst in reai estate, at requested loi'n ... vC..u...B reed the advertUtmwrts of V. 0. Laud amount or 1.1 n 111 (iizerciii ue.ua u und Amos Si-vdor. for the -ale of valua cultivation, the following table is giv- Lie real eUU-, in another column. Bad. - live api.lictuious tor tlivorce have been entered by citizens of A I too 11a " Lorenzo Dow, if living, would aay that the devil united the applicints in matrimony, aud uow is ceeking to dis imite tin -r.i. F.ntk.kkii Ills Dctif.s. Our old friend Ilicliard Doyle, of Beale township, ban been July iastt'W as Justice of the IVce f-.r 8iid township Business en trusted t J him r.'iH he jR-omptiy and prop erly attended to. Thaxks.- We tender our thank to Mr. J. C Blair. Secretury of " Citiien.' Jyecture Aswiation." of flnntingdon, for comprmcntary ticket and referved seat, for the occasion of Josh Billing!''' lecture, at Yenter s hail, Tuesday eveu ing, Uecemlier 20, 1S70. Ar.L Captains. The Altoona blood? recently made the effort to rise a mili tary company. All inteiested in the " tnovcmpnt a?pired io the captaincy. Of -ouri"e the effort filled. A company o captains ought to be raised in that ambi tious town. Br Wise To-day. "Tis madness to neglect a cough or cold, however slijrht Consumption may follow, and though Dr AYistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry has frequently cured this mnch dreaded dis ase, it almost invariably cures the pri mary diseases of the throat, Inngs and chest, where other remedies fail. Railroad Time. The clocks at the numerous stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad will be hereafter regulated by means of telegraphic communication from the Allegheny observatory. 1 Ins ar rangement will keep their clocks in ex act agreement with the mean time clock at the observatory. Ex. Instalf.0. Register Dun, and Sheriff Ard. have this week been properly in tlled in their resT)ctive offices. Gen tlemen, we trust that the new positions way prove both pleasant and profitable to you It is with regret that we part with Register Beale and Sheriff Deitrick. They were competent, faithful and oblig iag officers . OCR modern course of living begets a condition of the body that requires occa sional relief. The system becomes en feebled, deranged, clogged, and labors in iU task. Tlie mind sympathizes with it and both sink, or are depressed together. To restore the vital energies, purge the system cleanse the blood take Ayer's Pills Glasgow (ivy..) Free Prett. Commhnion The Sacrament of the Lord' Supper will be administered in the Lutheran church in this place, on Sab bath next, the 11th inst. Services com mencing at lOj o'clock A. M. Prepara tory services on Saturday afternoon pre vious at 2 o'clock. Dr. Zeigler, of Se Iiosgrove, is expected to assist the pastor Rev. D. M. Blackwelder, throughout the services. AMOS 0. BoMALL, of tba Democrat and liegM'er, hai returned from the 8outh with health unimproved. Sorry that that country contained 00 balm for his Buffering body. Photograph Gallery for Bra-: The Gallery now occupied by John at. n lmer, ajtoated on Bridge street, Mif- nintown, will be for rent on the firat of January next. Possession given on the first of April. This gallery has one of the finest locations and is one of the most convenient in the central part of the State. For further particulars inquire of Mrs. J. M. Bglford, or, Amos H. Martin, jan-4t MifHintown, Pa. Tbll it to Every One That Jas X. Van Onner is running a market car between the city of Philadelphia and the mountain village of Tyrone. His time at Mifflintowu is Wednesday noon. Jim is an euterpr'wing and obliging man, and doubtless will supply the community with the "good things" of the eastern markets, lie also will carry to and from any points along the line euch goods a may be en trusted to hit care. Hut we must not anticipate, for Jim ays that he is ' a going" Ui have a long piece of bis own in the papers, telling just what he ex pects to do. Public Sale The undersigned will offer at public sale, at the barn of John Schweier, near Mifflin, on Friday, December 9, 1870, three work horses, lot of shoats, a number of cattle, 1 four horse wagon. Buckeye mower and reap- I er cou.biued. with self-rake, 1 grain drill which can also be used as a corn plauter, 1 straw and hay cutter, 6 plows, one a three-horse plow, one cart aud harness, two bide saddles, 1 ten plate stove, and a number of other articles. