r j gt anhfa gtntiaf!. .D.NESDAI MORN IN February 27. '.Hbt "OWNVVU C L'NTKi'. Postponed. Tiie public t?a!e cf Mr. 8. It Notestine's advertised to have taken t.laco co tiie 20ih iusi , lias been postpou ,d, ou account cf the inclemency of the .Weather, until Saturday, March 2ud. THE RtSCLT OF ADVERTISING. A young man advertised for a wife, and re ceived ciahieen hundred answers - from hatbands saying be coal J have thtir?. This kbowa the virtue of advertising. We call special attention to tka newt advertisements this vreck. Some of tbem arc of msia than usual iaterest. Always read the new advertisements. They are a part of the history c! the busiuess of the town and county. Kedictiox in l'UICtS. C: t. J. A. ! Thompson has reduced ti.e price of ti e Daily Xcws-psrers, Magazine, lit Lis news cuipoi tutu in Perrys v;l!e. Our readers idiould cail at i uomi'soi: s li t.iev ' with to puichasc cheap reading, week we will publish his price lut. Next , ri-ELic Sale Wiu. & V. 31. T.rat ton. will oiler fur file at their residence in Walker iowarhip, ca Tuisday, Match 11, 107, Seven lluri;c, Tour Colts, b'ev eu Fresh Cows, Nine young Caf.b', Twen ty ciht Head of Sheep. Sow., I'i.ic, with their entire stoc!; of farming in:p!c men's and houtehold farnitufj. Saic t comuiecca at 3 o'clock. Ti.v p r.'iii -x. i:. '.lie- field I'ff.-ri f.jralc his Tin Shop, coiwst I .... I I . : i in; oi ij'ioa win aim i'in, aa i.is ra lira stock af W are. This is the on'y 'l';n and Sheet Iron Kstabli.-Innent in M.lilin towj, coiis.vpiL'nlly it ciiTurs a flue chance fjr some peisaa to cuter into a goJ py ins buainos?, on a it. ail capita!. IY.-.-es-fiiin given immediately. Apply to X. 11. LittleSoM, under the Semi.nkl Office. As Infallible Kkmedy nut Diap. It IKE AND IYbtSlr'RY. 1 l.C lollowitt bits been tried in a :reat niat y cares c ! the above diseases, and has always met with fucress ; and we believe it has never is yet becu publi.shcitwT.iKc tua l:ca egs, break into a tea cup, beat up well, then .1 the cup tbiec tjuaricrs full ol coffee, and diir.k immediateiy. One do-c is jenora'ly suCiiieut to clict a cure al most iustau'.ly. Fauxi: Yorn Gr.Ai;: Vises. A gen- tleniau who pays counidcrab'c attcLitinn to the culture of grapes says that grape vines should ha sruned during the month of l elraary. Ia tritiuning, est away two thi;ds of the lctig'.h cf last yeai V prowih, aud ail stragiiag 'pi.nl'ii. vines Dsio't be afraid of cutting tun clove'y. Don't let tliL- tuonfli , -.rs without attend ing to this matter if yeu decile a good crop of this luscious fruit. Facts Concehnino Human Lite. The total number of Lnaiaa ttis-s on the earth is computed lit Jl,00i),CCS0,0CO, bud they spctk il'JC'l kniiwn tungucs. The avciage duration ol Lfe is C2i years. One fosr'li of those borL-, die before they are seven yesrs oM, and one hall be fore they are the cue cf seventeen. Out of oile bui.i.'rcd persjiis, only b'.z reach the age of sixty. Out of five hundred pers jna, only one attains tha age of eighty. Sixty jersons die every minnte. Tail men live lunger thau short ones. Married men are lunger lived than the einiile. llich men live, on the average 42 years but the poor only thiity. There is a drunkaid to every 74. Earlt I'otatlos. A writer in the ."Farmer's Club," reported in the Xe-.v York Weekly Tribune, gives the follow ing directions for gettiug early potatoes a , fjrtoinht jn advance ot those planted iu the open ground, however carefully: Take shallow boxes of any convenient .bIz-j starch or soap bcxas may be sawed so as to make two. four to si: inches. Spread an iuch of Sue manure on the bo!, torn, then an inch of diit, on which the single eyes or small pieces of potatoes are laid, eyes upward, about two inches apart over the surface, aod c?vcr with two in. chea of soil. Prepare thet-e boxes from the first to the middle of March, keep them iu a moderately col place for a week, then place in a watui room, water in;; as needful, and giving as much sun phine and air ss possible, avoiding frosts. They may be set out of doors every picas- j ant day. aDd by the time weather is uita- j t.i-r..- .i -ii i ... 1 u.c .ui iiiauuil- 1.ICV will uava SIIOSZ i ta:Ic t?everiil inches high. To trans plant, remove 'he bottom, raise the sides, end cut through the tur.ss, taking out two . , ... i 1- .u r. u..