Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, November 06, 1867, Image 2

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Juniata firnfutd.
M I ' F L 1 y T U V. N
Wodncsdav Hornine. November C, ISO
II. II. WILSO.V, Editor and Publisher
The members of the County Committee
are requested to meet at the Sentinel
office, on Monday, Dee. 2d at 1 o'clock
P. M.. (court week) to prescribe rules for
conducting tho election erJercd by the
Republican Couuty Convention to be held
ou the second Tuesday of March next, to
vot;! fjr or against tba adoption of the
Crawford County System. A full atten
dance is particularly desired as it is impor
taut every district should bo represented
The following gentlemen compose tLe
Mifllintown J. J. Tatterton, Solm'n. Books.
Fermanagh Daniel Seiner, Jacob Howtr.
Vt'alker John .Motzer, K. Davis.
Delaware S. O. Kt.-ius. Goo. W. Smith.
Monroe Samuel l!ron, A. 0. Sbollcubcrgcr
Suscpacbautiah K. Long, E. Crawford.
lireeiiwo:n T. Humberger. 11 F. Zeiderj.
Fayette M. llnflunn. E Shcl'.enbcrger.
Patterson S. H. Erown. F. F. Itjln.i.
Miifjrd John IJalsbncb, John Earnest, jr.
l'errysviile Capl. J. Thompsou, V 15. Okcson
Turbett K. W. 15erky, Isimc lieckmiin.
Spruce Hill V. J. L.nns. Thomas l'atton.
Ifeale tt. Doyle, Wui. Vouiii;.
Tuscarora G. M. Smelker, James Murphy
Lack fames Wallace, Maiihias Stump.
L'lack Lug Jaoob Ounter, James Mclnlvre.
J.J. 1'ATTEF.SON, CAui; man.
The editor and owuers of the Juniata
Republican do not like the manner iu
which ve show up their treachery to the
parly. We Cud the following iu Lst
week's iue of that paper, "Wc thall ncd
coadesend to take any further uotico of
that model tbcet. It accords neither
with our sense of fceif r.'speci, nor with
the taste cf our pa'.tons, nor with the
duty which we owe to the great Republi
can party to waste our energies in waging
this kind of warfare. We prefer to strike
the common foe." This reads very nice,
but duu't sound well coming frfu the
... .1 nn. i:.. .
ouiiin, 11, uuis. iuc cunur iiiiu oucrr-
ti ,..,
X?avy , ilson, J.yoo-i, isterrett 1'atterson I
k Co. forjrot their duty to the .reat Re-'
publican party when they sold out to "the
common foe'' ibeLocofocos and helped
to elect Melinite aua Miller over Robison
and Wilson. It seemed to accord with
their ''stnse of self respect" when they
priuted bogus tickets and circulated theui
ail over the country for the purpose of ef-
jeciing nai iney ue.iiier nau me itiLU-
ence or character to effect by fair means, j
, . ..I l 1 .1 - n
Thcy aro a model ciew of Liiili tone J I
fellows indeed. There was no foul lie too '
mean for these fellows to circulate against
Robisou and Wilson, both bel'ore and after 1
ihc nominations. Aud yet they talk about '
their liself respect" and their '-duty to
the party." There is Bot a Republican
in the county, with v. horn any of there
fallows talked before the nomination?, that
cannot recollect some lie they told. And
yet they say they are traduced by the.
Sentinel. We defy auy of the sore
Leads named in this article to deny any
charge we have made agaiust them in re
ference to their treachery to the party.
No, they would prefer to have it all hush
ed up. They ate ready to come back into
the piny sii that they will be ready by
nest fall to "strike the common enemy"
Ly selling out agaiu to the Lucofocos.
These fellows are treated with scoru aud
coutempt by every true aud faithful mem
Ler of the party they betrayed. They
feel that, like Cain, their great crime is
written on their foreheads, aud that every
honest man they tuect is upbraiding them
for their base betrayal of their party
They canuo; hide Fioui their shame and
faiu would crawl back iuto the party even
before the steanch from their late associ
ations has lef'. their garments. Poor, mis
erable, trcacheious crew, you forgot your
"self respect" aud your du'y to the ' 'great
Republican party" aud the great Repub
licau party will nut forget you.
In last week's Rrpublican in an article
in reference to tlie prompt action of the
Cliairu' .ii m tailing the Coui.!j Commit
tee together for the purpose of preset i-
biug rules for the special election in j
March, on the rejection or adoption of
the Crawford County System, the editor
says, "Let the Committee give us a fair,
h .nest elect i n no proscription on ac
count nf post inadvertencies." This re
minds u of "Nasby's" writings. When
uleaJinir for tho admission of Lin I'ld.. !
friccds to places of honor aod prout iu
the goverameut, aod in speaking of the
bloody, lour years' war, be call it the
"late unpleasantness." So with Davis.
Wilson, Lyons, Sterrett, Patterson, & Co .
io their paper last week, iu speakiDg of
their bass treachery and t-trayst of the
party at the election, they call it "junt
inadvertencies." Tlio party will not look
I at it in that way. It was a prtmcdtlutnl
base betray '.' i f Iu-: ?'"': Duvis, . 1.
sou, Lyons. Stericti, Pal'.er-cti & Co. claim
to own and control the Republican They i
hnrr.med iIip f.irm on wlncli wa haJ Tinut-
p i iIia tipli; (mm tf Skktimt. .fflco
ed the tickets Jrom tho .ntinll cl.cc, j
carried it to thur own aud toon out the ;
names cf two of the Uepublican candi
dates llobison aud Wilson and put in
Mclntire and Miller both Copperhead.-.
