Juumtu JlcntiueL y( on o- i?&rs, a7 n HVn n" lauds, A union no potter flail xevr; A union if hearts, and a n.iioii of hand, Aid the American Union forever! M I F F L I N T () W N tVednesdftT .VorniHK, Wowmhrr 28 !Sr)6. It. II. WlU'H JX, Ilditor nn J Publisher &3r inc jrvr.nA shxtixkl -a ha., tlic Lnrtjrst Cnevr.iti'.n of ar-.v paper pub lished in this County. It is therefore the fi 'tt alrerU-uiij vinlntni. It is a Paper, tru!y loyal, ably conducted, a first class Lncalist, and well worthy of the patronage of every loyal citizen in the County. The Kaprc-sentntivcs of die American people meet, says the Record of the Times, iu Congresi in a few days and the event is looked f.r-.vird to with much in t'Mwt. Mr Deuisou has Lccn gone mie days, having t lie patronage of this -l)is-tri'jt to .arrange with our R'j;i:i,!ieaii President. The Copper-Johnson prccs was thrown into a stati of intense cscitcmcut e few days Ftneo'by a c-i'.l IY-im s Jtue of the s d- iliers of Vt'asl. "ii t their folio'v rc- tlirie-l Vo!uulv.i i - to v--iC.l:Le in oliveli- j tion iu that cily to we.c..me and sustain on: .1 to, J .1.1., tl.ry arc nglit ! to 1 iear.u! oi such an iot. if they are ina-jtct i in ; -u'e J. t d Mr. Johii'io.'i a.-setiiblage bu: t of the de-if:n if iatttiuiu an attack oa t::e freedom of I'oiigrcss. So l.i.niy foolish speeches have bn:n made by Mr. Johnson thjl we hardly know what not to believe of him. We no not believe that any I.jy a! mem-1 her f Centres'? i'ears Mr. Joliusou. i Uvea if he had General Grant it his t e'ek j and rn-d ihev would not fear L;:a. ia a i cotiiost between Au.Ircw Johnson ait-2 the retire.-entativesof li e pcoj le of the l.'t.ited ! :;:,?csthe wi.o.e re-mar aiui viiuad.is. ,. J patun, wtiicu wr.ii a popular majority oi half a million against his ndiry he will widely abstain lrotr. Hut Congress has a da'y towards its frieuJa which it .should promptly perform. The Constitution, and laws under i: never contemplated that the Pruhot sheuld It sve the power to j ut L.s iaia;Dii3 an-J ti.iiiois into places beL"og!o;r to loyal men by appointment cud continuation by the j ' i-'enatc. without good cause for changing such c-fliccw. . It was never uosignei tl..a a mat) should be rut ;.i t !;. i i-ktit wilO bad b'Til rej- Cl ' l 1 ate. It is a f;u? ;iou which the. Pres- j ti.e fAu-1 "ui.j be SCtt.ed. Ah leasonal-ltf patr; iii-gO jRouu be allowed to the ;1 -.cci.tlve, bat any tit fvn.pt to over li b' the v::i! .!' the re ple nti.i tmiEC war lip-oB n..r i. p.o.-ei..:. tve should meet with stern it :.;; and re l.-.lo. It il.-.-uM be so t.t :.; y il.:.; : -.-.v whoa it i-- ti . setitative !a'l; :i : .1 s l'.OI r - ..ill ll.at of , , l o t p.i-oe : occupy i.'-g the Executive teat, more than .... ... -i.ir llie Cc-pH-iIieaJs have no right to cf-' . r' . ,,, uast turn tbem out them out. 1!' in no ' ' or way abolish the off.eet, and take tne .t ,:c Irotu Atidfc.v .Tohasoa as v t- wield it. A'tia'.tor to his j ar- , unk ard, ha ha no rights that a ..y body is bouud tovepect... lie mak.s fi.lt nuaim-t j. i . ... . . ..........t. i,v. ,.t It oagrc.s ici uiui a v. l i... r... . 1..-...Ij b -i n 1 1, at '-traitor.-i at;..iuc..1.t.o., must take back seats." A Corre-tpotideat of the Cbambersbur AV u.'-'torv alter spcakic" of tlic merits , " ' Jt ' . . - -. . . i Ol lite U.i.C' t. ill. ..... -j. ........ - . r .a - .i.t" ... m...itr?... t..r l r.oon s-b. r nn-.e ! .-r,,ie ttio. t,po'. e. i--u.t,-t...t... - -- ( - t i i thus -raroduecs n r.-ew c-.t.dl la'.e : 'Mint ri.- g.s of the Greet clergy, if not as a per abavo them all, there is a y. ting man matient order, t leu -t as temporary. 'whom we all know well ; ii ourg mac, whoso talent, whose energy, w hose genii.! manners, whose car.si-.lent achcreuca to principle, are ai fmuiiiar to the voters oi' as well as t.ic most 1'owerntl oi the 1 ro the old ITih Ce.ngres.