- . pal roatj, and when bet out there is : euiz a cluck to t!:?:r KPWti. Ot :t Il.trrhslurg letter faiiod to reach I us this vsvek. UuniED At-IVE A painful and heart rending occurrence took plarc at Ja ll:i town, York County, ou lunnJay the 12th inst , 1 y which a yung man by the namo of I. S. Aycvs lost his life and was liter- ul!y Luitod dive. It seems that I lie btick- i t in the Well had dropped off Its ia-.ten- iii'.". and ti c v-'tutitr totm '.vent down to recover i, but sciicedy bad he got to tlo bottym when the waM aud eaith caved in upon bini, burying him under its pieitfure to i lie depth of about fifty lect. Opporn tior.s wee at onea emiiiiicneed to rescue him if p-.'isihlo ftcni his lcarl'ul position, end stout workmen kept dicing during tbo balancs of the d-.y and the whole o! nnnday night, but up until 0 o'clock on Tuesday tnoitiin th'-y were stiil filteen f ot frmn the bottom of the we'l. At a latter hour on Tuesday the body of the young man w.is rertivere 1 deal, and part ly fsu'.!iicr",;-d in the water. There were pevora! feet of water in the vrtll at the time of t!.o occurrence. KEGISTEil Or SALES. Ti e fob ij-.vinr is a list of .Vale for which Hand bills have Leon printed tit this ; c i ....... ..;., I'.it!. sit the . LN -j-c.l (iH'iee will have tliuir fa! cs TioMecu ntiJcr tbid head, till day of Bale, fiuo i ciiare. I'littorsnr nu tt towii-.!.!;w:!! t-'i v;n:il'e lii.n-i'li'.'.J far:ii:urc oa J'hurs J iy, l.'t., l'i7. Midiai'l Manger, .Sprace Ili'il toMrnI.ip. will sell -.'isuiiai p I'pti iy ou iuesii.iy, Mare.i ;th. R-i',:. V.il'.!ruii KriutTinin. IVi'H'.hittiTi towrhip. will ptra-:i:il propcriv o;j 'i'Lursiiuv, t'eb. LlCih. KT. Snu.i.el r'.-tietili.Hijh. V.'n'krr ;.iwn-.liip. will ni-'l :i'. a:.1-ii-o:iil pr. ;(!:;. , M..rcii I. l'eiij liuin I ' i t .-.1 --r. ' ji: sin," 11. :l I nvn.-!:ip. wiil -A i ! propviiy. M-.n-h 4. sell person ! pr-.p-jny. Ji'SSl- l'.eVilOolt. Mil e!i ti. lr.'7 ill'ord township, pcrsonn p-.-.-.p. r:y. M i' li . J. II. Mc.Vi-iei-, Fr.y.ltc towiuhip, will till S:.. :i. M..-. iy, M ;r-h 4di. VY. II l..ti.:i. !'..:!; iow:'htp, will ell Ilrul li-tale an 1 l'ersoa .1 l'r. prrty, oa t:.;: or.ii'. 'ia'.h '.'.li. invito I'rinii.i,-!, V,'.ii'cer township, will M il personal I roj ;rty, on 'J l.ur.-Jiy, Mart h lii'n. Nicholas Mcilri-lc, V,'lker township, wili ef'l pei-s.oi 'l ;;r; ii-'y, .n li-i-'ny. .Mnieli St It. J. V. ! .-. .'li.i-, i iiini.il. ::::li l .-.viiJ'.:ip, wiii sell (ersonnl j r. p.- tv on Jlondn'y. M.-i-oh 4 (i-'otgc ?.';yilcr. Vi'nK.er Iwi:k! ip. wiil sell crjoiial proj.tr!;-, on M on J .iy, .March -it'.i. Faits or Vi m iiuiie 1.0S8-S. sar..:l Tr..pcrty, M: Jos. p l'rnnrr, i1 Cavksv, A r c r t n s t : i: a . itet.iw.ire tomiish'ji, per- inwf.rc township, pcrfonil property, .M:ir:i t . .l.i.-ob Ki.ii:. I' laiT.-uf loviji-hip, personal proper-, Mureii 7. i.eutitn I. -tiver, Monroe low aship, persona! property, Mare'a 1. Wm. -;:i:inil. '..'i-.IUcr tuwr..-'!iip. j.cvsr.nal properly. Mulch ! I. S ;o-:::oh S!.. -.v. l'-luwi-c township, perfonal property, Mr'.rch I". lUr... i.f. nv. r. l'liyctte tcwnshiji, personal pro j ei-iy, ;t!,t,-ch JO. S.'.i.rs of v, v.-. fiivi v. ArcTtoMrr.R. V.'ai. K !i..V... in. r.-:-,i,:!;ii :i tvp., K. 't "J" . I,:.ti7 A Met;:;!, -eite uttv.'M ir.-h II. Is .; Wiil.:!! It Tuit oil !! , M lltii HI, '."7. Saml. i i -h i:;eo. V.'!l. -viwj... Mar.-h 1. "07 Wallr.ej I'r-.tl'.s. Walker twp.. M neh 'e7. Marriea, On li,- i.i-l., l.y llev. .M. Ai:i-oi., i:iWARl; J. NANtlbK an-l Miss HANNAH M. II !-::: JMit.-ON. l.-:h ..I Patterson. HIFFLIa i 0 Y. t& rATTEKSOX JIAIiKETS Fi.i.i'rt. MAitKiifiNGSl. Super, ! Obi. $12 CO dlutti r. priioc-' :? Ilsu:'. I- ("' ; r--.it! ir, -ii ratc Fancy 10 -vf .'t.cr-l. Ityc, f) cwt. H i.-'i ili.'-kw heat & t orn Meal, 1 ij ill A IN, Whits wheat.... 2 C, t i i.iljW L'l--h "H a-ji i'llittv, 1 1 .:s. 'r' cwt 8 00 t' Ih !"t 1 heat J.! bu - i- I Sides .V liiiouliiers I'J j-e, .. . -i .... 1 (,'0 I fi-:f, I-'orc fjr. "jJ cwt 10 00 liii.d ..r 1J (0 It l" I.TK V, i':i:c!:ens. ", r-rir 50 Iatckv? heal ..bus t-i-.i.i-y. Clov:-, jl bus 7 i'i:..oiby. 2 Flas ii Ililrijaritili DI1EJ FI-CIT. A: ;.!cs, V hu '1 Jiin-kevs, 1 110 Z'i ! COAL, ton 7- ' lit- veil on Mine 6 Oi) 2-'. j do Fk,; (() fci'J i;'uu!.i;ry si.,vo 0 "0 i do i:.