J v3 'i .:.r"T ' H ( jl uiiwn tifhtlctn, anl a vniuti nf hulls, ittu'oH Ho ivnrcr ihull trrcr; A uui'nii of hearts, and n union of 7i'tt7, A'l'ihe Amrritun Inion. forcstr! M I V F h 1 ' T () W X; Wfl-JncsJav irruins. l'ebrj.nry 1:1, H7. II. II. W M,SOV, Kilit.tr nuil rnbli!i r $iTni:JC W.4T.1 SKXriXM -ra and -Mans A.'tiun ol deht. Vei - hW.tUrt ( W,,V. of any ,,.M., r ' eyyy ,, y far .,rjT l,.irk(,r jor liquet P Hits ' i imty. It is tiiiTftore "" J..;") " t'l airtrtitiu-i w . li is a Timer, trti'v , . I..ya1. al.ly o.:iliicf.l. a firji Kn- I.tiealis-t". ' Jo.lU . C rattier VS. Johu Scnera. hipI well vrorli'.y of tb- patroitagc of every j ol)i iuueJ Jovul citizeu in the t'ounty. . . , ,. . ; ... ,i. ,..ni..i .loliti i horiipsoti anil barali Atiu, his AVu pulli.-h this, week, fur the belief t j "ii'c, lVr use of .-aid Sarah Auu, vs. Jos. cf cmr readers, the Heeeip's and Kxpcn-' Tvemp. Cfiititnijd. diturcs :f .Tui.iuta county, for the jeai j Ilobert iueent V3. lluli JJeXcal. -i t5 . ITeretiTorc Ave received jiay for , Continued. its publication, but thi year the Com- Johe .). l'jttcron vs. Wui. IJttleficld missioncH refused to publi.-h it iu the and William M. Allison. Out on aibi Skntixel. Next week we will cive tratimi. their renon for the refusal, and the " ftniount they pay for its publication iu the other papers with scuic i.;cts connected therewith. Oi l! OIll'K.VNS. T'utinrr Iwo consecutive evenings last week the people of cur town had extend ed to them the privilege of attending, on each evening, a ('oneert given by a niitti ber e.' Soldiers' Orphans' who arc attend-I l i ;'.,! '.!,.!-.,-l..n.fJ t Uo tersvilie. Several if the children, natives j Samui-1 Page vs. Jo. epli Long vs. Isaac . ought to be put upon bis trial. J tie High- ,.v uf ils workiK w!licU itrc ,.mi!.,.i of this county, attending this school, will ! Uoltlu r.er. Continued; pliintilf to J a v , er the iii.igistrate the more important ! Vl.tf uf CI1:,;s0( wc biggest that those interest soon have attained that age which will j the Costs of the trim. j the iuteieMs ,0!il..Ld lo his keeping the : j., c lucation send an application for ciicu deliur tlicm from refping all the advan tages whieh these of fc.cr years have j had .!8ccd before tbe-n by tits loyal peo- ! pie of iViitisylvatiia. I'ut tliEt :hese few J iiinj- remain yet a while longer at school, j : tt...- ciiifoih -.ta oiv-rn brthoie fidinu:- . fcchool mates and Orphans' under the . niaus an i 'rpuaus uuuer ! f tho Colonel. Thus again our I auspices e I citizens bad the opportunity extended to them to pay the tribute of respect, through tho children, to the nations heroic dead, and at the same time contribute a mite to the substantial advantage and advance ment of the Orphans. Most ot our citi zens saw and heard tliotn, aud many came .way filled anew with iuspiration drawn from the actual presence of the children 1 whose fathers gave up ibeir lives that the ! Kepublic may live. Through history we j know the past, it reflects deary the char ueter of the Governments of "the neoide : r tl..t n.t 1Vi,U it ,,n t,d pours-. ' " 1 " t - ' 1 down its long silent vista, turning its records carefully, searching diligeut.y these particular ptrges. devofed to the lib eral government of by gone years the Republics of :hoP2 days for eoinc illus tration of a similar regard, for the chil dren of those who fell in defence of their country, but except a few isd itcd cises, and tho-e individual cases only, history is as silent as the grave. ineir civn:za-r -f ' ti nbad not reaehel so high a degree as to encourage such benevolent cutert.ri.-es as 1 Christian Commissions, Sanitary Com- . uls.sious an 1 schools for Soldiers' Orphans ! vvt.rre. nn,l nt no time, exeer.tino- hor. andxt this time, id vrc Cud an object so 'Cbn.d'itilike espou-ed by a people. The j tducatioa of thee ohiMitu in time will I ?:nr i's proper fruit, these onys and girl ! will so: a tjeve aniot.g ua intelligent men anlwt'ir.cn, and-Tstuudin? clear'y and in-' tcliig'tr.lv, the f:re-at blessing c oufm ied j jp m them by their lello.v t ju:i?rymeti. .. i .t I : e .' . .i ' i.rt ugli the history of I:. eir country they , it .i . .i rr i i wi.l Jeiri that the g. rai tf freedom, that .. t : ,i ...." ,t