-tot.al I'is iie-t, as ; testant d;.. ions en the continent, they are ti his ucarcst kin. Ills icp-tta- j Vi'hilc itidictions exist of the intention tiou is not bv any means bottu-Vd by ills: of the Pope, upon the occuputioa of his Uistrict. He is kuowu, aud loved, and i States by the fences of the Italian mon- was going to say by every uouy Penu- sylvauia cuu had no mo worthy re pre- . it,.. ll.Uvard M Phersou. And - fclMiiamu fc"" H wore fitting, indeed, that Mr. Ce.wau 'lo-'d b" stn eeeaed ly a man of such .' -nt ability and Worth as Mr. MePhel- son He i--' young but he has been tiicd, j a'lhJthe ring of the right metal." j A maa ia i. 'wi.-buig. Preble" county, i o,;., died of delirium tremens, . ii.v, -0 . i t. trnii 'lit suit for damages against oi of whom he had been accu-iom- cl to bu- li pior. The County Court j for seducing bis daughter, has been tried j - ird-.l h -r Si'iOO from' one e'f the imtn'for murder iu Jasper county. ludiana. ! FROM WASIIIXGTON. Xew York, Not. 17. The World's Washington special says : A denial U furnished of the story that Chief J ustice Chase had an audience with the President last night, relative to the question of ex tending universal amnesty to the South, in return for impartial suffrage. His in terview related to the causes for the delay in t lie-trial of Jeff Davis. Judjre Chase was not prescut last niht with die Cabinet as stated. , us f Ludoubtedly, that as they give up the fi-d, and seven buntircd hogs were The IkruhVs Washington special says : t,lcr fa!ie theories, we should the imure tilled that d;iy. Chief Justice Chase is at the White firmly adhere to our well-tried priuciyta: Chicago boot and shoe factory con IIousc aaain this mornuitr, in consultation Such concessions to the jiopularnetitiuient gumcs annually fortv six tons of iron Willi the President upon the sulject of the compromise measures which the had- trs of both the piincipal parties are now urging upon Mr. Johnson. The coinpro - luise is taid fo consist in offering to the people cf the South general a'.i.nesty, in consideration of theii accepting universal suffrage with a qualification, either of property or intelligence. It is beKgved thaMhia measure will be well reeieved by ail parties. The President seems inclined to irve the subject a lair and iuil con - siueraucn. The 7 ii,ies' Washington special says: (hiet Justice Ciiasc was njraiu with the 1 -resident last tifcUt, and remained with f him till a late hour, interchansi:)'' views! w'uh Mr. Johnson in relation to the prop osition recntioucd in mv i;'.t n'ht's dis rr.t.'h uiipr!il nnitipvtv in prin. , , , . , r, - j fii!cra:i;u'l'..r q-ialHied suffrage. Govei tier iiwaun auu several members of Cotmie-s wele also in waiting fir an ijjtci viow wi.li lL i'riduiit, but tiin i,,, cvcnin lK.;nj, s,,a ; tl,0 consul- ,.,,:,. J.;-tiee Cha.-e, ti e ict of tl,o visitors iaile J to sec Mr. Johnson. Th siuncsty sii llVtiu'e pr'-iiositien meets with ; almost genet al a'l robation from tl.e ren-! ic.-eutative of all wsnies here n.-.CBib'.ed. ! 4 oi ix ilic.nl. In the new unabridged W. bsier's Pic j tionarv the fol!owhi d. finition of (.j-, trliead i given. It is wn tli preserving i n i .-'.'i ir.r n nf tVp r.o.-nr:ir,v of lli; ,. ; :,: -. :. I plication ti t:;ottini. in five it vr J..r.'.i :', -,tf,'-,j f.,!iovinr. wil: , , ., rF,rt, iu l-C'f) A P'-ot;S Anim lean Ecri cat. tne In-tonon iiltnliix :o c.r.r 1 Tut. t f i . t'nu iff i l: !! : trie; called also Copper-bell and red vi a v. . ,,.. .,.,1,;.a, -M. tl,r Southern ubeliion. TV. S 1 A sain, on pstelofl. of tl.e rente wo-k ; CS ,l '" 5 ;'( the Jykts it dfvedcl to cSj-lanatsoh., we fiud the deli-1 Te n-:A -'l il::ure "t-Iiion and rep-u-.i .i i it i d a'iou ! It reri otn allv s ru-es t!:e ri ''its m -.on more at i.-ri2tn. as ir.iiirrts : COl Pi.l'.I-llAl). A jopuhT nit-k-1 natre ongtnatiijr '" se time oi tne great j civil war in the United plates, and ar plied to a faction in (he North, which oi..- r: i'v c m si let e - i to be in secret sTinputhy w'tth the le'-.ciiiou and to ctvp it aid and comfort in t r-in j.tin er tjthwarj , ! the measures et t'-e (lovcrnm. nr. The nan e is '.Irrix d troan a p .isotions serrcit Called the C..p;-.:rhep 1. ( Yn'-jw;.!, nu!ci.,i.i) whoP bite is enddf: ed a- .i deadly as that of ll:e rafh-nske ; and wli.