HEADING RAIL ROAD. S5J2IiIES ahhaxgesieet. April Sth, I8G7. Git KIT TRIXK VnOTI the North and Norili-YVcst for I'hifoilcl phia, Xrw Ycr.':, Heading, ?ottriile, Tanaqua, Aihlaml, .fljnofl, Aitnlovii, Einlon, Ac, Jc Trains leave Ihtrri-hnrg for .Vote J'nrt, as follows; At 8,10 and 0.35 rt. XL, and 2,10 an I '.'."J i'. 51- nrriving at Xrf York nt MO and 1.1,1" A. M., and 4.10. .1,20,10,25 I. Al.. connecting with similar Tiutus on tbe renmijlcai.il l.'.iiiroiid; Sleeping Cars accom panying t!ic o,('0 A M and '.',00 1' M trains without change. Leave ll.irriSurj for V.end:n7, rolttvittr, Tanwmi, Mni'rtei'ie, AMoaf, I'.ne (Jrcre. Ai-lenlou-ii and VI il,i.ie'jhia, r-t 8, lit A.M. and 2.10 nnd 1,10 P.M. slopping nl l.rlawn and all Wuii Stutiont ; .the -1,10 r M Traia niaVing connections lor Philadelphia and Columbia onlv. l"nru.7rj1itr, Sci.u-Al.-.M Ii.nm nr.-l Au Inrn via . ;I.-'l I mid Sus juehtinua lluilroiid leave jmimri nl 3,20 V v. Returning: Leave -V--ie IV- al ",00 A XI, 12.00 Noon 5.('H and S.IKI I' 1, Vhiladt Iphia al 5.11 A M. and ".'') V M ; way passenger train loaves Philadelphia at 7.!'0 a M. returning from Heading at vl0 r M. stopping at all rlalious: Folfsi-ii'f at 8.1'j .1 51 and J. lj 1' XI ; .tf.'.jn 0,0n and ll.tlO A XI. nnd 1,05 1' M : T'lBitf''M at :,4.i A. XI, auJ 1,00 anJ vj Leave rutleri'le for Tljrritlurj, v la Sehinl. kill and ISiifiuiantia 2Ui'. A'-W, at 7 Wt a. ji. Rtadiuq Accommodation Train: Leaves Head ing at 7 80 A. M., relumii'S from VLiludd liia al 5 oo I XI. Fottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves I'nllHlown at ',-o ltturniiig leaved t'LiUUell'liia at G.3a p. m. JWwmiiii Kr. '.'-oail Trains leave Rtatliny nt 7 Utf A M and C lil Al for J'j.l.rata, L.UU J,tincar, Ct,luiit. &C. On Sundays: Leave Vr-Vri nt 8 fO T. !., Vhih"lrlilra 8 a. in " 151. XI., the 8 W) a M (ruin running uly n Heading; Yvlltrillt S 00 A X!., liiirrislmrij 'i ."" A. M., and I!f.i- my at 1 JO an,I ,-U . .1, K.r Jlartuiiirg, L'O . n., f..r lluniih- and 11 '22 A. XI.. for etc-1 ui k, and i 25 p ni. f.ir rbibub lpbia. Cummu.'ntii'i. M.h't.l'. Siaox, School and I'icuriU a Ticket to aud l'roia all puiuts, at re duced Kates. Laagaijc checked through : 80 pounds al lowed each l'astenger. J. A. MCOI.I.S, icnrral Fttya inlatucut. Rr.AMXG, Ta. Nov -7, 'Go-lf. is 06 isgc: I'hi'iwU'liiiiir and Eric Rail Road ri'MHStiivMt Liiietravert-s the Norlhcin and X Norlbwent. 'outuics of l'eniiy Ivauia to the cilv of Erie, on Lake Erie. it has been leised and is operated by the Fksxstlvaxia Rail IIoau Cojii a v. time OF rAsKSiEB TRixs at llAnnisufBC. j LEAVE EASTWEltD. Eric XlailTmin Erie Exiiress Train Llniira Express Train LEAVE WESTWARD. Krie XIail Traiu Eric Express Train SAi a. i a. m l.Jj i'. M. a. m. v. m. j,. ; r. m. Flreira Express Train l'asenger cars ru l tlirongli on the Eric Xlailund i.xpreas 1 rains without change both x::ys between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW UKK CONNECTION' Leave New York at 9,ZS a. it., arrive at Eric at C? a. si. Leave New Y ork nt 5,00 r m: anivc at Erie 7,i 3 r ?i. Leave Erie at ,cj r. M., arrive at New Y'ork A r. v.. Leave Eric at 10,25 aw; arrive at New Y'ork ' 10.10 a M. 10 CHANGE OF ' Af!S RET WEEN ERIE & NEW YOKK. Elegant sleeping cars on all night trains. For hifornm ion respecting passenger busi ness r.pp'y nt tbe corner of mOiIi aud Xlarket etrcets, Philadelphia. Ar.d for freight business of the Company's ngc.nl ? : sj. ii. Kingston, Jr.. corner of I'lih and Jiarket sliefts, l'hilaue'phia. .1. W. lleynolds, Erie. Wm. Drown, Agent, N. C. R. R., Raltimorc: 11. II. llnl STON, General Frcisl.t A get I, Pbiladel hia. II. W. OW1NNKK, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. A. L. TYLl.lt, General furcrintenjeiit, ViilliauiFport. Feb li. 'titi-tf. Hnntirgdon & S ad Top Sail Ecad. o N and after May l.tli, 18 i7. t'tisseti'tir trains will run as tallows .