t puncril to woiea they owe au !!iey huve. aed ft otu which mut com j for tl-.e people , iatbefiture all that is worth having. was cast tspon Plynnuth rock in tie year ld2!,a figitive Iron, per.seeu:iou. They -till ba:ji loo l ,t l n .. ; that by a strange coinci- le:.ee the germ r .1, ... M.nt , ,: ot despotism, that pnn. n.c! that put the black man in bonds, ' citizens and could therefore vote in the cerauce in in legation ot mown and to day, yit holds many of the purest ' coming election, that they found out their SrC! Pp'o openly expressed by , , , r .,' . i v i,i . . i - . ,' ,, i . , , i the still defideut leaders of the rebellion, IdooJ of the race to which we belong irnstake. Alarmed at the prospect of t . .... ' , , e i. . , is - i-t I is thus sternly extinguished, the Cauc.ts;in race r.l elate Ot crvi-; ,Jin ererything, the Swauuites hastily tuJe, that pV'acipal that swept tiit laud ' repealed the Jaw, and the picscut city I SziT Jay Cooke, the banker, lias teccnt v. ith ti c sword, debtgeJ it i:i bbod, ; government will couUnuc, unless inteniedi- ly bico buying some inagniflcent paintings nud O.pbautd these children and burden-! ed us v.ith debts ol billions, was ctat up- on the scores of the James lliver, iu the year to-". . i:c cm. jicu as mey grow , old:r, will oUerve sill these fact, and ; I place IneuueivCii on the (u.e ot justice, I'f.tiilv and Loner as their fathers did. They v,Ll constitute the Lul works of free- j d.nu and by the veight of their moral and I r ohaeal iu,iaencc render the participants in the tlavehoideis rebellion us odious as the uts of Arnold hav beeome. i; tVTS.e '.. rid vnt ('lu-o.u says that i :i toe. usiitp in ashin in 1 ui 'n co-.mtv. s;-p;..iits a 1 j .uiipcr who i te ialher-in !:i .7 id' one ofl .t . 4.. i ...:-.n r ti.., r' r,,;.... 1 . - .1.. tb.. t.l.o. .:,. I.... . i- rt 1 ,,i v.-v v;.-.'.i..;. -f i. t'br- s.-.n. ! ( ui in ii:im i:i:ii;:,. ! Thomas I. iV'.raue s. 'iuiud ('ii.it : hams. Attachti out txoeutiou. After j :ii,ji.u g iuc cti.ifice by consent, ot tun::- . juumcni v .seuteica lor .lmu ii $".W. C. J. T. JJelulvra lor I'l iT, f ":'a:" A. ivii z-.T for uso of P. M.!,.t;ivcj ,.ay Jlir tlrawii? to io:vc a ji!,i-:innt: l'i l.-it.!::!! yv.,i ! t'i;"t ,ie "aJ ""e to ll!j"111"T l' 1-7 t"i judgment and was dirteted by linn tojiay it to the plaintifl', I lint lie had paid it us diiccted. Maiutiil' took a uououit. I'oty j for pl'fl", I'uiker Ir deft. 1 T. I'. I'ochrau vs. J. J. I'atter.sou. Contiuued. AVillium Vn z and I'rullir vs. Thomp- Isaac IVft'enberger vs. Jacob ?eshoar. This was an action of trespass brought to recover tho value of a cow which l'oIFen licrger alleged was killed by Ueshoar's bull. It wis an appeal by tho defoudant trotii the ju'lirnicnt ol John Ku7Ziti-J, Ks'P, It fore whom suit Was brought, and who g ive judgment against the defend ant for 7",W and costs. The jury set aside this judgment and returned a vol- I .. ... - , . diet ol otic dollar. lMy ior pi U, Lyous ....... . and l'aiker f.'r d. ft. i ker lr d. ft. ... Ceuim.itnveahli vs. Jacob Veager. The i defendant was indicted lor I leaking open I the stole house of Shelleuberger e; Wine : in Iliebli. Id, si nie time in October last. ; and stealiio- "oods. A large ouaatitv of the ''''Oils stoh-11. tO'-t'tlier with t'!l! postage stamps were found in a chest be-: iwi's" soiaie-, nc.c loini'i 1.1 u chum uu longing to defeudaut. by a search wur-!'"; rant Verdict, guilty. Seulcnee, one ! 'ves'r and ihree mouths iu the I'eniteutiary, ' pay a Cue ef one djilar and c:.-:U of pros-! ecution. i 'Commonwealth vs. John Campbell.' Indictment I'oruieatiou and llastardy j Verdict, guilty. Sentence, pay 81n,tKb laying in expenses, S 12,00 for maintain-; anee of child till Feb. I 07 81,25 ptr ' week fr,r six years and ten months. A St ltAf ruoVlIlSTOKY. ! V''- Hakcr, late chief of the detec j live force attached to the War depart r.ut t,-.s )...,. l....., ,1,., tb.n I Committc as a witness, anh iu the course ,',f hi tr-Mv. nil bo h:, ! a loftPr J- . T . -, . . . 1 which was wr.tten to Jell. lavis. by A. I by A. Johnson, fthile the latter was Provisional (jovernor bf Tenuessce, offering, for Considers; ICO, t J.la'.'e that State in the I bauds of the confederacy. The signature ' of this letter had been cxhibitel to and f 1 1 1 . . " J " " J i n:ir( II 1 1 V rvtiminerl ItV ft Tit-ierifi tpvut-irv 1 V. W.'l"Oi, JO'." .tllVk. 