Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, August 28, 1867, Image 3

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    gnnhtta fntiutl.
WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 2H, : 807.
-YMMOOVXrt.'' '
fen Sale Cheap A Life Seliolar
fhip in J. C. MumforJ's IJusincss anJ
Telegraph College at Philadelphia. A
"fine chance for a young man that wishes
to prepare himself for business. Inquire
at the Sentinel Office.
S. G. McLaughlin, has removed his
Pental Office to the room formerly occu
pied by T. R. McCkllan as a jewelry
store, on Main street, Miflliutown.
Ovnsci to tha fact thai a hands have
received a pressing iueltation to attend
Court in Dauphin county, this week, we
are compeled to issue our paper on Mon
day. Ax extra session of the Juuiata county
Teachers Association will he held in MifT
lintowo, on Saturday', September 3rd, at
10 o'clock A. M. A' full attendance of
teachers is desirable.
W. A. Hkjei.ow & (Vs. celebrated
boot? are kept for sale by LounoN &
Jackman. They are dtxidalli the bctt
boots we have ever seen. We would ad
vise all in need of boots to call at Lou
don & Jackmau's and see them. They
are warranted.
A Dux. Persons indebted to us for
subscription, job work or advertising
would confer a favor by settling up on
court week. Wc have a large amount of
money in ttnali Mir,.s, scattered all over
the county and we hope our friends will
endeavor to ptiy up as we are sadly in
need of money. Don't forget it on court
RiiF.sTr.n V m-iii by the name of
Jhu Uivmoud wu arre.-ted at MeAlis
trrville one day last week by the Chief
of I'uliee of llarrishur. The charge
against in til was for desei tion and failure
to support his family. He was (atcn to
llarrisbnr, whiie he entered bail in the
fain of four hundred djllars for the main
tcnaucc of his family aid wa discharged.
Avil)KNT. On Tuesday ol last week,
while .Miss Alice IVwces, of Patterson,
was in the aet of reaching some goods
from a fiij;h shelf, for oue of her custom
ers, the stool on which she was standing
cauie apart, throwing her to the floor and
onto one of the rounds with great force.
The round entered her side making a tlan
gerous and pair.iul ii-ci.Mi n some three or
four inches deep. The young lady is re
covering slowly.
' One day Ia't week a son of Mr. Sam
uel Strayer, of Patterson borough, aged
about three years, in company with sev
eral other boys, while playing al'.mg the
river shore where the water is deep, fell
in, and had it not been for the timely as
fisance of one of the older boys, would
have drowned. Parents cannot be too
careful to keep their children away from
the constant dangers in that borough the
river and the railroad.
JJase Ball. The Pennsylvania .isc
Pall Convention meets at Ilarrisburg on
Wednesday, the 10th of October. I e!c-'
gates on the IYnn Uauia liaiiroad will
, flic . , i
T V"'' "L' rCtUrBCd ,rCC' STEVENSON, of WiiHamsport, and Mrs. SU
Lach Club Is entitled to two Delegates. SAN KLOSS, Perrysville Juniatacountv, Pa
Clubs are particular requested to notify With the a'.ove notice we received a gre.-n-the
Secretary, D. J). Domer at llarrisburjr, back, for which kind lemeiubrance of the
as early as potable of their intention to
oeod Delegates, so that a sullieieut uuui
ber ol "return tickets" may be procured.
Base Hall A match game of 15ase
Hall for the Champion Bat of Juniata
and Mifflin counties was played on Satur
day last between the Mechanic B. B. C.
of Patterson, and the .Social B. B. C. of
Mifiltntown, on the grounds of the latter,
which resulted in a victory for the Me
chanics, though very ably contested by
he Socials. Owing to the weather hav
ing been so bad for the past week, the
Socials did not have a chance to get the
ground in good playing condition, there
being several places that needed filling
up, and the grass should have been cut
by all means, it being so high the players
eoold scarcely run through it without fall
ing. AVc hope to see the ground in much
better condition when the next match
game is played. The following is the
ecorc made by each Club :
North, c,
Caum. p
Mci'&tiua, s. s. ...
i. n.j raeiAL.
1 i;W. Wise. c...
3 TITrt.p
o o J. W isc, s. s..
2 C
5 1
t; i
l.offuian, 1st b...
4 4'Shamn. 1st b
6 j
Johnston. 2d b... 3
lirown, 3d b 4
Cramcr; r. f.. t
Ilcacock, c. f 1
llollobaugh, 1. f 2
'jllawk, I'd b.
i ..