- LEAVE SOlTIirABII. Express. Mail. A. Jl. P.. M. Huntingdun 7.4."i o.OO Saxton 9.:;0 7.S:5 llloody I'.iin 10.63 8.53 Xlouut Dallas lO.o'.l 8.57 LEAVE SOilTUU l:H. Mail Express, r. m. i.;;o 1.34) 2.55 ! 4.4i , A. M. 0.1 1 f.14 7.::.) i'.io Mount Dallas llloody Run r-axiim Huntingdon. lb stance rroni .Mount liallas to i.cufiml six miles. A reliable line of II -.cks connect at Nt. Dallas for Bedford an I Red ord Springs. JOHN XI. KI LI. IPS, may 22, 18G7-tf Superinten l. r.t. p.KNSYLVAMA RAILltOA i). ON AND I. after Xlonday, April 20, lf-olj, Passenger Trains v. ill leave MilHin Station as follows : EASTWARD. r-Liiadelphia Express.. 12,41 F. XI J-ast Line Cineiuiiati Exj.rcss Iay Es press AVay l'a.s.seri"cr C.24.A.M. 7,03, 1'. M. .11.31, A.M. ..10.48 1'. M. Local Acconmi. ar. 0,00 le. 3,35, 1 Jl. WESTWARD. Cincinnati & Eric Express 1,43, A. M. rLi!aJcl;liia Express... 5.1?, A. M. Fast Line 0.04, P. Jl. Mail Train .... 3,37, P. Jl. Erui-rrac! Train 10.20, A. XI. J A XI E 3 NiiUTH. Ag't . JE have on band a good quality of Hard W ware, cmprisine a full Assortment ot CARPESriUl lOOLS & HI.ACKS.V1TU TOOLS, uch lis Anvils, Hollows, 4c, Shoy maker Tooie. Saws, Axe, Angers, Iron, Steeb Nails, Horse Shoes, and Horse Shoe Nails by Ihe keg and pound. Ropes of all sizes from 2 inches down lo J inch by the pound. Buggy and Wagon Springs. Grind Stones, and (Jriud f tone pictures, tit EL'LOL'FF, FROW & PARKER'S. CARrETS! CARPETS ! I' A LARGE and good variety of ALL WOO!., U AH ani II EM I' CAJII'ZTS on Land and for sale cheap, at .SULOUFF. FROW A PARKER'S A LARGE stock cf Quccaswr.re. Celarwar? such as Tubs. Huttcr Kowle, Buckets ( Liim, Tisskets. llrre PucVis. A-c-, at. Sll'.'VFi-. FROW i PAUKELV GROVEU .V UAKKK'S Were awarued .Sluie I'airs of eniiutus al llic New Vork, Kenlucky, Vermont, Tenneee, New Jersey, Xlissouri, rennsylvuuia, Alabama, Oliio, Misii.-ij pi, Indiana, Virginiu, Michi'un. Noitli Carolina, ifcousiu, Calil'oi ilia, Ion a, Oregon, At tbe Fairs of tbo Aineriean ln&li:uie, Franklin Insiiinte, Xlass. Mcelianics' Afsoeialion, J'enu'.'i Meclianica' Inslituio, .St. Loui! Ariculnual and Xleelianies' Association, And nt iiiiineroiiK lnstiiiiies and (Nmnty Ka':r. including all the r'aira at which they irereexhihite l ilie past luise yeai's. First prizes have also teeu awarded these Xlacl.inos nt the exhibitions of Lomlon, Talis. Dub lin, Liuz. Hesanc.in, Iinyoiine, St. 1'izn-r. Chalons, ami ihev h:ive tieen furcislied. by special roiumand. to the LutprcfS vj rrnncr, Lmprr&s of Austria, J'liijircss t,f Jiusnia, Kmjtriss J!a-i, (Jiici it tif (Sy, and Queen -f JJavaria. T!ic fiUOVKK & UAKEIt Elastic Stitcli Sewing Macliiues are superior to ui! others fur the loihiwiug reasons: 1. They sew with two Jbreads direct from the sp mm, and require iio"Te indicg. They are more easily understood and iM-1, ami k.-s liable tu derangement thunotli cr mucliint'S. X. They arc capable of execul ing perfectly, without ciiange of a. jiistnieul, a much greai- cr variety of work than other machines. 4. The stitch undo by these machines is much more firm, clastic, and durable, especi ally upon articles which require to be washed and iroiK-'J. than any oiber stiich- A. Ibis siiich. owing to tbe manner in which the i nder thread is inwrought, is much the uio.-t pliiiiiTaud beautiful in uv, Hiid re- lams Mils p.uiiipnc-s ami i.cauty even upon articles fieo:ieii:ly Wa.,hed and ironed until they are worn out ti. The slriictttre of the seam is sr.cli that. though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches, it wilt i.either open, run, nor ravel, but remains firm and durable. 