B-J . JUUIJJI.Al'HV I'.W -- -il. THIS WAY FOil 'IJAIIIIALN'S NEW (ions A " mickey s panel's. The undersigned has just riTfff l hIjiyc Fttck of Pry (ioods and Groceries at their nre on Kail Road Street, in Fa'torsoti, which they are opening lo the public, at lUc following low prics .- Tkints. Rest Quality t ... Second ... Third IirLmxex. rin!n (nil wool)... Fipurcd " '.. , Tipows SnriTiNcm. ...20 I'C"t ynali'y . 1 i", ' Second "'jo Third "(Fourth oo 'Fifth iln Sixth SO 25 2' I 1 S PI l:: Fancy ami plain fro'n.. 2-jtool GlNOIiA'IS. j Fl.ANNKLS. Scarlet oTUooO White ."rt"'"' All won Socks.. IS-'lo75 Sntr.Tixo C'lJKciis. Best Quality ST Second oil Third -0 Roots & Swots. I ndies I' ll 21 Misses $1 -Hi, , 2"' Merisoii. )n(p Boi7?., , - r, ;, Klack and other !r,.u ci - ivinm .i'itnsi nib - inorKi:;;,3 Skihts. srruns '.i tol -It) Tlalmoral..?2 Tfttol oil's,,,,.,,. Hot "-1 '"''"' Su-Mrs. brown. 12iold Tickings 2'x, S-'ttiDHj .. Wliilo 1M..-Jtt Pasts Su it. jGrecn ",iire Jeans from riotofiiil Ladies' runts latest Satinet 7io.1 -'' s;vl,-s ...fljili toiiD W C;iiiercs...$l 2otoV,Ol fsronklast i?li:mls Tlaps. ifrcm c--t..:! All woo! l"toSH Woolen llood'.7."t1i2 jll l'lad Cashmer...:!7to.")u! Hats and Caps at all ISleaoiied Mrst.i.. priees. 1'est (Quality '' Notions A full as second Jin sortme:it of l.;nl:e' .v Third -j (iems' (il.nes, llos- Fonrth -il iery. &c. at all prices. Fifth l'J to :ut purchasers. Also, a f'til Rssorlment of Queensware Ifardware. Tinware, llrojins. l'.ruhes, liask, ets. Ituckcts, Tubs, Tohri.vo, Segars. e., ,vc . tisinlly ke)t in a country store. l'ur liasers will do well by ediinp; nr.d esnnietiins our ptock, beforrt puri'lia.siii elsiwliore, as our inolt.i is to sell cheap fw CASH or Country rroJuce. MICKEY x TTNNF.IX, Apr. 2:1 '00-ly. I'ai:ers :ti, 1'a. RE A iTTx (TiTA FlTi 0 A "I)" WOTEH AERANGESIEMT. Dccfm'ocr 1st, IHC.G. Gnn.iT Turu t.it: rnou the North and Nonli-AYest t -r l'ti!-nit ! yhin, Xnc )ork, lit'i.ut:j, ''ottfrillfi, Tttni'jHti, jith'an'l, .W-jitt'in, .li:o'-;i, .'-.ti.-n, .(v., c Trains leave Iliirrihunj fr A". r yrk. R follows; At ;,( t. h,Ut and M., and and '.A'0 V. M.. arriving at ,r:r ) oik at 6.00 and lrt.Kl A. M., and 4, 1. f.,'J!t,10.i'."i I'. M.. cinnectin with similar Tiains on the 1'rnntytrania ti'iHroau; Slcejdnj; Cars accom panying the :!,00 A M and '.',IMJ V M tiains without change. Leave llurrislvrj for Hfn.Hnj, r:..'.'.r,.'iV. Tamaqnn, MinersrXir, AJi'.and, i'inc (li cr, .! lentovn am! Yhiltflifjihi'i. at S.Ht A.M. and 2.10 an i 4, lit 1' M, topp:nj; at ., Vn...i and nil JlViw $t1i,r,! ; tlii4,lt(l M Train making connections for rhilaiieltliia and Coliiir.bia only. YcTYcttsvV.c, .-11.7lAni l.'.,i;n and .41 hurji via. ScJt !'JVi ill mid Sur.yueh-inna lld.'lro.ri lcave irarrit!.urg at "..-'.) m. I'.rturnin: Leave Ar W r!: at 0,f!f A M, 12.Ht Noon and 8,t!l 1" m V!,, .i,!, 7..',,., at S.: A M. and ".'!'. i M : way pas-erfiT traiu leaves Fiu' idelphin at 7,"0 a m. vcltirnin Irrm Heading at t'.,::t : m. stopping a: all nations: Ynt!tri'r at ! l.i A M and 'J, I". P M: .4 ..'.?;.- fi,!itnnd 1 1.-IO A M. and ;.(.." I' !; Tama-jua at '.', !,) A. M, and 1,W and i,rr Y. M Leave P-jt!rrt'lr for :rrislurg. Via Ft'Kii;h hi'd and Su'ijiiehanntt Hail lload, at 7 a. i. iliaiiiyi'j Arco:n:riou.iffOti Ttuin: Leaves ,'... jy at j St) A. !., returuicg froi.i Yh.luid f.hti at 4 ".I I'. M. C,.f.;i..: H iiiroii'l Trains leave at 7 IK) A M and 0 1" I M for y-.i., ii;. J.aneuftrr, C ?. ie. On Sundays: Leave .Wc-1 ""A al S I () T. M., Vt;! 