H V jl J v M I F f L I t iHV . , Wedneadav Mornins, Sept. 23. 1868, II. II. WILSON. KUitor nad Publisher REPUBLICAN N0MW1ATI0NS. FOR PitKMUKNT, ULYSSES S. GRAM, OF ILLINOIS. OR TICS PRESIDENT, HON. JGHIHTLER COLFAX, AUDITOR OENF.RAL, GEN. JOHN F. UARTRANFT, OF MONTGOMERY COUNTV. SURVEYOR GENERAL, GEN, JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OF CAMDK1A COUNTV. COXtJREPS, J. B. PACKER, of Northumberland Co. ASSEMBLY, AMOS II. MARTIN, of Juniata County. SAM'L T. BROWN, of Huutin5dou Co. COMMISSIONER, SAMUEL M. KURTZ, of Delaware tp. AUDITOR, DAVID SMITH, of Delaware township. REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE Patterson H. II. Wilson, F. M. Mickey. Miftiutown T. I! Ilildebruud, C. M'ClclLin. Fermnnach C. B. Horning, John Stoner. Vlker V- H Tr'hjiupsouj J. A. Oaiiaher. Delaware W. j. Smith, J. M. Landis, Jr. Morr.K A. 0. Sbellenhergcr. A. II. J.andis. Susquehanna Levi bright. S. G Dressier. Greenwood Tbn. Ruiiiliers'T. Win. Thomas. Fayette Lewis Degnn. ('brUt Shellcnbergcr. Thotnpsontown J .W. Kuril. Levi Myers. Milford J. K Itobisun, Andrew Shevcr. Perrvsville J. 15. Thompson, 0 M. Graham. Turbeu W. M. l'.obison, laviI Ileruler. Spruce 1 1 ill W. I. Gruver, Yliost Voder, px-ale Panic) ColTmsn, Jerry Fraukhouser. Tuscarora Thomas Morrow, II. H. Pecbicl. Lack Kzckiel Campbell, Kobert Kobison. Uick Log Kobert Mrlntvre. Jobn Webb. II. II. WILSON, Chairman. "Let us Have Peace "- Grant. "I.cliist Hate War.1'- JUair. MASS MEETINGS. A Mass Meeting will be held in ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1SGS, In the afternoon. Hon. Edward Mc pherson, ot Adams count y, and Hon. John Scott, of Huntingdon, will be pres ent and address the meeting. Oa next Saturday evening, September 2G;h, there will be a meeting at LOCUST GROVE, In Milford township. Speakers will be present from Lewistowo a:id Huntingdon. Ou the sime evenicg, Sept. iltith, a meeting will be held at OAKLAND MILLS. Distinguished speakers will be present. CO TO WOKK. Union Republicans of Juniata county, you have now placed before the people your candidates ; men worthy of your cordial and active suppoi t. Duty requires ynu to go to work, and to commence now. If you wish to elect Grant and Colfax in November, you must Cist do your whole duy ia October. Tub great battle with us takes place o.v the dav we elect our State and County Ticket. Now let the impulse everywhere be TO WORK ! ' Do not waste an hour or fail to do your duty. Our country, our liberty and the security of our homes from rebel invasion and destruction are all at stake, and we cannot therefore be too alive to the issue. TO WORK ! Attention Voters ! Are You As tensed ? If you are not able to answer this question, take the first leisure moment you hate and visit the Assessor of your town, or township, and see that you are properly on the list, acu your name spelt correctly. This done, be equally .sure that you have paid a State and county tax vilhitt tico years. The Third day of Oc tober icill end the time fur Assessments. Little Delaware. The Republicans appear to carry erta -tb obstinate little Copperhead State ot Delaware, and the recent glorious Republican victory in the city of Wilmington is a strong and cheer ing indication of success throughout the Slate at the coming election. Gta. A. T. A. Torbet, of Milford, a gallant cav alry officer under Sheridan, is the Repub lican candidate for Congress The President's Preference. Wheu General Graut was lately in Chi rago, lie was asked by a friend whether Johuon was for him or Seymour. Grant smiled aid replied ; Well, I reckon that when he thinks of Seymour he's for me, and -when he thinks of me he's for Sey- moar." Overwhelming Republican V ICTO K Y ! TOTAL ROUT OF THE ENEMY! "Have you heard the news from Maine !" The great northeastern State Which opens into Vaukee-luud A niipUty prnuite gate. There 'i'reasou loped to rule. And there it writhes in pain ; But they've turned the tideto the other side; llurrati for the news from Maine '. TilF DEMOCRATIC ROOSTER Croiciri'j (in a horn) over the Aciis from Maine. N. B This, is the first time he has made his appearance since his naughty behaviour at Kill Kces' Konefit last fall. Maine heard from. Republican major ity about 23,000 ! Last' year 11,000 Republican gain 12,0001 Democratic gaiu (over the left) 9,000 ! We have curried every county, regain ing the three that were carried by the Democrats last year. We have elected every Senator aud scveu-eihths of the House of Representatives, and have rolled up a popular maj'rity for Gov. Chamber lain of 23,000 ! This victory is by fai :he most brilliant that was ever won by the Republican par ty in Maine, and it has been achieved over the most persistent uud maddened efforts of the Democracy. MAINE WILL TH ROW 30.000 MA .10 KIT Y FOR GRAN 1' AND COLFAX IN NOVEMBER. COLORADO AND NEW MEXICO have al-o gone Republicau by iuc: eased majorities ! A WORD to Republicans in this county. Eacb one of you is expected to do so?e t bin j. Can not each sound Republican iijfl deuce one vote? Your influence is not much if you cannot. You could not be called, iu such a case, cither an influential Republican or a leadiug Republican, liut each one of you can bring some relative, acquaintance, or personal friend tc vote with us this fail who never voted with us before. Set about doing this. It is a duty which you owe to the memory of that son, or brother, or dear friend torn inun yon aud beicft of life by those same iratorious bands now seekiug to get control of that Ship of State which they tried for five years iu vain to sink and destroy. The Democrats have a very peculiar W9y of helpiug the working classes. By sympathiz ng with the rebels during the war they managed to raise the price of gold to 280, aud just when we fancied we were returning to peace and prosperity again they began to talk revolution, oppos ed the Government, aud raised goid from I2G up to 115. It is a very fortunate thiug lor the country that they do not bold two conventions iu oue year, siuce one convention has given such au ugly twist to our financial affairs. Much more help of this kind will bo tbe death o! poor people. The public debt has been reduced dur ing the past year, over seveuteeu millions of dollais, as may be seen by the state, ment of tbe Secietary of the Treasury lor the mouth of July. This is at the rate of over one million dollars per month. Taxatiou has been mateiially lightened, aud the interest on the debt largely re duced. The tax of twenty four millions on cotton and seventy millions on manu factures were taken off this year aud the taxes will be still further reduced. Elect the Democratic ticket and you will have war aud increased taxation. The Reason Voter, if on the day of the October electiou, any man asks you why you support John F. Ilartianl't, tell him because Hartruul't, was willing, in tbe hour of his country's danger, to aban don the mischievous dogmas of his old political faith, that he might the better aid in the vindication of the Constitution aud the Laws, in the effort to sustain the national authority. Acd if any man aik of the same votet why be supports John M. Campbell, answer because he was will ing to do battle in defense of his political principles. Horatio Seymour, wben Governor of New York, vetoed tbe bill giving to tbe soldiers in the field the right to vote. Wby 1 Because he, iu common with all Democrats, instinctively knew tbat tbe soldiers would inevitably vote for the Government to suppott which they were fighting. Tbeir fire aud their vote always were true to Lanr country ana to tie Union. GIVING IT IP. Y The New York Star evidently sees throuu'b matters as they arc since Jiainc lias spoken. It goes ou in this utruui : The M.ine Lesson. The trutbj had better be pokca at ail times, au-1 Ibose j I'cuiocraiio papers mm arc trying m tor ture the figures ot the Maine e'.cmiln in to a Democrat ie triumph might juit as well speak out honestly and say wtaitbey realty believe. We said before tlJaine election was held that tho result ould indicate the prospect in the I'resjantial coutest. We adhere to that opiniJnow. The result iu M iiue clearly shows, i our judgmnt, lb,t ther( Ve "TLia straight LVuiuiTutio votes to t)ieot4 anL Ml uiour to the rrrsiticucj. We mean th4. 