Ot Sosiab Sentinel i 'ar.7 WKDXESDAl MOUSING. February 2'.. : a 3 3 3 8 s ; $ r t i i We hope our friends will j i hear in mind that the Sex- 1.1 tixf.l Orrici: is now loesrca on . IJride sheet, tuvec dour.s telow i . c . , ., . i Behord's corner, and that are now prepared to execute aW : kinds Of Job Woi'li at short! 110 1C I it J J J J I 1 3 S " Wash I no ton's Uihtu-Day Friday, the 22d inst., will be the anniversary of the birth Ol "ItiC laiticr ii lis voun- , try." j -- j For. Salt. Mr. A. T. Earnes ffTors t private sale his Tobacco and Ciar Store, j in MiClintown. As he iuteods goini r wi l:ne r.j JuuLt a troud bar.-ai:i ! cau be had. New BnincE Y.utnicn are erga.j;ed t tearing away the o'. 1 struciur,-, pre.:ra- ..ry to t-puaii j. ihe crxl at this place icii a new c.iie LriJtic a soeieliKt'S that was vest li.e-.h r-.x-I.-d. ' The TriAfHriSa' 1.titlte of Janiuta county will be hvil -J Wilt's School Ilou.-e, tirciiiitvooi t-3 Johip 2-d a;d 2ord itist., conimeucir: at 1" oclcck A. M. Ita hopjd that as many teachers will be preseut as possibly cm. G.W I.i.oyp, Co.S.tpt. Tin S:i.)p Fj:i Sale. N". K. Little field o.T.!is for sale his Tin Shop, c.ui.;i--tiu of Rood will and Toj!, with his CD tin sloeli ttf Ware. This is tho ouly Ti:i 1 Sheet Iron Establishment iu Mitilin ; town, cotjieriucutly it oilers a fiue chance for some ncrsou to enter into a cood pav-1 i - 4 - a small capital. IWcs liately. Aj.ply to X. E. ing basin es, on hion given iiuiucd Littlefiel l, uuder the Sentinel Office. II. l. WKLl.l u, Having put ciiaseu mie i nf -iu''cr's Sevit:z Machines, is iTipar-; . . ... , r 1 : ed to manufacture Ladies' and Misses' j lt,ot Sbn nd Caitr-rs rotial to imv citv- ' made work. Having sceu some of Li woik we have no hesitancy iu r.cm-; meudmL' it to our ciinens, ana .'jr. Wellcr's reputation as a tulistantiul t-h-m i maker is in itself enough to iuduce every person to pationize him. Call at Lis establish uicnt ou uiaiu street, M :iHiu town. Bounty Accoims. In last vrc-ek's issue we rclered to tho provi-ions of the (jeueral law rcpiiritig the township Aud. - irnrs in e.'-ftV nil lionntr niinrits. Sine-' then we learn that a special law has bc'-. ' passed restoi'ni"; the old la'.v auiLorizin the court to appoint special Auditors to rettle such accounts and h as bei n signed by the Governor. I.H c this act. ten f I luoie tax payer can apply to the court by 1 petition for an A-idite r, and the Auiituo's report, as amended or attpi oved Ly the court id final. I A G en era h Oali . An appeal has been cttidc for a convention to be Lel l at Hanislurj, on Tuesday, Fcbrutiiy 1l! h. : J:i th- l-lh in-i., ly tho l!ev. A. Harm, at tvro o'clock 1. M. The call is stoned J: '-E!'1I M A ii'i'IN, of 1'erry County, a,; Ly Governor Geary and ll.e nieiuU'M ol ; .Mi!" AVIX.V s.!EELEX:5E:tt.;:::, of Jun ..... t. i i ' iata Cuiiutv. the Legislature, i : bettis by rcprcseiitin,.' ; .i... , i Lou .i: lu.. 1iMi.ioi .'i On the sair-? day, by the suae. !AYl!) nut. vj.'ivu uic uiuiuniiv, IVV.'IU'J Ll'l lo ' ,, n, . , , , , prison. 1UU,v.i0J to tnc aliiishouse, anu tliat , ' ... oO'J murders and 400 suicide; are com-- iuiitcd every year, tLrouh the ap.petitt erf L K u.vi'P, "of lit-iaware townstip, and j and" ny the a:d cf an instrument of intense for btrong drink. It is to devise measures j ,pis st.vKAH E. WEl'.TZ, of Walker town- i power, known as the I'sychotaotrope, guaran to do awt.y with the evil. Very etui- j ship Juniata county, Fa., j ices to produce a perfect an i life like picture uent speakers are announced to be present j On the 12i'u inst., by Kev. George Myers, j of the future husband or wife of the appli on the occasion. j -''r- 1-A AC EllELLEXDEl'.OEil of Jiom oe ; cant, with date of in tirriiig", occupation, lead- - j township, aud Miss EL1ZA15ETU EEUDAkER j ing trails of charaetsr, &c. This is no impo- T3ENEIIT OF THE J CM ATA CoP.NET 15.ND. The address tielivercd iu the; 4 II,.... : .1, ..I.-. i , , i:... vuun a.ousc, .u p.act, JU cai j nrday Evening Ly Captain S. Adams Lee, was a decided suceess. Uuisness preveu-1 teJ us from Learin'' all of the address, but ! what we did hear and the commendations i ol his audience convinced us that ('apt lee unacrstooa tna fcubject Slid bud (it.