Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, April 17, 1867, Image 2

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.it union of fake, and a union of lands,
A union no poirer shall sever;
A union of hearts, ami a union of hand,
A til the American Uumu forever!
Wednesday Mornine, April 17, 186?.
II. II. UI,S(V, Editor nnd Publisher
Islbe Largest Circulation of any pnper pub
lished in this County. It ia therefore the
bat advertising medium. It ig a Paper, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a first class I.ocalist,
and well worthy of the patronage of every
loyalciiizen in the County.
the roiSTY nti.vri.xj i.wv.
The law enacted bj the last Legislature
in reference to the public printing ol Ju
niata county, is one that mecta the appro
bation of all liberal-miodcd and just men
of both parties. In years past when there
was ouly two newspapers the Juniata
Sentinel and the Juniata Iirjt'.t.r pub
lished in the county, the public advertise
ments were published in both papers, and
both parties were thus aflorded an oppor
tunity tf reading llicro, but after the Ju
niata True DcKiocrat was established
these adverlisi.nicn'3 were given aluioM
entirely to the two Pemocratii organs,
nnly a few appearing occasionally in the
Sentjnel. Although the Republican
citizens of the county paid fully oue-liul!
ol the taxes they were debarred the priv
ilege of reading the advertisements unless
they subscribed for one of the Democratic
papers. Notwithstanding it is evidently
the true intent and uioauingof tho old
law that the legal advertisements shall be
published in one each of the papers of
the two leading political parties, yet the
law does not say so, con.-cijututly the
county officers shielded their acliou bc
Lind its broad and indefinite construction.
The Republicans paid their taxes a
part of which was appropriated for pay
ment of county advertisements which
they seldom if ever 6ecn, and from which
they derived no benefit, but the County
Couitiiljriuutis could see co necessity foi
inserting the public advertisements iu
more, than tiro jtrtjrrs. This was all right
nnd the public were satisfied. Hut a new
wove was made about a year ago. An
p'hor paper was started the Juniata
JtiywWcini in the interest of thia same
Democratic party. Heretofore, it rill Ic
remembered, the County Commissioners
bad failed to sec tho necessity for insert
ing the public advertisements in more
than two papers, but as soon as it was as
certained that tlj6 H'jHiblican would be
conducted in the interests of their party
they teemed tosee au immediate necessity
i')T publishing the public advertisements
ia three papers, and from that time up to
tho preseut the necessity has e.n'std and
the public advertisements ai.i. appear iu
the three Democratic papers, viz: the
Jiinijta True A' puLlictin, the Juniata
li'iista; and the Juniata True. Democrat.
It must be admitted by ail that the Re
publican citizens of Juniata county arc
taxed for at least ouc-half of the money
that comes into the County Treasury, and
it is cj 'lally tiuo that the Republican
party embraces almost one-half of the
population of the county. The Coun'y
Commissioners decided, a year ago, that it
was necessary, and have been paying since
that time for the publication of county
advertisements iu three newspapers. And
now we ask, Lave not the tax payers a
right to demand that tho advertisements
lor which they are taxed to pay shall ap
pear in the three newspapers haviug the
largest circulation in the county ' A
tlirewd business man, when he desires to
advertise his business or wares, never
Beets a newspaper that has but a hundred
or so of a circulation. And this is the
object of the law, published below, regu
lating the county printing. The county
advertisements must, hereafter, be pub
lished in the three newspapers having the
largest circulation. We believe ths Sen
Tistr. has as large, if not a larger circu
lation thau any other paper in the county,
and if this is the fact we can assure our
friends throughout the county that they
v.ill at least have the satisfaction of read
ing advertisements for which they are
taxed to pay.
SKfTJox 1. Be it enacted ly the Sen
ate nnd House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of lnnsyhania in Gen
eral Assembly met, and il is herjby en
acted by the authority of the same, That
immediately after the passage of this act
tLa Commissioners of Juniata county are
hereby required to notify the publishers
rir owners of "all newspapers published iu
said conu'y to furnish within ten days
thereafter to said ComuiLsioners a bona
f Ic list of subscribers tc each paper ie-
1 X..'; Si:'. mWyfe Vi ! mercantile appraiser a lists
lZMl95v.-'ia?5,? J i public notices whatever in
y ; - j; - " l - fijr-Vv ,v - .....
