5 11 2 A union of lal-cs, and o vnion of lands, A union no jwiccr sluitl sever; A I'ieUn nf hearts, ami a union of hands. Ami Cue American Union forever! MIFFLISTOW N. Wednesday .Mjrning, March 27, 1367 11. II. UILSO.V, Kditor and Publisher zjrTUL'JL viAr.i sE.vri.xEL&& has the Lariat Circulation of any paper pub lished in this Comity. 11 is therefore the best d'hrrtUing mfdoim. It isa Paper, truly loyal, ably conducted, a first class Localise Riil well worthy of the patronage of every loval citiien in til County. THE INIMASS. Tha Government is making active preparations for an Indian crmpaip;ti this f-'prinj;, and tlicre is a prospect that in sonic quarters, at all events, the war will be sharp and bloody. A force of 2,001) ricd, under Gen. Gibbon, is ready to move into the country about the bead waters of the 1'owder and Yellowstone Hirers, wberc tbe Sioux Lave long been in a chronic state of hostility. A party of peace commissioners aro now visliiag these bands, aud the troops only await their return to decide whether to opcu tlie campaign or not ; there seems to bo little hope that the connuitsioners will succeed in their errand. In the Depart ment of the Mississippi Gen. Hancock is about to proceed in person with 1,500 men to tbo country of tbe Cbcjenncs and Kiowas, couth of the Arkansas. His coarse there will depend upon tbe result of a conference which he proposes first to bold with the tribes. If tbo result be war, the language of Gen. Sherman in speaking of these two expeditions will enable us to prophesj its cbaracter. Vc cai'not act upon tbo defousivo with Indians, ha says; wo must get among them, kill enough to inspire fear, and remove tbe rest to places where Indian agents can reside among them and be re sponsible fortbeir con luct. Death or In dian agents ; what an alternative ! NEW VOIIK CISTOM-UOUSE. A Committee appointed by the last Congress to investigate tbe afTairs of the New York Custoiu-IIousc, as will be re membered, made startling disclosures of corruption, in which Collector Stuythc, Senator Doolittle, Senator Patterson, (the President's ssn-in-law,) and a Mr. Perry, a friend of tbo President, was mixed up. Aftor tbe Committee made its report the two Senators, in their places, ventured upon denials, taking care not to cover the points actually charged upen them. Mr. Suiythe at last appeared before the public ia a card, protesting bis innocence, and aspersiug the Committee. Mr. llulbard rejoined, damaging the Collector beyond the possibility of recovery. It is now re ported from Washington that tbe foclinx in Congress runs very strong against Mr. Smytbe, and that if the President does not remove him, he will be impeached. As wo read the accounts, the President is as much at fault as the Collector. What better rigM hal the President to ask to bave his daughters and Lis female favor ites provided for corruptly, through the Custom-House, than the Collector had to conclude the infamous arrangement? ME.YICO. Galveston', March 29. A special Vera Cruz despach to the Bulletin, da ted March 15, says Dazaino and the last of the French left Vera Cruz on the 12th. Tho French iron-clads, Magenta Magnaneme, and tho Flanders, aud a fleet of gunboats are still at Vera Cruz, to sail ca the UJ:h. Tho Liberials are iuvestin" the city, having r occasion of the railroad and water works. An attact is daily ex pected. A number of tht Imperialists have chartered a vessel to La ready at any moment, 'to take them out of the country. No person is allowed to leavO the city by the gates, and it is difficult to ohtaia news from the interior. It is ex pected that in a few days Vera Cruz will be ia possession of tho Liberals. Tampico 13 still occupied by the Imperialists. Every thing is quiet there. Nashville, Tenn, March 21. The Supreme Court rendered a decision to day sustaining the franchise law of the last session of tho Legislature. Tho dc cibion is contrary to the expectation of the Cerserva:ivcs. The Radicals are elated and lie