Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, November 27, 1867, Image 2

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Juniata cnfiuri.
M 1 F F L I N T O W N
We.Ine-.duv llorn.ns, November 27, 1867
II. Il"."u iLSO. K.Ia.,r and I'ublinhrr
run runtuK.xT,
The members of the County Committee
are requested to meet at tho Sestiski.
office, on Tuesday, IVe. 3d at 10 o'clock
A. M.. (court week) to pre-jribe rules for eminent. That will be admitted. f be
conducting the election ordered by the j js u be tried at all, the question must be
Republican County Convention to be held j this, whetherarebellioa against the United
ou the second Tuesday of March next, tij-.avs is a crimiual act. Can this (Juv
voto ?or or against the adoptiou of the ornment afford to try that question? A
Crawford County System. A full atteu-1 trial implies a doubt. Can we afford to
djuce is particularly desired as it is impor
tant every district should be represented.
The following gentleiueu compose the ,ri:i1 wust cnd iu a decision by some tri
committee. ! buual. What tribunal in the land can be
MitHiutown J. J. Patterson. Solia'n. Hooks. ' a ted to decide the issue upou which mill
leriuttnagh Unuiel iViner. Jacob llower. ious o( men have fought? Either the
Walker John Motzer, K. Davis. , , . . . , , ,
i-elawurc-S. o. Kvans. Ceo. '.V. fW,h. i war "-" nothing, or it settled that no
Monroe Samuel lirown. A. G. Shcllcnbrrger j State had a right o secede, and that no
iMiS'iucuaiiii'ili K. Lull!!, K. Crawford. -.- i i i . . . i
Greenwo:n-T. llnn.beer. II F Z-iders. cl,lzen ha'' a r,ht t0 ,:,ke UP "insaganst
Fayette M. Hoffman. E t-hellenherger.
FaUvison S. 11. lirown. F. F. lioiiin.
MiifirJ J.hu l!ul.-baeh. John K.irm st. ir.
VerrysYille ('apt. J. Thompson, W Ii. Okesou
Tnrbctt E. W. Derkv, Isaac Mecknmn.
Spruce Hill W. .1. Evans. Thomas I'uttou.
Itoa'.c K. Doyle, Win. Young.
Tuscnrorn G. M. .Smelkcr, James Murphy
Lack James Wallace, Matthias flump.
liUck Leg Jacob Gii'H or. James Mclntvrc.
J.J. l'ATTKKSOS, Chj.rmau.
TU fortieth Congress reassembled at i
Washincton on Thursday the 21t, ac
cording to adjournment. The House is
now constituted with one hundred and
ninety-three members, and the Senate
with fifty-four. In the popular branch
tLe political division is :cto li t Kepubli-
cans aud 49 of the Opposition.- In the
Senate the Republicans number 12 to V
Democrats. The States not represented
in either branch are Virginia, North Jar-1
oima, S.mth t'arulni !, Ueorgia, r londa, j
Irifi inm IjiitKiiin Miirisi-.ni Ti.v.-i
, , i i-i
aud Arkansas ten. The rapidity with j
which converts are being wan to the Con
gressional plau for reconstruction, as in
uicaied in the current elections at the
Konlll nn trlilidi flip rp:iilmi-inn of lifl
i.b; i ; M i,.,..;0
v. ti yus iuu.1 .tify.-, tivno out iu,ri
States will not be without representation
By the provisions of the Constitution,
the regular session commences on the Crt
Monday in December. 1 his leaves to the
currcut session only eight working days.
Ia so short a time very little important
mailer can be rai-cd, digested aud acted
tpuo. Nor is it probable that much will
be attempted. The finances of the coun
try will unquestionably be taken up, ns
every one believes they deserve to be. A
sti.mg effort will be made to effect a re
peal of the taxi's on whisky and cottou.
The sui jeet of reconstruction will also be
in .o:eJ. Eiiher ol these three is suffi
ciently grave and sufficiently unsettled to
occupy the whole session. Their gravity
i such that it will be singular if they are
cot altogether thrown over to the next!
tc.-siua for further debate and decision.
The importance, we apprehend, of the
current sejion of Congress will consist
not S3 much in what it may do as iu the
manifestation of feeling to be made by it,
and its preparation for that solid work ,
that will be commenced a week later j
This is in itself a great deal. If it pre-!
pares the way for immediate and wise ac- j
tion on the part of lu successor, it will be
eutirieu to ana receive t lie toauks ot the
whole eountry. iShould a happy unanim
ity of opinion enable il to settle cither
of the three great questions to which
we Lave referred, in accordance with
the wishes of the people and the in
terests of the laud, there will be matter
for more rejoicing. But merely to take
them from their unorganized coudition
sud prcseut them fairly aud tjuarelv fcr
the action of the regular session, will re
lieve that f.essiou of no little difficulty
and labor.
estate was made at Springfield, by iJavid
Davis. Administrator. After riaviiiir all
thu debts there remains 8110,4, or 83C-I
Tti.'j ech for Mrs. Lincoln and LiSi- two
sous, lt'jbcr t T. Liueulu has received his
share, and also that of his minor heir,
ThiiJJeas. The amount dtte .Mrs. Lin
coln, less about ?1,00'J, already drawu, is
tulject to her order. Ia other word;-,
ilia. L'UCola has SJ-,S'Jj subject to her
order, and each of her sous has Sjij.Ttif)
This is not a famine, but it is cet uialv
enough to iapport a widow iu modest to
tiremeat. All will agice that no neces
sity compelled .Mr.. Lincoln to sell her
old eloiinis, aud that uo poverty entitles
Ler tj either nutivc :! or individual u'oua-
There is a great criminal, fays the ii.