C Parkcr. 3d b 1
7 1. (J. Kreidei 1. f 1
S ijildcbrnid, c. f. V
S Fasick, r. f,. 3
6 ;
27 4.1;
fSNiXdS 1 2 3 4 5 7 X
2 3
Mechanics 10
Focial 0
7 1 h 11
5 M 2 0
l"iupi-c J. Ii. yhumaker. Tu-.-ar.ira b BX. J
Sewer K. H-nderson, Mech'c It! It i' i
1' W. I!. Kreidr Sjcial B. P. f. '
Everybody cliourd read the new ad-
vcrtii-cnieuts in this weeks paper.
Atiention is called to the advertisement
"f thc Glcat National Telegraphic and
Commercial Institute ol I'niiadcipiua.
J. Isaccs. Oculist and Aurist, 519 Pine
street, Philadelphia, has removed to 80f)
Arch btrect, Philadeljihia. Read adver
tisement. Coming Back from the West. The
Hanover Sjnrtator of yesterday says:
Last week we witnessed the return of a
uuuiLerniore of those misguided individ
uals who left this section a short time
since for the West t-that wonderful El
Dorado of the emigrant. They state that
they are the adrauee jruard of a numer
ous party who will shortly return here
from that tar distant section. If things
continue at this rate, the "Western fever"
will shortly Lo played out in this latitude.
The Phrenological Journal for Sep
tember contains Portraits and Character
of Hon. R. D. Connolly, Rer. Newman
Hall, Rev. Thomas Uinney, distinguished
Orators and Authors; Mrs. Husband and
Mrs. Huge, Sanitary Heronius ; Studies in
Physiognomy; For Gentlemen to Read,
by Mrs. G.-W. Wyllys; True and False
Marriages; Memory; Consciousness, its
True Funetious ; Our Religion; Gratia
cions of Intellect; The Races of Man,
their Origiu ; Queen Elizabeth ; A New
Steamer, Spirit of the Age ; Central Park,
and the New Roulevard illustrated. An
interesting nuu.beriO cents, or $; a year.
3. R. Wells, Editor, Rroauvvay, New
Patent SrciNU Muf. liwcry house-!
keeper in the county should havp one.
h is the lightest, most convenient and dur -
able scrubber we have ever s.en. It is
constructed of a single handle with a spring
at tlie end WblCli liolds a ttnp ot gum or
elastic belting. When rubbed over the
3oor it takes oil all the dirt, grease, etc.,
and at the same time dries up the Water
The Mop eot one dollar and will last far
0 i r i i.
vcars Jlessrs. fccyoc and Meloy, of 1 at -
, . , ,
terson, have purenasc.i tnc rigl.t ot several
counties. We have ucd one of these
Mops and can recoaiiueud it to the public.
aug. 14 3t.
Ji.r. Collectors of County Taxes prior
to IStiT, are reijuired to settle their res
pective Duplicates ou or before Tuesday,
of the September Court suits wiil Le j
Lrniioht iniriif.ili:iti'lv after fho abovo d-ifp
.. ,
against all delinquent. Also the Collcc-
,... f ... 1. . . 11?- :U 1. - ..i.J t.
pay into the Treasury as much money as
possible at the September Court, as the
. .1 . , i
finances of :l,c county require prompt aud
sjteedy collections.
Dv order of Coram so ners.
aug. 14-ot
ORG.VSS. The undersigned has been tip- . be refundeu'. One or two boxes is sutlicieni
pointed Agent for the sale of the Amerir.ui ' to effect a permanent cure in four or six days,
Organ, manufactured by S.D.&II. W.Smi.h. . if the directions on tl.e boxes are followed:-
Boston, and is prepared to furnish persons i n ice one and (wo dollars per box, according
with Parlor or Church Organs as cheap asliosize. Sen. by Mail or Express to any part of
the, can be purchased fromthe mannfacfiiers. I ,he t'nited Slates o, Canada. Sold by Drug-
Also (he Mason & Hamlin Cabinet O.gan of I gists generally. A liberal discount made To
ditlercut style and cize. The Instrument ' the trade. Address D. S. Dunham & Co-
can be seen and heard by calling at his resi- . William-port, Pa., n.le Proprietors a nd Man
dence on Main street, Milllintown. ufaclurerj for the United States andCauada.
march 13 lfr,7 jf.
Marrie cl.
Un the loth instM in Hanover, York county.
I K !.. C .1 A' " PlL-tllit 'lV
v uituu'ci i ii ii i utr. .Mr. riccin.
printer we wish hi.-a and iis bonnie bride a
prosperous journey o'er the matrimonial sea.
and that they may ever enjoy that mutual
confidence, and charm unspeakable which
links in tender bands two loving hearts :
" the secret sympathy,
The silver link, the silken tie,
Which heart lo heart, an! mind to mind,
lu body and in soul can bind."'