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock A.M. John Schwf.if.r. B F. SCHWfclER. You cau't eat enough in one week t i last a whole year, aud you can't adver- I Use on that plan either. Large type I isn't uecessary in advertising Blind .,,,- 1 folks coo t read newspapers. A con- , .... , ! slant cropping will wear a rock Keep dropping your advertisements on the pub lic, and they will soon melt under it like rock salt. If you can arouse curiosity by an advertisement it is a great point gaiueu uc lait ka uuu ' A I .efu. Table -To aid fanners e 1 - 1 -rr . I l . en by an agricultural e.ofemporary : 5 J raids wide by S yards l-aig contains 1 1 ii .. j ... : .j . 1. .. jl varda wide bv 4S4 vards ' - - j . - ;i contains one acre; 20 yards wide I by 212 3-ards long contains one acre ; 40 yards wide by 121 yards long eoulaiua one acre; 160 yard by 40J yards long contains one acre; 220 feet wide by ICS feet long contains one acre: 110 feet wide by 396 feet long contains one acre ; 90 feet wide by 72C feet long contains one acre Ex. Family Blrnku. About 3 o'clock on Saturday morning a fire broke out in thej few days' use. no penoa who loves a dwelling of Mr. J. V. Boyer, near Mar- nice clean mouth and a first-rate abarp ,, ... rr; , u cnerof the appetite will abandon it. He- kleville, Perry to. The house and all;.. . IT that it contained was burued, together with j Mr. Boyer, his wife, and two children, a j HARRIED. boy aged 12 years and a girl aged 1 4 j .... , .1 t -1 .1 years. J lie only one 01 me lamity mat. , escaped was Mr Boyer's son. Thomas, who leaped out f a window, and so nearly had Ihe flames reached hiui that he had not time la dothe himself he escaped in his night clothes. The fire it is believed originated from the explosion of a coal oil lamp, the light of which had been turned low and left burning. A Splendid Chance. To every per son who will send us one dollar and a half and become a subscriber to the Sen TIN'F.l, between the date of this paper and the first of Jannary next, we will give a premium. We will give to every such person a monthly journal, called the Peoplrs' Juwnnl ; and to the patrons of the Sf.VTINEL who arc in arrears, but will pay up to the first of January and from that date pay one year in advance, we extend the same offer. We will send them both the Senfin-l and the People's Journal for one dollar and a half. Such an opportunity has rjevpr before been offered to the people of Juniata eounty. We trust they will appreciate it. See out offer of preminm of Pmplc't Jour nal in another column Specimen copy of People' t Journal can be seen at this office. Court Plaster. It is so easy, says the Scientific Review to make this article and so dificult to purchase it genuine, that the process should he known in every household. Soak bruised isinglass in a little warm water for twenty-four honrs ; then cvapofate nearly all the water by gentle heat, dissolve the resi due in a little proof spirits of wine, and strain the whole through a piece of open linen. The strained mass should be a stiff jelly when cool. Now, extend a piece of silk ou a wooden frame, and fix it tight' with tacks or packthread. Melt the jelly, and apply it to the silk thinly and evenly with a badger hair brush. A second coating must be ap plied when the first has dried. When both are dry, cover the whole surface with two or three coatings of balsam of Peru, applied in the same way. Plaster thus made is very reliable, and never breaks. A shower of rain visited this place on Monday evening accompanied with thun der and lightning. Late in the season. Ws call attention to the advertisement of the N. Y. Methodist in another col umn. It Is one of the best religious and family papers in the country. -How is this for High. The Belle fonte Republican says we clip the follow ing .from the Fulton .Republican as one of the most remarkable freaks' of nature on record : Jonathan J. Bitner inform us that Mrs John Miller of Oakland, Allegheny coun ty, Md., recently presented her husband with four children at one birth. At last accounts the mother and children were all doing well. The neighbors have pre sented the mother with a purse of 8500. Communicated. Prof. J. W. Shumaker, whose ser vices have been secured for the Teach ers' Institute, to convene in this place, Dee. 13, 1870, has a reputation as a reader and