--f m" i tl I m njuan -pawn, WEDNESDAY MOUSING, Juae 2C, TOWNNU COUNTKV. :so7 Inn Sale Cheap A Life Scholar flnpinJ. L. JIuui torus isuswess ttua Telccrsph College ct Philadelphia. A , , . ,l . fine chance for a young man that wishes , . ... t .... . . nrAnifA liirr.i-o'l Itr IIU.-;inr.S5- lUUUirc : ? at the Slntinkl Office. No Pa nit. Owing to the fact that pi inters sometimes lite a little rccrcitton, and that all hands desire to celebrate the Fourth, there will he co paper LsueJ from this OSce ucst week. Cr.r.rr.r.ATiox. The Presbyterian Sun 1.iv S'.'lioiil if this tilace intend holding a celebration on Thursday next, the 27. h inst.. in Mr. Soldier's Grove a hort Uis - taucc ahovc this p!a.c. Jii EHi MBORINO towns are preparing to celebrate the cotuiug -Itu of July, ia va rious ways. No preparations, to our ; knowledge, l.avc yet been luudc by ou citizens, for a celebration. ORGANS. The undersigned has been up- i roinieJ Agent for the sale of t lie A im-i icun i.rgan. maW.c.ircd 1 y S. IK & II. W. Smith, lioptmi. mi ii prewired tnf.irui.xh i rsons with ',rlr or O.nrel. Organs as cheap as tbey can be purcbasd tronit'ie manufacturers. Also the ihou & llnmlin Cabinet Oip.-in or different Myle and the. The Instrument cjn he seen and heard hy calling at his rcsi- uenre en Main strict, M .'ilintown. march li, 1307 if. WILLIAM WISE. John IIo .t::, the prince of markrt-ear mcn.u now ruuuing the long M,rket Car, fotmeriy owned by the Pol ..r liul i l.itiaugh A Howe, regularly to l'hi'iatlel-1 J ihia aua ictun.s to Patterson everv Thur- o .y wun una .rcu ma. t;:V- W( jer our rcuivf 10 1:4.1 auvoi iisc-nn'iii in anutJ.cr cohnnn. llmve is a clever fellow atnl i der'.reing of liber:.! patronage. Mr. C. J. CuAMKLaLAI.v, of this bor ouph, has pnrcltad the new j rocess for tann'ng in Iluutiugdnii, l!a:r and Ja:;i la couutics. Tlie matter was tested in Mr. C's yard, and being a practical tan ner Liaise)!', is sati.-fied that the like of it was never before seen iu this or any i t her ccintry. Tanners wishing to purchase yard rights can have the procos toMed in their yards by notifying Mr. Chamberlaiu of the fact. Eclipse of Ji pitlr's Mooxs Ou the 21st uf August Lext a celestial phe Bomeoou will be witnessed, which hs only twice before fcecc recorded in lii.tory The planet Jupi'xr will n that day be eeen unaccompanied by her satellites for nearly two hours. Of her four nioous, three will be invisible ou account of their passing simultaneously over Jupiter's disc, and the fourth will be immersed iu the fchadow of the planet. lLir. Til. If any of our readers are prematurely gray ir ate troubled with failing of the hair, Uaodi-ulT or itching of the scalp, they have only to use P.i-jg's Vegetable Ambrosia, and thvir trouble will soou be over. The preparation is but only a re storer of pray hair, but oue of the most elegant hair dressings we have cvkt seen. Jt also by softening and invigorating the hair prevents premature baldness aud in many ca3es restores hair to bald heads. Ax auti-te:nperauee society has been formed ia Scrantta, to or puse the great reform wliieli the tjood 'J'etnjilars arc car- . rviii" on Vtiih so tntich suetes. aan finds that the mai Lct for Lis produce is (Icelinlng, and be L:is deiermiiied to kick ; in a row about it. IJe has therefore or- p a row auout it. ite has thcrclorc or- panized at ScrsLton, hoping lo establish branches all over the fc'tate. His nieiii-! . . . , , , , ., , I Lers bind themselves to do au tiicy cau to oj'pose the march of temperance. Thev will uot patronize a Good Templar; will j i:ot vo'.e lor liim ; will not Lire Lim to ' work for them : will have nothing to do with a man v,ko employs a Good Tetn j.lar ; and tLej intend persecuting them in divers other wav3 in order to secure ale for their aqua iafcrno. As they in tend votiug ia a solid Lody, it will not Le a hard matter to tell which ticket it will be. LticisLuiy Chrunkk. Dsr.aux3 o' Families. Hereto- 7. Jore