READING RAIL ROAD." SCHMER ARRANGE jI EXT- April &lh, ICT. ! GREiT TBIAK MXE TROM the North aud North- West f ir VlmaJtl- j f.A.a. Art. J, Uu:2i3, "ottiUe, Tamcq,ia, I .cl.A'.and, Lebanon, AUenU'trn, Ea'lcn, Sir., C Trains leave Uarritburg for l'er.r, as follows: At 3,00, c,10 and 9,03 SL, an J 3 10 aud 9,C0 P. M.. arriving Rt A.w 1'or at b'.DO and 10,10 A. M-, mi 4,40, f,20, 10,23 P. M.. connecting with similar Tiaius on the j Pnnsy'.vani Railroad; Sleeping Cars accom- j panying the 3,00 AM aui i',00 1 SI trains j without cb ing. Leave Ilirritlurg for eadmi, PoUiriHe. I Tjmacua, .V-ntrirUie, Athland, Pine Grcie. A!-1 Infeai onrf V htladdphia. nt 8,10 A. M. and 2. Ill and 4,10 P M, stopping at Lebanon and j til Hay Station. ; the 4,10 P M Train nuking ( connections for Philadelphia an.j coiumnia only. For PotttviUe, SchuyXkn Haven and .. bnrn via SoAuyUill and Susjuihanna Railroad. leave Ilarrieburn at ?,2 p m. lUturnint!: Leave .Vew Tori at A M, 12 o'l Soon 5.00 ani ?.00 l' M. Thiladelphia at .".5 A M. and 3,30 P M ; way passenger train lt'aves Philadelphia at 7,80 a M. returning from Heading at 6,30 P v. stopping a; nil nations; Yottnille at 8.43 AM and 2,4-i V xl j .;,?. J fi.00 and 11.30 A U. and t.05 P SI; Tamajua at 9,45 A. 31, and 1,00 and 8,65 P M ! tear rottevilU for Barrisburg, ia 5c .y.. M. and S-.TU'Aunna hail Koat, at . w a. m. Reading Aeeommoaanon i ram: i.,uu- , nj at 7 30 A. .M., returning irom immoti- pAia at 5 oo P. M. - . - Pottstowu Accommodation Train: Leaves IVtstown at C,2o a. in., returning loaves Philudelpuia at 6,3o P- m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 00 A M and 6 15 P II for Ephraia, Litit Lancaiter, Colut.jta. &C. On Sundays : Leave At Turi at 8 00 P. M., Vhdadelphia b a.m 3 15 P. SI., the 8 00 a St train running only to Heading; Yolltrillt 8 00 A. M-, Jlarritburg 9 33 A. M., and Head ing at 1 20 and 7,-0 l. SI., for Uarnsbnrj, aud 11 22 A. SI., for V-w-lor, aud i 25 p ni. for Philadelphia. Commutation. .Vileaor. Staoi, School and Izevrtion TicA-U to aud from all points, a; re duced Hates. liaggagt checked through : bO pounds al lowed each Passenger. . A. S H OLI S General Superintendent. IUadiso, Pa.Kov 27,'63-tf. lx)(i(i , ir P '1 I Philadelphia ailU I ne hill IlOailj T.,,,- T. ., HIS Great Line traverses the Northern ana " . .. . ,, i...,; , Northwest cuuuties of l'ennsylvama to . ",, . , i i.- i the citv of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased and is operated by the Fesssvlvasia Uaii. Road Cojipaxy. II31B OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT nAEEltBCBG. LEAVE EASTEKD. Erie Slail Train Erie Exrress Train Llmira Express Train LEAVE WESTWARD, Iric Mail Train Erie Express Train .4i A. x .?7 A. M 1.20 p. n. S.Z a. p. Flmii-a Express Train -t'.3 p- ! Pass-enger cars ru 1 through on the Brie ; r .. ; 1 1 ' , o Tln. .iit -I...' rr.i K. it ll , Mail and Lipre'S Trains without change both ays between Philadelphia aud i-iie. NEW YORK CONNECTION Leave New York at 9,C0 A. .. arrive at Erie at I,Z0 a. M. Leave New York at 5,00 r M; arrive at Erie 7,15 P M. Leave Eric at S,30 P. M., arrive at New York 5 t.Cj r. M. Leave Erie at 10,2j a M ; artive at New Yorlt 10.10 a N KO CHANGE OF ARS BETWEEN ERIE & "id is a great sanrg upon all articles stuch NLW YOlilC. ! cd or mauc up wiih siik. Elegant sleeping cars ou all night traius. These nmchines, in addition to their su For int'orui..ioii rest.ectins pi.ciiier 'oum- i perior merits as iniruuients lor sewintr, bv a nees apply at the comer of oUlh aud Slarket ttreets. Philadelphia. : And for ftcicht business of the Company's ' ageuts : S. B. Kingston, Jr., corner of Uih and (larker sire) is. Philadelphia. J. W. Koynoldn, Brie. Was Brown, Agent, N. C. R. U., Baltimore. II. II. HOUSTON. General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. II. W. OWINNLU. General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. A. L. TYLER, General Superintendent, Williaui.