Lou id Democrat, who ought to have been
punished long ago. It is now proposed,
; t . ,i(c j' . ...q MnI;,llcnt re.
Kd o- him has been definitely settled,
after his case has Lecu appealed to the
tribunal of last resort and a verdict retr
dercd by the sword, to bring him lor tria
before a Tinted States court. We doubt
whether the trial id' Jefferson I'avis for
treasuu can now b6 conducted as to Le
much more than a farce.
What issue is there to try? Not the
question whether Davis participated in a
rebellion against the United States Gov-
acknowledge th:it there is a reasonable
doubt whether treason is unlawful ? A
the Government. If the war did not set-
tie these questions, how can a court settle
i them ? If the war did not settle these
(iicstions, what reason is thero for 6ub
mitting them to a court for discussion aud
deliberation ?
Jefferson Davis, if tried at all, must le
tiled by a jury impuueled in Virginia.
Can there bo found in Virgiuia twelve
mec who have no opinion iu regard to the
S'1!it ur muocence ol the pn-oner r It
M " tiiei1 h'-'kre a jury who are known
iw believe that treuscu is a crime, who
!nilt Joes cot believe it a crime will be
! convicced ? If be ts tried before a jary
j vvl'0 are kown to believe that treason is
j ,lot a crime, will their ac;;-iittal establish
j tliS fuL"1 t!,at rebellion was justifiable '!
, is tried bef'oie a jury who are kuowu
! to divided iu opiniou, will their disa
grcement leave it doubtful whether the
'J .ere auen-.
mend were tiob'e natriois or wicked inva-!
, .. 1
ders ?
There ought to le, say some, a solemn
decision by a I'uited States court that re-
hellion is treas m and is a crime. If we
are sure of such a decision when the court
luc c-isp. the trial be less than
a f.iree ? If we
not sure of such a
decision, have we the right to stake
liinor ol the heroic dead upon the doubt.-;
lul issue 'I If a solemn decision by the
c.iurt that rebelliou is a crime would add
anything to the verdict of the war, theu
a decision that rebclliou U not a crime
would reverse the verdict of the war.
liut what loyal mr.n would accept such a
decision as proof that the Government
was in the wrong and that rebellion was
lawf ul '! And if loyal men would not ac
cept an adverse decision as final, !mw can
we csr-ect tho?e who dispute the verdict
of ihe war to accept tho decision of a
loval court ?
Vt e cauuot sea that any good can be
June in this la!e day by bringing Jeffer
son Davis to tiial. Grant that he ought
to have been Lun" No one pvr.eets th t
, .., . , , ,- .
l:!'W w 1 in oveeolo.l top l.'j ..
Audrew Johnson, who declared that trea-
i-oa ought to be puuished, has made ii
certain that it will not be. Of the fact
of Davis' treason, there can be no dispute;
as to its crimiuaiily, the question has been
sc,.lcj hy a ,rihU!lai tuaa aiJ coar,
in Le auJ l'ublic opinion accepts the
vcrji(.t of ,Le War Til0l5C who etM iu,
sist that rcl,el.ioa was right are uot t0 L
cunvcitcd by al)J- furujal deuUiun that c..a
stances, the trial can hardly fail to be a
farce, uot the less absurd because it may
: be solemnly couducted and directed by
the Chief Justice himself. But if Jef
ferson Davis is to be tiied, we respectfully
submit ihat there is another traitor, whose
crimiuaiily niay with equal propriety be
questioned, and that the case of Benedict
Arnold ought to be called next after that
of Davis.
31 its. Andrew Wav, of Syracuse, wa
filling' a kerosene lamp, Thursday evening.
Her three children wer.- standing by, one
of them holding a caudle, when the young
est, a boy about five yearn of age, having
"eard hU rareutii tl,at tU oil wa9 not
explosive, tasuig advautage ot the mo
ment when his mother was uot looking,
poured some oil upou the table aud touch
ed the flame to it as a test. Tile fluid
iguited, aud all four were so severely
buiued that Mrs. Way aud one of the
children died i'riday morning, and the
I.Ij of the little boy is despaired of.
The oMext boy, who was severely burned
iu alieuipting to ex.Li(juib the flames, it
is hoped will recover.
The official llep.i'oiicaa majority of
Io-A-a is 7.000, though Wells, the candi
i . o flp vuu i
eelved a insjority of 41,GSC. j
THE TASK, or t'O.N'UIlhss.
