Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, November 13, 1867, Image 2

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Vlednesdnv Morning, November 13, 1S07
II. lVILSOV, Editor and I'nblisher
The members of the County Committee
ro requested to unlet at tha Sentinel
office, on Monday, Dec 2d at 1 o'clock
I. M (court week) to prescribe rules for!
conducting the election ordered by the
Ilopublicau County Convention to be held
ou the secoud Tuesday of March next, to
vote for or against the adoption of the
Crawford Couuty System. A full atten
dance is particularly desired as it it impor
tant every district should be represented.
The following gentlemen compose the
TJiSlintown ,T. J. Patterson, Solm'n. Docks. '
Fermanagh Unmet Seiner. Jacob llowtr.
Walker John Motier, E. Davis.
Delaware S. O. Evans. Oco. W Smith.'
Monroe Samuel Hrotrn. A. G. Shellcnberger
Susqucliannab E. Long, E. Crawford.
Greeuwo-U T. ltuuibcrgcr. II F. Zciders.
Fayette M. Hoffman. E Shcllecberger.
Patterson S. 11. Brown. F. F. Kohta.
Miifjrd Jhn UaUbacli, John Earnest, jr.
TVrrysville ('apt. J. Thompson, V U. Oktson
Turbett E. W. Uerky, Isaac lleckmau.
Spruce Hill W. J. Evans, Thomas 1'altuu.
lleale It. Doyle, Wui. Young.
Tuscarora G. M. Smclker, James Murphy
Lack Jamie Wallace, Mailbias Stump.
Black Log Jacob Gunter. James Mulntyrc.
i. i. VATTEKSON, Chairman.
,. f ,.f. ,, Jis that which says that, by the terms of
c clip the following article Irom the ,
v? i. a- it- r. , , - ,, , I the tieatie, these tribes will ultimately
lullcm hcjiuljiKun. It miows in what; J
..... ' Ink Input, in tl'.A Titilinn nriiiufrv t it lnp
estimation such men as Lvous. ilson, i
Sterrett and (Peru) I'atterson are held by j
Republicans in neighboring counties, ami
needs no comments from us Ed.
"The pledges and promises made by the
Republican party, during the war, in favor
of the soldier, all sounded very well, hut
the action of the party, in several instan
ces, especially in the late campaign, in vi
olating the plighted faith of the party, in
this respect, are worthy of notice. In
Philadelphia not a tingle soldier wa placed
upon the ticket, notwithstanding merito
rious soldiers, who had ample qualifies
tions for the several positions, were, pre
sented for the nominations, yet they were
eet abide to make room for hacknied poli
ticians who thought too much of their
worthless carcasses to risk them in the
army. The Democrats taking advantage
of this and placing on their ticket brave
and meritorious soldiers, succeeded, by
reason of this, in defeating us where we
should and could have had 5000 majority
and with the defeat of tho local ticket,
defeated also our candidate for Supreme
"In Juniata county the Republicans
did nominate a soldier, Capt. II. II. Wil
son, for the Legislature. lie received
tho nomination over the heads of stay at
liomo patriots, and these, conveniently foi
getting their professions and pledges of
devotion to the soldier while in the field,
now resolved to defeat him, notwithstand
ing the party in convention said they pre
ferred him. Accordingly they went to
work, and by a system of trading and
bartering succeeded lu deleatir.g a brave
and galluot eoidier and e'ectiug a Copper-'
bead without education or qualification
aud who, during the war, used whatever
of influence he had, against the Govern
ment, while Captain Wi.son was battliu"
for the right.
'Who aud what Captain II. II. Wilson
is, we wiil briefly stata He enlisted as a
private soldier iu the 10th Ilegt. I'enna.
Cavalry, and during the course of the war,
Ly gailant and Meritorious conduct won :
his way tip to a Captaincy. The flas of
Regiment has iu-cubed on it some thirty
scren difiercut engagements, in which the
Kegituent participated, iu all of which,
with two or three honorable exceptions.
Captain Wilson wis engaged.
"At the battle of 'Hatcher's Run,' on
the 5th day of February, 1SG5, Japtaiu
Wilson was severely wounded, the bali
carrying away the half of his lower jaw
aud a part of his tongue, leaving him a
cripple for life. About two months be
fore the expiration of his term (three
years) of service, he resigued. being uu
able to live on army fare alter losing his
masticating powers.
"This is the record of a brave man,
aud v ho wiil say that it is col honorable ':
Aui this is the fato he met at the hands
of the Juniata Republicans. Base
.... .1
u-.iparalleled ingratitude! It is a with-!
oriug, burning, blistering shame, and those i
who were guilty of it, viil, if justiea is j
ever meted out to theai, drink the litter I
cuo of retiii."se.
