READING KAIL ROAD. bithmeu ARRA?:rELiExr. April 8lli, innr. Gnnvr tih'k mm: man the North and North-Weil lor I'lnladtl j Ai'.j, Kite York, lUadivg, Polhville, Tamaqua, AtUlfnd, Lebanon, Alt'tttotcH, t'astoti, Ac, i,c Trains leave llarrirhurj f"r Xiw York, as follows: At 3,00, ,10 and V,3a . M., and 2,10 and 0 r. M st riving at AVw I'or at 6.00 and 10,10 A. M.t an 1 4,4t. 5.20,10,25 P. M.. connecting with similar TraiuB on the Pennsylvania UailroaS; Sleeping Cars accom panying the 3,00 a m and i?,00 F M trains without change. Leave JLirrislurg for Reading, rottti'il'e, Ta.vtayf u, .V. 'icrsviHc, Ashland, Vine Ovre, Al Irntovn and Vhiladtlfliia, nt 8,10 A. M. and 2,10 and 4.10 r M, stopping at Lebanon and all Way Stations tho 4, Hip M Train making connections for Philadelphia an'l Columbia only. For rottsvile, Sclni'Ui llnren w An trim vi:i A'AwyHill and StttyucliaHna Wailroad leavc Ilarritburg at 3,''0 P M. Returning: Leave A'cir York at 9.00 A M, 12.0(1 Soon 5,00 and 8,00 P 1, Ykiladrlphia at S,15 A M. and 3,30 PM; way passenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7,30 a M. returning from Reading at 6,30 r M, shipping at nil stations; YoUtcuie at 8.45 AM and '2,45 P M; Ashland o,00 and 11,30 A M, and 1,05 P M; Tamaqua at 9,13 A. 51, and 1,00 and 8,55 P V Leave Potlevilte for llarr'uburj, via SeJiujl hill and Susftshanna Hail toad, at 7 00 a. M. Jleadtuj Accommodation J ram: Leaves AVaa i'nyal7 30 A. M., returning from YUiladcl phia at 5 oo P. M. Pot 1st own Accommodation Train : Leaves Pot I si inn at (i,'Jo a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia al 0,3a p. in. Columbia Uaiiroad Trains leave Rending at 7 00 A M and 0 15 P M for fyhrata, l.itiz Lancaster, Columbia &c. On Sundays: Leave Arte-Port at 8 CO P. M., Vluladdphia 8 a.m 3 15 P. M., the 8 00 a m train running t.uly to Heading; Vottwille 8 00 A. M., llarrisbtiTif U 35 A. M., and 11 end ing at 1 20 and 7, "JO A. M.. for J'arrisbnrg, and 11 ;2 A. M.. for Xeu-Yori, and 4 25 p m. fix Philadelphia. Commutation, Mdcaqe, Sraron, School and Fxcitrrion 'iickett to uud from all poiutH, at re ilirced Hate?. Haajvy. checked through : EO pcur.di al lowed each Passenger. i. A. 2VICCLI.S, Ventral iupciii,itidin. RrjAin.vo., Ta. Xot -7, 'li5-tf. rii!aik'lplii;i and Eric Rail Road THIS Great Line traverses the Northern and Northwest rour.ties of l'cnnsylvauia to the city of Erie, ou Lake Eric. It lias been leased and is operated by the rsNSSYLVAMA Kail Uoad Company. TIME VI PASSESUEK TRIKS AT II AERISBLKG. LEAVE EAST'.VEllD. trie Mail Train Erie ExDreta Train tliuira Express Train LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Mail Train Erie Express Train Flniira Esrrcss Train .45 a. .15 A. p. p. M. Passer.gT cars run through on the Eric Mail ami Express Trains without change both Tays bclwecn Pliibulelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION Leave New York at 3,00 A. M.. arrive at Ene at J, 00 a. a. Leave New York al 5,00 p u; arrive at Erie 7,15 p m. Leave Eric al 5,30 P. ., arrive at New Y'ork 4,40 P. m. Leave Eric at 10,25 a M ; arrive at New York 10.10 a M. KO CHANGE OF ARS BETWEEN ERIE & NEW YORK. Elcgnr.t sleeping cars on all night trr.ins. For information respecting passenger bu. i tiojs apply at the corner of 30ih cui Market tirccij, Philadelphia. And far freight business of the Company's sgents : S. B. Kingston, Jr., corner of Llth and Uarkct streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Rcyuolls, Erie. Vi'm. Eiowu, Agent, N. C. R. R., R allimorc; II. II. liOLSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. 