w ives and children had but little rem-; dy against lmibaeds end fathers descrt in theai, bat by au act passed by the last winter's Legislature amjile provision has len made for such. The new law jtrjvidcb th-t if any Iitubaud or father t grates Liulf from Lis wife nnd ehil- ",h" ? yesteraay a agates. Ca.es -,, .. ,, :ol oOOOftr 0000 bush, yellow at ?l,01 in dten, or ctther. w.tnout r, asonabie cause, I store Mlfrtm thc CJXZ anil S1.0G tiHoat, or s.iaii ue.'kct to maintain his taimiy or ! incluJin-r some Western at 51,04. Oats any portion of it, r.pon information made-are held firmly ; 2000 bush, l'cnnsylva by his wife or children, or either ot them ! nia eo!d at 50c- or by any other person, said deserter, shall j " te held to an.-wer at com t. Vi'Lu ticd j and found guiltv, he il.aU be ordered by ln fhp Plllllf f(i r.HT Clloll fur.. ma tl. n.MU't ' ' 1 may think proper (not exceeding 100 j -uoulo i ioifii,c uiaiurcnacce oi ti:s : iaiui'.y, and until thc Older h couiplicd with or ba;i ''ii 1 i. n i , I... ! - ' , Jit. .iu.. Lt k;i n per mouth) tor, the uiaiurcnacce ot h:s : 1 f-nson I The sfnmliprrv cron is larCO till" 6C8- j - our wcll ,uppl;cd They arc selling at ten cetits per quart Mrs. Hanneman, in Patterson, lias ilie largest lot of Fans in the county. Plain and Faucy styles Ladies &o 0U1 guc (j)(,m - ; The Toor House firm was sold on the i ! I3ih inst . to Hon. Josenh l'omcroy and U. C. Gallahcr, for the sum of ten thou sand and fifty dollar?. Special atteution is directed to the advertisement of D. M. Lcbo. He sti'l continues to manufacture all kinds of Saddles, Harness, &c, and sells reasonable. V.'no Knows Him. 's have been informed that the iiamc ol the man who ltlrWJ lcs"c" Ac narrows two ; Wt,tKS 13 i"lS lu a ! " carious condition at the Patterson IIou.'C, ia this county, is William Carlos. It is supposed that he is from Schuylkill coun ty. Eicbarg-.s will please pass his name arouud Some of the fanners have commeucci to cut their grass, and during ihe present week the lisvuiakinu season will beirin iu . n-i i 1 w- ' Kss u very heavy and an abundant crop of hav will bo the result, I "J"he grain fields continue to look well Owing to the late heavy rains the wheat au J rve, whici is unusually rank, has I j lodged in many places. We have becu U.fu:n.cj ,Lat the weevil has made its ap- i'ajee in s0:ue parts of our county, hut j wc hoPc tllc rcPort 8 0s Safnri.ir t.VpnTn-? about ten o'clock as v; as Sam. 15ril"e was walking in front of the Couit lluuse jatd, he fell over some person Lying on the pavement, and think- ing it was some one who had way-laid him, old Sam. made a hasty retreat and gave the alarm. After a light had been proeurjd, it was discovered that a man who hail becu traveling fell over and was working in fiis. He was removed to Mr. Will's Hotel where he was properly cared lor by our Guardians of the Poor. On ihe ir.ih inst., by Kev. J. A. McOill, Mr. WILLIAM McKIIU'.EX to Miss MARY DUFF, both of Tuscarora township. On the 18th inst., by T.ev. M. Allison, Mr. THOMAS STONESCVPHEIt, of Lycoming county, and Miss JENNIE I'OULES, of Walk er towutliip, this county. jDied.. tin the loth inst., in Middlcburg, Snyder cuiitity, Mrs. SAItAU FUNK, aged marly 'ii vears ilIFFLIXT0tt2i & rATTEKSON MARKETS FLOUR. ! MAKKETIXfiS. Super, jl sM. $12 00 ' Itutter, prime 'tf lb 12 Extra,- 12 Ol' 'Duller, -urate 10 Kanoy 14 i Lard, 12 live, f cwt. 3 ') Tallow lo Buckwheat, 0 00 jE'S, ft doi 15 Corn Meal, 1 75 ! POKK. GUAIV, Jlogs. t cwt 8 Of) White whes.t.. 2 10 llrim, ' II. Vi P.cd Wheat "j) bu - IK) Sides Shoulders 12 Itvc 1 -ti ; il.tr, SO !Forc r, "J cwt tO 00 S5 lllind jr. 12 00 ill! ' POULT It V, ... 50 Chickens, pair CO Turkeys, 1 20 7 00 I COAL, 'fl ton 2 75 Tievcrton itove C 00 2 25 j do Egg (i 00 Darby,... Corn lluckwheat Oats SEEDS, Clover, I bus 7 Timothy. 2 Flax, 2 Hungarian DRIED FRUIT, A tides, V. bu 2 SO jSiiubury Move 6 00 do Egg 6 00 2 ot (Chestnut, 5 (Ml Pea. 8 Mixed 10 I W tKJ II, S 'Oak, 4 Hickory, HAV, 80 Timothy, . & 0(1 S T.