Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 30, 1867, Image 1

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17. ii. inwox,
jliw uiiiinmii"iiwfi"Mioi i nirTwniTwini 1 1 m iuiim
Tiie Jim vta f-f.XTJKi. is i::nn.-aca ever i
. The SUBCt'-HTTON PIUCK cl" tL-e rater
will be TWO HOLIAUS per year in advance,
and fi.50 if not paid within the first three
art. No paper lisniuud until r-
reareges arc paid exoepl mi the option oi tie Teeth inserted upon an entirely new style
Editor. . ii bae. which id a combination of Gold aud
Aiivcrtihixo. The rales of AlVKIt'l'IS- L'n;;li.-h Rubber, (vulcanite. ) Also American
INtJ are (or one square, of khmit lii.es or loss, JinLber. (vulcanite,) which for beauly, dura
one iusertiun, 75 cents three, fl o.i ;au,i ,io c:s hility. cleanliness, and ibe i- sturatiou of (he
or each Biih9kM(Ueiit. insert uni. A ioiintsi ra- na'uru) color of the face, cannot be Burpass
tr's. Fxecutor's ar.il Auditor's Notices, ji.oo. eJ. titlier of llio above basis
Professional and Business CaiJi, not exceed- j g,,.;.,! attention will be made to diseased
in tli Hues, and luehi.ling cipy of paper. ,,,1 a curi warranted r uo ci,ai..,c
S.oo per year. Merchants adveru.-mg umJ- T,;(U fiilfl to !sl f, '
(cuangeaijlt: .jiiarier.y ) ? w r j -'; ....-
. t i li i:r Sliiir. X lit ices iu 1'cadiUC !
COluUllls, ten cell's per .11. c.
Job Wokk. Hie fiU-es or '.,Oii,v,
fortliirty Hills, o'sc-cilil 'eet, !.-'': ae
fonrtli, t-.oo ; o,:e-liaIi", J :.) : nnd adihnoii-
I. 1 uitaibets, Lalf p:iw and loi lilauiis, i'J.oO
per (piiie.
MliTlilltown, JuV.all I'viiiilr, Va., firiicr
Oil Main street ko:.ih of llrldge fiieit.
s. g. luir.-si.!;,
Justice 'f t'le ' .t'v, A iiitrg.ir am! Cuii-
rrytinrcr, Sutqnt . ';. jut Toirm-h -),
"TTI1-I attend pnuiiptly to a'l bi:..inets en-
liuated to l is ca-e Ieels and other
fcrivcliinp diiie en tSe frhortet iiolice uiid on
II. e !iKi.-t reasnii-iMe t( r:.i. l'.u i ien! ir aiieii
li. u paid to land surveying. ti:n.
ltorncir--a-j: ;uu,
'-FFKI!S his professional services lo -e j
i,nl,n.. rr,.n.i,t aiieiiliou L'tven to the
KFKI!S his professional services to tli
j ..... - - r- i
Vroseeuiion ulV.aiu.aRai. ! o.ernuient
c-uv... u ... : "
bis car- OHice la me
t'ourt limi-e.
Kept. in. l.-t;5.
The undertime 1 offers bis servic s to
puMic as Vendue frj-sr and nctinneer.
Lns bad a large t-ert.-nce, aal fei-.r.
eonlident that he cm give saii-la-tion ic a'.l
who may employ him. He r.iay be addr'sse I
t Milfiiiitowu, or f(.i;-id n'. l is hor:-e in Fer
managh township. Orders may ulto De kft
at Mr. Wiil'. Hotel.
fpHE under'ignej will f.rouiptly attend to
JL t!;e colieetion of clainis against either lite
ftate or Nalioin.l Government, lYnsiotis, l'ac'i
I'ay. Uoun:y, F.trs I'ay, ard ali other ci iioi
riiup o il of the prt.'eut cr any oiue: war,
Atl'jruej -a;-l-w.
Miffiintown, Jaiiiila Co., l'a. fi iii
h. r.soiiTUTimu's r. piiilah'a
il'otiiitig siipiiior to any other etabTis
tneni in the t'iiy i u 1 it b-wer pricit". i r
ctiants will find it to ll.eir advau'tie to call.
