Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, April 17, 1867, Image 3

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&jt gnniata
WBWiESU.O S" . :Z': '
Jor Sale Cheap. A I-':e Scholar-
flip in J. C. Mutnfords IJusidcss and
Telegraph College at 1'hilaJelj hia. A
fine chance for a younp; man that wishes
tn vuvtiare himself for hubiUCiS. Iui
iu,re '
at the Sentinel Office.
See the advertisement of Madame K
F. Thorton, the great Astroiogist, Clair
Tojant and rjchonietricaa.
The Fee Hill. Iu answer to several
c-irrr-srondculs. we would StatO that the
- i
. mm
foe bill, which had pa-sca me nuso
it..nM.n!!ii soa.e weeks siuce. failed 1
C - 1. - tlnrA Will ! tl!
lu tne senate ; uciu-u muv . - -
change in the fee bill
Millinery. Miss 11. J. Koihrock,
Invins poruianently located in Patterson,
is prepared to furnish Donncts, llats anJ
all kinds of trimmings. Work done
promptly and rerfect satisfaction given.
1'lcase give her a call.
Mr. S. M. Shelley has opened a
graded School at Free Springs, this
county, where any persons wishing to pre
pare themselves fur teachers can be taught
the different branches. Hoarding can be
had convenient to the room and at low
Ms Jacob Heiulca ha just received
the largest lot and the best assortment of
varnishes ever brought to this county,
and which he intends selling h tpcr than
ciu he nutchv;d elsewhere. Give him a
call at his l?rug Stoic, on Main street.
Ma. Wm. Maxwell has removed his
Rakery Shop to the room formerly occu
pied by Mrs. McCoy, on Main street
whore he is prepared to accommodate his
crstomers with anything and everything
in his line of business, lie also keeps a
genera! asortn.ent of e-cdics, toys, uud a
large variety of notinr.
Nr.w Rakery. Mr. J-cob Gerlach
l.as established a Rakery, in the Rase
m?nt of the Patterson House, iu l'attei
on. He is prepared at all times to fui
nish families aud dealers with a good ar
ticle at reasonable prices. He is a first
class baker, and hopes to Eierit & share
of public patronnge.
I'AT 1'p. Wc hope those indebted to
u.; for subscription, advertising and job
wj:k, will come to town on Court week
prepared to pay up. Those who cannot
c:nc to town can send the money with
their neighbors. We need money and
Jmpc this n 5tice will be responded to by
oar friends from all parts of the couo'y.
Nf.w Store. l'eiouus living at ir
rear Thompson's Lock will do well by
jelling the advertisement of Mr. Nathan
Kocly, to be found in another column.
Mr. Kvtly intends keeping everything
u-.ii.-tHv found in a couutrr store, and
hopes, by strict attcution to business, to
reveive the patrouag? of persons living in
that vicinity.
Pennsylvania Canal The I'tnn
tylvania Railroad Company have sold the
nuiu line of the Pennsylvania Canal,
Jroui Columbia to Hollidaysburg, to the
Pennsylvania Canal Company, and here
after hll bills will be made out against
the latter company, and cointnunicitions
fent to tlie proper officers thereof. Thus.
T. Wiurman is Chief Euginccr, office at
Harri burj.
Wz are really surprised to see how
cheap Loudon &, Jackuifn are soling
Goods. They have all v.ool suits of cloth
ing for 12, ?1G, 520 aud S24. Aud
they have genteel, well-made suits for
S'.bJ'J. Their stock cf Hats, Caps, Roots
and Shoes aie also very cheap. Read
their advertisement and then give them a
call if you want bargains.
Personal The individual reading
this notice will fiud soru. thing to his or
her advantage, by calling at Miss AMcc
Hewees' New Staud iu Patterson. Dry
Goods, such as ladies dress goods, mus
lins, millinery goods the Cnct and best
stock in the county. Groceries, ail grades
tugars, coffee, syrups, etc., at reduced
prices. Ladies, asd Chi'drens shoes
latest stylos. Tobacco and Segars best
brands ia the eastern markets. Notions,
toys acd fancy articles in great variety.
Confictionarjes, candies, nuts, etc. etc.
Miss Alice Dewees has just returned froni
the eastern markets and is now offerin" a
new stock of goods at prices far below
any other establishment in the county.
Ladies are especially invited to call and
examine her stock of Millinery Goods as
they embrace the latest Spring aud Sum
mcr styles. Hoccets maJe tj onl. r
KiAiurjinir for LralJin jn.I ,,..;.... ;J
'l colors requlrins no braiding J.,ne to
ri,r. Country prcia tai .1 in fv J
1 r- 1
L'i'- j
If you waut to huy Carpets, Oil-cloths',
WitiJuw Jlinu!, Quccnsware, Cedar warn,
Sis., Ike., go to the Cheap Store of Saui-
ucl Strajer in Patterson.
Notice AH persons indebted to the
ftrn, 0j Kurtz atid Cross, either by noU.
book accouut or auction notes are request
ed to tuaUe immediate payment. The
notes on and after April 22, 1SG7, will Le
in tlic hands of Jeremiah Lyons, and
payment oan be made at any time at his
office. All accounts uupam alter may
10, will be iuimedirmlv cued out.
apr. 17-2l. Asfirnec.
