Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, November 02, 1870, Image 1

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    ' A'DaoO a?a!c0l. ia'aamtcii ir16If
.-offer! nl litf T
i W I t.Mt f t 1
Pcplishid Ertitr WaoitisDax Momia,
Bnife Street, apposite tie Odd Fellewe' Hall,
MIFFLI5T0WK. PA.: ' ' '
Sifj n9d ; for on Muare-of ieiit lines arJcsa. til
W S'JISft i charged one insatUon, 75 eenia, three $1,50,
: and a(i cents lor eaca swoseqiiem insertion.
nnaa 1 Aclqwjifor'rrseut.ir'AC-iditor'a
: Vntio it Olt PlT, innl tW 1 Injuria
.V. A:
I V-iAb. t i Oanls. not exoeedfn r on sunaiTAnd irSaa
'trvt3aj ;j ,iDr copTof pup, .ja.ooperyew. Kotbjes
i T?'J.ttL.n :' 3)t' j in reading coUiaifm, "teawenlspfrMaei .Kir J
a .o -
Tbi Joxiata Sixtijul it published every
"Ttdneaday morning at $1,60 a year, in ad
vance ; or $2,00 in all case if not paid
promptly in advance. ' No rabecrlptione dis
continued until all arrearages are paid, unless
at the option of the pabliaher.
') ,v ;miiii!T tadi Lavl
iii-ju LaiiS I .07? f ,iarfoW
sqcxiil 'r'.ig-jt 1o fiioJw 9;Jf J uJ T
cbentsadTertikilxhy tie year at special rales.
(ee square. 4,5ft - $ (j,00 v" 9 1.00
b. r. schmtiek,
; r-i '-.,' , ' ,, h-eu'; ' 1 1""T71 t-.isiwm.. ) iJ tsli,;i-uxl One-fourth culn. 14. ir) Lfi.Ort
a : LP-i
kill "aitC mZZHSfTif t QJ i'jfi'oororJ coot .noH Jfjsw dl lo JbstaT
I n a-tKi
l yWfr -
'.r.Y. 1 ih.'I
. . .... aLf. knllH I rtl Mltlk', OTfllt.
JBusmtss fobs. "
Office on Bridge street, in the room formerly
occupied by Eft D." ParVer.'Esq. 'if,
rniLAUELruiA. , ,
Offers bia services to. tbe citizens of Juni
ata county aa Auctioneer and Vetrdu Crier.
Charges, from two to ten dollars. Satisfac
tion warranted. noviS-Gra.
THUllAS ELDER, m7j).,"
OSee bours 9 A. M. to 3 P. Mv Office in
lielfiird's building, tiro dOgra above tha JSra.
staff oftice. Bridge street. ' " aug 1 if
DR. T. C. llUXDIO,
2D MJ& S3 l ip
ac ia, w-tt. J. :'y: T
Having permaueii'.ly located in tbe borough
f !tf ilUiulowu, offers bis professional services
to itiu citizens ut this place and eurroaaling
conutry. . ,
Ofhee on Main street, over BeidWs Drug
Stars. sug IS lSCS-lf
(Tw. mcpherranT
. ;
Ol iA O IV i'f t '
J r 1 -PniLAHEU'Hl.
aug 16 1S0-!j
1E.MKAI. t.t.Al?I A'jUNCV,
14 4 J i) U T H SIX T II 3 1' RE ET,
Sj9i Iiminties. riiKior.. !la-k V'y- ll. rc
Claims, State Claim. c, promptly eollecteJ.
No eSarge for infonciatioR, nor wh1! Hi'.ncr
is not collected. ix.-t J7-tf
' lin.'iu(oun, t'a.,
A;ent of the CHLKliKATKU AMnilCAX
OUtjANS for Jauiata e.viiitr. Tlief are
the heot (l!ti ANS nut made. Suire.I tn all
iriumstilirci. 1 rices rvhgu-g fr.im IOJ
S limn.
Also. Ap.nt fr HUT CUSs'riANOS.
All invromrtH oJ varrautel !or Src years,
aug 2 lf-'TU-tr. ,
Cif Jonestown. In.
JJOUCIES Perpetual, at low ra
Jk. aieai 1'tsiiR taken. This is on
rates. No
Jk. aieam iis.a laicen. lnisls one oi ine
best coiiducteJ and most reliable Companies
ia tha Stale. The uad.trnigued, agent, will
:tit Mini mown and Patterson on the second
Wednesday cf each mouth.
jons SWAN".
Agent for M:fSin and Juuiata counties. ,
Lewistown Aug 17, 1B70 ly
dersigned has established himself iu
McAlUtervviile in the Tinning business.
Persons wanting anything in his line tiio.ild
call before purchasing elsewhere as he is
prepared to manufacture all kinds of Tin and
Shett Iron Wre, and to sell as low as ihey
can be purchased elsewhere. His old cus
tomers and the public generally are respect
fully invited to call, a he hopes by strict at.
tsntionto business todeterve a share of pat
ronage. aug 13 'C9tf JACOB O. WIN'ET
CLARK & FRANK, ... i
31 I F F LINT O Y N , P N N 'A.
Iron, Steel. Nails. Nail Rod, Hnre Shoes,
Carpenters, Builders, Carriage Makers. Cab
inet Makers and House furnishing
Call before purchasing elsewhere, at
CLARK. & 1-KAN'kiS.
aug 18. 18i9-tf alittlintown. Pa.
KoUobansh's Saloon.
Two for 6 cents. Also, the Freshest Lager,
the Largest Oysters, the Sweetest Cider, the
Finest Iiomestia Wines, and, in abort, any
thing you may wish in the . , -
at the most reasonable priees. Ke has also
refitted his ......
so thsvit will now ooaipar favorably w?h
any Half in the Interior of "' the State.