8 a.m a l." P. M., the o i;: A M train running only to Heading; l'".'iv7:- 0 A. M., li-.rn,'.vr,j 'J ."OA. .M., ai.d .;l in at 1 -0 and 7.- . M., fur lliiritsl.mj. and 11 22 A. M., for At tc-J ud 4,20 j. lu. for Philadelphia. CHV''t? 'ttcn, Mi'f-l:!-. 5'.vf,.;l. S';iit l ttlxi rrrtirs-n TkicU to aud li uin al! p,iii;t.s, ut n uuctd iiaies. I'"!.";'' cheeked ll:roii-li : ti j.i.iiu!a al lowed each Passenger. C i. !(OM.S, i'tttTlli Sltjh'ltnlrnu'tlll. KcAiitNf;. Ta. Kov 27, GO-if. m. bGfi. riiiladt'ljiiiiii anl Erie Iiiiil iJcad. ffy II 1? Great Li:ie traverses the Norl he: n ami -I NorfLrcst r-'Min'ies td' Penury lvauia to th" city of Eric, on Lake llrie. It iris hcen leased and is operated by the ThNX. VLVAMA U ll. P.iAI Co.lli'ANV. t:.ms or i'asi.m: en m ,n. at iiakcisBcru. li:ai; la.-tmukd. j l.iie Alail Train ? ' v F.riir lixrrns Trsin , . vi Klutiia Kijir-. Train J. :. y. .LA Yrl HLrrTU AKI'. K.i i Mail Tr in .-. . . 4. i. ; Lrie Fxpte-s 1 rain e. .m. Flinira Kxpress Train . r. n. j 1 ascender ears mi iiirni-.'n 011 ihe 1.1 ie Mail Rnd xprcs Trains v.iilmi,! eiiangc both ry3 beJween Philailelphia and Lrie. NLW YuKK CONNKCTION. Leave New York at :,ZC a. airivc at JCrie at , 'Z a. m. Leave New York at o,0!J r m ; arrive at Erie 7.1-1 r m. Leave Eric at r. m., arrive at New York v', ? P. M. Leave Eric at 10,2-j a t ; anive at New York 10.10 A M. U CHANGE OF ' A11S LETWEEN E111E & NKW V(:KK. r.lant sleeping cars on all ni'it train". For intVr!ii: i'ti r'-f.epti!i pa-etl"'l tnii-Ti'-.-s apply a I ihr -nrii.'- i.C )lh and Market Streets. Phihul-lpliia. And f.jr Ireiplit Ijiimiic.-s ..f the ''innativ's S. I'.. Kiiiin. dr.. ortrnAr or 1-':tli 'nd XUrkei slre.U. Pltila'tfij-Iiia. J. W. Keyni.lds. Ern-. Win. ISronn, Aent. X. ('. U. R.. P.'iltiiunrf . II. II. liUl STUX, Ocneral Freight Aprcnt, Philadelphia. Ii. W. G'.VIXNKU. General Ticket Agent, l'hilad. lidiia. A. L. TYLE11, General Superintendent, Vt illiamspoit. Feb 1 1, 'OG-tf. "jVTOTICE. The public are hereby notified Jl that I have this day purchased from Lemuel R. P.ealc of Ilealc township, Juniata couuiy, 1 a., uie loitoHiii prvperiy, 10 wh nine bead of Horses, two Stage Wagons, ouc j lluppy. three Sleds, eleven setts Harness and one Cow All persona are warned nottopur- chase or in any way interfere with the same, as I have left ihe property in the care of L. Ii. Peals to use nil called lov. W. ItAMSEY l'.LAI.E "cv. 21, P-Cu-tf. ffeM:4.U Src.-,, Patterson l.y Levi ll,:l.t and ,.,., W?W8fZjf ' " I Hc.y-.M-le .Mo.hi.ip, contds.in;; i ;.:lvt pf IS yours established in N. V. City."' 'Only infallible remedies known.'' 'Free from Poisons."' Not diineeroiis In the Unman Family. 'Hilts come out of their holes to die.'' "Cos'ur's'' Ji,lt, I'uwh, (c, L'.rcrm'.i Is a paste ued for Rnlr. .Vcc, Ho'i'tn:, Jliai h oa. lUd Ants, .y., .J'e " Uostttr's'' lirif-Jluj l.'.rtrrtiiiinifor Is a liquid nr wad( url to destroy, and also as a prever.taiive for Jlnl-llugs, dr. " Cofnr's'' JJUclric I'oiafcr fir Insects Is for M-jthx, Mvnijiiilnm, ', Hid. Jiimcls fur 7ui.'.i, Fun is Animal, .jr. J-aV ! ! ! Tewabk ! ! ! of all worthless imitations. .-X Sec tliat '-Costar's'' name is on each l!ox. llottle, and Flank, before you buy. IJ- AJdre:-,I!i;.KV It. fOSTlR. 