Iuflueutul members oT Congress have
endeavored to ascertain from dm lankers
merchants and tradesmen of New York
and other cities their views a., tr. the
fiuaacial measures expected of OoBgrcw,
uua nave oeeu euiuarrai-aea and, disap
pointed tu liud that while all suid that
(Jougress must do something, uu two
agreed as to what that something ought to
he. Still it may be assumed as au impor
tant poiutto have arrived at the exclu
sion that Congress is expected on all sided
to adopt some new tiuaucial measures lor
the relief to the country. Sumo t a
liighcr tariff, s'jme a lower; some . want
more paper money, some less , souieant
to substitute greenbacks for bank notes,
some to substitute bank notes fur green
backs; some want all national j'Curilies
payable iu guld, principal aud iu'erest,
some want tbeiu payable all iu grucbacLs ;
some want the extinguishment of the na
tional debt to go ou faster, souiciwaut the
whole proceeding arrested, aud 'the pay
uieut of the debt left to posteriy; some
want the uatioual bankitig capitll incieas-
ed, while otheis want the whole Msteui
abolished, aud bo ou to th? end ot tho
Iu this multitude of counsellors and
j eonfmron of counsel it is a troublesome
matter for a meuvber of Cong:ess whose
duties aud antecedents necccssiri.'y make
him more political than fiuanual, to know
what course to pursue. If '.he organic
bodies that represent the trading interests
, . 1 , , .
oi me country naa any Uenuue views ou
the subject, Congressmen uiitfbt look to
them loi advice in this crisis. B it a., a
general thing these bodies cither hive uo
views or are afraid to give them expres
sion, le t they mint be e.mstru'j aj hav-
ing a political bearing. Nor is it likely
that their views would, if utttled, have
,. ,.,... i.,...,.i.J. ti... i i i:
.. .
uow so uuivtr.-a!ly popular, would liae jc
eucouiitcicd, wlicu tirst broaclicd, tl.c j
unanimous coudemnaticu of these trac
organizations, had their upinions lecu
asked. Congress inu.-.t, tLciclore, make
up its mind to act for itself, iuui its own
kuow(;dse o( t!l(J vho?t illtelt,, anJ
ueeesMiics oi ine reoino. I lie iraue oi-
think only fur a limited elass
aud restricted luc.ilaies. Contrrcssmeu re-!
fleet the lufereats and the wishes i.f all .
anc.c aic, uui.evc, suiiie pu.uis mat
we may consider as Leing settled by ton. -
a j
i .n,.i i. in ..t r .,.! It t j 1 ... r....... .,.,... 1..,
.v '" v" ' 1 J
kIiou Id l.e boruo tu uiiuti J4r4t It i
' 1
I agreed on all sides that there mutt Leu',
"... "
1LUUl"'uu 01 '-'"" '-,
iliat the load of interest on the national 1
debt ought to be reduced ; third, that the
manufacturers ought iu souie v.ay to be
relieved iroiu the buidens under which i
they uow suffer : fourth, that tie expen-
3 ' ' 1 I
scs ol the national (Joveruuieut tbouhi be '
I educed very largely; filth, that ut.lo.-s
ihe fc'ecictaiy of the Treasury can .-how a ;
ico-su'-iabic excuse for maintaining so lar.a' i
a balance idle iu the Treasury, it should ;
oe applied to its legitimate u-e iu p'lyin
on mo obligations ol liie ij ovcruuietit.
IS- . I If f . t '
The first aud third of these points nat-,
uraily come together for noiisidci alien :
siuce if there be any lowcriug or abolish,
iug of taxes, the productive interests oj
the country ought to have the beueiit. of,
if i
There is a great clamor to ob-aiu the
repeal of the cotton tax; but if the re- j
inoval ol that tax wul necessitate the re.
teutioti of any of the numerous taxes
, v"1'", "
be reia.ricd.
ii. r ..n.it.l .i. lli.lli.lrl' (.'.on,,.. it l-.fl i.l
Our own impression has been thai the tax
should be reduced
sliding scale of
l.-lll' 11 I'l lll M Vf.iT ' ri.'.fir.l Pinlr-m
-0 -
u-r. ,1., . ..;, t. .I.ni , l.t I
to allow the destruction of ''reeiibacks to!
go below the poiut of permitting three
huudred mil ions to remain iu circulation
for tho ledemption of the uatioual batik
uotes If Congress authorizes an iu-
crease o. me uatioua oannog capita, tor;
ine couuiry souiti and west oi Aciv lurt.i
as we think it should, such aetiou aa !
this will be imperatively necessary.
Xur(h Ameriran.