1 It ,1111.1111 T!:e exigence of such a letter, dictated or ri",M1 1 i' A- Johnson, will, nl course, surprise no ouc who knows the man. He opposed rebellion at Cfst from selfish 1110 -it is not rcmail.al.le to hear that hi 'va- induced by selfish motives tjj.D'.,r his ser11 - " s 1,1 "s ,,l:h:l!1 vliCn lt raged and 'lc now, from selfish motives, seeks to break the force of the penalties due minors IV. ll.. . . ''liuS!,!s s antograpii letter is not I tie only testimony establishing his complicity with I irmr .rs . , o'i it . -i i fjrl he vecrct ot the n t eal .f the Lw ; - n . i r ' prnd:ii for a new elc liou in the city of i t t . i . i. i HultiTiioic Las leaked out. It appeals . that iu the new franchise law, throwiu; ...w ., a . .' upcu vgliVagc to the traitors, all citizens 1 Wcre tdotlcd witU tbis right, aud it was jonly when the fact was pointed out that .1-.. 111 i uu.b r his statute, and by the plain mean -1 ,. -i i i i ln,' ol the civil lights law negroes were atcly dismantled, nutil November of 1S0S. iwpresX'n gains strength that t c etiera j.ilroad bill will become a . ,...,!. ,jie,-c CM reasons to appre (,n(, ,h.,t;mcn,!mc,i!s may be forced iu to it which will restrict its usefulness. Tim idea that fceius to prevail fimon the u,cmbcrs favorable to the bill, is to get. it ,j.r0 , ; the best shape possible, j ?uj trUst future Legislatures to recuif'y ;.,, ,b.f..r m ih.dr sunerior ULU' l"UV.s,i3. ff v v - ' - judgment, though there aro potent rea- sons lor not taking auythiug utiles all that is absolutely needed can be obtained. . - -;p ill.. ll.NiaMsTS of Tennessee will soon Inbl ' Sf-'i'-rt Convention at Kuoxville, t l.dl'MAC IIMK.VT. j Ct.oros V. Smith, jailge for Oneida ' county, New York,was recently brou-dit l,(i..ro the hennle ot that btatc, oa Aui. ; c!,,s ol I inpcacbuicnf, an.i convicted, the ! , roeccdino-s closing on the 25th ist i- w " list liiia were that ho rt- :lVll" CXVItiPllOn i"'",,PrK allowvd Ilia law Ii:iltBer ,u receive pay for like service, and j shared iu the proceeds, kuowiu' the t a- pera were to mine ueioro nun lor Ueeioii; that for perstoja! gain he procured the ap pointment, of llxcisc Commissionerf; prc eived from thuni his own apj-oininiuut -prosecuting attorney to (lie boaid, ami then sold the appointment fo: five hun dred dollais ; that be eorrupt'iy bailed a mau charged vvi;h grand larctny, upou condition be should enlist for a bvuuly of six hundred dollars, which should lc held . i - if i j . j by his law partner, who became surety, the understanding being the bond hhould not be ptosecuted; that he was corruptly mixed up with bounty brokers ; that he received live thousand dollars, to bo oflVr ed as a bribe to the Assistant l'rovutt Marshal (leneral ; and other matters kin dred thereto. The Senate held most, but not all, of these charges to be proven. Is there a mau brazen enough to deny that a magistrate guilty of sueh praetices ought to bo impeached '! If vueh a man exists, we have not heard of him. What if a higher magistrate has violated his Juty, not in the same way, but with rijual flagrancy shall lie be lmitaciieuT A good many people will say, No! It seems to us that this ijuestioti of the impeachment of the President is exceed i - ! i i . mgiypiain. lias ne c-jmmi.ted acts c.ear - . . i , i i .... . ingly plain. Has he commit! Mi' ,n vioijhon ol Ins Uu'y : lheu lie; j, , .... MV in vudalton of Ins du'y ; iheu he uore urgetit tho necessity tor l.oi ting bini to accountability. Shall a p:.l;ry Coiiuly Ju..'ge bu arraigned and dep.ed '"' corrupt conduet, and the fie.-i .leu; be allowed o do wiong witn iinpuiuty 11 I'l 1 ie.-rti'iit is an o:l. tiiicr, :it,i. t'-e-r cj shall will s Y'l" pt":npt and elil ' ut procecditig.' agniii.st him. Hut it is ':' th"'k "' air..ig-;mg the I re.-: lent "M unlcretiees ol opinion between i,i:u a'" Cot gicss, or upon w hat shall appear f,) ,'- "K'1' t0 lliu tfca of the people 11 th-so wU arc f.m.:ntlnS tl.it matter. 