Qr-r? v-:V- s , fiS Hi i tP l4r e:. sr. vm-sos, tiik consti Trnoa tub i,KloSr!t mi e.ntoecemkt of thk laws. M I FFL1N TO WN, J UN I AT A COUNTF, " PfiNxVA.'," MAUC11 13,1807. WHOLE JSUMiiEIU0.,.r, - TERMS OF PUBLICATION. -- T3K JcKIATA S?wriKrt is published tTfcry - TBT Wcdneslay niornin uin:rt on limine street, hj H. H. YVIS-SOrl. Tiio pri'.-'i',.iii'n,.i. riiici: of tiio paper W ill OC 1 " I . I... .1 - t nn I f'i.JO if not paid within the first lUrec rill ho TWO LMl.LAU.S per vcar lii advanei mnntlis. Js-T!., N parr d:eor.tinuoJ mil 1 1 ni: nr- roir(:'s arc jiiid except at tie opliou of the j tMir Aiu i:r.TisiN!. The ripo of A I TUT Ih- ! iNti are ( ir nne square. of'thiiiT iii.es or les-, ' ouc inseriiin,7" cents three, i'l 00 : and 00 cts jr caeli subs vinent insertion. Administ ra- ; or' a. Executor's ni.d Auditor's Noticos, $J,oo. ; J'rofossionul and llusiness Cards, not exceed- jus lines, ana lufiuam copy 01 j.aj.rr. 1 Jf.oo per vcar. jlcrcuanls aJvertt.'in (changeable ijiiari ci ly ) ti per year, inelu 1 iii! paper at their Stores. Notices iu reading colur.ius, ton cent per '.inc. Job V.'oiik. The jricc3 of .1015 V.'OHK, for t liirty Hills, one-eiht slicet, tl.'J'i : "ne fourth. 00 ; ot,e-hal;', f'l.oo : and addit'on nl numbers, half p:iei and fur l'hiuks. l.',oo ier itii e. 1 M:!I:'iit"iwn. Jun'U County, on Muiu street South of l'r.'I:1 l'a., Oir.c e str et. 1LL1AM M. ALI.l.tiN, Alwnug ut Law, it ... t V'hl K'teti.l to all bt; !:i. Sara. Oihee cn Main :r s entrusted to his ,t, Miitiiut iwn, l'a. JOHN T. h. SAilll. HMFrLlATO'iV.V, JfXIATA COt'.NTr, T.. Ol'Fl'l.S hi froies.-;onal serfiees to the public, rror.ipt atteuib n given to the prosecut: .u of claims against the (jovernuient, e. lieotioiis and alt otL.r busiin-'s entrusted to l.i.-care- O'hce iu the Udd Fellows' Jiall. Uriuge Street. S;i-t. So, 1W.3. v AirCTIOXEHIl The undersi ;ttc 1 offers his Fervices to t't" f ublic as Vendue t'rycr ar.d Auctioneer. lie has Lad a very 1 trc eipericiioe, an t feels CouGdent that be cau give satisfaction tc alt who may employ him. lie may Lo addressed UL Miu'i:,,"Wii, "r found at his hoioe in Fer E.anali township. Orders may uiso be left hi Mr. Will's il .ttl. Jaa. 0, lotit. WILLIAM G1VKN'. " military"" claims. rpriE uudersiirued will rotnrlly attend to -1. the eoiieetion of cihtais uainst ctther the tit:to or National Government, ren-ions. Hack l'y, Uounty, Kxtra J'ay, e.:id ill other claims crisii.j out tf liiii jrcscut or ary other war, collected. JEREMIAH LTONS, A;:orney-at-Lir. M'uT.intTrn, Juniata Co., l'a. t' bl TVTKVy TtJUACCO STOltK. Just received i et I'.aities' Ci-ar and To! 1 ceo Store, a fresh s ; ply of pure Vara Cigars aud Tobaccos. i'ert Navy $1,0 ) pcr lb Had '."t'c. ' " crd ' ."ittc. " " ( ases f!.,!d i-'ar , 1.4:) . " Oranoke 1.40 " " The best brands line Cut lo se and in foil, and cl! kit;d -A Iiright Tobacco at reduc ed prices. The lovers of poo I chewintr and tutokinj to'accT are respectfully invited to call and examine my stocli. June 2'J-tf. A. T. IIATINF.?. TV E '.V A I". IIAMiK.y KNT. The i!!:.'