artr-r5 w ASTROLOGY HIE WORLD ASTONISHED AT Til K WONPERFt'L Fr.VELATIONS HIDAK BY THE GREAT ASTKOLOG1ST, Mmlimc IL A. P E It li 1 G 0. She reveali secrets no Mortal ever knew.-i-lie restores to happiness those who, from dole ful event-, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss if relations and trirnds. los of money, ic.. hav become despondent She brings togcth r those long separated, gives iuformaiion concerning nosent frieuds or lovers, restores lost or s:l 'n properly, tells you the business you arc best qualiticd to pursue and in what you will he must successful, causes speedy niariinges anJ tells you the very Jay you will marry, givesyou the name, likeness au J char acteristics of the person. She rends your very thoughts, anJ by her almost supernatu ral powers unveils the dark and hidden mys teries of the future. From the mars we see in the firmament the malefic stars that over cjme or predominate in the configuration from the aspects and positions c-f the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens nt the time of birth, she deduces the future desiiny of nan. Fail not to consult the greatest Asticd ogist on earth. It costs you but a trifle, nnd you may never sprain have so favorable nil opportunity, Coiistillnliun fee. -wiili likeness uud all desired information, Parties liv ing at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safe'y uu.l satisfaction to themselves, ns if in person. A full and ex plicit chart, written out. with nil inquiries answered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt ofpriio nbove mentioned. The ulrictest socresy w ill be maintained, and all correspondence returned cr destroyed. Ref erences of th? hL-'i.-st er.Ur furnished those desiring them. Wii'.o plainly the day of the month and year in whieli you were born, en closing a small lock of l air. Addrese. Mai.a-.if. II. A. rERElGO, I'.O. Piiav.t.u ll'.'o. lit i talo, N. V. feb L'it "t;7-I v. l!Ei'.KATOIi CATiLLi. Throw away your false frizzes, your switches your wig Destructive of Comfort, atrl cot worth a fig I omctiged, come vouthlul, cou.e ugl - and lair. And rejoire in yuur own luxuriant bair. ki::mjY.tou irir.i.i. For restoring hair upon bald brails i fro:t wtiiitcvcr Cause it r.inv Hive I i lieu out I forcing a rrowlh if hair upon ill i uo, it ha noeiiual. it will force the bear. I tc rr.-w 1:1 on the smoothest face in from five I j ei-' wec.-: or i. air upon i.a;.i i.c.-.i- in in u two o three mouths. A few ignorant practition rs Lave ussiricd that there is n. th'pg thai will force or hasten the piow.h of ihe beard Their assertions are false, i thousands of liv ing'S from thcirown experience) cat near witness. Iut laanv wilt sav, now are ve to distinguish the genuine from tl.c spuri ous: It certainly is iLfucuIt, as line until of the uiuerent preparai ions advertised for Ihe hair and beanl are entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown av.ay luge amounts iu their purchase To tuch we wculU say, trv the Ecpiiator Capiili ; it will cost you nothing unless i fully coinos Jo cur representations. II vour lirti t1 cr; si does uot keep it, send us one dollar and we will forward it, post-paid, together with a re ceipt for the money, which will be returned you on application. roviding etitirc s;;ti-fac lion is not given. Address, W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Favelie St., Syracuse, N Y. feb 20, 1807-ly. EXCEi.Kitte:. i:ac:f s.vsoic i CIIASTELLAjTS Hair Exterminator!! For Removing Superfluous Hair. To the ladies especially, this invaluable de pi'alury recommends itself as being an almost ludispcnsible article to female beauty, is easily applied, docs not burn or injure tin skin, but acts directly on the roots. It i. warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or flora any part of the body, completely, totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving ihe skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the ou'y real effectual depila tory in existence Price 7o cents per pack age, sent post -paid, to any address, ou receipt of an order, by EEEGEK, SHUTTS & Co., Ch. mists. C--.j River St., Troy, N. Y. fob. 20, T,7-ly. i-OTY'S CLOTIIES VASllEir Universal Clothes Wrinsrr. The best and most popular Machine ever invented. All Hashers warranted to -rive satisfaction. If not as represented, the washer will be ta ken back and the monry refunded. In offering the Washer we present you the following alternatives : 1. Either to make h woman work all day nt the hardest drudgery, dangerous to health and life, f;fiy-two days in a year or buy a Machine for her, with w Inch he can do the tauicwoikin two hours f.ud not be I ire J, Coittult llta'ih. Either buy poods to be ruibed t frag ments on Ihe wash-hoard, or buy a Machine lhat will cleanse without injuring gauuen!?, and bo pay for itself three times a year. Consult Ecvnomy. Sold by J. T.. M. TOM. Vatic: sun, l'a. Ecad what our neighbors have to say: Pennsylvania Hot si:, Patteisson, Jan. US, '07. J. B. M. Todd, Esvt This is to certif; that the Doty's Clothes Washer and U'ringei I purchased from you, will do all that is rec uuended if the direction for washing is strictly observed, especially for h;avy cloth ing, one person cn wash as much in an hour with ease as they would do in six hours by band or cimnsor. rubier. It is a great savor of clothes and time. There is neither fric tion in washing or "train in wringing. Ib.ys or Girls of 12 to 11 years old can do the waiuinj. F. M. MITKEY. I Mb. J. I?. M. Tom .Sr: Since 1 have puruliased Doty's ( lollies Washer and Wring er from you, wash-day is no more dreaded by jny wife as my little girl 1 1 year; of age can do my washing of 9 persons, in from two to three hours, which used to take toy wife all day. I can cheerfully recommend every per son to go to J. U. M. Todd's, ar. J get a Wash er and Wringer as I am confident that you n save the price oi the Machine in less than one year in the saving of the of the wearing of clothes as they arc waihcd with out rubbing. Y ours &c. jau. 3J ly. JuiiN" EALEXTIXE. F. D. MILLS 11 with LEWIS 13J1EMEU SONS, X 0 I A C C O V A R E IIOUS E, NO. S22 NORTH THIRD St., ruiLAi'ELrniA. feyt. tt0u-iy. TillS WAV FOIl BARGAINS NEAVflOOUS AT MICKEY & PE?3LSS. The undersigned has just received alnrgc stck of Dry Uoods and (Jrocerics at their store on Kail Uoad Street, in Patterson, which thev are opening to the public, at the following low prices : Pkints. est Quality at I Bnowjt Siii:i:tiscs. ...Ci "c''t Quality. ... I it Secon I .12 Third i Fourth Fifth ...80 ...I'll Sec ml Third DlLmnes. riain (all wool)... Figured " Fancy and plain ...15 1 -W, Sixth... ...U FLA-tNKLS. .otoSi PWict. : White. COtoCO ?otjr.o 35to7.) j 4oto7o ; fio-u li I.XOIIAJIS. De.'l CJimlity.... ojjil'lad ,"'r;Sliirtiiiir... Second .L'o SuiitTiNu Checks. Best Quality S7 Secoiul Third -0 M Kill SOS. Black and other Colors 60lo$l 0( Skirts. Italmoral. i'J 7itoI 5ll Hoop nil fr ief Tickings -o, y.'it oot 1 j All wool Socks.. lSto7o ' Boots & Snuts. Ladies $ loll "i I Misses ifl aitii2 - " i Childrens ...4HloI L'5 i Cicnts Boots :! 7 fit j lioys 1 L'"ito2 2." , Syrups '.K tc. t o 1 40 ' Sugar house ti'i Sugars, brown, l-'lolii " White lSlollO taxis Sun.' itlreen Ci tlee lit) Jeans from JillloO , , Ladies' Coat., latest Satinet 7ltlol les ...:?l-i(M io'J(l 00 Casiiuieies...Jl 25to3lj breakfast Shawls Plads. 'from su'lo3 All wool 4."io80; Woolen lioods7'lo'jr0 l'hicl Cashmer...;i7to''() llatsand Caps at all I'. 1 1 : ( 1 1 1 : 1 Mvslix. prices. Itest Juality '!.; Notion" A full as- Sei'ond Ilt' sorlinenl of Ladies' & Third ,...... 