1 A comparison ot the vote iu Maine mil that of other States, shows that tho Uem-i ; . n ic party is not fining strength eJJm lt Seet.on of the Act of Assembly ocratic party enough to win, by its own votes, iu the cooiiug Presidential election. It then goes on, and appeals to the workiog men to come to the rescue of tho Democratic party. The workinpmen, from what Maine has done, are evidently in better company, aud what is best of all mean to remain just where they now are. We happen to know that the workingmen of Pennsylvania understand the situation of our country too well to be taken in by cunning devices of such men as Belmont, than whom there is bo greater aristocrat in the world. Of all the frauds in this country, the pretensions ol the New York tstar to beiog the workiugmau's friends is the ircaicst. It stands in the same rclaion to tbe laboring man, as in the old sung, the spider stands fo the fly. SeNATuRTROM THE lUADr'oiMrMk1 TR1CT. Peter M. Osterbout, of Wyom ing couuty, has been nominated as the Senatorial candidate from the district com j osed ol Wyoming, Su.-quchanna and Bradford, now represented by Hud. Geo. Laudoo, Each couuty presented a Can didate, but Whyoming aud Susquehunna finally combined aud nomiunted Mr. Oster hout. Mr. O, has beeu a member of tbe House for several years, a faithful Kepub jican, and will represent his district with ability aud honor to his constituents. The "White Boys in Blue" claim to have been iu the army and honorably dis charged therefrom. Their present ceui pauy throws great suspicion up'Ju their eluiuis. Recently Jour id them were on the witness staud iu Indianapolis. Two declared under oath that they never were in the Government service, aud two that they wore iu John Morgan's znerriiia gang. This is the kind of ruaitrial tho "White Boys in Blue" pu'iu up in the country as genuine soldiers of the Repub lic. One of Governor Seymour's "friends" approached a Republican who worked on the Portsmouth navy yard, and is a poor man with eight children, and intimated that he might continue to work oa the ya?-l if he wiull vote "right." The in dignant patriot spumed the offer aud ex pressed his intention of voting as he had fought. He was discharged at once. His fellow workmen the next day sent him a barrel of flour, in token of their appreci ation of his manliness Little Rock Ark., Sept. 1. Two members of tbe Legislature, county clerk, U S. assessor and collector, and two U. S. contractors for building a freedmun's school house, were driveu from Lafayette county. Twenty-oue Union men were killed three whiU and eighteen negroes. A large Ivi Klux mcetiug was held at Little Rock last Friday night. Leading rebels and desperadoes from all parts of the Stale were iu atteudencfl. "We never expected anything better from Maine," say Democrats. Of course not! Rut what benevolent fellows you Democratic National Committee are, to seuda solid 8100,000 into that Slate, when they never expected anything from it ! Not many men, in these hard times, sling money away in that careless way ! At one period of the war the Govern ment hau not greenbacks enough to pay the soldiers, aud the Secretary of the Treasury offered those Government bonds. They accepted the offer aud took 520,000, 000 of the seveu thirty bouds. Were these "lighting boys in bluo" "bloated bond-Lolders ?" I.v a single club that nnH-v1. JsXPf day night, iu Philadelphia at the Uuion League n-eeting, there marched twenty live men who voted the Democratic ticket last fall. Big straw, that. Remember that one vote for Hartranft and Campbell in October is worth two for Grant and Colfax iu November. If we cairy the first election, the second grand and final victory is sure to follow. We are fighting over again to-day the issues of the war times. Do wo appre ciate fully that great fact 1 We stand by the graves of our deal soldiers. Gooo The news from Maine. How do ycu like ii, Cops. communicated. Editor Sentinkl: Sir. The mat ter of the question of the Publio Build ings seems to have been lorgottcn by the people of Juniata, if we are to judge from the columns of our county papers, where the subject for some time past has been entirely ignored The first important thing for tho tax payers to know, is, whether we are to have new publio buildings ? To this inquiry the answer is that there will be no new public buildings in this county, uulcrs a UisjrVHT ot tbe voters should be in lavor of remtff al to Ferry