All poods warranted. l'reeni e I by J. h.
hwoyer. aov. 7- ly.
rpiIK mi lersigned having entered into part
1 ueisliip are prepared m Kilall order for
Touihstttnes, Motiuiu'Tts. Taiie Tops, r tui;
t.ther articles iu our Htieof buinevs, on .-hon
notice and the mest re-isotiabie teruis. Ital
ian and the different qualities of American
Marble alwavs oa hand.
C. KM Ki!SO,
may 1, 1307-tf L. L. KEN' El' P.
T ESN d V L V A S I A H 0 1 ? F.
pa t run sox, pa.
Opposite Mifflin S'aiion. 0:1 Ptuii'e. nailroad
Tite undersigned would reaped fully inform
bis friends and the public generally, that lie
ha taken charge of the ab-ive nnnted h.le.
The house is large and commodious, and
well ventilated, and is fitted up iu single
rooms and rooms for families, and is open day
at:'.' uishl. Persons wakened fir any train.
Tul best attendance siven terms as reason
able as the times will admit.
jin. 30-tf. Owner and Proprietor.
if - y. '
OFFKUS his professional eerviees lo the
citizens of Juniata aud a "'joining euun
t :e. F,e"ng in pose'sioii of all late improve
rieiits be f. ttteis h ntelf that lie can giveen
tire satisfaction 10 tho-e who may need his
services. Hsvtng had t we.ve years experi-rn-e.
he is prepared t v do all work in hi pro-f'-s-ioti,
ci.lier ill gold, silver or vulcanite.
The be! of references given. Charges nt J
4.tHie to suit thetitne-. 0'ne in roomstor
innLy o"CJ?id by T !1. Mc'lellan a a jew
el store. M't; ti'reet, M'.lili uto-.ru.
;at'.e i J. ic'i. l e.
I MX nr.d F.tivy .!.. .Mi; 1 j-
Jt.i Tiiunijib iu dentistry '.
l.y a new process, without the ue of ether,
chloioform or nit rous oxide, and no danger.
Ilaviiijr been in bn.,ines for upwards of
ten ye trs, live of which has been spent in"
Vil!;h. town, and being in po?esion of the
tr.ti i:r.jw,& Inttrumtnl and Maihintrii 1
warraut entire satisfaction, or the nioiiev will
i-efanded. Otfje cn I'.ridge Street", op
posiie the Court I.'on.'-e Sijnare.
a.L. i;:i;r,
iuv. 2'.'. C5-:r. i:s:dti;t Dtnthtt.
tory. We ihe u:id.rierneil Ua to
iiir .vin our cusioioei and friemls in this and
adjoining counties, i!it we have enhua.'. d our
,-h. p, and by lie addition of Stcaia J'ower.
me prepared to do vv jik at ihe tliortcjl possi
ble IKlt ICC.
We are con? t.uu'y maiiuractin inj and mike
. or k-r, every LcniMiou of Coaches, Car-
iies. Wagons, Jte., also
raiml v ami ouk cutler slciirhx. We are iNr
prepared to luanufaciure lload V.'aiotis from
one to four horse.
Having been workine at the biminers fnr a
ihiu.Imt of years ourselves, aud eatployine
none t,ut the best of workaion. We tlatler
oursc ,c5 that our work ennnot be siiniusscd
fur neat nef.s and durability ; in this or ad
(joining counties.
e always keep on hand from twenty to
ihirty set, if l?-t second crowtli. J..rav
I !l ickory iiokef. in or !er to iniiiin ,l..rl.l
.v,ec!s And will arrant our work for auv
i i .:. auJ
irjT,u.i.tiL' llllie.
f,,!. auj BESie, re-paiutcd with ..eat-
--t Hspafca. All other repairii heavv
"l"' i eeeive sirici nneuiio!!. I ouie
ai. ! eiainine our ft.uk and f.n before jair
chasiti? el-ctthre. Hon'i forpet the came
iu;!"n.i-:MN(iK!t i ci:iswi:i,l.
ornt-r of ihu i'jktj i: CcJar S
:pri:ig road
June -27-tf.
O in Verrysvi'.k : The undersigned having
i.icard permanently in the itimiugli of Per
lysvilic. two I .ors J.bove Puck's lore, lakes
tins method of infui-ii.iii :'.ie public, tiiut he
is prepared to manufacture ai! kinds of Sad
dies. Harness, Uridlcs, Collars, (:e. ,t? on
hoi t n i ice, and on llu most rea-.tujils
terms. Fancy Ji:ti-le and Doubt Harness,
ttbit-s. Fiy-nets. nt. I everylhiiiy in I-:, line
if bitsiaess. always cu hliti I aud for sile ai
tiv.rest T-rirt-s.
p. !,:;;.,(. neat'y executed, and all Work
Wiifi-an's-d !
