-.V: "s?, ivi tev .i i. aA If. SI. tTiXSUY, ra rojuTtiruos the csd a 3 Tm exfohcehkst or nix uis. VOLUME U. NO. 45. TERMS 0? rUBLlCATIOS. . Tn Ji"!.iat Sentisei. U published every I V.'eduesdiiy morning, on Main street, by H. H. WILSON. Tho SlIV-'CiUFTlON PRICE of ihe paper will be TWO DOLLARS per year in advance, ,. vMV .. now j-aiu niiuiu iiic nisi, uiuc months. 8!, So PMer discontinued until al! nr- rear-age are paid except at the option of the secretions. L'ditor. It immediately arrests falline: out of the hair. I Aovkiitimmi. The ra'cs of ADVERTIS- it nlleviitos neural-ia ati.t headache. I ING are fur one square, of Emirr Hues or Irs.-., ;t ra licnl! y cures Jawlrutf mi.l humors. j jue iiiwruion, To cents ihree, 51 uo::nil oo cis h k,.,.j,, tbc sculp l.culthy, cleim au.l cool. t-r eash eub-..'4tent iim-nion. A-lmhust ra- ! j, j., lln cleganl m-.d cxuisitciy fnigraut hair I r"s. Executor's r. J An .liior's Notie-.'s, 5-,o". j dressing. j rrofmsioD&l aa-1 Jiuninciw 'ai.!s. i:ot cxce-i- j i rcM.re, culiiral-t nn 1 I.emiiiCes the hair. : "? -5 li,:ts' n'1-1 itcJiUnt? copy ..f p.-.pr. It makes Urli linir llexihle and lustr.-iis j ?.oo per year. !erc!i.m. dvcrti-i:iS : i'r. Leon's liicctric iiair Ilonew. r has en (changeable quarterly) li per year, n-citi-l- ioyed a hiph Ijcal r-piitution form any yeaiK. ! injt paper at their Slrc. Notices in re.uiiir; j Its wjinlurfu! restorative and invi.iatiin; I columns, ten Cints per line. J yr ..perries are v., 11 Known to the medical lac- I Job i!K. Tire ;-ieci) of Joli Vv'OIlK. ' n! y , rhiladelnhia. I .for thirty I'.iUi, one vij.t sheet, : ..?- i'.-in.; fully ..'tistie-l of the merits of I.e-n's ! .fourth, JJ.oo; onc-lial!, 5' -i.oo: and a J-i it .!- ; EK-c-rio Hair Keueirer we hiivo procured ex- I kl uuiuhers, ualjpriei auJ for iilauks. H,co ,-liisive ownership uii-1 are determined that i per quire. luismtss darts. M:31intow!, Jur.iata CoirnfT. Fa., Ofliee on Main street Siuth cf liridge str el. "l"ITILLIAM M A I. LI SON, Attorney at Law, AN! YYill attend to ail business entrusteJ to hi 3are. Oince on Main Street, Mirtiintcwn, Fa. JOHN T. 1. SAUM. gUforncii-at- l'F'FLIXTOWN. JUNIATA COfNTV, FA. OFFERS his professional services to the public, rrompt attention given to the prosecution of claims ngaiust tup Government, collections aud all other business entrusted to bis care- Odice iu the Odd Fellows' Hall, liri'igc Street. , " Sept. 2o, 1S03. V ENDUE auctioni:i:?. The un lersizae-I offers his services to the ,;,,, if, thp I public as Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer, lie I bus bai a Tery large experience, an i leeis . it,. t .ii .fai--: in i. 1 . who mav employ him. He unv be ddrssed at MiffiWitown, or found at his "home in Ker- i. . v.; .1,1.. 1 , lr.fi I at Mr Wiil's llot?l. I Jan. 25, 1801. V.1LLI.VM UIU5. r-. uta cM.i.iii.-i.raeui m ; c j between .M Uals. II a-id Ihe Ci-itI.er - i i he- j-ititfr. Ihe teil- w.ii? H a .i-t of Maj.t- MILITARY CLAIMS. ji-iiesatU t'eriouiei.!.. kpt, with prie.-M i. "f his ti-st wii'e ; he was ab't to devote fPHE undersigned will promptly a'len-1 to i UeUe-1, y of wbie'i .iii l e set-.i by mail ; l.ineil' to l.is new family with the knov.d X the coilcciion of claims ajra-nst ei'h-.-r the ,".' s-t' pi :lat;e to ary '.ace ur.oa receipt t-l ' . , ., , ,, ... rtat. or National Government, Fensions, Hack the ann.-xed price, viz: j J.