Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, May 15, 1867, Image 2

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    Juniata cntiucl.
j . : .- - - , - ?
A union of laltcs, and a union of lands,
A union no power shall sever;
A union of hearts, and a union of hinds,
And the American Union forever!
m iTTlTn tow n.-
Wednesdav Moriiinz, .May IS, 186?.
II. II. UILSOS, Editor and Publisher
Is the Largest Circulation of any paper p'n
lislicl iu this County. It ig therefore the
bent alvertisinj medium. It is Paper, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a first class Localist",
aii'l well worthy of tho patronage of every
loyalcitizen in (lie County.
The Republican devotes a column and.
a half last week to abuse of the publish
ers of the Skntisel, Register, and Dem
ocrat boeause when the ten came it ap
peared the last named papers had three
tiuics the subscribers iu this couuly the
Republican cvm claimed tj have. Tor
mouths the Republican has been publish
ing to the world the bold uublusliing lie
that it had the largest circulation iu the
county, tsd now when thej arc so pub
licly proven liars they, in order to hide
their shame, tliart'O thut everybody swore
to a false list but themselves. In this
coujmurity such a charge comes with a
bad grace from Soro-IIeols Pavis or Hcefy
Allison, for every man knows either would
swear to a lie for a drink of whisky. The
law required the list to be sworn to. All
the publishers but Allison and avw fur
nished ihjir list sworn to, and it was not
noticed that theirs was not sworn to until
after the decision was made, and when the
trick was fuuud out the Commissioners re
quired tbem to swear to their list and as
Davis happened to be uot so drunk as Al
liscu eo soon after dinner he hud to swear.
.Now, every one knows that for weeks Al.
licon und Davis have been coaxing men to
allow their names to go on their list for
only wo weets or a month, saying they
would charge them only five or ten cents,
b'lt they would not ask them to pay it.
Every duccut man almost refused, but
without their consent they put on hun
dreds of names. Jn order to get a Dem
ocrat's name free of charge, only to swell
their list, they would tell him it was to
cut out the Slntinix. To a Republican
iLey would come Lcgginp and say it was
iu!y to cut out the Iii jisler or Democrat.
J Jut it would not win, and with all theii
villainy they could only raise 487 names,
and we will challenge them to-day to rrofc
that they have 130 actual yearly paying
Fubsersb crs in the county. There arc not
in this county out of cither party that
many men who would read their paper or
who would allow it to pollute their fatuity
by its presence. The boast of daily get
ting subscribers and the aid of deccut
men iu extending their circulation in all
bo.-h and miteiuble lies, as they are despi
sed by every trus llopublican, and are
only encouraged by a few Fore-bead Cop
jicrheads who Lave no iufluence in their
party and who are u.'sregardei by the pub
lishers of the Register u'd Democrat.
They pay the bill in regarJ to 'he print
ing was passed quietly in the lasi djys of
the session through the influence ot Col.
Patterson. Now, the public well knovT
that weekly the columns of the Ripubli-
can ever since it started have teemed with J
vile personal abuse of Col. 1. Iu this
community where both parties are kuown
it only if possible adds to the infamy oi
.Allison and Davis, while the contempt
vli which it j:i tieatcd by Col. Patterson
reflects credit upon himself, and increases i
tlx coufidene and respect for him enter-
talaed by his numerous friends. Every j
positive, decided, generous man like him
roust Lave enemies, and no cfoubt the
weekly Uillingsgate cf drunken b'ack
gtitrsls like Allison and lbvis against
Liai entertains them, but Col. Patterson
never Las iegarded the opiuioa of his en
emies and they will nd he has friends
enough to suppott Lim whenever requir
ed. We say this much simply because it
is due to him and because wo have been
urged week afier week by tho Ilepublicar.s
all over the couuiy to reply to their at
tacks upon Col. Patterson, but he has al
ways requested us to wake no defence, as
lie disregarded such blackguards as those
who sympathized with them. In this
case wc do it because they blame hiai for
the passage of this law, and if he did,
will not every one say be should punish
theia when in his power ?
The Printing Dill was read iu the House
iu February Jas,, regularly passed, went
tj the Senate and prised ia its order. It
was two nionlLs before the Legislature.
No one tried to conceal it. The title ni
pcared on the calender, its progress was
published in the Legislative Record and
Daily Telegraph. V.'heu it came before
the Governor it was promptly signed.
Allison and Davis knew it was before the
Legislature aud went to Harrisburg to
prevent its passage, but Willi and MUlr.r
did not get elected aud were not there,
and Brown and Wharton and Hall and
Haines would not be seen talking to such
notorious drunkards aud villaius, and had
they dared to show their faces in Gov.