1! -.viuir bud several years etpcrict:ce in ths
bu i:i.-'s he fntt th him,.-ir th i! he can L'ive
E.-':fmi satisfaciioti. Call and examine "lor
yourselves bfm-e yoin cliewhere.
June '07- f. ). vj. J.EP.C,
J((!5 Jit
. a.t r
Iu ViilZS, itit'!ia'!!:i'S. iVTC.
, Ol'l.li respectfully iiiform the
V MiTimcKii ai.J sui t .if.a.l.;.
citizens o!
hat lie Insj'isi i ce:v?.t f:
iu I he i ist a 1 iri"
-in I weil M'le"te,l aisortineui
tor tt.edical pttrpu.
iritnent el ever !
.Ty, mid ft ;;ene,-ul
t jiLainioc, to his l.u-
rs 1'liysieiBiia m-.lcru promptly fillL..J at n
-uiall advau.e i-f eisieru wholesale priee.
Stiy Prescriptions ca:-eful!y co:;: pounded ut
his Siore, at llolbnan Ilroi hcrt;' oil p.tar.J.
Ma;n street, two doors west !' Peiimd's store,
Mitilintowii, i'.i. j,in 11", 107-iy.
plMt. LUMHER YAK I). The uuder
siiited hetn leav to iufjrm l.ie public
tuai ne Keeps constaiiuy ot, hand a lar'e cilock
of Coal and Lumber. His sl..ck embraces in
part. Jitove Co:il, Smiih Coal aa l Lime-bur- i
oe.s Coal, at the lowvs, ca-d. rates.
I.uuib. r of ail kinds and quality, such as
Vhitc Pine Plank, two indies, do 1$ WLite
Pine Hoards, 1 inch, doouu half inch. White
Cine worked Fiooriu.?. Hemlock Hoards,
Seuiitlinjr, Joice, Rooting Lath, Plastering
l.aih, .Si:infle, Striping, Bash anJ l'oors.
Coal and Lumber delivered at short notiee.
Persons on the Last side cf the Uiver can be
furnished with Liiiteburiiers Coal, ic, Jrom
;he coal yard at Tysons Lock,
aug lo-ly GHOKGE GOSIIF.N.
VE' lUCa STOCK. Patterson. Pa. Hr.
d- I'. C. HL'NIHO wishes to iuform the pub
lic that he has just received an assortment of
Fresh Drugs and Medicines, of all kinds,
-.vhicb he oilers for sale at the Patterson Post
Office. He also keeps on hand Perfumery of
ill kinds, and Hair Dye nnd Extra ISlack Ink,
of his owu ni an u fact lire. Persons in need of
anything iu his line will find it to their ad
vantage to give him a call.
i.'. li. Invalids can write a statement of
their symptojis or disease Slid receive medi
cine and directions for their use. All com
munications strictly confidential.
march 27, lSt7-if.
rpil" OLD STAND The under-igneu takes
X tuts method of infurminir 1 ir-ners and
others in uec-i of anything in his line that he
till continues tho Saddle aud H irness Man
ufactory on Water street at the old stand for
a.erly occupied by Wiiiiam Kenny. Every
thing sold ul reduced prices. Repairing doue
to older. Carriage aud Buggy trimming ncat
lr executed.
' may lilt, lsi57-tf. JOHN DIF.1IL.
Th:.- Hotel is pleasantly cicted on the ,
ou ii siic of Market Si reet. a few doors abovp
lli u Li'ci-i
i: a central locality makes it f ar-
-)tieuiu..lv u-.c:.atuc to
P is jus v;t;.i.-.s tiie e;:y I
on o.-tn'.. or ! ieaury
i f.
A silver fir on a tdiaveit iawn
Crew tall and straight and slender ;
With its leader set like a rapier drawu,
It s:ood its owu defender.
A sweet-voiced bird f-n a sunny day
From the leafy wood cauic tver;
And he clasptd that sword without disuniy.
And c.ung there like a lover.
A sad-colored bird, not much lo fee.
On the twig with the zephyrs swiinjinj-
Put O the su ishine was all ag.ee
As he opeueil his b.-ak with siuging.