-'C 1:s C'der e.iil-iieu weie m ti.e I'ay, Hountv, Extra l'av. and all other claims Atlantic Monthly : hands of a tender, ju heioiis aud wealthy ri..goui0Iiaepreseui or any omerwar, collected, JEF.EMIAH LYONS, Atlorney-at-I.aw. Mifllintown, Juniata Co., l'a. f'ebl I "VTIY TOKACl'O SluUE. Just received j A at Ilnrnes' Cinr and Tobacco St-re. a freh supply ef pure Vars Cigars ad T-ia .-c-is. ! 15est Nnvy c l.'il per lb i t'nd .-. ; Srd " c. " " j Cases Oold Bar 1.10 " Oranoke 1. 10 " " j The best brands Fine Cut loose and in f(,i!, j end alt Liti.ls of l.right Tobacco at reduc ed prices. The lovers of goo i chewin;; nnd j smoking tobacco are respectfully invited to call an t cxa-nine my stock. I June 2-J-tf. A. T I'.AHN F.S. I V.W ARItANGEMF.NT. The lindersiirtie-i ! tin, lint it impossible with one Market : nc (lar, lo supply their customers. have ptireli.-ise i i imotber, and are uo-v prepared to fiirnisli j inarkftine rezularlv twice a week after the ; 1st of August. One Car will arrive in rat terson every ednesday evening, the other win arr.ve every rri lay cvenmz. tic wisii ; it distinct Iv understood we will da liotliin-' i but a strictly cash business iu future. 1'ei . - 1 sens ordering goods resularly every week are expected 10 pay promptly each trip. One car will leave l'atterson for Philadelphia every Monday niornin;, the other will leave every Weilnesd.iv inorninjr. july 2o-tf. "llOLLOCAl'GII & HOWE. 7 RENTAL CARD 11. M. KEEVER, DENTAL SfRfi KO.V XJ rVVKES this method of informing his friends ' IF.'jun's Vrirk Start lluum. en thr A"'.-;A-JL in Juniata county, that owine; to ihe lea- j vtit Cvincr of Iiiuhr and Wter Sire.-tt. ...,., E., cuum uc u,u uin ini, iinnn; o Ihe few months he hasbeenp.-acti.iir.if hi, ro- fession in said county, he feels warranted in ......6 mmi! .u .iiiui.inown ana .uc Alistersville. The first Monday of each month ! .Mr. Kecver may be found at the Juniata Ho tel, Mittlin, le remain two weeks. The Ihii-a Monday, at Mc.Mislcrsviile, lo remain during the week. Teeth inserted nn VULCANITE,' GOLD & S1LYEU. TEETH FILLED and extracted iu the most approved manner, and with ihe least possible pain. tr. Strict attention given to diseased gums, &c. AU work warranted. Terms leasonable. January 21, lSotJ-tf. JOSEPH S. DELL, CLOTHIER, AO. NORTH TII1KD STREET, l'UILAD'A ! Clolhine sunctior In tnr ml. or pthlis. 1 meut in the City snd at lower prices. Mer- ! chnta will -.1 :. . . , 1 . .,.. . J : All goods warranted, in ,v'm" 'M iwci. Presented by J. K. '. nov. 7- ly. j cwoyer. 50BIIEL HOUSE HOTEL Ko. 263 NORTH FOURTH SREET, PHILADELPHIA. A. DLTWII.t ili Fl21. ISOC-lj.j PaoraitroB. CELIIlAT&KlRATIOXS TII2 rEltl ECTIOS OK MEMf'AL KCIKM'C. n T t ' , p i j IT. LfOIl S LlCClnC lldlT lU'ECWCr. J j ,s a o-o;ivC Cure Mr LalUIlCS. I It rs,nrr, grr-y hair to its ori-inal color. I Jt is a i 'not u Hut. and net i.nnii the every household in our laud shall have oppor- luui.y to reap lis uonelit. DJI. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY. A wist uelighlful aud cfficciou fr. , , . ""J"" 4"u children are subjert. It softens the c-im. abates intl.imiKation invigorates "(he sto-nach and bowels,' corrects acidity, and is a sure nud speedy euro for riuus ta.-e i:i a Trench law COiir' : Colic, ( rnmiis and V.'iti'lv Fains. ! ,. . ., . . Ai..osieS. ei;..ntp,-e, ;.r..,on f..r children A vci y extraordinary lainily law. suit of a rts;!css nui fretful habit and iu all cau-s J Oonei ruing the e Bt uly cf two youni; ef L.,o.