Wut this an inn Ivcrtenry f On Satur
day, two weeks before the election, ihese
same sore-hcaua met in tho Republican
tEce and concocted the plan of printing
t . I . 1-1 ..I I . 1. . . ! ., I
each other to use all their inCucnce to do
feat Ilobison and Wilson. Was this au
iuadvPttauey 7 When the opportunity
comes the Republican party will leaia
these follows the differuuoa between "iu
advcrtiDcics" aud treachery, sue a as
fliiv Io Men Itrjoice f--A Qucstiuu for
tae People of the North,
Men never rejoice at ttiifottuno. They
have no huzzas with which to greet the
triumph of oppot.ct.tJ. ThoPowhom ;hcy j
it,,.,. ),. f..i;..;.i.. c.i"
1 " ' i
,,.....(... .1,,,;. i
C. tigratuiato tl:c:i ;
llcuec, when the traituis of the
South rejoice over Democratic victory, j
savs the Uan i-bunr 'JJ. nravh. the v arc !
,!ad because thPvenect to he hciiclitteJ I
Aud wherein can traiiot be lett. li.ted bv
a Tl,.iU.r.irh' :et..rv ? 1!.. will if r.r..f.t !
Davis, Lee, Livckiuridge, Jake Thomj-i
son, and the horde, of unrepentant rebels
who now live to hato the I'uiou ti. i
menace its government at every fitting
COW live to hato the l.uioil tt. it
opportunity, to have Democratic vie! irie- J
it Sort turn elections 7 These uailoi.- j
are not anxious that (he National Govern-!
ment should be made stronger than it was j
when they failed to destrcy it. They j
waDt it weakened. They want it disgrac !
ed. They calculate to have its credit it..-!
How can they do this ? Surely j
if it were being done in its present hands j
in the bauds of Congress or in tl:e
coutrol of the Republican party, JtfJ. 1
Davis and his friends would not de.-ire
. , . , . !
have the cuoirul ol the government 1.1 !
me several .-iatcs anu in 1 lie ua
",v c.w. i ut uj.uij
.1. 1 in t ., . ,
ciiaugcu. iiattors uave Dotlitng to oopc
f'jr f'"in the Republican party, and there-!
f..r tlwiv ,:..!... :,. .i. e.... n.. .1 !
- -
I traitors to the Dcmocratio party are con-
1 j i . - . - .1
eerued. A
Demoeriitic victorv iu the 1
North affoius au inspiration ol life aaJ ;
h pe to the traitors of the South. These j
traitors do not hesttate to avow this.-
I'l . I. . .1 f .
ciauu mat me cause 01 treason is 1
gaiu to be revived The world kuov: '
that treason originated with the Demo-
ratio partv. Is it uot ti 'hi then for the ';
C...-I I -. t"t;,-. .1 I .. 11 '
fotld to heiieve that as soon as tue lem-
.crat.c party ,s again victorious, treason i
'iil ouco tiiors arm itsstlf for a coute.-t
wi.h the Government? The people ol !
the North shoald never cease to keep j
these faCs iu iew. I
fr. , - r - r
1 ue i innbor), N. C, Atits, is oue of !
the ultra rebel sheets which, under the
garb of Djaiocracy, represents the feel
ing we describe in the foregoing para
graph. The A" irs condenses the returns
of the elections held in the North iu Oc
tober, and w hie 11 it claims were all agaiust
the Radical policy of government. Now,
the Radical policy of government v. as
agaiust treason against rebellion, and
agaiust a dissolution of the Union. What
c'ie, then, is a Democratic victory but a
pledge in favor of treason. Traitors so
regard it. and Democrats do not lienv it.
iMen of ihe xorth be do longer deceived.
If you allow the Democratic party to suc
ceed, you ensure tho tiiumph of your
traitor eueruies, aud their success will ac
complish the final overthrow of the Gov
ernment. Such organs as the Winnsboro
A'e-trs iudieate the fact, by csclaimiitg
with boldness if uot audacity, that the
incentive of the rejoicing over Democrat!.;
victories at the North, is the faith that
they constitute the Lest and most reliable
results iu favor of lJeii.OJ.ianu treason in
the South.
Tue Democratic party of Ohio is in
sore perplexity, not knowing how to dis
pose of Vallandigham's claims for Ren
Wade's seat in the United States Senate.
Nearly all the menibers elected by the
Democrats to the State Legislature are
pledged to their constituents to supp. rt
Vallandighatn, but the wise men of the
party see utter ruin ahead if these pledges
be redeemed.
-A communication from a neighbor of,
and in renlv to an article in last weeks
Demorrot & Rcjisttr from W. Calhoun,
the fellow that sold Lee's portrait at the
fiir, is received. We are sorry that we
have no room for it. However, rebels,
w'ueathei they live io Turbett township or
anywhere else are deserving only of the
conten pt of loyul pacpio.
Tho following do-patches Were seccivcu
i to-.wy :
Sr. Lol-13. Nov. 1
-Hun. 0.
I1rt!rnr;a. S'THirv " me luiui'n
j,ieate con, ratu!a:e the President nud tho i
, . . r .t,
.... i ... ,,n.i ili rriiire cuucis
ri i r .1.,
j. colliniWh,on. Thus far they :
, , , r -,i. ,ilft (M.,,v.
on 111:11 J UIHIIl L I i (T LUIUV - v-
LUiitiuuuu aviwj'f- x ----- - -- --
... rt .1. .1 o-,i, ( Jt. The neoant of amu J. Carton, AJniiu-
ennes ol the South, on the -o.U u!t, j .f.ratnx of ,.,,tm w Ul0 of tck
being (lie only tribe that hss bceti at tuivr.hip, lecascd. '
in that quarter. Mors tbau two iLocauI ! 3- A a,c.":Jut pf. K,!,(r'
t fjci and ia!!.-.l JicConut.l, Lxocutoii of D.
Chcyenucs were present. y. Fli?l;iKp.:r, ih'csasf!.
