Cjjt unhta StntincL WEDNESDAY MORNING, November 13, !807 TOWN ANU COUNTHY. For Sale Cheap. A Life Fcholax hip in J. C. Muaifni'J's Business auJ Teleeraph College at l'hiladclphia. A fine chance for yun man that wishes to prepare himself for business. In-juite at the Sentinel Office. Wm. 15. McCauan offers at ptiv.itc sale a Frame House 23 m 25 feet, with necessary out-bui'dincs, eiluie iu the bor ough of Patterson. For further particulars call on P. A. Pou.rLnan, in I'atUTSsn. Xov. C, 18CT-2IU Pin You See Them ? We mean Joe J'cuneH'a new goods. Calicoes, Jius'ins, lie Laities, Hoots, Shoes and Groceries, selling cheap as dirt. Just drop in and tee ii is sloci. I'osrr(NF.l. lly reference to our ad vertising columns it will be observed that the Sheriff has postponed the sale of the real estate of Jacob Sulouff until Alutiday, Che ISihof November. LiR-is I'cmpkim. Mr Join Emory, residiu.: iu Water street, informs us that he raised, iu his garden, a I'umpViu weigh ing e'jhty-scicn pouuiis. In one week it jiiew t-tvea iuelus iu ciieuuileienco. Thanksgiving Ou our out side will le fun in Guv. Geaiy'ij pi jc'iinititinu issued to the people of l't.ijii Ivauia, uj j.oii.linp Thursday, Xuve-ubcr 28. Ii iust , ss a da of thanksgiving,, j.raycr and prais; Iu A ! mighty God, for Lis uianiiuiJ lcs.-ings to us us a people, during the pant Jear, and invites all classes, tects, and conditions to observe that day. Wii.D Chlrjv I5.ii. Sam The mem tiry of )r. Witl::r is embalmed iu the hearts of thousand whom his J1umu of h'.ltl Cherry has cure J of coughs, ci'd., consumption, or s'jiiiii oih.ir fuiw of ul inonary disease. It is tiw over foitj years since this prjatulLn was brought Leloie lb public, aud )tt the ueiwud fur it is cuustauily increasing. KiisrucKY Statu Lottery. The only legalized I'raivinirs in the United Slates. The Grand Holiday Dialing will lake place Dcccnt'uei ol.-t. ?2.'jJ,(.:')0 to be dialriliuted. Capital prize ?.jO,'JDiJ. CoinuiuuicitiouH strictly cotiliueutiu'. Circulars scot free, by addressii.g .irjiiitAV, i:ddv & co., Nov. 13-it Covington, Ky. IIou.sk Stolen. Una evening last week Mr. Uiler, residing iu Fermanagh totvnship Lad oca cf Lis In, rt.es stolen and the thief succeeded in gelling as far us Terry county, where he was arretted cud lodged in jail. lie was in the set 3f elliug the horse when arre.-.tcd. He will be brought to this county, and in all prob ability receive his -rial at our next term of court. Game. For .several weols past many of our fcost prominent hunters hare vis ited what isci.uimoiily called the "thicket," is Licking Creek Yailty, for the purpose t-f kil'iog deer, and as many have rcturn r. I without killing any irame save "that name eld cjoii." On friend, Tom Ham ilton, in company with several "old hun ters" paid a visit to the "thicket" ai.d eacceeded in killing six, coons, the largest weighiug tweury six pouuus. .Jlotrs. eller and Schweier, in company with the editor tf this sper, piDl two days on a "huut" and succeeded in killing tme little owl. John A. Thompson, keeps for talc at Lis Book Store in Perrysviile, blank books, fcchool books, stationary, peiiodicals of every description, pas.8 books and a great Variety of toy books for holiday presents to children. Perfumery, fancy soups, hair oil end hail pomade, ink. ink stands paper collars, almanscki fr 13GS, in Ln glish and German. Slates, segais, deutal cream, tooth brushes, etc. Also, a splea did variety of diaries for 1SG3. Bikles and testaments, at the American Ilible Societic's priseH, a fiaa Fani ily lil!e, jcilt for S4:U0, ail of which I will take great p!ea.-ure in sin wing you. Call and tee me and my goods. "Advertisers sh-mld bear ia mind that this is the largest paper, nad lias the Jirgest circulation iu J uuiata county." Juniata Jiepulilieau. These few lines have been paraded at the mast-bead of the Junto ta Kepullieau tor cevcral uioutbs, and we have been at a loss to know tljir J'uii iheaning. Ii you nieau that your ciieul ition is larger in Juniata eouuiy than ouuhle of it, then you may be telling the truth, Lut if you mean to say that you circulate wore pa- ' jers in Juniata county than any other I'aper published :u it, then you tell a wil ful, malicious lie. and you know it. Will ibe hir,h-:oa-d, u;cra!, cLris'ijn, editor k'-'-j V.'IVou, A: Ijv.u da'- "C-autlcg ... - minim iaittC2S3 i)ENNSYi.VAMA KAILKOAD.