11. W., General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. A. L. TYLER, General Superintendent, Williainsjioit. Feb 11, 'C6-lf. Huntingdon & Braad Top Rail Eoad. 0! N and r.fter May C:h, 1SG7, passenjrer trains will run as fallows : X,CAY SOtTUWABI). Express A. l. Huntingdon 7.4 Saxtou 0.30 Bloody Run 10.55 VIouut Dallas 10.50 LEAVE KOniUWARl). Mail. A. M. Mount Dallas 6.10 IRoody Run 6.14 Kaxton 7.30 Huntingdon 0.10 Mail. P.. M. fi.OO ..':! 8.55 Express, j P. !. i 1.8, 1.34 1 2.55 j 4.45 I Distance from Mount Dallas to Bedford six miles. A reliable line of Hacks connect at Ml. Dallas fpr Bedford and Bedford Springs. JOHN McKILLlPS, may 22, 1807-tf. Superintendent. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ON AND after Monday, April 20, 1SC0, Passenger Trains will leave Mnilin Station as follows : EASTWARD. Philadelphia Esj.ress.. 12,41 P. M Fast Line 6,24, A. M. Cincinnati Kxpress 7,03, P. M. Day Express 11,31, A. M. Way Passenger 10.4S P. M. Local Accomtn. ar. 9,00 k. 3,35, V 11. WESTWARD. Cincinnati il'Eiie Jixprcs-s 1,45, A. M. Philadelphia Express... 5,13, A. M. Past Liao 0,04, P. M. Wail Train 3,37, P. M. Emigrant Train 10,20, A. ST. JAMES KORTir, Ag't. "T7E have on hand a good quality of Hard V ware, comprising a full assort mml of CAEPSrK TOOLS & J1LA CKSM1 Til TOOLS, such as Anvils, Bellows, Sc., Shoy maker Tools, Saws, Axes, Augers, Iron, Steeb Kails, Horse Shoes, and Horse Shoe Nails by the keg and poun I, Ropes of all sizes from 2 caches down to J inch by the pound. Buguy and Wagon Springs. Grind Stones, and lii-Lid Stone Fiotures, at SLLOUFF, FROW & TARKER'S. CARFETS ! CARPETS III A LARGE and pood variety of ALL WOOL R AO and JlEMl' CAJirL'TS on hand and for sale cheap, at 8ULOUFF. PROW & PARK EE'S LARGE stock of Queensware, Cidarwara XX .uen as luhs, P.u.ter Bowls. Lackcts Churn, Baskets, Horse Buckets, H;c- at SCLOVIT, FROW & PARKER'S (.TROVER k RAKER'S Were awarded highest premiums at the Slate Fairs of New York, Vermont, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, At the Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia. Not ill Carolina, California, Oregon, Fairs of the American Institute, Franklin lusiitute, Mass. Mechanics' Association, Penn'a Mucliniiica' Institute, St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanics' Association, And al numerous Institutes and County Fairs, including all the Fairs at which (hey were exhibited the past three years. First prizes have also hecu awarded these Machines at the exhibitions of London, Puris, Dub lin, Liuz, Besancon, Dayonne, St. Dizier, l'balun, and they have been furnished, by special coinmiind, to the Kwj'rcss tJ' l'nt ut'rt Utttrfss ftWustruif Kqrts3 Ilussid, Euiprra of JJrastf, (Jitceii vf tSjuiiit, ami (Jiucn of Bat-aria. Tho OnOYEU Si jJAKEIl Elastie- Siiltli Sowiug Machines arc superior to all others fur the lollowiu' ruasoos : 1. They sew with two threads direct from . the spaol, and require no rewinding. j 2. They are more easily understood and : used, aud less liable to derangement than oth J cr machines. 8. They are capable of "xecuting perfectly, without chaugc ot adjustment, a much great er variety of work tlmu other machines. 4. The stiteh made by these machines is much more firm, claslic, and durable, especi ally npon articles which require to be washed and ironed, than any other stitch 6. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the ruder thread is inwrought, is much the most plump and beautiful ia use, nnd re tains this plumpness and beauty even upon articles frequently washed aud ironed unUl they are worn out. ti. The structure of the scam is such that, though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few si itches, it will neither open, run, nor ravel, bat remains firm and durable. 