-port. Feb 14, 'CC-tf. Eniitirgdcn & Broad Top Rail fiord; ON and after .May Cth. ISO", pas-sengtr ' trains will run as follows.- LEAVE SOl.THWAT.D. Express. Mail. A. M. P.. M. I!uiit;ng'on 7.45 Ij.'io iailon 9 o() 7 ZZ Bloody Bun M.h- 8.f:j Jlouut Dallas 10.69 8.67 LEAVE KOUTUWARO. Slaii. Express. A. M. P. M. Slount Pallas 6.10 1.30 Bloody Bun C.14 1.34 Gallon 7.30 2.55 9.10 4.4i DiptauBc Ironi Mount Dulias to Bedford six miles A reliable line ol Hack connect ai . Sit. Dallas lorBedlord and Bedford Springs. JUU. .McIilLLll'S, may 22, 18''.7-if Supi-riniendent. Lll bj" rr -tssk P..SNSYLVAN1A RAILROAD. ON AND after Monday, April Jit, Isoti, Passenger Trains will leave SI ililm Station as follows : EASTWARD. rinla-ieirdiia Kipress.. 12,44 V. M iast Line Cincinnati Kxpreas Vny Express A ay l'assetiL'cr . C24, A. M. 7.03, P. M. -11,31, A.M. ..10.4S J. 31. Local Accouitn. or. fl 00 It. 3,35, I 31. WESTWARD. Cincinnati A Erie Exprera 1,45, A. M Plalarlelpliia Express... 5 13, A. M. Fast Line 6 04, 1. SI. Jlatl Train 3.S7, P. M. Emigrant Train 1(1 20. A. M. JAMES NORTH, Agt. T ' E have on hand a good quality f Hard t irate. Cuuiprising a lull nisorinieni o: CARPESTEU TOOLS k ULACKSMlTh TOOLS, such ba Anvils. Bellows, Sc.. Shoy maker Tools. .Saws, Axes, Augers, Iron, Sti-el. Nuils, lloise Shu s, and Horse Shoe Nails by lb keg I...4 pou 1. i. Uopca of all sues from '1 Uiches down 10 inch by the puund. liuggv and Wiig-in Spring. Uriutl Moues, and tiriiid Stone Fioiurr. at KltOW & PARKER'S. YTB have one rouw dcvuied euiiiely u UeLia I-uruisbing Goods and Utadv Made Cloihiug, such as Coats, Pants, Vets OverCoaU, Boot, & glloeg' SW&. oL. CaPB WhiteShirts Funnel Shirta, Undershirts, and Drawers. FROW & PAttKEt, GROVER & "BAKER'S 3 Were awarucd the State Fiirs of New York, erniont, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, IuOiana, Miubigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, higUebt premiums at the Kentucky, Tenneisee, Slissotui, Alabama, Missiinippi, Viriuiu. Notih Carolina, California, Oregon, Fairt of the At tbe American Institute f rauklin n-Uiu,e, Mass. .Mechauics' Association, I'cnc'a Mechanics' IiiMituf, Sit. Louis Agricultural aud Mechanics' Association, And at numerous Institutes and County Fairs, including all the Fairs nt which they r crceihibite 1 the past three years. Firs! pri;es have also been awarded these Mncl.iu?s at the exhibitions of London, Putin, Hub lin, Lini, Bcancon, Itayonne, St. L'izier, Chalons, aud they have I been furnished, by special command, to the !.. tf France, Emprrst f Austria, Ewpre.'S uf Russia, Euiprca if Jiruztl, (Juettl of tSjumi, anil Queen of Bavaria, The G ROVER & BAKER Elastic- Stitrh Sewiug .Machines are supetior to U others for ibe folIowiuK rca.iuus: i. They sew with two threads direct from the spiol, and require no rewinding. v, 1 . , , , - Ihevare tiore eastlv understood and . ... . used, and less liable to derangement than oth er machines. 