1,aVL" r,'al material out of which to make a c!t-';ir l':1''L'- lct t! em 2 j!ieaJ ,Jllt ''' lllCV ,,"vu ""fi ,1,c sooner they subside and let j ; 1110 project expire, (tie uetrcr ior men, ! -elves and the e-ojtitry. i CTI.e rectu J of Joha Iorrifsdy, the I prize ligbi.n- aii'l gambier, who was re- llv ..t.w.T.. I .. '.,..rnco fr...., ll, l.:t',t. v-"' V -V"o"--""' New York i'irstrict, was published iii the j New Y01 k papers during the cauvass, as ""-l"'!' -u.i..i.o ' i,.,;,ol 4 flw ; .l.Jtt.tt: , .1... T 1 .. 1.0. im 1 1 .).. tuv v 1 iii nit! 1 U'lt,iut, 111 ills, . '. . , .cities ol Irn- antl .New loiK. l0ok at 1 . . . . I ir. Jieie 11 is 111 iroy: ai 1 1,.,.,.,. I.,... 1S1T I.,.i:,..,l f... .... .... . ., . .... sault with intent to kill. J April, I Sp-i lu.lictcd for burglary. April, 1S40 Indicted fir assruit and t i..,if..,-..-. ...i.vi.....l ,....! -,...t t.. i-.:n..,.;. vdav J V,.r. f..r, tvl-.f...: r . 1.... " ' to. uu.-, ghity ; t'jtiVlLlei and sent to Jill Kr eiity day?. June, ii'd Indicted fur burglary. I u New York : July, 1 -51 Convicted of breach ofl ic peace ; liued ?5K, and in default was j e sent to Sing Sing for iluee mouth. 't',,. , i : :' J I. J Kit .1.11 SlIM.I.ll cuiivicti'jiis were bad, making nine months iu prison. tJfA Washiugtoii letter says : The --liMia oi I'.e i.aiei uuicu gives unisi i.opc ' , . to) the pati tiotic heart is the position.no 1 ,, ' 1 longer concealed, ol (iencral (J rant and his p . . . ... i illiistrariom milatary associates, 1'hilip :."V; ,7 V, " V . ' ' l- - 'J. :'uJ -' ! S- V of u.iy- xuv uopu niui me x resiueui 01 , ,. , 1 .,, l"B 1 "iieu ciaica win .iiieii.pt an ariueu . .,,.,. lor his grand residence, now nearly com pleted, at Cheltenham, near Philadelphia. A picture by Neblig, "After the battle," cost him S5,(J0U. J'.ight years ago Jay Cooke was connected with a Cincinnati bankin g house at a salary per year not half as mueh as ho gave for "After the Pat tle.'' Hut he carried his means aud de serves bis luxuries. OTATE CAV1T0L 110'i'EL, uear tho Capi I KJ lot iiii. Mings, HAiClSBURG, PA. r.-riTeruis as moderate as any Hotel iu ihe ' City. I . iv..:. ti. . iitj.ii i .tje. irroTTieior. I.AUC.E stock of (!ueen3waro, Ccuarware : l sueh as Tubs, Uuitcr Itowls, thickets.' t.'hur: :, I .-skels, liol.se I, ne ItlS, ,Vc, lit l.nrtMiTA.NT to youxj; mux am Tl'Atmitts. livery young man, whatever may be bis fit lure call'm:; in li.e, will fin J thorough and i practical business education his greatest aid i ,o success. Such a course i,.nv l.elmd l.v all. 1 . ,i, eiMt . I tiu. tramr r..v ,i...v. i j " atM rropur:Uioit can rea.lily lu spin.'! -You a . nj ."'linn iUUS (Mil 11 ill llltf j country. Tlircc inor.tlis only r necessary ;fur :i jui j'aratioii that shall iulroiiuoany iar- invr's son, teacher li mechanic, into hiibi ucs position Unit shall bring him a good sal ..ft- on.l tt.-.t mor 1 1 i.tt.i ..t. I.t n 1...l;..a.-u "iiccefs. I niiiKiritiiiin, i :t., n system ol instruction has been inlrojuceil into J. (.'. Mimioiio's liusiness fiiul Telegra'!i College that must be thoroughly practical, mi l woika revolution in conoiiercial injunction iu nil schoitls having miiiils etiontrh so that it nuiy h inti o'ltiecd. I'nfortunivtely this system of in 1 1 iic :c ii can only be carrieil out in a few ui the larger schools of the. United States, ns it requires for its successful operation a great nuuuer of students in daily ai tea. lance. This ri.rc of receiving the encouragement and enthusiastic support of the leiding besiuess nm and educators throughout the country, am is drawing for this College patronage Iron nearly every Slate iu the L'niou. The praetical arrangement of cteiy department uinkts i. profitable for young men to come huu beds of reil-s to enjoy its advantages, ns nt n i other school in tho country can e.iial adv.mtages he had for business education. I!tv. Ai.f.xxii:n Ci.xnic, Kditor of Ct-rk' Xrco 17,T;or, iu a notice of that- intituton, saiil : 'The Commercial College of . I. ('. Muia foril combines in its ;ilan more prnctiealities, and belter disciplines its students fir hir-ccss-ul bu.-iiie-s than any similar in-iiiution with uliich 1 uni ciiiainted in the city, and but on.' in one wtiol.