Geary's office he would have kicked them
out. Their man Clytner was not elected,
and as they lost their votes they dare not
go any place iu Harrisburg but ia the
Johnson Post-office, low rum slier and
vile baudy houses, Such vile, filthy crea
tures Can have no influence with any dc
ccut man at home or abroad.
The people on the castsida of the river
have been outraged by being compelled to
recoguize him as a U. S. Officer, but his
days are numbered, and that like every
other pest will soon be removed. Gov.
Curliu was imposed upon by a pretended
friend and appointed Allison Notary Pub.
lie, but his appointment soon expires, snd
we will pet rid of another nuisance, as
Govcnor Geary don't appoint such whisky
tubs to even so small an office. Then if
he can get whisky enough he will drag
out a miserable existence or may sink into
a drunkard's grave, and thus society will
be rid of the greatest villain and black
guard that ever left Scotland for Scot
laud's good, and that ever disgtaccd and
iu.-ulted ibis or any other community.
Tor years past this pest has been tolerated
:n this community, and it is some conso
lation that there is a prospect of being re
lieved of him soon, thus lcmoving from
before the eyes of the rising generation a
frightful and revolting example of nat
ural depravity. Every respectable man
and tax-payer in the county approves of
the object of the Printing I!il! and is sat
isfied tc have the public printing publish
ed in the papers representing the only
two parties in the county. Johnsouisui,
as illustrated by Allison aud Davis, has
sunk eo low 1.0 one, not even the bitterest j
1 1 1 :p 1. 1 . 1 1 -ii .
Copperhead, if he has any character will
reeojrnize it. These fellows are r-.'jected
by all honorable .Democrats, and ar.' de
spised and disowned by every true Re
publican. There is) not a dozen of them
in the county, and no one will own them,
and as they have betrayed all parties, ev
ery friend they ever had, broken every
pledge they ever made, false to God aud
man, we would advL-c them to redeem
themselves by showing the courage of Ju
das and go aud hang themselves.
The war with the wild Indians of the
plains may be said to have commenced.
The Indians, arc doing all the damage they
can in (seizing our trains, buruiug stations,
and murdering the inhabitants. General
Hancock, in his late plain talk with a par
ty ol the hostilcs, effected nothing. They
seem bent on trying their prowess with
I'nclc Sam again, uone of the previous
lesons seems to havo left a sufficient im
pression on them to see the helplessness
of their warfare. Our forces are gradu
ally accumulating for operations and arc
being divided for separate action in differ
ent directions. The Indian war party is
joined by various other small tribes.
tsomc other tribes, mustering nearly one
thousand warriors, claim to be peaceful
and have refused to join the hostile bauds.
A brush has taken place with a small
party of Indians iu which several of them
were killed and one of our own troops,
wii.'i several wounded.
We imagine that when this war shall
be over ti." Government will have learned
nultMCut WiIoru tj abolish all treaties
with the Indians; and compel them to live
in our States and Territories under ihe
law as the colored people still do in say
Pennsylvania. They must be subjugated
utterly and wade to behave themselves as
human beings should do vi'ithin our limits
in the present stage of civiliz.l'aon.
A Thick. Allison and Davis tried to
play a trick on the Coujuiissioccrs by
presenting their list of subscribers with
out being sworn to. Rut they got caught
auu had to face the music. Rut they
did not want their list examined and it
now seems that all the litts have been
stolen out of the Commissioners Office.
The Clerk, Joseph Middagh, Esq., says
he last saw the lists iu the bauds of Davis
and Aliisou, who asked to see them.
Comment is unnecessary.
Tut: R'pullican says Ronsall aud Pat
terson swore before the Commissioners to
the lists of the It-tjistcr aud Slnti.nei..
Not true. Patterson had nothiug to do
with it. II. II. Wilson, the publisher of
the Skntinel, swore to our list aud if it
in any consolation to the drunken pub
lishers of Andy's Organ we are happy to
inform them that it is a li.-t of which we
have no reason to Lc at Lamed.
Slavery Abolished iu Jlruzil.
England, Russia and the United States
within the last few years, successively
abolished Slavery. In England and Rus
sia the aristocracy in tho Uuited States,
tho democracy resisted the movement,
as at variance with the laws of nature and
the inculcations of revelation, as preju
dicial to the welfare of the people eman
cipated, and as damaging to social and in
dustrial progress. Croakings did not
avail to stop the progress of the age
Even Brazil has caught the iufoctiou,
Yesterday morning a Cubic telegram, ia
our columns, annouueed that the EtF-
tot of that country has abolished Slavery,
the ouly limitation being that children
shall be free on reaching majority. An
enlightened man aud ruler, he compre
hends that liberty mrans elevation and
improvement, aud tc uuites his name
and dynasty with tie best aspirations of
tho age. Spain remains, in Europe and
America, the cbmipion of that domestic
institution which the democratic party of
this republic venerate as the corner stone
of law and order. I'itstnirg (!a:;ettc.