The Juniata Rejutbliain publi.ihes an
article from an txclunnjc which, it ays, is
a complete reply to our article ol a few
weeks ago, uudcr the caption of ''Ureak
ing faith w'uh Soldiers." We Uo not see
that it lies any bearing on the case what
ever. In that article occurs this para
graph :
-The people demand honest, capable, I V "'e ""'""'"""" "e v.cmty where !- -c
., . , 1 . .- , ,. . I -on, b reside, which will net them from ij-jO to -,n- ' J' "
laltlitul 'inii r.:itr'.n,ii r.iir.liii 1.0 ev 1 . .
tliey wul support that orgauizatiua by '
Wliatever name it may be called which
furnishes such." . '
This we eudorse, every word of it. lut j '
pray, did the factionists, led by the .Juui-
01. . ..I.?;.-,,,, il.i.l Ui.,.l. .1. '
7T. T. " cpa-
bility," '"honesty," aud ''faithlulness" iu j
Air. iMuler, over Capt. II. II. V, ilsoi a
to justify their action in the premises i' I
Or did thrv Sud Mr. Miller whn !
- - t U. lij
the war, gave his sympathies to the ere-
c I
3 to t;:e erp.
, i:... . ,,
I"inotic j
riies oi iae uoverciaenr, more
. : l., .i
haa tar.ta:a iison ; or JI
itessrs. Shu-ert !
or Melntire, more '-honest," "capable" or
"patriotic" than Col. KoCisou, both of
wbom, (Wilson and Uolisou.) served nier
itoriously and faithfully iu the Union
army ? "Capability," "honesty," ' jm
Iriot 'sm" indeed. We apprehend this ca
pering arises lrom personal hostility, nnd
is adopted as a plausible way of ventiug
their spleen and hiding their aniicosity.
The Juniata Rinibliain thiuks it is
terrible that "a thiid rate 8x10 sheet,
publi-bcd iu McCoutitloburg," should
have anything to say in defence of the
soldiers. Ideally! WI.cn did thnl sheet
! rise to the dioity even of 'rd rate '!"
and where did it receive its authority to
speak for the llepublicau party 1 Is it
because of its hostility to soldier candi
dates ou the llepublicau ticket, or did it
bring with it a commusion when it came
up out of tho filthy cesspool of Johnson,
isc, and in one bound sprang forward ir.V
the fiout rank as a 1st clas llepublicau
journal, cud a purifier of Republican pol
itics ? Its antecedents sre quite too bad
to entitle it to any such distinction, and
it must pass the ordeal of refining before
it can be-cntitled even to the character of
"3rd rate" bheet. Clcau tho Johnson
mud out of your Republican concern and
tiieu it will be better entitled to speak for
Republicans, whether it be 1st or 5th rate.
Ftiffun R jmLl'r.'tii.
Some months a, the conductor of a
railroad (Philadelphia and West Chester)
put a colored womaa off the train because
1 . r i . i , , ,
: she refused to sit where he directed her.
pi i ... ,.i
I lie couductor was sued lor assault and
battery, found guilty and fiucd .?')()(). As
the question involved the right of llail
road efiioials to make a distinction in pas
sengers, aside from sex, the case wa taken j
to the Supreme Court, aud the j i igment
)f t(C CuUrt
ow rever.-ei. Judoe Ag
ue w delivered the npinioii which lule
' that while no one can bo excluded ou ae
)uut o: color, icugious beiiel, ooiiiieal
relations or prejudices, a public carrier!
iiay, ill the exercise of his private lioht
of property, separate passengers that it
'u not unreasonable regulation to peat pas
sengers sj as to preserve orcier at:d deco-
and if the "rounds of re"u!ation be reas-
nmililf enlirt iV iti;ftio M'niiil int, rlj rn
.., . , . . . . .
i Willi a earner s ri.nt of r.rivafe rrrir.rrtv
, . , . , ,
j ibe right ol a passenger is only that of
, . , , . , , .
1 , , f . , . ...
;ns ..oiiilDi-t ami convenience whntl. nrr
rromoted by a sound and well regulated
, .
Ieparatiou of r.asser.L'ers. J his Uecisiou
! by ti e hupreme Cmu t win go far ta settle
..!. . .., .. .
. ., tn,n which has given a good deal of
, trouble to Railroad officials.
fr..-,. ii.. . tii . i :
lm' AiuiAMS wereexecutcu
veek before li st, Un Tuesday, at Wilkes-
llarre, Neal Peveony, a disstpated youna
' . 3 "
man, w.-.s hung in silit of 4')0 persons.
He left a family in Ireland, and formed a
guilty attachment here. His devoted wife
raised ineaus to coma over, and met him
at f I;:z'eton, where he asked her to go into j
a by-place, shot her in the breast with a!
- .(.I.. , .., ... . IT ..
pistoi, ;neu cut ner turoa:. ue at List j
denied his guilt, but finally confessed, and
f.irgave every otic except i'at rooccy. '
who, he said, swore his life aprny, bull
I'at's cvideace was immaterial in the cos-j
viotiou. Neal was attended by four Caih-!
..i; ' :.. : .1 .. !
I'.'b l.l. lliJVLI. Ill .3 I I ai C 9 .