- corntry iu any w ise eom f.ires with it, and that one pursu s a i.ieiiio.l -omew hat I he same but perhaps not aj fully developed. Fuli a report from Hev. Alexander Clark j ;s strong evidence of the character and st.ind- 1 :. .. ..c . i.: ....! i ri. i,..o... r ;. j . ; '"' ! .if ititriirtifiti. invitos (lie nltt'fitnoi ot tlie ' . uias-es, anil as it issues manv publivaiions !ars. a they will no d..uM be lurnisiu.i im- : aiedl iti-.y oa ri-eeipt of reouest. A I Ire-s .1. t' Mr Mtui'.ii. riiiladi.li , J'a. Jan M, 1- Wsx (Irri'tisfufnt.j. Xl.t'L Toll S N'lI'lOi:. The und ersigned ' Jmiiata Lj has r'eeived from the ltegi-ter of eo.n',tv. h.ttirs t-sianientarv upon ti.e last will and li'stameiit of John Williams, late of Siruee Hi" I "'A 11-hio. liee'd. All l.ersons in- lebie I to said t'-liile. are revte'-"rd to make ay.neiit to Ihe uu lersigned and all persons laving demands against ihe same will jiresent I tiavmg them for settlement. feb. lo Lit. JOS. roJtEKOy, Executor. JXKCI TOltS" XllTICK. The undersigned Li have received from the Itegister of Ju niata county, letters testamentary epou the laM will ami le-imrent of Win. J. K i UK, bile of 1'asi Watei fu d, Tusearora tow nship, dee d. Ml person- indebted to said esiar. are re ou. -ted lo make payment to ihe 1111 ler-igne 1 and all persons havi ig demands against ihe same will present them f. r settlement. MA Til EH' C..i:K. J. M. Mul:ii ;;iv. fch. IS -fit. F;.cnt.irf ! yj ,i,.,..:..m..i iU .l..r,:ged has established Iiim-elf in 1 I l.ii it ftt Hi" in tit 1 .lining 1 ii - tin- - :. !.... ,;,,.,. ,:.;,.,.; i; i, ,1 1 ,,' , , " , . , j call before iureliasi'ig el-ewm re as he 1- . prepareil to eiar.utact..re all kimls 01 1 ,1 mi 1 1 She. 1 Iron Ware, and lo sill as low a- thev can be purelois. 1 elsewhere. llisoil cu tocrers an t ti.e iitoie gent i-illy rr i - - r- fulty iir. itt d to e .'1. as he lo.'. ! y sn 1 al tciionto business lodc':ei.e .. s!.:t e ot J it ri.n.i?". ..el, :;i, v.!"" j.m'ov. .. v, r:i:v. I'lSHACtnl lI.l.ASSI'.MINAltV.- This l, 1V .;.,:., f..rro.y the i t V of I'rol ; S. ,. :--hop. m... 1 :!rly ovenast d lv 1. Muh ler, oiinty r-oT . ioteieiaut o: ,l coot.' y has been th-rot.:'!.! c reaoiaieil and rotr tti-!i..,t Ti,,. v.- il.o- lolo-s h ive t,. c!l l.'-btl-ll ... i t I new. -i lo ti.e buihiiii. mil itior improvements..... i.. .... -t .... . f .1 .i .!...;. ! .' ".I'"'l a, . ; i;,,,,;,,,,., ii county. A leohers issv.iit I.e forio-.-d tvi the cpenii-o of the ssi.m mid will be e oilin in 1 tt.ro..i;hoir. The S.iiunier Scssit ii opens on Wednesday, April b'th mid con:iuue twenty weeks. Tr.r.Ms.- Tuiiion. Eo.-irdlug. Eight am! fiir..ishe l rooms per se-sion. S'.'tl.fl '. 'lho.se desiiitig admittance sho'.ild apply early. For flinher partieutars address MAUTIX MollhEi:. Trin. I.ewistown. l'a.. un'il March ttuh, after which at Kishaooquilhis, l'a. feb. ltl-l-o.. M1 sion Of this School will open in this piace the First Monday in April next, under thecaarge of the undersigned assisted by com petent teachers. In this school in.strutien will be given in any branches desired. The Session witl consist of two mmrters of elevcrt Weeks cadi. Al the end of the First quarter there will be a vacation of four weeks. Students will be received for (he whole session, or for one quarter only; but it is highly important that all begin with the opening of the Session, if possible. The school will, for ihe present, consist of four grades ; Those studying Spelling, Head ing, Writiu.z, Mental nud Written Arithmetc, will constitute the first gra ic. Terais per quarter for this grade: !?o,00. These studying Grammar, Geography in corncclion wit li the above named branches will constitute the second class. Terms per quarter :$ ,0o. Those in the third class have the privilege of studying what branches they please and as many as they can study thoroughly, (ex cept those branches named iu class fourth: J Ter. os tier in latter, S7.H. no - ...1. M ....t.. 1 .1.- f . iu.kc n.s'it.ii ,'inii: mil me ..; n'li:.'tl"i, i will coLs.itut- the lo.irtli class. Terms ra- ' Text books will he tlie same for the most i I . 1 : ..i 1 : I ai I. ...UL nic u.ig.. ... u.j, aijuvm ...s. JCS ill 1 l'crrysv ille. I Hooks of the right kind can be h.t l here. I Uonrdiiig can be had With the I'rincipal, or j iiioi..'