7. Cnlike other machines, thee fa!en bath ends of the seam by their own operation K With these machines, while silk is ui-ed upon the right or face side of the seam. cot. toil may be used upon the other side without lessening the airrngih or durability of the . Pctiin. This can be done on no other machine, land is a great saving npm all articles stitch- ed or mauc up with silk. I !i. These machines, in a 1 iition to their su i pcrior uieriis as instruments lor sewing, by a j change of adjustment, easily b-ameil and practised, execute the niot beaiitit'uland per- Uiaucut ciutironlery ami oi namciital work. il:o Lit & II A K EH S. M. CO . itlti ( heslmil Jsireet. l'bilade!ibia. Machines delivered at the residence of any one purchasing in litiier of the boroughs. Threads, Oil-, Needles, and every other ni tic'.c appertaining lo the working of Ihe ma chine on hahd and for pale by .1. II. XI. Todd. The above f-'civing Machines arc lor sale by J. 11. XI. TuIiU. Peterson, l'a. 8. l;. LOI DON, .Millliutown. T.i. niny 1", lf.;7-tf. good xi-: wa T 1J. M. T(i'! has iust received a fresh arrival of New f. is .roni the Cilv. al greatly red::-! rates v.bieh he is telling ut ihe I'Lllowinc prices: American Prints from... Others , Ginghams De L-iin" La-lies ii-es tioods I'-iown M uslins Blenched " Ticking Cotlonudcs . Ladies Gaiters from..... Kito ISc lo, 1: 15 lo 10. 20 to 2'io. 22 to 2t-'o. - 2.1 lo fVic - 12, 15 lo 2:1c. ... 10, 12. !." :;ic. 20. 25 to :Se 20. 25 to 4'lo i-l.io, $2,W, fcJUH) also a lire assortment of Xlisscs Gaiiers. Best I.ovtring Syrup . iile. ijt. Good ?yrup -20 to 23e itt. Brown Suar 1 1, 1 ic. White " 3ibs. 5-lcls. Best RioCoffw o lets. lb. Oal Oil. (best) 15cls. (jt., or 55cls. gal. A!:a a f.ac lut Cassimercs, Casinels nnd a pood assortment of t'-C latest styles of Men and Hoys' I!. .Is, cheap a large ass jrtr.:e::t of Notions Ladies new styles of Gloves aud Bugle Trimmings The following prices paid for Butter k Eggs: Butter 25cls., Eggs 20cts. doz., Potatoes ho to MOcts. bush. A full supply of Xlacksrland Herring on hand. april 21, t-7-tf. AT 'JkOMPSOM'S SiOCK. rpHE undersigned would respectfully nn X nouncc that he has just received from the East, a large assortment of GZGCi'FJZS, FZ3IT. SjlLT, COJIL, which he offers at Ihe lowest market prices Givetne s sail. KATUAN KEELY'. npr. 17, it:07-tf. T Joots and Shoes. The undcreign- ed, having purchased from Wir lliO highest jr E. Bowers his p.oot aud Shoemaker Shop on the corner of .Main nn-l Bri-lge streets, is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a oall with I!oois, SnoF. s, Gaiters, Ladies' Fine Shoes, Children's Shoes, ic., at uiaderale prices. A" work vfarrantrd. 2. B. i'ASIC. XliCiiitcwn, Ap:!; Z, '07-ly. I:U AM) Universal Cldhrs AV. The best and most popular X!atiiii:e ever invented. All Washers warranted lo give satisfaction. If not as represented, the rar-her will be ta ken back and the money relumled. In otic-ring the Wnslmr we present you the (olio ii'lt nlicruni ives : 1. Kiliier to mako a woman work all Jay at the h'lidest drudgery, hinjerr.Ui lo health nnd life, litty-iwo days in a year or buy Machine lor liei, wiih v.Liili he can lo ih fame work in two hours and ot be tireda Cvnmlt Ihnllh. 2. Kilher buy foods to be rn lbcd to fi-a-lnents on the vvash-bnnrd, or buy a Machine thut will clcuiiso without injuring Karmcuts, n n i so pay lor itseil Ilireo times a year - Cumuli Kcuomy. Sold by ' j J. li. XI. TOI?. ; Taltetsmi. 1'a. DUTY'S CLOTHES Read what our neirlibors have tr My: GKNTS FURNISHING GOODS, 1'KNNSYLVA.MA H..I X. 1 f . or , fc , I ATTF.liao4, Jan. -f hi. ( . . , . ., t n r t . . i- n'i . .-c invite every one who wants anything in the .'.15. M. 1 iimi, l.sg This is to certify ' , . . ,. , ' " . ,i. . ,i ., , . ., ,,r , i ., I loiliirie line to !all and see our new stock. thai, tbe Doty s tlulhes Washer and Wringer, ". . i . ..i i.- ii , ii.i It is J.normous in Quantity! Magnificent in I purchased from you, will do all that is rec- ; " ,. , , .,, , ,, .V i ........ i i :r .i i- . . i- . ('ualiiy ! and will b sold at greatly reduced omcnacd if the direction tor washing is , 1 . J . fa J si i icily observed, especially lor heavy cloth- rr""c9'"r 'SI.')' ing one person cm wash as much in an hour; I'fjcCS l!lC SilIHC uS CcforC tllC VfilY. Willi e:ite as they would do in six hours by , , hand or common rubber. It is a great sivor; Henieniber tbe place, Crystal Palace Cloth of cloibes iln.A There o..iil...r f ic. , 'E Kuiporuiin, l!i I lge street, Mitllinlown. l'a. lion in wishing or strain in wringing. Hoys ortiirls of 12 to 14 years old can do the washing. F. XI. XIICKEV. XIr. J. Y.. XI. Torn fir: .Since I have puri-hased Doty's Clothes Washer and Wring er from you, wnsb-d iy is no more dreaded by ' niy wife ns my little girl 1 1 year" of ago can : do my washing of ;i persons, in from two to' three hours, which used to take my wile all1 day. 1 can cheerfully recoiuineud every per-! son lo go toj. 11. XI. Todd's, and get a Wash er and Wringer as I am confident Hint you' can save Hie price o the M'ichine in less thm one year in the savir.g of tbo of the wearing of clothes as they are wished with out rubbing. Yuuis c. jan. 30 ly. JOHN RALENTINE. ' E W V A Jl I L Y 'pilh suprior merits of the "Singer" Mj. J chines over all others, for cither family use or manufacturing purposes, are so well established and so generally admitted, that an c niiinertlion of their relative excellencies is no longer considered necessary. OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINES. which has been over two years in preparation, and which has been brought t ; perfection re-g.ir-lle-s of lime, labor or expenses, n.l is now confidently presented to the public as incoiii parably the best Sewing Machine in existence. The .Machine in iies:ion is simple, com pact, durable and beautiful. It is quiet, ligbi running, and capable of p?rforming a ran;-e and variety of ,.rk never before nitempte-l upon a single .Machine, using cither Silk, 1 iit.t. Linen or Cotton Thread, an-t sewing wiih ei'ial facility ihe very lin-st and cuarsci materials, and anything betwu si the iivo s ticmes, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Its atla.Vmonts for heininin-r, braid, ing, cording, l lebing, quilling, felling, trim, ming, binding , etc. are novel and practical and have been invented aud adjusted especi ally for this .Machine.; .Machines always kept rn band nt piy Tail oring Etahljshmciii, second rtory Siib-utt, Frow .t l'aikei's Slore. Bri-lge street, Miillin town, P.i., for ihe inspection of ihe public, ami for sale at the most reasonable prices. Machine Cotton, Needles, Thread, Oil, and evcry'.hiiig pertaining to this Machine constantly kept on hand for sale. WILLIAM WISE, Agent. XIIRlintown, Jau. Ill, 8"7-ly. " EARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! AT LOUDOX & .TACIv AT AX'S I CLOTHING EMPORIUM, J1IFFL1NTOWN, PA. (""HE undersigne-I have jii't received from . Philadeljdiia another supply of .: ii:jtj f.jrz c-jxsr:: azoXT:zjT.n For Men and Boys, which they are selling at panic prices. Also, a line a.-.ortnicnt of For men, women, boys, girls and infant?, at prici's which they defy con jelitiou. The best uii'i cheapest lot of jr n n - -? -t n r j - '' j- j' t--U-) In the c-umty, fornien ana bos. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Consisting of Linen Shirts, Ovrshirts, Un dershirts. Drawers, Collars. Cravats, Hand kerchiefs, Stockings, Suspenders, Gloves. e r.ThaiiLl-il lo the public f.