Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, March 06, 1867, Image 1

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    f V
JIji jit ft f
tns cohstitctio:, the r:.ios aso inn rxroncnHEST or int taws.
The Jtmata Scntisei is p abashed every
Wednesday nierVit-i, en Bridge street, l'y
Tho SURF CltU'TKiN l'KICK cf liio paper
will be TVVO 1JOI.LAHS per year in advance,
nil f 2.50 if not paid within llic f ist three cstaiMSiiod ami pa fowr.-Vy ndimtte-1, that
-tnonlhs. j i,n tni' miration of" their relative csecllcucici
3(Ql No paper difcontimic.l until all r-r- is no longer considered necessary.
arc raid-except at ine option oftUc FAMILY MACIIIXKS
AnvETtTisiN.i. Tlie rales of ADVERTIS- v. iiitli lias 1-eon over two years in preparation,
IXG are for one s piare, o! ':ht lines or less, n, wl,icl. 1ms been brought tj perfection rc
one insertion. 75 cents three, Jr'l 60 : and io rts ...r.iles-s rf tit:ie, labor or expense. a nd is now
or each subsjipient insertion. Admimt ra- ' con!', scully presented to tin- pnlilic as incoui
or's. Executor p and Auditor's Xutiees. i'i.o.. p-mibly the Lett Sewing Maci.'iie iucxiatcitoo.
Professional and l'.iuinoss C.-ii Is, not exceed-; 'J'l'e' Mncliinc in viction is M:n;ir. turn
ing 23 line?, and including copy of F-Mrr-' paid, durable and beautiful. It is.-uiel. liflii
?.oo per year. .icrciiaii n'i.cru-:o-.
(changeablo quarterly) S 1 per year, inclitd
iujr paper tit their Stoics. .o:iccs in readin;
columns, ten cents per line.
Jo:: Work. The prices of JoP Wui'.K
for t'uirty Bills', oiK-ch-ht sheet, SI. .'": one
foul :k. S-,00 ; oiiv-ha'.f, i "nd s.iliti ;i
nl numbers, hr.'.f t rie -per
v- t .. 1
-a:. J IV r liiauks.
-A! .'N v t tV A' Itt
" MiRliitown, .Tun'.v'a r.oiry. i'a..
on Miin street Sjuth of r.n-'e. Mr it
;il.I,lAM .M. AI.!.:::"V,
O'aiij ?L'iJb.i.
Vv'iil ntle:l to ail 1 ".i-in ;p
ere. Ollicc on Main Sue-
Stl 1 tO l.i.
JOlLl T. L. O.Vil 'li .
Sl 11 J v
it 0 r n e -a t- J. aw ,
OFFERS his professional services to th I
public, l'ronij : hi:: 11 jiiv:i to t!i ; r
prosecution of claims apaiu-: the liiverc;nci;:.
col'.-clions and all other l-.:ini-s 11:1 i:'i-! t i I
h'n care- O.Tico in the Odd Feilowi Jl :ii 1 ."
UriJire Street. .i
Sept. i, 1
- ..l.Mlif.Ollil I
Tho u:, lersiii'.c.l oTers his services to t'..-er:.i-publio
as Vet; inc Oyer and Auctioneer. Ji.-j Sh.
has had a very larite excerienep, and feet" : in -s
confident that be can give satisl'a-tiioi to a'i "r !:
who mav omt'ley him. lie :j iv be a ! irtsie ! . ai. l .
fit Milliil.tOW'll. er l'oe.nit lit bis home i fcev- i .-.i.v ..o;r (:-, -, iiere. llon't fol-i-et l!.c nrme, ' I 1
. ... i ... 1- 1 .. I 1' .1:"L'I I '.'I .-.'!! r. 1 . i 1 . i-. , : . OtiliC
snanncti townsutp. (j.ueia m av si-u w.
at Mr. Wid's Hotel.
J-.n. L' 3, isr,4.
rpiIE undersigned irill promptly attend to 1
JL tho collection of cbi'uns aainsi citL- r the i
ritatu (r National Coverninent, 1'i-psiou-:, T ick
I'ay, liounty, F.xtra Fay. and all other ci -ims ,
rl-ins out of the present cr ai.y other war,
JElirViP.H 1.0S?,
Attorney -ai-i.ix.
MitTlintown, Juniata Co., l'a. jl'ebl
TVTEW TOUACCO Sl'i.ill!: Just received
JL at Barnes' Cipar ttad To! .i----o Store, a
fresh supply of pure Vara I 'igar-i and T.V.aci --s.
