Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, March 06, 1867, Image 3

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    frljt fettls j? filtlucl.
i-SIi.U ilOluUN'i'i, March
T O li A N ; COl . T K V.
1 0:1 Sale Cheap. A Life Scholar
tl.in j:l J. C. MuuiforJ's Business onJ
rJejrap.i College tt rhiladeljbia. A
flue cl.aaec for a young man that vvi-.bes
to prcviivc Linise.f :-r tusiuess. Inquire
t: the Sent: net- Oiiied.
Srr.ixo I!i,E(:i'i(j.s. The elections
fir Dorough and Township oGieers will Ic
hold on the loth oi this month. Let
ooj men be elected.
The stable a"acheJ to llaanan's Hotel,
ia Carlisle, was burned ou Tuesday night,
luccndlaii u. No iu sr. ranee. Two Cue
horses, belonging to Mr. Wolf, and a cow,
tclor.-ir to Mr. llannco, we;c burued.
L.tjodv ad Jacaman have just re
ceived a fresh, sup; !v of Foots and Mures,
Tinc!ii:i; y'r", Fa per Collars, the Lack
,!vi Cviiar, , which they arc Bidiiut:
i' jrsate'y reduced rricu. dive them a
Tan Her. II. Baker, of Xe-vvillo, Cum
L'-rl.itid county, li., will preach in thi;
Li-.'d cran Churs'i ia M.:::'.:t;tuv.:i, on fc'ab.
lath, .March 17, : t 10 o'clock in the
;v'";i:;i', sua at 0 o oo; in ts.o even;'!:
At-J ia the L:cLiti Crctk Chuuh at
o'clock in the afternoon.
i LT.I.iC
'.Vi:i. ', 21. Uiat-
:r fur rale at thoir rc-i leuce
vwnsbip, t-a Tu iliy, March
i i W'a.i.-. r
1 1, li-07, ?wen )!...rsas, l ur V-j'U, ir'cv
t!i Freih (.'i.w, XiLO youiiji Cattle,
ulst lie a J of Sheer. Sciw. Pi,.'C'
' C!ull2 5tCLa
r::iiu iiuplc
i::(uis arjc; t:
ci-UiUies-'e a
.'tivh"ld f.'ruitu.-.
0 o'clock.
i IN I: imi' 1'itit Al.K .. Ja. J.i'tk'-
C.ld o iters for ale Lis Tin fc-'hop, coI-i!-iii
of fjood will and Tujls, with ii is ca
lire stock jf Ware. This is the onlv Tia
a;id Sheet Iron Kotabi'a-hir.cnt ia Jli'JIia
t jn, c)as'guci:t!y it offers a Cie chance
i eotue p.-t-n to ti.ter into a got j-ay
io? bastnc.-, n a sosall csjiitn!. I'urSi -li'-;:
!:iu iiuiutiiiatcly. Apply to X. Ii.
LittScCeld, tu'ijr tha cstiacl 05:3.
1'lTTr.N V.Y A MAIi Dim;. Oa Tiiliy
last, three members of t tie fsiaily cf M in
Try, living ah )i:L a quar'er cf a niilo
from Shipren-bnrg. were biiteo by a rabid
d.'g. The family observed that some
thing unusual o;c the iuatt.;r wi,h the
ilop, but did not s-uppose he was raid.
Two of the children went into tliG yard,
v.hcn the di) attacked ac 1 bit them
badly, Mrs. Try went to their aid, when
he alto wa bitten. The dug then Cod
from the yard, when au a'arm was ;ien.
It was pursued and killed.
MrRDER. It becomes our painful duty
to cbroute'e the death of Mr. David
Sffitzsr, fortiior'y a resident of Miiford
township, Juniata county. Sot!:e fev
months since, in Corapany with 2r. Will
iam Croninfier, be moved to Missouri
where they bought theuisclres a tract of
laod aud were euaped at faruiin. The
two families lived in the same buildicg,
and on Monday evening, the i!"uh u't , as
they were gathered around their qaict
Loarthstor.e, two desperadoes entered, and
with revolvers aic.td at the defenseless
men, detusinucd their money. Mr. Grou
it'ituediatcij' sprang o:U at the door,
and before they could leahze what object
Le had iu view, was on bis way to bis
neighbors for assistance. tea he re
turned they fraud Mr. S'.viizer a corpse,
having been t-hut through the head and
body, the boue ransacked, and the
loiua:es almost frautie. Thz murderers
obtained about one hundred anl twenty
Cve dollars. Every effort was made to
capture the cdfinaers. aud the following
Ci.tr.ct v.ill ihow bciv far they have sue
ceeded :
Saint Lo-jjs, March 1st, 13GT. A
special to the Demucntl 'his llliiuin;;,
from Warreuurtf, 31 o., states that Diet
Ib'auders, the notorious dosperad , 'Tlie
Kuight of Four Revolvers," was found
Lun; by the neck from a tree, in the
vicinity of tho late murder, bo beiny;,
as rumor says, captured iu the bouse ot
bis brother in law, by a p jsse of ovei
sixty men, some of wnoui idcuf.Ged liiui
a one ot tho murderers of Mr. Switzer
on Monday iast. Sanders made vo con
fession, but cuough w.is obtair-ed from
Lira to show that he baioncd to a qati
of thieves ami desperadoes whose late ex
ploits of muder and horse stealing have
created so much terror in this and adjoin
ing cotio'ies. His companions ia crime
succeeded in escaping across the Missouri
river we?t of Lexington. Great exciu-
taent exists id the vicinity, and a laJtrc
. laiss meeting was held in "the court hou.-e
yesterday afternoon, participated in by
persons of all parties, and a determiua
tioa was come to, to immediately f.na
vigilance committees thrnn.-hnnf ti.
county and western part of the State
A .1 , .
vmunp mose wno are at the bead of the !
