Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, May 08, 1867, Image 1

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.... -ttPsi
I". If. witsox,
fine Constitution Tins csioy. aso the estoeckkest oi inn iaws.J
Ths Ji'siata Sentinel is published every
WeJncsdi.y morning, ou F.iiJpc aireci, bjr
The SEnrTRiri lOX I'KR'E of the paper
Trill be TWO HuLLAKS pnryear in advauce,
and 9i.iO if not paid wiiliiu the first Hires
EPi. No paper discontinued until all ar
r'areges are paid except at tbe option of tbe
At.vKBHsis.1. The rates of AHVEKT15
IXG are for one square, of kioiit liucs or less,
one iusertioa, 75 cents tbrce, $1 5o :and 5o c!s
oreaoii subsequent insertion. Administra
tes. Executor's acd Auditor's Notices, i?oo.
Professional and I'.iuiiie-s Cards, not exceed
ing -S lilies, nlid incliuling copy of piper.
S-.s.oo per year. Merchants advenWin-j
(changeable quarterly ) $ l" ier year, inclnd
injj paper at their Stores. Notices in reading
columns ten cents per line.
Jou Wi.:;i;.-i;io prices of JOH WOUK.
for i bin. v liills, one-vitr'tit heet, S?l,'.t-i; mie
lourth, $'',ca ; tne-li;'!', f.l.oo : nd addition
al numbers, b.tif jiriei and for LlaitLs, ?2,oo
per quire.
iriiiiliutown, Juniata County. Pa., tblice
on Main street South of lri !ge sir et.
' Al fortify at ' Law,
s&ofory utj.jf.
"TV ill attend to all business entrusted to bis
care. Olhcc on Main S:reet, Miiilintown, Pa.
Cl'I'KltS his profo?'ua:;l services to the
J public. Prompt, attention given to the
vrosecuiiou of claims :.g liuM the Government,
onlleetions and ull other business entrusted to
his car- Oir.cts iu the fcherilTa ollicc, iu the
Court llsuse.
Sspt. -o, 132-
7" END UK " CllIEE
The undersigned offors his services to the
public as Vuidiie Crytr and Anctio.ieer. lie
Lai had a very l.-.re ex peril nee, scd feds
confident that he can give satisfaction to nil
:io may employ him. lie may be addressed
at Miaiiutown, or found at his homo in Fer
managh township. Ordeia may alio be let;
at Mr. Will's iloiul.
Jn. sr., Htil. WILLIAM GIVEN.
fpiIE undersigned will promptly attend to
X the collection of claims against either the
rititl or National (juvernnicnt, Pensions, I'.ack
P.iy, Uouuly, Extra Pay, and all ether claims
arising out of the present or any other war,
Miiilintown, Juniata Co., Ta. fell
"JVTEW TOBACCtl Sl'OP.E. Just received
J at liarues' Cigar and Tobacco Store, a
trth supply ol'pure Var i Cigars and Tobacco-.
Hest Navy .f'l,0' per lb
lad '.'t'c ' "
ard " r',;- " "
Ciifcca Gold liar - l.-PI "
Oranoke l.-l ) " i'
The best brands Fine Cut loose and iu f"il,
and nil kinds of lliight Tobacco at reduc
ed prices. The lovers of pood chewing and
F uoilng lobaeco are respect'uily invite 1 to
ail and eXHiitiue my stock.
June -IJ-U. i. T P.AI'NES.
'TAKEj this mtho(t of informing his friends
. in Juniata county, that owing to the tea
e'mab'y good success he has met with, during
the few months he has been practising his pro
fession iu said county, be feels warranted iu
making stated visits to Mitlliutown and Mc
Alistersvillo. The first Monday of each month
Mr. Keever may be found at the Juniata Ho
tel, Milttin, te remain two weeks. Th thiru
Monday, at McAlisiersville, to remain during
the weelt. Teeth inserted on VULCANITE,
extracted in the most approved manner, and
with the least possible pain.
TtfQ Strict attention given to diseased
gums, Sc. All work warranted. RTi- Terms
i easouablc.
January 2i, lSoC-tf.