Vat Navy t l.O1 per ii-
2nd " o c. '
Crd " o c. " "
Cases Cold liar 1. i 1 " "
(Iranoko l.M ' "
Tho b-s: brands l ine Cut i.c ; and in foil,
nd ail kinds cf Jii icht Tohacco at r ii:e-
ed prices. The lovers of go.j.l cinv. iiiL' and;
smoking tobacco arc re-;ectlu'.iy invned toi
call and examine my stuck. I
Jime20-tf. 4. T. RAnr.T". i
JVT F.W AKil ANUK.MKNT. The .m.ler.-;?ned
Jl finding it impossible vriih 0:1c .Markcl
Car, to supply their customers, have purchased
another, and are now prepared to furn;-h ; on
market in jt regularly twice a week tft.T ihc j p'-
lft of August. One Car will arrive in I';.t j a
tcrson every eonos'lay cvemrg, U10 otter
will arrive every Friday evening. We wis':
it distinctly understood we will do nothins
but a strictly cash business in future. Per
sons ordering goods regularly every week
are expected tu pay promptly i-aeh trip.
fine car will leave l'attcrsou for rhibidetphia
C7cry Monday morninir, the other will leave
every Wcitncsday morning.
julyo-tf. HOLLOKAUGII & KOV.'i:.
TPYTiT r"tlTl.
11 W. KFEVFR. DlaXT AT. sr?t: t'nv I
np.VKES this tuelinvj of informing !.!s friends '
jl 111 Juniata countv, that owinr to ihe ice-1
sona'.'.y pood success he lias met with, .i.ir-i. ' Main s:n-.-:, two doors west of Ib-lt'ord's store!
tho few niontl:" he hasbeenp.iittis-u.r lii. j,,..,1"-j -'-liii'iint'iv.n, l'a. . j.ia o.;, ISCT-ly.
fession in zai i county, be tecls warra;::."! in ! "
makinp stated vi-its to Mitiiintowa and ;.; j AXD I.L'.Mr.E" VAP.D. Tiic under-
Aiisicrsviiie. The first Mondny of each mon-h W Bi.iiir.d beKs leavo to inform I'io i.ub'i
Jir. Keevcr may be four,.', at the Juniula ilo- that lie l:c ns constantlv on hand a laree Stock
- - " ......... ...o inc inira i
i.io i:i;, , si .'.ic..iis.crsvt::e, to rcranin iJurinT j
xne leci.i .Usenet on t, :,tA MTl-i.
uiii, i tiLttu. lti-.il! J 1LLLU a..id j
exiraeie.1 in tlia most iir.rro'. c-1 inaancr. and !
with tho least possible lciin.
Strict at:en:ion fiven
gums, &c. All woU wan-anted
January 21, ISCO-tf.
to disease.!
f Terms
IvO. 4.1 SOUTH T II i Ii 1) STREET, I'lllLAD'A
Clothing suj.eiior to any other CEiuMis
tnent in the City tnd at lower prices. Mor
chantg will find it to their iidvantar:-: lo call.
All pood3 warranted, l'rc-ei.ted by .1. K
J'cr- :ior. 7- 3y.
tn 1 r-'.! ltu.u. i'.oTATE. a-, l p:"v 'tix-s t-'r
-,.ic4 s : -a v-e ! tirin-ro j oca,, j,. the '
. i: W V A M 1 1. Y
riHU Kuptrior merits of the "Singer" ?drt--1-
chines over nil others, for cither family
! use cr maintfactuiiiig purj. ( -scs, are so we'd
1 in. 11:11, an. 1 cipaniu 01 t- rioi iiiiii r a rait"p
:ind .-.i'ie!y of uik never before a:t-ntpt-d I
1.; n a Machino. nsin? liiiicr t-.ljs.
'i'wi.- l. l.inen nr .' t :i 'i i.ic .-.ml 1 ev. in;; '
v. : : ! 1 C';al facility tl.e very fin -st and c.v.r.-c-t i
man ri;.!s, mid :-i:y t L 1 1- Iv.woin t!u- two cx-(
lr ::!, in lUciiioist taai!!:;'ul :.nd Mih-l.is:iat
i. -l r. I ! . at i a chine:' M.-r liicunii;.'. ' r::id-i:',-,
cov. :.!::'. t 1, diiiv.r. ii: jr. Iciiiii-, trim-nin.-,
l.i :i 1 ! itc, lire mm I and. ;-v:ic. ie'il
:iid h:.ve been invented and adjusted c.'peci
a:!;,' t. r t!,;:. M.-i-Liji,..