-' c oi 11 00 ICl.ertiiiit T, l.j 0 t)'i :1'm. G 7.-, I I j Mixed 3 00 lo WOOD, 8 ..!al A 00 4 Hickory -1 :) "AY, Pe s, ' ot Cherries lairretils ''l-.ckhri-ri.'S, Klderher.ios, POTAiVKS. New Irit-ii, . bu Sweet 1 73 ;T:ii!ot!iy, 20 DO 20 Uliwver 18 00 VAItili'tlliS, I Uelailcd Articles. Apples, hu 1 00 K'oal Oil lt3al 7") 1 (a) -Salt, r s:;-;k 2 7 2 60 'Ground Alum salt S.uO 4-i Plaster, "j Ion In (( 10 i.Nails 7 Oi) . . 1 a i Bar Iron Odl l it.i-ins, While ilesns..., ileerwax, i lb S"o!ip, dry t'ain'les V.'col, washed... . i) iliorse shoes ke; sjil .y.) i ags,..., o I. -spring steel en hands, Corrected weekly by Submit', Frow & Parker. l'lUH.LiIiS.riilA flAKKIil'S. I'liiL.'.tiLI-i'HiA, February Uti, 1SC7. FLOril Sdics of SO'i bbls, chiefiy Xorthwcit extra liimily at Sli.5ti(al2 d-J ineludtnir I'eiinsylvauiu and Ohiu do at ?ll,73gl2,a!J fancy at SI l,bVu lG,.jy , wr. . . Cil. Ill r.i 1 txttas at i?!-!. lil..t.t, and supi-iiine al fft-SJr). lle Khun- moves slowly v.-ih nuu 1 salas at S7f.7,2ii. Plices of Corn I - . ..n-al are nomiua iir,Al. hate ct 1..j0i bnsh Penrt- syiviii.ia led at S2. 011(2.115, 1.700 hush. Siiutheni do. at Sill; jTuUO bush Oaiilur- Ma at 2.i, and 1.000 bu-h Xo. 1 so! in- ' i , 1 , 'n terms. ,M ba.-h. I euc.-y.va- n trr.-' lly sd!d St tSl.t..J((t,l.S5. 'ILt'lC was couaitierablo activity m Corn, to (lav, I and fully 1 1, 000 bu-h new yellow Wire , disposed of at 'JScfitgl in store and' u.o:ise' Ul t e' H.oii.;. ji (jj ailoiit. vl afloat. ICC ud n. I "ill! 1 buh VfTnte at SI. Oats were iu Utter i rfw;tt ; tales cf -i C;'0 bush at ."a ! f pedal lloliccs. Know Thy Destiny. Mad-imo F. F. Thornton , the pro-it Finnish AsirolonM, Clairvoyant Mid Psychomctiieiin, who L is astotii-.hed the sckiitilic clissea of ' the (!d World, hit -t now lucatcJ Krsc'.f at j liml-m, N. Y. Madame Thornton pocss.-s such wonderful powers cf scroll I si;;ht, as to enable her to imparl knowin g of th'gi-eatest iinpo-.tauco to the single or nian-ied of either sex. While in a state if trance, she d'.liiie ntcs the very fp.it iocs of I ha person you arc to mnrry, unit by the aiJ of nil inHiruraent tf iit'iisc power, luiowu as Hie Vsycliomotropc , guarantees t' proilr.ee n life -lic picture of the future hit: hau l or wife of the npplicant, to pethfr with d ;tc of marriage- position in lifo, '.rsding traits of character, &c. This is ao liinnhiiji s thousands of testimonials cann sert. Slit will send when ilesireu a cerlified certificate, or written guarantee that tliepie ture is wlmt it poroUs to le. l'y cnclninj a pemll lo':1i of l.air, mid stntin;; .we of Ijiiili. ne. (lisposiiioii i-inl coniplexiui., and t r.closltiK fifty cents n:rl stain; -.l envelope mlili ess-eJ l yo'irself, yon will receive the picture an 1 desired ir. formation hy re ti.ru mail. All e ommunicatins tacrciHy coi.Ii Jcnlinl. A'l Ir"s in coiili h iice. Ma -.la'.io li 1". Tho: iit-iii, I. O. Loi --), Hudson, N. V. f. ! -JO, lS',7-ly. t&-. Voun- 1 IV let nn: uiir to liCf coaii'iy l:ot:ie, a.'tcr a s ouni ol a tew m.-.i-.tlis in the (My, was hardly recognise I hy her friends. In place of a cr.irs", nt :tie, fln.-l.cd face, she had a s.'ft ruliy e 'eiion of nlmo'.i nir.rble tiu.tot liiCMSt and instead of Hverly three .-lie really appeared l ut eighteen. l."p oii iiifjiiiry as tii t he cause of so grenl aeh.ine, he pl.-iinty told liicin i!i.it st:; ucd tho 4 ir f-.'sl1H Ct.l !, nad cotibi.'.eie ! it tin in valr. ihle ae.p.ii.-'lion to t:!'y lady'.i lo'.ict. I its use any I:. 1 j or j;. in. t.. -.:in t.. .i..r....v ,.; soiial a -pr-uraiice an Inn. lied I .11. It is iiinplc ill : c.tiildii tvt i:n. as '.'ainre i , . i . , , . hcrseli is niiple. yet iiiisnrpii-isr a in its ilii - ' ' 1 eary in drawing hn;.ritics fr-m, a'.sa heal- ir. cleansing .-aid heautifyit.il the skin and com; h .tion. lly its i;ii;-ci art'on on the cu:i-.-le it Ui-.ihs from it all i:s iioptirii its, ki:id:y he.!ing iiic suae, and leaving ihc s iif.ice is Nature intend' d it should be. c'.ei'-, s su. colli nn '. he am iful. 1'rice ?1, sent i.y mail or express, t,n r.ceiit (f an or.hr hy V. L. tiLAi'.K & CO., Chciiiisis, M. S West Fayette St., raci, . N. V. The only An.eiicun Aden's for the -:1c of the s:imc- l'-'.i J I, lS-',7-ly. VIE V OF MA H III I I K iflii rHEirtST KOiis un n rifsiiEO. Cafai:u'i'i ufm Ay Thrrr. Jfitm'ri! J'rjr. aiid l-'l'J fine Mates aiid F:i.