COtnmiUee are men who were prominent'
it tie CDarrittee ut Sid Fr-r. P-.i; '
lb.'t!?! is ISfiS 1
The ccnniitnie.-.tlon from Justice will
appear iu our tiext issue.
?rr.res Him., Feb.
11 R. J- J5. 3i. a odd il.ia ts to ecr-
tify that Duty's Washer and Wrin-cr
which I purchased of You has pveii iu
tire satisfaction. Jly family would J.t
be wiilin-, to do without it fur double its
c0.t. JolI.N Kill
New CovNTCRri:iT: The delcetivcs f
the Treasury 1'cpattmeut have discovered
a t.c'.v counterfeit cu the Sll) notes of the
i:atioi;:il batik eui reney. The noies delect
cd purport t. be the issue of the Flour
Cily X;i'.iinal Uanli of Koc'nesa'ir, New
Yo;k, a.-.d are said to be exceedingly w.-ll
csccutedj aud are likely to deceive.
F.TAL Kah.ioai) ArciDTNT. V.'e
learn that Mr. John U. 1 1 an.il ton , D:vi-.-iou
Fmcn'rin at Newton Hamilton wai
h.stfaiUly killed on last Mouday It ap
peared that Mr. WaUiilUin. was stamlin;
on the track while tr;t:u3 were comio
lroiu uiiicrent direetinus, and it is mi; -posed
that he noticed only the one train
mid stepped frotu in front of it to be
erii.-licd to death by the other. Mr.
II:)!ijilt"ii f..r:ncily le.iided iu SJiCliu aiil
vas a Lijrhly respected citizen.
A Nr.w V-ocji roit At.i, One hundred
' I chidoe sc'cvii'iits in l'oetry :.:id l'roso.
; Ti : i.. .'. t. t. :. . i.r. ,.t '.-
j a;u.iu c cii, n: ic u-iiu ivt rvmnM.-.
yeeuniK and the be me circle. Dy l'rof.
2.". K. llicl iid.oii. has jti.it been printed.
I : should Cod iu way into the bauds o!
every sc!i )'l". v in the lai d. It contain
I;r.!:vl iuid li'-'y t'-rely piinted
t'.vilvr tn. pajes, au J will be -tat free el
p i-t. y-, en the lMl iv.in;- !ei !ns :
i.i.m cpy j am hlet, edition S0ets.
ine ? :;pcr, ci :h '.!t biaditti', Toots.
. a ras
i'. cAiiniyrr & co , rubs.
T-.'-Z Chtathut Sit. Thilad'a.
Ij:i'i-r.TANT As the sean for re
iuovkIs v." 1:1 iiiori be at 1. i:id, the 1 .!)
ic clau-C of eCib.ti (;, f Act of Ju'v
l::.h. 1
:i::.y be of iu'ere.- t to poisons
coinc; L'U;;i:e.-s requiring
eet-c or tpveir.l lis receipt, who coutcm
p!a:c a removal.
"And in case of the removal of any
i crson or j ersou'j fioai the hou.-e or prcai
is;s from which any trade, bujiuc-.? or
profession; was taxed, it thull be lawful
tiT the pers-ia or per.-.ius so removing to
any c har pla;.-j, to carry oa the trade,
business or prcfcr-simis tian.ed in the tax
receipt at the place pr .vided such person
or persons may iuvtst without payment
of aoy adiiie!.al tax.
AancsT oe M ti ii t:vs Jcsepli Mat
thews was arrcstuJ iu Indiana County.
Fa., m Sunday last, by David Lu:z ami
C d. Di;.cr, tf Altooua. The JLint.'nj
iL'H Gl'jLe says ;
"Jvseph Matthews, of Shirley Town
ship, 'vlio on the -lod ol ( riuLer last,
hur:.t dowu t!;e bam of Win. 1 (Jo.-hori,
in Tell Township, and shot ana kilie i his
two ho;s'S and one Colt, wa arrested it'l l
brought to jail on la.-t .Monday eieniti.
He had been fidiowcd Ly a 21 r. J.tuz, ot
his county, with (wo others, to the res
ilcRcc id' his uncle in ludiaua tlounty,
where he was t:.ken without any re-i-lanco,
tlotwiil i ':ui j:.! ; his bia.:tldoe;a to
:hj cit.trary. M itihrws is a ui in ol a'mut
i-Tty-livc years of aje, ati-1 pre-en's at
present anything but a brava io's cnuti
icitane. hen (t;e.-taoucd ht.-t eveiiiitc;
a- to why he burned the barn, he sob
biiiu'y rep'iei he did cot know he was
commit tin;.: an (.flense ; and whet" a-l.t .1
why he took revenue on the inocent a it i
mals. he said tiiat having set the barn on
fire he was wil l wilh excitement aud he
did cot know what lie was doiti lie
.... . . ... 3 i
will Le tried at t:ic April ses-ions, so we
will lorbear further Comment, only ad
ding that he has little or no oyuipathy in
this commutiit v.
"A reward of S300 had been offered
for his capture by the County Couimi.
sioners, which sum we believe was a us
meated by rewards from the people oi
the lower end of the County."
The tola! reward offered for the an est
of Matthews, s far as we cm learn, was
SGOO, as follows: 3300 by the Commis
sioners of Huntingdon County, S100 by
citizens of Tell township, and S2J0 by
the Commissioners of Juniata County.
Jl'iiinl C.u'un, llahtinijdod C'o-Miiy)
Ti'l.ii i.
On the Listh ult., in rerrysviile, by Rct. I
J. B. Polsgrovc, Af.r.ERT LEACH nn 1 '
P.y the same, January 17. VILSolV AX-
M W aim EMMA DEXXIS, both of Juniala i
county. j
Fy'.iie same. January 24, ,T. M. MEMIX- I
GEIlandfCSVV.1 l!tVP i,,i, r i.... !