lecturer which ' should attract the attention of our citizens as well as teachers. He has won the loudest, com mendations of the press and people wherever he has lectured. On Thtirs day evening of the Institute Prof. Shu maker will give readings in the Court (louse, consisting of selections from Shakspeare, Dickens, Longfellow, Trow bridge, Mark Twain and other popular English and American authors ; also from the sacred Scriptures. On Friday even ing the Professor will deliver his popular lecture, " How to Say Things " This lecture is full of instruction, yet wonder fully amusing, and, as denoted by the public press of Philadelphia and other cities, has really proved a sensation wherever it has been delivered. Onr cit izens have a feast in store for them on these occasions, aud we trust they will compliment the Professor, sustain the In stitute, and favor themselves by being present. Salt For Tub Throat. In these days, when diseases of the throat are so universal prevalent, and in so many cases fatal, we feel it our duty to say a word iu behalf of a simple' and what has been with us a most effectual, if not a positive, cure of sore throat. Fur many years past, indeed we may say during ibe whole of a life of morr than forty years, we have been sulject to aore throat, and m3re particularly to a dry, backing cough, which is not only distressing to ourselves, but to our friends and those w ith whom we are bronght in to business contact. Last fall we were iuduced to try what viitue there was iu common salt. We commenced by using it three times a day, morniug. noon, aud night. We dissol ved a large tablespoouful of pure table salt in about a half a small tumbler full of cold water. With this we garglo the throat most thoroughly just before meal lime. The result has bceu, that during the entire wintet we n-ere not only free from coughs and colJs, but the dry, back ing cough has entirely disappeared. We attribute these fatisfactory re sults solely to the use of the salt gargle, and most cordially rr-cotnmend a trial of it to those who are sulject to diseases of the throat. Many persous who have never tried the salt gargle have the impressiou that it is unpleaseut. Such is not the case. Ou the contrary, it is pleat ant, and after thxmpsoi.town. on the 21tU ulc, by Re. Joseph Gray, Mr. VI LL1AM If. WEBSTER, ol TiioKipsomown. ahd Miss SILL IE DUNN, of JLilford tewnsbip. special Itciitfs. Ba?"l'EAFNE.S.S. BLINDNESS, and TA TAU&H treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., and Professor of Ittteaia 0 the Eye ani Edr, hw tpec tally the Medical QolUpe of P entity Ivattic, 'i peart' expert net, (formerly of Leydea. Holi'jnd,) No. 805 Arch Street, Chila. Testimonials eaa be saen at his officu. The medical fjicutly are invited 10 accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his praitif e. Artificial eyes inserted with out pain. No charge for examination. oet 1 2-1 y THEOOUSLE-OVEN Sunnjside Cook of 1870, la constructed a EXTtRELF XEW AXD SCIENTIFIC PRIN CIPLES, with SIPHON' FLUE, guaranteed to thoroughly iieat two large oveaa, aud eix pt holea, with two-thirds lb fuel useJ in the single ovea Cook Stoves. We are still maaufacturiog our long and favorably knowa BARLEY-SHEAF COOKM STOYES, so highly esteemed by the public for several yeaca past. THE JUiMATA, Our great double heating PARLOR STOVE, has been nueh improved and beautified this year. Where known the merits of this Stove need no comment. Our celebrated SUMDE FIRE PLACE HEATERS, among its many premiums also cairied off tbe first premium at the Maryland Inttitute at Baltimore, in 18U9, although subjected to tbe most severe tests at the home of the Balti more Heater. This is tbe only true hot-air fire-place Heater in the market, and like the regular built cellar beater loses no heat. Send for Circulars and testimonials. STUART, PETERSON & CO. Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by N. E. LITTLEFIELD Miffllin- rtown, Pa. Sep. 7 1870 3m. GEORGE FRYSLNGER'S Cigar and Tobacco Store, In Kirk's Room, on Main Street, MIFFLINTOW3V, PA Is now open. Everybody is invited to give bim a call. None but the choicest brands f Cigars, Tobaoeos, Pipes, See., &e., &e kept on band. Wholesale to merchants at manufac turer's prices- Orders promptly filled. Sept 12-3a Commercial. CLOSING PRICES OF ' ' AO So. ZdSt.PMla. 3 o'clock, p. m. Dee. 6, 1870. C. S. 6'sof '81 113J113 '62, 107j(a107 " '64 .. -106&107 '65 106(107 " '66, new 1C9J(K'9 '67. new, 10!)JIOJ '68 I09J(Slo0i 6'e.lO-4U',.; - 106(jl0fij V. 8. 