Super, .I obi. $12 00 ; Butter, prime "h! lb K
Extra,.. ot' JLard, 12
Fancy,- 14 00 j Tallow 10
Rye, cwt. 3 00 jEggs, dox )8
Corn Meal, 1 75 FOUK,
WKAIN, lllogs. -H cwt 8 00
White wheat,... 2 10
Ham, lb 20
Sides & Shoulders 12
Red Wheal "ft bu 2 C'O
Puck heat
Clover, bus
SO jFore qr, "J? cwt 10 Op
ti '.llimi or 1 00
f'hikcrs, pr,ir CO
Turkeys, 1 20
COAL. ton
2 7- iTrevertou tove 0 00
2 25 I do Egg (i 00
80 Sunbury stove C 00
do Egg G 00
Chestnut, 5 00
Apples, bu 2 SO
5 00
Currents, .
4 00
4 oO
New Irish, j3 bu 7." Timolhv. 13 30
Street, 1 50 'Clover, 8 00
VARIETIES, I Retailed Articles.
Apples, V bu 1 50 iCoal Oil V zi 70
Unions 75 i.Salt, sack 2 75
Unite Bcns.. 2 00 .Ground Alum sail 3,00
'beeswax, lb
40 Piaster, j ton JO 00
vap. dry
Wool. v-nsl..l
10 Nails 7 00
10 jliar Iron 00
40 .Horse ihoes kcj SH 10
6 .'Spring slccl Lauds,
Rags, .........
" ' '
wel.lr by piilouir, Krcvf & T-i
pi 1 1 1 . A I) I L I II 1 A MARKETS.
l'liiLAnEi-ciin, August "0, Sli7.
Flour. Old stock, extra. $8.25&8,?5,
Northwest extra family 511,5012,25.
There is not much wheat cominjr forward,
and it is in Mcady demand; sales 1 .200
bushels pood nud prime new red at Si,o.)
t in -on 1 .. I 1 . ..1. ;., , r.fi ,1
frt,2,40 ; t00 bushels choice at 2..i0, ana
450 bushels Kentucky white at ,iU.
I!ye Sl,(i0(i;1.70 for new and old. Corn
1 . 1 ... - CI Ol,.
IS in goou request, t'ui kieauy, ut i ,--r
l,zo lor yellow, anu lor iuiicu.
Oats is dull at OSe.
Special Itoiitfs.
t :.!4I.iitivi:j!.
The advertiser, Laving been reatorcd to
health in a fewwevks by a very simple, rcui
cily. after having suflereil for several years
Willi a severe lung alTection, and that drci.l
niin o
difeage Cunsuniptiun is anxious to make
known to his fellyw-sufforcra the means ol
.,..., .,, ,
To all who desire it, lie will send a copy
of the rreeeriplim used (free of charg?,) laminyd ; ii.;ilh.:r ill Ih.-re lie any provisional ccr
v. .ui i'"" i v v ' tmcalcu rndors.d without a rc-cxaininalioii.
with the dircciions for ineparing ami Ufing
he same, which taey will finl a si re rnrnt
for Coxst'urrtox, Asthma, Bbonciiitis,
Coeoiis, Coi.t.s, and all Throat and Lung Af
fecti ns. The only object of the advertiser
in srnding the Pre-cniiiion is to benefit IhcjV citiioiis of Juniain ami ncighljoring coun
a!llictet and spread infnrniatinn which be ' lies that they lave commenced
concoives to be invaluable, am1 hopes every
pufTerer will try his remedy, as it will coat
them nothing, a'.d may prove a blessiug.
1'artica wishing the prescription, iukk, by
return mail, ill please address
AVilliainsburg, Kings co., N. Y.
may 15, ISCT-ly.
.- V,.n !..! rnh,rn;ni. tn l.r
country home, after a sojourn of a few months
in the City, was hardly recopnlicd by her
friends. In place of a coarse, mstie, flushed
face, she had , .oft ruby complexion of almost
' ' .
murblc siuoothucss, a nd inslead of twenty
three she really appeared but eighteen. I'p-
'on inquiry as to (because ofao great a change,
; l'ltt'"'y ,oM "'e,n ,lint Bhe ""c'1 ,ha ,r
, coo.-.oe.e.. ... .
valuable acquisition to any lady's toilet. By
its ue eiiv lu.lv or renlleman can improve
( tllt.:r appearance an hundred fold.-
It simple in its combination, as Nature
" "
' herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its eflfi
' ' drawing impurities from, also heal-
i i ,r i , l
I ,n n'S "' fymg the skin and
I complexion. 15 v its direct aet'ijn on the cuti-
' , . , ,..-. , .
i clc it draws from It all n;;pui Uiei, kindly
hcaU. le and ientil,2 ,Ue surf;ice M
Nature intended it should be. clear, soli,
m.ooili ami bcauiiful. 1'iice SI, seutby usail
or express, on receipt of an order by
W. L. ( LA UK & CO., Chemists,
Iso. 3 Yesl Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.