Cp;icsi!c ICifflin Station, 0:1 Fma'a. Kailroa ti
Tho undersigned would respectfully icfuna
Lis friends and the public generally, that he
Las taken charge of the above named house.
The house is large aad ceRiiiiodious, and
well ventilated, and is fitted up in single
rooms and rooms for families, and is open duy
ant' night. Persons wakened for any train.
The best attendance given terms us reason
able as the times will admit.
jan 30-tf. Owner and Proprietor.
Clothiug fcupesior to any oihcr establis
ment in the City snd at lower prices. Jler
vhauts will find it to their advantage to call.
All goods warranted. Presented by J. K.
Bwoyer. no. 7- ly.
grich, Lancaster. Wisconsin, will buy
and sell KEAL ESTATE, and pay Taxes for
nonresidents, to those desiring to locate in the
West, can obtain cheap Homes and good wa
ter power iu prosperous ioeaii'ies by consult
ing him reference givevif required.
u.a-. 21-ly.
V v yHTi. ... .
nHE superior merits of the "Singer" Ms
L chines OTer all others, for either family
use or manufacturing purposes, are so well
established and so pew.Tally admitted, that
an enumeration of (heir relative excellencies
is no longer considered necessary.
which has been over two years in preparation,
and which has been brought 1 3 perfection rc
g udless of lime, labor or expense, nd is now
confidently presented to the public as incom
parably the best Sewing Machine in existence.
The Machine in question is simple, com
pact, durable and biautilul. It is ipict, light
I :-isi'.iiiiig, ami capable, ot p.-rforiniii;; a range
! and variety of work never before attempted
upon a single Machine, using cither Silk",
j Twist, I.iii. n or t'otlou Thread, and sewing
with equal facility the very lim-.-t mi l coarsest
I mat.'riais, sn ! .'it.vtliing between the t'.vo rx
i 'ivna", in theniu.-,t beautiful and substantial
: iiiatmer. lis attaehmciits for hemming, braid-
I nig, cording, t iciuior, iiitiltintr, felling, trim
ming, binning, etc., lire novel and practical,
and have been invented and adjusted especi
ally !..-! this Machine.
.Mi'.hinns alwMvs kept cn hand at my Tail
oring Evtahli.shiiicm, secotol story Sulon!!',
!'io-,v & l'.u kcr's Store, l'-iidge Mrec-t, liiillin
i.ikii. i'a., for the inspection of tiic public.
! r.r .ulo ii t iho uiont reasonable prices.
Machiue Coiteii, N edles, Tin-cad, (ill,
and evry'hing pertaining to this Machine
c mslaiiily kept um hau l :',.r sale.
Milllintown, Jan. 1'., KS'JT-ly.
1 T 1"IL1.N ('O.UMI.t V r,.).v M NLK t:
l L tory. We the undersigned l,r n ave to
inform our cnstomei and friends in liiis ami
a ijoining conn. ics, that we have enlarged o:n
shop, and by the addition of Steam Power,
aic prepared to do work at the shortest possi
ble notice.
Wc arc constantly nianuf.ictnrinj and make
o order, every description of Coaches, Car
riuges, Luygies, Sulkies, Wagons, &c., also
Kauiily and Voak cutter sb ighs. V.'e are also
prepureii to icanufactuic Koad Wugouts from
one to four horsc.
Having been working at (ho business for a
uun.bcr of years ourselves, au 1 rmplnyitig
noun but the best of Workmen. Wc Hitler
ourselves that our work cannot bo surpassed
for neut ness and durability ; in this or ad
joiuing counties.
Wc always keep on hand fro-n twenty to
thirty set, of best second growth, Jersey
memory po!;p9, in order to make durable
wheels And will warrant our woiU for any
rea .tollable lime.
Slci.'hs and lingers re painted with ncat
ness aad dispatch. All other repairing heavy
or jibt u ill rccoiv klrivt Aitwniiwi.
and examine our slock and wor btlore pur
chasing elsewhere. Pon't fnrTel t!ie came,
li::H'KLl:iMNC!Eit & CitiSiVLLL.
Cono r of tl.c Pii:c i Cedar Sj i i:ig road.
Ju:i,) 27-tf.