Washington specials state it is reported
that two of the Richmond papers it is
supposed the Kxamincr and Times are
indicted for incitiug treason and rebellion.
The ll'-jiullicait's Richmoud special
says that Judge Underwood had stated in
open Court that Chief Justice Chase will
preside at the trial of Davis, on the ad
journment of the Supreme Court.
The President telegraphed Gen. Sheri
dan to-day not to close the legistratitm on
the l"!h, as he proposed, but to wait for
the decision of the Attorney General.
It is estimated that in the counties of
Halifax, Spottsylvania, Prai.kliu and Hen
r' Virgiuia, and Rockingham and Caw
well, North Carolina, the tobacco now on
hand is worth twelve millions of dollars.
The crop of Spottsylvauia, aloue, is placed
at three milliu dollars.
Notwithstanding the pre liininaries look.!
, ". .. .. j
to the preservation of ppaee, France
aI)J ,,russiaare . ,;
1 "
This course is producing distrust aud alarm
iu Guancial circles hero and cisenhere.
The editors of Andy's .Sore Heeled Or
gan in their last issue spewed out their
venom against Mr. Jehu W. Emery of
this place, a gentleman well known to all
our citizens and against whose character
no decent man can say ought. Yet these
besotted hirelings of Andrew Johnson,
because Mr. Kmcry refuses to drink whis
ky, get drunk and associate with them,
cudeavor to prejudice his character by
making him the butt of thiir malice
through the columns of Andy's filthy
sheet. Lvery boy iu town knows Sore
Heels and as lur Reefy, throng', wh jsc
veins courses the ''blood of he Stuarts,"
it is altogether unnecessary fur anybody
to know him.
The Jackson (Mississippi) Cl-irion as
sures u of the gratifying truth though
deeply regretting it that "the fact is too
muuilcst to be denied, and too iu-oi i;.u t
to be disregarded, that the Republieau
party is rapidly extending itt ramifications
throughout the Southern Stales. In all
of these State.? initial movements', more
or less formidable, are on foot lor form
ing a compact party to co-i'j crate with
that organization. It is a part of the
matured selietno of the louders of that
parly to uiaiut.iiu its ascendency, aud
they have seized the opportunity aiTorJed
by the introduction of the new clause in
to the elective franchise.
The death ot the old horse, Henry
Clay, who in his time has been one cf the
greatest celebrities, aud who was believed
to be the oldest living stallion, occurred
in Seneca county, New Y'ork, April 22d.
The age of this horse is announced at -I'd
years and 7 mouths certainly a surpri
sing age for a horse to attain.
tfu? tU'rrtisifmcnts.
In the lastmciit of the l'attertun llouar, j.j Tat
tcnon. Hotels. Families anil Dealers furnished
vrV.h UrcaJ. l'ies and Cakes at short notice.
The Su bscriber has also opened a Salesroom
in MilHiutown, at A. T. Lames' Cigar Slore,
thus utl'ording the citizens of both towns an
opportunity of buying good and cheap Bread,
may 15, 1807. JACCH CLBL0C1L
On Ridje Road Street, l'a-rysvih'c, Fa.
The undersigned has just received from
the Easttin Market the most attractive sto;k
of (joo:!s ever brought to PerrysvUle.
Our stock consists of Ladies Drc?s Goods,
latest fctyle. Calicoes, at low prices, best
quality of Muslins, &e.,
Groceries, Quceusware, Salt. Fish, &.C.
Call and examine our Goods before pur
chasing elsewhere. We take great pleasure I
in showing our goods beheving them to
an be bought elsewhere. The
rice paid lor all kinds of Coun
cheaper than can
highest cash price
trv Produce.
Ucnicnibcr the place, Ridge Road Street.!
rei-t-ysvillc. JACOl i.SCUEL5i'.'YEl:.
may IVji.
ft. svfT
Were awarded the highest premiums at (he
ritutc Fairs uf
New York, Kentucky,
Vermont, Tennt'tsee,
New Jersey, Missouri,
Pennsylvania, A lab" inn,
Ohio, Mississippi,
Indiana, Virginia,
Michigan, North Carolina,
Wisconsin, California,
l'jwu, Oregon,
At tho Fairs of the
American Institute,
franklin Institute,
Mass. Mechanics' Association,
l'eiiu'u Mechanics' luMituf,
bt. Louis Agriculiurat and
Mechanics' Association,
And nt numerous Instiiutes and County fairs,
iuoUnlinj; all t!: Kairs at which they
Werccxliibitel the past lln ce
years. First prizes
hare also been
these Machines
nt the cxhibii ions
of London, Paris, linli
lin, l.im, I'.e-ancon, !ayounp.