41 Ilroaaway, N. Y. f5T"Sold in Miliiiotown, Pa. And all Umpsists and Ketailers everywhere. rKI.K.bUATti) CrCKTllOlIN SAIA'E, For Cuts, llurns Povtises, AVounds. Poils, ('sneers, I'roken Crvisls, S.tre Nipples. Ilierd in?, I'dind and Painful Piles ; Scrofulous, Pin rid antl lli-c.uiditionod Sores : Fleers, (ilan dular Swellings, Frutiotis, Cutaneous Af fee'imis, Kiiipwirm, Itch, Corns, IStintons. Chill-lain", &c ; Chajiped Hands, Lips, ic. ; liites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, &c., &c. rJcP.oyes, 2-" cts.. .11) cts., nnd$l sizes. tyiSoid by all In-u-ists everywhere. Rax.A!id by IIENIJY K. COSTAU, Depot 4S1 llroailway, N. Y. BrjU. Aud by Mililintown, Pa. "Costard" l -MVH!.I, C011X SOLYLXT, For Corns, Pnnions, Warts, &c. Cr?A. I'oxe", 2, cts., oO cts., and SI sires. tei. Sold by all i'ru:-.;isls everywhere. e-Anl l.y IIE.MIV K. COSTAI'., I'epo! l.-l ilroadway, N. Y. Krr. An I by Mi'F.intown, Ta. 'Cc I It I I'Ali.'.l'i'i.N I'F B1TTCB &WLLT i, CiiAE fiLOSSfiJIS ri'it ukautifyim; Tin: comi'i.fxion. Used to Sofieii and i:..ao:ity the Skin, re move Fieri. les. Pin.pUs, Liiip'i ms, c. Ladies are uuf using it iu prelcrvuce to all others. -jT" loillle", ST. fc),r. Soid by nil Diu-lsts cv'-t y iviie) e. W An I by IIENIiV U.Ci..J'.Vl;, Depot l:-l Di o.i-I w ay, N V. -;- And by Mililintown. Pa. r tern it. vi. VUl'ii 21 tlWllkiY. For Ciiup'is, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat. ",,",t- ' Croup. Wt i-itiir Conpli. luSui-na. '.uisump-! . : i . . 1. . .. 1 1 .i' .... ; . 1 1 : 1: I 1 it'll I'liinciii.ii ,tiii-uu'iii?j iiii-i iirtM3v3ui tlie 'i'hront aii'.l Luiii. I'.otlles, 2,1 cts., oi) cts., ami 1 sizes. Sold by all Druspists everywhere. And by II ENLY It. COol AE, Depot F.roadway, N. Y. And by Milliintuwn, Pa. 4M i6 Costa CM.i:i:n.Ti:iJ jnsiior PILLS, A LXIVEnSAI, II XX Kit I'll.!,, For Nervous and Sick Headache, Coativeness Judigestion. Ityspcpsia, Pilii.iusness, Consli to.iO. 11 Diarrhea. Colics. Chills. Fevers, and gelll.ral derangement of the Digestive Organs. Sold by all Dru-risls everywhere. And by HENRY J, COSTA R, lU-yol Hi -ISroadwny, N- V . ) j And by Mifiiiutewu, I'j. jau. 2-duios- J.V.V1 ll'tllir. FAKIK1. M::vyi;e. xii'W Finn ia railrrssa, I Gentleman's Furnishing J".m;-.f.i-iutn I ! l)rtr-x ('mitx, ''aittnlimvn. lV)ijf, lraicr 1:1, ('nUttrs, L suit rsht'rtii, iliiiiili.-i rrhivft, liiritu t- ,S7io'., And evrryihinr; t'stt illy found in a fir t class Geiitleiiiau's Furniniin Stnr;. rjxer goods Alo a lnr;e and carefully selected sor! - moot of Fancy (ioods, of nil classes. ki-U and nr. r.v nrr nr n ttt Thry have on hand n beautiful assortD.nt of Carpels, Oil Cloths, &c , which are of a f,oo' ipiality, and well worth the inspection ol tin buver. Cold and Silver Watches, Clucks, Eur rin;;s, 1'lain uad 'nri Tinas, Wa'eh Keys, Ladies' and Gents' Hreast Pins, (iold Pensand Pencils, &C., which at. 'his time form t.ie largest Slid best nsoi liucm in the coiiii'y. t".i..AU Ihe above poods will be sold chi"p er loan any other store in ihe United Slates. If you don't believe il, just pivc us a call "and bo. convinced of the iri' li of Ihe a-.-enion HECIIT .S: if'i ilAVKil. Patterson, Ar.ril 12, Ih.'i.'i f. CUEAl CLOTIILMJ milZ. J LJAYING PUIU'llASEi) FUtlM MANs L I ach & Van Ornicr the lar-e l'i..i!iiai Estalilishnienl, situated on the coiner ..I llrid-e and Water .-(reels, M ;!i!i:i;o,v,i, I'ci.o sylvaoia, we would res '-,-:Ey in;.,r:1 Public that we have just received a lare and Weil selected assort incut of ready mad.. (. lolh inp, dosifrne-l for the l-'sil! atul Viittr-r Ti atle lor ISG-'j. Siiuh as Over Coats, pre-s '..M, I'itineoS (',,,1. C-'ni!:oii Coats, I'utiialoonii, Veil-, Mali-, P.o. its and Shoes vf ev:-ry deserij :i,,n, siyle an. I ipialily. for male or female. V.OYS' UEAI .MADi: CJ.OTIUXU Also. ( aipets. White Shirts, Fa'i- Ovi Shnls, L ud.r Shirts, drawers, II. ni-Glove-. Linen and Pape.