80 Tear 6 per cent. Cy 1 infrtHOJ Gold unjoin Silver,. - 1C6 !08 Union Pteifie R. R. 1st M. Bonds- 910 f 9?0 Central Paoifio R. R - 805 815 Union Paoifio Land Grant Bonds. 695 ($705 MIFFLINTOWU & PATTERSON MARKETS MIFFLIN GRAIN MARKET. iC. FLOOR, Super, bl. $4 50 Extra, 5 60 Fancy,-.. 6 50 Bye, V ewt. 2 00 Corn Meal,v.- 1 75 GRAIN, White wbet,. 1 20 Red Wheat I 15 Rye....... 75 Barley,,.. 75 Corn, old'. 65 Buckwheat 90 Oats, 40 SEEDS. . COAL, fl ton Treterton to ft 00 do Egg C 00 Sunburv store 6 00 do Egg 0 0U Cheelhut 5 00 Pea. 3 50 2 75 .... 4 00 ... 4 50 12 DO . 12 00 Mixed WOOll. Oak......... Hickory,., HAY, Timothy,. Sorer,. Retailed Artiotes Clover, f but Timothy. Flax ..... Planer. ) toi. 10 00 4 25 2 00 Correcled weekly by D. P. SuluuQ. GRATBIMTrSHElLr'RICES CUR RENT. Reported Weekly. Vrime Poll Butter SU ZgS 32 'ard 12$ Tallow. 08 Wool 48 Rice 11 White Sugar 14 Brown do 10tol3 Best Rio Coffee ... 25 Ground alum salt 2 00 Hairy suit- 9tol4 F1UCES OF BOARD OF COMMERCE. Reported weekly for ihe Jcxivta Skntixil by the Board of Commerce of Mitllin and Patterson. Wheat. 51 20 White beans, Rye...... .. 75 per bus 2 00 Barley 80 Beeswax lb 35 Dorn 65 Soap, dry 08 Oat ... 85 Candles 12 Clorerseed 6 00 Wool, washed 45 Timoshyseed. 4 00 Rags 03 Flaxseed 2 00 (Butter, prime Dried Apples, roll, 1 Hi... 30 i per lb 08 Egs, dox 30 Peaches, pared 20 Tallow, 111- 08 " nnpared 12 Lard 13 Cherries. 0'i Hams ........ 25 Currants 20 Shoulder 16 Blackberries. 10 Sides 16 Potatoes ... . 80 Salt, Ground Alum y sack 2 00 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Philadelphia, Dec. 6, 187C. Cloversecd continues in demand, with sales of 100 bushels at 10:il0c per lb. Timothy is nominal at S5n5 25. The flour market is exceedingly dull, with lit tle demand ; about 600 bbls., changed bauds, including Superfine ...... $4 0(3 4 75 Extras So 00(5 50 N. W. Extra Family $5 50( (iO Penna. do. do f 75(i 6 50 Ohio Si Ind. do. do $ 2"r,7 10 Faucy Brands $7 25(u,8 00 The demand for prime wheat contin ues good at fair prices, with sales of 2, 000 bushels Indiana red at SI 40 ; Dela waie, 31 30 ; Indiaua and other Western amber, SI 43a 1 47. Rye sella at Doa94c. Coin is quiet, sales of 3,000 bushels new yellow at 72a74. Oats are firm ; 2,000 bushels sold at 54a5Gc. HisffUan?ous. GKAYDJLL & SHELLY, CRYSTAL PALACE, MIFFLINTOWN PA. COMPLETE STOCK. OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES O T I O I S , HA TS A XD CAPS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Queensware, Stoneware, Earthen' ware, &c, c. SSf Tlie highest market prices allowed for produce, iu exchange for goods. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Call and see us. GRAYBILL & SHELLY. MifHintown, July 20. 1870. 5-20's : AND 1331' BOICHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED OX MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GrOld BOUGHT AND SOLD AT MARKET RATES. Coupons Cashed. Pacific Railroad Bonds Bought and Sold. Stocks BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION ONLY. ACCOUNTS RECEIVED AND INTEREST ALLOWED ON DAILY BALANCES, ' SUBJECT TO CHECK AT SIC.HT. DeHAVEN & BRO.. 40 South Third Street, rhilada. DR. KXjXMAU. u 'he 'A.(W''jAt Cattcmr ImttttuiM, Wtl Arch St.; Pnt Dalton, 218 W. 4tii St., CmcinnftlL i I Dr. Unten., M Charlotte, i. J., xt nusk c m of m ft Cancer A ntiduUt w kaif nr mantle fi iHlwitlibatl)ttl 1 wituvut kistj roel and 6in it Q aarvtd. if Ukrm m mI fwwi. with their 7 7 71 of! boRui treat-vlTrtia-hftva theM Burnt. CtetUiBf nnr Ifi tfS ffi bmru. jo otnera trsUmaU. Koae nthttr howld aror he aaed. For particular!. aent for eircalar. gall, or wa aa atyyj. yoBG Genuine unless ssjnetl L Brrs, The Best Paper, AND TBS Best Inducements ! This Quarter's 13 numbers SE.it FKEC to all subscribing, before Dec. 25, l.o. for next year's Fifty-Two Numbers of Moore's Rural New Yorier, TUE ORKAT ILLCSTKATED BUBAL AITS FAMILY WE2KLY, FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY, The Rural, now ia fts 21st year, is not only ibe Largest, Best and Cheapest, but by fir the Largest-t Irralatiag Journal f its Class In the HOT l r ' National in Char acter, Ably Edited, Superbly Illustrated aad Primed iis Ihe .BEST AMERICAN "WEEKLY ! It is the Standard AutkoitT on all branch es