Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, March 13, 1867, Image 2

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- W&M -IMYlir" :r-T5vJ-
A union of lakes, and a union of lands,
A union no power shall sever;
A union of hearts, and a union of hands,
And the American Uniun forever!
M I F F L I U T O W N:
Wednesday Mornins, March 13, I8G7.
II. II. U'll.SOY, Editor cad Publisher
lias (he Largrtt Circulation cf any paper pub
lished in this County. It is thcreforo the
best adeeriising milium. It is a Paper, truly
loyal, ,vIy conducted, a first class Localist,
anl well worthy oqi j5 patronage of every
loyal citizen in the l.ounty.
A great deal of iuss is made just now
by Johnson and his satellites about Con
tre's unIertakin2 to meet and transact
business with seventeen States unrcpre
Fented in the House of Representatives.
In the Senate ocly ten are unrepresented,
and they because of their own bloody and
terrible reuellwu. The seven additional
States tint are not represented in the
House had ample notice of the meeting
of Congress, and could and should have
elected representatives. As thej have
not clioseu to do so, the fault rests with
thcrnsclvc3. Six of these States have not
yet elected their members. The seventh
has done bo, but the sole member is ab
Font. Were all of the seven fully repre
sented in the House it would not make
any difference in the slate of parties there.
Three of these are New England States
New Hampshire, Hhode Island and Con
necticut electing eight members, all of
whom will be Republicans. It 13 rather
amusing to find the absence of these Yankee
members made a cause of complaint
against the House by the copperheads.
California is another of the absent States,
and het members, too, will bo Republi
cans. It is cot ihe fault of Congress that
these States arc not represented. The
whole seventeen of them could have been,
as the way was open. Had the ten rebel
States never withdrawn their delegations
to wago war against the republic, they
would not now bo absent. Had thev ac
cepted the terms offered them last euni
nicr by Congress, they could ail have been
represented, as Tennessee was. If they
choose now to accept the terms offered by
Congress they may be represented. Their
absenco is only of importance to them
selves, and docs not in auy way invalidate
the authority of Congress. It is tbc bu
siccss of the States themselves to attend
to the matter of representation.
If by any neglect of their own they go
unrepresented, they cannot plead that
fact as an argument against the authority
cf the Congress from which they choose
to be absent. The meeting cf a new Con
gress promptly on the first day of its term
will have the useful effect of including
all the States to elect their members in
advance of that time, eo that such occur
rences as the incompleteness exhibited by
Congress in 1SG1 may not be repeated,
and Congress tuay always be ready to act
in any important emergency. AVe should
like to see all tha States elect their Rep
resentatives on the same day, as they all
now vote for President in one day, and
doubtless this will in the end be the re
sult. The long interregnum of Congress
in 1SG5 was seized upon by President
Johnson as an excuse for usurping power
to arrange the whole subject of recon
duction to suit himself, and in like man
ner in 1SG1 President Lincoln wa3 com
pelled to act without authority of law un
til Congress could meet to sanction Lis
nets. If there be any one to blame now,
11 must ue tne ctates mat remain unrep
resented through their owa neglect.
it is remarked by a cotcmpjrary that
the selection of Senator Wade to be pres
Ment ot tne benate, was made in view of
a contingency, for the first time in the
Lisfory of the Government that growin
out of the possibility of his becomin
President by virtue of Lis office; He i
. the forty-sceond Senator elected President
of the Senate pro tempore, and he will
succeed John Langdon, Richard Henry
Lee, Thecdoro Sedgwick, William II.
trawiord, Jamca JJarbour, Nathaniel
Macon, William Ii. Kink, Soloman Foot
and other prominent men. 3Ir. Wade
was born in Massachusetts in the first
year of the present century, and went,
when twenty-one, to Ohio, where he ed
ucated himself as a lawyer.
hx Governor Rrowa, of Georgia,
a I vises the people of that State to accept
the terms oifcnxJ by the bill recently
, ... lie leus-uifeUi tney
can never get better tcrma.
sTiurrED or i'atiio.viui-:.