- .. 3 ou . 4 00 . 4 50 20 00 reaches, " currents',.'.' Illackbsrries, ' po p TOES New Iriidi, bu ScpM . 1 20 iClover, 18 00 I Retailed Articles. 1 CO 'Coal Oil (Jgal 70 CO Salt, sack 2 75 S 00 (Jround Alum salt o.OO 45 Plat-tcr, "j! ton 10 o) 10 Nails 7 75 . 15 ! Bar Iron t 45 j Horse thoes kc" if 8 00 vilFTlES Apples, ) bu ,,mon!, - White llesns.... Beeswax, ' lli Soap. ,5ry Ct' wassicd.'.!. P.ags,.... 5 (Spr'iig steel f.n hands, rM weeKty ny su.oun, rrow w . arae. I'lllLAllKLIMHA MARKETS. Piiilam rniA, June 25, 38G7. Flour. Onlv 500(Vi.GOO Lhls. were disposed of at fcSfSHI "p Lbl. forsuper Gne; fyi.0,50 for extras; S3.75(W,11 tor Northwest extra family; ?lt'l2,50 lor l'cnnsylvauia and Ohio dj. do., aud at higher figures for fancy Lrands. Kye j Flour is very quiet and selling at ?G,75(i(j 200 Lbls. Brandy wiue Corn 31eal sola on secret terms WriEAT. The offerings of Wheat arc small, but the demaud is extremely lim ited. Falcs of 3CQ0 bush, at 2.35 bush, lor lair and choice red, includ ing 1500 bush. California on terms kept secret. Ilye commands 81,40. Corn is NEW UAKE11Y " """'trnl ' 'Un Uoir, ,n tut- Hofn'U r in-iltftC and itAnlpra liirnikriPil 1 wilh Dread, Pies and Cakes at short notice, r """"n "'er u uiso upenuu a eaiesruoui ''Hjntown, at A. T. Barnes' Cigar Store, j thus attorning the cuuens of both towns an! opportunitv of buvin? good and cheap Bread. he subscriber has also opened a fcalesrooin ; opportunity of liuviii? pood and cheap Bread. i .. i I.. ,-.r - i iPi.il r; t it i ni-ii . ...... ... .j .. .. . Special Notices. HANDRAKE PILLS. A SubstUtOe fur Calomel, Thow PUi. re compoMl of rnrtoiu molt, hTin th powr lo relax the -crc.;0.u or 10 nvor M prcmrlr n4 fiflccUmlly u hi p:n or i.mrrnrr uid wliliout prodiKlnit oar of tUora diiosromblc of to:i(rcro-4 cSocti which oltoo lollow the m.c ol ll.g laiicr. Ia at! bilious dlsorCcrv thaw Plllt may tc itFrd with conflitsnce. a.f they pi-omote Ute dlcliar ol vitiated bile, ouil rcniovo Ihoee otiftre-ttotii from iho liver and bUlnrv durU, which ara Iho ca.ue of Lilioiu atTectlonR la itenorat. BC'IIKNC'K'S MAN!UAKE PILLS euro SVk Ilra'larli', and all diKTcnolt!ie I.ivrr, indicated bf allow ituu, rca od tonrna, costiTcnon, drom'nwa, and a (raeral M'.nt el weariawa and laulluda, hm in Uiat U10 !tvi la la a torpid or obalrucUid ootid.tioit. In abort, Ciojo Pitta mar bo a.wd ivtth a1vaa tv In n eanna when a porcattvc or atkrulir medietas b roqiitrcd. rxvo auk tor "IT. rkticnck'a Mairake PiUa." and obKl-ve Ihxt Uia tv.o Utcucact ot Ua Doctor ar on t'-a Oovornuiout etan:p4ne i hen In the Ia4 tae ol Coniuuiptlon, and Ilia other la hla prewit bcilth. Bold br H Drnerl'ta n4 dei!er. rr'.c 35 emta per box. Prinr'pa! Office t.'o. 15 North (Jl Binul, Phliaietptiia. I'a. Iccera. Wholerate Agents: Domv Itaru Co SI Tari. Kovr. New York; 8. 8. Ilaiic". M Ikltl nioio St., I!alU uorr, Md. ; Joho l. Purk, . E. cw.ot Fourth and Y.'almit &.. ClncmDMl, Ohio; Wa ter L TarKir, 1T4 and JO Waijuh Arcnoo. CLtcaro, i:L : Collini Protbeni, aoiiihnTJt corner Eccoud aud Vjn Sta, 8t Loj. Mi. lU ta vf. ctfcO.lTT." Jan 30, 18G7-1. e-,v- V.inn.' T,adv returning to her country home, after a sojourn of a few months in tlie City, was IinrJty recogniwJ ly her frienJs. In jiUce of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of alnioit tnnrblo smoothness, and instead of twenty, three she really nppcared but'eightocn. Vp on itiijuiry as to thecausc of bo great a chanpe, ahe plninly told them that she used the "lr CaNNlaii Ilnlm, and considered it an in valuable acquisition to any lady's toilet. Py its use any lady or gentleman ccn improve their personal appearance an bundled fold. It it eimptc in its combination, ns Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its effi cacy in drawing imparities from, a'sj ti ll ing cleansing and beautifying (lie fkin and complexion, l'y its direct aetvin on tlie cuti cle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing the rfamc, and leaving Ihe surface as Nature intended it should be, cle:ir. si., smooth and beautiful. I'rice 1, sent by tu ti! or exprces, on receipt of an order by W. L. CLARK & CO.. Chemists, .No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, X. V. The only An-eiican Agents f'r the sale of the same- feb 20, lS'lT-iy CsTt I'll V?.IM;H .4!.