Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 09, 1867, Image 2

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Jmitata cntiuel.
v y
A union of laker, anil a union of lam?,
A union tr power shall trcrr;
A union rf hearts, a ml n union tfhanth.
And the American Union forever!
M I F F L I N T rt W N
Wednesday "Iornme, Jannary 9, 1S17.
II. II. WILSON, Editor mid Publisher
$& T ; E J V VIA T A SKX 77 A FL n
has the Largest Circalatisn of any paper pub
lished iu this County. It is therefore the
best aivrrtitiny mt-lmm. 11 is a Piper, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a first class Loealist.
and -well worthy of the patronage of every
loyal citizen in the County.
On our first page present to the
readers of tho Sentinel the last Mes
sage that Gov. Curtin will deliver to the
Legislature of the State at leant f.r
some years to come, if ever again. It is
brief, pointed, and couched in plain, ear
nest language. IIo first exhibits the
financial condition of the Commonwealth,
proving the Treasury to be iu a healthy
condition. I la thiuks attention to the
revenues and economy in expenditures
will ensure the payment of tho State delt
within fifteen years. lie recommends the
adoption of the Constitutional Amend
ments, end refers biieflytothe trouble?
existing between a treacherous, apostate
President and Congress. His ablo and
eloquent presentation of the Southern
difficulties is iu strict accordance with the
brilliant record of his whole administra
tion. The rest of the message refers to
matters of minor importance. Each sub
ject is clearly explained, and we hope the
whole message will be read with that caxo
its importance demands.
The Senate re-assemblcd at 12 o'clock
ou Wednesday. Tho bill and report, pre
pared by Commissioner Wells, were re
ferred to the Finance Committee, and
2,000 copic3 of the bill ordered to be
printed. 1'otitions against curtailment of
the national curreucy wero referred to the
Committoo oa Finance. A petition from
the sugar merchants of New York against
any change in the duty on sugar.
A resolution was adopted, after debate,
directing the Judiciary Committee to in
quiro if legislation ou the Constitutional
Amendment is necessary to prevent the
lale of persons into slavery for a term of
years as a punishment for crime.
A bill was introduced vesting the an
poiotmcnt of the United States marshal
of the District iu tho Supreme Court. A
resolution instructing tho Military Com
mittee to inquire if any legislation is ne
cessary to prevent the enslavement of In
dians or any system of peonage in the
Territory of New Mexico, was adopted.
The bill to prevent and punish fraudu
lent representations for inducing the emi
gration of negroe3 and mulatocs from the
country was called up, but the Senate od
jourucd without taking action.
Ia the House, the Secretary of tho
Treasury was directed, by a resolution, to
communicate the facts in his possession in
regard to tho loss of the stealer Eveuing
Star, aud also to institute an investigation
into tho loss of tho steamer Commodore.
Leave was asked to introduce a resolution
instructing the Committee oc the Judici
ary to report what measures can be taken
to prevent the Supremo Court from re
leasing aad discharging tho assassins of
!nt. Lincoln, and tho conspirator who
raado tho attempt to release the rebel pris
oners at Chicago, and to inquire into the
expediency of repealing :he law of 1SC;,
under which tho decision was made. Ob
jection was made and it went over.
Tho bill of Mi. Stcvoas, providing for
restoring to States lutcly in insurrection
their full political rights, was taken up.
" The questiou was upon tho adoption of
tho substitute which was read, but no ac
tion was taken. Ia Committee of the
Wholo Mr. Kelly
reviewed !ho report of
Secretary of the Treasury, aud denounced
the project of paying off the debt iu tho
present generation.
A National Militia. A bill lias
been introduced into Congress to organize
the militia of the country, and to form a
National Guard. Tho latter, it in pro
posed, shall bo composed of two regiments
of infantry in every State tnd Territory.
This provision, according to present cir
cumstances, would give a total of uisicty
regiments, of, we presume, one thousand
meu each. The plan will !n to tho Mili-
tary ConimiUes, which may propose some
other scheme. Confess has power to or
ganize a Rational ciilitia, and some move
ment in that direction is' needed.
Oil titling the Chair 0.1 Speaker of the
iSenatc, J 11 Hilar J 1, 1837.
Senators : Time honored custom
would seem to demand a brief expression
of the feelings which animate me, in en
tering upon my duties as your presiding
officer. Whilst the honor you havo con
ferred, affects me sensibly, I cannot fe
licitate myself upon its attainment, uulcss
1 provo equal to the discharge of its func
tions. I shall consider myself fortunate,
if I hhall bo enabled so to preside as to
maintain, the dignity of this body, by 0
strict aud impartial observance of parlia
mentary rule, whilst every Senator is
treated with a proper degree of deference
and respect. The Seoato if the ancient
Roman Commonwealth was looked upon
with reverential nwo. It was not that
forced deference which is paid to imperial
power. It was duo to tho virtues, the
services, and the illustrious lives of the
.Senators themselves ; to the noble senti
ments they enunciated, the wise laws tl.ey
enacted, and tho gravity and dignity
which presided over their deliberations.