Tbo Arratahocs and Choyeancs attrldi I - Account of Siwl Klinep'-'er, Adaiinii
.... ti id : of L.ivi.i Mycrf, late of Lack tov.uihip,
together. e abo made a distinct srraiy I iBCfa8Cti.
with tho Kiowas uno" CaniaDchca culitV!- I 6" Apailir.l RroiinT of Eamucl Leorard,
. . r t . t . .i .
erated. nf whicli Iribri there were l rfs. jt
1000 to 5000 soul. Kverything t.j.-fcu t
off satisfactorily. Tho commission expee-j'
to reaoh Lnramio by tliM 0th of XovcnJjcr,
where Cooimt.'toiocr IJcauvaia (ck;:r3jM,s
ua he v, ill meet the Ciow, Sious, X uih
eru Atrapahois atd ail ibe NorihwCalcru
Indians. X. U. Tah.ok,
Couiuiiasioticr of Iudian Affiirs end Pres
ident of the iudian l'cacc Commifsicn J
Sr. L'.t'is, N'ov.-l. 0. . Jirou-hi'vi. i
! Atccrttm-u cf the Interior. Tho lu(jiu:i
V? commiss.on Itcau,;, day arrived in
St Louis fiotu Medicine Lod'O CicsL
i-...... . i i ...
i icutics t;i -je:ic i;av'j iii'eti t..Jcica i.n
the Eve tribes sou ;k cf the Aiksus
r.i. j
. r . . . .1 .. .,
j",Tr. Tha:r.fs0!, r.,,
1J' i-""'-'u. commiL-siou wt.i
lcave 0a CUiber 20, for
thc North !
1lattc oa Vm1 LtaRile-
S- 11 niT::
C f.. T...1:.... f i ....: . t
""''"J 1 ouii.;i,MO..
TKI.il, OF JKI;i- iAVis-ci,r.r J, s j
' !
The followitg in:p(.r!att disj.nlc;, rela I
tiva to ti: trial of Jill. Davu u-i:, , t!,c :
existing dispute, as to whether t'i.;;I Ja.- i
iice (.'hasc wiii ptcsidc :
WAsai.WJTO.: Oct. 2i!d 1SCT L'mr
Jitilje I nut nrmnl : Oa tefiecii.iu, I ;iiir;l; !
11 0,l '"at yoa advise the i-istuct ::ttr-1
!JC; r. (.hatidler thai I w.il jwajouin,
(,, .tin (' .nr. in I'.,. . .11..1, nr. 1 ... ' ;. ;
1 v,,L, at!V ;,'., " i
U to be transacted. Mr. Oiiar .ii, r, I tlii-k I
s'sould no'ify the contisc-2 of .lefTers-a 1-1
v,s u ,":'! ln nri!cr lh"1 '" w 0 "I P - 1
J htii liial J he see, C. A-bis I
bail was tascu lor lu.s srpeantt-'e oa t:,.-
. ,rli, v. ,., ... . .1,1
lv'urt.i euuesuay ui .Sovemticr, lo; is
u,nt 11 is ii ue, ;,ouui :o appear e.iti.it
1 . -ii...
out as 11 is not ni-stiiie tor in., to tie 1 re.
0:lt "ccpt dutinj the Lis: we:;!; ol tin
euu, eouuujucni- ou loaii.1 i c.iacs-
- ...r..ii-'
day, it r.it;y le that Mr. I'avij an! hi-'
. . : i- - . 1. . 1 . .1 1
counsel wiii i rcl'er the trial to tekc 1!. ce
at t,;o eat l.ci p:r.ol. It is uiticr.-otn. j
tla .hlL'f Junce n,;'' l'B rn'iCat' j
1 outs, vcrv tr.i.'v, I
' g. I. Cuasz. i
centlcsain j-tt ratursed froiii Loo
(J0n. Virginia, says this letter --v: s ve. t. i-
day handed, by Judge Vtidcrwond, to
Randolph Tucker, one oi the eoutisrl . i
Mr. Daviit The latter f-.-ok a c.pv ol' i','
, . , ., , tJ ,
but citi give no reply utttil alter u consul ,
tali,,n witll his n.salc,. !
1 '"' '"'h'Wii'g statement Iroro ti..-.
Ij'1"t l'uiu0 r'mr of ,ho 2Isl u!';,:''
cn important fact in i-.nfccc ;i
with the completion of the double track 1
, ,, . ., , d. ,M .,
I 0.1 i.ie 1 eunsy ivauta ratiroau :osu 1 ..ua-;
dolihia to ritlsbui ir ;
The extensive job nf masonry in Jack'.-'
Narrows, whi;:h the Reiinsvlvaiiia railroad
company has Ltcn engaged on for a leug
tirno past, is now nearly completed. This!
work lias iven eniriloymeiil to ::n avers-ei
of some thirty men for the last tbrVe !
i- ., . , , '
years 1 wall is near a mile m Iccctli.
It is bui.t iu order to adtuit tho SCC ui'l j boaiiu- date the tlo'.U tiny of Cool er.
track throus-h the Narrows, and, when it f"r huldini; a t:0urt of dyer and Terminer
is graded, toother v.ith a f.:W Mrt:.:tis Jail Uei;ve.y, and Cencral laar-
, ... . tor t'j.-'Sicns of the peace, at .Mit.i 1111 own. oa
iH'twcen Mount j ntou aud an Dcvai.- j Ul, Cr ;. M.)N"i!. Y of i'ECEMIiil, 1807, be
der s bridges, will complete the second ; inp; the '-'.1 day of the month.
track from Philadelphia to Pittabur.
To travelers end trar.rporters this is a
most important fact ; as with uoubla tra-k
hot complete between Pittsburg aad Phil
adelphia, t!;e safety of Loth life and prop
erty wiii be insured in its transit over
this rnagnifieetit thoroughfare.