.r-ined JL ftndiup it inipossible with one Market C ir, to supply tin ir customers. have purchased Brother, and are iiitr jjreparcd to furnish marketing regularly twice a week after the ist of At:pu-t. (die Car v. ill aniS in 1'at ter3on every Wednesday eveuinp, the other will arrive every Friday eveuinp. We w ish it distinctly understood wc wilt do nothing but a strictly cash business in future, l'er 6fns orderinp poods repul-rly every week are expected to pay piuuip.tly each trip. One car will leave l'atterson for l'hiladelphia every Monday niorninp. the other will leave every Wenesdav moruinp. July iZ-it. "IIOLLOUACGII & UOWE. DFTL CVUI)' 11. M. KEEVEH, DENTAL SURGEON 'IRAKI'S this method of informing his friends JL in Juniata county, that owinp to the lea- fouably good success lie has met with, during Miu street, two doors west of lielford's store, j sons who exprcissd a doubt 3f the "aoucd ihe few months he has been D. r.cti-inp his oro- 1 MilUiutown, l'a. I jan -1, i So7-J y. i - , . , r , , . lvssion in saia counry, lie leeis w . arrantetl in lnaiiiag stated visits to .Mitilintown and Me 1 -.MistursTiIlc. toe hist .MouJ.-.y ot each month Mr. Iiever may be loitud at the Juui ti.i Ho tel. .Mttiiiu, te remain two Weeks. The thira Monday, tt McAIisleisvii'e, lo remain d ur: n the wee. Teeth inserted on VL'I.CAMTt ;uLD & S1LVKII. 1KKTH 1'lLLtt) and extracted iu the most approved maimer, ant) with the least jtossible paiu. strict aitcution given to diseased funis, ic. All work warranted. 63. Terms ) eaouahk'. January 21, IscO-tf. JOSEPH S. DELI,. c L OTHIER 0. 4CXORTIlTIUR-OSTi:EET,lMIILAD A C'iotuins supeiior to any oilier establis ment iu toe C.ty and at loer .rices. Mer chants wiil ami it to their advantage to call. All gcods warranted, l'resented - by J. Jv. ''"i!r- noT. 7-ly. WESTERN li.tNO AGE.N'CY. C. Gin fcrich, Lancaster. Wisconsin, will buy an 1 sell KKAL ESTATE, and pay Taxes for nomereleiiis, to tb..a- desiring to locate iu the -cst, can outain cheap Homes and good wa ter twer iu prosperous localities by tousuit lr.p l.iin reference giveLif rcqaired. car. N E V FAMILY I I. ' s V,7 n i I ncTrH7 I- -J 1 J UJ ii Ji w, ifA'-J aJijJ i j TII HE superior merits of the j!a.l i JL -chines over till others for tiil.t r family - j-iii , nil. . i ' eslal iisl.od n.l so p.-n.ra!!y n.imim-!, that use r i:iin!i'!ac'.i!ii;i'; illii.nci.! prt a cn.:r,H'iv.li,.n (. li.-ir rola!iV- cxec!lt:ic:ts , 13 110 lunjcr coiici'IitcJ iiccoss-'ary. J iV..lll.l i'lAliKN !-.;, t.1i"h-1i hns licrn over two tc-.vj in preparation, ,,! v!,iili hns been lirou"-ht I) rier.'ecl.'m re- r.ir,i:,.ls (,f time, latmr orcxjiense.a nd is new tonS Jentlv prcsrntcMl ihe public as ineom- r,;iralilv tiu Seivin.r V. u l,i:m inpti.iim' I The Machine in .n'i, s:i,.n i ;mi,li (.m. raet. dura Me and beautiful. It is imiel. 1: jiil i iit iiin;, and capable of perf.irmiHjr a rn."e and variety of v.',.ik never bet.. re isttemptld " I'poT. a single Maeliitie, nin either Z?ilk, ; T .;t, I.incn or Cotton Tlire id. and sew iur with f j'.uil facility the very ti'o'st and ciarsct : 1 i.i ite: i i' j, and anythinir bflween the two es- j tieuie.". in t!ic:ao;t beautiful and Fubslant itil 1 n':i:jiirr. Jr I'Va -iiu:.-;:ts m.i- hci::u:.i, Lrata eoi'linr, t i'tiin(r. o;:!; i:i;r, I'-llin, trtsn- m.n;r. blTtdiny, etc., are novid and ) tactical, I and h.-.v. been invented and adjusted c.-peci-! ally ti. r this Machine. ; M tcl iue- always kept, en baud nt my Tail-joi:!i- K lal.'.ihLicni, se."...:i 1 j-terv I'ob.ntf, I tr, K " 1 al s iirr''- l:' ": treet, Mlllitn- tol. for the lllsrc.;tiou of puUU, ! 1 f..r sn'e at lao u, t in i!.b prices Mae'i'i::e C-.tt .nr. lie.', Thrca 1, on. &e., ar.l ( V,yv'.im; pert.iinin.r to t!.U Machine constant:., Ut t on Land f ir sal,. Wll.I.lVM VISE, Agent. I ..!j.ian-2l,:M!!l!?: j 1 j Ji'FidN Ciac:i.S: V, AC.O. V.WL'i'AC- , tory.-Ue the undersigned beg leave to lntul III our 111. t. ioe 1 s anil ti :.!!. ts i n a.Ijoitiin.T eoui.tics, tl. it we have en!arj;ed our shop, and l y the addition of Steam Tower. aie prepared to do work at the shortest posm- We I'oti e. We arc constantly manufacturing and make to oiiler. every t.eM'rioliori 0! I caches, Car- ' riapea, Happies. r-u;i:es, .aons, ,vc., n!i.o ! amity and Vo i; cutter hi"!;.