Vuo would not be I'ealtiful ?
All uiny possess a clear, unblemished
p'rlln ft( i I -i b win r U'liltAnACO V 1 b A HCf
, - -j -
f Cliastelhr'i White Lwiu.d Lnau.el.
It is the most pei feet article in uso, for
removing all impurities of the skin, and
unlike all other cosmetics, coutaius noth
ing that will injure the cuticle; being
vegetable, it is perfectly harmless. For
sale, Wholesale and Retail, by Merger,
Shutis & Co., Chemists, Troy, N. Y.
See their advertisements in another col
umn in this paper.
Pan Rice's Gkeat Show His Fare
well AriEAIiANCF. in the Rinh.
Dan Rice is so firmly au established fa
v. lite here that tlio bare auiiounccmcut
of his appearance c.n Friday, April 2t",
with his mammoth aud unique show is
s.iiiui-jut to set CYtrjLoJy on 'he qui rive.
The pleasure of his host of admirers wil!,
however, be somewhat dashed with ic
gret at the positive announcement that
this is his farewell visit in a professional
way at least. It is with great reluctance
) JiU, 0I1y ;n comjiliance with tlia reiteta!-
ed solicitations of the public that he has
finally consented to leave his beautiful
lio'.nc at Giiard, Pa, end andcrtakc a
liua! auiu.-euieut campaign ; but having
so delenr.iiied, he has, with his charac
teristic energy and faithfulness to his
name, also determined to spare no effort
by which to strengthen and perpetuate
!iis fame, aud will therefore, for the fust
time in some years, merely don the caj
and bells, aud appear, if but once mote,
the Mercutio of the ring, to dazzle by
Lis scintillating wit andcanvulsc with bis
inimitable humor. Wc can assure our
readers that they need entertain cei her
Tears of disappointment or fullaciou-
liopcs of ever again seeing h'ni pitch hi
lent aiuuii' theiu. lie will assuredly ap
pear as claim as well as lecture at both
enteitaininenti, aud just as astuicd'y for
the last time. The attractions presented
apart fiom himself, is 1 is select Kiie.
trian corps, his Herd of Sacred Cattle ;
Hind talking horse, Eicclsiur, Jr. ; comic
Mules, Monkeys and other trained ani-mal-j,
coupled with the fact of his intend
ed retirement and the instructive morality
and refined propriety of the eihibitiois
will command universal patronage.
OHG N"S. Tlie iini!rrsi;'ncl has been np
polntc'l .gent for tlic pale of Ilia Anifrican
Organ, manufactured lijr 8. I. & II. W. Jjimih,
r.ostun, iu prepared lo furnish person
niih I'arlor or Church Oranu as che:ip as
th j can !.c purchased from the nnufactui-f rs.
Alio ihe Maf'Jti & Hamlin Cabinet Orpin t
iiJcrcnt stlo and size. The Instrument
e::a bs seen and heard liy calling at his resi
dence on Main strict, Mlllliiituwn.
t.ich 13, 107 tf. WILLIAM WISE.
5i ri.ce II ill, l'cb. 2G, 18G7.
Mr. J. R. M. Tonn. This is to cer
tify that Doty's Washer and Wringer
vlimh I purchased of you has given en
tire satisfaction. My family would not
be willing to do without it for double its
cost. John Esii.
Miffmntovn, March 19, 107.
Mr. Toi'b. A trial of "Doty's Wash
jr mid Wringer'' justifies the belief that
it will perfc.Tia all that ia claimed for it.
i'he prejudice it had toencouutcr in cow
ins; into my family no longer exists.
U hen better known it will be more gen.
erally used. F.kmund S. Doty.
i riiiLAor.i.riiiA, April 18, 3SG7.
Fl OL'tt. The demand is entirely con
lined to the wants of the home consum
ers, who purchased a few small lols at
l2( 11,25 'tf bbl. for common and
choice Northwest extra family ; ?12(W l.r
for Pennsylvania and Ohio do., 1 5.50
, 17, 50 for fan-y; 810,50(11,50 for
extras, aud 10(10,25 fur sup.-ifine Itye
Flour is in steady request, atd 20J0 bbls.
sold at 8,50. In Corn Meal, no sa'es.
and no change fioia yesterday's quotu
i.iu'!. Wheat. Pennsylvania red at 8,10,
and 5'JO bush California at t'.lAO. Corn
is dull and 2c lower. Sales of 4U0O bit.,
yellow, part afloat at Sl,2o(r 1 ,24. Oats
are less active, and sell at 7Sc. There is
a fair demand for Cloverseed, aud 200
bush, sold at S12($13.
On the 4th inst., by Rev. 11. II. Fletcher,
Mr. M. P. MILLER and Miss TEr.Z.UI LIT-
1LI hoiU of LEci 'wnaip, Jut::ala county.
On t'je !:'u ir.st., by Ret D. J. Realc, Mr.
"ARKT Miltcr.town, Perry !