Boston', Oct. SO. John A. Andrew
es-Governor of Massachusetts, died at si.;
o'clock this evening. At D o'clock List
eveuiti-r lis was at his own residenca in
n. 1 . , -, r .
.o.iiM Mteei, conveisiug vvu.i iiicat!,
his family LeiDg present.
P -'
f iv . ivs ni.scutf ntis .
j," XECUTtllt'.S NtJTK'il. Notice is liete'y
l-i given that Letters Testamentary on the
estate of Hugh L. Me.Meen, late of Tuseaio
ra toxi.ship, Juniata county, dec,.!., have
been eranled to Ilia uti'Icrsigiied residing jn
! the above named township. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested lo mak
immedialo payment, and those having claims
gainst the same will present thcra duly au
ti.enticaled for settlement,
nov. f:, lt;7-Ct. JU.SIAII McMEEN, Ex'r.
SALE'. The house and lot known as the I
"Eryson property'' will be sold at pub ic tale
Satitnliii, Xorumbcr 23f, 1S07.
This property is situated on Main street, Mif
flintown, adjoining Will's hotel and Solomon
Uooks. The imj rovtuienta are a Large Stone
liouse, ic.
Kale ti commence at - o'clock of said day,
when terms will le made known kv
Kor. 1 l!''JT-3. 0,.tfJ t., rir,r.
1 1 1 A. I - ' . I
tinns I-xccutor aii-J OirtrJiau nccounih iu the
. ; Orphan' Com t of Juniniii countr, unci :bnl
ibo same will be rusciiitd lor confirmation
.n,i , ,i :, r..,.,, i!,.vl, :,. , i,
borough of MiSlmtown, on WedacsliV, the
-HU U-v of liecciubcr, idb,, viz.-
' 1 he first nr.'l final account of fr.innn
fc.ciL(;r nn(, A,)1,lb,llu !;x(;CI!l0r9 of
!.. pc;ilel- .l.-cJ.
A'Iiiiii.i3:ialor ot Joscpu Kunz, Ui'ec izcu.
0. The rtco:; ! partial acooui.t of J.inics W.
AU o:io of tbo .Executors of isauiutl Ail.n,
"-1- R M w Pt-Uier
lU-giftor's Office, Mifllin-
tonii, Ixor, 1, 'G7 tc
'7"i.t;. USTVZCEMlSLIt TLtX, IS-.T.
H'i.ic Rotleis;rr vs Samuel Tngo cl ah
lie Borough ol i'ntteison Ts. Jus. North,
Tr . ".fjier t ibc ISounty Fund.
J.ili'-j K. Slorriion, A.lm'r., vs. Eutvard
Ci-rr;v.;.in. wiib notice to Terre Tenants.
I j 3 Do!ti'i"er vs. .Snnni. ! Tak-C.
l!C 4inj :i i'ohz, for ui of I'.zrt l. Parker,
J j,.K3 Vlllll9 w, ,,.,
l i lt Kcv Jatnca 1". Woods. K
vs. I, ilutulii.'i liiMiiMnce tompi.
liecutor of
I licurH Felix, dee'd.. vs. (Itlo Allirceht A 1.'. r
: ri ;n .Jhii ei.i.
I Ce'T.te Duwers vs. Ernest
'tils r.n.l Alex.
1 i q
1 Cecrce Man'
I Hit;', re , lor tae ne eT ar'..i Ann 1 limnp-
su!1, ''iK',ce of said Jolni p. Thotr.p.i, vs.
ht ..I li. i:i;is.
IIP,. AII.T,, f.,r n.e of tV. V,. Crei.:'at..'
'. J L. l'.-ai-iii!' Null .Mc'.'i-v' ai 1 'li.o:i.as
,K, ,,.,, ,,,- j,rfW,;,,
Lyons, AsI.
'"jZn L. Itear, !
Kit-lit Lev. Junes F. Woods, Executor of
;:e:;iy r el;x. uea it., vs. UIH All.reelil ana
iicnuan Albrecht.
(;;:dkv.i: uevnoliis. tvoih y.
M::i';;itown, Nov. liji,7-tc.
o r
;, 1.:
jukols Fu:t I'Et'EMi::;::
iV-.'ker John r.-stton, William Hrr.:.,-,n.
H;U--.Si.u.l Ueale. Theodore Men,
iti'i.. MM. I . ration.
. L.c-J- r. I'-a.ton, Wii'.;,!:1 C;!lar, J.s.
'4' J. r. Conner.
;.-. -neo-ju I--aaB Hvitricb, f:imon Phel
; 1 r.
! Eii-hi.ian.
Tii-c u-ar.i Alex. .Vc U intev. li :y ratter-
:i. K. l.o lu'ick, J. VV. M'tliki-n.
.NiiC'.in J dm Metiiiiler. lohn Wspner.
Muaroa Tohias Uitz, John S. iiers.
f tis.jiit hi.nna t in i-ii.ui .Si Christ.
I e. niau'V'tii Saiaui'l 'I'iian;:;.
! iiiisriiic I'. V. Titzel, J.-au-s. !C. Vi'Lar-
r;;Ttx jraor.s.
Il .t ., ,..t,.l., t ...... !
J '.'i'. Coyer, Itafiu Ford, '.iai
n Farra,
' . 1 1,
j I'e-tv s-. illv S iiT'.ucl ilu V. Williim Wriplit.
' '-VnUh-n
i'"J He-Sam... USi.y, Michael
i'..iM-,,n .-r,,,: i,,,-,.
i;.a':e IM. l!o..n! Thonn? i
Hi Sjm, Jufr. t
Harris, II. I". !
M "i-:::.. .In!m Vi'o:idff',r'I, .'r.