-r Ihe libera! support they have heretofore extended to us, we are de'erinine-l to retain their suppuri by giving them good Goods at low prices. Very I!espce(!ul!v, nov 7, lS.;r,tf Lop Dux fi JACK MAN. Tif AMED I XI M E D Fa T EL vT- F i vcT" limT- dred .Men. to a,-t as salesmen for Cob. bin's Illustrated Domestic Bible, comprising upwards of 1,511! crown quarts pages; a Commentary of 17.i:'J0 notes from different Commentators: 7O0 Engravings. Family 'hotograph Department ; Extended Concor dance, Maps, Bible History, (hrolioiicical 'lables, etc., A book that always sells. Our average tales are 5i't copies per day. As a standard Bible for Families, Teachers. Ministers, and all lovers of the WOnl of God. it has no competitor. Fir particulars, ad dles! H. A. STREET, mar. 20-tf. Harrisburg, I'. ' ' ' A '.. I S T E R S V 1 1. L E T I N S 1 1 0 P. T h c u 11 1 L dcrsigncd has establisiicd himself in McAlislersville in the Tinning business. Peisics wanting anything in his lino Eho.tld call before purchasing elsewhere ns be is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Tin and Sheit Iron Ware, and In sell as low as they can be purchased elsewhere. His old cus tomers and the public gruer.-illy are respect fully invited to call, as he hopes by strict at. leiition tj business to deserve a s.hi.rc of pat ronage. oct, si, 'cotq Jacob g. winey. M Q T I OE! Ladies wishing to be supplied with nen and good shoes will find it to their advantage to call on H. D. WELLER, at his shop on XIain Street above Cherry, where they can be supplied with almost every style at moder ate prices. Gentlemen having repairing they wish durably nnd neatly executed will be promptly altended to by giving him a oall Ttrmt: CASH. II. D. WELLE ii Mifiiiutown, July 2Gth'C5. STATE CAPITOL HOTEL, near the tol Buildings, Capi liAiusBuna, va. j,Tcrois as moderate a::y Hutdio Ihe City. Wil. G.TUO.MTJN, Tic-riaor. i OUJi TO Lie Y TRIUMPHANT. OUR POLICY IS TO KEEP THE BO-L-AUGKST, KS.AND CHEAFEST Til( K or XfEN'S A."?D HOYS' FALL & WINTER Oiotliiiie,2 Hals Vail. its and Cnns, llools and fboes, 'nooks. Uses, Carpet Sucks. Hosiery, filoves. Hand kerchiefs, .Mnrts of all kinds. SULCIFF, FUOW & 1'AIIKEU. jan lfi, lSfi7-tf. t AT THE or SULOUFF, FK0W AN!) 1'AKKEK, IN TUB CRYSTAL PAI.AC K II I! I LIUMU, .M1FFI.INTOWN, I'A. 'jHIK UNrEItS!iiNI".D HAVING I'l'R L chased the stock of goo-Is formerly be longing to Suloiilf & Siainbaugh, and having H-l-ted lo it quite an assortment from the Phil adelphia market, are now r-a.ly to soplly the citizens of XlilHiutown and vicinity wiih any thing and everything that is usually kept in a country store, and a great many things that have never been kept before. We are deter mined to sell goods at a REDUCED IT. KT and make it an object .for the people to buy trom ns. A large stock of Dl.t GtiOD.-, con sitting of Ladies Dress Goods, such as FCENCH XI Kill NOES, SHEPHERD PLAID.1', (all wool, FANCY PLAIDS, fall wool) PLAIN WOOL DELAINES I-ltESS FLANNELS. THIN SACK FLANNELS, V. II I I E FLANNELS. ri.UE TWILLED ILANNELS, KEDKLANNELS, XIITLINS. PR AKK.IST SHAWLS Sc., kc. ( aabe ha I at SUI.OL'FF, FP.OW S PARKER S. MOURNING D.7ESS CCOD3: ISIuck SLuu ls. Veils, CoLirs, (lores, Cntintlcts. Second "oumiug liiiluiorat:'. llooils, Ac I'.verythiug desirable in tins line, aud n vi i y large stock, Al SiilouH, Trow .V Parker's. ( M'.EAT KEDtCTION IN THE PRICES iF 'J S A D D L K It Y from January lx. ISOli. ! JAMES II. SIMONS wci-l.l re-i-rel fnllv "ounce to his old customers ami the p,.Mie iv' P'rallv that he has a larje st .ck of If Ti SADDLES. HARNESS, COLLARS. 6' WHIPS and all other arlich s 11-uaI- !y kept in a SAIWI.EU SiIOl which he nill sell at the following reduced prices: Po st Silver Plated Harness i'U 00 eeoiid I est do do do do do :2 1 11 1 oil On 25 Oil 2:5 I'll 10 t-C 21 01 2- I.I! IS 11: 10 (1. 