i " . I . 1
! t ILi f il 1,,.,! nUrL""J'"" v ".ummi. iu.ii- I10I11 St. , ,v
I i . ' "7i 1". 3.i
uers 10 5.aiu paper icmuiii in ta,u oouuiv-
Si c 2. That the Commissioners of said i liclJ at Fort DoJgo on the 21ih u!t. be-A. Xew York, Heading, Cvti.'vilie, Tamnaua,
ouiity of Juniata are hereby required to' twecu Major Dod"c mid several iliieV ,.f 1 A'h'-and, Lrtuimn, Altentoicn, Eastim, A., ,jc
ivertise all proclamations, jurorlisis. trial i .... ic;nw n'J'M,i,f . , Tnli"s ,ottT.c 1,ar'!"r,J t,"r A."a r"rk' as
.11 ...i... r .,i:, 1 -he lV'0W-"' 1,,c 'Htor I'fewl touch follow!.; At 3.W, MO und M., and
.and all other
tho three news-
papers as Miull be shown according to the
mode prescribed iu the first section of this
-.11 . t. J i: .
act to nave me larcs. circulation ana list
ol bona Jute pub?cntcrs iu saia county.
Sec. o. That said Commissioners are
hereby required to have the printing of
all blanks, handbills, etc., for said county
divided iu equal proportion among the
three newspapers as abovo shown to have
the largest list of subscribers.
Sec. 4. That said Commissioners are
hereby prohibited from drawing on the
Treasurer of said couufy or providing in
any other way for the payment of any ad
vertising or printing fur said county doue
hy any newspaper but tho three provided
lor iu this act.
Speaker of the Juitsr -f litprrsentaticet.
Speaker of the Se nate.
Where is Our 'ortlieru Uoundary f
If the House of Representatives makes
tl.e necessary appropriation to consum
mate the purchase of territory from Rus
sia, coutemplstcd in the treaty between
the Czir and the Uiiitcd States, the peo
ple of Oregon and Washington Territory.
now regarded as being on our txircmc
aor.hcrn boundaries, will become South
erners That portion of our cuuuiry
which we Lave been accustomed to speak
f with so much respect as ''the great
Northwest," is tho great Northwest no
longer. Stopping at the lino of 41) dog.
north I.-.tituJe, its relative position upou
the Pacific coast will hereafter be central.
We have added a very cxtcusivc coast line
north of it, which would have been con
tinuous had the Polk Administration ad
hered to the oiigiual programmec of "51
deg. 40 aiin. or fight." As it is, we quit
the Pacific at 49 deg. 40 min., the inter
mediate space being filled by Rri'.ish pos
sessions. Commenting on these facts, the
Washington Chronicle says our people-
have faith in the manifest destiny ol our
nation. They look to the eventual ab
sorption of the whole North American
continent, and the Senate has undoubt
edly gratified a national instinct by ratify
ing tho treaty for the cession by Russia
of her American possession to the United
At a meeting of the Pastors of the
different churches in Carlisle, held April
1st, lfC7, at 'J o'clock, after duo consul
tation it was unanimously agreed, that we
cordially approve the holding of a Con
vention, under the auspices of the Penn
sylvania State Temperance Union, in Cai
iislc on the 2.')rd of April, to commence
a: 7 o'eLck P. M., for the District en -bracing
Huntingdon, Perry, Juniata and
Mililin counties.
And that the Corresponding Secretary
publish a call for the Convention and ex
tend the invitation to the Pastors and also
the several Temperance Organizations
throughout the above district, to at
tend aud co operate with the Convention.
And that each Pastor iu the district, call
attention to the Convention, on the Sab
bath previous, the 21t, inst., cither by
scrniou or notice. That each 1'astor by
reason of his office is a member of the
Convention and is respectfully requested
to select five laymen from his chargo and
hare them elected to accompany him.
And that the various Tcjiperanco Or
ganizitions throughout the District a: e re
quested to elect five delegates to said
Corresponding Secretary
Pa. State Temperance Union.
tSrGov. Patton, of Alabama, in a re
cent letter to Lieut. Gov. Voorhies, of
Louisiana, speaks very seusibly with re
ference to the Reconstruction Law, as fol
lows :
"I am clearly of the opinion that an
appeal to the Courts would accomplish no
good. If a test case were brought before
the judiciary, it would open up a scries of
the most complicated questions which,
perhaps, ever engaged the attention of any
tribunal. Questions of such vast magni
tude could not speedily be disposed of.
They would necessarily require much
time ; and before a conclusion could be
reached the Southern Stains, in all proba
bility, would be fully rc-organized under
the Concessional plan."
