Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, November 28, 1866, Image 3

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Icmata j?fittiucl.
? ? ? ? ? 3 "i
Wf. xekd Mosey. "Will our
tVi...l.s li-ltrt m'A t , .1 fl if i .l t,v n-a '
for .i:b.friiii.n, advertising :
and jub work, en'l and settle.
I';) per and material for printing
i-5 exceedingly high, and we arc
e impelled to reipure prompt
in i x .,11 1. HI--'
SdcllClilCill vi U'C cmae.
due US.
Ox Saturday last, a party oT sport:-
im-u irnm Poralctowii, Tusearo.a tur.-d.ip,
; luted a S.ic Ku :'-, weighing ly.) 1L-8 , i
, , r I .. T I !. . I , f
wit li a soUio sen i j--- w
lu-i make gtrtiitet.-, 1.0111.
ol' lire.
-0. f :tinl iy evening l:it curl
. , i ii . t . "A
vie guy .illy .:ai i.l-h i'j me cry
A chimney
the !..'iie oetti
picui by Ileury Ho
k :u-ci.!e:itai!y oatigli', .
tlio fire leii g put out without Juitig auy
uaira '0.
As lr;:M cf Ni.w. Those of our
f Vorj n'h'.i are' in arrears seem to
larik that : !rjvc i:o '.:-e for nmney.
To all s'.tch we v...-:ld say read the item
a- tli-.! head of tli. s eolau f. aa.l thou ejmc j
to town next week, to court, pror
r-iiel to
1- u" . I
' rx js t:i TMsa To iKT CliEAr j
Pi-.-n-KivS. S. T. Ftai-kh-il w.miJ
j . i'u'iv anuoance to the tUizeus
el- .
i -,s illc au'i vieinitv 'oat be lias .ut au i
.: r I'l,.., f..nr f r slli.liVo. ,r , -o ", ..! r. .... ,.'T,..., I ., '
' ' 1 " '--I '
or .k' per dozen," 1- Jems l',;r s'i.;"b
Ptr.-.'iis i
hin.' '.Vture frori o! ! 1
- :
ti-.-os I will farnislt l for 01, '-''J.
... ., ,t , r... I
1,VN' Pit il'EltTV Ki.'R i-AIb. luc ;
U'llersigned rlt.-rs
pro; erty iotrifed on
at rivile .sale, his
Main street, Miillin-
I0..V11. i'.t. Tin-improvement? arc a l.'wtdi
i.io House w'.ih Jr'ioie room uifa.hcd, cic.
I'eisous jvi. hing to purchase si)-oi: 1 call
on ii' i'. wKhi.i::;,
?! i:.lit:t- .vn, Pa.
Pi i;bl" F.U.L. Mrs. X.;;-lo. of 1':.!-,
terson borough, will .--ii u next .'-.durd.iy '
l.or entire slock of .cimiii:.1 prup-or-y, cu j
sisrio of T.v. Fat II. ...... Six iaitl-el 1
sleaos Tabhs IhlWi, Wash Stat. N. 1
l..,.ki-tJhes, rhai.-w, f..v-, Cup- !
!- rds. Sinks, Kigb'y V;:tds of t'arptt.
('pper Kettles, !vie. Sa'c to eutiinit-uce
t!t 1.1 oVloV lll'Seid '!aV.
Ciuxr"::r,-:i r N;.;;;, f.iiirjt'rfe'tt
live l eu! pi-. cis, in itnitjii. ti t.f tl.e "utck
ols" recently i-sut-J by the pa eminent,
are io circuhtti-iii, and are repcrtvt! to Ic
looie p'.i ii'il'ul t! an th: puuitai hall
liiio. s. The loo coii) is ftij.l to be
lighter iu v.eigiit au l darker in appeai-
auce than the cuuitic, but the genuine ;
is so imperfectly kuown tint i: is piubable ;
! itg." amounts of this slu"' urcy be shoved :
upon the too guilliiile public.
I'.VTAL ACCIl'KNT. 31 is I a Ila-s-.
;r, daughter ol ihe Irauklin cotiury
r'tif.T, was fat.-isly injured ly leiu-i
lio'ii a tiuggy, beltreen ( hauibci.--
l.-tr-r and .Me-'ootiellsbuig, a lev" d-iy.s agi . i
'Slie and a hrdy cattied Mrs. IJaLt-r. v.-i.-:-e
in the b-,ig-y. Whiie the Uiiver, n l- y
t.iiiio.d i lord-in, jged thirteen jtars, w;-.-v.a'kiitg
beside the teatu for a ehort time,
j lie horse tooli lright, rati ilo.vti a hlli
nil 1 upset the vehicle, thru whig out the
bido.-s. 3tra. Dukt-r was sei touslv ji-jurr-.l
I. tit. will recover. Mi.-s Ha:-; ler li'.ed ! r
oi ii'e (tavs alter the aecideut. Hiuri.-,
1'itij T. IfjrujJt.
A "31 an Commits Sr ictuE krom til;
iilANi)l"ATi!l.Il A Ijjelailcl.li'y Ca.-'C til j
l uie'de oc'iii r-.-d on tlie l S:h in--fatit.cn:
' the i'jlutik Para), near Titusville. The!
jiainc ot the unfortunate ttiau has not Vet !
l.fca discovered, but it appears l:o;u the ;
foiiowiiig tiiilbelio ciTusiotj, foiidd ia Lis ;
left boor, that iht suicide was not insli-1
o-tted by the cxph-iatiou ol "dry holes,'7 j
a at fu-t f.ipj osi.-d : j
"1 iiii.riied a widow who had a grown
up daughter. 3Iy father visited our j
bouse very often, fell in hive with mv !
s'ep-laughter aud inairied her. Si) mv
f-itliL-r btcatue my son in taw, and my step,
ibiughter my mother, because she was. toy
i i;hi?r's wile. Sbmie tittiO aitenvaris my
wile had a sou he T,as my fatLer's broth-
in-law, itnd my unele, for he was the
brolher of my step-mother. 3Iy fatiier'
wife, i. c., my Ftep-diuohlc-r, bad also a
son ; he was of course my brother, and
in the meantime my grand-child, for he
was the son of my daughter. 3Iy wife
was my granduioilKr, because she was my
linther'-i mother. 1 was my wife's hns
band and graud-child rl the same time
And as tht-husband
mother is his grand
g-anl fa'ler."
of a person's grand-
ather, 1 ,vr,s my owr,
PlPLic Sale. Joel Kinser will fell,
:it his residence in Waller towusLIp, Dear
Van Wert oa Tuesday, December 11th,
valuable personal property, consisting of
Horses, Cows, young Ci.t'lo, liogs, F
ing implements, Hay by tie tun, lis.
Call Artocxn. 31iekey & Pcnne!