8. They are capable of oxecutingperfccily, without cliange ot adjustment, a niiieh great er var.ety of work than other uicliti?s. 4. The stilch made by these machines is much moiu firm, elastic, and durable, especi ally upon anicles which require to be washed and ironed, than anv other stuclr I 5. This stitch, owing to the manner i.i I which the t nder thread is inw rought, is much ' tnumost puim-i ana ueauiitui in use, ana re- ; tains this pluinpuess and beauly even upon j articlts frequently washed and ironed ualil I lb worn , - . 6. The structure of the seam is such that. ; though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches, it will Leiiiier open, run, nur ravel, but remains firm and durable. 7. I'ntike oihermnchines, these fasten both ends of the sHin by their own operation 8. Kith these machines, while silk is utcd upon the risht or lace side of the scam, cot. j ton may be used upon the other side wi:hout lessening the strength or durability of tUe seam. This cn be done on no other machine. change of adjustment, tasily learned ami practised, execute the nio?t beautiful and per- ; uiaueut cmbroidcrr and o'ttamcntiil work O HO VLB & BAKER S. SI. CO , 7UU Chestnut Sirrei, Philadelphia, Slaehines delivered at the residi-nce of any one puroit-LSing in either of the BorouTlts. Thiead, Oils, Needli-s, and every other m tic'.e appertaining to the working of ihe ma chine on hahd and lor sale by J. B. SI. To I I. The above Sewing Machines are for sale by J. B. M. TODD. I:terson, I'a S. B. Lol'DON, MilllintOBU, Pa. may !, 1807-1 f. M'ALISTERSVl dersigned hi 1LLE TIN SHOP. The tin- has eslll!llihed him;:eif in .IcAlistcrsville in the Tinning bu"iners. I Prons wanting anything iu his line should 1 call before purchasing elsewhere as he is j pri-pared to manufacture all kinds of Tin and Jbtt iron Wnre, and to sell as low as they emit purchased ebewhere. II ii. old cus- louicre auu lue pui.hc genernlly are respe.-t-ful'.y invited to call, as he hopes by strict at. tentionto business to deserve a share of pat ronage. oet. 31, 'CCtf JACOB G. WINEY. Ladies wishing to be supplied with nea and good shoes will find it to their advantage I u call on II. D. WELLFB, at his shop on' " I Man. Street auove Chervv. where thev ran I jje sl,j,,ijej wiiU almost every styleat niottcr- aic prices. Oentlenien having repairing they ' wish durably and neatly exeeuied will be ! promptly attended to by giving hi;n a call. 7ri: CASH. II. D. IVLLLER. Mitllintown. July 2Cth "05. AT KOMPSorrs IL o s 'I MIC under-igned would respectfully nn JL nounce thai he has just received from the East, a large assortment of 2Y GOCQ.3, rCCSE.Ij:3. coz, j-c, which be offers at the lowest market prices Give me a fall. NATHAN liEELW apr. 17, I Kt;7tf. C1 AVENY & GRAYB1LL would inform the cit ileus of J uuiata and neighboring coun- ties that they have commenced C A D I X E T 31 A KING, In all ils various branches, in SIcAlistervillc. and are prepaiea to furnish anylbing in their link of business on the most reasonable terms. Old furniture pepaired and made asr.od a new. 'iheyaiso keep a good assortmeul of Chairs lor sale. Lumber taken in exchange or for which the highest price will be paid. Having employed competent workmen, we en deavor to give satisfaction, and hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. l nucnaKing especially attended to. Coffins maue to oruer on toe snortest notice aud moot i K . ' j '?i!'T,-V -f ' Y.un'.iVv .'; vr.'V OUR rOLICY TRIUMPHANT. OUIt POLICY 13 TO ZKLV THE jssuLARGEST, ISLAND CIIEATEST stock or S1EN3 AND HOYS' FALL & WINTER O J. o 't Iol xi. ?; I Hhis and Cat.s. Hoots and Shoes, 'liunki. Vulises. Carpet Sucks, II n"iery. Gloves, li:ind-j kerchiefs, Shirts of all kinds, t GENTS' EERNISIIING GOOHS, &lc. &C. in tewn or county, and we m-reHy i invite every one who wants anything in the Clothing line to ea'.l and ec oitr new stock. It is Knoriiiuui in Quantity ! Mnpnificer.t in Quality ! and ,'A be Bold at greatly reduce) prices tor Caib. I'riccs the Same as Btforc the V.'cr. ! Hemeniber the place, Crystrl Pulace Chilli inir lliiiinii mm. Dn Icestret't Mitllintown, Pa. ' FLOW & PAP.KKK S. Sep'. 