-hs. We a'-e j'sc prcj arel to manufacture Iload Wagons from utis to four !iot.-i, ilatiup been working at tho Lii-diics fer a miti.le r of years ourselv.-s, and eM-ployinp ' of a J.rmct men lor his former ar none but the best ot workman. We liaiter oorselies tlnit our work cannot be furi a-se i ' tide, situ !y btcomcs ridiculous when he, ior neat 11 ess joiniui count o.i ..uta,..,,, ; in ii-io. or au, Vet!ayjl,.cn ui l and from twer.ty to thirty tel. of t-tt second provtli, Jersey Iliekorj' .Spokes, in order to make durable wheels And vill warrant our work for any reasonel.le t ituc. oiwi 'tis aa.i ituppies re-:iaintet with neat- ttM and tiisrta.ch Ail other rei-airiij 1, -a v or li'ot wi'.l receive siriei attention. Ctene ami o.aanne our siock aim worn t.ctt re T t.r- ,.!,..,;,,. ., ... . ... , . ... p. ... n... 1 v. i'ii i 1 in 1. 1 11 n 11 ante, IIEll'1 I.litlNUIilt A Ci:iswi:i.L, June --P?f 'U' V:k CC''" ,r"'e r0'"'- ... .W. .T. J t"KV W NEW CLOTHING OrOJUU.M M IFF LIN T O W N, i tt'ilfH't Hiic': Store Ifuom. on th' nrlh- irrst Cvn.tr of lri:'je unit W'attr ':rrr.'s. fjilE 1 ndtrsipned would respectfully au i noiitice that they have opened in the above well known stand a verr line and select assi.ruai-ntof UL.i Hi -MAI) E Cl.VTJUM;, consisting in part of cvr.. it: liOOTS & Sli ttlCri for men, women c ehiblreu. li.VT.S ,i CATS lor roeu and boys. .Sr.. &c. (Jur stock is compost d of LXT1 It I.!. )' A'.'IJ" dOOlKU and all who desire any a. licle in our line would do well tn call and examine ner Mock bel'.-re rurchasiu;-; elsewhere, llo ini iiothiup but a Irirtii iich ;.;,,..,, we arc enabled to sell goods at a very low figure. Close cash buyers would do Weil to examine our stuck. We respectfully solicit a share cf public p itrojiic nov 7, lt-iio-tlj LOUL'O.V & JACKMAN. JACOB BEIDLEll, Dealer ia I)n;;s, Medicines, ;e., 17(L'L! resrttctfiil'y inform the citizens of I V Mitilintown and surrounding country that he has just received from the cast a large and well selected assortment of Q-uj. J.C-:;l-i:.ncr. 0: m : ': x 'r. Cl'tirs 7'. inc: ai.l lji.u-rr, for medical purposes only, and a general us- sonmcm oi everyiuing pcnaiuiug to liis nu- Ei"rs-"' . . . . . . Eft i nysieians orders promptly lilletl at a small advan.c of eastern wholesale pries. t-- ut'ML..i.:..i ;..no a..-c..ii.. t...t i H- ' .'.v..; a I..U.HI..T will i..tliui:u 1:1 his Store, at Itollman llrothers' old stand, 1 OOAL AND LCMllFIt YARD. Th? under siliuctl b s leave to lnfortu t jo public that, he keeps con: tuut'y on hand alarpeStoek of Coal and Lumber. His stock embraces iu part, f tove Coal, Smith Coal aud LUae-bur-nciSCoal, at Cc lowest cash rates. . Lumber of ail kinda and quality, such ns While l'iue 1'ltitik, two it, el, i s. do 1J W'uito Tiue Hoards, 1 inch, doooe half inch, White 1'iue worked Fioorinp, Hemlock Boards, Scantlinp. Joice, itouting Lath, l'la.'tering Lath, irhinples, .Strip inp. Sash and Doors. Coal !.:id Lumber delivered at short notice. I'ersons on the East side cf th; Hirer can be furnished with Litneburners Coal, ic, Iroia the coal Tard at Tysons Lock, aug la-fy GEOKGE GOSHEN. TJl'V THE II EST. Samuel Strjyer, of I'at- Xj tcrson, is is the authorized Agent fur the j V1MMPP CI.'WIYP wirillVP I y aut3 anJ cIear UJ1i UillUL &iiWLU MAlULUjjthi. another perversion. When pope j and also for Gretrorr, tho seventh, came into nosscss- sate ot Ike UlLi Ir IJjLiUA. cv LflJJo. Tnesc are the two best Machines manufac tured. Persons wisbinp to purchase should c.i'l at Hecht & Slr.tyer s Store, ia I aucrsou, and examine for tiiem-.