11 f icnts' (Iloves, llos- Fouith -U iery, &c. at all ju ices. Fifth I suit purchasers. Also, a full assortment cf Queenswarc ilait'are. Tinware, Brooms, l'rushes, I'.a-k, ets, luickets. Tubs, Tobacco, Scgars. ,e., c., usually kept in a country store. Purchasers will do wdi by calling and ex -nooning our stock, before purchasing elsewhere, as our motto i to sell cheap for CASH or Country Bio luce. MICKEY & rFXN'EI.T., Apr. -3 't'.d-ly. Patterson, Pa. Tic Loci Looked" For Come a Inst T11J C'ELEIJR.MED riirntce ft it in; !11!C. Tlii s mnch'ne is the most pcrrcct inslru iiici.t to execute any kin 1 of sewing now done l.y loachiio ry in the world. It is simple and pertect in its mechanical construriUn. The feed may be reversod at any poi.M desired without stopping, which is a great advantage in fastening the end of seams. It makes Ft (I'll DIFFERENT .TITCIIE.S', l.i rk, Unt't, Ihi'lif I.nrk, J)i'il!ilr Knot, each stiich perfect aud alike on both sides ol ihe bibric. Operators can select any stitch they want and change from one stiich to another with out stop ing the machine. Its stiteiies cannot beexcelied for fnmness, clacticity lurabiiity and beauty of tinish. No difhcul'y experienced iu tewing across thick seams. 5cws liht and heavy fabrios with, equal facil ity. Till H i I, Twk, Quill, Crl, Jhm, Fell, j JJ:i:!, 1 rr, and sew all kind of tttcU n.T reipiired by families and manufacturer. The work will feed cither to the right or left without stoppiult the machine. most inexpeiicnceJ liud 11 Uillicuby na ouhuo-iing it. Tcrht piily practical nud imdasilys iu stood It has no springs to ffft out i'f order, and will la; t a hfeiiuic. It runs cn-ily,-ind isalniost noisel -ss. It is the most rapid sewer in the world; mak- i'y Uie sU'ctrs io fitch reroiuttuii. It uses the s.tmc size thread on both sides of Ihe fabric. It oils no dresses, all its mackincrs being on top of the table. Every u.r.cbinc is uurrctitcd io girt tntire iit- irjarnun, and lodo-id hat. is claimed tor it. M is Carbie E. .'tamiia r.n is the agent for this county. By calling at her residence on Main .Street, Milllintowii, one of these ma chines can be seen 111 epcratiou. September!-, Ib'ob-Iy. There Cometh glad tidings of joy to all. fo young and to old, to great and to small : The beauty which once was so precious ami Is free for all, and all n:ny be fair, rare, Ilj' Use use or Cil AS TELL AIl'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, For Improving anJ Beautifying the com plexion. The inost valuable and pei feci preparation in ue. for giving the skin a beautiful pearl like lint, that is only found in youth. It iiie!.ly removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples El.i'vhcs, Moth Patches, Sa'.luwuess. Erup tions, and all impurities of the skin, kindly healing the same leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster, lis use can nt be dc 'ected by the closest scrutiny, arid being a vegalable preparation is perfectly harmless It is the only article of I lie kind used by the French, am! is considered by the Parisian as i:i;isp i:f:.hlc to a perfect toilet. Ipwards of HI bottles were sold during the past year, a suiiicicnt guarantee of its cfli au-y. Trice only 7o coins. Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of an order, hv ELKOEK, SIIL'TTS & Co., Chemists, iS" P.iver St., Troy, N. Y. feb. 20, 'C7-1 v. CRISPER COIV1A. Oh ! she was beautiful and fair, V.iih starry eyes, and radiaut hair. Whose curling tendrils soft, eutwined, Enchained the fery heart and miud. C'KISI'EK 0?I, Fur Curlins; the Hair of eilher Sex into Vuvy and GLse j llinglcts or Heavy Massive Cuils. By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves 1 thousand fold. It is ihe only article in the world that will curl sir light hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, (ilossy The Crisper Coma not ouly curli the hair, but invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it; is highly and de ;ighifu!!y perfumed, and is the most complete article of the kind ever offered to the Ameri can public. The Cri.