-: charge the duly he had to kiud-y taken i upon Lituself in behalf of the Land. Th j liand ws out in full force and discoursed j escclleut Hinsic for the ocabion, The re. ! ciepts erc S3U,7d A New Counterfeit Quarter. A new and dangerous counterfeit of the twenty-five cent issue has recently appear ed. It is almost perfectly engraved aud well calculated to deceive the most practi cal eye. Upon close rzamiuation it may be detected by noticing that the rcrall work around the Gurcs "23," on the u per left hand comer, touches the fme lines sreund the edges of thc note which l'oira the bordering, while on the genuine no part of tho scroll work touches the line. When these notes become worn tod dirty thy wiil defy detection. tiv j-'.,'.i':,JJ':'-'?""i ! Salmon. v.'e l,.:.n that 'Mr. Enoch ' Hornim- w ' i i i e r-citiitt'- oil l-"rttliiy last, . where Lost duck empties into the Juni- : a!a, cayght a Sainton, weighing twelve pounds. fLOCR. Tersecs wishing a pond crti- c,e f Plcd Jt the best .team frml4 in ton .Ntit.r rin Ii. np.-n'imnd.-it Pit j mills 5n the State, c:in ho accommodated ! by c:il!i!;; ut William Maxwell's Eakcry aui rkur etc. . .viftintowu, . "r r , ,, J lie iunowiii resulunnu was adopted at tUel:lle (Weuliwll0riLeI.Ouf G.T., Le! j 3t ;,j-ri-town. ? the Jtunomhh; thr rrcs.h-nf, ad AsvxMte JttJ.ff. District AUvrnu$, mul M-ml-r '!" J'ir. Whekmam, Intemperate? isac'irc that should be rciue-vc 1 from our midst, and v.hlueas: You from your positions 0411 wield a powerful influence to this, and ,i - i .. ''.-i;'c That you sre hereby earnestly requested, to oirc the Tcmperauec eause yyur united influence, . '. K I R1JY, TYc'f. W. L. Km:eljax, .S'rVy. I KF.'lISTr.it OF SALF.3. The r ' i have been priutrJ at this office. iVrsons :c!in Hills printed at the Skn- j TI V1 ,, t.fl.-t- will Jive ihi ir sales uoiiet-.i 1 ,,.,. ,.ia head, till day of.a!e, iiec oi cb.ir-c. , T'lHOTenn AlrTinib-rT'irVr!: tmrnsliin.will rrU vi'i;:ib't' bn'c'.oid l.ir;iit:i'o on lburs 1 iv. Feb.. 2S, i-v7. .t'i'ldi M" Cieibuid. S'!-ro-i' iii'.l loun-l:io, wiil fl! i-,al esf'ilo ninl o.-r-ioiul proi'erly on Vi ednef la v. i . !., 27. 1 . 7 - l:.:..il M::i."er. Spruce Kill township. ...li '..or'.-aai pvopeuv on Tueadav, Mnieli O.o. 1'. 7. V." " : in Kiufi'n.i'i. I'errnMi'a'i t.-wtiOiip, v. .'1 ( K pcroual j-rori-rtr on lhursu.iv, Feb. 2Mli. l-'.7. I J -sepb Ci. FmiiU. reri:ia".'!:i't t'M'bi, v.-i 1 1 ,'! pcr'M ;1 piv'-jrly on .M.mdaV, Cebioarv 2:., 1-7. S':ii oel Iliclieubau'rli Walker townsbin wi!' valuable personal properly, Maicii 1. '"tiiiinii llei iz er, Spin e still lnwnship, eh I. (.!... .iiex. .oiiuvaro. ieaie loiriisn j wll pcrsotii.l prjr'y, March t". , '''' Keynobls Milf.irU tonhip, p J. U Alex. Woodward, ileale lowiiiii. will will I crsomil proj-erty. March 7. John Hosteller. Milford township, personal property, Feb. 22. S t rs or V. -t ClVl.NY, Al'CTIONCLB. l -taware towa-lini, per- : ,!-"nO' 'rfiie. s"nr-' l"-"!'cfy. reb 21 ipei 'y, Kcli 21. Charles Ecsso's, I'elav.are township, per- ! s'ral oit-eiiv- M-iifb ,i : j ' , ,,.;4Ware tutsnu. .,,m.,ei!v . M Ja tub Kurtz. Ihlawar township, personal property, March 7. lie:". , en I.Miver. Monroe tuwiichip, personal property, March 1 .'. V. ni. ( ri'ii'i.el, Walker tomthip, personal property. Mat-jo 1 !. S d' tu- n Sb w, relawaretownsiiip. Jiersona'. proper;-, )!:i:ij 1 5. llmry Lauver, Fayeite township, pr'-ioi.al MalcU',, Sai.ks r.r V.'w. Given, AfCTir.xn.a. , ( s v::i erliit, .Mi. ford tnp., Feb., 2o, Is .7. ti. Futtl:, Feriiiauagli irvp., Feb , 25. "at! attgh. M.11- : Itwp.. Feb., 20, U'-:;7. .' ct ',-ib.ioi. Spruce iliil iwp., Feb. 27. ti'.u'l.ii-ia. Fei to..ii.i.;li ivy. , s. lsr.; M'..ib Fay-. I,.;,., M.,1,;!, ! I, lt ,7 :io:i l;obiy,a, Vnrbett tivp- . M.neii Ll, "07. '. !.!..-!oibaui'!i. Walker trji., March 1, ';17 ::..ee i;i-.-tlon. Walker tin., M.neb. 5, '..7. V, GAUVEit. and Mi.-s MAltY PA'JE, bj-.U of ,. j ijh c.uniy. ; ,. . , ., ,,.., i I'm t!n mir. ibiv bv the P.cv U II Fb leb I of Favette township. ! I On the 14th ins.