The only Attcrican Agents for the sale of
the same. Teh. iO, lS;7-!y
G R kat lliscnvKRT. One of the greales
A . and most useful discoveries in medical I
j science was ma lu bv tho celebrated Dr. .1.
j i)n,fts, f p, is chief Phypioian lo ihe Im-
i nnri.l Infirmit v e.i' LVti.ii... Iill Tl. ..
I who have been alllieled with the painful di-'
. CBW known m. tl.e rill., and effciii-iHj- ciir.-l
hy (he use of Du. J. dikas' Fhkm-ii PubI
Ivu.vr., cannot sreak loc (iighlv of (be bene-
fi cnnfrrred thfm ,"y he a,e pf .
I certain romcily. It bu never been known to
! f..:t :., ..r : . .
I V.'V'K t"rB
ens... in iius respect li surpasses all oilier !T A T"FT S rill FT
medicines of Ihe kind. It will do just whai."" 1 V nnli' I'lirt 1MI1 t'
it is rnrni.mnii.l.il fur- if n,.l !, ;il I 1 1 Il A L J j 1. 1 I11-J
dec. H-'lj'i.
A Substitute for Calomel. .
Those PJ! are compoaej of various roo., himnf
the pjirer to rc'm lbs eeavtioat of tLo liver as
prompMr nrl effrelnallr M h ue pill or ijieirur.-,
uid o-iij.uut prodneinr any of th"e d:iCTecab:e or
duniKTOiM eCeam which ottaa lollow the w th
Id h'.l l.liom dirordei? thow Pills mar be nrei a-Ilh
conll io.i. c. u ihe prouole ihe diichnrc of vltiaird
bl!o, Md reaiove tho oTtr;stio:i from the liT
end biliirr dac which ar.i tta caaM of tilloof
cnecticna in peacraJ,
Headache, nud ill dlrordcr;. ol Hie Liver, in-licctu-J br
ralloiv ikin, coaici tongue, eo?liveners, droxsine,
and a penerml f!ling ot weariness aad lasjitnde,
).oivinB tiia the llvci lilni tcrpid or ob-CructJ
la short, tl:ae PTj maj ba n-wj with adrnn
tso in all ra.es whsa a veriitivo or alicnaiva
laediclne is re-n'red.
f ew ok lor "Dr. Fcbenci's Mandnko Pills,"
and obe. rve t!:it tin two likenews o! the Hactor
ere on the Govern lacnt Kimp-one when in the last
stain ol Co-mup;ion, and tho other in his present
Bald bv all Pratts and dealeia. Trice 55 cents
per box. Principal Ollice, No. 15 North 6th Sire.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents: Petnas Barnes Co
SI Tark Kow. New York; 8. 8. lKnee, h BalU
nore bU Baltiaiore. Md. ; John t. Park, li. E.
cor. of Foorih and Walnut St.. Cincinnati, Ohio:
Welker t Tajlor, L14 and J: Waha-h Avenno.
Chicairo, 111. : Collins Proihem, scuthwcst co4ncr
I Second and Vine SU, St. Lou's. Mo.
i'i 6i i.h rr. ca. mo. 1 7T.
Jan 30, 181.7-1.
A Gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all i
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for
the sake of suffering humanity, send free t
all who need it, the recipe and directions fr
making the simple remedy by which lie was
cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the
advertiser's experience, ci)n do so by address
ing, in perfect conOdcuce.
may 10. 'C7 -ly 42 Cedar Street, N. Y.
Deafness, Blixuxess an; Catabbh,
I Tieated with ihe utmost success, by Dr.
t i , ie i c T
I isaaci., vri:uiiL nuu nurisi lormeri ui
den, Holland.) No. 803 Arch street, I'hilad .
Testimonials from the most reliable, sources
in ihe city and country can be seen at his
oPice. The medical faculty are iuvited to
accompany their patients, as he has po secrets
in his pravtuJO. Artificial eyes lnsefteu wh "
out pain. No charge mide f.-r es imitittion.
i nr.: iv
2lw advertisements:.
T,h.c "amlnatlons of teachers for the present, rear
w it lie held as follows :
i.rnvc r-f-tii.,.1 House.
rn, H;;'., Thnrsday, AuSnft 29, rattersoo.