We understand that Dill Davis, Andy's
Postmaster, and Dill Allison, a gentleman
who has a slippery tail-hold on one of
Andy's offices, ate trying hard to induce
Republicans to subscribe for the Johnson
organ, offering it for almost nothing
more than it is worth in order to in
crease their circulation to enable them to
secure the county printing. We hope
our Republican friends will not be led
into the errot of subscribing for a paper
that Las for its sole object the overthrow
of the Republican party.
M o ; ...
. I ... I ... ........ .1 : . . - .
isei.h.on tie 2,1 insr ...
1 ' 1 - " v.,,.,IV;U Av;1.
Mlnliilhin ir flm trlufno .1.. i
uV-,rea io
I ue al rL'a(,c Wil" ,,,r"1. uUt SI"1 that the
.11 ( . IT (II
j l.ackiecc, oioux, Ulieyeuncs, Arrc.ahocs
: and Ciiamanehes are determined ou war
nuj w,j have it
Thcy spoke about several Northern
lliocs tiauuing togetlier lor wat, liiakirg i
overtures to the Southern tribes to . ;'!
them, and predicting that the whites
St. Louis. April 11.
wou'd have their hands full. TU ii.di-1 nr" via "J""1 guehanna Ua,roa,t
... . , .. . . I leave llarrishurg at ",'JO p m.
cations all lavor a grand Indian cruleucr
ation, and a bloody war.
ItsTCongress has decided that our rep
resentatives abroad shall not go to Court
any more with dresses peculiar to aristo-
crane Governments, and Miiall swords
Joiut Special Committee on Coats and
Rrccchcs. This, it is thought, will in
volve the necessity of establishing the of
fice cf Court Tailor at Washington, but
whethci he will constitute one of the
Cabinet is not yet surmised. II ie excel
lency ought to be a valuable counselor in
this very delicato matter. Wo would,
, .... .
Iiowever. sutrrrcst a iden'itul use of lmck-!
' - i -- -
ram in the back of the coat to make up
for lack of back-bone'
t3T Tho many friends and admirers of
Thad. Stevens will be pleased to Irrn
that he is rapidly recovering from bin la!e
physical prostration. He has passed h'.s
scveuty-Hi'th birth d-iy, aud way live an
other decade of years.
55j""The Republican State Central viui
iiiittce met in llarri.-burg on the 'Jib inst.,
and called a State Cuuvciition to meet on
the 2Gth of Juno.
"VJ (II I ( ' E Tl ) CON T K A C'T( i IL S . Seal c J ro
i posalu will ho received up lo 'A o'einck
I .!., on m n u 'lily oi ,iur. io'm . lor iillli.l- i
.. , , J . .. - i
ing a School House, at Irce Sprins in l n!kr
townHt ip, Juniata county. The t ii I 1 1 1 rr "
. , , , , ... ... " , ,
ne of brick, ,li feet square with ceiling 1:;
feet high. Plan nnd specific it ions cun te ,
seen on and ofler 5I..nday, April 22nd, at
Col. J. N. 51oore' jtear I'ren Spring.
npr. 17-3t MICHAEL SEIBER, Seet'g,
TA'AXTr.o. Acenti. $150 per m?!i:h nr.d a1!
expense paid, to sell llie (ienuire R.irl'eit
Sewing Machine. This .Machine will do nil
the work that can be done on any high priced i
maehiii-. uul is fully pfitenlrd, licensed n 1 j
warranted for f.ve )ears. W'a pay llie above I
wages, or a commission, from which twice '
that amount can lie made. For Circulars and
terais al Iresn
v., riu'
k CO.,
:: l a , I'll.
721 Chcsi.iui
npr. 17-Ow.
'',I1C undcrsignc 1 Totild respectfully an-
M. liounce that he has just received from
llie hast, a large assortment of
which he t fTen at the lowest market prices
Give me a elt. NATHAN KEELV.
apr. 17, 1M;7-If.
THE undersigned have just received from
Philadelphia another supply of
For 51cn and Boys, which they are selling at
panic prices. Also, a fine assortment uf
For men, women, boys, girls nnd infants, al
prices which they defy cou-pelition. The
best and cheapest lot of
it?, a a jijtcd Cji?3
In the 'county, for men and boys.
ritiiul i n it cf T.uipn Shirts. Overshirts. Fn-
ilershirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravati, llanu-,
kcrchief's. Stockings, Suspenders, Gloves, Xc. ,
Br.Thaukful to the public for the liberal f
supi'ort they have heretofore extended lo us, j
we are determiaed to retain their support f
giving thuiu good Good nt low prices.
ery nespeciiuuj',
nov 7, 18CC-tf LOUDON & J AC KM AX.