-, ly Rev. J.K. King, Tdr. ! sen. i y siaunfc poice oi i.ihh, um. uispusi ! M'iSFS rEEMl.LE of Shade Gap. and Miss j co5or of eSes an'- liaii'' ;i!1' enclosing ,:LLEV JjoL GIiEllTY, of Lack lownsh.p. 0 , sa!lie ,,ay hy thc s;UilCi ,r JAj. c:. LcEhtEN and Miss SEE E. UOCGHKRTY, aii ot Juniata cou-.:tv. In East Walenord. on the loth ins:., lr. d. 1. KiEK, r.ged 54 j-c-at-s, 0 uionihs and 17 ,! lu r-nclt township, on the 12th iust, M. I t-iCTiiEES, aged- 111 1.41 IU" "I. ..-V . i A..Jl.f . 4 CAMl'EELL, aged 21 years and 0 mouths. a ri i-n nrm trif T if T-- Pi.s.MSVLVAMA KA1I.I.UAU. US AM) i- altei Sunday, Nov. IS, lb'00, Passenger Yiaiu will leave JiitUia Station as follows : EASIH'AUl). rhiiadelph'ia Express.. 1 2.1 4 V. ?I Fast Liue 7,05, A. M. Ciuciunntt Express G.4i, Y. AI. Pay Exm .sS ll.ol, A. 31. AVay lVs-sengcr U,16 I'. M. WESTWARD. Laitimorc Express 4,0."), A. M. Philadelphia Express... V"J, A. M. Fast Line .5.i, V. M. Mail Train -.ST, V. M. Emiuriint Train 9.47. A. M. jameh ;.or.T:i, Ag't. jliFFLINTOViN & PATTEUSOX 5IAKKETS ..,,, .i. i IIKETINGS. ;-'.i.; er. obi. J 1 0? 'Hotter, ;vi!,ieV "') mra , :2 to ;r.uiiir, a ui if 15 I o ll.ard, 12 3 00 j Tallow - 10 6 !K) jK'.-irs, 'p( Uo 25 1 75 l'tJitK. jilogS. "jt cwt 8 CO 2 C5 V tb 15 tunc' Euckwheat Corn Meal, G ItAl N, White wheal... lied Wheat";' bu 2 5'l Sides A Shoulders li) live 1 l" ! UKKK. r.'ul-v 75 'Fore or. "j,? cwl 10 00 '"' TO lllil'dnr 12 00 iilK'liV.lltvll 110 Uiis -15 ri.ivir, .l bus 7 ?" I'iiiioi liy. 2 7 5 IVl'LTKV, i'Ii' .'l.i-ii?, A pair CO Tut key, 1 20 COAL, 'ft '" Trevcriou ilove C 00 i l 2 ! lliiiiirarinn J-.O iihi?:l) nti'iT, A;.;.'.rs, V bu 2 CO t IVmcIiu", " .jt 0 t"l ;"it'rrW 30 ) ilo Egg l! Oil ?-.tiil)iiry 8tove t C) i do Egg VI Vbcstuul, - 5 i! '.'.a, " " . Vised o 00 Curi-oin-- 10 i v.uiw, I'.lucV.l.rrt ', ;o.-ik, KMxvl.rrrii-, 4 ,llii'l;'ry,.. 1'UTATOi.S, 11 A V, Ncvr l;'!i, 1' hu 75 Tiin .il.y, iv.-t 1 2'J "Mover . 4 CiO . 4 60 20 30 in 00 v m;ii:iii:h, v.! ,.es, V bu 1 CO O.'.i'.'ns 1 Co y;iiu Dri'iis,.., 2 r Snap, dry I ("aipilcs 15 l'.etail.-d Articles. :l'oal (iil '( gul 75 Sn!l,V i-.u'k 2 75 Oi i.und Alum salt S.HO I'l l ;l. r M Inn l l (.!) 'v:li!s 7.".;! I'ar hioi C5A i.Mind and lloily, wiila tbc nuiLcr'g plan ol 'inr-e f kciSO o:i,r!;,IIKitllc t,:,iy raii.oial nd bncCL.riil N- j-ri.:-s.leUcn bands,! , f , . , YV !, va-lu' 1 0 5 I l.ar.s I Ci'l'-J!l::l WPl-l'y hy t'lilfiin", I'VDW 1': liA Voat! l.ady lfturu'ii to heii country home, after a soj i the Ci'V, was buidly uvn i t a trw mom ai reeo!ui -ed by hei'.j ii'u-'.oN. la i.icj of a CMi'M', rii-tie. Ilioliel l'.i''e. -be bad a null ruby coi.'plexiiui .f uln;i si n.ai bb- .i'i...biH-s, a nd ir.siead of lenlv- j ibree nbe leilly n peaied but eitilen. I'd- oi iiietitiy as to tl!i;cauje f so preat a change, : : be p'aiuly t.d I lliei.i tiiat siie used tiie t. si - j '.is!;i:i Ei.j(is), and C"::. iden d it an iu- va',o.ib. ncijiiisii i on to any I a i 's loil.-l. I'v : ii use any lady or ge:'.llei::au call io piovei I t!:e;r peisi.na; oppeavanee an i.u.oii'Co oo i. i I ll is simple in its Cfiabl',: iU.;i, as Niilme j iuelf is. siii.ole, vi-t imsiiri-.ssed in i-s liii- 1 caey in drawing inip'n ilies ltoi.i, also brul- ng cleansing at: I beautifying the Miili and' 'O'.j lexlo'.i. T';.' it d'l eet r.el bui nil i lie cm i- ' ie ii draiis fri-iu it all i: 'eiouriii.". 1: i i;.:' v i ii ..it... , i ",t., .N:i! me intended it shctild be. clear, hu'.'i. ! ti.ooih and be an! i ft:!. I'riee SI, sent by mail or espres.-, on reedpt of an older by W. E. CEAI.K. .'i CO , Cl.ctiiit.1'. .No. !1 V.'e-t F.iylle St.. Syracuse, N. Y. The ot.ly An.erieati Agen's- f ir the a the sane f. b 2 I, 1 '.7-ly. ICnoiV Tiiy Dciihiy. Vsilanie E. F. Thornton . the trvst rr-'isii : Astro'ng'st. Clairvoyant snd I'syi booie"' ic in, j who lias a .totiisbed the scientiSc e!i?e,s of; ibe Oi l World, lias now looied hcr.e'.f at ) Iltid-oii, N. V, Madaii'.e 'iharnton possesses! sr.el: won. ler-fii! powers of seeon l si'it. r.s f 1 enable her to iiep.ir! kno. led.-: of iheg.i;-t''-.-'t : tii.porUT.-c 'o tie : i... 'e er nrirr;. 1 i I"':i:!i -r ; t.'j. While in a st.-,;e '. n-nee. s.!.- delinc- !!.! .TV fe: '.tore? ei uet eisoti v.'