Waikr township. Friciav, Antr. so. Mexico s ll.
! layette lnwiwhip. MuiiiiaY and Tnesrtav.Sei.lcMibcr
j , Bn1 , M.:AiiiwHviii..s:hooi ii.uh.;.
j -"a.iVi AAhwi ii'.II.Vb ay St'i,t,11,?r 11
, gunim-haima township, Thnr.day, Septemi
I Burners' Sellool llfillM.
mbcr 12,
,IIK,wl ,,.,,.. Fri,,nyi R(,,. I3, xcmS S.n.
lMuwarc tt. u nship, Suturiliiy Spt. 14, Tbompson-
ii-4-rifi)i lionet:.
TirW-nrom township, Tuesday, Sept. 17, Mct'u'.loch's
SflUMll limine.
Lrt' k luwnnliip, Wednepfisy. Sept. IS, T.trk'n S IT.
The exiimluutinTiH will cntiimtiirn tin nt iu illv at 9
! o'clock, A. M.. mid tetu'her arriving itmre lhr.ii ttf
uwu miiHit.-B jifler that hour will nut be admiUud
into tli. clftm.
Ait ap;lininip arc cxprctud to be well proTided
with writing n.iU.friul.
. Directum nr imperially reqnestcd to be present
(Hi tli(Jjty of exntitiiKition,
11ivrt wtil bv.ir in niiiul tli.it V. S. !Iisit"rv ami
Theory of 'JViicliini have been added : the n-u.il
I'1';"- "i n.-ca ai.niji i..r j-jaiiiiuau. n
I li. uilH'lihn1 lu It: I'Xlllilili.'.l in tl III.- lr:Ul':iu'6 rr-
; quirvd ly law. and no r-rtii!c;it wi'l be t:raiiU'U:t
( .,,,.. of I1(mrrt f uirw.t),.
Truernpl'i.vmml uf Ifavhcr wilhnnt a vatid ecr-
I tiflcale if a plain violation of the Common School
, rt i.,.n;.ifier no mrh i.mcIi.ti. will Iib nx-
All appli'.-antt art! reu,niri'd to b.' cxamiurd In the
djr.trift w here they .'xp.-rt to le cinplov.'rt.
ong S-lt. tiKO. W. LI.OV1), t'oiinty Snp't.
Mew Firm.
"1AVESV & CItAYBll.L would inform the
CA11I N li T M A K I N G ,
In nil lis various branches, in Mc.UistiM ville,
and are prepared to furnish anything in th rir
lint of business on the most reatonable terms.
Old furniture repaired and made as good ns
new. They also keep n good assortment of
l.'hnirs for sale. Lumber taken in exchange
or for which the higheft price will be paid.
: Having employed competent workmen, we en
deavor to give satisfaction, and nope to ro-
eeive a liberal share of public patronage.
! rndertnking especially attended to. Conuis
mn,ic 0 order on the shortest notice and most
; reasonkble terms.
july I!!, lfi.T-lhii.
v 1 he umlersipned oilers nl privaie
;aie sale his
farm siiiiate ill Fayette, township, within I mile
t .MeAlistcrsvilIo, eonlaining Ml Acres, nhout
.0 acres cleared and m i high state ..r eul.i-
The improvements are a rood Miotic Dwelling
, !nllk ,.,., Gri,, Mill will, three run
! of buri, and two over shot wheels, both new.
i locaied on a never-failing nt, earn of water
i. .iii ..,! .. . c
.so ,-ippie nnn i ear .reuaios; spiin in
water and Spring House convenient to house,
together w ill all necessary out-buildings.
Terms cash. If not sold at private sale will
be offered at public : sale .( o'clock on Sat-
Urdu v. September -Ist, If"). . on he pi onuses.
"j,,,; :n isCT -'n,. OKolT-.E SINCElt.
( t ( f
! I Wi ,VW
I'm; mm: shaved, nr and joint
ron bale nv
my S-Cm, .Milroj. Milllin Co., P.i.
T. J.
M o o h i:
rOO"nf 1-
! n .- -n r ----.
; S'-w-J-
nov 2S, 1800-1 y.
1 T 7., ZT, j : "
T"" nn -Hm:.- iheun
"ay.ng ri.rchasH Iron. W n
' w"S l.is l.oot and Sl.oe.naker Shop on
"'r nrnrr f Mn'" '" l"-idge streets.
lpared to accommodate all ho may favor
w a Ca W
i 11 O O T B, S II O E S, G A I T E It S,
Ladies' Fine Shoes. Children'.. Shoes, kc. at
' ma derate prices. All work warranted.
j E. D, FASIC.
i MifTiiilown, April S, '07-ly.
