ije Innials Sentinel. WEUXESB-At MORNING, Sep't. IS, t8U7. "TO N A.NlTTo U SI T It Y . Ion Sale Cheat. A Life Scholar ship in J. C. Muni ford's llusincss and Toli'crapTx College at Philadelphia. A fine, chance for a young man that wishes to prepare hittiit'.f for business. Inquire at the Sentinel Office. The Social 15ase Ball Club, of this place, inteud playing a match game with the '"Reserve," of Liverpool, on Satur dij nei, oa the grounds of tLe latter. The Concert given in the M. K. Chureh, tinder the pupcivision of Di. Everett, on Wednssduy and Thursday evenings was well ittcuded, and the Sabbath School re alized a nice little sum thereby. .New Firm. Sherifl Loudon has sold Out his interest in the Clothing Store, in Wilson's buildiug. Amos G. Uonsall i.t the purchase. A large and varied stock of fall and wiuter goods will be laid in and the store run by the new firm of Jackuiau & Uonsall. Waterloo Seminary. This beauti ful and flourishing Seminary for Ladies aud Gcutlemcn will be re-opened, under the charge of Professor D. F. Fortny, on Tuesday, October 1st. All desiring a good practical and thorough edudation will do well to call and see for themselves. CiiAMiED Hands. Capt. George Stroop has sold the True Dt mocrat t') W. J. Jackiuan, its former editor and pro prietor. We are sorry to lose the Cap tain iram among the fraternity in tin place as he was a genial, clever gentle mio. To Mr. Jack man, we extend our ooJ wishes for Lis pecuniary success. Mr. A. B. Seibeut, having purchased the liue of coaches ruuning between I'cr rvsvi'.lc and Coccord, will hereafter start Iroiu Patterson every Monday, Wednes day and Friday moruin,, returning on Tuesday, Thurbday and Saturday in time for the evening traius east and west. Mr. Feibert is a man well qualified for the business he has engaged in, aud having good horses and wagons, is prepared to carry passengers to and from the above places as comfortably and on as reasona ble terms aa the times will admit. A traveler in New Hampshire re produces an old bill for raising a meet ing house in Monadnock. It was built J one hundred and thiee years ago (1754) and a vote is recorded for the appoint nieat of a committee to provide liquor for the raining, and subsequently one bar rel was purchased for the occasion. As illustrative of those "good old times,'' take the f illowing: 18 31 33 . 1 s 0 4 10 6 Vipenscof raising Food I.iijUnr, c Lemons and sundry articles.... 75 19 7j Four shillings and ninepencc were af terward deducted for the rum barrel that Was sold. At the same period in most of the New Ktigland States, even a pauper was not buried without a considerable outlay for rum. Many parish records state that it took gallons of spirit, furnished at pub lie expense, to deccutly inter one who had coiuHantly been supported by the poor funds. If New England puritauism had a rough rind, there was much juicy joli ty underneath. Xew Republican Campai3X Flag. The Union Republican State Central l!omniktee will preseut their new and ele. gant Campaign Flag, 30 by 20 feci in fcize, to the county which, at the ensuing election, shall show the best return for Hon. II eury W. Williams, compared with the vote of last year for Gen. (Jcary. Re publicans of Juniata ! here ia an oppor tunity presented by which you can pro cure a large and e'egant flag. If you but do your duty and fight maufully for those piinciples held dear by every Rcpublicau, Juniata will le redeemed from the thrall dom of Locofocoism, and we will be the jroud standard btarers of this national emblem. It is the same flag you fought under and so nobly defended in many hard contested battles during the late re bellion, when the enemies of your coun try tried to tear that beautiful emblem from your hauus and destroy the greatest gov ernment in the world. Although the CL'htins oiust be done without th n .f arms, jfou have in your control a small weapon that if properly used, will be the means of doing great execution on the day of battlcthe Sth day of October Then rally your forces aud stuwl Uj yvr hij, and you will achieve as great a vic tory ou that d-jy as you did at any time uuriug the rr.helli on ; you will have wou a trophy that will mike your