President Johnson Cat's himself sud
denly embarrassed by the bill regulating
the tenure of civil officers to an extent
that he could not have foreseen, and we
are free to confess that the practical ope
ration of the bill is far better than we
had anticipated. The bill, in fact, seems
to have been drawn with remarkable
shrewdness and skill. It turned out of
office, at twelve o'clock on Monday last,
every man wno had btcn so taitiiy ap
pointed by Johnson during the congress
tonal rcccrs, aud whom the Senate has
not confirmed. Of the extent or these
appointments no one appears to have had
a correct idea; but the truth appears to
be that Juhnson had Labored with eo
much zeal as to have turned out of office
every Republican who held a commission
aud to have appointed instead of these
men cither rank copperheads or member;
of the Urcad and Uuiter Rrigade.
No sooner had the commissions been
thus issued to new men, than these John
souian zealots turned out every Rcpubli
can within their reach who held a post
tion as deputy, or clerk, or messenger, or
anything elso. In bhort, the entire sum
of the vast patronago of the national gov
ernmcnt had been handed over to the
Democratic party, to be urcd agaiust the
Republicans in the elections. Regular
assessments were levied in a!! the public
offices, to aid the copperhead cause, and
yet not ouc of the.?c men held cfiicc le
gaily. All held by the usurpation of the
President, and in defiance of the cousti
tulienal restraint given the Senate to pre
vent just suiu' abuse.
AH 01 tne commissioned oliiccrs were
legislated out of office by Congress.
That much was within their power, for
these men had not oceu confirmed, and
their origiaal appoiutuicnt was illegal.
Unfarluuately, all the copperheads and
time servers appointed to the minor offices
hold on, and there is no power to remove
them until some proper official undertakes
the task. The Senate is in session, aud
ready to receive nominations and act up
on them ; but, meantime, all tha couimis
sioncd offices are vacant, and Johnson
cannot appuiut Copperheads, because the
Senate will not confitni them. None of
the rejected nomiuees can again be comU
nutcd. If the Senate should stand firm.
Johnson must sui render; but he thus fa
remaius obstinate, aud some of his latest
appointments are atrocious, consisting of
the most obnoxious and blatant rebel
London, March 7. Dispatches rcceiv
cd during the day from Dublin aud Cork
give the following particulars cf the last
outbreak in Ireland :
A fight took place on Tuesday night a
Talagha, about eight miles south of Dub
lin, between the armed police and a large
body- of Fenians. One of the latter was
killed and five were wouuded.
The Police captured eighty prisoners
anl six loads of animation, and up to
dark to day over two hundred prisoners
have been brought into Dublin.
The main body of the Fenians engaged
in the fi-At rotrtatcd to the hills north of
Dublin, with Lord Strathmorc, the com
mandcr of the British forces in Ireland,
in pursuit.
The police station at Kilmallox, nine'
teen miles south of Limerick, in the pro
vince of Munstcr, was attacked by two
hundred Fenians, who were repulsed,
lcaviug three of their number dead on the
field, and leaving fifteen prisoners
The barracks of the police at Promore,
county Down, in the north, had been fired
by an incendiary, and totally destroyed.
The manager of the Union Bank and a
mounted police messenger Lad been shot
ia Dromorc.
Reports from Dublin state that the va
rious bauds of Fenians appeared to be
well supplied with rations, and they Bcem
to haV6 rihen suddenly in all parts of Ire
land. They attacked the ccast guard station
at Killelagh, in county Clare, and took
away their arms. Assaults have been
made upon the stations at Carjfort, in
Wicklow county, and upon that at Holy
Cross, and the Fenians supplied them
selves with arms from all these places.
The excitement inTipperary is intense.
Gen. G lesson is reported to be there.
Charles F. Browne, better known as
"Artcmas Ward," the American humorist,
author of a series of popular comie pro
ductions, and a successful lecturer, died
at Southampton yesterday.