7. I'ntike other machines, these fasten both ends of tho se:im by thtir own operation 8. With these machines, whilo ti!k is used upon the right or face eido of the seam, cit ton nny be used upon the other side without j lesscuing the strength or durability of the ' seam. Ibis can be done on no other machine, and is a great saving upon all articles stitch ed or maite up with silk. y. These machines, in addition to their su perior merits ts instruments for sewing, by a change of adjustment, easily learned and practised, execute the most beautiful aud per- j muncnt embroidery and ornamental work. i G HOVER & RAKERS. M. CO., I 7u0 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, j Machines delivered at the residence of any one purchasing in either of the Roroiighs. j Threads, Oils, Needles, ami every other ar- ; tiele appertaining to the working of the ma-' c.ttiic on uahd and for sale by J. li. M. Todd. The above Sewing .Machines are for sale by J. 15. M. TOLL), l'.i:lercon, I'a. S. It. LOL'bON, Mitlliutowu, may 15, lS07-tf. GOOD NEWS OTJCE -MORE! JR. M. TODD has just received a fresh arrival of New Goods irom the City, at greatly reduced rates tthieh he is selling al the loilowiug prices American Prints from . lGto Lo. 10, 12, 14 to 10. 2(1 to 2'c. 22 to 28c. 20 to C0c 12, 15 to 2:lc. 10, 12, 15 31c. 20, 25 to 38c 2't, 25 to 4Do ,75, $2,00, f U.00 ; i licrs j Ginghams t lit Lflina LaJic3 UnM Co0(ls llrown Muslins Rlcached " Ticking I Cottonades Ladies Gaiters from... $1 u!so a fine assortment of Misses Gaiters. Rest Lorering Syrup 31c. f(t. Good fyrup -20 to 2oc qt. Brown Supir 11, 14c. White " Slbs. OOcts. Rest Rio Cofl'ee- ,'Jlcts. lb. Coal Oil, (best) locts. qt., or C5cts. gal. Also a fine lot Cassimeres, Casiuets and a good assortment of the latest styles of Men ami Roys' Hats, cheap a large assjrtmeut of Notious Ladies new styles of Gloves and Bugle Trimmings The following prices paid for Rtillcri Eggs: Butler '25cfs., Eggs 20cls. doz., Potatoes bu to '.'Octs. bush. A full supply of Mackprl and Herring on hand. " april 24, 07-tf. AT !jH0Fyl?50S SiOCK. I " II E undersigned would respectfully an nouncc that he has jut received from the East, a large assortment of 2JY GOCQS, GFLOCZFjr, SjtLT, CCJ1L, (S-C, whicii be offers at the lowest, market pr'ccs Give me a call. NATHAN KEELY. apr. 17, 1807-tf. Boots and Shoes. The undersign- r ed, having purchased from Wrr.,1J . Bowers his Boot and Shoemaker Shop on the corner of Main nn-1 Bridge streets, is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor uisi with a call with Hoots, Shoes, Gaiters, Ladies' Tiac Shoes, Children's Shoes, &c, at ; I derate prices. 1 All work warranted. I E. U. FASIU". i the OWi TOLICY TRIUMPHANT. 0 Ull POLICY IS TO KELP THE K3.LEST. CO, AND CIIEAnT stock or MEN'S AND 1JOVS FALL & W1NTF.H Clotliir8.g! Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, 'ii units, Valises, Carpet Sacks, Hosiery, Gloves, Hand kerchiefs, Shirts of all kinds, GENTS' FUHNIS1IING GOODS, &o., &c, in town or county, and we hereby invite every one who wants anything in the ( lothiug hue to call and see our new stock It is Enormous in Quantity! Magnificent in Quality ! mid will be sold at greatly reduced prices tor Lash. Prices l!:c Same as Before l!ie Wrar. lieiueiiibcr the place, Crystal Palace Cloth iiig Emporium, l'n i Ige street, Milllinlown. Pa. SuLOuFF, FKUW & PAllKLU. jan 1G, 18B7-tf. IB E A "ff AT ft OS S3 A T T u E OF SULOUFE, I'llOW AND PAItKER, IN THE CllYSTAL PAI.ACK BflLIUXa, MIFFLIN'TOWN, l'A. Bargains I rilllE UNDERSIGNED HAVING l'lTR-1- chased the stock of goods formerly be longing to Suloutf & SlHiubuuh, and har'tr? added to it quite an assortment from the Phil adelphia market, arc now ready to supllvthr citizens of Mifllintown and vicii'iiy nith any thing and everything that is usually kept in a country store, and a great