hearts thrill with as much joy to look upon as it did to behold it the day u which JJCe surren dered his foiccs. to the address of the Slate Central Com mittee, to be found on first page of Ibis issue. The late cool mornings and evenings have caused persons to put up their .stoves, and indeed a little Cre feels very comfortable. Governor Geary has issued a proc lamation, as rei(4iired by law, setting forth that $1,71)4,014,50 of priucipal of the State debt was paid, cancelled and extin guished during the year ending Septem ber 2, 1SC7. -- Valuable Property at Private Sale. Persons desiring to purchase a beautiful aud pleas-ant house would do well ! to call upon Dr. Kiumjd'cr, as he offers for sale his Hue residence in the Borough of Patterson. Sept. 4, 1SG7 tf. ORGANS. The undersigned has been ap pointed Agent for the sale of tlio Ainerioau Organ, manufactured by S. D. ill. W. Smith, Boston, and is prepared to furnish persons with Parlor or Church Organs as cheap as they can be purchased fronithe manufacturers. Also the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ of different style and size. The Instruments CHn be seen and heard by calling at bis resi dence on Main street, Mifflintown. march 13, 18C.7 tf. WILLIAM WISE. On the 12th inst., by Rev. W. Y. Drown, JAMES GRAHAM, of Mifflintown, and Miss A. E. MONTGOMERY, .,f Spruce Hill twp. On the 12ih inst.. by Iter. M. Allison, Mr. ABRAHAM S1EBER and Mrs. ELIZA Mc WILLIAMS, both of Fayette township, Juui ata county. Id luck again. Acrumpanying the above came a greenback and sevcrai dices of the bride's cake. The happy couple have our best wishes for thus kindly remembering the printer. May their lives be oue of unalloyed pleasure, and their reward be in heaven. MIITLINTOWN & rATTEKoUN MARKETS FLOUR. Super, ibl. $12 00 MARKETINGS. .Duller, piiuiert lb 20 Lard, 12 jTallow 111 iEirgs, W dux 20 F.xira, '.2 00 I'auiy,- H no oo Rye, cwt. 3 Corn Meal,. 1 75 I 2 io : rouK. Gil A IX, White when!,... Red Wheat "jJ bu Kye illogs. $. cwt 8 ) jllam, y lb 1!D Sides & Shoulders 12 I I1EEF. Fore qr,t cwt 10 O0 'Hind qr 12 00 POULTRY, .Chickens, ? pair 50 Turkeys, 1 20 COA L, M ton Barley,... Corn Buckwheat t0 (HI i ".HI 45 00 25 75 t0 Oats SEEDS, Clover, "J! bus Timothy. Flax Hungarian .Treverton Move j Jo Egg .Sunbury stove I do Egg iChestnut (Pea, iMixed. . 5 50 ft 50 5 50 6 60 3 6') 3 75 3 00 HtlEU FKUIT, Apples, 1 bu Peaches, " " Cherries, Currents Itlackberries, Elderberries, POTATOES. ! 50 i 00 8 10 8 4 50 ! WOOD, ;ak 4 'Hickory, 4 00 50 : HAY, jTimntby, 13 30 'Clover, 8 00 i Retailed Articles, Coal Oil tg.il 70 ISalt, anck 2 7 ) Ground Alum salt 3,l'0 Plaster, ton 111 00 , Nails 7 00 ,1'iar Iron 05J j Horse thocs kep $8 00 New Irish, bu sweet 1 50 1 50 VARIETIES, Apples, 1 bu Onions, White Deans.-, Iteeswax, lb Soap, dry 50 3 00 45 10 . 15 45 Candles Wool, washed.... RiK 4 prmg steel cn hands, I Corrected weekly by PuloulT, Frow & Tarker. rillLADELl'UIA .UAKKETS. PuiLADkLi'iiiA, September 17, 1807. Flour. Sales of i00 bbls. choice new wheat extra family on terms kept secret; oOO bbis. .Northwest extra family, at 310 (i,10,75; 400 bbls. l'enusvlvuuia and Uuiodo. at 811(0 12,50, the latter lor choice ; 100 bbla. old stock extra at 88, aud 100 bbls. souud at $7,25(0)7,50. In Kye Flour aud Corn Meal no change. Small sales of the former at Sd,25(o,S,50 N HEAT. fcales ol 1000 bush, red at. 32,20(oJ,3S bush. Michigau white at 300 bush. Michigau white at 2,75; oSO bush, amber at 2 50, and 2S00 bush. California at 92,75. Rye is steady with further sales of Pennsylvania at $1,50. Corn is less activo and drooping. Sales of b00 bush, yellow at 81,35, aud 3000 busb. Western mixed at 81,30(0,1,32. Oats are in more request, and OuO bush, Southern aud i'enusyivania sold at 65(o) C -c bush. O000 bush. Xo. 1 Ohio .bar ley sold at $1,50. $tthl JJotitrs. A Youug Lady returning to her -j . country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the City, was hardly recognised by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble euioothnei-9, a nd instead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteen. Up on iuuirjras to the cause of ao great a change, the plainly told theui that she used the Cir cassian Halm, and considered it an in valuable acquisition to any lady's toilet. By its use any lady or gentleman can improve tiieir personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple iu its combination, as Nature herHelf i simple, yet unsurpassed in its effi cacy in drawing impurities from, also heal ing cleansing aud beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cuti cle il draws from il all its impuritiee, kindly healing the iame, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Trice $1, sent by mail or express, on receipt of an order by W. L. CLAKK & CO., Chemists, An. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. V. TU only An.erican Agents for the sale of lie saint. feb. V'". v ' I I Obeat Discovnav. One of the greatcs I XX and most useful discoveries in medical I science was made by the celebrated Dr. J Dumas, of Paris, Chief Physician to lb l" i pcvinl Infirmity of Frunce. in 181. Those who have been afflicted with the painful l' I ease known as Iho Pills, and effectually cured ; by the use of Dr. J. Ocsms Fnnscn Pn- ; Salve, cannot Freak too highly of Iho bene i tils conferred noon them by the use of the rertam remedy. It has never been known fail in effecting a permanent cure in a single cae. In this reject it surpasses all niner nirdii'ineo nf l lie kind. It will do just wnai it is recommended for ; if not the money will be refundec". One or two boxes is soflieie'tit" to effect a permanent cure in four or six days, if the directions on the boxes are followed. Pi ice one and two dollars per box, according to size. Sent by Mail or Express to any part of the United Status 01 Canada. Hold by Drug ffisls eencrallv. A liberal discount made lo Hie trade. Address D. S. Dunham li Co WiPinmsnort. Pa., sole Proprietors a nd Man ufactuicr. for the United States audCanad dec. 0-'0tf. EaitORM OF YOUTH. , A Gentleman who Buffered for years frtni Nervous Debility, Tren.ature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the siiie of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he fas cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advcriiscr's experience, can do so by addnss ing, in perfect confidence. JOHN B.OG DEN, may 15. 'f.7-ly 42 Cedar Street, N. T. TOl'OXMlJlPTIVES. . The Itev. Edward A. Wilson will s nd (free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescrip lion with the directions for making and uiing the simple remedy bv which he was cured ol a lung affection and that dread disease Con sumption. His only object is to benefit t lit afliicted anil he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it costs them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please address, Kkv. EDWARD A. WILSON. No. 1C5 Siuilh Second Sircet, mnr 15, "C7-1-J Williaiiibure;, Now York. i vioiua ATIOV Information guaranteed to produce a luxu riant prowtli of hair upon a buld head oi beardless face, also a recipe for the lemoval of pimplei, blotches, eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soil, clear and heauti ful. cnu be obtained wahout charge by ad dressing, TltOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, may 15, 'ti7-ly 823 Broadway, New York. Dkatnkss, Rlinunkss ami Catarkh, Treated with the utmost success, by Dr. J. Isaacs. Oculist and Aurist (formerly of Ley- den, Htilland. ) u. 80 j Arch strert, 1 lnlaU Testimonials from the most reliable, sources in the city and country can be aen at his office. The medical laculty arc invited lo accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial C3'es inserted with out pain. No charge m ide for examination, may 8, 18;7-ly. UK. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. Thi trent mrdicio rar4 Dr. IL BcaincK, tb Prcprictor, ot Puimouary Coamiriprfaa, whoa U h4 mo toed iu most lortnidfctof vpciefc, ui4 whan cxlr dcb appeared to peiuevtlobc Bu ahjrlciuit pro nouDotd hi aaM incurabl when be oommonreA tho dm of tlii. alupl bui powrrful remedy. Uifl health wm rcntorM In a Terr i!iort tin, and return of Um diwaao hai brtyn mppnhonioX tor all the vtniMoma qnkljr dUa)irarM, and hU ptverna we!bi la more tban two bendred ponadv O Since hi recorftT, Le la derotcd hi attention ezcludirelr to eura at Conwmplion and iho dUcatfe which are oraalt conipMcated with It, and the rnrai circled by hz medicine Lave bron very nnnierAua and tnitr rondr:nl. lr. Bcazn-K niikMprofejwonalTijlU toKrermJ of lLelart,cr cltlrs vei-Lly, where he baa a largi concourse of patient, Ctfd it ia truly aatonihini: to wo poor conramptirea bat La re to be lifted out of tbeir carrlanv, and lrn a frw month bealtbr, rol'rut person. Da. eenRNCE'S PI LMONIC eVBl'P, BKA WEL1 TUNIC, and MANMtAKE PII.I.3 are jcnerally all miafrod In cnrlnj Conratnptlon. Foil diroe I'ona ancompny c&ch, e that any one can tako theua with&nt seelna; Dr. S mienck, but when It la oon reaiont K to be to ee him. lie gym a l . lce tree, but for a thorough ezauilnation with hi oyirumotof ht tee ii three dollar. VUmm obaorra, when pnrrbaRlnc, that tho two likenvme of tiie Doctor one when in tho haststna of ConEzimption, and the other a ho now to, la perrect health are on the Gorernmeut alatnp. frjd by ail Pracrlrt and Pealor. Price $IM per Ittle. or f'.M the half dozen. Leiun tor adrtce hou!d alwart be 0ircid to Dr. tirbenck's PrlnripaJ OTka 15 North th St., PhitadVh-, Pa, Venoral Wboleasio Arenu: Demaa Itm-noa Co ri. V., 8. 8. Haiiee, Ittimore, aid.; John U, Tork, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker ft Talor, Cblcao, IU. ; Collin linw, BL LcuU, w. C. tno. 1 jr Jan 30, 1807-1. PIANOS, CHURCH ORGAN'S, PARLOR ORGAN'S, ic. Jamis L. Kri.iv, Ocneial Agent for the sale of Pianos, Church Organs, Parlor Organs, &c, respectfully announces to the citizens of Juniata county that he is prepared to furn.sh any cf the above named instrumcms at ihe manufacturers prices. Among the many kinds of instruments I am prepared to sell, Ioffer6rnt the celebrated Schoniacker & Co. Pianos which are acknowl edged to be superior to any other make in ibis country or Europe. The listey Church and Tarlor Organs tie ne yhii ultra of reed instruments, which are being introduced into churches so rapidly and which are pronounced the best by the leading and unprejudiced musicians of the country, will be furnished to churches anl private families, at the shortest notice ami upon reasonable terms. Having bad many years of practical expe rience in liie muaical trade, I can assure my patrons that if they will favor me with theirlelection to receive ballot, or ballots, from nny orders, I will furnish them with the lineal In struments manufactured. Every instrument sold by me comes direct from Iho umnuftctu rcrs. and not from general wholesale dealers, eon-'eqiietitly all may rely upon ccttir. a new and perfect instrument, and full and direct guarantee from the manufacturers for the term of five years. tach instrument ordered will be delivered to the residence of the purchaser without, ex tra charge. The instruments of anv other first-class manufacturers will also be furnish ed at their regular circular rates. Parties who may desire to purchase, or to communicate upon the subject, may address me at. New Blonmfiehl, Perry count v, Pa. Price lists will be sent upon application by mail- August 21, 1 HCT-t f DISSOLUTION OF PA 111 NE US II IP. The co-p.-.rtnership heretofuee existing be tween F. M. Mickey and Jo-seph Penned doing business under the name and style of Mickey & Pennell, is ihis day dissolved by Eiutual consent Persons iudebted to the late firm will settle their accounts with Jos. Pennell. at the old ''and. f Aui-t, 2't, I'7-Ct. aim amusements. .. KStfcKAL KLKCTION I'KOCXA.HA " i'lOM, WHEREAS in and by an Act of tli Gen eral Assembly l Hie Common wealth ofTenn-i-livaiua, untied, "An Act relating i the elections or Hi w Commonwealth," pissed the ","' of July, a. i. mo, it is made Hie du ty ol the fchwrdtofeverv coiinlv within the , i ... j ""iiweaiiii to give public notice ol the i x,u;ciiods, uU m sutU notices to tii- u I ne rale 1. The ofliccrs to be elected. Designate the place at which the tlcc- ui is ut :;e Held. 1, SAMUEL R LOUDOX, High Sheriff of tue county of .1 omnia, do hereby make known and give this miblio llotieo tii tliH f.tiM'ifiru nf the county of Juniata, that on the SECOND TUKSU AY OF OCTOUCR next. (U'inir thn Jt It -day of the inonth,) Urni-ml Election win its lielrnt the Mivcrjti diction flistricts psliildishcd v law iu aid cuunfv nt wi.i.