Dctilcr in Driisft Mediiiucs, uT,
ITJOl'I.D respectfully infoiiu the citiens ol
i I Mi'.'.!in!o n an 1 stirrounuinj country
t lie. t ho has just receive:! from thce.ista large
and well selected assortment of (ra.i... j-.i
'i -Oi. : -', lLti'C 7, and X:'.;'.
for Medical pui p.ises only, and a general as
sort, lent ot everything pertaining to his bu
si.ics. i.." -Physicians orl.-rs ; :-nr,: ily tilled at a
smail udvan.e id' eastern wholesale pric-'S.
l:-y'-l'rescr:ptioiis eai"!'u!lv compouiided at
l:;s Store, at i'.oihariti i,i jl iicr.-' oil stand,
Ala: a street, two uwrs v. c-i of i:.df:d's!orc,
M::::iutown, I'a. jan - i-IT-ly.
OOAL AND I.L'MliEll VAI'.D. The rn b r
sitlncd begs leave to inforni tho public
that be keeps constantly on hand a hirgc Stock
of Coal and Lumber, liis stock embraces in
pa:t. Stove Coal, Smith t'..-;! and L'.i.ic-bur-:ieis
;'t-ftl, at t::e bv.-t:.-t ci-!; r:'.:-s.
Lumlo-r of all kin 1. and iu;.li!y, s-i: as
Vi'hitc 1'iue 1 'la ol;, two inches, do li White
Pine Hoards, 1 im h, do oue half ineti, liite
Pine worked lboiring. Hemlock Hoards,
:oanllii.g, J oice. Hooting Lath, Plastering
Lath, Shingles, Striping, Sash and Poors.
Coal and Lumber delivered at short notice.
Persons ou the East side cf the Hirer can be
furnished wiih Limeburners Coal, &c, Jrom
the coal yard at Tysons Lock,
aug lo-ly GEOHGE GOSHEN.
Auburn, Golden, Flasoa Si Silken Carl;:,
1)roditced by the use of Prof. DE BltEC.V
FlttSER uE Clli; EUX. O io upplica
tion warrauled to curl the most straight and
stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets,
or heavy massive curls. Has been used bv
the fashionables of Paris and London, with
the roost gratifying results. Does no injury
to the hair. Price by mail, sealtd and post
paid, $1. Descriptive t'ir.-ulars mailed free
Addrss. DEIIGEU, SHUT IS i Co.. Chem
ists, No. lis") Hirer St., Troy, J. Y., Sole
Agents for the United States,
fjb. 110, '07-ly.
T7"ES S LE it, FOSTER t CO., are now 2
jj -Li- prepared to furnish all kinds of PJ
' Yi'ooj'";, W'tuthrr-ttottrJitig. J Jour ami
ll'inu'.oc frame", il'AwU ijanh, i
IZ J'uors, lirurkrtt, V
Z And all material required for building
Uij purposes.
O Having connected with our Mill
O hiuid- u x i'atciit JJi-'t A, in
K by which we can dry luniber in from O
m 'y eupcr-heated'steam, without pressure.'
f.; Customers may therefore rely ou get- j
j ting perf :etly .Seasoned Lumber in their f
2, Doors, Window Frames, Sash, &c, Sic I
march Id, lOT-iiui.
BUY THE It E.ST -Samuel titrayer, of Pat-tr--on,
is the authorized Agent for the
sale of the
and also f ir
These are the two best Machines manufac
tured. Persons Wishing tn lirinai cl..,.,M -
Hecht & S:r..yer's .Store, in Patterson, and i
esatuinc lor titenisolvos.
Jan ), lS'.'T
. . , ,
How dull beside iho brightntss
Of that upper world of rest.
Were tho ravs of earthly splendor
To the vision or the blest !
In their white and shining raiment
Do they stand to watch the world,
Whoso living map of action
Is before their gaze unfurled.
They aro with us in the mornlujr,
When the fresh gleam of the day
Drives the misty vtil of darkness
From our onward path away.
They come to cheer, to strengthen
The heart and purpose true,
And to whi per words of aolnce
Our own thoughts Dover knew.
They uphold us in the noontide,
la the burden of the day.
When the weary soul is .lial.ing
l!enea!h its load of clay :
To our lips they lift the vintage
(if the chaliced lilou.! uf Life).