-se gograpjiioal range extends from N. to i'lotida. The t.'opp-rhcti l i:n 14UU r.i.ir.L, t'.ia lll M Oi o . i: t ' e its attack, and is, therefor, the type cf a concealed toe. -. io) itina t; .. '.11011 1" in. iiiiti ; roves e-oiiei usivi ly that the name is very ;tn A very lucid csphmation. and prove: -,, , - , . . . c-, .," 1 protiriatelv applied to tbs fstiam IVmoc i'rar-y or retl llisi..ry is ce-rtaisl indebted to Webster for his mastctly an m. lysis of word Vat Drino h ;,, Un. Ei'itoi'i:. TliC.anrcuncement recently made to t,.e tg(.!.t . . .ci- - , the J.iuperiir Napoleon w.!:. nce(i.::i.lc a reconciliation ,1 the Greek Church with the Itomans. is con lirmed. 'J he ba.-is of this ' negotiation sterns to be the Pati iarch bhail aeknowl- . .. . .. . .. e. -f,- t.'-.e r.rceuencc oi iac i Pi c. aaa li.e --o- i . - - I ore iu ru' arll iliau saueliou ti.e mar- The natural rejoinder to this on the i.;trt of lti?sia appears in the form of an uliauee with Prussia, the most aggressive arcby, to retire to Malta, or Jerusalem, or some other c..pvci nt, point, there are autruiacs tba'o powerful teetioos; ot the . clergy' have changed their views, and fal- 1'jn ia sympathy with the movement fur the Italian nationality. 'o olbcr con- struc'i.m can be put upon the zealous par- j ticipatioi. of the Nenitian clergy in the j Kou cercmotties atieaomg ine lormai ; cotisoiitlation ot tnar r?r.3Viace witn tee. ,. .',.'.. . , kiii'oii.in oi v u-nir j.iniiaiiiirci. -; inldisou 1 aiKinsun, who st.ot a mat; ; From Forrieg'tt presi. i LETTER FRO.7)! "OCCASIONAL." Washington, Nov.' 23, 1SCG. Everywhere the sharp Copperhead man- agers are throwing their old Werover-,1, ooaru, ana 11 ttioy can lighten the snip for a successful voyage by casting off un-. popular leaders, who, like so many corpses, have only served to poison and tr over weight their craft, they will assuredly do ! so- What is the lesson here taught to J as "sve come Iiom the Chicago Timis, '':e St. Paul Democrat, the Uostoa Post, I Albany Aryu and the Washington 1 '' .'i ,S'.'r, are chiefly valuable be cause they prove the necessity of sternly ini.-ting upou the new C'justitutional ar.ieiidu.eut. I perceive that even Mr. Wwiuell Phillips, iu his last speech at Philadelphia, had the good sc-se to de uuunce "universal ainticsty," .daily prov ing itself to be a most luNcheviou? heresy, ; a"u lu usil Lit -, J la consiantiy uemonstratitfg, thut "un: i-ttai or even "universal" .-nlTrage. received as a price for uuivcr.-a! atii!iety, 'Vould be only giv- '"g th traitors a t ew weapon to degrade Kli' uestroy. It was pea-in- to uotethat while Ci.iol Justice CI. at the Acade my of Music, pronoune. d a iov-iog lri. uteto ti.O C;ll-titut;.'!l.l a:icu-.ii:ut. I j ti:d II Phiiiiis iM-idt.-aKy di.l the j K,l',c t'-'i-'i by -;ft:;-''V: that the other reineiiits now siti-L-i.-tcJ as a euustiiute. were in themselves iuirK-rlVct orci:ift tons. 'J'i.e ciiifliiutiunftl amendment in t:u .ute e't i'tj -ns n'.i- our stroncsfargu luenf. It sei :;ii i tj h.ivs been construct- to !and :t:i 'he asia ' b'"e o:ic the f..i:li 1 i''y- No -ne It--, f fiction, Mid at", ii i,f tl.e great b.ais ine success j re thau Andrew of :!ic amendment m . . . J..l,u? m an i the trailers, and the rcc-nt ft,i'T0U;''!l!: to are simply intend, d " . or to ni;ri br-ak ir ,1 tl.3 larger ttiajorltie.-, and Ha... oaUs jnore t. .!).. i, iJ o.is. tr.jn his tory can parallel, dcol.i. tulioo'il limWjduicut w a that tl.e Hi. t Cou;n: that the:.- v.udict. nltic i hat th; cousli iu ren.edy, and .-hculd see to it men who defeated the robeilion with the bullet and the ballot, si... oild not be flit imi'u u-y- i ) wvAK iuni i f i (Miri'Wii ranks, - t : i i by corrupt m, ., in the rank, oi etaii io.