-per Coma will be sent IO any address, sealed and post-paid lor $1. Address all orders to W. L. CLAl'.K & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, J. Y feb 'Jl', lbG7-ly. CAIwEiS ! CAEFETS ! ! LARGE and good variel v of A T.L WOOL, flit AO and JJl.'MF CARrETS on baud f. .tr f i' nn-ln AliAfin a i tliLClil--, llXW L TARKER'S I EiEiilf Si i 2 ID AT THE KTo'w Firm OF SULOUFF, FKOW AND PARKER, IS THE CnVSTAL PAI.At.' llt tt.MSG, MIFFLIXTOWN, l'A. MMIE UNni:rtSlGNED RAVINd r-LIt- 1 1- chased the stock of goods fuimer'y he' ) longing Io Suloulf & Klambiiugh, and having j added 10 it iiite au assortment from Ihs Phil- 1 adelphia mnrket, are now ready to supH the citiiens of Milllintowii aud viciniiy villi any- thing and everything that is usually kepi in a country store, and a great riany things that have never been kept b;for. W e are det- r mined to sell goods nt a KEDUTII PltlCE and make it nil object for the people to buy from us. A large -no X of BUY liUOl'S, cou sisling of Ladies Dre-s tioods, tuch as F11ENCII MEniM'iiS, SliEl'lIEllD PLAIDS, (all wool, FANCY PI AI US. (all wo.d) PLAIN WOKE DELAINES FLANNELS ILUN SACK FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, flAE TW II. LED FLANNELS, K-DFLANNELS, Ml TI.1NS. I 1! iKF.IS f SHAW LS i,., kc. t had at SI I.11FFF, MltiW & PAI'.KEU'S. MCURNINC DRESS COODS: BlucL M.uuls. Vfils, foIiirf . loves, t.MiintU'ts. Second .MontDing Ilulnicrnb , Hoods, At., Ac. livery thing desirable in tins line, and n vciy large stock, At Suloiitl, E"io.v ii Tinker's. Gt BEAT KEDl'CTION IN THE I'lliCl'.S OF I SAD D L E II Y from January 1 S, ISiltj, JAMES II. SIMONS would respectfully an nounce to his old customers and the public generally that lie has a large stock of SADDLES, II.M;NK.S, t oLLAKS, WHIPS and nil other ariicl. s UMial- ly kept in a SAIIl.i:U Mi'"', which he will sell at ihe following reduced pr-ics: Itest Silver Dialed Harness i-'M 00 Second best do Third do do Common Pla'.ed do (p(( J'l llll J3 (IK P.I IM Jl till 'J llll IS 11(1 I., mi '.' 01' Scroll I do Common Plain do do Best Spanish ; Second do addles do Common Quilled Seat do with Horn Common do without iioru AVagon Saddles Five inch Breech-Bands & Side Leathers for two Horses 41 fill Four inch do v'j UU Back-bands S inches li I'D, Cinches tl 4ti, r inches 1 7o. Double Ret of Yankee Harness which includes bridles,, collars, liiic". but chains, kc. ' (VI Pair of Yankee Bridles Five-ring Halters 1 f-'l I Three-ring do 1 j Check lines 3-4 inch - t:ii . do do 1 inch '' ! ' Blind Bridles 3 70 . Biding Bridles from' $2 ;0, 3 00 4 (mi Good Draft Collars 3 00 i Harness do i 00 j Wagon Whips '.'.llO, 1,75, I,.r)'l, I Buggy do Iroiii ,0 cents to (111 1 Buggy Lilies, flat L'.OK, round 3 ! Plow Lines 3-4 inch 1,00, 1 inch 1,15 j 1 1-1 inch l.J . He would also invite ihe public to examine ; his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he teels confident be can sell ciieaper 1!;.in any olhei estnblislinieiit in the county. His motto is iiiek sales and small profits. Givu him a call and save money. Br-ri. ilEPAlltlNG neatly executed aud all work warranted. JAMES II. SIMONS, Bridge St., Mifllinionu Pa. Oct. Il ly. VFl'l.L nssorimcut ol Gentleman s Hoods, consoling of Vluth, Cassbiiercs, iSal'uu fs. Over Cvaiinfs, I IS'.liifJS. Can be had at SL'LOL'FF, FKOW & rAUKEll'S. F'o.-g'aa.l'tuLiro We liavc opened the lurge Boom just oppo site our Store in Patterson where we oiler or sale at low prices a general assortment of TABLES, CHAIRS. SOFAS, LOUNGES. BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, TP.UNKS, CARPETS, STANDS, BACKS, AND Many other articles for house furnishing I1EC1II & ST BAYER GOODS at iNEVf I'lUCES AT 1IR3. f. 1IASKEJIAN'3 r a t t it s 0 x, IX "ITTIiO has just returned from the City with V a large assortment of Killincry and Fancy Goods, Consisting in partof Bonnetsand Bonnet Silks, Flowers nnd Trimaiiiigs, Einborderies, Lace Goods, Handkerchiefs. Balmoral