many things that have never been kept before. Wenra (Icier mined to sell goods nt a REDUCED PltlCE and make it an object for the people to buv from us. A large stock of DRY GOODS, con sisting of Ladies Dress Goods, such as FRENCH M URINOUS, SHEPHERD PLAIDS, (all wool, FANCY Pf.AIDV, (all wool) PLAIN WOOL DELAINES LItES.S FLANNELS, I LAIN SACK FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, RU E TWILLED FLANNELS, REDFLANNELS, MUTLINS. P. It AKE.1ST SHAWLS ic, &c. Caube had at Sl'LOUFF, FROW & PARKER'S. MOURNING DRESS COODS: liluck Shawls, Veils, Colnrs, Glove, Gauntlets, Second Mourning Iiuliuorali'. Hoods, Ac, A c. Everything desirable in this line, and a very large slock, At Sulonfl', Trow Ac Tnrkrr;s. -il'.KAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF VJ S A D D L E R Y from January IK, l'.ti, JAMES 11. SIMONS wculd respectfully an nounce to his old customers and the public Vre generally that he has a large stock of fri&A SADDLES. HARNESS, COLLARS, f WHIPS and all other articles usual ly kept in a XADDLEli SHOP, which he will sell nt the following reduced prices: Best Silver Plated Harness ol 00 Second best do Tuird do do Common l latcd do Second -do do Common Plain do Rest Spaniah Sad lies Second do do o2 OD 30 00 25 Oil 2: 00 I'.l UO 24 00 22 00 Common Quilted Scat do with Horn lb till Common do without norn 10 oo Wagon Saddles 9 00 Five inch Rrcceli-Rands & Side Leathers for two Horses 40 00 Four inch do 35 to Back-bands 8 inches 3 20, 6 inches 2 40, ii inches 1 75. Double set of Yankee Harness which includes bridles, hames, collars, lines, but chains, &c 45 00 Pair of Yankee Rridles Five-ring Halters Three-ring do Check lines 3-4 inch do do I inch 0 00 1 50 1 25 2 00 3 50 3 75 t 00 Blind Bridles Riding Bridles from $2 50, 3 CO Good Draft Collars Harness do Wagon Whips 2,00, 1,75, 1,C0, 1,25 Buggy do from 75 cents to Buggy Lilies, flat 2,00, round 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 Plow LineB 3-4 inch 1,00, 1 inch 1,15 1 1-4 inch 1,25. He would also invite the public to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can cell cheaper timn auy other establishment in the comity. His motto is quick sales and small prolits. Give him a call and save money. C5l, REPAIRING neatly executed and all work warranted. JAMES II. SIMONS, Bridge St., MiSUulown Pa. Oct.. 11-1 y. 1 f 1'attkiison, J uniata County, I'd, The undersigned, having rc-furnbhed the above House, is now prepared to furnish the public, on the most reasonable terms, with Afrah and Rifrcsh-.ncnU at ull Hours. Farmers and others visitiug towncan procure meals nt almost any price. Also, larg'j Stable attached for tho accommodation of travelers, attended by careful ostlers. jci: ckeaji in SEASON. A share of publio patronage 13 solitit-S. may 15, 1807-tf. WM. REESE, Pro. fj-oub & m&m. 17 LOUR and Grain, of all kinds, purchased at Market rates, or received uu storage and shipped at the usual frieght rates. Hav ing boais of our own, with careful captiar.s and hands, we will ship freight of any kind to ami from Philadelphia or any point Jo , th3 canal fcTLOUFI'' ,1'KOW !: PARKKii. NEWS in. POT 1 1- and Stationary Store, ill l'crrysvllh Ju- I uiata county, 1'a. (i'.fl thi c limiting.; i The iimleifigucd usl.s leave to iutoioi the ! ood people ol this ami uughhoi lug cuuntiis tliut he has upend a line tuck of StaiiuLitry j Books, etc., and having bought them al a verv low wiioiesiue price in t iiuaii. ipuia, oy ad'fing a small per ccutage, is ceilain he tuu sell cheaper thau any othei establUhiuoil in the oouiuy. The following is it list ol Maga zines and Periodicals, kept, villi prices at tached, any of which will be ueiil by muil to any place upon receipt uf tho annexed prices, viz : Atlantic Monthly 40c. Harpers. Magazine 4oe. Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashions. 4'.'c. Godies Magazino Madame Deinorest's. 35c Ladies Friend 25c Bullous Magazine 20c. Petersons Magnzino 25c T. S. Anthers' Magazino 25c. Waverly Magazine (weekly) 15c. Harpers Pictorial (weekly) lor. V i ink Leslie's Pictorial. Illustrated, 10c. Jhiinncy Corner. .. . 10o. Ubion I-c. iuw York Ledger 07o, National Police Gazette 10c. 'Jew York Clipper 10c. laturdiiy Night 07c. Reasons Literary Companion 10e. Sunday DivpatRii .00r. .'hrcnological Journal 25e. Xn:ericuu Agricultuialist. 15c Icadlesaud Monroe's Novels, (each)... 10r. ladle's Songster 10c. Vlanin'sScusiblo Letter Writer ri0c. Jortiuio Tellers aud Dream Books of Jiffer eiitkinds, (each) 35c. Atf all kinds of 25e, Novels N. R. Philadelphia Daily Press per month, 75c, Philadelphia Age, 75o. inquirer, liOt Mu ic, Magazines and other bindings attend ed i. 1'. S. Back numbers of all Magazines and Tapers furnished at short notice. 1 am deter mined to supply a great want in this county by furnishing the people wilh reading matter mi a reasonable prije. 1 respectfully solicit your patronage. JOHN M. THOMPSON, rerrysville, ang. 1, 'Oti. CHEAP CLOTHLNU STOKE. lis way for Bar- m mum 7 m m ft AVING PURCHASED FROM MANS H. bach & Van Ormerthe lar-e Cluihim? i.sinousiiiiiciii, snuTiieu on r tie cor:iT oi ltridge and Water streets, Milliiuiown lVnu- i . i.i i . -1 .,1 . D sylvania, we would respectfully inform the Public that we have just received a arid well selected assort nieut of read,- made Cloth ing, designed for the l ull aud V lnlor Trmlc lor tSii 5 Such as Ovtr Coals, Dress Coats, Business Coatf Ciiinmon Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Hats, Boots and Shoes of evry description, style and quality, for male or female. F50Y.S' K.KADV MADK CLOTIIIXG Alio, Caipets, White Shirts. Fanry Over Shirts, Under Shins. Drawers, Hosb-ry, Gloved. Liuen and Paper Colars, Cravats and Ties, Trunks, Um brellas, Travelling Dags Ac. A. So. thebttesr stylta ol Ladies Cloaks. Cir culars and Furs. Persons in want of anything in our line will save money by giving us a call before pur chasing else here, as we are determined to sell cheap for cash. &rj( Don't forget tho corner, Bridge and Water Streets. D. W. HAKLET i Co. Oct. 4,'M. NEW ST rpilr. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AOL, for Ihe people t know is, that thev can buy their goods cheaper at the new store of Wm. Rogue's, iu Johustowu. than at any other sto.c in the county. If they do nothe lievc it, pleauc examine his list of prices au 1 then they wiil. Prints 121 to l:c. 2!c. 20 to 20. 25 to Sl'c. 1 -S I o 55c. 45 to OOc. 121 to 24c. Muslin 11 to 25c. $1,20 per gal. Mel iniao Ginghams lie Raines Cottonades Dross Good 9 Brown Muslin Best bleached Best Syrup Second " 05o Orleans 1 0 " ' Sugar House l'0c " " Best Ri-owu Sugar 121 to 15 lb. Hent Wliiln " IS " Best Rio Coffee 30 . Coal Oil 70c. per gal. A largo assortment of Boot3, Shoes, aud Ready-made Clothing always on hand Patterson prices always given for all kinds of Marketing. July 17, Mj7 C1UBA MILLS. The undersigned begs J leave to inform his friends and the public thai he is still in charge of the above niimc4 pojnlar mill, where he is prepared to accom modate the citizens of Mimin, Patterson and vicinity, with the Choicest Brands of Flour A large supply of Bran, Chop-Stuif, and Feed of all kinds cot.slanif v on hand. As he runs a dill wagon every Tuesday nnd Friday to M tUin and Patterson, customers can be punc tually supplied ut their doors. By strict at tention to business he hopes to reeeivo a lib enl share of public patronage. Terms Cash, may O.'OO-tf SOLOMON KAi'FFMAN. Jy" Persons can be supplied with