Aul aro near UJ iu Jha battle
With theaugry hosts of hi rife.
They arc with us in the evening,
lu the shadows coo! and gray :
When the light upon the mountain
Creeps with laggard Kteps away,
Far brighter sliinc j their g! try,
Ai wc enter ou the dark;
Their feet the journ-y upward,
Print for us h gjl lcu mark.
Not alone are we, though silent
And unsicu uur heavenly friend !
Wc may not Ithold their beamy
Till our earthly lcs"n end: ;
Yet we hear their still, sweei voiced
Cltimiag softly through iho night,
'Wait in patiene? for the .-..nitig
Of the Children of the Li"ht l"
rtisttllantsus kfe.
iii.!t liLS15AMrs MIUND lii.HCE.
The New Allatiy (luilicitia) Lett-jzr uc
scribt's u peculiar iswtrituonial cLUcalfy
as follows :
Wc yt-s'.c; Jay unnoutiC-'J li.e mamam
o I ntn; l-'i. W ij lit to a .Miss Chatnbci lain.
Al the l:.s.t Call toiiu of .l.o Floyd I'ivctiit
Cuuit, this unii Wiht iita.lo uppllcatiou
lot- a uivuicc from lii.s wii'c, t!ic vrii.c: i ul
witness aaitist the wil'o boitjoj the i tti in
IJluiiibei lain. ,Iu !m' ilk-Lticl! heard '.lie
evidence, and reiu-cl to rant the divorce,
admiiiistt-i iii. to the man Wight a .-cvcti.
and merited icji iiiiaud for Lis rocced-iii-s
iti tlie cuff.
Wil.t, hou'ewr,
his t-wil'l .v:tuts.
Ictcrriiiiied to marry
Chamberlain, Again
s.)U:;ht a divorce i:i 1! uti'.ingdou cout.ty,
where he obtained it, I ho LVtut hrariug
but one siilc oi ihe: testimony, lliat ivcti
tbu woman, Li;:iiuhcT!uin. Having ins
divorce in hi.s t oc!.ct Wijht tit:'!
C'it.imberh.i i were mairied ye.-.tetday.
Wiohi'.s wile is a linpcle.-s iovalidjat
lc:i.-l &lic was so much an inva!iJ as lobe
no longer able, to satisfy the desire of her
husband. The other woman probably
tilled the bill much better. Wigjit mar
ried his first wife when she was young,
beautiful and in good health. She is yet
possessed ff good looks, notwithstanding
the afil'ictiots which have hovered over
her. yhc is a lady of rare accomplish
ments. She was of gxd family and re
puted wealthy at th time of her mar
riage, Uut after serving Wight for thir
teen years she was put away by divorce,
because she was au invalid.
At the wedding yesterday, this divorced
wife stood beside the woman that was to
usurp her place stood there like a living
corpse like a smitten, withered flower
as bridesmaid the bridesmaid of the wit
ness aguiust her in the suit fir divorce;
the only wituess. If bhc stood there vol
untarily we have iu her au example ol
woman. 's devotion such as we never before
heard of. If she stood there through
compulsion, the curse and blight of the
Almighty will follow the husband and his
ucw-made wife (formerly his divorced
wife's nurse,) to evenge the wtongsof tho
wretched woman.
Wight and his wife and his divorced
wife, left tho city ia company together
yesterday. If the husbaud an! the wife
have any feelings of humanity left, this
injured woman's pale face will hauut them
like a sceptre wherever they may travel.
rS-A Treacher in Berks couuty dis-
nenrsinfr alioiit IVitb.1 in tbo linn's den.
said : "And there ha sat the wlulc uikt
. ... . , , r .i;--nd
l.ino' Lvil-iMir t I ik i.hr,vn f.-,r r.ntLiai"11
-,, -i -- -
jdi lu't cost hitu a cc
U llio Tinirt of ycstcrJay morning,
sots the KicLmond Timet of Apiil 20th,
2 , ... . ' , , 1. iburtLactLo warmth of tho reception cf
of the suicide of 3lrs. hlizuheth Jlaincsi .,ri .i n -. it-..