;:re M .. or Lave lhv
,yil,patllJ. ,h, Catholic clergy J; and
itcrrcJ i die Catholic cemetery. I
()., WV I,....-! ,c -,t 'le-.rO,.! l I on-, i
.MiLur was hung 1-r causing the death ol :
, . . , .. , .. I
"US'BU1. " ,al. l'i Fsou
She too was a toieigncr, loved lirjuur.and
.-.v.. Lor bnJv.ml nrspnu- , v,;, u timoc !
. , , . . ,
'"-ta cc "uu" " 'k "u'1- "'""rJ :
enough to gratify her apeti'e. She also l
confessed her guilt.
... ... , " , ,
A oNeWCASTLK Ki:i-n:t.KN Reeled
a barrel of potatoes six IllilcS hnfc week,
A t r,t .l r ) i- i .
'u iu.uii inv i,iiuiiiuii.7 oi uu oiLvitwii mvi.
was reM;feJ . aQ imm,Dse crowj of ;
, ,. , ,. .,
spectators, who complimented him with
three cheers. After dumping his load.
I 1 .:....l . UTI t T'... ( A.. .
to the d d Coppsrheads, and we'll see j
' '
how they feel nest fall !''
To engage in a light, and honorable business
jj V1.1 u.'iuia. I
I'or particulars npply to or address J'AU-
MLLtb lillUs., i 2 Sausom street, t'lnladel
phia, l'enn. aov 'In, la07-4t.
CHGANS. The undersigned has been ap-
awnt f..r t!. of M.n Am-rican
. . . .
t,rgan, manufaetured by 8.D.&II. W-Smitu, ;
lioston, nnd is prepared to furnish persons i
v.uh l'arlor or Church Organs as cheap as
ean be rrchastd fromthe manufacturers.
Also Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ of
different style nnd pize. The Instruments
. , , , ... . , . -
can be seen and heanl by calling at liia resi-
. ' J I
dence on Mam street, Jhffliutoiru. l
mar-;Si :S, 1S97 tf. WILLIAM WISE, j
Li.st ok .iiiior.s roii l-lcemueu '
on a ten jvBnRf.
Walker Mm I'.ratton, Willinm Ciatln
Spruce 1! ill .Samuel Renin. Theodore Meiu
ingei, Wm. i 1'attni!.
Lack J. T. Jlarton, William Collier, Jog.
I'-mi liberty.
T.eale J, P. Conner.
-Isaac Dutricb, Si:.:ou fc'Iicl-
Fa , rile ?ilichapl riolnnnn.
Tn.-eiirora Alex. MiKin'.ry. Ihrry I'attor-
son. r. I . l.tiilwiek, J. V. .Milhki-n.
Miiilin John McKinle', John Haguer.
Munrac Tobias Kitz, John Sellers,
iisfliicli iniia ( hristiiin Seclirist.
I iraiaanli Samm-I Tliomns.
ri.riysvi;ic L'. 1. Tilicl, Jame3. K. Wliar
ton. rcTiT jvzorn.
ry MAI. I.ISTDECF.)llSEIl TERM, 1307.
Isaac BotU'igcr vs. Snrouel Tagc ft si.
Tin Uorotigli of I'nttcrsou s. Jas. North,
! Tnnsurer of the ttouuty Fund.
tasurer of tue Eouaty I unJ.
James II. Morrison, AJm'r., vs. EJwarJ
tftrryman, with notice to Tcrr Tenants.
Isaac Eol'eigcr vs. Samuel I'agt.
l'cnring Sl i'oltz, for us of Lir.i 1). TarLcr,
vs. Coluirh'a Insurance Company.
J'ims Walls vs George lluuuison.
lti-Iit ltev J.uues F. WooJs, Executor of
IiVnry re!i.r, dtc'J., V3. Olio Albrtcht S iler
ninn Albreehl.
George Eovttrs vs. Erne.it Dipploan.l Alex.
John I'. Thompson nn George Mans, part
ners, .'c , for the ns of Sarali Ann Thoirp
son. Assignee tf raitl John 1'. Thompson, vs.
Lewis II. Maus.
E. It. Allen, for use of W. W. Creijrliton,
vs. -1 L. t'euring, Seal McCoy ami Thomas
M- t'liommn.
Henry Cross and Jeremiah Lyons, AsiijE- j Hn tl c I'rincipal cities, uj a -iiei-i
, William Cross, snrviv:iig mrtucr ot iu iransaeteJ.
Kiimz Si Cross v. John L. Hears. I Lnioii l'.i-ifi: l!:iilro:i.l UouJs
Hit ht Uev. James F. Woods, Fxtftjntor of
. . ... . .
Henry lehx, Utc u., vs. Ouz Albieeut and
Kernian Albrfcht.
Mlfilir.town, Nov. ii, lsi;7-tc.
" ,T. 7
v.j.... "'- 14 ' 1,1 j
Joariih Gi.ver. Knfus Ford. .Mahlon Irra,
, ! I I -
.o.m Leech.
IVrrysv.lle-Sainuel Buck, W illiara right,
II .11. l-.reni.ishol:z
I iiyetie Samuel By, Michael Besom. Jno.