U 7 AN TED. SUMAC The undersigned
wishes to purchase pure Sumac in large
: or small quantities. Highest market prices
1 aid on delivery at sumac mill, Mechanics-
burg, Juuiati county, Pa.
Port Royal, Juniata Co., l.fc
angus' 15. 18'-0-'.f.
V. I).
31 I L L K li
NO. S22 .NOUT11 TI1IIID St.,
Sept. 12, IBOli-ly.
TTTE have one room devoted entirely to
Gei.ls Furnishing Goods and Heady
Made Clothijg, such as
Coats, Pauls, Vests,
Over Coa's, Bonis & Shoes,
Hats ft Caps, White Shirts
FUuuel Shirts, Undershirts, and
gTATES UNION IIOTEI, Puilauelphia.
This Hotel ia Jj'easantly situated on the
South eide of Market Siren, a few doors above
Sixth strtet, its central locality makes it par
ticubuly desirable to persons visiting the city
ou 'jusjuoss or Pleasure.
T. II. B. SANDERS. Tro'p
CATHAY SHEEP. Came to the rcsiienoe of
Ihe undersigned iu Delaware townshi)
Juniata county, on or about the last of April,
Hires ewes and one buck. The owner is re
quested to come forward, prove property and
take them away, otherwise they wiil jp dis
posed of as the law directs.
Aug 1 1, lRG7-3t,
rPEACHERS WASTED. Five teachers are
L wanted to take charge of Schools in Fer
managh township. Term six months. Salary
$30 and $30 per month. .-ipr'y on "J 01
examination August 10th.
By order of the Boanl.
Elias nonMNo, Scc'y. Aug. 7, lSt.7.
0000.00 IIkwabd will be paid in greenbacks
to any persgn who has used Dr. Duuran's
Pile Salve according to directions and has
not been cured. Address D S. Dunham &
-'- William.port, Pa
Water Street, Mffliiitoxn, Vn'.
A N E W E X T E Rl R I S E!
The undersigned having purchased from
Ckns. V. Wei I .el, that old and popular
Situate on Water street, MilHintown, would
respectfully inform the public that he purpo
ses currying on said busino:s at the same
'Old Stand,'' where everything in his line,
such as
Chairs, Settees, Tables, and other Housebald
Furniture, can bo procured ready-made, or
manufactured to order at the most reasonable
Having been long and extensively engaged
in the business, I feel certain thai 1 can ren
der complete su'i faction, both as to the qual
ity of my workmanship and the moderateness
of my charges.
P.iriicular attention paid to the IJe-paint-ing
and Innovation of Old Furniture. All
sorts of Lettering and
CT.rcSuMy attended to.
1 hope by strict attention to bitslaess and a
courtroufl deportment to my patrons to. ineiii
and receive a liberal share ot public jvatron
agfl. July 31-tf. LEVI r.ELLEtl.
an Order issued out of the Orphans' Court
of Juniata county, the undersigned, Executor
of John Stoneroad, dee'd., hue of Walker
township, Juniata county. Pa., will sell at
public sale, on the premises, in the above
named township, on Thursday, August -fill,
1S07, a tract of Land containing itl Acres,
more or less, bounded on the west by Egler i
Crifliih, on the north by John McMinn. on the
east bv JIcMinn .t Snook, ind on the south
by .McKi-.ight's Heirs ani WhLuv? Wilson, tnv
iug thereon creeled a Two-'tory Log House
and liarn. a Spring near the house, an Apple
Orchard and oiher fruit, with a sufficiency of
Timber Land for the use of the place.
Tun.MS. One-third of purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the bal
ance on the first cay of April, lSliH, with in
terest, secured by bvnd.
1'ersor.i wiih'ng to see the premises win
please call en the subscriber.
Jjt-Sale In commence :il 1 o'clock V. M.
july 31, X''.7-ls JOHN M.iMlS.V
SEW "(iooiTsat iotIwFs
TIIO has just returned from the City with
V a large assortment of
Hilliucry and Fancy Goods,
Consisting in parlof Ilonnetsand P.onnet Silks,
Flawers and Trimmini'S, Einborderies, Lace
Cioods, llandkcrcliiels. Dalmoral Skirts, Hoop
Skirls, (ilove.s, Uea.l Giuiis and Ornaments.
Notions and small wares, forming the best
assortment of
la the Count v.
She solicits a call from the public, being
coimueat that she can Miit ail.
nsav 1. I!v7-2ra.
TZESLEU, FOSTER & CO.. are now Z
x- prepared to furnish all kinds of It
t'lutiriii:!. Wftilher-boaritin;, Ponr and
ll'ii..iB- t ratlin, lilindu iisk.
