Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, June 12, 1867, Image 3

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    x !
WE JN'H-5'J.Vl MJliSIJ. Juicl-'. :?r'7.
I on Sale Cheap. A Life Sclwkr
ftl.ip in J. C- Muiiiford's Rusitiess. ;.tiJ
Telegraph College tt Piiilaiclf liia. A
fiae chanoe for a young wan that wi.-l.es
to prepare liims'-U for bu.-uucis. Iii-juirc
at the SKNTlNi-L Oificc.
A Tact. These warm evenings T"-
tons arc at a loss to kuuw how to keep
cool, and to all kuch we sny go to Mrs.
Book's Suloou on Main btrect, aud try her
Ice Cream. It works like a ehaiu.
1S33 Cksts. The editor of the Cleve
land 11,,-uhl is cderiii" five dollars in
. n . : 1 ' 7 .. i
:h fur 1 80S cents. c are rmtti?
iurcluc cn Mmilar trms
TLwe bavin-
outd to dispose of ou thesi terms may
i'LY XTS. Mr. J. II. Simons has
just received a large assortment, Linen,
zv.Tt.in l.rinn and twine Flv Nets. He
has V. iloti-s celebrated heather 1-ly Net, i
which for beauty aud durability cannot
... . . . .... 1 ,
ftf t ..
I be surpassed. i
lt j
11 hvf 1.W llul-l-OiiAfCU have ;
dissolved partnership.
ihc .U.ilkel Var
, ,
will herealttr be iuu to and IVom I'i.ila
delphia by Mr. llollubcuiih, thau whom
there i nu f.ore t illing and comrctcat
) uS:uct-3 uian i". she county. lU'ud L:n
aiiei ti.eHient in auutber columu.
N::v.- GouiiS Mrs. Ilanueiu'ia las
r niM l.pr stulii WI4II a la C V fcl'JiK
(jois. ?lie has always ou hvud the
u ...1. ,1 ti.... C......1 i: ,,...i a- :
j 1
1 is si'liin- them a liltle cheaper than
..... l.,!v ..'.n .! Pr-rv ladv in the emu- '
mi- '
, I
I f is anare ol the .act that one keeps tue
! ,i. -i.f nn.l l,i't assorttuei.t of MilllKtrV
( mils ever Lmul.t lreia 1 lii.atleidiia
Litve her a call.
or.d .WS. The undersiTne4 his l.een np
I uia e i Ae"' for i!i" sah- of llie American
..v?ni, in .im.'uctiti e J iiy 8.i. !i. W.Smiili.
B.i-i jm. and is prepared to fu:i.UU )ier.-ous
tviiU I'.irlor or Charsli t'rjjans :is i lie: ; nn
1 iiey eau be pr.roLaed trininc iii.:!itlf.u"i.i .-i s.
A'.-J i!ie M.isou .'i ilam'.isi fabinel (Irj'in uf
d ;l:reut si '.e and t-izi'. The Ii'.Mt ii'ae.its
--.li be feu Mill het.r 1 by calling at his real
J.'ticc en Main stroi i. M::Sit.!',a.
uarch li, 1M;7 tf. WILLIAM AVIiE.
Tun I'aci.e 1'i;:;.meo vAo r.-nm'utii
.T.1 i .- i . r
tt. n'h a i.rctuiuiii of GO per ecu t A
tor 1'roi'i the Secretary of t! c Tie
t u..v, i!..u ui ,.ie .pio.i-i w-t ;
...ther joiiiiio, and that the rumored pre-
. . .1 . t . i .1.- .... '
Mi:,::, is nn-liing but a dod-o on the part
' certain parties to dispose of the.r ukk.
I s at a't advantage.
(ilt.VNIi U'Vit: Ui' tiOOD TEMtLAUJ.
'jit '.'.r-iu-l Lodpe of Good TeOijihirs of
1 eiii'sylvt tiia will ii.cet at AHevhet.y
..... i. .,;.. Tb. l
t ; v oo tv eJiiC-o.ij l.'cxt. 1 tic i.ouircs
. - . -,, i
io thw cui.ty will ..e rc:.r5cated.
Iu lJol. the (jood Templar oigirnz.i-
tioa, titir so popular :id so wide spread.
ta.l an t.l-i"are orii;:u iu one of the M-tall
t-iwus 'a estciii .ew j oik. l or a l w
. . ,, .. ,
years a:;er it wss ir,etitu:r.i out Ii'.t.e wits
Ward of the society, but for tbe p'U't
twelve years it. progress 1 an i con iie.itli'y
ctiwi J, iilil it now has Gr-aJ Lodges
iu a'.l the .States of the I'uioii but e;j
alo, iu all the Biitib Provinces, with
ii;.warus oi one minion oi mem'.icrs, all
vii Jncm. for sonieiimc, a uumuor I'i.eweci,
persons have been hoarding up the nicLle i pjg'-'u"'
peouioK, known us the ealo or buznard ; onu.ns
jtativ, under the belief that tho coia wji vhi!e
I.ledsed Jo total abstinence and prohibition ! l'ilc fslvc according to directions and has
. . " , , ; not been cured. Address I). 8. Bunhain &
Ai an instar.ee ot tou growth of the or- j c0. Williamsport, Pa.