St. L'izier, Chalons, und Ihi'y havo
been furuislicd. by ppecial command, to the!
''mjircs of lu iincr, Empress of Auslrin ,
impress of A'dssii, IJuijtrrss of
Jlra.il, (iievn of Spain, and
fjuccn if Jlaiaria.
The GROVKR & RAKKR Klastic
.Stitch Sewiiij; Machines are superior to
ail others for the following reasons:
1. They sew with two threads direct
ihe sp ml. nnd re'juire no rewinding.
They are more easily undeision l and
-iscd, and less liable to dcrangeiut i:t than oth
er muehiues.
t. They are capable of executing perfectly,
cium'e or adjustment, a much givai-
er variety ot work than other 111 icliines.
-I. The sliteli madu by these machines is:
niuch more lirm, clastic, aad durable, especi-
illy upon aiticles which re.piirc to be washed
and ironed, than any other stiich
o. I Ins Kiiicli, owni); to liie manner in
which Ihe 1 luler lliread is inwrought, is much
the most plutn-i and beautiful 111 use, and re
.- .,- , ..
tains this p.umpness and beau y even upon
iriieles freiiueutly washed aud ironed until
tiny are worn out.
0. The structure of tie seam is such that,
iliough it be cut or broken at intervals of only
a few .Hitches, it will neither open, run, nor
ravel, but remains firm und durante.
7. L'ntikc other machines, these fasten buth
cn'ls of the seam by their own operation
8. Willi these machines, while silk is used
upon the riht or face side of the scani, cot
ton may be used upon the other side without
lessening the strength or durability of the
scan'.. This can be done on no other m ichine.
ami is a great saving upon all articles stitch
C'l or in. vie up with siik.
0. These machines, in addition to their su-pH-ior
merits as instruments for sewing, by a
clianpe of adjustment, easily learned and
practised, execute the most beautiful an:l per
manent embroidery nnd ornamental work.
tii'.OVLi; & I! A K KltS. M. CO..
7;!ti Chestnut Street, Phiiadelpl.il,
Machines delivered at ihe residence of any
1111? pitrchiMng in either of I he liorouglis.
Tli reads. Oils, Needles, and every other ai
lie'.e appertaining lo Cue working of the ma
chine 011 halid and fir sale by .1 . I;. M. Todd.
The above Sewing Machines are for sale by
.1. I!. M. TO !!.. Ftcrson, Fa
S. Ii. LOSDOX, Mililiuiovm, Fa.
may 1". IH'-.T-tf.
Pati KH.sux. Juniata County, Fa.
Ti e undersigned, having re fa: :ii ,l.e 1 ihr
ab ii'- il etsis. is a.iiV pr.-pired t i liii-nis'i tlu
public, on the most reasonable terms, w'nl.
M.aU .vol R.f,;shs.,rU at all Honrs
Fartiiers and oihei. visiting towucan j rocure
meals at almost any price. Also, bugu liable
attached for ihe accommodation of travelers,
atleuded by careful ostlers.
A share of public patronage is so'ilitcd.
may 15, 1807-tf. WM. IlLICSE, Pro.
an Order out of the Orphans' Court of
Juniata cotuily, the undersigned. Executor of
John Stoncroad, dee'd . late rf Walker town
ship. Juniata county. Pa , will sell at public
sale, on the premises, in the above nsm d
township. 011
TIlRSDAV,JrXhirth, 18G7,
A tract of Land containing Fifty-one Acre",
more or less, bounded on the west by Kugler
and Griffith, cn the norih by J-hn McMeen.
on the cast by McMeca and Snook, and 011
the south by ALKnight's Heirs aid Widow
Wilson, having thereon erected a Two-story
Log Houseaiid Barn, a spring near Ihe house,
an Apple Orchard anil other fruit, wiih a suf
ficiency of 1 imbcr Land for the use of the
TERMS: One-third of purchase money lo
be paid 0:1 confirmation of s V.e, and the bal
ance on Cue first day of A pi il. 1SC8, with in
terest secured by bond. Persons wishing lo
see the premises v. ill please call 011 the sub
scriber. Pale to comn-tucc at 1 o'clock, I. M., of
xaid day.
may S-ts. JOHN McMELX.