-1 av,:: i of il.o Atiatony of il.o 1 1 ii 1. 1 : ii (i-'tm:!-, in .1 - i-.te o: ileailh i.ud I ist-j.s, witli a 'i'reates on ijarly ii: i-o: -, its dtplorable Cotiie-jiiei.oes iii;-.u ike Mil. d and 1'-. my, wiili ti.e in;: br-r's pi m o: ti'i-tiiim nt i l.c on'y latiuirtl and siii't'e.sfui nude of cure, as s.h.-v.n l.y the it pert of c-vt-s :;:,tt-J. A t rat i:l'-.:l adviser to the ii;:i: : i'--I. and thoc coiitcn j l.ilin Li-.n i i-'. , who enter. tin d; ul-is of ll.aer hy-ical c-m- Hii-.n. Pent IV-'e of ; i-t.i.--, to :.uy :: i !re;s a eeipt of 'J'i c-'iits ia !:::. p-j t-r p istaj--e .leii.-y, by adlrci;cg PI!. LA CKOIX, A'tv.ni .Vi.:tii I..,! ,-. ,1;;. .v. y- The aiiihor nriy be consulted i. i n r.ny of ihc uidt t.ses upon which his bo--'; tre-its. cither I pi-rf.iiialiy cr by mail, ntid liic-Jiiict-s stt.l to j any j.art ol the World. jan. 2-oiu. WONDERFUL UlIT T11UE. Mahamc I'.hmim; ton, the vroi I l-rei!..-.vr.e i Astrjlngist and Somaamliulistie ('! airv yuit, while in a clairvoyant sttue, d. liricvies the vc:y tc:it:i!es ol t.ie person y oti tir to in. i rev, an I ov the aid cf an I u ; : ! ii t.i -i;i of iat-.i-e I po-.vt;-, KtiotM: as lac . -vc.iooi h fi"'1'1"- tees t produce a perfect and lil'o-!:;: j-;.-li:re of ilie I'uir.re hu-and or wife of I lie njipli. cant, with date of m-irri ie;e( occujiation, lei J ing traits of character. &e. This is no impo t.ition as testi::;ot.i;ils vvlt-i- ut utimher c in tis-st-rt. P.y t-1 :vi i ri pl.u- -if bi' lli, ri'-c, dispebi lli.n, tolor of eyes and l.f.ir, .lud eiiclosir-j fifty cents, and stninpod envelope a Idl es- ed o yourself, j ou wiil receive tho pie-lure by retuiu mail, together with d.siicd informa tion. g.i3i.A dircfs in cnnfiJrncCj Jladame Ger trude lleruir.gton, r. u. liox 11. i. v. est 1 roy N. Y. feb 2ti, Ut07-ly. FREE TO EViZSYSOSY. A Lare;e 0 pp. Circular, giving information of tLe gre tiesi importance to the young oi both sexes. It teaches how tLe homely may become beau tiful, Ihe despistd respeclvd, and the forsaken loved- No young lady or gentleman should fail to scud their address aud receive a copy post paid, by return mail. Address P. O. Prower, 21, feb. 20,-Cmos. Trov, ". Y. TO I i.rl Jl V'l'i VS:. The advertiser, liavinj; been restore 1 to health in a lew weeks by a Very simp:,; 1-ti.iedy, alter having suiiercd for several years wish a eevere tunc; all'ection, and that dread disease. Consumption is anxious to ... i . v . 1 : make known to his lellow-sulleicrs ihe means j ,ol cure. I 1 loi.il who desire it, he will send copy ir.i ine i rescripiiou lise.i liiee oi etrii ;t". 1 wi,h the diieeti'ms lor preprint; and ,,;.., , ,uc same, whieii they wilt a ad a muk ci-ke for Cu.si wi iii.n, Asiii.ma, lir.o.-Jcims. Coians. C-ji.ns, ami ad luivat aud Lutii ectioi.s J ne only otot-ct oi the aavertn-er in seudina the prescription is to Lcii-t.t tut ..v,,.,,,,, ,, ti.v.-ad .,,!o.maiion l,ie!. i.f I cci.ceives lo bet invaluable, and he bores ' i every sufferer will try his remedy, is it will , k) co lufm nothing, and may r.rove a blcssin-. ,U111LS I"; "l'"i "-- " , .'.:-,..,.,;.. ..Tr. Kev EUWAKU A. AVILSON, ! Willia'i fcb. SS.-ij. Wiliiaiiishurg, Kings Co. New York D3. ECHTKCK'S IIANDHAKE PILLD. A Su,br.Mitte far Calomel, t TtiMe filu ra coir.pol or rsrloaa r.TO, hT-,aj t'M t'Va ta io'ax il.e rratiom of ll o llrtr u ,i-n'!!- an-l tl'-j:a' ti :0 i''l or irn-r:'-.-, iai K.'!ir. f.-wii-..,,,-,. i-jj.j Tiprescor u '! b;::o3i c!;o-:sr! th r:::.i -1 a?ci wi:h cor:: .Icr.te. r.: ihej- j.r jia.-.s tLo li:liir,;o ol rltisud "'f ' ""i tao!0 oVIr-j-tijn fro n tfco tnl bl.iir !actj, v.bich aid do cauho ot biiiou tlTcwl tons Ja cencraU Kuni'.xi-a.y MArcnr.AKn p:i,l3 cjro trek I!n SkV, -,; -! oi the Llior, irnliint :4 hy talow La. coilcl tonijr.a, culivonca, eroareir.m, aid a F;tiprn.i feuiinij ol wea-Ineii an:l taiAituia, alKjirtna iku Uiclivo la la a lory: 1 or obau-ucii-.'i Ja (hort, Oicai llltl mar ba rI vrllh adran- U,"o 1 tl T.hcB a p-irr.siive or aittrtaivo mcJiao is rft;u'roJ. 1" t-. ; : ' I r. a- !if ncVj Mar"'.iV;i mis," cnJ oU-rro IV t t!.r t'70 l.kcr.er:rs ol I'.io Ildctor arcoo lap (loveinncal fttnip one n licn in ilie tut cIto ol CiUjUiniriou. ad tio oiUcria liu prcdut U-.:th. Ki'il ty all Pnig:'ga and ilra'cn. r.