-O.N AMJ I . after Monday, OctoI.erT, 18C7, Pawpger Trains will leave Millliu Station as follows EASTWARD. Philauelphia 1'lspress.. P2,41 P. M Fast Line 2,51, A.M.. Cincinnati laxpress 7,0l, P. M. Day Express 11,31. A. M. Mail - 0,25, P.M. WESTWARD. Cincinniti & Krie Kxprcfs 1 .53, A. M. Philadelphia Express... 5.13, A. M. Fast Line 0.04, P. M. Mail Train 3.S8. P. M. Emicranl Train K 23. A. M. JAMES NOilTH. AC, I. On the 7th int., by l!ev. V. J. Ceale, Mr JtUO.Mfc A. fcim AU1, ol uealo lowupu p, and Miss XANXIr: Mc'.VILLIAMS. of tack ' township, Jur.iaia c.uaiy, I'a. On the 7th in-t , at the rcsidince of Mr. ''Veslfall in this buiouph, by Hcv. J. I!. An thony. ir. Wlt.MAM 13. HA It MAN of Cen tra county, aud M.i. LiaAII J MeFAKLAXD of McAlis lervil'.e, this county. Aeron:ianyin; the nboTe eno-.e a f.nf ea!;o evidmcr :n diet c It sit the br.nnie bride" and h'T liege loril dU not f jrpet the primers in their happy m menu. .Vy theirs be a union cemented by the bKii Is of nmtu:il iifi'ietiuti. Died, On the 2oth inst., in Tucnrora township, JOSIAII McMEEN, Es-!.. aEed 70 year.-.. On the 27th u't., in Easi Wr.lcifcrJ, WILLIAM Mcn.Ur.E. ng- 4dyci.ri. In Turbctt township, cn thc 14;h u'.i. Mr. Mr. THOMAS r.Ol 13 ).V,egd 0J years, ti niontLs I and i d.i 8. HlTfLI.TO;u & J'ATTHIISOa makkets! FI.OUR. .uper, ft abl. f 12 00 Extra : CO fancy Ii (.0 Uye, "ft ctvt. 3 'JO L'oru ',leal, I io O it A IN, While vrheit.... 2 1.) VAHHETINCS. Eiitter. prime's! lb 3D 'l.ar.1, 12 jTsllow 1-J Kits, i Cos 20 j i'Ollli. ii-fS. i cut P 00 'llaai, V 20 jsiui-p & KLuuIdcrs 12 j uELT, Kurc qr, J? ewt 13 Oil i.'ud ir 1' 00 I'.cd VVLcal "( b;i 2 00 live 1 25 tiariry,... Jii ''orn. Ijt-w 0 Uuckvihviit. Oats, J I I'OL'UKV, i'J 'Chi-jkiiiB, pair 50 j Turkeys, 1 i'O 25 COAL, tea SEliDS, ( lover, ft bus 7 25 Timoil.y. 2 2i rlax 1 7'i lliinuarian I'Klr'.;) I-iiL'lT, Applca, y bu ii 6!) reaches, " " 6 0t Cherries, S ('ill-rents 10 lil:'.ck'.jcriies, 8 Elderberries, 4 l'OTAToEi?. Sew Irish, V. bu 7") 2 j i. i evert an stove fcU Suubury sieve SO Ml 6J do teg CLchtaat 3 I 3 70 3 H" , lea. Mixed I WOOD, Oak . liiekorv, . j HAY, 7- iTiinolhy, 13 00 rjweel 1 J plover,.... 8 Uti v a iii r: TIES, A piles, V bu I Mton White Bca.is.... Beet-wax, V lD 3- pp. dry I 'audies 'jo!, waiiicd... I Ketiilrd Articles. 1 50 Coal Oil -f) gal 70 75 ::alt, V ack 2 7 i 3 tJ Ground Alum salt 3.00 4j Plaster, "j? ton Id 00 10 Nails 7 00 1 liar Ii on C6J . A'i llutse thee.", ke? uO 1 i'i ring steel cu hands. 1 :-'i ri"g s'ecl cu hands, Corrected wcellv by Frew i Parker. Notices. ' - -' - - - i T.T i.ilur'N UairiJi Jii uf TJ'IM C'litrrj-. : T-is remedy i :.s l0i,s bren cheri?hed ly j J l-e community ior its ren urkable efTicacy in rciievii g, beaiirr; nd curing the riont cb.it i-1 natc, painful and long standing cases t-f CVuyi, C:,ld, Jntlunza, Sore Throat, LrcncU- ti, "'y C'oiy,., Cro-tp, J.itkiaa IrUxua-, turn of the whiij even Comum:, itself has yielded to its magic influence ;hen all other means have tailed. Its vhn'c hia- tory proves that tho past has produced no . remedy of equal value, as a cure for the numerous and dangerous pulmonary afTccticnii which p.cvail all over the land iHSOSilltcd Tcs:3j;io:iy, From A.vtimw Ar.ciin.-i, Esq. of Fairiic'.J. M "Ab.ut eight years since my i.a, Henry A . Archer, now at Fairfield, Somerset county, Mc. was attacked with spitting of blood, ciu;;h. weakness of Lungs, au l general debility, so much so that our family physician 'ie'-Ured him to have a "Seated Consumption " He ! was under medical ireatuienl Inr a number! ot months, but received no benefit from i'. ! At length, froni the solicitation of himself ! and oliieis. 1 was induced to purchase one bottle of WISTAR S BALSAM Oi1' WILD j CHEUKY, which beneHted him so much I ot-I tained BUoiher bottle, which in a short lime rcstoreu hi in to his usual stale of health. 