-h timc they will vote by Kill it for tlie several otlieers hercutttT iiientionrd viz: illkers hereafter int-nihiiipd, viz: One person to lill the olliceor Judj;o of the uii'ii.e Court of tho Cominoiiwi.:UlU of i'eiinsylrauia, Two pi rsons to represent the rounlies of Juniata, l'erry, Milllin. lM.iir. lluiitinirdon ami Onlrc, iu the Sk-nutu of the Stute of i'eiiu eylvauia. Two persons to represent the counties of Juniata, Milllin and Huntingdon, in the House ot Ki presentativts of the Common wealth of lViiin-ylvania, One person to fill the oflicc of County Com missioner of Juniata county. One peson to Ml the oilico of Sheriff of Juniata county. One person to fill the office of Register & IJecorde, A;c., ol Junhla comity. One person to fill the cilice of Tresurer of Juniata county. Two persons to fill the office ol Jury Com missioner of Juniata county. One person to ill) the ollice of County Au ditor of Jnniittn county. 1 ALSO HEUEIIY MAKE KNOWN and pive notice, that the places ol holding the aforesaid (iencral Election in the several dis tricts iuid townships in the county of Juniata hiu iw lotion S, to wit : At tliu Court Uottfte in tho borough of Mifflintown, lor the borough of Mifllinion n. At the Court House in the Ixirouh of Mif flintown, for Fermanagh township. At the ISi-hooI House in Mexico, lor Walk er township. At the Academy iu Thoinpsonlown, for Delaware township. At the Public House nf Thomas Cox, for Greenwood township. At the School llousc iu Iiichticld, for Mon roe township. At Kn:vi:'e's School House, for Susquehan na township. At the School Hoiiscia McAllistersvillc, for Fayette township. At the School House in Patterson, fur the borough of Patterson. At the School House in Perrysville, for the boroUL'h ol Perrysville. At the Locust drove School Hoiie, near the residence of John Metlin, for .Miilord tp. j At tin- Spruce Hill School House, tor Spiucc Hill township. At the School House at Academi.i, for Ueale township. At the School House near McOtilloch's Mills, for Tuscarora township, except that portion of it lyine; north w estward of the summit of the Shade Moutita::i. " At the Lick School House near I lie resi dence of ilenjamin Walls, dee'd., lor Lack township, except that portion of it lying north wcslwardly of the summit of the Shade Mountain. At the Centre School House, fir so iniic.li of the townships of Lack and Tnsrnrora ly ine; north wclwardly of the summit ol the Shade Mountain. At the Church Hill School House in Tur jelt township, (or Turbctt township. I also make known and irive notice that an Act of Assembly, approved March 30ili, l.s'i(i, provides as follow: ; Skctikv 1. 7.V il enacteil h;f the Sennle mid 1 H-iiit of llrprrxentittirr nf Hit Conimnreii'th nf I' itHrij'wiiivt in lirner.tl A-atmU; m?t, an l I it i hrreliji enarttil by Hit anHmrily oj the :ime. I hat the onahllcil voters of the several comi ties of this Commonwealth, at all general, township, liorotiijh and special electiTms, are hereby, hereafter, authorized nnd required to vote, iiy tickets, printed, or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally clssai licd as follows: One ticket shall embrace the names ot all Judges of courts voted (or, and to be labelled, outside, "judiciary ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all State otlieers voted for, ami lie labelled, "State;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all county otlieers voted lor, including ollice of senator, mem Ih r, and members of assembly, it voted for, and members ot congress, it voted for, nnd lie labelled, "county ;" one ticket shall em brace the names of all township officers voted for, and bo labelled, "township;" one ticket skull embrace the names ol all borough otli eers voted lor, nnd be labelled, "borough ;" and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot-liovcs. And WiiKitEAS, By the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An act to amend the several acts heretofore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling out of the national forces, and for other purposes," and approved March third, one thousand j eiL'hl hundred and sixty five, all persons who I have