Good News for Mothers.
5Iothers arc you oppressed with anxiety
foi your little ones ? Are your slumbers and
hearts broken by their cries Do you awake
in the morning unrefrcshed and apprehtm. ive
If so, procure at onse a bottle of Br. Leon's
Infant Remedy and you will have no more
weary hours oi" watching and anxiety.
Has stood the (est of years. Thousands of
nurses and mothers bear witness that it never
fails to five relief il used in season, lt is a
mild, yet sure and speedy cure for Colic,
Cramps and Windy Pains, and is invaluable
for all complaints iuoi lent to teething
Sold by Druggists throughout the United
States. Address all orders to
Sole Proprietors,
137 North Third Street, PiiiiaJelphia.
nov. 11, '06-ly.
uung..ug uooui uieir icg j out l. aas re- ! , ."":-" ' ' , , ' V. y i Currantsnnd UiMwclirrne?
i . i " anJ BH'lUfhanna Rail Road, at 00 . M. tjc,.i,,.,r;.,.n.i ii .l!.rrii.j
served a right to prescr.be a Court urn- If-.,
form. It H suggested that at (he Cpcuing " 7.i0 A. M., returning from Vuladel- Russell's Prolific, (JoM.-n Seede,!,
(rf the next session there will b niscd -i ' .? f . , . ' Linnin-'s White, Cutter, &c, f
w uic mil tessiou will u. nisei! a I'utlslown Accommodation Train : Leaves I i i7, , i.-V J 71111 1 a ,u,:'.
.T i: i . ! t . . I nn.. ;ii. rvi. nrr .r, n.t,....i
U U A 1) I W li K A i Jj K U A 1)
April Hih, 1807.
ic North ami Nui-th-West for I'hdadtl-
2,10 and .1.00 1'. J!., arriving at Xew Yurie at
6,(10 and 10,10 A. M., and 4,4l, f,'J0,10,25 P.
M.. C'jiuicclin with nimili.r Truing on the
rtunsylvaniti Uailroad; Sleeping Curs accom
panying the ,00 a M aud 1,C0 1 JI trains
without change.
Leavo Ilarritburg for Weuilinj, rottiviUt,
Tamaqua, Mintrsvilie, AthlanJ, l'mc drove, Al
lentoKit and Vl.ilaitelviia. at 8.10 A. 51. ami
-.10 and -1,10 r M, stopping at Lebanon and
aU ""V" ;T ? K Il1n'" ?"k'n8
connections fur Philadelphia ami Columbia
1 ouly. For VoftsvtV.e, SrhuyUM Harm and Au-
Hetiirnin: Leave Xiw York nt 9,00 A M,
12.011 NoonO.OO nnd X.00 P 51, Thiladelpkia at
8,15 A M, anil .'i.oO P M ; way passenger train
leaves Philadelphia nt 7,;,0 a m. returning
from llcnuing at C,:J0 p m. stopping at all
iaiions; Vuttx-iV.e at 8. lr A M and lo P
M; Azhlnr.d C,00 nnd II .SO A JI, and 1,05 P
l:- T. ,.,..,., n 0 AT, M ,..! 1 flu V r-
: p. i
Puttstown at C,2o a. in., returning leaves
Philadelphia at (i,uo p. in.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at
7 00 A M nnd fi 15 P 51 for Ephrata, Liliz
Lancaster, Colwr.iia, &C.
On Sundays: Leave Xew-York at 8 CO
P. !., VHaddj lda 8 a.m 3 15 P. !., I lie 8 00
. M traia running only to Heading; Voltsvil'.e
8 Oil A. M., llarrisbnrg U SO A. 51., nnd Rend
i nt 1 20 and 7,20 A. 51.. for IlirrMnrg,
, I;.fur k-IV, and 4,25 p.
I ui. for Philadelphia.
Vomnutaiiun, Mileage, Season, School and
I'x'-urtinn 'Kichdi to and from all poiutu, at rc-
JuoeU Utiles.
lloggag' cheeked through : 80 pounds al
lotted each I'asKcngcr.
i. a. xseoii.s,
General Superintendent.
REAnixo, Ta. Nov 27, 'UO-lf.
New Slcrc in Pallersou.
QAMVEL STHAYETt. having piirehajed of
Iw7 Levi llechl, kecpii luthe new llriek liuild-
in", 5Iain Street, Patterson, a l:ir;o and ele-
iriint assortment of Kcady-51ade C'loiliing,
insis' ing in part of
Overcoats, Frock Coats,
Dress Coats, I'antaloons,
'ists, Draicers, Collars,
L'ndcrshirts, Handkerchiefs,
Boots ci- Shoes
And every thing usuillv found iu a fust class
LiLiilleman's Fiiini.iniliL' Slur'.