1 think I can saie'.y recommend this remedy to others iu like condition, for it is I think, all it purports to be tub Cheat Li.no !!ej::;dy for Tim Ti.mi's! The above statcmei.t, gen tlemen, is my voluntary oJering toyouin t.ivor of your Balsam, and is at your di'.posa'i." Prepared by SEMI W. FOVVLE SON, 18 Tremout St , Bost.n, and for sale by Drug gists generally, aov. (, lS07-lui. ERRORS p yosjth." A Geutleniau who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all - J i the effects cf youthful indiscretion, will, for i the saka of euffering humanity, senJ free to ', all who need it. the recirie and directions f. r i ' i making the simple remedy by which he was c tired. Sufferers wishing to rroUt by th- ! , , I er s experience, can do so by address- advertiser ing, in perfect conSJcucc. John b. ogden, may 15. 'C7-ly -12 Cedar Street, N. Y TO tOASMSITSVliy. The Rev. Edward A. Wilson will ii! s nd i free ot enarge; to an wii ) uesire n, ine precnp lion wi'h the directions for making and using : the simple remedy by which he was cured of j a lung affection an I that dread disease Con- siitnptiou. His only object u to boiiefit th. j afflicted and be hopes every sufferer will try I (his prescription, as it. costs them nothintr, ' and mav Trve a blessine. Please address. P.kv. EDtVAilM A. Y.'II.SON. ! Th No. ! toa; Scccu.1 fltieet, 111 .UlU "im 'I..- J3-A Young Lady returning to her country home, after a sojoUrn of afcwmonlhar in the Citjr, was hardly recognised by her fricuds. In rlr.oe of a coarse, ruslio, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almoot marble smoothness, a nd instead of twenty I tbr-c the really appeared but cijliieen. lTp- on inquiry as to thecause of so great a change, she plainly told them thnt she used the C'lr Casmimi I.l!l5J, and -considered it an in valuable acquifiiiion to any lsdy"B toilet. Wy its use any lady or gentleman can improve their personal appeurunee an hundred fold. It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in itseffi- cacy in drawing inip'irilii'S from, also leal. i inir 1innsinr mi.l lionuiifiinT iha skin and ! comnltjioa. 15v its direct action ou the f uti- ; clu it dir.ws from it all its impurities, k ndly ; iai;ng thc uno, and leaving tho sur&ce as Sa,re i,llfuJl(I jt should be, clea soft. smooth and beautiful. Price $1, senly mail or express, on receipt, of an order by; V. L. CLAlti; & CO., Chemits. o. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse J". V. The only American Agents for thjsale of the saint. (.feb. 20, llj7-ly C.jiii.'UiiJt'i'io. oiiii.iu.iii; lii TO C'T-i: COXtL'Xl'TtOS, Iht t;-r.r- J,l be p-ti-.TT ! er. Iti; i' o if an w .ii h-s'. To txeof, ich tUix tirrr -.d " nrh rr.n l l:r. be cttaut nr.i l. ii. v.il te l'. .'.i p -iwriyad Cjrri f y.' Ssy b'co-J mlfi Iha- I.'-idiuj Llt!iS tkiurt:;nl cn. BwHi:N':U'3 il ANI.r.AKB I',L3 circjc.?3rrtcbci atl t lioa or iueo' ecu k Tci. t- i. hy si'aj tUs fa Vi'ocJ Xj-.x ia a- t.- O'C T r-'t.. t TV-err . t;-u;.i::;::-i. ri lmoniv; sirnri" ti BaiHcj wr t j!! a irr I:ciiTft!. a-3. b iLathre.) r.'.TiC'i, a.l .nia..t: a. CTfs.'el trtm tto friioin, a. p.xt, Kb.!;.'! Lio-ji n:a.tA, viliic:, will ropslfci i ti p'.t nlll la'-.c ibrw r.c Jlcinet accc. I.v Uj a.ev'.i.p, Cutira.i:? ion varr trcncullr t'i su.-c ;n-Zi rfii:!). la J.ctr a.:ioi. Ta'p ::r.iTOtit:.. , lj c cr.-as 'hi. ItTf-siJ atCTjic:b. X no; ;al.ow Ihv. tcftjja Ihe ImcU ar not coo ti.e ua uot xa;ulrel, Cai jja.ollu.as In drr & BfrocwRrj.. ILo Mouiaca ir.oit te Iter La.'jv. aai au ip.-u ta rrtaXza 10 al.L' tl:s I'oi SLO tic S;'rp o arloa .L r;,iratr orar pr. prrl anl al:a aar lr.-il on. Tiien all tl.nl la raju'red to pnrcr.u a ncr.it-.oit rre !a, to p-c.e.jt Iannis tfce.-c. i.-o.:l ILe rjnui u muel) a, pajitj, a a!l in r.cl..v: iwodia: ir-ii, ca.ua, auJ, iu tU au,.d tiu ar;wc.0 c'aroa; bjl b: rAnica'&r auJ tLSA-cc a cu. LiJ w. aa. tua. 1 yr. Jan 30. ?i;7-1. (Ikkat Discovert. One of Ihf frrenles jSl and i.ioM useful discoveries in medical science was made ly the celebrated Dr. J. L'U '-.a-'. i f IV.ris, Chief Phytijinn to th Im perial liifiiuiity uf France, iu 13(11. Those who hare, been alllicled with the painful dis- eas'.