deserted the military or naval service of the Lniteil Mates, and who have not been discharged, or relieved from tho penalty, or disability therein provided, are deemed, and taken, to have voluntarily relinquished ami forfeited their rights of citizenship, and their rights to lieconie citizens, nnd are deprived ol exercising any rights of citizens thereof: Am 'iV'HEitEAS, Persons, not citizens of the United State, are not. under the Constitution aud laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors ot this commonwealth Skction!. Ke it enacted by the Senate and! House of iiepreseula.ives of the Common- j wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by thcniitliority of the same. That in all elections hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, it shall be un lawful for Ihe judge or insiectors ol any such person or persons embraced in the provisions, and subject to the disability, imposed bv said act of Congress, approved March third, one i thousand eight hundred nnd sixty-five, and it shall be unlawful for any st'ch person to offer to vote any ballot or ballots. Skction 2- That if any such judge or in spectors or ulcction, or any one of them shall receive or consent to receive, any such un lawful ballot or ballots trout any such dis qualified person, be, or they, so offending, shall be guilty ol a misdemeanor, and upon couviclion thereof in any court, ol quarter scs.-ions of this Commonwealth, he shall for each olfeiice be sentenced to pay a tine of not less than one liuudrcJ dollars, and lo under go an imprisonment in the jail of the proper count v fr not li3 than sixty days. Skitiox 3. Thai it any person deprived ol i citizenship, und disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any election hereafter to be held in thisj Common weait h, vote, or tender to the ofiieers i thereof and o'.'.r to vote, a bulla, or ballots, " ., i: i.-iiv. .1 i any person so onenuitigsu.iii ueueemeo gum of amisdeiiKacor.ai.donconviclh.nUiercofioag ;0Ith Third Street, above Race in any court of quarter sessions ot tins com monwealth, shall, for each offence, be punish- j rillLADELPIIIA ed in like manner as is provided ia Uic pre- Sept. 12, 18'JS ly. I ceding section- of this act, in the case of ofli-' cers of election receiving brtch unlawful bal-' lot or ballots. j I Suction 4. That if any person shall per- j sonde or advise any person or persons, tlt-pri-. ved of citizenship, and disqualified as alore- j said, to oiler any ballot or ballots, lo the ofli- curs of any election hereafter to by held in tins Commonwealth, or shall persuade,or ud vise, any such rSilicer to receive any bailot or ballots iroin any person riVprived of citizen ship, and disqualified as ulon-suid, such per son bu oilcmliug shall: b guilty of a mUde nicanor, and upon cohv'rfflirm thereof, In any court of quarter sessions ot this Common wealth, shall be punished in like manner as is provided in the second section of this act, in the case of olliccrs ol such election receiv ing such unlawful ballot or ballots. Pursuant to the provisions contained In the C7lh section of the Act first aforesaid the jilge of lite alortRiiid (liftiicts shall restect- I ivc''y lukc 'iargc of tho corti float e ol return ' 01 lhe ctiou oi meir nisppcuvc OHirins J and produce thi'in fit a meetini? of the Jud- ' cs r",u cacn lislri-t, at the Court House in I lne uroiiRli of .lifHintnwn, on the third day "ic borough of .Mifflintown, on the third day "l"'r tlie day 'r :l,e el"in, being f..r the present year on 1-riday the 11th day of Octo- her, -then and there to do and perform the du- i tl, IJ H'luireil by law of said Jtulgeti. Also, tli.it u'l.ri u .TiiiItp liv ci.l-npuo rtr iinnvofl:L- i.i.. :.i ;.. . . .?..i. i.. tf.....i en;.i n,nAf;n ! Die Ml. 1.110:11b m uihiniu in iiiii.iiit di.iti 1111.1 iin of Judges, then the certificate of return afore said, shall be taken charge of by otve t the Inspectors or Clerks of the election tfrad district, who shall do and perform tiie duties required of Said Judges nuabfe to attend. I also make known ftSd cive notice, as in and bv the 13ih seel ion of the aforesaid act I am oirecteu, -inai every person vwy.mz justices of the peace, who shall hold any of - liceorappomimenioi oiiira or irusi iincicr IIIC lllllltl 1. inn.i, "i 11110 i.,.l', ...jj . ij or iiicomorated district, vt hether a commis- liismci, Hlieilier M WMIIIll niiMieo uoil-ei i' 1'iuti i.