1S07 SliA BOSS A T T Ii U or FROW AN!i rARKER, is tnt cbystal bvii.hin'i, MIFFL1MOWN, FA. 1MIE INDEllSIi-iNED 1IAVINO 1 1. cha-e 1 the stork of (roods formerly poods furinerly !. j' biiuli, and havi',fV mem frum tli ri:ii j ready to snplty ti, I il virii'itv with anr I: longing to Su.uutt & Slutntmii;! added to it quite an assortment adelohia market, are now l.iil7ti.9 oi nil in. u n ii nun iirirn v iiu iii;7j thing and evi-ry thing that is usually kei i: a couotry store, and n great many things il.:ii have never been kept before. We lire del,:- : r I : .w : .. . . .....I I mined to sell goods at a 11 1'llVCEl) PI! t'j-; i and muse it uu otiji'Ct for t lie people to In. y ! ! from us. A large slock oT I'KV CjJ- j j sibling of Ladies Dress Hoods, such as j FltF.NCn MFltlNOKS. SHEPlir.ltD PLAIDS, fall wool, FANCY PLAIDS, (all wool) PLAIN WOOL I-MLAINES iKl.SS FLANNELS. THIN PACK FLANNELS, WIUTK FLANNELS. P,1.1E TWILLED FLANNELS, 11EDFI, ANNELS, SJI'TLINS. r-ri akf I f SHAWLS 4c... kc. (aubc jjjj at FP.OW & PARKEU'S. MOURNIfiG DRESS GOODS : mack Sr.ntvls. Veils, Colurs, Gluvca, Gauntlet-, Secoud Slouruing ilnlmoruif . Hoods, it., Ac. Everything desirable iu tins line, und 11 veiy lurge stoih, At Tio-.v A. r:ii-'ior?s. -1 I'.LAT I. I.t't . in.N IN 1 EE i-.;iCE.-il! A D D L E R Y fn luuuurv lr, l1- . JAMES II. SIMONS r (,.:. :v-pi, :f;.i!y an nounce to his old cur-l orders and the puV.ic , generally he hai lar;--.- stuc'.c o! SADDLES. IIAUNLhS. COl.l.AI'.S. Hill 14 and all oilier arlK-1. s uU:.i- ly kept in a SALWLEU KliOl', which he will sell at the following reduced prices: Best Silver Plated Harness i?Zi iiii Second best do H2 (;( Third do do St im Common Plated do 20 !! eoon l do do 23 (it Common plain do l'J 0' Best Snauish Saddles 21 0 j fcecond d j do 22 on j Ccinuiou Quilted Seat do with Horn ( . , Coinuioti do w iihoul uurn Di 0 ! Wtijjou Saddles & Ol J Five inch Breech-Bands & Side Leaiheis lor two Horses 40 ''c Pour inch do SS'j ( i Back. bands 8 inches 3 20, ti inches 2 40, 6 inches 1 b. Double set of Yankee Harness whirh includes bridles, hauies, collars, line, bin chains. &c. 4-' 00 Pair of Yankee Bridles ti 0o Five-ring Halters CO Three-ri::g do 1 25 CbeeV lines 3-4 inch 2 0" d do 1 inch I! Blind Bridles 3 7o Biding Bridles from $2 50, 3 00 4 On Good Draft Collars 5 "0 linrnetB do 'Z CO Wagon Whips 2,00, 1.7.1. 1,50, 1,25 Bug;y do from 70 cents to 2-00 Buggy Lines, tiat. 2,0(), round 3 Co Plow Lines 3-4 inch 1,00, 1 inch 1,15 1-4 inch 1.25. lie vroii'd also invito tha public to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as hj feels confident he can sell cheaper than any other establishment in the county. His motto is quick sales an J small prolita. Give hiji a call and save money. REPAIRING neatly executed and all work warranted. JAMES 11. SIMONS, Bridge bt., Slitllintown Pa. Oct.ll-ly. fKA 5 rV.X! Irl Tiller? l'AXTfclt.SlilN, J uuiata County, 1'aJ The nndprsigncd, having re-furni.ihed the above House, is uow prepared to furnish the public, on the mot.t roasonable terms, iih Mtuh Olid Rrfre&iimr.Ht it all Jlnms. Farmers and others visiting towncan procure