Mael. iii--? : !s-ay s 1;:
ring ii -!.t 1 ; !':nfiil,
I'r.j,, i'.-.rl.e.'s .S . ,1
;'t cn hand af ray Tail
s .? :: I Mi ry .' ih nlf.
J '-"rn. !;.. l'..r tie iii!pivii.':i of I in public,
i .i 'i-iue !'!. Thiv.d. ;,'!. S. ,
i'-r- :.' :- 1 ; ' (o this Mac
silj 1.. ; : 1. 1 f. , s
v. i'.i.! ; . i: ::,
lifmn! ?v. :i, J., .. 1 :, s 7-ly.
; ii'i'UN 4'. .f? :i v v," (i ma:
1 i
i a f-iv
! l. :
i s li .cuis ill
::.:: v l.r.ve !....
ddlti. 1 . f Si,-
1 - ive to
." 't'.i i c.i
' 1 10 li j n
at the . h' ric-t .
j ' We ave c
1 : 0711C-. every .t-crij.ti. ti -f t.M.:l.i. fur-
: m ks,?; v: d
cf I .
1 l.K'UU!
.: beer. .
no K'. a. 1
a! t I
li r.
f. r
r ol vt
but ii;c be-:
s -i . cs that our
r.eat iie.-s and .
'1. Ve iiittrr
:U s,;r,,,i
ia this or ad
i v ;
'e alw:.
;ivs K-o -j on liar. I from t v. t ptv to
I' b.- I s .v .11 1 ;ro- th, Ji'ri-f
. in .: !,-r t., in-.ke .h:r:.:-fc
A:-1 v. iii varjaii. cur Vork for ai.r
e !
and tic:::, ;cs r paiotel r.i:!i neat-iip.-it-.-!i.
Ail o: h r re--.it in;: heavy
:!1 1 cccive strict aticuti. n. (' i:nc
ir.e our Hoe': an-1 y: . 1 k. bc!'nre loir-
.. i ,x i.i.h 1.1.1
' o. the Tike Ce-i.ir Sprinr road
s.r.. l...ri...:.- -..i. m ax
'J i;iU rln'riliV!' I." 5. ! V i : ' 1 1' M
vWllli.HI Ij.d I vil; I .ti
I , b .V T f 3 -
M - ' - - A " Jl S . l'i;i""-' -..:.: ;co o o-.-.s v...
I; 11
-.o? l!n .-
' y.'oon. on ihr AV.rA-1
l:-:r of i.V
mi I H'..'i r y-.r't ts.
i.no-l " w juld l.-'-peetfollv
licence t.i.i: tiny hav (.i-ene-l in the
ai ,rc well-known st iud a very line a'o' !..,:
a-:s-.::-tni. i t of :!.. HY-MAI'i: CJ.OT.'.Vi;,
: ..!-: 'ng hi part f
ROOT. Slit diS :V.r me:, voturu cl.ildr.-ii.
HA'i'S ,i I' 1 1'S lor ..un r.:.d lios, s,.
'o;r s I ' is c m.p .: 0 d of il! l.i. '.'
!i' '.HO and u'l vho iles:re any art icic
in our l'.i.p w.iu'.d do '..-ell 1 1 call and exaic.i;:e
our rt...;k bofVire i-m-i h.isin;r cbc where. K,
'X '! 'ii.- !! a .' . .- '.v '..- :i.-;,,, we
r:e e:.:.lih 1 to t,ll Is :,: .1 very low ticiit -.
(.'lose c:i !i buyers would do Well to cxauiiiic
on. si-.. civ. e rep.ct it:., v fcoli
11 a snare ol ;
'.f'KMAX. I
I:.- pntron.-ie
7, l:-.;i-ii'j MiUloiX i J
JAtdd., .1 ra!,
)i'a!(T i:i ImhnW, &C.,
T, Ol L rf"pcctr;:II y inform (1 c citins of
V SSifJ-n.on audorronndin ' 'l;t; j
I. ... I. 1 . . . . r - I
ibai 11c n.-.s just received li-.,-ni llic easts
and well s-c'.-:c.e'l as ortmcnt. of .
and a :
;cin. !'il :u
lo his bu
a: ol everything pctaini::-:
riivsician-; orders i
::i a'.'vcn ke of ea
rn wholesale prices.