-lves, SAM LUI. STilAIER, A '-cat Jaa 9, lz''7. THE AVEIGIIT OF A TEAK. , A ivr of scales lc!re h'.m, a rvh man eat ' niiil Wt !.'he:l -- t A piscc of poll n widow's all and unto Ler ! liosam: , " 1 ur cmi is net liie frojicr f eigui. eo lao jorscd! il low X 1 half it'a iwrtii it lacks n I Eingle j;ram. i V,i,!l -,nrf"1 7C- (lic widow said, "QIj wcig'a ' '' s;r' oncc "'"re; ! ' VT iy ''c n,,t 1,0 sact, n.-r drive luo froni ! y"1"" d )or." ' 'W!.y, fo your self, t;ndv wcichl your ! te.ira are ol no avail. ; J nc "''c' "l:,e "e tras n it just Dears ! t down tiio MNile ; ' ,;n t""-'l','l that rich man, who held i Im pold so dear, That the extra weight hieh Lore it down had been the v.inow's thau ! lUiscdhuifciis gfaVuin. 'or the Siniind. THE REUISTER'S HEl'OUTEIl. M.1. lllTOR. Ouce more I as'- vou to . . . 1 . 1. .. ..; "ram liis upaee cnojyn to Fay a lew ni'jic j word-, ootioercititf the Kfrnttrr' verbose . i ,1 1 . c .1 . j Ptcr, who, :u the late issue of that : paper, presented to the public another ar- j tide, cli.raeteriStie of coarseness and vul- j y:ir'(y words be a criterion, suffi- 1 tiollt tj justify one ill fortuiu au Opinion rf J a I ! the fee-lings and pi.-siens of the pur- ; foos who express or write them, then WC ! ,. , . , , , think wc can justly say that the reporter, I llaz'ctt, wrote his late article under the itiil'icnco of a doi'aiiiatory spirit, coupled With another spirit of wmch we will nut here spcatc. liis miserably distorted cf- irts to cx tn crate himsdi' from the cen- bv a ,.c .tervcrstoii of the true a liasc perversion ol the true spin;. aud language ia which we wrote, it'.'.emjds to cieaio the impiviou that we have lit- lie or no rtgntd for minister, uukss thry ! t a Pasters cf lariio and ibSueutwl ton 'J V. Mt-l.T lUlti Uli4 lllllit.Ullwl ,Jll i ' ! S'atloU"." V C ItoVtT Spoke Of wrote a ! wold to any one living or Jead that could i 1 . t . . .1 . . r ..... . 1 ue coiiMiaeu 10 uicau j I "icspeett.blo minister" above another. I Tu-1""' wc rne ti;e riK,lt 10 rr- Hull. VO I.Ofi 'jilt cisc our j reft rente for the dipi.ilitu minister, tlie minister of Cue social ijuality 1 cr the tninis'er ot exceeding piety fnil enterprise, just as any one of these par ticular fj'iilitics may accord with our taste. Further than this we make no distinction and kuow nut one respectable minister !rom another, and we refer the reader to cur fo-uier communication upon which the reporter grounds his declaration, feel - iug coiiSJeiit that it also v. ill vindicate us from bis vulgar charge, though the reader should bear in min i that his diarge or as-1 tcrtiou is not eveu supported by au ciToit at proof. As to the "despised itinerant ot v.honi he speak', we cau not definitely settle in our mind who he means. The terra is too indistinct, but wo think he. roforj to the "circuit preacher," and if he means that 1 ctass we wou:u like to kuow where he "cts the tjuota'iou with which he designates them, cr :s it an invention cf his owu ? Certainly the "circuit preacher," if in standing with his brethren, is a "respecta ble minister," and has the regard ol all just men, and we are confident that this class cf ministers would as likely second Mr. llazlett's mauccr of abuse as they would second the peculiar form of civili zation advocated by Jefferson Davis and his friouds. The reporter's deficiency iu discernment is as mauifet t iu his latter