; have just received irom the eastern ci ie?
a lnri-n stock ni New flocds and are now
0 cui theA out 8t t!C;r stnrc ;n iattcr.
son. They charge nothing for exhibiting
their goads; Give theui a call.
Mikfmntow.v, Nov. 1?G0. :
t e. tliC timlerMjnci. ."l.-reo to keen our
... . .
.stores aiiJ . shops close i ou l.iuuksgivii);?:
day, ruivomoer JJlli, ISUD:
I J. M. Helloi-d, ! 'ol:n KAor.
Tiltou A: Irlspeuschadc,;!:. K. hepn'r.
f 1 -
l.ilZal.elU JlcL'oy,
James Kirk,
r.-ilinian-UrtTtuvrs, '
. II. Weidman,
T. It. McClolbm,
s'uamp it Martin,
-.. 11. Nolestiue.
.l.,ll!l Y(1.K'
!i 1.. Parker,
JacA Will,
Su-Ci-.T, Frow i Paikcr.
Soke Uy.vi.s 1avis. The WliWcy
I'!oat .,1' il:t.-r nt tlm -Ini.ijifi ,'. ,,,,.
'V', pays his couipli
ts to as in Ins
u.-ual spread e.itr'e style, A j.ersoii not
ae'iaaiuted with ihii rouegnde, would iin-a-ti:e
that his iu'Jiteace was va.-t. The
v -He iu J utiiuia county during lie two
hist elections shor.s his iniiuei ee to be
trLUiend-.'tis j the com.ty piiiicd 17 votes
in tlneo vears. 1'his ".ia e rresuuiu is
0Xka., , tjIU ,-a..t ,j,.lt 'j, tttJ a y 1 J
ami open fdanl m uetense "nty p-dicy.
'""'!''y '.'avis' has reason to bo proud ol
his iouiiooef. Just thiulv uf it, "core
Heels :" da t xou tUink von did well ?
a ;:ain of 17 ; by that would l e a chanee
! d' St. It is easy to aeeoiiiit fur the -
p, ., i , 1 . . 1 I..
iii.i. u.'ii ia" mail rill in idu.kii .ii;iii I
.,'.,.,. ,.,.,n ,.. , - t ! .irob.rvt.,,,.1 i
;, 7' " 7 " ";-:M."'-"7 "Tinr.kirtr the simple r-rcW br
he says, b.r ponti-al reasons; we ha ve ; cur,.,i.- ti:;v.-ers w;bin-'io V
l;l- pK-.w s:.i.tciion oi ktiuwn.g lUaj .r ,
ii n . n.f .... ...... .i...r ..( ;... ' (
I . ...... ... y,...,.j- ,.,
! our tneiit- ry sctv.s us vlnht, an-.', wo ttiiuk t
I. ..OCS. tills T l'.ilC X'.IV IS l.l'S U'S'J i'JllUH'U
, , , . . , , ,
J uniata county not for poitlial leisons'
bt:t on ttit" o:it i-i' th ino-t deoi'iding ol
vie s. ;,,,'-.','A-.VA'VA'.V;? Wo uUo
the ki.iht i f bhe pea to sin I is name !o
the ten.;, '.ranee j-.le 'gu then he may he
ennie a r;'-pe.-tai,!e loan, tuid he oi some
a-.eoani ; ::t p'estat he is d. serving of
:! eiititiiiir-ei .ttlnti of his brother journal
is! i. V.'e wo-.id c-:i!i his uitrtili 'li to the
f..d!i.'v;iiv!r lines ; way he profit l-y them,'
is utir earnest with :
".Vi,;!e ti.e l.-.nip. Inl U out to bum,
The vF.e-: sinn-r itny ret.inu"
S,.y.!,.- O.r, T.-Hvn
. The TriU'vc a.lvbvj Is a lifle t . lute,
toe lite As-'statii vs-cfor aaa present
tenij-'orary Post Master at Miiiiiiilovrt:, al
1 tdc 1 to tibove. .: lt! wane- lotii; siut e
ari l is at i resent an urtirr ii.cii.lior (i;i
si h.'Vof one of the Co-J Tetip'ar Lodges
in this p!a?o. The 7V" icio' slinuld take
a iittle lack, as k- rhcr Davis is a lri;-k
n. W since he ha? I.eooioe a Tcrplar and
scarce 'y ever drii.ks loore .tint: he w.-tttt-,
un.'sfK it shot:! !
!.e tnav roS-i'ilv lake an extra una tit t . Iil
!,;,,, OVtr Sutbli -s. At cv tii.-, h
is 3 and if the eduor of the T. -
,-,.., J,0::T(, it c L:;;l ClJ!t!3 ovcr
.".-: it, I
ar.-l stiie'.l lu.i breJiis.
Super, -f! Mil. ?12
i M.MlFETIX'l-s.
'Ibiiti-r, pi iuieb-' lb "M
Hiiilvr, .ti raie IS
f.-u I, 15
T.ll.-v- Jo
llu-.is -5
li... s, " cwt 7 i 0
!!:.:., lb .h
o-sidel- .v.ruou-ders 1.0
l.rt. ra, J
:i 00
live. cwi. :;
i. ii. iiv. beat 5 5'J
b-su M.-.I. 1 V5
V.'i.ite wheat,... -
iled i'-hal.-rl Ou J 4.1
: i i LLILF,
C5 -Tore -r, "j'cwt S CO
' I Ihr.il or 10 1,0
lbe.k.vhcat e )
Cb.vcr, bus 7 75
.laioihv. J 75
Fl u..... 2 ,-0
lli.neariau 'bj
pilib:) 1 ill IT.
Apples, V bu SO
i I ol. i. .b;v.
t 'h''..li.-us-, ' pidr oO
:Tt:i-':ey:!, 2 00
j COAL, Ion
'Ti e.'-.-t ion .-tiivo 0 01
I do Jlj; ti
'Siinl.uiy stove li t)J
do Ecu-
i do
o In)
:. :-,
1 00
4 5'J
Mixed...; ,
Peaches, ' !.
ti 0-1
I 'ill t r:- s,
('nn'cois,. . . .
Xevv !;L-h, 't bu
Sivcv: I
i - HAY,
75 Tir.ir.thy,
lid lOlovcr,...
.... IS 00
Apples, "bb'.x 75
Onions 1 (H
While Ltc-nna 2 od
I'o-csTiax, j lb -55
Soap., dry 1 n
Wool, washed 45
I! (.tailed Articles.
Coil (Id "-'tal ISO
Salt, VI sack 2 50
lj round Aiiiin : It 0.110
Plaster, 'j? tan
Nails 7 5.1
It.tr Iron .1
Morse tWs keg :t 50
.spimg sleet cu unu'Js,
Cor-'-cted weekly by Sul.i!f, J- row i Purkei.
i-ii!i..vui:L5'!iiA .ia::ki; i s.
l'nri-.MiELiiiiA, Xovenibcr 'J',, Vi-fA.