tier, it may Le mentioue l that in 1 SG3 doc. 5-'id.
there were less than thirty lodges of s o-; ffaiirA Young Lady returning to her
cieties iu all Pennsylvania ; tow there arc country home, after a sojourn of a few months
three hundred, and there are but six j i" the City, was hnrdiy recognised by her
i-ouatics at present in the State without j fr5wls- In P1:,cc of ,
, , i.i .i r j i i I face, she had a eoft ruby complexion of almost
rnv lod"es, and to these the Grand Jiodire I ,
. ,. . I marble smoothness, a ud instead of twenty-
lecturers have been directed to go, ami . ipM p,ie nMj a)(pcareJ bu c!g.,lten. Up.
t;f;:anij:e in caeli of them at dice, so that ; on inquiry as to thecauseof so great a change,
it the annual icssion of the Grand Lodc ' she plainly told them that she ii3ei the C'lr
jvbicb is to be held in Allegheny City, j asslau Halm, and considered it an in
lhe Grand Lod.'e officers umv be able to ! T(ll'iable acquisition to any lady's toilet. By
- - -
report the order established in every
llapid as has been tbe increase of the
Older ia Pennsylvania, it hae Leon equal
ly successful in other States, frota Main
to California. In Michigan there ore i complexion. J.y its direct actton on the cuti-
four hundnd Lodges. The Eession of 1 "!o k dra,ws frorn k !,s "Priti". -Sdl-,
, . , n i -i lleallcS 'he same, and leaving the surface as
the Grand Lodge ia Pennsylvania vul v . ... , , ,
- Nature intended it should be, clear, soft,
ra'l ttgether no less than five hundred j SIM)olh auJ bcautifuI- Price $1, sent by mail
tlelegates from the various lodges of the ; or express, on receipt of an order by
State, and doubtless a portion of the time I W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists,
will be devoted to public meetings in the I Ro- " ',vest Fayette St., Syracuse, X. Y.
halls and clinches, when the orators ofj TLc on! Alt-'ican Agents for the sale of
t j mi i . -. i i .
fit (lrlerwil! have an i?;r.rTt:5nitr i f ad.
dres.iug the public. I! very iubordiuate
lodge is ealitied to send one represent
ative to the Giand Ljdge. Every lodge
Laving one hundred niembcvs on the SOth
of April, is ealitied to two representatives, ;
and one fur each additional fifty members. !
The Comitijr Grand Lodge session, r.wir.o j
to the great iucrwse of ihe Order dur.
Itig til
bu r..- VfT wH' .'...i f-C .-r.o-: I...- !
Tin; brick masons will complete the:r
job at the udw Presbyterian Church in
I East WatciforJ this week. Under the
iciBipeteut management of Mr, Sherlock,
. f Acitdrmi.i. ami .Mr. Mecbller, of Sny- j
dor count j, lliis place will Lc, wbcil com- j
Vie I, one of the Guest houces ia the .
county. Mr. Sherlock assures us that the i
Waterri.nl people mar worship U their j
uew Louse by August next.
nit her
.Ti 1 T 4 vw linn ot.nill linn
roe t'rcnm si'n. Persons prcrscnaduig i
' ' " ! " ' . JL . ;,t !
sin i.cny t;utv au 1- .,-..v w. ; inline inisbuna or u::o ot tlie applicant, iq-
junto of len Cream, should give her a Call j gethcr with date of marriage- position in lift,,
.r in i hi i i ' leading traits of character, &c. This U iio
Sl5Zil.G5 C.- humbug, s thousands of testimonials can as
- - v j S(.rt. g:lt will send when desired, a certified
On t'.c (ill. inst., by Rev. 1). J. Beale Mr. nr :.. ....,.,. t!lal theoic
C. If, MILLHOUSE or Tuscnrora township, !
aud Miss J j; N N i B KIAZEE, of Lack town- i
.1.:.. t.. - I-
.Jill, hi in u i vuuiin , i i.
1 "
1 v ' 411 " '-"J
.1 i.v ' 1 1... c 1, 1 r"
ill 'lie 1:11 insi., o. vi. unrsici, i.c'l.
- 1iCVVIt llfillT.n.1 M!a irt.I I
.ii. ''.l.l Ji urjiii v " - - - - -
KliitT, btilli of Sufquehunuit townsliip.
mi Ml iiiiiiw. 111
n 1 tie :
m.J, ult., iu O.iklauJ, Juniata couii-
M"; J M
W1LSOX, consort of I.u
nped 4i years.