June 1. I870-ly
aifined beg3 leave to. inform, the public
that he keepa const anily on ban J a large Stock
of Coal and Lumber. His stock embraces iu
part. Stove Coal, Smith Coal and Linie-bur-neis
Coal, at the lowest cash rates. -
Lumber of all kinds and quality, sueh . as
White Pine Tlank, two inches, do IJ White
Pine Boards, 1 inch, do one-half inch. White
Pine worked Flooring, Hemlock Boards,
Scantling. Joice. Roofing Lath, Plastering
Lath, Shingles, Striping, Sash and Doors.
Coal and Lumber delivered at short notice
Persons on the East aide rf the River can be
furnished with Limeburnera Coal, &c, from
theeoal yard at Tysons Lock,
.- 603 Market Street, Philadelphia. .-. i
aug 18, 1869-ly.
THE mperior tserils of the'Singer" Ma;
chines oier all others, for either family
use or nianufucturiuf jui.poJC. arc ao. well
established nd no generally ifiiFliel. (Iiat
an enumeration of their relative excellencies
is no longer ciiiM'kreil aeaeesary. 1 .-!. j
which Las been y'rs in prepanttion and
which has been brusghi to pcritxUu regard
less of time, labur on expense, and is now
CunttJently presented to the public as coin-
par. Uiy (lio best bcwiEg Maculae la exist
ence. , v ' " ; . ; '
The M.tt'liine in question is simple, com
pact, Jurjlilc 11ml l-.;iii!uL , H i"' e.uie,. liirh
running, n.i t;.nhie tf perforiuinjrb. range
and vririct' p'f work never before attempted
upo a Ftnp'e Machine. using either Silk
Twist, l.inen or Cotton Thread, anl sewing
with filial failTdj; ilK very tineftjLHt eoatsesi
materialti, and anything between Uie two ex
tremes, in the most beautiful and substantial
manner lis attachments for hemniinjr, braid- I
ing.cor UMia&ilag, quilting. feCu.g. trim- j
niiu, bindiiitr, etc., aie norel and praciicaL ;
and Have been inT.-nicd and aJjnsteJ especi- !
ally f-r tliis MaMiiue.
j Machines, alvays kept on hand at our ..
' ClotUiug Stor on l!r"igo street, Mifflintown'
. Pa., for the inspection of (he public, and for
sale at tht most reasonable prices.
Mhine Cotton, Needles, Thread, 0il&c,
V. W. II AH LEV- .t CO., Ageiits.
Miflmtown, July 13, 1370-ly ' , , ,.!
O Tj ) J 3 IJ Jl A U. 11 I i j.
.1 mi't v-. ir 1 iiitvn I
1 should Mil. T. aut a (j rover i Baker, and, hav
ing a Orov.-r ,V linker, it uusaers the purpuse
i.! all the re-t. It d'" a greater variety of
work an l it is easier lo learn than any uiher."
.ir.. J. C Cro'y Jftini Jntif'1
1 h ive had .tvti.il vears' exptrience with
a (liover linker Machine, which has givi-u
me reat satisfaction. 1 think the (jrover
: liaii.-r Maciiiue is more easily managed, and
less li .ble to get out nf order. 1 prefer the
1 Oruvei & taker, decidf dly."-J. l)r. Watt;
. York. ' . " ;r ' - ,i
I uav had one iu my family for some two
years, and Iroia what I kuow of iia Workings,
i ai.d tro:u ihe lestiu.oiiy of many of my
trieuus who u$e ihe alne, I can hsrdiy -e
, how auythiiif could be more complete 'or give
better satisfaction.' Mrt Ventral Grtuti.
" 1 believe it to be the best, ail thiugt con
sidered, of any that I have known. It is
. very simple and easily learned ; the sewing
from iho ordinary tpools is a great advan-
' tage .- the stitch is entirely reliable ; it doe:
! ornamental woric beaut ifully ; it in not liable
' to get out of order." Mrt. A.Jf. Spooner, 30
Bond Stren, lirnrllyn. i
I am arqtiaiuied with the work of the
principal aiacliiuus ; and I prefer the ti rover
& linker to them all, because I consider tbe
1 stitch more elastic. 1 have work now in the
1 house which was done nine years ago, which
is still g.idiL" Mr; Dr. McVrtailij, Sq. 43
Edit 7Vn'.v third Ptrret, ,ir York. I
More t Uan two-thirds of all the sewing
done in my fairily f jr the last two years has
1 been done by Giiver & linker's ilchiu, and
except those rents which frulicsoine boys wilt
make iu whole cloih. It is in my opinian by
far tha mist valuable of any 1 have iried.'i
Sir. Iltltry ard Ilrrchcr. i'-n i'. ' I
The G rover & Baker Sewing Machiue
! Company manufacture both the Elastic,
'Stitch and Lock Stitch Machines; aad
, offer the public a choice of the best ma
chines of both kinds, at their establish
! mcnts in all thv large cities', 'and through'
1 agencies in nearly all towns throughout
! the country. Price Lists and samples of
j sewing iu both stitches furnished on ap
: plication to G rover & Raker S. il. Co.,
1 115 Market street, Harrisbuig.
April 27, 1870. - i I 1 ' 1
B. f
rJovr Firm.
, FASICK &JN0RTII,: , ,'
Ia the Ilotd Building f 3In .Albriglt
,r '." -ii .n.vl d..i '
Having entered inr parrnersliip.Vf are now
prepared te manufacture1 and have for sale
ail kinds of" - '1"
Our wefk Is arl manufactorea by onrseives,
i aud we warraut it to b mad f ln best ma
terial. Oil work sold at our counter will be
repaired free of charge, should the seaming
give way. -"'a
Give us a call, for we feel confident that1 we
can furnish you with any kind of work od
may desire.' . ' '
Bear Repairing clone neatly aad at reaaona
blerates. 1 FASICK A NORTH.
aug 18, 18G9-tf.-"''1 .-.'a.v.ol
koons, scnwARZ '$'662.1
i .. iSHADv '1' 7 .1 T .