ilte. If Mifnio " M - . t0W4 should receive a majority of tbe w'll hnlfA m-t tiattt It 1 1 1 I M O II pnivdes ''that the qualified voters ot Ju niitatounty, on the 13th day of October, l858jvote for or againxt the removal ol thechnty teat from MifBiutown u Per rysvit," and further provides how the tickcj shall be printed and voted aud re turn lade of the election. StJTlON 3 Provides ' If the majority of tli votes polled shall bo against re mov then it shall not be lawful for the Commissioners named in this Act to lo cute (lie county buildings at IVrysville, butiic county seat of Ju'i'ata r moty to be ind remain at Mirllintown. where it uov is, but in case a majority of the votes polled shall be be for removal, then the comity seat of Juniata shall be located at Perrysville." Section 4 Provides in case of removal ior the selection of five Commissioners to elect the sit; for the court house aud jail, aud to have deeds of conveyance, ireo of expense, to the county for the same. cECTION O 1 roviues tliat as soon as tne deed for the grounds are placed in the ! , ,. ., ii i . .i ! bauds ol the Commissioners, and after the , ! expiratiou of five years from the passage ! l...-t ....... r , Ul hUtl 1V1 Ull IVC j ruuui a I l-VUUI mi, a m by two successive grand juries, they shall proceed, without uuuecessaiy delay', to erect all the required county builJiugs on the site selected ; the Court llou-e to be built of brick, with the necessary fire proof rooms for t'ie sale keeping of the records, aud large enough lo accou:tuodate the growing wauts of the couuty. ... , , . . . - W e have quoted the above Section in full, iu order that the people can see that uew buildings are to be erected only iu case of removal. In case tbe pe 'p'e arc against removal, then tbe buildings re maio just as they are, for the Commission ers are uol authorized by law to enlarge, improve or alter the old building, arid un less authorized by law the Commissioners have no more right to enlarge or improve the county buildings than any other citi zen, aud were they to do so without authority of law they would be trespassers and could be made pay dumiges even for improvements. Section b Provides "that the County Comuiissianers be restrained and prohib ited from enlarging and improving tbe tuildiugs at Mitiiiutown, unless a majori ty of the votes shall be against removal." Tax-cayers will observe that this Section does not give the Commissioner power to j enlarge or improve. It prevents anything being done before the election, but does uot say that tho Commissioners shall en large and improve after the elceiiou. A careful examiuutiou of tbe Act will con vince everybody that it. mean. wic build '"i" for I'errysvilc old buildiugs for MifHin As this Act of Assembly docs not authorize new buildings to be erected at Mifilui in case a majority are against re moval, it aiay be asked thru bow can they get new buildings at Mifiliu ? We say never, uuless two grand jiiiies in success ion recommend it, aud the Court of Quar ter Sessions approve it. Such is the law and can be found in Purdon's Digest, page 173. It was pastel 15'li April, 1S31, and applies to every county in the State. As the grand juries come from all parts of the county, represent all the interests of tbe county, aud the sentiments of the people, it is not at all probable that two grand juries in succession would recom mend such a measure for tho nest twenty five years to come. If then we lutend to vote to wet new ' buildings at Perrysville, it is prudent to count the cost before we begin. The Act of" Assembly says the Court House must be built of brick, with fire-proof vaults, ic. We have heard the opinion of a number of experienced builders express- ed that S-30,000 would not erect buildings' as good as are now ia Mifflin. And if new buildings are to be erected because they are necessary, they ought to be a great deal better, larger aud with all the modern improvements. We trnture the opinion that the plainest kind of build ings would cost from 880,000 to?100,000. Section 0 Authorizes Commissioners to borrow S20.000 and give bonds with j six ner cant, interest. Ibis balance of r.,-v,- r.nri M .ii i. . I... : OU,UUU or u.uuo wouia an ue uuu .u j oa yeir, beddes paying 