Skirlb, Hoop Skirls, Gloves, Bead Gimps and (),nnmc:its. Notions and suiall wares, forcing best assoitment of FALL AND WIXTEK GOODS la the County. She solicits a call from the public, being confident thai she can suit all. T'HEbest quality of .VXCKEHFL, JIER JiiSO and SUA I) always on hand. And Psoa good supply of Plaster aud Calcine laster at SUJOUl'l'j r."GVt' & L'A-lI'EI.'o omt roLicr TRIUMPHANT. OUlt POLICY IS TO KEEP THE BG&.LAKGEST, BG-HEST, r.AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF MKN'S ANI) BOYS' FALL i: WINTER Clotlxing"! Hats nml Caps. Hoots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sacks, Hosiery, tjlovcs. Hand kerchiefs, Shirts of nil kinds, GENTS' FritXISIIING GOODS, &c., &c., in town or county, and wo hereby invite every one who wants anything in the Clothing line It rail and sec our new stork It is Eiioimous in Qiiainily 1 Magnificent in Quality: nud wiii be.eold at greatly reduced pi ice lor Cash. Trices !k t'ai;ic as IMorc l!ic War. Ileuieniber the place. Crystal Palace Cloth ing Emporium, 1'oi Ige street, Mifl!iuown. l'a. SI" 1.0 I FF, F 110 IV A PAKKEK. j jan 10, lSU7-if. 1 1. 111. ton r. K-rKvscti ihe T EW STOKE. The undersigned have np 11 IN ed a New Store iu the Odd Fellows' Hall, Bridge s'real, where they nr.- prepared Io fur nish Ihe public Willi good and cheap goods, ; consisting in pari of Black Silk and Boinbi- iines, black W ool Do Laine J and II w ide, French Alpacas. Snow Flake Mohaii, ('lie De More, Funoy Woid De I.nins and laiiry Snow Flake in all colors, Printed Cambrics uud Linens, French Silk Plaid Poplins nnd Poplincils. " " Striped 1'laill Pongue Crape. " Figured and Plain Percales. Puoilio niol Foulard's Chaliies. W hile Goods such as Irish Linens, Swiss Cambrics, Jaconells, Brilliants, Nausooks aim Crinolines. Blark Thibet nnd Do Lain Shawls. French Plaid (Latidiem American ('hubs and Cassimeres. Middlrsrx II. Ladies' " great vai iely, hite and colored Flannels, Colt.mades, Cheeks, Shauibrics & T'o kings, Bleached und brown Sheetings 1, 1 '., sorioxs Gloves, Ilosery, Collars, Trimmings, l'.ib bons, with a great variety of (he best styles ij Ihe above line, selected with great care. Hats ami Caps f-r men and boys in gi cat varit ty ; black. Color, fur, wool and straw goods. Having puichascd Ihe above of toe r..t -...1 t..n ..1 '. ci than any other house in the comity. one 01 ine lines assorimenis 01 oil 1 lorns .1:1 1 iu great variety, as well as Cedarware ut lowest prices. .'lee cash buyers won' 1 do well to examine our stock before pur. h.-ising elsewhere. TII.TON ESPENSCHADE. June 13, ism; ly. AFFLICTED! SUFFER NO MOKE! Wben by the ue of Ij II. JOlSVILLES EI.IMIt you can be cured permanently, and at a trilling cost. The astonishing surcess which has attended ibis invaluable medicine lor Physical and Nervous Weakness, General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy, Iuipo teney, or any of the consequences of youth ful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable preparation ever di-covercd. li will remove all nervous affections, de pression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-des.ruclion. fears of insanity. Sic. It will restore the .ppctite, renew the health of those w ho have destroyed it by sensual ex cess or evil praciicis. loung men be humbugged no more by , "(Juack Doctors" and ignorant praciiiioner--, ; but send without delay for the l.iixir, and 1 e j at once restored to health ami happiness. A ! Perleci Cure is Guaranteed in every in-laiiee. Price. !1, or four bottles tj one address, j One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in ail ordinary cases, j Also, Dll. JOINYILLE'S SPECIFIC PILL" I for the speedy and permanent cure of Gono ! rrhe.i, Gleel, Urethral Discharges, Gravel, I Stricture, uud all atfeeiions ol the Ivdiicv j and Bladder. Cures effected in from one "tc I five days. They nre prepared from