-.: e; v 01 Hie e-.rn.noo enemy, -vow mare-taau fcvcr ",0 l,s l'" ar:U w" I . ... ..c. I the loyal c:ti:t"i)s; it uisfranchises tlic trali-rs: a consecrates the national debt, l.0 ,-icc:e-', and other matters of great (and who can doubt the necessity of this importance will be acted on by the legis c!:ia.-c in the new Article who studies, the '"'iv-' bodies of the Coinm.-iiweal-.h and , ... . r ,;. ... 1 i . .-,! a cbaiiLC will t:;ko place in t!:-: Hecutivi- csl'- ol li e i.:;..mi t;... :oi s oi ; a ;.t i , ; iVparti.ocnt o! to-: rIac, .v tne tnaiv-u-tionos to .ve vaom to tho-e mi -tnous -c-; r.,.;..n ,.f ,;carv ' Uovernor- cuntics'O and it eh-iies to vanep-i-aLeel i she httest'u-.n f the public is invited to trer-on tiie riL'ht of ropresi ri'ati.-n at the ! the folio tug l tospce-ttis the lliirris- s o-.-i l:.-c oi tl.e by:;! millions of the South, j 'l'1 f j 1 Mo-, in-4 r-iec:cd by the in-urgent! TI1I1 PAILY TIjf.lAlIlAPII. Sbites. every . i;e ..f which is no cn re- -VuW ,t!8 J-;'y I-I ' r i,. (Vi.'nl ov . i ,, , ., I Soath-iru 1'enftsylvar.:,!, L-es.des i A-.tJ'-n ' U tnry ta'i pre vert it. I tic duly ot tne vietoii-itis u.iilincs i-. impt-rative. The anie di.ien't mast be carried. Let the li ale povitr of Congress, which is now the ouiy sytirbol of the cople's go , s . arooi o. n;e icto ii: s Lio.e'iu- mcnt, be directed to the ta-k-; ud. If tlie i irn. i ilt-laded foiljVi'ers cb.oose to uet.rivt tliem- ' , , . . ,. . indi-.J iA t-j .-...it -n I T.i it ib. .... ib.-Ti v':li ! - '.''" '..' . li. it oii.y no. sit ...-r. ti to ri'iaa. n i litsi.iit .ill I Ac h$xl. m ti'iui:.t ..' .S.o.a'A ir.V Lc coi-iriti otj ii.e .;.'.. iij .'it: jVo.'Loi-i Con s.bt'tVoi hi the flmj e of mull luir.i us I'm (.''ihjrcrs if lite United iS'u'iS can sjitcd- ! dii t, in '. tnsHi puss Tl:e j.;-.'; 1 ' 1 sunt Cou- orcss is the coustituiioaal Congress. If it is Lot, Andrew Johnson is an usurper ana an impostor, xlni Coiircs, loivir." ' " I ' 'ct : Lincoln w cen CLoisen at the lime li.at i ;iar.i;lii 3 cieeteJ Pi'e.-'.idetit. will snoa , ; oe sueee-eueu uy one ce-cic-i oy "in s.uoe , '11 i . ! i .. .i . people, yet more resolved to di -charge all duties and to build invulino aide fortifica tions around the common liberties. OrCASKiNAL. Thaddeus Stevens was lately presented with a handsome umbrella, which was shortly afterward borrowed without leave. ' The great Commoner was soon caught in a shower, and meeting a friend v;iih an j umorei:-i, a.-spu un: puvncgtj o. mijii nig , pait of it on the way home. The request Ws cheerfully granted, 1 tit the two bad not proceeded far when Mr. Steveus c i.st his eye upward and saw his name in full. "Why bless mo," said he, "I believe I am in my own hou.-c, tfUr all." The umbrella was returned. Tj j,LUi,jcft!li9 lm iIonJay ,st a ,nA j.X,n TI.r-al:v ,.n i . . i i ... :i-.. i- ia guu ana rrut-eeucu lu ii.us.. w sister how people shot themselves by care- less.y nauuiing u.t rus. While doit this the guu was discharged and he was iiisUmtly killed. Me was uiuch too prae- NEWS ITEMS. Georgia lost S70O,00y,ULlO by the war. This seems incredible, but it is true. A miller WS3 ground to death in liis ftt Me There are 00,000 lawyers in the United States. In Black Rock county, California, there Is a F,riGcJ tree 700 fcct ia Pork paching began at Louisville on ! nails for the bottom of heels. A saving? Uaik of Mobilo, establisncd by the-uesrocs, collapsed t lie Other day in consequence of the depositors with drawing all the ftiuds to attend a circus. Th'.rty nine Fenian prisoners were re leased from custody st Toronto on Satur day. Their discharge was conducted with the greatest setrecy, and they were furn ished with tratsportatioti to the Suspen sion Bridge bj the government. About fouro'c'ock, la.- t Tuesday mcra ing," a meteor, lighting the whole heav ens, was seen iu the. vicinity of IJomc, Georgia, moving rapidly in a southwesterly direction. It appeared like a Gro Lai', as large nj the .'