- known as ihe Pills, and cll'ectu.iUv cured by the use uf Dn. J. .Ji mas' Fr.r.Ncii Pilb ; iUivt, caanct eteaktoo highly of the bene- i fits ci t.lV i red ui.on them by the use of the certain rctnejy. It has never been knotvu lo i fail ia cflVetiug a permanent cure iu a single cae?. In this respect it surpasses all other j medicines of the kind. It will do jut what il is recommended for : if nut thc money will j be rcfi.ndei. Or.e or two boxes is suliicietit i to efiert a j eraiaueui cure in four or six days, ' if ibe directions ou the boxes are fol'.ored. ; Pi ice one and two dollars per box, according I to size. Sent by Mail or I'.xpiess lo any part of i the I niled Stales oi Canada. Sold by Drug j K's,s generally. A liberal discount i.ir.dc lo I Hie trade. Address D. S. Dl sham & Co I Wiiliauisport, Pa., sole Proprietors a nd Man uTacturerj for the United States aud Canada. dec. o-'tlU. CiraccH C'cEt'braled S:if. A:jesul'v. Mass. Oct.. 13th lbf.7. V, (;.. .,..r Sir.- Ilavinir ,tj u afflirt- j ed grievously for several we?ks with a severe 1 abscess upon my side, 1 used several remedies , for its eradication without receiving any ic- lief, until I applied your salve, which effected ! a speedy and permanent cure. 1 theretore feel hnppy to certify my confidence in its vir- tilC3 Voura with rej ect. . .... . , , JAMES BEAN. I ccility to tha IruthuniiciS ot the above ptateincct- II. S. DcAnBon.N, M. D. '" w. Fowlc i Son, Boston, proprietors. a.i.j ...y ul, Jrtiggists, al 25 cents a box. by a.a:I 35 cents. tiov. 0, 1307-1 m. 7 DuArsr, Tilixuxess axi C'ArAnaa, Ttcaie-1 Willi Cue utmost success, ty Dr. J. Isaaca. Oculist and Atiti.-t (formerly of tey- l dan. ilolbmd.) No. 8H5 Arch street, Philad a. Testimonials from thc ntobt reliable, sources ia the ciiy and country can be seen at his ot'lC" Thf mp.lieql Ir.rnltv nrp iniled to ncc.tnpai.y their patici.it. as he has uo secreti iu LU practice. Artificial eyes inserted with- in-i.v K, lt-07-ly. B.'.FSS.VJA'a,8IJ.'V. Ii.ft rrnation guaranteed to produce a luxu riant growth of huir upon a ba'.J bead or hear llcss face, also a recipe for the ieiiiva! of pimple, blotches, eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving thc same solt, clear and baiuti j ful, can blfobtiiir.-J without charge b) ad dressing. , ! THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist may 15, 'G7-ly 821 Broadway, New Yak. t- Q500.00 Kewacd will be paid in grcca.acks to any person who has used Dr. Dnuan's l'Ue Salve according to directions at has "r-t been cured. Address D S. DuH;ara & I o. u lllianisport, 1 a dec ( LAST SUPPLY! Ctheapest that has been brought to .'uniata ' county for six years. Exaiuine tie fol lowing prices : Prints .... . 10 :o l 'c. .. 13" l ie. .. 13 ' l ie. .. 10 " 18c. J.tu. 8e- .. '10 " 6tic. 75 best '.I5c. iio-az"":z:z:":.. Arilic,a Mdslin c L;es. Utcst slie r paol t'otton H:i,im.1Si ,jouiie Wllx,h Cai'siueltcs 05, Ba'm'-rsl Skirls v.,OW. Laiest style, Fleet fckirts, withnit fr, '. "'i'',' Z, .. Z 1 ;'." H'V", .M" H hue liiaiil.ets - 4,50 6.50 .,u i'.i.ni,..i. sa -!;.. ....e,. u....v.n, . t..,. ,,v.v Carpets at reduced prices. ! Ust Loots..... 4,o0 ' o.oO : Also, a large lot of Ladies Muhs and Collars at low prices. I have added lo my stoci a ! 0::e assortment of Men's Clothing at th late 'Jeeiuie m puces, wuicn is ot entirely nevr style, and can seil at reducci pr;c:s to any iu , the county. Also u large lot of Buffalo Robe3 1 from SIO.OO, S12,Ct) to $15.00. Doty's Clothes Washers, cheap. Coal Oil i -jcts. per luart, hel Tobacco Si Jets p?r pound- N. y person r,urcu.'iin2 to amount 1 of 510. , r is - 10,10 and upwards will be allowed 5 per nt. off, for ca3h. at any lin.o of purch is j -. liigiie-t price paid for C!aiko!inb, iu i .. . VIlv nerson T.lirfl.i..Sln In ninntlht ' cei gjjde. jtai.r.iid lios 07 ef nls. I J T VI AT. I VAITPV RXXV POMEROY, PATTERSON JACOBS &Co Mifflintown, Juniata Counlu. fenn'a. t'AI'ITAI SSO.CGC. JOSEPH rOMEHOY, President. F. S. JACOBS, Cashiei. DISECTORS. h'"eph Tomeroy, John J. Tiitlerson, aeruaie !. Thompson, iGeorge Jacobs, John Ualsbuch. STOCKIIOI.DEP.S. J'hn J. Patterson, 8. ii. London, fceorge Jacobs, Uauicl icber. hhu Moticr, John rialshaci. J N. Thompson, S- T. MeCulioch, .'acoh Berffvy Lnos Lcrgcy, John Gingrich, F. S. Jacobs, E. W. Kirhy. Abraham ielier, William