Our Stutc is modeled, to a groat extent,
after tho ancient Republics. Well may
we strive to imitate the Roman Senate in
the Halcyon days of tho Republic, and to
emulate its members ia tho austerity of
their mora!s, tho purity of their patriot
itm and the lofiine-s of their aspir.tions.
!y candor and moderation in council, by
a firm adherence to our convictions of
truth and right, by tho utter exclusion of
paltry personalties and partisan rancor,
by having an eye single to (to welfare of
our Commonwealth aud of the nhlioti, we
raay hope to attain to the true ideal of a
Republican Senate.
Men may well differ in opinion differ
honestly. The tiuio has passed, long
passed, and passed no doubt forever, when
good men prosciibcd men equally fcool.
because they differed in opinion. Good
men may well be in earnest. Life is no
pastime. Siuce unquestionably it is an
earnest and solemn thiug to die, it is nu
earnest and solemn thing to live. The
world should bo growing wiser every
day. We have the light of experience
streaming down from remote autiqui'y
over falUn States aud Empires, to guide
us in the way of national safety. Ti e
session upon which wo havo just cnterod,
imposes upon us new duties ai d new re
sponsibititics, to which we should all be
found faithfu'. Our State is ono of n
great family of States. Rut whilst its
interests aro identified with those of tho
Federal Union, and whilst wo as Senators
cannot be indifferent to the great prob
lems, arising from tho nttituJo of the
States lately iu rebellion, nothing should
be wanting, on our part, to promote the
development cf the internal resources
aud mineral wealth of our entire Com
mon weal'h.
Happily, the rebellion with its terrible
Slaughters, sufferitj'js and desolation, is
past. There remains to us the present
and tho future, and lh duty to resd the
lessons cf the past aright, and to apply
ll.o truth taught aright, so that our na
tional life shall com o'Jt of tho peril
which has environed it, bo strengthened,
guarded aud shielded, as to make its fu
ture perpetually secure.
"New occasions teach new duties.
Time uiaked auci-nt good uncouth,
Thy must upward at ill and onwurd,
Who jiild keep abrea-a of truiti.
Lo! Dcforc us gleam her eauip-fires!
Ve, ourselves must pilp-ijis be,
Launch our May-Flower, air! steer boldly
Through, the desperate wiutcr sea,
Nor attempt tho fuiure's portal, with
Tho 1'ast'g blood rusted Key."
The rebellion has been very far from
showing that a Republican form of Gov
ernment is a fuiinrc, or indeed that it
has any inherent or esscutial element of
weakness. On the contrary it has con
clusively demonstrated it great strength
aud durability. Our weakuess lay in
this, that our Government was not really
Republicau. Our strength iu the future
will be in the f.ict that we will Lave a
Government truly republican.
Liberty has survived, and come out
purified from the sheck of arms.
Liberty's vitality, like truth,
Is s; ill undying. Like the ."acred fire
Nature has shrined in caverns, still it
Though tho storm howls without."
All men are to bo henceforth equal be
fore the law, and this an equality, u-;t in
name alone, but in laet. The mighty
arm of the Republic will be stretched
forth to protect from oppression aud
wrong iLe weakest aud most humble cit-
lu our iogi&Itition, affecting" the vast in
terests of a Commonwealth of three
millions of people, may we all be caligbt-
'ened'to a
fa'uhful au i conscientious dia-
charge of our whole duly.
,. - . . r. 1 . .
i,e pleased to uomguaie a onenwr 10 r.,, frequeil,ly aud pre isicatiy jeop
administer to me the official obligation I Lr(i;ze our political harmony by their iu
am required to take.
ISLATt'lti:. I
Oil Tuesday of last WCt k t!m StoatC !
IT.. , T 11- I
Louis W. Hall was elected Sn-.-kpr over i
i i,n 1. . , e . .. Grow seek, 111 any part of the Mate, Uur
George L bchcll, by a vote of Vj to 1.: M ' , J ' , .. , , , ,..,,
. inn the stern stru!"!o ot tito last cam
uoorge 1 . liammersiey was elected chin
Iu the House, John P. Glass, of Alle
gheny, was elected Speaker, and A. W.
Rcnedict, of Huntingdon, chief clerk.
I'uritig the week but little business is
dono, beyond tho prusuntatioti of local
bills. The standing committees will bo
announced next week.
Oa tho 2ud inst., the Republican mem
bers of the Legislature held a caucus
meeting to nominate a State Treasurer,
aud Wm. D. Kcmblo was unanimous
nominated. Win. luffy, of 1'hilaJelphia,
and Wm. Hamilton, of Lancaster, were
nominated, but withdrew befors t'ie dec
tiou. Tho caucus decided to nominate a
candidaio for Uuitel States Senator on
tho evening of January 1?, ap. l this de
cision of cour.so settles tho questiou now
being considered by committees of tho
two Housus as to the legal uny on which
the elcctiou will bo held. It will he held
on January lo, the same day as tlo Gov
ernor's inx'.'uratic-n.