'liut 'Le was John J. Patterson's can
didate,' mv they, aud excuse themselves
. , . , .
on the p.c-a that they wanted to rebuke
Jo'uu J. Patterson. Fanatical sophistry ! I
If John J. PaUiiK'n deserved roLukiny.
by di-J they not wait uutil tbey bad
u nee to rebuke him. anJ then do it, and
cot pour the vials of their wrath on the
head of tho brave, cxeaiplary, maimed
"Their shame is all the greater for try
ing to excuse themselves in this perfidy.
In point of qualifications Captain Wilson
stauda incomparably above Mr. Miller;
in patriotism and devotion to country he
is so fur above the Democrat fur whom
the Juniata Republicans voted, that it
must bo an insult co a bravo soldier to be
named on the same day with Miller and
yet they voted lor this Miller to break
Captain Wilson's neck, iti order to gratify
their spite at John J. Patterson.
We have bo apology to offer for J. J.
1'atteuou. The Republicans of Juniata
county probably have reasons for their
dislike to him, but then he, individually,
i the man for them to veut their spleen
on, and cot a meritorious soldier like
Captain Wilson, who, for three years, in
terposed himself between these nieu and
their enemies and returns from the war,
maimed for life.
"Their conduct is cowardly, and their
ingratitude unequaled ! The tamo re
marks apply to Colonel Rubison's case."
Lieutenant-General Sherman officially
iufcrms the troops under his command,
and through them, the citizens of the
United Stale?, that a peace has heen con
cluded with the Kiowa, Catnanehc, Ap
acho, Cheyetitie aud Arnphoe Indians
which treaties are yet incomplete. The
most important part of the official order
south of the State of Kiusas; but as
! itinn uva I r. 1a .i!1i.ta.A1 in bunt mt
side the settled limits of Kausns, Nebras
ka and Colorado, iu the prairie country to
the south of the South Piatte, it is order
ed that this treaty right Lc respected on
the part of all these tribes, although the
treaty limits the right to the Cheyeoues
and Arraphovis alone. Commanding offi
cers ol josts, and of troops en route, are
required to treat all such bunting p;;rtiis
in a friendly spirit, but to neglect uj pre
caution for safety, as troops should ob
setve alwap, no matter where they are ;
and all troops arc commanded to spare no
proper effort to keep the peace with these
Indians, because it is the earnest wish ol
the Government of the United States that
war should be avoided, and the civil
agents of the government have a full aud
fair ch'incc to reduce them to a stato ol
comparative civilization. The hunting
right was strongly insisted upon by the
Cheyenne and Arraphoes, aud it would
have been impossible to negotiate the
treaty without it. Rut as long as it ex
ists there will bo ooustatit danger of col
lissions; and although Geueral Sherman
may succeed in keepiog the troops from
engaging in hostilities, it will be difficult
to prcveut assaults and outrages on sonic
of the Lute number of adventurcts that!
cross the l'iaius.
The English bread riots continue, but
they are confined to small sections of
country, princ pally in places where the
porul"ce are iJ!c ' cousefjuence of a want
ol employment. ! Iiese constitute tne
"dangeious cusses," and they are strong
euough in Kuglaod to pull down th fab
ric of society, if they unite and get their
passions fairly roused. In that country
the fashion is to ascribe ajl evils aud mis
fortunes to 'government,'' and reflection
has little to do with the prejudices of the
i 'tiorunt. The worst feature about the
prejudices of the ignorant The worst
feature about the English disturbances is
that they do not seem to be permanently
extinguished, As soon as they are put
dowu iu ona place, they break out iu an
other. This shows a disoied CJudilion of
(he body politic, which is indicative of
the trouble that menaces the privileged
ordeis iu Kuglaud, and which must iu
time undermine and destroy aristocratic
The "Democratic" papers advise Gen.
Grant not to accept the liepublican Dura
ioation for the I'resideney ; and kindly
add that that they will defeat him, if he
should run oa that ticket! Grant never
kefyt out of a fight for fear of defeat :
iiusj never asked his enemiea how he should
act. He carried on the war in his own
I ..,.d without ri.aril til thp utll'ipp (if
the llebels, who all the while insisted tha!
tiily were winning victories. So he wili
i act in politics in contemptuous disre-
gavd of the opiuious and wishes of the
Copperheads; whom he detests for their
eowardiy desertion of the country when
it wa3 betrayed into the bands of traitor-
ous enemies,
The lato election iu Georgia reijulled in
r ,v;r.ip!o!e Hnbiicsa victory.
From the Liiritttvcn Gazette.
Our readers will bear witness that we
have generally refrained from urging can
didates to contest election, even when
good cause existed ; but the conduct of
Mclntire and Shugen's friends, through
their Copperhead organs', is so mean, cou
temptible and overhearing, that we feel
constrained to tirgo the prosecution of a
contest, and thus test a matter tj which
we hafc repeatedly called utteiitica. Not
satisfied with their success to iLtaiciog
certificates by the aid of deseitcrs, by
bribery, and by involving the Peinrylva-
t:ia Railroad into political di.Kcullies
which it may yet become the duty of n
Legislative Committee to ventilate, they
are arrogantly charging in advance a1
manner of fr.-.ud, corruption, and dura
gard of law ou the Republican members
of the Senate of Peunsylvunia.