I - - c L. ISirton. Jo-ic
i'lvphy, .Jolin V. atiis-ui. .'r., .-'
'forhetl Vftslvy 1! .n k e v ,
J. '
'i'i HiiL'cT
b lliee.
.Mi.'hael Fo
C.-vre I!. t.c ..
.M.I:".r.i-l':-,v:J Cu!inin';!.ar.i, IVia'l Io-igh-
ion.. Gci.-.-" ii,
,. ., , ., ,
J' ,m"' 1 fiv") l'lr"
'iV-Cir.iri tiv'd Lean, Wiiiiuiu Ila.t. J.
A J.,..i..L McMien.
rfiie; i;;ii Jac'h t'ower, WiEiaiu Mc-L.-,-.h!in,
S iiaiie) Vr.n Oi mer.
VK.'.kcr John liosteltcr. Moses KtIp. Ju-'p
Yv-..n. Vliaddei.s f. wit zee.
.Mon.-c-c 1. V. S-.v.nz.
jv-Jo!-,, IT. lt- !!man.
..so.-. F
ti, lci.7-
. I".
.oh iu.
;..vCI.A:,: A?1,-; v u ,:KK AS 1C .,
1 J.vds U. Ckaham. I'n-ii.Jeut Je Ire of
the Court of Cin.ia 1'le .s of the .IiM-icia!
l i- 'rio: composed of the counties ef .tanir.i i.
rts'J',l':l CunJbw?''i"aJ,' ,ke, ',i!'s
I. iillikca ana baruuM V. utts, Ju tpes ol the
Vonn of ,-,,,,, rll.:i, , j,,,.. cun
, 1 , . 1 -rutii 11.1:1. itieeoi 1 'j on:
.1 the
Notice is Heukbt Oivf.n, lo the Coronar,
Justices of the I'cace and Constables of die
County cf Juniata, that they he then and
tiiere in lluir proper pe;sona, at one o'clock
on tiie nfleini.ou of paid day, with their re
cords, ii.fiiisiiian, examination and oyer
reiiieuii ranees, to do tliu:. thinrs that to their
alliees respectively appertain, and those tin.
are boiin J oy ref.gn.z met topio-cciite ag:'int
the prisoners that are or then may be in the
.tail of said county, he lin n and there to pros
ecute agiiinst them as shall be just.
Iiy an Ac of Assembly, pissed thcSthd'.y
of .M iy, A. I), lfcol. it is made ihe duty 01
the Jivlices 3f the Pciee. of the several coun
ties ot this Commonwealth, to rctiii 11 to the
i Cl tik of this Court of Quarter Sessions ef the
! rc.;p,.,.ti cu,m,ie,, all n,e rciogn'izanccs cu-
IIo had ano- tered into before them by any person or per
sons thrived with the commission of any
I i.-iii cvput I cii.ti r,'i nw timi' In. aii,Ii.i1 I n.
, lor.' u iiuaiii c vii iii'j 1 -.-nee. u.iuvr ei.aii.i
l.'iiT., at ieast ten days before the commence
ment of ihts session of the Court to which
! they are mane relurnatle respectively, and in
. e!l ciscs where any recognizances arc iniered
j into less than ten days befora ihe coiamoncc-
ment of the sessions to which they arc made
n lurnable. ihe said Justices are to return tho
same in tha same matiaor as if sail act bad
r.ot been parsed,
I Dated at Mihlintown, the 2Sth day of October.
111 I tie year or our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-seven, and the 8'.!b year
oT the American Independence.
Nov. G, loo7-te. S, li. LOUDON, Sh'ff.
IX. hereby given that Letters of Aiiuinis
tration on the estate of Ilev. Abraham llar-
ner. late of Chapman township, Snyder coun
.r. deed, have been gaoled n ,!.,' f
-." ....... .
I.k in til lltidpr.. 111 :.. l .l..
,.. iui-
cJ to sain estate arc requested lo uiaKe imme
diate p iyimut, en i those baviug claims
against the same will please present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
."AM I.. LK.,.;. A.imV.
Hot. 3 lf-r.7 t.
' A V 7 17 7 r .i ''.' v A T V
.1 ,IP
ip niua riwgi.dl cf!r f.t j rWatc sale. Lis to puV.ie al, at theCcait House in ti,e h'.t
farm, eiiuaie mi Jliiiv.rJ township. Jiici- ""i " ?ii.'iin:or,r.. on Jionday, Nocu.tsi
:oun;y. f ve n.i;l;s fi rf Mifiliii, gen- ' 1 1"'. 1 o'clock r. n., the ulluwiat
t rum, en urne mi JUttc-ril owns . n. J htm-
'. "'i1 count j
I tainsne Ih'J r.crf Mure or l..nr. Kr,,ii ii.n
n.cr c;t"'.-! in a KmJ nme of cultiva-
i 1" v-.cnii arc a r0oli i rsnie
I m.n. 1 1 lu provcnieiHs nrc a
I ousi, -1 i K JJar:i and s!l ctlu r rpci-aaarv
' out hui'ilitig?, Vfi.h f'lotie Spring oiisp, pofj'l
I ;l'r'i o "f limrrtc-nc waier criivetiient to boi.se.
wi;h goad Aj ;lc Orcbar l ami other kinilj of
Call on t!;c unJtrsIgnci? residing on the
premises. A I.I .A.N DLK JIcCAHAN.
ov. C, 18C7-"a.
Ti)E undernir,ncd otters at private sale the"""' p Bhrn
v;i,u ,.b;e f irm on which ihey reside in i . ..... . .