.'.: nieri-y, and 1 y the aid of a.: ir. tr-.nu :it , iten-e power. knoAi: as tl:e 1'--; e!o. ttot r-i;. guarantees to produce a life Eke j.iriiireoftl 1 future !;nr.:uol er wif? of the ty lb-ani. i ' .ether with d ite of marria.ce positi'-n ;n i;: le-oi:! trans o! carae'.-r. .'.i i.it'.il-i'-r a- t':.ois-!!i-ls of ..'::t 1 re:-!. Sin. will von 1 ih"n i!. .ii ifi.'ato, or writlei r-firint.' inte i-i v.-b-it it pr.i-j-o, It. to be. a ..:all lock of I :.lr, and ;. l.- ;:o:u.i!.-- cr.n as : e-i a ci rllf.r 1 e that the p! - V-y cuelt'sii! ' lilt-' p;o0 oi i,irui. i' 'j'. 'li.-p.-.-it iuu 3ii:.l cottiplex: in. !:ti 1 ene'oMii titty cents and str.-fpe 1 envelope ad-ire'-el to yourself, you v. ill receive tin-; tcet ore :T.d ile-tred iuiortr.atien by reitira '.: i:i. AU ro.ii!a'i!ii-:ii ions sacredly eonti-' il -T-'ral. Aiilrcfs in cotii'.deiiee, Madame Ir i-'. Thointnn, V. ). llox 220, iludsjii, N. Y. ', f-b 2 . 1.V.7-1.V. Vovi?iiiFu7lJUTTia:i:r i- Mucwir. It r.Mi:.".TON, Ibo worll-renowned l--:troIo;:isi and S intn itobnlistio Clairvoyant, v'.iilu iu a clairvoj ant btate, delineates the verv features of the person vott arc to marrv. sition ns tcstitnouia'.s wit bout number can as- fifty cents, and sianiped envelope addressed lo yourself, you will receive the picture !, return mail, together with desired informa tion. Jc3t-,A duress in confidence, Madame Ger trude Ecuiiugton, P. O. Ilox i:)7, West Troy, N. Y. feb 20, lSo7-ly. FREL" TC EVCRYBODY. A Large 0 pp. Circular, giving information of thc creates! importance to the young of both sexes. It leaches how the homely may become beau tiful, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved- No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their address, and, receive a copy post paid, by reluru mail. Address P. O. Drawer, 21, feb. 2 ,-Gmos. Troy, N. Y. A Gentleman who su'.fered for years from Nervous Ecbilily, Premature Uccav- and all the ettecis of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake 0! fullering humanity, send free to all v. ho ueed it, the reeipo and directions for I making the sin.ple rcioeoy by which he was j cured. Suli'erers wishing to profit by Ine ad- i veriiser's eipericuee, e :u uo so by address- JOHN C, OC.DEX. No. IC Chambers St., Now York. fb. ",-ly. ! A -ritAT HiscovcriT. One of tl-.e jJA. ana iirl u-'oful t!isc.vric(4 in im-iical j fcuw. rns mvlo by t'i ci'UbiHlc.l Ur. J. j l'"','1" '- iil l'liMu, c'liii-r Pliviuian lo Ibi' I i.i -: penal InStmiiy .f IVance. in IttOl. Tb.se ,lo Iv.ve i,eL. Bii;;,,:e,i wiib ibe painful tlls imsc kn.;5,n aH 19 iii9i niui c!Ti-clual!y cured jby llieiiso of L'a. J. jOi mas' Fhkncu I'ilb j Sauk, c.n.not Bf.er.Ii too highly of the beiic : lit covfevred ujiyii tbum by tho ji.-e of Ihc I cri'tnin rimcdy. It has never been knowa to i n flTceiitiff a iiriiiiancnt rurc in a single case, lu ibi lefju-ct it smpaysea all oilier r.icdicines of (lie kind. It mil do jiift rb:.! it is rieom jicnded lor; if nut Ilia moiu-y will 1C veil .aUt:f. One or I wo bon d is HuIifcieM la 'fli' t n porniauuiil rare in lour or c'.x d.iys, if Joe lireciions on t lie bics arc tolljWid. Vi ice ne and two dollar. j r box, nccevding Insio font by Mai! orEiprcas to any part oi tlie U.itcd tttates oi CmiaUi. So'd by 1'rup; K"craIly. A liberal discount made to I'li' tiidc. Ad.'ue.ss 1. ij. 1i niiam & Co. Willi ,li!:yoil, l'a.. golo lVoprielors ami Man. ufacl'irei for LUe L'uiieJ titatcs and Ciuada. dec. i-'lj'j. YJV W OF MA It 111 A C,E iHE CHEAPEST EfiCK EVER FtBI.ISilED. Wr.ntuinii'j nrnrlif Tlirrc Jiuntlrtd 7 ryes f.n 1 1 "!l fine I'l.iles and Kngravinj of tbc llnaioniy of tbc Iliininn Organs iu a slate of llcallli and Diaeas, w::h a Treated on Karly jl'rrcrs, iu deplorable Coii-e.ii'.:ices upon (Le casrs Iroioed. A liu! !'