Snails, one of tha principal l'arisian
delicacies, arc sui:l to have almost supplan
ted frors in that Market.
A bear, weighing over four hundred
poouds, was kiled u few days ago, ia Vi'ash
iuj.toa tovnship, Clariou county.
Ouo hundred aud sixteen uaembor? of
Congres) havo ihcir wives, daughters or
other ladies with them at U'achiugton this
A Chicago young lady of fourteen
eloped with a young man ot twenty-two,
was married three weeks aud thun got a
A man advertised for "competent per-
sru8 to undertake tho sale of a new med
icine," anil adds that it wi.l be profitable
to tho undertaker,
A baud of rebel outla,vs are hurtling
frcedrueu's dwellings aud driving them
from Teuue;:ee. They are ia the "recon
structing business" evidently.
A number- of United Stales soldiers
broke into the Opera Hall, at Atlanta, ou
Monday night, during :m entertainmcl
au 1 clamored for thj removal of a (Vi fed
erate flag, said to bb upon a ChnsttLaa tree
iu the hall,
Oa the Galloo Islaud, in Laks Onta
rio, thcro is a population of eighty persons,
who havo no doctor, lawyer, minister, mag
istrals, pauper or drunkard, nor aay hotel,
grog-shop, church or jail. I'ut a qeod
school Louse is well su-.tciacd.
At a Christmas festival of tha Meth
odist Episcopal Church ia I'ltu-ole, l'a ,
Crv I) S. 8fH.!ii!?.:i r.C!Vfil r. roirw. ona-
Uiniiig five hundred doihrs from n;i or
ganization calling thtmclves the "Forty
Thieves." The Swordsmaus club also
presented him with oao hundred and
twenty-five dollars.
Tho Gettysburg 8lar learns that
the committee -f the First Army Corps,
having tho waiter iu chaigo, havo decided
to place a bronze sta'.ne of General Rey
nolds in the National Cemetery, aud not
on the spot where he fell. The sUtue is
to be six or seven feet high. The triangle
formed by Eovcral avenues near the gate,
in fro:;, has been selefed for the site.
IQ-The Pennsylvania Scuate on Thurs
day passed a bill rogt:l:tiiig tha election of
Uni'ed States Senator, in eotifo:;iity with
the United States law, aud fixing January
loth for the election. AI:-o a joint res
olution asking for the passage of the tari.T
act now before the United States Senate.
Also a bill extending the provisions of the
manufacturing aud luiniog act to any as -
sociatiou formed for tho publication and
sale of periodicals, newspapers, school and
other works.
From the Hnrrisburj Telegraph.
TO TilS OT i'EKJi'A.
Shall the Majority Utile n ithia the Kc.
publican I'artv us it Does 1'biougu
out the ltepuuiic i
It ia not necessarv for ns to remind the
people of Pennsylvania tlv.t a great strug
gle has Leeu in progrevs both before and
siuce tho meeting ot the Legislature for
the occupancy of tho neat in tho United
States Seuatc, to be vacated by (.Wan,
the renegade, March 4, l'o'G7. Tho f.;c
tion coctcuding ior Senatorial honors for
its leader, which has mvio tho most noico.
now proves iisell" the weaker party when
confronted by the Representatives of the
people. Yk'e now appeal to the great Re
publican uiasse3 of tho Stato in mpport
of the truth ot history. It is a histori
cal fact that the friends of Gov. t'urtin,
before tho meeting of the Republican
Dominating conventions throughout the
State, and alter the nominations of the
party had been mane in the diiTcrer.t
j decant pressure 01 the Scna'.erial qcs-
tion uutil after wo had alt contributed to j
the success 01 trio party, until atier wo
Ibn.lwon a victorv at the ballot box for
..r nrincSi.W 't his ia historical Net-
AiA nn r..m,.,n TI,,U.-!. S.tc-
vens, Jno. W. l,ruey or ti.lusha A. j
paign, 10 ignore mo impor-.ance u.
election of Gcu. Geary by intruding their
own aspirations for tho Scnatorship. The
friends of Gen. Cameron, at all times and
iu all places, during that campaign, were
first most anxious for a victory for the
party before they nsked lor tho bestowal
of any hotiors. We defy any man in the
Stato to deny this tsscrtion. It is as
true as are the grand principles by which
Gen. Simon Cameron has stood all his
life. Since the election, Gen. Cameron
and his friends have been at work. They
labored under the disadvantage of being
compelled to go over ground traversed by
the euemics of Gen. Cameron ; but they
did not hesitate to order lib cause before
tho people to discuss it in open daylight
before the chosen Rebresentatives of the
. . . . .1
people, and what has been tho result ? 1
We' answer, that the victory w hich Simon
Cumeron has just won, 111 a contest be
fore tho Representatives of his party, is
as decisive and as brilliant its that which
lie so ably a-sisted Ge:i. Geary to win at
il-rt bfilliit. tui nnd Ifimlt I- t'ljitlt'r mi'lht
nt irt !l come, to Un-ris'vni 011 tha l n " 1
, . . , ' . , ' . - i
(.,.; iiinvyiriuii i.i ci..
h'rniiturittl chair, tin fur the. tcca!:-r can- j
iltiittes for the uruuhlicnn uouuu'tttoa 1
Jur IS. S- Scnatorship ioijer to content
tr.'.i tSitnon .ameron for that It'owr.