These Copperhead gentlemen all pio
fess to love, revere, and worship the Co
stitutioa. If they cm be believed none
of then, much as they love power aid
money, would even hold an ofneo in viV
latiou thereof: aud thev are struck w th
horror, turn up the whites of their ejes,
or are lashed to fury when either of thtc
twin rebel sheets, Aje or J'utr!t i,1
Intuit, gulls them with a dish ofptetcul-
ed violations of thit instrument. Tliey
oannt t complain then if thry get a dose
of "Constitution" of a compound cathartic
nature, are physicked according to the
Constitution, and cleansed of bilo and
mucus by that object of their apparent
idolatry. And to lio this, we no;J ui.i
quote a i?cpublican judge, but will cite
their own kith and kiu a uiau after their
own heart, who, duriug the rebellion de-
ciared that Pennsylvania naturaliy aflllia-'
ted to the rebel States tho immaculate j
Chief Justice oodward. Although so!
i d.ers voted under the laws of 1'euusyha-
. uia iu tho war ol IS 5 2. no matter where
i stationed; althout:!. they voted under the
burning sun of .Mexico, no oue dreamt ol ,., ,t . i ; , v.-
" ' j oa the question ol impeachment. b;uco
depriving a citizen of his right ot ul- j he rivu fcf that KCUtIciI.aiI at Wash
frage because he was serving his country, : illf,tcu he las scen pr(r,tr ,0 C0!llraj;cl
until during the rtbeihon, when, soldiers ,h!s iuterfl.,.clJ(.c. Whether those rtatc-
not votluj; for home snakes according to
, , , ,- ,,. r , n I
Older, Woodward issued his fiat that every
, j
citizen must vote in the emxtio.n
DisTktCT where UEB.KSIDE3 ! We com
mented upon ibis construction at the time,
and poiuted out the fact that Granville,
Perry. (Jiiver and Wayuu did uot hold
their elections according to this decision ;
wc did tho same thin;; subserinent'y, hut
the Coustitution-loviug Democracy id
oo heed to our admonitions.
The following are the ms-jorilics for
Sdingort and Mclntire, in the district r
fet r-d to :
Ehtii;eit or M'Vitiy. M'Intire o'r Ho'uis ou
Deny L'l -."J
G rauvile..7 W
Wayne fi li
Oliver Go 05
Total 222
All the above, according to the decision
81,11 consequently illegal, null ami too.'
The figures then, thus far, elect Mr. ltob
ison by 200 over Shugert, and leave Mr.
M'Vitty only 11 votes behind M'ltitite ;
and as there is no doubt every deserter in
the district, where Copperhead boards
presided, was taken and counted, we be
lieve they alone would be sufficient to
overcome all that could be brought ior
ward by the opposition.
'Viva la Constitution !"
NEW Y011K.
Nlw York, November G. Tho re
turus complete and estimated from thirty
eight counties give a Democratic gain
ov:r lat year, wheu 'he It-.'publicaus car
ried the State by 12,7S'J votes. The dem
ocratic majority iu the Stato will doubt
less exceed 40,000.
Boston, Xov. 7. Returns from 31C
towns, comprising nearly the nhole State,
give the following result :
liullock, Kepublican
AJtuis, Democrat
Republican majority
Milwaukee. Nov. 6. The net Dem
ocratic gain in the State, a far as heard
from, is two thousand and four. The Re
publicans claim that Fairchild is ciectttd
by about four thousand. The Democrats
concede about three thousand. The Dem
ocrats gain six or eight members of the
Asoembly, and three or four Senators.
The Democrats have made heavy gains
in Kansas, but the Republicans have car
ried the State. The constitutional amend
ments have been defeated by eight oi ten
thousand majority.
St. Paul. Nov. G. Scattcrinc returns
:j M,rh-ll H.n.,Kl':- . I
luuivai m. ..vi,.,U
elected (.O'iornar by ouout .'"" tnajoritv.
Negro suOruge amendment was defeated.
Baltimore, Nov. 6 Returns come in
slowly. The indications are that every
official position in the State will be filled
by Democrats.
Tho Democrats have carried the Stato
by a small majority.
In this State the Republicans gain four
members in the House over last year and
two in Senate
Jiractiva here, liko gravitation, "turns
tho other way."
General Grant is crcatinconstern-tion
in the military department of the gov
ernment by the numerous- reforms which
ho has ordcr.-.d. The reduction in tho
number of clerks and employees of the
government is so great that the yearly
saving will ameunt to a handsome sum
This leform extends to all portions of the
service, aud cuts off many useless expen
ditures. In public affairs it is much ea
sier to increase the number of officers who
may be employed than to decrease them.