! adviser to Ibu iiiiiriii'd. and t';occ c.nN-iuplaiiog &ianir,-, v.bo cutertaiu doubts of (beer J bytical Con diti"ii. iSenl free of postage, to any ndJre-'s on ieceiit of 25 cents iu si-Mj.pa or rostajje c.ieuey, tiy ailuscsbin i r.. i.v ciioi:;, Xc. SI A'diV'd ..;, .! :.' , A. 1" The author l .ny be c tisul'c 1 upon any cf b9 diseases upon v. bicli i.is bo .k treats, ciibcr l-t-uaa'!y or by laaii, and niedieir.es snt to oiy pi- t ot the world. j ,r.T:rT!Vtr.s. , lining ben r'.'st 1 weeks 1 3" a vi-ry tiuio'. l"e to- ly, after bavin;; kufiere 1 (ur a, vet a' iv r ith a sev.oe lii!g aliVeii'Oi, ni.d le.it i.l dir.ffse, Ci'iiMiio o: io:. is nnximis to 1: uiioeu lo h.s leiiotf-ut'ei i.o tl.u lagans 11 who d. sire i!, be Will seal a copy e. f tie I t .set ! :t ion used (free of cliary.j w b b i'li" dii ''r,o':i fir prepM : 'lg 1 tsiii' llte :!:'.', which I hi y t.'ill tin. I a .sria: cir.ti f. r t.'u';t'.'iM !i;:t. Asril'i . fi nMvnu. i ': .-, Ci.i.i.s- nr. 1 all 1' ' : i -i .-. I ne I I.utt : Ail". .' 'Oi.. 'i'." or'y ob;rct of the advei.is' r : in the J esei iptioll is to h.-Tiefll t':?i aii!;-. ed, and spiea l ii.i'.it laatioti vliieli lu ) e in.- ;ve'. It, be invaluable, and he hot es eve v su;V-o er v. ill try his leaiejy, s il v. ;11 ' cost . 1. i-.ii noibiiig atrl may piove a ble i'::.ies ttisiiio ti e pr.v evifilioii, ti:i;i.. i;y reu::a i.iaii. will pb'-i-e a ! he.-s i liu- i li'VAlll) A. V.lT.-e". I V. i'li:i'i:sbuvg, ICii.j Co. Neiv 1 vri. . f . CVlv.l i i: L..I 4 I i-a-c rvC uixasssfrrrr- I'talon'a 4.:aIvi- rl:atoti t4.1li(.U thalan'it X:i;!it Ellaauiin'; ri-ua. "'ti illo-:i:o; rfrrui." Aij;Iit litcc.oio cri iss." Vi ;it :.:co:in; 'rrr:.' xqH'-'-. .1 t! . I ti..- ir.c i si n.er.p. ln. rr-.T"r;t l.rf-t i 0 i i; t-i Ituaat:i71u-..1 oi.'y I y ITJU.O.N &- SOX, .rw YovU. n::vc.Mtt: r (onTrrrnH. ASK ro:t fllALON'i TAKE .NO OTIiKR. .lu'y 13, '.. I- iy. Uli. SCUU PULMGNIO .Ji.iUi . Tti'" rre-ii. un.d'.riiiecarej Pr. J. II. 5nnrs;c.:, tlis I'.-- lirte'or, ui ii:i::oiir.ry ConuTi-.-Kii.-!, when it LiJ t UT.U-.1 ':- niiu icrml.t.t.!c ct, cpa w X.UI lii, .1 t' -itii r-ei-.o! to i-s U'ev..!. e. llts , a.r-ieaa-pr-- Loucil tie In-crtt.tc "liCa cgtunieatil t!t we ol lira itr-i'.e bat jot ;rTi.l r. aiettr. L" l-re1';! p. rp.'orej in a very ehrrt lip.-.e, c-tl r"-iir:i o! til-' itrs liaj Irca f!:',re!.e:-.jl, lor til tlir -tu-rom qtr'-kty ..tf-.-rci r.s.J tod ten;-;.! v.-:' ;.'. is i rc l.'.aa tr.o lmntred paai". ,T ' .-s h't r--r.-er.-, 1:5 li:v. ero'.ti h i al!;:i.:3 er o-iivet,- o t.g euro l i.on-u.i.ii.ica fci:J 11.3 d!-i-.- iioi'u nr. ui!r..t-. C5t'p ita'ej re Ith K, 8l4 lite ceres e.l-'cteil by h'a oic-lcli hi.:a t: i.i vi.y Cdr.ro-c" ar:J trntr r.oill-r.u,. lr. 6 n::- x isi-.'.f - prc-t'r.a4:orti vU'iii to Several ot tI:o Urccr ceo- j ir - te-re ho L-;-a Itryo coecar gt j-. a-:1 il iti trai;.- t-toati'.i:r.,T to ne per cenran-;.:.'. LVatt-.i-eto If liHcl oat ct U3ircerrj:..es a-i In t. i'-T r.icnrlii LrVih--, riVut rt'r.o-. T-l. ECIIPNCVT. I'l'LMOMU SYUl l', SC. . rv.o TeiNlC, a-id MAM!)2Ai;r. PILTSaw i-caersMy tl re;utri-l la curiaj Ct-smia-jtioa. Fall d re tionj arroripaay et -h, u tint an..- 0-0 esa t tii'-ia ir.i'.iont K '.us Vr. Sussex, bat whoa il it eoa vra'ee.t it it Lfst to res Uitit. Ho give t lviee tree, I ji lorej-.-ou "h te.aili.iJou iviiiUis U.;r:i-oooict bii teo I.-i l'."-e dol.ti:-... I'e-eso ob-crve. v. s!n parrass'ns. that tl.l tiro til e:i?-3ej ot tlieltnctyr oeewhfa iaitie lsX&:&'9 ci CjDfuai-.tI.ia, a::J llm ott:er ts I.o now 13, ia rcrleci Itca'ih aro oa tl:- Gtji-crnmcat flti.?. )ti ty ail l.-aiti on J lit-en. l'rtec Sl.'l p-r Ionic, er :..Vi the LiO" dorea. L-.-.io.-. u.e !iou.a tlvra-.n Iw e..rec!ed to kr. Se;n,ocL'j Prbic'rv! O thn, lj Ilj.-lh Cih S!., FtieaJctph , I'i. Veaora! Wkote-aM Ain!a: llextj Brnra t C5., S. Y.. 8. S. Ilsieo, Itallimoro, ML; Jeha L. I'rk, C'aeianttti, Oii.o: Walter St Taylor, CUtt-3 BL ; C jiUiii I'roi., Su Loejo, Ms. Ud w. ca. mo. I Jan t!0. 1?!17-1. JSTS-lArwtJSJ, I3X'T TRIG. Every young lady nn-I jrcntleci.-m in the L'nitcd States tan hear something Tery raue'a to theiriidvarilage liy return mail (tree 0! charge. ) liy adoressing the undersiened. Those having fears of being humbiitr"--id wil cblific by not noticing (his card. Ail others I will please address their obedient Fervanl. feb.2S,-ly. 8-i br ladway, New York, j "Dl'Y THE BEST 3-iwucl Straver, of Pat lirson, is the authorized Agvut for the sale of the Plll'lP!.1 CI'IVI Vf irifTHVP ! 