O sweet, sweet song, so wild and free,
So rich and so exquisite. !
'Twas surely soma heavenly melody
Psrue hither our earth to visit.
To make men glad wiih its vocal j.y,
To eurich them with its treasure
Of molten gold, where uo alley
liiinga sorrow to mix wiih pleasure.
The bird hat tl iwu, an 1 the liquid notes
Of its song arc hushed forever ;
Tut its aweetuess oft on the night air floalft.
And meiu'ry shall lose it, never.
The bid has flown, I ut the WJor straight
Is benl like a twisted sabre;
And though I have coaxed it early and lute
li is crooked fir all my labor.
Of all the trees on th'. bun, I prize
Most highly the fn tree leaning ,
For though ugly and wry to ut'wr eyes.
To mine it bus sweetest luiuuia.
It brings 10 my mind that mellow song
And that blight and glnri ins morning;
For all the beauty to it fg.
Its twisted iru:r; ad .tiling.
It brings to my mind the music swet
That is pealing iu he ive! forever ;
Strains that euraplure l cars shall greet
Ou'jhc shore of tho Shadjwy Fiver.
'filCTf r!hr,M:ic
From ll:-.- l'liiiudelpliia City l:enj.
ED.VAi') !rl'i!Iv.S0N,
It is a prime fault if our American
civiiiz.it t u ai is: lit' I'rotn its newtit hs thai,
ouislJo (if New Jv jriitad, an Aiuarioiii
ciui aspire tKiiijcuce: yuly ttirouh po
liticui pursuits. Auitrii-a lias little learn
ing aud i'uw sc!:u!ats, i. r thu
.-on tliat slie djts Ujt jet j
siraplo rca.
y euilkii:;i'.
:ru us to lc iri;;ii n l se.Warahip. The
A'.uerii-:m brain is interiur to liie Kurc
pcan iti nothing save llit it is not to well
liirecicd. In J'.ngluuJ and ou the coaii
;iti.?, civ!!iia'.it)ii cju.-t jutiy Liins upon
the bUti'.ite Cailj'ea, liuos, (jouius and
swarm of 1 itc. r-iry aiid sc:cut:ij mt-u
who wield a powerful influence over so
Ciciy iiiioul c.iliwCtii'o it iu.u!i.',li j o'i:i
e.:l chu:n;cls. Iu this toa:.;iy t!::u is a
dearth of great uiind.-j outsiJt of jMlitica.
iVe do not lack statesineu A t'ie most
cuaipichciibive chatiitUT. T..!;o away a
few great names abroad, who tower above
their fellows in statesmanship, aad the
iom'gncrs arc immeasurably inferior to
ourselves as liberal minded politicians.
liut our era for schools has not yet come
Formerly, we eotl! luined that wc needed
tt., r , ,i , ,
W' 1 1 fur U,ore Ofongb edueaCon J DOW
wa do not so mut h lack wealth ea that
aristocratic direction of wealth which in
i'-'urope males a class at leisure and pro
duces scholars. As yet we seem to be
ablj to support uo class at leisure but
gamblers. The scholar has out t-btaiued
a status in our civilization. To bo known
here to the people a man must be a wuik
cr as well as a thiuker or rather, he
must think as he works, i'urs intellect
ual speculation is at a discount. At best,
un Atuericau can expect to obtain scarcely
more than the ordinary acadutuic educa
tion, before he is forced into the world oi
strife to buffet the waves of fortune as he
can. Our socle'y is almost purely practi
cal, aud as it oif.jrs almost no inducement
to the pursuits of letters, cf art, or of
tas!e, politics becomes the best stepping
stone to distinction, and ambidou for dis
tinction must ordinariPy satisfy itself here
with politics. The politician is the niau
whom Americans delight to honor. Suc
cess as a politician iu the Uuited States
c mfers the honors aud influence which
the various distinctions confer iu Europe.
To lisoiere in the estimation of his
couutryuieu the citizen Cuds politics his
best piovince for action, siuce it embraces
,, , . , . . , - , .