Poors, Wrarkfts.
1...1..M .;..i i f.,, i...;i,i;.ict r
Having connected with our Mill J
(J Jitirl.ii ii lit tint Vvji Kiln,
by which wc can dry lumber in from
g two to Four days, u
(0 by super-heated sieam, without pressure
CL Customers may therefore rely oo get- r
I ling perfectly Seasoned Lumber in their r
7 Doors, yimlow Frames, Sash, &c, &c.
0.1 marph 13, lO.-Om.
L(i; c-?Trr-n RtvEnsiai.E Feed
J K W I N 1 31 A C II I N E.
V-.l r.,m;i., M,i.-h:uf in Ihr II nrli!. ITinl'rl
Vrani'.i:!' Cold Medal I.att Fair of the
AjttilllCAS IssTITl'TE,
New York.
FtonENCE Skuixo Machine Comtasy.
No. oj5 Broadway.
The machines can be seen at the residence
of the Agent. Miss E. C. Stambangh. Main
Street, MifU in, Pa- may 22, 07-tf.
rpilC uuJcrsigncd having entered into part
JL iier-hii ara prepared to lillall orders for
Tomlis'.ones. Monuments, Table Tops, or any
other an ieles in our tine of bu.-duess, on short
notice and the most reasonable lei ins. Dal
ian and the diu'erent qualities of American
Marble always on hand.
may 1, 1807-tf L. L. KENEPP.
1 I would respectfully inform the citizens
of Thompsontown and vicinity, that 1 have
opened a Tin and Sheet Iron establishment
and am prepared to accommodate th" public
with Tin and Sheet Ikon Wake, also, Stoves
at the lowest cash prices.
Koofing and Spouting promptly attended to.
All work ua.le cf ihe best material.
V, il. C. LOG AN,
feb. SJ-fini. Juniata county. Pa.
Q.-)""T?rr'AG ENTS WANTED $100,00
OV,UV Male and Femali?, to intro
duce our New Patent Star Shuttle Sewing Ma
chine. It is adapted for family use and Tail
oring. It makes a stitch alike on both sides.
Price only T'uty Dollats. Extraordinary
inducements to Agents. For full particulars,
address HU MONT & WILSON,
f.:w Arch Strepi, Phil'a. Ta.
June 19. 18G7-3m.
rpUE OLD STAND The undersigned takes
JL this method of informing farmers and
others in lined of anything in his line that he
still continues the Saddle and Harness Man
ufactory on Water street at the old stand for
merly occupied by William Kenny. Every
thing sohl at reduced prices. Repairing done
to order. Carriage and Buggy trimming neat
ly executed.
may 20,1807-tf. JOHN DIEIIL.
23G North Third Street, above Raca I
dpt. 12, lSGO ly.
Superior quality, either by single sack of
A quantity. We will furnish Merchant..
with salt at Philulelphia prices, with the ad
vauco of expenses of freight.
. New Stars ia ra'.lcrcn.
SAMUEL STRAYER, having purchawl of
..Levi Hecht, keeps in the new Brick Kuild-'
ing, Main Street, Taiterson. a large and ele
gant assortment, of Ilaady-Made Clotliing,
consisting in part of
Oeercoatu, Frolic Coafi,
Drets Cunt, Pantaloon,
Vests, Drmcers, Collur.
Underskirts, IJantllirrcliiefi,
V.oots'iSs Shoef,'
And everything nsu illy found in a first elasa
Gentleman's Furnisning Store.
Also a large and- carefully selected assort
mint of Fancy Goods, of all claspes, kind.s an.t
qualirjos, all of which will be sold at Ibe wv
est ppibl living prices.
Laities' 'Jailtrt and Shezs.
He also invites the r.'t'i 'v'tim of?the ladies
to iia fine stock ef GAITERS AND SHOES,
which he wiil sell at prices defying competi
He hason band a beautiful assortment of
Carpets, Oil Cloths,' &e , which are of a good
qua'.i'.y; and well worth the inspection of the
Cold and Sitrer Wotrhe,
Ear rings, l'lain and Fancy rir.ys.
Watch Keys, Ladies' and Gents'Breast Pins,
Gold Pens and Pencils, Sc., which at this tiina
form the largest and best assortment in Ihi
BfJUAll the above goods will be sold cheap'
cr than any other store in (he United States.
If you don't believe it, just g'r.e him a call
and be convinced of the truth of the aosertiou.
He has also a large Room ;:t. f rppositii
his Store where he offers li r sali ut loir
prices a general assortment of
Tables, Chairs. Sofas, I.canges, r.ed.tead.