4-i -4i iuu Ulill IiU illiUjlll-tli antl also for THE WILCOX & GIBS. Tilcs;J are thg ,wo bcit Macj-nv3 c.anufac. tured 1 crsons wishing to purchase should ca'i at liCCht & Sir-, a s,r. ii, Pili.r.nn nrA exauune for tlieniselves. fvt Mt'F I. STntVPn OUR JOL1CY TRIUMPHANT. fc:r v' OUB POLICY IS TO KEEP THE BS.LAIIGEST, ta-BEST, E.AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF MEN'S AXD BOYS' FALL &. WINTER Hals and Caps, IJools and Sbnes, Irunks, V alists, Carpet .Sucks, Hosiery. G!oTe, Ilaud Lei'cliitfs, isbirts of ail kinds, CENTS' I'L'IIXTSIIIXG GOODS, Sc., 5c, iu town or county, find we hereby invite cvrry on who wants anything in tiie Clothing line to cull and see our iiew atock It is I normous in (quantity! Ma.-raifieenl in Uualiiy I ami will be hold at gretly reduced prieti tor Cash. 1 rices the Sr'aiue as Before tac War. Ketiietober tiie place, C:y?lal Palace Clofh 1113 Emporium, i:-i l.-e irc.-t, M iiili n! o wn. l"a. S!'!.UUT, FliOW & l'.VaMhK. jan 10, lb!7-if. :, e y r a 1 1, y merit-) tue ":-io"(.i" Ma J- els lots over all 1 other?, t'er eiiher lairilv er eiilier tau.tly use or iiianiiia Uliu T'U-noses. iit- so well .-!b.i.-;bcd :md to feudally a-!:ilif -1, Ibat in tuitmeratiou f their rilaiive ficcUeacitt is no longer co:itidf:i-J nccesiarv. I OVi NEW FAMILY MACHINES l . ' v.b.eb b.is Wn over two yea s la preparat i.-.a. I a lid .bicu Las been broe'.it l: pel iVo.i-iTi i'.- ; it .."-jut t .ii.e, l..tor cr vrcnse.a n I is e.o.iii. i;i'v .resented to i!:e i.uMio as ioeou;. to- pari, dm able and b?auiiiu!. It i if!ti' -t - ar:''-'."iba! lii'i'itn :, ami eapa'.ie i.t ptrtortium; : and -..ii ii i v ot v. o: i, never before : tea.". i. i : i pea ft sin -lo. Mai'liine, u.-ing eiiher " il'-:, j 1 1. '. t, l.ini ti or C. ttoi: Tbrjad. an 1 sevvip , a i'li e j.;al facility : i.e very t?:.ett and coarsest i.i.;ir:i.U, aiiii aey'liiog tvtv.'t.e:i the t.'o er- !'v::.!s, in theraosi beautiful at! 1 ! i:l..tr.t..::-.l I niani'- r. its at laeiii:iet.t - for betuitiit"-. b.-ai I- ! ir . e ..r.lin;., t iehi::g. i.i'li i 1 1 vc . felliu;', l.-ii.i- j to i. ;. bitoi,!!;.. ctc, a:e novel and practical i'-n l.a.e l-eii itiveutei and aJj'lsiil c.-;eci- i a.! V I 'V t :. .iiMchlllfV aeii ne.-: always kept (ll I. an I at toy Ti.l- I .:. . r.. ' it. i .. ..... ......... i ... ...i- ! -t...jlisl.iii'Oit, :;-eo:il M. ry Milo-:!:. i .irket t-tcre. il: -de street, MtMi::- , . , . - , . , ,. ; ' ' . .'.' ' v";!! :- )'-"'' ,e at tt:? r.v-1 r,,!.,, .a ,. :. - oit.n, Xce-..!-.,. la, cad. !. t v pettt!:-.:,.; to th:s ...a.l::.! t.i-t-1 on !i:. :.I :.o- -.!. to.rn. I' aed i'.o-J'.-i: :!;!! ! Vi e.oislal:! v.-;::, ept on hand MI.Li VM tiE, A-;ut. town, Jan. PI, is .7-1;.-. 1 II'FI.IX C:A V 1 ! ,y. V.'e i! f. : m rur cu-t-.n 'ijviinitnj coun.iio Vi A-lOS" M AXUr .VC i. i.-igi.e i i-.pg I.'.;ive ic t u. and friends in ih's an 1 :;t we have eular-rea oiu I .-to. p. ni.d 1 aie --ei .!-.-1 ibe ail liiim i.-f S:cui l'owci-- do rc-rk at :Lc slscrteJt posit e an ea:,.-!ti::y : -..inor.ieturing n-.J ej.i to or.ii r. tv.'j d- -er'pu. a tf t.'ooi'hi.s, Car -t-i-: i. !'..: ."j . Stilkte , tV-igi.c, Uc, a'.se Fawily anl YuaU cutter tiei We arc a'.;i p.-ep:t.'ed lo u ttarfartuic Mood tVagoa-- frou. one to four I. T.-e. ll.-.vir.g tco.j. v-.:ki:Tg : btisiiicss for a nr-t.l.cr ol years oui -elves, an I i-nirbivi.i-; ti u.c but the best of workiii"!!. V.'e r!..:t i ourselves ib.it our work cannot Ke f urpasseo' !' i- neat ne: r.nd uiivabilitv ; in this or ad ! ' e u.-.a s ken on hand l'ro:a t irenty to ''.!::;. , .f I. est secon i growth, Jersey ! 11 l..-1-ory Sooke.--, i.i oi ler to t!:.-:i;e u:raVe ii. ice's r. wi'.t wan-aat our W01L, f.r any j ie ,- 11 .! Ie 1 i j Sie-; lis and iloggi -s re-pa;nted with neat ' tiess and dispatch. All other repa'.-ing heavy or light w ill receive : t riot ntli ui ion. Conic I ;. 1 i-x-iii.inc rur Fioel. aiid vvora bft'ore t:r- cli..- ! - ur 1 Iscu "a . e. Pi-u't fct rret ibe name. ; I'Eli'i'!.!:; 1SC1..1 .s CillsWELE, ; ( orner of 1 lie I ike J; Cedar ring road i Jane 27-tf. M'.i IV.'.t. Cttl'i-:. I. 15. M. ' Toiti.Iia-' joreeeiv.