6120') a year iu-j tercst, which is more than the cost of court expenses on the couuty for one year. It seems to as that nothing short of abso lute military necessity should induco the people to burthen themselves with such a load of taxes. Who must pay these tax es t Last winter (see Pamphlet Laws of I8C8 psge CI,) a special law Was passed for Juniata and a few other counties, which provides that "all mortgages, judg ments, recognizances and moneys owing on articles of agreement for tbe sale of real estate shall be exempt from all taxa tion, except for State purposes." It will be the rtal estate awners, tbe farmers and laboring men wbo will pay the tax. Far mers, owners of raal estate, can you stand the pressure ? If so, vote for the new buildings, for you alone will have to loot tbe bill. Milford. The Republicans of Lancaster county i have voted ior a candidate for Congrct, at a special election, when about 10,000 votes were polled. O J. Dickey, Esq., was the successful candidate, lie bad a majority of about 4000 over A. Heir Smith, Esq., the next higher competitor. He was named for the short and long terms. Mr. Dickey is a good Republi can an able speaker aud an excellent man. He will tuakd his mark ia Cou- If you waut to make a Democrat mad just a,k him something about Maine. IAKM FOR. SALE. The undersigutd of tura al private tale his larui, si'ua'e in Miltorii towuship, Juuiaia county, containing 104 Acre-, To ol wuiuU are cleuid ami iu au exec. lent stale of cuUifaiiou, aim die balance la well ael UU Dim timber, liiu iuiprove- .. I II. ..I.. ..n.l Vn.M lial u. (wo 0, waler Iie(ir lue t,uua- iuys, wish running water iu tviy held. A cooU Aiiide Orchaid. Limestone iiiiarrjr 4uO b " . ' 1 , , ,, , ',, i..,. varus liuui place, and iron ore in at)u:iti;uiie ou ib lurm. This property ia lucuied miles tioui llie l a. K. it al .U.trhu itailou, convenient lo mills, school, cuurcues, tic. ll is a desirable propeiiy, uud per-.o..s aisli iug to purchase snout t not fail to See it: -'teiius eay.ta vjfcuEGE McDONAliD. eept. 28, 13i;-tf. AUDITOR'S NOTICE Tbe underaiguad .A mil cor, appointed by tiie Court of t on. uion 1'ieas of Perry coumy lo audii llie ac co unt of S;iuiuel Leouard, AsBigme of lue tirm of Kuril & rrcet. of naid couury, anj I1IOII IIJUIV IU - U.T J L.J J tu .. . -I i. ...... J ..... lll(,rs 8CCliruluir tl) iaw, wlll mesi par- ties interested for tbat purpose at tbe llit-e of Jesse L. Gauit. iu the Lorougb of Newport, said couuty, on Monday the i-ili day of 'Oc tober, lSob, between tne hours of lt M. aud 4 o'clock P. M., when and where they may attend. Ut'UKliE tf. JACOiid, Auditor, aept 10 l68-td. EYfE a L.A.DELi FOURTH & ARCH STREETS, PHI LA. GOOD BLACK SILKS, GOOD BLACK SILKS. 1 8 6 8. FALL GOO 13 OPENING, F A N C Y AND S T A P L E , Lyons Silk Velvets, New Style Shawls, New Dress Goods, Good liiaukels, Table Linens, Sheetings sud chirtiugs, niiths and Cassiaitics. N. IS. New Goods received daily in large lots ftr Jobbing. iept l', lS'JS-tir. Jg.'y' "77 .f IN U It EAT VaihETY CAN BE HAD AT THE CLARK & FRATjK, M I KKL1 N', J CN I ATA COUNTY, PA., Where will be found a large assortment of IJuilaing Hardware, Saddlery Hardware, Housekeeping Hardware. Wngomuakera' Hardware, Carpenters', Masons' aud Plasterers' Tools, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Chains, Glass, Lead, Oils, Color, Wood and Willow Ware, Powder, Fuse, Shot and Lead, AT SATISFACTORY PRICES, Maiu Street, opposite the Court House sept 1C, lbo8-3m. m iioop skirts gI$ ASD WM. T. HOPKiNS, NO. G28 ARCH STREET, PHILA'D, MANl'FACTL'KLU or TUB Celtbraled 'Cbaiepiou' Hoop Skirls FOR LADIES, MISSES i CHILDREN, The largest assort oieut, and best quality and styles in the American Market. Every lady should try tlimn, as they recommend 'a e h b(JiI u 'llIer anil mor. elastic than all other- Warranted in every re tpnet, aud sold at very low prices. Ask for Honkin s "I'nauipiou esin Superior Kind-made W uale-Bone Corsets in Fifteen different Grades, including the "Im perial" and Thompson & Lang Ion 8 ' Glove Fitting" Corsets, rauging in prices from 81 l Cents to S ,50 : together with Joaepli IJeck- cl's Celebrated French Woven Corsets, supe rior shapes and quality. Ten different Grades, rom Sl.io to ,. iney arc lue nnesi ana irni slI,;pHed with Hoop Skirts aui Corseis i ...U tlia i.pwmu A.vt-r ituniii-tail '1't.u a; iv LoicU Raise. the City should not fail to Those visiting . ille otlr 0ooil Rlli t.rice,, B3 w aPty nil competition. apr'.l 7, Ja-i-ju. PHILIP HILL, MANUFACTURER OF no. 04 clause, sr., PHILADELPHIA. f-fJ-Send for Eiigrnvin and Price l.lst. N. B. Presi lnni itl Campaign Torches, 5, j 28. 