.Y" I'r.-s'-
us care.::: y r..cip.-..iuo..-I r.t
i.s :-:,:-. at i'mlmaa lir..: tiers' nil -.,-t
01 oai ana i-umnor. ii:s stock embrace
part. Siove Coal, Smith Coal and Li
ne.s I'oal, ut ti, lov.e.d cash rates.
J.uiiio.-r of all hinds and
i'.iaiity, su.-li as
V. . uie fine I'hink. tr.o !
i.ehes, do l White
me lioai-l, 1 iooli
hull' in,-;, v. ;,;;..
l'ic -rke 1 Flooring, l.'cr.-.Iock Koards,
.acantji.;T. doice, lioolinj J.al;,, p-laMcriii-j
Lath, Sh.n-ies, Stripin-. sash and fours.
Coal and I. umber u.-livercd at shyrt nr.tirc.
I't-rsoi.s on i he Fast side cf tho I'.hor can 1,
furui.died -.villi Liiiiebinners Coal, ii., iroui
the co-il yard at Tysons Lock.
:u!;; lo-ly CUtin GO.' II EN.
TUV IKK l'.IlST 'vu.iuti Su-avcr, of iat-J-J
trrsou, U tho authorized Agent for the
ti &6 ii(r iliiiCiliXE, ! I
an i tilso fer
arc 111 twj best -Machir.es taauufae. ;
' ... . , '
... ':J--'I ! '!rfin On (Ml 1. 1 I r.t i
'' :- - '--". s
r.T rniKiti; (meet.
Well, let him po, ami let him pluy
I C.i, not mean to die ;
I Uess he'll find that 1 can live
Without hi 111, if I try.
lie though! to frighten mo vitli frowns,
So terrible and black
He'll may away 1. thousand years
I'.efore I ask him ha :!:.
He eai.l that 1 had atlcd vrong.
And foolishly beside;
I won't fcf't him after that
I wouldn't if I died.
If I was vrrc'.:f. what rldit l ad lie
To 1 cross with inc ?
I I110 I'm not an iiicjel q'litc
1 a.ju't pretend !o le.
lie bad another swce'.Iuv.rt once,
And in. .v, when we fill out,
lie ahvayss iys sh'1 H';r' not cross,
And tint she didn't ;'c:t.
I: is crco-fii to vex a s tint
It's mors than 1 ear. tear;
I ".. i.-'i tii i! oi'ier itrl of lii i
He iliiiik? tlf.t the '.r::t pr:!:y, toi -
Was beau! if.:! t.s id ;
I vroiidi r il : he'd -et him bad:
A .:! n, now, if t ite could '.'
1 knew she 1, an i ti-crc sho i :
:iie lives ::'.r: j:t -u :;'c,ht ;
And now it'n ali.io.--t nine o'clock
lV-i -hap:: he's tin re to-lii;;ht.
I'd uitu'.-: rite to 1 i:a () come
1'. lit t'.tetii'v- sii-1 I troa't ;
I do not cue to much hut the
,"' .an t !i.;vj him it' I d -t. t.
lie i-b s, 1 l.ao'.V thai I 'W-
.Vti 1 he '.v.h in tin- 1 ight :
I j::ies.- l'il '.i-'.l him so -a:;d tlo-n
I v.i-li he'd come 10.11:;. -ht.
N IN'Cii'I IN MV t'-'LI'Iid: i.ii'K.
The fi.II-r.vicg Ls a brief c; i-" fn-i:.
tin; pen -f o::e of ;ur gi'Lii-t Juuiati
cvs li.
l';;vii!g the n:o.i:or:.bif a ' var.ee of tb
Army ol tho Potomac to Ir.rc i!un. i:
1 ";'iil, the JiigiitiCtit to which I was a'
Inched, was s':ili-u:c i c:ie Jcy nrar In ''
More t iit:rcn. to the ronr id the I ava.r
, .. 1 1 :.. - . I
front, and kept up a iivc'y f.re
'.iter portion of
With b.