-Xtia VIE W OF MA II It I A (i E THE fBEiPEM EOtlK EVER PI BLISIIED- Conttiliiinj iirar!if Three lluiulnd I'iKjes and 130 fine Plates and Eugrnvings of the Anatomy of ihe Human Organs in a state ( Health and Diseas, ith a Treales on Enrly Errors, its dejilorable Consequences upon the Mind and Doily, with the auihur's plan ol treatuitnt Iho only rational and f.iccoful mode of cure, lis shown liy ilia report of cases treated. A truthful adviser lo the married, and those contemplating marriage, who eatertain doubts of theer physical con dition. Sent Iree of postage, to any address on receipt of 25 cents in biamps nr postage cureucy, by adl'-cing DI!. LA ntOlX. Ko. ol MtiiiUn I.wf, A J'iiHiji -V. i' The author may be consulted upou any of the diseases upon which his book (rents, either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of ihe world jan. 2 ton TO .'.tB VTl V i:. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple rem edy, after having suffered for several years j with a severe lung affection, and that dreid disease Consumption is anxious o make. known to his fellow-Eufferers the means ot cure. To all who de.airc it, lu will send a copy of the prescript! in used (free of charp".) with Ihe directions for pieparing and using he same, which they will finl a si re et ui: for CossfMiTiox, Asthma, I'noscuiTis, Cordis, Coi.ns, and all Throat and Lung Af fections. The only object of the advertiser in sending Ihe l'rcscrip'ion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost (hero nothing, a-jd may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, feek, by return mail, will please address DEV. EDWARD A WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings co., N. V. may 15, 17-Iy. AGkkat Discovert. One of the greatest and most useful discoveries in medical science was made hy the celebrated Dr. J. Dumas, of Paris, Chief Physician to the Im perial Infirmity of France, in 18(11. Those who have bceu afUicted with the painful dis ease known as the Pills, and effectually cured by the use of Dr. J. Di'mas' Fkencu rue Salve, cannot speak too highly of the bene fits conferred upon thm by the use of the certain remedy. It has never been known to fail in effecting a permanent cure in a single case. In this respect it surpasses ail other medicines of the kind. It will do just what, it is recommended for; if not the money will be refundec". Oue or two boxes is sufficient lo effect a permaneut cure in four or six days, if the directions on the boxes are followed. Pi ice one and two dollars per box, according to siic. Sent by Mail or Express to any part of the United States oi Canada. Sold by Drug gists generally. A liberal discount made to ihe trade. Address 1). S. Dunham & Co W'illiamsport, Pa., sole Proprietors a nd Man ufacturera for the United Slates an lCauada. dec. 6-"6t. FREE TO EVERYCOOY. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the yonng of both sexes. It teaches how tie homely may become beau tifnl, the despised respected, and ihe forsaken Mvoil No young lady or gentleman should fail to senj tieir address .and receive a copy post- jjnu their auare .j b ,urn , ' J Aa' mail. ... n T 91 v v V !'. . i,-'.iihb ' A Krt mm ME FOE TUB M.DIlBBar. riialaa'a huloa'a Phataa'a Phalaa'a I'halaa'a " miM Blaoming Cercaa." "tNigat Claomins " " ".Mghl Blaaaaintt 'crraa. Nicht niaamiaf lsln IMoanaing- (trrcaa." A mo.i wqni.it.. delicate, and Fracrant rerfome. ItlZZZ:: b"""'fU' vhicU It tukM u oaiua. Mannfactnrcil onlj bjr PlIAf.OX k 0, lrr Vark. BEWAKE Or' COt'STF.RKrlTS. ASK FOR PHALOX'S TAKE NO OTHEK. J'-lj IS, 'U0-ly. i iCicoi:s or youth. A Ocutlenmn who suffered for years from making ihe simple remedy iy which he wns curcd. Sufferers wishing to profit bv the advjeriiser er'a experience, can do so by address- - , , ' : ing, iu perfect cotifldenee JOHN' U. OGliEN, may 15. 