Salts or
V.'jt. Cavesv, Aictioxkkp.
Jacob Kurtz. O.laware township, personal
properly, March 7. !
l.eubcii Lauver, Monroe township, personal
property. March 12. j
ti m. trmimel, alker township, personal
property March Id.
Solomon Wlow, Delaware township, personal
Papery, March 15.
itcriry Lai.vtfr, Fsve't.- iofvu-tiin. persoiiul !
low iu ia a list of Sales for which Hand
hills have loon printed at this office.
lr;ons fjetiu Bills printed at the SkS-
TIN. u Llyir.u l,aVo their Bales noticed
; v.. bead, till day of sale, free of
Jso Ervnol-K Milfwl township, rcon:l
j property. Marc"
W. II. Tutted, Ik-ale township, win sen
Rciil I's'.nle and l'oraoual Tropeny, ou fcat
urilay, '.'ill.
William l'iiinnu-1. Walker township, will
i-!l pvisKiial property, o-i Thursday, .March
1 till.
?::.lio!ns Mcltritl.-, Wal'aer towiifhip, will
m'.I piM-.onal prpei ty, oul'iiiiay, March bth.
lieortri) ;-nvler. Walker township, will tell
noi -sonal M-i. lurtv, on Monday, March -oil:.
Joel Kinser, Waller towaahip, personal
property, March 'SI.
V M ' . T., Fayette twp., March 11, lS'i7
V, iliuii ltohUon, Tuit-e.t twp , M.-.reh 21, '07.
.Surer,-;' jhl. $12 00 Pimer, i limc-jj' tb SO
Kx'tra 1 (.' 'itmier, -u rate IS
K.'.ncy 1" "D 'l.-ird, VI
V.c. 'tl cvvt. 3 00 iTallow - 10
i;u.-l.v.-nat 5 t:.) jEa. V ao 23
Com M.u! 1 75 1'OIIK,
tilt A IN. !l!a. V wt 8 00
V.Lite Avl.nl.... 2 03 .llaai, . V' 13
tied Wheal "H bu '' Lides .V Shoulders 11
l!,e 1 00 ! i:ki:f.
I. ir
y ,. rorer, ji i t j
J ' w- . t l-l Ink
llilitt tr oo
r.ncUwhea! ' 11 L'lliV,
Oats 43 iCu'-rU'i.s, y
,ir CO
.. 1 liO
M-Xl;.-, l'nrk-Vf
riover. ":t lus 7 23 CUAL
2 7i ! I'leverloii tovo C 00
Flas, :
If !:nui lui(
l!;IE:i FIlllT
" j do V.S 00
tO -juiibiiry Hove 0 00
do llgg ti 00
Apples, V ,,u
i'eiiche. ' ;t
o 00 jChcstuut, 6 0')
C 0J ' I'ea, S "3
fiiiri nts
I'.lael.ii; 1 1 ic I,
Fidi l t'.-r.'i-x,
N. w Irlbli, V I'"
'Miied 3 00
I Wl)l)l,
jouk 4 no
:!lici.'rv, -1 o'J
I 11 A V",
iTl.no'hv, CO 30
. 1 a'J 'i.lov.-r IS 0'J
, j Jletaik-d Articles.
1 00 Cor.l Oil x'C"1 ""'
. 1 CO r-.itt, " J sack 2 7 "i
. 2 30 Un,:.!i l Alui.i sail .00
i j 'I'ia-Ur, ft tin lo OO
It) jNrtils 7 oij
. . . 13 ! I'.ar Iron I l
... -13 Hitv. e Mi kr? i't l'l
& I fju 'ii steel en Lauds,
iy Ly f'l'lotili. Flow l'nrkei.
v A t: t i: i ! UiJ
ppics V hu
I ini. !.'
White Lens...
Hies wax, t lo
iuap. dry
! a utiles
VV. !, was: id..
II a :'s-, ,
' r'ct. i fi-l.
i'liiLiur: t.:!i i. ..:!uiirs.
l'liiLAtitLi'iUA, March 5. ltio".
I" LOU II '1 he J'hiar maiket has un
JeiL;oiit! ui) change, tho demand beii.-j; cu
tiieiv confined to the wants of lha home
c.usumers, v. ho took about S00 bbli".
huh:! v North we-tern extra family, at
ClltVi 12,00 "'f' lib!., itieluilinsome 1'ci'u
s Ivai'iia at C I I J"G 13 ; fancy at S14(.;
iti; extra at c'l'f'C It', -'5, arttl s'ipei lino at
v C;,S,7.i. Fi ices ot Rye Flour and
Cum Meal remain at i.ist qao'ed.
V.'liKAT. The m ivcmeuts of Wheat
tiro id' un important character. WiMpuute
I'.-uusylvaiii t idl at S2.T0(i 3.05 ; Sontu
eni nt $S;(u 3,1 it, ai.d CaliL.t nia at, v'3,-0
t" 3,-J." b;:-h. -ft") bti-h I'eniisy Ivatiia
liye s rid at ?l.:;"i. Corn is in siood ic
ijuest. and ll'OO tiu-lt new yellow sold nt
ST I'e., in the cars and fVom store at
i'l. O-i aro unchanged. 1G0O bush
so'd at 'JOc.
pfci.il zitts.
Know Thy Destiny.