" ue,u ia giauu
tiitelicctual and practical labor may be
cjMncd. Asi it is this wfcicl for tuc-
t c.m I-:eaes tins geuioua of oar civiliza- I
present, that
vjatevcr o:iicvfjus!;tits a
mau may pos
ies, onlv as a r.oliliciun. working earn-
i I.. i, r i.: v. v
Cnij ioi ic f,oo4 v ins couuuy, ut-
imes the representative Americau citizen,
ilich a man is Edward Mcl'herson, Cicrk
'of the United Stales House of Represen
tatives. Possessing refined beholary taste?,
but withouf talents which assume to " be
'i mnr tli'in thev are. and without an over-
whteuin or selfish .ambition, Mr. Mel'hcr.
son has become more thoroughly ideuti
iied than any other man of bis ae with
lbs working of recent Americau polities
Acting with tie great Liberal patty ol
tin couutry, and scrvitig in ibo capacity
as Clerk to the National Representative
Amenably, perhaps no mau has becmo so
thjroughly iufuitu with the kiuwledue
auii spirit 'jf its ririucip'cs. Take him
abroad, where ahue the experiment is of
iuj;ortauce, aud .Mr. Mcl'herson would be
io-day the truest exponent cf our Ucpub
lican politics His executive ca.-t of miud
and eflaracter, and his official relation with
tho boJy of popular rcprescntalives would
make liiui perhaps more rcpresuLtativc
than any of them, of our political facts iu
couiraiiistiuction to our political the ji its
Suvli men as Stevens, Kulley, Schofiuld
aud A-lil.-y are iu a few theories more
radical than their party. i:in!.ani, Spauld
iuo aud I'auLs are sotueihiug mere con
servative. lul libcial as Lc is to all I Lie
speculations of his fiietid:-, Mr. Mel'hcr
sou works ai au itidividu:.! aui as au ci'.;-c-;r
wiiliin the bro.;d limits of the patty
orgaali tion. lie ceithei s'rikes you as
being too narroTr too broad for the llepu'.
licuu c.etd, but as tru'y a rej r. s:u:ati e
nun. Outside of his tilicial positkn he
is an indefatigable W'ltLcr, r.ud has u.-nc
the tvautry most essential and i:n::ottul
sti viie. His History of the Rebellion,"
fitiisl.id almost with the close tf the war,
aud cuupilcd from the most auiheut'c ol
oiLeini ducuments, will reuiaiu lor the fu
tile the completest record of that most
jvctitiul period of oui uatiou. 1 1 is tvo
p 'iiticil tamphlets, volumes in matter aud
:tc, for the year aud 1SC7, arc in-
valuable recoids iu these titit.s, not tu'y
to every politic-l wurLer, but to every
.'.mericaa ci'.izvu who uesirir a proper
acquaintance wiih our legislation siuce the
wr. These volumes are compiled fiom
every possible aou.c of iutetest, l.om the
press, Horn the euactuients of ('o:ipre.-s;
Ireai the decisious of the Supreme Couit,
IVoai the speeches of the Executive. They
pre-ent through the discriminating judg
ment of thir author the completcst jour
nal ia the country's life for the past two
yc.rs and the strongest argument in sup
port of Republican principles which it is
pj.-sible to preset. t to au iatoiligout public.
TI.e labor required for the prep-aration oi
these volumes is one such as any mau with
a less clear insight of the public necessiry
or wi;h a less determiaed energy aud in
dustry than Mr. Mcl'hcrsou's would
shrink from.
These documents arc sold and distribu
ted by thousands throughout the entire
country, and iu their ihilueuce for the
spreading of truth aud correct opinion
among the people are worth a legion of
orators. IJcyond the special object of pre
paring these political pamphlets Mr. Mc
l'herson constantly lays uuder contribu
tion the press of the entire country for
such hi tides as may, lor any purpose, at
any period, serve to throw light upon the
history of the times.
In this manner he has gained aud is
gaining for the future such a cuiptudi
ous, expression of public opinion as per
haps wili be vaiuly sought elsewhere. In
Sue by the mere force of systematic in
dustry no man is to-day scrviug the Kc
publietiu organization with such happy
success. This industry is tl.o more ad
mirable from the fact that it gives itself
scarcely an interval of rest, from the first
session of the Thirty-seventh Congress,
to which Mr. Mcl'herson was returned
the youngest member, uutil the present
time, he has passed his time between his
hunie at Gettysburg aud the capital whol
ly in the pubiie service.
. As a clerk of the House "of Repre
sentatives none of Mr. Mcl'hcrsou's pre
decessors have beeu more faithful aud tl
fiuieut. That love of ordtr and system
which is one of bis characteristics places
the clerical offices under his easy coctrol.