Conservatives despondent. Ia consequence of rains the repairs to the Nashville and Chattonoora Railroad have not progressed as rapidly as exbeet ed. Trains will, Luwsver, bo lunuin-throu-h by Saturday. (;ES1;K1L ItANSiKUl'T i.A.V. Ono of the acts of Congress which closed on the Fourth of March, was the passage of a general bankrupt law. This . i r l measure has fccen nguaieu ior buvurui years past, but has always failed to secure sulTicieut support until this winter. It becamo a law during the closing hours ol Congress. Tho new law is intended for the Tclicf of honest debtors. Under its provisions any person whose debts exceed the sum of three hundred dollars, may become a voluntarily bankrupt, and be relieved from the claims of creditors by the delivery for distribution of all bis assets. The proceedings for the discharge of bankrupts by this law are placed under the supervision of tho United States Cir cuit Courts, with a subordinate supervi sory officers to be appointed in each Cor gressional District to be appointed by the t.! .P Tiitloa r f flin .QnvirimA l'ntit be called a Register. To the Register the party desiring to avail himself of the re lief of tho bankrupt law makes applica tion, and by the creditors an assignee is appointed into whose bauds the bankrupt turns all bis property for distribution. The bankrupt can reserve to bimscll household and kitchcu furniture and such other articles as be may choose not ex ceeding ia value five hundred dollars, also the wearing apparel of himself and fam ily, and military equipments, if bo had any, and such other property as may be exempted from attachment and seizure under the laws of his Stuto. Distribution of the ascts of the bank rupt is made in the following order: all costs of tho proceedings in bankruptcy; all debts due the United States; all debts due the State ; wages due to any employee of the bankrupt for a period not exceed ing six months immediately preceding the commencement of proceedings of bank ruptcy, and to an amount not exceeding ?.")0,000. The balancs to other creditors according to the amouut of their claims, and without preference on account of date or auy other cause. The baukrupt then receives from the Court, a certificate of discharge and cau commence the world aucw in busiucss re lations without fear of old and unsatisfied judgments. No bankrupt can avail him self a second time of the provisions of the law, unless his assets will rcaeh seventy per cent, of his debts. All debtors whose claims bave been credited by failure in a fiduciary capacity aro precluded from re lief under this act. The law is only intended for tho relief of honest debtors. Hence, in order to avail himself of its benefits, tbo party must make a fair, full and bona fide delivery to the assignee for the benefit of his creditors, of all his defects, otherwise he is debarred from the benefit of the law, and made lia ble to heavy penalties beside. All fraud nlent proceedings designed to defraud creditors, and all acts iatended to prefer or secure one creditor at the cspcuKe of of any other, will Dot entitle debtors to the relief extended by the law, but are positively lorbidden. Tho law is of course very lengthy, and embraces many details, but the above are its leading provisions. It will be well for the public to become familiar with aud re- member them, for they el osely concern every business man. AUIUCIXTIKE. The Monthly Iicj,o.t of tho Agricul tural Department for February contains tables showing the average yield per acre of cereals in tbe respective States last year. Ia wheat the highest average was iu Nebraska, at 20 bushels. In l'cnntyl vania the average was only 11 bushels. Of all the Middle and Eastern States Vermont was highest, going up to 20 bushels. Kansas wac highest in Kye, yielding 2G bushels. Pennsylvania stood at 13 bushels. Vermont led the Eastern and Jliddle States, standing at IS bush els. In Hurley Nebraska was ahead, yielding 35 bushels. Pennsylvania stood at 