Kferystep thus far iu tho proceedings of
the Legislature every act of the Repub
licans in caucus tho opinions ot our
ablest inoti in tho Seuatc and
tho JU'lgmcnt Ot lliOse WHO beip to win
onr r.olitical victories, and the nrelcietieo-
ot tho uicrj who promoto
" . ' ' . . . .
- c-. . 1 - 1- . 1 :.
wellaro of the State, have indicated. "'
the most emphatic manner, that Simon
Cameron is tho choice for U. S. Sen:.toi -
r . 1 , .....-
ot trie ncpuol.ean party oi 1 e:insviaina
He ha3 more votes lioncstiy pledged to,
him than any two o;I:er cindida'es for
tho Scnatorship. lie has uemostratcd
to tin; satisfaction of ail fair-uiided Re
publicaus, that he is the strongest m.iu iu
the Republican party. A majority of
Rcnuhlican Senators and Representatives
do not hesitate lo uvow their preferences
for him and are ruady to go back to their
constituents and answer for their course.
Could there be anything nioro Loaorabls
in the attitude of a great man and the
eourac 01 ins iiieiiiin; vcii.auiy ii'l.
.e 1 r: 1.. v 1'... ..:..! :
And at this point the question suggests
itself whether tho candidates for the Sen
atorship clearly in the minority will net
be held responsible for the harmony, trill
not be made, accountable. Jur rijusuij to
oliei the tcitl of a majority of their party
Iriemh, at a time when on our compact
organization rest not only tho largest in
terests of tho pcoplo of the Keystone
Stato, but the dearest hopes of the pcoplo
of the I'tiion. Gen. Cameron's friends
ak only lor what ii fair at the hands cf
the friends of other candidates. They
dot not nsk any man tyacrifieelhiuisolf ia
behalf of their preference, and now they
cau justly claim that the same 11. cu do
not sacrifice tho interests of the p.rty in
behalf of their preferences. Jhiring the
eiectien for members of the Legislature.
Gen. Cameron's friends showed that their
first object was ler tho good of the Re
publican party, to secure its victory and
1 CStao.lail Its liriUCIIuCS.
His friends now
I .1. .1 I : . ! .-I l .. t- 1 .1
3oK ineir pouiieai oi'jioit-.i 10 o.sji iy i,ie
same high regard for tho organization of
the party, by er.fertug the Republican
caucus ou Thursday evening next, ai;d
making Simon Cameron's nomisiati.ci for
tho U S. Senate uuauimous. There is
1... ,,:.. ..r . r..:. ....
aupmii ." mttji.-i. ui a lan ei;:-
jortty. It is justiucu by a l:gh regard
lor tho harmony of the party. It is tnly
asking for Gen. Cameron what is conced
ed to all men in a political contest after
they have proven themselves in a major
ity. The Government itself rests on a
mauly obedience to the will of majorities,
and that moment those who represent the
Republican party of this or any other
State, refuse to respect aud obey tho same
power, the Republican party wiil seal its
doom of destruction.
It is not necessary for us to reaffirm
our aitechment to Simon Cameron.
J hat
regard is founded on ft senso of what is
nnhln onil iust : bat wo stii! have a larr-r r
i j- 7 r !
i regard tor tho harmony and victory of j
I tho Reriubiirsn rartv. H c do not want
1 10 sec V3 victories of tho Republican
1 masses wasted ia idle sqibbies by their
Representatives. We are sati.-ued that
thono Reprcf ntattves are deter;;iiued this
shall not be. Therefore we most earntsi'v;
trut, as wo Pineere.lv believe it to bo j:isr,
that tho friends ot the weaker candidates
fur the Scnatorship will give way to the
stronger. Uvery step iu the cn tc.it
makes Gen. Cameron htrongcr. Every
man in the party, who refuses to recog
nize and respect this strength, ts it is
demonstrated by tho preferences of our
Representatives, puts himself in. the po
sition of a tnal content, and must expect
to be held responsible by those who vuluc
the success of measures more than they
do the triumph of men. The friends of
Gen. Camcrora only ask acquiescence in
the preference of a iaii ly attained major-1
ity and they believe that no man, with a
proper self respect, will prop the fallen
fortunes nf another, when to do so is ccr-J
tain to bung ruin on botn. j
We write frankly on this subject, j
Van,i.;,t tr.i lrnonr WA emi-osl tho for.lir.tr!
7 - e .. T.'..V..i.i;.. ;.. ,1.
01 II lliotoiliy 01 loc iu:j.iiiiiit.:.ii 1.1 i.it:
Legislatuie, as well as thit cf a majority
of tho Kepublicans of Pennsylvania.
Gen. Catncron has established his claims
to the Scnatorship by his ac's. Uy the: e
his ftiond-i have won a victory in his fa
vor for tho Senatorirl nomination, and as
that viciory is respected so shall continue j
the Lanaopy of the Republican pt:rty.