I.b,t. n, Aaron l.ewy.
L.ale J. M. Boon, r:iomn3 ILirrn, li. t.
j Martin. J..im Woolsard, Jr.
Lack S. L. Barton, Joseph
i -io.er, j .
Morii'iv. John Kobiscn, .'r., Al
,:i betl
George 1!.
Wi.h j- Baikey, Michael Fs.
Mill i-.i 1'viJ Cur.incbain, Dan'l Douzh
umt, i.r.nj
Greenwood Willinni Thomas, liavid Car-
j Tnscsrorn Divid L'ean, William Iir.rt, J.
. t .Ii. .h;im . ai. .it!MSR l.eeo.
A. Lane, Jo-iiih .Mc.ileen.
r;rm:!!iai:li laob Mower, Wiliiaia J
l.niicliliii. hiiiuue! Van Onoer.
W itiker John Hosteller, Moses Kyle, Jude
Tyson, Tioidtlens Swilzer.
Monroe D. V . Swaru.
Miiilin John II. Uelimnn.
l'a'ter!on F. F. KoLm.
Nov. t, IS07-IO.
i ,
v :. :.... ..... r .
nlIUj .... l-iviT filed their AdudniMr. -
nauieu persons luit nic i n.eir .iuuiiinsir.
I I uitw I' verittrtr ! J 1 1 ipi r.t ii4r. heetllllil s in the
; r Z." ,,... of .Ionium .,,,d
I, ' i , ..! . . .
tue ''l!e wul be preenied lor continual.
: nnd Uo anre. r.t the Court House. 111 lue
1 ..r lllt'l ...... .. IV... I...... I .1 (
; 4'h iv of December. lSd7, vh
" "SO " -" "'...nun ". o" "ruutiuj, . nc
1. The fu-st and limit account of Snwue! j i,, VJ,, ,i:,ri ten d-.vi Im.-;w ihe ci.n.r.wnce
Seibi r and Abraham Suiter, Eiccuiois vt ; met.i d the i-essioi s'lo whirl. ih-y are made
James Seiber, deceaseJ. i ri turiiah'e. ihe sxid Jiwiie... .. i. r..i.,, n il,..
i -v rUe nccmmt of s!lr:ihJ. Barton. Admin
! istratrix of Bobert W. Lailou, Ule of Lick
i t1'' l:exK'1- , ... . .. ......
j A p irns! accnunt of Kohert h. I lickin-
! gel ar.d I)ani;d MeCouncU, Kiccutors of D.
j FMt'tlEger, deei-aseJ
ir ucr u i vavia ij ers, ia:c oi i.ucs lonusnij',
i- A partial account of Samuel Lcunuid,
Administrator of Joseph Karu, deceased.
The Hto.,I partia, account of WW.
iiien. one oi ine txeeuiois oi c..o.uei .-iiien,
n. r. McVii.i.i -..'!s, u jiit.r.
t0Kn $ r j t-.,c . :
m r r. . i-.. .,.l,
1 'S" 'Z 1
g "i::! tV:-J'P :
. V. Wilson, Lliii Wright and oii.ers, .j,,'- ,
'ninins 1'io acres of Liine-ioiie Inud. nboui !
Tit) of which is cleared alid u ne'er good eulti-
T,iim t,ivillg ,eeu rce.i.:ly well limed and
rn-.t ti. i.Vit well iim'ii.ie.1. The sm.
" " 7""'", : "' , r.1
f,irm House, larce Hani: Ham with Waoii
in utuiiiv in .1 n-ii.--i.il vi a eoi'u 4., ioui unt i iiiliv
.Shed and Corn t'rib atlaelic.l. Tarriatre House, i
Wood nnd sTmuke !!ouse. Spring House will. .
all other necessary out-buildiees. A
t-buildiees. A Spriiic !
prmir :
of never (ailing water. Two good Urchards j
of choice 'juit. There is a good Limestone
Ouarry on the place. Terms reasonable.
I . This farm is one mile from Miiilin Station
l)n ,Ue Pennsylvania Railroad,
Persons desiring to view the property can
call on the owners rcbidlne on the irmi.sc8.
ii p. i rrVVIVl MIA vl
Oct. SO, lt;7-5i.
TL un-lcriigiied otien. hi T.P:te pale hi
1 ..'r,Ti Hitii-itf. in Milti.nl u w i i Join-
ala county, five miles west of Mifflin, ccn-
.' t -... m:oi! .