liaiik". Samuel Leonard, Thos. Slii'llenberger, Samuel O. Evans, II. II. Eechrel, n'",G- l5on8a" j j..i. ii,i,'i. j Michael lloGuian! Noah Ucrixler, David ilertzler, Jereuiiab Lyons, Samuel 1). Ilerr. It. Y Me Williams. John Ilertik-r, John 11. It obiscn, .uas Huruipg, 'Philip Kepter Jacob Koontz, I Joseph M. Mel ford, IJames IS. Okcsou, jSamiii-I Strayer. John B. M. Todd, II. E. l'arker, i. L. Greenleaf, Joshua I'offenberger. Daniel oiotiHcr, Abram StoufTer, m. an birearnifrru. Uuilcd States Securities Buu-ia, etc.. bought and sold. Kcvcn-Thirtiescxchanrcd for Five-Twenties at market rales. C. S. Coujtortt paid. (iold and Stlrrr bought at highest rates. Deposits received. Collection made, Drafts on thc principal cities, and a general bank ing business transacted. I ui.iu Pacine Kailrnad Donds (the bet in mrnt the market) fur sale liniids and other valuable papers received on special deposit. july 27, lfcr.7. ATcw Store in Palterson. A ML" EL STKAYLK. haviuK purchaaeJ of J Levi llccht, keeps il thc new Brick liuiM 'Z. Main Street, Patterson, a large and ele mut assortment of lteady-Mado Clothing, Cuasisiing in part of Ocercvuts, Fru-k Coa!sf Drr?s Cuats, Ini!uUwn, l"ns, Drawers, Collar, Undershirt, ILiatlk, rch!rrm Boors t Hhoet, Ami everything iisti illy found in a first class Gentleman's t'lirnisuing Store. FAXCY GOODS Also a large and carefully selected asort- j ! '"ent of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and j qualities, all of which will be sold at the low- i st roible living prices. ! Lnaits' 'Jntltrt and Shun. , lie also invites Ihe attention of the ladiep to his fine stock of GAITFKS AND SHOES ' , , , ,. , ,, . . . , , ., . , r . I V. ul .e sold at ptiidic sale on thc premises wl.jc2.liewtU8a.lat fr.cea dvfy.ng compel.- La TL'tSDAY. NOVEMBLP. 1!U., 1807, a l0U- -.rirvt' j farm lying in Fermanagh township, late the l,AJ( I Li J Z, UlU LIjUHJ. ; prntTrty of Joel Voder, dee'd., containing He bason hand a beautiful assortment o!;0.t !t LT" LiiiKD Af'p.F.S. and TV. t.NTY-ONL Carj.cts, Oil Cloths, Ac , which are of a good ' PEKCliK?. o! whk-h '.-1 acres arc cleared and .pialily, and well worth thc inspection ol the) in a g.iod stae of culiivation. the balance buyer. I hea.y liial ei ian i. There is the half inter- TATCiICS 5i JmiilA.HV. Gold and Siher Watchrs. bar rings, flam and tanfy ringt. iV,.iM. ir.. i ,!; ,... Gold Pens and Pencils, &.e., wlikh&l 'his time i ii-rtn the largest and b:st auscriiiicui iu tur UlitV. t?iAll the above gods will be sold cheap er tlinn any other store in the United States. If you don't believe it. just gi7e him a call and be convinced nf ihe truth i t the abortion. V U UN" IT HUE. He has also a larj:- Room jtt?t opposite his olore where he offers for sale at low prices a general assortmor,t of Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Bedsteads. Mattresses, Trunks, Carpets. Stanks, p-aclis, and many other articles f..r houe furnishing SAMUEL STRAYEil. Patterson, ap.ril 10, '07. JACKMAX & BOXS ALL'S IS THE PI ACE TO BUY CLOTHING. Hits and dtps, Biuts and Shoes, Gen lltmtn's Farnuhini) Goods, drr. , CJfop nother large lot of WINTER CLOT HIM! ii. just received, consis'ing of Over Coat?, Frock Coats, Sack Coals, Blouses, Knit Ja.tk et?. Pants, Vests, Overalls, Army Pants and Overcoats, &c. A most excellent lot of 21 O G 1 U 5r 3 II O i? 3 , j t received and selling at low figures. Our .ck in this line ca'.noi be surpassed by any other establishment in the county. We have i a fine lot. of J s . J And Mens and Boots & Shoes, on hand. We By strict attent ion to hnsiness. he hopes to invite all to give us call and see for them- ; receive as heretofore, a liberal share of pub selves Thc largest and best assortment cf lie patronage (iive bin. a call and inspeci Jl j2 (2 3 ji IT C ji (? 