IT.Orit A lev ht.indr 1 ,hU ,Torc
lakeu, iu lo's, at S.5'1 bbl. lor sn.
i ... . o ii . in i' - .
'Ji "; I "
j- ..-.so iioi,ije.-i eitra lamiiv
ri,75(f, 14.75 foi jVnti.y!v-iiu and wiu-
l..r irbo if il , .,i, I fit I? t
nui-iu uir inuev
brands according to rjuniity, Kvc iMm
may be quuted at S7,25,'.; 7,6!) V. barrel
WI1KAT We (tttote Pennsylvania
red at S2.7.)fW,3 ; an el .Southern at $Zf
3.10; A h te ranges from ?3,2rhV3.S5(
Th::re was rather mote inrrtiiry for 'lye
mil 1.000 Lush. s.Jd at f. W'Ll
er' :lllJ '?o d Penusyivania, includino
i '.V'0 bui'," ".' ;!, l?n rri'-- ter.ul
jCorn - cl l.l.r ill y-:-.v ; S:ir?ll!e. ,,r
new. aad ClO fvr old r.n ! a-r-.v ::!;J.
L Min i .'iiioav. Xc.v. 1M. lXoti, I'6seiircr'
Trains v.ill lenv Miliiin ISialiua asfIlui:
1'hihidclphia iJytaess.. 1A I V. M
last Line 7.C5, A. M.
Cincinnati Express C.l:, l'. M.
l)ay J'xpre.'S 11, 31, A. JI.
iMail Train 1. M.
Ilairitr.orc Kinross 4.03, A. 31.
1'hiludelphia Exprcv... 5.C), A. M.
1'a.st Line 5,55, 1'. M.
Mail Train 3.11, P.I.
Ihni-rant Train t...!,47, A."l.
JAML'S KOilTIi, Ag't.
WELI.i:it MlTClli;!. On the 2!ih int,.
I.y Fcv. It. H. Flctc'ucr, J!r. Julin Wel'icr and
MiEj Malilda Miiebel, lot!i of Junialil County,
FILUIIAX CP.Ol'SE On i!:e 2o;h ir.st
hj Kcv. K. W- Kii!-, Jlr. James F.ltiUn. of
MoVi-ylovru, mid .Miss Sallio K. Cruute, of
Juniata cor.tiiy, Ta.
FISlJEri-KAKXEST On llie -"J ittst.Jy
tlie sntiiP. J!r. rauiel Fislirr and JiUs Lydia
A:iu liavapst, l.oih of Jmi;r.:a ccumly, I'a.
ptfhl Jtotict5. .
F.vpit voi'tiir la Iv and rir.iloman in t!if
I'liite.rStiites ran hear Si'a,o!!'i:i): Ti-ry much
to their advantarre by return mail (free o!
-I......... I ' .....'r..
l.y ad-lresr'mj t be miJrr-M-twd.
! ilo-se bavin? fear of beiti" limnbtu.-ed wil
or-ll-rc ry inn ikiiii;:: t..; v.u.i.
wiii pieasc address tiioir i.bedii-ut m rvr.r.t.
T!i'S. i'. t'HAl'MAN,
fib. 2 Vly. ri'.ad:iy, Xew York.
A Oor.l.-mnii ! suffered fur years fi
and ni'
.... .r. . :.. I : ... . .: " '
tin-tis ut ruini'iui in.;.uivi
will for ; ;
the sake nf witiVvitig huinanity. send lr:e f.
ail v. I, a r eel i t. t he reei pe and.d irections for
bv vhi. il. he was
vroft bv tiie a i-
valuer s experience, caa do so by uooioss-
JOtlX. V,; OftliEX.
X'o. IS Ckatubcrs 1st., Xew.Vork.
feb. R,-y.
A m:v( pr.nii.ur. vos. the itwriiEtccirr.
A r.."w .s-tr-V-e. d. ei-:e...
.! ho i,-1 f:...,i ti... Lire. h-A
v. ::.t'.i r. -..is.'- iti ii.ni: '.
ir. .1 i.v.'.y by
I'iltLIO' & SO?!, ."Vrn- Vorl.
r.i:wAT:E of !'n TKKri'i rs.
ASK K)lt l'ilAI.O.N "S. TASE KO OTItElt.
July 'i.:: iy.
T) f'O .M3-J3 E'T i V 8-:.
The advci'tiFrr, loivii.. heen rc-sfor-I
hisiih in a lew wetks ly a v.-ry sii'.ple
r.'aooiy, after h:.vini; strl'erc 1 for seven'.l
v. - os with a severe lui:;: t'l'.'cc-i. 01, nd that
dread di--.,asc, 'oi'siinipt ion is anvious to
n:il:v hi: nva to l.is !oiioW-su:i'.;l rs t..e ta.'a::.-c-t'
i To ali v.ho desii-r-it. he w.il send ft f !'"
d' the t te-L-iiibb.ii io.c t ,V--e ol Cio'.r -e. .
v, it!; t!i- il i-eo'.o.-- for rr lrir. j an I u.-int:
the tan:", whic'i t!:cy v.:!l I.n 1 a s. '.i: i t ::t:
I..- l'...r: o. I.-0 " '....MO 1 ' - . , s- . 1 1 I V
Coi-otis, Vb t.os a', '. .! Tii ro.it and l.nnj:
I A ile-ainns. The an'y ;y ct of the n.!vt-nier
in ij . ; , i; o i i : c p re sc r , . i " a j s i.l toi.e..! u:s
ii.bl 'e !. Kti. I , sen. I i . fi.i .rt.lir. n L : ' i h;
con -tve- to b it.v.ili. able, fi'.d I e bop-s
e . . ; v sa.t--. or vi ',! 11 y jiis re'oi-.iy, as 1 v. ii;
cos- ;hei:i nothii)'.-. t-Tid tii-.-.' ; r r... a 1 b --le..'.
- Parries wisbine; the prescrtpiion, i r.l.ti, by
r5:i;ru mail. V- iil plea-.- address
lir i.iiV.'AKil A. AV1L.-0X.
v;ii:l.i'i:sbi.r-. Kings Co. Xtvr Ycrh
fob. tS,-lv.
ik:tf Ivcvtbco..io.
I EAL Lbs'i'.V'i 11 AT ITilLIO HA Lib The
J. tin-l'.rsigne-l will seil on the premises iu
Fuv'ie t.'.wii.diip, Juniala couuty, onj mile
soi.th of Johii tiiit' irs lv;o inns Inoa
So cm and six lei'es X.-nh-eiot of Tho:i,-i-
l s"t;;ov-u. on SATLiil'AV, DKCKM i'-Lit s.
j : ; ; . ti'.icl cf land iidbjinlnr hm-ln of.