?Ii s. Wilson's death occuied very suddenly, j
S!u- had retired in 1 lie evening apparently iu j
, , I .1.1 1 ... , ,, '.I ..1...
;v-r U'-uai liHllii, inn 11 u viikh rite 111-
f-imed l.er hihan 1 that she had a dillir.ulty
HI I ire n I 11 11 tl III ' IMC IIIIIV MC U IU Sl'MTl
I . 1- : I 1. I I. t'. ... I. 1. . 1
- . ,;. .A:iu, h..r. th ital Ktmrk l.ad i
v ' . ;
11-1 1.. r. .....aid lil
lied, lhe was fer many years a cii:"slciit
tni'iiibi p uf tlie Lost t'rrk I'reQtivli'ri'in '
Chuvcl-. uml wis Ligblj regpecied fur b.-r '
many ir'.ue.
Hie wis a d?oied. nH'eciion-
liitid and lovinpr mother.
-1 .1.1 t-1.1 fl'i .... .: -..1 -
....... 1
' J'.iil t or
-u t a.o
Hi t il
;: Mi
Kjrirs, "! do
roi: K,
1 J
.. 10
8 00
.. 10
l.y-, r cm.
H-knl.ent 1 !!!
Corn Meal 1 ',j
til'AI.v.". !IIg". cwt
While whest.... 2 .".0 'Ham, V l'
l!c ( wheat V bu - 'Sidei .v ifbuutjcr
1!-vp '' I
! (Fore ir, cwt in 00
y ' !iiind or 12 00
HO j roi LTRV,
, oi jChickens, pair Wi
iTurkevs I HO
t 'n: u
' liuck wheat
Clover, bus
', Tiiaolliv.
T f.O
2 7
COAL, t' ton
Trevertou rtnve fi 00
do EfX ' Oil
ijunburv stole li 00
Flax 2
h'.iV.O F HE IT,
do F.P2 b
' Teaelics,
: Clierrles,
i C:i'i . ijts,. . . .
j Blackberries,
W J'ea,
if Mixed
10 I VO.Jl,
8 ;o,ik
4 Hickory,
a T.i,
.. 3 oi
. 4 00
. 4 00
2.1 30
18 00
'New Irith, fl bit 1 f.O Timothy,
1 0 I'Movi
I It"tailed Articles.
1 .10 Coal ( Ml f gal 70
61) ijjalt, "ft pack 2 75
3 00 tlround Alum salt 5,00
Ji Plaster, ton 10 00
10 Nails 7 7i
.. li l!;.r !ru O.iJ-
. f.O iKi sc tLjts kc;- t)0
Soap, dry
Candles ...
vt- 1 . . .1
i. U'.n. v. .1?:
,;.IKS 6 i pro-.g steel cn hands, !
Coif,:ie.l weekly by Sutoulf. Frow i Parket. j
! ,.Jln.AnKLI,UI v IA.KI.rs;
J Piiilmikli'iiia, Jun3 11, 1S.57.
I Fr.oi'ti itna'l sale of superfine at
IS-!fVt,U V hbl; rxtia a' "(a. 10; .North.
! t.xtra (a-.oily nt ro"a; ; IVnn.
' sylvania aud Ohio do. di , ct SlIOU,
! ?:'d 1'jney at hher Suren. Ilyo Flour
i "'inotcd nt e7 .7") A sale of 500 bb!s.
, ., 1 , ,
! C o; n Meal, on terms kept secret,
; There is no demand for Wheat, and in
t1iC abstneu of tales we quote red at 62,f0
'(.,-, aud California at SiJOffio. Jlye
' commands Sl.C'JflCfi. In Crn tWre.
. -,!. (.-111. .Ill I II
, . " . . ' ,.
'at tl, Hi" l.lo for yellow, aud for
, v.'tci'ii mixed and White. Oats are
j lower. iJOUO bush. Fcnn.-ylvauia sold at
; 7e. p hush.
Fpccial Jtotitfs.
Q.iOO.OO Kt'.WABti will be paid in greenbacks
to anv person who has used Dr.
Biiman s
its use any lady or gentleman can improve
their personal appearance an hundred fold.
It is simple in its combination, as Nature
herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in ils effi
caey in drawing impurities from, alsa heal
ing e'eansiug and beautifying the skin and
ni same i teD ' i.ot-lv.
A Gentleman who suffered for years from'
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all !
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for i
; the sake of suffering humanity, send free to i
all who need it, the rcc;jie and directions for
making the simple rimed; by which he w as !
cured. f,afierer k'is-S to proft by the'
-!.' experience, can do so by address J
'"' ' 1
"! A li. t.Mjj III.N ,
Knew Thy Destiny.