'C7 ly 42 Cedar Street, N. V. lHAisrss, Blindness ami Catarrh, Tieatcd with the utmost success, by Ilr. j. Isaacs, Oculist and Aorist (formerly of Ley- den. Holland. I No. fine street. Thilada. Testimonials rem the moft reliable, sources in the city nnd country can be eeen at his oilii'e. The medical faculty are invited to accompany Iheir patients, as he has no secrets in liis practice. Artificial eyes inserted with-! out pain. No charge nude for examination, j in-iy 8, J!H;7-!y. ! ".VXI.Ott Kkwakii will hft nnirl in crccnhacks .5 In nnv nprsnn trim ii-o.l tip Iliii.i.i's Pile Salve according to directions and has tint been cured Aittlress 1). P. lninliam .t Co. Wiiliaiusport, Pa. cc.i-W. .oil i in i ii i i " ,i! .e HSw --VlUr. HSCIlltUU. --. nrff I fj Q I I H? A Ct? f l3Wn!Wl- Oiimhcrlnnil Valley Mu'eal Prutcetion toin- j pany, Dickinson twp.. Cumberland coin - tv. I'a. Insures on as pood terms us tiny ler ii liable Company. Capital ivcr?;t.0'0 V.'.n. It. MfLi-LS, I'res t. r garners' '.lutiial Fire Insiiraneo Company, j Ol'.ioc East Main sireet. Vork, I'a. Ac cumulated capital over SliUM). H. Kbabkv rres't. Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Capital .tff ,'k Insurance Compani North Anu'rica, $500,0''), (oldest in i lie United '!. t?10.lOtl.l)Ot) ests J..auary I, ; Slates) Incorporated in 1' io-9 pa.'i in ea-n. .ia L- .7. 5I,7C3,2t;7.2ti. AuTitra C. Coitin, Tres't. Morsc iUiel ieteeiiii ana insurance v.0111- rv ,-i. i.. pany of York. Pa. David STKK LLrit. fVc'y. .loiiN Mclaughlin, of Port i: .yai. j.i- uiata eotintv. Pa., is th' Agent of all of the above t'omntnies. may 2'., lH".7--tf. iKVr GOODS at iKV TRIIKS AT MRS. F- HANXKM.VX'S IX r A T T K It S O N, THO has just returned from the City wilh t a large assortment of Killincry and Fancy Goods, nisl ;ng in par: of Dottuels and Don net Pi Iks, Mowers anil Trimmings, Ei:il ord: ries, Lace tin. ills, Handkerchiefs, ltalmoral Skirls, Hoop Skirts, ( I kves, Dea'l Gimps ami ii-iiaments. I Notions and small wares, forming the best ' assortment of fcl'ill-NG AND SL'M.MHK (100D3 ; la the County. ! She solicits a call from the public, being confident that she can suit all. j may 1, 18'J7-oiu. Dri locf Jnkio, dar cooms tier' "liinprr. THE undersigned is now running the Short Market Car (formeilv run bv lloi'.obauIi -t' K"we) 10 this place wilh every description j ot t rufli ri.-li ami Ma-.keiing. He leaves tor j Philadelphia on Monday and arrives in Pat-1 lemon on Wednesday. Goods hauled for itf-r- chants delivered at iheir stores free of dray- ! ne. If iintiblc to supply his customers and ' liaul the freight by making one trip per week, ! Ii will run Iwo trips per weer-, arriving in I Pallersoa on Saturday wilh the second load. Thaukful for past patronage he trusts to meril j a continuance of the same. I june!2, 18ti7-tf. J. E. HOLLOF.AUG IT. 'P 1 M i t 1 1.1 t X . w . .l r J x 1-4 WOOD WARD & CO ESTABLISHED 1822. nczjzcco, .-,-t- r. o-rj 3 S--3SG MARKET STT.EET, ' PHILADELPHIA1 nov 28, 18G6-1T. 100,000 WHITE PINE SHAVED, LAP AND JOINT P1IINGLLS. Also, BOARDS, OAK PLANK, PLASTERING LATHS, AND FICKETS. FOR SALE BY GRAFF &. TIIOMTSON, my 8-Cm. Milroy, MilUin Co., Pa. F. D. MILLER V.ITII LEWIS BREMER & SON'S, T OBAOCO TiY AEEUOUSE, NO. 322 NORTH THIRD St ., PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 12, ttioti-Iy. A FULL assortment of TRUNKS and TRAV--ii ELVING D.AGS. Also, A 07 JOA'S such as Hose, Gloves, Duck Gloves and Mits. (very bst quality, Kid Gloves for Indies and gents unfinished Kid, at SULOUFF. FEOW i TARKER S. STATE CAPITOL HOTEL, near the Capi lul Buildings, JJAlilSB URG, PA. BATerras as moderata anv Hotel in Ihe City. 