CTICE. The several Tax Collectors p
1 pointed for the present year, 1807, are
requested to call at the Commissioners office,
on the 21th inst., file Ihe necessary bond and
lift the Tas Dupiicnte..
l'.y order r.f Ihe Board
may 8,-0t. J. M1DDAG II, Cr. -.
-I ff f()( While Pine Shaved Fap nnJ
1 UU.UUU Joint Shingles; aleo, Boards,
Oak Plank, Plastering I.ath. and Rickets, for
S-Cm. Milroy, .Mitilin county. I a.
! 1 fr E"lc ry J' M' LLLFUK
! nnv 8. ISto-Sr.
xl , ,b-by J. Mi BELl 'Ji'.!'.
I s. i y,
GETTYsnrno asylum
Incorporated ly Actof AssemMyorthc Com-' 't'liiail Taililiijg CoillpuIiT.
monwealth ot i'ennsylvani.i, March C. 140". '
' jFKKV, FAI?.!sWOKTIl &. lo.
The Board of Supervisors appointed by the Cor.. L. 1'kf.T, of West Virgiuia, Prcs't
above Corporation to ci.rry out ihe ohjectsof L. S. Fap.nswoktii Secretary
tin: act of incorpora.h in rc-pcctOiliy un-Vcr. o.. , , . ,, V ,; '" .
nounce to the public that the tegWatwo ot ' SiAMMILUJl, luuiiuawunty, Gcn
Pciinsylvania bus authorized the raisin1' of jcr:" Agent.
funds for the erection, establishment, mul
maintenances of an Asylum for Invalid Sol
diers ot the lute wnr, to be built on the Battle-field
of Gettysburg, and iisnn inducement
to patriotic citizens to contribute ti this be'
ni'Volent object, bf.ve empowered the C'irpo- j t'ompnny is now prepared, after a gui-ccss-rat:on
to distribute amongst the subscribers J'1 ,4";t Ilic'-cl '3 improd. cystrra of i.-ci-
ruch articles Ot value mi l mtcrcsf, from nsso- n!rC 111 pPvcrai yarns in tnis cie.nfy, and ad.
nation with the late war, or any money?, i f- li0""1'"? counties, to oiler for sale hne ic, ,i
fects, property, or estate- real 'or personal, l,JrJr "iiliin tins State, Ter.nei-.e-c, Texas i
whatcver. in this Statu or elsowlierc nt sm-li ! fson. l'tah. New Mexico an ! Nerada, in th s
time or upon Biuii terms, and in such way
and manner whatsoever, as to them shall
seem lit, any laws of this Commonwealth to
the contrary notwithstanding.
The enterprise is cordially recommended by
the following named well known .'i-ntlenicn :
Major General GKOItGK ( MKADK,
Kx -Governor ANDHKW ; Cl'IJTLV,
Major Ceneral O. l'KXN Yl'ACKKU,
Major (ieneral K. M. CI.'Ki ; )i: V,
Major Cenerai .lOi'I.V K. Bltt )( ICi:,
Major General CHARLES II. T. CDLLIS.
Major tieneial II. J. MADILL,
iMajnr General JAS. I,. SELI'i;lI)Gn,
Bri-atlier General JAMES A BEAVEIt,
Brigadier ( Jencral II. G SICK ELS,
Brigadier General .lOSEl'il F. KNIFE,
Brigadier G'-ncral VM. .1. BOLTON,
Bri-adier Girncral SA.ML M. .CLICK.
Brigadier General JOHN K. Ml iiPHV,
Bri-u.lier General JOHN F. BALLIE;:,
Brigadier ieneral 1. F. .Mel i .
I'-ii-adit r General I!. E. WINSI.OW,
Brigadier General I ! EN I! V FLEAS A NTS,
B1-1.4a.bfr General .1. . . S. t.Oi,i.,
Brigadier Geticr.d -I. M. CAMPBELL
Brigadier G -neral TllDS. M. WALKER,
Brigadier (ieneral M. C. TALLEV,
Bri-adi. r lo iu-ral 1. M. M. GKEGG,
Colonel F. S. STAMBAl'Gll.
The site lor the institution cliirtv.icrc.h.is
already been purchased, -slid it is hoped that
t-'""1' W"rk may cotntiieuce bcloic mid-
Subscriptions will l c received :it the o.Ilcc
of tho Association, No. ll ii Cliestnut street, 1
Fhiladflplna, on and niter Mi inlay, Ihe (jth
day of -May, 1M17.