Madame K. F. Thornton , the great English
Astrologist, Clairvoyant nud Psjehoinctriran, I
who bun imloniHhi.,1 Ih ttr.ientific clisses of I
tlie ou World, has now located hrW.f at j
Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses j
such wonderful powers of second sight, as j
enable her to impartkapwledgo of Ihe greatest
'"Pnce to the single or marneM o. e.... ,
atcs the very features of the person you are to j
Dmr,T. and by the aid of an instrument ofj
. , ,., ... . . ,,,
f "r"n "e! tn V0''"" ''fc 'ke l"c I'0' ,hc
neiiso I nwpr. Known an inn i svciinino. i t..'o-
turc is what it pur-oits to lie. Fy enclosing
a small lock of hair, and stating j.lae5 id'
birth, age. disposition and cumplelion, and
enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope
1 addressed to yourself, you will receive Iho
picture and desired information by return
mail. All communications facrcd!v ci.iifi
dential. Address in confidence, Madame E
F. Thin nton, P. 0. Box UJ:!, HuJjoii, S. Y.
fub -'), lS07-Jy.
tuir.i r!ivsLoGic.ti."aa
VIE IV OF 21 A R 11 1 A a V
the r ncircsT daok eveb piblisiied.
Cunttiinivy ncarfi Three Hundred VViyts
and 1D0 fine Plates and Engravings of tlie
. , . ...... . " .
.vnaioniy 01 111c iiuniaii vrpana iu a siaie 01
lle-'.'lh and I'if cas, wilh a Treates on Early
Error;. tt3 iloml!: nC4acuccs upon ih
j Miad r.nl r.oJy, wiih tbe it'fbw'a l'.a.i t
..,,. . h ..i.. .: i i r
iiijuii.ui mo unijr laiiuu.ll ni:u tiiwUCrlill
mode of cure, ns nhown by the report of
cases trealed. A truthful adviser to the
married, and tkoe contemplating marriag",'
who entertain duubts of theer pliyieal con
dition. Sent free of pontage, to any nd liess
ou receipt of ".S cents in stamps r postage
t'.ireiicy, by nd Ircfsing
Ao. ?. 1 Jfttiueu I.itnr, A '.Imu, A'.
Tl.n ....... i.n lin.l ..r
Ai.i. iiiiiuui iiniji ui; tuiii.ni.tu lip. II uiij u. j
the diseases upon which his book treats, eitiier j
personally or by mai., nad laedicmes s :ut to
any part of the world (Jan. --'iiii
TO i'.T! S' Tl
The advertiser, having been restored to
health in a few weeks by a very simple rem
edy, after having suffered for several years
with a severe lung nll'ection, and that die id
dii-ease Consumption is anxious .'o mike
known to his fellow-tu.Tere: a the cicuis ot
To all who desire it, he will sen 1 a copy
of the preseriptiau used (free of charge.)
with the directions for preparing and using
h c same, which they will tin 1 a si kk et itr.
for Co.N8fiprto.v, Asthma, I'.iiii.nchitis.
Col ons, Cm. ns. and all Throat and Lung Af
fecti'nS; 1 h o-Iy object of the advertiser
in sending the Prescription is to benefit the
itlliclcd, and spread inforiiiatum wnieh he
c inrnivTs to be invaluable, am' hehepes e.erv
sntferer will try his remedy, ns it will cost
them nothing, a-.d may prove ablessing.-
pllrlil.3 wi3l,ins ule prescription, rati;, 1.
return mail, will please address
NYilMaiiubitrg, Kittys co., N. Y.
may 15, lst'.7-ly.
W0M)Ei, iTflTTiUIE.
Maoame IK5iiNi;ro., the world-renowned
Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant,
while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the
very features of the person you are to marry,
and ny the aid of ua instrument of intense
power, litiowti as Ihe Psyehoiaotrope, guaran
tees to produce a perfect and life-like picture
of ihe future husband or wife of the nppli.
can!, with date of marring", occupation, lead
ing iraits of character, S.c. This i. no impo
sition, as testimonials without number can as
sert. By slating place of birlh, age, di-posi.
tinn, color of ryes and hair, aud enclosing
fifty cents, and stamped enrohspe addressed
to yourself, you will receive (lie picture by
return mail, together with desired informa
tion. K$,AJdress in confidence, Madame f!er
trudc Remington, P. O. Box J07, West Tiov,
N. Y. feh 20, 18b7-ly.'
A Great Biscovehv. One of the greatest
and most useful discoveries in medical
science was made by the celebrated Br. J.
Birnias, of Paris, Chief Physician to the Im
perial Infirmity of France, in 1801. Th"se
who have been afflicted with the painful dis
ease known as the Pills, and elfectu.illy cured
by the use of Br. J. jJi'uas' Fkiinch Pile
Salve, cannot iqeak loo highly of the bene
fits conferred upon them by the use of the
certain remedy. It has never been known to
fail in effecting a permanent core in a single
case. In this respect it surpasses all other
medicines of the kind. It will do just whet
it is recommended for; if not the money will
be rcfundei'. One or two boxes is sufficient
to effect a permanent cure in four or six days,
if the directions on the boxes are followed.