Miltor.1 township, J14piat.1co.1nty, IV. hound-! T At;so-..n tho r-j.:,!, title in! irt-wt ft
1 1 by Licking Creek and !,Mdor J. 1". St,.., if"'' "?'.iJ ,".,rcr, in fir.an-
V.. V. V::so, John U rghtand rth. rs, on- I ? ""-'"P. '"'"J l"-; "f Knocb Horn-
Itill acres of Limestone land, nhoot
i !i) of Lich iscleurc l and une'er ood cu!t:
v :i'iou o ivIl ' l.uin rcccn'ly well linie l :m l
ti.o ;,.
iJ Kr-me
,.. "
tiiiLC.l, the. t.:;!:i;;cc well HmTied.
p: ov iT.vnts c nsisl sf a goril k'tona ani
I".'- tt V'
.,1 ". . ... .., ,' 1:.? , c
Ol Il-.IT Illl, III r ei . i O L'lllJ'l I I L III. ! ll
. ... , , . fc, ..
-r . rr 1 1.
01 ti. ... e 11 i.,i. lui-ie.M ;i ruo'j i.iuirio;ie
I li!!.r:-y .-ti Ik? f.lnce. T'-.'nis reasonable.
T:.is fin. 1 i 0110 ii.'Aa from Mitl.ia Statio:;
i.p J I c i'euriuy!vr.::'.a Kailroid.
l':i oiis desi: !r;g to view the property can
ca'.l ou the on, .3 rci'lii.z oa the premises.
I). S A. M. Cl'NMX(i!lAM.
(!.;!. :-i l.cry-iL
( 'h-r.prvt t!iat L.-.. hrea l).'0!iht to Juniata
V.,' e tuny for six yiais. Uxuiine the
! li,,; j ; .-
70 to 1 V.
I'.'t " I I".
1:1 i t '.
s. Lit
Mor .
st :tv:
l e La::.,
Sp. ,1 ('.-
i i-mii'
' ; -'.i a 1 t !
i'..i n; t ; 1 ;
:n.-.v it
: Wl.fle !
!.: - .;..
4,;V f..
l.-'l .'..-.I
MnCs a t..l C.-'l-.j.
!d to niy r.'cck 1
l"oi!.ins a' t!'- Lit'
is i.t etwii"- u' v
i pj-.:es t.i : n- j.
! it of Iti'.tli.!-. ". 1
Oi'. I'fty's I. !.:;! '
I lli'ts. per ij iari
!'..: c !
A!:'0. r.
at J
1 1 1
..f i
:' v.-
V I.
i'ie f
1 1 ! 1 c
sv-n M 1
' I'
sV.-'-li .
' I r ; .,.i:i.i-
: .-;i ::",' risil'
.w.'is i-.il! b a!
-r.y p
1 a;- ! u
!. r ci
i.e-t :
uwt ii
.1. rt a y titnc ..
I ai'l f-r t '
1 I : ectit-".
J. 1'.. V.. T 'tii).
V:1! .e
'd at pn'
AY N".)
in Pen;: '
t J -I V
..i'J Ii AC,
iO on
T ',' 0 ' 1 : i t-i
ion d i' :
' f"t"l t-
I -I- . - ,
as'iir-. I,
C.'.f. II 1 :
nd Y. "NT
111 a
sl.i;e of c'lhi.atir.n. t:.a
I..-v ;
hrlanl. 1 1t-. 1
i.ir.ij I". ,!j a 1
.". vi'h i! e t. ;
a n ,r ;; X
is tl;.- halt i-n-r-C
ii-tr.;:t v i iei'
-. 1 l.e ilu', r-ivii-
..f.-io ..
1 re
. a
Hf;;;.u!.oa;.:v!, jui -.:
1 . ; i 1 i i t: - -. A 'o j 1 : i
..rii of 1" 'j 1 .-.'r rt : li
iv i:.-.- tt.rec n'i'i f.-. : t
l,.:ii;l l'e.".d t y.-' ,i'.!i 1
cuari of grafted intit, r
,f W.!
er llf.U
!.. r. Tbi pr.iper
' t;:iiat-.,vn 00 'he
i-j. A young Cr
ie.-1. chert i-. s, pe n --
.-.i'f -Three hnrnlte.l .i ;t.-irs to
b' paid on dny of s:.ie. ih.'i hii..n:e of one
hall' the ! RV.'Vi-j lno.fy to he p:i:d on 1-f of
Airii ne il it'io tl.e t .-;! lire ii two eitiiul ai:
nTi il p:i.yt:tf-i.t.-i v.iib iiitei'O-i secured by bond
v. ; '. pi'.'-id
I'ooses'.i'iti t ! e p:vii on 1st day of April
loos. Title uod.sj.atiihic.
Oct. Lli-ts. Ti;!i liKIflS.
OIJ F.str.'olished Fur Manuf-cory. I,'-3. Ti0
AiXii trcei, nhovj Ti'.. l'!!iLAi.-:.Ll';'!A.
Have imw iu stiore of r.y .-'rn I :. porta, wn
and Miir.iifi.rtiit-e. one i f the largest and mo.-t
beuiiiiful selections ol
F A N C V. F I' i. S
for ladies' and Children's Wear in Ihe City.
Also a tine assortment ef (ienl s tut Uioves
an l Cellars.
1 am er.i;'oIed to dispcfc ot my (roods tit
very reasonable puces, anu 1 wout.l inerctore
olicii a call from r.iy friends of-iinia'a
county and vicinity.
Keinccber the Nnoie. Number and Street '.
JOilN FA KEI li A.
No. TKs Arch street, above ith, souili side,
ffieJ- 1 have no TV.rtuer, nor connection
with another Siolv ill Philadelphia.
Oct. 10, leloT iii-s.
i-- Tilt.' ItruT nitinnl Prrni-pr nf Pftt.