-eI;ess. liriping. YomitinR or other in- i , j; . r ept.ct i ve 1 v twenty and pov ward Rn.-f, it p.ves liuiuediale ease. ! ' ' J L'sed t r i.n.re than half a centuty in the i cntei-n, occupied one of the Taris courts private praetice of .u.c ,r ihe most eminent t k Tle plaintiff. M. Hal son, a physicians cf l'luiad .-'.phia. 1 ... in now placing this article within ihe reach , gentleiuau i-f priip.rly, living tu the Hue ..f n'.l our countrymen, we would renmi k thai ; fjt H,.,n0ri, i tho father of the minors wc know it t i bo a remedy of unrivalled ex- i . . . , .. , cci'.ence au I that it has proved in thousands j question I'Va llt wile, s ao tiled of cases, as wc are rtsoive-1 :t shall in mil- I m:iny years ago. M. IJai.-so has several i-ji.s. n yi lei-iess uuuil. r or p.i:e oy lirug- isis evcrvwlicrj. A t-ness all orJi-rs to "zij-:ui.i-:ii .v- smith, '" . A' 7.- '. K TO 137 Xjfth Thin! I'luLnlclfhUi. siLvi'ifs wash rovn:::!. Saves time lab.ir. uioney. Makes irnshin a .a(in-e and Monday a i'.-stival. Sold eveiy ! where. Try it. uiv 11. l.-of.-ly. TTt-Y'M.'lV i-ITI :.- Vl-U o I.I iwn- - - a'1'' Siutionary tore. in I'errvuviUn, Ju- - ami Stationary Store, in I'errvovilin. Ju- ,l 1 eoutiiy. i a .. i ost mace buildin-,' . ) - - - - J.-,fd pL-ip.e ol an I neighbor;!-!' counties ,!'-- opend a liue steck f Stationary "-" and having bought li'''" verv bnv wholesale uriee in i hnade ohia. bv addinp a siaa'l per cc.ntatro. is eeruin !:c nn ,..e. , Flank Leslie's (.azetie of Fashion-... ti. idies Mapa2ine Ladies Friend ballous Mair;uitie , Waver'.y M a;.'a-'n:e i w.-eklvi ib-.rpers Fi. i j. ial iv.eikiyl Frank Leslie's I'leu-rial. illustrated... '! li:r..-v i.'oru. r A !! :.:n.; .' .'-.' h Y..-.-!: 1..-U-IT iolo;ial F.-l ce 'iazoltc New York t..ipp,-r Saturday N'jr'it (.i'-a.-'ius l.iifraty ( '-impanien F-e idleand Monroe's Novels, (eachi.. l'.,.adl-i s Soni-ter Marlin's s-en-iltle l..-;t-r Writer K.irntne Tillers ai.d loeata Lot !t oi' .lit kin-Is, (ea.-h i .'.iso ail kious of 'Joe, N-ivtit In-;, I ".;-, t';. 1' lie. i". ! N. t;.-.ny of the Daily. 1 hiladil; hia pa- rs furntslied r.t per mouth, or iri-week- ly at otic, per month, serai-weekly weekly 2"e. per no.rth, also Music, Ma ziuesand other Undine-; r.t leti-h-d to. 1'. S !.,,..k mi:..h..rs ...f -11 r,:,. . 1 Papers fu.ni,!i.l at short nt.iie'e. 1 am .leier-1 in.oi-.-i 1 1 supp.y a preat want in ion eouniy , by furiiishin - i he Oeotde with leadinc matter i uiine-1 t) supply a great Want in this eounlv j at a icasov.iirile pr:,-?. 1 respectfully sjlieil y-iur r.atrina-e. J;jlIN M. TUOMPSON. Perrytiville, an-. 1, - . , n. inuunv... j. J.icKJiis 1 NEV CLOTHING EMrOlULiMiwcddi. gou.li'. These well-known rules ! ivnr,. not reoar.liul ill the case of Mile. MIFF LIN TO W N, im, 1 nilersipnea would restieettuilv an- 1 ou..ce that ihev have oret.ed in th(. abive well-known stand a very hue and select I assortment oi Ji A..-1 1 I -JJAU i. LJ.UIJJ - ti, consisting in pari of BOOTS i SH' 'ES for men, women i children. HATS & CAPS for meu and hoys, Sc., ie. Oar stock is composed of A'A'ifVi A L Y ' A" A' IF GOOJJS, and ail who desire any article i our line would do well to call and examine nnr stock before purchasing elsewhere. Do- ij ing nothing but a AVricfy Cath Uunnrss, we i ..l,l...l ... ...1! , U ..I -. v..rv 1,1V fii-nrn . e cash t.n vers would do well lo examine our stock. Wc respc-cllully solicit share cf, liuiiiic palronaoe j nov 7, lbGo-lf j LOUMON & JAf'KMAN. . . - . ,HT!,nv r. nerflV rtP.pvrss. 