! V- ine;: n-.b-o-r, lie. bus K.o d lii.u ethers, eontain
! ii- yiiVEXTY At'ivfbS. a ,f;nod -"iriif.n i f
1 which i- cletred hss been heavily limed and
: pio ioii's ;;.
j' Tbe iiit '.-'verio-i ts cor. i. t of a. go.-il LOG
llti! Sil. a '1 EX A NT LOb'oL, and a LAli (.,'!:
j Fit A Mil 15 All X with ample stalling bcttc.ith
i it. together with ail otln-r necessary cr-.tbuiid.
j ioits. ' The Coeo'a-.uus Creek p-sscs thrctifh
1 he proptrty aS'irdnir j-ooJ water power.
There is a SAW Ml EL in food running con
. dition and doing ft larjre bu-.iiiess. There is
011 the prer.ii.-ci an .c.ehard of choice Fruit
such as Aplcs, Peaches, I'cttfs, Cherries, &e ,
sll iu their prime.
l'ciMbns v.ui-hii.'g to invest inom-y in land,
w'oiild i.nd il to their advantage, to view this
property before purchasing elsewhere as it
will lot sold a' a lan-fiin.
For fiirlh-r infni o,,iti -,u "ail upon the er.-j-
sciioer r-s:d-ii;; en the realises.
him at L.cst Salem, Juuiata cuutitv, Pa.
to commence nt. 1 o'clock, P. M., of
said uay, when utti'Di'.-iiiec will le given and
terms made kuov.u l"
Oct. b'l.f-i.
VATIi SALE. The undcrsigued olVcr's
-it pivaie sale his Mill i'n.-peity, situated iu
McCeysvil'.e, Tii-cavcra lownshio, Janiata
county. The Mill is a large Fraine Pitihlln.
runuing two sells of Ibit rs, will Halt.'.:, Lie
valors, fie, nei'.-s.s.ir l,.r dotti a larje
Coutorv or M.-Tchiiut bu. Iness. In connco
tion will the Mill wiii be sold tigvod Dive!!-
ing House and Sialic, with il
modern improvetni. tits. Tcvias easy.
Persons wishing to sec trc property wiil
call nt till resilience of the subscriber in
Mcf'yosviib-. Juniata eouuly.
June JJ-li'. W'M. HACKETT.
oTlCi-l. The Vonwert Mercantile House
is for rei I. Po.-scssion wiil be rriven-on
the 1st dry of April next. It is located iu a
good sctllci.icnt for rctaiEii-r co-v.is.
JoilX iicMIXX.
V law-'rt, itdiS.bi ceur.rv, Pa., ort bl-tf.
E-Ji.i'.n' "Xiv:if JMacimiis t'creus.
5"lioIo i' "j;.-:.! ;:i.ioiuii-f IVrrUH.
t'hatan'a " i, U: t LioiniuK crtu.
S Jii.Jjn's '.-H:t;.'n illooinlxj Ctreni.
n:al ewztv, fa. !.! l-ffice H.itMii.ff I
5 he iuvi,.isi::n.'il -hs tirive to in!' nil IliB
f'irl'i'ot liiisNnul tioijihhoiiPK cotm.i s
..tltat Uv liittj ,1pe!Ii tin meek of Staliomiiy
iu..KS, clc, nu.l buvins UtiMit tliem at
v.m v ioi KholesaU price iu llitalell'liia, 1.y
miaing a small per uontace, is certain lie can
stil cu'eapcr than any otLer tslatiiijlimeiit ia
y. J tic tuilowing is a h:;t ol Jtag.i-
lines and rcriodtcal?. ki'Tit. villi-f.riec'3 at
lached, aay of .vrhi jii wiil he tern 1y mail
fra of pct.!t'o to itiy j'.a.ce ujicn receipt of.
llie nnin-vii .r!c viz:
Atiaalis Monti.iy 4e.
larj".Ts M:i-uii:c '. ; -i"c.
rra:k L.-slicVt.'at.ts cf Fasliiu'a?.... 45c
:otlK-3 Ma-aiitii-
J.au-Oi Fiici.d - -:-e.
.P'.;!! Maswinc. 2c.
Havcrlv MaVuine (treckly).. Kj.
Harj-vrirriotoriSi (ntfkl.v) l'-a.
Fra uU Lewie's Ficiorial. l:!ustr.ild,. 15c-.
Ciiitiouy Corner l';e
Aioioii 15e.
Nov Vtfrk Li Jr-r
Nalinmt IV.Iiec e-i7.c;te.
Xc- Vuik Ciil'i'ei-.'.
.... 1 'u.
.... KV,.
.... Ivt.
" ''c-
IviturJay Xi-'it
(.IU'.-.f ius Literary Oonipaniou vlJe.
Load:. --and Man: ot's Xovuls, (caeh)... li'c,
j..-. i. lie's s'ou.-ti r .. l?e.
Martin's Sensible Letter Writer 5 'e.
Fortune Tellers and Dream I'.o. ks of liillVr-
cra kii.ds i-ae!i..
Also all kia-'s of-5c, XoveU
X. I;. Au'v of l!:o I'aHy. I'liibidilpbia. pa-
purs fnrui.di'ed at 75c. per month, or Iri-iveeK-
ly at o.-c. Y-r moron, svm.-ueeu y o-.e or
weekly .''e. p..r in.ialh. also .music, .nara
zin.'sanJ other bindings attended in.
1. Bank iminbei's of nil Msi-.uir.es r.r.d
Papers furni.-bed at short notice. 1 ant d( n-r-raiincd
to supply a (treat want in this county
by furuishin.; ihe people v.i:u rcaSing maiUr
at a reasonable pri.-e.
i respect f-illy sjlieit vnnv patronatre.
' JollX M. THOMl'SOX.
PerrysTille, nitf. 1,
- -
T II I S Vv A V FO !? I? XttV.U $ !
-M. X.A A KJ II O-i M. X L V V V "
L 1 a e.adf'.r.o'rite l h3 jr.st re-;etvt.d altir
- -f..tT. ..f "it,,, is :-.! t ... .-... t-.s -li ib.-ir
:",....., v.. ;i " ... 1 in !..!-t..rs,.o ubh-h
i they arcopt'iiiegto the pn'dte, t: ih.- :..:'.-v.-ing
low prices -
Pi:ixts. ,' r.r.owx Siir.KTiN-i:s
Best Oualitv at 'Jo V'1 '-'O'V
ise.;.-i:-l 15
Plain ; !i v ool) '
Fiei.re.1 ... j'.o
Fanty and .!ain
tVu'ii .'5loS5
F.l'll.b e
I it: a '. 1
Sixth lo
i l'U.VM.Li.