M'.-tame E. V. Tliointoii , the groat Enli-h
Astrologi-tl, Clairvoyant and I'syehonietrican,
ivlio Las astonished the sciontitic clisses of
iiie Old World, Las tow located herse'f at
Hudson. N. Y. !adame Thornton possesses
such wonilerful powers of sefifiid sight, as to
cnaLlo her to impart kiiowk'dg" of tt:e jroalcst
importance to the single or married oi either
sex. While in a state of trance, she deline
ates the very features of ! lie pel son you arc to
marry, and Ly the aid of an instrument of
it.'iiso power, known as ihe Fsy cliomoi rore ,
guarantees to produce a life like picture of the
future husband or wife of the applicant, to
gether wiih dale of marriage- position in life,
ieadiug traits of character, e. This is no
humbug, as thousands of test imonials can as
sert. t-Ut will send wheat ucircu a certified
certificate, or written guarantee that the pic- ;
lure is what ii purpoits to be. Fy enclosing
a small lock of hair, and stating -dace of
birth, age. disposition nnd completion, and
enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, you will receive the
picture nnd desired information Ly return
mail. All communications sacredly confi
dential. Address in confidence, Madame E
F. Tboimon, P. O. Box 22", Hudson, X. Y.
feb 20, 1 807-1 y.
es)rA Younn Iady leturuiu to her
country home, after a Sojourn of a few months
in Ihe City, was hardly recognised by her
friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed
face, she had nsoft ruby complexion of almost
marble smoothness, and instead of twcnly
ihree fhe really appeared but eigh'een. L'p-
cn inti'iiry as to ihecause cf so great a change,
she plainly toltl them thai she used the ir.
csissfttll I'.liuf, and considered it an in-
valuable acquisition lo any lady's loilet. P.y
i use any lady or gentleman can improve
lh"r I'friSonal appearance an hundred fold.
's simple in its combination, as Nature
htlt " 8iBl-e' uusurPa8ScJ !a its efii"
C!lcJ m ,lran U'S impurities from, also heal-
jng cleansing aud beautifying the skin nnd
; complexion. Fy its direct action on the ci'i-
'tie it draws from it all its impurities, kindly
healing the same, and leaving Ihe surface as
Nature intended it should be. clear, soft,
, , . ,.M . c.,
smooth and beautiiul. Price ? I, sent by mail
or express, on receipt of an order by
W. L. CI.AItK & CO., Chemists,
o. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.
The only Atr-crican Agents for the sale of j
liio saruc- feb 21, l -fl.-Iy. I -
Coutonnyuearrj, Three Hundred lujes
.ml 130 fine Kate, and Engravings of .he
Ana omy 0f the Human Organs in a slate of
Health und Discas, with a Treatcs on Karljr
. v.. ..
i - "crioraoi, conMauencea upon me ;
ncatnxnt-the only rational and Eucce: ful
l , ,
mode of euro, as fchown by the report of
cases treated. A truthful adviser to the
niarricd, and thoso contemilating inorring?,
who entertain doulits of theer physical con
dition. Pent free of postage, o any a Llress
on receipt of 25 cents in stampj or postage
cursacy, Ly addressing
A"o. 01 Maiden Lane, .!."', Ar. '
n-i . ...i , i.i r
Thc author may Le consul ed upon any of:
1 '
liie diseases upon which his hooktreats, cither
personally or Ly maii, and medicines sent to
iuiv part of the world. j.;n. 2-Cui. j
, man. 1 ail not to consult tuo grc.itt.st Asirol-
Madame Rrmixgtot, tho. world-renowned I u'nt "n ch. It costs you but a trifle, and
( . i1 i i c ,. v. r . t- . I vou may never airain have so favoraWe an
AstroIoRist and aoinnnuculistie Clairvoyant, i , .... , ., ,.,
" J ' opportunity. Consultation fee, with likeness
while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the nwi n dc-irc 1 information, S 1 . 1'arties liv
very features of the person you arc to marrv, ! ing nt a distance can consult the Madame Ly
and ny the aid of an iuitrument tf intense
.owcr, known as the Psyc.iomatrope, guaran
ices to produce a perfect and life-like picture
of .he futtre husband or vife of the apjdi
cant, with date of marriage, occupation, lead
ing truits of character, &c. This is no impo
sition, astcttimonia'.s without number can as
sert. 1'y stitinj place of Lirih, a?e, ua.po ..
tion, color tf eyes and hair, and cticlosin.r j
fifty cents, ind stamped envelope nd lresse l !
lo yourself, you wilt receive tho picture Ly
return mal, together with desired infuriua-
CfA-J d'lress in cona lenee, Madame Cer
tru !e tZemingtoa, V. C. L'ax West Troy,
tcb 2", 1Kb;
A I.'.rirc (j pp. Circular, giving infe. m-.tiun
of Ihe greatest importance lo ihe young of
both s. its.
1'. It- uhes liowtl.c homely nr.y become bcati
ill'iil, tiie dcsi'i-:cd respected, and the forsaken
jve b
No yir.ng lady or gentleman should fail to
send tLcir address, and receive a copy post
paid, '. return mail.
Address P. 0. Driver, 21,
fi b. 21,-fittios. Trov, N. Y.
no.::ic:z'3 euatszo to:iic.
Tf:. mcl.clne. mrctitrj, bf !r. J. II. Hcaryerc,
o IS. ..al:.- pirn, k iii'eji,-J to i: V :: i!.,- ioc.1 nt
r :iu'.').'ayir.c, is.- ii.-. t p.-r.vi o;'i;iri,3n. P
c3.v tfe iloamtii wl.ii S !:"ii'j Zl?. !:'as''.a
riU., :'-3 T -a;c rten rcairci ia,- a-n -l.tr. atij tool
lh a c - :ll u.i Pa ea f cx.v uinj it tvtu Le ci.t:I
C-.. j: tp"ca rannit t-i errt t T,r H !:sn :'. Twl
ntrre: r-p ttait t!;e e:.i-.i;a. U a i i liver ia uiiia
tcVt!i- a:ut i tc i.c.aacr.iariJ, !i-ae C. Toa'e
C-i." 'I are reiuirciin rctrt c. art-(.': ol con-u-t:;i:
un. A htli' e-'.-t Lj::i of Tio SF.AWe.ta
ToNI'jnnJ'.aro.-orfcjrlHjr 'io.'iai ?! t.NLR.VKU
I'U.l U riil my 07inr7 cs.tj of l'-r.-p-:a.