20. enaont went to 29 : ahead of all the Eastern and Middle States. In Oats, Nebraska was foremost, standing at 17. Vermont stood next, st 39. Penn sylvania, oo In corn, Aew Jersey was highest, at 43. Pennsylvania stood at 31 Illinois at 21. Indiana at 30. Ohio at 3 Those 100 bushels to tho acre, that used to be bragged about, did not appear. In UacLwheat. Vermont was, highest, at 30. Pennsylvania was at 21. In Pota toes, Florida led, showing an average of 187 bushels. Maine averaged 150, Ver mont 11S, Pennsylvania 1)0, while Colo tado went to 175, and Utah to 103. In cereals, tho average yield in this couutry is one hundred per cent, 'ess than iu Euglaud, aud !ty per cent, less than in France. There is some talk that Ei-Senator Foster, of Connecticut, will receive the nomination of Minister to Austria, in pl-.ee of Mr. Motley, rescued. A NEW MSKNCE LAW, Below we publish three sections of the new license law. Hotel and Restaurant Keepers should be governed by their pro visions iu their, applications fur license at the April session of court : A FlllTIlKlt suri'LEME.NT to nn act fur ther to rcrulate '.he trrau t i n of liccu-es to hotels and eating houses, approve; Diarcit tnirty-iiist, one tuousauu eiut huudrcd and fifty-six. Section 1. Be it rnaetcd by tic .S'n- ate and House J I?ejn tentative. of tr L'oinmanicatlth of I'i nntylranla in (V.i erul Assembly met, and it is heriby ch arted by the authority of the sitine, Tlijit when an application is made to any court of quarter sessions of this t'iuiuoiiweal;h, tor license to sell intox;ca!ing drinks, it Khali be lawful for said court to hear pe titions, iu addition to that of the appli cant, in favor of, and remonstrances again;!, the application lor such liccuse, and iu a'l cases to refuse the same whenever, iu tie opinion c-f said court, haviug due regard to the number and character of the peti tioners for and against su-'h application, such license is not ncccsrary for tho ac commodation of the puliic aud entertain ment of strangers and Tavelcrs, and upon suilicicut eauso bciur shown, tho said courts shall havo p'wer to rcvoko any license granted by tnem, aud ail laws in consistent with this section arc hereby re pealed : Provided, That the sureties iu tho bond, required of tbe applicant for license, shall be ngncd to his petition. Sec. 2. That spplications for license to keep an eating louse, Leer boas or res taurant, authorising the sal.; of tjuicsiic wines, malt aud brewed liquor shall hereafter bo male in the same nviner and to the same authority as opplieyiou f.ip linnnwt lr. holol t i'-'-tA. That the regulation iu relation to ted rooins'and beds shall not apply to applicat.t- for an eating-house, beer-house and i-! taurant license, atid the tenth Rection ol it.,.t rn-xiit;.-t1i nf Anril. une thou,-,nil eight hundred and fifiy-cight, authorizes county treasurers to grant an eating-house or retail brewery license, is hereby rop.Lai ed. Sec. 3. No license to keen an eating house, beer house or restaurant, under the provisions of the second section of this act, shall bo granted in any incorpo rated city for a less su:n than fify uol'.irs, ncr e'sewhero for a less sum than twenty dollars. XEWS ITKMS. Mr. Wade is tho lorty-secon 1 Pres ident protcmjior of the Seuate. It is reported that a negro named Adam Page died in King George c uc ty, Va., on the 11th iu-d., aged 122. A correspondent of the Troy T'-nrs states that there is utill a revolutionary ti dier living Frederick Rakcuiau who is 111 years old. Ex-Governor Curtin sailed from New York for Havre on Saturday, inten ding to be absent, for the benefit of his health, four months. His family, ia bis absence, will reside in Philadelphia. Tho Legislature of Illinois, at i ? !.. 