A bill is before the Legislature of
Louisiana proposes to license gambling
houses at ?10,000 per anmum. The bill
requires cacti jramuung room to oe on me
round floor, frouting on a purmc
tbroughfare, with one or more largo win
dows to tbe room, so that the passers-by
may see a!! that goiug on within.
The re-election for tho third time of
Hon. Edward M'Phcrson, clerk of the
IIouso of Representatives, is an honor
well deserved. Mr. M'Phcrson served
as a representative in Congress for the
XVIth district, when Pennsylvania had
no more useful or reliable member
than he. He is an extraordinary man
of buisness, as well aa a gentleman of
great culture and cd actional polish.
We congratulate Mr. M'P. on his con
tinued success in life and politics, as veil
because he is a Pennsylvanian, aud a mujj
of large dcscrving3 as that he is an ox
editor, in whose career we have an abid
ing sympathy.
A report on the impeachment of Presi
dent Johnson was made iu the Iloust ol
Representatives, prior U (he adjournment,
by the Judiciary Comriiitcc. The report
says that, a large nrmLcr of witnesses
have been examine aid documents collec
ed, but tho investigation covers a broaJ
Culd, and iu view of the magnitude of the
interests involved, the cmimittcc has not
been able to conclude is labors. The
couimittoo not having ful investigated
all the charges preferred ag.List the Prcsi
Jcnt, it is deemed uiexpedimt to submit
any conclusion beyond tha Element that
sufficient testimony has beci brought to
its notice to justify uud dcniaii a further
investigation. Mr. Rogers iua($ a minor
ity report, declaring that the ciuiniittce
had refused to allow the tcstimoiA to lc
reported to the House.
The Tree Itailroud I.un. J
Tho Free Railroad law came up far
consideration and Caal passage. The j
sition of this bill has been as follow
Various Senators from the western sad
central part of the State have for :wu
3 cars past urged the passngc ot a law al
lowing any person willing to furnish :he
money to build railroads anywhere in
Pennsylvania. Under the auspices ol
thet-e gentlemen a bill was ptcpareJ. The
friends of this bill being iu the minorj.
a new act was presented, with the s::ut
title, by tho majority. This new act
rejected and opposed by the western :wl
central Senators aa not being sufficicitry
liberal, but was passed by a vole of the
niajoiity, as below. The bill as passe: is
in substance as follows : '
The first fceetioa authorizes any unmoor
ot eitizons, uot less thnii cine, to C O
struct aud operate a steam railway, with d
capital stock net less than cla,lXlli per
mile, and not less thau six nor mere ll:m
twelve directors. The preliminary agre
mcuts must be acknowledged before an
alderman, and filed in the office of the
ecretary of the Commonwealth, and the
company shall have power to hold sueh
estate, make such by-law, iVC., as are in
cident to the bur.ine.--s of a corporation.
The second section prohibits the sec
retary of the Commonwealth from Cling
the agreements until f 10,000 of stock lor
every mile of road h:is beeu subscribed,
and ten per cent, thereon paid iu cash, j (
and three ot the directors have testified
that it is intended to construct the road I o
in "ood faith. The stockholders of tbelfj
compauy Kball be individually liable to the j
amount of their stock for the payment" of
waxes of labor, materials, right of wav,
7, '
and damages.
The remaining thirteen sections pro
vide in substance that tha articles of as
sociation shall be evidence of the exist
ence ot the company, that tbe directors
miy keep open books and fill up the cap
ital stock : that the corporation shall be
ble to tbe provisions of the general
llailroad Law of 1819: that uj charge
shall be made for transporting coal, irou;
metal, timber, or agricultural products ex
ceeding two cents per mile in private cars,
or two and a half cents per ten per mile
in the cars of the company ; that no pub
lic highway shall be used without the
authority of the local government; that
the corporation must hie a map of its
route in the ollicc of the Secretary of tho
Commonwealth, and proceed with the
construction within a reasonable time or
forfeit the location; that the stockholders
may iucrease the capital stock ; that the
directors may borrow not exceeding $20,
000 per mile and issue 7 per cent, bonds
secured by mortgage ; that tho company
may build any branch roads deemed ne-
ccssarv ; that too jeqibiature may impose
taxes upon the corporation from time to
time, and may amend, repeal or mouny
the charter; and that nothing herein con
tained shall authorize the construction of)
any city passenger railroads.