-lr 2T eena pcrlwx. I'rinr pil QiLco, t3. li Njr.h ;ii Elrct, I'lulap'.phia, Pa. Onicrm. VIo!ciia!i ArentJ: Diiuu llamn & Co rl l'ara Itovr. Nrw Vrk; B. 8. ll'.tic-, '1 Hslt!-mo.-e SU Haiti "Off, Wti. ; Jolio 1. l'ir!c, N. E. cor. ot Fourth a.id V&!-in'. b'., CWc.rixO, Oliio: Walter b Taisir, 14 a.iJ V.Z V.u;o.-h Avcrne, Clncvo, III. I Collin rrylifn, Kialtiwcst corner 1 l:ctoail aai Vkio St Dt. Loj'fl, Mo. tub t Ui i. ca. co. 1 zr. Jnn TA t;07-1. T lisrovnT. One of the greatest li. an I n; niol lineal tlicovcri-s in medical frii-r.ee was nri'le iy the ci letiralril Dr. .!. l;u"u i. of l'.-iris, Jlii f ri.ysician to tor Itn r prinl Int'l mil V o ' Franr". i.l lt'l'.l. Tlli:s? . who W.n a'eli with toe painful !is- ' . . . ... . , -.i - eas wu i in.-, nnu ... ...j ! l.y the use (I lu J. dvxis J it n. a i i i-t 'S.vt.vi:, e.tiU'it firiikloo highly of Ilie l. 'ne : fits coiiferrtd uj u ilium hy the use of the ! certain i .'tiuJy. It has never horn kuow n to j i'nil in f'.l'eetii a permanent c ue ia a single , ca ;e. la l-s respect it snrp'issr a'.I oth.T ! n:i-.l;.!ii'fi of t!;e kind, li will do ju I wJ.nt i it is ris intended for; if not the money will I tn u"fc'i (ner two l.oxes is Mit,iriei.l i in etirt n perniancnt cure in lour or six d.:y, J if t'n d tvclion.i on the lours are f..l'..we.i. 1 1'iie. one an-l two dollars per t'.x. v.c lin-; , ...,. .s,.nt hy Mail i- I.anrfis t nv pur! m j i,o ! nitid Sl.tlvs oi Canud i. So'd hv I i-ii;- ('i-ts,:i":cra:!y. A liberal aisroor.l n:.-i.l.! lo .. . .1 . 1 1- II O I ....... . - I '.. . in. i .'I.', ..inn L' : o . i u .... . ,, ... . . , V. i!.:.t.i-i-.rt, l a., sole Propneioii mid M,in (1 o i : i I'-.r the United ,S1cj auj Cauau. lie -';;. Phnlor.'a &tinl.ua I!ia!oi:'a rbaSuD'a I'halou lVi;;b: STIooiiiiiig 'rr-u.7 r:j;tic IIoo.iiiit t'lTfiii.'t "Si;;!it lilromiiia 'rrrli.'" "Xisltt Ciooming C'rrrna.' '."Via1" Ittooinics C'rrrua." Amn.t r iri'-it". d.-'.x.c -. nr.il Frsr--.-t I'"S;m I .:. U --; f-...ii t!-M r.re aad Leaat.tal Cower floia v:i:-tl 11 luK-s iu li.inip. a.i- - ' -1 e-i.' r i y I'lI tl.OV & 0.', Xrw York. HKWAitn 'i' l oi NiKKi-r.ir.s. ASK t ost PHAl.OS S-TAKE SO OTHER. .Kly is, o i-ly. Li.i?'' i .t-.'o cr h":ir roii'ei tt-rr r.ii:--!: t i i !.rir 4'lvaRi:ip"c rcitiin mr.il itVi'i -f ?!:... r ) by nfl-ircin iLrt Uii'l'Titinl. '-f i;;ivi;irr ;if o:' being huinViiirt''! wil oi'l:.:1 i-y U"i in.;i.:in lli.n rtiiJ. All iiitr wiil jiitfu.se auares iltrir o c ii i.t fu'v tut. TilfS. V, I'll U'MAN. f l:S,-1y."J I'l fi l Viiy, New V-rk. Ki K OSVi"itVr VoTTfil" " A tlentleman won suffered f.-r yer.rs from N:n us Debilite, Premature Iieetiv and al, the i-'t'ecu of yoiitiitul iudis"n-:i..ti. will lor ! the .ike of siitierii'jl hti'iiaiiii.". sc-n i tree to ail i:- Iico-I it, the recipe and dire'".! ins foi .:: ii.it' the simple remedy by which he was cure-!. Suti.rers wihi:i;: lo profit by ilie nd v. ei . i 'j i-spcrienc?, can do no by audrt-j:-- JOHN 15. CiiDi'.N. ; Chaiiil'.rs St , New Yt No. 1: IV :.-lv. ItVI'i 1:1 I V i i V ; v.. l Al Aittlti. fuecess, i.y .1 L-tAaCS, V., Oculist and Aai-ist, (!ornier:.v of l.y.'.eu, Iloi'.-inl.! ."il'.i 1-lSi; Si reel, lei. lii-l :-..;..,,; ,1. (.-..,. ..-i 1 lc sources in ti v :md Count! v can l-e s.i-n a' his tiliice. Ths medical t'aculiy are ;-..viirtl to acc iripsny their patients, a: he Ir-t-?To secrets in his practice. AIl'l i l 1 l.L liYI.S, inserted without pais. No eh.ir'e 1 or ex.iooiia: ion. Iinir 21-ly. L.' j-J ..'.00 Kkw-.iid will lie paid in preeubad-s to t; n v jcr-oii wuo aas used Dr. lianati's i'lla Salve t-CCuiuiii;; to directions a..d has not lee... em -e I. Audi ess U. b. ltunham 6: Co. Wii'.i:iiitspt.rt, Pa. il.-c. 'io. ui.fVii."?j:!i'i;t.5. j)i .s.-.SVLVAMA ItAtLUl.'All. lN AND L altei' Sunday, Nov. IS, lSnO, Pasncrr-tr iiaiu will leave Militia Siaiiuu as i'ollov, s : LASiTWAKP. ritibdolpliia Espi ess.. 12,11 P. M l ast Line 7.0:", A. M. Ciuciiitiati Express O.-iU, I. M. lhy Express ll,ol, A.M. Yay l'as.scn.oer 1L,48 P. 31. WESTWARD. Ijiiitimcrc Eiirc.sS 4,03, A. M. J'hiladvlphia JlxplCS; l-'iist Lino Mail Trait! , Emi-irakl Tram ... t!,P!l, A. M. 5,.ri,". P. -M. ,. ll.ilT, P. M. .. 9.47 JAML.S NOil'i'il, Air't. PENNSYLVANIA liOCSK PA TTKliS OX, PA. Cppewie Kiffiin Sialioa. on renn'a. Kailroad 'i t. ,.!...--: l i.i . .... it.. .... 