1 Itlio l'i'iriri rT Wa pi in tli i!ri!tf.il Sttp
vflo ol -Mr. liraxton J. names, ot naries
City county, which occurred on Jlonday
lit. What could havo bctn the iuccr.tivc
vj-ich le i to the terrible deed is a pre.
i .
Ili.id mystery, as her domestic relations
vitc oT the uio.-it congenial character, and
! e hal health and everything of comfort
t'mtid her. Mrs. Haines bad ot;l y been
t :trried a few months. .She was a .M;ss
t?odJri), tin! was the niece cf Mr. Well
"ogfou Goddii), of this city. The r-tutic-a:irs
of the di.-.'.rc.-sing aflair are as fol
iws : On Monday morning, after the
Jniily had brcakLited, Mr. Haines re
tired t) his fritting room for the purp-c
u!" arranging sumc accounts, and shortly
nfter wards tailed Lis wife to a:Tt;,t h:ai in
so doing She wade no reply to the re
quest, but asked hint where his pi stol was.
Ou being iufutmed that it was in a drawer.
she took it out and asked her husband to
load it for her. lie declined and inquir
ed what she wanted it !nded lor. Her
reply was that she intended kiiliug Isr
aeli", aad if he wouldn't load the pi.-tol
for her she would do it herself. Mr.
Haines paid no attention to this remit k.
and el'U'.iuued milking out accounts till Lc
j was interrupted by his wifu the second
j ti ::e, who asked liiui to tell her why the
i : all wouldn't no down the. larrel of the
weapon. He took it from her, and Cnd
tiisr that the bullet was too large trimmed
it so that it would (it, arid thcu handed it
luikto his wife. Subsequently, unon
her reiterating the threat to kill herseif,
Mr. Haines asked her to give him the pit
tul, btit the refused to do so, and it was
only titer a stiugg'o that Le it'. ain tenur
ed it. Tiiis timo -Mr. Haines went to the
jorch, tired oiF the weapon and returned
it to the drawer whero he had beca in
the habit of keeping it. Soon alter, h!
wife again p)t tho pistol and sat down by
hi in to load it, after accomplishing which
she handed it to her husband and asked
him to cap it. Knowing that she had
frequently indulged in pistol shooting, lc
thought nothing of her saying she intend
ed so commit suicide, and accordingly put
the cap on the weapon and handed it back
tohr. Mrs Haiuc? then left the house
and her husband proceeded with his ac
counts. Shortly afterwards he heard 'he
report of the pistol, and immediately rat:
to the door to see what had happened,
when the fust sight which caught his eye
was Mrs. Haines, wi'.h uplifted arms, run-
tig towards him, and say it:g save me."
He caught her as she was about fainting
and bore her iuto the house, where she
lingered only about ftftceu miuutes be
fore sho died, l'revtens to her death she
called for water, but was uiiahlo to swal
low any, owiug to the profuse hemorrhage
from the lungs. Upcu examination it
was ascertained that the fatal missile had
entered the right lung and passed ob
liquely down towards the spine. She as.
signed no rcasou for the stranee act, and
her last words to her hu.shand were those
of endearment and importunities for him
to save her. From a little son of Mr.
Haines, who was witness to the affair, it
seems that as socn as Mrs. Ilaincs left the
house she went into iho garden, and af
ter walking around tho pathways several
times with the pistol in her hand, she
then put it to her breast and, bidding the
child "gjod-byc," fired the fatal shot.
Which will you do, smile and make
Others happy, or be crabbed and make
over body around you miserable? You
can live among flowers and singiug birds,
or in the mire surrounded by fog and
frogs. The amount of happinciJ you
can produce is incalculable, if you will
suowa smuiug lace, a kind nearc aau
speak pleasant wards. Oa the otuer Land
by your looks, crefs words and a fretful
disposition, you can make hundreds un
happy beyond endurance. Which will
you do? Wear a' smiling countenance,
let joy beam ia your cya and love glow
on your forehead. There is no joy so
great as that which springs from a kind
act or a pleasant deed, aud you may feel
it at night when you rest, aud iu the
mortitig when you lise, and through tho
day when about your daily buiiacss.