, of I'at-
I V THE REST. Samuel Stayer,
- l - tirsen, is the antiiorutj Agent for Hie
ul ",0
1 jut, Di!ii(iU MAtilJJlI.,
and also for
Tiieso arc the two best Machines manufac
tured. Persons wlshin;; to purchase should ca'l at .
Ileclit & Str.-tyvr's IStore. iu Patterson, and !
examine for tleinsuiTes. j
ts.VM L tL STUAIEK, Ageut.
Jan ft, lWT.
ELECTION. The annual election for offi
cers of the Juniata Atrricultura! Society.
will bo held at the stole of Kepnnr & Whar
ton, id. I he boronih of Perrysville, on Fri.lny
January 11th ls''7, between the hours of 1
and 4 o'clock r. n.
Jan. 2-L't. G. 17. JACOBS, Sco'y.
1tEK. Notice i hm-hy givrn that Sam
uel Ilnek. Ezra P. 1 itzeil, Orlando O. Mathers
David Wilson, John M. Thompson and J. It.
Okeson, bare maile application fur a Charter
for an Academy or feminary, Uuder the title
of the Airy View Academy; and that the
same will be presented to the Court i.t the
February Term. jan. " -le.
DM l.NIrfTU ATOIt'.H .NOTICE. No;ee is
t 1 1. .. . I ........ I- t 1
a uiiunj nr.i 1.1:11 i.i-iii-i u; iiJi:i:nisira.
lion on the estate o!
lier, deo d. bit?
of Fnyetie township, Juniata enmity Penn'a, '
have een .rranted to the un.li isitn-d reiiiiti
,. . ,. ,
know;:!'.; thot'is-We indebted to --:i-d .iv.e
TJ;n . . 0 j;,,,,;,.,!; ,ic -r. :,t. ,: 1 !,:,.
;I1S? ciim wi;i -(,r.--e:t 'iht:n dn'y a-.-.t l.t-n t i-
cai"t tr s;i:
Dec. 1-
, le.'.'i-lit.
J. f.
sn:r.i::i. Ad.n.
iX An lit
triviita 1 ho ba!a
1 .0
oa 1. r-irn
-inted hy the t.V;
itaiii-e :a tt.i- !,".nd-i (
I.vo.::, .
Kt-r-i of t!;.'
l-L ilie o irri
sail f!eirv
iiiki r
' ill'er"-te.l fi,
etit .01
n tl..- hm.n .
t" i
1 11 v.h
; purpose "i to appoint::
1 Jaiin-.ry -o. Is-
' " ' l"ek A. M , ari l I o cl. el; I . M . 1.!
.....i. .1. 1
i:''T iji j' r"':t:r.;i i.v:ms, r.so . 1.-: i:e o:,.r
;, ,f ji;i:n,,,.jnn-
0. V,'. J.V.'OI'S, Audit
1 jan. 1! '.1.
i " -- - -
, i v p. p. COL'iiT st.n.i:
In l'f-.'MllStlo.j
0f tt., r,rd
f the Orpiians' l'uo; t c f Jo
n:aia county, .tor ntul.-rsigtie.i r.re-(j:.,r ol
; the estate of t iiliam Jac..'.. lute of ii rltelt
1 Uiwro-hip. said eotn.ty, dte'ti., will csivn ;,i
I pohlie s-il on the premise (tn Satur-lny, Jan
j nary 1'.'. I H7, at 1 o'clock i m., tho follow
I ing deseribeil property :
A Hau-e and Lot of H .sk-res (lf prutm-l fit
i ,;, Turbett townvhip.lsaid cun.y. bound-
I " """m tk"ulT "n" """
Terms nialo known on day of sa!. liv
8 AMI 1L J.-ICol!:',
jan. 2-tM. WM. l.bt S A hi).
j t m:arin
...jo?er:i nei 1
' v ;v iJ'iV : jM.1 VIM" Ciil'S
! 5 ' WlV.
! ' j in..ersi!tiie 1 nnn.111.ee to the coi.-crs
returned from the city with a !arte srotk of
Merchandise, which tin-y are opeuine; ia Lear
ing"s l.cw store root-i ia Johi.st.iu-n. Cur
slock consist of Dry (ioods. Cruoeries. Root:',
and hocs. If ats arid Caps, 'leenMTare, 'li.r l
nnre, Sc., with a general ass rt en; ot Vun
l.eo notions, talt. Coal Oi!, .to , with every
thing iiMinlly kepi in a country store Our
nirtlo is "Quick salea an'I small profits."
Please civil soan and examine our new poods
dot 11, lbbO-tf liEAKING S LLI.L.
HPIIANS'COLKT SAL!. i'y virtu-of
an oMer or the On bans (.our;
county, will be sold ai
ale, on Itie
premise, in 1 errystiile, Juniata couuty, on
1 following town pryeily, to wit : A b..t of
!!r",,r' ! oa Tu--caror street, iu eaid
b ir oi.-h, hsvinc thereon er-cteJ Two Coo.l
lIou.-tL.'s, urid ail other necessary out -hiiiMirig:.