:.- j 1 1 -
few ctis'taltics to record
111 c iil.t ol tur I.
the c-.i,;C (d a strt. id i::.t..-r,
r-.l -
low scrub o:,k a ' la v.i'.i-Mi..:
i::g the af;ernr,,ci there was a
!i:;ng 03 t! e r-'i-cl mJc. . : d
cmUtCk;.-! that tl.e J,!.:::.-:
tr- t
III u.c I
I L.i:.'0'.i al. their f.iv.'.riie j-:tti:nr
! in ' to our rear, and bv !-c!:i;;:;
, i. i . i
j trains, by that means compel r-- t-. urn
j a rctri.tgauo movement ;:i order t 1 p:
! lect our comit'.uiiicatioti.s. 'Towards ev
i I' jr , an officer belonging to the i'ivu-ii
SlaD" I'vvr-s ocrf.-d the l.hie "VT.ili,-.-. f-.-,
. , ,- 1 ,
roue rp along the lines-, and w;;on c.pp.a.
site the right of our company, turned
and remarked to mc, "Sergeant, I
n I
wucreauouta o. uie enemy ; uo not go loo
far, cn-i tc very cautious how you pro-
cccd. When you return, come cvir to
itnaa planers ana rcpur:. j utting a
res:: c ip ca uj n.ie i startc i. j ie u :-
dcrbru.sh was very thick, ana I h::-I some
a.oicuity m loicing my way toracgii
After going a hundred yards cr so, the;
wood became more open and the timber !
larger, so that I could see a liUlo way i
ahead of ma. ""ben I had gone a3 far j
as I thought proper, I stoppel and ii.-t-,.
cticu attentively, out eruia near nouimg,
aud sec "nary r- b.:' During tho day I
had 'ost the cork out of my canteen, ro
standing my rifle agaiant a large Oak
Tree, I proceeded to whitile one out.
While engaged iu this manner, my atteu- j
tion was directed to a noise olf iu tlic '
direction of the rebel lines, which sound- 1
cd like some person or persons walking
through the leaves. Iu au infant 1 wis I
up and on the lookout. Looking fti the '
hrettioa irom whence the sounds ca:::e,
soon uisoovcrcJ two of our "ray-coated I
j neighbors coming directly towards where j
I was posted. They were great stiap-t
ping fellows, one being at least sis feet in
ids uto-kin.' soleq flip otlior nnfi not finite '
" , -j - - I
rt-it very compactly built. To I
.: .. - , : 1 -' r 1
yolIt,Cocut into .hi, wend, (i,i;i-i'"r?,,S;
to the Vip of timber on our right.) anil
-r t ii .1
' f 3'u cin .liovcr anything of the
...1. 1 I .1
Jcoaino; ri'it towards uie, each artccd
j wi'ii musket and Layonct, ami citlicr of
i jtrA match for uie, in a fair fiolit.
j' finea I thought of Riving tlicm "jcgliai',"
,tut a motr.ent'R thought convinced r.-.o
I Ihu: I could not kcj.e to cluds them in
- tliaiway. Again I thought of waiting
uul I thoy cr.tnc tp to where I w.-.s, and
thei f-hoof one and ly a'.tackinji the other i
Rudlenly, bayonet him before be could
rectver frcm his surprise. In regard to
ihisltr-t idea I reasoned thu
my fun should happen to ir.is3 fire: I'
, ,,, ',' , , . '
then would be coni'oCtcly at their itiorcy.
,, J J
l.ut my coL'tlaltons cre now brought to
an atitipt termination, for they wcte rir.ht
. , ' J '
n rti. .dv in:nd was bia-lo up in. an ii;-
" 0UI v cimcca.meitt
dtreoiy m their pth, w;!h n-y nflj rre -
sc:.;.d , a thrcttfenbig manner, I c - -
. 1 . T :.. . .-1 r 1 .1
et.i.tiici; -oiirren-jer, or til loj you
' J
! inlo tl.aniidjle of ijcut week." In au
iiitdaiit iia-ir guns were Ijin on the
LrviitiJ: .-nd they were entreating 11:0 not
slii-d them. One b.djiio.1 t-j tht
(I huve his cautcen at 1'On.e
m4 tbc other vue v.i.s a uieulier (! '
- -rth Carolina Kcginicot. I forget the
I tf.ailnT. Ttiey both Iclctip.cd to Jv.vcli's
i '.' rts (which laid biitat.liort dirtai.ee 1 , , , ... ., ". , ""'
.. .. ; tticy wore holding tlteir (lolibcrstions 10
; i. ra t::t-trt.) ami were sent out cn the:,..., , , .. ..... ,. - . ,
. . 1 I I'lladi-' iiia ; tutit (tie L rovmcit l as-em-
s.. t:c m;-. km J was 101. x 'iie.r i-v.ns w n : civ ' , , , ', . ,
, . , , , , ' , I nly resumed tr.ea- t o c.sitn when (.oa
: v :e boui ij.:JJ a::d caj-oed, I. Lent " . , v ,. .
j . I'-o.-s removed to .New 1 ork. V. !:?r. the
, un-atid .1 tree, a::d jaarchcJ u;y prisouerj ! ' , .
t;. ..!); !. aht'y to iieai (JaaittLS.