., , rnil .
Also a large and carefully seleeted assort
. , . . . i e ii . i- i i
r i i -n i i i .i i
q-ialities, all of which will be eold at the low-
1 ,
I.aaici' 'Jailers a nd Shoes.
ITe a'-o invit es the nlientinn of the Indies
to Ma tine stock of GAITERS AMI SHOES,
which he will sell at price defying competi
I AUI K I VII. I 1.(1 1 1I1S.
lie bnson band a beautiful assortment of
("arrets. Oil Cloths, &c , which arc of a pool
qu.iuty, and well worth the inspection of the
Gold nnd Silver Watches,
r.ar rir.gs, I'lain and Taney rings,
i... I fii,t.-'.ri.iki I'lng
... ... ,.,. i.'ilM t. hirh nt .h! time
form lh largest and best assortment in the
wW. All the above (roods will be sold cheap-
ci-than auv other stole in the United States.
If you don't believe it, just give bun a call
and bu convinced of tho trulh of the assertion
FIT It X IT I' 11 ft.
also a large Room jii"t opposite
1 !;:s More wuae i.e e,.ers i.ir sine ui iuw
prices a general assortment of
Tnb!es, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Bedsteads.
Matlresse. Trunks. Carpets, St.ir.ks, llaeks.
and n.any uiherarlicles l. r houe turnishing
Patterson, n pi il 10, '07.
: been "ranted in due form ot law to the uu- ,J1L ' ..tee oi u.e I eiw, im.u r evisin.
IAKM AT PRIVATE SALE. The under- oVi-sined. Ail persons indebted to said ra-1 1:nvs- ! ' ' ''ays befure the commencr
Figued etlers at private sale his farm sit- ,.lle .fre jt-queslel to make immediate pay- meat of the sc-obm of the Court to v.hic'u
ualed in Pelaware tcwiiship, Juniata county, j Inent .in,j ti,ose ,.1T;,lt, claims again.it the , 1,"'.v -'"'e ''-''v ".rn-ib'.e rpcctively, and in
l'a., annul tnrec miioa casi in i nompsoniown,
containing 2S5 acres, about 20U acres of which
nre clean d and in a good state of cultivation, DAVID CUNNINGHAM, .-l.'.Vr.
the remainder well se. with choice timber, apr n.g
having thereon erected a large Stone Mansion, - .... . .....
Tenvit House, larce Bank Barn, and other! IjATASlcA lOESLC. 0.
necessary oul-btiildinps, with a never-failing ' TVBODl'CED by the celebrated Traveller,
spring of water convenient to the house.- j j Eayard Taylor, from 51t, Lei anon. The
The ".and is well watered. Tho above land , j.-;,.st fi-ioking Tjbacco known it is deseri'i
wiil be sold in whole or in parcels to sr.it pur-1 i.T Mr. xnvl ir as ''soft, aromatic, and of
chafers. 1 ersous uesirmg io purouase iu
urorcrtv can do so by calling on
April 25, ISGG-tf.
TESSLER. FOSTER & CO., are now 2
S i prepared lo furnish all kinds of PJ
i Flooring, Weather-boarding, Door and
Wmdoiv Frames, IStinds Sash, ;
Doors, Bru.ri, ijj
J And all material required for building
U purposes.
0 Having connected with our 5lill
n IlucLh u's Patent Dry Kiln, z
w - . - -
bv which we can dry lumber in from.O
ii; two to tut. u u. i g
by supcr-hcfcied steam, without pressure.
n. Cusiomnis may Iherctore rely on gct-ip
Customers may increiore reiy uu
j ,jng pcl.f ,cty beasoncil l.umtier in uieir r-
Lioors, Window Iramcs, Sash, e., &.C.
fcj njrcU 13, lb07-0m. z
-tt a r it r,l F MILL PROPERTY AT PRI-
i i - - --
V VATE SALE. The undersigned offers
at private sale his .Mill Property, situated in
51cCoysvilIc, Ttiscarora township, Juniata
county. The Slill is a large Frame Building,
running two setts of Burrs, with Bolls, Ele
vators, Sc., necessary for doing a large
Country or Mcchant business. In connec
tion with the Mill will be sold a g.iod Dwell
ing Huuse and Stable, with ail necessary
modern improvements. Terms easy.