J TL PELMlCLRi: of Peru .
Juniai.t conntr. 1
' Try pper plrarp '-ipy. j I
" In East WalerforJ, Juniata county, t n tl
lllh inst., EI'HKAIM, infant son of James
and Eliza Duncan.
Super, 1 M. $12 00
Extra, )2 OC
Kaucy 16 00
live. V cut. 3 00
Itutter, prime tl It) -'
Butter, 2a rat 18
I.ard, 12
l'uckwhcut, ...... 6
Curn Meal 1
White whett.... 3
Kcd Wheat bu 2
Rye 1
Outs -
EjtRS. V dot 1
Hogs. f cwt B 00
Ham, V lb 15
.Sides & Shoulders 1-
Kcrc qr, 1? cwt 10 00
Hind qr 12 00
Chickens, pair f0
Turkeys 1 20
COAL, tun
Trevcrton itove fi 00
do EgK C 00
Sunbury store t 00
do Epg fi 00
Chestnut, 5 00
Clover, ty bus 10 00
Timothy. 2 75
Flax,.. 2 25
Hungarian bO
lMUEy Flit IT,
Andes. V 1'U 50
l't'iiches, ' "
New Irish, "r' bu
3 00
80 (Timothy,
- 20 00
Andes. V t'u
(('Inter M 00
lietnilrd Articles.
;Coal til f' gal 7
Salt, y siiek 2 7
Utruuiid Alum still .1.00
Piaster, V lou 10 00
i Nuils - 7 7"
: I'.ur lion iio
Horse tines kee jS (.0
Onions 0
White lton 3 CO
I'testtnx, y lb 4"
Sosp, dry 10
Cauillea 1
Wool, washed...- 60
Spring sliel en liauds,
Corrected weekly by Sulouff. hrow X Parker.
Teeth ir.ssrted upon an entirely new style
if b:ic. hii-h is a cointiiuation cf (Inld and
liujllish Ituldier, (vulcanite ) Also American
Kiiliher, (vulcniiite,) which for beamy, dura
bility, cleanliness, and the restoration of the
natural cidor of the f u'o.cannot be surpass
ed. Either cf the above basis.
Full I'ppor or M.o- or Sols Zimci'tcd
uh i.Otv as .!. CO I'crSll.
'i ::iiorar' stlx inst rfi tl (rail's,
Fpeiiil attention will bs ma.Ia to diseased
jmiis, and a cure warranted or no charge
mad". 7crth lillcl to lift fT lift.
JCsajr Triumph in dentistry!
by a new process, without the use of ether. I
chloroform or nitrous oxide, aud no danger.
Having been in business for upwardi of
tenjears, five of which has been spent iu
Mitllintown. nnd beine; in possessiun of the
Iiitrgt improved Jrntrum -nts ami fiirhinrry we
tvarrntit entiro sntinfaction, or the muney will
be refunded. Olllee on l'.rido Street, op
posite the Court IIoht Sipiar.-.
O. E. I'EUR CO.,
nov. 20. Ti-ly. .' mint llrntiitt.
It is the only article which will destroy
ANTS, If..
Only 2" cents per liox. For sale by all Store
NoTirc. If your store Keepers have not
al it. send ets.. to the proprietors or
ipi uts, in Philadelphia, and receive it by
return ninil, Mistake paid.
Lars: loi.k:: look : : !
.lohn S flravl.ill. No. X 3d St., Thilad'a.
John Oeehiird, " 1IMM limidolph St. "
II. F. Dolts. f 3310 Parrish ht., '
Charles Sendeelinj;, (Cheiiiist.) Maiohull and
Master Street, Plulad'n.
Wm. W illiam", No. 100 1 N, filh St., Philad a.
Also mary others too numerous iu publish,
A liberal discount to Sinre Keepi'is.
Ko. 10W North Cth St.. pliilad'a
Wholesale Pealers in I'rus. Paints. Oils,
('lass, etc.. No. 402 and 44, North 3d, St.,
Philadelphia Wholesale Agents.
Agents wanted everywhere,
mar. 20, 'f,7-3mas.
IOP.CED to prow upon the smoothest laec
in from thret to five ci kg by uiin Pr.
Sevigne's Ros'auratenr t.'uj'illdii e, the lusst
wonderful discovery in inodera ecicr.ee, act
ing upon the Reard and ll-iir in nu almort
miraculous manner. It litis been used by the
lite of Paris and London with the most flat
let i:ig success. r,iime:!ot at: purchasers will
te registered, r.r.d if entire satis ruction is
not given in every ins'auee, the iMiin.y will
ne cheerfully r"! :!i le i. Pi it e bv mail, seal
ed and postpaid, SI- Lo:c.iptive circulars
and tesi iuKinuils maib-d free. Address
UKRtlKII, i:l! L'TT & Co., Chemiits,
No River 5trtel, Troy, N. Y.
Sole ngent- for the L':;ittd S!:in.s.
f b. 2') '07-ly.