You know, says a London correspon
dent of tho New York Ural!, that
Americans aro all taught to revere the
I2iccn of England, not for her royalty,
but for her virtues; and you will rcmem-
the I'rince of Wales in the United States
arose from tho universal rerpect entertain
ed for his mother. It is with tstonish
menf, therefore, that au American listens
to the manner in which Englishmen of
all conditions allude to their sovereign.
Some shrug their shoulders and say, "She
is insane." Others tell amazing stories
about her pcrron.il meanness. Another
diss assure ytu, ' Oh, she's not English,
you know. It's till that Dutch blood."
Oiily a few days ago a noble Earl, who
can hardly be called a shop-keeper, since
he lias been ons of the most dbtitiguiihcd
Occurs of the Dritish navy, repeatedly al
luded to the Qieen as "Mrs. 15rown,"thus
referring to the stupid scandal about a
servant uf the (ucct!, who is said to re
.emble the late I'rince Consort. The
-ante scandal was made publie iu Pmuh
uy an article purporting t j iyo an
e uiit of Urown's daily doin
s iu the style
of thj ('..
Art,r .;;..! 's chronicle of the
foveas of the royal family. That
rlu'se slanders were not
altogether desti-
tote ol sting is proven
y the kct that a
p'iblMied photograph cf the (teea seat
ed upon a pony, held by Drown, was at
once crdcred to be supptessed, and copies
id it are now sought for at high prices.
The unpopularity of the (Jticea is au
admitted truth here, and reports of quar-
r;'s between her and the Trincc tf Wales
arc cjtiitsr.tiv iu circulation. The I'rince
himself is Ly no mcaus a favoiitc;Lut
still public opinion tides with hitu against
ins mother in an taa rtai or imaginary
probably imaginary differences so freely
talked about here. Things arc mentioned
I not so much as mutters of gos&ip as to il
lustrate the assertions previously made iu
this corr.-poudeuce, that the old divinity
that doth hedge a monarch is obsolete in
England, and that the English people are
quite as democratic in their ideas as the
Americans, although they still retain the
absurd customs of the era from which
they havo emerged.
Xo boy should Lc allowed to grow up to
manhood, and no girl to womanhood,
without having Li-come skilled ia some
Je; artment of ma::uc! labor. Xo mattci
how rich or poor, uo matter how learned
or how ignorant, every oue should know
how to cam a su',sist;uee by bona fide
hard woik. Your lawyer, d.ictur, clergy
man, heiress, mu-ic teacher, actress,
school ma'am, may live to fee the day
when to or the may not be wanted in his
or her chosen vocatiou, yet be ia urgent
need of hoard and clothes. Thousands
of such cases occurred this winter oc
cur every winter. Most cf thoso who
plead for "Something to do," know not
how to do anything that others want.
"I aru willing to do anything," they
ay; but they really know how to do
nothing. It is a crime to rear a child to
such herplessucss, though he were to in
herit the wealth of Cice:U3.
Eitects of Cleanliness With
what care and attention do tho feathered
race wash themselves and put their plum
in order ! And how perfectly neat, clean
and elegaut do they appear ! Among the
beasts of the field, we find those that are
the most cleanly aro the niOKt gay and
cheerful, or distinguished by a certain air
of tranquility and contentment; cad sing
ing birds are always remarkable for the
neatness of their plumage. So great is
the effect of cleauliacss upon man that it
esteadj even to Lis moral character. Vir
tue never dwelt long with filth; nor t!o I
believe there ever was a person scrupu
lously attentive to cleanliness who was a
consummate villain. C,i Kumjl. d.
fci5A geutlemau who has returned
from the South where the flood recently
prevailed, reports that cattle were gather
ed together in huddles upou high places
to save them from drowning. The hogs
Lave destroyed immense numbers of eat
tlc. They would commence and first cat
off their hoof, and continuing the attack
would at once destroy tLj animals or leave
them in such a condition that they never
cjul'-i recover.