3 , 35 and $10,00 per Hundred. Sei-t lo, leb8-4t. IT inni N. E. LlTTLKriELD has received at his Tin and Sheet Iron Store a large variety of Stoves, among which is Tlie lmproted Oriental Base Burning Coal Stores, and l'arlor Furnace. This Stove is well and favoraoly known, having been in use in this county about two year), and in every instance has given general ,:ttislnctiun. liejbas also the Noble Cook, Excelsior I'un. atioat Oook, i-iagra, aid Coal Stoves and Gas Iturners. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. 1Mb stock oonsists in part of every variety of Tin. Copper. Sheet Iron. Erass Wares. In amt'V.l ami HI. in Smirn Pans. Hoiler. Skil let", French aud Er-jcUsh Il-svy Ware, init iron Skimnieis. aud evry artirle yon need in the kiirheu. Parti :uar attention given to Spouting, Valleys & Conductors, All of which Will be made out of the teM ma ri.'tls and put up in a workiuan-l.ke turner. Ktmember the place, on l;ridga street, Mif fl:towu. sept '., ISO? If. h ANKERS, Ho. 33 S. Third St, PHILADELPHIA, GENERAL AGENTS roa Tu National Life Insurance Company or THS UNITED STATES 07 AMEEICA, roa tub States of Pennsylvania and Soo.tt.enJ New Jersey. The National Life Inkuraiice CooiTany la a corporation Cuarieie l i.y Special Acl at Cea gre?s approved July U j, ltv.S. w;lh a Cash Capital ot Oue Ki'Jion Pcllars, and is coir thoroughly organized anlpepar ed for business. Liberal terms offered to Agenta and Soli cit, ts. wi'o are inviiel to apply i our office. Ftiii pailicu.ars to be ii .-' on application al our cPice, l.icated in tbe e :ond story of our Hanking Honse. where Circulars and 1'a-nph-!etn, fui'y des.:ri!)ine the a-Jvuniaes oBerid by tbe Cojppanr. be uad. Applications for Central and Weste-n Peaa sylvnia to be made to B. S. LL'SSLu, Maa ager, Towanda, Pa. E. V. CLARK A CO.. No. :'.r Soma Thiid Street, aig 1?, '6P-ly PHILADELPHIA. PA Dissolution or pa i; r:: e ks n i p. f tice is berwby given that the parmershipaw latly existing beiwoeu J. P. iletiltflinei and J. A. Criswell in the coauh-makirg business, was distolved by mutual consent, on tho 1st day ul August IS'iS. TLe hooks will re"iaia in the hands oi J. P. HsGlennger for colleo tion for sixty days. J. P. HEFFLEPINGEK, J. A. CKISAELL. Tha Insiness will hereafter be conducted by the un iersigced. at the old stand. Thank ful for past favors I still solicit a hare of ike traiie. J. P. HEFFLEFINGBR . aug 10. l?f.83t. THE HOUSEHOLD CAS MACHINE For $u-j1ying Du-rHinrr, Store), Fjclorio, Churches and Public BuiLUnyt with Gat! Generates Gas without Fire or Ileal t The simplicity and ease by which this Ma chine is managed, as also ita economy and great merit, recommends it to pul.iio f vor. Call and see machine in operation r? theaters. Manufacturer and Sole Agent. DAVID JONES, Tin Furnishing Store, No. 7-M Greeu St.. PHILADELPHIA. egf-Scnd for Illustrated Circular, aug P.), lSlirv-Stn. Active aai IQcicnt Agents Wanted, IS THIS CoCSTET I0K TBB Union Matnal Life Insurance Co, Claiming, as this Company does, soma ad vantages peculiar to itaeit. Agents are afford ed an ersy and successful method for securing r;ska. A liberal couuiission paid t agent, wl.o must fiirniih first clnrs references. Ad dress. D. S Glo. ingr, M. D., General Agent, No 19 South 7th M., Philadelphia, Pa. ' 1SII VCOat'lLLAS SEMIN Alt V. Th XV. winter session of this Institution "opeaa cn W'edr-sdsy October 1 lib and c mriniidfl I twenty weok.s with a short vacation uorir.a tne UvlMays. Jerms including board, tu.iion. Hgbt, fuel, and finished rooms 100, naif payable in sdvaife. Send fur acatalofftie. MARTIN MOHI.ER. Prln.. KishocoouiiJas. ) sept. 9, ISfi8-3m. FULL a-sortm-rt of TKoNKS andTKAV -TV ELVISG EAiiS. Also. X O TI I tX.f as Hose, r.lnres. Burl: Gloves and MU- fverv best quality.) Kid Glove, for lauies aud ut" nnnnisUtJ Vi.i. X. B HIIDEER.O'D i.