-.; a lav:?e assort mem j ;f l all GoouS, VirtcU ue is seilntg at ledaceii , rn:t f.. on ! o to. j I'est Domestic Ginghams 25 to C'c. 1 Brown Muslin 7 yd wide. 15 to 2 t. I " ' i " wide 2" 10 2Cc. ' "'ass'netls from '.2e to s ": ij-i j A large a'jortmeut of Furs aid MafTs a: j city price. ' Pcct syrup at "It per quart. Ill-own Sugar 12.1 to l'.o. A 1 .! :!! r.Eiorm.! i.t o: il'ankels. S?,5 j U S'i.O.i. White d... 1C4, at ;7,5t) to s?,.-,0. Also, a large :.sorimo::t of I'.ootsof the best q'lility at from ?.i,5:, $.5,(10 lo 5.5 1. Abo. a large nssorrutcnt of Ladies Gaiter at reduced prices. The abova prices arc for Cash or Countr; produce. The lolloiriiig -uict s will be paio :'or n.arkeling : Ilultcr liOc per lb. Eggs 2ic. per doitu cash. J. r.. M. T0DI may 2,-tf. l'aticrsou, Pa. WEs.rN t frro-a, l.ar LAND AGENCY. C. Oi:. ncaster. Vt iseonMti, will la-. an-.! sell HEAL ESTATE, avl pay 'i'.-.xf-s fd nonresidents, to those desiring to locate in tl.t West, cau obtain cheap l'.oine.i and good wri ter prv.-er in prosperous i.ieali'ies by consult ing him rcivreu je g". .-euif reo'iircd. tiar. : i-ly. Q r ATE CAPITOL HOTEL, near tha Capi O tol Euilding r, JJ li'o; l'!7 FA. .t-Tcrms as moJl,rat' as aS IIo!eI ia lU ' tr itM 1 1 c: - vr4 . V LARGE stock of Quccnsware, Cedarwarc such as Tubs, Duller Eowls, Etickets Ouurus, Caskets, Horse Euckels. ie-, at SLl'iVFF. FK(W & PAKKEICS. QotlO.OO Ke'.vaiiii will be jaid in greenbacks to any person who nas used Dr. Dumin s Pile Salve according to directions and ha I not been cured. Au.'.ress D. S. Dunham & j Co. Willianispcrt, Pa. dee. o- 00. CARTE 13 ! OAK PUTS ! I VI.AP.GE and good varieiv of AIL WOOL, R AG and HEMP CARj'LTS oa baud 1 for l-ir! rhonn .4 j.j-u ncc DOXY'S CLOTHES WASUEB Universal Cloihes Ringer. The best and most popuiar Machine ever invented. All Wnihers wcrranted to give eatiifaction. ll uit as repreenteJ. tie vahcr will bo U kca bajl1 oi l '',e tuooejr refunded. In oticriiij tu Wasimr we present you tao toilowic? ftUerJUives : 1. Eiih.-r tomato wonun work all day at the hardest dra W'.i J- dunj;r.iu3 to health and life, hOy-iwo days in a -y.r or buy a Machine for her. wilU whicli i!ie can do ili same work iu to I.oaif , and nil Is tired. Cuiuult 11.'. Vh. 2. Eiiher buy good i to be r'l'l'.cd to frsj meiila on the wa,-li-i)..aid, cr buy a Machiua that will c'.euune without injuring garments, and sony for iiidf three times a yiar. Consult i'conoiny. Sold Lv J. E. JI. TODD. r.iucissn. Pe. RcaJ what our neighbors have to say: l'tSNsri.vA.vit Ilocsr.. r.VTJKCSoN, J ill. 2"?, 'o7. j J. B. M. To:n. Esq TMs is to cr:ify tlatthe Hoty's Clothes Wa-iier and Wiioger I piirohard li,,ai you, will do all that is res-oineii'ii-d if ili uiree'i-in for washing is ti iciiy cinei ve l, cs, cc;.idy for heavy c'o'.L i:i. '-.iio per: on cn w.is'a niiieh in an hour witii ease as th'y would do in ss tears X.T hand or coaiuinr. rubtjpr. It i.s a 7fe.it savor of cioihes and lin e. There i iui her t'li'i. ;i ii in wnshing or s'rain in w: inking. I!.y or (.iris of 1 to 14 y-.-irs old c.u do t" wasLit-. F. jr. MICKEY. Ma. J. T. ?.!. Tor.n- r: Since I hava pundiasfd L'ety's Cb iliefi Jt-":i aii't Wring er from tou, ali-5.'V is si drva 'e 1 i my wile as rv liitle i;Ii-l 1 ! re:irs Can d i lay w aL::i:. of 0 persons, in frora to t-i three hours, wnivli ifel to !.'-. niv wii r.;l ,,. i f,f!,.,hiii,,,.m,, I i .. . . , i : i t ,.i r.. ... i ..... it in i tVilii'.-oy ss I a tit contidciit thai yo i e.-,:i s-.v.- li.e pr'? 1 the J!athir. in ie.a .iian o-.e ."r :o thf r t; u of t'.e of tli W'-armp .:f c:..:be- as ttjy tie i-h-.J wiia- out r.tt.!.:,.g. Uiiis i j u.. J . iOYiS HA I.I.ST7.SH. f , JA'.-i;;; VLIDL r. ii, r t i . f i i I r t - - t i 1, ,: tf.illy ir.lli'ni the citizens ! i i.i. it,tov n ae l sot-rounding country !r:s j;; t ree-s-ve-.t fV'.:a the east a Kr--i id Well s --1 it (.f t-.-.- liu-.le..: ;-';i...se son inei.t ot e'. cr . ii:i on.;-, at: a a e.'iei.il n- pertaitii: j to his bu. I C w'-rhysie; .n ordc:-- pror.iplly f.lle.'. at '-mail a Ivan.c ot easti.-is wholesale prices. i Eijj-rrctcripti .$ Cjini'u'sly c ::i: . on;. lt d at ! ' S're, a; V-: : :i Eio ber-' V: 1 star,:, i Main s!iee.., two u .orswts! .!' iii.o d' stora, ! M:;:!io:o.v:i, !':i. I i.,a 2:5. l.o7-lvr. -j- , vi v'Vf-!' !! i- t j 5 ,.