For each subset tption of tvc dollars a cer- !
til'n ate will be issued, which w ill entitle the j
holder to siu ii article of v.iluc as ni y be I
awarded to its n.itiil 1 r.
T'lie- liist distribution of awnr.ls will lie1
ade intincdiatelv iij the receipt of b'.i,000
siib-criwioiis. ot ii cat b.
The ilisiribiitioii will be pul.lic, an 1 under
the direct supervision of toe Corporators.
IVr-ous at a distance ;. re reipicsted to u-mil
their subsr-: ipiionsl v. lu ll praciictiiie) by Post
ollii-e money order, or register: 1 letter, to i;i
sure piompt delicerv. Dinct ' tiers to
.1. I). HOFFMAN",
t-irti ll-Mtrii of S tj.err ;' ; 1,
n.ix i 1:1, F. ., FuiU'.e!;;:,::!.
Tl. l,.tl., lixi tu o ;i'lii-,!nli. 11I II, 1. -lu-nrilv
() ,(( un,i7.r',.,. jirt il:st: ibtit-on. The
items of Diamonds and other pn-eio:i.- st itu s
were purchased troni ritizens o the S intii
iltiriii!; the w ir, nnd I be:r 1. ....1 : -iLi-
iif'o.fl t.i liv- lessrs. Henle 4.V Hros.li!e most
-------- -
. t.xU.nhl. ,i;:imond importers... the country.
and by J. IIerinaii,iliaiii'ind setter, . 1. j .liana .-..iimy. IJa.. Ceneral Anit ; Mr.
.VTrV Fiif ivfiTin ' Stuckprall.'- Tai-.-ry. Pe-ervo township. Al
OLTT1M.LK'. A.-1 LI 1. 1 U.k I- . ALU) iwh,..., .,..,. .,r li e tannery ..f Mes-r-.
soldi f.:;s.
Incorporated bv Act of Assembly of thet'om-
luoinvealtli of Pennsylvania, March II, IS
Ollice II 'W CHESTNUT Street, Phii'a.
Eighty Thousand Suliscrihcrsat A"i.nn Fa h
I 1 Diamond Necklace, lj lir.l-
liants, vabted at :;n,t!l)0
o Diamond Clu.-tcr Fmocii
and Ear Kiu-s. 1. 1,000
3 1 Awar.l ID-lii tiov. lioiuls. . pi.ttotl
4 ! DianioiidCross-.setinsilver T.IM.H
5 1 Diainoiul Cluster Hrooeli
(i 1 Award 10 10 (iov. Iioinis. .
7 1 Diam'ml Single Slonc liiiiif
S 1 Diionor.'l ( iuster Ur:u-i-h I
1 Diamond Single Slotie
Si-aif Pin '
10 1 Diamond Clu-tcr Urooch
11 I Diamond Cluster Fraci lt t
1 Fair Single Stone Diamond
liar Kin!S
1.-; 1 Diamond Cluster Iltooeli
11-1 Award 10 '.'Riov. li.utils. .
1.1 1 Diamond Simile Stone Pit.
Pi 1 Diiitn'nd Siu;!j StoeeSiu 1
17 1 Diamond Cluster Urooch
is 1 Di ;m'nd Single S'oia- Ring
ID 1 Diamond a 11 d Emend. 1
20 1 Di uii'n.! Single Stone Kii'g
2! 1 Iiiiiiini: 1 Clti-ter K'tig
50 1 Long ltuiia Camel's Hair
J:! 1 Choice Emerald Stud
St 1 SingV S;ouc D'-ani'ml King
21 to 10 Aar Is ,,t 10 In Ooveii:-
metil 1; .11. !s, each
ul 1 Tlu 1 e-stonc Diamond nnd
Kuby b;.!f-lioop lling
CG 1 Diamond Single-stone Ear
Km. bs
'17 1 Fair Diamond Cluster Studs
o a 1 Dintnonil S.ngh; stoue Kitig
st;ir selling
f!! 1 Di-imond Single stone Fin
10 1 Diamotiu Cluster Bracelet.
11 to .VJ- 10 Awards ot 10-iO Covcrn-
llier.t B.)llds, ej'.eh .....
.11 1 Lady's Diamond set Watch
.VI 1 Diamond Single Stone King
0;! 1 Diamond and Opal Cluster
M 1 Diamond Sinde Stone Hirg
51 1 Fair Emerald Scarf Pins. .