- ('..lar Ciav.its and Ties. Trunks, Um brella", Travelling I'.aps .'ice. A.o. (lie latest styles -,t Ladies Clou::-i-.!-irs and Furs. i',i-..i in ant of an v v by .-ivipp 11--e:. re, as we Ml 11) our 1 call b. r. ri are diteraiii.t' wi'! i pur- i 1 1.1 ' I ST. :i. 't the corner, Pri. D- W. 1IAKLEY . to. ct. !, ' is iVlY. rg r'fiT.i?ii i 8 .i v- B tj M 5 K 51. i US' If Willi, i! if 'iXll'lll ' ''Ii il v.ll ler- ' n'' I i-.;' .-"1 li-e ei CiiYC'.' ..f C 1: s'i i ! s-. ;-: ai d Ell'-l ii .-. ' S bill "1 .li' L!"':, I.. - :e a- '.r: Hi of I siii-y V A..T.ie lepairine- ,( Clocks, .'.eii v i ron p:ly ailended to, eii siior .in I on I'-iy reason. il.lt. terms. All wo rallied I". V.IVO S..I -fact loll. Till! lilb'i,- resp;ci;ol!v invitnt 10 "ive a cal t:d)Mas 1:. McCI.i:i.i..n. An?, " i. im;.i. CIIAIU MAM FACTOKV. (tn h e or rnr. J:mata Coi ntt Ami 111 l.i 1 11L Sin ii:i Y. Pern ville. On. 1 .;, is.;.;. I wi: o Id II tn do l.er. iiy certify Cat I ic Coram:'' ion. :e-1. red Articles has awarde- to ' . Wmrzn. ,. H,,i Piem'uai for ' ' ilu- .1 siibsiiiiMial. in-.aieui made, and be-t ' hnislied evil of Chair. i j fi- W. J.U'oFiS, Tr.-i, .-. '; 1 Willi hi IIf.n'cii. .V. . janl-i j GRAYBILL & GO WIKiLbSAbK M'.ALKItS IX i" .. ?;?, -N JL M.''!.L .".! Vvi Oiil , VK I UU IJ i V v Hi! 011) U V 1 .11 1 , ! ' i OIL CLCTH, WINDOW SMADFf, I); ()!)i;:s, Mais, Brushes, Ceiion hip Uucketn, Twines, Wiok. Ccc, 34." xor.Tii 'in mid fs'i'j;::i:r, 1 ill LADELPiilA. Feb 21, ISi'ii'i-ly. Ji: have o t V C. I.IS I- oe room drvoted entirely lo mnisiiine Goods and Keady j Mud- I'll II oieli as II,:,'-, . iver t'. Hal.- ,V Fi.iiiorl Pants. Vi"t. ais. Pools .V Shoe-, Cups. W hi: e j-hii ; s'tiirls, Undershitls, and Drawers. si i.ori-f. Fiiow .t pAi'.Ki::;. T. J. M OOltK with W VJ Wly V I1l1.J Cv (jVJ , ESTABLISHED 1S'2. SCO MAIIKET STREET, ' P1IM-A DELPHI. nov 2S, lSCil-ly. I.AI'.tiE and well selected stock uf 1 iio La il CERIES, coiiiprisinp llaai. Shoulder cull, .Mes l'ork. I l- nr Spices. e.. ,vc. 111 SULuL'FF, I'U'jW e. PAUIvEIUS iliiaili ic, an 01 n uicil v. ill uu foul a. jn tern.- .. ... .jrauiy 01 llln.i. , , . e .1 y, vi e 11 v ifM:n:j ion. mollMin" Settees, est po-,ible living prices. No dillicuby experienced in rcwin- across ""!;" ! " " """rtmt trom the . h.1- . i;0l.t:B Chairs. S.-wini Hoekin - Char Lii.uJlui.r.audVi I "r,- li.drrnVa.urs.C,,is4Io,e.S,Kr.i Thev No invites the attention ofe ladies j '"! ' Ihin Z vorv, i ,W T T Sly In o,m ArmCh.ir, anil eve, y ::lwe stock of GAITOliS AN1.1I..ES, L -jV.;, T, . r , ,. e-u-.try s., and preat many ti.in that ! h t'. 7 ' ' 'l4 which he will cll at price uefvingVmpe.i: j U If, J, T' ' '"'J' C"r ""?'" have never been kept. b,f.,re. lie ,r, de-e,- u ' ?,TX l1'? ? e.T"r- " lion. ' ' .... '''': ' " " ' mined .0 sell .roods at a II C LUC K I, I'll HE " n"'ci to wholesale work at et.jr pri- 11 ;i- " . ") t Mi' o"wn , ill,.', vieii.iiy. thai li-has .. ..,., 1 : .Icw-C ' ei:y ll---ibi'-out on M-.iu .- reel, M :;:i- ' loivil. il. 'i'l.olapsotrs i'o'el, t .lld door J'r . . i!..,: corner. ,vin re he will !: .-.- constantly on f hand and a! jjria'' ie lc.-el , . ices, , tiri.l zuvcv atehes. i -a:- -v ..f C ' It KINGS, ii ! p , lyei: r;..vi : n the;- wiili a t,,,.,. ! floods. i alciies 111: I I; u- , I. Tiic Lo'-r; LookoJ For Coino at Lai.t Florence ikv;k Much:i;r. This mneliine is ilie n,st perrcct inrtrn ment to exocnio any kind -if -.