- i;ii..iu ...i-ni.es u 1 iiu in u-.i. possible. For I'uithtr information address the undersigned II . ZiAlMr.r.M.VX. rrin. M,.IliaiC',vii, l'a. DOTY'iJ CLOTHES WASIIEK universal Clonics Piir,rr. j iik ui-m un moot popuiar oiacliine ever !? . : . , A" Waherf ,0 ?!Te !?&.- iii not as reurf"tieit. m "rusher i i, t-w ; ken back na-1 thy luuitry n-fuml'ttd. j " ".- '" ' w -i,zi;iii. j un; f..l!ir.r :,lleri;v- 1 Kithertoniakc a woman work all day at the hardest druJgery dangerous to health m u.e, .n.y-.o ua.va .. a yenr-or i,uy a Machine for her, with which she can d,. the l f.f . . .i ;... " . hither buy goods to be ru lbed to fr-- men.s on the wash-board, or buy a Machine that, will cleanse will. out injuring garments, and so pay fur itsel three tunes a year.- L'untult IkhHumij. Sold by J. 1!. M. T01!, I'attviso.i. l'a Read what otir neighbors have to say: I'KNXSVLVAXIA llol SK. I'.ittkksox, Jan. 'I?, '07. )' J. 15. M. Tom., Kso This is to certify that the Doty's Clothes Washer and Wringer a"d have been invented and adjusted especi I purohaved from you, will do nil that is rec- '"r Machine. 01. .ended if the direction for washing is Machines always kept rn hand at my Tail slrictly observed, cspeoially for heavy cloth-j ,,r'"S K"'ablihnieni, second story SnhoiK. ing, one person cm wash as iniieh iu an hour I F'o-v k I'arker's Store. Itrdg s!el, Mitlhu with ease as they would do in six hours -y '. !'. l-V "''c inspcciii.11 of the public, hand or common rubber. It is n ei-nt savi'r and for sale t the 1110-t reasio.ao'.e prices, of clothes and time. There is neither fric- Machine Cotti.n, eedl-s. Thread, il, e., lion ill washing or strain in wringing, lii.ys'and everything pertaining to this Machine orftirls of 1' to 11 years old can do tho ' constantly kepi on hand fur sal. washing. I t WK.I.IAM Wl.-tK, Agent. F. M. MIC'KEV I MliSintown, Jan. l'i, lS07-ly. Mr. J. I!. M. Tontt S.r: Since I have j pun hased Lioty s Clothes Wad.er and Wring- IFFLIX C VCIl.t ",V VfinX M VXl'K.V C er from you, wah-ihiy is no more dreaded by ' l"ri Ke undersigufd beg leave t- my wife ns my liitle girl I I years or age can inform our cunnincis and friends in this an I do my wathiug of 'J persons in from two to ailioining enmities, that we have enlarged our three hours, which ued to take mv wife all ' -'"'I', "ltd by the addition of Steam Power, day. 1 can cheerfully recomn'ertd'evf rv per- j "le prepared to do work at the shortest poi so:"i to go to J. li. M. Todd's, and get a Wash- : !,! '". er and W ringer as I tun conrtdout that y..u ; V.'e are constantly i.ianufaeturing and n.aku can save the price ol the Machine in h-.-s ! "rder. every le-eription of Coache". C.ir-l-n ..ni vemr in iln .,ir.r.ir of i!iu of t!i. j riaei'-". liturgies. Sulkies. Wagons, .ie., ajio wearing nV elotiies as they are washed with- ' "'aniily and Voak cutter sleigh-. We are jt.-. out lubliing. yours Sc. : prepared to manufacture Koad Wagons from j tu. :!') ly. JOiiX IIAI.KXTIXK. j one to four horse. 1 Il.i ing tteen working at the business for a JACOi; ;KI!)I.EH. j uuu.brr f years oi.r-.dves, uud emph.yii.g . t f t' j iiiine but the best of workmen. We barter Ih'ii.cr 1:1 ih'iiirs, Mt'diviiics, tVc.,!"",'-,!viM,1",i,j"i'.w",kt':,,;ii"'.,,c s!i-'-p lTTlitlti - 1. . - tor near ne-s nad 'iaiabil.ty ; in this er 1. I U,. ... 1 . j "" "' .M:tlli:.to 11 and surround. ug c-otiniry , 1 . 1 1 - 11.1-jnsi .rrriH-ii iron. ui"e.i'1!a 1 irg and well s.deet.-d i-sorlu.'-ril of .. ; ior medical purposes onty, and a ir.oioral a.--sornoeut tt everything penaiiiing to his bu siness. !if I'hvsioians orders pronijliy flh-il r.t a :-'U.;;it advaTi.e of eastern whole-ale priet-s. Jtvv lYeseripthois' eari'l'ully co:iiitiii.:.d"d at ids Store, at Ito'.irian itroioer.-' ul 1 siati I. Main st;eet, two d.o.is west of iefrd'-store. Mittlintowu, l'a. (j in ). i- 7 ly. TWitM AT 1'lt i -k signed otler- IVATK SAhi:. i i.e under- rs at private sale I. in roi sit oonty, I uated 111 Pelawrire tinM.