Coal, Piaster, Sail &c, at the lowest Trice, by our nfent nt Thouipsontown, ELIHU Rfc'NNt'R, who is also authorized to purchase Grain and give Ihe highest market Prices. f4jy-.Ir. CLINE is, also, our authorized (gent at. Perrysville to purchase Grain and sell Coal, Plaster and Salt for us. Give U3 a call and you cannot fail to be pleased. Highest prices paid for Counfry Tro ducc, and taken in exchange for goods. SULOUFP, riiOW, & PAKIvEll. October, 1S05. , FULL assortment of Gentleman s Goods, - consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Salineits. Over Coatings, Yentitigs. Can be had at SULOCFF, FROW & PARKER'S. SILVER'S WASH POWPKK. Makes washing a Savts time, labor, money. .. 1 m.. 1 r . 11 1 F" re Try k Address all orders fo the Manufactures Z I EGLE R & SM ITJ f, CHEMISTS WUULESXLE VVLUGOISSl 137 -TWA Third it., PhlUnlJuhia, nov-M, I'.OS- ly. I TTENTION CITIZENS.- 11X3 G'H This Is the Aiimiosu that Bingmade, Tliln Is the Cure that ny a the AxuuusxA tLai Uhig made. This U the Jfan who waa bald and gray, TA'ho uor Ims raven lofks, they say. ! In Uiu Ajusuosia that Kins nude. This la the Kaidrn, handsome and gayi Who married the man oneo bald and Cray. Who now has raven locks, they nr. lie used tiio AllliKosiA that Bliig made, i This ia the Parson, who, by the way, Slurried the maiden, IianUBOiue aud pay. To the man onre bald and gray, Cut who now hiu raveu locks, they say. Per.iuse be nsed the Cure that lay lii tho AJlfiUOStA Uut Uing nude. Tills Is tiio Fe ll ITirt rlrrn awny fa -iakTo arouse the people sail and jja 4.j -t-xyl I nto this fnrl, which here i1o- lay Iritm woula not oam or gray, I Lie (lie Amerosla. that liiiig iaade. E. H.TU3B3 & CO., Fn3?r.iETor.3, Petecsoeo', N.H. For sale by E. F. Kepnkh, april 21, Ib07-Cm own. Pa. GO A 75T lm LA 5 THE SfCING k SLTiMER APiSIV. 1L CHOICE GOODS AT THE STOKE OF JOS. M. BSLFORD- The undersigned would respectfully invite j the public to eail and examine his stock before purchasing eNewhere. He lias bought his . . issoriuient al such prices that he cami.d be i undersold by any in the country. Special at tention paid to purchasing goodsin the city per order at tho E.hi i'iest notice. Every eilovtwill be mad : by him to give sat isfacti jn to those who may favor him with a call LAKStS' UJti:SS tiOORS ! Hlael; and Taney Silks, Morio Antique, Pure Chilii, Brilliant c?, Rombazinels, Cashmerts, Peplins, Rerges T.nwns, Grenadines, Ducals, Gingham Law-is, All wool d Lainca, Alpacas, A fi:l. assortment of Vihtte Dress Goons, Mus lins, Brocha aud other Shawls, BonmMs, Ru uet Satins, Ribbons, Flow- rs, &c. AIs-, C il iars, L'ndors'ceves, !ia;njkircliio!s 'U great va e'y. tie linn nlfo lni in a 7nr stock f Wool. Cotton and Rag Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings &c., al the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for good", for which the highcil market pi'ieer will be raid ly J. 31. EEL. FORD. G O O D Spring ami Summer C suit the timf. F Pt A N K, COO IC, k Co. PATTERSON, I'a. Have just returned from the Eastern Markets willi a fresh supply of a'l kinds of Ladies' ' L-'rcss Goods, eousi oinir in part of l'OVLLYS, MOf.llW, .mtr7- cas, Fin:xcii mkhixos, 1)E LA LXLS, 01XGNA.US, I'JiXTS. .