-iif!; tnw done by piachinnry in the world. Il m sli.:ple and perfect in its fitthanienl otv.trtirtUit. Th? feed may rerersc-d at. isny pui.t. ib-iired without st. ip pin-:, which is a great advantage in fastening the end if r.-nms. ' It makes i H. U HI Fl'LK E.ST .STITCH EX, ..-., Kir f, I,.nl,le Lml; lh.ul.lr ., each Ktiich perfect and alike oil b-.iii sides of Ihe lal.ric. Gprrato-.s can select any st-ieh they want and chance, from om-siii.di to another with- 1 "", stilj.pinjt t he machine. i I's tichcs cinii.it be oxer-Hod 1'lic Work will fee l either I ) the right o:- left witliout r-toppinj; Ihe machine, most inexperienced find 110 diiTicuIly 11a onhnoMnir it. 1'trht phly practical nn.I midasilys iu g'ood It has no spring In get out nf order, and will last a lifetime. It runs easily, ami is almost nicWs. It is the ms-l rapid sewer in tin: v:orl I; ;,.--- to lire fiitrhis in fttr.'t m tduti'm. It ites the same sue thread 011 bolh aides of the fabric. It oils 11. 1 dresses, all its mackiners being on top of the l-lblc. Every ii.aeMiie is 11 tirrrnt- d 1,1 ilre entire isjtit-ut,,!, and In ilo -.il liar, is rtuime-i for it. M ' t'MiHii: F. .S'rAMttArcii is the a -rent il'..r this county. I'.y caiiinic at her rt-.-i leii- e ion Miiu .S'livei. Mililintown, 0110 of these ma chines can be seen 111 operation. Si-pti iiibei i2, lSi'iti-ly. advaxci: or sciilvce. Te of ba !i inserted upon nn entirety n -. w hich is a combinal ion of t M)l i'd llni'Iish lliibber, (vu!.-ani:el Also American Kubb.-r, I vulcanite. ) whieh for be.-iuiv, ilura l.iliiy, clenniiuess, and the restoration of the naii-.r.il color of the faee. iiinot be sur passed. Either i f tin- a!. . vi! basis U K U'AKUANT IOU Ti:X VEAKS. I'hFI I':ijmt or l.wer Svts lns'i ;cl 11 lov i:s !! W) t'vv S:i- 7'. niiiurn 11 tits iii'rrtti (irtili. Special attent i..n will be loadr In diseased euins. and a eiii e w arraiit" 1 or no charge mad-.-. Tatliiir.J t; l.ul,,.- !,Yr. C:" I'l ioin li in .1. niisiry ! TEii il il.STilAt '! El) WITHOUT PAIN by a 11' '.V J r,.ee -. Willi'. u' the 11: 0 of i-tl.--r, 1 hlor ,! ,-no -.r i. .' 1 on - 1. I--, ai.d in ilan-.-r. ! Having been in business l,r iipv. at.1.- ol i 'i years, live of wh.eli has been spent in M iibn : I-jimi. an I belli..' in possession of the .( . ' ..r'..- 7 it " ''. .'. r.'.'rv w e war;-. nit . i-i.rit'c s-i! i .- n-i io.i. or :!;. inoiiei w-i'l bj re 1 fundi- 1. I llii.-e -.a K. ii!--e St reel, "i j.osi'e the ml House S.iuarc L. Drill: in., .-.'.'. -,t J..j,-: uov. 2r. '(,',-iv. -OT.1N TLWs-ioiti:.i t IN .1 a New Sl'ic i r. ksit.x -i-11 AI.K 11 l.iler -I L'ln I .ia vo 1. p. ;t the ' ' id Fcilov..-.' li'.,!.. ! ,. slr. al. W I. !.' I1.1 y ills prepared to tor- m:. .i r:- j.oblic w .--'iisi i iuo in par: il.eS. hi iek U uo! :th :' .".I end . '..-, ,.,-.s. : ..(' i:i.: I. s;;:; .- i' i;!..,,!.,. 1 l'e I. aii:e j and 1 1 W Snow I 1 ike Mohaii. One. De ! li-neh Alpurv '.i ..re. Fam-v U Elal..: in 1.11 ci ' II.. ' -i. s -IT. I I- I s,,.. ,e 1 ..rs, li iLlei t'ai.ibrici :n I Linen J, French P'aid IV,; V::.. a::d l'oplinvtls. Si: ij ed id ii!t i'..t!:;iii. Cn.pe. " !'i;i:ved a-id I'l ilu I'.-r. aiej. I'aeiil ami Eon' .rd's Challies. White C 1 .-ucli as Iri.-dt Liners. Swss labrii s. .lacoin-;:.s, I'-rl. liants, Naiisooks ii.nt I'l'ill. dil.es. i.la.-k 1 bit -et an 1 :)e Lain 5l.a-U. 1 l'r-'.o !i i'laid 1 1: :r. iie:i" ' A il.i rie-. t 1- 1 1:.; illl-l Cassi-r-res. Mid i'rsex II. Ladies' - ..reai variety. V-iiite and Colored i lan!ie, I Coitoiiadis, Checks, Soauibrics Tlekiiprs, ; Pleached and brown Sin ;: i u-s 1, 1 J, 21, j A'"''.V.y Cl'ivrs. ilo.-i-.