Jill lim ni'i'i " - J '
1 J tfrson, i3 the authorized Agent for the
sale of the
and also for
rrTt TT' r fl V , riJ'V
Tr esc a-e the two ben Machines manufac
r..rsons wis'aine to purchase should ca'l at
Heelit & Strayer's Store in Vattersou, and
examine for themselves.
SAMLLL SIB.Utli, vgeni.
Jan f- J'.'7
S v I K 1 M A C II I N E.
Bat Familv .Vteiin in lit World. lMttt
rremiunid Mfriul La,i 0
Amiiican Isstitcik,
Flohesce Skwixo Ma. Ktsr Comtanv.
No 0.1") Broadway.
" ..
The 1
..!,:,. n 1.1. at tiio residence
fL , m;.. c C. S.ai.r.a.ich, Jlaiu
. ut iut .TKiii., ' . . - -
.. ,i .-i:.. i.. mav t..-tl.
street, ..ii..i:n, j l
i OHN C HUTTON. M. formerly of liar-,
.1 risbu:". havinp located in ti.e boroujh of,
I P..., ., !!!,. nffer" bis pro
ofesioi.al eervicc" to
'.i..,iiM of tha' rise and surr-un lin
"-Vii-. 7. I?n7-'.
: en
."A" ren tl'tmf' "v "t ef ti.,,
Kj vri'
' Pn i(3 trt t . . J
St osel
;iiaintcr.-n. on y.omnv 'r.tu.,u.
Tirol in v. to wit :
f The one un-.liv!,-e 1 'onjf pirt of four csr-
"i" ' "rui..i. .-o. i., i.;, u
' the terrral plan of the RoroiiL-ii of .Vifflin.
town, boirndtJ on ihe uorih by liride sircet.
the past by fion! t;-cc!, on. the fouiu l,y
, rT C. J. (.'hani'-wlain. an i o:i ihe we't t v
; t!.e r.Tr.i-;-lvai.ii Canal, with I;riek Store-
. "oiipc and Vt are li inae, a 1 rai.,e House an.l
P.!:ic!:sroi:b Shoo t beret n p-ected.
At.sc Ali the riht. tii!c nni !nter-t t-t
nct-h ,puIoii!T. in a trae. cf 1.:1 in SliiB-
put Vailuy," I'rrmarcgb township, mtj lining
l iints of iierry Jtiiunn, J.ic .h Llsli' llrir.--,
1'crrT Snloiift". nrJ others, eoi;aininfr Thrr-
I'lindrc-l and Tlnrtv Acre, moro or les. with
! ". ,, ' .'--. i-cirs on r.,o
..., in ui-y tnniTii on ii'p norm. r.n'I me Ju
niata i:iv.r on tlie -tst. with tiTr:iip
Is,!-,, 1 I' ll n th'fPOJi erected, on 1 ami;;,'
Hnnved and Twenty Aer.', r:ore or
, !e' s
: At.o A Lot of r,rr."nd In tl-.p h-.r
t on t!n
: west, hy ' herry street on the jtortii. h
cf J i-n?3 F.irs:
, t ,,,, . i .
1 on the s'.'ita, w::h a Ilou-e nr. 1
it!e there-
i.'i; erected.
'.u.- A Lot cf Cri-Titid in tiip--,i 1 Iitoi'i'i
f MiSiintown. i:iin l, d on th north hy .'.
ilc.rchffdd, on t!ie we l 'y 1111 nlley. on the
s mtfi by lot of V. A. Mnor.pgle and Mr. L.
Ja'':s. n'll on the en.t tiy Orr.rpp m ree'
t."0 A Lot of Gro'Td in 'he h'.r iu: h of
lit' ifit-r-n, iii-'OnOi'd on Cc ti-irth v lit nf
1. l', i ''!-. r-. th vres' hy tlie let.nylvni
i;-:-.sl. 1! 0 t;- f!i hr f-.t cf V.'ilUe.tr Del!,
n:t tiip rr.-: y Main f-frert
At.-:-. T'.e l-!; liv;-led Ivilf '.f n trret of
f I.ir i ' ! ':-1 ."".to'inta'ti. in r-'ert'-e.nrH
Jur.-n?.if. s'jniair'r lands of Henry Sylnu f
' 1: tt"- . '. I'liTer !r;d lirntber rn 'ha
1' '. r-'i tt ror'h f-i i vrr--. Vy by 1. 1.. fv.r,.
, e li.-:. !i ;.rd e-l.r-, cr.r.;:,i:,in Trelv-j
: !';iidv"d Ai-rep, mre orl"-?.
j .,:. a A Lot f Grour. l in ".be hornnh of
; x!if iinfiwn. hounded en the eain Lv Wntero'"
' I" T-r t. T rr.-e on ti;e prrlh hy hit of ,1-im
ii .1 t.-T-f. nn the rtr-t I'.- I'ern'a Caut'l, oa
'!.! - iiu : iiy Ale-f.nder wp-' Iv.
-, 'r,'."? rf T.'ir.i in 1'ermar.ph fwri.,
T I- ;i ; : " eoir-ty. e.djoii-in I.tnd of Henry
' ; 11 r, the oitth, on :he r.c-t hy Juntat k
: t. ' ti:e north ar t; r--t he K. L. It"re.
: J-.r, 1 Mi'i Keir-. e intniiiincr T'ircn
Mif-'r. -l ni-l i or.y Aer.1. 1 .ore o- Ie. v. i: ti
ilir.'c ".:i'i h'. 't irn t'ieteir irei-tr.t. Sc:r.ed,
take- :' pi- ni..n tu l.e so'-tas the roj
f r'"ot .Rot Ston 'i
P C. l.'H'T'OV, Sinvif;.
Or. ?S, .t,.
i J Tin "I f rr. cr !r i .,.! ent cf the Or-
) ; ' "i . c, 1 J.uiii:i c ai'ty, (tie 1111
J I' ;-;.-;; :. l;:.;n;sfr iter of Jn-eli Knrfz. of
i 1) -V.'..; t i" 'iir. d.-"' ' , niJ rfise to sp.!