0 0' T.in.l do Coiuiuon P!acJ Second do Common Plain Best Spanish Saddles Second do do Common Quilted Seat do with Horn Common do without iiuru Wagon Saddles Five inch Breech-Bnnds & Side Leathers for two Horses Four inch do 40 (ti 5 01 Back-bauds 8 inches 3 20, C inches 2 4!l, 5 inches 1 75. Double set of Yankee !lames which includes bridles, haloes, collars, lii.c b:ii chains, c. Tair of Yankee Bridles Five-ring Halters 'J bree-ring do Check lilies -1-4 inch du do 1 iucu Blind Bridles Riding Bridles from $- 53, 0 0C t;ood Draft Collars Harness do Wagon Whips 2,00, 1,75, 1.50, 1,23 I!ug-;y do from 75 cents to Buit'iry Lines, flat 2,00, round ii ti 1 1 00 on on 25 2 11.: o 51 - .1 75 4 00 3 i: 2 00 2 0e 3 OU Plow Lines o-4 inch 1,00, 1 inch 1,13 1 1-4 inch 1.25. lie would also invite the public to examine his sirifk before p-irchasing elsewhere, as he IVels confident he can se'u cheaper than any 01l.tr establishment in the county. His motto i3 quick sales and small profits. Give him a call and save money. Pc3 R EPA! RING neatly executed and ali work warranted. JAXIES II. SIXIOXS, Bridge St., XlilH'uiown Pa. Oct. 11-If. - W JTt C. Ti 7-1 IN T 31 5 T .a a u -.aisi jj Patteuson, J liDitita County, l'a. The undersigned, haviug re-furni.ihcJ the above House, is how prepared lo furuish Ihe public, on the most reasonable terms, wiih Miah and Refreshment at nil Jlmirx. Farmers and others visiting town can procure meals at almost any price. Also, laign Stable a'.isohed for Ihe accommodation of travelers, attended by careful ostlers. ICE CREAM IN SEASON. A share of public patronage is solitited. may 15, lb07-tf.J W.M. ItEESE, Pro. Ficon a &mm. 'LOL'U and Grain, of ali kinds, purchased 14 .- - , v. .. b...un, j,uiUianiU at Xlarket rates, or received on itoraire I aud shipped at the usual fiieght rates. Hav- mg boais 01 ot;r own. wiih caretul eantians an-1 hands, we will ship freight of any kind to aud from Philadelphia or uuy point along the canal sulouit ,fhow t parei:k. RING'S fea en ay mm Tills ! the Ajiukosia that Eiaj nude. Tills the Care that lay In tbo Ajimiosia that Kicg isads- Thla I the Sf.m wh 3 was ball and gray. Who now lots raven locks, they say. lie used the Cure that lay la the AiLUUoalA that ltmj made. This la tha Xraidcn, handsome and Who married tlie man ence bald and gray, -A Who now haa raven locks, they say. lie uveil the AituuoalA that Itiu wado. This Is the rarson.wbn, by tbe way. Married the tnuiilca, bandsouie lu-X pay. To the mm onre bal-1 and (rrny, Lut whu now lias ravcu locks, they say, BecmiHC be nsed tbe Care that l.iy In the AuiuosiA that liiu jr luauc Thh Is tbe TteJI tbr.t rings away 1 o i.roi:se me jiei.pie sa-i aui a I lito thin fa-'t, which here do- 8 l.-.y fifiiH would not be b"l-l or prity, L ie the AubMosiA that i.iii'j made. L M.TliCES & CO, FaoPitiETQRs, PTnc:n3', Z.I'.. For saie by B. F. Kki-skk. april 21, ltSt;7-fiuiJ Xiilili.iton 11, Pa. the SPRING & SUMMER ARRIVAL' f'F CHOICE GOODS AT THE STOI OF The imjersigned would rrspectfolly invite ti e public lo call and examine his slock hef re pui chasing elsewhere. He has bong!. i:ii assnrinicnt at such pi ices Ihut he caiumt t e iiU'lersol-1 by any in the coiiiilry. Sj ccial at tei.ii. n pai.i to purchasing goo-iin Iheciiy pel or-leral llie sliorlest not:ce. Every cil-irl 111 be ma le by him to give sat isfactiou to loose who may favor him luiuuc!! i.t:;it:.s' iMtcss ceoas : Black an 1 Fancy Silks, Alorie Antique, Pure Uhilii, Biilbautes, Buml tizlat Is, Cashmens, Petdir.s, Berges Lawns, Greuailiiies, iJuoals, (:ingba:n La'.,';s, All WO-. I d i.aiocs. Alpacas, .c. A full assortment of White Dress G-.""s, XIus- !ins, P.rochu and nlhrr Shawls, Bonnets, It-.n-II-1 Satins, Biblions. Florrers, 'C. A!so, Col lars, Uu-kr.-dtcvcs, liuuiikercuiefs u great va cty. He has also lai in a large stock of Wool, Cotton and Bag Carpels, Oil Cloths, -Mattings ic, at the lowest prices. Country Pro-luce taken in exchange for goods, for which tbe higheit market prices will be paid by j. m. i;j;lfor:. COOl) XEWS! Sjiriii; nnd Summer Gvoih at prices In ! mil the limm. I- it A N' K, COOK, & Co., PATTERfON, Pa. Have just returned from the Eastern X'a.kets with it fresh supply of all kinds of Ladies' t'ress Goods, c oiiaiJtiug in pari of Pfi'A.Y.V. -VoV.lA, ALVAC- cas, j'j;:.xcn mi:i:lxos, Di-: la x:s. cixg'jiamS, I'RXTS. .