vegelabli i extracts that are harmless on the system, ami ' never naiisculc the stomach or iiiipreifiiaie the breath, .No change of diei is neicssary! while using them, nor los their notion in ' any loaiiner inlei felt with pursuits. Price,, 1 per box. ! Either of Ihe above-mentioned articles will ! be sent to any address, closely sealed, and; post-paid, by mail or express, on receipt of . price. Address all orders to I BEBGEU, Slll'TTS & Co., Chemists. No. US-!) River Street, Trov, N. Y feb. 20, Y,7-ly. Ladies wishing to be stipi'lied willi nea and good shoes will find it to their advantage lo call on 11. D. WELLER, at Lis shop ou Main Street above Cherry, where they can be suni'licd with almost every siyleat moder ate Trices. Gentlemen having repairing they wish durably and neatly executed will be promptly attended to bv giving him a call. Trmn: CASH. H.D. WELLEK. Miflliulown, July 2iith '0-3. TI.OCR and Grain, of all kinds, purchased J nt Market rates, or received nil storage and sliii.ijcd at the usual friechl rates. Hav- iug boats of our own, with careful captians and hands, we will ship freight of any kind lo ' ana Iroiii l'lulaueipiiia or any poiui uiung me canal SULOl'FF ,FROW & PARKKR. 'E have on hand a pood quality of Hard CA KI'EX TEU 1UO..S & EL A CKSJll Til ' TOOLS, such t.s Anvils, Bellows, &c, Shoy j maker Tools, Saws, Axes, Augers, Iron, Steeb ' Nails, Horse Shoes, and Horse Shoe Nails by : the keg and pound, Ropes of all sizes from 2 inches down to inch by the pound. Buggy ! and Wagon Springs. Grind Stones, and Griud Stouc Pictures, at SULOUFF. FKOW & PARKER'S. gTATES UNION IIOTEI, Puiladeliuia. This Hotel is pleasantly situated on the South side of Market St reel, afew doorsabuve Sixth street, its central locality makes it par ticularly desirable to persons visiting the cily on business or Plc isurc. X 11. B. SANDERS, Prop LBVI IIKtllT. BAKITEL STRATKB. New Firm in Patterson. Gentleman's Furnishing Emporium ! ! Just opened in the new Brick Building, Main Street, Patterson by Levi Ilecht and Samuel Firayer. a large and elegant assortment of Beady-Made Clothing, consisting in part of Ovrrrouts, Fro'k ('mitt, l)rrs Coats, l'lUitaltumn, IV, l)rmc:rx, Collar, I 'mhrult il ls, llanilhrrthirft And everything 11 mi illy found in a first class' Gentleman's Furiiisning Store. rjxer goods Also a large nnd cart-fully selected assrrt- men! of Fancy Goods, of nil classes, kinds and iiiialilies, nil of which will be sold ai Ihe low est poiil !e living prices. Ltiaiet' 'Jiiitort cuif Short. They nlso invites Ihe attention of Ihe ladie j his tine stock of (1 A I TOILS AND SHOES, j which he wid sell ut prices defying coiuptli- . liou. j CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. They have on hand a beautiful assortment of Carpet.', Oil Cloths, tie , which nre of a good iia!ity, and well Worth the iuspet'.iou of the buyer. WATMSFS JIATELRY. CM ami Silrer ll'.ie,j, Cluck, Fur rinr,, aud I'iiwii r'n.C', Watch Keys, T.adi. s' and Genls' Brta'-I Pins, Gold Pcnsaud Pencils, whichat 'his time form ihe lar: st and bejt assortment iu the county. lesAU the above goods will be sold cheap er than any other store iu the I'uited States. If you don't believe it, just give us a Pill and bo convinced of the truth of ihe ns-"riion HECIIT i: BTP.AYEU. Patterson, April 1, lSii-l-tf. Mii.vii) rrnTi!!V! wn TSiis way for Bar V? stub ns I T AVIJ i 1 laid PURCHASED FROM MWS Yati Oiiner the lartre Ch thin; INtablisbiiient, situated on the corner ol Bridge and Water streets, M ililinlown, Pctin sy'va-ii. we would respectfully inform Ihe Public that we have juM received a large and w.dl scK-.ued assori mei.t cf read If Cloth- ing, ilesiirneil tor tiie j Fall aiMj t tutor Trade for lSGo. Such as Over Coats. Dress Coats, Business Coat.' i Common Co-its, Pantaloons, Vests. Hats, Boots and Shoes of ev?ry description, style and iinlitj-, for maie or female. RuY.s- ri;aiy .mam: clotulnc Also, Cat pel. W hile Shirts, Fancy Over itdi iris. Under Shirts. Drawers, I!o-iory, Gloves, Linen arid Paper Colars, Cravats nnd Tits. Trunk', Um brellas, Travelling B'irXc. A. so, thelatest styles ol Ladies Cloaks, Cir culars and Furs. Persons in waul of anything in ourlinewill save money by giving us a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as we arc determined to sell cheap for frt I'on't forget the corner. Bridge nnd Water Streets. D. W. HAKLEY & Co. Oct. 4,'G.r). NEW JEWELRYJTOBE. 