The vote cn the taal passage ot tne
above was ayes, J : nays, .
JThoso voting aye were, Jlessrs. Itilling.
fe'.d, Bron (Mercy), Harnett, Coleman,
Connel, Cowles, Davis, Douovan. Glatz,
Haines, Jackson, James, J..anlon, McUun
dlcss, JlcConaughy, llandal, llidgway,
Rover. Schall. bhoemakcr, btutztuan.
Taylor, Wallace, "Walls, White, Worth
ngton and Hall (Speaker).
Those voting nay were, Messrs, Bisham
and Graham (Allegheny), Lowry (Eric),
and 15rown (Lawrence).
Absent Fisher and Searight.
Gem. Cameiion took his seat in the
United States Senate unchallenged. That
was es we predict it would bo. Kut Le
was bouored with a special triumph. Tbe
Legislature went over in a body to con
gratulate him upon his c'.cvatioa
Mr. J. II. McClelland, the re
cently appointed Postmaster for Pittsburg
is a thorough Radical, and the choice will
give satisfaction to the party.
The renegade Cowan feels very sore
that ho was so unceremoniously shelved
Dy the Senate. We lope he may be filled
with remorse and made feel the penalty
of his treachery.
A Louisville man who had purchas
ed four of tie Crosby Opera House tick
ets sued the agent ot whom Le bougbt,
for the 20 paid, and recovered it, the
Court deciding that tbc sale was in viola
tion of law.
Gen. James II. Ekin's confirma
tion as Dcjuty Quartermaster of the U.
S. Army, wts richly deserved. He has
been foremost among the mosr useful
officers in the service, a man of striot in
tegrity and a .oldior without a blemish.
The bill fir the relief of the curren
cy, which passed on the 22d, is simply as
"lie it cnarfal, That the Secretary of
the Treasury be and is hereby authorized
and directed to redeem compound iuterest
notes with tho accrued interest notes, arid
to issue therefore United States legal
tender notes without interest, not execed-
lnij in amount 8100.000.000.
1 I
-Movements throughout the South in
dicate that the ten seceding States Will
speedily re organize under the law recent
ly enacted by Congress. If the President
had eo operated with Congress, the work of
ruuuiiK-.ruuiiun woum uavo been aeejin
plished a year ago, and on much easier
conditions. Tho Southern people owe
the later exactions to the obstinacy of the
Executive, and their mistake in suppos
ing his will would be passed into law-
tciu gtdwrtisfincnts.
si lv i : ii's v aVi i vo V 1 i: i i. '
Saves lime, labor, uiouey. Makes washing a
pastime ui;d M'juJ.iy a festival, told every
where. Try it.
Address all order to the Manufactures
C'lIFMlfT.S.if W Ilol.ESM.E rUrH! 1STS
m Xorih Third at., rhihuhh.h;,,.
nov 14, 18t;C-y.
MERICAN OKOAVS The undersigned
IX. has been appointed Agent for the sale of
the American Organ, manufactured by S. 1.
& II. W. Smith, lio(on. and is prepared to
furnis-h persona with Parlor or Church Or
gans as cheap as they can be purchased from
the manufacturer:. For further particulars
call at his Tailoring Establishment on Uridge
stroet, Mitilimown.
march 1 3, 1 ( f. WILLI A M WIS K.