1 - "e-i.-.iiiit-il .oiuu IP: l-eciiill.v IU1U. IU i.;, iiiend:,- and ike --.;bi;3 -enerali'- tha he La - taken eharge ot'the above named house-, a j:c hous,. is larire and commodious. u:.d wi-:l ventilated, and is fitted up in single rwitis and rooms tor families, and is ojien o .y utie1 night. Persons wakened for any train. J !i. best iirieii.diuice (riven terms as rcasoa- altie aj the titucs wi.l admit. F. AI. MiCKF.Y, jnn. CO-lf. Owner an-l Proprietor. 'I AT Kit !'" ttr; ttiirt'T i, Thts Hotel is pleasantly situated ou the rsoi." ---ac oi .naikct street, atew doors above t'tcr.' - aily desiratic to T.erson. vi.tiiin.r tl,,. elir , , lociuiiy mah.es u par rn '.'.I'lteis or Plfr.sure. T If. B 5ANPLR?, Trop OTJIl 1'OLICY TRIUMPHANT. OUR POLICY IS TO KEEP THE tguLAROEST, Sa-BEST, eguAND CHEAPEST Tore or MEN'S AND BOl'o' FALL & WINTER Clotliing"! Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, l;unk, Valises, Carpet tracks. Hosiery. Ol ives, Iicd kereiiitfs, whirls of all kind.l, GEXTS" FUUNISIIING GOODS, .c, &c., in town or county, and we hereby invite every one who wants anything in the 'lotiiin line to eall and sec our new stock It is li.'iorinoiis in Quantity I Mnr;iiificeii jn Quality ! and wiil be told at greatly reduced prices tor Cash. i'i ices the Same as Before the War. IV member the place. Crysml Palace Cloth ir Luijioriiiin, II: i ice street, .Militititoivu. Pa. KU.OL'FF, FiiUW & PAKKlii:. jan lfi, lootf. X E W !' A M I L Y I1!!!! superior r.H-riis of the "Sinpi-r" Jin J.. chines over all others, for cither iamiiv use or tuaiiniaeiuring puiroscs. arc so well e.-lahli.-hed at: 1 :- (ji-m.-raily admitted, that ! an I'luiiiier-'ioii of their reiaijve cxcclieueies j is n ) 'longer eo.'si-icre I necessary. j OUll XEW l-AMILY MACIIIXilS, j wi.ieh lias been over two years in rre;-tira!i-!i, and v.hicli ha l.ce:i bro-.tlit t' p.-r.'i -"tr-a r-t-! trdh-s-s of I .me, l-i tier or expense, a lid it: i: : j e uui itntiy prrsiii..-.i to li.-c piiblic as i.-icota-( arahty the i.eit Sewiti;; M ieiiiuc in existence, j The Mni-iiiiie in .jiu-.ti.,;, is sin-ple, c..:n ! pact, dtirable and be iutiliil. I: is ::,-!, ti'it i runiiitij.'. and e ipahie of performing a r ai.e j an-l variety of w. ok never be!',re iiie:np:i.il i itji.ai a .-ii.ele Machine, usi.-i;; eitlu r ,i;k. j I wit, I.i.-.tn or i',.iion Thread, mid seaini w ith eipitil facility t he v..rv iii-. -st and eoar -c ! materials, and a;.y I hitt heti.ttn the tivo tiein.-f, in i ue most hcanlilul and siih.-laatial j iiiamitr. lis attachments tor hemiiiiti;;, bra; i ; injf, cor-itnjj. tuoi.ir.g, ouiliii.T. feiliiitr, triia- tnini:, hindiiie;, etc., are novel i:nd practical, and liave tn'i li invented and adjusted cspeei aiiy t. r this .Machine. Machin-s always kept en hand at my Tail oring; 11-tahli-iiniv'nl, eco:i 1 story Suloutl", Frow I'aikei's Siore. liridj;." ."'reel, Mi'tiin town. Pa , f ir ihe inspection of ti e pi.'oic and tor sale at the rr.o-t rcasontiblc prices. Machine Cotton. NeelU?. Thread,' Oil, .Vc., and evi ry'hinir pertaining lo this Machine constantly kept en h and f-o- al. WILLIAM WLsll, A -rent. Mifllintowr., Jan. 1, lS'.7-ly. 11 IFi'LIN COACUi AVAtiON MANL'FAiT i 1 lory. We tiie undersigned Leg leave to inform our custi inns and Iriends in this and a-ljoiain counties, that we have cuiarjr.i our -h'.p, and by il.e lui.iitioii of ttcam l'ower. I i-r prepared lo uo work at iLe shortest jiosi- t.:e notice. Wc are cmisian'Ty imnufacturin? aud make to order, every de.-oi ij.t ion of Coaches, Car riiiife. liusie. Sulkies. Wagons, Ac., aNo Family and Yoak cutter sleighs. We arcal-e piej- in-1 lo l.iauut .ctura Itoad Wagons Iron. o:-e to fo!:r lior-e. H ivin;; been working a! the bu-incss for a nun. her of years ourseivts. and rnipl y noiic but the best of worknitn. We il itter ourtelves ibat our work cannot be surpassed lor neat ncss and duialiiily ; in this or ad j joining counties. c always Keep oa l and from Iwer.ty to thirty set, of L-i-st second growth, Jersey Hickory Spokes, in order to make litir-i't le wheels And w ill warrant our Wvrk for any reas ntible lime. .Ni ipts aim oiicrrirs ro-pa-.i.ic-l rvnti nc-.t-rie.