Once a man gets into!a positiou ho bc
giu3 to consider that his place is a lcccs--ity,
aud although it may be altogether
useless, he will resist, as a personal wrong.
aDy 'tfnpt to reduce extravagance so
j ,Ilat luo people shail be hampered with no
greater burdens than they should bear
with ase and jn.-tiuu. Ii reunites au of
lieor of independence and stera resolution
to deal with such cases, and peihaps none
' could be found better fitted for the dis
j charge ol the delicate aud unpleasant du
tu:u lils Geiieral-in-Chief.
SlATtMKNrs by a certain Chicsgf.
j journal, made some weeks ngo, were s::p-
poscJ ,0 c ul)0H
Jallle9 p. Wilson, of Ioa
,,le Judiciary Committee of
of-the II'ju.
Chairman of
V Committcu of tho IIous.
l .i i. ,
iiieuts were unauthorized, or the resulti ol
n., t, i .- i , ., ,.k
jie tjutiucr clectious lnduceu the Chair-
man to recant aa advance movement, it is
idle to spend time in conjecturing.
Practically, it does not essentially mat
ter whether .Mr. Wilsun is iu favor of im
peachment or opp-iscd to it. Whcu Un
reports of tho Committee shall be pic- j
setiteJ the IIou.-c will determine whet it
Will do, no matter which way a majority
agitatiou t ) that end will cease.
'rKA'.'HLi'. WANTKD. A male Icacher is
L wauled to lak! charge of lhe Thompson
town School. Liberal wages wi'l he .id.
Apply soon, eitner in person or hy niatl.
0. W. SMITH, l'res t.
Amos Geatbill, See"y. It.
ST 11 AY SHl'EP Came to the
residenee of the subscriber te
siding in Fermanagh totvnshtti, on
or about Iho 2 )ih of Seplniiber, Four i.e. p.
The owner is requested to C'inie forward.
prove property, paj charges and take them
away; otherwise they will be disposed of as
the li M directs,
nov. 13, ItuT- lt. CYrXSSICEEIl-
EXIX'L'TORS' NOTICE. Noliccls hereby
given that Letters Ttstami niaiy on lhe
estate of Thomas Itobison, late of Turbelt
township, Juniata county, dee d., have been
granted to the undersigned residing iu said
township. Ail persons indebted to sr,id e.t:i!e
arc requested to nir.lvo immedialo yaytnent,
and thuse having claims air-iinst lhe same will
present them properly authenticated for set
tlement. W. M. KOIWSOX. 1 ., .
1). E 1101J1S0X, s"
Xov. 13, 1807-Gt.
X ECU TO ICS ;.'VTI('E. Notice is hereby
t-jt given that Letters Tustai.rent.arjr on the
state of Josiah Mc.Mccn, late 01 Tusearo
ta township, Juniata county, dec.d., hr.vC
teen gt-attted to the undersigned residing in
tie above named township. All persons in
4:bled to said estate are requested to make
ibmedi.ile payment, and those having cUims
aaiust the same will present them duly au
laji.tic'ied f r settlement.
jv. lJ7-ot. II. L McMEEX, Et r.
SALE. The house and lot known ns the
'tryson property" wiil be sold at pubdcsJe
8itunli:y, Sovcmler 23c, 1SC7.
Tiiiss properly is situated on Main street, Mif
fl ntown, adjoining Will's hotel and iiolomon
Uooks, The iui roveiuents are a Large Stone
House, &.c.
Sale t commence at 2 o'clock of laid day,
when terms will Le tnalu known by
Nov. 6, 18'37-3t. One oj the Heir:
S E W I N (1 M A C II I N E.
Best Family Marhint in the Vor!:!. Ilujhttl
rrmiumrO'old Medal Latt Fair of the
Aiiei'.icas Institute,
New York.
Florence Sev.ino Machine Cojipaxv.
No. o'i-j TroaJway.
The nia;b.ines can be seen at the residence
of tdc Agci.t, MUs E. C Stauibaugh
Main !
Street, Mitlliu, l'a. may J, 0,-tl
I j OHN C. IILTTON. M. it. Mrnerly of Har-
risburg, having located
I ia the borough of j
fessional services to j
:e and stirroundinar
sr.- i. 1. ,
Perrysville, effers his profess
?tue citizens of that place
el tho Committee shall go. If the House Jccl.s. and on the ea,t by Orange -uet. j , .. 'V , V, " ... vu
s.'.all judge the evidence l i bo such as to yUxUl1l,vlu bonnded on the north by 1 ,t -,f tft'ltf Vn Ora-r.
demaml imn..,mpn ir will ... .1. lUidler. on tkx west hv the l'emsvlv.ini.i ' a.lker J i lit II-t.-fer, Moses Kyle
if t , .1. - ,, Cunal.cn the south by lot of WiUi Bil, ; ',5n- 1-:'J',e"? S'vitz.r.
tides. 11 U shall deciuo otherwise, the L , b , .1 .Monroe 1. V. . i,u:-:t.