Pi ice one and two dollars per box, according
tosi7e. Sent by Mail or Express to nny part of
the United States ot Cauada. Sold by Brug
gists generally. A liberal discount made to
tbe trade. Address I). S. BrxiiAM A Co.
Williamsport, Pa., sole Proprietors a nd Man
ufacturerj f..r the Uuftcd States aad Canada,
dec. O-'lJO.
A MAV rrittlME 1 Oil THE lUXDSESCEirj.
"yi'it Kiooniiiig Cfrrm."
"!ViKhl Ilioomitt-; CVrrna."
"IViS&t 1 !oon:in; Orm!".'-"
aight Klooiuing Ccrcna.V
.Miyhl k.loa:aias Ccrtaj."
A tqq exquii-.'e. drll. .ittt nnl Frnant rorfuinc,
li-ci 1tti from tits rre aud bt.aiili.ul llmcr froti
luvh it tulce ili Duicj.
ilnufc'.nrf I oiily y
a:iAT, & fitly. iVew Verk.
ASK roil m Vf.ON ;0 CT'IER-
J-Vy , ;: 1y.
T.i t lueJiriiifl, invivi ir Tr. J. II. B-iaencit,
el i' i.ltric p'n, iiu.cuiaiod;Mlvo tlie food .i4
ni-i 1 it iuig thruis, Ui-r itrsi Tnccri of ii;.tioo. Uy
i'..:.n .:Kn- H w ilh BibenrV. Msndrak
ilia T: mm mm ihi rpr:!ie, and food
Ibuc.riH is ticn It Jen uin- it wiU be easily
t'r-tfJ. .
Cir.-oMjit'eB cmnot tu cure 1 J17 rhro?V Pal
nio-tif S r.;pu. f.r. tin tomsuli ami lirer is tcad
Imilltir ni tlifl-.-i!.n.itcrt-!, houM the Tonie
c:,fl i'iil! etij r-"u;rcil In niAriy erery enu ot cu
m:i'rto i. A hlr doiea botUca nf the SRAWCKI)
Tn:; x anil .i.rrp or four tciss of tlio M ANDU.VKB
I' :.L3 wllj curj tny ordinary eve of dj-fpepu.
i'r. a;i7.yiz L.ahes r'"lonl la Kmr
V-iri, lljiioa, aiiat li's prlncl;ial oice Id railadsl
t'i'a ever Trw-!i. Boo Oailr pnpeni of oach plae, or
lioTaIi'cLcacjuuiptioa for Uji oaj. Icr vulta
tiin. l'lcvo o."T, wtitn purcliwt'iu, that tlio two liko
t:j of iSs Iicc'07, 010 w.'ii-n In the 14 Maje oi
tiin..iii:p-.to3, anl tlio ottier ai ti dotv ia, la purieci
h-'V'h, nrijo II11 fiaveraincr.k rtc::;?.
6ill uy all Dmrtriiu and LXalcra, price fl.U per
b4! or ;.V) tlio lis l-Jun-n. All k'Urn for adrlca
t!nl to tilnwi! to I).-. S iltscii'd rriadpit
Oi' i, Ko. li NvPh r,& sire!, I'Miaiphia, Pa.
( c:r ral Who'. -JiTo Ajraii : IVmiu IJurnra 4 Co,
!. V.; P. 8. IlmiM!. Ilaaiiiicrc, Ma.; John 1.
PfltJ, C'ln.Tinnatl, Ohio; W tiler & Taylor, c'lu
ctvsi, IlUt OUin Oiwl, St Lguj. Ito.
lUlw. ev mo. lyr.
Jan 10, 1857-1.
A I.a'.'je 6 pp. Circular, giving information
of the rr-atest importance to the yorinj of
mill ses.
It teach! how the hcnicly nay begotne beau
tiful, the JbspiscJ respected, and the forsaken
loved- i
No yoti lady or gir.tlcinan should fail to
eend theiriddress. and receive a copy post
paid, by ilurn mail.
I Address V. O. Drawer, 21.
fob. 2'Vnnos. Troy, N. Y.
l'livrxts, Blikiisiiss and Catarrh.
Ti rated wifi the inmost euccess, by Ir. J.
Nines. Oeriist and Aurist (formerly of I.ey-
.li ii. lioliaid.) No. .OI'.' Fine street, rhtlad a.
niiis fioin the most reliable, sources
n! country can be seen nt his
..At... -ei c.i. ' '"I
. .
aceompany their patients, aZ he has no
in his practice. Artificial eyesinsertct
nut rain. No chareo iu ide for examination
nny !Sii7ly.
leu (H'crti$cm(nt.
(lOOI) XEVv'S!
Sjirihif ami StttiiMcr Goods at jiciVts t
fuit tli'1 limit.
l'ATTFIlSO.Y, l'.v.