3 j his Elyles of cutting and w ji ktnanship belore Ever broueht to town, both for men and bovs. ! Give us a call beioro urchasiiig elseirhcr Cur lot of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Cannot be equalled by any establishment in the county. We have in this line Fine White J Linen Shins, Italian Linen tigured bhtrts, Hick.,ry Shii-ls, Wool Overshirts, Wool under shirts. Wool Drawers, Caulou-llauncl Draw ers, Collars, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Stock ings. Suspenders, Gloves, c. ajoa fine lot of For bargains call at Jackuian & Bengali's Cheap I loihing Linnrium. corner of Britlgij ani i.ater streets, in i. , Wilson s Lrick j house, Mitllinlown, Pa. Our motto quick sales and small profits, sept. 18, lf07-tf. Terrible Accident ia Patterson, TWO-MEN INJl'BED, iKLLOBACGII & P.OWE EUSTED CP! "The firm of Hollobatigh & Rowe being dis- solved, the sub.-cr.bcr lakes tins method of informing his friends and Ihe public gen-1 .., .,,. ha , , - MaVket.1 r . r : . ... . t.ar formerly owned by the firm, and will con tinue to run it to Philadelphia, lea ring Pat- tcrron every Tuesday ruomiue. and returnini; fl.0In I'hilauelphia every Thursday. m;n the puijUe can bu ppijcj wi,, a!i kin ds of Fresh lri ,; vui. ..t West market rates Til. ii inv iv.tterson for Phil - in?h.,r-. T,.Pr Thiiraduv evening and return 10 Patterson every Saturday. Persons wish j :g Lumber ! e,.ei ja jjat( 'Ail kinds c can have it purcnased unl aeli Patterson at the lowest market rate nf merchandise carried for Mer- t,.,.J r, pt,;i,i.l..li,l,in and ileiivered fie uiianis iroin x u cf draT.-l;c. June ja, 1857 1 - 1 . . f J. A. IvO '.l JS. 7. T 1 F.ATN -nd rancv ,7tb ::i avz' T KSSitStJ THE PLACE FOR BARGAIN'S PEMELL'S CHEAP STORE IN PATTERSON, PA. rpiIE lvrgest and bet assortment to he JL found in Pniierson. Thanktul for the liberal patronage heretofore recciveft from the public, I would respectfully announce that I have just opened a very large stock of Goods well suit, d to the trade. My stock consists oi a mil assortment or uae anu siapie 1) II Y GOODS, Embracing ail the materials for men, women and children's vtaie, including Katcand Caps, Boots and Shoes, together with a large stock nf Muslina, Sheetings Drillings, Tickings, Oil Cloths, Mailings, i.c. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Snch as French and English Merinoc.. Top ltri Al',.,ffia tl.. I .inH Vitiaii, nn.l f..i.l Shawls. &c. and als., a la'rJ., stock of N.ions. such .a il.voa. Mill. is.;,,. Kn.1ri.lm.t Co.lars and tuffs, and a general tEaortmeat of Dress Trimmings. G llOCEJIIES, uch as Sugars, Syrnps, CoiTee". Teas and Spices. Also, a large lt of yuc?nsware, Hardware. Wood and Willow Ware. Fish .a't and Nnils. 1 oeeihcr wuh a full assort - . r ,. w , . - . . ment of bonus usually kept in a country store - .... J .1 J npj.liii-hcit price paid for coiinirj' pro d.icc in exchange fur goods. Prices lo suit thc times. cpt. II, 1&07 ti. Aiiollier Veto of High Price. THE undersigned ha' opened a New Store in the borough cf Patterson where he re- spictfuliy invites a share of the patronage of his loriaer customers and the public gei.ttal- ly. II. s Stock consists in part t of Plain and Fancy Si'.ka, Poplins, Mohair. AI paccas, French Morinos, I'e Lnins, Ging hams, Prints, fic. Every description of Qjti' su-h as Drown & Wenched Muslins, Ticking, Checks, Cot ton and Linen Ta ble Diaper, Crash. Naul.eer.s, Trillings, Sic, io. Fancy mid Plain Cassi mers. Sattinetts, Tweedi, Kentucky Jeans, Flannels, Linens Hoop quirts of every style. Grocer ies of everv description. Boots, Shoe?, ! Hats, Car', Q'lecnsware, Lookina Glasses, TOiJACCO AND CIGARS. ,,... , .... , i '-""V . 1 '"!'eiy, ., , " . . , ... e ,; 1 u ni..l ...i n t,,y mt rlr r.t, v.il fin.l me in the Pennsylvania House, Main street, , I'attt-csoTi, Pa. Cuii.iiry Produie taken in cxehanee for g.nmn. F. M. MIC KEY. j August Zc, 13&7-tf. j T? A T? T T?Ol C A T 1? ,cm in a Lime him a mile distant which I wtP be sold with the farm. The improve- ,ncm ic u u i-m i i" . nu : Wagon Shad, torn Crib, a LOU HOUSE i eiii-erboarded, wiin nil the necessary out iidings. A good spring of water and aUo i "speeltuily luiorm ihe public that he pnrpo 1! of good .va.er al the door. Thc proper- ; s" "r-V",,S..n. 8a ,m,""7s Rt ,he n, lies three miles from Mifilin-own ou ihe ! 0'1J bt,,mJ wuerc "eryih.ng in his line, uu i 'v ; main road to McAli.teisvi)Ie. A young Or- ; chi.rrl cf grilled frui:, apples, chenie", pears : j TV.