Persons wishing to see the property will
call at tho residence of the subscriber in
McCyosviile, Juaiata eountr.
' Juae20-if. VM. IIACKSTT.
hereby given that Letters uf Adminis
tration on the Estate of Francis Shirk, late of
Fayette towwnship, dee d., have been granted
in due form of law to the undersigned. All
persons iudebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims against the same will please pic
feut Ihcm properly authenticated for settle
ment. JOHN li. SAUSMAN. Adia'r.
uir. 13-Ut.
PftTTlT ANH n!-?Tvr.MVHov'T,T. ti?t?i?o
Vines, gaia!I Frail., Shrchs, Bcddiug i'lauis, frc,
ron the sriiLxa of izgi.
We offer for the present season, a large
STOCK, embracing a lire variety
we are piepareu to iuruioli ut
iuvito the attention of
Standard Apple?, 4 years old, leading kinds
Dwarf " ' " ' (on paradise,)
Crab " 2 nnd " years old
Standard Pears, 2 and 3 years old
I) wart Pears, 2 years old
Standard Cherries, 2 years old
Dwarf Clirrries, 3 years old
Stunilard l'eaclies, 1 year old
do do Hale's Early. 1 year old
do do on Plum.. T
Dwarf do do
Apricots, do
do on Tcncli
Van liuren's Golden Dwarf Pcacli
Nectaricns and Almonds
Standard Plums, on J'lum
Ilwarf do do
N. li. Extra sized trees of many of above c:m
tra price.
.lucunda (Knox's 700,) Agriculturist, )
I.a Constantp, .Mead's Seedling, N. J I
Scarlet, Sec. )
Grapes Catawba, Isabell and Clinton, 1 year, 1st class
Concord, 1 vear. 1st class
Diana, Haitford Prolific, &e., 1 year, 1st class
Delaware, llelsivca. &c, 1 year, 1st rla-"s
Allen's & Poller's Hybrids, 1 year, lt rlass. .
Inn.i. Israelis mid Adironrlae, t year, 1st class
Koreiun varieties, U-adin kinds
Foreign varieties, new kinds
N. Ti. Crapes by doz. or less, aud Strawberries by doz., or 100 mailed Tuttn'-e Fiee Rt
above prices. '
Mialc lrces, LeaUing kmJ3, 3 to 10 lect
f-oj olio
Dccidnnn Ornamental Trp", a fine ariortir.cnt ( to 1 ( 0 10 of, i
Deci limu Ornamenlal Shniln, 1 f 2', 2 5 i
('limbing do do ) to 5i on
Evergreens, leading kinds, cccording to b'.ze -,); H
I tol CO 10 00
j English lValnnts nnd Spanish Chesinuls ...
I'uwuiiijr's Everbearing .Mulberry aid )
Kwarf Pinlifii; V alnut j
Asparagus Itooti
l'.linl'ui l, Myait' I.innnus
Aiucr. Arborviliae, for hei'ging f
Osfige Orange, for hedging, f'i perl.nno
bedding Plant, a large and complete ass irtiacnt. See special list.
the best manner, in bales or bxc, f.r which a mo-frrate charse is
' promptly forwarded l.y Express, or Railroad,
i applicants, cuctosing mumps.
April n-lm.
p.WEnv Lu essf" The following petitions
J. for tavern licences hire been tiled in
the Prothonat.'iry'i oflicc at 5Iiil!iutown, and
will b presented at the next Couit:
F. M. Miekry, Patterson.
A. II. Lnndis, Richfield.
Gideon Italdeman. .1 ilin.itnwn.
apr. --ie.j i.r.i. i.r. i ..t.i'.-, i r"-i y.
UMINISTRATOIW NOTICE.-Notireis 1 t;"'. 7"" "l. ' ":e !Le ?' u of Fcbrn
A hereby given that Letters of A (minis-1 -'' f"' ; -r Over nnd
tr.ii.rn on 'the estate of Samuel Rannel, be i. ,, "''r:l1 J,"1, l'ery. and G.-n-
li hereby given that Letters of A Iminis
traiion on the estate of Samuel RanneU. bile
of Kavette township dee'd , have been grant-
e.li..-,b.ef..r,,,.,f iawto the undersigned.-
All peri, nsinlehted to said estate nre re-
quested to make immediate pavment, and
those having claims against ih'e fame will
please pre-ent them properly authenticated
for settlement
Z ! - .l SAMCEL LEONARD. Ad:ir.
' l
TILIi:.Y 'IWIilTO S.185.
V V ' " V. , " " n". ."."..