if AcnicrLTrKB. IIobtictltcbc, &c. As a Literary ana Family Paper it is a favor its iu mny of the besi families all over the Union, Canada, ko. Indeed, Moore's Ri'ral ha no Jiivnl in its Sphere, and is the Largest Illustrated Journal on the Continent each niimStr containing Sixteen Five-Column Paged, (double Ibe sue of most papers of in clnss.) U is the paper for ihe East, Vet North and South. TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, &C. TER.WS. $3 a Year ,,f &2 Numbers, and only $250 in Ciubs of Ten. This Quarter's Vi Numbers tent FREE) as offered above. Our Club Inducements tor 1871 are unpre cedented. Specimens, Premium Lists. Axe., sent tree to all forming Club", and we want a live Club Agent in every Town. Address. D. D T. MOORE, 4 1 Park Row, X. T. THE NEW YORK METHODUSf AN EIGHT PAGE WEEKLY. Now in its Eleventh Year, publishes St mons, a Serial Story for Ihe Family, a new Children's Story every week. Chats with the Little Folks, Editorials by the Method it writers and other. Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, full Departments of itelig ious and Secular Intelligence. Price $2.50 a year. Liberal premiums or ensb commis sions to canvassers. Subscriptions commence at any time. For specimen, encose a two cent sump to repay postage. Address THE MfcTIIOIMST, lil Bissau St., N. V. Holiday Journal for 1871 Contains a Christmas lory, Splendid 1 lays. Magic Sports, &c, : lt paries ; illustrated. Sent Free on receipt of one stamp for pos tage Address ADAMS $ CO., Publishers. lio.ion. MASONIC BOOKS. Axe.ns Wanted. Send for Circular. Ad dress Maso.nic Pcb. Co., 432 llrootuc St.. New York. CHRISTMAS GIFT lo all Yearly Sub il scribers to Applelon'g Journal, publish ed Weekly. Two Mombs Subscription Gsatis. The Mouths of November and De cember, INTO given gratis lo all subscribers remitting SI. for the year I 7 1 . Any one ucstrous of msknig a trial of the Joiksal to see whether they like it. can have u lor TWO MONI'ilS ou remitting us titty tents rn-rusEsiji-K Ahkrica, cousistmsr of splen didly executed views of American Scenery, commenced in November. D. ApPLEton & Co., Publishers. New Y'ork. GEN KOUT. E. LEE'S LIFE. Nearly readv for Publication, the Biography of Gee. liobt. Lee, by John Esien Cooke. author ot "Life of Stonewall JncSson," 'Wearing the Grey," etc. 1 vol., 8 vo., 600 pages II tistratcd. To be sold by subscrip tion. AGENTS WANTED. D. Arrt.iToN & Co.. Publishers, New York. SHOirj ' H AND.a'mTnute in Four weeks. Send two stamps for circu lar. S. GKAP. P. O Box 4S47. New York. KAVELERS 1.IFE AXD ACriDEXT IXSl'R AXCE CO.Ml'AXV, of Hartfon!, Conn. Cash Atfels. $1.ft"'0.000. Grunts LIFE and E1D0W9EST Pol icies of all approved tonus. Ample security, low r!ifp Also inqtir,- tJ ngMinst iff IDEM? causing death or k.i .1 disahility. paid $700 pr day for si Tears in benefits to poiicy-buiUerj. DON'T WASTE TIME AND LABOR bv us-ng up an old Axe, Send $1.5j to LIPIMXt'OTf & 15AKEWELL, Pittsburg Ta., and they will sen 1 a tip top Axe, Ex prcssage paid. Half a day lost in grading will thus be saved. PERKIUS & HOUSE'S PATENT. NON-EXJOSIVE JIETALIC KEROSENE LAMP- Is absolutely safe from explosion or break ing ; unnis any 1 oal UH. good or bai : gives more nciit, no odor, ami uses loss oil. "It is pertectiy nott-erplosive. The light is better than is produced hy any other lump. M S. Clark, tres'i ilastachusttts Agricul tural Ctilltye. "It is perfectly non-explosive, gives a let ter liaht aud is more economical than any other lamp in use." W. W. II ell; late Svb. Pub Schools, Chicago. The appalling deaths and fires from glass lamps exuioUing ami breaking create a great demand for this lamp. It rATS to sell it Sold by Canvassers ; Agents wanted every Where, fcml tor circular and terms lo Montgomery & Co., Cleveland, O , 4J Uar clay hi., V. S25 1 Week Salary! Young men wanted a- local and traveling sales mm- Atinress Iwiin stamp) It. tl. A1 KER, 34 Park Row. N'. Y. $30 A DAY, sure, burg. Pa. LATNA 4 CO., Pitt - Agent c Kead This! f T7E WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY of V $.11) per week and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and won derful invention. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Marshall, Mich. -lOOr; Use the Vegetable ICTf) The ol 1 standard remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption. 