't HE undersigned would repec!fii!'y X 1 iiilorin tl.e citizens ot .M.itKiitown -' and vicinity, that he has opened .1 .le'-ii..j ilry E"tabiishm"nt on Main Stieet, Miillin lown, it Thon.pson's Hotel, third iloor from the corner, where he will keep constantly on hand and at greaiiy reduced prices. Gold and Silver Watches. Ami a general variety of CLOCKS, FINGER RINGS, EE EAST I'iNS, EAR RINGS. GOLD PENS, and PENCILS. SILVER PLATED W ARE, SPECTACLES, together with a com plete assori lueut of Fancy Goods. 5-'tXTlie rej. airing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry promptly aileiided to, on short notice and on very reasonable terms. All work war ranted to give satisfaction. The public arc respectfully invited to give a call. THOMAS 11. McCI-ELLAN. Aug. 30. isi:.-. (IJA1K JLlMTAlTUiiV. Outer, or tiik Ji xiata Cot xrv . XI T. CorxiT ) UL S.O'IKTV, let. l'i, IS',3. j Au tin-1 I.Tl tt Pcrrysville. Oct WE do hereby certify that the Committee on Manufactured Aiticles has awardec. to CuAiiLi.s W. Wlitzf.l the Fit Premium for Ihe most substantial, neatest made, and best finished sett of Chairs. G. W. JACOBS, Trtar. William Ukncii. Secy. jaul'J GRAYBILL & CO. WIluLKbAbK M'.AI.I.I'.S IN OIL CLOTH, WINDOW SHADES, 13; oonis, Mats, Briisiics, Cotloii Lnps. Buckets, Twinc3, Wick, &p., 315 NORTH THIRD STUKKT, PHILADELPHIA. Feb 21, 1800-ly. llTK have one romu devoted entirely tc V GeLts Furnishing Goods and Rcalv Ma le Clothiug, such as Coats, Tants, Vests, Over Coabs, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, White Shirts Flannel Shirts, Undershirts, and Drawers. SULOUFF, FRO.W & PARKER. ' T. J. M O O R E WITH WOODWARD & CO KSTABLIIIED lr22. 3G MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA dot 28, lSOC-lr LARGE and well selected stock of GUO j JL CERIES, comprising Haai, Shoulder, Ba con, !lless Pork, Fb. ur Spices, .c kc. ( svLofpr, mow i iv.kkeu-s GO AND SEE THE FALL AND TOTEK ARRIVAL OF CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORE OF j S M 5 E! L!" OR D Tbe nndcrsigned would respectfully invite tne public to cail and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. He has bought his j assortment at such prices that he rjtt.,f fca - undersold by Any in the country. V'icial tenlion paid lopurehasing goo lsiu thscity pp.r onlerat the shortest notice. Every elloi t will be made by him la givert isfactiun to those who may favor him with a call I.1IHI.S' OKI1SS ('OOCS l' Black and Fancy Silks, Berges Lawns, Grenadines, Ducal", Gingham Lawns, All wool J l.ainea, Morie Aiiiiiie, Pure Ch ilii, Bi illiautc. Bombaz'.tii'ls. CashioercS, Peplins, Alpacas, ,vc. A full assortment of White Dress Goods Mus-Bou- lins. I'.rocha and other Shawls, Bonn net lars aiins, I. it. lions, Hoivers, &c. Also, Col L'uderslecvcs, Handkerchiefs n great va- e'y. Hc has al-o lait in a large stock of Wool. ! ''otlon and Bag Carpels, Oil Cloths, Mailings i &c, at the lowest iriees. I Country Produce taken in cichan-rc f. r I goods, for which the highed market prices wia ue pai l i y J. M. REEIORI). 1), L I.IIII, litis, M:ull strc t, Mi:Il;:iton n. i'.i. ( lllice, li r s t door wc-t i' Bel- ford s store, up stairs. The sub- criber ntmounci s Io the public that he has opt ncd a. Denial Olhce, as above stated, where he will I be happy to attend 1.1 the wants of all who ' may f:.or him with their patronage. Toeili j iiis.