-oiii. Juniata l'a., about three miles earn of T inijisout.nMi. containing l!o acres, nhout goo acres of which are clean d aud iu a good naie of cub iva' ion, I '''e remainder well f' with choice timbet, j having thereon erected a hu ge Stone Mansion, lenaui House, large touik Hani, an I other necessary utit-buihiinss, with a iiever-fniliiis spring of tfalef convenient to the Imui The iainl is Well watered. The above land wilt tie sold iii whole or in parcels to suit nor- chasers. Per-ons desiring to purchase iht property can do fo by calling on JoIIX I Tli'iMPSOX. April "", lV"ii-!f. "MIA I, AN!) M'MDEIt YAlill. The Cti.l-r- v s.l. ned beg- leave to infirm tao public that he keejis eoiistaiolv mi hand a hirtrc Stock I of Co 1! and Lumber. I!is stock en, I races in 1 pirt. Stove oa!. Smith Coal and Lime-bur- ; letter T per lb. Egg- g:.,. i.e. - ( toil, nl tl.u ! ."est ea-l. later , ,i. t i . ,. , ' per doeli er.'ti. I. .no; .er o. a.. ,;:nds .m l ipiilnv, such as I j -, Tnll. hue l ine Think, two ii,elll S. do 1J V.hite j ,,... .,f ' Pntterson. l'a. Pine boards, 1 1:1c'.. d - one I, aif inch. While I'itie'woiked I'iorice:, l..i,i:..,k P.aids. . .... .. .-V.mh.'g. .K.iee. l;....! !.,- l'l i-:er,ii" 1 "" "' ' ' K' " " '" l.a.h, Mi,:... Sniping. S i ;, , '"' I " I t'NEY SAVKH IS Mi.'SilY EAItNlii). Coil nni l.::-,,' er d. inc.. ' m s',..i; ,, ,i",ee I 1 A"' that eiu I .e d one to prrtcfii. n IVr.-o.i- oa it..- I' . -r si.!,. , r ihe Kiv.r .mi l.e ! 'uv''S '"lir K'-'dsof the mv.- tiro, in l.ttter-rnrni-iiel will. hi:. oV Coil, Atf Iront ! " T:'rit ,,,'-k 1 1:1 '' "! "' the , o,l v I at ! , is -,-k Iti '!:" n'"1 ' ap". I'afcy io,.l-. ai.'.s.. .',-ii- t.i.i i,i;r Hns'lKN Ci'SilKN. - ie-le.l. Her )lt IV ATE SAI.i:.T! e at. I-r I a' i-rit a-e -:.le hi- i':.: ... si:: "I 1 l.n lis1. : ,.. .1 r.i.j ifi c.i.iitv. I ill live ii v..:. , ii.tb's f- .t,i l i. iler-o.i, to l.teki'-. t r. j '.ey. et.-iiaitnt-j- lo . A' a'-.i:. .-'icor..,;, lie- r.-.;i i:,i !.-i- i',l t tii .. aer-s ttak alio meed a J Cile-.Tiut Itll.l,.. .-. iiavitic Itie-.- o; . J l'l.'. Ilmi-r. ,l l-h lion-.. Usui. ' It.iru, and o: I..... t.e- t - aiy too boi'doii; i;h e...l,'ll,..lil o (I. do..r. i i in a I'm. 1 ti'-i.'i.oor- ' , s,l.f;g ;- s i i ia ' i hoe 1. convenient ! eh in i. tic -, s,-;,,,,;!., mills and stores, and is a very .l-:i al.tt- p, ..erty. I'er-o.is wishing to vie ti.e pi-ferty cm d' ALE;: ,k-':",AN- .1 V xi at a t'l.-ir::. Mirrr.ixrcnx. rt:xx.i foe uuders, titled w., d resp-eifu ly .ofor-,. I. is In, aids and the public generally that he has taken charge cf the above named Ilote1. r.... ..... (....!. .. . .... . . 1 ! jV , L. . " . " J'" strabte r,.r Ihe .iccomniodiitiou of the pui.he. .1- i. . 1( -,i . .... . . 1 ZtZZ Wl" Ui siv.it.!.. f..f it.. 1,.,; r irusty npril I, 'tjti-if. S. It. XOTESTIXE. Car.A ' leave MI LLS. The unde.-oMie.t h,--A eavc to inform his friends and the r ublie that he is still in charge of the above name! I McCoysvilIe, 1 uscarora lowusu. p, .11 una, popular mill, where he is prepared to accoin- ! county. The Mill is a large triune buthltog, modate the eiliens of Milhin, Patterson aud . running two sells ol Iturrs. wuli l.o.ts, tie vicinity, with the Choicest r.rai.ds of Flour. ! valors, ic, accessary for doing a lar-e A large supply of P.ra.i, Chop-Stuff, and Feed , L'ountry or Metel.ai.i business. In c.... of all kinds constanilv on hand. As he runs i " ,l,c Mil1 w'1,,1": SU.' U," ' a mill wagon every Tuesday and Friday lo ' ""- a!"1 Stable with all ueetssary Mitllin Hint Patterson, customers ca.i t.e punc lually s.i, plied at .their doors, by strict a) tcntior. to business be hones 10 receive a til. oral share of public patrnnatre. Terms Cat. h may t, Ulbll J SI tl.O.MOX K Al'FKM AX. rX ECU TO! IS XDTICE. N'o.ice is hereby j XJ given that Letters Testameuiary mi the! i . state vf JOiiX STOXEUtfAK late of Walker i : township, deceased, have been granted to. he j undersigned by Ihe l'.egisterof Juniata eoun- j ty. All prsous i.i'tebled to said estate will . imake immediate pavment ami those having i claims against the saitn will present them: , .. . . ,. ,,t . JuIIx'mJmIXX, ,cu!or. -liiv. r. p. 31 1 1. l ii a Wi l li l.KWIS 1'llK.MKll SON'S, T O H A C C O AY A U H II O L S K NO. u22 N0ILT11 TIIIPD St , Plat..1 bZLtUIA. ; 1IV' family r-,''JJ-JJ jjja rpill. supn-ior merits of the "Singer"' M:i J- climes over all others, for cither family e r manufacturing purpose, are so : estaWUU! and so p,.;rl!y admitted, that ,m f ii.;,. j is no loccr ctujt-re-l iceasarv tllU-Ntill t.L L .1 A S ! wh5cU bil of er two years in preparation, . ,, wlich has been broittrht t, ierfenion" r,. 