1U.1NIJNE.-S & CAiAKKH U treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS M 11 . Oculist and Aurisf. (formerly , . i ii ii i v r, iv . e, ,.; i of Leyden. Holland.) No. ot. l lAr. Street, PIllLAU'A. Testimonials, from ihe most , reliable sources in Ihe City and Countiy can i bo seen at his othce. The medical laculiy aie invited lo accompany their patients, as ! be has no secrets in his practice. AKTl-j ti t . I 4 r V V I -J :M ftd mi- t hrii t IM'V rtT shar-c for cxvliualiou. ' mar 21- iy. i MttTUNlOTN, JUNIATA COU.VOiimU..lWUAUY.JJliS67. TO-MORROW, Wc can't recall the vanished past. Nor on ihe future reckon : The light-winded lioui-s, ilyinj; fist ls to embrace them beckon. i.'o moro let Foliy F.liroitd Ihir.c eyes; Live while 'tia called to-day ; Yi Ji it if yn sen in;; sun should rise T J warm thy li.Vcss c ay ' Life is not given ; 'tis but lnt ; Anl thou: ands y.-i wotti l borrow. For past, for preset!', time Miis-sj-ent, A d ay of grice to-morrow . ! Oh, day of hope! oh, day of fear ! Forcbo ling joy or sori unr ; T int comest not, though ever near, To-iiiurrow ! lill lo-iiutltov, I JUisHlIanfons JtifatmuT. i AX EXLIAIjRDIN'AIlY FAMILY LAVY-SlTf. - " -1 ' ' i sTtiiiviiv i-nfM-'it-rr A "".m-.i li.i, - - he Paris correspondent of lb? London ! 7V"" i ,,a!! !'1C fo'.JawitlZ KCrouut of a CU- ! i - i i 1 ciii'dieti t y a sieeoiiu ci:: ria -e. imme diately alter the death of his lirst wife he placed his two children, then infants cl lender years, tinder the care of his nioth-er-iu law, the defendant a widow. This lady became passionately attached to the gil Is, tons, the utmost care ol their e luca - tioti, treated them in all respects as her "uup-vu eoimiei., ivncicu t. c .a,.... ... nil cijiens. s lor their maintenance, and ,. j ,er , 0 ief 1It(.ti;ion leave ( them the whole of her very lame lorttme Under these apparently most harpy cir I 11 1 ' J cuun lances, t lie utmost barm, tiy levail- -.,.:, ,, .., ... .,.:lt,.. . weilare. j ' JJat a few months -.-;-; it happene 1 jlhal the eldest, ?dile. I.jiss m le' S in iole -a est improper tinr-i !or any ia-J do according to Trench Lotions. T..c rale t-f treed Trench society is tin a gi.l uuiii m,.rried is never to fptak to my man unlets in the presence ol er j patents or guardians, and liien only . monosyllable. A well -hied Trench i i i .- i knows that she is one day to be niai r.e-i, ! and looks forward to I he event with pleas- ; lire, as one which will liive nor au op- portutiity ol making many school 1-1- J ,, .,;., , ,v ,,f b..r f.,.'. ... ,...v .. - Tu.ts.be is snptosed to have no r.r,. f'..r..m .in llo tlliiii'i-f ( inn ila V b r l --' "..... .... , '-ithcr comes to her una says. ''My love, ! f ..., ind von a h n.sli.it, ,1 '' To which I ):1VC iuntl you a litlslj.it.el.' lo '.vbieii . i ,e!ie redies, - I. rnt.l,,. L-UCItlfT t.lir lO-HI- An llirt on I f-irehea 1, -lcm, Mua .ci-c Vho is it 1 I He gives the name, mentions a prosimaie . : day for the wedding, and then the youn iueiv cousuits with her mother about tho HaUsou, attachment. Yes 1 she absolutely formed an attachiiient, ami her rich graud mother, who had brought her up aud was ,. , - . ,;:. i . pteparcd to do everything req.llsue, hu- morlv SDeakitie', to make her future life happy, was privy to it. 