'v.j, s THO.urv.', Prowetor. nervous i.-eoiuty, i reitature Decay, and all S'P ' .7'.", 'I. "'3 . Letters 1'atcnt dated November 7th, IUC'j. an 1 theeCTcCls of youthful indiscretion, will, for . UV,N , i"NTi "in ACKL3 , granted for seventeen years, and by said S, the sake of suffering humanity, send free to I e,1 , 1IlrT ! A. lliekel, E6,,., Ugtlly transferred to ibi, all who need it, the recipe and directions for ! GRIST AISD M ERCfLMT JllLTi fr t.'.is and tie other State and let 4 i i rilnripa Tiipntmnr.il. FARMS FOR SALE Tna undersigned offer at private sale the following ' Ileal Estate, located in Juniata1 county, fa., vi A tract of land located inDeale town - chip, said county. Seven Miles from the Penn ylvanin Kail ltoad, at TcrryBville Station, containing TWO 11UNCREI ACRES. One Hundred and Seventy of which is cleared anu unuer goou icnce, in) new tiuntnv u j Limestone Land, with BANK BARN tMXIOOi t i i r . . . . r ' feet, GOOD DWELLINfl HOUSE, Spring llousewincverra:;ing.VnK of Water. - A large wrcnaru or cuoicb variei.e, . j of Inrge nsi well as moderate means, as the kinds of Fruit. j (;ompany jg now prepared, after a succeaa- o. 2.-A tract of Land tn Spruce Hill f, t,.st of IIk.kel-s inipro-ej SV9tem of ,. township, same county, containing lo4 Acres , nh jn peverHi C0n,ie8 in this Ktate and ad of first quality Limestone Lin.l. with "f j joming States, to offer fur lale some terri ItANK ItARN. LOG DWELLING HOLSL 1 w8iliin (his g j,,., Texts, Or Sprmg Houe, and never-tailing Spring of ; egon, Utah, New Mexico and Nevada, in tha ' b No. 3.-A tract of Land adjoining No. 1, VAVl.ltllV HUM. j tliereon ercctcl, with illl.r.L l.t?l or ISLltn, "iislicil ntt v. ith all tlie mo-le-n improvements. V,i T , I I iP . I Y ,1" 'Ltl-SRank Barn. Spring lloue, W a.h Jlouse ami all necessary out-ljtiil.lings. ilns prrperty is as well located as any in the county four public ror.ds coming togeth.r at Ihe Mill and is not surpnssed by any for mereiiantne purpnfs as n. is i.a i-tc pusi ru.m I from East Watei.'ord to IVrrysvillc and will 1,8 ol,i 1,,w nn,,,.on ,er,l,s t0. ,8ult pnreltascrs. ! 1 er8.,,s w,s,n" "'lhr i ' J. ,0Te ' Properties can do itohy calling on W m. Okeson, naming uu .i. v. i. . . -o, .i....6 No. . May 29, 1807. OKESON & DOYLE. GEE AT BARGAINS is Spring & Summer (J o o d of CHOICE QUALITIES, and at GREAT f CHOICE QUALITIES, . KEIL'CT10X in prices at Mickey i Pe. ne'.i'S in Patterson. rpiF. undersigned having jmt returned j -a- from the l.ittern Markets mill a Iresli supply of all kinds of Ladies' Lr:ss Uouds, tc-' nrc "0W ra'ly ,0 "'PI''? lUe C1'i.zcns or" Patterson, mi l vicinity. w:th anything an 1 ' everything that is usually kept in a country !!i"':- e are deiermiued to sell goods at greaily reduced prices, and make it au object ,,r people to buy from us. a larpe ?toek of . 11V OtioDo consisting of Ladies' Dress Goods, sueh us : : .'VtV MK11 IXOJS, POPLINS, I 101A' a r ;( i rni:xQii plaids, la WW'S, di: LA XL'S, UIXGXGHAMS, iri-To i- phl ?, .'.v., f--. An. I a large stoetc ot uomeuc ooo'i--m u as Jiroirn mill Jifcarnra jiiiisifin, muiuyt, .(links, (ilirilcs, Lotion mid Jjinncn In- ' hie Violins Ctiiah, Xmd-eeiis, Drlllimj - - . .. . ! .IV f'.iur,, ,., Plain Cntlmrrt. S-'fi- tv , P'iii'-i ami Plain Cnsimrrts. itt- 1 , . r- . r r tv r. , i,. t,s. lir,ms, AHf.v can 1 imtuw, ; s,lCci;Ucns of leather manufaetnreJ und-r , Litirns, If'ii p f:ii f., liitliiiitrul t,;u t, ami ,1 .yrem can be examined at the store an t : it Inrie slock f Laili-s rhtuhlaj Cloths, j Wareroom of George Stadtmiller, in Indiana. ' Gi-ocrri. s of every description Fish Salt, Indiana county, P11., General Agent; Mi. ! liacon. Hams, Sugars aud Syrnps at all prices. ; Stuckgralh' s Tannery, Reserve township, Al P.oots, Shoes. Hats and Caps. Queensware. legheny county, or the tannery of Messrs. I Cedar and W illow-Ware. and a lare stock . Luekhaup & Kiefer. Spring Garden, ! of Notions (iloxes. Hosiery, Dugte Triming, j Liberal terms can now be secured, as th P.uttons, Handkerchiefs and every thing in the ; Company is just beginning operations, and noiioa hue chcay for cash or covntry pro - ,uce .M1LKL1 i I LALLL. may 20, lSi'.7-tf. -- ; ,r " T.7T." STATEMENTS SHOWING THE CONDI - O liotiof iheDouaty Mind of W a'.kcr School District. lu- . ,.,.! L.in's Tan Yard, in Mifflin. Tanners' and Amount of duplicate .. ...