as . .. , . , , , !t T la his former article, and those per- i;csi ui lue ju.ii:iueue ui tut: jiiuli niiu iu J such a manner assaults a resectable min istcr," will have this doubt brought almost to a conviction by his late effusion. But men will not ouly question Lis judgment aud "goodness of heart," but will also look with suspicion upon Lis pedautic pretension, when lie so inaptly introduces tho Emperor of Germany, Henry the IV, of the XI century and i styles Lim the representative man of the class to which wc belong, w hen it is so ev- :,... .i,. i- , ,. . - 1 1 ine-ni. m.ii. uo.nceu i.is royal Historical j . ,. - " -r . . ...... Eau ourseu, not the slightest character and ourseif, not the analogy exists in any particular. But let! i . n ... .. . ion of the Papal throne ho declared his - j purpose to exercise Lis lull authority in j all things, temporal as well as spiritual,! throughout his jurisdiction. Previous toj the assumption of power by this Poteu -j tateof the Church, the Emperors, of those : .ua-ii-Miumu wD "oul v' '""I'.rHuuTB Buuira uurpcn 10 nnrjuier point 'tury upou tiio Jj.snops aiM AUlio:.), as wet as the r Iilit to eouler ofliec upon , iiintiiucra OI the SCCUl.tr CiaiS, UtQ I ope . rt !,nv tnlTi.-fonr nutn.-.rHw M ' J , . . - . , . , ufpnve tlie Vidj; ot tliO inruicr ri-tif, ; JeJcriUlual to wrest it from luin. r iid arroount j rc- tcnsion. A tilrulo ensued, the impuror d.d not succeed, tnd for liis opposition Gregory cscousuiUiicatcd Lim, and ab solved liis suljects .Votu all obedience to lti3 authority. TLo Pope's influence reached the X4!cmii of tho "Kuspirc" in whom lie wa lodged, the military pow er and they inorifonnity wi'.h the wishes of his "lloliicss," asncuib'.cd and re nounced thci allegiaacc, announced the "Empire" a-a cud, and declared that the Empcrc: should go into reiireuicui as t piivato yizea, unless he was absolved from t.'ictscomutauication within the jear. 'IV receive pardon and reinstate ment a.-.tcur c3 po.isiblo to his former po- 'Wf- 1. Vmrm In ll.n .l.rlnf oinilrv 1 - ,. i KUc& to go in person to Ittily, at; J there su lieate as a true churchmaa the pardon of :hc I'ope, lie went, and in tli"? garb of :euiteuce, without bhelier or food, for thite whole days and nights, implored forgiveness. At the expiration of ivhi:h tiiiti he was received into the bosom oi the Church, the Pope, Lowcvcr, reserving retain political questions conccruing the K tig's lioyal dignity. As to kis.-ing the lo i, or "odotiierous tvic," as the reporter purs it, was simply an act ot adoration, paid ti' : to the Pope as a man, but through the P pc, as diiector, or head of tho t'hurdi .'i.itant, to the ' lic-lcemer of .Man,'' au 1 tt. ough history we learn that he v, aj nut tii- only It :yul pctsj'tage who paid this ad ration. We could Jtc a number ii no cssaty. And nt the Pope's Coronation. i P-narchs, Archbishops auu otuer thurcu ' di uitui its p:iy this adoration. oW, we ' 1 1 -.t j analog. 0 IceiuLlauce. cuUr . 1.; aels or spirit between the unfortunate Emperor aud oursclf. ''t Wc are nut and never have ben at va riance with the congregation rcfured to. .Seme of its members we know, and be tween them and u, no feeling exists that may not properly cxi:.t between men. We and the Pastor of this congregation arc hot at variance : we are not even per sonally acquainted with each other, aud I it Le were at this moment to uiako his j appearance, we could not know hiui. j Certainly, in order to create tho slightest : analogy, a diC'erecce, an antagonism, I would have to exist between the JiiuLtcr, j including