Tho following are the particulars con
cerning the order of Geucral Sickles,
with refetence to tho parade of the firo
depa-ttucnt of Charleston. The proces
sion was about starting, but there being a
total absence of an American flag in tho
column, notwithstanding the gloat nuni
b?r of all soits of other banners, Gcuetii
Sickles addressed the post commandant,
Crevet ttrigadier Genera! CliU, the fol
lowing letter, and ordered tho column not
to move until tho rcquirenicats of thu
letter were complied wiih :
Genlsal; You remember tho regrets
wc ex re.sed to prominent citizens on tho
day of the last firemen's parade, that tha
Auicriean fhtg was not to be seen in tha
column. It was then said to hae Lten
au inaavertttt ciateMtu. It is rcpcrtcJ
to me this morning that autoug the va
rious emblems borne by the several com
panies at the rendezvous ou the citadel
patade ground the flag is not there. 1
desire that you will at oace send for tho
chief of tho l'ire Department, and inform
him thut the national stuad:;rd must bo
borne iu front of the column; that a:i t;
cort of honor, to couaiot of two meu.leri
from each company present, will L2 de
tailed by himself to march with tl.a col
ors ; that the colors be placed opposite
the reviewing personages tf the crouui
'W; t be revw and that every
I rifrsdn 111 tin mitikiii l tl L.,t..i . 1
person 111 the corumn shall salute the col
ors by lifting his hat or cap on arriving
at a poiut three paces distant from the
colors, aad, carrying the cap uplifted,
march past the colors to a point three
paces distant from the same.
The Mayor of the city, the Chief of tho
Fire Department, and the foremen of
companies, will be held responsible for
the observance cf this order, and they
are hereby authorized and required to ar
rest any person who disobeys t. You will
take such measures as you may Cud to bo
ueeessary to insuro the csecition ol thin
order. Very respectfully.
D. E. Sickles,
Mi'jor General Commanding.
To Brevet Brigadier General II. C. Clitz,
Uuited States Army, commEsd'ng Test
of Charleston, S. O.
Official : S. W. Clous, Captain C?th In
fantry, Acting Assistant Adjutaat
When informed of this order Ly Gen
eral Clitz, the Chief of the Eire Depart
ment, csprcs-ed, on behalf of tl.c Eire
Department, cheerful obedience, and tho
procession waited until an American ag
could be procured, and then the proces
sion moved.
It frequently happens that a man L
twice married; Lut it is not usual for the
mau to be t'.viee married to the same wo
man. Such a caie, however, realty occur
red not long since iu Memphis. A smr
gcon ia the rebel army, after serving un
til after the close of the struggle, return
ed to Lis home- iu Hopefield, Arkansas, to
did his house burned aud his wife gone.
Enable after along search to find the lat
ter, and believing the had wilfully descr
ed him, he procure! a divorce, and re
turned to Hopefield to practice Lis profes
sion. A few weeks ago he received word
that his wife was in West Tcudcssco, aa!
that she was still faithful to him, but ha!
sought the heme of a friend after their
house had been burned down. A corres
pondence ensued ; and last Tuesday tho
fcrmcr husband and wife met at the Com
mercial Hotel in Memphis, and were for
mally rcmaraied.
rSi"Hydrophubia seems to Le raging
as an epidemic just now, especially ia
the est. Mad dogs abound at Chicago,
Iudiauapolis, end Evanivilie, sad some
have been killed ia Cincinnati, in Cov
ington and ia Germaaton, Montgomery
couuty, Ohio, la Chicago general alarm
prevails and dogs aro slaughtered without
mercy. Doubtless many innosiou-s ani
mals have been sacrificed, aud it is hardly
possible that every biting canine is rabid,
yet the deaths by hydrophobia have Lcn
sufficiently numerous to tLow there ii
grounds for alarm. Wc have cot iced iu
our exchanges during the last month it
two more accounts of deaths from th'
bite oi dog3 thaa iu any year previous.
The evil L oue which dentauds prom; ;
and vigorous treatment. Dogs may l u
useful for hunting, and for the uaidii;;;
of stores and dwellings, but there is 10
reasou, in the city especially, for their
Leing allowed to run about uumuzzlcd.
One humau life is worth more thut all the
curs in creation.
tf Bunch says it is dreadful to hear
of a child cuty cue mouth old, taking tj
the bottle.
fci'Archbiihop Muuuiog Las writtca
a bo
Euglaui and Ciuistendoui.'