0EC; l.,r-; r..A - !,, ,-i.:.. ' ? . . . . r eight hours a legal day s wort, the mas ter mechanics and builders of Chicago held a meeting on Saturday and deter mined to employ ly the hour. Tho French have at last left SJcx- ico ; not a3 they eutcred it with loud vauntings aud gay visions of the imperial ijimfma county, have issued Iheirprecept tome throne they W?re to plant, but wit'. ' directed, bearing date the X!h day i f Febra ., , , , , , , ,. i arv, !Mi7, for holding a Court of Over and trailed Danuers ana coniesseu acleat. .. The pay and allowance of the gentle , . i i ii ' a who wear stars and shoulder-strap, men ia our army on its peace footiti aro rc- ported to be as follows : Genera! Oraut, ?13,120; Lciut Qc Sherman, 811,81 1 : .Major Gen. IfaHec 7,717 ; Major-Gen. Mead, 87,717; M;j , Gen. Sheridan, 67,717 ; Major-General Thomas, S7,717 ; Prigaiier-Gcti. McDow ell, 55,517 ; Brigadier Gen. llosecnns, 5,517; Colonels, 1,500: Lieutenant Colonels, 3,901; Majors, 3,705; Cap tains, 3,019; First Lieutenants, 2,713: and Second Lieutenants. 2,053. The Baukrupt bill is now a law, Ir.t no applications for the benefit of it can be made before tho 1st of June. It is stringent in its provisions to prevent fraud against creditors, but liberal in its exemption of property for debtors. The age of miriaclea has returned. Negroes have held a political meeting in South Carolina ia Charleston, the very citadel thereof. This meeting was loving ly addressed by representative men of the chivalry; and the blacks rc?pinded with enthusiasm. The democratic! "courting" of tho negroes has publicly commo&ccd We shall see what offspring will ultimate ly come of it. XsDrThe Senate has passed the House supplemental lleconstructioa bill, with some LiodiGcaf.ion3. The Senate bill pro vides that when the people of any of the rebellious States voto for delegates to a Conveution, they shall also vote for or against a convention, and if a majority vote against it, then no convention can be lielil and the State shall remain under military goverumcut. The amended bill has passed both Kou.-es. Under this amended bill each State will be compelled to determine its own status by a v?to of the qualified people. THE KE TIKIS' 2 SENATORS. Tho present State Senate is composed of 21 Republicans and 12 Democrats, giving the Republicans a majority of !). With tho close of the present session, eleven Senators will retire by expiration of their terms, as follows ; .!. C. SI. Dmiov in. U. 5. Horace lloyer, It. I 0. Oliver P. James, D j 7. Geo. I. Sehs'.l, l. 8. J- iV 'ny Davis. U. I 1 . John Walls. P. 2t. Louis W. Hail, U. " Kirk Haines, It. T. J. Uinghaui, II 2'J. M. B. Lowry, It. 9.Wm.M. lUudall, 1). Of the rctiriug Senators, six are Dcm ocrats aud five Republicans, and any or dinary election would return men of like political faith in all the districts but the 1-1 th, (Lycoming, Union and Snyder,) where a Republican should bo chosen and thus add two to the Republican ma. jority in tLc next Senate. ' - a -1. - ' Harkisuuru, March 22. The new bill amending the charter of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, authorizing the company to increase their capital stock, &c., passed by both Houses to-day, was bigncd by the Governor at 12 o'clock aud is now a law. Gov. Geauy to-day signed the act requiring railroad and railway companies to carry all passengers, without distinc tion of color. HXtvt flwrtiscmcnt. VTTKNTION" : The members of the Juiu ala Hurxe l'rotcctioti Company are rc (ltii3led to meet in the boronu of Mill!nitovu oa i'aturd.ty, March 30, 13 7. at 1 o'clock. X. A. J.m:it. 1Al'TION. All persons are hereby cau- v none! not to negotiate or purclin-p !K,tc irawn ly me, in lvor of lfcniauuii ..-i jdova, for Ninety l)olUra mid payable one d:iv dte, as I have not received value ..... l"J uvis uttic?a luuipeiic J by due course of Uw. mar. U(, JtENJAMIN 7.KI L'KIW. VT.W Ultt'U STORE, Patterson, Pa. Dr. i P. C. Itl'NDIO wiMie to inform the pub lic that he hasjut receive ! an ass urt incut of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, of all kitnls. nhich he otters for sale at the Patterson l'ust olficc. He also ke. pi on hand Perfumery of ill kinds, and l!ir Dye ami K.xtra lilat k lnk, of his owb tpamifaetine. Persons in need i f anything iu hii lo e will liud it to their ad vantage to give him a call. N. li. invalids cau write a statement of their symptoms or disease aud receive medi cine aud directions fur their use. All cJtu i. indication strictly confidential. march 7, lbo7-if. 1b07. SPRING. 