--oL03 J0;o,crs interested are invited to cM and see Ami. collected M.IL'1.18 j its workings. Individual, Township, at: 1 r.xoneraitons....a... 111 Percentage for collectinn... 127 4'.) g.- co Due Daniel Kloss, Collector, on set tlctnent 1805 Amiumt of duplicate 7511 Ami. per orders lified SCSI'S 75 Exonerations 470 PS Percentage 175 02 ?.-jI5 t Due J. N. Moore, Treasurer and Col lector r '3 (b IStitl. Amount of duplicate Amt. of orders lilted Exonerations Percentage $i73; . t?i;:.'7 70 148 83 80 (18 Due oa former settlement.. a -$1499 43 Due to District S Jo-i 02 We, the undcrsienrd. Auditors of Walker ownship, having this day settled with the .School Directors of said township all bounty taxes laid on thi township, certify their ac count as above stated to he correct. JtUIX MOTZEK, JOHN A.GALLAHER, HUGH HAMILTON. June 12, 18(57 ttit:orj. NEW STOKE On Riihjc IZuad Street, Pcrnst illc, Pa. The undersigned has just leeeived from the Eastern Market the most attractive sto:k of Goods ever brought to Tcrrysville. Our stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods if' , C'lic? at l0W rric3' teSl o,uality of Muslins, &c, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, Groceries, Queensware, Salt. Fish, &c. Call and examine our Goods before pur chasing elsewhere. We take great pleasure in showing our goods believing them to be cheaper than can be hought elsewhere. The highest cash price paid tor all kinds of Coun try Produce. Keniemhcr Ihe place. Ridge Road Street. Pcrrysvilla. JAUOU ENCUELMOVER. Diay IS, 1867. Good News for Mothers. Mothers are yon oppressed with anxiety foi your little ones ? Are your slumbers ana hearts broken by their cries ? Do you awake in the morning unrcfreshed and apprehensive If so, procure at once a bottle of Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy and you will have no more weary hours o.' watching and anxiety. Da. LEOXS' INFANT REMEDY Has stood the test of ytars. Thousands of nurses and mothers bear witness that it never fails to givo relief if used in season. It is a mild, yet sure and speedy cure for C:ilie, Cramps and Windy Pains, and is invaluable for ail complaints incident to teethiuz Sold by Druggists throughout the United States. Address all orders to ZIEGLER & SMITH, Sole Proprietors, 137 North Thir Street, Philadelphia. dot. !1, '65-ly. mrmj . Jw.iawuii-a.areaai. EEVOLUTm! XE70LTJII03! American Tanning Company FRET, F iRSSWORTIl tt CO. : Cot. E. Fkey, of West Virgiaia, Pres't. L. 8. Farnswortii, Secretary. Geo. S'i'A DTMIM.EH, Indiana county, Gen eral Agent. .r,l.r,,t;,l ..nn.t..n,t r... ..4 I m0(jePate investment of capital is now otter.. . bjrhis Conip t0 Jmatk ,nd t.,pitalis . Blr.pe of rights for Districts. Counties. Towns I nr. f In.ltnl.lMn j BfcxlTei Zv"nLd A vidual use of said improved sys- rilnripa mpnt mrir.ii Ilie successful workings of this treat uis- ; cavtrJ bas been demonstr ued in ever in- 8,!,n,:e' fll,1y J "'orou.hly tented, ! nnj m.n nnJ new ive enerai Hn, nrii. Tersl PBtibfaclion,both as to quality of Ieuther u,j ,he flllTillg jn p.irt of tlie formor xpen. Biye materia! bark -as ran be seen by the , ,.,,,.i,.,i ,..,;,., Ti.: ,j, ... tern ever introiluced which is warranted as : t0 its T;rtoe ,,y ,Le proprictor9. We warra!lt , lltnilfaeture So;e T.eatheP. in Ninety .lays, Harness Leather in Fifty day. : uri,,ie LeiltLer in Korly dliy9, r;rper Leathi!r m imrty-rtve uays, tvipp i.eatner in inir:r I days, Calfskin in Twenty to Twenty-Five days. Sheepskin in Two to Three days. We warrant to save one-third in heavy, an J one-half