.1'! 1 Diamond S'nuls Stout- Stud
.171 Diamond Cluster Fin
53 1 Cameo nnd Fear'. Uroocli
and Ear Itititis
.10 to 158 100 Awards 10-10 Covern-
ment Bonds, each
1.19 to 253 100 A ward a, Covtnment
Li-ural Tenders, e.-ieli ....
j -on
00 J
G.OOO Awirils, Ciovcrnment Legal
Tenders, each
The distributions ot thealiove rcivtirda ivill
be made in public as soon its the subscription
is lull, ot which due notice wilt no given
throngli the papers. On and after May Oth
the Diamonds will be on exhibition at the of-
Uce ot the Association.
1 he public can corit.dcntly rely on cirr-
Uiui" being contlucted m the most, honorable
and lair mannr-r. All the awards t 1 1 ji.
landed to ,-ert.!ic:it9 holders, tmt.icdi.-.tfli t.f-
tertho ,l.,tr,bitt.oii, ftff t 00 at tljp
c V ... V N -'
tstieet, Fhiladelpbia.
AVb liPii bv certify that wc have exaiiiineil
the Diamond Coods, Pearls, Emor;ih!s, Hu-1 p . ... ., ..T ...
bies, and other Precious Stones. a described , TV ' 1 IN "UP. IN THOMt SONTOU.N.
i.i the above list. ad find them all Ken..inc. . 1 M T " f" J C '""
1IENI.F. Itlti 'S. Diamond lm,.o,t..rs, 1 hompsontow n and v c.ni.y, that I b,.
20 M UDEN LANE, New York. ! "I"'1"-"1 Ti" :"''! i,cti' lron, ""1"'h"r,,,t
1 HTOUivv lii,.,.l So.tor iKirl.uil .T-.rfl lona-unimCc tin ul.io
tl . lllill.ll.l.l. '""
yai F.K!O.ME Street. New York.
Books ran be had containing 20 Co rtiScate?
! All orders for Ceitilieates must be addrctstd '
1 t.j .1. IV IHH-'FM N, Se n tar;-.
v tj,,. ; 1 si. i -.. cS'.cr. l'h:Xia'-I:-:3. .
A pplcndid orp"Mun!iy fi,r a secure and
mom-rate inrestincnt of capital is dot offered
by ihis Company to Tanners and Capitalist
of hupc as well as uiwlcrnle means, iu tin;
shape of rights fir I'istricts, l.'iiuie its, Tjwus
or for lnuiTidua" use of jaid improved sys
teni secured to Kanfor l A. Hirkcl, t's i , l.y
Letters I'ntcnt dated NoTcniher Ttb, lK;i, :.n I
grentp.l for seventeen 3 e-srs, and ty pr-id .c.
A. liickcl, Ks'j.. legally Iransle. r;-J to t'rs
Company for this and tc other State atidTft -ritorie9
The successful working's of th5sprp.it dis
cover has been iu-iuonMrated iu enery in
slance, wherever fully and thoroughly ipled,
and lri! ! v-11 :i.d now gives general ar.d uni
versal satisfaction, biiih as toqual tyol leailier
and the saving in .art of the foriuur esjen
aive in ase riii'. b.;:k. !-s ran be seen ly t!,c
attached peitificates. This is the oiiy sj!i
ipm ever introduced which is warranted as
to its virtue by the proprieties.
We w:trea::t to nianuiaeturc Pole. Lenther
in Ninety days. M.-nnesf, Leaihrriu Fitt, days
S'.riii'.e Leather in Fully lays. I'j per Leather
i i Thirty-Five daj s. tvit j Lt .'iier in Thirty
; days. Calf-kin in Twenty 10 Twen:y-F.vi'
1 days. Sheepskin iu Two 10 Three
Vk warrant to save one-third in h-avy, r.i d
one-hall' uf li.e f"i:.,fi kj. 1! in lij;la
stock, ni ikirt-r heavier leather tliaFi can fit
manufactured with bark alone. A superior
iiia!ity of leather is also aarruult-i 10 be
made under this sy-tcin.
N alterations arc necessary or required in
the yard or in the manner of inaiiutaef nr..
, but a great savinj.' ot labor is aiMite-l by
not bein reipiire i to '-l-iy away," and t!.H
leal her bein scoured with preil ease.
The rtai iriiu- of tl.i'i d;sciei-y e.-.nsis:-
in ti:e lessonir to OTi-balf ihe ex:ien.-e -f
tanning l y th-: n-e of a ure'y Tfgeiable
matter, iu coi-jur clion with tun lark, whieh
can be at any lime, in all se-isons, and at any
place secured al the limi'rd cost of n t nioru
Hum twenty. five r uts ti .1 humired hi le.