HY Tirlne of rnnt?r; wvila of YtnHllon Kzpmuu
I fssin-d iut of the Court t.f Common 1'lea" of .Iii:it:ila
: coontr. and to me dirtrtrd. will be eiuiied to p'!l?!ic
pale at the Court IIoutm:, in llie hormih of VttPlin
town, at 1 o'rlo. k Y. M..on Mt'NOAV, UECEJiiSEK
Sid. lNiT, the following property, to wit :
A Trai t of Land sitnate In Milford township, eon
tainlni; I oil
of Joiin Moon
( At rem, more or !-. adioinins lan-la ? issued their precept to me directed,
Mimncy. John Woodward and Julm Rutd- buarine date the Jih duy of Oclobe
i a rrawe lrHlin iluiiae and Log Stable for holdiiiit a t.'ourt of Over and TermiJi
to,,. Willi arrame wwiins iio iae.no ut atania
therein crreted. iieicd. Ij!;en in rxi-cutiou and to,
be sold as the property of John M. Burlliy.
tT,SO ier ore.Mooa ui ii,e peace, at .Mililiniown oa
. n. ... t . . u, ' the first MONOAV of DECEMUEK IStiT he
A Trirt of fjind sltnate is Greenwood town.hip. . . , . , , i.oit oe-
ailjoiiiinir lniiii of Win. Woodward. Joseph fnpp ; ,ntS lhe -J a"T 'he oionib.
I'anUI hi-fliir, eoiiMinini 75 Arre, more or h', ( ir.tict IB lltitKBT Uivrx, to the Coroner
having- ihiTeou ercutcd a l.o llouaud L. Slaoje. Jus,icea 0r the l'eace and Constahlea of tho
heia:d. tuki-ii ia cxcnnion and to be bold as the,,, , . , . ... ., '
property of Juuiea J. Wilkuaou. , tounty or Juniata, thnt they he then .nil
LSO " j t'1Bre 'a 'heir proper persons, at one o'cioin
A Tract of Ui,I eltna.e Miif.ml townnhip. bonnd- ! 0U he fter?.u? of aiJ lheir
ed hy l.iikii.it frofk. hind.' i.filenr.T Auu'lie'. David ; eorda. ni4Uisiiions, exanmiaiions and oytr
Suli'iitr. David Kerlin and George Mi Donal.l. con- ' reuicnii ranees, to do lbo"e things that to their
?iwlm,r!; &,kh& ; nm"9 "frcti WKtrUin. and those tt.t
Tr;tfi uf Wmnllund in He wiihw township, adjoinim
lnniU f l)avii Huioufr Mmhfw lmwn Hmr. John
timi and to be old as the property of Joi ph L.
a 1 r;ic! i, inr.a iina;e in .vonroe iownnip. rnn- : iuc justices 31 iiie reace, 01 tiie several coun-
vi,-,:"r 't rr'"' !"""" "ii ! uf , lies of tbU Ctmmonweallo, to reiurn to tha
Mi-liol:i hrociotis, dtr d., tluorro leaver, drortji; , , ... tl, . . ,
Tliarp. dee d., and other. Bavins then-on erut ied '"rlt of this toui fcof Qwnrter .Sessions of tl
Two l)wellii: Hoii-s and Hmtk Barn. Seized, lak- , respective counties, all the recognizances ea
en in . . . i,ti.,n ami to be n.ld a. the property of ,el e,i illlo v,rfore lIjem b R11T per30n or pc.r.
O'oigi; Brocious aad Sarr.h btoc:oa. , . , , . , , J J K . ""!"-
.j.. wins thurged wnh the co:i,nnsioa of any
AL-IJ, criuic, except such cases as may be ended !e
A I.nt of Oronml situate In lhe vil!nSe of MrTico. fori, a Juslice of the peace. unjcr Cii3:iL
adjiiinin; Lot of Jacob Parker on the uth, an alley . . , .
on Miu north. fnMitin;; on Htrniri. having a s-ton? la- ' 'east ten days before lb commetice
Ilmne and Dwel'in l)i.;ii-ethi r.-on iTcrtL-d. Suiil, I nicnt of the session of the Court to w:;:ca
taken Int., ejt-tiitii.n and he nld aa the property , tiey are 1Iia(Je retUrnalle resptetitrely, and ia
of J.-.aia L. rostlelliwail and IV.cr bbawr. ! -t, - 1 . J ' ,
A ra-tor I.antl ntnate in Mtl.ord townfbip. eon -
73 Aercx, inure or Ii'?. partly rk-arcd.
s. i.il. n.Ui ii in execution, (lad to be old aa lhe
properly of Jhn Mouufy.
S. It. I.OL'DON, Slur.Jf.
SherllT'iOflire. Miftlintown. ,
November 11. l"!ji.