AND, l'BUViaiua. .W1'
. i VI . w va v-i-VW '-rt TV1TTVTI ail T
144 North Delaware Avenue, and . . a Ji
. -, . (137 North Water Street
ntr irwtDIltl DEW'S. '1' '
anj 18 1869-ly
; '
1 he following are selected from thou- .seoinir the lioiit . of your city, but I am i , t -in" ; , : '.' .. -u r , , ' i 1 91 ith!'hrgu' 'and noble heroism and iuro tue unueci area juaie, cnaont
, r . . . . , , posed thetD&tves ftBout the President in with his daughter. , After the sbootmg I, . ,v-j-Ji.'i ' -V i itd RTinVy'!n,l' ' .
oands of tisti(minalaif jimifar character, uot aa srjisiuve over it m 1 used to a-tyi -j.j i j.-, tiwot.-., , . ... :i , ' . i .' ? 'i?-4 1 motBerly detonon.Mrs. Joues cltsn- at,a .UU(m'- -,.'a.-. , . . tt...
- ., f ' ., , i. , , . . ; a manner which would best enable theuv referred to Mr. Black was held to, bail. J, i . . : i - ,'l ,r i" ' ,i
as eiiin'ssui t;i reasons inr the prefer- be, and 1 11 tell you about it ome vears! , , i i '. . .'?- -j,. -,t..W-'"'i , .-wiiit unn ta both of ner children to lief bosom anil , i. welve manuiaetunns; companies sold ,
.'. ., ? ii, ar i- i ,' I , ,. , , . to hejir whatsbv-was aboubio aay! ,! i and the Grand Jury indicted him for auj- -,it K .,.', ' ; it -i i , ' ' " , '
ence for tlie Gui i'.r !c iiAKt'K MacLiues before my father, died, he weut tojimwi , , . , , .1 , . , , . '.-.,1,. ui riU0, 3 j.j sank with them, brrt as she rose i seems last year iu th:a country C20,6o3 eewine -
... , ... , ." ,"A a preluwa,"" laid the .iVesident, assault V. kill. ColT JTKaig was after-j; ., . . - , - t , - 6
over all others. ork citv on bueiness, aud while tbsre . , . ;.- ' ... .-. . -.H ,. t-u"!.- that the placed -f hem on the roof of the macUmes. . ...
..in. ,i r . . t. n'i... m t,- , , ,:- ,. ,, , I must glve'yryn'-a-littl.; war 'hrstoryH wanls i wsrircd by Several 'of ill1, fnedds ! , ...... n ,it- t
Jl.ke the Groverl Baker Mahine, ii0 bought LiuMelt a gold watch., i He' fl 9? V'.,li -.l i. ,i,.t. , ,. ..tiui -ta'-l lw,8 around-irlnc -eras' a sort of bains- i An Jndianwn, while dinrinr a well
J !" Sfs Corner.
WAlTTjjQ.'' '' 'J
The Autumn days ar waning, anil thgold is
on the leaf, -'
The fold and 'crtinKon tint fhat paints with
;iv splendor bright and brief ' s
Tbe grand .-old oalw,. The copper-red , is on
tho'bending beach, ..... a,tj j .;!.,
The brown nuisru-stlo ripe and full abote
tbe'sthoolboy's' reach. '
Theawallowa gntber. neath the eaTca; tbe
firal dull cloudy day,. ,r y y ii -jii
Will bear them ,U,( ou. enger wings, t, sun
nier climes away j . )f, tH,r.
So it oft. witb us, . alas I,, Oupirief bright
Summer end,,'i aUo-Al tr. V
Comes Winter resolute and Btora ; away troop
.... Summer friends. , k , litMj'0
The last rose Mushea on bCr atenv, In eanty
all alone, ; , i,:t; .: g,i ;!(' ! .. '
Werps Summer gone, and sighs upon her sul-
t -.' " ?
ltary throne.
So is it with us at life's end.
: .:! Douitt. or iold. . , .!.) ,.!
What reck," or
If hnir- grorf giay, snd W04. withont some
light of love, grow old !
Pray God, there be not one of us, whoarer he
may lie.. .
Without some friend whom he may love, aome
child upon bit. knee ! t... iJ(i ,
True Kits and,, friendship everi shine, with
lustre n!l their own,. , . (:t
Since man was never made to lie,,ad work,
and lie uloue, . 1,; , .., .
. u 1 -j. . '.J! ' -
r . ;
1 '' --?
The Detroit Post ttjlU a good story 8
loUo"'?i: 1 . '11 J': . :! ... :k
" A short time tfiuce as cur ; reporter
' ' .... . . . . ,
1 waraiu v 1 n 1 1 1 n ir mi wnu-n in 1 ria inrnrwi 1 sv
inaJe the acquaiutance of a wellt-rl
in regar.l to the growth and proFperit y of
DcUoit, inquired if thero wereftny pick-
j pockets iu the city.' The rejily was of
' fmirdl. ill tl.n a ffirmit i vt rPbi fnrmpr
.laughed quietly a uioment,and then said-
wore it as long as he lived, and whau he j
died, a few vears ao. it cjiuie to me., f )f I
j died, a few years ago, it eatne to me,. f)f
course 1 . was trougIy.ttaclied to' the
I watch, and not a l.tile jiroud ofit.es-
pecially when 1 put tt m'my pocket up- ,
on the occasion of my first visit tuPe -
it. I havpu't any doubt that I looked ,
at it a hundred times a day, and you will
not be at all .surprised when I tell you
that I had not been in the city two
hours before it' was missing, chain and
"I informed , the clerk of the hotel
where'I was stopping of my loss, and as
I did not remember of being jostled by
any one, and could give no clue . fio the
thief, he said there was no use in calling
ill au officer. He advised me to offer I a
large reward for the watch, and add that
no questions would be asked. , 1,'lbjjn
nil! Ki.i'ti'.m arlvf-rtispmpnt in ttin mnrn.
... .