1S.7. K Y II E & L A N I) K L 1,. FOL'RTII & A ECU Streets, Philad a., Pa. Ake orr.Nisr. ior strimj or 1 HOT, 3 Caes Select Shades of Silks. Fashionable Plaid Silks. R smarck. the New Color Silk. Rest Illack Silks, in town, Plaid India Silks, 'effect. New Spring Dress Coo. Is. New Style Spring Chintzes. Organdies of Newest Styles. Steel Colored 'oplins, for Suits. N. R. Staple Housekeeping Coo.ls Fresh Slock Cloths, Cassitneres and Tweeds for Youths. p. s. Merchants in search of fc.irce and I desiriilde co"d.i w.ll hii't it their Is will find it their interest to ine our Stock ! I call ud eiamine our Stock ! 7-tit. PROCLAMATION. WitEBKAS, the Hon. il James H. Craham, 'resident Judge ol ihc Court of Common Pleas of (he fih Ju dicial District, composed of the counties of Juniata. Perry and Cumberland, and the lions. Thomas I. Milliker. ami Samuel Watts. 1. t.l.-rw fl.f. mbl Court nf t'ltnirnitn l'lprw of r..V,;pr i..l Ceneral Jail D.-Iivei v. ami tl. n Terminer linn uenerai ,iau lcii 'eral quarter .Sessions of ihe Pi I lintown. on the .ourih MONO.! lbc 2.M daJ. of thc face, at .Yliii- VY of AP1U mouth. Notice lit IIkkkev Iiivks, to the Coroner. Justices of the Peace aud Constables of the county of Juniata, that ihcy be then and there in their proper persons, at. I o'clock on the afternoon of said day, with I'neir records, inquisitions, examinations and oyer rcmcm brai.ccs, lo do those things that to their of fices respectively appertain, aud those that are bouud by recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or thou may be iu Ilia Jail of said county of Juniata, be then and there to prosecute agatusl them as shall be just Ry an Act of Assembly, passed the 8!h day of Mav. A. V., l!o4, it is made the duly of the Justices of Ihc Peace, of the several coun ties of this Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the respective counties, all the recognizances en tered into before them by any person or per sons charged with the commission of any crime, except such cases as may be ended be fore a Justice of the Peace, under existing laws, at least ten days before the commence ment of the session of the C ourt to which they are made returnable respectively, and in all cases where any recognizances are enter ed into less laatj ten days before the com mencement of the session to which they arc made returnable, the said Justices arc to re turn the same in tho same manner as if saiJ act had not been passed. Dated at Mitilin town. the Srd day of January, in the year nf nur Lord, one thousand eight hundred nml sixtv-RCvea, and Ihe S'Jtli year of American Independence. mar. 27-tc. S. R. LOUDON, Slierif. T T'ALISTEUSVILLK TIN SIIOP.- The un- lVL dcrsigncd has established himself in vt.Mlstersvillc in the Tinning buiness. Persons wanting anything in his line should call before purchasing elsewhere as he is orcpared to manufacture all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, and to sell as low as they can be purchased elsewhere. His old cus tomers and the public peuerully arc respect fully invited to call, as he hopes by strict at. tcnlion to business to deserve a share of pat- ronagc. oct. SI, 'CfitfJ JACOB G. WJ.XEV. SILVER'S WASH POWDEIl. Saves time labor, money. Makes washing a pastime anil Monday a festival. Sold every where. Try it. Address a'l orders to ilia Manufactures XI EG LEU & SMITH, CHEMISTS $ WHOLESALE rilE'JOISTS 137 Xorth Third t., I Ll'adcinhta. nov II, ISCG-ly. 1 f Ct ( M'-I!