Tk::ms One-hn'if cf the pui-chusj money
to be paid ou confirmation of sale by th
Court, the bahmeo on the 1st day of At nl,
ltu7, wu-a oeeil will bo deliver;! aoj pos
session gi'en. MVilV L KiLMI.n.
Administratrix of W. A. Kilmer.
Dec 10, !.;t;-tj.
PUIVATK PALE. Tiic iindersicacd, oO".;-:
A- at private sale his Farm situate i ia .!i!
s ! ford township. Juniata eonntr. Pa.. a!iont firt
I 1. .. . , ' . .. .. ,
j unit;., ut'iii iimursou. 111 l.o.Kllrg l.r-ili
icy, containing I'M Acre, about ho ncrts
cleared, the remainder we!! set wilh Oak anu
Chestr.'it timber, having thereon crccVl a
good Dwelling House, Wash House, Hack
itarn, and other necessary out l.uiidins. wilh
a never falling spring convenient to I he door.
The property is situate. i in a goo 1 neighbor
hood, convenient to churchei, schools, lnil'.d
and stores, arid is a very desirable property.
Persons wishing to view the pnperty tau do
so by calling on ALEX. McCAUAN.
Doc. !!, lM.WMf.
J 1. Stvi.es Are in r-. t-rv reTeer nrt i!' .-i
; and embrace a comtde'e assortment ior I..i !i. s
i Mi
1 ... ... . -.
s, a::d (.'htMrv:!, of t.ie fewest i'tyle',
lonvr: li an ! s:;e of waist.
! ',r
Our Skirts, wher-ver known, are rr.r.ro uni-
rersally popular than any other:! ..-
pooiic. i Ley retain !::i-:r shire, hecr, r.re
;i!;!er, more elasiie, mote linrjto'e, j-.nd rvolly
cucapir tha 11 any o.!.:-:- Hoop Hk.rt ia the
market. The .ri:s tin i fn.-ieiii:igar. war
r I'ltcd perfi'et. Every ta-'.y shout I irv tin n: ;
'i'li. y are now being i" .isively s jM I y tiu't--
i jaie nd mail at M
cu .tit-i, i:;ro'i::lio:i.' ttie e- oforv, uiei lit. v. ...!,--
inn. ecinvv nv.
bLIH Area !!'.'
Ho; 'n'3 "(J1.
!', l-rl-W 7
Ask i
Oil: nr.
on each Kid 1
nun? uti.t
Manufactory, No. C-b Arch
leruis et I'asii.
fc-ept f, l.'.ili--!ui
! r!.(-f,
One 1
1 1.:
:e Umy
Tj4 It!'?!! AltF.lVAL OF COOiiS. I. I
Jl Tool' has jus; received a Inre assort
of Fall Uoods, which he ia selling at reduced '
prices :
Prints from 15 to 2r,c.
! p;rowu iu: 1
Pesl l)ouielie (lingl-.sms 25 io "Ic.
; yd wide. 15 to 2"e.
1 4 wivie tu -Oc.
Cassinetts from ii2e to 1 00
A - "t (
yl'ti Sic per quart,
jjrnw ,sgar 12; t.. Die.
A large assortment of Llnnkels.
. S5.50.
.IU.U at I
,5') to
I V l.ite do. iO-L at
',) to :
Also, a large assiotnienl of boois t f tin. tics! j mers and the public generally arc re?o!
(uality at Irom 5-i,"o, .f5,. to $5.5t. fu'iy invited to call, as he hopes by strict at
Also, a largo assortment ol Lauies Oaitors ! tent ion to business to d; serve a shar 1 ot pat
at reduced prices. , ioi:a '.
The aloive pi ic s ate f-r f.-.-h or Cuin'ry crt":5l, liit-tf. JACOu G. Vt'INEY.
produce. Tiic foiiowing -irices w:!l "no p lid j - - --
for inmkelin.' : P-uu-t U::e i.,.r 1!,. IV. .-.. ! 5 .A It.GK and Wfil .-.lictd tioekef fill
per dozen cah.
J. 1!. M. T;t,n.
amy 2, -If.
i atii.i boil, l'a.
T'iC li:..!cf
(no ot Delaware t'lFn'liip. Jniiit countv,
Iu., Jee'd, will i.JTor f ir ssi.- .n t!ie pri-mW.
,.n Tuely, Jfrnwry 'X W;
tio.' fllovtiliw
uescnocu ie.T 1 j.siai;., 10 w : : .
The undivided one-half of n tnet of L ini
S'tunted in bo?e rame.l towusiiip, a-lj'tieo;
lands of ltcnjamin Kiders, ticore i'arilt ar. t
others, containing l'.rj Aeros. tioro or Ut.i,
known as the MeEiroy tract.
Also At the came lime and plac", the un
divtded one-half cf another lr :ct of L.in 1
ailuated in Monroe townht. adjoining llio
above tract, bound'.d by Abraham Puge at:d
others, eoutaininf; l'. j Acres, more or l:ij.
with Appurtenances.