A IM IS 1ST ft A TO ITS NOTICE. Notice is
A- hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate of Francis Shirk, late of
Fayette toirwnship, dee'd., have been granted
in due form of law to the undersigned. All
persons indebted to eaid estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims against the an.v will please pre
sent Ihcin prperlv authenticated for ceule
ment. JOHN K. SAUS MAN, A lm r.
mar. I3-Ct.
q T7-ESSLEK, FOSTER & CO., arc n
ry J.V. prepared to furnish all kinds of
Elooriutj, W'callur-boariling, Door and
H'utdvtv fftimr.t, IJliids Swaf
Voors, H-i;ri7,
And aH material required for buildin;
Having connected with our Mill
Hnrfdm's Patent Den Kif.i. !e
0 by which we can dry lumber in from O
'-y ""per-lieatcd steam, without pressure-!..
3. Customeis may therefore rely 011 get- f
- ,;,, ,.r..,.,i.. s..,o,.i.i i.,.,.,i,.,r ;. n...ir r-
Z. Doors, Window Frames, Saab, &c., t
-. 1. 1 lwir . ...
0.: march 13, l!C7-tjui.
Good News for Mothers.
Mothers are yon oppressed wilh anxiety
foi your little ones ? Are your slumbers and
hearts broken by their cries ? Do you awake
in the morning unrefrcshed and apprehensive
If so, procure at once a bottle of Dr. Leon's
Infant llcmedy and you will have no more
weary hours 0 watching and anxiety.
Has stood the test of years. Thousands of
nurses and mothers bear witness that it never
fails to givo relief if used in season. It is a
mild, yet sure and speedy cure for Colic,
Cramps and Windy Pains, nnd is invaluable
for all complaints incident to teething
Sold by Druggists throughout tho United
States. Address a'.l orders to
Solo Proprietors,
137 North Third Street, Philadelphia,
nov. 14, 'titi-ly.
embracing cve'y New and Desirable size,
style and Shape .of Plain tnd Trail llonr
Skims U, 2 i-4. 21, 2 3-4, 3 1-4, 3 1-2, 3 3-4
nnd 4 yds., round, every length and size
Waist; in every respect rinsT Quality, nnd
especially adapted to meet the wants of Fibst
Class anu niosi jasuionauie 1 i;ahe.
'Oub Own M.iks," of Hoop Skirts, arc
lighter, more elastic, more durable, and
kaly ciikai'Kr than any other make of ei
ther Single or Double Spring Skirt in the
American Market. They are Warranted in
every respect, and wherever introduced gite
universal satisfaction. They arc now being
extensively Sold by Kef ailtrs, and every Lady
should'try ihem.
Ask for "Hopkin's Own Make," a.n l sec
that each Skirt is Stamped "W. T. nOPKlNS
adelphia." No others are Genuine. A Cata
logue containing Style, Size aud Retail Prices
sent to any address. A Uniform and Liberal
Discount allowed to Dealers. Orders by
mail or otheswisc, promptly and carefully
filled Wholesale and Retail, at Manufactory
and Sales-rooms, No. C2S AIICI1 St., PHILA
DELPHIA. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired.
mar. 13. 07-10ui. Wm. T. HOPKINS.
13 LAIN AND FANCY Job Work neatly eae
. cutded at this Ollicc.
Piv llnml,) v- 1 t , , . uooss, Bic, nnu jisving riowL'iu them at a
Kiddle, nil S.ylc-2! to V,H 300 Four I M '""1 1 T' i'" be Ca
IlorSe Government Won, 000 Wagon Co"-1 S" flT XZVX 0,.hw.M,Mht in
tM, now and worn, 6.WXJ ISlankele, and Ilor e ' ' - 8 '"""ft fo,llS of Mag 1
(Wr,. AW in,,. s-,..,.t, :". i0""! , zmes and Periodicals, kept, v.,.h prices at-
Lines, Whips, Jjugjry and Amlmlance Harness
Portable I orges, Chains, Swingle-trees, Lea 1
liars, etc..
Wheel Tenm Harness little worn all Oak
tanned Leather and aervicablc, cleaned and
Oiled $5,00 per horse or mule, including
iridic, Lead do., $1,00. Wa;ron Uridlos
51,00, Collars, 1 to Extra Hair lined At
tiilcry, Case do., 2J and $3,00.