-vif nf SVr. Thrre hur.drel di.lUrs to be pu d on d-.y of sale, lite balance of one j half the purchae money tu be paid on 1st of i . April next and the balr.nce in two equal an- . : nual payments with interest scoured !v bond t ! .... it... ...r I Pos. -ession to be given on 1st day of Apiil 1 !". 1 ttie uadisjiuiiible. Oci. 23-ts. THE HEIRS. W I L L I A M W I S IJ, TI TP.i'.CII ANT TAILOR ! CRYSTAL PAL ii ACE BUILDING. MIKFL1NTOWN, Pa. Thankful f'jr past pa:icr.r.e. ha bjgs lo:.e to inform the public that ho has opened out in his new quarters, a I.A!'.UKlt AND ri.NEtt ASSOHTMEXX Oi' CLOTHS, CASSIXLZZS, YESIIXGS &C. patiy. Dickius.jti twp , Cutalierland c.u:.- , - , , . .. ly. Pa. Insures on as good terms as anr Than ever was before brought to this town.: J, ,. , . ,. ,r . , c-m.v.. , , , , . ,, ' other reliable Company. 1 ari.nl overSiiKI.CJ ) which he is preplcJ to make to order it. Ihe . ' ., - ,. I, r r .n. i. 31'.lle. "rest. I.ATES1 ASli MOST ISiVACVEnSTYLEA. . , .... , And in a manner that will ijofy all competi tion. He also still maenfac: tires to order, ail sorts cf CUSTOM YORK tin rnfi 5ina..lrt ti.r... eewuere. leb -0 b,-Iy. LADIE5 FAIICY THUS! I JOII.V FAUEIRA'3 713 Old Established Fur Manufactory. No. A itl'II Street bi,ri. 7rh. (' II 1 1. A UK 1.111 1 V Have now iu Store of my own Importation! and Mnutifaeture, one of the largeit and mcit beautiful svlcctiuns cf j FANCY FURS. fur ladies' and Children's Wear in the City. ' A :?o a tino ussortmcnt cf Geut'g Fur Gloves j and Collars. I nn. vnublpil tn itiarni. nf mt iriwl m ' Trry reasonable pi ices, and I would luerefore ' s-.licit a call from my fiieridj of Juuiata l c.mnty and vicinitv. tion.f intn'r t'fo .amp. Vnmb..rJ an.l ??irpt . JO.'fJ FARrJIKA. ), No. 71 Arch street, above 7th, south side, ; Philadelphia. hia. ! 1 have no ra-lner, nor connection ' with uui.ther Store iu Philadelphia. j Oct. 10, 1907- ; PerrysviUe. JACOB ENCilEI.MOYER. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is I may 15. l.'"7. 1 hereby giveu that Letters of Adminis- ! ,... : TT tnuio:. ou Ihe eMate cf Rev. Abraham liar- I CI.-A N.-.-Ute undersigned has been ar ncr. late of Chapman township, Snylercoun- pointed agent lor lue sale ol toe American, ly dee'd , have been granted in due form oft rjEn. inaiiufactuied by S.D.iill. W . Smith, hw to the undersigned. Ail crsous indebt- j Boston, ami is prepared to furnish pwoi.s . d in said estate are re.me .fed to make imnic- I Church Organs as enonp us diare navment. and those bavin- claims ' .. .!.. ;, ,nm trill nlcas present thtm I properly authenticated f.r settlement. SAM'L. LEONARD, AJm'i Oct. 30, lC7-0t. salt.' salt:: SALT.'!! Superior quality, either by s xl quantity. We will furr.isl. sing e saci o Sierehaut.. n iib ta'.t at rhiludelphia pi .ccj, wiih the ad j ! -i-:3 zt crt:-93i?3 rf frttchL t PIANOS. " CiiCRCi't okoaS'.s, PAKI.OR ORGANS. &y. TaMKT.. Ivci.l.r fli.no.al V ...... I r. j ,) of Pianos, Church Organs, Parlor Oigana, &c., respectfully announces to th citizens of , jllniu,.k c,j,inty that he U prepared to furnish j aj 0r n,e .,b,vc named ius.ruineuts at tho inanufaclurers prices. Among the many kinds of intrrlment am prepared tj s?1', I offer first the cel. hrM Schomachcr & Co. Pianos which arc acknowl edged to be superior to any other cake ia this country or Eu: ope. The Epic Church and Parlor Organs iha ae plus ultra of reed iustruiu. r.ls, whieh aro being iiitr.,iuct I la to churches e rapi llr anil vrl.ich are pronounced the best by tho leading and unprejudiced mn.sici.ins of the j co,.'n'r-v '!!. b: churchy and i P'e "", aa toe il.J.iest BwL tau. upon reasonable lerujs. Having had many years of praeticil eipc riencc in the musical trade, I can aurQ my patrons that if they will favor me wilt their orders, I wili furnish them wilu the Guest It,-, slruaituls manufactured. Every ia.ifruiucnt sola ny me coir:e3 direct frnm tac m iiiii'Hctii- ' -.. I .... ' -..,...l .!... 1. J.l - , .. 6 , ! eoiiaC'luent ! v all niiivrelv ur.m eett.iti a new 1 , 1 . . , , v. , ,- .nn.t n. rPa I nu ii n.o,i I ft, I find di.