. " , .lldon'torteunell my.firstexperience in ., T 7 , TTl j r7 7" f the coricnwW kt the'darh.;' : . ud oi. p, U a httlc. larger,,
' ' Ihe distuiruisBM umnanv now dis-1 hail mis..i7 Pnlohd AT Knit, of lnhmnpv I i . r. . ' .a.? . , . .!
lug papers, and during tbe atlcrnoon re- j ,4 "tp, " - T iuWi'T i. . T
ceived a note informing me Ahat ij.i;HHl!tWl.1W?r?sl
would be at the corner of B aud Litreeis lau & jw,:wMif .iandnltiw M
(u(',;.'i,; :,u r' reach the rear of the : CehfedBratB works
reward (SI 00,. my-watch would be,xe,
rva.1,1 hn .
TV" y -
turned to me. ihe note also stated that?)
I mitrft eome alone. And if daring the dav t
I made any attempt, to iufByiD-atr-Vifficer
the writer
. ..l. .a. t
would be watched1 all-t1't?m?,r fed the 1
only way that I wuld'recpver watchi
, .
turned to me. The note also stated tha4,"''.. ,7 TT!uWa'1 fuu
was by doing precisely as I . advertised. c.vV.H?.PuHffi!ii W"Hrl uir .
At seven etlock I wj'at the spot Tr?: V iUlewber,or started on my
dicitedand'afur waiting a'few mutee:!ea,nPaiKir'' in,,t teksbxrrg,!' I' bad
a well-dressed man in ' passing me" asked i.0" .M ffrM'
me the. fme'of day. ",1 rcp4bat i.tln-ntf,,th; jMV
was seven o'clock. At that he asked mety ituei&. serioua'efle upon it.
to walk a shbrt'distance, and as we, walked
he inquired if I hid brought 4he" $100.
I replied.. jath,. sunrmauire,, vleu be
handed me, .m"y, watch, f eceivd :te monj
ey, and was 'abont' to leave1; riie'ivlien I
stopped. bim,aud told him I would give
him SlOmore to tell ma lib w he mimsged
to pick tar pocket' 4" ",-y- ' ,
,' ' Oh !.' said he, jilaoing bis -Ber-on
his lip, ' yon promised jo ssk no 'nesribrfs,
but I 'would show you if it wasn't ' for
that maa rtijdiug, ove vhere oriie .por-
. ti "... a ,1 .,... ...v., .1 l
liui . , 4iu urn m wuniufc vuiuci aula, iaui.iv
me f and' the'' man pointed across' the
street. 1 , . ,
"I looked in the dueetion he bad io
icated, but conld seei 'iio one that looked
like an' officer, . though there .jwere plenty
standing in that locality 'That ' tail fel
low, with the, Btove-pi'. hat, !s the' one
I mean ; but I must bo off. .Good by
.' The man hurried plT. and I saw him
disappear round h rsjuefj then teaiu
tried to see (lie 'tau fellow with the stove-
pipe( bat fiut if . be ha i been i there- ha
bad disappeared,., and J started jfJ the
hotel, happy in agaittjosspsainguy. fa
ther's last present 'to tnS. At this though t
I pnt;my hahd on' my vesl'pocket, where
I bk3 plaeeffthe watch a.mobjent befyre,
and1 'the next instant you could bave
knocked me-down with a slra, ttr-Um
J pocket was' empty. '
The thief bad ' in-'
I l J .Me. r.ja ... .IU a. L. I
u.ceu wu,r,."!U "uu -nnueV',.?4a it.wek tbavbala vmaUxJtotot
advertise it aeaui. land I cams' home wkh -
arintntl '
me now , lwas . uoqe.' ,i jl fliunjlji
out telling the hotel" tier! ! about ttat
' dBE3jitl'AmiE!J)riBJiSISrU J"13
. . in ::: - V iu vt.ii o;na
(Jenorals tbrant'si Bimm mt Vlckbargv
IJ ui .all. 1 mm.it io 9lqo-q i'l to
,,,On Loard;the (aamboai.sw 4Q rUiro
of Preiident Oranf Ironl .4ri 'CrJp -iBtA
(joimectleut "o ceftBratB ft'ef Po-th of
July of l'rmnvctt6f'uwle1
aidjgeyerw of Ydjuguu)hd;gpary;
turned to thefubjeft.itMMrul.'ji A.gen
tleman asked i'lejiJttBt iPraat if Wad
noticed the pubfislifad: tatamen,.:oopic3
from l ad English spapenhat' CBarres
Dickehs ' tad ''grv'!ecrttarj':,tj
Stauton as authority, fbr the fact tliat
",' .'t).itv ,imirj eiii ul
M.r.Liuc(du. ,t owe;f e pahjnet ine
ipgs, had told, ..jtjlrafuft t,Jiui iowu,
which anbemjuetitly held- no-t jittle at
nificance as bearing upon Lrs'assassirra'
tion.1 1 ,:' 'IftIft9 5!nJ'i,- t't'J'l -'J 'il
- Ye," said fte pfeWrti3'fllS
articlend ( was (Jraucu, nUerueatp a, 111 it.
Mr. Liucolu was undoubtedly! a draauuT,
ud.fruf;tLe circumataDCes told by the
English jlaper.- i Should jafle Hu he
was alelicrer rntteni'" Jjy , the'waV? 1
, I..,-',." ' -y -w- 1; ii4 "-' "
have y bad some trau, utatuis t( py,
own. I bad Bevt'ral,..;wUeu-,I J, waa-kai
merfttg away at .Vickskhr-.'thal I sliill
., ..rt " .- Tt.l-wT.t'ntKraa-TJIfwT
3y this' hvtH "ih Uentfonlr'of 1'0
tile couipanv waj CfwjgkQ th rcrjaxk
whole couipanv
of the Preside, .joiiisid o.lj nl
"Relate theui.i' amid'every onet 'Huw?
Preaidffif'Granrf ftrrffcia, krSdrln8rf
" Whtjo, I undertook) thi.ip to. pend,
the Fourth of July wif.h te good, peoph
of Connecticut, I did expect to be .called
upon for a
.1 '
rpeecfi; Bfti WiTecly fcr'Tny
.ii'uv i.l b .tU . ' yiuij,
uieuui.. r . r r i .