Double Reins, 1.75 to 2,25. Lead Lines,
Si, Halters, to $12 per dozen. Ofliecr'
New Saddles $18,00, wiih Plated P.it Uridle,
$21. CO; good as new, $12,00, with bridle,
$11,0''; valise Riddles fur Boy. giJ.y).
Wngon Covers, niado t tit any Wagon
heavy linen, 3 to $f.,uO ; superior cotton Puck
It to $8. 12 01., Uuck, 0 to 512.
1,00) Hospital Tents, new and gooda now,
12 oz , duck M feet square 80 to $ 10.
Oliiccrs' A. Tent, 7 feet square, from 5 to
10,000 Hags, from 12 oz Dnek, 1st., qual
ity. 2 bti-hels, S'J.OO; U buah. $100; 3
bush. $11,00 per loz- 2d, finality. $"..j0.
$8,-r0 and $0,f().
Small Okkebs best by Exphfss. C. O. D.
No. 337 & 339 North Front St., Phiiad'a.
No. 5 Park Place, New York.
No. 43, Oth Street, Washington, D. C.
Priec list sent oh application.
mar. J --nis.
Xu more Bald Heads!
Xo more Gray Lochs !
Is pronounced by all who have U::cd it the
very beat preparation for the Hair. It is a
positive cure lVr Ilaldness, eradicates Dand
ruff ami Humor', stops the Hair from fuli inp
out, and speedily restores Gray Lucks to their
original hue aud luxuriance.
It operates on the secrctinrn nnd fills tl.e
glandd with new life and coloring matter.
Thin, dead, faded or pray hair will always l e
brought back by a few applications, to its
youthful abundance, vitality and coler.
It makes the hair ) glossy, ft arrant,
pleasant to the-touch and easy to arrange.
Dry. v.iry u:id intractable locks become im,it
pliant and tli: posed 10 rxaiu in any desired
position. As a Hair Dressing it has no erjiia!
Tiie sales arc etiormoeii and it is .1 universal
favorite with old and youn of both .exM.
Sold by Druggists thruiinoul the United
States. AJ lrcisail orders ly
S'llo Proprietor.
127 Notta Third Street, Philadelphia
nuv. 1 1, :'jii-ly,
rpilE y.'i dtrsigned oiler for sale n House
J. and Lot situate uu Cherry street, Miillin
town. Pa. Thif is one ef the :uo-i desirable
rusideiiees in the town. It is built on a full
corner ht lias all modern ouvenieiices and
necessary out-buildinss. Tlerc M a variety
of choice fruit trees iu the prime cf hearing.
Auy person wishing to purchase a comfort
able House siioul I ii"t l iil to see litis prop
erty. For further particulars call on the un
dersigned en ike premises. Possession given
on tho l.t of April.
march fi, Hvwtf.
IVna'a iUriciillnnjI Land Scrip
rr'HE Hoard of Commissioners now offer for
JL sale .VJtl.tititl acres of Agricultural College
Land Scrip, being the balance of the Scrip
granted 10 the Coiiimemvcalth of Pennsylva
nia for tl.e endowment of Agricultural Colle
ges in this Stated
Proposals for the purchase r,f this Land
Scrip, i.ddtess-ed to -The liot-.r-i of Commis
sioners of Agricultural Land Scrip," will be
received at the Surveyor General's ofliee, at
llarristuirg, until 12 o'clock, M., on Weducs
dav, Ai ril It), 1SC7.