((', .i (. Every d'.staiption of 1 cincsiic Dry Coo-ls-. such an Bl and Bleache-i M s'irs. ckin" Ch.'-ks, Cotton and L::icn 1 ub!e l-'iapcr, Crash. Nankeens, i'ril!in-'-, ic, Fancy and l'iain Cassiuieres, S.-itinett-i, Twee-Is, Kentucky Jenrs, I lain. els, Litiueiis. Ladies' Balineral Shuts. lioop Skirts, Tibet, Wool Knit an-1 French Shanl-, Gro ceries jf cvt-iy ileiciidtioii, Cheese, Fi Bacon, ic, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, fiiiecnsware. Cedar auu W iilow-wave, Hal .Iw.vre, Tob, icco. Segars, &c. Tbe largest stock in the county. lu connection with our other business, we h .v? a MAKKET CAR running to Philadel phia ami arriving in Fa.'lcrstjii, every Tiles lay on which vre ree-ive ea.-h week fresh supplies of new goods. The public can be supplied with all kindi cf Marketing, Fresh Fish, ic, either at the car on Tuesday, or at our Store during the week. may 8, ISOi. Xd mors Bald Heads! X more Grmi Lmhs OR. LEOrS' ECLLXTIUC 1IAIU KETiEWLR, Is proiiouueed by all who have used it tbe ' verv 1. est- prevara: 1011 jorioe una. .1 13 .-. positive cure lor Ba'duess. cra-iieates l'and- rutl anil liiimf.rs, stops ine uair i.oin 1 iinng out, and pcc-L'.y restores Gray Locks 10 their original hue and luxiirii-nee. li operates 011 the secretions and fills the "lands with new life aud coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will always be brought back by a lew applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It mikes the hair suit, p. ussy, nagrani. pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry. wiry and intractable locks become moist j pliant and disposed in regain in viy desired posilion. As :i Hair Dressing it has 110 equal ! iiiQ sales are enormous au-i 11 is ut.oeiui hi,, I nun. ' of both sexes. K0ld by Drui"'ists throitL'hout thu United' States. Address all oriieis to Z1EGLER & SMITH, mm Sole Proprietor, n," N-r.h ThLu' Street, Philadelphia. U0V. li, C'j-J, A '"ori.;N cii:z:::.;sLyr.wa M.iTr J- r.u-l SatM.p-ry .s:,.r, in i'ci 1 ysHl - fu. niatn co'tnty, I'u. ( l'- -l l"' .- Rn.i-iin-' j' 'i'uu un-loisigti .! iisl.s leave !.i iuCui th good , c -pie vt liiid ami uti.., f c...lU4 tha! ue lu: epend a Snc s:v-ek -.f .H.st-o: 11Vy B00I.S. etc.. ttil laving b-i. I.t r L. in ..1 :V very 1-nv wI.o!e,aV pri-.--, in I i:;....j..ti 1,., nd.i eg a mik.M per t-.-iit.i-e, ; e.-rain lie -i soil cheaper it- i.i i,y th- .-liu'iUahMcnt in lh.! souuty. l:.o f'.l'.,wi:. U a 1.. ; of XIag.,. z:nca nu i Periodical-., I-..-;,!. , itii picesai lachcd, any of which wtil lie fy.t by mail 10 any pluc uj-ou rcct;;t ii itio susuxed prie.-H. v ,7. : . Allelic Xlonihly. rvr llai rets XI i'.'j.me A.n-' i .aLk L slit's Gi.icttc of Fa.-hioiis.... 4t c! G-ilies Al.igizine ;;.-.c. Xlailarnc D niorot's Ladies Frict:-! 1 alious .Magazine 1 eieisnn Magazine T. An hers' Magnz'ne Waveily Magl?.ir""( iv.vklj j Harp.is P'.eloiin! (weekly) Frank Leslie's Pictorial. :ju.-lrl.l,! I bin ney C jraer Al ion. New Y'ork Ledger Nati ,nnl I'.dice ti izeite.........."..' Ne 1 York Clipper fnlnrday Night G'c.-.sous Literary Comr-anion Sum. ay mi ati:'- -'o 2iia. . l'-c. 10;. . It . . 1 c. J5e, . . . H e. It'c. 07c. l"c. -Or,c. l'!.-r; :i.. logical .loiu.ial -'C. .pr:c:i!;i:ralis:t 1 1. ... c. Lea liesan-l .'lui::ct s Nv,w 1 P. 'a-ik-'s S--p '-ter .,t-iich). 10c D'c -uaiiin g n-i0;e Letter V. nt. r ;",!ic. j F'ori.mc Teliers and Dream 1' --.-lis of i;!'5 r- nt kin. Is. (tachl ." U5c. 1 AN-) all kii.-is of 25c, Novels N. IS. Philadelphia Daily Pre pcrrocnth I 7.c, p;.ili4. !phi. Age, 75?. It;. (Mirer. OUo' Xi.tsic, .Magazines aua other bibuinrs attend -ed to. F- S. Bark number? of all Mararlnes an 1 JVp-rs f'Hiii:hLd at sh-;il 1:0 i e. 1 a:n lieier r.nine.l to soppty a great v. 1 r: : in li.is county l y furnishing il.e j e.