I TT L' .(T... ..t... . 1 .fil.. t.Til.l...." cnrn.l
! " . , .7 '. ..' . ... '
: smoolhne and h mdsone
and h mdsone appearance, grea. so-
superior v,a,ty ,. tins new ranefy
oreu.i. rit the most id.ujt.ie lutnatj
tidily and
: c.uiibine to
ii.nr i,i cu,ncatit n.
nee, ,l,v n'l;-' r, ) 2,e per pe,iet.
i bV. . J..!, A.Nb ,(..
No. . Geoite Street, or:v, 1 a.
DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice is ; respe.N.ve entities, all i!:e recgn:zaaces eu-
Si. hereby given that Letters of Aduiinis- -erel iiito bef .re Ihiu by aiy jiersn or per
I triitiuii on the estate of Martha J. Cunning-1 'w c!iaref- witli the cotnuii -sion of any
) Lam, laic of .Milf.ird township, dee'd., have ; crime, ex.-ej t si:.-h case n-i may he ended be-
s.ime i,!easc i.reseiit them proper:,' au-
thenticated for settlement.
.1..1 cious ol t, re?enii.nag
that of dried ro-
ses: maturing very e-.my, see. i sunn iu i ue
as June will perfect a crop. We o.Tor t-hoice
seed of this valuable Tariety, from seed of
.Mr. Taylor's own raising.
Price (by mail, postage paid.) 2.".e. per packet
No, 'J N. George Street, York, pa.
apr. 2,-1 in.
. i . i ...
ISSOLUTION The partnership hereto
fore existing between Levi ilecht and
Samuel Sirayer, doing business nr.uer the
name of Heel" t and Sirayer. is this 2l'.th ib.y
, f !",' u';3l"v''u mi "
camel fcirnyer ior euiiee.......
The business of the firm will hereafter be
conducted by the undersigned v.ho returns j
bis thanks to the public lor past patronage
nnd resccctfullv solicits a continuace of the
apr. 3.-Gt.
(Jardcn Seeds, l-y Mail.
TT7E offer a large and complete assortment
VV of Fresh Seeds, embracing OVER 20O
I.EAMNG VARIETIES, (including all the
novelties,) which we furnish, carefully put up
in packets, by mail, 1'osta;e r.tio, at cur
cotalogue prices.
AH our f-.oe.ts nre care.i
Bending out, and arc --"'';;;" J N. B.-lnvalids c-.u write a statement of
GllOV., ,f ri-ope.ly I-l; ' f" '. ' their symp. s or di.-e Ba receive n,-,'.i-
(l, K sr. w i-i...:ko ntKiirrni UT cil;c am, (!;rcctiM,s for tlo ir sP. All com
is mailed to any address, on receipt ol wan n.licicfltioi,s slrie.ly cctiti-k-utiai
for postage. rmv,D j EVA:;g lt oa march 27. 1807-.
No. !, N. George M-, Yoik, t.ITIT- AU p-vsov.s n:e hereby can-
npr. J.-iin. j J tionel not to neu'oliatc or urel.ase a
CTATF. CAPITOL HOTEL, near the Cap! j nolo drawn by n in t..-.-or of Bentnii.in ei
O t'ol Buildings. j dei s, for Nit cty Dollars and payable one i y
IIAUISUCRO, FA. j nfiei date, as 1 have :u: reeeiv-.-1 value b.r
. Ternic as moderate as any Ib.lel iu !be il. and will n it p-.y lt;e note iuiass couipelb I
" by due course uf I iw.
WM. G.TIlOMrN, I-iaer. J mar. 27. 1' il V. J A MIN 7.LI .
and cilete a-sortniCi;? rf Nt
(,' thrifty, wel!-r.rowu TRKLIS, w
the annexe'd prices, and t j which we
Fruit Growers aud Planters.
Each Pr Joz. Prr l'i'J
be luruiahcd "at "ex
31:5 3l. ?-.-,!;(
f- ft 60 4 0
f':) o .V 40 0:
go! r, .V 541.0
oOl 0 00 40 00
CO! 6 CO
tli! 8'r, 25 01
40 1 4 (,o 0 OJ
'i 8 on'
;i 8 o'lj
"; ft (ni!
so r, on ;o oi
1 OOj 0l;i)i40 0'
i r, oo
t) Oo
2": 2 50 1 5 CO
20 5 oo;
50 1
2 OO
1 Oo;
250 n no
5 0.. ; 30 Oil
7 O'l
12 Oil!
1.51 in.;
1 (a
1 50
2 (:)
: oo
( to 3 00
l 00 io rm. t-. .... 1
i oo jo oo
4 I li
75 On
2'l ():
40 0.1
to 00
75 00
f.o .- no'
1 oo 10 I nl
i 2 00
f'O 10 0 1
2o oo
;!o o
1 5,
Packinj dime in
irge is made. Go, ill nre
to all point. Descriptive
Catalogu.'S muilel
York, Pfnsvi.vam..
pROCLAMATMN.-lVnEBEi-. the II n.