'Xolhing belter." Cctxer ISkos. & Co., Doston. CHERRY PECTORAL TROCHES Are superior to all others for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hronchial and Lung difficulties, are exceedingly palatable. hve none of that nanseatida horrible Cubed taste, are very soothing and ant like a charm ; Ministers, Singers, and Public Speakers will find Ihey are especially adopted to tbe voice. Sold by Druzgist. Also lUJSHTOJf'S F. V. COII LITER OIL, for Consumption and Scrofula ; use no other UP HAM'S DErif,ATOnY POWER. Re moves superfluous hair in fi'e vtittMt. without injury to the skin. Sent by miil for S1.25. U PIMM'S ASTIIMA CURE Relieves most violent paroxysms in five rain. uter knd effects a speedy cure. Pr;ce $2 by mail. THE JAPANESE HAIR STAIX Colors Ihe whiskers and hair a beautiful black or brown. It consists of only one preparation. 75 cents by mail. Address S. C. CPHAM. No. 751 Jayne Street. Philadel phia. Pa. Circulara sent free. Sold by all Druggists. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizes cashed and information furnished by GEORGE CMPHAM, Providenee, R. I. gfur dwtisnnftits. " f AQIC EGGS Big thing. Send for Cir il eular to A. Thomas, 820 Washington St. Brooklyn, N. T. , PSYCHOMANCY. Any lady or gentleman can mako $1,000 a month, secui their own happiness and independence, by obtain ing Psychomancr, Fascination, or Soul Charming. 400 pages : elolb. Full instruo i tions to use this power over men or animals j at will, how to Mesmerize, become Trance or j Writing .Mediums. Divinaiiou, Spiritualism, I Alchemy, Philosophy if Omens and Dreams, i Brigham Yo JHg's llarem. Guide to Marriage, Ac, all coutained in this bonk ; l'Ml.OOO sold : j price by mail, in cloth f 1 2-3. paper covers $1. Notii'K. Auy person wiilin io act as agent will receive a sample ropy ul lite woik free. As no capital i ri-qoired, alldesiious of genteel eniploymont should send for the i hook, enclosing iocts. for postage, to W. W. EVANS & Co., 41 touih 8th Si., l'hiladei- phis. j A CARP, A Clergyman, while residing iu South America as a missiona y, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Eatly Decay. Diseases of the I'ri nary and Seminal Org-ins, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful aud vicious habits Great numbers have been cured by tlrs noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the alflieted and iiniortiines I will sand the recipe for preparing and us ing this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it. free of eharve. Address JOSEPH T. INMAN. Station D. Bible House. New York Citv. j?a!r5 of geat tfstatt. j At Private Sale !j THE undersigned offers at private sale a tract of laud in Tuscarora township. Ju niata county, one mile southeast of Mcl'oys ville, containing. FOUTY-SKVKX ACHKS and some Perches, about twenty three acres j cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the balance well set with timber. Thej property is well watered has do buildings. I but good location for buildings. It is a de- sirable property, and will be sold low. ; Also a Lot in McCoysville, having a Good House and Stable ! and oiitouildinss tlivreon erected, alss a small Building suitable for a oeniaker. Saddler, Tailor or Tin Shop; a Well of good water on the premises. This is a desirable property for a tradesman, in a good community, and convenient to school, store and mill. B For further information call on or address the undersigned, iu Patterson, or J. S. Laird, in McCoysville. norS'Mt W. C. LAIRD. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE!! rI",IIE un-lersined offers at private snle a ! 1 tract of laud, situated in Milford towu- j ship, Juniata county, one mile wet of Patter- son, adjoining lands of B:iItzor Lnitver and j others, containing abottt FOKTY-FIVE 1 ACRES, all in a fine s:ate of cullivation. There is upon this tract a GOODLOG-FBAMEIIOrSE, BARN, with a find oilier outbuildings, topciiit-r fine collection of choice r lU'IT TREES, of. Uudorljing it U a valuable Jej.ofcil This property would be a most desiral.le ! residence for a Mechanic, Butcher or tJari- ' euer. Alo a I GOOD FltAMK IlOI'Sli,1 i.