: It i!"! 1 1!.
'Giv usth dreamf,' urged, au ex
Goverupr, j, v,vi:ij .T).'.r.orn A v :
The dreams !T-thB','flrea'mB V eried'i
all. "wiicmo .J-iHlsi'l dJ'i 1 id: r,l
' v , . .1,, . , f,-
:' " .
Well, you ?ballthav. tbea.. I nejer
told them befoto, any one but Ira;
Grant, but I couess thiit.it made a great1
yM ffly X' at 1 Young's
,, . . ':' ''V! 'v'-. '." " , ' .'
Point, on tha, i'5l ississiupi, r a .short dis
tance above the city .of Yickahurg. )Iy
army was., already there, 'atild-'at Willi-
,!:.' faA "meF'with
ii - vui '"4:,t-t,V,.i''J''i,..,i'' t ';
ab(mt tQ t otW plans 'take' iue
place', without whipliin .our possession,.
the war,. could uot bnu3xi.'.-
"I had: several phius,'4' eothind ihe
IVtsident,; "which " 1' trfej.'"'' One1 'after
another,' Ihey all ' ' tiiled. iVben I tried'.
.. ... f.:ii . Mr. .i o i "'-
a canal across the pemiisola , opposite
Vieksburg, .to .lUkt my :&MKeabelw the
city ontoi reacL. of Its gunV and' cross
over,4, a flood ctlrhe' and BrtTpied ns out
Then 1 tried the, JsaJne' ibnjg through
the bayoas, and rivers back iu the qu:;i
isiaua awasapa,'. wbe a fall.iri the riverj
broke up by'plani' After a third defeat
I . . n,..L!i, . n,olu..Ml.tB f ' IO.it A n.rul
UOTlll VT it&CUUIC.' X 1149 TV a lailllir;
. - m.:"'' -l-c'-Icj jiSi.' vi:i
I imnrnalAn n fintl vin III , fi i H k it ITt it ' Unn 1 MnIvWJ4Lnvf J TT!. . , f t . J L
ine-the rra74i,uuBower rlveI'- F?! fi Wu l fuu.
J .1 . T 1 J .1. .. -i.
wMa1,lJ i iu,.v ac4H.uaw.asT sue
EVMietkom.T in. eomeimoae or otner, -ami
TT t-JV . , . W.r ll:is ,.lil4lif lax'' S
1 J,aal WPW JC? :V
" 'f'rH-'
But . strange 40. rebate, .(that during the
thtf V?R ?n,f e. :JWod W
cauatjpr inj . naval xpaitign, iim-ai-
ways of ihitf one
I sometime i thought
dreamt,- Vnd 'nothing.
to Ioo o,verj tEg
sQm. elements good.iu-thja'f
L .1 confess 'thatKwhiU to the'l
wild plaiL
soldier; seeking 'fame'rt locked brilliant.
in'tbe extreme,' still t5'J a general bavuig
"an, army to care bjjj ; it; appeared, ..Jiltej
senduig them to destruction. ,1 turned
from the maps and continued my digging.
But this one was a war in which only
.'nenlinji cou Id win.'1 TbiS ' Vas my con-
victwn ny oay.aa .,saw, ,oxetjLUO,mare
clearly the failure (rf our, wofk 0f1"iuak
ing fcw e w-.iter . roulfe ajtrnS F'it wwmy
dreah as eri'm8,l'aa'ght'a,rew'bVnr1s
slee.'1 It teemed to take possession pf
:frt4i) ...... h.,B , vi 'v-.a hijs . .
me. The more 1 fhougu ab,otj jand
studied,! jtjat this (time, the more I be
came convinced that it 'twas - th only.
feasible plan. But I knew that my gen
erals waWaftrveltl0 ''AfMength,
0-Wv,wr s!rCir3arJ. Aenj, aqd
Paepigjinpf longafieij.thU. Iada
vierjyivjddejppn, thesubjc)cJi.J,J. saw,
iiv'j9,Bjin'ryi Mj$F7- ftyf&'Y? 'fifiog
nl' ' 'i '.' '
triumpbaiftlr:ijbxougb liftwhole interwr,
daring plan, of! whith'f great cooIAess, a'ntf 'delivered laimself upland piteous mokr arftrtnelr outstreched ofgd.
mana and sen IF tliAnvlkm with ' BOTroW. The deebest trloom rfidt all the rriultiolied horrors of civil wan aS
- 7-r - i T - - - . , ,i ,
..lot Mississippi, destroying tbe rauroaas,
bYia gWtTa Kher tokiA of rfcoAmhnica
tion between Vicksbnrg,rn4 the -lick
country ,'4fid ifroin who parlioE the .tate
to etnoUierjr iMy! tvn troopi,i after io
ving a long distance kvaia'riret;i had I
beej terried 9Tcro8'iy,thf aaisUu)crr of
theent and tuprU wh hai,rtutth
batterries, and tjt once struck into tho . .in
terior. ( llajr after , djr, J. had 4 nothing
jCvWtoriA and at: last i W tywy
of Pemberton driveu into YiokjBurp ,ajd
its surrender to my forces. This was
, f-n i- ".soul,
my dream, or rath yr, the one more in de-
tail that' fiad'so'lopg iujuii'tei meT t de-
terminetf to 'act W' the plan,' and on the
89th oirjiarcS f it.-'Hif fsftetf 5' iibtion.
Yonwwtte'rulTB-.T,Oil tSft fb'nrth of
July VicksburgVdurrenaa'feo! tiPme?0 Do
yo lhiiik!it Eraati that I ht)ol4 reften
recur' to iyirroiDapkabuj;''drearii3 ti that
promptetLine t take ithe oneiont of the
seven plans that sucoaeded at Vieksburg-.
r.:; a ,1.. ZTT Is (. Uo
ThaoKilQaa; of ColsoolOlliait; wj Mr. H. ;
J.nii. yJUaek.-, isjiljcuL t
nid CuniSerlantf J,t?rwgrres the
following pfit-iichlirVs '6f the tragedy rn
u. 1UU iiitiiu y 111
whicfiifieir-fa fflr'rA o hew U.k.t,- .