1 fs,.. j s. j Riraiess of time, labor or cxpct.se.a ml is now ; t.uWtlllw ..resented to the imblic incom. ' prably the be.-l Sewing Machine in existence. l l. l..i.;... ; :.. .. i. ntt, ,,,,, ,, buliruI. ,t is iet y u ' ,ull,MIli:. , pa,,,e r performing a range ! ,,,,,, v...liltv (,r wori. nerJ Mure t 4 a !nIe Machine. usinir either S.ik. ! Twist, I.inen or Cotton Th. cad, and sewing i will. e'Ual lueility the Very tin-st and cuarse-t ' iiiatio ials, and anything betwirii the two e. j tremes, in the most beautiful mid substantial maimer. Its attachments (or hemming, braid ling, cording, t ichiinr, '..tilling, tilling, trim. """?. binding, etc.. re novel mih! i.ractieal. juii.ii.g count ies. . o- , ,.. ...... .. 1 e a 1 1 a - 1 ep on hand from tweror to thirty set. of i.rst second ro'Alh. Ji'i-';ey 1 1 iekory Spokes, iu order to make durable wheels And will win laiit our uoik for m.y reast n lido I in.e. Sieiglis nud llugiries ro-ainlt'd wirh ii(ai-ne-s mid ti:-pateh. All oth.r repairing hea-.y or I'gtit will receive sine! aitentiuu. I'lone Mild einniitie oor sti'i-k an I v.h'k before pt.r-eha.-ing els.rv;u.;-(.. lou't fir-ei the name," li lilFH.KI-'INlf.iK .v CiiiSWKn.. Corner of the 1'il.e Cedar spring roa 1. June r, !. ; lp.t sli AU1UVAL OK t;u(ii-S. I. I;. M. X Tuoo lias just receive 1 a large asori nit'it' i f Fall (ioo la, . Lich he is selling at reducviT ; mires: Prints tror :, to 2-V-. i i:..t Inoiuitic liiuiihams - to "le. lirown Mu"liu ; yd wide, I") to t!Oe. .. -1 wi le to tfoc. Ca-sinell-from figo to S-I tat A larire ass ill n.ei.t ft f its and Atultt i. city prices. Rest syrup at -'tie prr uturt. I I'.rown Smrar l"Jl ta I'io. ! A large assorlment uf l'.lankets '"' t j S?V"I. i White do. :t l. at ??7.-".' to SS..V). I jso. a larc nssot-ttoem of Itomsof the 'i-t ualiiy at from t?:i. -In. f i.1'11 to .- !.'. Al io. a lafge as-i rf.:it;.t i f La.ies (jailers at reduced prices. The above ri it ! nro f or Ct-h er C'ott.try I...... 'I'l.o r.tl- min.r -trices Will be ltl No.:. ii-. a Inge a:,. I -1 s j . t-1 . -lokoi i - .is n I .-loo s. Cioici S...I. li l.. ;.e.-.. .-:., .!-ie I an 1 ('".lined Kr. li's ill v.le.lt -.ti y. II irdv. I.e. 1 i.iei li-w -.t e. W ie.iw.re tl'ir -l. ck wa pti.tdiri-el in en-ter i cities r.f te-du.-i 1 price-, and e ere cm. I '! .,t v. Csii make it i i :he i!t.re-i of "i.r cti-roiceis s;. ?i,e e..o.ls-l.nviog pih'.ic !ooii- ;!, tst ;i:i lietore Hoiking their pun l.a-cs. X. I. V. e hut- Ihe laig-si .-lock. re.tt vati'-t' and be-t styles in the eeuu'y. Ili jiesl market price .id f r r..untr; j ro- do.e. k::axk, t I a. Patterson, July I. IM 'i.tf. . t o. ! . J. I. l n Alt I xt: to-Ki'ii UKi.l. IXKW STOiM'.. .M-;.V (iUODS. I I . I'...!., -...vsh'l. tl.Mt t 1 1 1 - f ' Ililt'P illul ' ; . ' .. ...... i" ! ,..,,,,,:,.. M,.h H.ev are , tuning iu Dear- ing's new store room h Johnslown. Our k consists ot Prv woo-t ;. t.roceries, i n ! and Shoes. Hats aud Caps, (....-iisware, Hard- I M:'re, ao Willi a geaere.l assert j'ent of iin- 1 irAEL Alil.E MILL ritOl'EUTV AT l'lt I- YATE SALE. The iindcriiigne.l otters I r'Vi" SH"e ,,ls 1 -"I'erty. situate i 111. loo.leio iuairovenients. Terms easy. Persons wishing to sec li e pr .per'y will tall al the residence of the subscriber iu ( MeCyosville, Juuiata e,Jll"'i'- , Juue -lf- Vt M. H A e. ,: . I VEXXSYLYAXIA IltH'SE t V T K li ii O X ', 1' A. ., .,. , ,. . ... p. CpPOSlI? Slffllll S'atlOll, OJ Piitll U- H.lllro.lJ. The undersigned would respectfully i.itoua his friends and the public generally. Ihni. ho has taiicn charge of the nJ.ove n imc l lum-e. The house is large and eouimedious, ant well ventilated, ami is litte't up 111 singe) rooms and rooms for familiis. and is open d ty , ' .- '' ''.,",- , ,.t ... oh everv- ' kee notions. Sail, . oal tin, 0.0., witn evert- novld,lS,;t;-,f. ..EAKTXG. , I and niehl. Persons wakened fir uy train. I Tl. best .ilicuiltmc-e given tel iiis as iimsum- able as the times Will ad.i ii. ! 1, M. MlCivCV. I j an. t!0-tf. Own r an I l'ropriet r I tU!ltFrCAl;Pr:TS ! ! ' j I, AUG E and good variety of .1 f.I. KOOf . l ilt .10 and IIK.Vl' VAiU'LVi u haat f filaiide fhwap. at i SL LOLiF, 1"K0V.' .: PAuKilii'S organization of the party-