of the taik fvrmrrly urtri iu light, stock, making heavier leather than can be manufactured with bark alone. .T superior quality of leather is also warranted to la made under this system. No alterations are necessary or retired iu ine yard or in the manner of manufacture. fcut a , s.lVjIi2 p,flor ; attained by . not j,,,, rekluirci ta '-lay avr.v," snd this ienti,t.r ,eiug scuured with great ease. ; The great virtue of this u.seovery consists ; ; tl)e ,;,,; I0 one-half the cipense cf ' Unn;g hy the use ofapur.ly vcSeM n,,,, j c..njur.clion with tan lark, which ca be at any lime, in all seasons, anj at any j;;..ice gccurcl at the limi'e 1 eon of net moro than tvrctify-five cents to a hunlred hi ie.-. I This svstciu havinz been but recontlv dis- covered aud patented, November, l?t5, hai 1 n t ben very extensively introduce! as yet. the commencement bavin ' the coinmeneenieut having been made by this Company, witli the l'a.en:ei in tii I State in May, lSr,,",, and is row successfully use'J m liie to.lowine places, reference which is made, viz: Greene county. Pa. N. Newman. Harrington i Co., Washington, Vn. ! . !llltu, j. eotr ant oir.rrs; ravens i .-. v , ri,iJi. , laiitM Va.o0rg 8tdtmi!!er. West ijrelaad et count v. Ta .1. Verwon. Al'.eeheov cnun'y. Pa. Lappe & W icse, Lucubaupt x , Kiefer, 8(uckgrath & .Seitz, Hazel & Cj , 1 it iKm,'. M,."iirv It.n. leaver co.inty, Capt. Darrau Mv. itty, Hun t:n"ion couiny, rn. . therefor uisposeJ for trie furtherance ot thx svsteni to malso sales at low ana moderata ; prices. ! (. ol. Frev, the l rosi lent of the company. ! novf . Mifflintown. oPPinp at the Junia. : HoIe, wbcre i,e wiu rcmainlora few weeks. He is testing the new svstem at Air. Chamber 1 County Mights can be purchased hy calling on P.il I'riir TIia svslm 14 thnroii"li!r lpstr.1 and satisfaction guaranteed. ! May 8. 17-3:. T ANTED IMMEDIATELY. Five hun " j V .Ired M-n. to act as s.-.'..;mcn for C"b- : bin's I'iustrated Domestic I'lblc. C";r.piising upwards of l.oOO crowu (luarto pages: i . t'ommentary of 17. Out) notes from ditfvrcti: j Commentators : 700 Engravings. Family 'hotorranh DeDarnuent : Extended Ccncor- 1 C l .... dance, Maps, liible liistorv. Chronnligical Tables, etc., A book that alwajs sells. Our average siles are 500 copies per day As a standard Uihle for Families, Teachers. Ministers, and all lovers of the word of (tod, it has no competitor. Fcr particn'ar". ad dress HA. ST I'. EFT. mar. 20-tf. Harrisburg, Ta. FLORENCE Lock-Stitch ItEVEEstnLC Feed S E V- ISO M A C II I N E. ?-. Fimiht M'ichine in th II orlil, ;;-'-t Premium Gold Medal Last Fiiir of ll,e American Instiuti, New Vork. Florence Sewino Machixe Companv. No. 503 Broadwny. The machines can be seen at the residence of thc Agent. Miss E. C. ft.tmbattgh. Main Street, Mitiiin, Pa. may 22, '07-tf. l'EKRVSVILLE MARBLE WORKS. THE undersigned having ntere l into pai-t. ncrship are prepared lo till all orders lor Tombstones, Monuments, Table Tops, or any other articles in our line of business, on short notice and Iho most reasonable terms. Dal ian and the different realities ol" American Marble ahvav i on hand. C. EMERSON, may 1, 19C7-tf L. L. KENEl'P. "T EW TIN SIIOpTTn THOUrSONTOWN. i I would respectfully inform the citizen of Thompsontown and vicinity, that I h-its opened a Tin and Sheet Iron establishne'ir. and am prepared to accommodate tin publia with lis and Sheet Ivios Wake, aioo, Slopes at the lowest cash prices. Roofing and Spouiing promptly attcnucd to. All work made of the best m itenal. WM. C. J.l -.AN. Thompsontown. feb, 20-Cai. Jui.iata ccai.ty. i'a. II. GEIGER& CO., W II O L E S A L E G R O C E R 3 TEA & SPICE DEALERS, 236 North Third Street, above Raca rniLADLLI'IIIA. Sept. 12, 186ti-ly. SALT! SALT.' I SALT!.'.' A Superior quality, either by sirgle sack of quantity. We will furnish Merchants with s.ilt at l'klli.'1ei; bit prices, with the ai ance of expenatea of freight.. , , Sl'LOUFF FRO V& PARKER . . . ,