WtEillKr-S SALK.-
Uy virtue of sundry
wrils of Fieri
h'-vrirts, i isued out of the
Court of Conmi'in Tleis of Juni.itu couitv,
l'a.. and to tno directed, there will be exposed :
to ruU!i; sr.l.i, at .We .'ourt lloue in the hor-
cngh of Mitt!:.'itown, on M.ipday, November,
1Mb, 'A I o'clo;U I-. M., tho folloi-ing ,
property, to wit : !
Tho (;.;e tin-divided half pirt of fottr cer-1
tain Lets of tlroun-1. No. It, 12, la, 14 iu J
the ceneral plan of lhe Horongh of !,i'Jin-!
,.... i ..t. t. .it;.,.. ... !
lUKd, iiui;ii'ie'i uu ill ii'.i .ii t.jr i" , .
cu tho c6t tiy ;ri;.t "itrix;:, ou llie snum ny
:A of ('. J. i;i.ani!irrH;n, and on lhe w-st by ,
the Trim vl -mi l 'an:;l, v.itl, lirk't M'oro- ;
!!nuu and Vi .ire IIjuso, a Frame lionse a:i l
Iiuv;ksu:iiu .It.ip thcreou erected. j
Ai.av Alt il.e richt. title and inte-eitori
Jaeoh Sul.:i!f. in a trac'. of I.iin I in "Sliin- ,
put Valley," t i ri!ianaj;ii townsiiij'. a lj.,inlii
iar,d.i id llTirv l'iitrin, Jacob Ul-h' ll-ir,
Memy Suiottff. t'.nl ot'.eta, cniaiiiiii)-; Three
Hundred aud Tiiirty Acre.', rnori or less, wiib
a I'wcilinj llou5j and L'auk iiaru thercoa
credit d.
Als Ail the ri.Tht, title oni int-re:.t rf
Jjic.ih Su'.anif in fi tra-t i f I.'ir. l in l-r: 'au
nh ti)vrn.!.ip. adioinia; lands u: r'nuoii l.'ci n
i ti on llie suuth, Jj.eh Ulrfii'5' Heirs on the
, east, llny L'uir.in on the lwnn, and the Jn-
.' ... ., ; Dw. - l'in -
?, , , , , . L
II mi l Barn t'-e: eon erccieJ. containing
I, '
Two Handled aui Twenty Aires, iu.ro or'
Alio A Lit of (Iround in t'- bitou;h of
Mil.tiMown. bound,' 1 by SeeoFid stre"t 'j the '
weal, hy Cherry street en the north, by an ,
alley on the csmI. and by lot of Jaraes Kiik '
ou the s.itith, ni.li a Hjuso and Stable there- j
on ereotvd. I
i.40 A Lot of Ground in the. said 1 ironirh i
rf .Vii!ii:iftwa. bot;r. led en the nurtli hy J. !
Durchtii Id. on tho vre-t by nn allev. on the ;
south by lot uf W. A. Matjonalo and Mri. E.
Also The undivided half cf a tra?t of!
Land on ':ha.!.7 Mount.iin. in rermari;ri j
t o-.iii.h:p, a.tjuinini; lacls of Henry S"uloutl
.-n the south, J. liower and lircther ou the:
eat, on lhe north and west by by E L. B"
Hundrod AereS, more or'b-s. I
. ,., , ,.t c,-,.l i.ilrn kin.li nfi
.lii.1 WoImT, and ritii., nn .ii'.inr. Torlvl
Mitliintown, bounded cn the cast by W.mr or !
Front street, i:n the north bv lut of J-ines
Horning, on the est by Pcnii'a C'aa:.l, on
the south by Alexander Spcldy.
Also A tr.iutof LmhI iu Fernannc;'i twp.,
.lanii.ta county, ailjjiiiing hitt is of Henry
lNisnm 0.1 the nouth, on tho west by Juuk.1i
iliver. on the n.-rlh r.nd ea-t by L. L. I'-ene-Het
and Jae. b I l: h's Heirs, containing Three
Hundred and Firty Acres, more or lestf, vrith
House aud Log IJ.ira thie')n crei led. i-'yize l,
l iken in execution and to he sold as the prop
eity of Jacob S'.ilonfT.
S E. LOUDON, Sheriff.
Oct. 23. !So7-ts.
17;.-Ii L IS T I'FCFMb ER TERM, ISo7.
Ivaao L'otteger vs. Sapnn l Tage ct nl.
The ISoroujr'a ot l'.n:er:ou vs. Jas. Nurtli,
Treasurer of lhe Kounty Fund.
James Ii. Morrison, Adtu'r., vs. Kdward
Ilerry tiinu, with notice to Tcire Tenants.
Isaac liollcim'r vs. Satan. 1 l'ajc.
Pearin Foliz, for us ofLzr 1). Tarkor,
vs. Columbia Insurance Cornpanj'.
James Walts vs. Ceorire Hutchison.