'The objjet ol her attachment is au army surgeon, a man of merit, both per sonally aud through his foregoers. His father was a distinguished general ofEcr, aud he himself wears upou his breast a constellation of medals and decorations attestini; his rood services. But his only fortune is his commission, and oa this sole pround M. Buisson j, when informed of ..,.. iiv i.:a ,,!,, :J, I r' J ' I "uo uj uia Uioeiiei-iu-.an, , peremptorily declared that the army sur ,, K ., &t ni:lU.u ,nr h!a (l,,,l,r f" . .... 3 . . I h.. ithp iv in li-.,l I , t t,-. ,t,t A. Kate to her Grandmother the entire care of his daughter from her earliest infancy. r i t . i . ,e came forward resolutely to exercise the stern parental authority which the law L; orJ..r .)revent thc marriage of a girl almost of age With the man ol ncr choice, aud who had courted her with the approbation of thc relation who stood , in Ijco jiurciUix, and Lceu tliro'jghoat life ! Lcrbcst fiionJ. i j ''!. IJaisiou went to Lis motber in law's I liuuse, saw lii? iLits-httr, tjld her that l.c ' j '.voul-l nccr give l.is consent tu the fiar ! Ma 'n rinil lnnroovi-r tli.-if !.n ir,.nt I uu.u u., linger allow her to live with her grand - miyt!:r, and that the uiut co;ue aw.iv with hiw ditectiy. The youug lady, ia obcuieiicu to this pircu'al command, pack- v.d up l.er truuKs and got into her father carriage, which was iu waiting. lut the carriage hnd only gone a few yards win n ihe suddenly opened the door, at the iik (f breaking her neck, jumped out int j the street, tiu-i ran back to her gland- mother s. Ji. Uais.soa thought it un I . " j "l l o i oju, os in j desirable to make a .scene by af.etji; :i:,g j Th,-y aie unpleasant upighbers. j sides cams up in long sweeps, great cas theu and there to biieg his daughter a.v.iy j The leat distuibanej ;f their c.iuiiilrium ; Cides tu:iib!ed and leaped from them his- . by force. He contented himself by say iug that La v,as n.jexib.e, aud she would heir from him in a few u.ys. U'Leu next he went to the house 1- C wui iiitofU!- "e went to uie uou;u i e w aa .u.orui- tod that iim wii:o launijr Lau gouc away. . i t j-.... ..a- u awi i -.M. iJai-on went over almost all Iv.ir-; t Ill seatcll oi bis daughters. lie lt.'iUired ' at all ihe German watering places, and a! every town in Je!giuMi, Dut withoet any result. At length he hit upon tl.o tip - dicut of seaditig a money le'ter to t!;c :raudinothtr at her old address at I'.ni and he learned, through the post offue. that this lettei wai delivered to the very , army surgeon wnotC prttccttJtis to li.s el-lia-t ilsng'.itei'd hand formed tho cu.ii b.-'li. lie afterwards found that the two gills wer-j concealed under false names in a Cath die convent iu Gla'-o.v 'lh ie upon be brought aft aeti in -'gair.si the mother in-law. requiriug her to bting the i;:;!s tack to Trance and hard them over to is custody. The Tiibunal of Tirst 1 Instance made a decree iu his favor nud ordered the young ladies grandmother to , rjy 3ne mousaaa lianci a Uuy lor two motuhs unless the girls were restored to ; il,e;r father. She, tLlukin:: that thei eu- al!y of thia decree would be the woit of the Kiattcr. let the two mouths rxniiv. :,t- 1 actually aid the large sum of sixty thousand fianes iulo Court a sum thai she was prepared to saeri-i rather than surrender liie girls to their ob.'uratc lather. Hut then he brought anoil.tr ae.-ioti laying the damages at a u.iliion ol ' Irancs. ! l'-d. Pe-marcst, the lady's C".::: ; that ti:o h-.w v::i.i altogether ' I..'Ihm 's .sid -., and thit if she did ihe ehil.lretl un he m;!.t go en ire!, Sold on the no! give bringing aeiions until ho utterly tutned her. Act - tag I'pon M. Tcsmanst's advice, the grandmother Las now brought tho jottna ladies Lack fr--m .;ia-,--iw. The fath'.