.. . .jJvuOjWmg that this house.wpa!d be crush-;
' . . t . ', t i- "ed. to,atom aad bis Jamil; probably Vs !
n Onqdlon sa.brwttgmastoarlent.re '-i 4 :J I' V
eammwy-i i'lhrtwii-into' aistiite-alP
the tjat exeibf uie;ii
of a iiraefiiliirageil
11 ooniiit AArriUr 1 1 k m i n v
uvvuvoa cvtiim a j uiuu j ii.ai aL - - aa 1
r . v . , ,v
UpU imraed;ately-,atteadi-g,ihe casa pre
. .. ' . . ...
u -
an old cmzeu u oWy.W.M
sii.ir. jrnm a nnuiiiA-n.iTvi.ipri Rrinr piin.Ai:
WW w-T
Mr, W. il'Kaig, jr., .whp, bad paestd
7ij v; raioy . r- i
,'. 1 ' h ''"' .'
difltaut. 'J he load took effect in Colonel,
; flvaig-.' arta. iU., fle;
j wound. The causeof the shootings wae
not publicly alledged at the time .Yet!
ut euuer .ur. u.
D". Black or bis son.'
iVi. AJ
tint he wasassur-.
ed by others thit the ' matter won! J he
allowed oop '- , ' ' " ' !
1 - i
Aft.Ttl.fi s.!vrTr.'r Crawforrf 1 Rfaok
who was absent, Aoi tbv. city, aerapura -
., , ,
rdy, came. home. las.t Weuk he aiid Golo-l
, ..... . ,
, , ' ,
street a number ot , times, and the latter
was p.-epred for aa assault, but masmuch
as yt
ounir Black madii no hostile demon-
84S,iS. :tbat uoth!?S j to clu.g tou"rog.; ibat he was pOv
more wAulU heard .from,; .the matter.,,- ii. A fvw, minutca h
" passed some other pein.who told happiness might as will climb a tree hi
stooontbe co?nerpf BJtiB,0re .- "ndUcr" i call 'for a Vr.'AVrisbUIock.Leai. L-earcl. f fi ' " - ' '
Meclamc streets, until, beaw, ll'Kaig; Will(JW Bauk about , miiebdow ; Would yoi touch a rintle without b
crossing the bridge, on his way to buai, j but Le WJU po. She reDt tLe ' stnT1? hr it ? Taltf ,,ol(f of it .,,.
ness. Black immediately walked i toward i, ltVfiV ptertingibr!ekand the hfetjly.- Do the" lame to other annoyances.
mm, ana wnen tnry me, u. ue iwina,-,
.-aT-A.U. ..mJ ' IJI.HI. , .1 !,,
, . ' . ..J j. . ?-U
side' and fcassing thrbugV biS "body. 7
.t - . v vis Hi i -n;. -t
tv?eM f 4 ' Lr Z
Black' Wafds-' the opposite side of the
stre .-:lilaufc, wiiewedw: sti Us enootinc,
... .. -
JPKaieMrefrdKaiu8t tb hnuse-and
ii4MHSHiRWvaws iu
then lt;wlw(t.acro63, 4he street evidently
WljtIwoDded this-tirae, thae he((I
. .
vwiAwcuMMi; lid pawettL-lMaek
tlUBtmtUtilV .Uie airees, wuej mo nnr,. : ..awi, fr l,..rl,
ao-ahi throuffh the back.- at ; the-, distaste
oftily a few feetw,. L:pou receiviujj.s
last shot M'Kai ful) forward on his face
-dead. t iilacK, tljeu raweo,, niSjipistpiiiueyjiasscQue persons mcnuopeu auove
auu; saia.-i.inaveiioiMie 87711 oil
3 f hot,--, Vlio a u oti a
b rU that rutuedinv lister, aud iere is aieloqusua sapplicattoal ZTheiv little faces
loader any,8CQUaidrui, that dues nojus-were, tenrlessf but blanched with woe.
tify,the act.,"... t.f ,,,,, rl(,.r ,t, tB4-4.Mockd-with-. treacheioua'rbope. the
..This-jis, substantially the testimony
as given tcfore tlje CjOrpner's jury oa-
ticerning the killing.
iUiuca. iucu niicu up i. .suiujiuu
street to 'the? court 'house, exhibiting
hangover thtf 4fioTe,"lclty &J soon as the ,"
deplorable event'became kuIbwri,Lfaud 'the f'.
attention bf everybody seemed to be con -
centrated on this fearful tragedy ,94lwtiich
has BUueJt,;uebi.jguntt giiei toi the
hearts of so miry 'families iThfljneas'
uraof sorrow 4ot both . heart utrickenl
mWint W ...nd . ,ri,lar rwuBt snf -
fea ntoUgon.liToliX.lsaie
'tha fiiends.ftf.vbotbi parties thWis a
.Ou T
My of tha ant fcarful'na'tare, 1
. ........ i.--. . - .