.up, and eipiode J, appa rently ten miles off, with a report 'ike a forty pound cannon, th?t snook the earth niid made the windows rattle. A case of death from fright is given in the Milwaukee liVsco;;si, . which oc i ienrred at JJvauiville ia tliut Sluto. A child five years of nge, when playing" on the steps, vt;.s threatened to be shut vx iu a dark room if he did not go in, and stay in the house. The chil l, (lightened ran in and fell in paroxysms on tbefloor. lie begged his mother not to let the mac shut hlia up aud he would never go on the steps again-, lie sickened fre iii this .'ilL-ht, and never recovered. -Whet con scious. he begged liis mother to keep the mt'ti r.way and he never would go on the steps again. And when ti e little fellow was dying, be said, '"Papa, don't IeJ r.ic die. 1 never will not go en the steps ai-uin." (JF TI1H ip ni 1 ? i " " 1 1 s v 11 1 5 1 IHSI u jih i.t.tU.tl.lV.- t.or As the a;proae-liii::; session .f the Leg islature will be one of unusual in'eicsi to the people ef IVnii.-vlvauia )-i:g to the fact that a I. nited states Senator is to j iiiir a ttt.l report f.l ti'.o rr..-ee-.in inir a full report of ti'.o rioeee.iiti.'s ol ! tba Legislature, and a truihtttl cccuut 'of iitL.ir.i at ti; -J (';:; ilal, will -ive coiiiotis felc-r-t rei -oris ol .1 no; oi -ant evct. . ! tli-.t tia.tispire throughout H e eoiinlrv sis of Cone-rt mi vr.'-j.-cdiiiL's an-! . , ' . , , j (uroij.;.a.i tyumii ou tl.o'f .ilo'wiag i f.rtvts j fine veer in a l-tt.rf. ' . '"."-'-' Col : V 0--tr.lt.: p. fii'vitlii-P io-. .'' . t ' J -a'- i Tor the F-sstnn xi'o su' ieri.diot's taken lor 1. I hall three mouths. tiik -wj:i:kly tklegkapii Will contain a resume of the important business liaasactcd in Cor.:;icss at.d the Legislature, Telegraphic repot ! fr", tlse Pat)-, Cti 'turn -'e :a an 1 I'i- nncttil Iiiteliigoiice, and other ituportant ! ... .'lorj ri.rti.iir. to tt:.t.-p I' r ! Ittvf.p'nt. Political, Literary and L'amily Xewsjmji-er. TKtOTi : One year, iu advance- S2 00 j Three copies, en- -id.be: s, in aVl.aace -1 50 l'ive cobie-s to one itddre-s, .-ind at. ex tra copy to tiie crso-n sending ' the club 7 50 No names will be pla-ecl on our books unless !.(. cash nccomr.-icios (l,c order. Address GlUi. IllliKiy VM, llarrisb-iit:. l'a. V t.Vl i.?til !. ttamc to tile Tesidi.-r.ee of ihesuij- .sci iher iu Jr.r.ruce Hill town:, Lip. ab. oil the last of Anjfusi, one young 'J!. year obi iieioo, i.aiu ica uui wiuie sl.o.iv-1, won erumple.l liorns. 1 Le owner is retH-so come forward, prove property, pay ehai u -and take her away, otherwise she will ued.s poted of according io law. nov liS, lSii'j-Om. H. R. GILLIFtK!). T. J. M 0 0 11 K WITH WOOD WARD 8z CO ESTABLISHED 1822. u eij- - - 1 2z: makxi:t sritiT, PIlILADEirillA jj...v 2?, UC0-I7. 7HEE TO EVKRVLOUV ! A lur.' 0 pp. i1 Catalocue. leuching how to i-piuovb Tan, Freckles, l'i..,rl- s, IKoit-Iiw. MoiU 1'atci.es. , Knllowneu Kruptioiw und all impuritic ofj 1.-kt.in lln-u- io f.irce tthisiiers. restore. curl and Ceautify the luiir; renew the acp. cure rjrui.kemiess, erT4u3 l'tilyy, other uscfuland valuable information. Kr- jeobg'iy tend fur it. A'ldrcs Ilt-udLU, !iiLTIb & to., Chemists, -? i.ivir duw, X. Y. ' Nov. H-lui. ATOTIcri. T'.ie pu'iiic are h. -cl.y Rwiifcd J. that 1 have this 'lay purchased from Lttiitul U. litalo lit" l!ea!e townsuip, Jiwiiala coumy, l'a., the following property, to wit : nine head of Horses, two Stujre Wagons, cue Hand Wazou, three t-'t'riiii; hagons, one Top Bug;:y, three Slcus,, eleven setts Harness and one . ne Cow All porjBe-u' are varned not (opur- hase or in any way interfere with the same, chase or in any way us I have left the property iu the tare of L.. It. Ueale louse till called lor. W. UAMSHV CCALi:- Xot. 2.1, lSCO-if. 5 CENTS WANTED FOR THE MOST TOP. i a uiar ihiu ..-.-si r.-r..iti; vu..? j eery noueeii oo in our lan.Ulutil Lave oj.i.ar pnlilished '. We are the most citensivo pul-, iUUUy 1 0 reup its bt nelit. lishers in the I'nited rjiiitrs. f inivin;; six hou- ses, ) and therefore can alTonl to jeil bnjksjpi, TrnV'sJ IVf,",l W PlTJ!l."i" irer and pay airents a more liberal com- I'll. Ijf.U 11 1,11; L ItiJii.'l. shearer and pay cii-sion than ory other company. Our books ln not pa' s "th.