- 1 ,
uoLi:: wrereii
brotir.at. tin, charged
;. li a ( !c:.r c ::i.
ved ho ! r.d boon t'U a
v'; ihuiikcn
The '.stiin-jtiy
:ir.:L f,.r a tvei k.
: v.'as
. 1 ,,.1 . . , 1 , , ,. ,- . ,
.-i.ei what i.e Iiad to say lir hi!!i-
Vi'e-il. yer 1 iMnor,'' said he, "mo and
old wuiuati never tiiJ live casv to: eth-
" j hat .s no rxcus
' druuk,-'
1 the cuiirt.
"Vi'ii'ie light, yer Honor
and to it
'it s and d . s
i.a t. e used to lii.; .11.3 c,
1't inking only made it orse," put i
111 1
I ( (.-f "
j "That's true ; she discouraged the life
out -if men-::! kcrt me" r.or. until last
'.veek, when
! "Woll n-l.-f .l!.l tt.., .1 . ,. 9
j . "
ic died, vour Honor
And you have been drunk ever sineo?'' j
1 is,
;- fit
or IK
tsi-A farmer was cycled to a corner-
,::.. - hip iu a militia company. His wife
::cr ai.-eour.-ing w:h Lu.i lor sonic time
:. the .civant:;o wliick the f.,aiiiy would
rive from his cxahatioti, inquired in a
ting ton? :
i.i. , , -. . . ,
iia. ua: . v.:.i :r t i r.rrr.cr f-T 11s to
r ,
our ciiiiaieii play vita the uciobbof s
! tcj-.v ;
i.'c.-fainlv, my dear, wc must not bo
; ro;i 1 ii' wc arc ex.-i.'ted."
line i f tho little urchin, eager!, asked
0 wc r...t uii ctirpoi,!s
Tut," said the moil".-, '-hold your
theic is no one corporal but your
' --
i-A well dressed follow walked into
u r005U where tlicv were talkin-nolitics
..m(1 Ftwtdlins, himself up to ' his lull
heit exclaimed, iu a loud voice :
'V here is the radical I' f-'l
r;,-;;C;j, gentlciucn. and I will show vou a
In an instant a man cxclaiuioJ :
'T am a radical, su."
'You are 'i '
''1'cs, sir, I t:a."
"Well, just you step round the corner
wlia me, at.d I ii show you a fellow who
said I couldn't iiad a radical in the ward.
Aia't he a liar, I should like to know 1'"
C2T'-Well, Tom," said a blacksmith to
his apprentice, ,:you have been with rue
n,,,w tl,rcc mouths, and have seen all the
aiiiorcut points ia cur trade. 1 wish to
g;vc j0., y0Ur choice of work for a while.''
'Thank'cc, sir."
'-Weil, nor, what part of the business
j0 y0U ;;i0 'DCSt "
"hu'ti-i' un shon. and iroin' to dinner.
27"A teacher of vocal music a-jkel
an old lady if her grandson had any cur
for lUUslC.
"ViVal," said the old woman, '-I
raTily don't know; woa't you just take
At the recki'tion of tub hancock
CilAli:, AND THE TA11LK ON wniCa THE
siNfiEDix xir?E.rEXCE hall, ririr,-
Honored and rtppectcd Sir?, Mayor of
rhiiadelphia, Gcntlcntcn cf the select and
Common Council of the Carporation of
Philadelphia I hare been rctuested ly
the General AsscmLly of the State ol
. . " , IT ,
I tec appointed liv the senate an 1 House 01
L, ' L. ' . ,
j Keprc?er.tnttvc, to present to the corpo-
.' . A. . T)1 ., , , , .
! ration o( the City ol i'hi'adeiphia the
, , - - ,., Ti 11 1 1
(chair 1:1 which John Ilaiicock sat, and
. - , r ,1
il l' 1:11 i n . ;i-ii iiTir rate- lies
; ot) 11)aJiv , a..0 s;..n0j 0,.r T)..!,n,ion
l f jrJc?cn,cn jho ol,joct c.f thi,
1 -,.Cc0,;fut.;cn upon the part ol the Lrgir-Ia-
. r , -,',!,
I tura of J cnr,:-vivanta is tiiat these vene-
rated and holy relics may bo deposi'cd
for fafo keeping in old Independence Hall.