-"NS WAVI EP TO CPU i J V I J ) 1 1 1 1 it i. i;s i: xt r. it y. i n a to it : It in the only article which will deilroy ROACHES, RATS, SUCK, ANTS, &C, Only 25 cents per box. For fale by all Store keepers. Notick. If yonr store keepers have not got it. pend 2" cts., to the proprietors or iigviits, in riiibididphia. aud receive it by return mail, postage paid. LOOK ! LOOK!! LCOR ! ! ! AT THE REFERENCES. John S. Graybill, No. 343 N 3d SI., Thilad'a. John (ierhard, " lOOO Iiau.lolj.h st. II. F. Dotts, " 1:110 Farrish St., Charles Sendeeling,'(Chcmist,) Marshall and Muster Street, PLilaJ'a. Wm. Williams, No. 1004 N. Gth St., Thilad'a. Also mary others too numerous to publish, A liberal discount to Store Keepers. HOI'PLH. Kit A CSS & CO. Pro's. No. UAH) North f'.tb at.. Philada J. F. Z.OELL1N, & CO , Wholesale Pealers in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Class, etc.. Nos. 102 and !'), North 3d, St., Philadelphia, Wholesale Agents. Agents wanted everywhere, mar. '07-.'iinjs. Good News for Mothers. Mothers are you ojprosed with anxiety foi your little ones ? Art your (.lumbers and hearts broken by their cries? Do you awake in the morning iirirefreshcd and apprehensive If so, procure at once a bottle of Dr. L m's Infant Remedy and you will have no more weary hours o' watching and anxiety. Pm. LF.ONS INFANT ltlCMMDY lias stood the test of years. Thousands of nurses and mothers bear witness that it never fails to give relief if used in season. It is a mild, yet sure and speedy cure for Colic, Cramps and Windy Pains, and is iuvaiua'jie for all complaints ioci b'tit to teething Sold by Di-upjists throughout the Cnitcd States. Address ail orders to zu:t;i.i:it & smith. Sole Proprietors, 1-17 North Third Street, Phiiadoiphi-i. nov. 1 1, 'tJIUly. ESSLER, FOSTER A CO aro now 2 l I' prepared to furnish all kinds of I7! 'iofiH', Wr-tth'-r-tiG'trfttni, lunr and S Wtitdutr ''raw, jilouls iiih, lorr. Write .'"'i', '" Vnd all material required for building " purposes. Having coiineeled with our Mill O" Jlneiby's J'otcnt Dry A':, Z - tV which we can drv lumber iu from g TWO To FoCR DAYS, eo by super-heated steam, willn.nl pressure. 0. Customers nny thrri'fnre rely on i't-'j-J ting perfi-etly Seasoned Lumber iu thcir p" J Doors, Window Frames, Sash, Sic., ic. I U. iuan-i, l?iii-tna. ;j T AI.CAP.l.E Ml LI. PROPERTY AT P1U offers V VATE SALE. at jrivatc sale his Mill Property, siiuate l in McCoysville, Tuscirora township. Juniata County. The Mill a i-irgc Frame Luil.iiitg, running two setts of linns, with Uolts, F!e vators, &c. necessuy for doing a large Country or Merchant business. In connec tion with the Mill will be sold a good Dwell ing lloiic and Stable with all necessary modern improvements. Terms eay. Persons wishing to bco ti c property will call at the residence of the subscriber in MeCyosville. Juniata countv. JuncUlMf. WM. IIACKIITT. ANTED IMMEDIATELY. Five hun dred Mm, to act as salesmen for Cob- bin's Illustrated Domestic Dible, comprising upwards of l,."oo crown tjuarto pages ; a Commentary of 17, "00 notes from d. Hereto Conimentaturs : 7ot Kiu-ravi:ig:. Family 'holograph Department ; Ext. -tided Cotuor dance. Maps, liiblc History, Chroiioligiual Tables, etc., A book that always t-clis. Our average sales are oO'.l copies per day. As a standard liiblc for Families, Teachers. Milliners, ami all lovers of the w-r.l of Cod, il has no competitor. For partieii'ars. ad dress II. A. STREET, mar. 20-tf. Hamsburg, a. PE N N S Y I. V A M A 1 1 o l S 1 1 pa ttj:hsgx, pa. Opposite jlifflin Sfnlicn, cu rmn'a. liailraati The undersigned vrnubl respect fully inform his friends ami the public generally, thai h has taken charge of tho above named h.i'.ise. The house is large and commodious, and well ventilated, end is fitted up in t-ingle rooms and rooms for families, and iit.j-..l. u.iy and night. Persons wakened fir any (rain. Hits best attendance given terms as reason able as the times will admit. F. M. MICKEY, jan. SO-tf. Owner and Proprietor. CUP. A MILLS. The undsrsigr.ed bega leave to inform his friends a'idthe public that he is still in charge of the above name I popular mill, where he is prepared to accom modate the citizens of .Miltlin, Patterson