meals at niuiofl any nricc. Also, laie SinV.e j attached for the accomuiuilation of travelers. attended by careful osllers. ICE CUE A.M IN SEASON. A share of public patronage is solitited. may 15, lt-:07-lf V, M. REESE, Pro. ri-OUB & GRAIN. FLOUR and Grain, uf all kinds, purchased at Slarket rates, or received oil storage and shipped ai the usual frieght rates. Hav ing boats of our own. with careful captians and hands, we will ship freight of any kind to aud from Philadc-LJiia or any point uluui: the Caaai THE.ILIPHOVED C5.IEIITAL Bas Burning Coal Stoves, 'and Tarlor Furnaces, t HnTe r-!vrrt I'nnr I"irl f'ln. Prrnilnnta nl His jiew ai-k stnlr mill nitii-r I'nlt-n. At-u. llie r-i r.ll.VKU .111.1) I. nt Itir I'nlrof It- Alttt-lirnn liiMtttii.'r tit-M iu tUe 1 lit) of .New VuiU, I Mi. IHKY JI!K PKlvPKTCAL PI'RN Kits. ONLY oxii-'iiin iikini! i:i:yi iui:i) to dk I.VDK I'UUINi; TilK bl;ASUN. THEV ARM Pi:i!KI';'T Vl'.NTILATOKS OV j TUli AI'-ARTMKNT. THErcan dk :o i.;poapk of gas from j TI1K.U. TIIEit CAN BK NO CLINK KU OR SLAG TO OBSTRUCT. TUEfIRK WILL RKU T FOI5 DAYS WTiil- OUT ATl'ICNTIuN. TII7 ILLUMINATION 1? EQUAL TO AN '-open ii !;::." Why ark rowF.nrrL ni-ATKn.s and yet r::i:i'i:ri i.v apaitkuto SULU WKAilli-:;!. THEY ARK TI1K MOST ECONOMICAL STOVES AND Fri(XACi-a EVER HALF,. TUB FETiNACK WILL II HAT. SAT'SKAC TORILV. 1MTII AN FI'I'KU ANIJ A LO'.VKU TtiH'M, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL I TEL. Eight Siis of the Slovei. and Ti.r.e Sizes of ti Parh.r Futiiaivs Manufacliircd and for S.ile to ti.e Tmdo bj' PEiKElV & CO. ORIENTAL FT0VK WORKS, Ko, 113 IlillUon St., Albany Sir).Tlie above Move" are tor sale nt Mitliintrwn Komi lry, where they ran I ? pur chased ts cheap nt the iiianut'a.Ttoiy. Sll IMP & MARTIN, Agents. oot. o, i" ;:-.r. 1: w V A M I L Y x-1 tit n Tfi T. Il ' a i7. m -. vn r 'PRE llpri..r merits of the "Sinn.r" !a Jl chines over all others, for either family use or manufacturing purposes, are so well ai.J so gi-u .r illy a lii.iiti.d, t!...r an eriiiii.riilion of their relative ei.Ccii.noi.'s s no b.n.-r c.nisiiivrcd ucce-sary. Ol'i: .NEW FAMILY MACIlINi:?, which has b cn uvertwo years in pveparai ion, ai.d vthicii bus been brou.ulit t? pel Jeclion r.-. ii Hess of time, labor or, a lid is now confidently presented to il.e as tucotn. Iht- befet Stuing Maciiine in exisu The Machine in oiu.'tiu.'i i.!, ca;;i ; i-.t, durabic and beautiful. It i iutet, ligin ; ;;.;:iiir. and capable of pri forn.ii g a 1 at:c 11: J v nil ty of work never be ford alien, ;,..d ttp-in a single Siachiue, usin;5 ci'lu-r Si!!:. 1 nisi. Lim n or Coiiou lh;cd, and sewing wiih e ;'ial I'.iLi'.ity the very C ues: and coar.-est oiateri lis, ni. l anything between the two ex ii'i.iv.c?. in the mo-it beautiful ari l s'ibstantial n.anu. r. Its atiachinenls for lien.uiing. l.r ii 1 it.g. c-rdinj. t icbitig, .tiiiiii:g. felling, trim n:;ng. binding, itc. ure luv d and practical, a:..l bare been invented und adjusted t.-j eci a!ly t'.r this Slachiiic. Machines always kept n. hand ai toy Tail oring E-labli-.!.i.;i;iu. second r.tory S.ih":tf, F10..- & Parker's Store. Bridge stivei. Mii'iiu iov.11. Pa., for the iu:.pcciion of ihe puliij, and i r f.i'e at the most reasonable prices. Machine Cnton, Needles, Thread, Oil. !:a., and e el)' hing pertaining to this Machine ,:uiisiantly kept 011 haul for sa'j. WILLIAM WISE, A "int. Slifnintown, Jan. Id, IS'.7-ly. C.'8. 