-ioiih the han-'.s of O'eneVa' . 'reels. (:i near'y all other sul. scri;Mon wor'.;a .!.'.! ther-f.re we :ir euulded to -rive our canvas-ers li.e extra p.-r e-nt. v.-hieh i uiia!lv a!iii-.VivI to C.-uerel Atrents. I.T.vi..r.pi'.l e.irivssprs Wl I PfC tl:C fl'ivan tatres of dertlin directly v.Hh ihe piiloi-her-i- Our series enil.race? the tso't popular w.rT:s on all sirr-e' of in-port no-, an 1 is se'.lia rnpi.'.lv l.oih .North nr.d S.-ntU. " Old'avent?. am! all c-th.rs. v h i want t!: l..l pavinjr ag-neien. will please sea-l f.r circulars !.n ! see far terras, nnd c.t:. pai t them an I t.i.r ei. '.r -lef-r r ol o-ir works Willi those of o'lo-r T uVi-lo-r. A l.!r.'-s .Ti! )xa i.'rr f.r.!? ;: i Nt: r.. Thiol l. Ip'-ii i. l'a.. on, 'v.-.---.. "in oi limit i. Ohio. Chicago, His , tit. Louia, Mo., or Ilicl'tn-ool. "a. Nov. -ii-lt. s. n. i.ornoN-.-. ic. NEVv" CLOTHING EML'OliiliM MIFF LIN TO VNJ tr..f C-nu-r .'.'. .'.'j' i :-i II so,--.-. J'lil'l riia.-rui-.rn.-d wouM re- . i"'a!.v f. r - -L lioi-u-e thai liiev have ot t-:t-.--t in lio aSove- weii known -t and a v---:-y I a-sordn oil of j.'V.f ' i'-.V.i .'..' consisting ia part el' oliliXt; ' ' 1 ' ' ''.'' v.v.- r. - -. ' j - -'-V;-'l-'" -- DiWT.-' & Itt'il. fvru.cn, w..!i;..n .v . hi' li.-n. HALS A f.U'S for m- u a:: 1 1- .- a -. Our stock is coropostd ef .. V'7 .'' i' A'A'II' fi'OOf).. -.ii'l a'i v'.o io --'r. iv r::. ' in our litie w.-..iid Oo w.-l: f.i e ul -i-; 1 i-Taaan. our slia-k before tireha-inL- elswl ere. f. ir.i n-.t ldr.2 but a t'.tv.i ,".... . tve ae e:a. o-.l .o sill z.-o-'s at a v.-r-. r.rr.re. i!o-e -i-h buyers we-j'd do wl. la : ;a: ,; our stock. V'c rcsp jc-it'o.iy s..-..; i. . siii.ee toibi'. i--on-"-e nov 7, isj-i-tf J Ll.t'IniN - .1 ! iJrKSlI .MtlUVAI.Of i.l '(.:. X 'I '::! lias jo.-t rar.-ircd .-l :-."t .f I'-iil ebju.ls, v;!.ieo he ib'.icilinj; .-.l reduce Prints from " to i2"e. Itesi Ponosiie 0:nc'!ia"iJ i" to i',1-. Itn.Tti Masb.i I v i v.: !.-. 1-'. t . "J v. Cass met I - tro-is --: 'o l 0 ) I A lar.-e .isj.,rimcnt el 1 ms and lit , - J cily prici I'est svrup at per ou-irt. ! Itr.-.vn sbu'ar ro I -'. e . j A lirae ns.-ortu.ent of Lbn,. ts C.'J ij ! :',' ! oiiiie do. '"-I. at s-T.'b to :--....-. ! !!..., n l. r.r,. .,.-,.H,... ,f l.-j,. 'if, -- .ual.ty at from .;' ,". , .v-..-.'- i i .'"..a i. Alio, a 1 irte s-:.r' inti.t cf l.a.iies ijai--r' at r"-!.:ee-l prices. 1 Io- -bov.- pru-es are f.r f a--!, i.r t'....:::r;-i- !,-.-.-. T be f, bf r in-: -a a; e-i i--M ! .. j. -,;'( ; ; ..r iy i . : 1 iror : i'uit.T -:- c i- r i'.j. -- -"i . J. !. M. T-!!:. mav J.-tl. .' .la .--ii, l'a I i..Moiii:.;i'S HL..: .'. ' : IJ lt-w. v-rjloitirtnini:,... ! ..-.tne: .r... Art- istic .ind si.'.emlt-.W ion-era:. ''- -.!:!-';..- y in..;, it.- t-: a a-'e-i. !--.- I.b-ta i... ; a-, :'.-.!. ! f ., b-:-i-.:' .'. . .- i -. y . oa r I A o r:.-a. wii i.vul l l i vu'iici. or x-iirz.-i-ii iou. I i iioie C;at -., loe.-n:-.; .bitii;.. :. '. ' a; .'...I. .l;;i"...i-.I tVpiei. !?l...'ti. l !i.-e '.'-r -'"b-b. A . lare ar. 1 beaitiilal eob red i-:i.;v.iv::'-pre-j scnteil tree with t'.e t'tst No, to rini:1 ' sot-s. r:: r :t ..-'..a t, a f o 1 Mi- . : o c or a jei-.-ri-. i t' bi i -bi-fo-.-toriai !..-. .Si:i?:e copies in i-.a:d free ua receipt --1 f ru- f.-r i s: eeniH-n . .tli.NMSlis L)ii !t .1. -..T. -JV-i l'.r.e..lw a-. ! 1. L. P'.i.u.itM , I'Im'i h i;.:.;.. j YP"r CTin P" i'lll'.'-' jxhU -OHiiiU xm liUu!i,b pHK iind. i.-iciie.l art: uo.ee to ti.e ciliieits JL ei' liea'e township that they have just returned ft 0111 ii"- ei'y.wiih a iar.'a s.'eck ot" Merchaii-.lis -. whicii they a:- epeiiit.j: in ie-..r- iti'-'s new st.iie voin in J.-bti-ot.wn . tba - ; s.;iu-t; Consists of L)r-,- Uoc'da. e.roce- ie:'. Bo..;s nd J'l.ie.i. llatsiii.-i a; -i. u.-.-uxware, liar.',. ware, A'e., nilii a cr--r -. ; - 1 :t - -. i-1 .1 1 1 ; of Van- kee notions. .kall, I oaMbl. ne., wil.1 every- tiling c.-aial'y k.-j.i ia a e.-aiory store. On inoito is --iui.