Have j..i"t returned from the Eastern Maikels
with fresh supply of all kinds of Ladies'
,rt 5S (ioods, c.iiisiiiing in part of
ca.s, rn i:cji mkhixos,
dk la ixl's: aixaiiA .v.v,
rnixrs. d ( .i t',.
Every d.scaiptinu of L'omcslic l'ry tioods,
tucii as
led X
Check., Colton and Linen Table Bitipcr,
Crash, Nantcctis, Brillings, Ac.,
Fancy aud Piaiu Caasiuieres,
Kentucky Jeans,
Ladies' Balmoral Skirts,
Hoop Skirls.
; Tihvt, Wool Knit m-.d French Shaw;
cei'ics c: every uc:i:: mtion.
Bacon, ic,
Ctdar aud Willow-ware.
Segars, Sc.
Ihe largest stock in (hp county.
In connection with our oilier business, we
have a MARKET CAR running to Philadel
phia and thriving in Patterson, every Tuesday
ou which we receive each week fresh supp.ie
!' new goods. The public can be supplied
ith all kinds of Marketing, Fresh Fish, Aic.
.iih.T.at iho car on Tuesday, or at our Store
hiring the week. may 8. 1W7.
YTTIIO has just returned from the City wiih
li a large assortment of
Millinery and Fancy Goods,
Consisting in partof Bonnets and Bonnet Silks,
Hovers und Trimmings, Emborderies, Lace
(io.nip, Handkerchiefs. Balmoral Skirts, Hoop
Skirts, (i loves. Read Gimps and Ornaments,
Notions and sciall wares, forming the best
In the County.
She solicits a call from the public, being
confident that she can suit all.
may I, liSti-Om.
fpiIE uidersigned wou'itl respectfully an-A-
nouicc that he has just received from
the Easi, a large assortment uf
which he offers at the lowest market prices
Give- mc a call. NATHAN KEELY.
17, 1867-tf.
ron sAir by
t;y 8-Cm. Milroy, Mifidin Co., Tn.
A FCi.Lassorlrnert of TRUNKS and TRAV-
xs. elying Bags. Also, xotioxx vcii
as Hose, Gloves, Buck Gloves Rod II it, (very
best quality.) Kid Gloves for ladies aid gents
uiaihed Kid, at . .
lVere awaroed the highest premiums at (Le
State Fairs of
New York, Kentucky,
Yernmnt, Tennessee,
New Jersey. Missouri,
Pennsylvania, Alabama,
Ohio, Mississippi,
Indiana, Yirpniu,
Michigan, North Carolina,
YVic"U9in, California,
Iowa, Oregon,
At tbe Fairs of the
American Institute.
Franklin Institute,
r.Iasa. Mechanics' A?soci:i'.n.
Fcnu'a Mechanics f tint it tif .
Hi. bonis Agricultural and
Mechanics' Association,
And at numerous Institutes and County Fairs,
ilicludliig all the Fairs at which I bey
wcreexhibite 1 the fast three
years. I irst jwizi
have also been
these .Marl.in':
nt ih? exhibitions
of London, l'nris. 1tib
lin. I.inz. llcMiticon, Bayonnr,
t. inner. ( iiaioni, nii'l lliey tiave
i I ecr. r:tn:i: lied, by special command, to the j
' Rmnrc-i "f Fmnrr, E.rrr .IM.Vt , j
. i l J '!
K'ltj.rrss ,J A "', h.,if.?e cj
i ar.il, (Jttei n uf Sji'itn, On.!'
(Jicii ).f l'mriiria.
The GPvOVF.U & BAKEIl Flu.tie
Stiteh Sjwiuy Machines are superior to
all others fur the iolluwiu: esons :
1. They sew with two threads direct from
the sp mi!, and require no rewinding.
2. They tire inure easily understood and
used, and less IiaMc to deraugtaieut than oth
er machines.
S. They are capable of "xeeuting perfectly
ei.ar.g'! uf adjustment, a much great-
er rarely of work than other machines.
j 4. T!." sliioh made by these machines is
much m.oe lni.i. elastic, and durable, cspeei
( ally upon aiiieles which require to be washed
j an I in. ned, liniii any utber stitch-
.i. Tiiis stiteli, owiui to the manner in
; which the i nder thread is inwrought, is much
. the moot r.luiin and beautiful ia u, and re-
irtieles frequently washed and ironed uuiil
they are worn out.
j. The structure of the seam is such that,
i hough it be cut or broken at intervals of only
a few stitches, it will neither open, run, nor
ravel, but remains firm and durable.
7. Unlike other machines, these fatten both
ends of the setito by their own operation
8. With these machine i, while silk is used
upon Ihe right or face side of the seam, cot
ton may- be used upon the other side without
I lessening the strength or durability of the
seam. This can be done on no other machine,
i ami is a great saving upon all articles stitch-
e I or maJe up with silk.
'J. These machines, in addition to their su
perior merits as instruments for sewing, by a
change of adjustment, easily learned and
practiced, execute the most beautiful and per
manent embroidery and ornamental work.