' 1 v. t ';r- j , . .-?, 1 t: :: red pla-e b,'!' w
I i.in:'" . I, 1 '. :: '' r;i r. ivi.-Mi!,.-r '.oh. lv",.
t'l" ." ''"V.: T -'C-ei t!.'-'i ti- , ! i f l,i i 10 v'u ;
N -. - !.: niidivt- h-'f of a tr.-iet lar-l
ui- :n ."'-I- war.' t. i-i. -I, ,1,. .'..T.i.ti county
ls.. a.I in'.ti i'l - AVt-atn rut:e. nucl o,er. ealle l
tl,C ."'.li-.i.i". trn-r. cimi iiiiifT ( 1 N K Ul'NDPiEU
Int.-! i'l'. E ' Clil..-', ini.r" or 1- iil.out six'y
:o-r of w!,i-!i iv iii'ler p-o-id f 'li'ivation and
thf :..'i' -re1 w'l ti'iilicred.
The iiupreveiuiT.ts C'loi':! of n Tv-,-Story
I !.!) at:d i-te',e i!.ii;e. !rr 't-ii.'.'c LoirtVivu
iT' I '! o'lirr ri-'. -.irv r.uil..-,i' linjrs vitii
. ran. iter vatei at the do. .7. itb a vric'y of
' tru't irtee.
f f
i..r x : he r.n .
it' of J.,hii Fi snrvi-v -,r-r.
id 'il. .1 si'r.'!'.-. in Pr-Tfttr'.-.
irj fiki'VI r. acuf.-,
an I TV.TLVK riltcMK.
n'.ii .1 .fi b -'.r. Mieharl
i'l' i':iv I red ';' l.'lTir
i.ri- t .i:-c an 1 l.irfe Hunt
,.,.;' Ri
v .th r-'ntiir, w.'.'r
... , . r.:-,-i l- r' iTi'l pi-r-
1 1 .. r-:;n'n.-. Twenty
- 1 1 -t ' ; t;r. -r land.
!. C"
or !.
t l!i.'
e n. ';". f f Fort v
0. :.:ii! r ';oin
" s I. inn. Daniel
v.'.i-'h ij ci'"ired
'i'i Ti-n aining
t the same time
r-. -I! i
:1: ivr.i-'-tf
h; ;'.
5.- Sis '
; One 1
Mi li
'" d-.TcriheJ as
:tr V. '
t'r.is r.nd Saia-
;',:.':ii.:i'p. Cre .''r and ttvi-.i-Tl.ree
orhrr---. a Ij onio Vv ni.
'1 Let, pud Pich other, one
- s-c, ...,v.njr. T-r-reh-x and
'he Cb:
:1 cr-, '
': : r Or?
ereli coifain Sieventy er.?
f ."ivli i- rr.eicd a .l',
D-.elKo'i i'.'ti-,-. well fini-l.-
1 ',
1 p.
'1 '.
1; T. V vii '-iii i'taoio -Hid ::!' ,iti;-r ni-rfs.
y ::",prjvcPien;s. I 'no other ad.ioinlu
; i '. FrT, Ceo. Kir - ind W in. rv,, eon-
; -:r,j, - j
', -s
o eere-. ihe ..tt.vr ;! last lot ad
l'u! 'ic Ilea:!, at the I'.ritk Church
; lc. ,;. t,T0 f,.,ts c.a!uinjI ai,at
, j,riri,s,
.,0 li. - I lr"ct of 1-nd edjoiitinp Vi'idr-7
fitly cr. Josenh Jordan arrl o'h.'r'. ejniainir.tr
l eitr Acres, tanre er lesi, f.T;! inir-nivcd H'i::i
a nrvr two ."terv FiaT? Cease. v.h tinse-
m-n'. rio-l Stable m l ether ontbuil-ling-,
with r. ver.e'y cf Fruit. $.
Tt i;vs. Ten pr cer.'. ef the pttreiiae
morry to be paid when the property instructs:
of : one-f.jiirt 'i to he jiaid on cor. firm.'. ti, in of
the sale hv the Court : one-Courth on t'ue !t
' ,lnr nf Aurii rrTt ',pn rfii-f.lnn vilt l,
I J - - ' - I
! fiven and deeds made to .112 purchasers, ar.il
' ''iB ifM.Ire on tho 1st leiv of November, 1''S,
i tZlA:"' '
JrSaie wiii coomen-ir on tho rretti"e
'Ascribed in nurabrr 2 at 10 o'clock A. M. cf
sai l day for that properly ; for lha rciduo
! at East Salem at 1 o'clock.
, September 4, IS'JT-ts.
(iood lcws for MolLfis.
1 Mothers are you oppressed with anxiety
. f)I your little ones ? Are your slumbers and
i beans broken hy their cries ? Do you awake
! in the morning unrcfreghed and npp'i !ieniT
jj. Bli,'imir.i-ici! "unit oi nr. L.eon s
, " me"' na you will Have no tuore
j ry hours o. watcum-r and anxiety.
1 Has stood Ihe test of years. Thoiisitids of
. nurses and mothers bear witness tiint i; never
'. f-1'1" 10 Kiv,J relief if used io season. It is a
... : M . .. . I 1 . r ...
-i"-e ' cur- .or . .u-.
'ramps anu o moy 1 ains. anu inv.i.uV.,.
m nmi,n .1. 1 . . ... 1. i .. -
"' .,u.o ... irriuiiiK
! E old by Druggists throughout the I'ni'P'l
Staies. .iddrets a'l orders to
1 1- r.
1M; V-v.tl. Th'
r. 11. '".- 1-..