IT. fi 'iif.Nct ira'.cj pro es'tflf.at v'.t'.u in N.t7
jr'.i, TtMtau, tai l a: h'. ySar-jiit utiice ia I'tiiOv'c:.
t i.i cvrr tfcti.-a. tii ci.Iy pjin-rj oi c tea p';c or
itic: oa cua-L;;i.:ju lor aw Ca.. l&r vi.;a
li "
rims cKt-rre, w!irn r i":'it-:--;!i-.' HifttTollie
nt'.of Ihe !jc:or, o.. v. h-n la llu latl rlu-a ol
CjnKtiiuv-io.i, a:-d tho o:h':r a.t li? a jtv is, la icrl.'ct
leVlii, d.xo:: lt:e (iorernia.-it rtut::p.
Eat7 ail I)rarr:! suf l:ui:er., pr:n Sl.Xj rr
to.t a-, or ij-T.;! Uio aa::-i;a. All ic.tcn lor :c
ttu.il le allivi-a to l'r. tcm-sca's rrlceivti
O-irc, N. V ::ri!i tith S.r.-, t, i-,ll!i pata. Vi.
(.fit nl V.'hoa.,! o A re ilf i llomaj lurmta ft Co,
N. Y.; H. B. 1U.-U.3. 1: ::iniorc, M !.; Joltn I.
I'-MC Citicinnri, Ohio: V.'i. icr i TaWr, CJ.
cijo, la.; C'oaiiu lirDi, Si Lou's. M.i.
US w. co. ira. 1 jt.
.Inn .10, 1RC7-1.
VOitr.'.T I'iscovrnv.Onc of the greatest ;
and most Useful discoveries in medical '
soii'tiee was made by the celebrated Dr. J.
Dii'm.is. or Paris. Chief Physician to the I:a- j
pei i:il Infirmity of Franc"." in lS'Jl. Th"s.. ,
who have been nliiicted with the painful dis. J
ease known as the Pills, and effectually cured '
by lite lisc of pit. .J. Jrins' Fitrxi-i! I'ti t: j
Salvi:. cannot sft-ak too b'tthly of lite bene-
fits c iiferred upon iii-iii by the use .f the
ce. ir.in remedy It bus never been known le. !
fail iu ('Heeling a permanent cure in n single
easi'. In Ihis resp.eet it surpasses ail other
medieittc.i ,tf the kind. It will do just what
it is tvttumtaendod for ; if tiot the money will
be rcfaa. !."-'. Due or two boxes is siii-ieient
to ( '.lee! a permanent cure (li four or six days,
if tbc ;1 reciions on the boxes are follow."!.
Pi ice oif" and iwo dollars per Li x, accordiii '
tosire. .-'cut Ly Mail or Express lo any part of
the l'ui:."l Slates or Canada. f.i'-J by I'rt'.g
gistj generally. A li'oera! dis. '.unit ma ; to
tl.e trade. Address 1). 8. IMmiam ei Co..
Williamsport. Pa., sole Proprietors and Man.
ufaetiin rs for the United Slates and Canada,
dec. o-'bO.
i Mi.r pixniiE roil tue cwDtEtcziay,
l'halcn 4?Vi!it llooniins Crrcu.'
I'alou'a "rVigut ISIoouiizig Crrea.'
I'halon'n "Xight Illcom-u- Cerent."
I'liatoa'a ".iaht ISIcoming crcn."
I'haloa's .i!it If looming Ccrcua.'
A ir.oa? Mo.ttistt. (l.-Tleat.. nnd rrnprant rerftttite.
litti le.l fmiii th rare biii beautilai iiwer Ivoia
aicli it Ui'oii itii n.une.
Mannfactnri'd only by
niALOef & soiv, now Vou.
July 13, 'C'J-ly.
treated wiih the utmost euccess. bv J.
ISAACS, M. U., Oculist and Aurisl, (forrcr!y
of f.eyden, Holland.) No. 61 ! P1XK Street,
PlllLALt'A. Testimonials, from tho most
be seen at his office. Tile medical faculty
n,e invited to accompany .heir patients, i
he has no secrets in his practice. AilTi-
I lOIAL EYES, inserted without pais. No
secrets in his practice. AitTi- j
1YES, inserted without pais. No I
examination. mar 2i-lv.
1 JLl i
KWABl will be paid in greenbacks j
charge tor
T)LAIN AND PANCY Job '-ork oes xe-
- cutad &t this Ornce. j
v io any person who nas usca VT. unman s ; n ititral. This is t!ie aaly article u-etl by ii a ' V ' - ."., -
Pile Saive according to directions and Lt.s : F.eneh. and is the only re .K.Tec:ual depiU- I " --utatmown la. jaC io, 18t....c.
not been cured. Addres3 D. i. Dunham & ! tory ia existence- IVice 73 cents per pack-! S',P, rf-TTJil
dectr I ir'ir11' ' M' aJJ' - 1 A LAIlGinVVo'd .'tJ.L WOOL,
21 a? 0. v crt is m ? rJS .
j r tije MTElATI0Si
, . , , , , , , ,k
1 iVrrt am II. A ' r. K I tr II.