S.-nrle! '',' "tu'lti-
i White '
():-;(.: Arts.
i'iad oo,o
Sl.ii-t::;:: :5.,;V5
All wool r.vk-..-i -,o. 5
1'est tjoill-y C"
istlll'TlNU CtiiXi.
".est i;i
Misses si o, ,,.. .-,
- Chlbll ees ...-I'lloVd "
. oients lie- is .f -J 50 7
Third ,
Uia.-k and u'Lcr
iters fl 25:oJ 'J:j
Ceh r- 'j-'t:-?! 0,
cyr!.;-: octol l-l
.::-x:tr use "i
Ih.lni .ral..?U 7;:-.;i fi
ito'-f o-t fr-c-- .sae.irs, 1-roMti.. ll'tol-:
'Hikings -", "Oto-'ii), Wkit.. -:(:..
I' -.sr i Sri it. Llreen Co'.'ee :M
dears from S'ltoti-'i: I.a lies' Ct,.,' ! :!. : i
atii:ct 7i't., si 1". es ...s ! to :: i
Cassia-res. .. fl : b; Lre.:k:a-t cl.:;vU
Pivrn. , from -J:'- :
S w-.l !"!,;' ' Vi ooiell lii ..!. 75lo J 5 '
i'lad i )";...:. 7 II it- audCf.jS a! a'.;
Jtt.r (': : M"si.:x.- pr:ces.
r.:.e-i lo.aiity ::5' X jtii.nr A foil
.'.d sr. r';:,. in rf l.a !,: s' X !
: .-.';;.:.;, o..-c-. n.s-
'j' iety, ic. at a!! pri.-e'.
1.' to suit j iiicbaivis.
.'.'-, a full a-'-r,it"-ut cf '" 's. t'S'.uirc
ili'i .b-;i ... Ti-wr.rt-. llr.-am.-. llnt-lu-.s. Has!;,
ets, PocS-ts. li.i s. 'iobaceo. S. --ir.. .ic.
ii.'ie:iii' lii i r in a e-o ii-ry 'si ,.ri. i'ur; . :i.-e:-s
wilt do i '! y c ;V.sr;- an ! e .in' ,i:ig our
slock, bctort- purebiis-ii; c'.se'-'ti !. :.s or.:'
laebo i to sell chf-.io for CAiU or Country
i'l. .dace.
Apr. 2'5 CX-ly. Palters -n. Pa.
hoop s-Kiui'b-, n-js.
lornix'.s -tpvx mak::.- xi"v p.m.i.
ii. St
TV.'. vs Arc ot cvt-ri-ii-peci b.'.st f 1 1 - -,
;i ti ! ru.b , ii e nr.:' lot i. :u --..ft n.- n; bis- i.-ol I.
Miss.-i, a u 1 Ci.i; L-i-ti, of the Newest Sty!..-,
.iv e.";' 1. ru t; :;ad r.i.ie of writs:.
O'.l' bbb's. vvbeievr biio-.V 1. iVt lii , lit 111.'-
vcr.-r.'iy pi.pulr.r ihvn r.v.v m!.o--: I i fore, th--.
:.!.:. i'-ey re' iiu t'i'-iv -h-i; e Vt.cr. in -;;
:b-.:', ri o-e :'. -tie, 1:1 i-r ib-v..:v... ; .. 1 r. -by
e :e. .bar, :,ov '.'..:; r 1' j. "i b'ib.r ': :; .
iu r l .. i. I ,.r. ;-.o.; I b. -. e u'loiS a r : v. ;ii'- . :
i .r. 1 p-if-.-i. bv ... li ly i. nl ; : i ? . ; '
'i'.bi-v nr.; tu.vi ' e'ri-T cv: -o.i:il --'y s u I by ;.i :- .
ehi; ra, ; fotiuhot!: ;h ' .:. ii.o!'. ai.dat '
. i . .; , ,.i.Ui . V i ': ' ... ' : : '''
p..:ot:, :."o. ib.1- Ar '. t: -.-, ! .1.,-,..' 7b,. bb
Ail t-.-r ilo' hii.'s "Ci.;i 'lake,' lav r.-i
C.O'TIOS. !irr."- tirrtur.e ui I't.n.o t i
en t -ch Li I Pal-'--;; .pkiii's Ko.ov :-kirt
.Mi'itaf.-.-cry, Xo. i'.J.'i Arch S:.v,-i. i hllabl."
1 or: t-j X'U I'aHi. Cue X'.-bjc b u y.
Sen 5, ibbo lin
.i. FttASK. li. s. coo::. n. in rionrt x.
I'.i. And thiit can be done to prri'cetioii by
I nyin votrr ids of ihe new lirm iu Ibiner
:cu. 'i'lieir sttock consists in part of pry
Goods, Hats and Caps, Fanry Goods, Yankee
Xiitii-':-, a large and superior stock cf Pouts
a ud Shoes, Groceries, Suit, Pish, 1. lees c, ,-:c,
i.'ried and Canned Fruits in great vaii.jty,
fl.ud'.vr..re, t;u-cnswa:-e, Wouucawarc. Our
sloe!; w.w puieiirtied in eastern cilie-s at r"
iliieed price", and lire CnndtU-iit We can
niake it t i tY-. ii:!?rel "f our customers and
tha r-ce,.s;-!;,,ivte, j i ti'olic in jtive us the first
call befofc ran:.in;; tnctr pureiiases.
X. IJ. We hat-.- liie i irite-t stock, creates!
variety and best styles in the county.
Highest market price paid for eouniry r-ro-doee.
FK.'vNK, COOL 4s CO.
Pattcrsor. July I, ISibd if.
ii. !;cbtv.-are town: hip, Jtir.iat.i conn. v. V:i.
.;urvit:ri-' partner cf I ne lafo firm ( f Knits
nr..'. i.'ri ss. r,ii.ipost.,l ol Jos-eph Kitelr. d,c'.!..
ami sr.M William C-o.-'s. bnvi:;jr ..oi i ha Joih
day of October, IX ;ii, m id;. ;v vc.iuvOr.ry as
sij-nni-nt cf all the Cit ua ll :;..l, perso ial and
mixed hi-I.,i,g!!ig to saiii frrm to th-. ur. ler-itrn-e
! assbinee in Ir-ir-t fir the benefit of ere i::.
ots. No ace is hereby given to all p-rst-iii
owing or itolt-iitc I to surd firm to coins for
ward arid make immediate payment and those
having claims against said linn crpartucr: iiip
io piesiint (loir .-'.ceoiiot for .ictileuiir.t lo
Ll'NllY CPOSS. Perrvsville, Pa.,
JEilLMIAli LYtlXS, Mifiiintown, ra..