-k sales and sin.-i'l p:.oi:s." Pi'-ase cali soon ami ex toiitie our itevt e 0 .Is 1 ieAiti' 0 .v !tbl.L. - Sb'!'lN'F.K'o ::t(TICK. J.d.11 1'ieet, ot 1 V. Maiysvi'-le. I'd rv County, i'.i.. surT'vinjr partner U .he late finu of i.ota, i i-,,. ... cviiuiosed of .'o'eph Kurtz, .i-e'-l.. and sai.i j.lobn I'rec. hivtt:-ot, tin: H.'ih .'lay of t io-: l I'l l'). NOT It 'E. T li e utidersiJa.-.U j bt-r. l-:-.'-'i. Bit-te a v'.-.tn-ry --i a.-:. uu ,t .o .ai'i ' j. V wouil r-.'.j.ee. f li'y inform i:i.-ia-l::.i:i.- and S ili r-iiito real, p.rs. nai r.n.l r.uxe 1 1 -1.inj;i:' ; all other person-, lioii. he has op. iied an .nc I to said firm, to the tiudor-lried A;s -;:n e. in , tiou itoom on ii.iin Street. .Millliiituwn. l'a.. j trust tor tne benefit of .-r. dit.-i's. Notice i.i where he will receive on r..iisi;....n. u alt ' hereby irivtoi to at'i persons v :i:;: or ind -.''. ;od kind- ..f poods, a:i-i sei iliemat I'ui.be .nr-iii.., . .0 s.-iid tirnt ta ei.f-ne forward and make inoue- on reus.o.'ahie .er e'-n'-jir.. iii-Ti-ii-mis and I dir.te payaieutaii-i those h.ivan -e-l.i.ae;ai:..i:isi ..tlu-rs iiavliie L-ootis tiirv wish to tlise-.sp r,f ; said firm or partner-hip to present their ac- would do well ,0 transfer tiiem to the auetioTi count lor Ectilenient t,i SAMUiii.-LiMNAr.n, Oaklan 1 Mills. JusiaU county. Pa. r i a; c. T'-TIt'E. TiieforiowinAs-iineeAeeoiiii's a-vl s..;i KK A h Ib-T.Vi i atid pay Tas'-i r i-f have been tiled iu the I'roi iionatary's , no-iresi-I.-i.!. to those- de.-irins to'loce.tc ir. the Ollice of Juniata ounty, ar. l wilt he present- v.'rsi, can obtain el, sap iloia.-s an t ..ot.d wa til to the Court far confirmation a' the next ,.,. p,. Ae. in prospri't-iis i .-:ili'i.-s v c-iasult Court on We -Inesilur, L'eeeri;ber 0 'cl'.i, to Wit : : - -itui rel'eveaei! 0iveif rcciind. The account of Jercmiali Lyons. A'-ij.iee nine, i.'1-lv. of Ipliry Itntbaker. A:-o. lb- ae- milt o. il'.iim It. tiiici-, As.- igncc of tLe f:r:.i .-jl!i-.-a lie rick. l-r.thetia'avy-i Oilier, 1 0. IV, 7.ro ',w:i. Nov. 1 tc. , ! H9 I crW'P ' J'TIR '') !'! Vi V ITFlU'v: 11 1 U Li A ttA llUAb PWKtrMX or - w r o Dr. Lcou's -Elcrlric Hair Rcncwer. It is a positive cure for biiMnei.. It restores prey hair to iia orij-in.i eilar. It is a Tonic, hjI a ; and acts I'pou tlic secretions. It immediately arrests falling out of the Hair. I t ailevi iles neiiralj.'ia an.! lie :id:ie!ic. j Jt radically cures dandruff .ir.cl liiiin.ir? It kiel'S the senlp lie.illhv. clean and ew.l. It is n.i elegant and eSu'iisiiely l'ragi-ini ha'r dressing. It restore-3, enltiva.es find Iieniitines the liiir. : it ni.ikes hursli hair lleib'e nd insti-on-. ' 'r. Leon's Kleeirio Ifuir Ileneiver li.n eii- joyed a Lili local reputation tv.riminy ye-ir. its wonderful reloraliTe nnd inviirorat ii: properties are well known to the medical tae uity of Philadelphia. Ileinfr fully satisfied of the merits of I-eon's Lleetric Hair I'enower We have proeiir-d ex. elusive uwsership mid nrf .1 .-tei-miried that A most il'litht fi:l and etlieacioiis enief.r the various ilis r which infants and yuiin eliildrrti arc subject. nvii.rioLE Fun iEEim.s cniivio. It sofns the c urn . at. ires intl:: !::!:i..i i.oi, invigorates the ?to!iiae!: r.ri l l.oweis. eorr.oas I e:oi-y. an i is a ?nrc fpec-iy fore ..r j C'uhc. tlramps nnd V.'ii: !y I'nins. A nie-'t C3-l!wit prr pariMoj. f.r rfi"'- n nT a n:-t!o--3 an 1 f-.-tfiil h-.V.r nt.d i-i al-s ef I s-r.es. tri ri -r. V.ooii or olher- iu- i wan! srricf. it give? mtmelfit ea.-c. I lre-l fr mare t'n.n half a c-i.fi:ty U it-". ' private prict-e oi mr "i n.e most Cioniu.r 1 hv-ieians ot i I: . ! i. ! 1 1 .i !.. 1 ti now phtein r : !i ' s -ti" ic'o v.-i-'-it; t !; -r-1 !i n'l ..or o nii;ty:i. oi. , t. v at! i r. -n r ' : . .t. 1 we- ht'ion it t-j l.-j r.-n-i- !y of uni iv-i',!, ,; ,. . ei Hence and that it !i?;s pn.-.-i d ia i.,t;i.i j !' c;:S'.s, asT.e are rr-.-r.-i .! ir saa'l io nob li.oit. a prie.-I'-.-s l.o.oi. r.-r .-:u.- '.v l-rii:;-'' lists' everv a.