Iniuiug lt'.O acres more or less, about lot)
imiuiii; n.i. neia uiuic 01 i.-?, '..ti. 11
.,- 1 . ,. ,.-
acres cleiired and in a (rood Etnie ol cultva-,f
lion. The improvement are a good Frame ;
loose. Leg Burn and nil other necessary i
out buiUlinirs, with Sione Spring onse, good
c, i- . .. 1 1
.Sin inir of lmic- one water convenieiil lo bouse. !
n iih irood .Ar.i.lc Urchai'd nnd oilier kinds of I
fruit. j
Call on tho undersigned residing on the
iiLLXANDLlt Jlcl AltAX. I
NOTll.'L.- Notice is
I 11 t I 1.1.
hereby "iveu that Letiers of Adminis-
tialion ou ihe estate of l!ev. Ahraliar.i liar- been granted lo the undersigned reading 111
tier, late of Chu;.iuan luvrnsbip, .Snriii r conn- ihe above nanie l township. All pr-ons in
ly, deed, have been graaied ia due form of di'bted to said eylate are requeued to niakn
law to the uinlcrniifiicL Ail persons indebt- iiiiinediale p-ivnient. and thoe li iring claim'
' ' csla' rciacs.ca uiae nww
diale oavmeut. and those liaving clmms
ins ;lle s:lIlje wiU k,.i51. ,.rf.,,Ilt lhem ,
properly aulhentieaied f.,r settlement.
SAV.'L. LLUXAlU), Ailm'r.
30, lfiCT-Ct.
1 FL'I.L nssorime::t of Tlil'NK.-i aud Tll.W - ,
2 KLVlNli HAGS. Als... XOTIOMS "lioh j
as Hose, lilovc--, ic : iiioves aim
. .,i:,.. i i-; i i.
bcsl qualllV. , KU li lores tur liii'
uafiaishel Sid, if
as Hose, Glove, Hoc': Gloves ar.d Mils, (very 1
s nnd ,;cuts
FR'MY i r.Vr.KCIl'3.
.Vifilnitmcn, Juniatti C'on'y, 1'tnn'a.
F. S. JACOl'.S, Cashier.
Jorph Pomror, :Jt!m J. Tatrerson,
Jerome N. Thouipon. (Jcoro Juoba,
oi'n islsljre!i.
John J. Tattcrsoii, jri. 1!. Loudon,
ueorjre JttcoUrj,
llaiiiel aitber.
John Molzer,
jJohn Ca'sbitch.
S- T. MeCuIloch.
V.noi llprgey,
JoLn Gingrich,
F. S. Jacobs,
E. W. Kiihy.
1 A br i!i n im Siebcr,
jWiiiiam Uunks,
lamuel Leonard.
Tiios. tSiielleubergtr,
iSan.ml O. Evans,
jri. II. Bfrchtel,
jElias Homing,
1'liilip Kepner
.Jacob Kooutz,
iJostth M. ItKifi.rd.
J X. Thompson,
Jacob Uerjjrey,
Auios G. UoLsall,
Joseph Tomeroy,
Joseph llolhrock,
Michael Ho'.liniiu,
No'ih Hertzli-r,
David lltrliler,
Jeremiah Lyons,
Samuel h. lii rr.
K. V McWilliuias,
John IleiizUr,
Jollll li. It :jtii.T'0n,
R. E. I'aiker.
I. L. Grcenleaf.
Josinia I'olTti.bergcr. i.li4uies li. ukesoii.
Daniel StouH'er. ja.niiu".! .irVer.
Al.ram ritoutier. John I!. M. To ld,
Wni. Van Svrearingrn
United Stales Securities Bonds, etc., bougLt
ir.d sold.
Sevi n Thirties exchanged for Fivc-Tweuli
at luarkel rales.
I'. S. Conduits paid.
!t,ld un'l Sdvtr bought nt highest r:ktcn.
Ix posils received. C-jiiectii-ua unttlt-. llrfll
mcral bank-
the bebt i;i-
i '"cnl !ue nirkei; t-r sale
o . .i. . .. , . .t .. .
V,. n is un I olht,r Vii'.uublo papers received
on .'Jjicc.at utp'jsil.
July -7. ltff.7.
I ) HOC I. A M A Til IN . Y tl UK CAS the Ilun.
' Jamfs il. Gkaiiak. I'rvsiileni Judge of
j ine ( onri ir I onimoii i lens ,T Ihe Judicial
.i..r.i r
: - 4 n. v"in'v?r'i ui iiic U'iiiiiin:i i J U III III 11 (
Perry and Cumberland, and ibc Hons. Tho's
! ?.h,.;k, Hml S!11.,uM w,t,,. J.,0-..-. of Hio
j -id Co.ir' of Coiiminii Pbn uf Jnuiat i coun-
tj ,,a7e :,H,0ll .ir (r,,,., , n. directed
baling dale the 1 1.U dry uf October. iN,7.'
: r,.r i,i,i; i -.,.r .,f n,. . .. i t .
.irid l' riern! J:;il llelivei
and General Uuar
j .
: ..
i:s of the peice. l Mililiuiuwu. on
!ni)AV..i 1. 1 ir-I!:r l .
I injJ lU .j.. of il0
Xoth.u ih ili.BH.r I'u s.v. :o Ihr Coroner.
! Jo. -in
ol lie I':
iind Cn.-in ic of loa
iiat they S- Ijea .u.d
.1 t'.t.
t.i-."e nt I heir pn per persons, nt lc o'eiool".