(b-t. I'l-ui. " .-!;....
r-jpllSbcst oitallty of XXCJOlRL;., ..'
- AA'(V aiidoV.l.V alwavsoiii.o-.od. An.i
r.l.-o, a aeod supply of Pl-iot-.-r. r.B'.l Calcine
Ibistu lit
A 1 l.X'l'lil .M A l' 1SCI5. Tlr. is an nr
! ti le for ivashing williimt l ni.hiii. cei pt
in Very du ty j.laers, v.l.ich will reii'iirea v.-iy
sliglit ru'o, and unlike otLer prepiiraiious of
lVrcd f .r a like purpose, v. ill xot r.i r the
clothes, but will leave them ir.ucb wum:ii
tiiau ordinary methods, -fcitlioitt Ike usual
wear ai:d tear. T
It rt uiovefl grease ppnts as if by magic, and
softi"s tlie dirl by soaking, so that rinsing
v.-i'.l in ordinary ca?cs tntirt'y rcrATe it.
T ! i i - p'uvdvris pre pare J inacfjr.lar.ee wii'j
r'ic.lii- il seience, and i:p;.n a prf.ee.-s p.f:ii
iiar tuiittlf, wiiith is seturod K-y Letters 1'jt
ent. It Las been in u.?e for more ilian a j fur,
and lias proved itudf n uti'.Mirsnl f vitiie
vvliei-.VL'l it lias been ir-c!. Alnor:; ihi i l-a:ri.;;-.es
eiuimed arc tiio fjllowin-r. vU:
It saves all llse er.p-n;8 of seap usually
ltsi-d on eirtiou and lim-n gnods.
It saves laost of mo labor of rtibbin-r; and
wear and !"ar.
j i iu M ttican;s ivir.dowiit U njisurpa'd
' Willi one naarlcr llie time and Kb..r u-tially
rcqvircJ it iiupar.u a beautiful pbss aau
l'itre, much snncrior to any othiT nio 'e.
No water required except to moisten ike pow
der. l'ircctions with coch package.
And e.in t.e readily appreciated by a sin-rl.-trial.
The c-t of "ra.-.i.ing for a family .f
live or sii pcrsoi-i will u-ut -cxccc 1 hibkk
j L.,.S,T -
; n,nunf;lcturcrs 0f
this powder are
. aware that many useless conipjtmus Lave
' l.cen intro laced to the public whieh Lave rrt.
c-1 the cloth, or failed in rvuiuvin the il'ut,
j but knowing the intrinsic es-.'v'.leae j of this
'article, the confidently proc'ai. it as briuj:
;ii b. pted to meet a deioand wl.if h h:s b.i
j existed, toi-l which lias -Lcretvfore rcainiiii'l
utibupp'.ic'l. Manufactured t-.v
T now i: a t-TKvr.x.-.
! J.fM Pn.iidway, Uosioii-
: Also. r.J.innftf'.urerj if i'aaiily Dve Col
aiily D;.
: 1 ev-r' :l' -'re-
tiet- i;-:h
:: iitT.ix r. es n;s-i- a. i i:
Tbi t-TO'lL. The undersign. 1 liav.op"a
l. i d a Xow Store in the Oii-i i'e.io s'
ill I j s:'.1.- .:. v.hcr;; lio-y r.rs- pre! ir.. 1 to :'..r
nisi, the public villi 1 and ciiet.p fr ..e:.
Ci t.si 'lii.r in pari of ioajk Silk u:ol l'...;.o;a
z'.ac:', bl.i k oo. i i'e Lai:.-.; , and i; V.iie,
F:-:i..di Alpaca . Snow Fl.ikv .Mo'.ir.ir, One !
More, l':.mv' '..-iiiis and fare;. cants
1 i.t all colors, I'.'ii-tcd C:ab:les aud
I i. a Silk Ph-bt Po; ll::s an 1 poj linctts.
s'-ir::.eil i-i.ii.i l'oiigm: Crape.
I"'u'i:ri 1 :i',.l I'i.lti povcattii.
V.i and 1'j;:1 iri s Ci.aillea.
Vi nil. lb- .is ;oili as hish l.itietts, jtwixs,
('irtib-te , J.-.eoitei.s, lo illi-.ai-', Xaaei ks a ioi
.':.' r. I';:.' s,
1 bo k i b lb.: art 1 !.. f -in ;:bav.ls.
i fa.:, !-;.;: ti.-at. -;
' Anarieiit t'b.t'a-; and ("assiui.'res.
"il i ;!r-cx l. I.- lie-" fcre:,t Variety,
' i. :'e on 1 coo-rc-l I b-::ti.:l --,
t' -::-::.a':.--. t"i.e'.:s. :-'l-...-,:,bri s x Ticliii es.
1. leached pn.l ! :.' a Mneetin-.-s 1, i ',,
Gb.ves. ;i-;.ry, t'olbir-, Trimtnin-rs, T.ib
b .lis. v.lth a er at vi.l.' v tf the bc-t sfiei
in :bc ai-ovc l-.'ie. .-.l-.- 'c 1 with errat care.
H s !.td 'bir:- f-.-r t alii I ys ia j-rea"
variety : 1 lack, color, f.:r, wool at. 1 straw
; . is. I!r..vir.;- pa.-eiii?.,l tli. r.b .vc '.t t:.v
i-oi;..i':ef:rei wc ore prepare I to si! cbeap
e.i '-.r; -i".e lolier bo;is,. in the C'to.tv-.
t'a ;:' ibcb::1- as-.i-Ltaent-ot' i s! ..'lo:l;s
nv 1 b: p.':' v .1 ii ly. :-.s ve',1 a. C'. r l-r::
:.t 1 V. est j t ie:--;. i. -. ; C-i-ii b'l', els '.voobi'b.
i.i: '. rrt-oi.ir ; ni s'.ili bef.;.-. t. :r. b-i. .a z
els.: .vi.ci-.-. TILIVX ; rsPLXr-CJ i A I'll.
Jane 1'.', ic'bl ly.
i'c-iiist, .vlaiii
si- cel. M :::::!. .u n.
i'a. Ibiiie, tins i
door we.-! i ." n-l-'.bi-
t's s t o r ;-, i. :- -
f ':
r 'line:
i,e p.'' ,: lb
; b
'':... e. r..; .: b i rs . '-,-.. 1 -, b ...;,.
I be i. i... , iii H'l. n 1 to ihe wants of u'l t, b,.'
'h..yl ', .r hli.i wbii th.-ir palron-o-e. J'.re:!.
I ins,-:- I it; oi :,'! t.';.- latest a'.d m ol i-..rroVt- I
piaa-r. i i n workman-ike and s irisbictoi-v :.,,,.