It is not nee:: -:;ry, sir, that I should re-
f-:r to their histtrv ; it
is r.ot r.ccc-srrv
; lhat - ihoM utor; thM TeVct
that these reiics were temporarily loaned
by tho Provincial Assembly of rcnn.-yl-
V'it.-i t,i tbrt ( 'Mntiofn ! -.1 t '..-'rrr-. . V. hon
capital 01 1110 riaie was removea to nr-
rkhurg, these articles were taken alon
There thoy have been from that time to
ithi.a. That chair has been tho seat, al
j nio-t a!l tho time, cf the iSj eaker of the
i ik-L.-e cf Representatives ; and the table
. ... 1 . 1
na-i r.ccuptc'i a conspicuous piacc in i.ie
' 1
I 11. .1 ': 1 :i ,.e .1.- v.',... ti. T
1 LiuilC iiilliai Ul lliu 1.1JIU. lull JjCLTiS-
laluic c f 'cun?ylvaiiia thought it wa9 fit
tttid j roper that i n this day, the anniver
sary of the birth of the father of our coun
!ry, in this place, iu thij sacred room
this room more loved by American?
' ':'a an occ tot 0,1 l'!e '!a'-'lt-1;'J'e g'-o:jc
I thin room, with all its happy assosia-
tioiis cf the past, with ail its huly assosia
tions of the present that here aud now,
t.. 1 v ii.ti it., .i:i
I HI 1 .'lcpciiui J Jidii, uil.a- a, it.its
j sLoul1 Lo r,laccJ in lrti' 1 t0 reu,a;n foreT-
U h necessary, Mr. Mayor, that I
should refer to the band of patroits who
stood around John Hancock, and who sat
around this table ? I3 it necessary that I
hhould refer to the Peelaratioa they en
acted and adopted ? Is it neecsiary that
1 should refer to the struggle that tried
men s sonic that struggle tuat en-ea in
j making America free? (Arj.laafc.) Han-
; cock, the aii.uetit cm;:on, the a::omp:isli -
ca state-man ana orator, ana popuiar i.ioi.
' as with bold band he signed his name to
that vcn. raled document ! His name
alone sufficient to recall 'o us ins serv.ccs
1 . , - fii : , 1 '
to t.is. couuiiv. aucii a i.iuua -.las uvm
i m a nay, ana tt:s innuencc 01 mat narion
has Peon most happy lioru that oay down
' to this. (Applassc.) Philadelphia should
have thejc holy relics ; she should pro
serve them well, so that in tho future.
I lovers cf liberty iu coming hero may
! come as pilgrim?, to a sacred slnine, to pay
homage to this holy p::ice. (.Appiau-e.)
May we not b"pe that as these reiics are lCr f0l;i ;:1 mournful music. Saint S'
preserved and our nationality made per- j hasdiaa King speechless under tho cruel
pctual ' The ci"y of I'hi'adelphi:! I Pit- j arr0Ta piercing his heart.
ting home tor inucpcndcnce liail; lit.
ting place to put such rciies as those!'
What city in the Unite! States has so
a .honored herself and so aided h T - rcscrv -
, , f .. . ,
laud, as ti:e city ol J hiia-ae!-
, . , V-, . ,
(Ai -p ause.) v I at city and
v 1 ' J
viiut pnbuc and private cu;ze;;.s ol wnat
., . , i , , r ,,
city have contnouted so largely of their
, , . - J .
means, and have rai.cdso many regiments
and supported them when in tl;c field, as
did Philadelphia during the trying time
of the Kqub'ie? (Applause.) What
city established such places lor tl:elr com
fort as tlioy p.tsfed to and from the bat:ie
fields of the llcbcl'ion ? IVud is the
State of her city, as she is proud
Hall. On behalf of the I.egid
of this;
tare, in '
trust, we deposit these relics, well satisSed j
that this is the time and this the place j
they should be deposited. (Applauvo.) '
... I
CD" A lady seeing a wan in the gut- ;
cr, said sho w is afraid ho was dead. Pa,;
who had been near enough to smell his I
breath, c-sciaimed !
"Faith, and 1 wiah I had half bis !