-r has -..itied his poiut : ih"V are now in his lis u.tedy. Th e on y quest. on u:!tc;a!c;y i fore tho eo-.t was, what damages she j father for interfering sh-iuld jay i i tl I bis au;h,.rit. Tho mii af-i r his I 0 , jn.-ot, M. Jules Tayre, had Lceu heard, . . . , . . , . .' , , W j3 tst.,i 3l nve tnous&TJii iraties, an i iue hahmce ef the sixty thousand fianes in- T. ... t . . 1 . 1 , . . t 1 I - lf!e.--l Is lO oe teiUU-aea 10 tile la lV. JS .,, ,t!(.rs s,.la., J2;;U- ;a;sson c..C3f)t -.. :.. t.' - .-ti . t ,.nir ; Trance til' twen'v C ' J " J ve, wai. out hot father's consent, but iu a few months she will be twenty-one, aud the-: he wii! I have no legal right to prevent her from liviug where she please?." iODER FOR O.N'CE- A Correspondent has a good anecdote of a mau who rarely failed to go to bed intoxicated, and disturb his wife the whole night. Upon his being charged by a friend that Le mver went to bed sober, he indignantly denied it, and give tho in cidents ol one particular night ia proof. 'Tretty eooh after I got ia bed my wile said:" "Why, husband, what is the mat ter with you! You act so straugcly." "There is nothing the matter with me," said I, "nothing at all." "I'm suro there is," said she, "you don't act uatural at all Shan't I ret un auJ S something for you ?' And she got up, lighted a candle, and Kin,, ... ,1.- 1.1 .: ... . . I I. l i- came to the bedside to look at m nauiiJir the light with her Land. "I knew thero was something elrange about you," said ehc, "why, you are ec bcr." o una is a tact, ami my v.'iic will . . .... swear to it ; so don't slander me any more by saying I haven't been to bed sober iu sis months, beca.ii I hare ; j A sCC0Blj3 .eed minutes and ! replied the papa, "when mamma F" -Miuh should bV the etubiciderv of ' minutes hours. At length we began to to he very fond of me and puts no but conversation ; cot the web. " move off. b'ljwly and steadily sank the j tons on my under garments. AN ARCTIC ADVESTUEE. K.vcou.vTi:a v.nir ax iceder(1. Dr. IIav ia Lis ut-w work, "The open - ; Ilsr ge:i tbn3 rotates a dangerous cu i . counter wiiti au iceu-jig: ) H)U u? too little hc ol to t!ic currents, wc. were cageily watching tho indication ; 0f t10 w;nj wJ,:t., fipr)CRriiJ at the south, jau j j-,,,,,;,. fUl- a breeza, when it was (lis . covered that the tide had change J aud ; ..vas steukhily setting us upon a uest of ; J.crgs vhicu lay to lee-.vurd. Oae of lluai was uf that dei ipiion known among the j crew Ly the siii'.iieant title of 'trae'a mo Cut," and prc-oated that jagged, honey- - ' t:-.!ii-.l .qn.,r.-ir:u-..i. indicativf! ot pre a! - 1 m::y cause !ha whole caus to crumble t piece-, ml woe be unto the unlucky vei : -d that is cau-'ut iu the dissolution. i 'ln ucll n Lifc.ii it kticliitti, Luwcvcr, "in uc a li-p t:,at we ttoou a lair tl.anee oi being tu ' jtuaset. i K3 currenc was currying us ; ulont; at an uncomfortable inpid rate. A ' L.nf lnw..r..