-y. Collars, Triinr.iinirs, Pib ' boiis. v.ilu a irrenl variety of tin- be.-t stili-s I i.i the above line, selected w :i h pi ca! c ite. j I Hats nod Cups for men and boys iu f.ie:t : : variety ; t hick, color, fur. wool and str.-.M- j , j"o-N. Ilatins purchased tlio b'iovc of ihe j J ;::.ti:!if':icturers we are prepared to sell cheap- j ! ea than any other house in llie county. I One of the finest assortments of Oil Cloths C ; ind in croat variety, as well as Cedarware 1 ' at lowe.-i. prices. Close cash buyers w oiil.l do I ..M-ll to e .-i:iii'ti m;r stock before Mirehas-iug I elsewhere. TII.TON .V ESVLNsi ilADE. ': June Id. Ir'i'i- lv. u o t a c i Ladies wiMiinf to be snj-plied wiih ilea an 1 pood shoes will find it to their advar-tae to c all on II. D. WELl.llit, at his shop i-u Main St reel above Ciierry, where th'-v can l-.e supplied wit'i almost every stylea: uuider ate ni ices. Gentlemen havinp repairinj liiey wish durably and neatly executed will be 1 ivmpily attended to by ;rivin;x him a eali. Terms: CASH. H. D. 1 EI.I.Ell. Miillinio'vu, July Ctiih '". T7L0UK ami Grain, of all kinds, purchased L at Market rates, cr received on st Drupe and snipped at the usual fi iej-ht rates. I!av in. boats of nnr n'vii. v.it Ii c.11 et'ul ea j-t inns and hands, we w ill ship freight of any bind to and from Philadelphia or any point along the '""srr.oiTF .mow pAKicr.it. i h.iud a p'ood .,'.iality of Hard ware. Comprising a lull as--.r: ntr-i.i o TOOLS, such r.s Anvils, LVilow, ic. aoy maker Tools, Saws, Axes, Augers. Iron, St ceo Nails, Horse Shoes, and Horre Shoe Nails by the kep and pound, Ropes of all sizes from 2 1 inches down to inch by Ihe pound. Puppy ; Stone Pictures, at i SULOUFF. FROVr & PARKER'S a FULL assortment cf TRUNKS and T K A -IV ELVING RAGS. Also, SO TIOXS such as Hose, Gloves, liin k Gloves and Mils, (very best qualify.) Kid Gloves f u ladies and jrents uufini.-hed Kid. at b'.'LijUFF. FitOVi' ii PAKKEU'S. Ifl'I Id I IV (IV 1 :i lit il it's llMil Timlin!.!- iiv.f f P I r f iIIITir niTfnllrtn tr til ra irirrni t - -- -4. t ' AT Til K or .fl.LOUFr, FROW AMD PAKKEK, IN THE CIIVSTAI. 1'AI.ACK Cl'ILtllXU, .Min'LlNTOYN, PA. j'TMi!" I'NDKITSIGNED HAYING M'i: ! 1- chased the M.ni; of jroods formc.-ly be trVI make it nn obieel for the 1 eopl? to buy I from us. A larpe slock of 1H1V (iool'S, cou sisiinp of Ladies iMess Goods, such as IT.l'.NCil MLLI NOES, SIIEPIIEKU PLAIDS, fail wool, FANCY PLAIDS, fall wool) PLAIN WOOL- MIL AINES I P. ESS FLANNELS. 11 UN SACK FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS. ri.UE TWILLED FLANNELS, P.EI)!--!.ANNi:i.S, Ml 'I'!. INS. iU! A K I' !T Slf WLS .tc, ,c. ,;iibe Ii id at SUI.OUFF, FltoW A I'AIIKEE S. " MCUSNIfiC DHCSS COOCS: I.Eii h M..ihIs. V'ils, Co!:irs, Ion s, ;:iuiit!t t, Second Itiolirnin; i:aliiiiiit!-, Jl.ini!-, At Ac. I'.vcryiliiim ili-sir iblc in Ihn Ihii ,iiih! a i I vriy la rue stticti. i I Al Snl'iuli, E'roiv V i'nrhi-i's. ( 1 !'. EAT l: EDUCTION IN Till) I'll !; . iF l.I S A D !) I. E It V from January It. I :'., JAMES II. SIMONS would .v-pe'.-tfully an i.ouiice to his oi-1 cii-l -iii.ers and ihe public A j:i-ii-r:i!v th.tl he has a bu j.' -t... k of ; -'vV. SI)I)LES. II i;nlss, Ci.I.A1;. iVilil'S aii.i irl oilo-r ariich-s usual ly kept in a SA !li! El; SHi'i; w hich he will s.-ll al. the following reduced price-: Po st Silver Plale '. Ilarued I'll 0" S. ciuid best Third do Clemen Plated S.-e-. nd do Common Plain do .1) do do do o2 ;',i( 1 mi 2" Oil 2o HO ; no I'.esi Spanish Saddle Second do do i.mnioii Ijuptfd Seat ilo with Horn Cui.