-,.,, . i . , -1- "t.e'j o.'e..- a. i iiV.ite Vc i..s iarin sif ,n:i--:l in lVa.- loivn-hip, Juniata cottntr. fe,,,... ;tilve t;i:ts Cis.: .f lho:::-?ontowu lor.ttr.t'iu 2,i acre-. ahautiVJacrc - of which lve c;e,l:, j -,, .A ..,,e cf . u , ..... .. . . . . . . . 9 r w- .1 set w liu chotce titubei . c-.,i etec'i J a !:ir. sti.t Mansion, -.re. 1 1 :;.-! E.i!,l: ilarn, and oihrr j-.'-l.i:.:-ii.3 . v:;:: a iiivr-fa.ltuj ;r e.'.i.M.:.: oi lo :Lo hi-::sc.- .!Jt ; nl" T!:e i.icl is Wci't watered, ihc t.h.ve lani ..'il; !;. sol t ill v-'tule er it: ; a'.CL-lo lo Mil: par chasers. I'oi-t-tus u!:i:'v:i.,j to j urchssa th pioperiy caa do ;o b c.!5::.ir r,u . - it . t - V. TilCMrSO J.. i:. ('.;!. .ieli H MEI.E Y lD. The under J s::;:.t i iters leive ti ::if,.rm tac pubiio tl a' be Ucep c ,i.-iian:l on hand a l.-o-cc Stock of Coal aud Ei.- il er. Iiis stock c.irces iu part. Stove C..al, S'tai.-j Cval a;:d Eitoe hur. r.ets C t.'., at the Ior.-p-i eii'a rates. l.ti!.,;.. r of r.;l kiitds aid fiiialitr, 5i;ch n Whii- l:;.;e n.iiik, iivo i:,e!s, do l.J Whits I'itte I'oar Is. 1 in-.-b, do one-half ;rt-b Whito Pine r..i-ke-l '".cortitg. He::. lock Eor.rus. Scvitliag. .Je.ce, EVeiing I.atii. Plastering Eatti, h:v fttlplne. Sasli and l'o,..;. C.;a! ait I I.nn.l.cr deiivere 1 at sh. ri aoilci. IVrsui.-; 011 the l-i't :de ti" tiie E vr can 1st Ciruishej witii L'tiii-t.itr:.t-.-.s'..u!, '.j., ;n ti.e ci a! ya.ai at 'ly-os ,;-;. t-i'i; iy " ceuecs ccc:ie:;. jeiya-; i.'i. Tl'P 111 del s;ncd. OtT-rj p'ivatf ?;'. -.' Fari.i -i::i-ut.- :.. M,l ;..rd town-!.'". J-taiata ce t-ty, l'e.. a'.-onl tl-.j rii'es It i at'et . 0.1, in l.tcl.ti.g Ctn". Vat ley, cei.tainii.g P.i Acre, ab.ra: s "1 acrt-s ele-ii-ed, the r. !t:.i::.dcr well s-.t with ..'.. tint: Chestnut tin. her, having theriroj c-recteu 11 -'io I ivv. lio.t-c. Wa.h :.'.-i.4- it,--. Itarn, an ! other 1.. c:-:.sr.rv ot:: ! ..i' Eujs. wita a vever-faii;::; s- i i:i- coiivrniei t to t:i4. door lite preper'v is s-lutite-.l in a coo i ne::hbor- .!"oo. ccr.verteii' u ctiurebcs, .--ebo...? i:u.!s atoi uteres, a id is very ue-iialde properly. Persons wishing to view tiie j, -i;.. itv can d i-o by c.il'inr 0:1 ALEX. McCAUAN. Fee. 12. i--;-.--!r. jvm:a,a 77. i.x ro rr.v. rr.v xa . . ae ttt: icr.- .rrncd v. . :.ld re-rec'tu.iy iiii'oriri .tilic j-.:ien !lv lhat ht :.e abt.ve naao d Hcle1. r 5 Si.i.ier. 'litis is na his IVituas an 1 ll.? j has tak-eu char-.'.' 1 1' t ioruii-riv tec! i y At; -.ci ana .ve.i-Knorrn sttiti1., au't none iutc de sirable fur the accommodation of lb-; r.nbp.c. "is IbVIL will be 'torkoil with the t-e-! oiiality oi Ll'tuors, his 'i'Al.LE ;;rr.-..l with the brt the n.arket can allot .1. and his S I' A MI.!-., whieu s one f the most Ueciral 'e :n town, wiil b .!! 'lol'd by roe I tmi tr.i.tv ioi.-'l. rs. r-pril I, '' J if. S. It. Nut ii-TINE. Ol'CA MILUt. 'ih. ? uio Ie. signed be-, eave to inform Lis frionut ami 1 he p. ttViiio 'bat he is s!::l in I'larr? 0;' ike abuse nan. pcpuh.r mill, where he is pre;--.:, 1 to cccotn-aij-late the citizens cf JlihEn. l'.i'ter-..n and .;..: ui: v , with 'he CLj;ee jin.-:s :i I'Jour. A large supply cf bran, Ci.ef.-r.ttit:". and :'e'-d of oli kinds coi.iaitIy o.a hand. A he ruiis a nii'i wagon every Tuesday and Friday 10 Mitilin uui Patterson, customers can be pune tu i.ly ciipplleil at their doors, l.'y strict 8 1 tca'ioii to business he L. pes to neeive a Ii! er.il share cf pub'ic putr.macc. 'I emt" Cash, may , 'btt-ti 1 SOLOJiO:, KACiFMAS. EXfClTOlVS XOTICE. No. ice i: t given that Letters lestanicMitn is herre. ir v on th.i -sia.e '.f .1 1 1 J N STONE!:').'. ;) late of Wikr townsiiip, deceased, hi-ve l een graiiled toiho iiidersi;i.'d by the P"gis!eroi .liiniaia .un iy. All persons indebted to said etiato wid aiiike iroiiedtate payment ami tliost having claims against the same will present thcia properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN' McMINN, Eu;or. jaa. 1j-"iv. F. D. MILL E II v.n;. LEWIS EREMEii .t SOX?. r o u a c j o v.- a n i: n o v n, NO. C-J2 XOIiTII TIili: &t , riilLADIXFHIA ;t'. !2 I f. Jsn ' j SUL0UFF, ri!0T & FABKEK'3