-ic, n Bu'iviuiimin w. Ecer or agent who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this State, or of tho United States, or of any incorporated city or district, and also that every member of Congress nil'! ol Ihe State Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioner r.r Am- irifii-tirtr-itml r!!.itrirt ia 111.' Iinr im-.i. pable of holding or exercising at the same i time the office or appointment of judge, in spector or clerk of any elections of this Com moiiwc'ilth, nnd no judge, inspector or other olllcer of such election shall be eligible to any office then to h: voted for." Also, that in the 4th section of the Act of Assembly, entitled, "An Act relating to exe cutions and for other purposes," approved April lh. IS 10, it is enacted that the afore said Ultli section "shall not be construed S7 as to prevent any military onVer or lioroitgh oflicer from servinir as jndge. inspector or clerk of any general or special election of this Commonwealth." Also, that an act of AsssmMy. entitled "An Act relating to elections of this Common wealth," passed July 2, 1838, further provides as follows, to wit: "That the Inspectors and .Tuders shall meet nt the respective jdnres appointed for holding the election in the district to which they respectively belong, before 8 o'clock in Ihe morning of the Od Tuedav of Oetolier, and each of said Inspector shall appoint one elcik who shall bo a qualified voter of such dW'ricts." The Return Judges for this Senatorial Dis trict will meet at Lewistown.ou Tuesday, Oc tober 11th ISlVT. The Ketiirn Judges for this Representative District will meet in Lewistown, on Tuesday, October loth 1SG7, tin n nnd tliere to do nnd perform such duties as arc required by law of said JoiltrcM. Agreeably to the provisions of the Cist sec tion of said act. every General and Special Election shall be opened Ik tween the hours of eihl nnd ten o'clock in the forenoon, ami shall continue without interruption or ad journment until seven o'clock in the evening when the pnllsshatl Iiecloseii. Civen under tny hand at mv ofDep, In the borough ot Mifflintown, this lCtli day of Sep tember, A. D. 18C7. S. R. LOUDOX, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Mifflintown, f Sept. Kith, 18(57. f 1100,000 j WP'TE PINE SHAVED, LAP AND JOINT SHINGLES. Also, BOARDS, OAK PLANK, PLASTERING LATHS, AND TICKETS. r.iR sale r.v GRAFF .t THOMrSON, my 8-Cm. Milroy, MiRlin Co., Ta. T. J. JI O 0 K li WITH rOODVARD&Cp F.STABLISIIKD 1S22. QC T-tCCO O j i u , 3GG MARKET STKEET, "iJr' y rillLADELPIIIA nov 28, ISUG-ly. FLORENCE Lock-Stitcii Rlvkesiulb Ffeb S K W I N 11 JI A C II I N E. Best FamUg Miichine in thr llorW. Hiijlint Premium 6'Z .Vnial J.atl Fair of the American Ixstitcti:, New York. Florence Sewing Maciiisk Compast. No. 503 Broadway. ,c u".c:ln " ' " i T V. "f ,,'c -f.0 1,ss L' C' 'S' o Ev- Vr Mlfflln- r"- lma b'-'t The machines can be seen at tho residence am rEllRYSVILLE MARBLE WORKS. rpilE undersigned having entered into part JL nership are prepared to till nil orders for Tombstones, Monuments, Tabic Tops, or any ether articles in our line of business, on short notice and the most reasonable terms. Ital ian and the different qualities cf American Marble always on hand. C. EMERSON, may 1, 1807-tf L. L. KEN E PP. F. L. MULE U WITH LEWIS 1JHE.MKR & SON'S, TOBACCO W A K E II O U S E, SO. S22 SOUTH TIIIUD St., I'llILAUELI'UIA. Sept. 12, 180ij-ly. II. GEIGEli & CO., II O L K S A L E GROC E K S TEA & SPICE DEALERS. aMf 809 &. Sit l.etliitit s:., rijil'a. TU'MOVAL To the finest College Ronvnrr i the City. Tart of th necond r.nil the w!'