his congregation r.ud ousrelf, and we shoald occupy the position tf the ! peuircnt Etippliant Surely, no man of I the commonest discernment, could make 1 such a botch at illustration, or anamgy. "y this very illustration, this would be j.cdatitis reporter another lime demon- titrates his deficiency in judgment. He now passes our "brain spawn," through the "fires oi analysis," but strance indeed as it opnears. ins'.rrad of coming out of this Cry ordeal, a charred and broken mass, the tiutii of what we said appears more clearly, by contrast with tho dross, of his cwn base metal in his own crucillo, and the enly otic of the threo injured or buruca, h our friend "Ilazlett." Indeed it is somewhat re markable that amidst so much veibiage. nothing appears to acquit Lim from the charges that Justice made, and which every hotiet liberal man felt to be true, that ha had violently without just cause, assaulted with his pen, a respectable Min ister. Ho puerilely claims the right of criti cism but failed to give to the particular productions, to vliich we refer, the dig nity of criticism, ar.d confined Limsdf chiefly iu them, to that kind of abuse, characteristic, of prejudice and bigotry. In Lis late weak effort to cover up his meanness, he tells us that he said nuiuiug derogatory to him, ("the Minister,) or calculated to cast a slur upon Lis char acter, further than was the legitimate re- . suit 0F his own acts, This is nothing of the whole of SUuvt 0f a ro-affirminp his former article TT.. .;,..!., '! . "S te told us in Lis formal article b, inference, as clearly as nnythi can bn ,!.! l. :r.,. ,t. .i t . - - vu ui tuui via, n nuum ..3teal tbe UycrJ. of the CoMt rf Ue3ycn To serve the devil in." Let all decent men read his article ; it carries with it Lis owu condemnation. Our article is already too long or we lie w;il.cs. In concluiiun to.Mr. IIuz!tr wo say tliat tlie Lcit time jou write, don't j.ut i:p "JJrick I'omcroy" lui your proto : type to write by ; put him aside, write de cently, and duu't make assertions thatyou 1 canuot jtovo. Justice. TO l'N.SYLVASIA SOLDIERS. The undersigned, appqiiited to prepare II.ttorv of Che lWylvania V-lun-1 sr and Mtlittti orsaiiizattocs, having dts-; vercd many imperfections iu the mus-! a tcer eo.ereu many liuporioetions iu the inns tor-out tolls of the companies, desires that each soldier, who served iu any or ganization from tlita State, would furnish information in his personal hi-tory per taining to tho lollowittg points, viz: 1. Wounds. If wounded, give the date ; iu what engagements received ; nat ure of wounds; result of wounds; cat- ure of surgical operations, if capital, and 1 I n li.irti Ttot Ii -.ntioil j . , 2. tnpfisonmonfs. If a prisoner, give the date anti p'uee of capture; where imprisoned ; uattire of treatment; and the date and manner o escape or release. lie also desires that the relatives or companions iu arms ot deceased soldiers would give 'he cau-e, date, place of death and place of interment of each, aud any facts iu his history touching the subjects above rtferre 1 to. Y'rit( at tho head of the j ngo the name of the person to whom the iufoi ill ation pcttaini. t!:e nuu-ber of regiment and letter of c.mioany to which he be longed. rite in couc.io term., in a plf.iu hand on letter paper, aul ou but one side of a leaf. The undersigned also desires to Make a coll jciioti for present and for future usc of 1. Complete files r.f all newspapers p ib'i: htu ill the ir't tte iroru the beginning ot P- jl to the c'.co of lllo, to be bouud and permaticntly kept iu tre aiehives of the State. Will the publishers or any trietnl pjssessing theni furnish such files? 