THE undersigned oiler fur sale a House
und Lot Kimble oc Chcry street. MiClin
town, Pa. This is one of the most desirable
rvji'lenecs in the tonn. It is built on a full
corner lot has all modern convenience and
necessary otit-bu:ldi:r;s Tlicre is a variety
of choi'.-o fruit troea iu the prime of bearing.
Any person wishing to p'.i-eb . Je a cjmfort
able iio'tse should not fail to s:;e this prop
erly. Pur further particulars call oil the uu
densigned on the ifuiiivs. Pusessioa giren
on the 1st of April.
march f-, 18l,7-tf.
"U'ilA WILLS. TLc undei-bigntj bes
leave to iuf una his frieuia and the public
that he is still in charge of the above naiue4
popular mill, where be is prepurod to accom
modate Ihe citizens of Jliilin. Patterson au i
woiuity, with the Choicest Brands of Hour
A large supply or Eran, Chap-Siuff, and Feed
of all kin constantly on hand. As he reus
a mill wag in cv 1 Tuosday and Friday to
Mililin and Patterson, customers can be pi;nj
tnally supplied at thpir Jjors. Ily strict at
tention to business he hopes to receive a lib
eral lnre of public patronage. Terin3 Csh.
:::.iy ,0'i 'I H-'UmoU KAffFMAN.
Tin ftdvincfl of the uWn nanicil init;ilion t1iror:"i
thin wctiutt nf tl r'Miutry ai voi:t l Ihe vate?t
biniuf hll Uiat ia
Moral, Instructive, and Entertaining
and (Jicanlta! tlm rlemrnt (formt In f many trai-
Iii 'h:lilhm-i) 111 it w.mlil in tne flinil-l in-e
jircvt; ofli-iiAie t- i.it P '!i-tlivc a.ri iktu mind.
T;p ,rnvu tinv inr.amt Tiool, t;nilf-r thv. imm-Jitrt
t-'jptvvidiuu of tb-j uhtiiiuie'hcd Mjln-l.tr and Liuuuriat
f lairnn fuiriirilv ( rrr fill if rivals i:i u Vq jointn
caMviiii'tl 10 tlio tc:fcc::'j:i vf a
t'rt'ut 1 -wnt f Ire nrtiuemciit world fr the pca
eoa el 01 ia the ic-fiitrtc if
tn popular ruin f th Vvrni AN ITmor.T?. rr.
"lowm t inn he. Ttiif rvrrt !ui.s in ly t;c-u
brini'it n-)O il hv t'n n:v t laiuut iT-if.;:-inn uv. tht;
(rrr.'it tlt'firf tf t IjiitT to i.r rr nm; o l'tin-M t!n n'i
tiic jr-MtV'Tii in (:i Ji iTttfi.al caurucUr ; tml uj V..I J i$
urn c i:.an i.u i!tv,y tr. i;itt;4
jj.tr FiMt.iU f.ii! lo l.rar lu4 hmnuro'M ntul 1,-nrn1 rs-
it tUm'eijrt It.Ht
vtm. md."T rA:rivi::.Y r.''fir a "" h rr. 1 c-y ri.T-i-tinti
-tf tit-- riiuw, ar-sumlly witlijiil (Al. an I'lhws
To 'i Hll A'.KS
Th rf'-'t 1 f '""ii'rt T fii rnilr 1 cxliilti'lcn I;n
t-.n l!i ' .: ;v . f 1. ii: 1:1 :'-.-u:.t, t r. ti.ii, ill
b fimntt niiii;!'"-!' H i-1 t ;
TiiK '.Va:iN', 'i'iiaM 'l V., liivo ll"n r-1f.r:i'ri!
tn4 t-;il; i In !!: J u t tl h kH zja.snkh; uLti iu
Crsr.'! Street Tarado,
w!.!c:: v. iil t-i ;!! f'H rr nV.-ut l A. si., will f-.rai a
blc-Ti- f fcnlcii'it r ( 1 Ur. if w r r d.i.U :.
'1 ho M.iUHin ill .t w.H 1"! roni!-T In til i!t
Vj:!--. it: -ii ; Ill i Hi : :i!ic.i lt)3:!it't the hi.-: (;
ll;.t h.-i. .:i'i,;,-.;i ii I t t:..r 'it, Ali tuJi-Li
eiA". vj:.i. it-: r'i'tvtiiri' r:i -'.r-
Tho Rin Porforrr.ar.co,
i-'i !- Mil :-r V t ;:.; r v. rl ! T.r
t.'.'. jsiiii'iy h b: i!.l il iiii't, l!u bit n Amcrua.
D A ii R I G 5
.ITj- iLtrodn.e to lis patrols a
l ii
: :'tirr'- i-"
Herd of EccroH Cr.ttlol
Tl:rrr.lyae la Ar-.-.rririi. rll f:ort ti the cnt-urv
r'.lwjl. .!ut;ii'r7. .V;I. J.;l l-: l-il. s i l.-ii; nn- tn r.:.:liii.;
ttiit li- w.'.l li.iilr l'Ttiir.T v:i I'.a '.r l.lsl.irv :.t1 rfeiili:iri
t: . 1 if v. ill f.! I iiilni lif o I n-srvcl vit' UlC JjUW.iiiIC
Wj!C tint LUSH X-U.Ki.NU lioi.fi:.
rt- -
de"rr!pt)nn of tliin inu '-.it'i-v-t rrnnim wmiM fail, as
i.i iiiii i f c'l'iiiu intIii:'im e.