-j-e. A - l.i r - nil nr-l-r. r, ZIMGr.Kll ,V- S.MITlf. .1, tit. mii.ykp.'s v ash r w n;-::?. .:-.ps tiioe r- te. r..-v. la!. t in.e an I M oi l:.y a f.-ii-.i.i. v," i - s,-,- I v. i v re. 1 rv it. io. v I t. i - ! A"Iii f lliU is xi iiA -JiiUL. I j V AViN'l purehased the fin rit.-d .-"'a.-ri !r,.n i i- riore. !o'-::ed on l!ri-!t.;e r.if-.-t, J,:a;-n- j '"P. I wuu:-l Tf.-n,- at'iuiy ivt'oi ia t: e .-abac I !!.! 1 i.'.t -o 1 1) ke. p caialauilv i.;i !:;.':! a . -- .a', a- o-i...-:.t of ! t:C 'A iA i-i 5TAW ""' v ' ' ! 1 In ar.-l Japan waie, the lata;, si and !-. Jf in . !'" e. un.y. and as to .jtiainy and woi i.a.au- , -),- can:, .t- ne :-;o pa-sc 1. trul'TUG, HOOF IXC, ' '' ""'l .heetimt Work, w ill be promptly af- -c- . c..o.-r i:i i...;i i.r e -itorv. l.r. j i i-ran-Wii.-iee I-.-1 r'it-ii-'h I' r.'.-.jrv : n ot i' pp.Ts. i.r-. t ..; p-r . reae-fi I it.ne i. j b-.-i:..c;;ed lb. :;..- W ,r.-. Waf-ir ir-n- C.k.I : Si ..veb-. I'riiit Can-, belli ct.r-niotian-i i'aici.t. '. a;-. 1 ..f Viiriuus i:it-i.-.a--..-, al-.Ta s . n hand an 1 ... , f.r-. le nt i l-rsoii in war.t of h-i . t a:.:e- in tt-p ab .ve reo-ie-te i t.t -.v- i..c'a ca'.l l et'-. re ! j.-trel-.a.-in y.sewiiero, as I fe-eis v-.t-tident 1 1.. a! ( can soil t!...i ei-i.e-r al re;-atls iiie artl.le ir I h'e price. i ..-."" ' 1 e ;T. f:"is. an 1 Pe wti r !. ; i.ti i ; :k- tiii-es vrie-' 1. 1:0 in m-h m- ?.!..!: pr':e-'p i:0 in m-h or ;. v.. i irn.KriKi. ; e :ne 1. . ( 'U. .M) Ll Ml'.Ktt V.'.I'.it. i ai in, . v s.i.'ne-i lien's lea-, e ' O ii:!' r.' i t.o- t e.b : i. . to- ivC -l. c o:-i0.ii: 1- o 1 !.: :i I a ...v -e. -:''- .! ::;,a !..: " r. "i.-- . . !. . . b. t ftt..-.-.. tV.-.t, ;-.:;,;:!. r. ,,,,.1 t.b,,.. ;,;. e- t'es.i. :tl lio 'o V, -i e i-ii rro .-. o ,: r .One Pb: ak. tv.' . iti-ar.l s. ti. It V'i.ilo I'.ne lb.iir.i-i. I b.eb. ib.to,, l.r:0' ineli, Wiio-t i'b.e 'm rli.-.t ll .rii :. l.-t::i.,eit IJo:.! I , - '' -- ' " - ' I--' - ' ' fii-.i-.i.":-. i 1. 1 .-i-.i at-1 1 ....(. I .i i I r ,!, ::v, . ! ai , h-lt 1 ..lit i'. . - ii :-t .- i . f the Kiv; r cat. ..in i !i I. be. .,,..,., ..v , ,,.lii ; ti,,.,, " -.! y-vri i.t Ty-t r. V-.-'a aui- 2'.-Tr t - lb .itii ii ;. 'I KN. ". S.-' : . y ;-. K S Ni.fi. ii. i,.bn K.e.-i. of .'X J.'-,r sr:".e. IVi rv e.oi-o -. 1' a . ba, ":. .-.i .' . la-t o- a v. i':- li t n.. eb:.. 1 : r.s M li . 1. ,- i '-..,. 1 A-:' t ' ir ' i - .'..v:t:e -..-.. ft ,f V i -c ; , i..-, , c'ven t.. s!i ; r- . r.A-Tt cr in i -bii .l , . - i ; .1 . . i.; . Prri-i r.. e t-.rn- tid .i.e. I msi, .- in. .!..--!i .if ' iy..: --:t at-. 1 tin !i:.v:it claim-. :-;,iii.-1 lb-.- - .'at; i- . i.-ieat 'l;eir -ico . . u : 1 1 -t i'..- -ett'."-ti; to S VI !-;;, I.KliN ' It': Oa-''- i. v 7, 1 .J I ' v 'IMatat-.-UuM t. . j :: '.he Coir- oi' C.oato.-ti l b- .,i- ti.,. c . ,. , i :y of ,luni:i!... b.-ini, I'attirl I..'.. . . 'i b? airii; ,r a; ;. bi-i.-.i -,y t:.e i-.-io : i.. -li.-itibi. e ti.e b il i-j,i u,,. I,.,-, i, vl I'.i .--.- ,1 ''-' s c iuia,t..e of i. i -1 .I. i.-m, ii.-,-.. t-i-,i, :n an i :ituo:i.-st t! p er.-diiois ol' tine said o. - ei.n-e.iw'.ilu.t-.-t the paaiiea i,:!t;r.-.- i ! .- : 1 :: poae ot (.. apj o ii'e.ent 0:1 i i.ia-i.; ,y ; :'.IL' - bil 'b-y ef .Nove...'. er, A. i' . I --.-:, a: 1 o ebic; A. .'d.. ol' s ibi day at bis of.ej ia ' 'l::!l:'w". Jmii.-.ta e-.-n.iy, I'.i. ' J-.itib'd l.'iii L V' )N, Ae-l'i. ! 1 L' - ' ii y ij y (j y i ' I ' ' .. ' ' -vxt li It .1 tl i Jj j, fbo'j Ao. yi.l tIC, I Hi'illlL'i. Pill LA Lib Li'ilil, lua .1 l.;r- - ?ti i-?'iSK . SI LV illl-W T? '' 1 ! c ..1 ' , r tt .;: 1 . 1' - 1 1.,'"'"' ; S titalaer . io.i.dny a.nx l.nda! , 'reset,.-. ."".'.-"I' room. Sale every fbtui.l:-.v evnine'. j mar ;si;-tf.'j a. "ir. weiumav ; - , . - u t K.Sir.t.N i .: -i .u-i-.m c. i. irtieii. l.ato: i-: r. V'i--n!:s:n, will Pnv I..M'.b.K Mill well selected stoek f.i" IJ Hi t liUir',.-'. coruoia-iiii- Ilaai. Shui.Mer, l!a can, 'lc:-; i'O' k. l b. or S.-ie..... ,ve.. -.-. ;.i. S'-VvtiTA rii'JW I'JKKtU'Si, ,U.J i from the other. land a.ouil'.eJ . tic! :u his Lie iOua Oi e-iie w'uf:'