-s r.a l tbspati-li. All other repiiring l e .vj ,T lialit will receive strict attention. Came tiid et"!! iite ii'ir stock and worK before j.i.r-chti.sin-.i (Iscvvhere. Inm't f-.r-et the name. lU'lI-l LFl-iNtint A Idll.SWiil.r,, Corner of the Pike & Cc I-ir Spring roa-l. Jiina 27-tf. s. n. LOLUON... I. JACK I IS N'EW CLUIIILNG EiirOKIUil MIFFLINTOWN, ;i Y't!s?n's lirif'i &trt J.ci, en .s- 'Cc.-t.h-u-itt Ct'introf Ili-l ' e un l Walt $..'. 'pilil rnJerftpneJ w. ni l rcspcctftiily r.n JL uour.ee li.H they have opined in tie above weil-'tuown s-t sr.d a very line iind srkc; HS'anmcntof US.XUI'-M.UjV CLQT1USO, consisting in part of Try J2' .- i-. 'ZTC' l-j-s u -I --'- . tj";. COO i"S & J.IioiiS lor men, women ji; children. II ATS & CAPS for ru n and b y. ,Vc. Our stock is ccmposid of i.'.'C fl ! F A'iVIF h'OOJS. and all who desire any aiticie in our line would Jo well to cill and examine our stock before rurchasinj else a here, l'o iuj nothing but a Strictly Cask l!sin.'.'S we nre enabled to sell goods at a very low figure. Close Cash buyers would do well to examine our stock. Vie respectfully solicit it share id public patronage lot 7, 1-ot, ttj LOT DON & JACK MAN. JL'Y THE BlhST smmiiel Suayer, ot l at j ttr.-pn, is the autuoiized Aeeut fur the sale of ihc VlPl?";' CI'WIV"' ITirilTVI.'' AJ.iXAALtu UJJ 11 ilUI lililVUllJ and aiso for THE 'WILCOX & GIBS. Tnesc are the two test Machines manufac tured. Persons wis'iir. to purchase fhould ea'l at Hecht oiSiriiyer s Store, ia Puittrscu, and examine lor themselves. S-AMULL STRAYEU, Atynt Jiu 0, 18G7. JVO flCE. The public are hereby notified 1 that I have Ibis day purchased fro..'! Lemuel it. Bcale of Beale township, Juniata county, I a., the following property, to wit : nine head of Horses, two Stv.g Wagons, one Band Wagon, three Spring Wagons, one Top Bujrjry, three Sleds, eleven sells Harness and tie Cow All persons are warned not topur- eua.se or in any way ln!-;r.cre with the same, j as I have left ihe properly in i!:c caro cf L. ; II. Bealc to use tiil ca!ii.-t lor. W. !; K'-S JtFAI.M ! Nov. Z". !-'" :f. DOTY'S CLOTHES 7ASUER AND Universal Clothes Wringer, The best and mot poruiar Ma-b'utu cr! invented. All Washers warranted lo give antiifastiaa. If not as represented, the washer wilt be i ken back and the. money refunded. In o.temiR lbs Wasbvr we ptji.l ni t'j fo'lowing alternatives : 1. Lither to make woman work all d i? nt tho hardest drudgery, dangerous to health and life, hfty-iwo days ia a ytar or bey Machine for her, with which she can do th same work in two hoar?, aud not bo tird. Contult Health. 2. Either buy goods to bo rulhed t- fer ments on the wash-board, or buy n Machin that will cleanse without injuring pirrneuis, and so pay for itself threo times a year.--Co'uult Ecor.omy. Sold hv J. B. M. T0W. P.-.iteiso i. Pr.. Read what our neighbors h.-.vj to say: Pemssvitanm If,, -sr. Patterson, Jan. 2H, J. B. M. Tonri, Kc.j This is to Mriii that the L' oty's Clothes Vasher and W.-injiir I i-urchasi I from you. will do all that is reo omeiided if the direc'ion for wiiiiin it strictly obsterved, especially for heavy c.oLh inir, one person c 'n wash as inn h in an h-mr with ea;c as tiiey would do in .six hviirs br hand or common rubber. It is a Ei tat s ivor of clothes and lime. There is neither fric i n in wadiing or "train iu wringing. Butj orOiris of Z to 11 years o!J e..a do tu washing. r. .vr:Ki:r. Mr. J. It. M. Tor.n l ii .r. I Lots pur -has".; Lo'y's Cio'hes Washer and Vi'rt.i? i.r V. on you. wa.'h-d-iy is no :.i..;-e urtidel Or my wife as my little pir! ! I re-.rs r f a? c:4 do iny wadniij; of II person j, 'n f;-..i,? r f-, tiiree hours, vvliich used ' tii.? i: v v.i'e f.'l Itiy. I etus cheerful';' rec--m;:i-r..l ev-rv cr soti to f- toJ. n. M. Todd's, nr.. 1 p-et a tvis'. er una Wringer as 1 am c mti !o,i that y. 't can save th.; j rire oi the Maclt-t'e in iet- li.m o:n year iu the a.ing of liu of thi wcaniij-o:' c!;':ea r.r they arc t. .. hi d with, oof ru';t Your-i i;. jai.. oj iy. joi-:n rtA.r.t:-:ir:;r. jacoi; jJi-UDLi:!.:, Dealer in Dn gs, j-:Miiine: ue.. X7CH'LIl respectfully inioriu ::.?c't: M iliiiritov.n ar.d suit. it:;: i;t. - l-:u i.e has pis; received tVo.-a I: iid well sei ti :c I a- -or'.Uie-l! of t ir llie-i ttl porpi-ses only, an-l a ; al u is i . .- i'. ine :,i yi evtryiii.n j ai-i-iiut: to ;ill.-SS. ty Physicians orders fron.rtir o'.U -1 a sm.iil a.l.-an.e ot eastern vrhuies-.