2. Discourses commemorative of fallcj solaiets; jtattii hlets perttiiuing iu any iiin-iiior to the Kebcliion or its cau.-rcs ; articles published or iu inauu3cript con ttii ui i historical fact. II. rulili'diud litstories or skctclies of regiments, batteries or companies ; print ed roils ami descriptive matter. d. 1 'iai ies of so'ditrs ; lettcrj illustrat ive of military life, containing informa tion of permanent historic value, or de scriptions of interesting iucidents ; plan3 of battles, 6iegcs, forts and of naval cn gagentents. i). Complete rolls of student? and grad uates of each College in the State who were in the service. G. Card photographs (vignette) of each officer, of whatever grade, who, at any time, acted as commander of a regiment, battery or independent company, inscrib el with Lit! name, number of regiment. i'ie., dates of period during which he held conuian.l, with his present post.olhco ad dress. The relatives of deceased officers ate requested to f. rwsrd the photographs of such oiuccrs ii!Srerii;cd as above. No u.-e wiil be made of these photographs without tho express permission of tlie senders, fuither than to arran -c them in ilL jms for ptcservat:?T. Much of the matter called for under these several heads may not be needed for immediate ue., but tho day will come whor it will be invaluable:, and the pres ent is regarded as a favorable time lor commencing tbe collection. Let every true son of Pennsylvania respond promptly to this call, and there by rescue from oblivion many memorials of her patriotism and her power. SAMUEL P. BATES, SVcitf Historian. Pftp't. of Military History, llarri&burg, February 22, '07. j A CONSCIENTIOUS LAWYER . The Danville (N. Y. ) Express tells a capital story connected with a prominent lawyer of that village, who has distin guished himself iu the defense of crim inals, as well is in connection with other trial?, having frequently, thrcugli his skill, aided the most hardend criminals to escape from justice. Some time ago. while he was attendingCourt in an adjoin ing county, Lc was applied to by a si ngu htr specimen of humanity charge! with; grand btteenny, to defend him. The lawyer very naturally inquired what crime he was aesusei ot. The party ac cused replied that somebody had been mean enough to charge him with stealing SioO in bank notes, and had got him in dicted. "Aie you guilty ?" asked the lawyer. "That's none of your buisne.ss," ! replied the accused, ' They ssy that makes no difference with you ; whether a man is guilty or cot, you will contrive to dig him out in jome way. So don't talk any more about the guilt until you neat what the jury says." "Well, whttt about the pay?" said the lawyer. "You jn.it hold on give L (the till the trial is over ; cotaplslaaat , 3i i oa lue orosa csrtmination, and that other fellow .. he has tt to back hira up, and you'll have no trouble about the pay." The trial commecced and proved to be a some what protracted and exciting one. The District Attorney proved that the money in question was composed of tffo ?S0 billd on a certain bank, and the remainder all in vlO bilk, all of which were wrapped up iu a piece of oil silk. The jury, after Imcuing to the counsel ia the cate, and ... recc:TlnS t,,c C"WA t'-0 JuJ rC' tired, and soon returned with a verdict of not guilty. The accuse 1, who was great ly elated with tlis result of tho trial and tho effort of his counsel, iuited tho lat ter into one of the vacant, jr.y rooms. As soon as they were alone ho slapped his counsel on the sLvMer, aul explain ed: 'Free as water, ain't I ? What's the itsa of trying a man for stealing when you'io around 1 Now I supposo you war.t pay V ' Yes j have you got anything to pay with ?" said the lawyer. ' Lend mo your knife aud we'll see aljut that." The lawyer, slightly .