! J. UCii ViU lio iiitrttlnce the tI:uroiijU-brcd
A- D cue LAS
.ill. AI:D PARiiEY,
ill . r. c iim, : i! i l!crs t, Imt 1a?o
ini.:uir. will a.o Lc iiitivtluttd in thiii- iiiic-?ilitti).g
- V
Tim K.ieeftr!an eorps conskts of t'ja following well
I;:,.. w n i.i.u uble artnld;
The beautiful Premlt rc EBeEtiicsa?.
r'i. fJ'CHAEO flESV.rvlINCG,
'i i..'Non arid llor.cnunai:''.::::': -heiITi :!.i n.;eArtiat.
Motors. L'SOIVM & CAJ.'FORD,
T!:c pTwerul ria;t.-.i tf tc Lchool t vmnazc.
r.'i.'?. JOHfJ FOSTER.
The merry CIo-.vn eJ cbls Jostcr
l. V,'. H. YOUJ1C,
T!: cscKer.t ttyricaii nzd skil cd Pantomimi't.
r.nr;. ceo::cc Br.ovr,:,
Tlic Uaaliia Equc&trlaa
The r.blc or.d elileieut Zlaster of the Wbip
wr?. JAS. CCCPES?,
'ihe IZoceru Athlete. Together with
MLI.K. roSA. ntK. UAZ7FI.I.. I. A I TTfi i: I.EOX-
cka. .'m ..'kssps. iiAitMAX. r.r-KLrv,
l'Alllor, WKL!I. MoliUAX AND
Of tIi" T"t fliowij c mr;:Ld fe-iure, Lcud'.-d If tlia
Vt.l JljiitT-n.
V-r.iTZ faEYEri. Esq.
Vie Tuvita L1 briiiiaaUy i:iu-ia-tcj ia t'uc cvea
ir. 'Ihe Si'.ul of Ilorscn, T7onIes and r'laleii
Ha. nevrr beca eq iollcd ia this country.
Don'i Forgot tho Dr.y and Dato!
An-! pr'iire for tn' nrrival cf DAIi iilLT'S Lirc, coo
Afternoon and XTrmiuy.
Toors rpe-i at 5 and 7 o'clock V. Ji. Kxcrricn to
eo:nrrn.nce luilf in lioar later.
Aemihsica, 10 cents ; children under ciao yeare, S3
MIFFLIN, Fill DA i', Al'llIL CO, 1SG7.
TJoots and Shoes. The ""dcrsigu-i-,,
J ed, having purchased from Wir.fV"
i- Rowers his Root aud shoemaker Shop on
the corner of Main and Pridgo streets, is new
prepared to accommodate all who may favor
niin with a call with
Hoots, S ii o f. s, Gaiters,
Ladies' Fine Shoes, Children's Shoes, &c., at
uiaderate prices. All work warranted.
MiIHintown, April 3, '17-ly.
XOR SALE. The undersigned re?.uiug at
Academia. Juniata countv, 'a., has li.r
salaa NJEW CITV OMNIiJl"i, tj
capulle of holding sixteen per-JvT"? i.
sons. Any person wishing tj .'J'
parchnse will Sad a bargain,
ti-ar. -0-tf. SAJIlL i3AI?.D.
1 1 IJIfN-Jv
Know Thy Destiny.
MaJumc E. F. Thornton , the givit Knglisli
Astrologist, Clairvc rant and Pf jclonictrican,
who has astonished the eciur.tifio th.-vics of
the Old AVorhl, has now located liersc'.f at
Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses
such wonderful powers of second sight, as to
enable her to impart knowledge of thegreatcst
imporliincc to the single or married pf cither
sex. While in a slate of trance, she dcline-'
atcs the very features of the person you are to
marry, and ty the aid of an instrument of
Retire power, known as the Psychonioiropo
guarantees ti produce a life like picture of the
future husband or wife of the applicant, to
gether with date of marriage- position in life,
leading traits of character, &c. This U no
humbug, as thousands of testimonials can as
sert. Slit will send when desired a certified
certificate, or written guarantee, that the pic
ture ia what It puri-oitB to be. Py enclosing
a small lock of l.air, and stating Mace of
birth, age. disposition and complexion, and
enclosing fifty cen's and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, you will receive the
picture and desired information bv return
) mail. AU communications sacredly confi.
di-nlial. Address iu confidence, Madame E
F. Thornton, P. O. Pox 221, Hudson, V V
feb 2l, ISoT-ly.
a'3"A Younj; Lady r.-iturninj; to l.ci
crnntry home, after a rejourn o.' a few months
in the City, was hardly recognised by her
friends. Iu place of a coarse, rustic, flushed
face, she had a a ft ruby complexion of almost
marble I'lu'jullmess, and instead of twenty
three she really appeared but ci-hteen. I'p
011 inquiry as to (because of so preataclinnejp.
she plainly tol l them that she used the I'ir
Casslati KJnIr.i, and considered it an in
valuable acquisition to any lady's toilet. Ily
its use any lady or gentleman can improve
t!. perstuial ii.jearance an hundred fold.