-pie i:h vcaiiuj; mailer - . a rcao!iaole ::-'... I re:;ecifu"y solicit your p'rotis-'e. ; John m. 'i'iiuxirsox. i Per.-ysvillc, r.t:. 1, 1:0. t. '. . SIAli i.S.V;, i CHEAP CL0TiiiA'(; STORE. f k; a. Oar- Jt- liia.J jHaiii.tjt T TAVING ITKC.'I.'.SEi) rr.OXI MAN? t i l ach & Van Or::iertle Irro Clothin" Estal li.-hu.rnt. siu.a:, .; en the' comer oi Bn.ige and Water streets. .Mi.TIim.n, IVnn slv.,. ia, we w..ii! I resp-ctfullv irona tin. Pub.ic ih..t we have ji.st received a large and we!! s-le.-ted a-s-n it.nut cf riadv made Cloth ing, -i'-sigre I f.ir tlie l ull uuU i:iJ-r Trade lor I'iC." Such aj Over Cats. I'rcs- Coat 3, Business Cent?, C.on:i..,ii ',i;s. r.i-ik-'ns, Vesis. .'iats, B-.ais and ;'i:..es of cvary de-eriptiou, style and .MiuE'y, for male or female. ROYS' RMAr.'Y 3IAHE CLOTHING Al o. Cat pots. V. hite Shirts, Fancy Over Shirts, I'll ir r Shi.-ts. Uia .vers, il-.tiery,-Gh-ves. Linen ami Paper Colars, Ciav.us .-.nl Ties, Trunks, Uiu-breil.-..-. Travelling Bags ic. A. so, thelites! styles ol Ladies CluaLs, Cir eubirs ai. ! Furs. Per.-.. in. in v. ant of anything in onrlinewill save money by giving us a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as we are determined lo seii eb- iji f, ca-!u 0' i':'tt t ,i; c- -t te corner, Bridge and Water t':ie-.ts. D. W. IT.'.r.I.EY & Co. Oct. 4, V5. new STcr; 'pilr. GKE.Vi EST 1 ISCOVEi'.V OF Tlin -- AtiE, .-r lb-people t Ltu.w is, thai they C in buy their go,. U cheaper at Il.e new storo of V 111. L, --.ic p, ia .!u!i:n.cr.-.i. than at any oth:r c!o e in il i c.-ttvy. If ib.y do notbe licve it, j-h-a.e i.vun.iue his Ett of prices aud then they will. I :i"t- 32' to l?c. .Merit e 2-'c. Oingl -itus . 20 to 25c. D Laities 25 to .'H'c. Cott,ili:,,l 'S IS to 55c. Press i,i, 4", to ii-ic 1, 1, -wti Mti-iin 12J. lo 2lo. Beat bleached Muslin 1 I to 2"c. B, s! Syrup j .2'i ... r g al. S.c nl ;r,c ' 0,h-:,;,s ?!." ! ' " Sugar ilois.-e tO'" " I'l l Brown Sugar 12 to 15 lb. Best White " Ls BeM Rio Ccfl.-e M0 C" .1 Oil '.'te per gal. A hirue r. ';: (.:,:: ,;' Bo,,-s, Slices, aud j Kea ly u.ade Clothing always on hands, j Patterr.-n prices uiivys giv-n f-.r ail kinds of .Marketing. July 17. lS-,7. CM BA MILLS. The ' undersigned begs I Lave to i::!',, via his friends an-1 the J ublu that he is .-till in charge of the above iiamel popular mil!, where he is prepared to accom modate tbe citizens .f Xiilliin, Patterson imd vicinity, with tbe Choicest Bran-Is oT I h iir A large supply of Bran, Chop-Stu!i", nn-l Feed of ail kinds col.statitly on l and. As he runs a riiii vrag,,n every Tuesday and Fi iday lo XI:!:!in and Pi.ttiTMin, custemers ran be pui-e-Uir.'.ly : uiq !iea at their doors. By strict e t lentioT to business he hopes to reeeive a lib eral share of public p:ttronri?e. Terms Cash. Joay 9,'iii;-tf SOLOMON KAUI'F.MAN. Ej'if" P' rsons can l e stipplir-1 wi'h Ci-al, ria.stcr, Sail ic, at the lowest t rice, bv our agottt at Thotiipsor.town, EI.I1IU BENNt'K, who is also nulhorized to purchase Grain and give the highest market Prices. lO- Mr. CI.INE is, also, our authorized agent at Perrysville to purchase Grain and sell Coal, n.isler and Salt for us. C:tc ns a oil and ycu canu..t fuil lo he pleased. Bi Highest prices paid for Country Pro duce, and taken in exchange for good. SULOITF, FROW, PARKER. October, If-1,5. VITLT. assortment of Ceiitleniau 3 Goods, consist iug of Clufi, (Jasshncrcs, tiaf'iiiftts. Over Co'iliiKfs, J 'vs fains C m he had at SULOUFF, FEO.V & PAR K FR S. SILVER'S WASH l' V lKR. Sav s time labor, in.iioy. Ma!.. wa -bioga pastiuie an I Monday a I' stiva'.. Sold every where. Try it. Ad iiess ail order-. t- ihe XLiuuf o-iorcs .IKCI.MR ."c SVii MI. CHEMISTS W ill)!. I SXf.E Mi ' '- '.rSSl LIT ..,-lh Thhd t. n.i'j,: ',..';':!. Il.T 11, liCi-lv.