1 Jumes II. (Jraham. Vesi 1,-iif .In I ... r
the Court of Common Pleas of the H.u .In-
ilicnl I';-:r -Lt, con.pusc l nf t'.o counties of
.'.ii. in'. :. Pi. try and Cumberlnn 1, and luj
II. .in. Tl ir-inai I. Aliliikeii add S.-ini;...! U'.itt
I Judges of the said Court of Cumi.ion Vh--, 'f
' .c.-nv, imvc isi.-t .i r.'je; rprecepi ro lue
i jii-ii in pi.nnfv, have isi.c.: f , .
v r " " ti i I, v- v C' at "1:tr-
'",-7;,?n ' ' :.:',r,.h of APRIL,
'"''-, ." 01 tIie
' l"vfx-, " c oroner,
t UllVr ,, bo
, ' '"r 'u itL'ir ,'-' . , y Rn'1
, there in their pu er persms. a: 1 . u ck on
! " - recrds.
ni.uis. nous, cxaminaiioin an. uvcr
n 'i.i ever ren:em-
tira:;ees, to uo :h
e lhiu ihat to tb.-ir nf-
I . 1 . . J lv 1
oes respectively appertain, and those that
i arc - t,0""J I"S
aiiee to rroecut?
prisoners that
; , Ja.:1 ,.f CQUU r J..,:.lf, b ,i ....
ai; 1 t!i,;1A. l0 ,.raiccutc a,.l:nst ,iclli
ire or ti.ea n.a v be
: I'.y an Act of A-sewblv. ra.sc.l ', ?:h .Jar
. ,.f ;! r. ls-, 5, n,e ,;: (Jll,v nf
; ;!,, J,:-iees t the ,.( ,l!tftc..c!a,
Cei t.f tVaiuionwealtli. U rera.n to tin
I ('! :k of the C
'j'l.iiltT So.-s:.,!is of ihj
i a 1 ..-ere any rtf..pu uiee., are enter
a", c lfLs vv!
e l into I.-.s ta.ni tea d .ys before the com
i.ienec::ien! of the -.--si. in to wbieh they nro
ui.i'ie returnable. 1 1: c said Jusliec are lo re
turn the !i:.s iu tlie oarne nitniirr as if said
a-i Uil n..: Vfii passed. Bale! at .Miihin-
iuK.1. me -jru u.ir o: j.iiuia'-v. in i ,
cf our Lor.!, ore thousand f.;.,ht I,.,.,.l,r.l
and sixry -sevea. and (he SinU year of
A mori ,:: Indepen donee,
mar. 27 -tc. S. B. LOUDON, S'te.-iT.
lSfi7. SPRING. 1107.
e y n i: & l a n d i: l l.
FOURTH & ARCH Streets. Puila Pa., Pa.
Abe orcsixo ron si'iuno or 1 907,
3 Caos Select Sha les of Silks.
Fashionable Plaid Silks.
Rftmarck, the New Color Silk.
I'et Bbck Silks, in town.
Plaid India Silks. Vrfect.
New Spring Dress Goods.
New Style Spring Chintzes.
Organdies of Newest Style.
Steel Colored 7'op.ins, fur Suilsi.
N. B. Staple Housekeeping Go xls Fresh
Sleek Cloths, Cassimerei and Tweeds for
' Youths.
c. s- .Vicrehants in search of scarce an. I
desirable goods will fuel it their interest to.
call and exaiuiue our Stock I
mar. 27-bt.
I'.V DRUG STORE, r.-.tlcrson. Pa. I r.
P. C. lil'.M'IO wishes (oini"iiu thetuib-
li llinl he ban just received an nf-oirlnienl of
'Fresh Drugs a. -id 5'eJ:cms, of ail kinds,
whi. h he ..iters for sale at the Piiter-. n Post
tltiire. He also !:,-rp4 en hand Pcrfumcrv of
all kinds, am! Hair Dye and Exlr.i lilnch "ink,
. of bis own tnaimractine. Persons in need cf
j anything in hi-l.re will find it to their ad-
vai.fiee lo cive him a call.