Right Itev James F. Woods, llxecntor of
Henry Felix, dcc'J., vs. Otto Albrecht Jt Her
man Albretdit.
(ieorge Bowers vs. Erne3t Iipp!oand Alex.
Jotiii 1'. Thompson aud (teorge Man", part
ners, .jc , for the usn of S.irah Ann Thomp
son, Assignee of said John P. Thompson, vs.
Lewis It. .dans.
E. U. Al
n, for use of W. W. Crcighton,
tring, Ncal McCoy and Thomas j
vs. J. L. Dei;
Henry C ross and' Jeremiah Lyons, Assig
nees if William Cross, surviv'ng partner of
Kurtz i Cross vs. John L. Hears.
Uight Ucv. James F. Woods, Execumr of
Henry Felix, dee d., vs. Ouz Albrecht and
Herman Albrecht.
(IEOUG2 l'.F.YNOLDS, Frothy.
Mifilintowa, X,v. 0, lSu7-to.
A T I'll I VA TE SA L E.
'lhe undersigned oiiers at private sale, his
J. fa
farm, situate in Milford township, Juni-
taining Hill acres more cr le 3, ahuut Kit' Jukif, (hi CCOIUS (Icr
acres citared and in a good :,':.te of cultiva-! j., . ,j
lion. Tlie improvements are a good Frame vlUlpfl'.
ouse, Leg l:aru and all oiher necessary , fpHE undersigned is now running the Short
out buildups, vriih fione Spring youse, good , J Market Car (formerly run by lioilobaug-t
Spring of limestone water convenient to house, i 1?ow , ,,, ?1oe j,!, eTery deseripnoii
with good Apple Orchard and other kinds of of Frsi, f-NU R,i Marlte'ing. He arrive in
fru'L , ,1 I'atterson from I'hila lelnhia every WeJnes-
Call on the undersign I residing on tho... Rn,i L-ri lav. (ioodt. haul-d for mer-
. : IT I'V I VliSli 'l.l'l T! IV
f avo' "".i.',.a .'iaiu.v.
io. ,i, low -.in.
A LAF.GE aa I good variety of Af,L TA'Of.l.,
i-R A(i aud JiV.'W C.Ut'.'J'S ou hac i
ec(l for sale cheap, ot
I pK;)CLAMATION.-W,n:r.EAS ,l.e ,in
J. James II. Obaiiam. President Jud (
the Court of Co.umon l'Ies of the Judicial
District Cum posed of t lie cuiimiea of I. -
Perry nnl Cumberland, an-1 the D,. Tho !
I. Millikeu and S;uuM W.trs, Judges of ih.j
said Court of Common Pleas of Juniata coun-
for hdinif a t.'ourt of Over nd Terminer
, ,. t n . 'erminer
anU "e"1.1"1 J'"1 Utliverj, and General Quar-
. r ooana oj recognizance I oprosecute againt
i the priHOcers that are or (Ucu may be in ihd
Jai of 1-e.hen and there .0 pro,-
; eciile against them us shall bejutt.
by an Act of Assembly, passed iheSlhdr.v
of May, A. V. 1801. ii is n,adi the duty tf
.i uj rri;',goii:,ues arc nierea
into Ics than ten daya before lhe coa;mei.ce-
, mcn, of U,c DCs;ions to which they are niado
! . ,. ., , . J ,
; r' turn ltue. ,be B!-"i Justices are to rel urn th
tatnn in the same manner as if said act ha l
r.ot been p.is"ed.
0uteJ a. Alioiiutown, lhe 2Stl day of Ocictier,
iu the yenr of our Lord unn hi.u-.ind eight
hundred aud sixty-snTtn. and the t'Jth jtar
of tl.e Ameticrii, Indcpen le'i 'e.
N..v. r,. JH.;7-t.l S. B. LOCDON". SVff.
T liT t) I' Jl'LOUS
ro:; iecxmbeh
TEltM, 1 S'J . .
guaxd jrr.o
Tv".;i;pr .'ohn Dratton, Wil':nrn Prstton.
rtTU'K' ti ill Samuel liealo. Theodora .Mem
iner, V.'m. P. ration.
Lack -J. I. Unrtoa, William Collier, Jos.
Let.k J. 1'. Tonrcr.
(ii-. ei:woj i Isaaj L'ettricS Sitacn SLo!
Ie. hir-.T.
Fr mm Miobncl li'erinan.
Tii-.c 'ti.'a Alex. JitKia'.ey. Harry I'atttr
bo:v S. '. I . ! f i .. !-. .) . "V. .Miili!;en.
Mi.'.:;!i Ji Ln McKinl-v. lo'in iVajr.or.
Moar . iuiii:.; I'.i:, Jl-i -e''Vrs.
Sus..-f. hnnt.a t hri-:ti,n Scchriot.
r'eriua'.tb Sasnuel Th it.ias.
rerrysv;,le V.. V. TiiicI, Jau:c3. K.. Whir
tea. t tr.y
rETtr rnri.