1 his land !')ay l;c located in aty State or
Territory, l y the holders of the scrip, upon I
any af the unappropriated lands (exempt ruin-1
cral lands) of the United States, which may j
bo subject to sale at private entry. Each
piece of scrip represents a qnarter section of j
one hundred and sixty ncrs, is issued in
blank, and will be transferable, without en
dorsement or formal assignment. The blank
need not be filled until the scrip is presented
for location and entry, when the parly hold
ing it can fill 'he blank and enter the land in
his own name. P.ids must be made as per
acre, and no bills will be received for less than
one (quarter section
The Scrip will be issued immediately on
the payment of the money to the Surveyor
General. On all bills for a less quantity than
4o,000 acres, one-third of the purchase money
must be paid within ten days, and th remain
ing two-thirds within thirty days after notifi
cation of tho aoceptance of the bids by the
Board of Commissioners.
Surveyor O'emrnl.
For th Hoard of Commhtioners.
IIarrisdukg, March 0, lS07-td.
Office of the Miffms TiRincE Co., 3
MiFFitNTowN, February 27, 1SG7. I
Tho Stockholders of the Mifflin Fridge
Company arc hereby notified that in obedience
to an Act of Assembly approved February
11), 1807, an election will be held at the Pro
ihonotary's Office, on Tuesday, the l'.'lli day
of March 1S07 between the hours of 2 and 4
o'clock P. M-, for a President, Six Managers
and Treasurer &f said Company, to berve un
til the next annual election,
feb. 27-te. GEORGE JACOBS, JVfj'f.
I EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Tbo undersigned
J have received from the Register of Ju
niata coiiDty. letters testamentary upca the
last will nnd testatrcnt of Wm. J. KIRK, lute
of East Waterford, Tuscarora township, dee'd.
All persons indebted to said estate, are re
quested to make payment to the undersigned
and all persons having demands ag;iinst the
same will present them for settlement.
J. M. MOiiiiLSON.
feb. 13-Gi. Executors
I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Tho undersigned
A h is received from the Register of Juniata
county, letters testamentary upun tho last
will and testament of John Williams, lata ef
Spruce Hill township, dee'd. All persons in
debted to said estate, are requested to mnks
payment to the undersigned and ail pcrsout
having demands against the same will presene
them for settlement,
feb. 13-Ot. JUS. rOJLUBOY, Executor.
il and Stationary Store, iu l'crrvftiiic Ju
niata county, Til. (Tost Otlico Building.)
Tlic nnJeisigned asks leave to inform the
eooJ pcunle of this anl ncighlioniitr couniipn
j that be Las open J a fine stcck of Stationary
. ininn mi v m wiiii:ii will r. n aAn, k ......
to any place upon
of the annexed
Atlantic Aioutnlj 40c.
Harpers Magazine 40c.
Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashions 4'c.
Godies Magazine ?,5e.
Madame Deuiorest's S.",c.
Ladies Friend , 2oc-
Ballous Magazine ,., 20c
. Petersons Magazine , 25c.
T. S. Authors' Magazine .,
Waverly Magazine (weekly) loc.
Harpers Pictorial (weekly) 10c.
Frank Leslie's Pictorial. Illustrated,... 10c.
Chimney Corner t)c.
Albion Joe.
New York Ledger C'7e.
National Police Gazette 10c.
New Y'ork Clipper nc.
Saturday Night (7C.
Gleascns Literary Companion . 10c.
Sunday Dispatoh...., O'ic.
Phrenological Journal , 1'tc.
American Agriculturalist l"c.
lieadlcsand Monroe's Novels, (each)... 10c.
P-cadla's Songster Die.
Martin's Sensible Letter Writer.. 50c.
Fortune Tellers and Dream Rooks of differ
ent kinds, (each) 35c.
Also all kinds of 2"c, Novels
N. B. Philadelphia Daily Press permnnlb,
7"ic., Philadelphia Age, 70c. Inquirer. Wc.
Music, Magazines and other bindings attend
ed to.
P. S. Back numbers of all ?-Iagazineii and
Papers furnished at short notice. I am detcr-
rmined to supply a great want in this county
by furnishing the people with reading matter
t a reasonable price.
I respectfully solicit ronr patronar-.
rerrysvillc, aujf- I, 'liti.
When by the use of DR. JOINVILLE':!
ELIXIR you can be cured permanently, and
at a trilling cost.