J I At 'length these f to the Sheriff, whcTpIaced him mi air. '.I hands in' silent but touching appeal tor '
'else,, induced me r 'Never baVe'ottr people been more stric- i rescue. Brave "men who bad seen and ! graphic
I . t.n i - - .- - lit. r. T-.i-La,.ivii-: - - i
flu.TueadayWtonotmtMrtfvwirVlocknJ debris above.' Probably ...aUutid"' broSa . le",n3 tnewuow-i
..i..,. . ..j ---..Ll 'i' 1 1r.i1: .r'L' "UJ 'nartw fall into the- water .' One of the :
'a large . coucoirrse of friend gataered at
the late residence of the deceased, to per
form .for him . Jiejast sips on artb..; The
u neral wa upre, largely at tendad u than 'j
anjf tbat we..ieiDembeitobaTe.'ieen fcwi
manjriyears,', A euard rf bonot-waa deUiraft upon, a statjonary baruniock, from
tached from, tb FjitaeqtU Regiet,l.M.wbsheigot to., tree, and clung ta iU,
N,. O f of, (WKh rfflgimaqSJii .was IJLaeuSt
tenant Colonel, aud his wmains worwbnr-J
iedjbjr bem wijh ttilitarji bwiorsn Mosfby James Wright alock keeper. f
iedj bjr ib.rwijhiiUltajvbrsnMosBLby ,
sjfift places of bukwess:i't) tbe citj werf.j
$lc4d,ndiriig the fakftalj .and . amyt) Jtre. w opdeoiuajidt5rchnd and
Where tha apcrow of the people! was dew jursQ.''fTheywere in a freight, boat of
onstrated. ' u- "385 wbicb he was the captain, 'and" were
"AfRtttrtz iriciacnfsbf fhe reat tlrtlnTa
br'l nud 1-9V "Ulr4 " '
U'H spt:!H .t W :n .Mfl-.'l Firrr"-.c!
W.,A corwgjion.deji ohe.Richp.
2)p4-A, wrilinj tix Bukinjihauj
CTiW.lvltid .!
cu-cfimctajico.s were peculiarly, tiMkshins,
aud.a imple .recital of the fatia must
,.n:t 3 (J. . - -,ii:.nyvN
awaken .he. liveliest sympathy iu. every
heart not altogether lost, to a jronerous
! c; ,!( -1 -us .a;. .;;!, v. : -. r:
emotiou. ..il seems '.uat a Jl,r. J
WW his bouse."'4"" ' ;' tr' "
"'It nppparSa'fron!'t!ie 'Acdott'nf of 'the'
survivors that they were aroused jtbcrr.f'i
o'cloc.k.ithhH inqsaiiifcirf tla rush ol the
Wateas, audfawokpiily'Wf, fmd.Hci4iie
I impossible, ,;Thehjus wa aunejuwdwd.:!
Jtaad iu a. ftiw-.jiotaeu.t4,,vupt awny ly ,
he .turbid .and, iuigij) curen. Tfhey:,
w,srj hurried along some vvo pr Uitea-J
.... . . .., a,
, ' . . -
tftfa im tq ue.iiore, ant neat you- ut.n
. , - 4 ,.
low thedam.wrJirfLor,caiiae,if no.,
to,deist, tWJSg Uutgwa, uot good i
; l f.udly traced tlnv
. r. .:..,i . ...t i.
; V .1' i '''
out callantlvior the. hore., lie, inm,
out gallantly for the, shote.,.,11 swj
-r i . i. i , i
A,fti..n-6'ln)) J famL
in sight ; and 'as he had predicted, the';
i11' ana"meeaen nerseit in getting
. -: ,ll2. , -... ,rt , ,. ,, -l
: . . ,. , , , , - '. .:. -.. l
' , , , . , . . J - ' i
oimiioaiingir.-;jrsaisouin .uiss n rignt,
"V " --'," T. ' "m
M r&. J b prime .utRxurlvl , i iin tr
' . . ' .. . . .? " " " ' ;
! anil thp nlni.lrpii iuiiI Atia riiKt awenr I
1 ., , , ,Vl1
T51 "er, i 1 eu miles below .Mwa right
' ,. . , , a I
waajseen clinging to the log,, her flowing
hair wpt with spray, and as she passed)
' , , . , . , , , 1
IJIr. ll w ueepairuig toues h akeuV I
; .. w, . r , . , . , y, ,
uuos. a
perwn'1'prcsttine abo'uV tony jear.. ?, j eepl- husband, wImT8"
age, residei'nponaiijecVf lo w grwfnlj ! powt-rlta assist his family. ., Tha bad-,
on the lands' of' Mr. ''Fleabell, some Jour 1 "f uid tha uiirse' Lve , siuce.
roiTea1 above., Xw.maVket, fliT.'jiil : bV?.u f!?n? A wlr w
wife anTtVo 'children pa.-s, also. withhrfta
abo'uUwVyyars oia'the'oth'ur' ,-?.H?.i ?i!jaS ,il"tues. andrifte
Ili8nniece a'yTiung'an'd UautifutgirlW 1.'i,bi:r. "5" tl;V,lier,bvtlie aeicilesa, cut.
sev.ienteenaiiaa. .Wrhru t,' was on 'a vi : reufs Jky appeared to have jlyen up-
chance oi our rescue.. . I shall BiideHke.. ..charities of a r;t!im. world.. . . a
hovrfo ..-.'I'ha: '1. . si . !' . .U.'J.- 1 ....... I ..- j. : - -
Lt'n" i "' j ... u., ,i i. ...have rectuitlv been noisoned bf catimr '
cuati i u.w,jjcj CdVCU , 4UIS.UCf i
lhM w een of wa, U Sycamore
! 5 bousof your corres-
f .
pondent. where the rapids Soon submerg-
. . - ..
lcu e,.n-.r uu cue, iw, -cia
W"" - " W;- Ali' accnnnts -
L..;. -th. ta- i.-vi-.
j agreej'iir'rejiiesentmg her as having ben
. ..it.,.,....,. . I
, a ioveiy aim- oeaniuui ciri, iuir or lire
, ' . v I
fand bone, and tears have more than once'
L. ..i . x r,-.'. ui .
; luaucu, uuuj,ulu .u my , oa aa a i.tu
- oa .et
ber frrief-strinken ialhers hu. tinuy
u, ..1,. .. nfb.
v , .rim i .... .