PsT-.trrri .1. !:a Aukr, Henry Ebcrjo,
J se; h it:r, Kulud l ul l, .Mahluu Farii,
JuL:i Lcrh.
I en svi,ie .tmu!i liucn, n 4
1 "- ll! em.Uholir
:. I . v. -te-M n.lIWr Micbiol
' " 1 ' 1 1 v- ,''t"ei
IVnvsvilie PtmuM Buck, William Wright,
hael Besom, Jzo.
.;-on. Aaron Letdv.
I! .ii-: 1 .M. .n, Thr.n-as Harris, C. F.
M .. ; ti. John Wo:.dwai J. Jr.
Li:'. 8. L. U.iii.u. Ji'jh Hubler, J.
Murphy. J hn Kobisim. .r , Ah Lice.
Tini-itt --Wcb'lry tai We;, .Michael Fox,
Cl.'"i'j;e ileiic i.
Miil ir 1 - David Ctiunin -hax, Dan'l Daugh
ai.ii Ccre Cus.
nvtiH-oi:-! V illiani Thoaia., fJavid Car
j;il', Ait.nn Wilt, Jese !ed.
Tuscarora liiTid li ::;, Wiilism Hart, J.
l."nc. J j.-ii.li "I "n". n.
iiam Mc-
, J ada
Aliii in Julio It. I.'ni'iinn.
r.'.Ve.-so.i V. F. Koiiui.
N.iv. ',. !M3:-iC.
l-i:tJiMi:&-s xTi:
No!,i'-p ' -y CT tLt th fol'.owi:.-
named ri-ri ma have til.d their Arimtnitlra-
turns, l.xeetitor and Lu'iroiau KCCuunis iu lhe
Oriiha::s' Court ot Jitniuti et'lintv. n:d thr.t
! tic s.taie will he T.-n-si'iuid b-r eui,hrm..tiou
and uibjffauce, at the Couit House, in the
j bur"iij;li of Mitllinlowr. rn Vifdueasy, the
; -lib d-y of I'eceiuber. JStT, viz;
1. The first and ii .al aoeourt of Susmel
! Seibcr and Abrah .m SeiU-r, Kxtvutora of
James s'eihor. deceased.
-. The ncou-'.t cf fi.urtl J. P.irtoa. A Jmin
! isir-i'r'x of I'.cbort Vi. l.uaon, ite uf Lack
: towrshio, tleerastil.
o. A p irtiu! rTniil i f Ili.bert !i. Flieki'i
! pet r.t-.'l ia::icl McCjr.iell, E-e.:iilors of D.
i. Fiii-kiig' r, decease !.
4. Aceonnt cf Saranol K'ir. 'pc'cr. AJatlc's
, liator i f David ! ti s, la'.c of ick torrnsL p,
j deceased.
5- A .-artir.I acc nnt of Santu"! Leor.aru,
AiluiituMtraicr of Jo.erh Unrtz, di-ceaj-jd.
' ft. The second .ar:i:,i aejtu..t id" Jaii.es W.
! Allen, one of the Exccutots of Samuel Allen,
decease I.
R. V. Mc Williams, Rtjiiur.
Keii ter's O.Tjce, MiiZm- I
town, Nov, 1, '07 lc.
'lIIE under-.irncd oilers at private Bale the
.L Taiiiabie fai in on which thi-y reside in
Milford township, Jitniiila county. Fa., bound
e l by Liokinc, l ietk and lands of J. V. .Shiix,
. vi . Wilson, John Vri"ht and o'hers, een-
ti ai loo acres of Litne: tone land, abotit
jy f which ij cleared and linger pood culti
virion Lav.ng lieen rec nity well nine-i ttni
fenced, the balance well titnbci e l. The in
provetitents consist f n pood Sione ar.d Frame
farm H:ise. large Uar.it liarn with Wayon
.Shed and Corn Crib attached, fan ige Hou,
Vi ood and Smoke House. Spring House wi:h
all oilier necessary out-buildings. A -'pi-ii:e;
of never failing water. Two good Orchavis
of choice fruit. There w a cooj I.in-.es o:.o
j fjuarry on the place. Terms reasonfcldc.
This farm is one utile from MiSlin Station
on the rennsylvania Kailroa 1.
I I'ersoiiS desiring lo view the property et
' call on the owners residing on the premises.
Oct. SO, 18li7-5t.
i th.MlX9 j,.iiv.Ted at then- stores tie or iry-
- j .
j f ua;lh!e to i:'ply hts cttstom-rs in
bai.l the frei' ht bv innLins one trip per we-.
he will rim two trips per weeh arriving in
i pHlterson on Saturday with the second load,
t Thankful for past patrons:;-, he trusts to meril
, a contitioanee of ?h Mute.
;-:.', i: j. r. ?tUtORAr'.H.