1I0O1 .sKliiTS. OlS. XTILLJ til T. EZUl'KIXS. "Oib Owa Make." A FTTR more than five years experience Si. and experimenting in tha Itianiifact 'i e of STRICTIA FIRST (JL'ALITY HOUR SKIRTS, we offer our justly celebrated goods to merchants and the public in full ccafidi : of tlnir supcrijrty over all others in the Amei'iean market, and tht-y are so ackuuv;l e lired by all who we ir or deal in them, ns they give more satisfaction ihan any other Skirt, and recommend themselves in every rei-ptet. Dealers in Hoop Skirt Sshonl.j nin-.i. a no! of this fact. Every Lady who has not given them a trial should do so without fur ther jelny. Oui as: orlment embraces every style, length and sj.;e for Ladies. .Misses and Children. ALo t.'Uirts made to order, ahcrcd aud rc paire. As for "IIo. kin's Own Slake,'' and be not deceived. See that the letter il"' is wo ven 0:1 the tapes between each lionp.r.nd that thev are slumped 'V. T. HOPKINS, MANU FAOILRFR, 628 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, usou each tape. No others are Genuine. Also, constantly on hand a full line if good New York and Eastern made Skirts, at very low prices. Wholesale and Retail, nt the Phil adelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and Empo rium, No. 026 Arch Strct, Philadelphia mar. Id, '67-10m. V,)i, T. HOPKINS. "ITT" ANTED IMMEDIATELY. Five hun- V dred Men, to act as salesmen for Cob bid's Illustrated Domestic Bible, comprising upwards of l.iiOO crown quarto pages; & Commentary of 17.000 notes from different Commentators: 70) Engraving. Family 'holograph Department ; Extended Concor dance, Slaps, Bible History, t'hronoligical Tobies, etc., A book that always sells. Our average sales are 300 copies pir day. As a standard Bih'.c for Families, Teacher-', Ministers, and all lovers of the word of God, it has no competitor. Fcr particular?, ad dress II. A. STREET, mar. 20-tf. Ilarnsburg, I'a. 1 LAF.GE stock cf Qucensware, Cedarware f, such as Tubs, Buiter Bowie, Buckets Ouurua, Baeket, Horse Buescta, ie-, at Vis.: I ' 'ia N"8-' )ikll&ZZ -jfcL .A.A' SOi) & Ml hf slr.iit St., PliiPa ! REMOVAL j To t!.e fine?t CM-gr Rooms in the City. Part ! of il.a f-eo )ud and the wl.ole of the third i.nil . fourth floors, U:.:.l: tf P.tpublio r.ttildingi, nearly opnopiie thr Cou'inenial Ilottl. j Th bf-it organized and conducted Busineas Coli. ;;o i;i the country. Education for tii8 C Jii.ttiiur Riiori ir. the shortest possible timo ! c.-.n.sNtfrt with the interests of tho student. ,S.-,.;; t -.r Circular. TAVLOK & SPRING. Au,riitt 28, 18i'.7-3as. I THE I FALL AND WINTER ARRIVAL Oi' CHOICE GOODS AT i STORE OF L j a a L- 1L W i Lt tti i-lv-rcncd wot.M re-pectfully invite l;c i. c.ll :v: exa'..:ae i.:s cioct i. jt a e r.u-! :;-'..'i' tl:-cv.!H-v. Ho has bought iris -r-r.r.init ' s'.o'li p.ium that he annul l.o undvtfoM 1-y any i.i the co .!:!;. t'ptcii.1 at- ti t,t- .:.! !.. pu; goo.'.iiu the city per rt.liTH1. the .-!: 'Vtcst n -'it E-,. .7 :': .; ..ill h.-. v-.n.'." by him to pivesat i' fr.CL.i-u io lL'5C v.hom-.T i'lvorhim wi'h a ca.; ; i,-. r.r: .1 1 ;.:iy iii.i:s, j 1 ' ;;: , ;. i't;; . T!. Er.iit.uite I .. -'.o:c .ik, iiu?, ; A I'".'.! ll-i. i ni' V,'! ' i'.rcchtt and c:,!-v .' Bores Lawn-1, .renadines, luteals, ; ji:ig'iai:i Law-is, All wool d'L.iiotS, A'pacaii, Lc. :e Dres Ooob?, M:. ;i:.v. !:", Bonnet, B:r.- ns. rio'.'rs 'iC A!-.o, Co ---, !!aisisvreLi?js 'a greut vr.- la.-, Uu.: : !c-v. I lit- 1. "..-1 .'.- j 1 f ,!to., 1 i!::: ; ic, r.: l.-vi I, in a larj? '.c'c cf "..'oo Cai, -is. Oil Cloth?, Slatting- ii t.rir. 3. u. : . in cxclitinp f .r t I (.;:ntjy lYudu. : 1 ' pjt.