! on lit at'leriH. :i c.l . :?id d.. itli ilkeir re
1 euol-.. ii'4'.:i-'ti 1;.-, t nn::i r.iu is a.i.l iy, r
r-r,ie:.l 4),.:C4,. : hi rl.;.-e ti. : r: la i iu iheir
j !'' r-s(,.i :ivi !v apperi..iu. i.na ilu-se liut
i are l.'.i.no by rceojj.ilzuiir ' i ;-ro-ectite agaiit
j G.e pri.-oir-: l'u .1 ire or tt.ir. ir. 4.V he iu iho
tail t ! -nnnty. he t'w-n iind lhtie to pros
ecute ig-i:i:t il.eri ns "all be jtit.
By an Acl i" Xstfrnhlv. pastel the ."ih day
ot May, A. D !. ii i mvle the duly "f
the J u.hi ices Tt' ihe I'eiee, of t lie several coun
1 lies ',i liiis Coiiai.iiwe.-iiih. ly r,.turu to the
! C!-rk of iuix C. nrt ,) 'a -.vler Se-sioun of Ihe
-re.peet.re cowniies. all r,.e rc.,
izai.ces en-
: e 1 1 " b,!ri -v ",,v Fers"" or Ipr
,,. .i .r....,i ...
r ' . ' J
! c"'ae- t"')'1 s" . '""r '!-
. rre a jnniice ol i.'ie reiee. nr..!, r existittjc
.-n. . ..,..., . .-. ,,,
: , .... ,. .:
. . ..,. , ,.,,.l I. : 1 ,
inti.i ji ...c DC-SMill 111 LUC et'Uil tO VlilCtl
.. v ....... I 1 IE r -('ll.CI). lll'J III
Hi'. e.. vfl.e.e inv rt?e"iniy'toe ni-c .mma 1
, r...i he.n p.i-ed.
"tine iu i lie smii-i manner Ai if su. i ucl hu l
. lb.te.1 n' .V.i.rti..twii. He 'JSth of tetf.r.
i ;,i li-e ve..r ..f our Lord one Moin.md eigh i
! bin li .' J .-md -isrv .ven. no! tb-M'th veur
I , tUP .i,tt:, In.iepeod..,:. e
W I 1. 1. I A M W I K,
! 7l il'J;,, ! T-v h
! .C::;:
. u . ,
, . . " .ne jju'iiic ii.jii ue una ipeueu out
' ill his new nu.i.icrs. a
H.Vtf. ASSldtTMt.NX Of
Than ever was I ef. re l.rnujhi lo llus lonn.
nl'icti be i preo tfed I ake lo order iu tl.,
" " TVU:.
"i::::::.;! 4;li
'rs -'',,,
(' II S T 0 ! V' 0 !J k'
l)n reasonable ler.t'b.
it stiict allemion lo businesi. he hopes t'
receive as here...lV.re. a liberal share of oub
patronage liive him a call and inspect
' """"I! ",m "oi Knn.nsii.ii OeK.ro
8""'S eisenoeie. Lie.i u .,-.y.
tu aiv i t- i..i. ..",i..
p Kt
17 LOl.'It nnd lira in. of ml kind. porcl'Rj.-I
Hi Maikct rail's, or reerivrd n siomni
mol shipped al ibc usual Irieght rales. Hav
ing li'iHi.- uf our i'u, with enretnl captians
and hands, we mil -hip freight of an' kind to
and from rbih.delpliiit or uiiy poini uiong tba
rr.ow & I'AnxLi;
.- r-r'T-'T'.lII' Vll f'V V .! l.l l-
J- : ' ' L; j,aeuli,ly lL;
f" ....
ehtale of Thomas l.obison. lalt ml luibeit
I township, luuiata eoiiuty, uec d. . have been
... .1 1 1 -
criuited to the undersigned resiuini; in eanl
,. ... f. , , i, i
township. All persons indebted to said esliilii
' " . . ..i " I
""" "" ""
lve-eill lueill proiiei 1 y atiiueiiiieniru 101 fci
l. r ..." .
lieu. tnl.
Not. 1". l?C;-lit.
i-,vr.'i"rno vnTier v.i:.. : 1. ... 1
i, O'1 .......I,... ......ir,. ..t.i-.j
la given lhat Letters Testamentary on thu
tinme of Josinh MeMeen. late of Tusi aro-
ra township. Jiiiiiain county, ilce.d., have
".-e.,. .i.e.., .....j u-
ti.en t.cnled for set! K ni ni.
n ,v. P, I.m:;.,;.. ILL MeMKEX, Ki'r.
QTllAY bin-' El' fume m iLe
O res! i-nee of the -iil si-i-iber re-
Mtliitg iu Kermauagb
nsliip. en
it 14b. .111 the of Si Member, loi.r Mir- p.
The owner is nu'ieMed u e noc fornnr l.
prove property, pay ibaiges and In lit iheni
u.Tay ; ulhrrtrise luey t Hi be ilipose l oi u
' toe l.t direcl-i.