Ls hUV. J - J J I
XSTAa Iriahmcnoecr7etL.t j tbrce cents worth of pig pens
milestones were kind enough to answer tZS' lhy are a country girl's checks
your ep.;csiion3 without giving yoa thrlike French calico? Peciuse they ara
trn!b'o to -.-k tl t-ra. j ,; T.-.rrar.ted to wash and retain their color-
An exchaoga furnishes ns the fu'.Io-f-inf
very sruai t things. As they may
have a local application, ve give our col
umns tic LentCt of thc:a :
j A Fice I-'cIIott The man wtio alvcr-
ti303 in our paper ; the man who never
refurcs to lend you money ; and the fel
low who is courting your sister.
Gentle 1'coplc The young lady who
lets her mother do the ironing, fjr iear of
spoiling her hand? ; the miss who wears
thin-soled shoes on a rainy day; and thu
young foutleman who ashamed to la
seen walking with hid father.
Industrious People The young lady
I who reuls romance in bed ; the fries I
who is always engaged when you call;
and the correspondent who cannot Cn-l
time ,o ar,.-;
cr your letter.
Unpopular Personages A fat msa in
an omnibus : v. tall man ia a crowd, anl
r. short man ou parade.
Timid People A lover shout n pi-;i
the rUC?tivn ; a n.aa who does not like hi
be shot r.t; and a stcsn-bcat company
wi;h a cholera ca"C on board.
Pignified Men A chap in a country
town ; a midshipman on ouarter deck ;
and a school comuiittec ca examination
Persecuted Teople Yv'cmcn, by thas
'ant m?.n ; boys by their parents end
teachers ; and all poor people, by society
at large.
Unhappy People All old bachelors
and old maids.
Ambitious Chaps The writer who
pyi the ningazino for inserting I1I3 com
munications; tho politician who ijuitj bis
party because he cannot get into (-Gee ;
and the boy who expects to be President.
Il'iuiblu Persona The husband who
docs bis wife's churning; tha wile who
black's her husbands boots ; and tb? ruau
who thinks you do him 30 much toner.
Mean folks The ian who kicks iblks
when they aro down ; and the subscriber
who refuses to pay for his piper.
Sensible Perple You and I.
Y."hat a mask tho unhappy wifa is
forced for prudenca and felf respect to
wear over that poor te" 'be Jewed face of
her? ! M she doc not wear it, and ifsho
lets the tears fall down in tha si-!.- ol
all, burning ploughshares will not be too
hot for her feet to walk upon, and she
must carry live cjals from t!:e world's al
tar, though they scorch her trembling
1 fi; ,ers to (i.0 l)CCe. Fa!l of syr..patr.y
ljC worjj js for iler sorrows it cr.iy
,ici-lCa(Cj indicated lifting a corner of
the vail dcintly it has neither sympathy
, res?Cct if broadly shown and rang
into it:; cars tnrougi
U a s;s ioot spcatiinj
Tho mask of tho il'.xatc J Fpons-c, mala
or female, lr.nst be of peculiar manufact
ure an-1 most careful manipulation ; the
kind most usually adopted, because nicvi
generally approved of being or.e tmbouy-
a cntIo -oaticne!, a plaintive manner
j (.f nir.rivrdoni ?atnt (.eciha exhaling
A Good Jo;iE A comical quarrel,
says a Paris cctcmporary, took place the
I .1 . V.-n'-inr,! A Tint L'ltian
:"1 , V " -, ,
I rou'-my accosieu a woi:-i-.:ji-ao, uo.
: cu.:c.l b;m ci swir.uimg.
i ,, ., , ,
i i. v.,., .-,,1 m ' c-i:d he. a ror.iatis to
, , - ... ,.. i .... i u a
imakemyha.r grow see, my i us
I , J . ...
' su.coth as a piece of leather.
'cir answered tho vender ef cmt-
mcnt,':yoit wrong me. There arc laaus
whore the best seed won't grow. It i".
: not the fault oi t.io fcea ; it ls ioe .-o...
i The L'-tlcman did net ectinuo tha
m5 A ecus table pursued a tbic!.
!. who
took refuge on a s'urn in a 3'fauij, and
pulled up the rail alter him on winch he
went out. The constable made up tbo
foiiow'ag return :
'?ili tabic conrcr.ab'caofl cii oome-
a t.bie ia swampuLi up stunipim
if A boy entered a stationary store
the ether day, and asked tho proprietor
wjiat kiod of pens be sold. All kiui-,'
'thn r,,r.iv "V.'ell. then. I'il lata