' Kb, rcF'oro3 ,0 harpiness those trh n. from dole
iui evems, c aiiisiroiii es, cresses in otc, i.iij
. f)f rKhl,ltU3 aml lrivjVt loss of manny, ic,
j Lava licctiino Uesponleuf t;he hrititrs Uvreth
er those long separaied, gives iciorinaiion-
! conceriiing uosent friends or lovers, restores
j lost or stolen property, tells yon ihe business
' yen arg Lest ) n:i 1. tie l to purine aud in w!n:t
i you will Le uiast miecesaful, causes ppcedy
lit initigc nud tells yuu the vi:ry day you will
j tuuriy, (lives you the name, likene ;o aud char
acteristics of ihe p.'i jou. Jhe ri'.v.'s v&ur
very tuoi'suts, an-i Ly Ler almost suiioruatu-
, -, .i J , , . , -
r il powers unveiis ihe dark and LiJdcU ir.ys-
teries of t he future. From the stars we sea
in the firmament the malefic stars ihat over
come or predominate in Ihe configuration
uu 1 the fixed stars in the heavens i.t Ihe lime
of Lii th. she deduces taa future destiny
' "" 'o wllh c'l"!l1 sulety and satisr.:euoii I
tliemseivcs, us if in person. A full and ex-
ttl!i-it rli.'irt. written iiuf. with all in:it!irii';
i ;111SIV(,..,.C 1 i:d likeness enclosed, scut Ly mail
on receipt
strictest s
of i rife above mentioned. Tee
:resy will be maintained, and ail
ci'iresponoe-.iee rettirne l or destroyed. I tf-
erenecs of th - l.i;.'lit-st order fiirnished those
desirintj them. Wiite plainly the day of the
riiii mid year ia wtiteli you were born, eu-
-lositi;; a sma'ii lock of Lair.
a i ncs,., :.ul.aj!k ii. a. rrr.::i-jC,
I'.'K Dr.AWLa 2'J i, L ; ialo, N. V.
f..i ; 'i;:-iv,
Throw away yottrf .'se fi i.
s, your s.vit.
I)et!'U'.-iira "of comfort, aud Dot worth a fig; j VVUM A,1' ,l. iliVAT? " 'ac uiider-
Ctiii'.' .'r;."l, erne youthful, come ! - atid uh', A , "' 1 "" si"
Aud rt-ioL-e iu your own luxuriant hair. unted m wart; t;: -rn-.. p. . i::.,;.; i. county.
l!Hl4rOR fiPILU. c-.nni..i..!r -.-..3 Se. ... ai..,: ..f rhH
Far rtt'oriiig hair upon ball head.-: (from life rhurt-i and i:i a c"t'd .-'.:io of ( uitiv.i' i-.e,
wh:.;c.-ir cause ii may Live fallen o'.n an 1 ic'-'aO. L-r v-.- : with rhui,-.. timbrt,
tvrcing.a gr.itrtii of hair upon the face, it has I '.hereon ert -o-d a iar e nUi?ion,
i.u tijii.t'.. It will .'o.-ce the beard to grow ut- j ict-ant Housu, lara Lank i' jrri, r.r.d o'her
,i'i ihe ,-iii"o:ae.-t face in troin five la ciriit "cces,ary ont-i uiidinps. witU a iw.-er-faiHns
w..'Us:r hair upon L'.li l o . is in 1:. i.t iv.i ' .''r-l:-? water cji:Vei::-.r:t tj tLe liuase.
to ti.i-. e n.oiiihs. A few ignor-ml praotitL'j- j 1 '.'." vaicn 1. The ab..ve land
ers i:ave a.-.-crted that theie is noihini' that j x:l": be sold iu whoie or in parc.'sto st.ii pur.
will lore.! or hasten the grov.-.h of the be ud. j ch.i-rs. Persons desiring io ( urehase the
Their iiar-.-rtions are t.iNe, a thous.'.n.' cf liv- j f'l'-poi'iy tua do so by calhii-r on
ing v;:(i:i . s.-es (from their own expcrieitC" r in j .. I. THOMPSON,
b.v.r witness. I'.tit mativ w:il say. hov. are : -lpru Ja, !-a..-!f.
we io 'l:-iiniii-'.. I;,e 'i-euiae 1 rr.ui toe sj.
Oils? I- i-i ;.i i! v is iiitit'-ljt. as l-toe t. atli i
... ... - , .
.ll.eii:f:.'i'erO t.T-..i.!.ift.-.. .iiv..i-.....t
the l.air and l-eaid arc tuii: ety Wort!i!"-s, and j
yoti :u:ty l.ave aii'e i.y taitiwn a.ff.y 1 irj
liiiioioits in ijy::- j urcn.-e- Jo s'.t'Oi we
: wets. 1 try th - Lci.iirator Cat.
j wi.i c .t .,a nothing uuicss il fully Comes op
ti ct.r rt I'feseriliuior.'a. If your llrugisl
i do; s not keep it, s,ji:,l ,,n0 dollar and we
will torward it. p.'Si pa: 1, togeriicr with a re
ceipt ;',r tho aii.i.y, wiiH.'.. v.ill be r. iurr.' .1
yjti en it nt '.iiv.tion, provi.lii:.; ealirc aalisi'ac-
j lieu is not pivee. Ad .Vesi,
W. I.. CLAltlv & CO., Chsmisls,
lu). 0 V'e. t l'a'.Lilc iit., Syracuse, X
j f.-b aa, 1Sj7- ly"
J Tliere eometh i lad li-lings of jovto all,
To young and to old, to great and to small ;
Thti L.-'ttity which once was to precious and
Is free f..- all, r.r.d all may be fair, rare,
Jiy llsc use of
""S T . T 'V T, T
t t r improving anu leaui.i mbs the cjm-
The tnfst v.ilttali'c and perfect preparation
in Use. fur givin tiie siiiu a beautiful pearl-
like lint, that is only foi::t 1 in youth. It
f'!ic!y removes Tan. Freckles. Pimples
Llo'ches. Moth Patches, ita'.!owiie-. iirur.-
iion. and nil intpuriii-s of tl-e cain. kiiioi r
heali.'g the same L aving the skin white and
c!'"ir ahibasler. lis ue can m.t be tit-
'ccte 1 Ly :!:e c'.j.-e.-t tovutiny, and lieinir a
ve .aiai.'.e prepara! ion is pt-nee'ly li.triiiitss
I' '' e:i!y atiicle of tie; kii.d used by the
I'ronei:. aa i is considtTt d by the Parisian as
intlispe:.; ible to a perfect to'lt-t. Upwards
ol oo.i.oo' itotties were so' t our:;
tae pa
St I
year, a sailieteiit gu:tia:t:te of iti ctUeaey.