-ioi. il-. . iijiuui i.orn a;- .11 Saddles Five inch lircech-Ptinds Sido Leathers fir Iwo ilor-i 3 Four inch d 1 W:ii V -bands incbe" "I 21, G inehes 2 1 ' -1 inches 1 7 1. 21 in' Ol) is mi Di nn 40 n.i ;;1 uo .ltd Set ld-S f Yi l-ri-C- ee Harness w-ti!.-h hames, coilai", line- in.-:-.-,. ........... c-.. I .....l I. ...! I :. I b-.il chains. .V -1) " I i Pair i-f Yankee liridlc I Fivo-rin Ili.'ier-i 1 10 Three rinc do 1 21 C ; 1 c K i : 1 ini'li 2 i "1 du il. 1 1 iii'-u i'l I '.;l. ! Jo Idle" 3 0 ! l.idi'.i; Pri.lh-s from f-2 " On i" t. iod I'taii Cot; us :; t"! II in. us 2 'JO V. r.'.'ou Whips 2,t". 1.71. I .."it, 1,21 Io.ey do ti : 1 71 : eu!s o 2 III' Pneiv Linec. ha' 2.1 ". i"i:::l U iU 1 ;j-v i iio- :-1 i'l.-h l.i.", 1 iu,:U 1,!.. 1 !-.' inch I.2". lie v-uld also Invite the ul lie to .iu-ini Lis .;o k b -;.ire ."r.-!ia---.ir 1 biai i.t).'. i:s h--i'eels col.ti.b". ( he i-atl se'u elovip i- 'ball al.y other i--;:l li-oln. l:t i'l lee ..'o'lUty. Il is motto is ijuirk sib s.iio! sta ill proiits. Give hii.i a 1 .:ii ai.d save money. l: ii Il EPA 1 it i.Mi neatly executed and all w 01 k warriiiite-J. .TAMES H. SIMONS. Ei'i-ii.c Si., olit.tin.ov.il Pa. Oct. 11-ly. VFl'I.I. a-'sortmeul ol Geutleniaa tiood.-', toli.sislil.g of Vlvtts, CtiJol :!!()'('', Over Ccxtiiif, be had at SL Li.UIT, Fl'.OW ii PAF.KEU S. We hav. pene. . iiiuiiii ir.-t ,pr. sit" mir Store in P: .-ale at low 1 rice- 1. Me ii incut v TALLES. CHAUtS. SOFAS, . LOUNfiF.S. LLDSl'EADS, MATTUESSES, Ti:i'N!CS, c.vr.i'LTs, STANDS, RACKS, AND Many oilier articles for house furnishinc; HiiCH'I & ST II AVER- ' !' Vr "GOOUSal i;uiU-S AT MRS. F- HANNEIIaNS r a 'i' t 1: it iS o a, (!.- "llu ii:i" just i .-turned trout I he Ci: y -.v 1: n a iaipe asso.iiucnt of Killincry an l Fancy GoccIg, nutis'.inp in ptirtof Ronnets ami I'.'Uitiet Silks, Mowers and Trimmings, En-borderies, Lace. Goods, Handkerchiefs. Imlmora! Skirts. Hoop Skirts, Cioves, ieau tumps nuu . o nn 01..-11, Notions and email wares, iui-ium the best m ssortmcnt of 1'AL.I. AN1 vVlN'TEIt COODS In the County. She solicits a call from tl.o public, Wms coulident that she can suit all. '11 II V. best nualiiv ot M iliiv of MMKHUEL, UK it I 1:1x4: t.nd SilAI alv.'.n' on In: 11 A ml Plaster ... alscaeood supply of Piaster ami a.cini. ' tl l.OUFF, F."0W s. PAPKF.K? ' ',V-'- 5!iff!iiitcwn Chair Mannfaciory. ( 1 HA R LI'S W. AVEITZEL would inform the j citizens of Juniata county, that ho eon i tinues the Chnir Manufactory at the well known, : old stand in Water street, where he is at all ...... .t I'li-piru iu receive orcu rs lor tv in lsor Civen to itei-i iritis All work done cheap and ex lediiiously. Sawed Poplar I'l.mk and Scaulliiig tukeu ia exoliai (re for furniture. E-vY"Fi.rniliire ll joni on Main street; oppo site the Pust Oiiice. CHAIIES AVEITZEE. s' ptemher 3, l:;ti2-tf. THE FALL ANI) WINTEK ARBIVAL f'F CnOTCE GOODS AT THE STOIIE f)F 5 OS. RS. BELFORD. Toe nndersiL'-ned would repeetfollv invifa the public to call and examine Ins st.iek before )uire!,.i.-inp elsewhere. He has )...iobi 'mi a --on ni-lil III Sliell I riei-s lh:t be CtlttnM is utrb-ia-i.lil by any in the country. S.eci-i! ir-I- 1.1 ion paid to pur. lia-io- ood-in tot- city p.-r oriii-rai ih--li,.rti: i..i:.c.-. Every ell .it will be u.a le by bioi ;.. Ivesal isfiicliuti to those wiio may fru .r him wiih a ca.l s.ii;n:.H' i)i:i.s Loon-. : P.lack and Fancy Silks, .)i..rie Anii.4n,', Pun- Ch i!'i, Li ilbaiilcs, I'.oo.ba ioeis. C.islnuer s, Peplins, P-erpes I.n w rs, tiren.ii.ies, Ime.