The ruii.iiiiing undivided one-naif of each
of tlie above name 1 tracts of land will be aohl
i'.t the same time and place, by tbd undersign
ed as Assignee of John Freer.
The above farms arc under excellent culti
vation with D'.vei'iinit II-, uses, llurns and oth
er necessary otit-buil Jir.iri thereon ereeled,
wiib runnitiir water and choice fruit on each.
Tkrms. tine-fourth of the purchase moriey
to b paid ou contirnialion ot eale, including
live per cent, to be paid when the property U
s'ruck down ; one-fourth cu the 1st day of
April, 11.7, hcn possession will be gnen,
the remainder, with interest, on the lut diy
or April, !;. SAML'KL LCO.NAUD.
Dec. 5, lyjtl-t?.
MIFFLIN "OACi.'.'i WACttX MAM! '.(:
lory. He the :indersi(:BCJ bfg leav fo
inform our cust'-mri 3 and fiii-nds iu this v.. t
adjoining counties, !-al we havr-eniar.d f.;:r
shop, and l-y the addition rf i-r '-n... i'l,!;,:,
arc o eparci to do work at the irhuriest j.-s i
bie r(Un:e.
V.'e are c-n'-taitly n.!:"f".:-:nr r.'v! tna' 1
i to order, co-tv de.-ei-T :i :: !' Osil '. (': r-
r:a;s, lUtfK-.i1, Si.lki'... f-nr-n-i, c. a!-.
i f,.:.idy and V'e.k citivr '- v.-!.. '.' e nr.'
! pre; :ir--d to U'ar.nrioture li V-'4i jj ,!;.-T;-. m
j in:': to f.nir her c.
I IS-ivi'iif b"i-n wr"'ii:-.'; nt the bnipe- 'ur
. 1 ::! .' i-'r -f v'-v-.s iiiii'i lrti. a-i i e:;:j !nv::i
i 1. 1 e Mlt I!." I.-t : ri::i.-t. VV tl'-'r
v..:-.'es t'u -':r 7.:k ii. ri--T t.e ti!:1... I
, I-.. L.'.;:ri- s at.-! .itiru'oiiity ; ia t'a! r t i
; v, e a! ir.:--. i.e p on hand frota t cc-i.f y
'tl.ii'v 1, t.f t..-..; sro-.n'i cr-.w.-h, jr: v
i!:ci:..rv S..-...'. in i-rder fo rn.tkc ir':rftiL'
..t l iu warraLt our work lr a:y
h',c t':i,e.
''.i.-i re p'kiiitr;.l '
1 .1." I -iteh. Alt j:i" r repairing !-e..'
k .1 . rcc. i vt: ytriet a:tc oii'.n. Co-.0
Mine tur steck an t work bt'or-f per-i;i-.j!.r:'.
I'oa't f ;rt the nai.:?.
' t-r livl.i
' :i::d 11:1
I ciia;
ii EIFI'LKt l.C Kit Ct: LSWKLL,
(' rr er of the l ike i ttijr t'priiijj roatl.
June J7-lf.
jAIl.i! AT PitiVATE SALE. The unl'T
i tigr.i-l offers at private sale his f-.m 5-!:-ut.ted
in l'elaw?.rc locahip. Juia'a codr-'y.
j c,;n';am;0;, -m",
Pa., about tlirie miles cast ot laosicssattiwo.
acres, about !) aer-es of tS
" rleand ani
and in a pood sra'e of eul'i-n ior.
the remainder well S"t with choice linibrr.
having thereon erected a large intone ?.ii.r. ion.
Tenant House, large !!unk Birn. and :'ner
necessary out-building":. ;th a taver-iilin--prir-g
of w.iier convt-aicat to tho buu-e.-i
Le ". itiil is well water-!. Hf above He. I
'..ill be soiti io wiiote or in preeN to -.ei: p':r-t-i:a-"ers.
P?r"om desiring to pi.rchi.-e :he
I rjr erty C:.n do so bv Ci"i.r:i: on
J;a.N' P.' T!!0il?30:v.
April '.'j, lV.o-tf.
YA'stl. The un-!t-
sitiv.ed leavo t.r iuforta lio t-ubli.?
tj it he te.f ci-nsiantly oa hand a-Urgt- io;-'
of Coal and Lumber. lii stuck e'u!iv-v:e. iu
part. Sttivc Co-fcl, 'ni:lh l'ol iin.l Lim? Lu'
neis Coal, lit to 1 .to 'I e i-i jn'i'i--.
Lucber of u'i -in ii a". 1 ;u-.i:iy, n.eh us
WhI.e Pinr PHn!:, two iui'hvs. do 1. '.'.'i.'.-j
I'i-ie 1". -arils, 1 io-'li. tio one i-: '.f it ;-a. Vb.rc
l ine '
! r'oi.r:;i-T, iieiuiai k
Joice. L'.el.ng !v!i, I"
:.s, Sisiping. i;.ijh bj. 1 L
l.stii, in i'.-s
Colli Rii'i !.u:i.r ef -U
I'ers ous on the E'irt t
furbished wi'h I.';.".- b
ihe c :! yard ul Tyso
an;: i'.-ly
ae if
r. it?