Price only 73 cents, i-nit Ly , fost-pid,
on recvit t of an order. 1 -
HEUUEIt, Siivrrs & Co., CfcemlstJ,
ISj Kivei i:., Tiov, V.
feb. 20, '07-1 y.
Oh I (die wis Leautii'! 1 titd fair,
With starry eyes, nud radiant hair,
Whose curling tendii's s.d't, cutwinc-d,
Enchained the very heart and mind.
Itlf-i'Jlii t OTIA,
For Curlintr the Hair of either Sex into !
- , , ....
Vi'avy and 0 lossy Rirtpl.ts
Heavy Massive Curls.
Fy using this- article Ladies and Gi.iit.ompn
can beautify tliemseivts a thousand fold. It
is the oniy article in the wor! ! that will cur!
: tiraigt.i na.r, and at the same time g.ve it a
I beoiiiifi:!, glossy sppeiir.it.ee. The Crlsper
I ''.iiaa r.ot only car!; the hair, but invigoia'rs.
bem.lilies and cleanses it; is highly nud de-
I. T I . . - 1 1 -I . I
i.j.ioi.i,j TOiui.ie.1, nna is tue most coinpt. le :
t.itieie i t me i.iiiu ever oiieeeu to !iip AUieri-
can puluie. The i risret- C. i::-t T. ii! Le seat
lo any address, sealed and post-paid lor cl.
Address all orders to
W. L. CLAilK & CO., Chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette St., Svracu.se, N. Y.
f-b a b 1-07-ly.
. !
:&.!: L.SZOR, f :Xt!:LS2n ! :
Elair K s i v vn i n a t cr! !
Por Kemoving Eupcrflucus Hair.
To the ladies especially, t li is invaluable de-
fn mTTY f ,
" 1 . tU,i4id
i ;., i" , , 1, ,r " , " re,e,
, , lC ''-' on ' ' T00!s: j1 !
T 1- rf' t-f'
ll '-.'.Tf;. !l" j "n "'l lf tlK hu,v-
the", leavingeskin"' softsmloir na 1 .
, ;,, iT , , , .- ,- , . ,
' . Z'' . n !.!' !s: ll U '
, v-cmisi,
fob. 20. vl. H-. ir' - 'Y -
tfulvcrfiii! Cklhcs Wrlsjcr.
The best and moot j
ar Maeiiioj uvur
AU Washers warranted to give s ui-facii.-n.
If uot as represented, (lie v-jslo r will Lo ta
ken Lack and Ihe nionr.y refunded.
Ia oirerinir tiic Washer we present you ta
fol!ew!r aiiiaaatives :
1. llitber lo i i ik t woman work u'.l day
at I K e hardest tiraiery, danger. ;,s Ui healia
and life, hfly-lwo days in a ;. ina'-cr ,uy a
.Machine for her, with which she can ii iha
s-.n;e work iu two hour?, aud not Le tired.
Consult llml'h.
'1. Kuan- Luy g'vi'U to be ru loed to fir.g
racnts on the wali-lic&rd, or L.iy a M.ichiii3
tliHt will e'ennsf wltboui injur-og ganuettl.
and so pay for iiac'i" three tin,,-, a year.
Cj;i.! i'.vt.vo'. S-1J : y
J. 15. M. TO!..
I':. ttr'sn.i, P j.
F,cad what our neighbors .'.ave to kiy:
1'r.NSSYI.VA.MA IIocs.-..
r.VTTKUSii.V, Jan. 'o7.
J. B. M. Tom. 11.-; T'.'s is to ceitifr
that the Dotv's Clothes Ws'i- r and Wrn"ex
I . l ..... . . . , .
i I'uis-oascA iiom yu'a, win oo a.i taat rcc
omended if tiic uiree'ien f. r washic is
strictly observed, etpecially for li"-,vy cloth
in?, otic per-on cn wash as uiu -li in :lu Lour
with ease as th'y would do i:i six Lours hj
hand or common rubber. It is a givit savor
of clothes nnd lime. There is Lcithcr fric--ien
in wa-hing or strain iu wrin in;, lioys
or Girls of 12 to 11 years oil "can do th
F. M. vic::i:y
Mr. J. T!. T. Tcnn .i.i- I L-.r
i f ur-di ise 1 i' ay's t lo-Ues V.'miitr and Wrin".
i er from you, wasb-d ty is i;,.,r !rede'l Ly
j toy wile as my li::!.! ';! I 1 .. u-. ( hJtf c.,n
t do my v.r..-'. of 't person-! iu ;(-. .;, iwt v
. twree Lours, waieu ttscl t-. la!:- nr.- v.::'- a'l
Ida;-. I can cheeri'uilv r-eoi. moni r...
I s.iu m o to J. ',. M. i't.iM's. n lyta ''.'., h
j -r id Wringer us 1 ii'.u c ...a a i.:i,t you
jcatisave i::j i ice of the ."ic. :;:i.c i:i "wa
; tli iu one year in the s.v.ir.- of :; oi
j wciriii?of c'.uihes as tlcy ;--'e v, atj.-d with-
! cat ruboin:
jau. :;; i
Yours .
JOHX itALr.N'T'Nr.