-.x! , lt.r win. ii ii:e .e;t Liuraut v.r.c: Vl 1:1 be i by (io o i) X KVi'S! r! ,Vji, (i u,' III- ., .;. ils 'it i"(Vei t niANIv, COOK, I: Cc, j PA'i I KION. Fa. ju:: I'itarnc' f. .1.1 'ir I-.a:t':ru Mail:':''. ' with a f.i :h si'pl'iy tf nil kino-, if La iiu" i'ro.. Gods. c-'tui jtin ii part ef , VVl'U.XS. MO !i A1U, AI.VAC- ( t.v. jj?KS:;i M!:;:ixts, ht; I. m f;. r very '.a:; t:oa c! I r.l'.iclitd (". ; t - n mi J 1 Nankeen. :i;o' Dry (.00!- I 1 j liow:i ir ' c:-:'..-i.. ! 11 .- .:'l-'.in.' T'.-,:a. in. n 'I : ' !e I-'-:r-, Uriliinr-., io, lncy a:.i 1 h.:a C ?af:nctt. --bii :re' l Keatuctcr J::r., iii:i:t;-. j biLll.T.. i L". dies' Balmoral Skirts. Iloup Skii 7, ! Tibet, Wool Knit ao.l French SLawis, Gio . cerivs A every descri i.i in, j " Cheese, Fi'a ! Bacon, I Boots, j .ec, I Iiu!-. ' -l -I 1 Q io. ns'.. ..i , ! j Cedar and Wiilew-ware. j I Raid., rt re, j j TvbaC.:' j I Segnrs, ic. I Ti e lavjt-sl stoek in the cuniy. In Cennectiop. v.- il Ii our l,.1.s:ir."ss. vre ; 'have r. MARKET CAR runt i:: t- Phii.idei 1 pliia and arriving in l'i;f:er.-.-a. eveiy 'l iieid iv . u v;:;!cii tve re-.'eive c-i -1; v;. cu ire .h si j. i.cs of 11 : w ir-.o Is. The 'lib!:? .-au I ; s,,j,j lie I vc il ii all Kiii'ls of SJai twing. p.esh I'i.-li, Ac, eiiliet a' the car on Tueaa, or at o:ir More during the week. may 8. Itiii". T. J. M O O R K WOODWARD & CO ESTABLISHED It'll. !S3C 31 AtlKnT ? niEHT, PiliLADKLI'JIIA noy 2?, IW.G-It- L. i5. ELLIOTT T rap T T I1 C L' T Ctt w .ivv tj " i - ' " Lato RIECLL & FILTER. ir.iPOnTtUS & J03EER3 OF DKY GOODS, No. 33d Market Street, f.nd 27 North 4ih, St., rillLADELl'IHA. Aug. 21, lfv"-ly. JAS. W. rOVv'EIl, j SHUMWAV, CilANDLEU &" CO. Slanufacturera and Wholesale Dealers in ! BOGT8 ciS.'iGS?! 221 Xarh t aiifJ210 CL- rch Sr., i rillLADLHnA. j ! Oct. 23. 1667. I jO TATE CAPITOL UO'ILL, near the Cap I O tol Luildines, j j JIAiilSEL'na.J'A. 1 I tvTerU!8 us moderate any Hotel iu lh - i u.j. u.Tll(Mf.M), 1'rr.prieior. CAKl'ETS ! CAKPEK ! ! A T.ARP.K and (rood variety of ALL WOOL. Au i and HEMP CARPET on hat! and for -tile cheap, at I 1'iiOff it PARKER'S- i ATTESHOS CITIZENS.-XEWS DEPOT and Stationary Store, ia Perryrville Ju niata county. Pa. ( Poit t0iee Cuil ling.)' The undei signed asks leave to inform lh good people of this and neighboring counties, that L h:'.sopend a fine stcck of ijtationarr I Uooks, etc.. ai.J Laving bought them at a very low wholesale price in l'huadi-lphia, hr tujir.g a suiall per ceutage, is certain he can sell cheaper thaa any otlie; esiablisliuient in the county. The following; is a list of Mnei. I zincs and Periodicals, kept, with prices at. t l'-hc j, any ol hiou will be sent by mail , to r.i.y place up.-a receipt of the auneied Atlantic MontUy 40e. Harpers .Magazine 40c. Frat-k Leslie's Gaiette of Fashions. 4 )c. (iodie? Magnziua Cue. Madame Deinoreil's. SoC. Ladies Kiiend 5o. BnL'ous .Magaiine 2uc 1 cii'.rs ns .'.iagazino ice. T. S. Authcrs' M.igaiir.9 25c. V.'.i-vcrly Mugaiinc I weekly) 15c. Harpers pictorial iweikly) ICo.. Frai.k Leslie's Pictorial. lllaitraied, 10c. Chimney Corner. . . . JOj. Albion Jo " Now Yor'. L6('ger C7o. National Police Otzctto ljc. New York Clipper 10c. f-'aiurday Sight C7c. O"iea3ons Literary Companion li:j. holiday Dispatch .l.'c. I hre-io'.cgical Journal 2-"c. Ai.Krisi.n Afti.-ultuia'.itt. 15c. L'eadioban-1 M ini oe's Novels, (each)... 10c. Beadls's Songster 10o. Mat tin's Sensible Letter Writer 5'V. Fortune Tellers and Dream BuuLd of J:il-:r-cut kinds, (inc'.i SCo. A..