aud vicinitv, with Ihe Choicest Frands of Flour A large supply of Fran, Clmp-Stuif, and Feed of all kinds coi.stunlly on hand. As be runs a mill wagon every Tuesday and Friday to Mitilin and Patterson, customers can be punc tually supplicti at their doors, liy strict at tention to business he hopes to reecive a lib eral share of public patronage. Terms Cash, may 9,'UO-tf SOLOMON KAl'FFMAN. JUNIATA HOT EI M1FF1.I.XTO li'.V, rFXXA The undersigned would respectfully inforn. his friends aud the public generally that he has taken charge of the above named Hotel, formerly kept by Amos Snyder. This is an old and well-known stand, aud none more de sirable for the accommodation of the public. His II A II will be stocked with Ihe best quality of Liquors, his TABLE spread with the best the market can afford, and his STABLE, which is one of the most desirable in town, will be attended by cooJ aud trusty hostlers, april 1, '00-tf. S. 11. NOTESTINE. MEIIICAN ORGANS. The undersigned "i. has been appointed Agent for the sale of the American Organ, manufactured by S. D. & II. W. Smith, Doston. and is prepared to furnish persons with Parlor or Church Or gans as cheap as they can be purchased from the manufacturers. For further particulars call at his Tailoring Establishment on Bridge street, Miliimtowu. march IS, ll5o7 ti. WILLIAM WISE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis- tration on the Estate of Francis Shirk, late of Favctte towwnt-hip. uce'd., have been granted in due form of law to the undersigned - . . . i t 11 fill pcrs ins indebted to said estate are requested i to make immediate payment, and those hav- inr claims asVinst the" same will rlea-e pre- i sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. JOiiN K. SAUcMAN, Adiu'r. mar. 13-Gt. 1)LAIN AND FANCY Job V.'orU neatly exc eulded at this QVERNfVSEMT PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE IPlTKINsXO. Five Hundred New and Second laud Team Harness, iO.DOO F.ii.llcs ai.d Collars, 3,000 Saddles, all Styles Ji to iH.HD. iiy.j Four Horse Government Wagons. 2,U0) Wagon Cov ers, new and worn, 5,HU0 F.lankeig, and Mors Covers. Also, a large Stock of Ileitis, Ltal Lines. Whips, Kugiry and Ambulance Harness Portable Foigc3, Chains, Swingletiees, Lead liars, etc.. Wheel Team Harness litllo worn all Oak tanned Leather and servicable. Cleaned and Oiled $o,l)0 per horse er mule, including Kridle. Lead do., 4.011. Wagon XirauW S1,0, Collars, 1 to $. Exlrn Uair lined Ar tillery. Case do., 2 and S'l.fltl. - Douhle Hcins, 1.7" to $J,2". Lead Lines, Si, Halters, (i to $12 per dozen. Officers ""' New Saddles SlS.OO, with Plated Hit P.ridle, $21.00; good as rew. SI2,l(!), with bridle) $1 l.(H; valise Saddles for Hoys, .?'..! 0. W agon Covers, made to fit" any Wagon heavy linen, 3 to$fi,00; Furcrior cottonbuck 0 lo $8. 12 oz.. Duck, 0 to 512. 1,000 Hoipital Ten's, new and good as nw 12 o , dit.'k 1 1 feet square to l. Officers' A. Teut, 7 feet square, from 5 to ?K. 10,000 r.ag, from 12 oz.. Duet, 11., qual ity, 2 bushels, !t,liO; 2 bush. $100; 3. bush. Si 1, IO per Doz- I'd, quality, S7.G0, $H..V and ?'.i,..ti. SMALi Obihiks best iit Express, C. O. D. PITKIN & CO., No. .",.17 & 3.T.I Norlh Front St., Thiiad'a. No. 5 Park Place, New York. No. !:!, Vlh Street. Washington, V.C. Price list sent oh .-.pplicatiou. mar. 1-5 -2ms. AFFLICTED! "" SUFFERJfO MOUE! When by the uc of DR. JMNYILI.E'S Ei.I.Mll you can be cured pcruiimeiiiiy, aud at a trilling cost. Ihc astoui-iliing success which has attenji 4 ibis iiivaluab'.e melieine for Physical and . Nervous Weakness, (leneril Debility and Prostration, Los of Mu-cuiar Energy, Impo te:i."y, or any of the con-eiiences of youih ful indi-cri-ti.iu. reu.lers it Ihe most valuable preparation ever di.