It ij simple in its combination, as Nature
herself ii sicple. yet unsnrpitwcd ia its iffi
cary in drawing in: purities from, also Lea'.
t!t .losing and beautifying the tkin and
c-'"'l ' ' '-n. P.y its direct act:on on the cuti
cle it draws from it all its ::r.puri::es, kind'y
'"': lug t'ue s:;:i:e, and leaving the surface a
Nature iu'ended it should V:, clc.tr, Suf,
in.oot'! und bjai;t:f,il. Fricc $1, suit hy mail
r exj rt-fs, receipt of an order by
V. I.. CLAI'JC & CO., C'-cmijts
! West Faye'te St., Syracuse, N. V.
The- only An.crican Agents for the sale of
t'-JC tame- feb lst;7-ly.
VIEW OF II A 11 11 1 AGE
1113 mFlT E02K EVES ri'SLBHED.
CoH.'ai'iiiiy ncar'i, Yhrr-i Jl.uulri rl Piijci
an 1 I.Jij fine Plates and F.ngravuigs of the
Anatomy of the litiraan Organs in a state 0!
Health au I Dlscas, wish a T.eaies on F..irly
1'rrore, iis deplorable Consequences upon ihe
Mind and Uody, with the author's plan o:
treato:1 tit the only rational and sticc'vfu!
mode of cure, as shown by the report 0!
ca.--cs treated. A truthful adviser t the
married, and tho9e contemplating marriage,
who entertain doubts of theer physical con
dition. Sent free of postage, to any address
on receipt of 'Zo cents ia stamps or postage
csrcaey, by addressing
A"n. SI !aib-n Lane, AVhiivi, X, '
The author may be consulted upon n::v of
the diseases upon which his bo;d; treat.-, eithci
personally or by mail, and medicines t -:it to
any pnrl of ibe wf--ld f j-m --rm
Madamk Rkmimiton, the worM-renowued
Astrologisl and Somnimtulisiic Clairvoyant,
hiic in .1 Clairvoyant state, delineate the
very features of the person you are to marry,
aul by the aid of an instrument of intense
power, known us tne 1 sycuom otrope, guaran
tees to produce a perfect and life like picture
of iho future husband or wife of the appli
cant, with date of marriage, occupation, lead
ing traits of character, &c. This is no impo
sition, as testimonials without number can as
sert. Py stating place of birth, r.e, disposi
tion, color of eyes and hair, aud enclosing
fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed
to yourself, you will receive the ioture by
return mail, together with desired informa
tion. DSi.y1' dress iu confidence, Madame Ger
trude Remington, P. O. Rox '.'7, West T:ov.
N. V. feb lt-o7-ly.'
AG 111: AT liisooVKRY. One of the greatest
aud most useful discoveries in mudictl
science was ma le by the celebrated Lr. J.
Dumas, of Paris, Chief Physician to the I:u
pcrial Infirmity of France, in It"!!. Those
who have been atUicted with the p-.ir.ful dis
ease known as the Pills, and c'dVctti fdy cured
by the use of Dr. J. 3t'M"' Fi'-N' ii Pilk
.Salvk. c tniit t S ra' too li:.:;:lv- of the bene
fits conferred r.'";ti them by the use cf the
certain reuiely. it has never uceti ::no'.T:i te
fail iu er.'eeting a permanent eure in a sing'e
case, lu this respect it surpasses all other
uiedie.:nes of the kind. It will do just wh it
it is recommended fur; if not the money wil.
be lefundee. One or two boxes is stillieivni
10 effect a permanent cure iu tourer six day,
if the directions on I lie boxes ore followed.
'.'lice on.-- und nvo dollars per box, aceordiuji
to size, yetit by Mail or Express to any part of
the United States 01 Caun ! 1. Sold by l'rug- I
gists generally. A liberal discount im.de t
tne trade. Address D. S. Di-miam Is Co.
Wi".iani--port, Pa., sole Proprietors and Me.n
ufacturer for the United Slates and Canada
dec. o 'ti'i.
A Large 0 pp. Circular, giving iuiortiiation
of tho greatest importance to the yo'ing of
both sexes.
It teaches how the homely may become beau
tiful, tho despised respected, and the forsaken
No young lady or gentleman . liiuM fail t
send their address, and receive a copy post
paid, by return mail.
Address P.'O. Drawer, 21,
feb. 20,-fimos. Trov. N. V.
'"j'lO.Od Kewaki) will be paid in greenback;.
O to any person who uas used !r. Duinau's
Pile Saivo according to directions, and L.. -not
been cured. Addrc.3 1'. S. J-'a-jaiii &
Co. Williaairpoit, Pa.
dec. j- 00.