((', ,iV Every desaiption of Domestic Dry Goods, such as Drown and Bleached Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Cotton and Linen Tabic Dialer, Crash, Nankeens, Drillings, ic., Fancy au I Piain Cassiuicres, Salinetts, Tweed Kentucky Jenns, Flannels, I.iniH'iia, Ladies' Ra'moral S!.irt, llonp Skirts. Tibet, Wool Knit and French SI.:-. v. Is, Gro ceries jf eeiy desoiidtii ii, Cheese, Fiih Bacon, &c, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cups, O.uocnvware, Cedar and Wi!!ow-ware, Hardware, Tobacco, Segars, Jtc. The large"! slock in (lie county. Iu count i in v;i;h our other busings, wo have a MARKET CAR running to Philadel phia and arriving in Pa.'tersou, every Tuesday on which we receive cadi week fre.h supplies of new goods. The public can be supplied with ail kinds of Marketing, Fresh I'i:h, ic, either at the car on luesi ay, or at our Store during the week. may S. IS07. Ko more Laid Ilauh! X more Gray Lot ks DR. LEOrG"' ECLECTUIC 11 A Hi liEiNEWEH, 1 Is pronounced by nil who hare used it the I very best preparation for ihe llnir. If is a ' posilive cure for iialduess, erad.calcs Dand- rull' and Humors, stops the. Hair from falling out, and speedily restores Gray Locks to ihcii original hue and luxuriance. It operates on the secretions and fill? the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair wiil always be brought back by a lew applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality an 1 color. It makes the hair soft, glossy, frngrant, pleasant to Ihe touch and easy to arrange. l)iv tt-ir"'le !r'l: beeoiii'i moist ! pliant and disposed to rxain iu any desired position. As a Hair Drfjlng it u4S no equal The Sales are cnormors and it is 11 universal iiie sales are euormoes anu 11 is S"X wi,il uW aaJ -vo,!U3 f ,'0' T'" ""!, ' ,,truu?houl Sftatcs- M & s oth sixes. tha United ; SMITH, Sole Proprietor. 137 North Thi.O iiU'cct, Piil-iclrhia. cov. li, ''Jy-J.-, pS5 GRAY HAIR. j wlTS CLOTHES WASH Eli j A S ! ; L'nircrsal .Cloilirs Wriujcr. I The be.,t and most popular Machine ever j iuvcnled. j Ail Washers warranted ti give satisfactinn. ! If cot as repre-riMid, tho ru; Ler wiil be ta ken back and ihe money refunded. , In otfering the Washer we present you tho iullowirg altirsatives : 1. Either tomake a woman wcrk all day at the hardest drudgery, dangerous to health j an 1 life, lifty-iwo d.iys in a year or buy Machine for her, with which he can do tU same woi kin two hours and ot bo tircdi 1 C'n'i;'; ll allh. j 'I. Either buy goods to ba ru-Jbed to frag ments on the wasu-bo.-trJ, or buy ft Machine i that will cleanse without injuring garments; nna so pay ioi- useir inree times a year. Consult L'cutto..ti. Sold by J. P.. M. TODI, Patteison, Pa. Read what our neighbors have to say: 1'ekn.syi.vash ilorsK, 1 Patterso.i, Jn. 28, '07. J. B. M. To I), Esci This is to certify ti nt the Di.ty's Clothes Washer and Wringer ' I i urchatrd fron yen, will do ail that is rcc meiidid if tho direction for washing is strictly observed, especially for heavy cloth ing, one person cn wah as much in an hour with ease us they would do in six hours by hand or common rubber. It is a great savor of clothes nnd time. There is neither fric tion in wishing or strain in wi inging. Boys or Girls uf 12 to 11 years old cau do the washing. F. M. MICKEY. Mr. J. B. M. Tor.r- yr: Since I have pundiased Poty's Clothes Wa-her and Wring er from you, wash-day is no more dreaded by my wife as my little girl 1 1 years of ago can do my washing of 9 persons, in from two to three hours, which ued to lake my wife all day. I can cheerfully recommend every per son to go to J. B. M. Todd'?, and get a Wash er ani Wringer as 1 am confident that you can savo tho price i1 the Mac-bine in less thin one year in the saving of the of the wrariiM-: of clothes as they :.rc washed with out rul t icc-. Yours Ac. jaa. 3'j ly. JOHN B.VLENTINE. N E v E A M I L r nor merits of the "Singer" .Ma X chines i nes over all other", for cither family use or manufacturing purposes, are so well establish.:.! nnd so grn'.r::i:y admitted, that au enumeration of tiu ir rciaiivc escclieuciea is no long r considered necessary. olr Ini:v family machines. which has been over two years iu preparation, and which h is been brought t? perfection re gardless