Mattresses, Trunks, Carpels, Stan';s, Rack,
and many other articles fr boue furnishing
Patterson, npril 10, '01.
V 1 1, L I A M V I S 'A,
Thankful for past patronr.e, he begs lear
to inform the public that ho has opened oi:t
in his new quarters, a
riSTXGS, d V.,
Than ever was before brjulit to this town,
whioli he is prepatcd to make lo orlcr in tlio
l.A TLS1 AXD ilfiST IMVWO 'EI STl .t.',
And in a manner that will defy all competi
tion, lie also still manufactures to order, all
sorts of
On reasonable terins.
By strict attention to business, he hopes
receive as heretofore, a liberal share ..! pub
lic patronage Give him a call and inspect
his styles of cutting and workmanship h"(irt
going elsewhere. fell 20' U7-ly.
Cumberland Valley "Mutual Protection Com
pany, Dickinson twp., Cumberland coun
ty, Ta. Insures on ns gocl tfi;::s as anr
other reliable Company. Capital over ?7t!'l.O "s
Wj:. P. Mi lies, I't'Ci't
I farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
Office East .Main srr. e:. Yorli, Pa. Ac
cumulated capital over S0;O,imi().
H. KtiAtiEn. Prcs't.
Inriiranee Company of North Amrriea,
Philadelphia. Capital S-'V.OIO, fohle-t.
Stock Insurance Company in Ihe United
States) Incorporated iu 1701. .I'.l.Of O. '
losses paid in cfish. As-es.s January 1,
1 .St .7. Sl,7'iu,2'.7.2o.
AttTiirn f.. CiTtiii, l'rcs-l
Horse Thief Detectitig and Insurance Ciru
pany of York, Pa.
lViv::) STEirKLrn. Sec'y.
.loriN Mclaughlin, of port p.oyai, Ju-
niata county, Ta., is the .A gent of all of Ihe
above Companies. may 2!, 1807-tf.
Terxiblc AcciJeat in rattersos,
TWO XtS IS-'tTtn,
The firm of 11 il'.obauh & Roe bring di
soived. the subscriber la.es this metho I
of informing hi fi iends a:id the public gen
eraily that he has purchased the long Markey
Car fj;v;ierly owned by the firm, and tyi'tl con
tie.uc tc run i' to Vhtladelj hia. lcarir; l';it
terson every Tuesday nuirniii ;. and returning
from Philadelphia every Thitrsdny, wlien tlio
public can be supplie.i wilh all kin is of Fre.-h
marketing. Fi.-h, c. nt liTest market rate".
Tlie same ear will leave Patiersou f..r 11: II -ipsburg,
eviry Thursday eveaing ami return
to Pallerson evrry Saturday. Persons- rijl;
ing Lumber can have it purchased and deliv
ered in Patterson at the lowest market rates.
All kinds of nierehandi-c carried for .Mer
chants ftvn Philadelphia and delivered free
ef dtayage. J- A. I.UHIi.
June I'.i. 1SC7.
Oh JiiJye Komi Street, Vrrj-.trtT, Pa.
The undersigned has ju.t i. eeivel from
the Eastern Market the most a:irr.e:ivc sto:k
of Goods ever brought to Perry jv',!le.
Our stock consists cf Liir'ief pt?s (eo-!'.
latest " style. Calicoes, nt 1jv friues, bst
quality of Muslins, ice.,
Groceries, tjueenstrarc. Sail. Fi.-h, Sec.
Call and examine our Goods before pur
chasing elsewhere. Wctake great pleasure
in showing our goods believiirg (hem to iie
cheappr than can be bought elsewhere. The
highest cash peiee paid for all kiudj of Coun
try Prodme.
Iiemerabcr the place, Ridge I...,; I btreet.
rcrrvsville. JACOB- ENCI!-LMtYEK.
may 10, 1S17.
Good News for Mothers.
Mothers are you oppressed with anxiety
fot your little ones ? Are your slumbers an. I
hearts broken by their cries? Do you awakt
in the morning uureficshed and apprehensivo
If so, procure ;it Mice a b't:ie pi Dr. Lpqn's
Infant Remeiiy ,nd yon will have morif
weary hours oi watching aud anxRy.
Has stood the lesi of years. Taousands of
nurses and mothers bear witness that it nrver
fails to give relief if used in season. It is a
mild, yet sure and speedy cure for Colic,
Cramps and indy Pains, and is invaluable
for all complaints incident to te..t'i:iij.
Sold by Druggists tl-.roiijrlici' the United!
States. Address all orde.-s 10
Sole Proprietors.
17 North Third Strfet, rhilf.-ielphii;
nor. 11, 'C9-ly.