730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
Machines delivered at the residence of any
one purchasing in either of the Boroughs.
Threads, Oils, Needles, and every other ai
tic'.e apperlai uing to the working of the ma
chine on hahd and for sale by J. B. M. To Id
The above Sewing Machines are for sale by
J. B. M. TODD, l'a.lerson, Pn.
S. B. LUL DUN, Miaiiutown, Pa.
may l.i, l!So7-tf.
Teeth inserted upon an entirely new style
of base, which is a combination of Gold and
English Rubhcr, (vulcanite.) Also American
liul.ber, (vulcanite,) which tor beauty, ilura-
biiitv, cleanliness, and the restoration of the
natural color of the face.cannot be surpass
ed. Either of the above basis.
Temporary sets inserted Gratis.
Speciil attention will be made to diseised
gums, and a cure warranted or no charge
mad. 7VfiA filled ) lust for lift.
$&" Triumph iu dentistry !
by a new process, without the use of ether,
chloroform or nitrous oxide, and no danger.
Having been in business for upwards of
ten years, five of which has been spent in
Miliiintown, and being in possession of Ihe
tif improred Inttrumiittt and Mnehintry we
warrant entire satisfaction, or the money will
be refunded. Office ou Bridge Street, op
posite the Court Home f.quare.
G. L. BEitll Si CO.,
nor. 20. 'Co-ly. KesidtnC L'entists.
i I would respectfully inform the citizir.s
of Thompsontown and vicinity, that I have
opened a Tin and Sheet Iron establishment
and am prepared to accommodate tkt public
with Tin and Sheet Ion Wake, also, Stoves
at the lowest, cah prices.
RooSug ami Spouting promptly attended to.
All work made of the best material.
fcb. 20-fim. Juniata eounty. Pa.
Lock-Stiicii Reveesidle Feed
S E v ISO M A C H I N E.
iJ.jf Family Huhinc in the WorW. Highest
Premium Gold Muial Lait Fair of the
New York,
Flohencs Sewing Machixe Comtaxt.
No. 505 Broadway.
The machines can be seen at tl.o residence
of tao Agent, Miss t. C. Staasbiugh, Main
Stctft, :iif3:a, Pa. Tmay 2.', '-5T-t(.
itoicatt T!!!L C()iw
jFRCY, r.inr.STVORTIl & CO.
I Col. K. Fkf.y, of West Viritiin, Tres't.
I L. S. Faunswouth, Secretary.
Gko. Syadtmilt.er, Indiuua county, Gen
eral Aeut.
A fplendid oppeitumty fur ft secure and
uioiler.tie investment of copilot is now otTeTe I
by this Company to Tanner and tHpitulioi
of laro ail wc',1 as moderate means, as Ue
Company is no prepared, ai'iei- a bucccts
ful te;t of liiekel's improved fy.Jieiu of tsu
ninR iu several counties in thix 8ta:e aud ad
joining Slaie", to ctliir for sale some terri
tory within ibis State. Tennessee, Texas, Or
egon, i':.i!i. New Mexico and Nevada, in the
shape of rights for lJiMiiiU. Cuun:ies, 1 ow:n
or for imlivi lu:il u.iC of yaid imr-rove I svs-
! tem secured to Sanfuid A. Hickcl, Es.., by
Letters I'atent dated November 7th, 18'i.i, and
I granted fur seventeen years, and by said i'..
j A. IlickiJ, Esq., legally trinsT-rr j I to thin
J Company for t'li- aud tie other State aud Tel -rilorics
j The successful worlinj of this great dis
covery has been demons: rale I ia every in
' stance, wiirrever fully and thoroughly t.-'ted,
laud has given and new pives iein ral and uni-
iversal satisfaction, both as to quality of leather
and the saving in part of the former expen
sive material bark, as ran be seen by the
I attached certificate. This is the only sys
tem ever introduced which is warranted a
I to ils virtue by I lie pr ;.rie!r,;s.
Ve warrt.nt to manufacture Sole Leather
in Ninety days, Harness Leather in Fifty days
' ISri'ile I.e Oher in Forty days. Upper I.e ithcr
in Thirty-Five d.iys. Kipp Leather in Thirty
days, ( iili'.kia in Twenty to Twenty-Five
days, Sheepskin iu T.vo to Three days.
V.'c warrant to save cue third in heavy, and
one-half of the Ink fvrm'rly usrd in light
sfoefc. making heavier leathir than can to
uiaiiufacluied with hark alone. A superior
quality of leather is also warranted to le
made un Ur this systi-ni.
No alleraiions are necessary or require 1 in
the yard or in the manner of inni'tfielure,
,,,,tt ,B ?rc:it f"inf, ahoT is
not bciti required to '-lay away, ' and this
j leaiaer Oeii:g scuure.t vrnu
T'.'i'.t case,
i.-covery con ists
I In.; rcai Tiiiuc oi luis
i tin
lessouif.'; to one-half the eipeiHa of
annin- ' v tue use or a rmrcij Hinn.i
! mutter, in cunjrci ion v.ith tali Link, whic'u
:.ii le at any time, iu all teasons, and a! any
place secured at the limited con of nft uioro
than twenty-live cents to a hundred hiies.