-r, i:ilob ; r b.,.-. ,i :';,, "ci-..:,.
liu -s - c li tub be stir ' - . .1.
tftc I. Xe ;!::.f;'r : b: ;br t
. 17..;.: '.,I'-
e ilu.elib.n , ,'
t-'u-oiiiiy . o..,
i d i 1. !': lib,, lb V
-. es r ;.e .,b!
-ilf r-eis .-i.-o ol--
J- iiU-'ois ,.; ;).) f,,. ..
n- p- v
.b...i., i ..!.','. -;:i .,.-r (,.;. .
'a v,;..,; ; ; :-.:i: :..; ,-, '.
b.'i' .b : his v , ik !,.:: c- . .
. boo, 'b ';
;::-.! .-.
pu' e i' : i .. ' '
-. - ".y e. ri.j
o the ' . ...t,
... r .
la:.! ii pu: no in : id
..o c.ii.iie-. .Vi, i.e a-;.s
: it: :1. an 1 i. t'..;; -
b v.iii ;,.- b.
v .11.
! . ;.. 1 vi b. I-I rAi t .-.. ' -. ,
.1 ...'iVe-V T.eUli!. -trt'i "lh-i i..-
:' fi-unh'tvek, to r..-:i:,-n one k -,'-.
o; ii. r liii,..-, i.m he found :: hu; ...i. ..
bii.loivn. joct pi, :
J ALIEs' I'AXCYIXlls: AThil'N'nr
J IAEA'S li'd -.bbshni-m ; I ;; V- ,
J-ierory No 7 1 S A P. C I ! hi 1 " E 1. T . iA v 7-
g- Have now in store
? of ir-y own !:. porta
tlon mid .Vurnbic-
c one of ti.e I.-n-jf.
est and no.-: he :;!: j.
ful silcelicns ,:f
f a x c y p rr r. s
for ladies' and Chu-ir-cn's
V-'r-ir in the
firv. -ll.o .
I.Tluvr.--V'' ';:; 5: i.ri,.;..-- ,! ,:.,.,,;
. r - i tf.'i :: s...u. s-o. s
, b.Jb. A -:-'Vi'I "r talovcs and Ccl
1 to
lispoxc olny goods at very reasonable p. ices
and I would liicrcfdrc solicit a call from ir;v
friends of juuiata county and victnitv.
Item .tuber llie Xante, "Xuiubor uud" Srieet '
JoliX 1'ALEi.LA. Xo. 718 Arch strccl. above
7th, south side, Phibf.'a-
t-0"l have no Partner, to.r connection
with any other Store in Philadelphia
Oct- 10-lia. .
T 1. have on hand a good finality of Hard
4 ware, Coiiii-i-i.-iiii a full asn ni,,.-,,! :
c.i:.rr-:xr.-n uoi.s k j;lacx--;r ;.
TOOLS, t-ttcli ts Anvils, LV-lovs, Sc., sh,v
m.-k .-r Tools, Sews, Axes, A liters, li on, S;..,.l.
N.-t, is. Horse Shoes, and Horse Mine X.Lis y
the keg acd p-..iid. Hnpes cf a! -iw, fi...m ..
tnclu.-i down t.i inch I.y the pound, r-if-v
and '.b,oon Springs. Grittd SioCts, and Grind
Stone c ictiii-es-, st
Sl'Loli'i-', FP.OW & PAP-KEIl'S.
Ei.vr v;jrL5v!i":iji: zv,x u
Ho. C3 2:rj2in rcuETii: strut,
i .. :;31'.VS ?.!; a.
!.,-. -A 1
ii -uc.
MIFFL1X n.CI!& W.tf.)S M NrFAC
tory. V. e the un lersij-ne 1 l e leave
inform our cnsli.u'.u . and friends i'l I his au l
adjoining c juntios, that wc have piilarre.l our
s'lop. and by the uudi'i-4 of iti .ni Power,
are prepared to do work at the shortest ii';ti
b'.e notice."
We are con.-tanilr iranufaetiirit-i and t
to ord -r, evei V ileseriptii.il of Coaches, Ca
r::'M, Kir'-'ic. Sulkies, TVscmosv,
Family and Voak cutter sleighs. Ve are also
propare-l to maniil mtitic i'oad Wagons from
one to faur h.u-s.
HaTiiij been working at th busiiies for it
r.un.rcr of years ourjelvi-s, and etnpluvii.
nroic tut the b-st of workman. V.'fe tlattri-
ourselves that our work cannot S tut passed
f.r uoatm -s and durability ; in this ir a 1-
jo.inj. cotiiiti'.'S.
'' a!-Aay. !;? on band from twenty l
, ihtfty set, of'bi jt .iee.mi growth, Jersey
Hickory irrokt-s. in order to nmle durablo
i wheels And wil! warrant our work fo any
icas"T-ab!c : iroo.
.iei.tw and I!tt;-;ift r-pain'ed with n4i".
, tie's'and .iisp-tteh. Ail other repa'rinp b.- ivy
j or liht. will receive strict attentfon. Come
and eia-nitte cur Etoek an I worK before p'tr
I ciiasinz c'ew'-ore f!. n"t for-.-rt. the name.
iilili'l LlildMIKil C1U.SW U!.L.
O.rnr.r cf tbu Pikj X Cc -l.tr Sprias ro-i 1.
June 27- T.
M UML rl! li;i.M?.
T. t.ilEKXK II ...- t.i'KXIdi libs Mi,'.
; 1-i sic einrc, i'ii: door wv-i of i. Lev it'
' I'.ook Store, where hi- tuo-s onstar.tlv rt
1 hand tVl KiNV'.'if ,'; ; iX.s '-.nd ;.V i-'.ilLK'S
I Pian.) M:.aii:..e.!ii::i:.- C o.) ..i.v's i i.vNtb-i,
MA.-DN llA.Ml.iN's '.UIXKT ofCAX.-V
' 'Hoi CAIlilAi.T. r,i.l)!i.i-. C-':..' Ml. -;
J.UDMt.'XS; tiititar-. Yiol.ui, i:..s, Hales;
; Collar an I Viulia btvlng..
Mr-n: Ib.e.cs tJoble.i Gliain, CubU-n Show
' t-,J b.;.l, i. ,:. -0. llobb n Trio, ,-e..-x.c.
t Sii LET J'.i'.-i.'. lie is f- .i-.fintly i-.--civ-I
inir ficiii I iu! idv!p!ii.4 all the l.tt.-.-t ui-isii:,
i fciitch persons a: a iib-tanee v.-i l.bij, cut
: order, an. I have sent thetu by rnail,
F uri!lahers Price
' J.;!3l Pi.ti.sis 1 Vt-iUi V.'ar;-autvl for tve
i yen i s.