-ile : ;ie-i. trit" Prescript ions cnrefti'lv e-i.tv.. Lis More, nt lljlluian Ilr.jii.ers' o '.iaii; street, two doors v.e.- t of li."oi Mililintown, P.i. P:m 11", Ir ded r.t 1 IT-AilMAT PlUVATii SALF. The unrer i si-ued i,::. rs at private file hi': farm s.;.. uaie-l in I'eiaware ti-vn.-hip, Jt.r.ia.a c-.:u-.:t. i'.:., about three mile: east'of Thomps.a.t ,c-.i c tntuiiiiiig 2 ) acres. ahout2-...iaci-ts -if wi.i..u .-" cle-irtd and in a pood state of citili-. i he remain lor -wt-l! se. viiih choic.' having therein erecied a large s. .;,. Tcnaar House, l.-.i-e-? I..-.:,k" Ba.-c, aad oti.er neci-ssaiy oiu -huiidins, with a ncver-faiiin j -jirins of water c.-nveiiicnt to tiie Jieuf The iuiid is well watered. Ilie 1;., "mil will b? sold in whole or iu p:.rveis lo sr.it tir. chasers. Persons dci-irir" to pi.rh is.j th j-roperty can do so J;v eatii',-; on" J'l'IIN I1.' TlIOMPc');;. April 23, lS.rj-1,. ( tOAL AND Ll'MULll Y. !1 D. The nr. -,r-VV sif-ned he:'. leave to i-.t'ir-n :-. ;l:.it ite keep?, coiistaiitlr en h , - , - i - ot Ce-.il an ! I.uri'n r. His slock eiuhraci. pint. Stove Coi.l, Sioith C -til r.t. I Lia,e nets loaI, at ine lowest c.-li rates. Lumber of ali kind, nr. . I qrali.y. such f. White Pine Pin:;'.;, two iui'irs. do 1 V.'i.ild I'ii.e Boards. 1 inch, do ui.e-half iit :ii" V:'i.::.j i me .woi'iioi r looru e-, iicat.t Seautlin-. Jo'.ce. Boutin- Lrth, J ! Lath. Shiiiiiles. Sirioim:, Stuli ai, 1 1 Coal and Lun. I.er delivered at short Perseus on th- liast side cf the F.ircr inra'shed with Lii.u-burm.rs t.Va!, the coal yard at Ty.-ats -ai'rv lo-Jy liEt.ir.0i: f't -V i ' .ra -. -ertlij e'l'.--. f in be -, ireiii TV. pniVATK SALE. The itrden ae l. ,ir I r.t private sale his FtiTi stinai.-1 ia Mil ford towns. hip, ..';ro:.i::i cutinly. ' a.. ,.l,,,ui miles from l'atttrs-.n, in I.iel.it.j Crr.it V.-.;-U-r, containing V Acres, aim.! a.-: -i cleared, tiie remaiu-icr n-ell s.t vi'h ...; an Chestnut timb'-r. htivinj ti.trc-.n (rv-.- ed a. troo I -.ecl!i:i' 1! jtiic, "v.as.'i ;;, loirn, an-' other neees. -,r7 oitt-l-i:i..i;aes. wiiU x lievt r-iailing yprinjf toavcriicpt io li,.-do.,-, . 1 lie j l-operiy is situated in a good nei -hb boo-:, convenient tj churches, set! ..-.!' i -AU ai. sit re, and is a very tirdralil i r..r 'rl-.. I'ersnos w ichin to view the pr-'perty- tar c.i :o by er.lliu.' on ALLN. MtCAIiA N K-C. 12, l't-'ltj- tf. JL'N IATA HOT 111 M li Ft. IXTO ir.r. '.-" Y V "lie ::n Jersi'r.cd would respettfrllv i:frnv his fri.-nds and ihe pr.biic j; -nei.;"y tliat bj has ttikcn cltarj ol tiie ai ove n.ii,. I Fotc', i'o--n:tily kept ry Auv Snyder. This is an dd and well-known stand, and none more ds .sirah" f a-Ihe ace .:::!oodt!t:e:i of tl:s pnb'te. His F.Alt wiil be sioi-kc! wi;i: the t'.-st ..ualiir of Liipiors, his TABLE spread v.i'ti :tobe:t the Kiarkct can id"-. id, and id , M' A 11 v-h't a is one o!" ihe m..-' desir-tt-le in Iokp, wiil i i atlcti.ied l.y -rood and trusty ;,. s- apiil d, Oii-if. S. ii. NOTLSTINT. f CBA i:LLS. Tlio vnd.-ts-sii.il bet-s J leave U inlona his frien is ard ti.e pnl.Lo iht.t he is still in charge of the aLnr? ii.tri.-i 1 popular r..'., where he is prepurvl '- r..?..m modnte the citizens cf Mililm. Pattcrrn sr. ! vicinity, witii the Choicest Brand; of Fionr. A larue supply of Bran, Clion-K'.uif, at.d Fee l of all km... ccr.f.'niitly on hand. As bo runs a miii wagon every Xucsd-iy mid Friday - ...itata ami l otterson, customers cm ee "ttr. 3 j'u - nly suipde-lat their !o.,rs. Fy strict ai ck'ioi. to bnsine.-s Lc hor.es to receive a. -.i eral share of public palrcaaio. Terms fasil may 0, 'CC-tfJ SOLOMON KVtl'FMAN. UJKSTZV. ST.MAC The umkrsrnd wishes to purchase pure Sitmae in ia-i or small quantities. Highest r.a.k 't prices paid on delivery t sum tc cl!l, Mc.-hii.ic!;-hurg. Juniata county, Pi. n. iicr.Tr.rr!, Port P.oyal, Juniata Co., to, ocR-tst lc, liAy-tf. I.LX. SrUDFY, Auction-er. re-pecifuL'y oilers his services to the public oi Jttni- Cousi'y. Ilaviuc; hadali'ce espei i-.-nce in the business of Vendue Cry in, he 0. . ! cor..: dent that he can render rc-.'ic-r:ii stitisOutiou. He can at ail times be cutulted a' h re' i dence in Miilliulowa P.i. jan lei, lfi'ij-im I.-llt'ii: StOC't cf O.tCCilSW.li I' t'e-'-irw; i '-, B:ck:-i , ! .-"' h as T i-s, it-:.i.- L'ttv tn. I'll-, I5.:s.ct-. I.. .r.: . -"I-.