-tattled f.t such a proposition, rather reluctantly complitd tho accused iuimediuUly commenced rip ping aud cutting away -et the waistband of his pantalooas, and ejn produced the roll of bills for the stealing of which ho hud just Inn tiied, wrapped up ia tho identical piece cf oil silk described by the witnesses for the prosecution, aaJ throwiug it down on the tab's before tho astonished lawyer, crschtiuied : "There, take your pay out of that : I gujss thera is enough to pay you tolerably well." '"Why, you villain! you stole that money after ait," said the lawyer. 10 that you expect I can take of tnoacy?'' ''S'olo that money! liidn't them twelve men up stairs ther just say I didn't steal it ? What's the ue of try ing to raise a question of conscience after ! twclro respectable men Lave given their opinion on the subject? Tuke your pay out of that and ask no (i-rstiocs. Don't be modest in taking : I got it easy enough, aud you've worked hard enough for it." Our informaut docs not stato how much the lawyer took, but we pre sume the chap didn't have much chauga left after our friend hal satisfied his "cm science" iu the premises. END OF A NOTOrjOI'.S r.rsinvHACKEC-A CAREER OF CRIME PKOlUHT 10 A CLOSE. Sr. Eons. March 5. The D, nocral has the following special, this morning, from Warrcnsburg : The grand high pticst cf desperadoes, Bill Stevens, has met his just dues, and i: is reported, was killed this morning nt Jay liuEt, by some horsemen who Lad surrounded his house, and called on Lim to explain certuiu threats made whilo iu town the day after the hanging of San- dors. This man, Stevens, Las been the terror of the country and State, he being at tho head of all villainy and crime, and wio was it to any person who thwarted him in his views. One of his sons was killed at the Blair meeting last fall, and was a chip of the same block. Another of Lis sens, a well known horse and cattle thief, who has by his act3 made himself liable to arrest, and ry Lis daring Lad alwa3 escape!, has several times been shot at 1 y the sheriff, but Dick Turpin like, escaped. This sou is blamed for being counceled with the gang that murdered Mr. Switzcr, and was waited upon, but succeeded iu escaping, along with his pal, Morse An drews, across the river. Polk Adams and J. Starky, both members of the sama gang, were waited upon by the commit tee at the house of Adams' father, ou Friday night, but thvy succeeded ia es caping by running the gauntlet through two hundred horicmen. who were armed to the teeth and had surrounded the house. Adams is reported wounded in the arm, and both he and Starkey are now in Kansas or Ntbraska, bid away by their friends. All these men are kuowa to every person who has owned a gojd horse or ox for tho past two ycar.i. So the work goes bravely on, and era the leaves come out by tho warmth of the .May sun, Johnson county and Western Missouri, will be as safe a pl.ice fr tho peaceable emigrant as any of the Eastern States. A strong cfi'ort is being made by there vagabonds to cry out rebels and rebel persecution ; but this game is "play ed out," aud the committees are legion, and are known to be from all parts, hav ing only one issue involves eternal cs- tirmiuatica to ail murdering thieves aai ucspcratLM.