Th' r' 'l med cluomra lr. . II. StiFNc: t1r
r.-cir li'or, ct i jnc jtr 'Joajwmica, wL:a ;t t-1
aHctiriici t - tn-). '. if f;u-i.Ve v?x.1, aiidricn zt-y. y
dtttli BiiT-iu to ri iinn itr.b. fti r-'t' rt
LO Ll'tO tfe: in'-TT'Lfl ?n he C:iUT i"t
t'K nee oi t;is simple but nowcraI reniMy. UI
hfaliti yzr,i roKorvd iu vrry iliort tla-, ad u
r;nr:io' tlio d .'Cfi-o hac beca uppretcinlcl, lex .
tl.o a.; :.:poiU8 qu rl.: Japp.-rL4, 8TiC LW pn--
wvV'it U more Uaa ttro tjadrcl pour l'. f"
li-nct hi recover, Lo Lu fsrou 1 h a h'.tr-.-Vr.-i
e'cru-ivry to tho s;:re oi Vcrrm.f.-i n-i4 :V
di-a- v,i', rf a nnly romp icaicj , ',.b lt,ziX
the cere? e.fcetr-d 1 h ji m'.dlve hve 1ci t u p
Df.er&u r.J Vnly wondsr.a'. Dr. S'-nrs- jc
,ualieff yr -Jo inl vU'Az Uevcra! of the Iar.r eii.
r, t', r. hrrrr; hi bnti Ir-o coikcjut e of V:i'.
rid it k. ni'y -toni".UiniE to ce pxr cod.- ::.p.m
Jiacto ii IL.cJ ozX ci U.o.r aui L. e t:,d in
s fc-r r.on'.hA I.'th- rbnst p':rr.s. fT.
rCHi;N'JK:,3 Pl,L?IO:;:t5 SVHL'i, SFA.VEi
ton re, tL-A MAvMi.yn r;r-x.? -.cni;
oil r'-ii"n-.l !u cu:iag C)!i'a ;-;iuti. dlrcc
ticna ot'ciiiipAny rarli, cc Uii any oiiC ca-i tike Ua:r
n:tlfivA pc?i:j Pr. FtMiroK, l ot tvL-j 1 ft it con
Tuiuyjt it is Lest to c; li'm. 113 r've advice .r:a
hat :or i h ire j !icxa:ai.iclJca .Ik iiL1 C ','p'Tr..ii Xi.s
ilia fre la thr-; d-I.ar.
r.cw o.., v.ti;u p.ir:Ii r..f t!ai I'.iO 1vr
ti'.ft i of th? I'actor oae wli"!! Lt li.it .it
of t and t!.3 o'licr u ti ut-v i :x
I tv-H. l:'-a'th-a thj O . 'nnii'.:! in.
S.'dby all Ir.xr;l.rs and IrV-. V.cc T.si
? r !ot:. er $T..J li Iz't .-laxu. I.- i-trj to?
-I.icr ! mid ; dir. c el ta I Jr. z.hcr.c':'i
I'Auc Tpal U.;'". ir. NVrth Ch Sr., fhfAk i- l
V'"-C.-iJ A oIr.x!r A I'e na? Iliruc i .t '.:.,.
A. Y.. J. d. lU.;ce, Iii:x::ac, ML; J-.ha t.
v., i .:2!l. '"'t i. V.'a hT aTi.Ior, CLiit--,
ia.; Colhu.- i'-rc., S:. Lcjia, w. ca, ma. l;s,
Jan V.
."x!t I2!ocra:s Irrcas.'
?.llt I" ,o i:laii C'rrr i;p.'
I1 isalon's
A nmt T-i'i'-i. Mif.it .
r ! Ii'd frnm tin rrj aud
nzi Vprnrt Vi-r'nr.---,
Lc:;tui iivwtr fvn
Lxli it tukt its n:tinf.
Maanf..orr.r- ! onlv by
ASK Ft;:: IMIALOa'S take no otiilh.
July 'uO -ly.
21 cir 5V Src rtbc sit :t?m
p t n n f it
Five Hundred New and Sece.nd-ll.n; 1 Team
ilarrn-.i, l'i.l.'n) llrid'.es and CoihuM, tl.til..
Sadd!e. all Styles to .tH. '.') Four
!lor.-e Uoverunicnt Wagon.", L'.'IOD Wagon Cov
rs, iiev.- ai. 1 worn, o.O'Mt naukets. and IlotSi
Covcrr1. Al-o, a l uge Stock of Kcius Leal
i.iue?. Whip-', Putrgy and Ambulance Harness
Por:able i'or-s, Chains, t'v,-:iig!e".rce-, Leal
Oars, etc.,
Vi heel ream Hurnc?.' little vorn all Oak
tanned Leather and fervk-r.ble. cle"i e 1 and
tliied i'-."- per horec or mule, including
1'ii ile, Lead d ., f 1 00. Wagon Priu'.es
-rl.l-"', Collarf. 1 to $2. F-;ia Hair lined Ar
ti'.Iery. Case d )., 2' and f 1 Hll.