-0 ail kinds of ijc, NuVs!s N. !. Philadelphia L.ii'y Press per rncEth, 7V., PLila Ji!pb;,i A;; 70c. li.q'.iircr, f'"c. Miiaic, Maguziucs uudolhei' bindiLs atteud c ' 1. P. R. E ;1: numbers of r!! Magazines ani l'::ners iuii.ULd at thoi t nosk-e. i :-m dc-scr-r::.i..J t-j supply a greit want iu tltii cor.ty by fLi:''.'h:::i ihe p,:c;jlo v.ih Liaiter r. a roijoni.t.L- pii:-.. 1 resj eoti'uj svUctl vour "ttrcr. JilN il. THOMPSON. r-iVT-r"!:-, tu. i, if. i. IlAi-'LLVAi, (O'N CHEAP CLOTtiiNG STORE. 11 -4 lt-li 1 1 a. m r piT.cti i'::o rr.oM mans- ; Vi.a Ori.u-r t' e lar-e Clcthing .t, t tuit-jd i.:t tae earner ot ' :;. :s. 1 ! .Him wu. Pcnn- i 1 b,,;. Lsiai.;:-:i:r Li. '.. K. -.- , ., vre w'.ll r...- ?.".'i'i'":y it'.f.jvm tho 1 r-c-.---.vd a lar-e and oi liai'.j r.iae Cloih- 1 - -; -k ...1 . . - :a;cr Trr.ic for 165 .ci, :., !. T'i-.s (o-i, r.L;?:f,.-'3 Coalf, tV.M. l':.r.i:;'....r.a, Ve-.-s, huts, .id Sh.- s tf cv;vy deson;-.::.-.ii, t;t:: t te, f.r i;:aS or feUiaie. iiLA i"Y M.M); CLOi'illXG V.bite rancy Over i'li-I.-r Phir'S. t:'ir.-7', liosierv, . L:rtn P.: Colars." .v.irn and Ties, lrur-1:, Urn :i Tr-.v.'!! il :-j 5:c. ' it-.--.( styiei il L&iit s Cioaki., C'r ! i-'-.rf. ;;. v.-r-.r' rf ',v -n ovr -uc Tviil v by ir' -a i j.."; ).''-: rur- f5 L-i j'e ' - .-.. e' 'lei e. ;;j V. J j ..: j iiv:'--.'u.;i.ed Lo s. : c!. f ? ? v P'-n't foret tl.o, Bridge acd e. w. iui.l;:v i Co. : ;!. j. '3. , O U . : - i-i-i'')'. !:;. i::n op'-: t ',::. .1 i 4, :'..:it they cli'..1! or i.. ftrre .!!:ris :t. t'...:i nt a;:y I'tinty. I:' they d- noths iic his Lit of M'iiii ani i:i to V: . k C '. i":r ! ;- :r. : cf Vt'ct. I..-!ue. in vther stu.e in tic 0 11, p.-.n-.e I.; .;:i. P:'i.. ' s Merit;'.:; ') JO to 25c. I '1 to :; .a. Is :o o'c. ! 1 it e",-. 12- to 24;. ':n "i t.i vl,'- rr I'j-s - ' t .. 22 to 15 lb. IS " S) " 7'e. rr gal. T.jLit !. Shces, and D . L.i. Ct. Pre .5 I'.ruir-i eicc'in P" .' W:.c:cl i'est Svrn.p k ' . lia I'.V-i--; Miijar i 't 1" ..-t E: ..r. !i Sug:r I ; Lest luo C. !T.!8 Coal Oil n : -r. :". :it po.'dy ni vh "o'l:ii. - 01- land I a iters., n prices ularayu given for all kin Is i-f.M4ici;n5. July 17, 1SG7 I L;.A SI I M.S. Tue underbred begs R to Lia friends a:. 1 the publia that l.e is ;:!! in charue cf ti.e above naniel popnli.r n.iil, where he is p:. pr,vcd to accom modnl.j the citizens of Siiliiin. Patterson and vii inity, with tho Choicest I'rainis of Flour: A larce stippiy of l'.r:n, I'hop-Stutf, and Feedi nf all ki-ola cot.stainiy cn Land. As he rum a mill wag n e-very i'liesdny Friday to M.l-'lin r.:.d PatterMiii, custouicrs can b,- punc tualiy bUpplit'-i at their d .r.ra. By .strict a'. Ui.ii.ju to business he hopes to roeeive a lib era! slmre of pitl.itc Daironnir?. Terms Cash, may ?,'ti;-i SOLOMON KALI' I'M AN. rTT Persons cju bp su; ii'.ied wiih Coal. ; Pluster. Salt ic., at ifce I nves: i.rice, by cur r-rc"t at lujiapiontowu, Ll.IIiU LU'NNL'R, is also authonti-d to t ji chase Uraia and rive the hiebet mark.-t Tiices. -Mr. CLINE is, a'o, our axlborized spent at Penysvii;.: to purchaje Gtaiu and soil Coal, piaster and Sail for Us. Give us a call and you cannot fail to bo pleased. Highest prices paid for Country Tro du';e, and taken in exchange for jroods. I HOW, & PAl'.KLIfS. ?cp't. 2 , iser. A ti?rM 0cul1 ' 0owU' C'lvth f Casshw-es, batinettS. Ocer Coatings, VesHnrjS. vauuuuaua. TROW i PARKCF.'S. SILVER'S WASH 1'OWDER. Savts time labor, money. Slakes washing a pastime and Monday a lestital. Sold every where. Try ii. Address all orders to the Manufactures ZIEULEi: A SMITH, CLTEVrSTS VltoLEfME nillCI.'SSl 137 Xrh Thr.! .- f , I, IU. ' reatookbto terms j"ly SI. l8C7-fni. FROW & PARKER. FKOW & PAK.UEU f