This syttem havirg been but recently dis-cover.-d
and patented, November, l-i-i, has
not biojn ery wteusivcly iniro.iueel as yet.
the eommeuccniL-it having been made by
this Compasy, vi;!i the I'attaie'j in this
State in May, "l;, a id is rw Pf.ccessful'y
used i:i the fo.lowi.aw idaces. reference to
j which is made, viz : tireet.e ei.ur.fy, Pa. N".
Newman, Ilarringioa & t n., V, avtitugtc:!, 1 a.
S. Smith, J. V.'eber and others: I'ayittn
county. Pa. T. Yernon. J. Emory, Baaing A;
"ro., Indiana, Pa. tjejtge ivi'.dtuii'Icr, West,
m.ire'.and county. Pa. J. Ycr-rin, Allegheny
coun'v. Pa. Lappe & AVicse, Luckhaiij.t &
Kiefer. Stiickgrath & Sein, Il.iiff & Co ,
Beaver county, Cap:. Barrah McYilty. Ilttn
ting Ion county. Pa.
Specimens of Lather cianufucturtd' uader
this svstew can be exaiuiued at the store and
Wart-rcam of George Stadttui'.ler. in Indian.
Indie.i.it ctiunty. Pa., General Agent; Mr..
Stuchgrath'" Tannery, Reserve township, Al
legheny ooHiity, or the tannery of Mssr.
Luekhaup & Kiefer, Spring Garden,
Libeiiii turiu can now be secured, as tie
Company is jut beginning operations, and
therefore disposed for the turlh r.iuce. of the
system to make sales at low aal moderate
Col. Frey. the President of t'.c eompiny.
is now in Mifilintown, stopping at the Juniatii
llofel, wlierc he will remain fur a few weeks.
lleis testing the new ys.:em at Mr. Chamber
lain's Tan Yard, in Miiil.n. Tanners' and
others interested arc invited l call and svn
its workings. Individual. Township, and
Coun'v Rights eon be purchased bycnllingou
Col. Frrv. The system is thoroughly tested
aud saiisfictioa guaranteed.
May S, 18'J7-"ut.
"TTI1E ;:r..ier.si. 'tied have ju-it received from
i. Philadelphia another supply of"
For Men r.ud Boys, which they are fllirirat
panic prices. Also, a line assortment of
For men, women. t.oys. eir'.s and infant-, at
prices which I hey defy competition, lao
best and cheapest lot of
IT -7 1 Z rf- ' O '-' f- r-
In the cuuu'y, for men anJ boys.
i ij LN l LL...L.-. o
Consisting ol l.tr.i'li eins. 'versaiu. i-ii-dershirls.
Drawers, Collars. Cravat?. Hand
kerchiefs, Stocking. Silspendtr.--, Glows, ic.
piThankful to the public for the liberal
support they have heretof. -.rs extended to r.-,
we are determinetl to retain their support by
ivit: them good Goods at low prices.
Ycry Respectfullv.
nov 7, 1605-tf LOUBON & JACKMAN.
V died M.-n, to act as sa'eti;eii for Cob
bin's Illustrated Domestic Bible, comprising
upwards of l,o'l) crown quarto pnos;
Comment try of 17.O1J0 r.otes from tiiirerett
Commentators: 700 F"gvvtn3. Family
fhotograva PjparticcBt ; Extcndcl Concor-h-iice,
.Maps, Bible History, C'hrcaoligicul
Tables, etc., A book that always sells
Our average sales are 500 copies per day.
s a standard Bible for Families, Tcach-rs,
Ministers, and all lovers cf tho word of Go
it has no coranetilor. i'i-r particulars, .i
dress !l. A. STREET,
mar. 20-tf.j Harrioburg, In.
-TEW DRUG STOKE. Patterson, pa Dr.
1 P. C. BUNL'ltJ wishes to ;.il-r:u ti.e pub
iic thai he has just received at: as-iorime..t of
Fr.-ll Drugs and Medicines, of aU .inus,
which he offers for sale a: ihe Patterson Post
Office He also keeps on Imml Perfumery ot
all kinds, and Hair Dye and Extra Black Ink
of his own manuf-i-iu.e. Per, ts 1:1 need o.
anything in his life wilt find it to their ad
vaniage 10 give l.ita a call.
I,. li.Itivalids can wriis a staiement or
their svmpiouis or disease at.i receive medi
cine aud directions for the.:" use. Ail com
muKicatiuiis strictly confidctiti 'l
march 27, 16o7-tf.
235 .Toith Third Street, ab-.-'.c I
rnir.AM trtitA.
i'ent. 1", l'?y lr-