of lime, labor or expense, a ml is now col. ti . :u!y preset. trd to the public as incom l li. ably the best Sewing M ich'.j in existence. Tho .Machine in quest ion 13 simple, coin pact, durable and beautiful. It is quiet, light ' running, and capable of pwfoi ming a range and variety of work nevtr lefore attempted upon a single Machine, using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, and se'it with e.Ual facility ti e very finest and coarsest materials, aud anything b. tween the twox treiucs, iu the most beatuifi.l and substantial manner. Its ait:ichir.e::fs f.-r hemming, braid ing, cording, t idling, quilling, felling, trim nri:. binding , etc. are nov-d and practical, uo i Lave liei u iiu-::iied adjusted especi ally for Ihi-i M... hin '. Machine? always kept cn land at my Tail "ring L-i.i-.ii. f;:::;'r.l. sc.-nd atiry Snb.ufT, Fr.w i Parke: s Store. lirol.;e,st rest, MifHin town. Pa., for the insp.-.jiion of the public, and for tale at tho innst reasonable prices. Maehiiii; Cotton, Needles. Thread, Oil, Ac, and eviiy'Iiiog pertaining to this Machiue contan:ly kept on hand for sale. WILLI -I WISE, Agent. Mifiintown, J in. ltl, I3 i7-ly. u a p.i j a fNS : pa rg ains : AT LOUDOX cc CLOTHIXO JACKMAX'S EMPORIUM, MII'l Ll.NTOU'N, PA. .T HE undersigned hav, just received from ruiladcipht ani.t ther supply of For Men mi I Roys, which they are selling at panic prices. Also, a tine assortment i;f ' 2: o o x .? t :; 11 o ,.", For men, women. l.y. girls nnd iiifinf". at prices which they defy oiepetitiou. Tha best and cheapest lot of ii a s jtq Cji r a In the county, for men nmt boy. . GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, (oni-ting of Linen Shirts Overshirts. Un dershiirs. Drawers, Collars, Cravnt. Haml kerchiefs. Stockings, Suspenders. Gloves, .tc. SfX.'i hai.kful to Ihe public for tin liberal i-upporf they have hLrft.jf.u'e exteu.Ls.1 to us, we nr.' detei u.ined to retain their support by giving them oou Goods at low prices. Very Respectfully, nov 7, lSGG-tf LOUDON & J ACivMAN. w ANTED IMMEDIATELY. Five hnn. died Msn. to act as salesmen for Cob. bin's Illustrated Dome; tic B.blc. comprising upwards of l.otii) crown quarto pages; a Commentary uf 17,l'U0 notes from dilRrrnt Comnieiitiitors: 7tJ0 Engravings. 1'r.niily holograph Department ; Extendi d Concor dance, Aiaps, Bible History. (. hronoligical Tables, cic, A book that always sells. Our average sales are 5011 copies per day. As a standard ISihlc for Families, Teneaers, Ministers, and lovers of lh ur.f of God, it has no competitor. Fir particulars', ad dress 11. A. STREET, mar. 20tf. Uarrisburg, '. VI 'AL, LLSTER.SV1LLR TIN SHOP. Tho un- 1J- dersizned bus ill dersizned has established himself in McAiistersvillc in the T. lining business. Peraotis wanting anything in his line sho.ild call before purchasing elsewhere as he i prepared to manufacture all kinds of Tin and Shot t Iron Ware, an I to sell as low as they can be purchased elsewhere. His old cus tomers and the publie generally are respect fully invited to call, as he lu pos by strict at. tent ion to business to deserve a share of pat ronai. oct, 31, 'tiOtf JACOS G. WINEV. EJ 6 T 8 Q E I T.n lios wishing to be supplied wiMi nctt aud good shoes w.ll tind it to their advantago to call on II. D. Wi'.LI.ER, a' his shop u. Main Street above Cherry, where they can be supplied with almost every pivl-Kt mo.lor atc prices. Gentleiu"U having repairing they wish durably and neatly executed will bo promptly attended to by giving him a cnll. . JVr-iu: CASH. II. D. WELLER. Mitliintown. July "oth '05. OTATK CAPITOL Ho I'LL, near the Caj i O tol Bui! lins, iiAursnuRC, r.t. STTei ms us mo lerato any Hotrlin -i City. w:i. G.iii'jMi'uN, ricj-i-Ktoi. ti II r-i ;1 o, "07