; 1 hose wish in.? to buy any ofthc t.'.ove ar-
. 'I'.ie are it. vile-! to c-.-l and fx.-ii-inc n.ine
i t'.o - pitrclias'i;." r'-1 -v.-'-ero. My pri.-. s mo
lie ratt.e us in c V-.,k a:;-! i'blh; !. : Lin
t.' i re ti 1 a rs ul' In-'ranooits sent prontplly u;i-
: on arpikaiii a w'.ih any ud jitlon.d iufosaia-
, tl.ju uciired.
i lb V.. (.niilM.,
I Hlli S:r.-et, lluiiiiuvr-loti. lb;.
One door v. est ol Lewis' ib,-..k sure.
1 17 vr.'.i a? it. ;v. !'!; s.m.t:.--! .-.
' liuT i 1 in bb " - o .: r .- r, .. ip, .: 0:1; . - u c"ib r,
Pa., itbe-.t :. :-i .- !,:... .-.ni . t 'ib-.'rt; ---f.-i-n,
c..u:a:.iii ir 1 -5 .' 1 . - : . h'v'i
' are cb-an i :,i 1 ;:. 1; 1 sub - .,; o.: 1 , b
' : i.e i-o.io; : .ol .- -i-.! ' : cb .:. b.-.bi,
I li.-.v'ng lb. r- ri 1 .. .; a ' ..--- rr Mi:-.i.-:.i.i.
t Tciii-r.i '.lot:: -. bi:u;e j;.t.,; :r.., rr. ! . ti.er
i:cee.-;.."y c I 1 - bo . . iiT' .-si, v.bli :i 10 , 1 ;:':, .'.in -
1 1 .:" vv i: i- e . .0 ..: tn h-ns.-
Ii'il : .' I! v. 1 1. The iv.' .ve i ,u I
wil! b.. ; i ; , n bo; .. - in par -. Is :o si ll at -
i et..-.s..;-s. !'.-. , d.-.-.: f; to pitrekase 1:10
' !irp-.-rty can dj -.- Ibe r ..:
; .oii.s iC-Ljmi';;'):;,
; ri; -j:, i -
1 1'XIATA lioTM'.
,1 .bO',;vroi;-o rr.vx.i
' 'fbe tin i -ro-d v-.i.M r.-i eeiiol .- iaTe-rtr.
J bis !'.-: r. U 1 '.." p.-! Ir; jtu.. :. '.';." tl at le
:.-is 1-iketi ('.-. tf !'.; f-bove i.-n. 1 Hot-.-',
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: ,.'', rod '.v-'b '.r. jtii s'.-ni l. an 1 l.ot.c .. r.- d -
-' .' bj f . ibe ,i.-i .. .1... bi:r..il .-I too pili.be.
! lbs ili; kill I'e -toe be, I 7 nil the bos ou uil v
1 '-f Ll-i"' ' -. 1 I - 1' Aiil.E -prca ! -.!i :bc !.:-;
. er - -i ;bs I'd. . 11 . 1 s r b 1 . ;", -v:,;.. ;(
is tore of li;e i.--.r i ib h: f -e ! : o..n. v.-:i! bo
urtct- i" l i y ii - I ; :i : . !,.. -.
ap-i! i. ''..: :i'.j S. !!. Xt'Tr'STIXK.
!r- !,
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L-b'i .' ' ';-', M. ! . o 1.; 1 .
I. .' -'O.O '
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Lcj b-11. li ..bii.-l
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'- ' i. ' .y t'-lr- r i . r. i
i. ' h .s r i :.. . iu:s ;.! ; ; , .,;',.. ; .
FI'.'iAl. EYLS. ;:is..t!:-t vi'tiioitt. t-vrr. ',',
: .. -i r u for t -i ii- n. :;:,ir b'.-l -.'f
i" -a:;;;;;.. The v.u-, i
; li-'u-ii u iUi.s' ;.:i-r ri,li::.ie ;iU;,,
r s: ! ,li .o: tb.oo. ib.bi.a i.iai ket Jo b. -s
.' a- -o-.i- ;";;:, Meehanics
uur -, Jiitilui.t c, uii.te. P i.
x. iiriiiiEE:-.
Port Ib-yi:!, Jutt'ul.t C ... I'-i
t'C'ttst 15. s.
w ir o Ti ;: ;-- a i. :: ; ;. o-n
T.lA snr;: P'iA',;;;;
-U'J :-;.i:li Third :-,rc.', 'above ilaee
I li'bAt-r r bifiA.
v-tai;;.: ; (:., .;. : ,ir...,..e..e:-M.
. ' -.U .n":' L is T'"' ts'ti ly slr::r., 1 r,.,
' ;b :''': '; ;''-vi.afeW r-ia! ..vo
' V"'T'-.,,-i:!'-'1! --v.s it nar
i;...ai.y tie-.r.-u.i.: to person.. viitii,K ihe I'ty
n buMll'.- s i.r pb :..1!:-e.
T SlXPiiPArro-o.
I'imiLinnrrr vuitz leadZ
preferred by all practical Painters ! Try
li . and you will hove no other. Maa-lif-L"
..,..( r;.. j...
Ll.'-LLIt A: SbiiVif,
WnoLrsAt.n I -it .;, P.v:r-rcs G,.as Dr.,,.--,,
Xo. 157 North TiiiilD Street, PUIE ID
Jan. I'L oll-lv. .
P- I'- 31 ILL L' if
lj-hvis p::!;mi;o & t:0y;Sj
t o P a c c y x; a v, i; ii uis e,
3.0. Z22 3:o::t:i Tr;i;;D2t.,
scp'.lJ, IVb'ti-ly.
ALALGE sto .k of grucuaware. !.'! hirwara
siieh as Tub-, L, liter Heads, lbtckeli
v'hurns, Ibishels. Hors., ;u..-k-ts. ';c- at
!i?iji). riMLAltKJ.l'i'IA.
r-'LL PAPE::S.X,-.v Fall Styles l.'ow-
K til 'c il.titke, Maimiacturcrs of l'aper
ir.inc'.rers and U :::dow thades, Corner Fourth
and .'darsot streets, lb" iladeiphia.
X. L- Always iu Store, larn stock of
Linc.i and O.i niiadcs. Sep. 5. ls''.ti-0ia
'-1 L T ! iV. 1 L T 1 .' SA L T '. '. !
Superior ro.-aiity, i-ither by single ssck of
jIA f.uaality. li'c will t'urui- a ii.erciiants
..:h sait vi t'lib.uclj.l oi p.-ice-, .-.:, u ile ad
li-,',,1 (l'..i!is It' lriiybt.
ib'LO'Jr:' s. ri.o.i'PA.u::::;.