,1 :
T7"AT-UAV.T.:: Mi!
rr.or:-:r.iv at r;ti-
:'i.e nrii! r-i.-to--l iir-rs
. Pro; iito ited i::
:ra t v-i.-': i::, ,.':;:i:i.ib
V VAIL ."i VI. K. ':'
at pri.;.::- su'.e l.ii Mi..
MeCoTsvuio, Ti: ir..:
county. The Mil'. a
!..,... . f. .- . t'oi'
runuii: two s.:i:s of Li irr-. with Li o'.-'. L.e
valors, .'".c. to ee--.-'.:-y ft !,iii;t a In..:"
Countrr tr M.-nliar.: !.ttsincs. la connec
tion wi'h the Miil "ill be s ! 1 a p..o-I Dwvl!
i.ig !!. .i.-? sal ;:::i'.!:' with all r.ece?ary
rr..;iiern .mpreveniin'.-. Ttrm.- ea-y.
Prr-ioa.-i wUKiti !o e-;e t:-e pr ip.?rty will
call at the residence of toe feuuscr&er iu
Mct.'i:s i':!e, Jauinta toc.r.tT.
June -
"V7'ALrA::!." I":;nK"lU"Y AT I' it IV ATM
V i-At.t The uudei -iiu'd, refilling in !''!-
avnre ttini iip. Jne.i iia t
saie his 1'ir: 1. unoiio in s.-.
i.p'y. e..ers f. ?
1 :o?.n:a't 1 iv
aud a hitlf inife fr-'m Thonipontunn, aojoin
ing lands of l'i":tus Heiie'. l-avi.! (j.irver :n-l
otri.r. ce:ita'n:iig lo-l acres, havi:: tL.Tceit
erected a i;auk iinfa 'iokc" feet, goms L't-e!-ii'I
Iloti'-e, with s!i neee-s.-.ry out buil lirrs.
Ati';i:t 1J : acre-, is clear. 'I a:i'l utob r g-od
cu'liv.if i' t: the 1 aiauc-j wcti tiiuhere l. 11. j
land is '.in.e: ou. wi.h qrinTry at d kiln ihi
p'r.e '. vith Ktream of writer lartiiii:: Croiih
the f:.r.!i. Te. i.'.v e.-.v.
Riuti.-t 1. iscii-t'. " C. O. F.LLT
(Tin:. The piibiio are 1 er.i.y notitlet
tle.t I have ti.U d.e pureiinsed from
1 '
I.c!!.::! !t. Ueal.. of I'-.n'.e lownsh-p. Jut.i ii -.
c-.-ut.ty, Pa., the f.d'ov. i:o: j.ri-p.'y, to w:t:
nine ;iea ( of I'or'iea, tvro ih-o Waet:. no
!!.'.::! Wr.con. three .v; rii'g VI agi , one T.;
P-iiggv. liifes i:!e-ts, eleven srits iiii.-ir--1 an I
one ,'otv XVi piTHiitis a-e v::.rnc : n"l :.-pur-l:a.e
or in any way iiirf.-re wi'ti the :'H".
as I have K"i the pia j iy in the eaic 1 ' L.
1.. A.C:lie lo 0-0 lilt :: :: ; ' -
Nov. 23, is-tf.
I DI TOlt'S NO i'it .'i Too no !. i s.V'ic 1
iV L.ivin.1,' !?... nit-iuted An tit r, by the
C art of Co::...:' a l .v.-.s. of J n.i .ia tin:: 'y.
Pa., to il!";r:iiuto the ns-e-is in t'ne bards f
i",iii:i !'.en-;tr, s'lgnee rf the late tria i t
Se'.'ers and In trick i aa 1 ntr.ong the ctf.'it.
era of the tai l tirioor parttier-hir. wilt tt'.ct
!'' ' the l .mies interested at his oliice. in M'.fliin-
to-:i, l a., on Thuisday, the 2 lihday of J ir.
n u j. ,-.'7. at 10 o"oio(!;, A. M.. of s ii I d-.y.
win 11 an i n lo re ail perious interested will
pre-eat tiieir ceouats.
;s; -:,i.l JEP.EMMH LVON.-'.-
j Wi.lSTKLS. H.1.E TIN SliOP. The
' MeAlisier-viiie in the Tinning liuiues.
I Persons wanting auylhin,: in his line shout I
; call before pureha-ing eli- where, as he ii
frepircl to i!i!iiiut:n.:nrj an kioiih oi imnin
s;ie.-l Iifii Ware, and t. i-tllas low as they
i-an be rarchssed e! tcwhere. His old eustu-
,' Ii. CEull.S, c-mpiisiisg Ila.it, -hotilo'ei-, t.
! uu. Me s Pork, l b ur Frises, &e.. al
fci'LObTF, FitoW PAKiiEK'd
DMisi.si i:.vro;ivs sale..