Double lleiiis, 1, T-i to f 2,25. Lea l Lines
51, 1 1 ii iter, li to .t-12 per dozen. Ullicers'
New H.-lddics S:,0, with Plated Pit Pri.ll.-,
2l.f0: good ."!- new. 12,V., with 1 lid!",
i 1.0"; valise Saddles for 15oy.. irMK
Weg' n f.er.J. rifide t-j lit any V.'n;in
heavy iineii, 'J lo ;-;i,0i : sr.peri'.T cott'ju Puck
o to 12 oz . !'i!-k, ! to c 12.
1,M llosj i:..l 'l'ei.ts, ne .v ai. I goc! .15 ar,
12 ,.z . duck 1 I t'e t oi::ire to fdil.
tKiieera' A. 'Ant, 7 feet s.jtiarc, from 5 to
I I.1 i':0 Hags from 12 (7... I'ucV, !.., .;;ji'.
ity. 2 bu-hels j'.',t: : 21 bna. f t: "'
bush, i i l.'i't per luz -d, quality, 5-., jo,
i in an 1
?'y. Ll. Oi.ESS 8CST KT KxfRr.-n. C. (. V.
I If KIN .v. CO.,
Xo. .". '.7 :V';-.i Xortb Fr. lit .t., i'niuu'a.
No. :, Park Place, New Voik.
No. : :. '.it'.i Street, Washington, I). C.
Price list se:.t 0:1 applicati
mar. l:!-2ms.
ISIIACtniClLL .' MiMiNAin. Thi In
utioii forinly ihe pr j'crty Pnf.
S. Z. Sharp, an I lately purchased by M. Moh-
ler. Cnuiiiy Superiuteiolant ot .dailm c un'r,
has been lhaioiighiy re.i' vated a: id refiir
nished. The wat.-r pipes) have l''ii le-iai I
to il:c l uilJi:-. a:: I other iiopr-ivetvcnti
mil le so as to i;;.".ke it tlie of ihe Mo.-t dew'r
a!dd institutions in the county. A tcacheri
class will be formed at tht of eiiin of
session and will be c ntin:!d tlirorghoiit.
The Summer Session open? on Wednesday,
.pril i0.il and coiitim; tv.-eu'y wci':s,
TtT.jf : Tuition. Hoarding, l-'bt snl
furnished rooms per .set.-::"!!. $'S.
Those dcsirii.g aduiUutice should apply
For further firticuTars nd.ircss
J1AP.T1N MollLHR, Trin.
Lewi.-town, Ta., until JIarci 2J:li, alter
which at Ki-haconuillas, Pa.
feb. l:!-L-o7.
Auburn, GoLIe'?, Flaxen & Siikca Curls,
Jrodu". d by the use of Prof. !'K Lliiil X'
FP.U;Kit LK CHE i-I-.V -'" app'ici-
tii.n warniited to ciirl the ni.--t str.'ieht m I
.:t'.ibb oru L:-ir of either sex into wavy ringl.-:--.
or heavy ni:;.s-:ve curls'. Has been used by
the fu.-!.i.j.i:.ble.i of Poii.i and London, r i '.i
tlio m-st gratifj ing res'ilts. Poi 110 injury
to the h iir. Pi ' e by Mail. ;.-aUdr.i.d po.i
paid, $1. l!e.--e-.-ij-t:vc C:re::i :s 1? riled i: .
A ldrt-s-f. I.lli.'j iiii, SIli-'T i i Co.. !n-n -IsN,
Xo. 2ri P:ver St., Troy, '. V., Sola
Agents tn- the L'uitcd States,
feb. 2l, "07-1 V.
j AM M i 'i :r.l
I d.e 'i .M.n. ! ) ai
Ui.nfcL.i- rive bun.
13 salesmen for C b-
bin's I!
ustra'e.n"Rtcit:e li.b! , c r: ing
upwartls of 1.:.1H crown 'i-irt. pages;
Coniineiitary of 17,.'i notes from different
Commentators: "it) litigravifg. Fsaa'.iy
'h itogrti h Depart rnetil : Kxten ied Cm.- -r-dauce,'
Maps. I.ble lli-'ovy, hr ti'.-itgtetl
Tables, e:., A booi that a'w .js sei1-.
Our average sale are .0" copies ! er day.
A3 a standard P.ible for Families, T-aeiiers,
;:i:.:;;er:-. and all Ijvars of ihe ' r.t of liO'l.
it has no c Jinpetit lr partie.i!-:r. a 1
aress .'! A. STI'.LliT,
...,.r. ')-! f.l 1! an-br.rg. In.
'irtnt-rslip heretofore cxistins bttweeii
K.l.a M. an I J miu 1!. Ti101r.ps, ,.i in ihe c i--ii:t-e
miking bu in iu 1'i-rrysv.lb'. .luni
iM'eonniy. U this d iy 1 A pi il 24, lv'it. ! dis
solved by ri-if.ial coi.sel.t.
N. E. The business v,i'l be c ndnete l iu
lie Intuit ry
b y .latiie I'. T' mp.-:-". 1 ersen 1
iU'ing anything in
line "t t -iir.es:. w..t
1. .i.-.l if. .-ive him a eill a-- all wors V,::. 14
wa.runt'-1 to give cc'i:e gat;slaCC en.