-cuvered. It will remove all nervous affection, de pression, excit?i.nt, incapacity to Bludy r business, loss of memory, confin-loa, thoughts of se'.f-di.s'.ruction, tVar; cf iu-auiiy, Ac. It will restore t!: .i petite, renew the tciltli of those who Lave du?tro c 1 it by iiciuual cx- ce-s or evil praeiices. on:ig men be hinabuggc-l no rr-ore by (iiiaik Doctors'' r.r.d ignor ir.' practitioners, but send wiihot't delay tor the ESixir, and ba at once restore.i to health and hap.piii. A Perfect t'lire is tiuarauted in evry iTtan.-e. Price. Si, or four Lotties tj one aldres-., One but lie is suilicicut to eject a cure iu ail ordinary c ies. Also,'l!l. JoINYII.Lr.'S SPECIFIC PILL j fir the speedy aud permanent, euro of tiono. rrhea. Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Crave', Stricture, and all affections "f the KMncyt and I'.la Ider. Cures effected in from one to live days. They are prepared from vegetal.! extracts that are harmless on Ihe system, tn I never uuiicate tha stucjarh or i;U.i,uV3 the breath. No change of diit is uet-vary while using them, uor los taeir action m any manner iuttrl-re with pursuits. Piice, ? I )ier box. hither of the 6bove-r.:."'i;t:or.e,I r.rtic'c? will C be sent to any address, closely E-eale-l. ar.d post-paid, by mail or expres-, on rceeil t of price. Ad Iress all orai'." to lii'.r.CEl'., Slll.TTS i- Co.. CIipniT-itB. No. 2o I'.ivcr Strc?i, Tn v, N. T feb. 20, V.7-:y. PHOPOSALS. Pena'a iirindninii Lam! FOR SAI THE Hoard of Cotnniis rs now olTer fur i- sale o2ti,OiM acrs of Acric i oral Cel'.e-. o Land Scrip, bng the hai of the Seiip uranted to thi Coiun.inweaith cf Pennsylva nia for the en ! wu.tut of A j; icuitaral Colle ges iu this State. Proposals f...r the ptireiiase r-t this Land Scrip, addressed to The lioard of t'ommis sioners of Agricultural Land Scrip." will I. a receive.! at the Surveyor (letieral's ifliee, at llairirburg. uuiil 12 o'clock, M., ta Wednes day, April 10. 1m,7. This land may 'M located in any Sta' rr Territory, by the !r.lders of tbi scrip, upon any of the unappropriated land" (except min eral lauds j of the Luiicd .States, which may be subject to sale at private entry. Each piece of serip represents a iparter section of one hundred and sity acres, is issued in blank, and wi'i be trati'erable. without en dorsement or formal assignment. The blank need not be tilled until the scr:p is pre-ente.l for location and entry, when the party hold ing it can fill tee blank and enter the laud i:i his own came. I'.ids must be made as per acre, and no bids will be received fur less than, one quarter section The Scrip wilt be issued immediately on the payment of the money to the Surveyor General. On all bids for a less quantity than P,IM0 acres, one-tliirdof the purchase nr.iuy must be paid within ten dr.ys. and lh remain ing two-thirds within thirty days after notifi cation of the aoceptance of the bida by tha Hoard of Commissioners. JACOU M. CAMPI'.ELL. "irror !itrral. For Oit Iicrd o f Ci'nwtKStoncrt. ir.vRnisiii Bc, March '., lS07-d. Xo more Bald Hi ads! Xo more Gray LocLt ! DR. LEONS' ECLECTlilC IIAIll UENEWER, Is pronounced by all who have used it the verv best preparation for the liair. It is a positive cure for i)aldn-ss, eradicates Dand ruff and Humors, stops th Hair from falling out, and speedily restores Cray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance. It operates on the secretions and tills l!.e glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will always bn brought back by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes tbe hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch aud easy to arrai ge. Dry. wiry and intractable locks become moist pliant and disposed to reaiain in any dr -ired position. As a Hair Dressing it has no equal The sales are enormous and it is a universal favorite with old and young of both iexe '. Sold by DruggiMs throughout the UUUi IT .c A .1.1....- .11 I - , kiLibkUS A14tiaj4l "fti.l.1 iu ZIE'JLEK !; SMITH. Sole Proprietor. 1"7 North Third Street, Phil.idcli'hhi J rov. 1 1, 'bli-ly, ' A LAl'.liE stock of Queensware, Cedarware i V uch its Tub, Putter Fowls, Uuckeia '('LuiiiJ, I'.a:-!;el3, II'ji;? buckets. &e-, at j iul'.i'jl'F, Fiiyw pARKtU'3. H