-h Lot. on' Main street, in the I.oroh of Patterson, adjoining lot of Oeorg W. Koth- rock ani others. t Also a very valuable Vacant Lot adjoining ! the above and opposite the si ore of Lair I Bell. ! Tersnns wishing to view this property can ; inquire on Ihe premies. and for further in- formation are referred to LOC1S E. ATK1X- ; SOS, Esq.. Mifiiintown. ! If tins pripertv is nnt previous!? so,d, it House on ' SattiToav Jannanr 7 1S71 SiatUTaay, January 7, IS1, at.". o'clock P. .H.. at which time and place will be given ard terms made known by I AM03 SNYDER. HEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. THE undersigned ofl'srs at private sale' a certain Lot or Tract of Land, situate iu Milford township. Juniata county, adjoining lands of Alexander McOhan aud othtirs, containing 2 ACRES, and sonib Perches, about Fifteen Acres of i men are in a good state of cultivation ai,U ; the Wlnnee well set with Timber, having ' i hereon erected a LOG HOUSE iLD LOG STABLE. ! ane all necessarv outbuildings, also a Young i ORCII A I!D of excellent fruit, persous wish- ; Bowers, residing near the premises, or the ! undersigned, near Patterson. JOHN T. MET LIN. ! Oct. 6-2m I A LECTURE TO YOUIXG Just ruhlithed, in a Sealed Envelope, six cents. TVicr A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and : Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal ! Weakness Involuntary Emissions, Sexual ; Debiliiy. and Impediments to Marriage gr-n- j Having enlarged, remoilded ?nd improved crally : Nervousness. Consumption. Epilepsy , my old and favorably known Ffc'll EMl'l and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity. K1U.M. and having imported a very large resulting from Self-Abuse. &c. fly Kobkbt ' and splendid assortment of all the different .1. CfLVERWELL, M. D , Author of the (Jreen ' kinds ol Furs from first hands in Europe, Book," ic. and have had them made up by the most The world-renowned author, in this ad- I skillful workmen, I wonl I respectfully invite mirahle Lecture, clearly proves from his own my friends of Juniata and aljiccnt counties, experience that the awful consequences of to call and examine my very large and bean Self Abuse may be effectually removed with-! tiful assortment of Farley Furs, for Ladies out medicine, and without dangerous surgi- j and Children. lam (!etern.lnd to sell a, as cal operations, bougies, instruments, rings, ' low prices as ny ether respectable House in or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure cer- j this eily. All Furs Warranted. Xo n.isrep tain and effectual hy which every sufferer, : resentatien to effect salts, no matter what his condition maybe, may! TfltlV IMRrrnt Uter what his condition may be, may i cure himself cheaply privately, and radical-; ly. i His lecture win raovs a buos to titocsamis sn TitrsNis. . ! Sent under seal, lo any address, in a plain ' sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, I or two rosin ue stamps. Also Dr. Culver-, ell's ' Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, j CI? A 8. J. C. KLINE 4 Co. 127 Bowery, New Y'ork, P. O. Box 4.58C. Bl f.r.rCKIMf KTATV nRIH LOOMSBLItU hTATli XOKMAL SCHOOL AND Literary and Commercial Institute. . The Faculty of this In.titutirn aim to be very thorough in their instruction, and to;10""'' look carefully after the manners, health and Fresh Bread, Bolls, Cake, morals of the students. Ilaving purchased the Milflin Bakery, I am J(j5 Apply for catalogues tn IIK.V Ki LAIH ER. A. M.. Sept 28. 1870-6m Principal. WITH BMUTIFtXEXGRAVWC, 13 X IT in. On vvar 10 rants, j AdJreit. ECHO, Ptrt Rejol, Pa. j nop mix Tk... ..e ri. i. r terns. No. 7. 8. and 9. Flasks and Follow Boards, all complete, by SILAS SHAMP. Oet S-.Sm Mifflinlown. yaisrfilanfous. The Great Medfcaftiscoierj t Dr. WALKEB'S CAIXPOKSIA VINEGAR BITTtRS, 3 Hundreds of Thousand C5 Bear tcxlmrnj to thcrr Wooder- ta ini tamnvc tacci. 5i WHAT ARE THEY?!?- Cffi 02 S TJTET A HE NOT A-TH.E " ? ? FANCY DRINK,?Sf Vide of Pear Ram, W I. Inker Prf Hpirlls aatl Relate Uqnere doctorvd.apteed and sweetened to pteate the taate, called Ton lea," "Appetizer," Restorer," c. that lea tbe tippler on to drunkenness and rclo, but are' atrae Medicine. made from tbeXatlre Root and Herbs of California, free from alt Alrchnlle Htimalanta. Tboyare theUREAT BLOOD PrilIFlKttaad LIFE GIVIMi PR1N C I V LE a perfect Renovator and Inrip orator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to direc tion and remain Ion; an well. Fr Inflammatory and Caronltr Uaea mntim end tont. Dyspepsia Indl vevtien. Billon, UemlUetiT a cm! Inter mittent Fevere, Plaeenee'ef the Blood, Liver, Kidneyts, end Bladder, these Bit- trrs have been most snccessful. irk Dl eartee are caused by TUiated Blood, which. Is irenerally produced by deraaemeLt of th9 DIsetive Orvan. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Headache, Pain In the Shoulders. Conjchs. TLfhfr ns of the Chest, Dizziness. Soar Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste In the Month. Billons At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, InflasitratroA f the Lnnffs, Pin tn the regions of the Kidneys, tad e hundred other painful symptoms, are the o J pr.ngs of Dyspepsia. . They Invigorate the Stomach and sttmnlete the" torpid liver and bowels, which rendertfaemof no equalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and imparting, ne-w life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN' DISEASES-ErnptIons,TeUcr, S1t Itiienm, Blotchea, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Balls, Carbuncles, fling-Worms, Scald-Head. Sort Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Dlsco!oratkns of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the B;in,f whatever name or nature, are literally ting ip and carried oat of the system in a short time by' the use of these Bitters. One bottle In suca cases will convince the most incredulous of their eurative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon flud IU Impurities bursting throoKh the skin In Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when yon 4nd it obstructed and sluggish in the veins: cleanse It when it Is foal, and your feelings will tell yon wben. Keep the blood pure and the h'-a!ih of the system will foHw- Pl S, TA PE and other WORM'S, Thrtlnc In" tUe system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed aad removed-. Forfait directions, red carefully the clrcnU.r around' eseb bott'. J.WALKER, Proprietor. R H. MrDOSALP ft CO., Drna-ists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cel and S and 51 Commerce Street , w York. SOLD 1ST ALL CUCOGISTS AND DEALERS. SKty-STe First Piize Tied a Is Awarded. - t?if! :i:t' vr Baltimore Fiano M A X 1' F A C 70 R Y . WILLIAM It V A HI, & Vii. Mtmiifulurtrs (raud Square anil I pri;ht PSATJO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. . , . . , . These Instmmsrrts have been before the public for nearly Thirty years, an.lnp.n tl.eir "'""e attained antwpurekpre- "btch pronounces then, uuequalled. lJe:r TONE combines greaf potrer, sweetness and ne sitifig 5ua!ity. as well as great purity cf Intonation, and sweetness through the entire scale. Tueir TOl'CH i. ctiant aal eVstie. and enlirlrfre from !he stiffness fonnd in so many Pianos. in WOHKMANSHIP tbey "re un"iu,,ileJ- u'ir-3 cne oat ihe very :easonfli materi,l. the large capital em- ployed in our business enabling us to keep COi.tinuaHy au immense stock of lumber, ic, oil hand. 85, All our Siiare Pianos hive our 21-: Improved OvrasTBisu ScAtu and tha Agrafe treble. tt- We wouiit c-ti! special aftenfion O onr late improvements fn 11R 4X1 I'AXtW ani S'iCAlii: URAXVS, Patened Augnt, 11, iH60, which bring the Piano nearer perfec tion than has yet been attained. Every riano foily Warranted for S lean. We have made arrangements for ihe S-le W'holetale Aimry ot the most Celebrated PAH LOR VkUASS and 3lFJ.OUr.0XS. which we offer Wholesale and Retnil, at Lou' ... F,,,r. i.;. WLLIAH KnTABI & CO j JAMES P.ELLAK. Wholesale Depot. STS.r'.'Sl S-uh oth ' ' LADIES' FANGY FURS ! J O II X A It E I K A , 71S ARCH Street. Middle of the Block, be tween Tih and 8th St-, Soitth Side, PHILADELPHIA. Importer. Manufacturer and Dealer in a!! kinds and ijuati'y of FOR LADIES' AXD CIIILDRK"3 WEAIt. Arch Street, Phi'.adelphi. Oet. 20. "0 Jin. COXFE 'J T I () X K II Y AND FRUIT STORE. THE undersigned, thankful for past pat ronage, takes this method of informing his old customers and the public generally, that he h ,,lea knother nfd weU .,ceteil gtock of Oranges, Lemons, Potatoes, Tobac- co, cigars. Spices of ail kinds, and the larg. f fo:l.er.s ever brought to the prepared to furnish Bread, RoJ's. Pies, Pret- xels, Dutch l ake, Kye ISvead. Ringer Cake. Sngar Cake, Spice Cake, Pound Cake, Fruit Cake, Sponge Cake, e. Jel'.y Kolt and Or namental Cakes made to order. B3L. Having" secured the services of a first class baker, 1 am prepared to furnish thai country trade with all kinds of cakes at res so"'il'le.",:.,:: Nov. 10, 1SH9. wsr. n. eoolf. PLAIN and Fancy Job Printioa neatly ejis cnted at this Office. I KO J fir