!o of the third ami fourth floors, linnk of Ilepulilin HiiiUiingi, nearly opoaite thr (TontineDial Ilotrk , liti best org.mircJ fhJ ciu'incte-I liiB-incaa (7ollee in the country. !ltic;itiun fur the Counting F.ooi'i in the shortest possible tims I Countinf. UooI1 in ,he siloriest i.ussib , cowsili,ellt tilt intrrentH of tbe j 8ena f)r CtrCM,n, T WLOR i SI'K August "'8 l'ir-Cia LJLL..L sMulent. ' 02$. J I OOP SKIRTS. WilXI.m T. IIOPKI.VS. "J :s Ors Maxe." FT!t more 'ban five years experience 2- and experim-ntiiijr in the mani"fact-r4 or STKICiLY IIltsT "H'ALITV HOOP SKIKTS, we oftVr our jnatly celebrated sood to merchants an l the puTif-e in full conliileneV of their Mlperi.,rty over all others tUn , American marke', and thev are so acinowJ- c,igej ly ali wil wear or deal in them 9 I they give more stttisfaetion tban any other i sltirl on.t n... l tl..,.u..!. every respect. Dealers iu Hoop Skirls should mnka a note of this fact. Every Lady who has ro' given them a trial eLoull so vitLout fr ther delay. Our assortment emhrnees every st lengllt and size for Ladies, Misses and Children. Also. Skins made to order, altered and re- j paired. -1. iui iiuj'Kiii a imu aii4.r, nn i uo not deceived. ree that the letter "M" is wo ven ou the tapes between each hoop, and ibut they.are stamped "W. T. HOPKINS. MANU KACTL'RKK, tiitt AUCii Street. Phiiad. lphia, upon each tape. No oiliers are fiimiiie. Also, ronnantly on hand h full lire of good New York and Kastern made Skirts, nt very low prices. Wholesale and P.etail, i th I'liil S'ielphia Hoop Skirt Manul'aetnry au-.t Empo- I riuni, No. dS Areli ttie-t, I'luholelpl.ir mar. lS.'67-lOi.i. W. T. HOi'HINS. 1). S. KLL10TT WITH JACOIi KIEGEL & Late RILCEL & FISTEH. IMPORTERS &. JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, So. Market Street, and 7 North 4th, St., rillLADKLHIIA. Aug. 21, lS07-ly. Lewistown A c a d e m v. TiIIlS Institution will open cn the IhirJ J Wednesday (18th) of September. Terms fur boarding, furnished rnrn, W:ish ir -. fuel and Tuition for the Academic year ' forty weeks $-80, payable half-yearly ia adpance. Direct all communications to McCnysville, Juniata county, l'.i., until Seten.ber 1st, and, after that to Lewistown. JOHN LAIRD, Tiincipal. Aug. 7. lSC7-td. NEW BAKERY f:i the Lustmtut of iff Patlmvn lluusc, in ttrs'in. IToteis. Families and D-aWrs furrishe witli Pread, Pies and Cakes at surt nciiee. The subscriber has als opened a Salesroom in Mlllliiituwii, at A. T. Barnes' Cig'ir i..Te, thus affording the citizens of b :t It tvvrns aa o purtunitv of buyiiig good and cheap l'.r ad. may 13, 1S'J7. JACOB GLRLOCH. w E have one room devoted entire'y to tiei.ts Furnishing Goods and iieady ClothiiiT, such as Ma ! Cents. Over Coa's, IUu & Biauuel Shirts, I'ants, Vests, Boots & Shoes, Caps, White Shirts Vud-rsbirts, aud Drawers. SULOL'FF, FKOW i PARSER. s TATES UNION IlofEI, riiiL.vDEi.rHiA. This Hotel is pleasantly sifnated mn thm Pmiih siiic of Market S'reet, a few doors abova Sixfh street, its central locality mr.kes it par ticularly desirable to persons visiting tue city on VisuK.aS or Pleasure. T. 11. B SANDERS. Tro' p f 7 A NT ED. SUMAC. The uu.lersigne 1 wishes to purchase pure Sumac in targa or small quautiiies. Highest market prices aid on delivery nt sumac mili, Mechauics burg, Juniata county, Pa. N. HERTZLEF, Port Royal, Juniata Co., I a aiicns' 13. l'ju-'.f. SALT! iALT! ! SALT!!! A Superior quali'y, cither by single sack of quaut-ty. We will furnish Merchants with suit at Philadelphia prices, with the ad vance of expenses ot freight. SULOLIT FKOW& TAKKEU. O3ii).00 Fweo wiil be paid in jrrceiwacks O t ary per-on wuo nas used Dr. D'.imnn s Pile Salve according to directions and ha not been cured. Address D S. Dunham. & ' Co. Willianisport, Pa. dec. 3- 'if. V FULL assortment of TRUNKS and TRAV ELV1XQ B.HJS. Also, XuTO.YS sutk ' as Hose, filoves. Huck Gloves and Mils, (very best quality.) Kid Gloves for ladies and genl ' unfinished Kid. at , SULOUFF. FKOW & PARKER'S. IJH1R SALE. A Top Buery, nearly new, will be sold on reasonable terme can bs seen at Benj. D. Kepner's iu Miilord town ship. For price, etc., inquire ef the neder sisned. J. D. KEPNFR. Mi.Hintewn. Pa.- IOHN C. HUTTON, M- D. formerly of Har risburg, having located in the boronph of Perrysville, otters his professional services to the citizens of that place and surronodmg country. "2- " lf'l'-tf." OTATE CAPITOL HOTEL, near the Capi O lol Buildings, JIAUISBVRG,PA. trtTerui5 as moderate any Ilotel in lha City. WJI. G.TIIOMf SON, Proprietor. 1)LA1N aud Fancy Job work neatly exeeci. ed at this Othce.