-md li. on nil ihe late-'l aid mo; I improved plans, in a woi kmnulike nnd satisfactory maii j er. whi.-h f..r beauty, durability and eie'i liness carnoi be surpaed. Ai! w.rk war r.inic I. No charge ma le tor toe insert ion of I ten.; orary setst v hen peruarrn sits are or- Particular aifeniion PAid to disease.! gums, on 1 1. 1 sensible princip!'. of no cure, no pay." Tielh filled which will lasi f.,r!ile Abhongh a young practition-r, he f- els s..l . t-fiel iu saving lhat his work wit! cm ; no favorably with any that is put up in !!.: or any of the adjoining com' ies. All he asks of the eomnuni:y is a trial, and if lull satis faction is not given. 110 charge will be made. f-jSrW'ill visit McAlisterville mi the ihir i week of every Tonlh. and Thompsoiitown on the fourth week, to lem iin 1 tie wet k. At all otlu r limes can be found at his ollicn in M f- tLntowu. foct 10. lS'l'i-tf. 1 -Yi mure JJufil Jfi'us! n mure f tin 11 ij'ii'i DR. LEONS' Ei'LECTIIIl' HAIK liLWK, Is pronounced by all who have used il ihn very best pre;- n ation for the Hair. It is positive cure lor Baldness, eradicates Dxtm rutf and Humors, stoj.s the Hair from falling out. :;iid speedily restores (iray Locks to iheir original hue and luxuriance. li operates on the secretions nn.I fills the I' n nds wi'h new life and coloring matter. 1'inn, dead, faded or gray hair will alwavs bo 'uouL'ht back by a few npplic aii. iis. 10 its youthful abundance, vitality and color. Il makes the hair so'"l. glo.-sy, fr.igranf, pleasant to Ihe touch and eav to arrange. Dry. wiry and intractable locks become motst plian! and ili-pose-l 10 renain i:i Miy desiied position. As ti Hair l.'f.vsf...j it ii:,s no eiju-.l The sales are enormous and 11 is n universal favorite Willi old and young of l.oih se.T"s. Sold ly Drugg'sfs throughout the United States. Address ill "''l.'ii io ili'.LKIt SMITH. Sole Proprietor. 137 North Third Sine', Philadelphia tiov. 14, Y,i-ly, IVrrvsville ?rV.c Works, PIIE undersigned desi-es to inf .rm tl.e r:il X 7ens of Juniata Conwy that he das lal,. n charge of the works lately ow ned by Henry Willi in Pcrrysville. where he may be toiiud ready lo exeeuiejobs in his line of busim . such ns Tontl sron.s. Aloniiitiertts. M-it-loe Siabs, Table Tops, c. .e, lie believes 1l1.1t a. long experience and practical knowledge will enable bun to give emire satisfnet-r-n to all who may patronize hini. Give h:m a Cai ns he fells confident lhat for neatness cheap ness and despatch he cannot be excelled. CIIAS. EMERSON npr. 2 th I-Zf" Persons can be supplied with Coal, Plaster, Sih &e., nt the lowest price, by our agent at ompsoniown, ELI II V BENNt'K, w ho is als nuthoriied lo purchase Graia and give the highest market Prices. Jijf-Mr. CLINK is, also, our anthrvized agent nt Pcrrysville to pureha-c Grain and sell Coal, Plaster and Sail for us. Give us a call aud you cannot fail to l a pleased. tri?" Highe-d prices paid for Country Pro duce, nnd taken in exchange for roods. SULOITF, I ROW, !i PARKER. October, lsa'-. GROCERIES. rrime Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Pulver ized Sugar, Crushed S'jgar, N. O. Sugar1 S. H. Sugar, N, O. Molasses, S. II. Molasses, Lovering Si,ri.p, Chocolate, Mustard,, S.'areh, Nu. megs. Cloves, Cassia, Ginger, Corn Starch, Fish, Sail. Arc, Ac, for sale cheap at ib,,N;:w Stukk in Patterson. .Unl-tf J B M TODl U. GEIUER & CO., W II O L E S A L K G R O C E R S , TEA & SPICE DEALERS, 23G Not th Third Street, above Rao PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 12, lRnibly. SALT SA L T 1 ! SA L T FT1 V Superior quality, eilher by single sack of quantity. Vie will furnish Merchant) with salt at Phi':, lelpbia prices, with the al vance of cxpei.g s of freight. Si'LOl KF FROW& PA I! K Ell V LARGE sioek of Queeusware, Cedarware such as Tubs, Butter Bowls, Buckets Churns, Baskets, Horse Buckets, &C-, at Sk'l'.'VlF, FEOW i PAUE.Eiv'3. i j