-l ! ri!i;k?v ; r,ni l 1 . -j j i j (.j r;. cut a line to a berg wLieh lay 'grounded about a hundred yards from us. j While this was being don-?, wo grazed the , -i 1 j cf a berg which rose a hundred feet S I above our b pintist?, then slipped rait an- other of smaller dim-nsioas. i?y pushing j a-Miust them with our iee poles we eiiune; - ', , , , ! c.I so:uevhat the course ot the schooner ; j but when we thought that we were s'cer ! ;iir clear of the mass which wc so much I dreaded, an eddy changed the direction i f oMr drift, and carried us almost broad--ide upou it. ''The schooner struck on the starboard quarter, at d the shock, slight though it was, di.-unjjaged some fragments of ice that were larfro enough to have crushed ihe vessel had they struck her, and also many little lumps which rattled about us ; but fortunately no person was hit. The quarter deck was quickly cleared, and all hau ls crowding forward anxiously watch ed the boat, The berg now begin to re volve, and as settling slowly over U3 ; the little lumps fell thicker and fas'er upon the after-ucek, and the forecastle was the o.i'y place where there was tho least chance of safety. 'At length the berg itself Faved us from destruction. Aa immense tr-as-breke oil from that part which waj Le oca ii t tie sunaee o: ir.e s.ia, ani tins, a , dozeu times larger than the schooner, i cams rushing up within a lew yaida of 1 us, seudln'f a vast volume of foani i water f viiig frou its tides. This rur aud lure Le. nested the revolution, the !.ert I ;raa to settle ia the opposite direction. And now came another daneer .iiiu iio.t eatii-j iio'n.iei ujue'i:i. le'ii- , ... .i I tongue was protruutng iiuiueuiatuly un- j derneatii tho schooner ; already the koei J was slipping and riudinir upou it, and if seemed probable that we should be knock ed up i:i the air like a football, or at least e.;psii:ci. The tide of our CDC.ny soou leaued fi em us, and we were ia no duiger from the worse than hailstone showers which had driven us forward ; so we prang to the iee-p ilea and eseitcd our strength in endeavoring to push the vessel off. There were no idle hands. Danger respects not the dignity ol the quarter- deck. "After we Lai fatigued ourselves at this hard labor without any useful result, the berg came sgaia to our relief, A loud report first startled us ; another and an ... ' , until . , whole- other followed in quick succession the noise crew deafening and the whole- air seemed a reservoir of frightful sund. The opposite side of the berg had Fplit P off, piece alter piece, tumbling a vast vol- it-i.,. ..P inn inrrt ibo sea. flml sciulin"' the! bcr-r revolving back upou us. This time the movement was quicker; fragments began again to fall, and, already suffi ciently startled by the alarming dissolu tion which had taken place, we were ia momentary expectation of seeing thc whole side nearest to us break loose and crash bodily upou the schooner, in which event she would inevitably be carried down beneath it, as hope'esdy doomed as a shepherd's hut beneath aa Alpine ava- laiicue 'By thi3 time Dodge, who had charge : f the boat, had succeeded iu planting an i iP th bnnr L:id snpriPeii.,! ill Illatlt . , , ,. .- ani ico-aaehor, aud atiaemug lus rope, and ...o -.;b ib.. KPliiii ;rna . 