1 his sy.sn.in hav.i: neeii but recently dis-
j covered end patenle.l. November. 1
nt been very t Men.-ively mirodu-cd a- yet,
the commencement havii.ir been m.i le by
this Company, with !: Patentee in thi
'!:ite i:s May, 1 '-'CI, a.i 1 is ri sir--essfally
used ill 1 be f'. lowing plnees, reference lo
whirl, is ma-le. '7 : dr-.-ene eeir.ry. !':i X.
Ncv- ru-.e. !.'.u rinou ,v Co.. WaMote-i-ui, I'a.
si. ."Siiiilh, J. Webti an I oluers: f nyette
county. Pa. T. Vernon. J. K:'!e-y. l-..:ii-i- x
Itro., Indiana, Pa. (ieoi,- ;s auiuiiiler. "A est
moreland county, Pa. .'. Verwon. A Lechery
couu'y. Pn. Lappe ,fc Wit,-, l.uckh oipt K
Kieler. Stuckgra: h & ricir. UmvI iL Co,
t '.t n : r T I -. ri ah.
sj,,eci:nens of leaiher m.iiiutaroin d und-r
i .i.- ' 1- . . .1 - .. ...1
iiui9ss'eiii can ie eiiim.:..i ..: i e snr- ami
Warejoon. of tieor-.e miller, in I, i
Liiekhaup .V Kiet'er. S;rin j:ii.i.-n.
; I i.mciai lerni.s can now ne sccure'i. n n e
ivnipiiiiv is just be'rinniiiLC o -ei-aTiniis. and
1 l.-r,-l.re ,li-p.,se I f-r f lie tin Iherauce f 1 T:r
system lo make sale al b.w aud inoiieralo
;.riccs. per I'urtlier itiforu: iiion call on Oi-o.
.-rAi.rMii.LKB, Indiana, Pa. my i-:;ni.
tttltiat f?-----'':,-J-- J-
I). .x'NSVLVAM R 1 1.l'.i .M ON Al
i aftet Monday, April 2:1. l;:.,i'., passenger
Train will leave Mill. 10 Station as follows. :
Philadelphia Express.. I 'M P. M
Fast Line VJ l, . -M.
Cincinnati Express ".'!. P. M.
ay Express ll.ai. A. ?I.
Way Passenger P. 21.
Cincinnati & Eric Exj rc?s 1 J"i, A. M.
P:: It i more Express 4.C'.:), A. M.
Philadelpl.ia Exp.e.s... Ti.tlJ. A. M.
Past I.ine ft..V., P. M.
Mail Train X .".7. P. "f.
Emigrant Train V.),-K A. .M.
liUl.'l'SiM. lM'.iV i'iul
ix r a t t 1: it s o
TI!() Ins just returned IVoiu Ihe Ci.y with
a laixe aasoi. itienl of
HiPincry an 1 Ff.ncy Goods.
i Consisting in parti I' lbtuei. ait.S K. tv et Silks,
I Y i iwers in: 1 Tiimi:.:ng. I'::il". 'teri.-s, L.iee
i tin. ids. lliin-il.ei-ehiefs. IJalmorai Skiit. I'oop
' Skirts. Oluves, Read liinif s and Oi n.o.e -.is.
j Notions nnd small Wares, forming the best
1 assortment of
la tiie County.
She si.lici.s a call from the public, being
confident ihat she can suit all.
may 1, 18ii7--Im.
t;ie cem'lnk
Vi axttk. Agents. j'l'i-J per 11. ..nth i:r.i a'l
expenses paid, 10 sell the Cenuine Rartlctt
Sewing Machine. This Machine will do all
the work thai can be done on tiny Li.;li priced
machine, t,u 1 is fully jiatentcd, licensed ami
warranted for live years. W pay the above.
1 wiiges, or a commission, fram wnic-u Iwicii
SO 1 thai amount can be made. For Circulars and
terms address IL HALL & Ct..
7S1 Chestnut St., Vhilitd'a., Pa.
apr. 17-Cw.
1 j
111 i Jjllii V LXIvO.
! Til II E uu.lersigncd havinjentered into nart-
. J h e ,!rcpare,i , m ,,jr
TumhaluI,1 M,f unA.nt3. Table T..p9. or any
c,(hi. -m our ,ine of bllsines 0
, e Mi, woM renson;ll;!t) , ,.
Mtrmllt .. of Atncricar,
I Marble always ou hand,
; '
j ra-v ' 1
in and SiiKiir laoN W.vrr, also, Stoves
nt the lowest ca-h prices.
Koofin' and Spuiit:n; pr.- i.ipily attended to.
All work made Of the best ic.aterial.
" WM. C l.tH.AN.
'I humps. .::tr.wn