He rarciy appears oiScially upua the floor
of the House uulesa at the beginning oi
th: ec:s.oa cr to leai Ejcjju-ire bcss-'
or vetoes, which Le delivers with such I
clear toned precision as to give the doeu-l
possessed inherently. p, lady of respectability, lost her
Tbere exists still some jealousy in the ' Lnsl J. with
minds of Western members, toward the ! jf0 -biIdren, two interesting boys and a
fact that the Clerkship of the House like i'' ,1nf'nt f'''JUSt ,arS8 eu03Sh t(
o . , , r. , . , walk alone and beguile the lonely hours
the Secretaryship of the Senate is so long ' , , , . f . '
i r o. . v : ol the U10t"tr with its innocent prattle",
retained in the hands of our State: but1.. , , , . '
, .i it . . On the ICih ult., the mother, for the pur-
go lung as tho House retains its present1 r ,. ' . ' c Fu
, , At ... . ' pose of washing clothes, repaired to tho
eleuicu's ol organization Mr. Mcl herson s . . , , ' v
- j i - . -.- i spring branch near the house, taking Jer
fi:ncss aud claims for the position he now: f ... .
, . ill . three children with her, the house doj:
hj'.ds wi.l not wint acknowledgment. , .,
., . . . f dlowtng behind. She had been en"3"-
Uut Ibis consideration la of hltle llupor-1 ... . "oJo
, -, ., ,. cd in washing but a short time when tbo
tance while the nation is so quick to rec-. , , , .
,i ...i i i I dg was heard barking incessantly on the
ogtuze the labors of those who best serve ! .,... , . '
. i bill. Thinking that the dog had possibly
' 'As a man Mr. Mcl'herson is a thor-' trecd a n, tte two little boys pro
ou'.i Djmncral' iu conduct aud disposi
ti jo. Frauk aud aii'able with all, he lacks
by ao itieutis dignity aud decision of per.
souul character. Wi'.hal he is a true type
of the Americau gentleman
Ilia mind is perhaps more distinguished
by clearness aud power of executiou than
Ly originality of conception more by its
Lroadih than by its depth of comprehen
sion. Rut this capacity for work aud his
faithfulness to the public interests will
lead him to accomplish far more origiual
Iu person Mr. Mcpherson is blightly
made, and a little above the medium
height. II is temper. uieut is the nervous
sauguiuc. The clear precision of his feat
ures gives his face a cast almost classical.
Tiie large steady biue eyts which light
the expression give you at once au im
pression of sincere charac er aud scholary
Diamond clt Dumo.nd. a day or
two since a countryman stepped into a
Jcv clothing store iu 1'oughkeepjio aud
rtiiecsUd to be showu a coat, vest and
pants. The couutry man was told he could
have the suit for ?25. Examining the
material pretty closely he found that the
cloth was very poor. Making a practical
examination, he pressed his fingers thro'
the scams in several places, and left the
premises. The enraged clothier followed
the man and had him arrested for dam
a. iitg his goods. Wheu all was ready,
the clothier was told to bring the clothing
before the court. The countryman was
examining closely the goods which v.'ere
iu cuurt, which he ascertained were not
the ones olfered him ou sale, but clothes
of a more costly quality. Taking in the
situation, he suddouly, aud to the surprise,
t a.l, put his hand in his pockst, Iruidcd
the clothier 825, left the court wi:h a ?10
suit which had been brought ia to iaereaso
;he amount of damagfr.
Extent or the Univeiise. It may
give some idea of the extent of the Uni
verse to know thclength of lime required
for light, which travels 11)2,000 miles a
minute, to come from different celestial
objects to this earth. From ths moon, it
c Hues in one and a quarter seconds ; from
the sun, in eight minutes ; from Jupiter,
in fif'y-'.wo minutes; Uranus, ia two
hours ; from a star of the first magnitude,
three or twelve years ; from a star of the
fifth magnitude, sixty-six years; from a
star of the twelfth magnitude, four thou
sand years. Light vhicb left a star cf
the twelfth magnitude when the Israelites
left Egypt has not yet reaehed the earth.