1 t.n.tr ,J ' 4 -
bouv ---' -
. TTiit,'tIie.'''lnost piteous' of all was the
Isight of"t!ie'1iltle'! children?0 who,' wtieii
held out their little hands in- mute bin
jtyouugest started! towards them and fell I
J when tb othva tner.ababy almost aim -
self. caugUt him tf aad ibeld bin; :Jo I
i ,uiwu
fwho saw them will never forget themsad
as thel'bowecT'tlieir heatts and wept like chil
i r . jo , . .. .
drep, a'ndlooked itith. .horror upon the
1 angr waters,' which claimed such "v,.cj,. ji '
: tims as these to its .merciless Fury. The . u
last that: was seen the poftr httle in
, . , J. 1 . .
fauts was at the head of Seamore island,
when they, too, went down iu. tbe rnpirbt,
tovr : forever Fortanatelvi the!
a sight ofthi. Iirt.
ca-IVcei.e, because it was some time before
.ahe becatne' disentangled . irora the tree
Twenty ejiuulcs uirr nuo, npi ii
y-s. watched witb in'xioiis eyes by per-
soul e)n ibv 1 bank. ' She wSS 'Seetl when
1 . ,
shieached tne ead 01 tne lsintin,' toifc" .
.branches. Here Bbe remained lor jweive
hoars, when she was 'gallantly res
gallantly rescued,
The other Jamfly consisted pf Mr. and
sweptj oveij the dnm at Mew 'larkft.
His boat was crushed to pieces, but in
tlui MomituVaf pua ho seiaed a hatwhae
aad placed,put it- his wifeVchlldi Bud
nurse. Almost immediately the nurse
fell off in ' lie- fright taking-" lh-nild
with her.' : The imother shrieked. Oh,
save ouxcbild.. And uobU, Vlf-sacrificiog'
devotion of atme womtm.' she'sprnnjinfrV
thejitiiltr Iu a vala and hanlcia clt.irt hx
rescue the-dailiuj of ,.hor:i.bosom. All
4 hppe, aud'all proLability .wtse stsnj
ieeliei aju! lost. , Their names, are uur
kimv n j.j,,, -ti
It jau, culiraity, - T'r. Editor, whklr
will uvor be forgottrn by thoss who a it-.
ucssed it. the i llects of which will Ux.
liu ,J'eU ui, jotur, beautiful valley. t For,
ivur uui;ded lauoa everjilung has been
swejii away corn, wlieai, oats, tobacco, ,
,.. ,.
rej.-d t,.;, ..uppo . Jhe aggregttt
''iss oi;pioptrpia, to bu couuted iyt,by ,
thousand tut hy ::lliarj. Tharti are,
,. 4 .f .'.U.l ...v'.J.., 'iJ.u .
...... . d..wrw-
" MliV'lTLHS.
... . . ,
vuya born with love, but
Kansas, eontains Bixty-six
gambles-: and four policemen.
-Virtne1' sbim-s.'' though contcioptibrr1
. . , .-. . . . '
, . , .
noble minds.'
recigtuzed and respited by
' froh,a'?6.C0 t. -40.000 busbeb, of
WTv'ilxlyt La Crosse,
Jfweek, came across 300 old silver
'dollars, ten feet b.Iow the surface.
Counterfeit ? 0 bills' on the First.Na-
. . , , . , ,
Honai ijati ot. 1 ouiiukerpsie are m cir-
The coiullehls of Harriiian and e ther.
souihern,cuunltiui of Iudinoa are ovbrruu
Several persous in Bolnit, Wisconsin,
... -
I'uitaeus oi4 uu .fwii. uufB.
I liosi! wbo : to a tinblid hoiicft for
and few thing will ever ahow- yon.
A beautiful girl of XorfotS t,as post-
porle(i her wedding cry two weeks, be-'
1 , . a r .
cause elie wasn t coitir lo te xnarneiS
un her face all speckled with - mosquita
i,--....... . ,
. i)r T . ' i
i rofessor Lo; noig hns begin to tone).
, . , , . .i j - ,
,n ChM,w Am'r,c"- nt
f, ill rr.,;.,j:,. - fi.i, ' i ,
. , .-
, . . '"'"1 - "'-
tentot and. ctuer barbano lousrnes. '
'"uoni js ynnr truer at nome "irs;
. 4Bobi is yonr nrter at bonw T
cntstie won t.v yotiTo-nigrir. by r
'Beraae slte- wi ! yhe was gnic to have
fanothar mess tf oninni f she never ha.t
aiMther bean." - '"-' i0 i ' ' ' ' '
A number of Jaaijese of hiph rank
arrived iil Sau '. I'raf.ciso Saturday ;
among tbeni w ienhe Prinee Isnperial, ih l
heir apparent t the throna, being tho
first cf tbe royal.. family that had ever
left Jupan. :o ; t (;'-:.'
j KnKi3, tlie inn immptmi mirgjnr anu
rmhrderer. fought io liard witb the prison
Uv a i few days since, while they
j-endeavoring to hold him for phot-'
purposes, that he hail to be put
tl.n intnai nf r.t.Yrnfnrm.
1 ii. . , . ...... -
Farmers in the ueijhLorliooJ cfTTtii
Ta., report tlie.woods uuusually
wild g;ime this, fall- , The deer
: .. 1 . . . . ., . 1 ...........luiiu 1 1 -
, j .1
venison steah are;.beiug made in the city,
V , ., , , , .
) !.4 .' . ' "
A farmer tear .Springfield, mass., was
wicked enoigh to take his family on a -
cbertnutUug pediti last Sunday. As
a pun.sbment a bridge over whicH he w. ,
11 j
farmer'- daughters 'and the horse wera
' drowned, and the others narrowly es-
..n3 Vlll. 1iat lifiu ' - !
A doctor was very much annoyed by
an old1 Li'tly.' who always stopped biiu
on the street to tell him of her ailments.
iben he was
4 unee ene mci ,nim
great nurry. au :
I see you are ouite',
feeble, said the . 4octrv J'bhnt your
I feeble,'
.eyes ai
.eyes and- show ma yoxtr .tongue. cha
I obeyed, and the doctor, moving off,-' reft
j her standing there in this richculoui.' pa- :
aition. 1 r. i'