-i-t guarantee .rem the nmultioturtr Kir U;n term cf five years. Each instrument ordered will le duii t'ercl, to the residence of the purchaser wlthou', ex. Ira slir.rge. The instruments of any other first-class manufactures will also be furnish ed at their regular circular rait?. Parties who may desire to purchase, cr to , communicate upon tae subject, m.'.y .duress i n.e at New EloumSeiu, Perry county, i'a. Price list3 will be sent upon applicitiuo by n.ail. August 21, lfC7-!f A HAr.E CHANCE lo get yur knittins dime at Terv r"i.-onY.e rates The Hun tingdon Kni'iing listabliphinent solicits or ders of the citizens of M'Ciiiitown. Patterson am' surrounding country. We knit Stocking of ui! shapes, sizes, colors and of every kind of yarn. Our machim- mnke precisely the ra:nc stieh as was mad by our mothers and f.iremoihers, and en work will out-wer.r and fit nr-ater th.n tl:a work of thc most dextrous feiacnine fingers. Send j-our yarn by Adams Express or cther wie ac.T.n,pr.:ed bv th directions, ! wa ' will nmke wurk that will nlcn" vom. S.'atii. i Afghans. Car.s of all kinn. Sinekip. Soeas for ladies men. boys, g-rls and chilli en, sus- penders. mats ana numerous other s'ticle. j jjur lr;ncipfti vrork is on stocking", m ucn. ami suspenders. ..... Ladies' and misses stockings, per p;:r 37c. .Mens socks, Lnu. Sufjicndtrs, " 2t. e. Mittcna. " 25e. Cbildrens sloekinge. 2i'. Balmorals or otherwise 15cs. and upwards. All yarns can he ferwarded and safely re turned within a ivry few days. Foiling don neatly. All work warranted. Address LAMB KNITTING ESTABLISHMENT. Oct. 2-2m. Huntingdon, r. 1 T 1 FFLINTO'.VN C1IA1KM AN L FACTORY Ilrr Street, Mit'illnio'xii, Pmna. A X E Yv L X f E II P 11 1 S E! The undersigned having purchased from . Chas. W. Weitzel, tbst old and popular OHAIH ISOCAUUFilCTOH-r Situate on Water street, Mifliiutown, would stii'h as Chairs, Settees, Tables, and other HousehcM Furniture, can be procured ready-made, or minufactuied to order at ibe most reasonable rates. Having been lontr, and extensively ena-l in the bu-incoS. 1 feci certain tha". I cn ii, d er complete sa'i inetion. both as to ii.e : it y of my workmanship and thc moderatene ,. y . . r . Pariict.lar attention rfiid to the P.e-paiiit- j ing an 1 K. novation of Old Furniture. Ail : sorts cf Lettering and I SJGX PAiy TIXG Carefully attended to. ! I hope by strict attention to buincs and a cotirtfuiis deportment lomy patrut.s lo merit nd receive a hpcral a.: arc ot public fatron- ac hJu'y 31- tf. LEVI RELT.ER. Cumberland Valley Mutual Protiction i.'om- i.-iii.ei3 .,i,iit!!ii i tir iiisuraiicv voiiipiiuy, JT othce East Main street, York, Pa. Ac- cumulated capital ovei &.2),0o0. li. Kbab::h, Pres't. Tnsurar.ce Company of N..rih Aim-rieu, 1 Philadelphia. Capital i-:0.0!0, (idde-t, Stock Insurance Company in Ihe United Statesl incorporated iu llvi. iS.Ot.-tl.OUO j losses paid in cash. AsscitS Janaaiy i, ! ItrlCT. Sl,7o3,2U7.23. i ARriti B G. Corns, Pres't ! X-T01""0 Tiiitf Detecting and Insurance Coui- -l-JL pany of ork. Pa. I'avii) SrmckLRa. Secy. jo;in Mclaughlin, of port i:.vai. Jn- niata county. Pa., is the Agent of nil of tii above Companies. may 2''. lS'7-'f. TV I? ' ) It !' J. W j.V JLi. Oil Itidye Komi Street, Irry..i i!!e, Vet. The undersigned has just lectived from 'he Eastern Market the most at.raative sio k of Goods ever brought to Perry sville. Our nock ccusisis of Lat'ies DratJ Go.l.i, latest sttb. C.ilicaes, r.i lo t t ;ii;s, bjt aiity ot .viuiiir.s, occ, NOTIONS O F ALL KINDS, Groceries, yuceimv-.re. Salt. Fish. e. Call and examine our Goo. Is Lir..-d pur a;"ing t'.scw'iere. V,tae great plea.-uro i, Ml..ivit.i. ttiir fr....i Ti.l'.v; f.-' tl:fiil In r... .l,..,-n, I'.'.in ,. .7, l. l.nniri.l ,1,-bi.. VI. !.;.-!. ..tt ...K T-.,.;,. T.--I.I li.rit L::-.T. ..fr..i.'.l pr.,!n. I llemembtr the place. Ridge Road Street. 'ney can be purcli .scd iromthe manufactui er Also the ..iasou llamlin Cabinet O can of fi'crcnt style and size. The Instruments can be oeen and heard by calling at Lis resi dence nn Main !reef, Mrtilinfown. march 1 j. 1 '' If. WILLI A M WIS E. FCLL sssurttneal of TRUNKS nud TRAl ELViNG BAGS. Also. SVIJHSS atich as Hos, Gloves. P.uok Gloves aud Mils, (very best quality.) Kid Gloves fcr ladies aud gems uiiCui.eI i.J, it ; . KJlnatasti. Y..ik. 'lit. 80. )ciG7tf. j. b. m. xor-pj I J it ft!3 C'.3r. IP. i