Our entire solar system itself traveled at
the rate of thirty-five thousand miles an
hour among the fixed etars. Hume and
Foreiijtv Uncord.
gf" A 6tory is told of a young wife
who is unfortunate enough to have a hus
Dand that frequently comes home rather
the worse for liquor. Wishing for a sew
ing machine, and being quite certain tht
he would not buy one for her, she re
sorted to strategy. When he came home
iutoxieatcd, she abstracted money from
his pockets after he had gone to bed, aud
finally got enough together to purchase
the coveted machine. The husband was
somewhat curious to learn whore she ob
tained it, and wa3 greatly surprised when
she produced a mcmoraudum book show
ing the dates when the money was ab
stracted, and the amounts taken. I'ct
haps other ladies who read this may profit
by tho example.
ifcy-A New Jersey belle, who was
knocked down by a ru-away horse, owes
her present existence to a large and clastio j
waterfall, which saved her head.
A saow-white deer wa. killed loat Vcr-
Mllles, ISIa.-i9, a f. .? days ago.
Some two months since Mrs. B'anken-
posed going at onco to secure the same.
With the mother's consent, the little
fellows started off in high glee. Oa
read ing the spot where the doir was bai fc-
ing, they saw, a short distacce from the
d vg, a Lrge object coiled at the foot of a
stump, in a hostile attitude, keeping tLe
dog at bay. Eager only l capture tba
supposed game, and not thinking of d. n
ger, thy ajproacbel the hideets m.iiiter.
The oldest of the two boys approached
first, with bis little hands outstretched
and his face aglow at the prospect of hia
prize, saying, "I'll get Lini, brother."
One step more, and he rushed to a death
more terrible and speedy than were the
tortures of tho fabled Raccoon. iViih
one dart of his forked tongue, with ona
death rattle of his tail, the huge rattL-
I snake, for it was nothing Ic?, drew back
his scaly fold.', and with one dart forward,
planted his envenomed faiths in the 2csh
of the boy and left the deadly poison
coursing through his young veins.
The other little fellow ruhci forward
j to the relief of his little brother, and ho
also received the deadly fangs of the ser-.
pent in several places. The scrcaic? of tho
buys alarmed the mother, who was still
washing at the branch, and Laving her
baby girl, she ran frantically to the spot.
I'u'rid with poison, swollen and bkek,.
and bitten in many place", one of her
boys was already dead, and the o'her
dying from the same cauye. The snake
had crawled away, and the living boy jusi
lived long enough to tell the circumstan
ces of their death. Overwhelmed with
an iutensity of agony she remained at the
fatal spot a short time, when she bethought
her of her li'tlc girl at twe branch, and
hurried back.
()a reaching the spot, horrible ai it may
!Sem, she found that the littla girl had
walked to the wash-tub, into which she
had fallen head foremost and was drown
ed. Rjreft of children, aad almost of
reason, she sank under the accumulated
horrors of the hour. Assistance was pre
cured ; the heart-crushed woman and the
remains of her nestlings were taken charge
of aud cared for. A short time after a
large rattlesnake with thirteen r:erk:s, was
ki'led near the spot where the boys wera
bitten. ISoulii'j Green (Ay.) iMiiiucrai.
Andy Johnson, "after having filled ail
the eSces in the gift of my constituents,
from that of village alderman to that
which I now hold," has had the addi
tional honor conferred upon Lirn ol being
elected an honorary meubcr of a baseball
club of New York, which ha acknowl
edged in quite a long-winded speech.
Andy has shown himself a first class "base
mau" on so many occasions, that bis fit
ness for the position will not be disputed.
He has made three strikrs jemovin
Stanton, Sheridan and Sickles will dis
cover that the umpire in this match will
decide him "out." He has made so mai-y
"baulks" that be gives bis opponents
great advantages aud adds largely to tl.e
'score" agaiust hiui. lie will, in all
probability, be brought up with a "short
stop," and-"ruled-out" on account of his
bad "iu-fiuldir-o
He has "muffed i-o
much in the great "national game" that
the people are disgusted with bis "piay
iug," and they will bo rejoiced when the
umpire Congress shall "call the game,"
and award the "ball to some more isojtLy
member of the frateruity. Theu Andy,
the plebian Alderman aad the uevvly
made base ball player, will fiud that he ii
"out on a foul. AlLany Express.
CayA maq courting a young woman,
was interrogated by her father as to hi
occur atlon. "1 am a paper imager ou a
large scale," he replied. He married tbo
1 girl, aad tarnei oa: to be a trucker.