Tt'i'ICr.- Tii? r.ul.'.ie .i; .;
. " 1 1 at I have ihis 'iav
I. en
by iu,ie:-i
.".se 1 trcai
n, J.miatti
i nai I itave mis 'lav pan
.- 1
... :.iii. ; i..'!i:.. ot i.etsie tj u.s:;
o'lt'ty, i a.. i':e owintr rriif--rtv. t.. wit
nine li-id of Ilor es, two Hlt.gi Wagons, cao
Find tt'!t;..u, tiii-.e t'prir.j Wagons, one Top
liurgv. three Sleis, eleven MMts itarnc-s atid
oae Cow All persons are waroed n'i tuinr
cimse or in any way int'rf rc witii the same,
as I have left I h ? roaeity in the caie of b
'...Ueale tocse till cniled t o-.
w. viisCY feam;
:,-.. iz, r-.;.;.tr.
JiltlVATK SALtv. T;ie uad! signed, offers
X at private sale Lis Farm sit.e.Vci in Mil
ford township, Jnaia? county. Pa., about five
Kills? from Ps:tvrs..n, in Licking "ek Vai.
ley. coa'aitiing lvl Aerev, a'at a3 acres
cleareJ, the remainder -veil wiih Oak an -4
Chestnut timber, having thereon ercclad :
(jood I-'welliti- Ilouce, Vi.,i Il.ai-c, Bank
Lain, and other a-ces-wry .iut-Liii.aings. with
never-fai!i!!g spring ciiveni-ut t.j the door.
Ihe property is sitaated in a g'u I nei.-blor.
In:.;, c nver.i-at to (uuiel.ts. sho..U' luiil.
iintl scores, and is a very desirahic property.
Persons wishing to view the property cn "ij
so by ca'iirg on AL,:;. M C-i.il A.N"
Dec. 1.', l,',i;-:f.
I L'l.IAi A ii'iflir
. .VlirVJyT" ly. ff'.VV.f.
''''e ",: h-rsign'. d v.oi.l I respect fully iau-rib
i ""'S ft i'-nds ait! l!ie public g. i.t-rnlly that, he
j taken i r.are ol !lie R' .-.ve i. a i: - I Hot.-',
I o''taer!y 'c-pt Ly At:o try icr. 'i his is aa
I "j ' ' 'eH-kno'.Tii stand, an 1 :,m more d
U'-a'-le l"r ihe a?cotiriio.ltti. ;i of ti.o j.tibiic.
! "IS w:i: be s!'.' l.'e.l w::h il.e bt-.t ,ti-tii:y
1 '''juors. Lis TAitf.i: .-pre-t t with the best
! nmri can .i.;.,r.5. and his !?TA lii.L, v. l:ieh
i 13 cu0 fc! tue .o-t dcsiral'le in si , l,
I attend.-! ty good :id t: :;.--y k.-.-iie;--.
j "P1':- 1. t-O-tt.j t. .,. .- ' 1 :..-'i ;MJ.
CL11A .Mll.l S. !'!,.
Lave to inf.-ia:' les I
loiiersigut J lej
s lr:.-u is :::,- tae I uiiUa
that be is siiil In elrupe of the i.'.ove nar.c-J
et ..: ir mii', wnere ae is pvep::ted to ace ,ui
i.io l.-.te :lte eiiiit-ns i f M:i,i:ii. Patter-. a anl
vii'mity, villi the ."b.-:ce--t L.'.r. v- t,f r'ctir.
A larj-e supply of bran, tih.,p-;-iu.f, and l-'e-ed
of ult Liii.is C'li.slttailv on Laud. As Lo ritns
a Mill w.ag'.ii every TueeJay and Friday i j
.Miei'ii an.! Pa! ur.-on. customers can be puuc
la .ily :iii t,.ie! at their doers, by strict j
trutioii to to.:sine-s he h 'pts to recive !i:
eral share of public airon-.s. Terf..- t';.a
J MIH'MUN KAl l'l.'lAA.
V'V 'vr, -'llL! .3:il1'I-I;TV A, '
A i i. r.A a... I ie un-orri-i-'ne-l efars
at private sale Ins .iH! rropcrty. .-ituattd in
McCoy sville, 'i'ti.-csivra township, Jmiiata
county. The Mill i a large Frau. I'.uildii'.-.,
running two sens of ibivi-s, with Pedis-, I u.
vali-rs. ivc . necessr.i-y for d.ung a btre
Co'ititry or Me-e'tant Lit -i'.ie. l-i cotinee-li-ea
with the Mill will be so'd a i- tod bwe'.l
iag Utilise and sj table viiii ad necttsary
modern iinpi'oveiuenls. T'cn.s easy.
Persons wlshir.ir to tee li:e t.r orty ri:!
r!l;i flt tr0 resiil"ii--c-
the bii;.ci:lr ia
t. c,.,. 1
un:ata com: 'v.
June 2 )-ti'.
yvm. iiAt :-:::tt.
;t 'ALiSTEKS V i I.Lii Ti.N Sli-fl'.-1 ue ua
x I dcrsigned Las istabiisae J him-idf i.t
Vi i itstersvi'L. it. 1 1 .- I'iiim'm luKti-r...
I'er-ous wanting anvtalae: i.i iioe s'uoaet
call Lttore pureiiasiiii; elsewhevs as 1
prepared to I iau:ae:ure all kii.ds cf Yi
he is
in and
tiiett lion Hare, and io setl as Ley a tey
can be pcrch.ts J elsewhere. Hi. old cus
ton.e: s ap.d tiiD p'.l'olio geiieiHily are respect,
fully invited to call, a he hop.s by nirict ai
tent ion to business to deserve a share cf pat
rju.ie. oil, CI, 'Otaf JACOR G. V.INLY.
LEX. M'EDUY. Auctioneer, resncctfally
A oli -is his services tothe public of Juniata
county. IIavir. hvlalatc-J expe.itnce ia
i he business of Vendue Cr, in. he feels confj-
b.c;.n UI,,;: & M?"-
A oilers his s,rv.
I A i-At.
1 hi . - j r i r r i . I n nt' njt i i
, ut BaU;i cU t
JtL - LCUIT. FliO'.V & rAEKEE'5