'Haul! . ir f.,r n,.r lives. Ion and WHOLE NUMBER 1033. berg behind u'( carrjing away the maia ; Loom nnd giatlnj hard againJ t'ae quar jter. But wo wero safe. Twenty vir'Js away, uud t!te disruption occurred which - ' we bad all si much dreaded. Tho side nap..f ... . .uua.i.Ti. u n iiuvr sput on, ani CJE1J i.lun-rins wil-ily down int.i tbp , tr.g over us a shower of tpray, raising a j swell which set m rocking' to 'and fro u in a gale ol wind, and left us jrrindin" in the debris cf crumbling ruin. "At last we eueceeded in esuictiting ourselves, and were far enough away to look lack calmly upon the ol-ject of our tenor. It was still rocking tni rolling liko a thing of life. At eaeh revolution ! fri sh masses wer; .linen t,io,..1 .... : - j ing into the foamin'- sea. After several - j hours it settled dowa into quietude, a j mere fragment of its former creatn I while tlic pieces that wer broken fiom it floated quietly away with the tide." NEW WAY Ol7 rATIXGSUBSCRIPTIOXS. The following is an :.u.uslng account of the way a farmer was taught how cheap ly he ccuIJ take the paper. Tho lei-sou. is worth pondering by a good many men 'we wot of." "You have hens at home, of course. j j 1 ' , 1 Yijf, for tne i !1 send yoa my paper for ono e produces of a single hen f. r one season ; and the proceeds. It seem trilling, preposterous, to imagine tho pro duels of a siugle hen will pay a subscrip tion ; perhaps it won't but I make tho offer. 'Ikinc." exclaimed farmer B. ''I agree to it,'' and appealed to tie as a witness cf the affair. The farmer went off apparently much elated with bis eonqutst; the editor went on his way rejoicing. Time rolled around, the world revolved on its aii.- aud the sun in its orbit as it 'formerly did: the farmer received his paper regulariy, au I regaled himself with the information from it, and said Le was surprised at the pi o're.-s of himself au 1 family in general information. Some time in the mc-nth ef September, I h.irpeud to be up again iu tho office, when who should enter but our friend, farmer IJ. 'How do you do, Mr. B ?" paid the ed itor, exlen iig his ham', ! is ouute ai:c lit up with a bland smile; take a chair aud be seated, Cue weather we hare." 'Yes, sir, quite fit a indeed," he an swered, and then a short sdcuce ensued, duriug which oar fiieud IJ. Litef ed Lii chair backward and forward, tvir!ed his thumbs ab-iractly, and rq it profusely. S'ar- I . il .'I'J- - ,1. I tint; ll J quiei'y, lie ra.o, b-juiosiu inn e iitor'I have brought you the proceeds of that Lea " It was amusing to sec tho peculiar ex pression of the e liter, as he followed the farmer down to the wairuti. 1 could hardly keep my lisal-les t'oiv. When at the ragon the larger com menced Landing over to the editor tho products amounting to eighteen pullets, worth twelve and a halt cents each, and a number of dozens of egg", making iu tho nggreate at the lenst calculation, one dollar aud fifty cents more than tho price of tho paper. "No need," said Le, "of men not faking a family newspaper, an I pyiug fir it too. I don't mts3 this from my r o yet 1 have paid for a year s 1 , over. All fo.ly, s.r; th . st.hscrijilieui and e re's nn man but what can take a ncwsp-iper: it s eiiartty, ou kuow. eomiiieiiced at home.'' ii;. " oi.I tbe Kil tor. "I will nav von ' Z , scrit,tin,, , j:q not intend this as a means of ptoiit lui rather to convince yeu. I w:il pay '' "Not a lit of it, sir: a bargaiu in a baigain, and I am alreidy paid, sir. doub ly paid, sir. And whenever a neighbor makes tha complaint I did. I will relate to him the hen story. Good day, gentle men." Agricultural III View. B3T"Put a begtr'T on horseback, and ho will ride to the Devil." It amount to csaetly the same thing if yr,u substi tute "John.icn" for'-beggai," and "Whito- house" for horsebaek." The cluoco doesn't alter the destination a particle. what is a humbug ?' "n I "1 " " said a little four year old Johay. "It is,