The astonishing sr.ecfss which has altonled
this invaluable medicine fir Physical and
Nervous Weakness, General Debility and
Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy. Impo
tency, or any of the consequences of youth
ful indiscretion, renders it (he most valuable
prep iration ever discovered.
Il will remove all nervous affections, de
pression, excitement, incapacity to study or
business, Urfs of memory, confusion, thoughts
of selJ'-dcslruBtion, fears of insanity, ic.
It will restore the appetite, renew the health
of those who have destroyed it by sensual ex
cess or evil practices.
Y'oung men he humbugged no more by
"Quack Doctors" and ienoraat practitioners,
but send without delay for the Elixir, and be
at once restored to health and happiness. A
Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in ev-;ry in-.tancp.
Price. $1, or four bottles to oni address, 5:5.
One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in ail
ordinarv cases.
for !h," s;me ly and permanent cure of Gono
rrhea, uleet, Urethral lischaiges, Gravel,
Stricture, nd all affections of the K:dnevi
and Bladder. Curns effected in from one to
five days. They are prepared from vegctablo
extracts that are harmless on I lie? syttem. and
never nauseate th? r'omach or impregnate
the breath, ho change ef diet is necessary
while using them. s'r does their action in
any manner interfere with pursuits. Price,
$1 per box.
Either of the above-mentioned nrricles will
be sent to any address, c.osely sealed, and
post-paid, by mail or express, on receipt of
price. Address all orders to
HEIiGER, SIIUTTS .v. Co.. Chemists.
No. 2Sj River Street, Troy, N. Y.
feb. 20, Tb7-ly.
IORCED to grow upon the smoothest
in from threi to five weeks by usinj:
evigne's Restaurateur Capi'.iaite. the mo.-t
wniideifiil discovery in modern seicuce. act
ing upon the Beard and ll.iir iu an almoat
miraculous manner. It has been used by tha
elite of Paris mid London with the most Hal
tering success. Names of all purchasers will
to registered, aiul if entire satisfaction is
not given in every instance, the money will
ne .cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, scal
ed and postpaid, Si. Descriptive circulars
aud testimonials mailed free. Addrcs3
BERGKR, SHUTT & Co., Chemists,
No- 2Ni River Street, Troy, N. Y.
Sole agents fur the United States,
fob. 2!) '07-ly.
S. Z. Sharp; and lately purchased byM. Moh
ler, County Superintendent of Mifflin county,'
has hicu thoroughly renovated and refur
nished. The water pipes have beeu re-laid
to the building, and other improvements
made so as to make it one of the most desir
n'.'ld institutions in the county. A teachers
class will be formed at tbe opening of tha
session and will be continued throughout.
The Summer Session opens on Wednesday,
April 10th and continues tweuty weeks.
Terms.- Tuition, Boarding, Light and
furnished rooms per session, S'JO.OO.
Those desiring admittance should apply
For further particulars address-
Lewistown. Ta., uutil March 20th, after
which at Kishacoquillas, Pa.
feb. 13-1 K07.
ingot Bea'.e township, Juniata county.
Pa., of the Snn of Dcaring & Bell, compose!
of Jos. Bell and the said Jos L. Dcaring,
having on the l'-th day of February, 8lii',
made a voluntary assignment of all the Per
sonal Estate belonging to said linn, with ail
the personal estate belonging to the said Jos.
L. Dearing, to the undersigned Assignee in
trust for the benefit of creditors. Notice is
hereby given to all persons owing or indebted
to said firm, or to the said Jos.' L. Rearing,
to come forward and make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against tha
said firm or against the said Deariug to pre
sent their accounts for settlement to
R. P. Mc WILLIAMS, Assignee.
feb 20 Ct.
WANTED. SUMAC. The undersigned
wishes to purehase pore Sumac in largo
or small quantities. Highest market prices
paid on delivery at sumac mill, Mechanics
burg, Juniata county, Pa.
Tort Royal, Juniata L'o I&.
aagust 15, lbOO-tf.