-ilg, l!ini:!:iri I.awi All r.oot d Laities, Alpacas. ,Vc. A full assortment of White ! i-.-s t.i..ds, .iita- lii.s. r.roeha and oth?" Shawls, Lonnc's. I; .n- net S-Hit;. Kibtions. Flowers. i.e. AN.., Cd-i.-.rs, L'ndei'aieeveii, Ilaitiikcrchicl's u great v ety. He h-is also laii in a larpe stock of Wool, Cotton and I'.ap Carpet.!, O.i dolus. Mattings, ice., at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, for which the highe it market pricei will be pai l by J. M. 15EI.FOUD. D. ii I. I IIIIS, 'eni :st. Main s! reel. M d:;:iilown. i'a. Office, first door west of Pel- : fi.ru s store, up slaiis. The sub scriber announcfs : 1 ihe pii'-ilc that l.e has r-peried a ' " Deti'ai Olhee, as above stated. whce he will be happy to attend to ihe wains of all who lu.iy favor him with their patronape. Teeth in-iTU-l upon all the l.Vest and nmft improvi I plan", in a workmanlike and saiii-factoiy man ner, whieh for bea lily, durability mid clesn-lir.e-s cuiinoi be sin pass, d. Ail work war r.'ioted. No cliarce made for the insertion of temporary s.-ls, when permauent set are or d'le i. Particular attention p . id 10 disease 1 ,;:it. is, :..:i ilu- sensible principle ef '-no cure, no pay." Teeth filled whieh will l-.st for life Abli..oi;:ti a youni; praetitioner, he f-els snt i -:'; ! in siyin that his work will c..i:i ) ! lliv ir .' :y with any thai is put up in this it any of 1 he ad;einin;r cetin' ies. Allheasks ..;' ihe eo.ot'iini.y is a trial, and if full saiis 1 1 1 1 T -1 1 is not piveo. no cliarcT' will be madi. f -.it" Will v.-i Me iis- -rville un the third we.-l; of every -rotif h. and Thoinpsiintown on li..- fotsitli w.-.-k. to leni.ilu ..i,e week. At. all other times can be f.nin I at hi" r.flico in M;f tiititoiMi. foct 10. 1 .'.i'.-tf. i (i'lvsviile iiiIfi:l undersipne.l ileiros to inform tiie eitl - of .IitnVit'i I'oiiti'y that he has taken eharce "t tb.. works lately owned by Henry Vi iiii i:i 1'ei r sville. w here he I '.ty l.e lo.in I leady l.i execute jobs in his line of bu ines sue!! as Too :b Stones. Monti'icnts, Marble Slabs, Table Tops. v"te. .ti . lie believes that a ioti; expel ien.e and practical knowled;;,? w ill enable him to c;lve ent ire satistlaeii.-ti to n li w ho loe.y patrnuize him. Give Irni a eah a:' he b-Ils contidetil thai for neatness cheap nc-s and dest-atch lie e.ntnot be eset lied. CilAS. LMEKSO'- apr. 2 "::! It- 1 -.on e.iti be snppi:,- 1 Willi O't l.l ,V.e.. a I the I-.we-t pli'e. I v .::' Ltip-.i.town. El.lill ULXNtU, .'; aiilhoriied to linieliase ilium ana i-tt r. ni ai -ive lh- hipliesl market Prices. i-fy-Mr." CLINK is. also, our author zrl apent at I'errv sville .to purchase Gram and St 11 t'o.il. Piaster and Salt for u.;. (live us a call and you cannot fuil to bit phased. Highest prices pai l for Country Pro .luce, an I taken in exchange for poods. sri.oriT, mow, &. pakkek. ftctolier, 1S01. G110CEIUES. Prime Rio ColTee, Prepared Coffee, 1'nlvi t izcl Snj.nr, t'rufhe.l S-.t;rar. N. O. Supnr S. If Sa;: ir. N. O. Molasses, S. 11. M dass,- f l.oveiin;; Syn.p. Chocolate, Mu.itai.l, Hii , .s.iiivh, Nti.oi-'p", Cloves, 'assia,Ginper, Ci-i n S;mic!i, Fisii. Salt. ,c, &C.. for sale cheupvt ilin'si w S, i.iiiK in Pi teri-oii. ,i mi-if J c m to:: U. (JEIGEM & CO., w n o l e a a l i: t; u o c ers, TEA & SPICE LtEALEPS, 'iCG NciitU Third Street, aLtt- Pao I IIILADELI I1I.V. SV..I. 12. lHilO. ly. 'sXUrTliALT: : ha l n : : V Superior quality, eiiher by sinple sack of quantity, 'e will furnish Mrrchants . . ,,i -, .... , . :.l. .1 1 .,.;..,.... t ir'-I-OI 11 rP.0V.7v PAKKEPv. f